#how to do full locust pose
yogaayurvedacourse · 2 years
Locust pose || Shalabhasana
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maxmagic · 4 months
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SHIT I realize I never posted these losers on Tumblr
Uh- Here they are !!! At some point I decided to give the boys some more members (kind of...). These are only concepts too I will defo redesign them ^^'
The first is the third band member we see in the pilot. At first I thought his name was Locust (like the bug), but someone on the disc said his name sounded like Lucas, so hes Lucas now.
The second is a full Oc- Aka Samantha/Sam
✨Descriptions and design explanations under read ✨
-Lucas came to my mind first. Like given how Mollox looks it was pretty obvious he would have been a potential hero member if the show got picked up, so I HAD do give him a design.
-He has a skull motif, because of the original thought of his name being Locust (and they're usually associated with plagues... And plague causes death... You catch my drift). And I did add the same robot arms the Mollox drummer has, but he also has it in his costume. I wanna redesign him at some point cuz I'm still not 100% with the design
-I also want to tweak his colours at some point cuz like I wanted It to be green, but Hank is also green (technically a neon yellow bit fuck that, that's green)
-I imagine he can summon giant drum shields or maybe even sort of bombing based abilities. Like he uses the beat of the drum to basically make explosions.
-I also posed him poorly, but he is supposed to have a spiky mohawk 😭😭
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like this ^^^^^
-Samantha came after, cuz I felt like the team would be rounded out with a keyboard (and I personally like rock songs with piano so sue me)
-She has a wing motif. When I was looking up what kind of themes to give these two I realized Hank and Ronnie both have motifs that are common in rock imagery (fire and lightning) so I basically went to Google images and both skulls and wings appeared the most next to the first two, so they got that
-The rollerblades are only there cuz I had the idea she can summon like piano ramps that, when she slides over, make noise as if you went over the piano keys with your finger. With the belts the kind of resemble sandals and with the wings it kind of nods to Hermes. Her hair is also supposed to be wing-ish
-I also thought of maybe her keyboard can split to form wings on her back, with the keys kind of looking like wings. I do want to redesign her keyboard it just looks to plain to me, but it's so hard to styalize a keyboard.
I have a lot more ideas about their personalities and how they'd interact and join the boys
So if y'all are interested drop an ask or DM :D
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appmonk · 2 months
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Suggestions of tools for optimizing your experience during the Moon in Scorpio.
Locust Pose
Don’t underestimate the power of the locust. At first glance some assume this pose is not a big deal and if you’re not being intentional it’s possible it won’t be. The way to make this pose really powerful is to press the tops of your feet into your mat as hard as you can — this will probably lift your knees off the floor. Reach your arms toward the wall behind you. As you do, try to bring your shoulder blades closer together while keeping your fingers higher than your hips. Visualize space in your collar bone and bring your shoulders out of your ears.
The locust pose, also known as Salabhasana, is a full-body yoga movement that can help energize, de-stress, and relax the mind. The pose is named for the resemblance of the body to a locust while in the position. Here are some tips for performing the locust pose:
Start on your belly With your feet together and palms down, extend your big toes back and press down with your toenails to activate your quadriceps.
Lengthen your spine Inhale and stretch your hands forward and your legs out, as if someone is pulling them in opposite directions.
Engage your core Rotate your inner thighs toward the ceiling to broaden your lower back, and roll your shoulders back and up. Keep your back of neck long and emphasize lifting your sternum instead of your chin.
Lift your legs Keeping your hips down, lift one leg at a time, pointing your toes internally and rotating your thigh. You can try locking your knee and lifting your leg as high as you can without discomfort.
Lift both legs Once you're comfortable with lifting one leg at a time, lift both legs and press your toes back.
Focus on length Don't worry about how high you lift, as this can strain your back or neck. Instead, try to extend forward through your torso and back through your legs.
Release slowly After several breaths, slowly release back to your mat and rest.
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opaldraws · 3 years
✨💗 Harringrove Feedback Fest 💗✨
This fandom is so full of amazing creators and if you're seeing this post and you've ever created anything for this wonderful fandom, I APPRECIATE YOU!!
@awrble Awrble's art is the reason I discovered harringrove! One of their pieces popped up on my dashboard and I was like "Oh! I've never thought of Billy and Steve together!?" and then everything spiralled out of control. Their art is excellent and I go through their art tag frequently! This piece they did for the zine makes my heart so mushy and this piece is just so playful and cute!
@juu-riin Julie's art constantly makes my day better, whether it's a stream of doodles like these, a fluffy piece like this, or something SPICY like this !!
@lazybakerart Ever since I found their blog when I first joined this fandom, I thought their art was the most creative and visually compelling art I had ever seen! I frequently scroll through their art because I aspire to have the same grasp on color that they do! Like this piece is so perfect!! And I completely adore this one!!
@ihni Ihni's drawings always make me smile! I think that they are so creative and funny and it shows through their art! Like I laughed out loud at this one! And this piece is so perfect for Billy and Steve
@swimbirdyswim Their art is so dynamic and cool! I totally adore this piece and this one is AWESOME! And they have some really cute and soft drawings that just melt my heart!! Like this one!
@b-leach-ing Their art is so sweet! I especially really love this one!! And omg these holiday drawings are just too adorable!!
@dearvenison How could I ever get over this STUNNING piece?! This tender moment is captured so well and if this isn't canon in s4 I'm gonna riot!! Their art is just so amazing!
@ezisdrawing Ez's art is so full of life! I love how they draw Joe and their nb Steve pieces are my absolute favorite! Like these ones! They're just so cute! And this most recent drawing omg! It's so lovely!
@darkmystdrake Annie's art is so spicy and hot! Every time I see it, I notice how dynamic the poses are! And I always appreciate the piercings added onto the boys! This is one of my favs of Steve! And damn! THIS ONE IS AMAZING!
@avalonlights Their art is so so so wonderful! They set a scene beautifully and every piece of theirs just pulls me in! Like I still think about this one a year later! And this piece! Billy and Steve look so in love and the relationship is expressed perfectly! I just love love love their art so much!
@deardmvz Marilyn's art is so fun!! They have so many fresh and interesting ideas and I love seeing what they come up with! Like this vamp Billy is so cool! And this piece is so sweet and beautiful!
@kingsandsaints Their art is unbelievable! Every time I see their art I am in awe of it! Like this piece is insane?! I could stare at it forever!! And omg I love this punk Billy art!!
✨Editors/Gif Makers✨
@memes-saved-me Their photo edits are so distinct and identifiable! And their video edits are always so cool to watch!
@hoegrove I LOVE the gifsets that they make, they're so creative and fun!
✨Blogs I Could Scroll Through For Hours✨
@smashmouth-hargrove - idk how to explain it, but I have actually spent *hours* reading through their writing. You can just tell that they have fun with what they're writing and that makes it fun to read!
@rascheln/@steviespanties Rina's writing is so amazing! They have so many creative and dirty ideas and I can't get enough of them!
@draculcid Not only is their writing amazing, they make some really great edits! I really enjoy reading their responses to asks and they have so much creativity!
@yikesharringrove Yikes has written so many of my favorite fics and I love seeing how they expand on the prompts they receive! I remember the first time I found their blog and I spent like 2 weeks devouring all of their writing,, it was awesome
@ghostofjellyfishforgotten I have read so many ficlets from them and they are always so well written and interesting! And there are so many posts that have paragraphs of tags under them that are amazing! (And they wrote some jestor/king smut months ago that I can't find anymore AND IT'S LIKE ONE OF MY FAV FICS I'VE EVER READ AND I THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME)
in the locust wind by @hectordelavega - pls understand that this fic completely ruined me. it's perfect. it's been like a month since i read this and i still think about it all the time.
Walking Home (v)., the Tourniquet by @passivenovember - Jaz's writing is so lovely, I have reread so many of their fics and they even wrote me one that is incredibly adorable T^T BUT back on topic, this fic is everything! Jaz has a way of writing Billy and Steve that is just so perfect, and I love their dynamic in this fic!
orange juice by @aspartaeme - this fic is so fun! I love how thirsty Steve and Billy are for each other and I really enjoyed the whole premise of this fic!
Took it all and took the dirt road home by @nagdabbit - this short lil fic is so soft and emotional,, it just feels so hopeful
with every several pleasure in the world by @rvspberryjvm - I completely adore this fic with my whole heart! Jones is a fantastic writer and their talent truly shines in this fic (and all of their fics)!
Billy Hargrove’s Exploration of Beauty (series) by @mourntheantagonist - this series is amazing! I love how Mandi has Billy and Steve address gender stereotypes and lets Billy explore his gender expression!
Sweet Wonderful You by @cherrydreamer - the way this fic stole my heart! it's just so soft and adorable and Steve and Billy are just the best bfs to each other :') Cherry's writing is so fantastic!
Lonely Hearts Club by @shewritesdirty - this fic (like all of Cait's fics) is so wonderfully written and once I started reading it, I just couldn't stop! It's got the perfect mix of humor, tenderness, and smut!
Plant Your Feet by PeckishDragon - this fic is so sweet,, I will always have a soft spot for dads!harringrove and Billy is just the best dad in this :')
you act so pure (i know you're laced) by @softjish - this fic. THIS FIC. IT IS SO TENDER AND IT BREAKS MY HEART AND PUTS IT BACK TOGETHER IN 5K WORDS.
seventh inning stretch by @holdenduckfield - Idk anything about baseball, but I *do* know that I adore Jill's writing! I love how competitive the boys are in this and how their rivalry evolves!
Bad dog, no biscuits by @catharrington - this is f i l t h y and perfect in every way! Steve is so dominant and he takes care of Billy so well! I am 100% convinced this is how Tina's Halloween party ended.
i'm falling now, but it's so wrong by @hartigays - Ouch this fic has a lovely balance of hurt comfort and it is a great read! I remember I read it all in one go because I just got so hooked!
I Ain’t Fraid Of No Ghosts by @heck-in-a-handbasket - this fic has a special place in my heart bc I love ghost Billy! Reading how Steve dealt with Billy's ghostly shenanigans was hilarious and when they finally become *acquainted*, they work so well together!
@gothyringwald thank you for putting this little love fest together!
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foreverlogical · 3 years
Israel’s National Security Council has assumed control of a massive bird flu outbreak in the Galilee, which scientists warn could become a “mass disaster” for humans.
Over half a billion migrating birds pass through the area every year, heading for warm African winters or balmy European summers, making this a catastrophic location for a major bird flu outbreak—right at the nexus of global avian travel.
The virus can be deadly if it infects people. The World Health Organization says more than half of the confirmed 863 human cases it has tracked since 2003 proved fatal. Most strains or variants of avian flu, H5N1, are relatively difficult to transmit to people.
Yossi Leshem, one of Israel’s most renowned ornithologists, told The Daily Beast, however, that it is the ability of these viruses to mutate into new strains that poses such a threat, as we have seen with the coronavirus.
“There could be a mutation that also infects people and turns into a mass disaster,” said Leshem, a zoologist at Tel Aviv University and director of the International Center for the Study of Bird Migration at Latrun.
So far, at least 5,400 wild cranes have died infected with the new H5N1 avian flu, which Israeli authorities fear could expand into a global emergency.
Of the 30,000 Eurasian cranes passing this winter at the Hula Nature Reserve, 17 percent are dead, and scientists fear the worst for their surviving brethren, at least 10,000 of which appear to be ailing. The infection of the cranes is the same strain of avian flu which infected chicken coops throughout northern Israel, and led to the cull in recent days of nearly 1 million birds.
Israelis will be without their beloved chicken schnitzel—and without eggs—until a supply chain of imported birds is established.
The deaths of thousands of wild birds in the Hula Nature Reserve, one of the world’s premier bird sanctuaries, “is an extraordinary event with global ramifications,” warned Tel Aviv University Professor of Zoology Noga Kronfeld Shor in an interview with Reshet Bet Radio.
Shor, who is also the chief scientist at Israel’s Ministry of the Environment, noted that the carcasses of other waterbirds, such as pelicans and egrets, have already been found.
Israelis have been warned not to approach any wild bird that looks sick, and not to touch any bird droppings.
Yoav Motro, a specialist in vertebrates and locusts at Israel’s Ministry of Agriculture, said that for now, H5N1 is presenting “like the opposite of COVID. Compared to COVID, the chances of [humans] catching this are very, very slight—but unlike COVID, the risks of dying from it if you do catch it are very high.”
“It is a tragic ecological event,” he said. “And we simply do not know how it will end, or where it will lead.”
Israeli scientists don’t yet know the full scale of the die-off in Israel because of the dangers inherent in fishing around marshes and wetlands. Observing birds that shy away from human contact and the urgent matter of retrieving bird carcasses is proving even more challenging because of the lack of waterproof protective gear currently available in the arid country.
While the disaster is evident in the Hula Valley, in Israel’s fertile north, crane mortality has also been observed in other sites, though not yet in Jerusalem, according to Yotam Bashan of the Jerusalem Bird Observatory.
“There is no way to know what is going to happen,” Motro said in an interview with The Daily Beast. “When you identify avian flu in chicken coops you kill all the chickens and disinfect the coops. In the wild, at this level of infection, I don't know where it will lead. I’m worried.”
Shalom Bar Tal, an experienced wildlife photographer, told The Daily Beast that he was one of the only people allowed nocturnal access to observe the dead and dying birds. “It could turn into an ecological disaster no less significant than the corona epidemic,” he said.
For now, no Israeli is known to be infected with H5N1, but Israelis who were exposed to wild birds are taking the antiviral Tamiflu.
Both Motro and Bar Tal noted the heartrending scenes of weak, infected cranes leaning over their dead. Cranes mate for life and live in strong family units, Motro said. “That means that when one dies, the rest of the family—I don’t know how to define it—but it mourns.”
The cranes’ close physical proximity to one another and tight-knit family structure almost ensures, he said, that when one crane dies, “a close family member will be the next to die.”
“There is no treatment,” he said, “no way to help.”
We can only hope it doesn’t mutate and jump species.
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theuncrucified · 3 years
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It's that magical time of year again for the Exalted Secret Santa! It’s also time for a new reference collection now that I have some new art to share this year. My Secret Santa has 3 options behind the cut. Choose your poison!
Kalara Vadras, The Uncrucified
A passionate Eclipse Caste, Kalara can often be found traveling Creation using her charm and wit towards the cause of achieving a more equitable economy and the abolishment of slave labor throughout the threshold. While she has a friendly public face, her enemies whisper of her spy network, Kalara's "Tongues", which work quietly throughout Creation eliminating her enemies.
For more reference, see Kalara's full bio for more pics, etc.
Art Notes
She has a scar from a failed crucifixion on her left hand only, not both hands
Feel free to play with her hair and clothing style without sticking too close to the ref. Kalara mixes things up a lot to either blend in on her travels OR to make a big impression, depending on the occasion. She's quite the fashionista!
Her totemic anima involves chains of sunlight wrapping around her arms and ankles as the links fall off one by one. Spikes of sunlight, which do not harm her, appear in her hands and melt away. Behind her, a phoenix with a long, trailing tail rises up behind her
NSFW ok!
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When she can't talk her way out of combat, Kalara uses a set of 'plainer' artifact firewands (pictured on the right below), though she prefers to leave the gunslinging to her alter-ego, Koh.
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Koh, the Silver-Tongued Devil
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Sometimes when Kalara requires more "discretion" on the road, she travels in the guise of her male persona, Koh, the Silver-Tongued Devil. Rumors swirl around about how this infamous gunslinger and Righteous Devil led a rebellion and rules a network of rebels, escaped slaves, and bandits in the forests between Nexus and Dinas Ryhdd.
Much to Kalara's amusement, there's even a rumor that the two are lovers after her Night Caste companion shapeshifted into Koh so they could pose together at a party to throw off suspicion.
Art Notes
Koh appears male with dyed brown hair, though the disguise in my ref image is slipping a bit with Kalara's red roots showing and her shirt open.
The round-rimmed glasses are Koh's signature, feel free to take liberties with everything else, though Koh's appearance tends to channel Kalara's Southern heritage
Koh uses a set of dual Prayer Pieces
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Night Locust, the Kindly Reaper
Kalara's right-hand ninja, head of security, and leader of her black ops, "The Embers". The two formed a strong familial bond as fledgling Solars, as the young Solar took his second breath at the age of 19 when he refused to murder his assassin partner, instead taking the life of their assassin clan's leader in a blaze of sunlit fury. Night Locust met Kalara in the wandering time after, Kalara giving him a purpose and compassion he did not have in life.
Night Locust may project an aura of calm sagely wisdom, but he is a prankster at heart and a keen edge on the battlefield. He uses a pair of short diaklaves and a dual-bladed scythe. He is not a fan of pointless murder, however, and also does his best to avoid violence.
Art Notes
Kalara and Night Locust are not lovers, but rather have a found-family relationship. Please do not draw them in a romantic situation.
Night's totemic anima is a cloud of blackness that breaks off into countless locusts
He enjoys a nice cup of tea and meditation
No NSFW topics
More reference images here.
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Kalara and Night Locust by Sam Hogg
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Kalara and Night Locust by Raeliyah
If you're interested in learning more about these characters, check out The Uncrucified for my Exalted art, fiction, etc.
Can't wait to see who is chosen this year. Have fun!
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classybunnies · 4 years
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‘True life lies in laughter, love and work.’ - Elbert Hubbard •••••••••••• Enjoy doing what you love. Like hanging out upside down ••••••••••• #AutumnAloLove Yoga Challenge Nov 9-18 🍂🍁 Fall is a season when the temperature starts to cool down and have an effect on our bodies. In fall, practicing heart opening poses isn’t as easy as in those warm summer days. So let’s step into the autumn breeze and continue to open our hearts in this challenge. Hosts: @heartmaher @monica.b.wilson @galaortin @pigeatsfish @ciel70 Sponsors @aloyoga @alomoves Poses list: 1. Child Pose or Puppy Pose 🐶 2. Cow Pose or Tiger Pose 🐮 3. Crescent Pose 🌙 4. Locust Pose or Bow Pose 🏹 5. Seated Mermaid Pose or King Pigeon Pose 🐦 6. Standing Mermaid Pose or King Dancer Pose 🧜🏼‍♀️ 7. One legged chaturanga or Chinstand ✔️ 8. Reverse Table Top or Reverse Plank Pose ✔️ 9. Supta Virasana supported or full pose ✔️ 10. Any inversion with heart opening. 🤸🏻‍♀️ 🙌🏼 How to participate: 👇🏽 1. Follow all hosts & sponsors 2. Repost this flyer & tag some friends to join. 3. Post each day using the hashtag #AutumnAloLove & tag all hosts and sponsors.  #inversion #yoga #challenge #DoingThings (at Boulder, Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHvWxhvDpjH/?igshid=tg8e0ythpfi4
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vinylfromthevault · 5 years
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“Yoga Instruction For Relaxation and Good Health, Vol. 2″ 1971. Conversa-phone Institute. Vinyl + yoga = two of my main interests and fortunately I have friends who find weird shit and pass it along to me. OMG this record is a piece of work. Instructed by Harry Alister of the New Jersey School of Professional Dance & Drama, this second volume of yoga instruction (I don’t have the first one but there is a big warning by Harry at the start of the record that one should be well-practiced in Volume 1 before attempting this record’s instruction) is definitely nothing like the classic yoga instruction I’ve received and teach. After listing a litany of things yoga can help “cure” (stress, constipation, heart problems, etc.), he has the practitioner stand with heels together and toes turned out (NO!!), “pinch” the buttocks (NO NO) and tuck under the tail (again, NO). There is almost zero breath instruction - the key component that makes yoga, well, yoga. 
Side 1 (after the horrible Tadasana/Mountain teaching) is pretty much all back bends: half and full locust pose with a bunch of leg lifts, leg scissors, breast stroking and even leg bouncing. Cobra pose is instructed as badly as the cover photo on this album would indicate (my neck and shoulders hurt just looking at her), cueing the head to be thrown back and the eyes rolled back in their sockets. And then Side A concludes with a rocking variation of Dhanurasana/Bow pose with absolutely no prior thigh, hip flexor or shoulder mobilization,. Ugh. 
Side B is mostly animal exercises, including cat pose (at least it’s cued to move slowly without jerking movements) but with zero inhale/exhales indicated - just the instructions to “hump, arch;” rabbit or hare pose (one of my least favorite postures in yoga but at least here there is actually some breathing cues given); frog (but not traditional frog but rather the pose that is pictured front-and-center on the album cover, a position of the legs and knees which is NOT recommended for good knee health); “the head of the cow pose” which “helps to preserve the youthfulness of the face” (it actually is a good pose for maintaining shoulder mobility, I’ve never heard anyone say anything about its benefits for the face); and lion pose (also pictured on the cover, by the male yogi) for “improving the health of the root of the tongue.” Lion pose is one rarely taught in group classes because it’s goofy as hell but I remember my mom practicing it a lot at home in the 70′s - I thought it was goofy back then, too. After the animal postures, Alister spends a good amount of time on the facial muscles - clearly there was a lot of concern about how good one looked doing yoga back in the early 70′s. Example of face yoga instruction: “With the lips together twist the mouth to the right and then to the left. Now open the mouth wide. Pucker the lips. Open wide. Pucker. Frown. Relax. Smile. Relax.” He concludes the face yoga section by saying “These exercise are not guaranteed to produce extreme beauty but they will add to the youthfulness of your looks and save you from discontentment.” 
No links to hear this gem that I could find but there are few copies for sale out there on Ebay and Etsy. A couple of those come with the original manual with “over 40 photographic illustrations” that this copy does not have. 
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ashishu9899 · 3 years
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Hey 👋🏻 Everyone 🙏🏻😊 ashishu9899 Participate in my YOGA 🧘 Challenge for a Yogasana pose and a cash 💵 Prize of 1K you have to do (FULL LOCUST POSE / GRASSHOPPER POSE) that I will show you in a video and picture 🎥….😎 . FULL LOCUST POSE / GRASSHOPPER POSE Post your photo and video only dated between 1st of AUGUST to 10th of AUGUST……… Take a photo or video for that pose and post it in your post and stories….. And use HASTAG #ashishu9899 @ashishu9899 Follow and Tag me ( most important ) #ashishu9899 @ashishu9899 Add some popular HASTAGS to increase you post reach.. Winner will be select on the basis of How well you done the final clear pose & How many likes 👍 you got……🧘 Most importantly don’t forget to follow and Tag my profile & use me HASTAG otherwise I won’t be able to see it………. #yogacompetition #yogaposes #yogaindia #yogawithme #yogalife #yogafit #yogatime ALL THE BEST ALL YOGIES (at Rishikesh - Yoga Capital of the World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRxuNUBDFza/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thegoalebookpdf · 3 years
!^READPDF$ The Student's Manual of Yoga Anatomy 30 Essential Poses Analyzed  Explained  and Illustrated Pdf
!^READ*PDF$ The Student's Manual of Yoga Anatomy: 30 Essential Poses Analyzed, Explained, and Illustrated Pdf
The Student's Manual of Yoga Anatomy: 30 Essential Poses Analyzed, Explained, and Illustrated
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[PDF] Download The Student's Manual of Yoga Anatomy: 30 Essential Poses Analyzed, Explained, and Illustrated Ebook | READ ONLINE
Author : Sally Parkes Publisher : Fair Winds Press ISBN : 1592337317 Publication Date : 2016-2-1 Language : Pages : 192
To Download or Read this book, click link below:
Synopsis : !^READ*PDF$ The Student's Manual of Yoga Anatomy: 30 Essential Poses Analyzed, Explained, and Illustrated Pdf
The Student's Manual of Yoga Anatomy is the essential guide for anyone looking to understand the importance of doing yoga poses correctly in order to maximize the benefit and avoid pain and injury. With the guidance of Sally Parkes and Joanna Culley, students and instructors glean a simple and clear understanding of the practice of yoga.Work through 50 step-by-step illustrated poses (asanas) that are perfect for working through each section of the body. Including an overview of the musculoskeletal system to explain the body systems and terminology discussed. Then it deeply introduces yoga, looking at the styles of Hatha yoga, movements of the spine and its axis points, how levers change the intensity of each asana, types of muscle activity, and the science of breathing. Full-color anatomical illustrations and clear, concise text of 50 common yoga asanas make the science easy to understand, and allow a deeper understanding of yoga and how it works with the body, allowing readers to easily apply what they learn to their own practice. Clear notes describe the type of muscle activation, plane of movement, axis of the spine, and options for practical modifications to allow for individual ability and injury rehabilitation. You'll also discover a list of sequences to link the asanas together to form a complete workout routine for a healthy lifestyle.Featuring some of the most popular asanas:- Mountain Pose - Tadasana- Warrior 1 and 2 - Virabhadrasana 1 and 2- Chair Pose - Utkatasana- Dancer's Pose - Natarajasana- Eagle Pose - Garudasana- Hands to Feet Pose - Padangustasana- Staff Pose - Dandasana- Boat Pose - Navasana- Seated Half Lotus - Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimottanasana- Cat/Cow Pose - Marjaryasana/Bitilasana- Locust Pose - Salambasana- Upward Dog Pose - Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
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yogaadvise · 6 years
Yoga for Fitness: Best Poses to Kick Your Butt
Lately there appears to be a massive misunderstanding surrounding yoga. Those who have never ever exercised it can watch it as an introspective, easy workout, or something that's about skill without any kind of genuine fitness benefits. This couldn't be further from the truth.
Yoga gives an extreme, full-body exercise that could have your muscular tissues hurting in all the finest means after a strong routine. These are several of one of the most tough yoga poses available, not as a result of for how long it takes to fold your arm or legs still, yet due to just how difficult they'll function your core muscles. These poses will leave your body a lot tauter and also toned if you do them correctly.
The Plank Pose
Planking is the precursor to sit-ups, as well as they are right here to remain. This yoga posture is most ideal attained beginning from a descending encountering pet dog, after that raising into your tiptoes and also rising into a push-up position. Your wrists need to be directly beneath your shoulders while your hips are low and also lined up with the remainder of your body. Keep your look a few inches in front of your hands as well as hold for numerous deep breaths or 60 2nd intervals. This will certainly engage your core muscular tissues and also press you one step more detailed to awesome abdominal muscles.
Learn Plank
The Locust Post
This enhances the buttocks, back, abs, as well as the rear of the limbs aids to boost posture. Rest on your stomach with your temple hing on the ground and also your arms level at your sides, hands encountering upwards. From there, take a deep breath as well as lift yourself up as you breathe out. Clasp your arms behind your back and also maintain your feet elevated numerous inches off the ground, according to your hips. Hold for numerous breaths as well as launch. For added intensity, you could roll your shoulder blades throughout the present, or attempt to lift your upper body even higher off of the ground.
Learn Locust
Tree Pose
This is one of the quintessential yoga exercise poses where your hands are pushed with each other versus your breast as well as you're balanced on one leg. It's much less complicated stated than done, so if you desire an enjoyable challenge, this is it. The tree position begins by moving your weight onto your left leg. From there, bring your right knee to your breast, grab your ankle joint and push your best foot versus your left thigh. If you discover it very easy to stabilize in this manner, area your palms with each other and also hold them before your chest for 10 deep, solid breaths prior to repeating on the various other leg to involve in a solid ab workout.
Learn Tree Pose 
This posture involves your core in addition to your oblique abdominals. Putting your hands with each other in a prayer posture, lunge forward with your left leg and also stop at regarding 90 degrees, keeping your appropriate leg expanded right behind you the whole time. Keep your spinal column lengthened as you lean over your left thigh as well as push your right arm joint versus it. Transform your head so your look is dealt with on the ceiling, hold for 10 lengthy breaths and release prior to duplicating on the various other side.
Learn Revolved Crescent Lunge
Mastering yoga positions isn't very easy, yet like the workout itself, it's about equilibrium. If you still aren't certain where to start or want a second set of eyes to see if you're doing the workouts appropriately, get a teacher. Courses on-line as well as at fitness centers like Halevy Life are abundant so you'll certainly have instructors available. Don't leave your workout to opportunity and discover a trainer you trust fund. When you strike the ideal harmony in between dexterity and also stamina, you'll have the ability to hold also the most difficult yoga poses for long intervals, and also clear your mind while enhancing your muscle mass as well as improve your flexibility. The very best component? All you require is a bit of area, so you can do these anywhere as well as take your exercise on the go.
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yogastudioyoga · 4 years
The Wheel Pose
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Wheel Pose (which likewise has numerous different names and is otherwise called Upward Bow, Urdhva Dhanurasana or Chakrasana) has consistently been one of those supernatural postures for me. It looks excellent and great, and it's likewise a very progressed. On a size of 1 to 10 full wheel is around a 8.
This posture is a full back twist and it fortifies the arms, legs, mid-region, glutes, shoulders, quadriceps and spine. It has numerous advantages, for example, extending the chest and lungs, animating the thyroid, adrenal and pituitary organs, expanding vitality and neutralizing wretchedness. It's likewise remedial for asthma, back agony, barrenness and osteoporosis.
There are various contraindications to this posture however which incorporate (yet are not restricted to) back injury, carpal passage condition, the runs, cerebral pain, heart issues and high or low circulatory strain. If all else fails check with your clinical expert.
Wheel isn't for everybody except there are gentler other options. Scaffold present is viewed as a delicate variety and option for wheel posture, and it has a large number of similar advantages. On the 1 to 10 size of trouble, connect present is a 3.
There is promise for us all in moving in the direction of having the option to do wheel present. There are numerous preliminary postures to prepare you:
Extending the abs: Bow, Locust
Extending through the chest: Chest Expansion, Camel, Cobra, Upward confronting canine posture
Extending through the shoulders: Tabletop, Cow Face
Fortifying the Core: Plank Pose, Upward Plank
Extending through the quadriceps: Dancer Pose
The way to wheel present is the adaptability and receptiveness through the shoulder and chest territory, so if there is one region to focus on center around that one chakrasana benefits for weight loss.
You can rehearse how the posture feels by going into wheel over head of a Swiss ball (huge inflatable exercise ball). This will assist with extending the chest and shoulders while still have support for the remainder of the body.
There are likewise a couple of approaches to work your way into this posture. You can either push up into it from the floor or work your way down into it from standing.
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rishikeshyogmandir · 4 years
The top yoga poses to soothe your back pain
The top yoga poses to soothe your back pain
Back pain is something that has haunted everyone at some point of their life irrespective of their age and gender. No matter how much we ignore but our health of back and spine is something that keeps our whole body together and keeps it erect. However, thanks to our sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy lifestyle backache are something that stuck with most of the people nowadays.
But now it is the time to come out with the feeling of slouching, pain and lethargy. Yoga not only relieve you from the back pain but also provide you with necessary care for your back. If you want to care for your back and looking to work towards making your spine healthy and agile, you can enroll for yoga teacher training in Rishikesh where you will learn all the yoga poses under the guidance of best yoga teachers.
However, to get you on your feet and take a step forward to healthy back here are top yoga poses to soothe your back pain.
Downward dog pose
From a tabletop position tuck your toes under and raise your hips off the floor. Keep your back straight to avoid any rolling of your spine with your tailbone directed towards the ceiling. Bend your knees slightly if you are a beginner and slowly straighten your legs to bring your heels to the ground to avoid any unnecessary stretch in your back. Stay in the pose for at least 30 seconds and then release gently.
With the growing popularity of yoga, the downward dog pose is also getting famous to soothe your aching back. It is the best yoga pose for lengthening of the spine and gives a nice stretch to your hamstring which soothes your lower back pain.
Child Pose
Start from the tabletop position; sit down on your heels keeping your knees together. Now with an inhale stretch your body above your head and as you exhale bend your upper torso from the hips and rest your forehead over the mat and arms stretched in front of you. Now breathe and solely focus on releasing the tension of your back as your upper body rest on your knees. Stay in the pose for at least 8 to 10 breath and then release gently.
Child pose works is a perfect pose to release the tension from your back and relieve you from fatigue. It not only lengthens your spine but also stretches your thighs, ankles and hips.
Supine twist
Lie down your back with your arms extended towards the side making a T shape. Draw your knees towards the chest and slowly turn your both knees to the left keeping your neck and shoulder intact on the floor. You can also use your left hand to press your knees gently. Focus on breathing and hold this yoga pose for at least 30 seconds and then repeat in on other side.
The supine twist is a restorative yoga pose that promotes the mobility of the spine and the entire back and neck muscles. It is the best yoga pose to relieve you from the stiffness of hips and back.
Cat cow pose
Come down on your four keeping your wrist under your shoulder and knees underneath your hips. Now take a deep breath in and as you inhale arch your back down and fix your gaze towards the ceiling. As you exhale arch your back up and tuck your chin towards the chest and fix your gaze towards your belly. Draw your navel towards the spine. Try to focus on your breath and do this pose with full awareness. Continue with this motion for at least 8 to 10 breaths.
This to and fro motion of your back keeps your spine healthy and agile.
Locust pose
Lie down your belly keeping your arms rested beside you with palms facing up.
Let your toes tuck together and your heels roll towards the sides. Slowly lift your head, upper torso all the way up and bring your hands together at the back and interlock your fingers. Lift your legs to deepen the pose and fix your gaze in the front as your lengthen your entire back. Stay in the pose for 30 seconds and then release gently.
Locust pose help in relieving the pain especially from your lower back and also strengthens it simultaneously.
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tyigoa · 4 years
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~~~ Shalabhasana- The Locust Pose ~~~ 👉 Yogendra Shalabhasana; the locust pose is a cultural asanas for backward bending of the spine. The final position of this Asana resembles a locust or a grasshopper–a strong flier i.e. the instrument to move is strong. To build the same quality in the body, muscles related to locomotion are strengthened. 👍 Benefits: ✅ Strengthens the lower back, pelvic organs, legs, hip joints and arms. ✅ Enhances circulation to the spine and the whole upper body. ✅ Favourably activates the kidneys and liver. ✅ Stimulates the appetite. ✅ Backache during menses can be alleviated. 👉 Read Full Detail about Shalabhasana - https://bit.ly/How-To-Do-Shalabhasana 📞 Call us at +919307047148 to speak to our Yoga experts and learn more about the Teacher Training and Better Living courses. #Shalabhasana #TheLocustPose #YogaAsana #YogaAsan #YogaPose #YogaTeacherTraininginGoa #YTTC #200HourYogaTeacherTraining #YogaCourses #YogaClassesinGoa #YogaAshraminGoa #OneMonthTeacherTraining #FullMonthYogaTeacherTraining #Yoga #Meditation #YogaInstructorTraining #YogaLifeGoa #YogaTeacherTrainingCourse (at The Yoga Institute Goa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_gqNOvDkSC/?igshid=phc4m9dqqgdq
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Act 3, Chapter 5: Electric Boogaloo
“Hello, Sportacus!~” EB smiled and patted the new hero’s shoulder.
The pole vaulter zombie was still caught a bit off guard by the fact that he was now a hero. He smiled. “Uh, thanks. So you’re Electric Boogaloo, right?”
EB spun on his heel and struck a pose. “That be me~” He smiled.
“My name The Smash. Good to meet you, new hero.” Smash held out his large hand.
“Wow, I didn’t expect a luchador to have such a thick russian accent,” said Sportacus.
“Most do not.”
Sportacus stared at Smash’s huge palm, and then smiled and shook it.
“Good grip,” commented Smash.
Sportacus grinned.
“...For thin zombie like you.”
Sportacus burst out laughing. “I like you.”
“Smash like you too, Sportus.” Smash patted Sportacus’ head and noogied him with his thumb.
Sportacus chuckled. “So what DID happen to Rustbolt?”
Now the thing is, EB and Smash had come and greeted him as the last few zombies were leaving. So it was just the three of them, pretty much. “...You really wanna know?” Whispered EB.
“Yes I do, Floof.”
“Okay, we-- Did you just call me floof?”
Sportacus nodded. “Sorry, Electric Boogaloo…”
“I kinda like it.” EB smiled. “I’m kinda surprised nobody’s called me that before.”
“So, what happened to him, Floof?”
EB looked at the hero. Sure, he seemed nice… But he’s Rustbolt’s REPLACEMENT… But it’s not his fault… So, taking in a deep breath, and then holding it for a sec, EB sighed. “Rustbolt got some plant-related powers and now he’s living with the plant heroes.”
“How come nobody else told me?”
Smash and EB looked at each other. If they spilled the beans, Sportacus could take said beans to Brainstorm or Zomboss. Those beans are NOT cool beans. “It is because only us know,” Smash said softly.
Sportacus’ eyes widened. “Did you guys almost leave WITH him?”
EB shook his head. “No. We visited him.”
“Also we gave him plant powers,” Smash mumbled.
Sportacus gasped.
“Smash!” EB scolded. “For real!?”
“I trust him, he is nice.” Smash shrugged.
Sighing, EB nodded. “Yeah. He wanted powers so we shot him with the handheld hero-tron. The one that made YOU a hero. But he had coffee grounds in his hands and ZAP! Plant powers.”
“I thought it was tea,” Smash commented.
“Yeah. What’d I say, coffee? God I’m stupid. I’m just a bit stressed from the meeting. I don’t want any harm to come to my best friend…”
Sportacus hugged EB. “Cheer up, Floof. It’s really cool getting to talk to you guys and, well… Talking in general. It’s great being able to say something besides ‘brains’ all the time. But I don’t think I’m fit for all this…”
Smash poked the other two. “I have idea. Is good one. Want to hear?”
“What’s your idea?” Asked EB.
“We get Rustbolt… To train Sportacus. That way we dont end up having another Rustbolt replacement, and Zomboss will leave us alone.”
“Which gives us the perfect environment to figure out where to go from there,” said Sportacus.
Smash smiled. “Already he is like Rustbolt. Very smart.”
EB was about to say something when his phone rang. It was Zomboss.
“Electric Boogaloo! I require your services immediately,” said the big-brained boss.
“‘Sup, Dr. Zomboss?”
“You and Super Brainz are to look after Impfinity.”
“Got it.”
Zomboss hung up, and EB pocketed his phone. “Guys, I gotta go babysit Impfinity with--”
“The one and only!~” Super Brainz landed onto the stage where the others stood.
EB chuckled. He was always a bit fond of Super Brainz. Back in the days, them and Smash were the CREW. They went on ALL the missions. They were inseparable. “Gimme a sec, ok?” Super Brainz nodded and flew in the air, kinda hovering high above them.
“So what’s up?” Asked Sportacus.
“The main focus is finding out what else Zomboss has planned.” Sportacus and Smash nodded.
Suddenly, Super Brainz flew down. “Zomboss said to tell you that Sportacus is going to be living in Rustbolt’s house.”
EB, Smash and Sportacus nodded.
“Now let’s go!” Super brainz picked up EB and flew off. EB waved to Smash and Sportacus, and they waved back.
“I’m gonna miss Rustbolt,” said Super Brainz.
EB looked at him. “...Me too.”
“But hey, what’re you gonna do, right?” SB shrugged. “Oh, also. I got a bunch of disco albums for us to listen to.” Floof smiled. Him and Super Brainz, even if they hadn’t talked much anymore, always had each other in mind. “So we’re almost there.”
“Impfinity isn’t TOO crazy, right?” Asked EB.
“Nah, he’s just jumpy. He doesn’t clone himself TOO much, and when he does it’s usually to do something like stack on top of them to reach the cookie jar or something.”
EB chuckled. “That’s pretty IMPressive.”
Super Brainz let out a guffaw, clutching his stomach with both hands. Therefore dropping EB.
“Why am I always getting dropped in the air!?” Screamed EB. “It’s not even scary anymore, it’s just redundant!”
Super Brainz flew down and picked up the dancing hero. “There.”
“I’m just glad we’re not babysitting Z-Mech,” said EB.
“Why not?”
“He’s kind of a copycat,” EB started. “Like, he’s not that original. Half of his decks are either sports decks or dancing decks. Those are my thing. And Rustbolt’s thing.”
Super Brainz nodded. “Well, SPORTACUS’s thing now, I guess. Also you gotta remember, Dancing decks, he has Bonus Track Buckethead.”
EB frowned. “I want him in my arsenal.”
“Who knows? Maybe some magic disco dancer can conjure up one for you,” Super Brainz said sarcastically.
“Conjure. Now that’s a word you don’t hear everyday.”
Super Brainz smirked that pervy-looking smirk of his. “I learned that word yesterday.”
“Been waiting to use it, haven’t you.”
“You know me so well~” Super Brainz said in a heavily exxhagerated girly voice. The two started laughing. Just like they used to. “Hey, remember that Grass Knuckles mission?”
“Oh god, with the two trenches next to the pier? Don’t freaking remind me.”
Super Brainz laughed.
“That took us SO LONG.”
Super Brainz, EB and Smash are gathered around each other.
“He’s got too much bullseye bullshit,” growled Super Brainz.
Smash nodded. “We need locust swarm and rolling stone.”
EB looked at Smash. “Definately the locusts, but we also need to be able to damage nim directly.”
“You both are crazy!” Shouted SB. “We need to use deadly to get rid of those damn armored plants. We need strikethrough to hit him directly. We also nooe to bonus attack the shit out of him.”
“Or we can just flood him with glass cannons!” Yelled Floof.
“No! We need a weed spray!” Roared Smash.
The three kept on arguing. For a long time. Until finally Smash roared. EB and SB both shut up after that.
“We need Frenzy,” said Smash. “That way we can hit him. Super Brainz, you have no healing, so you are bad idea for this.”
“Wait, that’s it!” EB snapped his fingers. “Everyone make a list of what you LACK.”
Smash and Super Brainz were a bit confused, but nonetheless they did as EB said.
After a few minutes they read out their lists. EB started. “I don’t have bonus attacks, strikethrough, bouncing, deadly, armored or bullseye.”
“I don’t have direct damage, bullseye, bonus attack, deadly, bouncing or strikethrough,” said Smash.
Super Brainz went last. “I don’t have frenzy, armored, healing, destroying, decent buffs, debuffs, or direct damage.”
“What’s VERY important for this mission?” Asked EB.
“Healing, so that we can last longer,” said Smash.
“Deadly, because then his buffs go to waste.” Said Super Brainz.
“Frenzy,so deal with sting beans,” countered Smash.
Super Brainz narrowed his eyes. “Bonus attacks, to level the playing field.”
“Locusts to deal with big plants.”
“That’s what deadly’s for. Also Gravestones are immune to bonus attacks.”
“I can use weed spray,” said Smash.
SB laughed. “Bouncing undoes any buffs he gave them. Meaning WEED SPRAY is only good early game.”
“Guys!” Shouted EB. “Calm down. I think Super Brainz is the one we need.”
And Super Brainz, with the help of EB and Smash, made an imp-based strategy that absolutely obliterated Grass Knuckles. It took them a week altogether to beat that final fight.
“Well, here we are.” Super Brainz flew down into the carnival. There, standing by the circus tent, was Impfinity, snacking on brain cupcakes.
“Hi Soup Brain!~” Said Impfinity.
“Impfinity, I’m here with EB.”
Impfinity stared at EB’s afro. “Look at all that floof!” Shouted Impfinity. “SO MUCH FLOOF!”
Super Brainz snickered. “I’m like, 95% sure that he’s only got like five hairs on his head, they’re just like 40 feet long.”
“My hair is NOT 40 feet!”
“Sure as hell SMELLS like 40 feet.” SB pointed to his bootless foot. Impfinity just busted out lauhging.
EB pouted. “That’s not cool, bro.”
“Sorry,” said the superhero. “I got…. CARRIED AWAY.”
EB laughed so hard he started tearing up. “You crack me up~”
Super Brainz smirked. “So are we gonna watch the little rascal?”
“Yep. So, Impfinity, what do you wanna do?” EB crouched, tooking down at the small imp.
“I want to play chickenfight!” He shouted.
“But there’s only three of us.”
Impfinity, with the craziest smile on his face, pressed the button on his belly. “Not anymore!” 5 Impfinities stacked on each other’s shoulders, and were about twice as tall as EB, not including hair.
“Who’s bottom?” asked Super Brainz. “I’m stronger, but you’re taller.”
“Stronger? Don’t underestimate my back and shoulders, buddy.”
EB, now curious, flew up onto EB, and EB carried the buff hero with ease.
The Impfinities were laughing hysterically. “Yay!”
And then the fight was on. EB had no problem on the bottom, except for the fact that Super Brainz was full-on left and right hooking the clones. Every time he swung his fist, he put all his weight into that punch. Which made it hard for EB to balance. And every time that Super Brainz would punch a clone off, another would spawn in its place.
“This is fun!” The clones laughed and giggled. EB smiled as he and Super Brainz fought the impfinite clones.
“That was exhausting,” said Super Brainz between pants.
EB had the biggest grin on his face. “It was fun.” He watched Super Brainz take off, then started walking to his nightclub. Suddenly, his phone rang. It was Brainstorm. Picking it up, EB casually asked “Hello?” He hoped that Sportacus hadn’t spilled the beans to Brainstorm.
“Electric Boogaloo, it’s Professor Brainstorm. We haven’t hung out in a while, I was wondering if you wanted to do something later.”
Well that’s not suspicious at all. “Uh, sure. What did you have in mind?”
“Well, there’s this pink comet I’ve been keeping an eye on for a while and--”
“You’ve noticed that too?”
“Yes. It’s quite peculiar. I plan to observe it more tonight. I was wondering if you wanted to accompany me.”
EB sighed in relief. “Yeah, sure. Sounds fun.”
“Excellent. Meet me at Zombie U just after sundown.” Brainstorm hung up.
EB pocketed his phone and looked up. The sun was already done setting.
Brainstorm had basically said, in a really calm way,
EB gulped. This might be about stars.
Or it might be about something of much greater importance.
EB ran all the way to Zombie U. There on the roof stood the second smartest zombie of all time. “Hello, Boogaloo,” said Brainstorm without looking down at Boog.
The disco dancer bit his lip. “How’s it going, Brainstorm?”
“It’s going great,” said EB. He was lying of course, but Brainstorm didn’t seem to notice.
“Come join me,” he said.
EB climbed up to the roof and looked at the stars. There, sure enough, was that pink dot. “It’s not headed for us, is it?...”
Brainstorm shook his head. “Not at all. That would make it a meteor. It’s Comet Z, as I have started to call it.”
EB shrugged. “Comet Z sounds cool.”
Brainstorm looked into the telescope. “I wanted to ask you something.”
EB’s eyes widened. “Sup?”
“What are you up to?”
EB started panicking. “W-what do you mean? I’m not up to anything, Brainstorm.”
Brainstorm shrugged. “Wanted to know if you had plans later in the week.”
A weight was lifted from his aching shoulders.
“But now you’re acting nervous. Is there something you’re not telling me?”
“Well there’s alot of stuff I don’t tell you,” EB quickly responded. A little TOO quick.
Brainstorm turned and glanced at EB. “You seem on edge. Look, if you don’t wanna tell me something, don’t tell me it. We all hide things from each other.”
EB let out a sigh of relief. “So anyways, um.”
“Well are you free this week?”
EB nodded. But since Brainstorm was looking through the telescope, he said “Yep. I’m free, as far as I know.”
“Excellent. Can I count on your arrival to Zombie U tomorrow evening as well?”
“Sounds good. I’m also gonna be helping train Sportacus, by the way. But that’ll be in the daytime.”
“Sounds good to me,” said Brainstorm. “Good chat.”
“Wait was that all? I came over here so that you could ask me to come over AGAIN tomorrow?”
“I only realized the redundancy once you arrived,” replied the professor. “I hope to see you tomorrow, EB. You should get some sleep.”
EB, keeping eyes on the professor, climbed down the building and slowly backed away. Once he was far enough, he turned and bolted for his house.
Brainstorm, watching Comet Z, flinched slightly when his phone rang. He pressed a button, and a hologram of Zomboss appeared. “Hello, Dr. Zomboss.”
“Good evening, Brainstorm,” said Zomboss. “I have something I’d like to discuss with you.”
“What would that be, sir?”
“The laser. The one that Rustbolt blew up. I want you to remake it.”
Brainstorm looked up and furrowed his brow. His moustache twitched. “I can have it done in six days, sir.”
“Make it five.”
Brainstorm nodded, and the hologram fizzled out. He put down the small device and continued to observe the comet. “Oh, the kind of things that could be on that comet. It looks like it’s made primarily of solid rock, instead of a granular substance or ice. How peculiar. It seems to be about the size of a two-story house.That is, if I’m looking at it correctly. That glow is so intense, It took all my sun filters to be able to properly observe it. How odd.”
“Brainz!” Shouted a browncoat.
“What is it?” Asked the professor.
“Fine.” Brainstorm sighed and teleported down to the ground. He walked inside to see a mass of wires and two oval frames. “How is it not working?”
“I thought I put new couplings in.”
“After one test? Really?”
“Brainz.” He pointed to the oval on the left. “Brainz.”
“I said I would work on that. Also you’re forgetting that the cables are weighing it down. We can’t get accurate numbers yet.”
“Yes, we’re gonna put the transmitter on.”
“That all?”
He nodded.
“Good.” Brainstorm left the room and headed to his office. He rifled through a few papers and found the diagrams and blueprints for the zombification laser. “Two projects, two deadlines.”
EB was walking home when it started to thunder. Clouds rolled in, and lightning jumped from one cloud to the next. EB chuckled. Lightning struck down in front of EB, temporarily blinding him. He flinched, blinking the white lines out of his eyes. “I’m ELECTRIC BOOGALOO. THIS IS MY DOMAIN.” He jumped in the air, and pointed to the sky with both hands. Lightning came down and entered his fingers. When he landed, he jumped again and shot it back into the air. He watched the rain fall down and shocked it with his finger. It bounced from one droplet to the other, finally arcing down and going into the earth.
He walked home, zapping the rain and puddles as he went. He could never do this with Rustbolt. Rustbolt hated rain, even when his suit wasn’t on. Admittedly that was rare, but still.
When EB reached home, he walked in to see hoards of dancing zombies. He closed the door, walked to the center of the stage, and danced the night away.
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Strange Alien Man Reported Throughout Nampa, Idaho in the 1980s - 1990s by several local children: Nampa Moon Man - Full Exposé
By Hanna Paulson. During one of my many coffee-fueled late nights in dark rooms lit only by too-bright computer monitors, I stumbled across a story that quickly became and to this day remains one of my all time favorites. The Moon Man of Nampa is one of my all time favorite local urban legends that no one seems to have heard about. Several times off and on over the last few years I’ve revisited this story in hopes to find more information on him, unfortunately it just doesn’t seem like there’s any more out there. Here is all that we know. Strange Alien Man Reported Throughout Nampa, Idaho in the 1980s - 1990s by several local children. The Moon Man’s internet presence seems to begin with a post to the topix.com forum in 2007 with a user named Jaclyn.
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The thread spans over only twenty posts; most not knowing how to answer the original questions but posing more out of interest of their childhood local legend. Several days later, the only person (Victor B.) who seems to have any actual information shares all that he knows.
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Eventually several more topix.com users join in with little bits of information and heresay- that he lived either on 12th Avenue where a McDonalds was built many years later, or perhaps near the now-closed Pauls, or even on Powerline. That he perhaps drove an Orange, 1978 Scout and was possibly related to another Stanke in Idaho who serenaded locals with a saxophone atop a hill. One user states: "Who couldn't remember "stinky stanke"? I had nightmares of the guy for years! The only thing between his barbed wire bunker and my house growing up was the forest- no solace there..." After trying to research every mention of Morris Stanke, only a few things became known for certain. He was born in 1918 and lived until 1993. He was buried alongside his older brother at the  Kohlerlawn Cemetery in Nampa, and their headstone is still standing and easy to find if you’re persistent enough.
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He was claimed to have been on the early 80′s NBC show Real People that explored the lives of... real people.  Each segment was a visit to someone with a unique occupation or hobby. Although this is claimed more than once around the topix.com forum, a Susan S. writes “The experiments he spoke of were derived for the camera 'Real People'.Sadly the canisters containing REAL PEOPLE ARCHIVES were lost due to heat in skip barbers garage."
Photos of his supposed bunker exist despite the actual home being plowed down many years ago. The photos are courtesy of Seymour Rosen and are available here, along with the coordinates to the property.
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The home photographed above was located on the corner of Sunnyridge and Stony Meadow, a quick three minute drive from just about anywhere in town.
For most of his life, Morris Stanke (The “Moon Man”) lived in the house above and occasionally also with his brother, Richard, who was a World War II Veteran and supposedly “had almost a photographic memory for dates, was very eccentric. He worked at BSU as a janitor/yards keeper. Also worked at Titan Missile base in the Bruneau desert.” Although none of the information on Richard can be verified. Richard and Morris spent years in their bunker doing experiments on various types of mold that they claimed could affect the weather. The hermits also dabbled in psychic research. A scan of a preserved business card reveals that although possibly not the site of the famed barbed-wire-bunker, at one point the brothers were located at 1211 Locust Street.
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Finally, in 1981, a newspaper in South Dakota took interest in Morris Stanke’s weather experiments and was able to provide the most accurate history of Morris ever published.  Eventually the piece was shared in newspapers from Iowa to Reno, but never back to Idaho.
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Although Idaho never shared the rest of the country’s interest in Stanke’s work, he was no stranger to the local paper. For many years through the 70s and 80s, the brothers ran the same ad in the Idaho Press Tribune, challenging any doctor to prove them wrong.
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The reward was never claimed. Morris Stanke passed away in 1993. Rumors from the toppix.com forum persist that he was found frozen to death in his vehicle one chilly Idaho morning, though this reporter thinks it much more likely that the difficult life Stanke led, surrounded by psychic mold experiments and cruel bystanders wore down on the then-75 year old veteran and took him in a much more natural way. With his home and workspace being destroyed after his death, we may never know the extent of his work and the progress made with his psychic, weather-altering molds. Perhaps in a way this is for the best, for the man and his mold were far too far-out for the world they were handed. Here’s to you, Morris and Richard Stanke, and here’s hoping that you are up somewhere controlling the cloudy skies over Nampa after all. If anyone has any additional information regarding Richard and Morris Stanke and their work, feel free to submit it at keeptreecityweird.tumblr.com or [email protected]
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