#how responsible am I for guessing the reaction of a stranger?
thefearofcod · 2 days
guys I don’t think they can tell I’m doing a bit
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drdemonprince · 10 months
have you defined the meaning of “white woman brain” anywhere and if not, can you? /gen
Many Black and brown feminist writers have discussed this phenomenon and I encourage you to seek out a lot of writing about this subject, because there are a variety of perspectives, but to distill it, white woman fragility brain is a phenomenon that is not exclusive to either white people or to women, but is especially common among those who can weaponize white womanhood, and it consists of the following qualities:
A view of oneself as a helpless victim that is constantly in threat of being attacked, especially by strangers (even though statistically, this is not the case).
A refusal to consider oneself as capable of doing harm to others, especially a lack of consideration toward others' body autonomy or consent. (even while being highly concerned about one's own autonomy and consent).
A generally passive or passive-aggressive orientation toward the world: seeing oneself as a romantic or sexual object to be approached, but never wanting to initiate (or feeling that one never can), never feeling comfortable directly communicating displeasure or one's desires, believing that others instead must guess at it. (and then resenting people when they don't, but never expressing it).
A tendency to cry, excessively berate oneself, complain about being made to feel "unsafe," or give up when criticized or challenged, especially when challenged by people of color.
A tendency to associate a person's body type with how much of a threat they are. For example, feeling unsafe around people with penises and expecting a social space to accommodate that fear to cater to you, a fear of people who come from cultures where it's common to speak loudly, a fear of those who are large, assertive, and/or darker-skinned.
Instinctive fawning-type responses to stress, and a pattern of feigning happiness, agreeability, and ease when one is not genuinely feeling it, and expecting all other people (but especially other women) to feign happiness as well, paired with a deep-seated resentment of anyone who violates this illusion and expresses any negativity (being especially punitive toward women of color).
Instinctively "smoothing over" conflict between other people before it even begins, even when healthy conflict is necessary and not at all your business-- often performed by gossiping behind other people's backs, triangulating information when it is not yours to share, asking people to alter their behavior in order to avoid a reaction from somebody else, presenting your concerns as if they were somebody else's ("what will people think!"), tone-policing the airing of grievances, derailing hard conversations with more light-hearted topics, and excluding people who are known to be candid and assertive.
Here are some articles on elements of the phenomenon and why it is so dangerous:
Now, I single white cis women out a lot when I am describing this phenomenon, because they have the most to gain from exhibiting these qualities, but make no mistake: this is a pattern that many types of people can and do use. I have seen white trans women use white women's tears to silence critique. I have witnessed women of color being passive-aggressively derailed and silenced by a Black manager who was in a position of institutional power over them. Multiple of the women who sexually harassed me in the story linked above were not white. And LORD knows I see plenty of t boys falling back on this shit, as well as cis men from wealthy backgrounds. It's a mindset that has deep colonial roots and we all must be on the look out for it in ourselves and others, and we must be vigilant in uprooting it.
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girltomato · 3 months
sweet girl: the first meeting
max verstappen x reader
warnings: alcohol mention, swearing, negative internal dialogue (?)
max's brain short circuits when he meets a beautiful woman
sweet girl masterlist
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somewhere in europe, late summer 2021
Max very rarely went to sponsor events, he didn't really need to considering he was practically a walking billboard most days but he supposed free alcohol wasn't all too bad a compromise for having to socialise with strangers. He'd already had all the typical conversations, the how do you dos and nice to meet yous. Surely by now he had played his part, no one would really know if he just snuck out now.
His attempt at a subtle escape however was quickly trampled as he not so subtly collided with someone. Years of reaction training had his arms moving before his brain even registered the situation, grabbing onto a pair of shoulders as he steadied himself and the stranger in front of him.
"I am so sorry," he apologised, pulling his hands away from the shockingly beautiful woman in front of him. Just his luck, of course he embarrassed himself in front of an absolute ten.
A tinkling laugh distracted him from his misery, the woman's eyes lighting up as she giggled at him. Fucking hell, the earth could just swallow him up right now and he'd be grateful.
"Please don't apologise, it was my fault I wasn't watching where I was going." Her giggles quickly settled into flushed cheeks and an easy smile and she held out a hand to greet him, "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you."
Max quickly wiped his sweaty palms against his shirt before grabbing her smaller hand and giving it a polite, firm shake. God, her hands were soft, he didn't know skin could actually feel like silk, warm and buttery in his hand like it could melt if he held it too long.
"Uhh, Verstappen, Max, no wait, Max Verstappen. Nice to meet you too." he replied, his tongue tripping over his words, still gripping her hand. Oh God, he was gonna go home and lock himself away in his house and never go outside ever again, he thought as he forced himself to drop her hand.
An awkward silence fell between the pair as Max internally begged his body to cool his flushed cheeks and to stop fucking smiling to no avail.
“Sorry, I got in your way.” Y/n concluded, moving aside and gesturing towards the room as if giving him a signal to pass. Was he really going to walk away? If he could just calm down and get a grip, he had the chance to talk to the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on, with her pretty eyes and sparkly smile and her fruity perfume, raspberry he guessed.
A voice called her name from across the room, another woman waving her arms frantically, gesturing to join her at an overcrowded table.
“Um, I have to go. Nice to meet you, Verstappen Max.” she joked, a cheeky smile lighting up her face as took a step back, eyes holding onto his for just a second before she turned and glided over to her friend.
Max stood there for another minute, a statue in the midst of a bustling room before he finally broke out of his state of stupefaction and headed for the exit. Yeah, maybe locking himself inside and never speaking to another woman ever again was the right idea.
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first written fic on this acc hello!! fighting the anxiety so hard rn and i am winning. max meets sweet girl for the first time and is a bumbling idiot, fork found in the kitchen. the response on the first smau was crazy i appreciate all the support so much, i actually dont have writers block for the first time in like 2 years so thank u very much internet strangers🤍
likes and reblogs are very much appreciated !!
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elodieunderglass · 3 months
look i know you were saying that everyone’s guesses for Bee were better than your outline but when we do meet Bee i said out loud, waking up my cat, “oh of COURSE!!! how could she be anything else!!!” and i haven’t read any pullman but that’s what i imagine settling feels like
(In reference to the dungeon meshi fic where some little asshole has finally been compelled by the plot to disclose his soul, and we are all pointing and laughing)
This is the best possible response, thank you so much! May a lesson we all take home from the story be the challenge of greeting our own souls home like a welcomed child.
Also not to be real on main but when I met all 3 of my newborn children I did NOT feel “love” or blissfully fall in love with them instantly or anything. I had thought you would feel this; it’s how everyone describes it; I did not. Instead I thought “of course! It was you all along! How could you be anyone else!” And went about my business in a bewildered but dutiful way. I do love the kids, but it wasn’t like all the other writers made it sound. It wasn’t like roses and sparkles and blissful golden love and - big rush or that kind of thing. It was nodding and going, “oh right! We were expecting you, but didn’t know when. Come home then - it’ll take about three weeks for you to tell us your name - we’ll find something to feed you.” And that is love, in its way. Welcome home little soul. Of course it was you. We were already holding your place, and waiting for you. You may not be what we were expecting because you are a person who is a stranger here too.
Which is also how I felt when I met dr glass actually too. He was just so three-dimensional. Oh no. It’s you.
Love then, and reward then, to me has always been recognition.
So this is meant to be a Healing Thread and I am so, so glad it was your reaction too. It is only a silly piece of work but it is me telling you what love means to me.
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the purpose of this post is for me to figure some stuff out so i'm open to feedback and discussion
disclaimer: i love Halsin, he's my precious bear man
but damn i am pissed
i started to really dig into the epilogue, specifically that last morning after the brain goodbye scene in the room at the inn where he says he has nine wagons of kids and he will aid the people in Thaniel's realm
sadly i can't find any footage of what he says when Tav goes "oh a community built with your own hands, i'd love to see that" (or something to that extent) bc i think that is the one option that nullifies the goodbye and i think? he just asks if Tav is sure and then happy end bells
but even so
the interaction practically starts with "why does this sound like you're saying goodbye?" - oh that's because he is. at least for now. but Tav can visit, he's very eager for them to visit - and then narrator is like a tenday later Tav went to the commune and then the party invite stuff, not important
and I'm like....
it just hit me how - yes, Halsin has abandonment issues and he wants to help those orphans and all the homeless refugees and all the great stuff but like…… HOW DARE YOU DECIDE FOR ME THAT I DON'T WANNA GO WITH YOU????
watching that on a loop three times seriously hit me hard and i don't like it (as in me, personally, not in the sense that it's bad writing or it makes no sense for him to do that, maybe it does - if somebody can help me wrap my head around that, I would be super grateful bc atm I'm stuck in my own emotional reaction to Halsin making decisions for me)
in my head Tav's response to that should be: fuck you, i don't want to visit - fuck that! i wanna go with you and move in with you bc I love you but i guess you don't really want that huh? oh you do? then I guess we are at an impasse, huh?
bottom line is - what do I want to do with it in my fic?
i could ignore it bc i kinda wanna, i don't want them fighting like that
on the other hand it would be great to have this devolve into a conflict, bc i already sprinkled a few tiny bits of them saying not the best things but then the other kinda steps past it or around it and they are fine, but it would add some realism for them to have a serious disagreement about their (joint) future and about communicating and making decisions and could be something to be revisited as a work in progress for them to grow into as their relationship keeps going
i don't mind exploring difficult shit in my fics, i already decided to commit and give Tav my trauma and it was very cathartic just drafting that bit, and this turning into a conflict could play into that I suppose, could work really well
I guess my problem is the dissonance between Halsin doing that unintentionally bc of his own issues and him generally being very considerate and respectful of others, especially Tav imo, he was perfectly happy to follow their decisions as a leader but now I guess they are no longer the leader and this is his thing, his commune, his new purpose in life and ofc he could never be selfishly happy when he could be doing good things for strangers but like.... i can't grasp that step how from that he goes into "therefore I shall not offer this as a choice for them but instead make that a foregone conclusion that this is goodbye, at least for now" - is it bc asking means risk of rejection and he'd rather reject himself to spare them both the interaction?
sorry this got rambly XD but anyway - thoughts?
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Hi Sarah! First, thank you for always welcoming and opening up interesting conversations. I love that about this little corner of the internet so much! I guess what I want to contribute is that I can kind of see what that anon said as being someone’s knee-jerk reaction. But we have to remember, everything is speculation right now. Is TTPD a breakup album? It seems likely. But we don’t know if it’s to “trash” Joe. It could very much be talking about how they both made mistakes. (Cont…)
(Cont…) YLM is probably our first glimpse into things and I wouldn’t say it is trashing Joe by any means. Taylor is just sharing how she felt and HER side, which is what she’s always done. So that shouldn’t seem shocking? What does bother me though, is that it seems like it is more of the fandom that starts to trash Taylor’s exes more than Taylor does. The fandom acts like Taylor was being held hostage in a relationship when she was not. She made her own choices. (2) (Cont…) I have shared before about how I was surprised how quickly people turned on Joe. He was very important to Taylor for a time. 2016 drama, reputation, Taylor needing her quiet, etc…but obviously it broke down somewhere along the way. And that is what we are probably going to get more insight on? But the relationship wasn’t all terrible like some of the fandom is assuming. And I don’t think it’s fair to Tay to assume she is going to trash Joe when we DON’T KNOW yet. (3)
Hi friend! Tysm for this response and for choosing to be in this lil space and contributing to i so thoughtfully. I am no stranger to the knee-jerk reaction - I had a very unkind one typed out in response when that message was sitting in my drafts and let it stew for a long time like that until I finally felt like I could come at it with more space and the hopes of entertaining more open and beautiful conversations like this one! So again ty x2 for proving that intuition right that it was something that could indeed be turned around just based on one's approach and response.
It's been an interesting, very slight, change in tone and perception over the years of the Weaponized Songwriter. It's this strange view that her art exists as a means to bring Bad Men to their knees and not primarily as a method to process her own life experiences and to make sense of how others have made her feel. It isn't X did Y so they should Z. It's X happened to me and it made me A, B, C. She is the main character of her own cinematic universe! It isn't about 'trashing' it's just about experiences and the unvarnished version of her truth about what that experience was.
Somehow - if it makes sense - I find myself equally bothered both by the trashing and the defence of the muses. Imo, they are tangential to the story and I just am not invested in what happens to them when they're written out of it. And I don't care to putting my energy into vilifying or protecting them when my investment is in the writer and her story.
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black-butler-meta · 5 months
Expanding on my last post about BOC…
Recently there was a post that was obviously related to what I recently wrote regarding the PTSD scene in Book of Circus. That person chose to make their own (not so) vague post rather than communicating directly via the ask box or a reblog, so I’m not going to reblog it because I’m guessing they don’t want to interact with me (totally fine, btw).
But I do want to make a new post to clarify what I apparently did not communicate correctly before, in case others are curious for a response.
First and foremost, I actually DO understand PTSD. I have a history of CSA and child abuse that persisted across multiple years, and it most definitely is an important part of who I am, and something I am still working through. So please refrain from making accusations about a stranger online just because you’re upset.
Now, about the post….
When I was describing the discomfort I felt between Sebastian and Ciel during the PTSD scene, I was not doing so as a generalization of “this is how their dynamic always is” and “their relationship can only be toxic/bad,” etc. I was only referring to that scene specifically. The discomfort I spoke of was referring to the viewer (which is subjective - I never said it wasn’t), not to the characters’ relationship.
It felt uncomfortable because of the contrast between Sebastian’s manipulative, predatory nature (which was very soothing and calming) and Ciel’s fragile mental state, emphasized by his regression in response to trauma. It’s about finding (as the viewer) Sebastian’s sensual actions arousing contrasted with Ciel’s obvious suffering that makes the scene have an underlying layer of unease. The dichotomy of arousal and discomfort would be there as well if Ciel were an adult, because the manipulation is the same. BUT, the discomfort is worsened because in this moment, Ciel’s behavior is more childlike than the way he usually is. It’s not to make Sebastian out as a pedophile/groomer, but to show Ciel at his most weakest, and Sebastian is taking that opportunity to push him over the edge into violence. Additionally, Ciel’s childness is also there to remind us that he’s not out of his trauma yet; that, in many ways, it’s still ongoing for him.
Of course not everyone has that reaction to the scene… maybe others find it protective, which I can also see those undertones, especially when Sebastian carries Ciel while fulfilling his orders, instead of simply leaving him on the floor by himself. Maybe there are those that find it romantic, a white night coming to save. I personally don’t, but if you do, then good for you! We can agree to disagree and leave it at that. I’m not here to cast moral judgment on others over fictional characters, and I’m not here to speak for everyone. These analyses are simply my own and so it’s about how the message comes across to me.
I had never said that Ciel didn’t find comfort in Sebastian. In fact, it’s the very reason that he finds comfort in him that Sebastian’s tender approach worked, and got Ciel to finally open his eyes and give him the orders that he wanted. But I did find the lip touch to be something that felt out of place, more the indulgence of a hungry demon inspecting his future meal rather than something done to console, and Ciel’s lack of reaction to it demonstrated how far gone he was in his panic attack. Yes, Ciel allows Sebastian to dress him, bathe him, carry him, etc.; but he also at times expresses boundaries either through body language (frowning, pulling back slightly) or verbal protest (e.g., when Sebastian tried to spoon feed him). Just because Ciel lets him care for him in some ways, doesn’t mean he’d give Sebastian a free pass to touch him in other, more intimate ways outside of his butler duties. That was why that moment felt unnerving.
I wouldn’t go so far as to say that their relationship is largely positive. I wouldn’t call it entirely negative, either. In actuality, I would describe it as complex. Sebastian, first and foremost, is a demon and his purpose is to cultivate Ciel’s soul. Yana herself has described him as elite trash, hyper-narcissistic, and that he enjoys seeing Ciel struggle. And it’s because of this characterization that it’s so interesting to see Sebastian slowly evolve into someone who does care. There are absolutely clues of him learning to “care” in his own weird way. He’s been shown to be protective, and will do kindnesses that he doesn’t have to do, for Ciel and others, and worry when Ciel is in danger that seems to go beyond losing his meal. These glimpses contrasted with scenes where his demon side really comes through is what makes him such an interesting character to begin with.
Yes, in a strange way Sebastian is helping Ciel heal, but it’s in a warped sort of way, like a broken bone that never gets set properly and heals wrong. Sebastian’s goal isn’t to truly heal Ciel; it’s to help him complete his vengeance and ripen his damaged soul in preparation for eating. And yes, he’s likely going to grow attached to it by the end of it, which will make the act that much more personal and meaningful if/when it does happen.
The entire thing is complicated, dark, beautiful, and yes, in some ways toxic. The discomfort is there (for the viewer - or at least some of us), and that’s okay. It’s literally a part of dark fantasy, and, if you want to go there, dark romance. It’s the moral ambiguity of decisions and motivations, that blurring of lines between good and evil, and finding comfort in darkness and violence. If that discomfort wasn’t there, then the story wouldn’t be what it is. It wouldn’t be Black Butler at all.
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mikkaeus · 1 year
5.04 pulled me out of the abyss
where do i even start
cuddy drugging house. jab right in the butt while he’s leant over the desk. beautiful
the fact that the police dude automatically assumes that house was the one looping the song on the jukebox that pissed wilson off enough to throw a bottle and theyre still here all these years later, close enough to each other to go to his dad’s funeral (which may not have been true in that moment but is also an incredibly accurate assessment of their friendship)
the iconic 
police dude: this guy was a total stranger to you and you bailed him out? house: it was a boring convention. i had to have somebody to drink with wilson: and there’s the foundation of our entire friendship. if you hadn’t been bored one weekend, it wouldn’t even exist. house: hey, with 3000 people at that convention, you were the one I thought wasn’t boring. That says something.
wilson knows house so goddamn well — correctly guessing that house never got a DNA test done even though he suspected his father wasn’t his bio dad, “im sure you know your son better than i do”, when he stood up the MOMENT house went over to the coffin during his emotional eulogy that was extremely convincing because he knew that he was Up To No Good
the whole “do you really want to have this domestic in front of everyone” whispered conversation (the military people there totally thought they were fucking)
whispering to each other like naughty schoolboys during the sermon with house’s mom looking askance 
“you’re scared to death of losing anyone that matters, so you dump the person who matters most to you!” - im sorry but the fucking vulnerability it takes to say something like that? for HOUSE to say something like that? like god, no matter how sure he is that wilson taking him to the funeral means something. he is really putting it all on the line. 
“admit it. you’re angry and you’re scared of losing me. admit it admit it admit it ADMIT IT ADMIT IT!!” *wilson hurls a bottle of jack at the stained glass window* “still not boring” - i cannot imagine what the funeral attendees are thinking of their screaming match. they definitely can hear something based off the audible reaction to the shattering of the glass - give us more unhinged wilson!!!  - “still not boring” was so FOND i am eating my shoes
“did you know i was going to throw that bottle? because i didnt know i was going to” “i know you have difficulty losing people” and then they proceed to draw a parallel between now and wilson’s first divorce and wilson good as well admits that he IS terrified of losing house
wilson helping house with with the differentials!!! and house smirking and saying “this is fun, isnt it” and like house just looking so fucking happy in that moment he’s RIGHT 
“im not even sure anymore we get to choose who our friends are” my god. codependent statement of the year. 
“if you’re coming back just because you’re attracted to the shine of my neediness... I’d be okay with that” wilson’s SMILE in response to this. im crying throwing up
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twilightmalachite · 9 months
2×2 - Children on the Streets 6
Author: Akira
Characters: Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Hey, Anzu-san, you say that to everyone, don’t you?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Shack
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In a tattered storage shed, time and location unknown…
Hinata: Hmmhmmhmmmhmm!
—Pwah, it’s no good~! There really is no such thing as twin telepathy after all! I keep thinking about asking for help but of course, there’s never any response!
But well, we’re in a real mess now, aren’t we?
Any thoughts or commentary, Anzu-san?
Ahaha, this isn’t an apology press conference, there’s no need to apologize!
…Probably. And, this isn’t your fault, Anzu-san.
Well, if you think about it in a broader sense, I guess it could be? I dunno. I guess in a sense this could be your responsibility?
But me, I don’t like thinking in extremes like that! Thinking about things too deeply like that has you looking like some villain from a cheap manga, deciding the entire human race is evil before trying to destroy it!
Everyone deep down looks for villains like that, ones they can defeat without having to hesitate, so as an idol, I feel I should probably embody “that” for them.
But… I’m not someone like that. I feel more like some small fry fighter who gets defeated in the early stages no matter how bad he tries to be.
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Hinata: Hm? “Hinata-kun is a good boy”?
Ahaha~, are you really paying attention to me? Are you seeing me properly? You know, even I feel uneasy sometimes.
Hey, Anzu-san, you say that to everyone, don’t you?
Because saying those sorts of pleasant things to hear will have your favorability rating rise with them.
You think of me as some character from some shoddy game who’ll like you, don’t you?
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Hinata: …Sorry, I said a bit too much.
I know. I know that’s not the intention you have, Anzu-san.
You love and always have loved everyone, and you’re just expressing those feelings honestly. In your own taciturn, clumsy way.
I just perceived it as being treated as a stranger, I’m the strange one for feeling lonely instead.
Hm? Nah, I’m not rambling on just to make you feel better! Don’t get me wrong, ‘kaaay?
I’m simply just the kind of good-spirited person who keeps smiling and talking no matter the situation.
There’s no point in being depressed, after all. It’s a waste of time. I don’t want to get depressed dwelling in thoughts of being sad and lonely, if I am to keep living.
That sort of thing, Anzu-san, is a pastime reserved for those with the luxury to afford it.
So, I’d like to do something to get us out of this situation without fretting over it too much, so—
Do you know what’s going on?
I have a guess of my own, but I’d like to hear what you think, too.
Anzu-san’s smarter than my idiot self, as the talented producer highly regarded by everyone.
Right. First, let me just confirm something.
This isn’t something set up by you and the others, is it?
Because you’ve been acting strange for so long that even I’m beginning to suspect you may be up to something, Anzu-san.
Right, right. I’m sure it wasn’t~, if it was, you would have approached me about it sooner.
Then all I’d have to do is let you set up a prank and give you a funny reaction.
But since you don’t know anything, Anzu-san, then this must be the real deal, huh… Uh oh~! ♪
Right. I had called you over to clear up a “little suspicion” I had, last night.
Nobody seemed to notice, not even Yuuta-kun, but… I think Ran-senpai might have started to suspect it, he’s a bit unfathomable, even to me.
About how this 2×2 project is a bit unnatural in some areas.
But, when I called you over to question you about it, suddenly a bunch of delinquents came and took us away.
And just like that, we were blindfolded and brought over to this unknown place.
They’ve removed our blindfolds, but we’re tied up and can’t move.
Even yelling as loud as we can for help gives no sign anyone will come to help, so I feel we’re being kept prisoner in some unfrequented place.
Quite the big pinch.
Fortunately, no violence has been used so far, but… Since these guys definitely seem like delinquents, we have no idea what might happen.
I didn’t want to provoke the criminals, so I didn't resist, but maybe I should have gone berserk? That way, at least you would have been able to escape, Anzu-san—
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Hinata: I’m sorry. I’m weak. I couldn’t save you, or protect you.
Even though if anything happened to you, Anzu-san, everyone would be devastated.
Hmm, the same goes for me? You think so…?
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hearth-and-veil · 1 year
Have you ever seen those "intuition test" videos on IG and TikTok, the ones where you have to guess the color/object/whatever that they're hiding? Did you know that those tests have absolutely nothing to do with intuition?
Intuition =/= guessing. If you have no information, no possible way to deduce the answer, that is guesswork.
Intuition is the ability to subconsciously and quickly apply your experiences to the situation at hand and make a logical conclusion based off that judgement.
If a random stranger comes up to you and says "guess what color shirt I just bought" and you blurt out an answer based on nothing, that's a guess. But if that says "guess what color shirt I just bought" and one look at him says "Goth!" you will intuitively say black. No thought needed.
The thing with intuition is that all of this occurs faster than your conscious mind can process. It's rapid pattern reading, even when you don't know those patterns are there.
Some ways intuition manifests:
Deja Vu - you've seen this before, and react based on that.
Gut feelings - if you have a strongly negative feeling about somebody, they're exhibiting behaviors that have been harmful to you before, or that your social training is against. For example, if someone's smile doesn't reach their eyes, we are trained to view that as a fake smile, which will set off alarm bells.
Vibes - vibes and gut feelings are literally the same thing. If someone is upbeat and laughing, they'll give off positive vibes, because we have positive associations with laughter.
Finishing someone's sentence - whether out loud or in your head, if you know the person or topic well, you can finish their sentence before they do. My husband and I do this to each other all the time. We can have entire conversations where only one of us speaks, because that one can answer for the other. It's uncanny.
Fear of clowns/masks/makeup/etc - fear/distrust of clowns and masks is a deep seated evolutionary response. We base so, so much of our ability to communicate on seeing someone's face, so not seeing someone's face at all, or not seeing their true face, can trigger distrust. Some people even feel that way about drag personae, Santa Claus, goths, kabuki makeup, etc. It's one of the reasons so many historical cultures have used war paint!
Uncanny Valley - Similar to the fear of covered faces, seeing something kinda human but not quite triggers an intuitive distrust. ther UV reactions from them. I want to do a research paper.) I, for one, am terrified of those humanoid AI robots. They look too much like people but they act like a computer.
Gaydar - gaydar is definitely a type of intuition, but I understand how straight people develop it. For those in the know, it's just more pattern recognition.
Neuro-dar - similar to gaydar, neurodivergents can almost always find each other because we can read behind the mask, since we experience a lot of the same things.
How do you improve intuition? Sadly, there's only two ways: know shit and experience life. As an average American, even without ever having walked down a strange dark alley alone at 0200 , if you were to do that, your intuition would take over to warn you of danger and make you hyperaware of other danger-cues...even ones you didn't know you knew. We know this from implicit and explicit teaching within our society. But would your average man from Denmark feel the same way? Probably not, because that -plicit teaching wouldn't be there.
Similarly, experiencing life brings intuition. For some, it comes too young. Children from abusive households are very intuitive. A teenager with a healthy childhood is as dense as a pound cake. Living through situations will hone your intuition and make it sharper.
Intuitive life isn't about a guessing game.
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lemonyko0 · 2 years
Mr. Jeon: Deceit
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jungkook continues to surprise you with his indifferent attitude, and yet, increasingly romantic and domestic actions. you continue to wonder what it means, if anything at all.
» genre: angst, fluff, smut
» description: (don't read if you don't want spoilers!) car sex, fingering (f receiving), head (m receiving), overstim, squirting. steamy!! lol
» word count: 3.6k
Part 5 | Masterpost
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the more i learn about jungkook the more i feel like i understand him, less. it's like a game of clue, or mysterium, where i'm being given vague, off-topic anecdotes that i don’t yet have the information to fill in. like a constant plot-hole, i just simply don't understand him.
and yet i feel his switch to before he was is inevitable, and he’ll become more guarded and mean again. not that it would change anything i did, but i'm afraid that allowing my curiosity to get the best of me would result in him pushing me away.
“i like this you, much better.” i lay my head against his shoulder as he grades papers. the blinds are pulled, the door is closed and locked and all students are gone, and it's too late to where any teachers would care to hold a conversation with each other.
his hand doesn't stop writing as he hums, “what do you mean?”
i debate my options, and my curiosity gets the best of me. “you're not as guarded with me as you were at first. we can actually talk and enjoy each other’s presence.”
he stills, looking at me with the same unreadable dark orbs he always sports. i often find myself admiring the way he never shows his thoughts, his expressions stay the same. if no one can read them, they can never get the better of him. how doesn't he know i could never hurt him?
“sounds like you’re falling for me, baby.” he smiles the tiniest bit, picking the pen back up and moving into the next test.
“falling for you?” i mumble. “as in, like, a boyfriend?”
His tongue pokes the side of his cheek and he doesn’t look at me when he replies, “something like that, yes.”
i tick my head, “well, of course i am.” my reaction takes him by surprise, and i don’t know why. i mean, after everything we’ve done together, who wouldn’t be falling for him? he narrows his eyes at me before resuming his work. “are you falling for me?”
his chest breaks its pattern of rising and falling and his hand stops moving. he doesn’t reply to me. simply leaving my question hanging in the air like an invisible weight and i worry i’ve done something wrong, like staying past curfew, kissing a stranger, or stolen candy from a small child. something bad.
“all done.” he grunts, patting my thigh as i slide out of his lap and stand beside him. he collects his things and packs up for the weekend.
i stand there silently, still feeling the heavy air, as if i was treading on ice. jungkook had a way of making you feel like that sometimes, whether he knew it or not. he just seemed like the type of guy that had power. he oozed it. or perhaps that’s just how i saw him.
“let’s go.” he says, annoyed. i can’t tell if he’s annoyed from what i said, or just because i was standing around like an idiot and not paying attention.
i jog through the door he was holding open for me and the walk back to his car was silent. jungkook was the first to speak when he asked me where he was taking me. “home? bus stop?”
i shrug, “neither sound great, but home i guess.”
his eyes stay on me, the light keeps red for much longer than normal. “you can stay with me, if you want.” he speaks so quietly i almost don’t register it at all. my face turns to confusion before realizing he was actually inviting me to his house.
“oh-uh-of course!” i struggle to hide my excitement. “i-i mean, if you’d let me, i’d love to.”
he shakes his head, “i wouldn’t offer if i didn’t want you to.”
i nod, “y-yeah, of course, that makes sense.” my response makes him grin, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the side console. “i’ve never been to a guy’s house before.” i quietly tell him, staring out the window, admiring all of the blurry lights, families having dinner, watching tv together, even the couples out, lining the main streets for a friday-night date-night. I specifically admire how unfamiliar all of it is to me, and how badly i want it.
“really?” he asks, “never a boyfriend, crush, fling?”
i shake my head with a pout, “no, never.”
i hear him hum, “well, i’m glad to be the first.” he places his hand on my thigh and begins caressing it slowly.
i practically melt at his touch. he sneaks glances at me as the ride goes on, traffic being a pain as always, and he’s focused, but losing patience. his hand moves further up my leg and into my skirt, drawing slow circles and massaging my leg, but he keeps his eyes on the road.
we hit the next stop light and he moves his hand over my front, a devilish smirk on his face as he begins to play with me. i let one hand grip onto his wrist and the other onto the side of the seat, no doubt digging my nails into both as he plays with my clit, teasing me and watching me squirm.
“you’re so fun to play with baby. always so easy.”
i hum, eyes closed and little whimpers escaping my mouth that he turns the radio down to hear, no doubt. he stops for a moment and i whine, “jungkook~”
his eyes are on the road, “hold on, be patient.”
a pout rests on my lips as i examine where we are, “are we almost there?”
he looks around before crossing the busy intersection, mumbling a “yeah.”
i nod and take in my surroundings, only a for a few seconds before he continues toying with me though my panties. “oh jungkook.”
his eyes scan over to me every so often, getting off at how easy i am to him, and admiring the way i am totally wrapped around his finger. or so, he tells me all the time. he moves his hands up and dips them into my panties, feeling my slit and only now can i feel how wet i am. “god baby,” he groans, “so fucking wet, bet you’d beg me to let you cum right now.”
i nod vigorously, “yes, yes, i would.”
he chuckles dipping a finger in and out of me, shallow, not enough. i squirm and whine, “please jungkook.”
he grins, “please what baby?”
i grip tighter on his wrist and look at him, “please play with me, need you bad.”
he pushes two fingers into my core and i don’t hold back my moans as he continues, curling them deliciously against my walls, hitting much farther in me than i could ever.
my cheeks heat and i feel my high nearing quickly. i whimper his name and he catches on, “go ahead, cum all over my fingers.”
as if i needed to be told, my orgasm hits me quickly and my entire body pulses and tenses. jungkook relents for a moment, puts the car in park with his other hand, his right arm still under my skirt, and he continues.
“i-i came, jungkook.” i tell him breathlessly, overwhelmed and confused.
he stares at me with a smirk, “i know baby.” i’m still confused as he adds a third finger, his palm rubs against my clit and i feel like my body is on fire, the only comprehensible thought i have is him and the overwhelming feeling between my legs. “oh, please jungkook,” i mewl, feeling his dark eyes on me.
“what is it baby?”
i open my mouth but no sound comes out, shaking my head as a last resort of communication. the hand that was once gripping the seat, now above my head and grabbing the head rest. i can hear his quiet groans and low chuckles as he watches the way my body warps and my noises increase.
i feel my second orgasm approaching much more intensely than the last, the feeling new and indescribable. and absolutely crushing. i came, loudly, and all over his hand, the seat, and my skirt.
i don’t notice initially, my vision blurry and ears deaf as my body slowly untenses. it isn’t until a few moments pass and he pulls his hand away slowly, that i feel a slight puddle.
“holy shit.”
“w-what happened.” my cheeks heat, embarrassed and upset at myself. i look down at my mess and back to him, eyes wide and almost, proud, with a slight grin on his face.
“i didn’t know you could do that baby.” he says, wiping his hand on his jacket and sliding it off, leaving him in only a white button-up.
i shake my head, “d-do what? i’m so sorry jungkook.” i feel like crying for making such a mess.
he chuckles, “baby, that was one of the hottest things i have ever seen.” i stare at him, upset, tears brimming and confused. he caresses my head, “you can squirt.”
i glance back down towards my legs, “is that what, this is?”
he nods, “yes, and its extremely hot.” i nod along, “it can happen sometimes when you’re really excited.”
I hum, “okay, so its not a bad thing?”
he shakes his head quickly, “no, no. nothing to be ashamed about.”
i settle, making sense of the scene that had just played out before me, and what to do now. jungkook, as always, is one step ahead of me as he steps out of the car and over to the passenger side. he opens the door, then bends down, “take your skirt off.” i look at him before pulling my skirt down to my ankles where he takes it from me. “panties too.” after stripping bare from the waist down, his last instructions confuse me. “now,” he points behind me, “get in the back.” i look at him lost, and he closes the door on me, then opens the door behind me. i stop questioning him and just do as i’m told, “put your skirt and panties in the seat you soaked. i’ll wash them later.” he tells me as soon as i’m in the back with him.
i set them in the front seat and look back at him, “why are we back here?”
he grins, scooting awfully close to me and gripping the back of my head, “you’re adorable.”
i smile dopily at him, and he rewards me with a kiss, and tongue. he kisses me deeply and fully, pulling me towards him, until i’m sitting on my legs beside him. he takes my hand and moves it onto his crotch, “touch me.” he tells me. i grab at him through his pants and he continues to kiss me, “more, y/n.” i try harder but it leaves him pulling away, “undo my belt, idiot.”
i blink rapidly, everything happening so fast i can hardly keep up. i look down to his pants to undo them, and he complains about how slow i am. once i finally figure it out he pulls his pants and underwear down to his thighs, “think you know what to do now, baby?”
i look at him, wide-eyed and as innocent as ever. “m-my mouth?”
he grins, “i’d be fucking you already if i though you could take it, but i don’t think you can.”
i nod and smile coyly at him, gripping his large cock in my small hand, “yeah, you’re right, still feel it.”
i lean down, giving his length small, kitten licks and he watches me with hooded eyes, his hand still at the back of my head, “yeah? pussy still pulsing for attention?”
i nod, maybe not entirely knowing what he was saying, but he was into it. he chuckles before inhaling sharply as i take his tip into my mouth, “maybe your little pussy could handle it then.” he says and i look up at him, popping off of his length and dragging my hand up and down it just as i’ve seen him do.
“you can. i’m all yours, do whatever you want to me, please.” he laughs at me, pushing my head back down onto him and i get the memo, opening my mouth back up and taking him whole.
he sucks in a breath and grits his teeth, “fuck, i really would baby.” he controls my head, rising and falling at whatever pace he sets for me, instructing me to breathe through my nose so i can stay longer. “i’d love to fuck you senseless, but i really want to cum all over your pretty face.”
i unknowingly moan at his words and he does too in response, chuckling as he kicks his head back, “fuck, you like that idea don’t you.”
i hum and incite a similar reaction, this time his hips rise off the seat, pushing himself further into my throat and causing it to close. i pull off for a moment but keep my hand on him, his hand on mine, controlling my movements as i collect myself. “you really are so easy, so eager for anything.”
i smile and look up at him, he groans at the sight, my lips and chin glossy, “just want to be with you jungkook, don’t care how.”
he opens his mouth to reply and i take his length back into my mouth, and he groans. “fuck, so i could stop you right now and you wouldn’t care?”
i move up to his tip and shake my head no, “still want you to cum all over my face, too.”
he laughs at this, and my heart flips that he actually found me amusing. “see? you’re filthy.”
i circle my tongue around his head and he grits his teeth together, breathing heavily, “you taught me. you made me.” i tell him, before going back down, a lot more determined than before.
“fuck,” he curses, hips jerking again, “i’m close baby.” i hum in acknowledgement and once again it plays in my favor. not much longer jungkook pulls me off of him, readjusting our position and telling me to stick my tongue out and close my pretty eyes.
i do as he says with no second thoughts. i almost wonder if there is anything i wouldn’t do, if he was the one asking.
he grunts and strokes himself to completion, managing to get most of it onto my tongue, but some still painting my rosy cheeks and face.
i hear him settle back in his seat and i open my eyes, swallowing and wiping the rest of it off with my finger, “here” he hands me his discarded overcoat and i take it from his hand. “wrap that around your bare ass before we get out so you’re not flashing my whole neighborhood.”
i look at the shirt then back down at him, “i-i’ll still be mostly bare-”
“okay?” he asks, chuckling and making himself decent before opening the car door. i keep myself glued to his back, the neighborhood is quiet, no one in sight, and its dark, thankfully.
he unlocks his front door and flips on a few lights. “this way.” he leads me around his cozy apartment, opens a closet to a washing machine and tells me to hand him my clothes. i unwrap his shirt from around my waist and hand it to him. he stares for a moment but throws it in with my missing clothes. he then begins to unbutton his top, discarding it and throwing it into the washer as well. he begins to undo his pants before looking at me, “you gonna stay in that?”
i stare back at him, wide-eyed, and frankly, in a trance. if there is one sight i’d like to have permanently etched into my eyelids, it would be jungkook, barely clothed. “d-do you want me to?”
he exhales, “i’ll give you something to wear, let me wash those.”
i nod, i strip fully, handing him my shirt and bra, and he throws his pants in there, leaving him in only his boxers, which leave little to the imagination.
he then walks towards a hallway and into a room, his room, i realize after i step inside. “you can take a bath if you want.” he tells me as he digs through his drawers, pulling out a new pair of underwear and sweatpants for himself and pointing at the en-suite bathroom.
if i’ve noticed anything so far in jungkook’s house, its the tidiness. people always complain that men are slobs, but jungkook is always well-taken care of. always smells so nice, when its not a nice cologne its his shampoo, body wash, or even just him. always well-groomed, never the same shirt two days in a row, and every outfit is well-put together.
i step into the bathroom and turn the lights on, looking around before spotting the shower. “there should be some towels in that closet, right?”
i turn my head to the stack of multi-colored towels in the small closet and nod at him, “yeah, this’ll do.”
he nods and dresses himself, i turn the water on and wait before stepping into it. i don’t care to shut the bathroom door, truly hadn’t thought about it until i was already in the shower, examining the things he had in there.
i use the body wash, shampoo, and conditioner he has in there, all very obviously well-loved, and he doesn’t seem to have much else. i suppose men don’t need much else.
i turn the water off and take a few moments to drip dry, ringing my hair out before pulling the curtains back to see jungkook in the bathroom with me. he turns, his eyes moving from me, to the towels, grabbing one and opening it up.
i gleefully let him wrap me in it. “thank you.” i tell him, smilingly widely at him. he doesn’t share half my excitement, and i use a lot of self-restraint not to attach myself to him like a koala to a tree and never let go. he does give me a boyish grin and pats my head, chuckling as he tells me, “you smell like a dude now.”
he turns back to the sink, doing whatever nighttime skincare routine he has. now thats the routine i need to pay attention to. i hesitantly wrap my arms around his thin waist, “no, i smell like you.”
to my surprise he chuckles, allowing me to stay where i was until he was finished. “Are you dry?”
i shrug, “kind of.”
he exits the bathroom, “finish drying off, i’ll look for something for you to wear.”
a few moments later he returns, a pair of shorts in his hands and a t-shirt. “this is the best i can do. the shorts might not work, but i surely won’t complain if you only wear the shirt.”
i laugh and he hands me the clothes, wondering back into his room. i examine the clothes, basic in nature, but they’re his. i put them on excitedly, it all fitting very loosely, the shorts tightened and tied as tight as i could get them, but i think they’ll work.
when i walk out of the bathroom jungkook is slouched against his bed, shirtless and in a pair of sweats, and i believe this has to be the best day of my life, i feel so much joy. he spots me and grins. “cute.” my cheeks heat and i rush to his side to kiss him on the cheek. “i get to stay the night, right?”
he nods, taking a bite of a cookie, offering me one from the same pack. “i’m not tired yet so i’m gonna watch a movie, you can go to sleep though, if you want.”
i shake my head and take it upon myself to cuddle into him. he doesn’t do anything in response, simply letting me wrap myself cozily around him. “what movie?”
“iron man.” he grins cheekily and takes a bite of another cookie.
“iron man?” he nods, as if it was a known thing. “why iron man?”
he shrugs, “its my favorite movie.”
i nod, resting my head against him before allowing a smile to grow. “I’ve never seen it.”
“really?” he says surprised, “oh you’ll love it, its amazing.”
and he was right, i did love the movie. but not as much as i enjoyed putting him to bed like a child because he fell asleep with the pack of cookies open on the bed, and one in his hand. i finish the cookie in his hand and close the pack before setting it on his bedside table. after that i found the remote, turned the tv off, and threw the covers over both of us.
it didn’t take long for him to hold me back in his sleep. while a part of me was sad he only did it in his sleep, i was mostly just happy to be in his arms, drowsy and content.
he let me into his house. let me use his shower, make me smell like him, let me hug him for as long as i could, gave me his clothes to wear, watched his favorite movie with me, and fell asleep beside me.
he may have ignored me earlier today, but now i have to know. i run my fingers through his hair as he lightly snores away, “are you sure you’re not falling for me too, jungkook?”
* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚* ੈ✩‧₊˚
wowa thank u for reading!! i feel like i haven't ever given thanks for the surprising amount of appreciation and attention this series has given me. so here i am, saying thank you all who have made it this far and have shown appreciation in many forms, be it liking, reblogging, commenting, sending in asks or even dming me, thank you a million times! and as always, wishing you all a fantastic day! - ara <3
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masterlist | request taglist
taglist: @marvelahsobx @jeonpendejo @notbotheredtho @fragmentof-indifference @jwnghyuns @heronstairsxd @carzjeon @jayunu @marcoswhore @isab3lita @shescharlie @kooookie @jeonzll @nickyisityou @karinahwang @laylasbunbunny @morganaah
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electric-sugar-darling · 10 months
Sorry/Thank you
Every time I have to tell someone new that my mom is dead or I meet up with someone who I haven’t seen since before she passed and I have to to bring it up as if it happened just yesterday The response I always hear is “I’m so sorry” and I’m halted mid-sentence at the brief, jarring processing of it In the middle of spilling the hurt, albeit only surface-level to prevent a complete collapse of the emotional levees, I hear “I’m so sorry” And I am paralyzed because it’s such an understandable, yet strange reaction But what I usually have to say after that is just as strange, if not stranger
“Thank you”
Am I thankful? What am I thanking you for? Should I be thanking you?
Thanks for acknowledging what I just said Thanks, my mom’s still dead Thanks, healing is a hike that doesn’t know where it’s going Thanks, I needed another reason to be sad again Thanks, I still can’t go to my family house without choking Thanks, every picture of her still stops me dead in my tracks Thanks for bringing the attention to me using my pain as a crutch for a second  Thanks for listening Thanks, I guess
I believe that I’ve been able to get myself to a point where I can keep the grief more or less in a containable place,  unless something that reminds me of her becomes overly sentimental But it seems like every other day, something new always manages to give me a new reason to grieve And when it feels like I’ve been able to overcome the new ones, the old ones come back to give a little wink before it’s gone again
I’m so sorry Thank you
I know they are offering their condolences, trying to provide me some piece of comfort, however small, through words because whether or not you’ve known the loss of a parent, each grief experience plays out differently, on a certain part of the path, and at times it catches me off guard, or confounds me completely, lost in my clumsily stacked pile of memories of her till I lose my balance and they all come tumbling all over the place again, and I have to gather them all up before looking at one too long, making remembering more of a process than it needs to be
I guess it’s just part of grieving and perhaps I will never think it normal for my mom to be gone Talking about it all brings it all back  but it never quite feels as real and affirmed  as when somebody else acknowledges it too As if confirming I’m not making it all up As if I’m not just retelling some sad story over and over again As if this isn’t just something I’m programmed to say whenever she’s brought up As if I’m not deflecting by just storytelling, but truly soaking in the reality
I’m so sorry
I’m so sorry you’re going through your grief I’m so sorry to have brought up a sensitive spot I’m so sorry you’re still navigating through the important cornerstone of a now-empty space she once occupied I’m so sorry it still makes you choke up I’m so sorry it comes when you least expect it I’m so sorry your mom isn’t here with us anymore I’m so sorry your mom has passed
Thank you
Thank you for acknowledging my pain Thank you for showing your concern Thank you for letting me open my heart about it for a second Thank you for understanding I’m still figuring out how to navigate it Thank you for not rolling your eyes Thank you for letting me think of her for a second Thank you for everything I love you and miss you, Mom
Sorry, thank you
…anyway, where were we?
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Talking with you was like talking to a wall lmao.
I am very well aware that I’m a stranger he’s never even gonna know
And I guess I understand your reaction, when you realise you’re in the wrong (and an impossible ass) you have nothing else to say but whine.
Girl, get a fucking life and stop putting celebrities on a pedestal. And maybe try to get a relationship that isn’t parasocial. You can be a fan of an actor and still call out their mistakes. They’re not perfect and we shouldn’t see them as such just because they’re goodlooking.
And I stand by what i said: I think it’s fucked up that Pam & Tommy was ever made – and I think actors should take responsibility for signing onto projects that are problematic. They made a show about a woman who was violated and exposed against her consent. And they made a show about the same thing WITHOUT HER CONSENT. The irony is not lost on people who have the ability to use critical thinking.
Also, stop following me if you hate my opinions so much. I didn’t even tag anything in that post.
If you really wanna fight, maybe get off anonymous messaging. Then we can really see how brave you are.
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psychospore · 2 years
A Fateful Encounter
A/N :this is my first time writing, I hope I don't do too bad. Also, I just recently discovered tumblr so I'm still learning to navigate around. Apologies in advance for the clumsy mess that I am <3
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You sat in a dim corner of the bar drinking a frozen margarita. You've been thinking about how frustrating life is - you've been alive for centuries, in a constant dilemma of finding someone to love and losing them to death. You think to yourself if you've had enough breaking over your heart for such things that are trivial to your current state. But you are a hopeless romantic and you have to do something about it lest you'll keep repeating the same cycle that's been haunting you for the longest time. While deep in thought, you did not notice the raven-haired lad who keeps on casting curious looks on you. He seems interested so he made his way to you across to where you are seated.
Loki: what's a fine, young maiden doing out here alone in a secluded part of the bar?
y/n: not that it matters to you but I am enjoying the company of myself tonight.
Loki: care if I join you? I'm Loki
You look at him, and you are a bit hesitant but ultimately decided a nice chat would be good, maybe he could amuse and distract you from your existential dread. Besides, there is a strange sense of comfort that you can feel when you met his gaze
y/n: my name is y/n. go ahead
You signal him to sit beside you
Loki: now, tell me, is there anything you'd like to chat about with a random stranger?
y/n: that's a good one - I was thinking about pouring my heart out knowing you and I might not have a chance to meet again after tonight
Loki: well, that is certainly interesting. Tell me more
y/n: we're living in a world of monsters and magic now, so I hope it won't be too weird to hear that I have been in this mortal plane for far longer than necessary
You expected a weird reaction from him but he just looks at you intently, listening to your words
y/n: I've been with different people and it's a constant cycle between loving them and breaking my heart when death comes knocking on their door. Being a hopeless romantic is doing me any favors.
Loki: you know what I think about it - you can never avoid the pain when loving someone, but you have to think about all the great things you've gone through with them. How it's worth every heartbreak you've been through and how it made you the strong person that you are now
y/n: I guess that makes sense. have you been through a similar situation?
Loki: I don't think I did - but I hope to find that person when the time comes. Maybe I already did but haven't known yet. Who knows, it's the mystery of love
y/n: *you chuckled* first impressions don't last indeed - I haven't found you as a person with such profound wisdom on love when I first saw you
Loki: I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult *he smirked*
y/n: *you laugh* you're a mysterious person and I'm glad to say I enjoyed being with your company tonight. You have listened to me and given me a piece of your mind from a different perspective. Although, I am regretful to tell you that I'll have to take my leave now. The night is deep and I have more responsibilities to attend to in the morning
Loki: And I as well have relished the time that you have granted me tonight. Thank you for opening up your deepest thoughts to a random stranger. If destiny permits, we might have another one of these conversations in the future. *he smiles at you sincerely*
You don't know what came over you but you gave him a light peck on his soft lips before you go. The scent of pine hit your nostrils as you inched closer to him. You thanked him again and waved goodbye as you leave, your heart a bit fluttering as you were thinking about him - he is special and unlike any other person you have met before. You crossed your fingers hoping to see him again in the future - hopefully in a better situation.
Loki looks at you as you leave, as he traces the lips you kissed with his thumb. He smiled to himself thinking of the next time you'll cross paths again. He gets up to leave and changes into his emerald-green armor as soon as he was out of the bar and vanishes to a different plane.
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
I am so glad to know that my brother has provided entertainment for others as well. He is currently mine and my two cousins (who showed me qaf) main source of entertainment. And I’m glad to know those long messages yesterday weren’t annoying, because even I went ‘shit’ when I saw the whole thing typed out. I do feel like i have to say: 1) my parents did actually know about qaf but i think they both forgot about my hyperfixation 2) my father who is a lawyer had to ask me this morning to make sure my brother doesn’t get any funny ideas and calls his office with this shit. And yes, i already had to stop him from calling his office 3) we only watched 2x01 bc he had a doctor appointment and in case you are wondering: yes, he did mention it to the doc when he was asked ‘hows it going’ the reaction was the same you give to a toddler ‘ooookay..so you found something to do’ 4)i woke up today to a voice memo from one of his friends asking me wtf is going on because my brother sent him a 9 minute voice memo about Britin without every mentioning that he’s talking about a show/fake characters so his friend thought it was real. He is now also invested. There is now a group chat with 4 people about it.
And i guess the only other thing I’d like to say is, if there are any moments from the show or specific episodes that y’all would like to know his reactions to, i am taking requests since I literally have nothing better to do and am already keeping 3 other people updated (bless working from home)
DEAR SWEET ANON. The world is now invested. I got asks overnight with messages to tell you how invested people are. Last night, over dinner, I did a dramatic reading of your messages and my responses for my spouse (a bit of dinner theater, my spouse is the one who got me into QAF) and my spouse wants you to know they are now invested in your brother's journey.
(My spouse also says "I'm at an age where laughing this hard is a real risk of peeing myself a little.")
So, no, not annoying at all. VERY WELCOME.
I think I (and the fandom) most want to know about the major Britin moments of S2 - the computer, the tuition, Sap's party (will your brother have prom flashbacks?), the trip to VT, and, of course, Ethan. I'm also very curious how he reacts to Michael's reaction to Debbie dating Carl. Does your brother come done on the ACAB/fuck the police side of things or "Stop being a whiney shit, you didn't like it when your mom told you not to date Ben" side of things. Or both? Both is legitimate.
Anon, your brother has at least 10 strangers on the internet who are fully invested in his QAF journey and who are so grateful to you for your detailed live blogging.
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shinakazami1 · 2 years
hhhh long ask anon here! thinking of calling myself 307 anon…(not me seeing a person looking at details I didn't care much about and make a whole identity out of it)
SO UHMMM HELLO?? YOUR RESPONSE IS SO LOVELY??? IM SO GLAD MY ASK HAD SUCH A POSITIVE IMPACT (holding my phone tightly giggling kicking my legs) (looking at you compliment chain)
You. you talked about me to your close friends and the server. I was presented in front of the councils. please have mercy on me. aaaaaaaaa *shaking violently*. (how were their reactions. i like reading others’ thoughts)
ok I read the soulmate bodyswap series and. what . that's too much sugar for a normal human to handle. such sweetness, my dentists aren’t going to like this/j
no reviews this ask, sorry! hhhhh I just want to pick the details I liked and then ramble about them (which is…a lot aikdhsadhjd, considering the last ask already took 1 hour and a half to write and edit-) But I've been rereading Dear Stanley and the soulmate bodyswap series for the second time though! getting all those details in…ugh dearest most wonderful blorbos and their writers,,, >:))
i guess i'll make up for it by a marine animal fact? although being called puppers of the sea, seals are actually closer to bears than to dogs!…maybe many people already knew it but-
have a nice weekend!
Anon I hecking stimmed when I saw getting a message from you (tell me if you ever want to become more than parasocial relation and show yourself / silly )
I will start calling you 307 anon too hehe, we adore staring at minor details and making them not as minor anymore
(The Soulmate AU fic is right here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3264705
Lemme respond under the cut:
Of course they have a huge impact, really, today has been a good day overall for me but I showed my roommate that I got another ask from you since I was v happy (read your message 3 times and then reading it rn again to just respond well to each point foahhifaso)
I did! They said that was v nice of you to write and well people from Stanarr and some mutuals decided to send asks and I am just thankful to every single one of you ;w;;w;w;w; I kept saying how nice it is for you to choose to spend time to write these and esp now hearing that you wrote that last ask for 1 hour DUDE my gosh you just are so considerate to share your appreciation with creators and I really am thankful to you!! EDIT: I shared with a few close buds and one of them was like "get them on our discord server, they have been accepted" OIHFSASOA
I AM GLAD, Surf and I wanted it to be a nice funny and fluffy thing and it was a blast writing these idiots (esp Stanley was my fav cus I just kept on throwing the most batshit crazy things to say at this man)
It's alr!! You already just writing the first paragraph made me so happy oiahioaosi and YOU HECKING REREAD THOSE MY GOODNESS 307 ANON YOU ARE SO KIND ;;;; and also hehe glad you think I'm wonderful *twirls my hair like a high school girl and then misses a step falling over-*
I didn't know that actually! I am right now reading this and hearing seals evolved from land creatures, huh, we learn everyday, thank you for the fun trivia anon!!
I hope you yourself will have a lovely rest of the day and weekend and you are doing alr there!! We might be strangers but you doing this for the third time just means a lot, to know you spend so much time and effort on these and want to read my stuff, just thank you :>
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