#how to start a studyblr
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why-the-heck-not · 4 months ago
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me, a responsible being, working on the coding project as I should vs. me, a dysfunctional shithead, getting distracted by reading about brains (once aGAIN damnit (it's my favorite "I need to study my field but bc I should do that it's an impossible unthinkable feat now, so I'm reading about something else to fool my brain I'm still being productive"-topic))
#but after my thesis me & brains have been on a break bc got tired reading abt them during that (bc I had a topic that sorta allowed me to#sidetrack to brain stuff also) but seems I'm over the brain overload now#yay? i guess#also no one who actually studies medicine/brains/etc. yell at me abt wikipedia and like ''why are u studying that like that''#I'm just going through the wikipedia & reading article abstracts path; nothing serious#also my procrastination has reached inhuman levels like it's a full-time job now#bc I have like a chill week's worth of work to do and then I've done the courses for my bachelor's degree#but sending in that ''heyy i'm done with the courses let me graduate''-thing fills me up with sO MUCH anxiety & dread I'm working so slow#now (even tho couldn't send that in for like a month bc gotta first wait the courses to be graded and stuff so in actuality I should#not be slowing down even a bit bc I need to finally be done with this damn degree asap; gotta move on and should've ages ago (it's actually#super bad how late I'm with it (1.5 mf years jesus christ; I'm not even like a little bit proud abt getting a degree anymore like I'm sorta#just embarrassed if I have to tell ppl like ''yea I graduated'' bc dude ?? only now?? u were supposed to be done with that 1.5year#ago what have u been doing (fuck if I know) so I'm keeping it like ''if anyone asks'' basis)))#(the tags and parantheses started a life of their own lol sorry abt that)#studyblr#studyspo#bookblr#booklr#study#november 2024#2024
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learnelle · 6 months ago
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I got accepted to study biology in France 😭
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polyglot-sock · 5 months ago
it's ironic that, for someone who is able to speak several languages, my ability to verbally communicate disappears really often
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duskspills · 2 months ago
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Trying to navigate the streets of studyblr.
Didn't get much done today but at least I finally tried to understand how to begin the code for this part of my masters project from the materials that the TA gave me. Small steps. :>
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withlove-esme · 1 year ago
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And now I know how Joan of Arc felt
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gendercrystal · 3 months ago
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PhDay 100: oh shit it's been 100 days already??
I feel like I haven't accomplished much for 100 days, but lately I've been swamped with marking / stalled by technical difficulties (stuff I need in the lab is not here).
Wins: presented a poster at a conference. first experience as a TA in undergrad labs. went abroad for an experiment. 2000 words in a draft thesis outline. 2.5 months on T. can play guitar slightly better.
Oofs: bad choice of course for credits ('twas neither fun nor helpful). delays in getting stuff for experiment. embarrassing amount of time spent cultivating meme collection for my desk.
Looking forward to: christmas party. getting my experiment setup functioning. going home for christmas and trying to explain physics to my family.
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languagelearningcorner · 11 months ago
Language Learning Journey Update
It's been a while since I've been on Tumblr! In the months I've been away, I was focusing heavily on Persian and strengthening my skills in all areas of the language before I switch to a maintenance phase and pick up another language. During this time, I also got really into planning and journaling which has helped me better structure language learning in my schedule as well as reflect on how best to structure my time.
I certainly learned a lot from this time but the biggest takeaway for me is that my biggest pain point when learning a language is acquiring vocabulary. I tend to let it happen rather naturally (slowly) and while it's a valid method, it also leads me to stagnate and plateau. That's why, with the change in my language learning plans, I've also restructured my learning schedule (for, like, the millionth time).
Learning Two Languages Simultaneously
I was originally planning on (re)learning Korean after going through the intensive 3 months of Persian but recent developments in my professional life have pushed me to start learning Cantonese instead. My goal for Cantonese is mostly to reach a decent listening comprehension level and a basic speaking level.
Although I'm learning Cantonese from scratch, I feel that I still have a long way to go with Persian. I am not ready for a traditional maintenance phase, but I know I am close to burn out and have to dial it back. The schedule is structured around Persian and I fill the rest of the time I was using for Persian previously, for Cantonese.
ON/OFF Weeks System
This system was inspired by my need to find a different way to learn and focus on vocabulary while also avoiding burn out in Persian.
ON Weeks: These are weeks where I will be focusing on 1 skill in Persian in the mornings. For example, on Monday, I will be reading intensively (e.g., breaking down phrases, re-reading, translating, compiling vocabulary) for about 25 minutes. In the afternoons, I am working on getting exposure to Cantonese and learning the sound system.
OFF Weeks: These weeks involve only practicing the Persian vocabulary I accumulated during the ON weeks. I'll be re-reading them, defining or looking up words on Forvo, writing practice sentences, uploading them to HelloTalk, and correcting them. I also do some light, passive activities like listening while I clean something or reading for a few minutes without stopping to translate.
Off weeks don't really change much in the way of Cantonese. I will continue with my plan as is.
Maintenance languages: I do have to maintain French and Spanish, however, I am lucky that I interact with languages almost on a daily basis. When I foresee that a day may be void of one, I'll stack it with another hobby of mine (e.g., journaling in Spanish or reading in French).
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An ON week coming up.
Tools pictured: Night owl by Owl Paper Co planner, Asvine P50 fountain pen, Tombow Fudenosuke hard tip brush pen, Zebra Mildliner highlighters
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megumi-fm · 10 months ago
day 9/62 of The Tatami Galaxy Challenge🧿
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short entry again rip
💻 charted out a plan for the next few weeks 💻 family assignment of pocket files 💻 binding site assignment of pocket files 💻 get corresponding ligands of binding sites 💌 my family got back! so i spent a long time talking to my mom <3 💧 ~5 glasses 🔋 energy was fine tbh.. but i need to find ways to stay motivated 🌷 something happened and it kind of ruined my evening and.. i spent most of the time dealing with that :/ it was pretty heavy and draining ngl and overall the experience was. not fun. but it was important, so i'm glad that's sorted 🌙 1 am
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volchiitza · 25 days ago
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hi, it's been a long time since i posted anything. i'm now in my last year of my phd and i have to submit my thesis draft by april (!!) for my first round of corrections. i've been trying to be super productive this year, and so far i've managed to get up 5am each day and start working - so i thought i'd post again on this account.
anyway i also thought i'd share by bluesky and instagram where i upload my phd updates. my ig isnt ✨aesthetic✨ but more an honest record of doing a higher degree and going on fieldwork.
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rinnystee · 9 months ago
i've been using this account for random reblogs about books or completely unrelated posts and to follow study blogs for over a year. so now i'm starting my own study blog :) who i am? my name is rin, i'm 20 and i'm in my 4rd year of a bachelor's program in marketing. i'm chaotic in my studies, both at university and in what i study for myself, although people around me consider me responsible and organized, i'm exactly the student who turns in papers at the last moment. i choose books based on a quote and the vibe i feel from it, and google strange questions for a fanfic that will not be published, when i should've written a research paper. this kind of thing :) my academic interests: marketing research & consumer behavior & risk management my other interests: folklore and culture of my country and other countries, flowers and plants, book publishing industry, writing and worldbuilding my hobbies: gardening, knitting, writing and somewhat videography and photography (i have an old camcorder for this) languages i know: ukrainian (native) & english (fluent) languages i'm learning: korean, dutch and turkish random things i love: books (fantasy, magical realism, romance, poetry, short prose), daffodils, thrift stores, paper letters and postcards, peppermint tea, green color, summer evenings, k-dramas, bookstores, sunsets, stars, love stories my current obsessions: on the pic below!! note: the reasoning behind this blog is that one day i thought why not hype myself up and turn this half-empty account into something, at least some sort of collection of memories or knowledge diary or whatever. similar blogs inspire me a lot and i'm very grateful to the people here for what they do.
i'd be happy to just share bits and pieces of my academic life (or just life) with the community, maybe make new friends, but i want to do it for myself first and foremost.
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nice to meet you and happy to see you here!
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studyblr-perhaps · 1 year ago
I really want to make a series of posts explaining in simple terms the different maths/physics concepts I struggled with when I first learnt them.
Would anyone be interested in it 👀👀?
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why-the-heck-not · 1 year ago
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christmas things
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rigelmejo · 8 months ago
I was looking up "how many words to learn to read japanese" and oh my was there a surprising result. The various reddit posts seemed to say at least 10,000 words as that is what is on N1, while also saying it may just be the beginning of reading at 10,000 words and you'll still be looking up many words per page.
I am a bit confused by this answer, and still looking for a possibly truer one. Im looking for: how many words must a person learn in japanese to start reading materials for native speakers, if they look up a word every few sentences? Or even 1-3 words per sentence to start. So this would be maybe 80-90% reading comprehension (and with word lookup they'd boost that to 90% or more), with some simpler materials (like say Yotsuba or Ranma or School Rumble mangas) being 90% comprehensible before word lookup (and 95% or more comprehensible after word lookup).
For comparison: in French the number of words to start reasing was 1000-2000 (at least what I personally experienced), with 1000 being when I could read if i looked up 1 word per sentence or a a few words a paragraph. Chinese was also 1000-2000, the average webnovel felt more comfortable once learning 2000 words (at which point looking up 1-3 words or less a sentence or paragraph became doable), and for novels for children and some manhua just knowing 1000 words was enough to read while looking words up (for example, 秃秃大王 would be very readable with a 1000 vocabulary you know and looking up a word every sentence or so, and if your vocabulary is higher you may only look up words once every few paragraphs). For both french and chinese, once i learned lets estimate around 3000 french words or 3000 chinese hanzi (which is ultimately over 3000 words they can combine into which you can guess the meaning of... maybe by several thousand more), then there were at least SOME reading materials that could be read extensively with NO word lookups and using only context to guess the meaning of everything. In short: french and chinese basically matched up to what most "learn to read in a language" articles suggest you learn, which is around 2000 words to start reading with the aid of dictionary/translation word lookup, and then eventually work your way toward a goal of ~9000 words to read most materials comfortably. And along the path from 2000-9000 words, you'll find some materials that become readable to you aa you learn more words - without any dictionary/translation aids.
With Japanese reddit learners (as thats the forums i could browse): Refold learning plan used to suggest learning Tango N5 and N4 and 1000 basic kanji, so around 1000-2000 words, then to immerse with reading (sometimes at first just japanese show subtitles). The older Mass Immersion Approach (same overall study methods) used to do the 2,000 Core Japanese deck, or a personally made variant, and then around the end of that suggest people start including practicing reading. Sometimes people used the Core 6000 Japanese anki deck (more words), or used the nukemarine Lets Learn Japanese deck (i did this... it had 6000 words, around 2000 kanji, and tae kims grammar guide in it, and then later on some additional vocabulary from specific shows... i only learned about 1000 kanji and 2000 words from this deck before stopping). So for MIA and Refold learners, at least SOME of them started reading with word lookups around 2000-6000 words learned.
My question is: when did YOU feel comfortable starting to read Japanese reading materials for native speakers, with the use of word lookup tools (translation/dictionary)? When do you see some people got comfortable starting to read with word lookups? Did some people do something like Satori Reader (graded reading app) when they'd learned X words, until they'd increased their vocabulary to Y words? What was the vocabulary level at which they started to read japanese with word lookups? I think that for a lot of people, the point when they started reading materials for native speakers (with the help of word lookup tools) was Before they had learned 10,000 words.
(Ignore grammar knowledge, yes that greatly effects reasing comprehension. Id just like to focus on number of words a person knows when they start reading with word lookups).
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importantthingshurtsometimes · 11 months ago
you GUYS i just started writing the first draft of my tok exhibition script AND the first draft of my extended essay on 'on earth we're briefly gorgeous'.....god is making her weakest soldiers fight the hardest battles.
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golden-valya · 6 months ago
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I finally got the energy to do some stuff
Drew 11 poses, filled 2 pages
^ learned that I need to use less strokes and/or make my lines smoother
(also I need to draw more dudes)
Read/annotated 2 cantos of Inferno
Got my laptop set up and organized
Started a new show
Today was not a great art day honestly. Also, since I'm taking college courses, pretty much all of my friends have already started school, and it feels weird having my classes start on different days. I still have roughly a month of break, and I think I'm going to explodeee
[ kitties below cut ]
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emgoesmed · 1 year ago
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Residency programs started sending interview invites and it feels surreal. 😳
Other than checking my email all the time, I'm enjoying all the Halloween decorations around the neighborhood and feeding the cat treats.
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