#hsr imaginary trailblazer
tjemegames · 2 months
HSR: 2.3.2 MoC, 2.3.1 AS, & 2.2.1 PF Recaps
I definitely forgot about drafting up the latter part of this post when it was more relevant so excuse my lateness. HSR has a lot of endgame content these days and keeping up with it across multiple different servers is a self-inflicted thorn in my side. So, without further ado, let's get into my yapping (under the cut because this post is long one)!
Apologies in advance for any image distortion: Tumblr doesn’t appear to like long photos.
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2.3.2. Memory of Chaos
Dissipation of Dreams dropped yesterday morning and I had been impatiently waiting for it so I could get the Nameless Honor points for getting 15 stars; which, I was informed yesterday, can be earned off of stages that have already been completed. Do you know just how many times I missed out on those stupid xp points back in the early days because I couldn't even get 15 stars in the first place? Would've been great to know about back then, but I digress.
Anyway, as I said, DoD dropped yesterday, and I was fully expecting it to be a bit of a rough time because of how badly it was being dragged in one of the HSR discords I frequent. Much to my surprise, this was the easiest time I've ever had running MoC.
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There were a few things that made this MoC easier for me:
The enemy lineup on stage 12 was almost the exact same as the 2.2.2 MoC; they swapped out the elite mob in the first wave of 12-1 for a different one, then flipped the challenge order of 12-1 (The Past, Present, and Eternal Show) and 12-2 (Argenti) so that they were inverted. This meant that I didn't have to think about who to run, and I could just refer to the previous challenge records for guidance. I was able to save myself about 18 wave resets because of this.
I got e5 Gallagher, giving myself a better Boothill team member and freeing up Aven as a secondary sustain for my opposing team lineup.
I've been farming relics like an absolute mad person for the past few weeks to fix some of my builds. Relics make up such a large part of character performance and I could truly feel the difference in the damage output for those I've been able to improve since the last MoC (see new builds below).
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I'd rate my enjoyment of this MoC at 4/5 stars. Overall, it wasn't too terribly difficult and went by much faster than any of my previous attempts. This was both a positive/negative for me; while I was glad to have done well and efficiently so, it was very strange not to have to think too much or come back to retry the challenge over the course of a week. I’ve become so used to stopping my runs to farm relics/make team adjustments that it was a bit jarring to finish everything in one sitting. At the end of the day, I got my 800 jades for 36 stars so that's good enough for me.
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2.3.1 Apocalyptic Shadow
Stormwind Knight was the integral AS stage, and this one took a bit of finagling to get the final star for 6600+ points. I can't give you an entire rundown on my thoughts as it's been a couple weeks since I finished the challenge, but I vaguely remember having to consult the discord for advice because my brain was not braining with team comps and I had been trying to beat the stage for multiple days.
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However, I can tell you that super break Jing Yuan is a meme of a team that I've been using to fight "Harmonious Choir" The Great Septimus since 2.2 when the boss first came out. I don't know what compelled me to do that in the first place since lightning is one of the weaker break types, but here I was using it on stage 3 before having to switch it out for something more effective.
I should also note that, during this challenge, DHIL was on an absolutely trash 2pc/2pc atk% build, making it take far too many tries to get to 6600 points from all his missed crits. Gallagher was also freshly pulled and severely lacking in break effect. Additionally, Aventurine was still running 4-star planar ornaments and half of Tingyun's relics were still 4-star pieces as well. I briefly considered going back into the mode now that all of them have been improved to see how much better of a score I can get, but ultimately decided it wasn’t worth the effort.
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2.2.1 Pure Fiction
The Lexical Enigma PF was interesting to say the least. I don’t usually play past the second stage of this mode due to my lack of useful units; I’m still Himeko-less and my duke farming hasn’t been going very well, meaning that Herta is still benched. Hopefully the Navigator will bless me with her presence via standard banner in the near future.
Fortunately for my lack of stellar jade savings, this patch I was feeling especially motivated to have a queen sweep of all the endgame modes; I spent way too much time and put in far more effort than I usually would to get all 12 stars. It was actually my very first time since PF released so yippee! We love progress.
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I almost gave up a few times, my pride was hurt, and extreme sacrifices were made to get this finished. If you aren't aware, I have a special amount of spite reserved for Serval; I have nothing against her character (I actually loved playing through her companion mission and using her before version 1.4 came out) I'm just frustrated by the sheer number of times I've pulled both her and her signature light cone since the game came out. S15 Make the World Clamor is ten too many copies of that goddamn lc and I wish I could erase its existence from the game at this point.
That being said, finally releasing Serval from her lvl 70, 5/8/8/8 trace, 4-star relic wearing purgatory was what ultimately led to my success (see build below). Even though it wasn't the best build I could've given her, I'm hoping that it was enough to lift the Serval-based curse that had been placed upon me. And if not, y'all will be hearing about it.
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Anyway, that's the extent of my yapping about the endgame modes for now. I'm going to try to put these out after every challenge cycle runs its course so that I'm not making an excessive number of posts about them. I apologize in advance for the impending long posts, but I'd rather not blow up y'all's feeds with separated iterations of my nonsense if I don't have to.
The schedule will still be a bit off for the next one of these recaps since I decided to include the current MoC but not the most recent PF. I'll do my best to get that sorted out asap.
Sheesh, I really rambled my way through this one, didn't I? Fun fact: a severe storm passed over my city while I was writing up this post, causing me to lose power, and I had to rewrite the entire second half of it because auto save wouldn't work without internet access. Don't you just love to see it?
Anyway, thanks for sticking around if you made it to this point! I'll catch y'all later.
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ivrdude24 · 1 month
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My Caelus Cosplay with the Watchmaker’s Hat!
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voiceoutofstars · 5 months
Fan narration of a Relic entry in HSR’s Data Bank. This is the story of all four pieces of the Pioneer Diver of Dead Waters set.
Music is “Reflected Light” by SergePavkinMusic.
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solverse · 11 months
okay, we all know about SAGAU and its different hundred of aus (not complaining tho, some are chef kiss out there) but like I've been interested in Honkai Star Rail self-aware AU– like i know it's been out for a while but the SAGAU concept is even better when it comes to HSR because of it sheer size and potential.
(not saying Genshin SAGAU aren't good tho.)
It just that I've been having this brainrot and I just need to get it out.
Imagine in SAHSR (yk, self-aware honkai star rail), we got an OC (or reader, if you're more comfortable with that– i refuse to use Y/N, just no) that is an Aeon.
Nothing shocking but lets turn that up a bit by making the OC (or Reader) the oldest yet an unknown Aeon since they went into hiding, but still kept watch of the galaxies. People know little to nothing about OC other than their loyal followers– like, even some of the newer Aeons know nothing about us (or Reader).
My brain rot came up with the Aeon of Mortality. Kinda like an emphasization that we (the Aeon) was here before most of the living being in the galaxies (hence the 'creator' thingy).
Or Aeon of Origin would be a good one too since theres Terminus, the Aeon of Finality.
(kinda like a direct reference to Kiana and Mei, hehe.) But im leaning more towards Aeon of Mortality.
Heck, yk how the Imaginary element embodies the light of lives? yeh, spin that point to how when OC(or Reader), the Aeon of Mortality came into existence, which created the Imaginary element. hell, maybe even drag the Quantum element in too bcs mortality also embodies the aspect of death.
some of the faction/group names i came up with are [Freedom-willed Sworn], [Home of the Epheremeal] and [Anti-Entropy].
not gonna explain the meaning of all of that, but they all gotta do with mortality, freedom, freewill, the will to choose and live, etc.
now thats out of the way, lets get to the fun part!
OC (or Reader) is the Aeon that watches over the Trailblazers (like, us players) and latches onto the Astral Express because they used to be besties with Akilivi ( D: ). Stelle/Caelus have no idea how they got a whole Aeon to get attached to them but they aren't complaining!
(we are also the one enabling the two's trash-loving behavior lmao)
the Astral Express also has no idea why an Aeon, the oldest one (and one they know nothing about) decided to ride along with them. Himeko got used to our presence as we appeared when she repaired the train.
March is confused but happy, Dan Heng is cautious but tolerant and Welt is skeptical but lenient. But slowly, they get used to our presence and might even start liking our help and support!
Asta and Arlan are surprised to know that the oldest Aeon known is constantly watching over them. They've never met an Aeon that interact so close! Herta might have a whole aneurysm wanting to learn anything about us.
Screwllum and Ruan Mei would try to stop her but even they could not hide their curiosity about the oldest Aeon.
The Stellaron Hunters are surprised by our appearance as it was not written or foretold in Elio's script. Kafka is amused by the outcome, also a bit delighted to know that the Aeon (or Reader) was watching over them.
Going to Jarilo-IV! Surprise, surprise! Theres someone in Belobog who is a [Freedom-willed Sworn]! who is it? it can be whoever you might think it is!
The Jarilo-IV gang would be shocked to know that an Aeon was traveling alongside the Astral Express and was currently watching over them.
Some of them would be shy and awkward for knowing that, especially Bronya and Gepard. Some would be apprehensive, like Seele and Svarog. And some would be delighted! Aka, Sampo, Serval and Luka! Even Clara and Hook are happy to have us here.
Next station, the Xianzhou Luofu! right from the start, every kind of words gets out when they find out that the Aeon of Mortality is with the Astral Express. Xianzhou Luofu are skeptical of us, since they do not know of our standing, especially when it comes to the Plague Author (Yaoshi.)
not to mention OC/Reader is the Aeon of Mortality and little is known about us so they might think that our path is aligned with Yaoshi. (which doesnt, honestly.)
Jing Yuan would be suspicious of us but he would hide it well, Fu Xuan would be discontent since the future she saw did not include us, Yanqing have his own opinion but he'd follow Jing Yuan's belief, Sushang would be fascinated and Luocha would be surprised at our reveal.
Tingyun (or Phantylia) would be intrigued at our sudden appearance, Yukong is the same as Jing Yuan (just that she doesn't hide it) and Qingque wouldn't really care.
but once the Xianzhou Luofu quest is over and the gang understands that OC/Reader is not aligned with Yaoshi, they start warming up to us! while Xianzhou Luofu is devoted to Lan the Hunt in their pursue to eradicate Yaoshi, they wouldn't oppose the help of the oldest Aeon!
also, our relationship with some of the Aeons? Aeon OC/Reader constantly gives Qlipoth headaches and they would get worried about us since we do all kinds of shits ehehe.
Aeon OC/Reader constantly annoys Lan (affectionately) and Nanook whenever they get the chance.
OC/Reader are besties with Xipe (goes on a date all the time) and IX (bcs its hilarious). Likes to go sightseeing with Fuli and constantly argue with Aha lmao.
p.s. im hesitant to include the notion of 'Reader' as im not used to using that title but i think most people are more comfortable with that. i, however, will not use Y/N.
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rhiaemrys · 29 days
Okay, so in hsr I fully get the difference between playable paths and like. Path striding in general. (nonplayable paths characters still have to have some designation for their mechanics. Ie the character might be a history fictionologist in lore but in mechanics theyre an abundance path) That being said. Game mechanics analyzed alongside in game lore is FASCINATING.
To me personally, the FOUR most interesting characters in terms of paths and their abilities are Jing Yuan, Dr. Ratio, March, and the Trailblazer.
I get why Dan Heng has two separate paths and elements bc he sees himself as two wildly different people. But like, Jing Yuan is blessed by the hunt. Yet he's.. He's a euridion path playable. He orders the universe to protect the hunt. Hence, he is the divine forsight. Feixiao is hunt. We can assume the other generals are hunt related, yet the oldest and most widely successful/ long-lived general is the guy who (taking playable path into consideration) doesn't believe in that single-minded focus.
With Dr. Ratio, you'd think, initially, that he's a euridition typea guy. But no. He's hunt. He is SO dedicated to the concept of saving people from the disease of idiocy and, in general, helping people that he's a hunt path strider. Literally EVERYTHING this man does is dedicated to seeing people struggle and overcome that. Or fail. But still both prove that there's meaning. Every moment he is in a game, he's doing that. Thusly one track mind = hunt. Least in this case.
March has no concrete history. she's trying to preserve herself and her new memories, so if she ever forgets, she'll still have something to remember people she was close with by. Then, in the newest update, she's imaginary hunt. She's able to construct a new identity for herself due to her lack of past.
Finally, the trailblazer is an interesting case like March. Theres also the fact that they're powered by a stelleron, which is likely why their first paths destruction due to the stellerons connection to Nanook. However, they're able to connect to other paths as time goes on. Understanding more about what it means to be part of the universe. They connect so deeply they can change paths AT WILL. Literally March is the only other character who can do this and with both of these characters having amnesia Im calling a pattern.
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fruit-sy · 1 year
Akivili fan design
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Inspired by DailyAha_HSR making an Akivili design lol
Whenever I think of Akivili, I always think of the Imaginary Weaver enemy for some reason. Either that or the colour of bright yellow. Not the bright yellow of Nanook, but a lighter and more pastel kind of yellow, one that signifies youthfulness.
So I went in mind wanting to make yellow a major part of their colour scheme. Along the line, I decided I wanted to make their body "flame"-like, in reference to word "trailblaze" itself.
Next, I took the etymology of their name from the hsr wiki, aquili, which means "of the north wind" or "of the eagle" and I decided to give them a bird-like head.
Also taking from the bird inspiration, I like to imagine Akivili had wings that they kept hidden. I think it'd be interesting if those wings could help them travel to the ends of the universe in mere moments, only for them to end up not using it at all during their journey.
They could easily fulfill their mission with those wings, but they chose to forgo their aeonic powers in favor of taking the more scenic route. To walk amongst the mortals. To be like them.
I gave them clothes that were similar to Pom-pom's and a black blazer/coat thing that sits on their shoulders and flutters in the wind because I thought that looked cool as hell.
As for why I gave them a robe? Idk, I just liked how it looked on them lol-
And that's my pretty much it for my thought process behind this Akivili design!
Alternative designs
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silvernyxchariot · 3 months
I can take him.
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In a fight. And not in a fight. ( ͡°ω ͡°)
How my Genshin break and HSR binge is going:
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This fight was easy. I'm a little sad I had to change up from my first team comp because I took out Ratio and Tingyun, but Harmony Trailblazer had to be added. This team still got the job done, just not as quickly. (Honestly, HSR is easy to play, but people just actively choose not to read. 😑 Or be patient. The hints, tips, and weaknesses are right there.) My Himeko and Serval were barely built during this fight too. Ma boi, Aventurine though✨; E1 with his signature light cone, ofc. . . Don't look at me like that; my Gepard would have been just as useful as the sustain if an Ice type was needed in this fight.
Funny enough though, I started playing HSR thinking I would be an Erudition main because I liked Serval so much, but Gepard came swinging in as my first 5 star like, "Yeah, no. My sister can't handle that kind of responsibility." So, I decided to become a "sustain main," though that probably doesn't exist in this fandom or they're just very rare, meaning if my "friends" need a Preservation or Abundance character to support, I have some ready on standby. Unlike the 10,000 DPS units out there. Build your DPS units right and you won't have so many problems, Susie! I'm working on Gallagher right now, but I made the mistake of raising my Equilibrium level today when my characters aren't ready. So, farming is taking longer than necessary. (My process is chara.level > light cone > relics > traces, because I forget traces exist most of the time💀)
Don't be mistaken, I do have damage dealers/DPS and other units built, i.e. Himeko, Dr. Ratio, Dest.Trailblazer, and even little Herta. But I've dedicated myself to the "You're not allowed to die without my permission" curse. My Bleach Brave Souls main is Seinosuke Yamada, a healer. I didn't even mean to have him as my best character.
For future teams, I want Jing Yuan and Robin. An upgraded Serval with FuA and the newest Harmony unit? Yes, please. If Sunday ever becomes playable, I'm definitely pulling for him though. I just added a new birb man to my harem. I can see him as the "opposite" of Robin. So, a Quantum or Imaginary element with the Nihility or Erudition path; I also went off of the vibes his Boss fight gave. On Sunday's note, I don't think becoming a Stellaron Hunter should be a part of his character development. No, I will not elaborate.
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narzissenkreuz-ordo · 4 months
HSR OC Timeline [Up to 2.2]
I wrote this timeline a few weeks back and just went through to add/edit things based on the recent quests: the whole timeline details about 700 years
Aster mentioned by her previous identity [Pollux] is described in Purple text
the real, now-deceased Aster is described in Red Text
[My silly self-indulgent au where Dan Feng gets his own body separate from Dan Heng is described in Brackets & Strikethrough text]
OCs covered
Aster [Pollux Interitus] - Quantum Nihility, Emanator of Remembrance
Yueshi - Wind Nihility, Mara-Struck Ex-Vidyadhara Record Keeper
Sen - Ice Hunt, Amnesiac Xianzhou Spymaster
Castor Interitus - Imaginary Abundance, Corrupted Halovian Abomination
Dianran - Fire Destruction, Scion of Long and Elusive Craftsman
Gawain - Physical Hunt, Trailblaze Pathstrider from Belobog
'Aster' - ???, Doctor of Chaos [deceased]
Referenced Time-frame
HSR is annoying as hell and has MULTIPLE calendars in use so I'm sticking to the Xianzhou based Star Calendar since we have some reference points to The Sedition AND the current story arc. Fuck the IPC's 'Amber Era' system
Sometime before the Sedition – The Shuhu Upheaval Period Year 7379 Star Calendar – Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae Year 8100 Star Calendar – Luofu arc starts
Yueshi, a Vidyadhara record keeper in charge of aiding new High Elders in recounting their previous incarnation’s memories is partnered with Dan Feng and sent to the Xianzhou Luofu
Xuefeng Sen is born to a family of prominent Cloud Knights from the Xianzhou Zhuming
An outworlder’s boy is found & presumed an orphan during one of the various battles against the Abundance is adopted by the Xuefeng family and is named Dianran
[insert some sort of meeting between Sen & Jing Yuan as young kids]
Dianran, a previously thought orphaned human boy, starts exhibiting Vidyadhara traits and send to the Luofu to be examined & watched by Yueshi
Sen is stationed to the Luofu as escort to their younger, adoptive ‘brother’
Yueshi & Dan Feng appear to be on bad terms, especially after the transfer of a certain arrogant craftsman to the Luofu
Furnace Master Yingxing takes Dianran on as an apprentice, against the Vidyadhara’s wishes
Yueshi & Dan Feng on much better terms (marriage saved by a cool sexy polycule)
The Shuhu Upheaval Period
Baiheng dies in the final battle
Sen is never accounted for, presumed dead in the battle
Yueshi is declared as an Abundance abomination, reported as the first mara-struck Vidyadhara and is quickly imprisoned deep in the Shackling Prison
The Sedition of Imbibitor Lunae & directly afterwards
Yueshi remains in the Shackling Prison, unaware to the horrors happening outside
Dianran survives the Sedition, determined to keep his master’s craft alive and is smuggled out of the Luofu with the aid of Jing Yuan
Sen somehow survives the battle against Shuhu with no memories, becomes the perfect empty vessel for the Cremator’s to shape for their own schemes
Within the last 100 years
Yueshi manages to escape the Shackling prison after centuries of imprisonment, flees from the Xianzhou
The original Aster is born
Halovian twins, Pollux and Castor are born into the Throne of Calamity, a sub-faction within the Annihilation Gang
Aster’s home planet is left decimated by the Annihilation Gang and becomes a Self-Annihilator in the process, but attempts to fight against their inevitable fate as a Doctor of Chaos.
Pollux leaves the Throne of Calamity for unknown reasons and is on her way to becoming a Self-annihilator
Pollux & Aster meet and become close companions despite the bloodshed of both their pasts, Aster is able to pull Pollux from the void
Aster succumbs to the Nihility. Instead of falling back into IX’s shadow, Pollux ascends as an Emanator of Remembrance and takes on the appearance and identity of Aster
Gawain is found abandoned in the Outlying Snow Plains as an infant, is adopted and raised in the Overworld of Belobog on Jarilo-VI and eventually becomes an officer within the Silvermane Guards.
Direct Pre-Game
Yueshi meets Luocha, is recruited by him & Jingliu for their ‘lets kill Yaoshi’ plan
Aster accumulates a bounty within the IPC & occasionally works together with the Stellaron Hunters & Galaxy Rangers
Sen is found by the Stellaron Hunters and Aster uses their emanator abilities to restore Sen’s memories, Aster takes them back to the Luofu in hopes for a future favor by Jing Yuan
Sen is fairly unstable and out of their mind, trying to come to terms with their past while in care of the Xianzhou.
Aster & Yueshi briefly meet.
Aster & Boothill are on friendly terms and have probably worked together in the past.
Gawain leaves the Silvermane Guards sometime after The Supreme Guardian issues the order to seal off the Underworld, Probably works with Sampo to smuggle the much needed goods to the Underworld.
Aster & Aventurine meet and start trading information with each other, trying not to be on opposite sides of a situation so they don’t damage their ‘relationship’
Aster is betrayed and chained by the IPC (physically & spiritually) in order to capitalize on an unaffiliated Emanator of Remembrance and their real identity as a former high-ranking member of the Annihilation Gang is exposed.
The Stellaron Hunters / Kafka approach Aventurine & Topaz to make a deal: Aster is needed for Elio’s ‘script’ during the Charmony festival and will break Aster out of IPC control, making sure the heist is not connected to Aventurine or Topaz.
Herta Space Station / Jarilo-VI
Aster is stuck in a physical form and most of their emanator abilities are locked away, becomes a passenger on the Astral Express while trying to find a solution to their predicament. Nothing much comes from it.
Yueshi provides intel to Luocha on how to smuggle his Stellaron shaped contraband aboard the Luofu.
After the Stellaron crisis on Jarilo-VI is solved, Gawain leaves the plant surface to start their Trailblazing journey.
Aster and Aventurine reconcile after Topaz runs into Aster on Jarilo-VI, Aster leaves the Express crew.
Xianzhou Luofu
Yueshi does not physically assist Luocha & Jingliu during the Luofu Stellaron crisis and is NOT arrested.
[Insert my old fix-it au idea of Dan Feng gaining his own body & memories back but it’s no longer a fix-it au its more pain actually]
Aster & the IPC 3 end up fairly acquainted will eventually collaborate for the events of Penacony
Aster has an encounter with an Abundance abomination Castor at Pier Point and leaves with an ominous warning about the events of Penacony. Aster opens up about their past to Aventurine and Topaz. The two are the only ones in the Universe who now know Aster’s whole story, and not just snippets.
Aster cashes on Jing Yuan’s favor and wants to learn more about mara-struck behavior in other non-xianzhou species, casually mentions working with a ‘mara-struck Vidyadhara with a broken horn’ before
Jingliu’s Story mission gets its own header
[Dan Feng is also present for the HCQ reunion at Scalegorge Waterscape]
Sen makes their decision to fully align themself with the Xianzhou again
Castor is somehow connected & Involved with Jingliu & Luocha’s ‘lets kill Yaoshi’ plan
Yueshi is revealed to also be working with them, [Luocha taunts this directly @ Dan Feng]
Dianran’s Status is still currently unknown
Penacony [up to 2.1]
Elio’s vague script for Aster: ‘act as you usually would, as if you know nothing’
Castor is probably not on Penacony himself, but in direct contact with Sparkle (depends on what will happen in the Epilogue)
Yueshi could possibly be on Penacony (revisit this once we know more about Jingliu & Luocha’s plan)
Aster reveals her status as an (incapacitated) Emanator of Remembrance to the Astral Express crew & Acheron
Sunday & Aster know of each other. Sunday knows that Aster is actually Pollux, but does not know she is an Emanator of Remembrance.
Aster is in on Aventurine’s plan, and is transparent about having a ‘script’ to follow
Aster is present when Sunday questions Aventurine
Aster completes their part of the script by jumping in front of Acheron’s strike against Aventurine but though she knew this was part of his plan, in the moment she moved to protect him without thinking. And it was exactly what she needed to do for the chains on her emanator powers to break
Penacony [2.2]
Gawain stays on the Express w/ Dan Heng, hits it off with Boothill.
Aster falls into Dreamflux Reef with the Astral Express crew, behaving erratically after regaining her full powers. Unable to control her emotions and abilities after meeting Sunday face-to-face again, her appearance as a Halovian shifts back into reality and her cover is blown.
Aster is finally fully upfront with the Astral Express and continues to work with them in this final confrontation, Gawain stickers with Himeko, March 7th, Firefly, and the Trailblazer
Aster is relieved to hear from Argenti that Aventurine was saved by him.
After Aster wakes up from Sunday’s Order-fueled dream, she has a fairly long conversation with Acheron about the Aeons, Aster’s past and their philosophies.
Gawain & Aster aid in the final fight against Sunday
Aster follows Boothill when he goes to interrogate Aventurine post-final fight.
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yinorii · 5 months
thinking about trailblazer and how their skill ALONE in their imaginary kit is just so emblematic of their adventure in penacony
(some hsr 2.2 story spoilers ahead)
okay, so besides the obvious references to the watchmaker and harmony mc's splash art, there are two things i noticed about imaginary trailblazer -- the first is the "wake up!" line in their skill ( perhaps a reference towards perhaps penacony as a whole, or the main theme of needing to wake people up in 2.2)
the other thing is the skill bounce itself -- I didn't really understand why the tb's skill had a bunch of raining gambling chips, but then OH THAT'S LIKE A REFERENCE TOWARDS AVENTURINE WOAHH WHEN HE MAKES THE CHIPPY CHIPS RAIN (which is basically 2.1)
probably, or maybe it's a reference towards the gambling slots in penacony, but I think aventurine makes a lot of sense too, since he was such a big part of penacony (and i love aven, so this is how i interpret)
i just,, love how parts of the adventure in penacony are reflected in imaginary MC's kit and design,, they did our trailblazer SO WELL in penacony, i am well fed and happy
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herrscherofmagic · 6 months
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Dear Honkai Tumblr,
I present to thee something which might be the weirdest character crossover you've seen yet: an HSR version of GGZ's Fire MOTH! Based on...
-> GGZ Fire MOTH Himeko & Houraiji Kyuushou,
-> HI3rd's young Cocolia (from the Second Eruption manga),
-> and HI3rd's Captainverse Vollerei (Red Seele)
details below
my mind works in mysterious ways, and today it decided to pair up these characters together.
it's hard to explain but I've kinda had bits and pieces of this idea already, just not put together in this exact fashion. soooo I just whipped up a sketch as a bit of a preview, just doddling based off of some reference photos. It took a bit under 40 minutes, but I'm satisfied with it so I'm gonna go ahead and post it now instead of burying it w/ the rest of my WIPs x-x
but! I would like to try and come up with a complete set of art, story, and gameplay features for these 4 in the HSR setting! Including character splashes, signature light cones, detailed abilities, etc.
While I still have a long way to go w/ this project, I do have some ideas to start with
This is my current rough outline of the story:
Kyuushou, Himeko, Vollerei, and Cocolia are a misfit band of survivors on an icy world that was struck by a Stellaron disaster (as usual). Himeko lost her family, Vollerei lost her twin (blue seele) & Bronya, and Cocolia lost Serval; but they were all united by Kyuushou, and together they fight in the ruins of their homeworld.
For their designs I'd like to try and start w/ the Fire MOTH uniforms but modify it to better fit HSR aesthetics. As for gameplay, I have the following as my sort of "first draft" for their kits:
-> Kyuushou as Imaginary(?) Harmony, wielding a blade and gun
-> Himeko as Fire Destruction, wielding her signature GGZ greatsword
-> Vollerei as Ice Abundance, using the life symbolism of the butterfly rebirth theme
-> Cocolia as Ice Nihility, using an ice lance much like the Architect's lance from Jarilo-VI (that Trailblazer now uses)
Reference images for the above sketches:
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mobblespsycho100 · 3 months
Surya since you like both HSR and dungeon meshi what paths would the dunmeshi characters be :0
PAIGE I OWE YOU MY LIFE FOR THIS 🙏💞 . excellent question... enabling my brainrots... I will now cook (rubs my autistic hands together)
Laios: Destruction, Imaginary / Fire. I think he has to be either Imaginary or Fire path wise, leaning towards imaginary because smth smth golden / yellow smth smth. I just think destruction would fit him well based on pure vibes <3 lots of destruction characters have this deal of dealing w/ loss and also having a strong motivation for something (firefly wanting to live, dan heng finally facing his past etc.). If we're talking unplayable paths though I think Laios would follow The Hunt or even The Voracity (even tho im p sure the Aeon of Voracity Ouroboros is like . missing iirc? but like cmon. Laios is Thee Devourer™ I think it works !!)
Marcille: Erudition, Ice. "Wait why not fire she uses a lot of fire spells" yes I hear you . I think fire could also b a good element for her but I think ice fits with her lore in a sense . of like her fear of outliving everyone and her wanting to preserve others lives in a way. Erudition I pick cuz in canon she is like a big range/can hit a lot of enemies combatant in a way so AoE dmg dealer gameplay wise fits me thinks and also shes a scholarrr :3 thee academiccc. Lore / unplayable paths wise she might still follow the Erudition still or the Remembrance or even Preservation (but with The Architects not the IPC) me thinks.
Senshi: Abundance, Fire. I will not be taking criticism hes definitely abundance . he would be a healer. believe in me . also fire because cooking <3 NOT MUCH TO SAY HERE. even like outside of gameplay i still think he'd follow abundance . Ik theres this upcoming character (Jiaoqiu) whos a chef healer whos nihility fire but he has a diff vibe from senshi so like uhm yea
Chilchuck: Nihility, Quantum / Wind. this ones easy peasy to me like . chilled chuck on the path of nihility... he is such a goofy guy. i think quantum or wind would work as the elements for him because quantum entanglement debuff being this slow + stacking mechanic works for his kind of cautious guy whole thing while wind is like . uhh hes quick on his feet i suppose. Gameplay wise i think he'd be like increasing his own spd and delaying the enemies or like giving a vulnerability debuff mark ( reference to him using his bow and arrow to shoot at the ice golems weakspot but he doesn't really do any damage akhdkshd ). Outside of gameplay he still strikes me as a nihility guy or maybe he wouldn't be following a path ¯���\⁠_(•-•)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ idk
Izutsumi: Nihility or Hunt, Physical. Nihility again ! I just think it works for her ! but Hunt could also work !!! she would definitely be a dps type character I can't see anythin else. Nihility can also be dps even if their official role is debuffer . I picked physical because physical break causes bleed and uhh izutsumis claw scratches . scratch -> bleed. Yee. I love her a lot I think this works for her 🐱😎 . i feel like Izutsumi would actually be a pathstrider of the Trailblaze . like shes looking for her own path and wanting to be free and travel around tbh like . yeah . <3
Falin: Harmony, Imaginary. Touden siblings the imaginariessss realness. I feel like she would be harmony even though yeah her primary role is a cleric n she was the designated party healer but I feel like in rpg settings she would be a buffer for sure. I think the idea of a harmony character who can like switch modes after ulting (like oooh she transforms into chimera Falin in combat) would be super cool also. it would be pretty neat. She also gives me Robin vibes so like tbh ? hashtag . I'm always right. Lore wise she would also follow The Trailblaze <3 a wanderer wandering she is full of wanderlust . to me
Okay now I'm faced with a dilemma of doing like everyone else who I like or not but I've decided I'll just do . Kabru Toshiro and Namari and their parties I will not give extra explanations and just jump into it aight . ajhskahdjs
Kabru: Preservation, Physical. A combination that is not yet in the game (woah). I think he would be preservation because they're a really strong class and legit the rarest one also, kind of crazy how they're sustain but barring March 7th and Gepard (and even then March can be used offensively too) they can honestly b p neat dmg dealers / offensive buffers also. I think its really funny to assign guy who keeps dying to be the protector™ path also help ajahsjah. I picked physical because um . sword / weapons guy llalalala <3 . Unplayable paths wise I'd say he would bee . following The Remembrance :3<
Toshiro (Shuro): Erudition, Wind. Wind because I associate him with green too much . but also y'know who else is a wind dmg dealer . freakin Blade . So It Works (Guy who is making shit up) ‼️ I think he would be erudition because erm... well 👍 he's cool like that . i mean he could be destruction too . whatever idk anything. outside of gameplay he has the vibes of guy who is forced to be in the IPC LMAO
Namari: Nihility, Fire / Physical. Yeah we back in the nihility zone 🔥🔥🔥 honestly my excuse for this is that she gives me huge Luka vibes so NIHILITY IT IS and fire is also mostly vibes while physical is because punch punch . and she is the weapons knower™ ... but tbh outside of gameplay maybe she would follow the hunt. just vibes. she could be a galaxy ranger 👊💥
ok now here comes the rapidfire assignments
Kabru's party:
• Rin -> Erudition, Lightning. easy
• Dia -> Hunt, Physical
• Holm -> Abundance, Ice
• Mickbell -> Elation Nihility, Imaginary
• Kuro -> Destruction, Physical
Shuro's party:
• Maizuru -> Erudition, Quantum
• Inutade -> Destruction, Physical
• Benichidori -> Nihility, Lightning
• Hien -> Hunt / Destruction, Fire (but Lightning could work too)
Namari's party:
• Kiki & Kaka (I can't seperate the twins) -> Erudition, Imaginary
• Mr. Tansu Floke -> Abundance / Preservation, Ice
• Mrs. Yarn Floke -> Harmony, Fire (to contrast with mr tansu idk i think itd be silly <3)
The Canaries:
• Mithrun -> Destruction, Wind
• Fleki -> Nihility, Imaginary
• Lycion -> Destruction, Physical
• Cithis -> Erudition, Quantum (Enigmata follower vibes outside of gameplay)
• Pattadol -> Preservation, Ice or Erudition, Imaginary
• Otta -> Hunt, Fire
• Thistle -> Destruction / Preservation, Lightning
• Yaad -> Harmony, Quantum / Imaginary
• The Winged Lion -> Preservation, Imaginary
okay yeah thats it Me Thinks. (scuttles away)
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tjemegames · 2 months
HSR: Character Build Archive - Harmony
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The most recent version of a character's build(s) will be listed here; older build versions can be found on their designated changelog. To avoid word/image limit issues, information on a retired build will be removed from the path archive and a link to the build's changelog will be provided in its place.
Changelogs will only be created and maintained for the characters that I actively use; they will be updated whenever significant relic upgrades/changes have been made. Characters that have multiple builds (i.e. additional builds that are non-traditional, niche, or memes) will have a dedicated changelog for each one.
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she’s been sitting at 159.2 spd since 5.10.24. can't tell you how many hp bodies I've rolled in attempts to get more spd since then; trying to min-max spd is a pain
need to farm better planars; want to ditch the def/break subs to go for more eff res
latest upgrade - 7.16.24
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working towards hyperspeed build: still 16.7 spd away from 160.1
did a simple swap of bronya & hanya's spheres; this current sphere was meant to be for sparkle (as were the head/hand pcs) but I've decided to give everything to bronya instead
relevant stat change(s): +.6% cdmg, +8.6% eff res
score change: +12 (SS+)
need to farm messenger (spd boots), wuthering snow (hands); will probably end up switching out the keel sphere if I can get one to roll a decent amount of spd
thinking about buying sig (btbio) from the starlight exchange; I'd prefer to get it from standard, but I'm running out of time bc I don't currently have enough jades to pull sparkle + sig
latest upgrade - 8.2.24 | changelog
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outdated build: recently rolled the def sphere but everything else is old/has been swapped to her while I was min-maxing other harmony units
will be permanently benched once I've pulled sparkle
latest upgrade - 7.12.24
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Imaginary Trailblazer
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it would be nice to roll some break on a character who actually needs it
need to farm 4pc watchmaker (hp/def body + spd boots) & talia (def/hp sphere + break effect rope)
would also be cool if I could get some more copies of motp but I'll keep my hopes in check on that one
latest upgrade - 6.8.24
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unowned: adorable, I love her character and the fact that she sings; however, that love didn't surpass my love for boothill, whom I was saving to pull when they both were released in 2.2
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Ruan Mei
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there used to be a time when she had 98% cdmg because of just how badly my rolls had been going; thankfully, they've gotten better since then
will be switching to slow mei (120 spd)
need to farm watchmaker (head + hp/def boots) & vonwacq (def/hp sphere + err rope)
latest upgrade - 7.1.24
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unowned: pulling for during 2.4 rerun (50/50 please be kind to me)
mostly built: 5/6 maxed relics
set up on 2pc wuthering snow, 2pc messenger; would prefer to run 4pc messenger
need farm messenger (head/hands) & keel (err rope); bronya's messenger pcs are lacking spd - swapping them would not help w/spd tuning issues
currently at 147.8 spd & 201.1 cdmg; 12.2 spd needed to hit 160
latest upgrade - 7.29.24
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took a year but she's finally fixed
somehow, she ended up with slightly less atk than she had when I still had half a set of 4-star relics
should probably keep trying to min-max survivability, but I really cannot be bothered; if she dies, she dies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
latest upgrade - 7.12.24
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unleveled: lvl 1, e6
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ivrdude24 · 2 months
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Well, I have finished Trailblazer’s Watchmaker Hat!
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voiceoutofstars · 6 months
Another fan narration of HSR. This is the fourth part in a collection of Data Bank entries on terms, and includes all Calendars as well as the sole Theory entry (as of 2.0).
Amber Era - 00:00
Trailblaze Calendar - 01:06
The Imaginary Tree - 01:43
Music is "A Long Way" by SergePavkinMusic.
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wormytoast · 5 months
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2.3 graphic! 2.2 graphic here
as always this post is leak free but my blog DOES contain leaks and spoilers, so please mute "#hsr spoilers" and "#hsr leaks" if you don't want to see that stuff <3
Trailblazer will not be considered in these stats because they are a null character.
Fire: 7
Ice: 8
Lightning: 7
Wind: 6
Physical: 8
Quantum: 8
Imaginary: 6
Fire is now in the middle of the pack with Lightning while Quantum is boosted to the front with Ice and Physical.
Destruction: 9
Erudition: 7
The Hunt: 7
Harmony: 8
Nihility: 9
Preservation: 4
Abundance: 6
Destruction is, once again, tied for most populous path with Nihility (who could've guessed? LOL). Erudition gained one more unit.
Limited 5-Star: 23
Standard 5-Star: 7; Overall 5-Star: 30
4-Star: 21
For a second version in a row we did not receive any drip marketing for a new 4-star! I think the absence of one in 2.2 is fair considering the hinting they did with Trailblazer's hat in the live, but what's the reason in 2.3? It's not a big deal regardless but still strange.
There are now 9 overlaps of unit path/type combinations. Neither Firefly nor Jade are new type/path combinations, although both are new rarities for their combos as well as the first overlapping combos for their respective types. The only type without an overlapping combination is Imaginary.
Fire/Destruction- Hook & Firefly
Quantum/Erudition- Qingque & Jade
Physical/Harmony- Hanya & Robin
Physical/The Hunt- Sushang & Boothill
Ice/Preservation- March 7th & Gepard
Ice/Destruction- Jingliu & Misha
Lightning/Erudition- Serval & Jing Yuan
Lightning/Nihility- Kafka & Acheron
Wind/Nihility- Sampo & Black Swan
Unfulfilled combinations:
Erudition- Wind & Imaginary
The Hunt- Lightning
Preservation- Fire, Wind, Lightning, & Physical
Abundance- Ice
F child: 2
F short: 9
F med: 11
F tall: 11
M short: 3
M med: 4
M tall: 10
Wow, two more women in a Hoyo game? I'm so surprised! Seriously though, Jade is the first Quantum unit that has a tall model (all Quantum units up until this point have been F med or F short). Of course this is assuming that Jade has an F tall model but, realistically, her proportions are that of most F tall models so I'd say it's a safe bet. We already know Firefly is an F med model. No love for the boys or the children this version.
I don't feel like repeating old info so I'll try to be quick: Quantum is all women while Imaginary is all men except for Yukong. We have not received a new F child unit since launch (happy one year HSR!).
Not much to say about this update in terms of statistics or units. I'm REALLY hoping we get Sunday by 2.4, but there's also a good chance 2.4 will take us to a previous location to give players a breather from Penacony, so we might need to wait a bit longer for Sunday 🫡
I'm also surprised that we didn't get Screwllum for 2.3 considering they mentioned updating the Simulated Universe in 2.3! Very unfortunate for Screwllum enjoyers.
After Penacony... maybe a Japanese-themed location? We've already got hints of one from both Sparkle and Acheron (although Acheron's home is probably unreachable now...)
Thanks for reading this far if you did! Maybe consider following this account? Or not since this is basically a gacha ramble account LOL
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i feel like break teams in HSR are MAJORLY slept on.
imaginary trailblazer + ruan mei combo = BIG damage, plus you don't really even need other 5*s.
himeko and herta SHRED pure fiction if you build them with break effect. xueyi can do as much damage as seele on a weakness broken enemy with ruan mei's skill and harmony trailblazer's ult active. gallagher gets turned into a sub dps if you play him with harmony tb and ruan mei.
firefly is a break dps oriented 5* and she's incredibly fun to play!
it's like the hyperbloom of honkai star rail i swear to god
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