#hp book 5
raspberrywizard · 2 years
Fic Rec: Magic and Mind by Preelikeswriting
I've been remembering scenes from this series and giggling to myself for a few months now. The only thing that's kept me from rereading it is how intense it can get. I've been pulled back in now, and I'm pulling you in too! This post will update as I read and remember more.
Things I love about this:
Nail-biting tension. Magic system exploration. Werewolf prejudice exploration. Respect for all the characters even when they do bad/stupid things. OCs who deserve their own novels. Exploration of Xerxes's culture.
Major characters:
Edward Elric, Serious Black, Harry Potter, Perenelle & Nicholas Flamel (will update as I read)
Heads up:
There are a good number of typos in the first fic of the series. Bare with them. The content will be worth it!
Also, remember to look at the series it's in. There's more!
Magic and Mind (111773 words) by Preelikeswriting Series: Part 1 of Through the Gate
Summary: Of all things Edward was prepared for as the day of reckoning grew near, being transported from one world on the edge of war to another was not one of them.
AKA: Edward gets accidentally summoned by Death Eaters, and neither party is happy.
(Pre-Promise Day, HP book 5)
Author's Tumblr: @thisissupposedtobewitty
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padfootswhiskers · 7 months
i know the circumstances are VASTLY different but do you think sirius watched molly grieving percy's desertion of the family and thought about how his mother would've felt...it's such a fucked up little piece of psychological torture on top of everything
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
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See again Harry doesn't have a high level of intimacy with Ginny. He's not able to trust her with the truth or even with his feelings and fears. He never even tells her about the prophecy.
She represents normalcy - all the things he's leaving behind and what's waiting for him when he finishes the mission - an idea of what he wants, more than a real person with whom he has a strong and substantive relationship.
It didn't have to be this way. That's not how he and Ginny were written in book 5. But imho that's what their relationship becomes in books 6 and 7 even tho that wasn't JKR's intent.
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 3 months
along the vein of akira asking (begging) ryuji and ann to dress as the golden trio for halloween comes the inevitability of him sad-emotional-wet-dog-eyeing goro until he relents and agrees to do ONE halloween with him in drarry costumes
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expectopatronum18 · 26 days
Listen, I get that Sirius was supposed to die for thematic and plot purposes, but there was literally NO reason to traumatize him that much before killing him off, there were infinite ways they could hv gotten around the 'situation' he was in but the author was too fucking stupid for tht in this essay i will-
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uh-oh-its-bird · 10 months
Ok so funniest fic idea ever actually:
You know that one time Snape threatened to poison Nevelle's toad or smthn? Ok let him go through with it but instead of the toad let him poison poor little Scabbers and suddenly there's a dead man who was supposed to have been dead years ago in the middle of a class of screaming first years
That's it that's the fic
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scarsofstars · 2 months
My first fanfic ever (at least that one that i actually posted) is out!!
It’s a canon divergence au that loosely follows the fifth Harry Potter Book, starring Draco Malfoy!!
When Voldemort wants Draco to become a Death Eater, Draco and his parents try everything in their power to prevent that outcome. Running away seems to be the only option to them. Seemingly successful, they ache to hide themselves in a safe house in muggle London, but things don't go as they should have.
Follow Draco's (not so) great Fifth school year, containing certain oddities, including, but not limited to, bumbling and meddling old fools, pranks on a certain toad, and a few new friendships and family bonds blooming in the wake of destruction.
I’ll try to post updates every week or so (don’t have concrete plans yet as i’m starting my last school year at the end of august) but i’ll try to be consistent and othesrwise post about any delays
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rollercoasterwords · 4 months
What other fandoms do you think you’d write for? Or are you strictly an HP writer?
PS. Love ATWMD and THTF. Your writing is impeccable.
i’ve written a captive prince & succession fic as well so! & have also briefly written fics in some other fandoms when i was much younger which r now too embarrassing 2 name lmao
honestly not sure what other fandoms i’d write for it honestly just comes down 2 whether i’m gripped w an idea for certain characters…would love 2 escape hp fandom lol but i think part of why it’s sucked me in so bad is that i like fucking around w the holes in the canon universe…like most of the marauders fic i’ve written has been either canon compliant or canon divergent & me going “hmmm what would these characters do in this context” & now bc i’ve spent so much time thinking abt & writing them it’s just also becoming easy 2 plug these characters into aus 🤧
actually thinking abt my fic writing experience generally the thing that tends 2 make me wanna write fic is if there’s something abt canon that i wanna patch in…like my captive prince fic is just canon but from a different character’s pov & my succession fic is just “what if kenstewy were canon” lol. have thought abt writing aftg from andrew’s pov & the first book of the feverwake duology from dara’s pov simply bc that’s something i enjoyed doing w atyd & captive prince but never actually did…guess i could also see myself potentially writing spn fic if i came up w an idea i liked…& honestly i think if i ever reread trc i might go crazy for real & could then potentially decide 2 write fic who knows. but atp i feel like marauders fic has just become my comfort zone…it’s just a weird balance to strike where a story has to have characters i love but be unsatisfying (poorly written/queerbait/not actually queerbait but i’m delusional/would be fun 2 see from another character’s pov) enough that there r gaps i wanna fill. so like there r various stories/franchises/series i’ve loved where i’ve just never felt compelled at all 2 read or write fic bc i got everything i wanted out of the story etc!
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haich-slash-cee · 2 years
"Mellows" as a term for non-whumpers
A few of us were workshopping the term "Mellows" as a term for non-whumpers. Any thoughts?
"This panel discussion on fictional medical situations - how many people do you think are Whumpers and how many people do you think are Mellows?"
"This book my friend recommended is, uh, really whumpy. I thought my friend was a mellow, but maybe they're actually a whumper."
"This show looks mellow at first, except there's an undercurrent of emotional hurt/comfort. And then it ramps up the whump at the end."
"I kinda fluctuate between being mellow and being a whumper, ya know? I'll still make a note of a whumpy show, for later, when I wanting something whumpy again."
"Whumpers and Mellows can both agree that..."
Thanks @whumpymirages for suggesting "mellows"!
"Whumper" and "Mellow" have interestingly similar "w" "m" sounds.
"Mellow" sounds pretty neutral when used in sentences.
(We were tossing around other names like "Mundanes" "Nonwhumps" "Painless" "Humdrums" "Whumpdrums" "Gentles" "Softies". "Mellows" was the one that was sticking a little more.)
.....Whumpers are actually some of the most mellow people I know, though.... "I add tags and content warnings so people can find/avoid my story and have a good reading experience " "I curate my online experience and avoid content I don't like"
This name suggestion is partly a response to "wuggles" being toted as synonym for "non-whumper". I mean I do get the immediate connection and connotation with "muggles". But, unfortunately, JKR is now using HP's popularity to actively push harmful transphobia. I wanted to propose alternate names to mitigate some of that, and because having to see HP references is not a good time for some trans folks and other folks.
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greyias · 1 year
As a follow-up on Ari's never-ending musical tour, it appears Steam just decided to stop counting my progress at 17/100, and refuses to update it past that, because the morning after the romance scene, I decided to go ahead and try to hit up the Underdark (and the Blighted Village) that I had forgotten to serenade while in Act 1, and got so many gold pieces from people who she had not played for previously.
Unlike those plebs in Moonrise Towers, mushroom people are really into the lute.
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As is this doomed wannabe kidnapper from the Society of Brilliance:
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(don't worry why Astarion was hiding. I was trying to save her and her asshole friends' future asses by stealing back the owlbear egg I'd swindled her into taking, but even when Astarion succeeded and started to sneak away she was like "BITCH GIMME THAT BACK" so have fun dying jerk! But... at least she tips better than the Harpers)
Then headed back to the Blighted Village, which I somehow had missed completely while dragging my feet in Act 1, and performed for all the goblins. They enjoyed our traveling show, and had some, erm. Interesting suggestions.
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I, uh, am sure it makes an interesting xylaphone-like sound. But I think I'll pass.
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Confirmed: Ari's lute playing is more entertaining than watching ogre porn
Thanks I guess? Also we might be forever banned from the Emerald Grove for reasons, but don't worry about that. It's not important.
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little-klng · 2 years
look honestly the thing no one really thinks about with the content of the stupid wizard game (prof fig dies and rookwood cursed anne while framing the goblins btw) is that the game itself isnt transphobic beyond like... one single trans character having a dumb name. like, its not directly transphobic aside from the royalties going to jkr get put straight into trans eugenics legislation, but we already knew that and its not related to the games actual content or why it exists. it doesnt matter that the game sucks, that its buggy and barely functions, that it funds transphobia, it doesnt even necessarily matter that "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism" (not what that means and it doesnt even apply here). primarily it serves one function, pushing radf*ms (censored to avoid tags) further down the radicalization into alt right, qanon, and neonazi pipeline
the game is marketed mainly to transphobes who will throw whatever amount of money at the first thing some shitty childrens book author who fell off 10 years ago and currently floats her career and reputation on ragebait says will "own the libs/troons". while it doesnt contain any actual transphobia (just promising to fund it), the main message, themes, and story are explicitly pro slavery and antisemitic, and are designed to put you, the player, in the position of a "master race" that has "the right to own slaves" and the slaves "love being enslaved" except when "the hook nosed bank controlling elite" try to "convince" the slaves "to rebel against their masters" in an effort to "destroy and take control over the whi-[COUGH]wizard race". its just blanket coverage over every white supremacist and neonazi conspiracy belief and then gamifying it for the enjoyment of transphobes. and because jkr juices up her fandom on the ragebait so hard that she gets them hungry for whatever political statements shes gonna feed them next, they're just gonna eat that shit up because "troons mad"
we all already know transphobes are just conservatives with a stupid feminism hat, we already know their basis for hating trans people is one singular step away (and most of the time not even that) from white supremacist eugenics and phrenology. you take one single look at "transvestigators" and realize just how bad it really is with them and demanding exclusively eurocentric "pretty and femme" white standards of beauty to even be considered a passing cis woman, its not even subtle. this game doesnt actually have any of that, its just the end piece of the pipeline getting installed for turning transphobes into qanon neonazis, turning their hatred of trans people and trans activists (or basically just anyone who doesnt pass their specific idea of eurocentric traditional gender/sex) into hatred of anyone who isnt "pure" white and christian, which just feeds straight into the "master race/slave race/elite controller" ideology that nazism comes from. transphobes playing this game dont talk about the slavery or the weird way the plot centers around putting down a civil rights movement or the way it belittles "lesser races" for wanting "their worthless artefacts [sic] back" (goblins and their "horn for rallying troops and annoying wizards" with a wedge of cheese shoved in it to mute it, anyone? thats a shofar, which is a jewish rams horn trumpet used during high holidays)
"pureblood"/"mudblood" is already an established part of wizarding world lore as "pureblooded wizards" vs "nasty mixed-blooded wizards", which is already white supremacist anti-interracial bullshit that jkr fully and unironically roots for. this is the same woman that named her only black character "Kingsley Shackebolt" and wrote a slave race to actually love being enslaved and not mind seeing their taxidermied friends heads on the walls getting decorated with santa hats over the holidays. its not surprising that shes a nazi at all, and i feel like all the people who are (rightfully, dont get me wrong) talking about it funding transphobia are not giving the antisemitism/nazism/pro slavery portions of the content enough credit in making this game evolve from "shitty childrens media IP game that barely functions and would be irrelevant by next week" to "$60 ticket on the radf*m to slave cop nazi pipline that is steam+ps5's most preordered game of all time".
its to radf*ms and transphobes what tucker carlson is to your parents, and what rush limbaugh was to your grandparents, and what turning point usa is to your college frat siblings, and what ben shapiro is to your highschool debate team cousins. shitty content designed to make you mad and slowly melts your brain until you're a paranoid wretch that cant stop seeing The Elite Agenda(tm) everywhere you look until you're willing to drop thousands on donations to anyone and anything that promises to protect your freedom to say slurs on the internet and make teenagers kill themselves for being weird. its just not often that it skips a lot of the dogwhistling and just straight up gives you an escapist fantasy where you're a part of the aryan master race and those stupid pesky slaves keep asking for "freedoms" and "equality" because all those evil jews keep trying to tell them what they're missing out on by not genociding white people instead, and you get to violently murder as many as you want to preserve the status quo
tl;dr transphobia is hand-in-hand with alt right conservatism and nazism and this game is just one more stepping stone added to an already decently clear path between the two points. if you paid $60 for a game that barely works because "troons mad", your dignity is pathetically affordable and its no ones fault but yours that you're officially the type of person who would pay money for the ability to own your own slaves and kill jewish people the first chance you get. did you know nazis during the 1930s and 40s offered financial rewards to people turning people in to the government? just thought that was an interesting fact
btw dont reply to this post with some bullshit "well im gonna pirate it so its fine" or "you're just making it more popular by talking about it" im a tumblr blog with less than 1000 followers and its the #1 most preordered game on steam and the ps5 store, and if you insist on still playing master race slave owner simulator through piracy then its whatever, i can just put you with the hundreds of transphobes on my blocklist so you can get along and play together in a nice farm upstate and away from me
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monstroso · 1 year
i love reading out loud to people. i love doing the voices and knowing when the story beats happen and adjusting my pacing accordingly. i love seeing people react to the narrative in real time.
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
baby harry being upset because snape hates him 😭 baby harry being upset he lost TWO whole points for gryffindor 😭
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
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Book 5 Ginny is so good.
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pyreshe · 2 years
truly wild how many of us were gaslit into believing the world-building in h*rry p*tter was good.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
i’m the annoying type of person that won’t watch a movie until i read the book first, but then i never get around to reading the book so i never watch the movie and i try to steer away from spoilers the best i can. now, that being said, @aemiron-main posting about LOTR of which i know nothing that’s not related to the hobbit and not being able to read his magnificent posts BC MY ANNOYING ASS DOESNT WANT TO GET SPOILED UNTIL I READ THE BOOKS AT LEAST is simply a mean twist of fate
i’m bookmarking the LOTR posts from now on to add pressure for myself into reading the books once and for all
also i really wanna re read the hobbit bc i read it in middle school and i loved it but i remember shit now
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