#how to celebrate litha
junesprout · 4 months
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enchantedwitchling · 3 months
Celebrating the Summer Solstice: A Witch's Guide to Litha
As the wheel of the year turns to the height of summer, we embrace the vibrant energy of Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice. This magical festival marks the longest day and shortest night of the year, a time when the sun stands still and the Earth is bathed in its fullest light. Let's dive into the essence of Litha, explore how witches celebrate this sun-drenched festival, and discover rituals, spells, and traditions to honor this radiant time.
What is Litha?
Litha, celebrated on or around June 21st, is a festival of light, abundance, and the peak of the sun's power. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and is a time of joy, growth, and the bountiful gifts of the Earth.
How Do Witches Celebrate Litha?
Witches celebrate Litha with outdoor rituals, bonfires, feasts, and a deep connection to nature. It’s a time to honor the sun, embrace its energy, and celebrate the fertility of the Earth.
Rituals and Spells for Litha
🔥 Bonfire Rituals: Lighting bonfires or candles symbolizes the sun’s energy and power. Jump over the fire (safely) or a candle to bring good luck and cleanse yourself of negative energies.
🌿 Flower Crowns and Herb Gatherings: Create flower crowns and gather herbs like St. John’s Wort, lavender, and rosemary, which are potent at this time.
💧 Sun Water: Collect water in a clear jar and leave it in the sun to absorb its energy. Use this sun-charged water in rituals and spells for vitality and empowerment.
✨ Sun Meditation: Meditate outdoors, focusing on the warmth and light of the sun. Visualize its energy filling you with strength and positivity.
Litha and Sacred Symbols
🌞 The Sun: The central symbol of Litha, representing life, energy, and power. Honor the sun with sun-shaped symbols, colors like gold, yellow, and orange, and sunflowers.
🔥 Fire: Symbolizing transformation and purification. Incorporate fire into your rituals through candles, bonfires, or even a simple flame.
🌸 Flowers and Herbs: Representing the Earth’s abundance and fertility. Decorate your altar with fresh flowers and use herbs in your spells and rituals.
Other Litha Traditions
🥗 Feasting: Celebrate with a feast of summer fruits, vegetables, and dishes cooked on an open fire. Share your bounty with loved ones, embracing the spirit of abundance.
🎁 Gift-Giving: Exchange small, sun-themed tokens of appreciation and blessings with friends and family.
🏞️ Nature Walks and Outdoor Activities: Spend time in nature, appreciating the beauty and energy of the season. Collect natural items for your altar or as offerings.
Litha is a time to celebrate the peak of solar energy, embrace the fullness of life, and set intentions for growth and abundance. Whether through rituals, spells, or simply basking in the sun’s glory, Litha offers a moment to connect deeply with the natural world and its rhythms. As we honor the longest day of the year, may the light of the sun fill your heart with joy, your mind with clarity, and your spirit with boundless energy.
Blessed Litha to all!
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kitchenwitchtingss · 1 year
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I love making these oh my gosh.
It's really fun
It's been a while since my last one
I get an excuse to try yummy recipes
You all are way too good at what you do
It's fun x2
Teas, Drinks, And Syrups
🍊 Orange Peel Tea 🍊
Violet Lemonade
Coconut Summer Drink
Dandelion Honey
The Best Hot Spiced Cider recipe you’ll ever try
Apple Cider is basically a homesteading spell
Rose Lemonade Syrup
100-Year Garlic (Garlic Honey)
Fire Cider Spell for Winter Protection
Blackberry & Apple Jam
Witchy Recipes - Blackberry Lemonade
Baked Goods + Sweets
Prosperity Bread
Lavender Earl Grey Cookies
Easy Rosemary Focaccia Loaf for Love and Protection
Heavenly Lavender Scones
Honey Vanilla Peach Butter 🍑
Pumpkin Pie Dip 🎃
Vanilla-Pumpkin Cupcakes
Soups, Stews, And Dinners
Super simple secret potato soup
Forest Porridge
Heartwarming potato soup
Perfect Homemade Garlic Bread
Creamy vegetable soup
Springtime Soup
Stuffed Maple dijon glazed roasted butternut squash
Summertime stir fry
Sabbat Stuff
Litha Orange Honey Cake
Litha Thyme Chicken
Stuffed Apples for Mabon
Mabon Mug
Imbolc Pretzel wreath
Oatmeal Bread for Lughnasadh
Samhain Mulled Cider
Samhain Irish Apple Cake
Angel's Best
(my favorite recipe posts I've made over the years, plus backstories that sound like your grandmother's reminiscing over the past.)
My first post I ever made. I was pretty new to the tumblr community at the time. I loved kitchen witchcraft, and I'm the type of person who will ramble on about how much I love cooking and baking. This blog gave me an outlet to express my love of cooking, baking, paganism, and witcraft. And these rolls are very tasty, I make them to this day!
Tasty, simple, and a crowd-pleaser. It's perfect for a beginner kitchen witch! It was also the second recipe I ever posted.
It was a recipe given to me by one of my good friends at the time. Every time I make it, it gets devoured in less than 10 minutes. It was also my first recipe to get over 50 notes. I was shocked but ecstatic that so many people would even give it the time of day lol.
These ones were just fun to make and delicious lol.
A quick soup that feeds a lot of people during the fall season. Fall is my favorite season, so of course I'm very biased lol.
I love pumpkin bread and apple cider... So why not combine the two? This one was definitely one of my favorites of all time. Moist pumpkin bread and chocolate chips have to be one of my favorite things on this planet. It also makes for the perfect gift for friends and family. Yummy!
I love dessert loaves of any kind, so naturally, this would be on the list lol.
Super simple comfort food! I love any time of cookie with brown sugar.
I love French toast, and I love positivity~
These are really good! And traditional. If you celebrate Samhain, I recommend you make some soul cakes and have friends and family help decorate. I give the littles a bag of orange frosting and let them go crazy lol.
One of my most recent is my witchy twist on chicken noodle soup!
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whimsigothwitch · 1 year
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Litha (June 21st) also known as the Summer solstice is almost here.. Litha marks the first day of summer, the longest day and shortest night of the year. 🌞
In slavic traditions called Ivana Kupala (June 24/ July 7), flower wreaths are made and floated on water, it promised happiness and a long life or marriage.
Here are some Litha/Summer solstice correspondences: Symbols | The sun, blooming and colorful flowers, honey, fruits, bees, animals Colors | Yellow, blue, green, white, pink Spells | Love (self-love), protection, growth, abundance Crystals | Tigers eye, moonstone, agate, citrine, sunstone, amber, jade Herbs and flowers | Chamomile, thyme, dill, lavender, rose Food | anything with honey (cakes), herbal teas, fruits (ber ries, strawberries), cheese, wine, salads, homemade breads How to celebrate | Make flower crowns/wreaths, pick strawberries/cherries, bake!, go for a nature walk, picnic, sunbathe, make sun water/tea.
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piscesseer · 1 year
Honor the Sun: Summer Solstice ☀️
As the warm rays of the sun envelope us, we find ourselves at the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha or Midsummer. This holiday celebrates the sun’s power. 
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Summer Solstice is observed on June 21, 2023. This is the longest day of the year, and the shortest night. Litha is about the power of the sun. Before we welcome the dark side of the year, we acknowledge the peak of the solar year. 
Many see Litha as a time of balance between light and dark, masculine and feminine energies, and our realm and the other. It’s a time to connect with nature, and enjoy the company of others.
The sun is shining the brightest on this day, symbolizing the peak of light and the triumph of the sun over darkness. The warmth of the sun gives us a sense of renewed strength and inspiration. It’s a reminder to embrace the abundance of beauty and nature surrounding us.
The Anglo-Saxons brought Litha with them to the British Isles when they settled in the 5th and 6th centuries. The Celts celebrated Litha, with the planting season just passing and wanting to call in a great harvest. It was essential to appease the solar Gods in some way. They would have hilltop bonfires and dancing. Many people would jump over the bonfires for good luck.
Many cultures have honored Gods and Goddesses of the Sun. These deities can be worshiped during Litha.
Some traditions believe in the battle of light and dark, where the Oak King and Holly King fight for control. During each Solstice, they battle for power and the balance shifts. The Oak King, who represents daylight, rules from the Winter Solstice to Litha. During this time, the day steadily gets longer. During Litha, when the Holly King wins, the days get darker until Yule.
Litha Correspondences:
Key Words: Warmth, Manifestation, Love, Light, Fertility, Unity, Success, Strength
Symbols: Sun, Flowers, Trees, Mushrooms, Honey, Bees
Herbs & Plants: Chamomile, Lavender, St. John’s Wort, Rosemary, Sunflowers, Daisy, Oranges
Colors: Gold, Green, Light Blue, Orange, Pink
Animals: Bees, Cows, Horses, Dragonfly, Songbirds
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How to Celebrate Litha:
For most modern-day Pagans, Litha is a day of inner power and brightness. Fire rituals and barbecues are a common way to celebrate. This holiday celebrates Earth’s abundance and personal power. 
Decorate the House and your altar. Adorn your altar with symbols of the sun, flowers, herbs and items that represent Litha. Some ideas: gold objects or coins, yellow and white flowers, lavender, circular items, symbols of the sun, seasonal flowers, fruits or crops (strawberries, sunflowers), citrus fruits.
Gather loved ones for a Litha feast, abundant with seasonal fruits, vegetables and herbs. Having a summer barbecue counts! Savor the flavors of the Earth’s bounty and share in the joy of community. As you dine, express gratitude to the land for the nourishment.
Kindling a bonfire is a time-honored tradition of Litha. Traditionally, people stayed up all night on Midsummer’s Eve to welcome and watch the sunrises. Bonfires were lit on tops of hills and at sacred places to honor the Sun. A bonfire represents the Sun at the peak of its strength. People danced and leaped around them. Coals from the Midsummer fire were scattered on the fields to ensure good harvest. Today, you can gather friends and family to hold a Midsummer Night’s Fire Ritual. Celebrate the season with a big bonfire and form a circle around the dancing flames. As the fire crackles, offer gratitude for the sun’s life-giving energy. Release any burdens of negativity into the fire, allowing the power of flames to cleanse or renew your spirit. In addition, you can write these things down and burn them in the fire to symbolically let go of what is no longer serving you.
If you prefer spending your time alone this Summer Solstice, there are plenty of small ways you can celebrate.
Craft a beautiful flower crown using vibrant blossoms or herbs that correlate to the holiday. Wear it as a symbol of your connection to nature.
Take a stroll through a blooming garden, a lush forest, or a sunkissed meadow. Listen to the melody of a birdsong, breathe in the fresh air, and take in the majesty of nature. Allow yourself to be in the present moment, embracing the interconnectedness of all beings. Gather flowers, herbs, or stones that resonate with you to use in rituals or as decoration.
Meditate about the light and dark forces in the world or in yourself. Find ways that you can bring more lightness into your life and get in touch with the joyful parts of life. Journal, do yoga, practice self-care or take a walk. Stargazing is another way to reflect on yourself.
Focus on your goals and nurture your intentions. You should see results in the harvest season. 
Find a natural body of water such as a river, lake or ocean and immerse yourself in the waters, or at least a part of your body. As you do this, visualize negative energies or emotions being washed away. Offer a prayer of gratitude to the water element for its purifying properties. 
Cast spells of fruition. It’s a great time for spells of success, abundance, love, purification, protection and parenthood.
This celebration beckons us to embrace the power of the sun and revel in the abundance of the summer season. Celebrate life, growth, and the eternal cycle of nature. May the blessings of Litha fill our hearts with warmth and inspiration through the year!
For more detail on this celebration, visit this post!
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magickkate · 9 months
🌿✨ A Beginner’s Guide: Navigating the Magical Seasons and the Wheel of the Year ✨🍂
Hello, witches! Ever heard of the Wheel of the Year? 🌙🌸 Let’s take a magical stroll through the seasons and see how it spins its enchantment in witchcraft for beginners! 🔄🌷
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🔮 What’s the Wheel of the Year?
• Imagine a cosmic calendar divided into eight magical chapters, each representing a unique season and energy shift. This is the Wheel of the Year!
🌳 The Eight Sabbats:
• The Wheel has eight spokes, known as Sabbats. These include Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha (Midsummer), Lammas, and Mabon. Each has its own magical significance and vibe.
🌞 Honoring Nature’s Rhythms:
• Witches use the Wheel to attune with nature’s cycles. From the darkness of winter to the blossoming of spring, each Sabbat reflects the ebb and flow of energies.
🌼 Practical Magic:
• Incorporate the Wheel into your craft! Celebrate Sabbats with rituals, spells, and activities aligned with each season. For instance, plant seeds during Ostara for growth or embrace gratitude at Mabon.
📚 Beginner-Friendly Resources:
• Explore books like “Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner” by Scott Cunningham or “The Modern Witchcraft Spell Book” by Skye Alexander for practical insights into Wheel of the Year celebrations. (Wicca ≠ Witchcraft, Wicca is a religion, Witchcraft is a folk practice! The book by Scott Cunningham introduces the Wheel of the Year and how it is utilized in Wiccan traditions.)
🌱 Connect with Community:
• Join online communities or local groups to share experiences and learn how others incorporate the Wheel into their practice. There’s magic in sharing!
🌕 Celebrate at Your Own Pace:
• No need to rush! Celebrate the Sabbats that resonate with you. The Wheel is a guide, not a rulebook. Feel the energies and go with the flow.
🌈 Begin Your Wheel Adventure:
• Whether you’re a total newbie or a curious seeker, the Wheel of the Year invites you to dance with nature’s rhythms, embrace magic, and celebrate the enchantment of every season! 🌟🌿
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hime-jellyfish · 2 months
My hogwarts dr
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Introduction to my dr self
First Shift
September 1, 1993 in my bedroom at 6 am
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❥ I never get harmed severely, curses and hexes don’t work on me. My spells never backfire
❥ I never forget the common room password. I never get lost in the castle, I know my way around
❥ Nobody can read my mind and the truth serum doesn’t work on me. I never get caught sneaking out past curfew or around the castle
❥ I always have the amount of money needed in my bag or pocket (I understand wizarding and English currency)
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3rd year Gryffindor
Classes: (A) Charms, DADA, Herbology, potions (B) Beasts, transfigurations, history of magic, astronomy
❥ The solstice balls are celebrated yearly (yule, ostra, mabon, litha) Hogwarts and Hogsmeade celebrate Halloween — we get the day off from school
❥ Lunch is noon, curfew is 10 pm (midnight during astronomy days), and students are allowed to go to Hogsmeade after classes and on weekends
❥ The school looks how it does in the films besides the common rooms and dorms, those look like how it does in the game
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Litha, Summer Solstice, Midsummer – circa June 22
Litha 2024: A Witches Guide to the Pagan Summer Solstice Celebration
Litha, also known as the Summer Solstice, is a pagan holiday celebrated on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere. It is the longest day and shortest night of the year, and marks the official start of summer. Litha stands as one of the four 'lesser sabbats,' marking the pinnacle of the solar calendar. In pagan traditions, it is a time to celebrate the power of the sun and the abundance and growth of the natural world. It is also seen as a time of balance between light and dark, and a turning point in the year when the days begin to grow shorter and the nights longer. This holiday is a time of abundance, growth, and light, and is associated with a variety of correspondences, including colours, crystals, deities, traditions, and ways to observe the holiday.
When is Litha 2024
Litha celebration will land on June 20, 2024 in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, Litha, or the summer solstice, occurs around December 21st or 22nd. This is when the Southern Hemisphere experiences the longest day and the shortest night of the year, marking the official beginning of summer.
How to Pronounce Litha
Litha pronunciation is "LEE-thuh" with the emphasis on the first syllable. The word "Litha" is believed to have originated from the Anglo-Saxon word for "midsummer" and is still used by modern pagans and Wiccans to refer to this holiday.
Litha Meaning
As a spiritual holiday, Litha is a time for rituals and ceremonies that honour the sun and the energy of the summer season. It is a time to connect with the natural world and to celebrate the beauty and diversity of life. It is also a time to reflect on personal growth and to set intentions for the rest of the year.
Overall, the meaning of Litha is one of joy, abundance, and connection to the natural world. It is a time to celebrate the light and warmth of the sun, and to embrace the energy of growth and transformation that comes with the summer season.
Litha Colours
The colours typically associated with Litha include yellow, gold, green, and blue. Yellow and gold represent the sun, which is at its strongest and brightest during this time of year. Green represents growth and abundance, while blue represents the sky and the waters of life.
Litha Herbs
Litha, or the summer solstice, is associated with a variety of herbs that symbolize the energy, growth, and warmth of the season. Here are some herbs commonly associated with Litha:
St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum): This herb is often associated with the summer solstice and is believed to have protective and healing properties. It's in full bloom around this time.
Lavender (Lavandula spp.): Known for its calming and soothing properties, lavender is often used during Litha rituals to promote relaxation and spiritual connection.
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris): Mugwort is associated with psychic awareness and protection. It's sometimes used in divination practices during Litha.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile is known for its calming properties and is often associated with relaxation, making it suitable for Litha rituals focused on introspection and meditation.
Rose (Rosa spp.): Roses are symbols of love and passion and are often associated with the sun. They can be used in rituals or as decorations to bring beauty and positive energy.
Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis): Lemon balm is associated with the sun and is believed to attract love and positive energy. It has a refreshing and uplifting scent.
Mint (Mentha spp.): Mint is often associated with prosperity and vitality. It can be used in rituals to bring abundance and refresh the energy.
Sage (Salvia officinalis): Sage is known for its cleansing properties. It can be used to purify a space before Litha rituals or celebrations.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow is associated with courage and protection. It's often used in rituals to enhance personal strength and resilience.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis): Calendula, with its vibrant yellow and orange petals, is associated with the sun and is often used in rituals for joy and positive energy.
These herbs can be used in various ways during Litha, such as in incense, sachets, wreaths, or as offerings in rituals.
Flowers for Litha
Flowers are an important part of the Litha celebration. You can use them to decorate your altar, make flower crowns, or simply enjoy their beauty as a reminder of the abundance and growth of the summer season. Some flowers that are commonly associated with Litha and the summer solstice include:
Sunflowers: These vibrant flowers are often associated with the sun and the power of light.
Roses: With their beautiful blooms and sweet fragrance, roses are a symbol of love, beauty, and passion.
Lavender: This fragrant herb is often associated with relaxation, purification, and healing.
Marigolds: These bright orange and yellow flowers are often used in rituals to honour the sun and the power of fire.
Daisies: These simple yet cheerful flowers are a symbol of innocence, purity, and new beginnings.
Chamomile: This delicate flower is often used in rituals to promote calmness, relaxation, and restful sleep.
Yarrow: This herb is often associated with courage, strength, and protection.
Many crystals are associated with Litha, including citrine, sunstone, tiger's eye, and amber. These stones are said to bring warmth, abundance, and vitality, and can be used in a variety of ways during Litha rituals and celebrations.
There are a variety of deities associated with Litha, depending on your spiritual tradition. Some popular options include the goddesses Brigid, Gaia, and Freyja, as well as the gods Lugh, Apollo, and Helios. These deities are often associated with the sun, fire, and growth, and can be called upon to bring blessings and abundance during Litha celebrations.
Litha Tarot Cards
While there isn't a specific set of tarot cards exclusively associated with Litha, the themes and energies of the summer solstice can be reflected in certain cards. Here are some tarot cards that might resonate with the themes of Litha:
The Sun (XIX): The Sun card is one of the most direct associations with the energy of Litha. It represents positivity, success, and the height of vitality. It signifies the triumph of light over darkness.
The Emperor (IV): The Emperor card is associated with structure, order, and leadership. It can symbolize the power of the sun in providing stability and guidance during the height of summer.
The Empress (III): The Empress represents fertility, abundance, and growth. It is a card that aligns well with the themes of the summer season when nature is flourishing.
The Wheel of Fortune (X): This card represents cycles and the turning of the seasons. It can symbolize the natural order of life and the changes that come with each season, including the transition from spring to summer.
The Ace of Wands: Wands in the tarot often represent fire and energy. The Ace of Wands, in particular, signifies new beginnings, inspiration, and the spark of creativity—qualities associated with the active and vibrant energy of summer.
The Nine of Cups: Known as the "Wish Card" or "Happiness Card," the Nine of Cups represents emotional fulfillment and contentment. It can be seen as a card of celebration, aligning well with the joyous atmosphere of Litha.
The Lovers (VI): The Lovers card represents harmony, unity, and the coming together of opposites. It can be interpreted as a card of balance and connection, reflecting the balance of light and darkness during the summer solstice.
The Four of Wands: This card is often associated with celebrations, achievements, and a sense of community. It can represent the joyous gatherings and festivities that often accompany the summer season.
Remember, tarot is a highly personal and intuitive practice. Feel free to choose cards that resonate with you and the specific aspects of Litha that you wish to focus on in your readings and rituals.
There are many different ways to observe Litha, depending on your personal beliefs and traditions. Some common practices include:
Lighting bonfires or candles to celebrate the light and warmth of the sun
Decorating altars and sacred spaces with flowers, herbs, and other symbols of growth and vitality
Holding outdoor rituals or gatherings to connect with nature and honour the turning of the seasons
Creating and sharing meals made with fresh, seasonal ingredients
Participating in activities that celebrate creativity, such as dancing, singing, or making art. Witches' Sabbath Zakuro Aoyama
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her-acts-of-cruelty · 3 months
huge rhrn spoilers!!
this is my review. :3
if you spot any mistakes, let me know! curious to see what other people thought
this is long btw... and broken into sections in no particular order.
1. marketing
i, like many other fans, saw the teaser dropped and assumed the movie wouldn't be out at least until the end of the year, as par the tradition with most movies. However, this isnt movies, in fact i think forge released this movie at the perfect time for a couple reasons. the first beingo that the release date was on Litha, also known as the summer solstice. the reason this is significant is that many ceremonies for this holiday include celebrations with large groups, something that RHRN provided. I felt like this really added to the aspect of attending a "ritual". another reason forge was quite smart for this is that the hype for people around the world to see what happened at the Kia Forum hadnt died down yet. this worked in his favour, considering this sudden drop brought up the attention again.
i really liked that they used Father Jim Defroque as a marketing tactic. Especially considering it connected festival goers at Download to feel connected with fans that weren't there. The use of Jim's posters at download was very fun too, and fitting they got vandalised due to non-ghost fans assuming it was a real priest. for me that added to the authenticity that he's a real person that is very serious about protesting this movie!!!
i also liked the experimentation going on, even if it doesnt go to plan (problems with the jim video drop), the fact that these new mediums are being tested out allows room to figure out kinks and try them again in the future. it added to the interactive element, and made me forget tobias existed, and that this was a very real band and there were very real things going on that i had to be weary of.
2. Music
One thing i did notice is the improvement in quality compared to their previous live album, Ceremony and Devotion. Obviously theres a big change in vocals, i was very surprised that Copia's vocals seemed a lot more high pitched than what i had remembered.
the easiest comparison i can make that's accessible to everyone right now here Rite Here Rite now's Absolution, and Ceremony and Devotion's Absolution. most notably for me was the backing vocals and the presence of this growling and sinister tone, that i really enjoyed. the overall quality is definitely there too, i'm not certain on the specifics but i know for a fact there was a very different set up this time around, compared to C&D.
if you have ghost live, was such a haunting moment. theres many little elements, the backing vocals, the gorgeous piano, and the incredible cello players had a huge part in making this version sound the way it did. the amount of passion and emotion here reflected the message of the song, there was a sense of unity that i felt really stood out.
Its also worth talking about The Future is a Foreign Land. oh my god i cried when i heard this for the first time. this song really encapsulates that sort of bond-esque era of music, undeniably it had that 60s ring to it. It did also remind me of Magna Carta Cartel (more so than subvision, i dont think subvision has quite the same sway as this specific song). i know some others have pointed this out and i'm glad.
from a story point, this song is really interesting. considering we previously had no context of how nihil responded following the events of kiss the go-goat, it was kind of cathartic to know that he did genuinly feel bad for his actions. more about this in the use of animation though.
For tobias forge, this song was really interesting. i felt like it was a bit too blatant having the mention of 2024, i guess it felt like it was implying that from that moment nihil knew that thqt was the year copia would take over as head of the clergy, or at least that seestor would die. which wouldnt make sense? i dont think? idk comments are on, share what you want.
3. Animation/mixed mediums
i wasnt sure how the animation element would tie in with the movie when i first saw it announced, but honestly i think this was the best way to do it. while i was a bit disappointed to see nothing new from liz fenning and justin andrews, the decision to lean into the comments of ghost making scooby doo music and using that artsyle was very fun.
i also felt like this was a time effective way of explaining the events post kiss the go-goat. seestor's idgaf attitude was amazing, im so glad that this didnt fall back on letting nihil get the girl in the end. characters dont have to get back together, and im glad they didnt. this felt more real and more personal, the two of them only sticking around to work and to make sure their children grew up to serve their duties.
the overlay during year zero was so fucking cool. i think its clips from swedish black comedy "Häxan" but i could be very very wrong. this made me very happy though, i wasnt expecting this and was a nice way to throw in some references to swedish media, especially one that also enjoys making fun of the fear around witchcraft and satanism,
4. the ghouls!!
suspiciously well behaved. did not expect that. i was a bit disappointed that we didnt see that much of them and that they were so well behaved??? what happened to my feral creatures???
as per usual, their perfomances were amazing. the backing vocals sent me to heaven, i think best example of this is during mary on a cross, or kaisarion. Seeing Phantom and Dew show off their silly skills was very fun, love me a man that can become a pretzel while he serenaded me with songs of satan. while i am upset that we lost Aether, im glad his replacement is bringing some silliness to his role and seeing his growth with the band had been really rewarding.
i will say cirrus's reaction to seestors death did get me. like damn. youre right this is sad. i think also seeing someone die is actually quite shocking, we dont really know much about seestors relationships with the ghouls so theres not a whole bunch i can add.
im so glad they werent unmasked, i feel like that would've ruined the mystery of what ghouls look like. and i mean not as performers but as fictional creatures. everyone has their own version, similar to how Vessel from Sleep Token keeps on his mask to allow the audience to project onto him.
hearing rain's voice scared the shit out of me. i forgot he knew how to do that.
5. the off stage segments
i am so glad this is how the movie was broken up. what comes to mind for me is copia and nihil in the box just before if you have ghost. this was a gut punch of a moment for me, for a deadbeat parent to just decide they want to be there all of a sudden, because your other parent is bothering you? i did appreciate that big drop of "oh yeah actually i had three songs oops anyway deep breaths loser youre on"
the sudden drop of something like that is insane, and nihil being so smug about it, knowing that he's been keeping that quiet for so long just aaaaaah. but also i get why it was kept quiet, considering how personal the Future is a Foreign Place is to him.
it was at this point i began to cry. and i did not stop crying at this movie, even past the credits.
i did love that there was like no real chemistry between copia and Ashley. like yes, she has a job to do, and copia is known for being useless around women. and also like, theyre co-workers, they dont need to have romantic relations. i liked that!!
i am going to jump to the ending. post encore after the hot air balloon scene. i will not be spending much time on this because my dumbass really believed that copia would just float away into space and thats the movie over.
seestor's death was so unexpected. but i think it made sense. i have mixed feeling about her, mainly the whole "lol yeah i told my 55 year old son i was his mum last month and now ive decided to parent" but thats mainly it. she has a job to do, and she does it well. shes also just the baddest bitch in the world.
i was crying at her dying. and then hearing Copia's pathetic cries had me choke at the emotional whiplash as my friend laughed at me. and i laughed at copia because what the fuck was that noise bro.
AND SHE DIED IN HER HEELS??? girl is serving cunt in the afterlife thats C-U-N-T spells CUNT
finding out copia has a twin (?) was also very shocking, id always assumed he was named Copia becauses hes a copy of his dad, not because like... hes one of two??
Post credits had the entire audience gagged. firstly, seeing copia out of his red tracksuit and wearing his fancy new suit that came with being promoted to Father Imperator (or frater imperator, as some have dubbed him which makes sense and is fair) had me yeowling like a cat being dragged to the vets. Tears were over by this point, i was so proud of him. and happy that forge didnt lie, copia dient die he just now is the real one in charge.
the does also shine a light on how papa doesnt actually have any power, he's just a pawn for the clergy (secondo spitting out im a marrionette??? hello??? he knew full well that he was never the one in charge which is insane. but also fitting for him as a person).
if you're still reading i am very impressed. heres where i put the conclusion;
in conclusion, for Forge's first movie, this was AMAZING. For a band that was originally meant to be scary, its nice seeing them be silly and lean into the things people joke about. they're self aware, and they're fun. i really hope there are future installments and that we get an expansion on the lore (tv show when???)
thank you for reading, here's to Papa V and making new memories!
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visiodeii · 3 months
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Blessed Litha!✨🫶🏻
Small Litha celebration with my beloved Aphrodite devotee @amor-areia and our dear friend who is/will be a Persephone devotee!🌞
I feel recharged, tired but in a good way!
I’ve poured all or my negativity out, now it’s time for a ritual bath & I am ready to start anew!
Our candles burned soo differently & honestly it was so sweet to see how it symbolised us and our energies!
I am so grateful to have friends like them in my life💗🫶🏻
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Midsummer/ Litha
This one is a litte late, as Tumblr decided to eat a couple of my drafts. But its here! The Litha/ Midsummer prompt! We'll start with some informative posts here on tumblr and elsewhere on the internet about the holiday!
Litha On Tumblr
Celebrate Litha
Ideas for Litha
Litha masterpost
Litha on the Internet
Celtic Connection
Learn Religions
The Prompt
Okay! Make a new page, solely for Midsummer!
Write out a description of the holiday. What is it? When is it? How is it traditionally celebrated? Why were things celebrated the way they were? What are the things that this holiday represents and stands for? This is the meat and potatoes of the holiday. Any and all bits of info aside from this are just the seasoning. Mine is a few small paragraphs about the holiday itself.
Now make some lists. What are the colors used to decorate for this holiday? What are some incense/ oils/ candle scents that are commonly associated with this day? Gemstones? Herbs? Is there a moon phase or particular god/goddess associated with this holiday? What about animals? Flowers? Were there any traditional offerings left out on this holiday? And what foods were made on this day?
What are some of the activities you can do to celebrate this holiday? And what about magic and rituals. Are there any specific kinds of magic to perform on or around this day? Are there any poems or blessings associated with this holiday?
That’s a lot of info, I know. But now for the second part of the holiday prompt!
Make it your own!
Now, given all the information you’ve gathered, make your own small ritual to be performed on Midsummer. To do this, I suggest a scrap paper to brainstorm on. Here’s some things to keep in mind and help write out your ritual.
What is the theme/ purpose of the ritual? (Healing ritual? Cleansing? Renewal of intentions? Welcoming the light?)
What are the tools you’ll use and what is the purpose/ association it has? (candles, athame/ sacred blade, incense, gemstones etc)
What power(s) are you calling upon for the ritual and why? (elements, deities, sun/ moon, personal power, etc)
How do you set it up? Is there specific placement of the tools? Direction to face when calling the above powers? Do you cast a circle? Or do you simply light a candle and bow your head in a moment of silent prayer/ meditation?
Good luck and Happy crafting witches!
-Mod Hazel
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How I'm Celebrating the Summer Solstice or ☀️☀️☀️Litha☀️☀️☀️
🌿 went to a local farmers market and got beautiful produce!
🌿 basked in the sun for a bit (not too long its 95 out)
🌿 cleansed my home and alter
your celebrations and worship can be so simple! its what they mean to you that matters 🌿
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divinatorydoll · 1 year
herbs for the summer solstice: 🌞
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i’ve been wanting to write more about alchemy and herbalism, but i also wanted to connect it to astrology !! so today i’ll be talking about a few solar herbs and how they can be used to celebrate litha:
juniper: burn the leaves as a form of smoke cleansing, use the berries in your cooking
marigold: plant one in your garden or keep on potted near your front door
chamomile: use a candle or lotion with chamomile in it. you can also drink chamomile tea
saffron: offer some on your altar or use it in your cooking
rosemary: sprinkle some in a line outside your front and back doors to protect your space. use the essential oil as you clean surfaces
sunflower: decorate the house with these or feed your local birds with some sunflower seeds
bay leaves: write a wish down on a bay leaf and burn it
st. john’s wort: hang some near a window or put a little bit in a candle to anoint it
perform the ritual during a sun hour
bathe the herbs in sunlight before using them
make sure the herbs have been dried
burn the herbs or involve fire in your ritual
wear gold jewelry or yellow clothing while you do your spellwork
use yellow paper or yellow ink for your spell petition(s)
book a reading !!
my linktree
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How to Celebrate the Summer Solstice | Witch Tips
How should you celebrate the summer solstice? Also known as Litha, the summer solstice is one of the best times of year to manifest. It’s great for performing spells to increase abundance, passion, creativity, health and protection.  With the vital power of the sun at its highest point, we have the longest day of the year to embrace life.
What can you do to celebrate the Summer Solstice?
Here are some tips you can practice as a witch or spiritual being who wants to get the most out of this special time.
Go outside & soak in the suns energy
Spend time enjoying the sun and its energy as it can purify and restore you spiritually.
Watch a sunrise or sunset
Embrace time outside by seeing the sun at its highest point, when it rises or when it sets. Regardless of when you’re able to get outside, take a second to appreciate the suns glow.
Light candles or have a bonfire
Traditionally, a bonfire and fire jumping were common practices during the Celtics celebrations of Litha. It was said that jumping or crossing through the fire would bring good luck. Please be mindful not to burn yourself, but it can be great to sit near a fire during this time. If a fire is not possible, lighting of a candle can also be done to invoke the energy of the sun.
Infuse solar water by leaving a glass of water in sunlight
Letting the suns rays infuse water can be done for many reasons. Some witches use Sun water similar to the popular Moon water where they will use the infused water in rituals and spellwork. You can opt to drink your solar water for the benefits of the sun (although please do not drink stagnant water and be mindful to refrigerate the water and drink it only within a day or two).  You can use the solar water to water plants, cleanse crystals, cleanse your home, make sprays and infusions, etc.
Decorate with gold, yellow, red, orange, green, blue and white
Gold and yellow represent the suns rays. They also symbolize abundance, joy, confidence and optimism.
Red for passion. strength and courage.
Orange for vitality, health, joy and creativity.
Green represents the grass, nature, and the flourishing of new life.
Blue as an opposing color for the flames of the solstice to help balance with the calming, relaxing, watery colors of blue.
White because it is aways appropriate as it purifies and represents all colors.
Use herbs like rosemary, marigold, calendula
Herbs best used during the summer solstice include Rosemary, Marigold, Calendula, Rose, St. John's Wort (do not ingest if you take SSRI medication), Chamomile, Mugwort, Lavender, Hemp, Vervain, Sage, Mint and Thyme.
Use crystals like citrine, carnelian or sunstone
The best crystals to use during the summer solstice include citrine, carnelian, sunstone, golden healer quartz, amber, tiger’s eye, topaz, pyrite, peridot.
Use fire elements in your magickal rituals
Using the colors, herbs and crystals listed above. As well as incorporating flames, candle magick, fire related sigils, flame readings, etc.
Incorporate fire elements in your altar
See above for colors, herbs, and crystals to consider including in your altar. Having gold decoration pieces on your altar can be great at this time.  You can also include fairies and Fae themed items on your altar to represents the connection to Fae at this time.
Pratice magick & gratitude
Summer solstice is a heightened time for magickal workings making it perfect to do your spell work, rituals and manifestations. It’s also important to practice gratitude for what the first half of the year has given us, for the seeds that have bloomed from the spring, and for the remainder of the year still ahead of us. Taking time to be grateful for all that we have in life is always a blessed opportunity and the summer solstice is a great time for reflection and shining a light on areas of our lives we want to improve upon.
Strengthen your connection with Faeries / Fae
Summer solstice is known as one of the best times of year for the veil to thin between our realm and the realm of the Fae. With the veil thin, it can be a great time to strengthen your relationship with the Fae by leaving them offerings and paying attention to notice their presence as you enjoy your blissful and abundant day.   You can invite them to live in your garden or plants around your property.   There is also the dance of the Fae, where many practitioners will dance and let loose to help invoke your intentions an inviting the Fae to join.
Please do note, the Fae can be quite impish and mischievous, so it is important to wear protection and do your research beforehand if you haven’t worked with them before.
Some lovely offerings to leave the Faeries include:
Herbs (see list above)
Flowers / Flower Crowns
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coinandcandle · 2 years
The Wheel of the Year: A Comprehensive Guide.
The Wheel of the Year is a popular concept in neo-pagan circles and for beginner witches, but how much do you really know about it?
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If you're doing research on the Wheel of the Year (WotY) you should know that it is mostly made up by Gerald Gardner and a few others based on a proposed wheel of the year from Jacob Grimm (a mythologist, folklorist, and scholar) in the mid-1800s. The holidays are set on solstices, equinoxes, and at the mid-points of these celestial events throughout the year.
The holidays aren't fake, per se, but some of their names and traditions are, at least in the context of the WoTY.
I urge you to research these holidays in their own original context and learn about their cultural relevance.
A Short History
The WoTY holidays are based on actual holidays, many of them with their original (or close to their original) names such as Samhain, Bealtaine, Lughnasadh, and Imbolc which were celebrated by the Celts, specifically the Irish. The spelling of these holidays varies depending on where they were celebrated.
Lughnasadh is often wrongly conflated with the English holiday Lammas, another name that the Wiccans call the holiday. Lammas, however, is a holiday in its own right just as Lughnasadh is.
Yule was celebrated by Germanic people (and later Anglo-Saxons) and went by the name Old Norse jól or Old English geol. We don't know exactly when it was celebrated but it was eventually assimilated into the Christian holidays and it would be rescheduled to around that time as well after the Christianization of Norway.
Ostara is the name given to the spring equinox, named after the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (who is a can of worms in and of herself whether she existed pre-Christianization or not). Ostara is another name coined by Jacob Grimm in his book Teutonic Mythology.
Litha takes place on the summer solstice and is conflated too often with Midsummer, a holiday celebrated widely (though very differently) around the world. The name comes from a book by Bede which describes a 12-month lunisolar Saxon calendar. Aidan Kelly, who named the holiday along with Mabon and Ostara, writes about this in his post "About Naming Ostara, Litha, and Mabon".
Mabon is made up, named after a Welsh god, but the date is that of the Autumnal equinox which was actually celebrated or at least observed by various cultures.
So what now?
No one is saying that you can't celebrate these holidays, but if you're going to do so then it's only respectful to learn about their history and original cultural context. You can add your own traditions to these holidays and incorporate them into your life and into your craft, but keep in mind where they originate and be respectful of their history.
Also, if you don't want to celebrate the Wiccan versions of the holiday, consider calling them by their other/original names; Mabon being the fall or autumnal equinox, Ostara being the spring or vernal equinox, and Litha being the summer solstice.
How do I research them?
Honestly, Wikipedia is a great place to start, it gives you a general idea and a bunch of sources and references at the end of each post. If you're looking for research tips check out my post on witchy research tips!
To my fellow occultists and witches: If you have anything to add to this feel free to comment or reblog with your info.
Edit: If you're looking for an Irish-accurate Wheel of the Year, check out this post by @fiagai-cnuasaitheoir !
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grogusmum · 1 year
JUNE: Litha
A Javi and the Beekeeper Summer Solstice Story
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W/C: 1465ish
WARNINGS: mentions of consuming food and wine As always, if you see something, say something. Please let me know in my DMs, and I'll add it.
A/N: Here is the June installment of The Wheel of the Year, my theme for @yearofcreation2023 Organized by the effervescent @oonajaeadira and @writeforfandoms
Javi and The Beekeeper
Wheel of the Year Masterlist
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The smell of beeswax and pine paneling warmed by the summer sun, fills the small building. A slowly whirling ceiling fan does its best, but the small cauldron of melted wax has you running a bandana up the back of your neck, and reaching for your water bottle.
The hinged windows are open wide, catching the gentle sea breeze, and that same breeze catches windchimes hanging from the porch, just as the bell on the shop door tinkles They blend together merrily, making you miss a possible customer coming into the small storefront- it's not so much a storefront as it is a glorified farmstand- but you don't miss the creak of the old wood floors.
"Hello," you call, "I'll be right out!"
But the footfalls continue, then ducking his head, Javi enters your workshop, filling the space with his sunshine.
"My bee charmer," he has some wildflowers from the meadow across the way in hand.
"Javi!" You come around your work table wrapping him in a hug, he is not supposed to be home until the weekend. Being mindful of your waxy hands your hug is just arms and chest, with your chin in the crook of his neck.
"Sorry 'bout my hands."
"You should be," Javi says, affronted, then whispers, eyebrows quirking, "they are not on me."
When you pull away to look at him, he snorts a laugh-
"Pfft, like a line in a movie- a pretty cheesy one!"
"I like cheese." You say softly looking at him through your lashes.
"Oh you are always so much better at this," Javi’s wide hand comes up and cradles the back of your head, bringing his soft lips to yours, his tongue impatiently looking for entry. You grant it. He hums, deepening the kiss until you both need to come up for air.
"You're better than you think," your smile presses against his cheek as you catch your breath.
Javi holds you another heartbeat, two, three… then looks around, pairs of candles sharing the same cotton wick hang from rows of dowels on simple stands.
"Candle making day?"
"Yup, all week. But tonight is special!"
"What is tonight?" Javi frowns slightly, worry in his sweet eyes, "while I was supposed to be away?"
"I can't move Litha to another day, silly."
Javi looks at you nonplussed.
"The summer solstice, love."
"Oh," his brows go up with a smile, "It's part of the reason I'm back early, to be here for the party for the crew," here, his face falls. "Were you not coming?"
"When I thought you wouldn't be there, no, I wasn't going to come this year… but not because of my candle making, usually I do both. I can do both."
"Can I do both?" Javi wraps his arms around you again, "can I help with your special candles?"
You hum in the affirmative, kissing him as you do.
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Javi wears sun colors to the summer celebration, one of the many ways the Gutiérrez family thanks their crew for the work they do. There are strings of pennant flags with suns on them, live music, and long tables, piled high with food and festooned with gazanias, looking like little suns themselves.
You needed to finish up some work and Javi had to oversee the party preparation- so you arrive later with Lola and Juan, wearing pale yellow with a necklace with a sun pendant.
Javi beams when he sees you, he is blinding, you think.
"How is he mine?" You ask no one in particular.
Together Lola and Juan answer:
"Don't question it."
"You're a good match!"
You look at both of them and laugh openly.
After enjoying the second half of the longest day, dancing, eating and drinking more sangria than you planned, you look over the rolling hills, bee boxes dotting them, and in the hollows fireflies begin to blink languidly.
It's time to go.
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Back at your workshop, you turn on some string lights. The little globes run from the porch to a large holm oak. You love this tree - also known as the holly oak, as it has pointed evergreen leaves, though the edges go smooth over time It reminds you of the duality and oneness of the oak and holly kings. Their battle for dominance through the seasons- though in the end they are one and the same, the two sides to an ancient coin.
Your cauldron awaits by the fire pit, while your tools and ingredients are laid out on a scrubbed pine table.
In the months you've been together, Javi has joined you in your celebrations and rituals. Just like with the bees, he is eager and observant. So he knows your habit of walking clockwise around the fire circle and stopping in the south to light it. He does so, you watch his attentiveness to the things that are important to you, and your eyes glass momentarily.
"I love you, you know."
In the catching firelight and string lights it's impossible to see the blush dust his cheeks and the tips of his ears. But his sweet crooked smile and eyes drifting to the side let's you know.
"Well, I know, you know, I love you, because how could you not know, you know?" He is in a silly mood, which is one of your favorites.
"You would never let me forget, sweet man."
You wrap your arms around his middle, kissing his freckled neck.
Javi looks down at you, and brings your chin up so he can kiss your mouth. Soft and languid.
When he has kissed you thoroughly, Javi pulls back-
"Shall we call the quarters?"
Feeling a bit drunk, which seems to be less about the sangria and more to do with Javi, you nod with a smile.
"We should."
Javi moves back several paces staying to the south of the fire, while you move to the north of it.
You call on the spirits, the guardians, of the four directions. Beseeching them to bestow their blessing and elemental attributes upon the ritual.
Your circle is cast.
Javi takes the cauldron and places it on the fire.
As the fire roars and you place the beeswax in to melt, you close your eyes and focus on the sun, it's radiance, warmth and power. Javi follows suit, closing his eyes, breathing deep the smell of the wax, like summer itself.
Breathing in, breathing out, breathing in, breathing out…
You move to the table and press the power button on a small speaker, a celtic harp plays. And you take up the pestle and begin crushing the dried herbs and flowers you have laid out. Javi attaches several lengths of the cotton wick to one end of wooden dowels.
When all is prepared, you give one dowel to Javi and take one up yourself. Back in your places at the cauldron, you hold the wicks over the cauldron.
"The music sets the pace, when in the south we dip the wicks, then pull them out and walk clockwise around the cauldron. So you start and when I am in the south, you wait at the north. Make sense?"
Javi nods.
And so you went round and round in the direction of the sun, dipping your candles into the liquid wax. The walk round allowing it to solidify enough for the next dip. When they are good sturdy candles, you roll them in the mix of plants. Rose petals, oak leaves, calendula, holly leaves and berries, basil flowers, red clover, rosemary, flowers, bee balm, and of course gazanias and the red berried mistletoe that grows on olive trees. Either foraged or from your garden.
When you finish, you dismiss the spirits (if they wish) with thanks and close the circle. The candles are placed in the workshop to finish setting, and you spread out a blanket under that huge holm oak and lay out some wine, fruit, and cheese. It's late, but both your bodies hum with energy from the ritual. Music still plays, but you've switched it up to some uptempo Spanish guitar.
Javi pours the wine and you feed him some grapes with a laugh.
"Thank you."
"For what, mi amor?"
"For being loving to what I love," you say.
"You have watched every Nic Cage movie with me, you sit in that dark little theater when I know you'd rather be outside…"
"I love movies too."
"Yes, but… I know."
You sip your wine with a gleam in your eye, then lean in to kiss him. Quickly you are shuffling on your knees to get closer. "I need to finish charting every freckle, I have constellations still to name."
Javi smiles wide as he catches you round your middle-
"So you do."
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If you care to read more of my Javi stories or any of my writing you can find my masterlist here and if you would like to be tagged for any of my fics you can find my handy dandy taglist form here.
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