stars-n-spice · 2 months
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Welcome back to another OC Sunday Spotlight!
Aka the time in which every Sunday I'll come up with a prompt and anyone and everyone has the opportunity to answer with as many OCs as they wish!
You can reblog this post, answer in the comments, or come up with your own post to answer the prompts! And feel free to submit prompts as well!
It's an excuse to yap about your OCs so feel free to do so! Add pictures, links, or anything else regarding the OC in the spotlight if you'd like! And in addition, feel free to tag any mutuals to hop on the stage :D
Let's get this show started!
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SPOTLIGHT ON: Oldest and/or most recent OC(s)!
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Here are mine :D
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🌟 aaaa those doodles are when I first came up with the concept of her at the beginning of last year 🌟 she was the first like,, fully-fledged Star Wars oc I've ever had actually - i'd doodled ocs for star wars before but they were all only headshots and nameless :/ 🌟 she's been through a handful of changes and I keep giving her more and more trauma (whoops-) 🌟 find out more about her here!
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🪷 recently came up with a BUNCH of new ocs but Hana is the most recent one of them all 🪷 she's the adopted mirialan/human daughter of Hunter and Jung (another OC)! 🪷 she's part of the group of fan kids I have for the bad batch and I initially had it so that Hunter and Jung were only raising Omega but then I was like - "nah, they'd adopt so many kids" - and came up with her :D 🪷 her name means "lily/lotus" in Maori while 'hana' means "one" in Korean 🪷 find out more about her here!
💫 Check out last week's prompt! 💫 Join the tag list here!
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thanatasia · 2 years
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Another Avatar OC- this time a Metkayina lass.
I’m debating if I want her name to be Hinewai or Huihana, both have pretty meanings. I’m not the proudest of the first sketch of her because I messed up the hair- the markings I love and are probably my most favorite part. The second piece I like way more but I might change the brightness of her skirt so it’s not as bright as Tonowari. She’s also missing the tattoos many of the adult Metkayina had but I’m learning the importance the tattoos have in Māori culture and when someone gets them. I want to be respectful since the Metkayina are heavily referenced/inspired by the Māori.
I tried playing around with the shapes of her arms and legs. I like how the Metkayina seem a bit more sturdy compared to the Omaticaya who are probably slimmer to swiftly navigate the forest.
All I know about her is that she’s a big sister to a brother I need to create.
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 5 months
🛰️ Space Is Cold, You Are Not
Space Is Cold, You Are Not: Huihana Eketone has been on board the Shepard for over two years, helping to keep it functioning while her team attempts the impossible; create unlimited energy. After developing a friends with benefits relationship with the residential physicist on board, it becomes clear that Hana’s relationship with one Ernst Schmidt is anything but casual when she is severely injured by a cluster of space debris while performing a repair.
Warning: Language, Explicit Contents, Bad Things Happen to Reader, Gore/Wound description, Angst, Idiots in Love, Space is Dangerous.
To Note: Ernst Schmidt x Māori!Reader, Reader is from New Zealand, The Shepard is Successful, I tried my best with Māori translations but my grammar might be wrong, Friends/‘Enemies’ W/Benefits Turned Lovers.
Word Count: ~7.5k
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Shepard Station, Circular Orbit
Your steady breathing was the only thing you could hear over the slight buzzing from the open comms link. The buzz of the electronics was a sound you had grown used to since arriving on the newly completed station. Space is cold, empty, silent, at least it was when you suited up to repair or adjust a part of the accelerator outside the safety of the station.
Out of everyone on the team, you had spent the most time in space, and with it, the most risk. But as one of the mechanical engineers who had spent numerous hours designing and building this station, no one on board knew it better than you did. Not to mention your whole reason for being here was to ensure that the station didn’t fall apart before the tests were completed.
Hence why you were outside the station in an EVA suit, tightening up several bolts to a control panel after you had done some adjustments for Volkov. The wrench in your hand was once again proving difficult as the bulky fingers of your suit struggled to keep a grip on it.
“Kiel to Eketone, what are your O2 levels?” Kiel’s voice buzzed and crackled over the comms, jarring you from your silence.
“You asked me that fifteen minutes ago, Commander.” You answered dryly, finally tightening the bolt to a satisfactory hold.
“And I want to know what your O2 levels are once again.” He replied in that tone of his. Everyone always gathered on the main bridge of the station to monitor your progress while you were working in the vacuum of space. CO2, O2, heart rate, respiration, body temperature, you named it, they monitored it. Excessive, but safety in space had been hammered into all of your brains until you muttered in your sleep.
“78%,” you answered, glancing down at the tablet strapped to the top of your right forearm. “And I’m almost done bolting the panel back in place so stop worrying about my oxygen consumption, you know these tanks can last hours.”
“Not happening, it’s my job as your commander to worry about you.” Kiel responded. “You do yours, I do mine.”
“If you are about to go into a long indentured speech about the dangers of space, need I remind you that out of the seven of us, I’ve spent the most time in an EVA suit? It’s literally in my job description to go into the vacuum and fix things.”
“I believe what the commander means is that we all worry about your safety given the unpredictable nature of its environment.” Hamilton spoke up. “He’s not questioning your ability to fix the Shepard.”
“Do not remind me of the incident that happened three months ago, Ava, I’ve got the scars as a clear reminder.” You told her as you got the last bolt safely in place. Your bulky EVA covered fingers tugged on the hatch to test the lock. It was good. “Panel secure, I’m heading back to airlock 31.”
“Copy that, Tam and Hamilton will meet you there for decontamination.”
“Aye aye, Captain,” you responded dryly, securing your wrench to its spot on your leg. The EVA suit made movement slow, and while you were pulling yourself along a grab rod you could hear Volkov grumbling underneath his breath about your slowness. “You are welcome to do the space walk for repairs then, Sasha.” You snipped in reply.
“Don’t get into it, you two,” Kiel ordered. “With repairs finished and the new codes in, we’re in for another test tomorrow. I want all hands on deck and rested. Kiel out.”
You focused on getting back to the airlock without incident. But of course, that involved changing your lead from one rod to another and pulling yourself up across the bridge connecting the particle accelerator ring to the main habitat of the station. Pushing yourself along, you reached out and grabbed the next rod to attach its lead to your suit before disconnecting the other one. The comms crackled.
“How exactly are you friends with Volkov? I swear you two almost butt heads as much as he and Schmidt…” You chuckled at Hamilton’s words, and pressed the comms switch on your forearm.
“Sasha and I go back to the early days of planning, long before it was decided that I would be sent up. He’s an ass, but he knows what he is doing and I can respect that.” You answered. “And as for why he and Schmidt butt heads so much? Sasha’s an ass and Schmidt is a hot head. Bad combination for a pressurized station in space.”
“Is that why you don’t like Schmidt?” You snorted at Eva’s offhanded, yet jesting question.
“Who said I don’t like Schmidt, Ava?”
“Uh, by the fact that you only ever call him Schmidt?” Hamilton countered. “I know you well enough by now that when you consider someone a friend, you call them by their first name. But not once in our six hundred and ninety-four days up here have I ever heard you call him Ernst.”
“Do you? Or anyone else for that matter?”
“Not if we don’t want a frosty glare. My point is, what do you not like about Ernst that has you always so reserved with him?”
“Hei aha atu māu.” (Mind your own business.) You muttered in reply, pulling yourself up the long rod to the airlock. “I’m almost to the airlock, stand by for lock opening and decompression.”
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Fifteen minutes later Tam and Hamilton were helping you out of the EVA suit. Standing in your underwear and tank top, your fingers quickly worked your tablet as you uploaded the updates to Kiel’s computer on the bridge with your seal of approval.
“With my repairs, we’re back on schedule for tomorrow.” You said while pulling on your pants and buttoning them. “In the meantime, I’m taking my downtime. Comm me if anything happens, or better yet, don’t. I need to sleep.”
You took your jacket from Tam, who gave you a knowing look, and returned it with a dirty one. Slinging your jacket around your shoulders, you strode out of the airlock while reaching for your comms unit attached to your thigh. You shot Kiel one last message that you had sent the updates to the computer as you headed for the crew quarters.
Walking down the dimly lit corridor, you stopped at crew quarters five and raised your hand to knock on the metal door. Your knuckles rapped softly on the metal for only a moment before the door slid open. You blinked in surprise, only to find a hand shooting out and grabbing onto the front of your jacket.
You were jerked into the room and as the door slid shut behind you, your back hit metal and fervent lips pressed against yours. Your hands instantly reached up to bury themselves in brown hair and tug on the silky strands. Lips parting, you hungrily returned the kiss while larger hands landed on your hips and pushed themselves beneath your jacket.
Those hands continued on their journey until they found their way around your sides and up your back. Palms pressed on the center of your spine and your body was pressed up against his. You could feel every ounce of tension in his body, and you knew he was moments from breaking. Moaning against sinful lips, you dragged your fingernails from his hair and down his neck.
Seconds later, lips were separating from yours and voraciously nipping at your jaw and the tender flesh of your throat. You sank your nails into his back and pushed his head further against your skin as little eruptions of pleasure surfaced. But lips ravishing your skin only lasted so long, as did your patience. Your hands dropped from his shoulder and head, and you were tearing at his clothes.
Your fingernails scraped at his green shirt until you had it free of his arms and over his head. You tossed it to the cold floor and then rotated your shoulders, allowing your jacket his hands had been pushing at, to slide from your figure. While your fingers dove for the waistband of his pants, he was yanking your own from your hips. The soft material combined with your simple black underwear dropped past your anti-slip socks, and using your feet, you pushed those too, from your body.
Completely naked from the waist down, your body was hoisted up against a cold wall and in seconds lips were back on yours as a waiting cock slid into your body. Your nails were back, sinking into hot skin and drawing red lines that would leave behind reminders of your illicit affair. Reminders of what was your secret, and what was only for you.
Moaning against Ernst’s mouth, you tightened your legs around his waist while clawing at his shoulder with your left hand. Every time he pressed inside of you drew out a whimper, each and every thrust somehow finding the same exact spot that lit your body up in the best way. Ernst’s lips detached from yours and sloppily pressed against your chin and jaw, laying down kisses that you felt long after his mouth moved on.
You pressed your head back against the cold metal wall you were pressed up against and let yourself fully absorb the stolen moments of intimacy that bore you just enough sense of humanity to keep you sane on this station. The fire burning in your abdomen was well past a broil at this point and well on its way to being an electric wall of lust that would completely overtake your body.
Ernst’s lips ran along your pulse before his teeth started grazing your skin, adding just enough of a threat to send shivers down your spine. You couldn’t leave marks in obvious places, no matter how much you wanted to, but the idea was more than enough to continue walking the high wire. Maybe someday this could be more, but for now, it would have to be enough. Your hands detached from Ernst's body, and you yanked his lips back to yours, devouring his lips with your teeth before pursuing a deeper kiss.
Ernst’s body burned against yours and arching your back against that inferno, you let the pleasurable sensations in your body swell until they could no longer be contained. The room started spinning as both Ernst and you found what you so desperately sought after. Your mouths separated as both of you panted to catch your breaths once more. Ernst pressed his forehead against yours, and you draped your arms over his shoulders once more. With his arms still supporting your body, you were pulled away from the wall and carried the short distance to his bed where you melted beneath each other's touch and just for a little while, escaped the grim reality that surrounded you.
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Flash… Flash… Flash… Flash… Flash…
The lights of the particle accelerator ring flashed by in the window, lighting up your blank face every time the inhabitable section of the ship completed a rotation for our artificial gravity.
“You need to see Acosta, Hana,” came his gentle words that broke the heavy silence in the room, continuing to stare at the lights in your own silence. He brushed his fingers across your shoulder and then down the back of your arm. “I’m worried about you.”
“He’ll just tell me that I need to get more sleep, or put me on that medication again. I didn’t like it the first time, and I will not be put on it again,” you muttered out, your fingers of the hand tucked up against your chest curling around the sheet covering your body. He sighed at your words, and soon there was a tugging sensation on your shoulder. He pushed you from your side to your back so he could look at you in the eyes.
Brown met your eyes, and you swore it was like he was seeing into your very soul, like he could see who you truly were behind the mask you always kept up. His eyes gazed into yours with such gentleness and concern, it was that look that made you cry when you were alone in your quarters where no one could see. Up here in space, he was yours. That soft and gentle look was yours, his warm comforting hugs were yours. But we couldn’t stay in space forever. On Earth, that look was not exclusively yours, and neither was he.
“I’m trying so hard to make things work, Ernst, but I— I don’t think I can,” you whispered up at him. “We only have enough fuel for three more firings. After that, it’s over.”
“The fate of the world does not rest on your shoulders and your shoulders alone, Huihana,” Ernst replied softly, shifting his hand to run his fingers lightly down your face. “We are a team. You have kept this station running smoothly for over two years, that is more than enough on your part.”
“We’re still running out of time,” you said, your lips wobbling. “I’m running out of time.”
“We’ll figure this out, you’ve done your job, Liebling,” he said, leaning down to press his lips against your forehead. You closed your eyes and lifted your hand to lightly draw your own fingers across his cheek and into his hair.
“I just want this to be over. I feel so numb, so cold up here,” you said softly, trying to soak in every last bit of warmth you could get from him.
“Space is cold, you are not,” Ernst whispered, pressing a few more kisses to your cheeks.
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It was time for the next firing and you found yourself standing on the bridge, tablet in hand as you scrolled through all over the equipment you were monitoring as well as the new changes you had made. Everyone had high hopes for this firing but you were keeping your expectations low, if anything, you expected this firing to be exactly like all others before it: a failure.
“Systems all up and operational on my side, we’re ready,” you spoke up. Ava nodded to you and looked to Ernst.
“Schmidt, system status?”
“Green across the board,” Ernst replied, looking down at his console and pressing a few buttons. From Monk’s station the WBC news station was being broadcasted live, and they were once agin talking about the dangers of the particle accelerator.
“I’ve got fluctuations on deck X,” you spoke up.
“It should steady upon pre-ignition,” Ernst replied as Kiel walked onto the bridge. “Shepard is holding presently.”
“Keep it that way,” you muttered underneath your breath. “I don’t want to do another space walk.”
“Commander, Shepard team standing by for your go,” Ava announced to Kiel.
“Diagnostic mode off,” Kiel ordered as Tam emerged from the data banks in the back.
“X deck modifications complete,” Tam said in Mandarin as she passed.
“Active,” Ava responded.
“Qinhuangdao, confirm pre-ignition sequencing authorization,” Kiel asked. We all listened to the response and Kiel gave me a nod before addressing the centers we were on call with.
“Huntsville and Qinhuangdao Control, we'll call you post blackout.
“Stand by for protocol go.”
“Eketone, contact Volkov for compass calibration,” you leaned forwards and pressed the comms button on your station.
“Volkov?” you asked. “The Shepard is ready to be taken online, how’s your station?”
“I’m calibrating our expensive compass,” Volkov responded as Kiel turned to Monk.
“Monk, turn that shit off,” Kiel sighed out. The news channel was finally shut off.
“Gyro is calibrating,” Volkov responded. “Our station is good.”
“Copy that,” you echoed, your fingers fluttering over your tablet.
“You should ask Schmidt, is his station good?”
“Jesus Christ,” Schmidt aired out as you bit your tongue and took a deep breath.
“Tamariki,” (Children) you uttered out as Mundy strolled over and clasped his hands in front of Monk.
“Please, Mr. Monk, hit us with your holy stick.”
“Oh, come on. Not now when we're—“ Schmidt was cut off by a look from everyone and Kiel calling his name. He backed down with a glower, secretly giving you a look over his glasses. You gave him a half-hearted shrug. Everyone went quiet and looked down.
“The farther we travel from home, the clearer it becomes that there is a power infinitely greater than us. Please show Your mercy. And allow the Shepard to work this time. To provide the energy we need. To prevent our countries from going to war. Please, God, be on our side. Amen.”
“Amen,” Kiel echoed as Mundy and Monk fist bumped.
“That was righteous,” Mundy said. With final words spoke, Ernst stood up from his station and powered on the key command module, making it extend downward from the ceiling as he walked over with his key.
“Back to work. Sunday School over yet?” Ernst asked, always so serious.
“Schmidt, power up,” Kiel ordered. Everyone started placing their keys into their respective slots to power up the station.
“Sequence running. Thirty to ignition,” Tam said, your eyes dropped to the power levels on the right side of your console.
“Commander?” Ernst asked, Kiel gave him a nod and everyone put their hands on their keys, ready to turn at Ernst’s call. “Three...two...one... mark.”
You turned the keys to the right and the station started rumbling as the particle accelerator powered up and the lights started flickering. You had to place your hand on your console because of the shaking.
“Come on, come on, come on, come on,” Kiel spoke softly, beside you the wall of lights and buttons sparked as several light bulbs burst, and a few seconds later the floor beneath you heaved. You were thrown off your feet as machinery started sparking and exploding. Alarms went off as the crew started shouting, and clawing yourself to your feet, you started checking your console.
“Emergency shutdown!” you shouted. “Powergrid is out of control and we might blow the accelerator!”
Tam started shouting in mandarin, but her words were too fast for you to catch, and in the chaos, you found yourself thrown against the nearest bulkhead. Your head cracked against it and you found yourself sliding down the wall your head in a daze and seeing double.
Between the tilted world you were seeing, the shouting, and the loud emergency sirens, it was hard to get a grip and focus. You’re not sure how long it was before the sirens and alarms were quieted, but when a double of one of the crew appeared in front of you and started touching your face you jerked back from the sensation.
“Whoa, easy, Eketone, you took a knock to the head,” Kiel’s voice said as fingers touched the spot on your head that hurt the most. You flinched and reached up to feel the damage, Kiel kept your fingers from feeling your injury but you could feel the warm sticky blood dripping down your face.
“Monk! Hana’s got a head wound with a nasty bleed.” You tried to swat the hand on your head away. “Come on Han, don’t fight with me.”
“I’m fine,” you eked out. “How’s the station?”
“We’re venting, Mundy and Volkov went to cut off the sections where the damage is, Tam, Ava, and Schmidt are currently troubleshooting,” Kiel explained as Monk appeared with a first aid kit in hand. You grimaced when a gauze patch was pressed against your wound.
“I need the station’s mechanical readout,” you rasped while Monk started opening a suture kit. You eyed the staple gun and butterfly bandages. “That bad?”
“You’ve got at least a three centimeter gash at your hairline Hana,” Monk chided as he brandished the staple gun. “I can see your skull.”
“Well, is it cracked?” Monk snorted as he started to staple the wound shut.
“No, you’ve got a hard head.” Monk quickly stapled wound shut and placed several butterfly bandages over the staples.
“Good, because if we’re venting then shit has hit the fan… I need the mech readout now.” Kiel sighed at your words and you just gave him a look. He knew you were right. You were helped to your feet and brought to the nearest chair where you could start figuring out what the hell just happened.
Despite the head-splitting headache you had, it didn’t take you long to pinpoint where the major issue was, deck H. The couplers for the venting shaft had been blown off, and with them, they had pulled the surrounding structure creating a hole in the station.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” you whispered, your fingers quickly pulling up the external camera to get a good view of the damage. This was bad, like really bad. The kind of damage that could lead to the decompression of the entire station, bad.
“Hana? What is it?” Kiel asked, looking at you with worry.
“I need Volkov, now.”
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Volkov was walking with you as you strode down the hall leading to deck H’s airlock. Kiel was on your heels and the entire way there Volkov was trying to talk you out of what you were planning on doing.
“…remind you that you just took a hit to the head?” Volkov asked. You snorted.
“No, you may not,” you came to a stop in front of the airlock bay and turned to face both of them. “Forgive me for being egotistical, but I know this ship the best and if you want that hole fixed I’m the best and most qualified for the job.”
You hit the open button for the dry dock bay doors and looked back at Kiel and Volkov.
“You can argue with me on this as much as you want as my friend, but as my commander, you know I’m right.” You finished. Kiel looked anything but happy, but you knew by the look on his face he knew you were right.
“I want this done tight, Eketone, full gear, full cautions,” Kiel stated before looking at Volkov. “Suit her up and meet me back on the bridge, I’ll get the others and inform them.”
Volkov and you turned to enter the dry dock bay as Kiel strode away. You started stripping yourself out of your jacket and pants, and tossing them to the floor, you pulled your shirt over your head as Volkov pulled the EVA suit over on its track.
“He is going to lose his shit when Kiel tells him that you’re the one doing the EVA.” Volkov said as you lifted your leg and stepped into the large EVA suit.
“Who’s going to loose their shit?” You asked, ignoring the fact that you knew perfectly well who Volkov was talking about. “I’m pretty sure no one is going to be happy with me doing a space walk after what happened, not with all the debris flying around.”
Fully standing in the suit, you started tightening it around your body and pulling it up your hips.
“You know who I am talking about, tsvetok,” (Flower) Volkov responded as he maneuvered the top portion of the EVA suit over your head. You lifted your arms and put them through the arm holes as the rest of the suit was brought down and secured. Volkov quickly put the gloves over your hands and locked them in place.
You didn’t say anything as he set the headset on your head and adjusted it so it fit snugly around your ear. The helmet was soon over your head and secured in place, and detaching from the EVA suit from its hanger, you walked over to the airlock doors. Your gloved hand hit the release button and the doors opened. You made your way into the airlock as Volkov sealed you in.
Looking down at the tablet perched on your arm, you hit the comms button. Your headphones crackled for a second before the sounds of voices arguing reached your ears.
“… you can’t seriously think that it is safe!”
“We don’t have much of a choice!”
“She is going to get killed!” That was Ernst’s voice. “How could you let her go with the debris field in a constant state of fluctuation!”
“Volkov could go, he’s got the same training…”
“She’s the most qualified.”
“Schmidt that’s—“ More arguing erupted. Letting out a deep sigh, you reached for the decompression button and started the process. Once the airlock was ready, you hit the external door button. While the door opened, you reached down and opened your comms line.
“This is Eketone, I’m exiting the Shepard.” You announced over the arguing. The raised voices immediately cut off. You reached for the first attachment line and clipped yourself on before edging yourself out. Once clear of the door, you reached for the external controls and closed the door. “External Hatch H-21 closed, I’m making my way over to H deck.”
You had moved a few yards before anyone spoke.
“What are your O2 stats?” Kiel asked, a slight tremor in his voice. He was probably just barely holding it together, so you didn’t dig into him. You glanced at your vitals on your arm.
“O2 stats are at 100, pulse ox is at 99.” You responded, your hands continuing their side-to-side movement as you pulled yourself along. As you expected, it was silent for most of your journey to the broken hull, but that silence was broken ever so often by the alarmed voices of your crewmates regarding a group of debris flying close to where you were.
Finally making it to the upper level where you could get your eyes on the damage, you cringed inside. This was not going to be easy, far from it actually. But it had to be done. Just as you were transferring your leads to the next safety bar, the comms crackled.
“Hana,” you paused at the seriousness in Kiel’s voice. “The moment you move onto the upper level, you’ll be exposed to the debris fields.”
You finished transferring your leads and paused for a moment.
“I’m aware of the risks, commander.” You replied shortly before you pulled yourself up. There was debris and parts of the Shepard floating through space, you hurried your way to the gaping hole. Once you got to the first part of the hole, you pulled out the microfoam injector from your belt and got to work.
The microfoam was doing its job well as you ran the injector gun along the ripped seam of metal, but it was a process that was too slow, and the longer you took, the more your crew aired their worries about the flying metal and electronic parts that got a little close to your EVA suit for comfort. There were a few close calls, but you managed to get most of the hole covered.
It was only when you were sealing up the last few parts that things started to go wrong. The pieces of flying debris started coming by at a faster rate, and you could hear alarms going off through the comms. Your heart, which had already been racing in your chest, sped up.
“Eketone, get back inside right now!” You ignored the voice of Kiel and continued your work. “Eketone!” Kiel’s voice was a bark now and you knew he wasn’t not playing around. You looked up to see the wave of debris that was headed your way at a lighting speed.
“If I don’t fix this now, we lose everything!” You shouted back, your hands clenching around the injector gun as you tried to keep your hand steady. Looking at the slowly closing hole, you started muttering to yourself. “Come on, come on, come on…”
Bits of debris starting hitting your suit, drowning out the shouts from your crewmates. A piece of metal hit the visor of your suit, causing a hairline fracture on the outer screen. Shit. As more and more pieces flew by you, you started to panic. All you could hear was the sound of your heavy breathing and the alarms going off from your suit telling you you were taking damage. Jerking the tool in your hand, you finally sealed the hole, and doing a quick diagnostic scan, the tablet on your arm told you that the pressure in the damaged section of the station was stabilized.
You could faintly hear your crewmates shouting to head back, and that’s what you did. Pulling yourself along, you clenched your teeth as fear twisted its way up your spine. Something it you in the shoulder and you were blasted away from the tether lines. Your arms flailed as you tried to get a grasp once more, but it was hard with how much you were spinning in place. Just as you finally caught sight of the metal bar once more and stretched your arm, something collided with your body.
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“Come on, come on, come on,” Mundy shouted unhelpfully as he, Tam, and Hamilton quickly helped Volkov into the second EVA suit. Hands where shaking and nerves were either shot or about to be. “Judging by there scans from her suit, she’s got about half an hour left.”
“I’m not going to take my time,” Volkov snapped at Mundy as Tam and Hamilton quickly snapped the EVA gloves on.
“I’m just saying! It’s still a mess out there, we don’t need you getting hit either.” Mundy exclaimed in defense of himself. Hamilton reached up and pulled the helmet down.
“Listen, Hana’s suit is punctured, but the shrapnel is keeping it sealed for now. When you grab her, try to avoid touching the area or jostling her too much.” Hamilton explained quickly. “You might have to cut her main leads from their secure point, and if you do—“
“I’ll tether her to me first, this isn’t my first time.” Volkov stated, normally he wouldn’t have tolerated being talked to like he had never done a space walk before, but with Hana’s life on the line, he didn’t have the time to argue. Volkov disconnected himself from the EVA track and walked over to the airlock doors. “Monk better be ready for her,”
“He and Kiel are already prepping the surgery bay,” Hamilton answered as she shared a look with Tam. Volkov let out a huff of air before closing the air lock doors behind him. Tam and Hamilton waited anxiously as Volkov departed the Shepard and started making his way towards the area where Hana was still tethered to the station.
“I’m going to see if Monk needs any more help.” Mundy said, dashing for the exit. While the remaining two waited, a red faced Schmidt strode into the docking bay. Hamilton raised an eyebrow at him before glancing down at his wrist.
“I’m surprised that Kiel let you out of the handcuffs,” Schmidt grunted out as he walked over to to the control panel and started pulling up the diagnostic stats for deck H.
“He needs all of us at the moment,” Schmidt muttered lowly, keeping his eyes trained on the numbers scrolling across the screen in front of him.
“You know she’s going to be alright, Schmidt?” Schmidt looked at Hamilton, and she could see that his eyes were red. “If anyone can survive a punctured EVA suit it’s Huihana Eketone.”
“We’re not—“
“We know,” Tam spoke up. Schmidt’s eyes shot to hers and she shrugged. “It’s obvious. We’ve been placing bets on how long you two were going to keep it a secret.”
“I’m not even sure there is anything to be exposed as a secret.” Schmidt answered softly. “Hana has been rather distant lately, I’ve been trying to get her to see Acosta.”
“She’s having trouble sleeping again?” Tam asked, Schmidt nodded in confirmation. The three of them were caught off guard when the an alarm went off indicating that someone was accessing the exterior door. They crowded around the viewing window to see Volkov tugging Hana into the air lock.
“That was quick,” Hamilton commented.
“That’s because Volkov actually likes her,” Schmidt muttered underneath his breath as his eyes trained on the piece of shrapnel sticking out of Hana’s EVA suit. As the external bay was decompressed and the artificial gravity was initialized, reality set in.
“We’re going to have to move her in her suit, we can’t risk causing more damage by accidentally bumping the metal.” Hamilton said as Volkov dragged Hana over to the door. One the internal airlock door was opened, Hamilton and Schmidt took the weight of Hana from Volkov and started dragging her in the direction of the medical bay.
They made it to the medical bay where Kiel, Monk, and Mundy were and with precision and synchonisity, began to work. They carefully pulled the EVA suit apart, leaving the mid section to be cut by scissors, and upon exposing the wound Kiel was glancing up at Schmidt.
“Schmidt, leave,” Schmidt’s face hardened and he was about to retort but was stopped by Kiel. “Do not make me repeat myself. I will have you restrained again if I need to.”
He didn’t want to leave, but if he was forced he would be left wondering what was happening with Hana, so with a leaden heart, Schmidt backed out of the room, his eyes never once leaving Hana’s still form.
Once Hana was properly situated, they finally got a good look at the injury. The shrapnel had pierced through her skin and the area surrounding the wound was smeared in red that was growing by the second.
“Monk, Monk did it hit anything important?” Kiel asked as medical tools where passed around. Monk reached for the portable x-ray scanner and shifted it so it was over Hana’s abdomen. With just as quick view, Monk was able to further assess the total damage done.
“Her spleen was hit, but it missed her other organs.” Monk spoke as he lightly pressed the bloody area. “I’ll have to perform a contrast to see how much internal damage has been done. That will take time.”
“You’re just going to leave it in her?” Schmidt exclaimed from where he was pacing back and forth in front of the viewing window. Kiel terminated the comms line and turned back to Monk.
“Monk, is this survivable?”
“I need time, but we need to leave it in, it’s preventing her from bleeding out.” Monk explained. “I want everyone out but Tam and Hamilton.”
“Were going to need to check on the repairs,” Mundy spoke up, wringing his hands once more. Everyone in the room glanced at him with looks. “What? She put her life on the line for that repair, we need to see it through, it’s what she’d want.”
“Mundy’s right,” Kiel said, glancing between the crew. “We’ll go and work on finishing the repairs, Volkov should be on his way for an update. Send him to the bridge afterwards.” Kiel then glanced at the pacing Schmidt. “And whatever you do, keep him in line. I need him in working condition. Lie if you have to.”
“Yes, Commander.”
With a plan set, they broke up. Monk started to gather further instruments, and looking at Tam and Hamilton, nodded his chin at the medical freezer.
“I need two bags of O positive prepped along with sutures and clamps.” Monk spoke. “I’m going to have to make an incision to get this thing out.”
“I’ll get the blood,” Tam said, hurrying over to the medical freezer. Hamilton ran a scanner over the piece of shrapnel.
“I’m picking up contaminates and radiation.”
“We’ll treat that post operative.” Tam came back over with the bags of blood ready for use as Monk inserted several i.v. lines. Laying out a surgical cover, Monk picked up a scalpel and went in to start his first cut.
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Hours later, Monk, Tam, and Hamilton cleaned up the surgical bay. It wasn’t a touch and go situation, but Monk, by no means, could say that Hana would have a one hundred percent recovery. What she needed couldn’t be found on the station.
Striping the gloves from his hands, Monk tossed the soiled material into the trash before going to the closest console and hitting the call button. Kiel was responding within seconds.
“What’s the prognosis, Monk?” Kiel asked, skipping all formalities. Monk braced himself against the metal table and let out a tired sigh.
“I’ve removed the shrapnel and stabilized her… for now. She’s got internal hemorrhaging that’s causing her blood pressure to drop and as for the location the shrapnel hit, her spleen took the brunt of it,” Monk explained. “I can’t repair the damage done, it’s going to have to be removed.”
“Then do it…” Kiel replied before frowning. “Is there something else?”
“Despite the puncture wound creating a seal on the suit, the metal had contaminate particles.” Monk said, his brow furrowing. “It’s going to cause infection and other complications that I can’t treat up here. That and the combined radiation exposure… she needs to be in a hospital, not my medical bay.”
“Then we better get to fixing the Shepard.” Kiel said, he paused before continuing. “And Schmidt?”
Monk looked at the physicist still waiting outside the surgical bay. He hadn’t moved since the surgery had started.
“Cooperative, for now. But we need to hurry on the repairs.”
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Three Months Later
New Zealand, North Island
Sitting on a bench on the peak of the farm valley your  parents owned, you stared down at the now flourishing farming plots and wondered how you had possibly helped to create a successful particle accelerator, only to get so injured that you had been rendered unconscious when it was actually rendered successful. The sheer irony.
Looking down, you plucked a long strand of a leaf and started picking away at it. After struggling to solve the energy crisis for so long, and finally achieving that goal, you had no direction in your life anymore. Sure, you had accolades, plenty of awards for your part on the Shepard Station, and a good sum of money in your bank account, but you found that you spent your days in a listless haze.
It was lonely, having woken up alone in a hospital in Auckland. It wasn’t like the crew could come and drop by for a visit, and you were sure they had gone back to carry on with their lives. That meant that everything you had built on that station was gone, including him. It was silly to be this upset, but for once in your life you felt like someone was actually able to see past the walls and barricades you had put up to protect yourself.
But you were no longer on the Shepard and you were no longer a crew; everyone had gone home to their respective countries a hero, and you just felt like a failure. A failure currently moping. Sighing out, you dropped the leaf you had been picking apart and stood up from the bench. It was getting late and knowing your mother, she would not be happy if you were late for dinner a fourth time. It was time to start hiking back down the mountain.
Grabbing the walking stick you had used to climb up the mountain, you slowly began picking your way back down, keeping an arm secured around your waist. Generally, splenectomies were a surgery that only took four to six weeks of recovery, but combined with the damage from the piece of shrapnel and the contamination, your recovery was slow going. The aches and pains in your side were slow to leave.
On your way down, you cut across the sheep paddock and wove through the grazing animals. The sunset was once again a kaleidoscope of colors on the horizon and actually managed to cheer you up some as you walked. Entering the farmhouse garden, you left the walking stick by the cooking shed and headed for the back door of the house.
Using the tips of your boots, you slipped your feet out of your farm boots, you shed your jacket and hung it up on a hook before entering the kitchen and making a beeline for the sink.
“Kia ora, Mama,” you greeted as you entered the homely space.
“You’re late, tamāhine,” Mama called from behind you. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “We have a guest.”
“Oh really?” you questioned, only half listening to her. Turning the faucet off, you reached for a towel to dry your hands.
“Are you even listening to me, Huihana?” Mama chided, hanging up the towel. You glanced over your shoulder to give her a look, only to end up doing a double take. Ernst blinked back at you from where he sat at the dining table, looking surprisingly comfortable to be at Hahana Ketone’s dinner table. Your mother had a habit of not mincing her words, and her bluntness often put off visitors. “Why didn’t you tell me your crew mate was so handsome!?”
You blinked rapidly before feeling a rush of warmth on your cheeks at her words. Sputtering a little, you wiped your hands on your pants as you turned around.
“That— that’s not something you go around talking about, Mama!” you replied, holding your arms against your chest. “Certainly not about my crew mate.”
Mama just huffed at you and muttered a few more words under her breath in Māori before standing up.
“I’ll give you two some space to talk,” Mama said before striding from the kitchen, leaving you alone with Ernst. He cleared his throat.
“Apologies it took so long to visit, the others wanted to come as well, but Kiel insisted that we not overwhelm you,” he spoke up. A shiver ran up your spine just from his soft voice, and biting down on your lip, you flickered your eyes away to look at something other than him.
“I’m sure they’re busy,” you said in reply, shrugging your shoulders slightly. “It’s not like you and the others solved a civilization-ending problem.”
“We,” Ernst corrected you. “We solved a civilization-ending problem, Hana. I doubt we would have done so if not for you and your assistance.”
You weren’t convinced, but the look in his brown eyes kept you from firing back a rebutting statement to refute his words. Ernst got up from his seat and walked over to where you stood, staring you down with a raised eyebrow.
“I can see it in your face, you don’t believe that you helped?” he clicked his tongue and shook his head.
“I’m not an astrophysicist or a microbiologist, and I certainly don’t know shit about how the particle accelerator works, Ernst,” you told him. “I just know how to fix things and keep space stations from decompressing.”
“You just proved my point,” Ernst pointed out, coming to a stop right in front of you. You leaned your head back to look at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Ernst,” you called in exasperation.
“Hana,” he called back, not backing down. “Give in, Hana, you know I’m right.”
Your fight wilted; after all, he had flown over eighteen thousand kilometers to get here, and Ernst really didn’t have any obligations to see you again. It wasn’t like your affair on the Shepard was something that was going to be continued… right?
“I’ll give on that,” you finally stated before looking down at your shirt. “Ernst, why are you here?”
“I think you know why,” Did you?
“Ernst, what happened between us on the station was—” you sputtered out, searching for words to say but ultimately coming up with nothing.
“Was what? Temporary? A stress reliever? Something to do?” he questioned in rapid fire, not giving you time to answer the question.
“Do you really think I am capable of acting like that? We lived together for two years on a space station, Ernst, what don’t you know about me!?”
“Clearly not everything since you are trying to act like those two years never happened,” Ernst finally snapped.
“You aren’t mine down here, okay!?!” you shot back, your voice now raised. “You were mine on the Shepard, Ernst, but not down here.”
“According to who?” he countered, his eyebrow raising. “The only one thinking in absolute is you, Hana. Who says we can’t see each other now that we are back on Earth?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but found that no words came to your tongue. Airing out your frustrations in a long breath, you pushed a hand through your hair.
“Alright, I’m an idiot, can we please move on from the arguing? I don’t like it.”
“Neither do I, liebling,” Ernst said before reaching for your hand. He wrapped his fingers around yours and rubbed his thumb into your palm. “Now that—that is settled, I feel that we have done this backwards, but I would like to take you on a date.”
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Date Published: 6/27/22
Last Edit: 4/28/24
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amuseoffyre · 1 year
Don’t Tell Mama - #455 & #456
“Just down here,” Ed said, pointing along the narrow road. “Third house along.”
Stede turned the car, following Ed’s directions. They were only a few hundred metres from the coast and the back of the village was hemmed in by the edge of the forest. “The yellow one?”
Ed nodded, leaning forward and bracing his arm on the dashboard, then broke into a grin when the door of the house opened. “Looks like someone was waiting for us.” He raised his hand in a wave. “You can park up on the green bit there.”
The house faced onto a wide-open stretch of grass and Stede was relieved to see the marks of other tires. It would’ve been embarrassing to find out he’d parked on someone’s lawn.
He glanced at Ed anxiously, fidgeting with his bowtie. “Do I look all right?”
Ed caught his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Always.”
Stede made a face at him. “I think you have a biased opinion.”
“Or I’m always right,” Ed replied with a cocky grin. His hand landed on Stede’s and gave them a squeeze. “C’mon.” Yesterday, he’d been so tense and coiled up and the way he scrambled out of the car, grinning from ear to ear, was enough to reassure Stede that he was feeling much happier. He leaned down. “Are you just gonna sit there, mate? Come on!”
Getting out, Stede smoothed down his floral shirt and draped his light jacket over his arm. He hadn’t gone fully frilly or layered, not when the sun was out and it was pleasantly warm, but he still wanted a flash of colour. Ed had stolen one of his other short-sleeved shirts, a bright red number, and it looked stunning on him.
Hurrying after his lover, Stede couldn’t help smiling as Ed strode right up to the house and the elderly lady waiting the for him. He wasn’t close enough to hear what Ed said, but his aunt chuckled and they both turned to look at him and, oh, the resemblance was strong, those same creases of humour around both their eyes. Something about the smile as well.
“Kia ora!” he said brightly, closing the distance between them and holding out a hand. “I’m Stede.”
Ed’s auntie clasped his hand with a surprisingly strong grip. “Huihana, but you can call me auntie, or whaea, everyone does.”
Stede stared at her, his heart doing a strange hop in his chest. Auntie. He’d never had an auntie before.  “Oh! Yes! Of course! Auntie!” He gave her hand an enthusiastic shake. “I’m very happy to have the chance to meet you!”
She chuckled. “It’s good to meet you too.”
“And,” Stede said and withdrew the navy blue and gold box he’d been hiding under his jacket and held it out. He’d picked up the chocolates from one of his favourite chocolatiers in London, pretty and delicious and perfect as a gift. “A token to thank you for your hospitality.”
Huihana’s face creased up with even more laughter lines. “Thank you.” She gestured for them to come into the house. “Come on. Kai’s nearly ready.”
Stopping on the threshold to untie his boots, Ed had a beatific grin on his face. “So this is why your case was heavy?” he said. “You’ve been sneaking stuff in?”
“Only a little bit,” Stede said with a sheepish smile as he tugged his laces loose. “And if you’d known they were there, they never would have got here.”
“Sad but true.”
Ed scoffed fondly and headed on, so Stede followed him into the house, glancing around with curiosity. Everything about it felt so cosy and well-loved and warm. He could see family pictures, drawings by small hands, hand-made cushions and blankets.
In the kitchen, Huihana waved them over to the well-worn table in the middle of the room, from where she was checking a pot at the hob. It was already laid with places and dishes all out for them and a pitcher of some kind of fruity juice.
“Do you need a hand, auntie?” Ed asked, rubbing his hands together. Somehow, he looked years younger, shifting anxiously, eagerly, from foot to foot. “I can carry things or pour things or take things out–”
“Or sit down at the table,” she replied with a laugh, lifting the pot. She shooed him back with a waved elbow and a stern look and carried the pot over to the wooden board on the table. Ed dropped down into the seat beside Stede, all wide-eyed innocence. “Don’t you try that face with me, boy,” she scolded fondly. “It’s never worked.”
“At least let me do the dishes, yeah?”
“I can help,” Stede added quickly with a hopeful smile. “We’re a good team, he and I.”
She gave him an amused, thoughtful look. “So he tells me.” She uncovered the pot, a waft of fragrant steam spreading over the table. The pot was filled with a gorgeous simmering mass of vegetables and meat.
“That smells amazing,” Stede blurted out. “It’s like that stew you make, Ed.”
Ed’s face did something funny and he looked up at his aunt. “Yeah,” he said softly. “It’s the one thing mum could make. Said it reminded her of home.”
“And you learned to make it too,” Huihana said warmly.
Stede glanced between them, both of their expressions complicated and layered with so much that he knew he was missing. Tentatively, he rubbed Ed’s elbow with his own in silent support and got a small, watery smile for it.
“Well,” he said as brightly as he could, “I’m sure they’re both equally as delicious! It certainly smells it!”
Huihana chuckled. “I do like an enthusiastic guest,” she said.
“You’re gonna love him,” Ed said fondly, looking back at Stede.
“Ed!” Stede pinked a bit.
“Oh shut up, Mr. Enthusiasm,” Ed scoffed, knocking their shoulders together. “It’s a compliment.”
Still hot-cheeked, Stede ducked his head with a smile. “Then thank you.”
 It had been a hell of a day. All good, but so much too.
They’d eaten together and they’d ended up talking for hours and then Stede pulled out his phone and suggested showing Auntie H some photos from the Revenge and the plans and their squad and everything and Ed fucking loved him. He fucking loved this. Never imagined he could’ve had it, not in a month of Sundays, and here he was.
Auntie H took them for a walk around the village as well. To show it off to his man, she teased when Stede was in the bathroom. Ed knew he’d blushed like a schoolboy but he didn’t fucking care. He’d offered his arm and she’d held it as they walked. Saw the places where mum used to go, where she swam, where she went with her friends.
It was like a big fucking bubble in his chest, getting bigger and bigger by the moment, because it was all so tangible and real and here and fuck, it was all the stuff she’d tried to tell him about and all the stuff he hadn’t heard when he was being a stroppy brat.
Didn’t realise he’d gone quiet until Stede was at his other side, touching his elbow.
“Ed? You all right?”
He looked between them, between two concerned faces, and managed a nod. “A lot, is all,” he said, heart in his throat.
Auntie H pressed her hand against his forearm. “You still up for meeting more people at the weekend?”
Was he? Yes, definitely, but also, oh fuck fuck fuck. “Uh.”
“You’ve only had 48 hours to adjust to everything,” Stede said, being suspiciously reasonable about everything for once. “You’ve got a few more days.”
“Yeah,” Ed said, nodding. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’ll be fine.”
Auntie H eyed him. “You sure, moko? Don’t want to get you all tangled up.”
He leaned into her a bit, his fingers all twitchy against his palms. “If no one minds if I fuck off down to the beach for a bit if it gets too much, I’ll be good,” he promised. “I just– yeah, like I said, it’s all of a lot.”
“It is,” Auntie H agreed with a smaller, sadder smile.
Had to lean down and hug her for that and wasn’t surprised when she gave him a hug around his middle.
“Thank you,” he whispered close to her ear.
“For what, boy?” Her voice was just as soft.
“For just… taking me as me.”
She drew back and gazed up at him, warmth in her eyes. “Who else would you be?” She considered him. “I didn’t break your news to everyone,” she said. “About your life, your work, your man. Your place to tell them what you want to.”
And keeping him safe in case he wasn’t ready for them to know all that.
“Thanks, auntie,” he managed.
“I can be your very good friend,” Stede added from beside him. “Your faithful business partner and loyal and dependable travelling companion, here to be your emotional support.”
Ed couldn’t help laughing a bit. “Maybe don’t put it like that,” he said. “Sounds a bit gay.”
“Does it?” Stede blinked owlishly. “Damn. I’ll have to put on my heterosexual trousers.” He made a show of putting his hands in fists on his hips, tugging his chin in and when he spoke, dropped the pitch of his voice by a few levels. “Well, mate, I’m his business partner and we do shit like… go fishing and play the sport with the ball and… drink beer?”
Auntie H cackled so loudly Ed jumped, even though he was shaking with laughter himself.
“Maybe you’re better being yourself,” she said, grinning at Stede.
“Oh thank God!” Stede clutched his chest in mock relief. “I don’t think I could keep that up more than five minutes.”
“You’re such a fucking weirdo,” Ed said happily, knocking their elbows together.
“Said the pot to the kettle,” Stede said with a smug little sniff, then turned his attention to auntie H. “Is there anything we can bring on Saturday? Dessert or something?”
“Don’t you boys worry about any of that,” she said firmly. “I’ve got it all sorted out.”
Ed saw the familiar speculative glint in Stede’s eyes and leaned down towards her to confide, “He’s gonna bring cupcakes or something. Bet he already has them pre-ordered.”
“Ed!” Stede huffed. “Don’t spoil the surprise.”
“Not really a surprise when it’s written all over your face, love,” Ed countered with a chuckle. He looked back at auntie H, who was watching them with amusement. “What?”
“You two,” she said, “like an old married couple already.”
And okay, yeah, that made him grin from ear to fucking ear with delight.
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admintan · 6 years
I’m in this writing group and one of the last prompts was to write a retelling of a Disney story.  I chose Ariel (because she’s still my wife to this day) and I’m using two of my newer characters and one of my friend’s character (Huihana, Yun and Lelei) so I changed the location from Denmark to Samoa because Huihana and Lelei are Samoan and Yun is dark-skinned (not Samoan but yah know).  So I just wanted to post what I had so far.
Huihana bolted into her room, almost ripping down the seaweed.  She covered her face and bumped into the walls as she spastically swam over to her bed.  She lied down on her bed and let out a sigh with more bubbles than she should have let come out.  However, she liked the light headed feeling she got from it.  It calmed her down when her head raced with the thoughts of the beautiful human girl she had just seen moments ago.  She grabbed her ball of seaweed (which was supposed to serve as pillow until a proper one was made for her) and bit a huge chunk out of it.
“Seaweed to keep me calm! I want to eat seaweed all night long! But I’d rather see that pretty human girl, AHH!” She let out a loud squee along with more bubbles.  She tore viciously into her seaweed ball and groaned.  “She’s so pretty! I wanna see her so badly… Why does that jackass have to ban all of the fun stuff?”
“Oh, worm?” The familiar voice of Huihana’s cousin, Lelei, came from the entrance.  Huihana sat up and spiked her seaweed ball at Lelei with pinpoint accuracy, hitting her right in the nose.
“Oops! Sorry, Uce.  I wasn’t expecting anyone to be eavesdropping on my conversations,” Huihana slowly swam over to her cousin, careful to avoid the blood that was slowly starting to spread in the water.
“Conversations with who you maniac?!” Lelei removed her hand from her nose to reveal her sharp rows of teeth and bloodshot eyes.
“Whoa, your anger is peeking out a little, might wanna that away,” Huihana smirked.  Lelei glared at the other until the blood drained from her eyes and her teeth dulled, some of the color returning to her face.  “You’ve got to be at least a little impressed with me tho, I’m running off a, like, 30% air right now,” the giggles the erupted from her caused more bubbles to come out until Lelei slapped her hand over Huihana’s mouth.
“Triton save me, why did I get stuck with a crazy person for a cousin?” Lelei pulled one of the squishy airbags from her off her waist and shoved it into Huihana’s hands.  “So who’s the pretty human girl this time?”
“I told you,” Huihana held her index finger up and sucked the air out of the bag before taking a bite out of it, “it’s the same girl I’ve been talking about for months.”
“No…” Lelei ripped the bag out of Huihana’s mouth and threw it to the side, “you’re not supposed to eat that.  The girl you mentioned ‘months’ ago had long hair.  This girl has short hair.” She argued.
“She cut her hair!”
“Oh.” The sound of Lelei admitted defeat.  “Well how in the underworld am I supposed to know with you?! You never make any sense.”
“I always make sense! You’re just not me!” The two girls bickered back and forth until Huihana settled down and changed her tone to reflect a more serious atmosphere.  “Lelei, you always know where Auntie Mana is, right?”
“Yes, but she told me never to tell anyone where she’s at, even you.  Not until you were fully read to commit to act totally against your father.”
��You’ve told me that once before and I’ve been mulling it over.”
“Oh have you now? Have you come to a conclusion?” Lelei smiled and squeezed Huihana’s shoulders.
“Yes.  I want to become a human.” Huihana stared Lelei dead in the eyes, unblinking.  She was uncharacteristically serious but her eyes still shimmered.  Lelei held eye contact as she raised her head.  She let out a low chuckle before running her hands down Huihana’s hands and pulling her towards the exit.
“I’ll take you to her.”
They travelled for longer than Huihana had the patience to count.  The farther they swam, the more jagged and sharp the rocks became; even the rays of light from above began to dim slightly and it got colder as they finally approached their destination.  There was a dark purple glow from within.
“How did you find this place?” Huihana asked, waiting for her cousin to go forward so she could follow.
“Well, after your father banned the use of magic we had to find some place to continue our work.  She sent me off exploring while she did research and eventually we found this place.  Don’t worry, I’m sure it’ll be to your liking?” Lelei kept her eyes on Huihana as she moved forward, one of those smiles plastered onto her face.  Huihana returned the favor and when Lelei turned her gaze forward, Huihana’s face twitched with irritation.  When they entered the cave, humming could be heard among clinking of glass bottles and small explosions.  It was a strange cacophony of noises.  “Mama! I brought company!” There was a sound of glass breaking when Lelei called out.  Slowly a puff of black liquid began to drift towards the two girls.  There was a scream of agitation and then Mana appeared through the liquid.  Her typically black hair was pulled up into a bun and covered in splotches of blue.  She had the remnants of a broken bottle in her hands and her hands were dangerously close to squeezing flesh into glass.
“I thought I told you to--” The anger in her voice and on her face quickly disappeared when she locked onto Huihana.  “Oh! Huihana, my favorite niece.  What brings you here?” Mana threw a quick glance over in Lelei’s direction.
“I need your help, Auntie.  Lelei told me your magic could help me.” Huihana glanced down at Mana’s hand.  Her chin was grabbed and she was forced to look up.  Mana cupped Huihana’s cheeks and smiled.  Huihana flinched when she felt something being plucked from the back of her head.
“And what is your request my dear.  I presume it’s something,” Mana’s lids lowered as she glared over at Lelei, “that would go against your father’s wishes.”
“It is, actually.  I want to become a human.  There’s a girl that--” Huihana was cut off.
“Say no more my sweet eel! I have just the potion for you,” Mana moved away and with a swift hand motion, a dark liquid came from the bottom of Huihana’s vision.  She looked down and then back at the blob only to realize it was blood.  Huihana felt the bottom of her face and felt a fresh wound on her jawline.  When she withdrew her hand she saw no blood.  Mana began to swim back into the cave, motioning for the girls to follow.  “Lelei, make sure you watch carefully.”
“Yes, Mama.” Lelei went ahead first.  Huihana threw a glance over her shoulder and checked to see that the coast was clear.  Once she was sure, she hurried after them.
“Huihana, tell me, how long do you plan on being a human? While I am a powerful witch, my magic does have limits.  Well, it has limits on short notice.”
“I didn’t actually think that far ahead.  I guess for however long you can make it.” Huihana glanced over her shoulder again when Mana turned her back.  She opened one of the man dead giant oysters she had claimed and started tossing down all different sized, shaped and colored bottles.  All of them had different atrocities stuffed within them.  Mana came down to her oyster cauldron and opened it.  The bottles crashed into the cauldron all at once with a large puff of grey smoke.  She thrusted the blob of blood she had collected from Huihana into the cauldron and dropped a strand of orange hair that she had plucked from Huihana as well.
“I believe I can do up to a week.  You’ll have seven days as a human, my dear Huihana.  Come back when you have returned to your mermaid form and I will have a more… permanent solution for you,” Mana pulled a dead fish out from one of the pouches wrapped around her waist and dug her sharp nails into the neck, peeling back the scales and revealing the skull.  Huihana blinked and when she opened her eyes, Mana had ripped the entire skeleton out of it.  It was quite impressive as it was all still attached.  She snapped the neck off and tossed the head over to Lelei for her to catch.  She then crushed the spine within her palms which caused a faint bit of blood to seep from her hands.  She sprinkled the remains into the cauldron.  “Now darling, I must warn you, this may hurt a bit.  I hope the pain is worth whatever you seek as a human.” Mana began to conjure up a small storm from what she had concocted.  Small bits of lightning flashed all around them and the feeling of sparks ran up Huihana’s spine, hair frizzing up and every touch causing a static shock.
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girloflightning-a · 6 years
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After the party, Sid tried to act like things were casual between her and Huihana. Her heart beat furiously each time she saw Huihana, and the kisses they shared left her weak. But she did her best to convince herself that they shared something casual this time around. Yet, despite this, she found herself searching for Huihana once the lockdown was announced. Reaching a biology lab, she let out a sigh of relief when she saw Huihana there. “You’re safe.” She breathed out, throwing her arms around her. 
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naruyuki-writes · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Uce
Summary: Huihana remembers the birthday when she received her most precious gift.
Word Count: 1157
          Huihana and her opponent were circling one another.  She knew that just a few more pops would knock the bitch out. His form was getting sloppy, His swings were getting slower, eyes drooping.  She stopped stalling and switched to the offensive, rushing forward to catch him off guard.  She made an uncharacteristic mistake, however.  She knew that he was faking her out, but her body still fell for it.  She flinched away and got kneed in the stomach, then punched out to the sand.  She collapsed onto her side and then fell flat on her back.  Her head hit the edge of the sand where the water met the shore, the cool water rushing over her scalp.  She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath.
          “Hahahah! I told you I’d beat your ass!” Lelei laughed hysterically and grabbing Huihana’s cheeks and pulled them.
           “Shut the hell up!” Huihana’s eyes shot open.  She grabbed her cousin’s arms and pulled her forward, slamming her foot into her chest and kicking her over.  She rolled up, reversing their roles as she leaned over top of her cousin.  “You may be the better dancer, but I’m always gonna be the better fighter,” she sneered, smacking her cheek.
           “Owww… that really hurt,” she groaned and wheezed.  Huihana walked around her and reached her hand out to Lelei.  She leaned up and glared, Huihana glaring back.  She then slapped her hand onto her forearm, Huihana wrapped her hand around Lelei’s forearm as well and yanked her up.  Lelei pushed herself up with her feet and their foreheads flew into contact.
           “AHHHHH!!” They both screamed in agony, covering their faces.  Huihana rubbed her forehead and groaned.
           “You’re so damn extra!” Lelei yelled.
           “I’m extra?! Who the hell was the one who almost blew us up with a failed potion?”
           “Oh puh-lease! You drag me into every single nook and cranny you can find and almost get us trapped or eaten by fish twice our size all the time!”
           “And where would you get all of your ingredients to blow us up with if I didn’t find all of these places?”
           Lelei turned away and took two steps before turning back to Huihana, poking her finger onto her nose. Huihana just grinned, her eyes watching for any sudden movements that Lelei might make.  They paused in their position for a good minute before Lelei bolted down the beach.  There wasn’t a second of hesitation in Huihana’s muscles as she pursed her cousin.
           “Why are you running from me you coward?!”
           “Why are you chasing me you freak?!”
           Huihana just screamed at the top of her lungs as she continued to chase.  Lelei screamed with her, whooping and shouting.  The wind began to pick up, pushing against their backs, blowing their long wavy hair in front of their vision.  After 30 seconds of straight sprinting, Lelei began to slow down and Huihana quickly encroached.  She reached her hands out to grab her, but Lelei ducked and rolled off to the side.  Huihana’s eyes went wide as her legs flew up behind her.  She pulled her arms in and ungracefully flipped, slamming onto her back once again.  She lied there for a while, just panting.  Her mouth was unbelievably dry and she was starting to feel the moisture leaving her skin as well after being out of the water for so long.  She lazily threw her hand into her face and pulled her hair from out her eyes and mouth.
           “A rule for the future, oh great fighter.  Expect the unexpected,” Lelei once again stood above her, but this time something dangled from her fingers.  Huihana rolled onto her stomach, popping herself up onto her knees so she could get a better view.  It was a necklace with blue seashells and a beautiful white pearl in the center of it.
           “Woah…” Huihana’s eyes were shimmering with excitement.  She looked up to Lelei who was starting to walk behind her.  She pulled the necklace gently around her throat and began to tie it securely behind her neck.  Lelei plopped down beside her and pressed her cheek against Huihana’s.
           “I made it for you. Happy Birthday, Uce.” She wrapped her arm around her shoulder and they watched as the sun began to descend beyond the horizon, the soft blues fading away into fiery yellows, oranges, and reds.
           “You’re not so bad after all, Uce,” Huihana cackled.  The waves crashing against the nearby rocks began to get louder without the waves getting bigger.  The calming noise began to turn into something much more panic inducing.  There were voices.  Shouts and screams that were maddening.
           Huihana blinked and the only thing left in sight was the warm toned sky.  Her vision became clouded with white bubbles and she inhaled water.  The screams and shouts were coming from the surrounding audience.  Some were yelling for her to get up, some were yelling for her to stay down.  She lifted her head out of the water and saw a thick leg with purple and blue scales running up the thighs raised up into the air.  When it was flying down towards her.  It felt like an eternity passed before the heel that threatened to smash into her throat was anywhere near her.  But it didn’t matter how fast or slow the world moved, her body knew what to do when it counted.  She snatched his leg to the side so the blow would only hit her shoulder, then she wrapped her whole body around his leg like an octopus capturing its dinner and flipped him over.  He fell onto his stomach and when he did, Huihana slammed her feet into the sand on either side of his body, elbowing him in the back with her right elbow before snatching up his other leg and almost falling back on top of her.
           She threw her head back and let out an ear bleeding shriek.
           With how far Huihana leaned back onto her opponent and how relentless she was to keep him pinned, she eventually made him tap out.  She snatched her earnings out of the event holder’s hands and disappeared into the water without another resounding cry or a single word.  She swam to a remote island not too far from where the match was held and rested on the beach.  She gargled some water to soothe her throat after straining it so badly with her dramatic display.
           “You woulda loved to see it Lelei,” she sighed.  She pulled her seashell necklace out of her bag and tied it around her neck again. She never wore it during her matches in fear of it getting broken.  She knew that if anyone ruined it other than herself, she’d beat them to a bloody pulp and probably blacklisted from official matches.  She held her face in her hands, pulling her wet hair in between her fingers. “Happy birthday to me…”
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greatgreengremlin · 6 years
can you put your bag things bingo fills on tumblr? it would probably be easier for requesters to see and the mods to keep track of. and, i just want to reblog your fem!hance, cause that was cute.
Actually I meant to do that, I just forgot. Oops. 
Sure I can!
(VLD) Space: Anger Born of Worry
Something Lana will never tell anyone is that during their first meeting, Huihana scared the crap out of her. Only for the first thirty seconds or so, sure, but in those thirty seconds the fear was real. She took two steps into the room the Garrison assigned her, took one look at her roommate, and felt her blood turn to ice.
That chick was freaking huge. Biceps like boulders, fists like frozen turkeys. She could probably take Lana’s head off with one punch. Nervously, Lana gulped, trying to think of something suave to say, straining to shape her mouth into a confident smirk so this Amazonian stranger wouldn’t smell her fear. Then the giantess advanced and before Lana could escape, those brawny arms encircled her, deftly lifted her right off the floor…and pulled her into a hug.
“Mmph!” Lana found herself pressed up against the soft, plentiful pudge of her roommate’s round midsection, and her face smushed into the pillows of her even softer, coconut sized breasts.
“Nice to meet you, new roomie!” chirped a voice of pure sunshine.
She gave Lana a hearty squeeze and returned her to the floor.
“So I’m Huihana, most people call me Hana for short,” she paused, amusement squiggling over her features as she blinked at Lana’s name tag. “Guess that means we’re Hana and Lana, huh? Pfft, Hana and Lana. We could totally headline a sitcom.”
“Heh, yeah.” Lana gave a chuckle, feeling herself melt in relief.
“I’ll help you put away your stuff, but let’s eat the muffins first. They’re best while they’re still warm.”
“You made muffins?”
Hana showed her the small oven she’d hidden in the closet. It was about the size of one of those toy ones, but Lana could tell it was made of spare parts. The metals didn’t match and the screws were different sizes.
“Let me guess, you’re here to be an engineer.”
“Yep.” Hana smiled and pulled a small muffin pan out of her makeshift oven and if the tantalizing aroma of apple cinnamon was anything to go by, mismatched metal didn’t prevent it from working.
Lana took a muffin and shook her head. Hana was a freaking teddy bear. No hecking way could she ever scare Lana again.
“You’re supposed to be in bed,” Lana scolds, crossing her arms over her chest.
Hana rolls her eyes and keeps rolling the orange dough in front of her. “As if you always do what you’re supposed to do.”
“This isn’t about me!” Lana barks, still too shaken to keep herself from snapping. “You’re a mess, you can hardly stand up!”
Hana shoots her a look that might’ve been dangerous if she were actually standing steady. But she isn’t steady at all, she’s tottering like a butterfly could knock her over and Lana isn’t sure if it’s making her nervous or furious.
“What I am is sore and stressed, and not in the mood,” she warns irritably.
“Oh, you’re not in the mood?” Lana scoffs. “Don’t even. I’m the one who gets to be mad! You almost got yourself killed!”
“We almost get ourselves killed all the time,” Hana grumbles bitterly, flipping the dough and rolling some more.
“This was different! You know we’re supposed to be extra careful since the pods got hacked, but you ran back into a Galra infested tunnel for no reason!”
“No reason my ass, I was checking for civilians.” Hana pauses to wipe the sweat from her brow.
“Civilians who weren’t there!” Lana huffs, grasping at her hair in frustration. “BLIP tech told us the tunnel was clear!”
“And like I already explained to you and everybody else, the dust storms on that planet were interfering with our tech. Our comms were screwy, our scanners were screwy, we had no reason to trust in the BLIP tech!” Hana gives the dough an exasperated whack with the rolling pin and Lana can see the immediate regret in her eyes as the movement sends repercussions through her battered body. Recoiling, she hisses through her teeth.
“Damn it! Ugh, just come off it. I clearly did the right thing.”
“How? No one was down there!”“But someone could’ve been down there,” Hana insists hotly. “We couldn’t rely on the tech to tell us one way or the other, so I checked for myself. It’s what a paladin would do.”
Lana chews her lip. She understands where her friend is coming from, but she doesn’t have any forthcoming fuzzy feelings for her decision either. It was too reckless. Lana doesn’t like to see any of her team in danger, but this was the kind of stunt she would at least expect from Keith or Shiro. Not Hana. It was a stunt that blindsided her coming from cautious, nervous Huihana.
“You should have at least called one of us for backup.”
And what she means is, you should have called me for backup.
“I didn’t think I had enough time.” Hana gripes, maneuvering her way around the kitchen. “It’s over and done with, so just lay off.”
Lana feels the worst of her fury dying away, but she still isn’t happy. This was too much, too close a call. She can’t just swallow it with a smile and pretend she wasn’t terrified to her core. Not with the echoes of Hana’s scream still rattling around like vengeful wraiths inside her head.
“Oh crap…I’m bleeding,” Hana mutters, yanking Lana out of her thoughts.
The red stain spreads through her robe and Lana gasps, scrambling over.
“Don’t want to say I told you so, but this is exactly why you should be in bed,” she says tersely, hiking Hana’s arm over her shoulder.
Hana is still the bigger of the two, but Lana is tougher than she looks and more than strong enough to offer her support. Hana accepts it wearily, and Lana becomes increasingly worried when she fails to fire back some retort. Lana studies her more closely and frowns.
Drops of sweat sprinkle Hana’s face, headband practically drenched with it. The pain is naked in her eyes, glistening with the mist of unshed tears. Her jaw tightens, teeth clenching as she fails to bite back a whine.
“Come on,” Lana encourages. “Just a little farther.”
“A little?” Hana shoots her an exhausted look. “The med bay’s on the other side of the castle.”
“But your room is right around the corner, and Coran helped me stock it with all the right aftercare supplies while you were out being a bad patient.”
“I wasn’t trying to be a bad patient,” she mumbles. “Today just caught up with me and sitting still in silence wasn’t exactly doing wonders for my anxiety.”
“Yeah, well you bleeding through your clothes isn’t exactly doing wonders for my mental health, either,” Lana retorts.
Hana must be too spent to keep arguing because all she does is glower.
When they reach her bedroom, Lana parks her down on the bed and slides the robe off her shoulders. The bandages encasing her torso are soaked scarlet and it sends chills up Lana’s spine. Even so, she tries to keep herself together. She opens the impressive supply kit Coran prepared and paws through until she finds the sutures.
“So you’re gonna patch me up even though you’re pissed?”
“Of course I am, jerk face.”
Lana gets the packet of numbing gel and the scissors, kneels down, eye level with the wound. She snips through the layers of gauze and they fall loosely to the bed. A wide absorbent pad remains, taped over her side. It’s sodden with blood that smears onto Lana’s fingertips as she removes it as gently as possibly.
What lurks beneath is like something out of a slasher flick. Lana is a tad nervous about tending to it because it’s such a gruesome injury, but she doesn’t want to admit that aloud. The blast from the sentry’s gun shaved off a good hunk of flesh. The aperture of the wound is irritated where Coran had to trim away ruined skin. The layer of fat beneath the remaining skin peeks out a bit, bumpy and glazed in blood. The open meat in the middle is this sickening, moist, melon pink.
“Congratulations,” Lana offers sarcastically. “You managed to pop all of your stitches.”
Hana grimaces. “I don’t wanna know the graphic details.”
“No,” she agrees grimly. “You don’t.”
Lana pinches the tip of the scissors over the broken thread of the old stitches and carefully pulls them through. Hana’s fist clenches into the blankets, a tight look of discomfort twisting her features.
Some of Lana’s frustration ebbs.
“This is the worst part and it’s almost over, okay?”
Hana nods tensely.
Lana removes the long, thin thread and discards it. She opens the numbing gel and carefully spreads it along the in tact skin around the wound.
“I’m sorry, okay?” she says softly. “I know I shouldn’t be mad at you, you did what you felt was right—“
“You mean what was right,” Hana breaks in stubbornly.
“…I thought you died,” Lana admits somberly.
“What?” Hana’s jaw drops.
Lana purses her lips as she opens the suture set. “It was the way you screamed. You’re super jumpy, so I’ve heard you scream a thousand times before, but never like that. That scream chilled me to the bone, I could just hear the hurt in it…and then when we started screaming back for you to answer, you didn’t. We— I was begging you to answer me but all I got was radio silence.”
“I scared you,” Hana concludes quietly.
“Yeah.” Lana huffs, poking the needle into the flesh. Evidently the gel is doing its job, because her friend doesn’t even flinch. “Scared me more than anything else ever has. You’re in front of me right now in one piece, talking to me, and I’m still kinda shook up over it.”
“Aw, Lana…”
Lana sews quietly, occasionally glancing up to make sure Hana’s tolerating it okay. She’s fiddling with her fingers, gaze pointedly fixed on the wall.
“Look, I’m sorry. Not for what I did, but for scaring you.”
“I don’t really blame you,” Lana says, finishing off the stitches. “This is war, we get hurt. But can you at least be a good patient for the rest of the day?”
“I will if you stick around to distract me.”
“I’m supposed to let you rest,” Lana mutters, distracted as she fishes through the supplies.
Hana groans quietly and shakes her head. “I can’t. You don’t think I got scared too? It’s so quiet in here, all I can do is relive getting blasted. It’s freaking me out.”
She takes another absorbent pad and thick roll of gauze, wincing sympathetically. “Alright. I’ll stay. Maybe I can get Pidge to bring us a projector so we can watch a movie or something.”
Hana lets out a sigh of relief. Lana returns to her bedside and strips the sterile packaging off the pad. She plasters it over the freshly stitched wound and gingerly pats it down. Hana gives a wince and she stops short.
“Too rough?”
“Nah. The gel wore off, that’s all. It’s sore.”
“I’ll bet.” It’s a hell of a wound, after all. Wide, deep, and butt ugly.
Lana unwinds a length of gauze and makes an effort to be especially gentle as she bandages her, starting from the bottom and moving upward. She smooths out as many of the wrinkles as she can and tries to secure the gauze around Hana’s torso without pulling too tight.
“Alright, almost there. Just hold your tits.”
“Huh? I’m not rushing you.” Hana puzzles, brow furrowing.
“I meant literally, my busty bestie,” Lana chuckles. “They’re in the way.”
“My bad.” Grimacing, Hana sheepishly hefts them up and Lana wraps the last layer around. She finishes up with small adhesive strips to keep the bandage in place and gives it the slightest of tugs to make sure they’re effective.
“All done,” she says brightly, pulling back. “That should keep it clean and safe. Just try not to bump into anything and don’t abuse the rolling pin anymore.”
“Thanks. I’d hug you if I could.” Hana sighs and slides her arms back into the sleeves of her robe. She raises her shoulders to get it all the way on— at least, she attempts to. Pain crosses her face halfway through the motion and the fabric slides back down.
“And I can’t do that either.”
She tucks her head down like a grumpy turtle sulking in its shell. Lana wordlessly pulls the garment up for her.
“Gonna do everything for me?” Hana lifts a tired brow.
“If I have to,” Lana says, crossing her arms. “As long as you promise not to scare me like that again.”
“If it were a promise I could keep, I would,” she says wistfully.
They gaze at each other a moment, an understanding passed. Lana deflates and tucks a stray strand of hair behind her ear, leaning forward to pull back Hana’s blanket.
“Go on, climb in.”
“Could’ve done that much myself,” Hana mutters, sounding more weary than offended.
Lana studies her as she draws herself up, stiffly braced back on her elbows. Pain speaks in every movement, from her legs’ halting stretch, to the low breath hissed between her teeth as she carefully reclines to the pillows. Lana lightly drapes the blanket over her.
“Lemme get you something for the pain—“ Lana turns to go and stops short as Hana’s hand encircles hers.
She tugs with surprising strength for somebody who looks two seconds away from passing out, and Lana’s eyes pop wide as she gracelessly flounders to the bed.
Lacing their fingers together, Hana gives her a tender look. “This is enough. I feel better already.”
“Liar,” Lana huffs, crinkling her nose.
“No, really. Holding hands has the potential to reduce pain. Several studies suggest it produces an analgesic effect.”
Lana pauses, studying her face for any trace of deceit. Normally having genius friends is pretty cool because they can explain complicated stuff to you and help you ace your homework. But sometimes genius friends can mess with you by rewording bullshit to sound all science-y and smart. One time Hana and Pidge nearly convinced her that the moon was indeed made of some form of petrified cheese.
“For real?”
“Yeah, for real,” Hana insists, smiling gently. “When we hold hands our brainwaves begin to synchronize. It’s like communicating empathy through touch and it makes people feel better.”
“Huh.” Lana looks down at their hands and squeezes Hana’s a little tighter.
With Hana’s hand in hers, solid and warm, Lana is beginning to feel better too.
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filledemorte · 7 years
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“Hang on. What’s that? What’re you doing?” Huihana frowned, confused. “I’ve never seen that before.”
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chaxticgood · 6 years
New muse! I’ll be posting a starter for her later/replying to other opens but if you’d like to send some memes my tag is here and I’m always accepting any of them! The bolded muses especially need more threads!
[miri] & [klara] & [zoe] & [alexandra] & [stevie] & [huihana] & [piper] & [poppy] & [samara]
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stars-n-spice · 14 hours
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A home that came to be despite the odds. Target practice and moments of meditation. Fingers carding through long hair, getting stuck on the tangles. Sketches on fraying paper. A promise of tomorrow. Instruction and guidance with life and other things. Staying up to dance in the living room. A sibling bond greater than blood. That feeling of peace, of knowing that you and those you love are safe from anything that could ever hurt you again. That feeling of knowing that come what may, despite how things have been and through all of the pain and suffering, things will only get better if you let them.
Introducing the Yuns!
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Feel free to ask any questions about the family! :D
Links to the others and their families are here:
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Echo + Viram's Family // Wrecker + Khea's Family // Tech + Phee's Family // Crosshair + Tay's Family
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Additional Information Under the Cut:
Hunter & Jung:
- Happily platonically married and have emotionally adopted a lot of the kiddos around Pabu - Are part of a little school of sorts on Pabu where Hunter will teach kids self-defense and other practical things and Jung will help any Force-sensitive kids or teach them meditation and other mindful practices - In his free time, Hunter has taken up sketching and whittling while Jung has learned to sew and is slowly finding their voice again - They've got an unspoken competition to see who can grow out their hair the longest (Jung is winning) and Hunter complains about Jung not getting gray hairs because his hair is already gray - The kiddos call Jung "Seon" because it's part of the Korean word for teacher (Seonsaengnim/선생님) and I wanted to have something nontraditional since Jung is a demiboy and has a nontraditional relationship with Hunter
- The same Omega we know and love, all grown up and pretty much how we saw her at the end of Season 3 - She sticks around with her parents and family for as long as she can until Hunter is ready to let her go and join the Rebellion - Is a pilot in the rebellion alongside Hera (though they aren't in the same cell) and works closely alongside the Genoas on a lot of missions - When she's on Pabu, she helps her parents with the kiddos they've adopted and she also spends time at the clinic with her Aunt Viram, using her medical skills to help out there as well - She just feels so lucky and blessed to have gone from not having anyone to having the biggest family she could ever dream of
- Him and the other cadets had been sticking around Hunter in the aftermath of S3 and eventually he was adopted by Hunter after Khea adopted Stak as a Foundling and Echo took Deke under his wing - Unlike the other cadets, Mox found purpose in sticking to Pabu and helping out there instead of working for the Rebellion like Stak and Deke (though at times he will help where he can) - he just prefers to be at home with his garden and siblings - Fiercely protective of his younger sisters, he's constantly looking out for Sami and Hana and for all of his other younger cousins for that matter - Ironically took up gardening and is pretty good at it, he even has a little pot labeled "slither vine" as some kind of sick joke that he personally finds to be hilarious - Hangs out with Echo's family the most outside of his own family and has a close bond with Echo's sons
- Didn't have the best life back on Pantora so she did everything she could to stall the efforts to get her back, which was something Hunter and Jung caught on and they had a talk before deciding to adopt her into their family - Since then she's opened up and gotten used to her new family (which she absolutely adores) and has grown into her own shoes with the guidance of Hunter and Jung - Essentially becomes something of Jung's padawan and continues to hone her abilities with the Force with his help and eventually constructs her saber and gets a green kyber crystal - She still keeps in touch with the other Vault kids to check up on them, and when they can, they'll come and visit her on Pabu - Loves her baby sister fiercely and also really admires her Uncle Crosshair and often shadows him around Pabu
- Her parents were unfortunately killed while out at sea during a storm so Hunter and Jung decided to adopt her - Since she's so young, she doesn't have much memories of her biological parents but when she's older, Hunter and Jung have plans to tell her about her origins - For now though, she's just a baby so she's incredibly spoiled and dotted over by her family, both immediate and extended, her Aunts and Uncles just all absolutely adore her - She's just starting to learn how to walk and while her parents are very proud of the fact, they also have to keep a very close eye on her because she's a little explorer - She loves Batcher and Batcher is extremely loving and careful with her to the point where she can ride Batcher like a pony or something
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💫 Silly Squad Masterlist 💫 All Families SecGen Initial Post 💫 All Families SecGen Second Post
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sidekickgossip · 6 years
For someone not at the party, can y’all give the lowdown on what happened ??? I feel like I missed a lot
a few days late with starbucks, here’s a nice little rundown of what happened at krys’ party. under the cut, because it was a lot. hopefully krys’ next birthday goes better ( i’d hire a different planner ).
buckle up, kids, you’re in for a wild ride.
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as you all know, meg fury decided to throw krys crock a birthday party at her and lyra quill’s pad because she’s never had one ! i guess when you’re a genetically-engineered murder machine who’s been kept in a basement for your entire life you don’t really get to experience those. bless meg for being such a great friend ( not really, but more on that later ). absolutely everyone was invited. students, faculty, anyone and everyone who lives / works / studies at paragon and adjoining areas. go big or go home, right ?
things went to shit really quickly.
everyone got drunk. that was to be expected, wasn’t it ?
there was some weird, but expected sibling tension between naomi dane-summers & daphne dane-díaz, but momma lorna dane stepped it to make things less weird.
the alcohol also helped.
alex danvers & cleopatra gallio spent the entire party lowkey flirting and just being their lovely gay selves.
sidney guthrie & huihana johnson danced, held hands, kissed, and were just adorable.
tova thorsdottir & morgan zatara sassed each other.
finch hyperion & morgan insulted each other.
tommy shepherd & anna knight made out. a lot.
ajax murdock ( it’s never good news when that kid shows up ) showed up.
avery morse & scarlet pryde got high in the bathroom.
ava barton & asher dent sang karaoke ( and sort of turned it into strip karaoke ? ).
jessica drew & zatanna zatara avoided each other by drinking. a lot.
j-drew saw lorna & zee flirting, got jealous, and then hated herself for it, so she escaped to the balcony to sulk ( because that’s what you do at your daughter’s 21st [ 1st ] birthday party, where all the kids are getting drunk and high ).
danielle cage, drunk as a skunk, got jealous when she saw rory kent kissing krys.
dani then confronted krys & rory about this ( great idea, no ? )
meg intervened to keep the peace, but krys got overwhelmed and ran to the bathroom where she ran into…
scarlet & avery, passed out in the bathtub and way too fucked up to help, respectively.
jessica jones, who was at the party to supervise her kid raleigh, walked into the bathroom to actually use it and ended up helping krys with a passed out scarlet.
avery puked ( big surprise there ).
ajax saw some commotion in the bathroom and, having seen avery go in there earlier, went to help ( ajax ? being helpful ? whaaaat ? ).
j-jones shouted from the bathroom, which got ava & asher’s attention, so they rushed to see what happened.
ajax was actually helping j-jones with scarlet, and krys was side-eyeing him the entire time.
meg fury & dani cage cuddled.
rosemary dane-summers & isaiah proudstar were that gross heterosexual couple that just make out all night.
oliver faust & finch had their first kiss and proceeded to make out.
oliver & sylvia hardy were stealing things. finch helped.
varik danvers-drew found j-drew to introduce her to his hopeful girlfriend ( gemma walker ), who she already knew.
asher, a former combat medic, helped j-jones wake up scarlet. she threw up.
ava helped krys with avery.
ajax realized he wasn’t really necessary anymore, so stepped out of the bathroom, but not before glaring at krys one last time.
ajax went back to haley lance-queen, and the two of them left the party together ( *raises eyebrows* )
krys confessed she was in love with avery. there were some angry tears.
j-jones stole scarlet’s phone and called rogue to take her home.
meg finally noticed the commotion and wandered into the bathroom, where she was glared at by krys.
meg ran off to get clean, barf-free clothes for everyone.
blake hill decided to stop avoiding their ex, meg, and followed her into a bedroom where they tried to talk to her. meg was, understandably, angry.
somehow, the two of them make up. which escalated into blake confessing they were still in love with meg, and kissed her. ignoring their homicidal urges the entire time. they were in there for about an hour.
rogue stormed in just as j-drew found krys, who snapped at her for not being there when everything went down.
zee came down from the roof to help.
j-drew left the bathroom feeling like shit.
zee convinced her to go up to the roof to talk to her.
ava took avery into a bedroom to sleep it off.
rogue took scarlet home.
everyone left the bathroom.
beatrice zsasz & asher got their flirt on ( sort of ? what’s up with that ? )
krys found our resident alcoholic, allison stark, and tried to drink it all away.
cassie lang got drunk and hanging out with kate bishop when miriam maximoff, also drunk, decided to talk to her after feeling like cassie had been avoiding her.
cassie confirmed her suspicions and told her that she was outright avoiding her.
tommy & anna stopped making out ( and came up for breath ) when tommy noticed cassie crying.
miri ran off ( heartbroken, clearly ), so tommy went after her.
anna joined alli & krys in their drunk pity party.
krys left them to sit with naomi. they cuddled and it was very sweet and very gay.
asher & bea left the party together ( *raises eyebrows higher* )
meg left the bedroom to try to save the party, but it was already winding down.
ava & rosaline isley-quinzel left the party together.
blake & selina kyle went home together.
zee & j-drew had a very, very long talk.
and that’s what you missed on glee ! [ if your character was at the party, but not included in this list, please let us know ! we were only able to make up this timeline thanks to information other players have given us ! ]
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gaiaschosen · 6 years
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send ‘ ♡ ‘ for an aesthetic post for our muses’ relationship || not accepting
pamela isley + huihana johnson ( @filledemorte )
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sidekickhq · 7 years
— ✧ ACCEPTED and welcome to paragon academy, HUIHANA JOHNSON ! COURTNEY EATON is now taken ! don’t forget to follow everyone on this list ! you have 24 hours to send in your account or your spot will be reopened !
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girloflightning-a · 6 years
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After she left Huihana (a bit unwillingly, she may add, but it was a necessary evil, because she had other people to check in on.), Sid went on to look for Scout. Catching sight of her in the halls, she breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m glad you’re safe, babe. You only get so many friends as great as you.”
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taygendarling · 9 years
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Huihana; she was a Pagan Pacific Islander. Couldn't be more surprised honestly 🌛🌝🌜
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