elisgeorge · 9 months
Did you know there are services that offer free university-level modules, for free?
I am one of those people that are obsessed with learning, but structured courses are expensive. Not these. Here are some links if you, too, are obsessed with the pursuit of knowledge and want to learn something (for FREE!)
EdX is my personal favourite. It offers loads of subjects that are usually taken from university courses, and the ones that I have done are pretty good. These can all be taken for free, or you can pay £40 to take the assignments and recieve a graded certificate. Now, the catch here is that most of the courses are archived, which means that, occasionally, some of the links won't work and you have to be creative with the readings. I have found this to be a pretty minimal issue though, and it is worth it.
I recently took this EdX course about 19th Century literature and it was excellent. Some of the links were broken so I took some creative liberties with the readings, but I read all of the books discussed and used the course materials to critically analyse them as I did so. I didn't follow the course exactly, but it was still an enriching experience and something I wouldn't have thought to do otherwise.
Another good one is OpenLearn, which is a branch of the Open University. The OpenLearn courses are usually pretty good, although some can feel a bit lackluster and basic. Don't expect super in-depth courses, but they're good for an introduction to a subject, or to top up your skills in somethign you haven't done in a while. These offer free certificates of participation, so they're great if, say, you want a career change but you haven't studied data science since college. I enjoyed the classes I took, but I wouldn't say they were as challenging as EdX.
I recently took this OpenLearn course about Hadrian's Rome. Classical history is something I'm interested in and this was a great way to guide my study of an aspect of it.
Coursera is a very popular one. Similar to OpenLearn, these courses can sometimes be a little surface-level. These also have a much larger focus on building transferrable skills than developing cultural knowledge and learning for your own enrichment. Even so, there are some wonderful gems on there if you're willing to scroll through and find them. Coursera is also great because it has project-centred courses, where you work towards a finished product under the (virtual, recorded) guidance of an expert. Think of it like a corporate skillshare.
Last summer I took this Coursera course about screenwriting. It was project based, and I came out of it with a fully realised first draft of a pilot episode of a TV show. I realised through this process that maybe screenwriting wasn't for me, but it allowed me to get out of my comfort zone with writing and explore that avenue that I would have probably always wodered about.
OpenCulture is a good database of free courses that then redirects you to other websites, but you have to be willing to sift through the sludge with this one, as some are more worth your time than others.
Another good way to find free courses is to search for them on university websites. I have found that most US universities (and loads of UK ones too, though it is less common) offer free online courses. You have to be careful here, because sometimes they will say they are free but actually the 'free' part is viewing the syllabus.
You might be thinking 'what is the point of a course that doesn't get me a qualification?' and I'd say 'I get you, because I felt the same way,' but if you're anything like me and love learning, they're a godsend. Of course, there is nothing stopping you from finding all of the course content online, and I'd actually encourage you to do that alongside the courses, but knowing where to start is the difficult part. There is so much information to learn about any given topic that it can be overwhelming. These courses provide you with a structure that you can then use within your own wider research to learn about subjects you maybe don't want to commit to in a formal setting.
I'm not paid by any of these websites, I just think the monetisation of knowledge is wrong and awful and disgusting and anyway to beat that should be celebrated and shared and used as widely as possible.
Happy learning! :)
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
The Seraphim & The Concept of Self
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I wonder who picked the Seraphim's outfits cause at first glance when you only look at S-Hawk and S-Snake it feels like there's a standard uniform. then you see the whole group and there's definitely some individuality going on; like S-Bear just wearing a mini kuma outfit, S-Shark with the gi, my man Moria got a little suspender situation going on over there. S-mingo wearing a whole ass hawain shirt. So there's definitely some variety though they all incorporate white in some way. And I wonder if maybe they got some input into what they wore one of the only acts of "free will" they were allowed was choosing whether they wore shorts or long pants which is as adorable as it is sad.
Because think about the implications that they are dressed to the taste of their adult counterparts, right down to how doffy and mihawk like to open their shirts (except for S-Snake which thank god) but yeah what if it wasn't an allowance of free will but a test to see just how deep DNA ran. If it could influence something as simple as choice of clothing, just another fact for Vega punk to marvel at.
Or maybe the clothes were chosen by one of the Vega punks (I can imagine Shaka doing it) or one of the other various lab assistants. And it's just another way to get them to embody the warlords, to reinforce who they were cloned to be, impressing on them that they are not their own people, their lives are not their own. They are already predetermined; from what powers they get, to what weapons they use, even down to what clothes they wear. Everything reinforces that they are not people, just "better" "stronger" versions of someone else.
Either way, and It might have not have been purposely meant that way because I'm pretty sure Vega punk doesn't really register them as human (which is weird cause he treats stussy very humanly and a whole other can of worms seeing as they seem to be aware and possess a personality to some capacity) it's another way of dehumanizing them, reducing them to the people they are meant to become. They have no "free will" no illusion of choice; they have a predetermined destiny, a pre-determined order, there was never any room for choice even down to the shirts on their back.
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the-chaotic-snek · 10 months
just saw a post that made me realize that even in times of war humans still try and find happiness or at least some form of comfort in whatever is around, and if the doesn't tell you more about humanity then I don't know what will.
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neevedicampelli · 1 year
Black holes
Reality frightens me No fun in it Can’t comprehend Can’t understand The complexity Of humanity The fear, the hope, the pain The never-ending refrain Still can’t see the starting line It’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine The never-ending lie Still not facing reality Knowledge Patterns Bonds Mundanity Time stands still Philosophy Diversity Is what we need to feel alive To live, to breathe But where to…
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chaoskingcornerstone · 2 months
I'm tired of the world being horrible bullshit filled with unnecessary violence death and misery.
I just want to talk about my bonkles, why does this species have to suck so much? Why are there tiny dicked assholes who actually believe that they can gain anything by sending their countries men to either slaughter or be slaughtered in unnecessary conflicts. I feel like shit for living in this world, how can those people go to sleep every night, wishing that they wake up again?
I once thought that humans are kind by nature. I have been disproven. I no longer wish to call myself human.
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solindafn · 4 months
Why do people on the internet feel the need to argue with eachother. Are people really that stupid. Like find a healthier way to get your aggression out dude.
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spleenyo · 1 year
The date is February 32nd 2037. The last person on earth has died. In the end, humanity was never able to fully understand how to make functioning horizontally opening window blinds and their grasp on vertically opening ones was tenuous at best.
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rockyy133 · 1 year
AI vs HUMANS |Shaping Humanity's Destiny or Threatening Identity | Darryl Omar
AI continues to advance, some view it as a powerful force that can propel us into a brighter future, enhancing our lives and solving complex problems. However, others express concerns about the potential threats it poses to our very identity and existence. Join us as we examine the promises and perils of AI, inviting experts from various fields to share their insights on whether AI will shape our destiny or jeopardize the essence of what it means to be human.
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natailiatulls07 · 7 months
OMG I love the Marguerite series and would love to see more!! Maybe another smau or about Charles protecting her when the press gets to be too much.
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Jules Bianchi x Daughter!reader
Charles Leclerc x little sister!reader
Summary - Being close to a formula one driver means that privacy isn't always respected by the paparazzi and press
Warning - Paparazzi being invasive
A/n - Charles and Y/n aren’t blood related but consider each other brother and sister
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Spotted: Y/n Bianchi seen shopping in Las Vegas ahead of the grand prix this weekend. I'm sure we'll see her in the paddock supporting her brother and Ferrari
Liked by username and 87,427 others
username This is disgusting, she's a young women and has to deal with press in public. Disgusting
username Fucking leave her alone man
username Disrespectful in my opinion
username Leave the girl alone!
username Like the look she gave to the camera, you can tell she uncomfortable
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Art?? Okay whatever you say charlie!
Tagged: charles_leclerc alexandramalsaintmleux
Liked by arthur_leclerc and 132,277 others
username Ferrari girls through and through
username Charles looks so proud of his suit lmao
charles_leclerc Yes it is art! You couldn't do better if you tried
= alexandramalsaintmleux I bet she could ngl
= yourusername Alex is my favourite!!
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Spotted: Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc and his girlfriend Alexandra Saint Mleux entering the Las Vegas paddock without Y/n Bianchi. They were repeatedly questioned about Y/n but whilst Alex stayed quiet, Charles just replied with a simple 'no comment'
Liked by username and 78,843 others
username It doesn't take a genius to know why they aren't as friendly as normal
username They need to get over themselves in my opinion
= username She is a minor, imagine if you had grown men following you around in public with massive camera and then tell me how you'd feel
username All Charles asks for when it comes to Y/n is privacy yet they still doesn't listen omfg
username Someone needs to teach all paparazzi that Y/n doesn't like this kind of attention at all
yourusername posted a private story
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Spotted: Y/n Bianchi and her boyfriend Tom seen in a restaurant with a few friends. Y/n and Tom seen to find something on her phone whilst waiting for their meals
Liked by username and 63,468 others
username Leave her alone
username She can't even hang out with her friends without being pestered by the paparazzi
username What has the modern world come to?!
username They must be so stupid to not understand that this borderline stalking
username Apparently privacy doesn't exist anymore
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Spotted: After recent posts of Y/n Bianchi and her boyfriend Tom hanging out with friends, Charles Leclerc and Alex Saint Mleux were spotted that evening having dinner with their friends. A fan overheard and saw the exact moment when Charles was shown the paparazzi photos
Liked by username and 59,436 others
username And it is understandable why he looks so angry and annoyed
username They pushed too far now
username He is well and truly done with the paparazzi now
username Even Alex looks angry
username I am truly disappointed in humaity
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We've asked so many time and I don't know how you can still leave your houses, wives or husbands and children to go out and invade the privacy of a minor. To invade the privacy of someone who just wants to go out with her friends, wants to shop until she drops and wants to hang out with her boyfriend.
You have all just pushed her to the limit. I want you all to know that she no longer feels safe to leave the apartment. Look at what you have done, think about that.
Liked by maxverstappen1 and 187,732 others
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- A couple of weeks later -
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Long time no see equals to lots of relaxing and hanging with Tom, Charles and Alex!!
Tagged; charles_leclerc alexandramalsaintmleux tomsusername
Liked by francisca.cgomes and 177,734 others
*Comments have been limited*
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Post Ptolemy's Gate ramble
So I just finished Ptolemy's Gate, thoughts are a bit all over the place and aside from mentioning the obvious I thought I'd dump some thoughts here.
Piper's apathy certainly shocked me. I know she's stressed running the council and she's got loads of organisation to do but oof she sure did come across as cold in her conversation with Kitty. Kitty has that kind of apathetic resignation of grief but it really felt like Piper had already put it behind her despite it only being two days before. Her boss that she worked for died horribly to save them all and she didn't even seem to share a quiet moment of grief with Kitty idk it just felt a little brutal 😅 I had an impression of her being really sweet so I was a bit taken aback.
One thing that really stood out to me was Nathaniel's apathy to the situation, I found it really interesting. I guess something could be said about it being the magician in him.
Nathaniel really has this duality to him, the obvious being Nat vs John Mandrake and of course Nat + Bartimaeus but in chapter 36 part ii something that caught my attention
'it was the feeling of consummate superiority, the delight of power weilded without peril. He danced beneath the night sky, smiting down his enemies.'
It already seems as if he's being elevated to something other- a martyr perhaps, except martyrs have causes and ideals, they do something because they have a strong belief in their justness. And Nathaniel:
'He felt aloof disconnected and alone. If his hatred for demons he had killed was dull and almost matter-of-fact, so was his sympathy for the people whose lives he saved.'
So he seems almost like an avenging angel, I love the religious imagery, especially because it seems to call back to Bartimaeus comparing his body to a holy mosque. But also divine rage is the driving force for an avenging angel and he's no longer even angry at the destruction caused.
'Pride spurred him on.' this almost makes him seem God-like?? His sole motivator is the pride of a deity, and I love that. But it's also just very true to him as a boy, pride spurred him on against Lovelace and against Duval and Whitwell.
When he's alone with Bartimaeus he's taken on this air of not being entirely human. He feels alone and solitary from everything including humaity. But when he rejoins Kitty, Piper and the rest of the magicians waiting for him he's reinvigorated - 'he felt a surge of joyful impatience - 'he would detroy Nouda, rescue the commoners and return to Kitty.' it seems as though he has to be surrounded by people to remind himself he's one of them. It could be seen as an effect of sharing a mind with Bartimaeus, but of course it could be Nathaniel's own human pride and his memories of being othered even as a child. Just gives the impression of this human / higher entity duality.
But also I partly got the impression that this hints to depression- I'm sure it's hardly out of the realm of possibility for Nat to have it. Though it's never stated I think several moments in the books make a good argument for it, including the above- just the numbness to everything. And I guess the sudden change in demeanor at 'surge of joyful impatience' can be read as hopefulness, but it reminded me of the saying that when people have decided to follow through on their s*icidal ideation they come across as happy and like a weight has been lifted from them. Nathaniel is impressively calm for someone who realises he's gravely injured. And while he can be seen as a martyr or hero for his final actions, the hollowness he felt at that moment gives it a more bitter edge.
I think it's made even more sad when compared to Anthony Lockwood, who has that same sense of pride - because he's trying to make his dead parents proud and because he's trying to hide the fact that he doesn't like himself very much. Nathaniel gives this same impression. And Lockwood at the end had reason to be proud, he uncovered a huge conspiracy, his agency became the most famous in London. And Nathaniel had reason to be proud; he's managing to wield the staff of his childhood hero, something he had dreamed of doing, he's had the bravery to unite with a spirit and he's going to take down the biggest threat to London.
But Lockwood gets something Nathaniel doesn't-
There's this subtle idea seen through Lucy's eyes that Lockwood's biggest achievement was fighting through his s*icidal ideation and discovering he has something to live for, even just seeing his friends again.
And Nathaniel just doesn't get that moment.
He sort of acknowledges that he doesn't have to be a powerful leader, that he doesn't need his colleagues approval, that he doesn't need to erase the fear the commoners have of him and other magicians, but without these things he doesn't know what to do with himself. He has no plan for the future, because even before he's injured the idea of a future doesn't seem to have much appeal to him. He already appears to have given up on trying to uncover who Nathaniel is, depite finally having the opportunity to. Like after everything- being beaten, the fear of his colleagues trying to harm him and burying himself in the John Mandrake persona to protect his sensitive side- he doesn't want to uncover the remnants of that boy because he's worried it'll be too difficult to put himself back together.
Or maybe he feels that he already has discovered who Nathaniel is, a deeply unhappy, hollow shell of a person, whose personality has been pulled in so many directions he no longer has a sense of self. He's been stripped back to the barest version of himself and found he doesn't even have the foundations upon which to rebuild himsef. Like discovering dry rot in your walls and you keep pulling and pulling bits of rotting wood away from the home until you've finally got it all, only to realise the house has come down around you- there's nothing left.
He doesn't get this moment where he works through his trauma, where he realises he has a support system, where he realises he's loved. I don't know if Nathaniel ever really knew what it felt like to be loved. I don't think he did. Ptolemy's death was awful and heartbreaking but his short life was filled with affection. And Lockwood realises people do care about him, depite being told that no one does. It hurts so much that Nat felt isolated and alone his whole life, right up to the last minute. Potential love confessions aside, Nathaniel never got a chance to sit and bathe in the warmness of affection. Like Bartimaeus tells him, it's about 'being not doing.' Nathaniel never got to understand the importance of just being, of simply existing as himself or of being happy. He constantly had to be working on the next goal, the next plan, because if he stops working he'll be forced to sit with his thoughts and realise how unhappy he is. And the thought of that is just too much to bear, it's so much easier to give in.
The ending gave the impression of being very romantic, while sad. Nathaniel gets to be remembered as a hero and never has to confront the consequences of his actions with wars in Europe and America that he had a direct role in. Acknowledging his role and dealing with fallout are two very different mountains to climb. And I think that idea of dying like a hero perfectly appeals to Nathaniel's prideful tendencies, and maybe he views it that way to hide the fact it's a convenient way out of his unhappiness and confronting what he's done. It's quite interesting to see that after he's been stripped back to nothing and can't figure out who or what he wants to be if he gets the chance, he still has that vanity and arrogance to him- despite not really being good character traits, they're so authentically Nathaniel, he's been that way right from the start and it's nice little peak of the real him at the end, being so humanly flawed.
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emin-folly · 2 months
Eobarry because you know I gotta
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@zeroducks-2 OF COURSE IT'S YOU TWO (affectionate)
It really seems appropriate because before you guys introduced me to this wonderful, maddening, all consuming ship, I used to be a sane and normal person lol
So! Here it is~
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Yeah, I'm sorry that it's not too much different from yours but is it really any surprise? xD We all have the chronic Yellow Rat disease, both infectious and incurable ajsgdksal
On a serious note, I've recently found that I REALLY love obsessive characters, legit one of my favorite character types ever. When they love something so, SO much it robs them of their humanity and it pushes them past the brink and beyond, I eat that shit UP, I will never get enough of it, I am RAVENOUS and I NEED IT and Eobard fulfills all my check boxes
I just really wanna take Eo and study him in a lab cause he is SO captivating to me. The way he loves Barry, how he's so far gone but he's holding onto Barry with white bloody knuckles, how he's a villain but he seems to keep doing like....good deeds?? (Don't get me wrong, he absolutely has done some heinous stuff, he is Not exempt from that!), the way that he tries to actually be good but the universe punishes for it, THE WAY THAT HE ESSTENIALLY SACRIFICED HIS OWN HUMAITY TO BRING BARRY BACK TO LIFE LIKE WOW I AM NOW EATING THE CONCRETE THANK YOU BYE And then there's Barry who keeps REVIVING HIM, who became his lightning rod and he showed him forgiveness and compassion after EVERYTHING Eobard has done to him. They are both doomed by the narrative in different ways and yet they're the only ones like them in the whole of the multiverse, they are so far removed from being human and have become intrinsic and integral forces of the universe who must always have each other so there would always be balance, and y'all, if that's not one of the hero/villain ships of all time to I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS
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spidersarecannibals · 10 months
A little experimental piece about miss Ivorycello. I kinda want to continue this but i dunno where it would go.
If not for the rags hanging from her shoulders and hips, one might have thought she was royalty. She wore her chains like jewlery after all, appraised each stone and eyeball that laid witness. And if it had not been for long, long scars down her back, and a cut that pulled the edge of her lips into a grin, one might think she was a god. She was David and the Goliath, the flood and the ark, the traitor and the savior. She was every wicked crime of humaity strug upon the butchers hook next to the freshly slain carcass of saints. She was a thumb pressed into purple bruises and and delicate motions that weave daises together. She smiles and there is blood on her teeth, but the corners of her eyes wrinkle nonetheless.
She steps forwards, head held high, the sun shining brightly. She is every terrible insult to the beating of fists against the wall. The skeleton in the closet that chatters and the crystal chandelier held high above your grand halls. You blink and for a moment, she looks unworldly. White wings sprout from her back, a pointed tail waving lazily. Flowers grow in the folds of her skin, from the freckles that are scattered across the bridge of her nose. And yet, you do not think she bleeds.
And then, the creature before you disappears and all that is left is a woman who looks at you like a predator.
And all you can think is that she is beautiful.
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zeravmeta · 2 years
voyager wanted sooooo badly to be part of evil gang and was hearing the voices about it but couldn't join the party because erice was dragging him to his bedtime. abbys gonna come back and brag about how she had a chance to be evil gang and voyagers going to enter his new evil arc where in his np lines he says "humaitys DUMBNESS. humanitys STUPID POOPYHEADEDNESS" and give erice a hispanic novela style heart attack when she hears it
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remona-scarlet · 7 months
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So I wanted to make my own Bookmark but had no idea what I should put on it and...oh god I think I did a crime against humaity itself..
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