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appmonk · 3 months ago
MOON in the Hips
Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
 Liver, sacrum, thigh bone, tail bone, hip muscles, hip joint, lumbar vertebra, lumbar muscle.
Health Habits : Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don't get enough exercise. Although usually lean and slender in their early years, they have a tendency to put on weight as they get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs.
They often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs and may be vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness.
Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Jupiter's influence has also been noted on the pituitary gland. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis
Sagittarius's cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet.
Eat : Lack of silica may result in lank hair, dull skin, and sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skin of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals, egg yolk.Sagittarians should eat a high protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit such as beets, tomatoes, plums, cherries, oranges, and lemons , eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat. They should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.
Don't Eat : Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy, and chocolate. They should go very easy on alcoholic beverages, not only to avoid damage to the liver but to the skin, which coarsens and ages under the effects of liquor.
Fire rules the function of internal combustion or digestion−the burning up or absorption of food. Fire also purifies the system by burning off toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungus. Fire signs easily fight disease. Their constitution naturally tends toward high temperatures.
Excess Fire
Fire signs, when unbalanced to excess or overstimulation, are prone to burning themselves out. Excess fire can be impatient and angry, or internalizes it into hypertension, heart problems, ulcers or inflammations. Excess fire is brought back into balance by foods that are cold, moist and heavy, or slow-burning foods that ground energy.
Grains, root vegetables
Spicy food, red meat
herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, skull cap and valerian.
Low Fire
When your fire is low, it may be hard to burn off or fight disease. Digestion and absorption of food are inadequate. Eat foods that are hot, light, dry and aromatic. Avoid cold foods.
lemon, yoghurt, bitter greens like kale, mustard.
dairy products, meat
digestive stimulants like cayenne, mustard, cloves, cinnamon,garlic, ginger.
Note:The health information given above is not meant as a substitute for care from a qualified physician. The information is given for educational purposes only, and is not intended to diagnose or prescribe.
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appmonk · 4 months ago
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appmonk · 6 months ago
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Suggestions of tools for optimizing your experience during the Moon in Scorpio.
Locust Pose
Don’t underestimate the power of the locust. At first glance some assume this pose is not a big deal and if you’re not being intentional it’s possible it won’t be. The way to make this pose really powerful is to press the tops of your feet into your mat as hard as you can — this will probably lift your knees off the floor. Reach your arms toward the wall behind you. As you do, try to bring your shoulder blades closer together while keeping your fingers higher than your hips. Visualize space in your collar bone and bring your shoulders out of your ears.
The locust pose, also known as Salabhasana, is a full-body yoga movement that can help energize, de-stress, and relax the mind. The pose is named for the resemblance of the body to a locust while in the position. Here are some tips for performing the locust pose:
Start on your belly With your feet together and palms down, extend your big toes back and press down with your toenails to activate your quadriceps.
Lengthen your spine Inhale and stretch your hands forward and your legs out, as if someone is pulling them in opposite directions.
Engage your core Rotate your inner thighs toward the ceiling to broaden your lower back, and roll your shoulders back and up. Keep your back of neck long and emphasize lifting your sternum instead of your chin.
Lift your legs Keeping your hips down, lift one leg at a time, pointing your toes internally and rotating your thigh. You can try locking your knee and lifting your leg as high as you can without discomfort.
Lift both legs Once you're comfortable with lifting one leg at a time, lift both legs and press your toes back.
Focus on length Don't worry about how high you lift, as this can strain your back or neck. Instead, try to extend forward through your torso and back through your legs.
Release slowly After several breaths, slowly release back to your mat and rest.
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appmonk · 2 years ago
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in the Genitals and Anus:Scorpio
Current Moon is in Scorpio:
Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many things. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough.
Organs influenced by the current Scorpio Moon Sign:
Organs: Genitals, rectum, anus, urethra, genital glands, ovaries, prostate, pubic bone, genes.
These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Scorpio's cell salt is calcium sulphate, which is the prime ingredient in the repair of tissues and resistance to infectious diseases. The nose, mouth, throat, esophagus, reproductive organs, and intestinal pathways need this mineral for healthy functioning. A deficiency opens the way to colds and sinus infections that hang on forever, skin eruptions which do not heal, and infertility.
Eat : Foods rich in calcium sulphate, which Scorpios should include in their diet, are asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, onions, tomatoes, figs, black cherries, coconuts. Scorpios need calcium food such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables & whole-grain breads. The following are particularly good for Scorpio: fish and seafood, green salads, beets, lentil, almonds, walnuts, citrus fruit, berries, apples, bananas and pineapples.
Don't Eat : Scorpios should not eat large meals, and the evening meal should be light. Bottled spring water is often better for them to drink than regular tap water.Scorpios have a problem handling liquor. Of all the signs in the zodiac, alcohol has the worst and most immediate effects on Scorpio's looks and skin.
The water element rules the reproductive and lymphatic systems and body liquids−including blood, mucus and lymph. Water lubricates, flushes and cools the body. Water signs are exceptionally sensitive to their environment, particularly to fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Health issues for water signs generally have a strong emotional component. Water sign people easily pick up negativity from others. They tend to brood on their health and imagine problems to be greater than they are. Their health problems tend to recur in cycles.
Excess Water
These people tend toward sluggish digestion, poor assimilation and slow metabolism. Stagnant excess water may manifest as mucus, cysts, tumors and swellings, as well as systemic candida. Excess water can manifest as weight problems. It is seldom helpful to decrease dietary intake alone. Better results come from increasing the metabolic rate, decreasing the liquid intake, changing the diet and increasing physical activity.Excess Water is balanced by foods that are hot, dry and light.
Take steamed vegetables, beans, fruits.
Avoid oily foods, diary, sweets, yeasty foods, breads and salt.
Remedy sage, basil and thyme, Diuretics such as parsley, uva ursi and juniper berries, Chapparal, garlic and olive leaf
Low Water
Low Water constitutions have trouble flushing toxins from their systems, and lack lubrication to their systems. They tend to be stiff and dehydrated and have difficulty sleeping. They suffer from conditions similar to excess air, such as skin and hair dryness and difficult absorption of nutrients. They find it hard to accept emotional nourishment. Take baths, drink plenty of liquids, and live near water.Melons, cucumbers and other moist and fleshy vegetables help balance this constitution Don't fast, take care with extreme exposure to heat or sunlight and take extra salt with exertion or warm weather.
Take wheat, rice, oats, seaweed, dairy products and natural sugars .
Avoid beans and natural diuretics such as carrots, celery, cabbage and asparagus
Remedy licorice sweetened with honey, Fruit juices
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appmonk · 2 years ago
Moon in Aquarius
Appalachian Monk A L M A N A C Moon Report
Current Moon is in Aquarius: In the LEGS
Date and Moon Phase (Lunar Phase) Moon Sign Chart October 31, 2022 Waxing Crescent Aquarius 1°01’ (chart) Current Moon is in Aquarius: Your relationship with your emotions might be more complicated, because Moon in Aquarius has a strong need for emotional freedom. However, when you are in a group of people, it is easier for you to understand your feelings and free yourself from negative emotions such as fear, anger and jealousy.
Organs influenced by the current Aquarius Moon Sign: Organs: Calf, ankle, shin, Achilles, forearm muscles, thyroid hormones. These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Surgical operations: Surgical operations are not recommended during the Waxing Moon.
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appmonk · 2 years ago
Current Moon is in Sagittarius
Appalachian Monk
Moon Report
Current Moon is in Sagittarius: In the Thighs. In the Hips,
In the Liver
Date Moon Phase
(Lunar Phase) Moon Sign Chart
October 28, 2022 Waxing Crescent Sagittarius 21°43’ (chart)
Current Moon is in Sagittarius:
The greatest need is to always search for something. In order to feel safe you might find that you need to have a goal, mission or philosophy that gives your life meaning.
With Moon in Sagittarius you have an optimistic approach to life and you believe that things will get better even if you get into trouble.
Organs influenced by the current Sagittarius Moon Sign:
Organs: Liver, sacrum, thigh bone, tail bone, hip muscles, hip joint, lumbar vertebra, lumbar muscle.
These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Sagittarius Rules : the hips, the thighs, and the liver.
Health Habits : Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don't get enough exercise. Although usually lean and slender in their early years, they have a tendency to put on weight as they get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs.
They often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs and may be vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness.
Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Jupiter's influence has also been noted on the pituitary gland. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis
Sagittarius Rules : the hips, the thighs, and the liver.
Health Habits : Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don't get enough exercise. Although usually lean and slender in their early years, they have a tendency to put on weight as they get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs.
They often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs and may be vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease, and sometimes lameness.
Sagittarius's ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Jupiter's influence has also been noted on the pituitary gland. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol. They are also susceptible to hepatitis
Sagittarius's cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet.
Eat : Lack of silica may result in lank hair, dull skin, and sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skin of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals, egg yolk.Sagittarians should eat a high protein diet, with lots of broiled poultry and fish, fresh vegetables and fruit such as beets, tomatoes, plums, cherries, oranges, and lemons , eggs, skim milk, yogurt, brown rice, and whole wheat. They should drink lots of pure water, eat four mini-meals a day rather than three large ones.
Don't Eat : Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy, and chocolate. They should go very easy on alcoholic beverages, not only to avoid damage to the liver but to the skin, which coarsens and ages under the effects of liquor.
Fire rules the function of internal combustion or digestion−the burning up or absorption of food. Fire also purifies the system by burning off toxins, viruses, bacteria and fungus. Fire signs easily fight disease. Their constitution naturally tends toward high temperatures.
Excess Fire
Fire signs, when unbalanced to excess or overstimulation, are prone to burning themselves out. Excess fire can be impatient and angry, or internalizes it into hypertension, heart problems, ulcers or inflammations. Excess fire is brought back into balance by foods that are cold, moist and heavy, or slow-burning foods that ground energy.
Grains, root vegetables
Spicy food, red meat
herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, skull cap and valerian.
Low Fire
When your fire is low, it may be hard to burn off or fight disease. Digestion and absorption of food are inadequate. Eat foods that are hot, light, dry and aromatic. Avoid cold foods.
lemon, yoghurt, bitter greens like kale, mustard.
dairy products, meat
digestive stimulants like cayenne, mustard, cloves, cinnamon,garlic, ginger.
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appmonk · 2 years ago
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Virgo
Your feeling of safety is now related to order and clarity, even in emotions. You may have the need to organise everything chaotic and disorganized. Try being more tolerant and accept imperfections of life. It is better to trust life and let it run its own way, not everything must be according to our expectations.
Organs: Pancreas, small intestine, cecum, colon, digestive tract, duodenum, rectum, sense organs: eyes and ears.These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.Surgical operations:
Yes - Surgical operations are recommended during the Waning Moon. However, avoid surgeries of organs under the influence of the Moon Sign.
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appmonk · 3 years ago
Shaven and ready.
Started a little over a week ago, re-focusing my sexual energy.
I have eaten my last meat meal, today.
13th Moon, 3rd Sabbath
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appmonk · 3 years ago
DAY ONE of 40 Days- Journal
For intent and purposes of this blog- I am Appalachian Monk.
Where I've been, and what I have accumulated from my five senses, the past 52 years- has brought me here.
Hardwired with insecurities and anxiety. Destined to cure myself of my own ailments.
AND also to optimize my human experience in life. To not be held back by anxiety or anger or fear. To be full human is my goal. Wholy. Holy. Wholy.
Today I start a journey. Where to? Nowhere. But everywhere.
I will be blogging about my experience through the days ahead.
Goal: To clear my mind from all my failures and to re-light the fire I once had. To be at peace. My birthright. Through chaos- peace. Through hate- Love. My birthright.
Daily Routine:
Sun Rise: 6 AM
Wake up: Gratitude
Intake/Outtake: Breathwork
Empty Bladder
Boil Water for Coffee
Shambhavi Mudra
Upa Yoga.
Coffee with MCT OIL.
Music: Great Day To Be Alive- Travis Tritt
Breakfast: One egg over medium, hash browns. Salsa.
Sweet Tea.
Lunch: Salmon & Crackers & Salsa
WORK: Chromebook/wifi -Booking, Social Media, Website
Supper: (partial fast)
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appmonk · 3 years ago
DAY ONE of 40 Day Journey
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appmonk · 3 years ago
Appalachian Monk
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appmonk · 4 years ago
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