appmonk · 2 years
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in the Genitals and Anus:Scorpio
Current Moon is in Scorpio:
Moon in Scorpio creates the need to delve into your feelings as deep as possible. You desire meaningful emotional exchanges now more than at any other time even if it is not easy and you are forced to change many things. Shallow relationships do not satisfy you, because they are not purifying enough.
Organs influenced by the current Scorpio Moon Sign:
Organs: Genitals, rectum, anus, urethra, genital glands, ovaries, prostate, pubic bone, genes.
These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.
Scorpio's cell salt is calcium sulphate, which is the prime ingredient in the repair of tissues and resistance to infectious diseases. The nose, mouth, throat, esophagus, reproductive organs, and intestinal pathways need this mineral for healthy functioning. A deficiency opens the way to colds and sinus infections that hang on forever, skin eruptions which do not heal, and infertility.
Eat : Foods rich in calcium sulphate, which Scorpios should include in their diet, are asparagus, cauliflower, radishes, onions, tomatoes, figs, black cherries, coconuts. Scorpios need calcium food such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and cottage cheese. They should concentrate on a diet high in protein, fresh fruits and vegetables & whole-grain breads. The following are particularly good for Scorpio: fish and seafood, green salads, beets, lentil, almonds, walnuts, citrus fruit, berries, apples, bananas and pineapples.
Don't Eat : Scorpios should not eat large meals, and the evening meal should be light. Bottled spring water is often better for them to drink than regular tap water.Scorpios have a problem handling liquor. Of all the signs in the zodiac, alcohol has the worst and most immediate effects on Scorpio's looks and skin.
The water element rules the reproductive and lymphatic systems and body liquids−including blood, mucus and lymph. Water lubricates, flushes and cools the body. Water signs are exceptionally sensitive to their environment, particularly to fungi, bacteria and viruses.
Health issues for water signs generally have a strong emotional component. Water sign people easily pick up negativity from others. They tend to brood on their health and imagine problems to be greater than they are. Their health problems tend to recur in cycles.
Excess Water
These people tend toward sluggish digestion, poor assimilation and slow metabolism. Stagnant excess water may manifest as mucus, cysts, tumors and swellings, as well as systemic candida. Excess water can manifest as weight problems. It is seldom helpful to decrease dietary intake alone. Better results come from increasing the metabolic rate, decreasing the liquid intake, changing the diet and increasing physical activity.Excess Water is balanced by foods that are hot, dry and light.
Take steamed vegetables, beans, fruits.
Avoid oily foods, diary, sweets, yeasty foods, breads and salt.
Remedy sage, basil and thyme, Diuretics such as parsley, uva ursi and juniper berries, Chapparal, garlic and olive leaf
Low Water
Low Water constitutions have trouble flushing toxins from their systems, and lack lubrication to their systems. They tend to be stiff and dehydrated and have difficulty sleeping. They suffer from conditions similar to excess air, such as skin and hair dryness and difficult absorption of nutrients. They find it hard to accept emotional nourishment. Take baths, drink plenty of liquids, and live near water.Melons, cucumbers and other moist and fleshy vegetables help balance this constitution Don't fast, take care with extreme exposure to heat or sunlight and take extra salt with exertion or warm weather.
Take wheat, rice, oats, seaweed, dairy products and natural sugars .
Avoid beans and natural diuretics such as carrots, celery, cabbage and asparagus
Remedy licorice sweetened with honey, Fruit juices
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earthsprophet-blog · 7 years
My New Nazarite Vow
Over the weekend I embarked on yet another sacrifice. No more grapes and now will be rocking the Dreads! Super excited to see my transformation both physical and spiritual. Will post pics soon, peace to all! -EP
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yonymzk · 8 years
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Your inner you sometimes is expressed on the outside through a smile and through what you say or how you act... but sometimes you can make a few twitches 😜 My reminder on my shoulder.. that I don't belong to myself and my self desires... I belong to the Lion of the tribe of Judah and as He is in me, I am also in Him! Have a blessed day my friends! 🦁😉 #urbanliaison #lion #tattoo #beyourself #beblessed #GodCalledYou to continue being you, take on the cross and be a witness to God's Kingdom #nazaritevow #dreadlocks #7years #3togo
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zachsbanks · 6 years
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Sunday was a pretty big day for me. I finished my 5-month-long Nazarite vow (during which I read over 3,500 pages of Christian study books), I shaved my head (as part of the Nazarite vow), and I got baptised. I’m looking forward to what God has in store. #nazaritevow (at Camp Ao-Wa-Kiya)
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appmonk · 12 days
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antipoetic · 12 years
unf ur attractive o k
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letlovelightlife · 13 years
I'm gonna do it
Understanding the meaning of the Nazarite vow is extremely important to the committed Christian believer. It is a guide for living a fulfilling and victorious life. Summarized in one sentence, living the Nazarite Vow is the putting away of hindrances in order that something more important and very pleasing to God might take place in our lives.
  Abstaining from wine and strong drink
The complete abstinence from grapes in that day was representative of giving up worldly pleasures, for the fruit of the vine symbolized life's frivolity. Not only was intoxicating drink withheld, but also the chamar, which was a sweet grape juice that symbolized the sweet things of the world. In other words, wine, which is made from rotten (fermented) grapes represents worldly pleasures found in the rotten, putrefied areas of a worldly life. Nevertheless, God-given pleasures in which a person may partake without guilt of sin were likewise excluded for a period of time. This was a fast of pleasure – a self-imposed austerity that was engaged in to keep a person from being distracted by worldliness in order to draw close to God and perform extraordinary exploits for Him.
Relevance for today: As Christian believers, we are to live in the world, yet separated from the world. Any thing that intoxicates us (money, fame, lusts of the flesh, etc.) will ultimately dull our spiritual senses and draw us away from God. Today, we live in the substance of what was pictured in that beautiful ritual act. We, who believe live in the true meaning of that symbolic act, refrain from becoming intoxicated by anything that might draw us away from intimacy with God.
 Let the locks of hair on his head grow long
Long hair in the society of that day symbolized that a person was living under the authority and covering of another.
Relevance for today: As believers, we now live under the authority and covering of our Lord. We were bought with a price that He paid on the cross. Therefore, we belong to Him and we are in covenant union with Him. Today, we demonstrate submission through the way we conduct of our lives - under the authority of another through dependence and obedience.  We seek Him for guidance and counsel.  We obey His word. We live our lives to serve Him and to please Him. Living this kind of lifestyle today is a greater testimony to the world than the ritual act of growing long hair. In this day, hair is grown (or not grown) as a matter of preference and style. Moreover, some of us are bald and have no choice in the matter. Therefore, hair length in this era gives no meaningful testimony to the world.  And testimony is what the ancient Nazarite's long hair was all about. Today, obedience and devotion to God convey the strongest possible testimony to the world. This is a testimony that cannot be ignored. It is important to remember that Old Testament ritual acts were shadows and types of the reality that was to come. The substance of these shadows and types (Col 2:16) is Christ Himself - who was, spiritually speaking,  the perfect Nazarite. By His example and through His empowerment (the Holy Spirit), we can live in the true meaning of the Nazarite vow.
 Don't go near to a dead person
The requirement to stay away from dead bodies is another important symbol. It strongly suggests that the Nazarite should not go near death because doing so would make them ritually unclean.
Relevance for today: Succinctly stated, this ritual refrain means don't go near sin because sin will bring spiritual death. Romans 6:23 says that the wages of sin is death.
Jesus certainly lived by the spiritual principles of the Nazarite vow. He lived a life of self-denial and separation to God the Father. The most obvious aspect of his self-denial was His death for our sins. Yeshua (Jesus) tells us in several parables that we also should be living this way. Do we compartmentalize Him? In other words, do we simply add Him to everything else we do, or do we give him every aspect of our lives to control?
Also Im going to do no dessert or sweets, maybe i'll think of something else to add too...
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appmonk · 2 months
Moon in Scorpio
Moon in Scorpio
Suggestions of tools for optimizing your experience during the Moon in Scorpio.
Locust Pose
Don’t underestimate the power of the locust. At first glance some assume this pose is not a big deal and if you’re not being intentional it’s possible it won’t be. The way to make this pose really powerful is to press the tops of your feet into your mat as hard as you can — this will probably lift your knees off the floor. Reach your arms toward the wall behind you. As you do, try to bring your shoulder blades closer together while keeping your fingers higher than your hips. Visualize space in your collar bone and bring your shoulders out of your ears.
The locust pose, also known as Salabhasana, is a full-body yoga movement that can help energize, de-stress, and relax the mind. The pose is named for the resemblance of the body to a locust while in the position. Here are some tips for performing the locust pose:
Start on your belly With your feet together and palms down, extend your big toes back and press down with your toenails to activate your quadriceps.
Lengthen your spine Inhale and stretch your hands forward and your legs out, as if someone is pulling them in opposite directions.
Engage your core Rotate your inner thighs toward the ceiling to broaden your lower back, and roll your shoulders back and up. Keep your back of neck long and emphasize lifting your sternum instead of your chin.
Lift your legs Keeping your hips down, lift one leg at a time, pointing your toes internally and rotating your thigh. You can try locking your knee and lifting your leg as high as you can without discomfort.
Lift both legs Once you're comfortable with lifting one leg at a time, lift both legs and press your toes back.
Focus on length Don't worry about how high you lift, as this can strain your back or neck. Instead, try to extend forward through your torso and back through your legs.
Release slowly After several breaths, slowly release back to your mat and rest.
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appmonk · 2 years
Moon in Virgo
Moon in Virgo
Your feeling of safety is now related to order and clarity, even in emotions. You may have the need to organise everything chaotic and disorganized. Try being more tolerant and accept imperfections of life. It is better to trust life and let it run its own way, not everything must be according to our expectations.
Organs: Pancreas, small intestine, cecum, colon, digestive tract, duodenum, rectum, sense organs: eyes and ears.These organs are now more sensitive so provide them with extra care.Surgical operations:
Yes - Surgical operations are recommended during the Waning Moon. However, avoid surgeries of organs under the influence of the Moon Sign.
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appmonk · 3 years
Shaven and ready.
Started a little over a week ago, re-focusing my sexual energy.
I have eaten my last meat meal, today.
13th Moon, 3rd Sabbath
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