#how much has he convinced other people of his own legend when he really just hits people in the head with heavy objects
crazylittlejester · 3 days
i'd love to hear all your head canons on Warriors! and the others too if you have any. :)
i'm trying to get into writing fanfiction but its difficult when the canon version of Link is just "blank stare and sometimes arson" /j. Warriors is one of the Links i have the most difficulty with characterization lol (Legend, Hyrule, and Four or also giving me trouble /lh)
aight this is definitely gonna be so much more than you asked for but im not havin a great day and you asked about my special guy and gave me permission to yap about him, so here are a lot of headcanons + the way that I write/characterize him in my own fics! (my bad for spelling errors or if this is incoherent)
- I hc he came from a rather large family out in the country, so he had a lot of sisters growing up and a lot more space than the city but he moved to the city and has stayed there since he joined the army at 15/16
- I know most people hc all the Link’s parents are dead but NOT ME, Wars still has his mom, but he hasn’t been home since he left. I hc he hasn’t been able to bring himself to go home because he feels like the war changed him so much as a person that he won’t belong there and nothing will be the same, and that his family won’t take him back because they’re expecting the same kid who left and he just isnt that person anymore
- I will die on the hill that this man is a fake blond (and that he also straightens his hair). I hc he started dying his hair because he was so desperate to fit in and also to look like the other heroes because his image is incredibly important to him. A whole war was started over him because Cia wanted him, he feels like he needs to at least LOOK like that classic image of the hero. Tied in with this i think he has a lot of insecurity about himself and how he looks because he forces himself to look such a particular way and he’s created this character of himself and acts it out so thoroughly he’s forgotten who HE actually is
- This is a popular hc for him because in his game soldiers turn against him, and you have to fight them in game so a lot of people hc there have been assassination attempts against him and that these include poison. So I hc he has a very intense fear of food that sometimes prevents him from being able to eat all together because he can’t trust where it comes from. Some days he has to watch it be made, some days he has to make it himself, and rarely he just can’t do it. This is all based on my own food allergies and fear of cross contamination, and I also gave him a safe food: oranges! My thinking behind this is that when I get like this eating prepackaged foods are the most comforting to me because it makes me feel like it couldn’t have touched something I’m allergic to, and oranges have a peel which is just a barrier between them and the world. Can they still be poisoned? Absolutely, and Wars knows this, but he’s irrationally dependent on them because in his mind they’re safe because he NEEDS them to be, otherwise he just can’t eat. Like deep down he knows it’s stupid and they’re not guaranteed safe for him, but when he’s panicking he’ll grab those because he’s convinced himself they’re safe and he’s yet to be wrong
- Purely self indulgent hc but I also gave him my blood sugar issues, which is truly just an angst source for me because he’s caught in a trap of having an issue where he HAS to eat semi frequently or bad things will happen but his deep rooted fear of all his food being contaminated makes it really really hard for him to do so
- I hc he’s got a journal that has so so much in it that’s a mix between a diary, battle plans, history book in the making, sketchbook, and more. To me he’s got such a big big brain and a thirst for knowledge and he absorbs history like a SPONGE. He met all these people from other eras during the war and he learned so much about them and their cultures and times, and now he’s going through time to some of these places??? He’s writing that shit DOWN. He’s absolutely the first one to figure out where everyone is on the timeline. He also got used to observing soldiers during battle and noting their strengths and weaknesses so he could plan where to put them in battle and thats just somethin he cannot turn off, so he analyzes the chain and all his notes on them are in this book too. He TELLS them these things, with the intent to help them grow stronger, and he absolutely offers to help them work things out and because of this the group has really become a solid unit. Also the whole thing is written in his native language that NONE of the others can read (I hc he’s brazilian/scottish and his native language is the equivalent of portuguese)
- He’s a very touch oriented person, though the war and his trust issues kinda messed that up for him, but he IS getting better with it. He does much better if he’s the one initiating contact, and he’s definitely a shoulder to lean on for the others and his hugs are very nice
- I hc he HATES shit rubbing against his neck, which is one of the reasons why that scarf is so thoroughly pinned down
- I also hc he came from a family of tailors, so he’s definitely one of the people the chain goes to if they need sewing help
- He’s the one who gives the others haircuts, and he taught Wind how to properly care for his curly hair
- I hc he has temperature regulation issues because of the severe burn scarring Volga left him with, so he and Wild are ALWAYS the first two to overheat
i have more, i could talk about him for hours, but my brain is getting fuzzy so i’ll stop here for now lmao sorry for yapping so much 😭
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arthurwilde · 1 year
When Marty is rhapsodizing about what a genius detective Rust was and how good he was at getting people to tell him stuff like “gosh he was just so good at it...some kind of genius at reading people...for the life of me I don’t know how he did it” and then we see that Rust just brained the guy with a toolbox. That’s how he did it, Marty. That was his brilliant strategy. His unbeatable argument. The secret to his success. Toolbox to the head
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wannaeatramyeon · 4 months
Lookism: I can fix him (no really I can)
G/N. Gun, DG, Sammy, Jakey, Ryuhei, Goo, Vin
You didn't roll up your sleeves, ready to fix the men that came into your life. As if you were some amber or red flag magnet, and you had ample time and energy and patience to sort out their issues. Somehow though, it happened anyway. Slowly. Little by little.
With yourself more of a dubious observer more than anything.
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Only a fool would invite someone like Gun into their life and not expect troubles. The pitch black eyes are already an obvious omen.
Except. Gun has second thoughts around you. Peaks of humanity showing through his cracks. Fun for Gun used to be fights and bloodshed. Letting his demons out fully. He can never be completely tamed but he realises there's joy, a bone-deep peace, in other things too.
Namely, your company.
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James plays his cards to his chest. As James Lee, as Diego Kang, as whoever he may be in the future.
Hides his intention and true character with a detached, arrogant smile. Buries into himself further with his shiny k-pop persona, not letting anyone see his authentic self.
Your touch first cracked his well polished veneer. Your words and keen eyes, astute and observant, blew the gap wide open.
He realises there's no more hiding with you.
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Samuel doesn't lack motivation or discipline with most areas of his life. When it comes to his mental health though, it's sorely lacking. Though, delusional and lacking introspection, he never realised it was a problem until you.
He notices your smile dimming during the beginning of his spirals. Feels your absences as he plummets to rock bottom. Craves you with every part of his being as he soars into mania.
Your worried looks and trembling bottom lip gives him the final push he needs to want to improve.
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Being Gapryong's son is a part of who Jake is, irrefutable and undeniable. As much as he likes to convince himself he is nothing like his dad, he has fortunately taken all his best traits and foregone the worst.
However. It takes someone like you to come along, that loves all the parts of him-
(Son of the legend of the Pre-generation, the Boss of Big Deal... And the quietest part, the part of him dimmed and muted through the challenges of life, simply Jake Kim, where he can be as he wants to be.)
-For him to finally accept all parts of himself too.
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When Ryuhei crushes, falls, obsesses, he finds it hard to fit the whole image of someone in his head.
All their imperfections and flaws and faults are non-existent in his mind. Which sounds harmless and sweet at first thought, but he could never truly connect with anyone if he is only able to see his own perception of them.
But then you showed him all sides of you, forced him to acknowledge the good with the bad, experience the troughs with the peaks.
Until, over time, he fully sees every facet of you.
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Being with Goo is like trying to domesticate a wild animal.
He has glimpses of docility assuming he is well fed and well entertained, though he is still likely to bite the hand that feeds at any moment. Of course, only someone used to getting his way would continue being this... deranged.
You take no prisoners. Uncompromising in the way you should be treated, respected, until Goo has no choice but to also fall in line if he wants to keep you by his side.
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Vin keeps himself barbed and prickly. Masks his true feelings, his own insecurities, with jokes and insults. Has made more people cry than he can remember and ignores any guilt with a shrug of his shoulders.
He's not a sociopath. It's just that he's been this way for so long he doesn't know how to be anything else.
You cut through the bullshit, give him no judgement for who he is, how he looks, but how he acts.
His jokes are still rude. Insults still mean. But there's no longer any cruelty.
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zeravmeta · 4 months
don quixote fgo is just so good, he is such a hopeful character and i absolutely think he's the standout from traum
what really strikes me about him is that traum is a story dedicated to broken ideals and unfulfilled dreams: the major players of each faction are all characters with failed ambitions and who wage war against panhuman history to achieve those dreams. kriemhild wants revenge on siegfried even after killing hagen, komstantinos wants to remake his old empire, johanna abhors that she is a living fictional character and wants to become a real person, all the nameless servants from each faction are dedicated to rebel not only because of zhang jue's influence but because they all, in some form, had unfinished business, dreams they never fulfilled. this even extends to moriarty himself, a younger version who's fixated on defeating holmes because his older version could not, and he follows through on it because he did not really understand the value of his own nemesis, a fact that ultimately left him defeated no matter how much he tried to control fate. All of these characters refused to face the reality of their failures, and honestly don quixote was the most guilty of this
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he was originally a servant summoned in the atlantean lostbelt, and genuinely did try to rally heroes, but as he saw these legendary figures he adored be struck down he lost hope. it wasn't just that he was afraid, it was that the heroes around himself had given up even before him, a craven old man.
the thing is though that the reason don quixote and sancho ran is antithetical to the reasons that the other servants ran: they did it specifically to survive. sancho was able to convince don quixote to leave because she reminded him that it wasn't wrong or evil to want to live, and this was only possible because don quixote, despite being a servant, still thinks of himself as being human. even though he consciously understands himself as being a servant, his way of thinking and reasoning is undeniably that of a normal human
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A big part of his too is that traum is also a singularity in which the names of heroic spirits have lost their meaning: the sheer volume of servants means that there is no singular standout hero, sure, but when kriemhild killed the lancer who was about to declare his name she called him merely a foot soldier because said name was worthless, in traum there is only the endless war of people slaughtering each other, and ironically a unifying peace in that.
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names are the linchpins of heroic spirits: servants aren't the ghosts of dead people, they're the manifestations of what those legends meant to humanity, all codified by the names they carry. servants have to name themselves and have names for their noble phantasms which directly identify them because they are literal living legends. Yet in traum, those names and legends and meanings become all but worthless in the face of endless war as armies of these protectors of humanity are reduced to mere foot soldiers. there is a similar parallel to this when vlad goes to the righteous realm, and as he sees the army gathered he finds it entirely lacking because it's fully composed of singular standout heroes who are all used to essentially being the main character and thus cant function as a unit. Traum is a world where being a hero has no meaning.
but i think that's also why don quixote declares himself against konstantinos and challenged him: in this moment, he reclaimed the value of being a knight who fights for his ideals, that of a true hero
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konstantinos throughout traum is presented as equally a legendary figure as charlemagne is, and yet his reason for fighting is incredibly simple: he's in love with johanna and wants to make her real to panhuman history, and to this end he'll continue the war in traum as needed for that end. kriemhild has an equal but opposite reason rooted in the same thing: love. she wants revenge against siegfried for having gone through with hagens plan, for not letting her in to his pain, he was too much of a hero for everyone that it led him to sacrificing himself even if it would hurt her. konstantinos wanted to be the perfect knight, and kriemhild wanted to get revenge against her own knight for being too perfect.
The thing is, despite their insistence on traum being the cruel reality of a war, both of them were holding onto rather idealized, almost romanticized versions of what a knight should be.
konstantinos knows and declares don quixote as being likely the most famous knight to have ever lived, but he dismisses him as a threat when actually fighting him. When he's about to finish him, he tells don quixote that he has to face reality as he's about to die. However, the story of don quixote was always that of an old man whom lost himself to his fantasies of chivalry and knightly idealism, and despite the troubles he caused still continued to fight for what he believed was honorable. Even if he had returned to reality in the end, there was still meaning to the outright silly journey of an old man knight long past the age of chivalry, of the old man who, despite his fear, still chose to rally an army and fight for the world he felt he had failed.
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what traum needed was someone who did good not as a hero but as a human. almost every knightly character in fate carries grand ideals as to why they are knights, but the only requirement to BE a knight and a hero is the simple desire to do good for others, and don quixote is fittingly the most famous knight in the world because he's utterly obsessed with the great chivalric legends of old, yet still strived to do good in the way normal people do.
it's why charlie finds him so inspiring, as well
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for all the non-extella link players, charlemagne as we see him in fgo is actually the fictionalized version of him from the tales of the paladins of charlemagne and not the actual karl der Große. He's even more fictionalized than johanna and don quixote himself, because while johanna might have been an erroneous account and don quixote a story book character, charlemagne is a full on sensationalized re-imagining of an already real person. but even if he may be a fictionalized person, what he represents is what matters the most, the same with any heroic spirit, which is why charlemagne considers johanna just as real and why the actual karl der Große saw fit to send him to traum
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at the center of traum we ultimately find wakamori, who despite seeming cruel and mysterious throughout the entire plot, has shown multiple times that he's essentially trying to fill in bigger shoes than he can: He's obsessed with defeating sherlock and presenting himself as the ultimate evil, but he's still green at the end of the day, and I think this is in part what leads him to somewhat even respect don quixote
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when he tries to taunt don quixote, he does so with the assumption that much like himself, don quixote is attempting to play the part he represents most: don quixote is surely trying to be the greatest most idealized version of a knight, the same way wakamori is trying to be the perfected version of himself, the true evil mastermind whom can finally defeat sherlock. But don quixote flat out tells him that conflict and even life itself has always had no inherent meaning nor any inherent roles to play, so much in the same way that he has no special value to his life tied to being a knight, wakamori's own value is not tied specifically to that of being sherlock holmes' greatest evil rival. There's a surprising empathy in this exchange I feel, because don quixote understands wakamori immediately where it took sherlock the entire story: there's nothing wrong with being a little delusional, but you have to treat them with respect.
wakamori ultimately fails because he believed that defeating sherlock would finally give value to james moriarty as the ultimate villain, unaware that sherlock holmes is the defining equal to james moriarty. there is no purpose to a story with an evil mastermind that doesn't have an equally great hero trying to stop him, and wakamori failing to understand that his own value as such is not diminished by not having ever defeated holmes is what ruins him: He didn't respect the story he was so enthralled by. shinjuku showcased a similar dynamic, but the difference between shinjuku and traum is that the older moriarty very much understood what it would take to succeed, and that would be to become the protagonist of the story, rather than the ultimate final boss.
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the stories of knights and heroes and monsters and spurned loves and great detectives and evil masterminds are all in part defined by the meanings that people derive from them, from the ordinary good that they can inspire first and foremost. And even though don quixote may have been a craven old man who eventually gave up chivalry, he still tried to live a good life and do good the way any ordinary person would.
And that's such a genuinely hopeful and kind sentiment to tie to the concept of knightly ideals: you don't have to be grand to be a hero, and you don't even have to be a hero to inspire others.
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writer-in-theory · 2 months
tying you to me — i. i dared you to kiss me
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Summary: From play weddings in the suburbs of Las Vegas to lavish hotel rooms in New York City, Spencer and Reader find their way back to each other every time. Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader Content Warnings: Smut in later parts (18+ only), mentions of bullying A/N: This is a rewrite of a wip series called "the way i love(d) you" that can be found here. Thank you so much @reidsaurora for beta reading!
Playlist Series Masterlist
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The story starts how so many do: with a move.
Your parents moved to Las Vegas when you were barely a toddler for a job opportunity. They were nervous about your chances of meeting kids your own age—that is, until they met the Reids. The Reid family lived in the house across the street from yours, and neighborhood legend has it that they were the first to introduce themselves to your family (though Diana would often insist your mother was the welcoming one). Your parents were overjoyed to find out that they not only had a child of their own but that he was only two years younger than you. They liked the couple well-enough; your fathers able to bond over sports and your mothers talking about anything from the novels they’d read recently to all of the best spots in town to visit. 
Many kids became friends simply due to sheer proximity, and at first you and Spencer Reid were no different. When your parents spent so much time at each others’ houses, it was easy for you to befriend the boy. He was quieter, sure, and it took some work to find which activities you could enjoy together (the chess vs checkers debate went on for far too long, really), but he was the best friend you’d ever had. 
Your mothers would get used to the two of you constantly being around each other. Oftentimes, the two of you would go on what you called ‘adventures’, which really meant you’d be allowed by your parents to explore the small town together. Each day was different—some days you’d spend with Spencer in the local bookstore, and others you’d convince him to explore nature with you. No matter what, though, you spent your days together. Quietly, when you two were busy playing in the yard, your mothers would smile at each other and say, “You know, they’ll get married one day.”
Spencer was brilliant, and everyone in town knew it. Any time he was around they’d say the same thing: “He’s going to do great things someday.” You were never sure what sort of great things they meant or how they were supposed to know that so early on, but you did know that Spencer was special. He knew about things you didn’t even know existed, and could explain them to you so well you felt like an expert by the end of it. At first, your mother worried for you, scared all of the compliments given only to him would make you feel badly, but you’d enjoyed all the attention and would loudly proclaim to anyone who would listen that you had the smartest best friend in the world.
Perhaps, then, you might’ve seen this coming if you really thought about it.
The two of you sat in your secret hideout the day before school was set to start again. It was a hill in the Vegas suburbs that looked over the desert highway, found on one of your grand adventures. The first time you’d found it, it had taken nearly four hours for any of your parents to find you and Spencer. Immediately, you’d known that you’d come back if only for the feeling of freedom it brought. When you were there, it felt like you and Spencer were the only people in the entire world. 
“Can I tell you something?” Spencer asked after several minutes of quiet. He had a book open on his lap but he hadn’t turned the page in minutes. You had been drawing, but upon seeing the nervous look on his face you quickly abandoned your notebook. 
“What’s wrong?” you asked, turning on the blanket to face him. Your mother would be upset you got her blanket dirty, but she just didn’t understand that you had to bring it outside or Spencer would be upset about having to sit in the dirt. 
“You know how we were in the same school last year?”
Because you were two years older, you hadn’t actually gotten to see Spencer in school until last year when he made it to the elementary building. It was exciting, because you could see him in the lunchroom or even during library time. 
“Yeah! Sammy said second and fourth grade get recess together, so we can play kickball with all my friends if you want.” Already you were thinking about how well he could fit in with your group of friends.
Strangely, that invitation didn’t seem to lift Spencer’s spirits. Instead, he almost got sadder, curling his shoulders in a little more and picking at a loose thread on the blanket.
“We don’t have to play kickball if you don’t wanna. We can read books together or play hopscotch, or whatever you wanna do,” you tried, but no matter what you said Spencer wasn’t happy.
“They put me in middle school this year. I won’t see you at all,” Spencer sighed, staring at the thread in his hand. “They said I was too smart for elementary school.”
“Well, you are,” you answered, knocking his arm with yours. “You’re the smartest person in the whole entire world.”
“That can’t be true,” Spencer said, finally laughing for the first time since coming to your hideout. “I’m only seven, and there’s so many adults who are smarter.”
“Well, I’m older than you so what I say goes,” you told him matter-of-factly. 
You knew sometimes Spencer got sad when people talked about his brain. Your dad said it was because it’s a lot of pressure being so smart. That was the trouble with being so brilliant, you supposed. He was constantly being pushed forward and told to hurry up and do all the great things the adults wanted from him. Sometimes, you wanted to kick them all the shins and tell them to leave your best friend alone. He had so much time to be great, so why couldn’t he just be your friend right now? You wanted to, but you knew your mom wouldn’t approve so you never did it.
Instead, all you could do was support Spencer through whatever the adults were having him work on.
“I just…do you think we’ll be friends still?” Spencer asked then, practically crumbling your heart into pieces then. “We won’t ever see each other.”
“We’ll have to see each other,” you told him. “Every day after school, come here. We can do our homework and you can tell me all about being a middle schooler. I’ll bring blankets and snacks, and you can help me with my math homework.”
“Deal,” Spencer said with a grin, placing a bookmark between the pages of his book he’d been pretending to read. “You’re learning long division this year.”
“I know, and I still say I won’t need any long division to be a movie star.”
“What if you decide you don’t want to be a movie star?”
“That’s silly, Spence,” you laughed, resuming your drawing in your notebook. “Of course I’ll be a movie star.”
The two of you fell into quiet then, but you didn’t mind. Sometimes you could sit like this with Spencer for hours, both of you working on separate things but enjoying each other’s presence nonetheless.
“I’ll miss you this year,” Spencer said to break the silence. His face was all twisted up with an emotion you didn’t know but felt too heavy for someone so little.
“I’m gonna miss you too,” you answered, your voice a little higher in pitch as you fought to hold onto the joyous feeling of being with Spencer rather than the idea of being without him all year. You didn’t want to imagine the school without him, walking the halls without seeing that mop of curls or playfully sticking your hand in front of the pages of his book at lunch to get his attention. You didn’t want to think about having to make new friends, and you definitely didn’t want to think about Spencer having to do the same. Because you were outgoing and loved talking to people, but Spencer definitely didn’t. He was shy as your dad said, and that was okay but it meant he needed you around to help make friends for the both of you. 
Just as you screamed to the world how much you loved Spencer Reid, he quietly did the same every day. Sticking so close to your side at street barbecues that his arm constantly bumped yours, holding your hand after you stood up for him in the hallway, telling you that you were the prettiest girl he’d ever seen when he caught you crying over something another girl had said about your hair. You wondered who would keep him company in the cafeteria now that he’d be in the middle school building, or protect him from stupid bullies in the hallways.
“What if I don’t fit in?” he asked, watching you with near tears in his eyes. “I don’t know how to be a middle schooler.”
“My cousin is twelve, and I talk to her all the time,” you announced then, determined to come up with a wonderful solution to his problem. “And you know what she said?”
“She told me that Hannah Walkins had her first kiss in middle school and she was the coolest girl in school.”
“What does that mean?” Spencer asked, and you sighed dramatically as if it should have been obvious.
“It means, that if you get your first kiss in middle school then you’ll be cool and popular!”
“But who would I kiss? I don’t know any girls,” Spencer said.
“Um, hello? I’m a girl, Spence!” you shouted, waving your arms around at the clear skip over you. “You could kiss me!”
“But you’re my best friend!”
“Right, so you know I don’t have cooties,” you countered immediately.
“All girls have cooties,” Spencer corrected, “I asked my dad and he said so.”
“Well your dad’s wrong,” you said. “You know what? I dare you to kiss me!”
And this, the gauntlet was thrown. You knew Spencer didn’t have to accept your dare, but if he didn’t then he’d be the biggest weenie for not doing it. The last time one of you didn’t accept a dare was when you refused to pick a book from the library outside of the kids section, and he hadn’t stopped teasing you for a whole week after. It felt like an easy solution to helping Spencer calm his fears about fitting in with the middle schoolers, all he had to do was take it. 
You stayed still as Spencer worked up the courage. Your heart raced as Spencer began to lean in closer, wondering quickly if this was one of those things your mom would gossip to her book club about if she found out. The second you felt his lips on yours, you squealed and leapt from the blanket.
Immediately you could feel your cheeks heat up as you shrieked, “Oh my God, ew!” You both were laughing while you each wiped off your lips, trying to forget that any of that had just happened. 
“So gross!” Spencer whined, “I’m never kissing you again.”
“Good,” You agreed. How did people in movies ever want to do that kind of thing? It was so gross!
Once the excitement of the moment died down, the two of you ended up lying together on the blanket. The sun was beginning to set, which meant you’d have to walk back home to make it in time for dinner. But you could have a few more minutes with your best friend, hoping that you’d at least calmed some of his nerves about school.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Spencer told you. “You really are my best friend.”
“That’s what besties are for, Spence, I’ll always be there when you need me,” you said back. “As long as you promise never to kiss me again.”
Spencer laughed and held onto your hand then, squeezing it as if to say once more that you were his best friend. As the two of you walked, your hands slipped until only your pinkies were held onto each other, a constant tying you together even as you faced the new school year without him. 
“I promise.”
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thunderroseses · 3 months
Here’s some random headcannons I’ve been thinking about <3
Sorry for how long this got -_-
Building off the Neptune shapeshifter headcannon- Neptune is really an abomination of different sea creatures into one, kind of like a biblically correct angels, Uranus ones bagged Neptune to show him, Neps real form and was terrified of him for a good few thousands of years.
Mercury has a lot of burn marks covering is body because of the solar flares as well as at lest a few sunburns from his closeness to the sun
Mercury’s wings aren’t as fluffy or healthy as they before the sun got hotter
Venus used to have fish ears like people give Neptune from when he had life but their now dried out and shrivelled up after he lost it
Uranus used to carve asteroids in the past before paint was invented, now Earth is his art dealer and Uranus paints him pictures in return
Uranus used to make weapons in the past, he still had a few of them, but most are lost to time (aka found by the dwarf planets who now used them in their DND  campaigns)
Neptune memory get better the longer his out of his orbit and can go on long rants about random science facts, Uranus loves listening to Nep while he paints, it feels the silence and gets rid of any bad thoughts Uranus might have
Neptune has a seashell that is used to worn the other planets if their is a intruder that Neptune can’t beat alone (building off Neptune being the protector of the solar system)
Neptune had become a bit of a urban legend among some of the planets and moons since hardly anyone every sees him or his moons (they like keeping to themselves) and lots thought he was just a myth made up to keep them inline, that was until Uranus managed to convince him and his moons to come out of their orbit.
Neptune has barely any social skills but he means the best and is the nicest among the planets
Saturn doesn’t like getting close to his moons (like getting to know their names) because he knows their just going to crash into him one day and he doesn’t want to go through the pain of losing a moon she was close to again
This is someone else’s headcannon, I’ll link if I can find the book but Titan used to be X’d moon but Saturn took him as a trophy after they ejected X, this is why Saturn can only remember Titans name,
In the past Saturn didn’t really see Titan as a moon but a object that’s meant to be showed off to others (his was just a war trophy to show Saturn won)
Neptune leaves all his moons with Triton so they don’t have to deal with the loneliness of his orbit and won’t go insane like Neptune did
Neptune teaches his moons everything he knows so they are pretty smart
Uranus is almost always covered in paint, even his clothing isn’t spared from the paint
Uranus made all his own clothing and has let Neptune colour onto is pants, which had only resulted in little smiley faces all over his pants and face
Both Neptune and Uranus’ moons love to sleep in their hoods since they have fur lining it, Uranus’ moons aren’t the biggest fan of him but their not going to give up a soft place to sleep, you don’t come across fluff in the solar system all that often
Neptune and Uranus would wear summer clothes 24/7 if it wasn’t for Jupiter and Saturn forcing them to wear their coats (the fluff helps)
Uranus has a leg brace from the moon that crashed into him as well as chronic pain (the reason for his tilt)
Uranus had always gotten sick more easily compared to the other giants which didn’t help when his moon crashed into him
The giants don’t know most of rocky planets, they have meet Proto in the past but now Earth can’t visit them nor can they come close to the rocky planets without putting them in danger ( they have to be really careful during suns competition)
Earth only shears the good things about having life never the bad so most planets have a false idea of what it’s like, making Venus even more jealous not realizing how much pain Earth goes through
Earth has a lot of health issues directly related to his Earthlings, this includes chronic headaches from the oil drills, poor lungs from the factory gasses, stomach aces from pollution (mostly from his waters) he also has chronic pain from the wars and the asteroids that killed his dinosaurs
Earth is incredibly worried that his Earthlings will find a better home (like earth 2.0) which is why his really defensive to other planets/moons with water
Earth’s personal is derailed a lot from his Earthlings and is extremely paranoid because of them
Thanks for coming to a late night rambling with Thunder Rose <33
I’m very sleep deprived lol
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catskze · 1 year
Levi Fluff/Wholesome Headcanons.
So, I made these headcanons as a "1 like for one headcanon" thing on another social media so. . . it got a lot of likes- but also turned it into me making a lot of headcanons.
Part 2 containing the NSFW ones here.
Enjoy !!
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Levi doesn't think he's good at cooking, yet whenever he cooks for you, his food is surprisingly good.
Levi doesn't like public displays of affection but in private he's very touchy and clingy BUT, even in public, he would still try to reach you without the rest of the people to notice, for example, by stroking your thighs or holding your hand under the table.
Levi absolutely loves receiving a "cat treatment". Sleeping in your lap while getting his hair and face stroked.
Whenever you want to talk something serious with him, he feels the need to be touching you to understand you better. So takes your hand, your waist, strokes any other body part or he just keeps you close.
Levi is bad at showing affection through words. Whenever he tries, he blushes and stutters which ends up frustrating him.
Levi often visits Queen's Historia farm orphanage. Besides helping in the early steps of her project, he also has a soft spot for the underground kids. He wasn't precisely nice with them at the beginning, but the kids admired him a lot. After all, he became somewhat a legend from the underground, so then Levi kept trying to make them happy by playing or telling them short stories.
Levi's very observant, that's why he's also very attentive. He would notice if you didn't get enough rest, skipped a meal, or didn't drink enough water, however, he would remind and help you out with all that.
Levi on the early steps of the relationship would complain about your cleaning habits (no matter how good they are) but with time he'll keep himself quiet about it and help you out instead.
Levi would teach you to make the perfect tea to then ask for you to do it instead. Not to boss you around, it’s because he ended up liking it better the way you do it.
Whenever Levi looks at the stars, he remembers Furlan and Isabel, but as the years went by, he also thinks about all his lost comrades, naming every star by their names.
Headpats! He loves giving headpats as a form of affection (that's actually canon). He gives them because Kenny did the same with him whenever he congratulated him (probably after murdering someone but let's pretend it's fluffy and wholesome)
In a modern AU Levi would keep using the "old kind of romance", like, instead of making you a playlist or send you texts, he would make you a mixtape or write you love letters. (And avoid using too much technology, probably he owns a flip phone)
With a taller partner, Levi wouldn't ask for them to reach out things for him, he would just stare at them until they notice.
With a same height/shorter partner he would take the initiative and carry them in his shoulders for them to reach out the stuff.
If you are the one who's having a nightmare he would wrap his arms around your waist, holding you close, big spooning and stroke you until you can calm down. Even if you're feeling better, he'll stay that way.
Levi loves forehead kisses because they remind him of his mom. Bonus points if you also slowly sing him to sleep.
Levi likes to talk in a low volume, so if you didn't hear him, he rather gets close and whisper in your ear instead of yelling.
Levi doesn't consider himself attractive because of his shortness but he's aware of people thinking he is, which also makes him uncomfortable.
Levi doesn't really like to try new things so he always hesitates but if you get to convince him he might change his mind.
Levi gets easily overwhelmed, so if you're patient with him he will give you everything in return when he feels ready and comfortable.
Levi has a teacup for each of his closest people that matches their personalities, that way he makes sure no one touches his. If someone dies, he carefully puts them on a shelf on display.
Despite Levi being street smart, there are a lot of things about life on the surface he doesn't know yet, so whenever you teach him something, he gets so excited about it.
Levi usually avoids looking people in the eyes, it makes him nervous, but he would get lost in yours.
Levi on his free time would go to the stables and spend time with the horses. He just likes animals in general.
Levi loves praise and affirmation words. Being raised by Kenny made him to have low self-esteem and the feeling of "never being enough" so yes, keep giving him compliments.
Whenever you drink tea and hold the cup from the handle, Levi looks at it concerned in case it breaks.
Levi enjoys that both of you have independence from each other, but he still enjoys at its fullest every second that you're together.
Levi is selfless, he will always put you first.
When no one is near, Levi would sing while he's cleaning, doing laundry or any house chore.
Levi's trust is fragile. If you betray him, it would be hard for him to forgive you. Don't do it, always be honest with him.
During expeditions Levi would keep around apples or carrots as treats for his horse.
Levi would follow his instincts and buy you a certain kind of flowers because he just thought you'd like them, but after knowing their meaning, it was also an accurate choice.
Levi likes the smell of the flowers, but he cutely sneezes every time he gets close to them.
Levi likes when you tell him about your feelings, but he would absolutely love if you used body language instead. Cuddling close feeling each other while enjoying the silence would be enough for him to feel loved.
If you ask Levi to do something for you, he probably will, but he feels more comfortable and enjoys it better when he is the one that takes the initiative. In other words, don't be too pushy.
Levi seems to be quiet but that's because he either gets interrupted or he doesn't talk about things he likes, but once he's comfortable and talks about his fixations he can't shut up.
Levi prefers to enjoy the present rather than planning the future, because for him is uncertain.
We know that Levi doesn't like public displays of affection BUT even on public he would still try to reach you without the rest to notice, like, by stroking your thighs or holding your hand under the table.
Levi is good at memorizing faces, so he would go to an artist and describe detail by detail the features of his death comrades to keep their memories for longer.
Levi likes to sleep on your chest because it's comfortable but mostly because that way he can listen to your heartbeats, which he loves because they remind him that you're alive and there for him.
If Levi ever gets some peace, stability and decides to start a family, he would be a girl dad. Adopted or biological, he would love his daughter above all things. He would also be very apprehensive and protective towards her.
Levi thinks pet names are stupid, but still, he can't help to call you "dear", "darling", "love”, “sweetheart" or any classic pet name in private. Still. . . they could also slip out from his mouth in public, making him feel very embarrassed afterwards.
Levi is often seen as "cold and distant”, and he knows that, which also makes him feel sad because he doesn't purposely act that way. Deep inside of him he wishes he was more approachable and nicer.
Levi dislikes cats, mostly because he thinks they're going to leave their loose hair everywhere, BUT once he gets one, he quickly changes his mind at noticing their natural cleaning habits and he gets used to clean the cat's hairs. He enjoys how independent but also loving they are.
Levi likes when you do paperwork together. If he's faster at it, he would sneak a few papers out of your pile, so you have less work and finish sooner.
Whenever you say something dumb, Levi smiles a little and flicks your forehead. . . "Dumbass."
Levi would help you to get on and off the horses or carriages by taking your hand, open the door for you, move your chair for you to sit down or bring you food and medicine while being sick.
Levi suffers insomnia, so he will always be the first one to wake up. He won't disturb your sleep so he'll just stay there admiring your features, occasionally stroking your hair out of your face or, if you’re facing on the opposite direction, he would big spoon you.
Levi is VERY observant so he will notice when you see something you like without saying anything and buy it for you later.
Levi values loyalty and mutual trust, therefore, he would never cheat.
By being raised in the underground, Levi's way of talk is rough, so he often comes across as mean or too straightforward, but he would apologize to you because he doesn't mean to sound that way.
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drstrangedaughter · 10 months
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✦ 𝐀/𝐍: the other night I thought about how much he suffered, my head thought of some ideas, I don't know if it makes much sense. However, he deserves better.
[mortal kombat 1] [syzoth]  [reptile] [headcanons]
Ph: far2wi1
➛ you can ask for headcanons ideas in the ask-box; this is a side blog, I can’t answer in the comments; you can commission me for customize x reader scenarios and letters from you comfort characters.
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He’s down bad for tall people (what a good day to be tall)
A person's height decides how he will behave with that person
Looking up at someone from below makes Syzoth much shyer
With those who are shorter he tends to be confident and more extroverted
He is no taller than 175cm/5.7 feet
He's not used to receiving compliments
When he receives them he becomes silent and needs to realize
He just smiles genuinely not knowing how to express his gratitude for those compliments
Holding on a conversation is not his best
He thinks he doesn't have interesting things to say
So he prefers to stay silent and listen to others talk
He is an excellent listener
Syzoth has the habit of scratching his face repeatedly especially when he is in the presence of others
He doesn't even know why he has this tic
Probably to have the excuse to move and not stare too much at others while they talk to him
He loves children
When his wife got pregnant he was terrified being young
But when his son was born he realized he wanted many more
He is good at cooking typical Zaterrans dishes
He's terrible at cooking human dishes
Being part reptile, it seeks the sun with need
In his free time he can spend hours sitting under the sun
He prefers to spend time alone for fear that his habits will be seen as strange
For example eating, Syzoth knows that eating insects may seem disgusting
He loves caramel on bugs
As a child he was gluttonous for it (not that he isn't now)
He always prepared sweet flies for his son
Cage told him about the legends of the reptilians living in the sewers in NY
Syzoth is now convinced that they really are there
He rarely takes off his hood, it's as if it makes him feel safer
He is attracted to different cultures and always has questions ready about them
But he knows that his own is not well received and he doesn't share anything about it
He takes great care of his nails once he returns to human form
They tend to grow much faster after being clawed
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itsjustpoopeh · 8 months
3, 8, 19
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
"Keeley is a maternal figure for Jamie." my sibling in christ. what are you and your mama up to. those two FUCK and they LIKE IT. also Jamie already has a mummy. he never took her poster off his wank wall for fuck's sake she ain't a maternal figure for him (now she might be mommy buuuuut i ain't getting into alla THAT)
"Jamie and Georgie's interactions were borderline incestuous in Mom City." y'all can't talk about dismantling the patriarchy and toxic masculinity and turn around and call it "developmentally inappropriate" for a grown man to cuddle his mummy when he's upset and depressed. especially because i know, i KNOW y'all wouldn't have said that if Georgie was Dottie Lasso shaped. y'all didn't say that when Sam was cuddling with Ola. y'all said it because you turned that woman into a sexual object. unpack that shit
edited i forgot the cut lmao
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
Jamie is a secretly self-loathing insecure mess. Did you watch the show? not once, not ONCE has Jamie demonstrated self-loathing or a lack of self-confidence. He had to learn how to not treat other people like shit, not how to hate himself.
Roy is a perfect uwu bean who has never been mean in his life ever ever. again. have you watched this show? in season one he was a whole 38 year old grown ass adult legend in his own time beefing with a fucking 23 year old whose best insult was calling him granddad. be for fucking real. and he didn't even try to captain that team until Ted jedi mind gamed him into it because he was wallowing in self-pity. i love him, but season one Roy was absolutely as unbearable as season one Jamie, the narrative just emotionally manipulated us about it differently. that's what makes him interesting. perfect soft uwu bean boy is BORING stop trying to convince me Roy is boring
Ted is depressed and suicidal and sacrificing his happiness in kansas. Shut the entire fuck up. That man was yelling about how homesick he was for kansas every chance he had for the entire run of the show. Also related is the "ted gave up his entire richmond family and support system to go back to kansas" hmm did he though? Realistically, did he really develop a close knit community and support system in richmond? other than the diamond dogs, whom he routinely ignored? all of his interactions with the wider richmond community (the pub, the shopkeepers, etc) were superficial. he never even learned to drive there. he never put down roots there and he didn't want to, because he wanted to go home to Henry, and he wanted to go home to KANSAS. don't even talk to me about the rebecca soulmates thing you can still be friends with people even if you don't live in the same country
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified that you actually kind of like…
Nate/Jade. look, my feelings about nate are complicated because they dropped the ball on showing instead of telling, which is bullshit because nick mohammed woulda ATE. i subscribe to the theory that they had a much more expansive storyline planned for Nate and rethought it after being surprised by how vitriolic and racist the hate was after season 2. unFORTUNATELY, that meant they didn't close the loop on what they already did, and tried to fill the gap with a girlfriend, which is a trope i loathe. on the other hand, Jade is fucking awesome and i can't help liking them and the way she affectionately trolls him mercilessly. i'm not even getting into the idiots on this hellsite trying to insist that Jade's behavior towards him was racist. she's a customer service employee who's seen a million insecure men trying to play games in her face and she treated him accordingly until he quit it with his nonsense, and then she gave him a chance because Nate is actually lovely when he's squashing his tendency to be a vicious cruel jerk
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shaanks · 5 months
2-24 even for Shanks 💕
Oh my goodness, thank you bby!! Y'all are gonna hear about Shanks today lmfao. Most of this is gonna be under a readmore bc I've never been able to be succinct but here we goooooo!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I love how careful he is about when and how he flexes all that power he has. It was meant to be very on the nose when we were introduced to him via Luffy in the very beginning of the series, but like. His little episode on Whitebeard's ship seemed like he had conqueror's haki out of control, but it was a very purposeful flex, if for nothing else than to show that he took approaching another Yonko seriously. Or the way he chose to handle Greenbull at the end of Wano. Sure it was hard to the new folks on his crew to handle exposure so suddenly, but he sent that like 50 miles out from the ship and hit that jerk in the heart with it. And never even raised his voice about it. Idk I think his restraint and how it manifests is a really interesting part of his characterization.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
it's probably on my mind bc of Bernard Hill's recent passing, but I think Shanks would do so well and have a grand old time being elusive and mysterious in Lord of the Rings lmfao. He's got that Aragorn quality of could be in his 20s could be in his 40s who knows, he and Gandalf would probably get a kick out of each other, he'd fucking love the hobbits I am telling you this. (he also, I am very afraid, has that Aragorn quality of 'doomed by the narrative just not quite yet,' but we'll see.)
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
this is hard, I think he's a much more complex and interesting person than I am for the most part, but like. I think it's safe to say he'd mostly rather diffuse a situation than have it become serious when the latter is avoidable, and I am that way too. If the situation is already serious and requires a throw down response that's a different matter, but if we can avoid a serious fight in favor of a little tussle and some drinks, that'd be the way he'd go, and I agree.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
take this one with a grain of salt bc I mostly try not to yuck anyone's yum or argue about differing headcanons, but I really do not fucking like the like. scumbag/villain!Shanks thing that seems to have a semi-popular following. some of that is personal bias, as I think he is a warm, good person who is doing his best, but it also kind of feels like a betrayal of the narrative for him. which I realize is funny coming from the "everything is made up including the source material" guy but here we are. there was a period a few months ago where people were basically just writing him as OP Toji and it made me want to pull all my hair out.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
absolutely, I adore him, I think he's right about a lot of things, our ethics tend to line up where it matters, I think he's funny and would be fun to be around, he listens well and is a warm and compassionate person. I really like him and we'd get along really well I think. (mostly probably through the lens of my OC bc I'm not like. terribly convinced of my actual in person IRL likeability but in theory, absolutely yes.)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I've written about it a little before, but I think the reason he let Buggy go without telling him what Roger talked to him about after the execution wasn't because he didn't want Buggy with him anymore or didn't believe he had what it took to complete that mission, but so that Buggy would have a chance to forge his own way and have his own life. Doing what Roger asked necessitated Shanks--who was widely regarded as having the potential to be the next big legend--to drop out of the running almost entirely. He picked up his crew, he made a name for himself, he became the youngest person (at the time) to gain the title of Yonko, but he also spent a decent amount of time having to like. Lay low on beaches and dick around in the East Blue and play balance keeper and chess master until the man Roger was waiting for appeared. There are more spoilery additions to this that I'll leave out for now but yeah. I think he knew Buggy had all that same potential, and wanted to give him an opportunity to strike out on his own adventure without living in that shadow or carrying their mentor's ghost around.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
oh take this one with a grain of salt too idk that I know any of the terms correctly lmfao but he's very like. when I picture boho in my mind that seems very him. a lot of linens a lot of light flowy breathable clothes. It's pirate!Boho obviously but like. The man is out there wearing birkenstocks as we speak js.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
same standard issue disclaimer as the fandom stuff I don't like, this isn't to yuck anyone's yum, follow your bliss what people ship isn't my business, these are just the ones I personally do not like. shankslu is at the forefront, but I don't really do shanksbenn either?? a LOT of captains and first mates in this series read that way to me but those two don't for me.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
I actually really enjoy his dynamic with Marco. There are some interesting pieces of shared history there but overall the like. Friendly ribbing, amiable hanging out and willingness to cooperate between two of my faves is always very nice to see. c:
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
oh please I think he'd think Sabo was a ton of fun. I know there's an age difference there that makes peership a little different than between the other mid-40s dudes he usually hangs out with, but think about it. Two very powerful people who are carrying the weight of part of this new era on their shoulders, who have a habit of just sort of fucking off out of the narrative and doing things as they please within their own personal parameters, who will just get up and obliterate a guy when that's what the situation calls for? Funny, weird, intelligent guys that love Luffy, believe in him, and want whats best for him? Even if they weren't besties, I think there's a lot of fun overlap for general friendship there.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
something I like: when people recognize that all that soft puppy silly goofy guy exterior, while sincerely part of him, is something that he makes the decision to externalize every day, and is sat atop a deep well of like. sadness and responsibility. there are a lot of people doing a very good job making him a romantic dopey nightmare man without sacrificing that silliness or his intelligence and sense of personal responsibility.
something I don't like: when people start a fic with the disclaimer "Shanks is in here but I hate him lol so he's a lil ooc 🤭🤪" and then he's like. not only ooc but just someone's ex boyfriend or doflamingo or just off-screen doing heinous shit for no reason. Writing a character you hate: can be fun and compelling! I fucking hate Doflamingo, for example, but as a narrative device, as a villain? bar none one of the best and most interesting. Writing a character you hate with the intention of doing a shit job because you hate them? dumb, annoying, and a waste of everyone's time. why include someone you don't want to write about lmfao just pick a different character and be done.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
i'm drawing a blank, I'm going to be real with you. Like, I can think of a ton of mentor characters, but they don't really remind me of him. I can think of a bunch of like. guardian of the new era characters, that still don't super remind me of him. I think again i've got LOTR on the brain rn but the like. Fellowship of the Ring Aragorn is the closest I'm coming up with and even that's mostly in terms of like. the gentle mentorship of the hobbits, the offbeat sense of humor, and that dedication to a responsibility that he might have been scared to face. IDK. Shanks is a pretty unique guy to me. I'm sure I'm gonna sit bolt upright at 3 AM with a list of 20 people that fit the bill but rn it simply isn't clicking lmfao.
And there we have it!!! My (mostly) comprehensive analysis of Shanks, for you my dear friend. Thank you so much for asking!!!
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Fics With Titles That Start With L (4) Masterlist
part one, part two, part three
Lamb (ao3) - Anonymous
Summary: Phil goes to the house that has plagued him with nightmares for two decades
Lane Boy (ao3) - disloyalorderoftrash (orphan_account)
Summary: Dan is a bored law student who hates university. One weekend, he has a one night stand with some stranger in some bar. However, when he returns to university after the break, he meets this stranger again - as his new teacher. They take up a casual affair, but will they be able to keep it secret? Is it really just casual and meaningless? And will Dan finally find the courage to quit university and start following his dreams?
Lap It Up (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: Phil knows exactly what Dan needs
last disco (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Two ridiculously-dressed guys meet on a night out.
(An AU where Dan gets dragged to the club and meets Phil, who’s dressed as the world’s gayest cowboy.)
Last Fling (Before the Ring) (ao3) - phanetixs
Summary: "-some baldy McGee pushes me against some chair and starts you know- gyrating his hips in my face and it was all very traumatic.”
“That’s a lap dance, Philly.”
(Or the story of Dan and Phil, stag nights, and why Phil Lester absolutely cannot go clubbing alone)
Laundry & Taxes (ao3) - serendipnpipity
Summary: In the world of yazisnotonfire and AmazingFiona, Yazi Howell still doesn't know how to do her laundry.
laundry day (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: “Moving in?” Phil jokes mildly when he opens the door and sees the suitcase.
Lavender Lace (ao3) - Emejig16
Summary: Dan absolutely loves it when dom!Phil gets rough with him. He especially loves it when he chokes him.
Law of Obligations: Contracts, Restitution, Tort (ao3) - yikesola
Summary: He can’t think, he can’t breathe, it’s all too much. He’s feeling too much. He’s feeling everything. It’s all too fucking much. God, it’s a terrible neurotic contrast to those grey patches of time where he can’t feel anything at all. He has no idea how to bear it.
A fic about panic attacks and academic stress.
leaned a bit too hard (ao3) - jailedmoonshine
Summary: Growing up, Phil resented her name. She already didn't care for dresses and heels, so it was even harder convincing people she was actually a girl. As the years pass and her styles change, she decides to stop for a pint at a pub along her drive, giving her body a chance to breathe from the chill that was coming in.
Hang on... is that a nun?
Legends of the Light of Heart (ao3) - serendipnpipity
Summary: “For being Your Royal Highness, you know, you’re a bit of a spoon.”
Once upon a time, when the land was still ruled by kings and queens, there lived a young prince named Daniel, heir to a dying land...
Let Me Help (ao3) - prettyelephant
Summary: Phil gets a cat hair in his eye while shooting for the calendar so naturally Dan helps him get it out.
let's laugh about it later (ao3) - NormaLamber
Summary: Dan thinks about what makes Phil Phil and also the importance of trust in a relationship.
lexicon of lip and fingertip (ao3) - jonsaremembers
Summary: Phil sinks against Dan.
“Oi, hold your own weight,” Dan teases him. “Tudor princess.”
“And don’t you forget it,” Phil retorts, licking Dan’s neck.
Like a Bowl of Oranges (ao3) - cloej88
Summary: Dan has built a solid career for himself as a ghostwriter. He safely hides behind other people’s words, crafting their tales and pocketing the cash without any threat of notoriety. But lately he has been working on a book of his own, itching for a change.
Phil is an indie filmmaker who happened into some huge breaks over the last few years. He wants to use his influence to uplift queer stories for the screen, so he puts out an open call for story submissions. At his agent’s behest, Dan submits his story.
The writer!Dan and director!Phil friends/co-workers to lovers AU that we never knew we needed.
Like Dreaming of Angels (ao3) - steddieornot
Summary: While he firmly believed everyone deserved love, in some shape or form, this was something else. The love he and Phil shared was otherworldly, impossible to contain. It was more than romantic in every feasible way. And somehow, fate had bestowed it upon him, just a guy from a small town in Reading. And deep down, he knew that even if fate rewrote his path, he would still have found Phil every time.
Like Fine Print (ao3) - totalincandescense
Summary: Every few weeks, Dan was given an unfriendly reminder of at least one of the many reasons why he never went outside.
The most frequently recurring thing on the list being the general existence of people.
But more specifically, the existence of people who flirted with Phil.
Lions and Candy (ao3) - Mysticallykai
Summary: Dan has to take his little brother trick or treating. He hates doing it, but that all changes when they get to the last stop of the night.
liquorice ice cream (ao3) - possumdnp
Summary: Dan and Phil go on a date to the zoo.
(Snapshots of their Swedish zoo date, September 2024. This fic is free from TIT show spoilers!)
look how far we've come now baby (ao3) - calvinahobbes
Summary: It was days later, in a hotel bed with a view of the Portugal sky, that Phil had murmured into the darkness, “But yeah. Maybe grown-up queer prom would be nice.”
look how (the stars) shine for you (ao3) - howell_slide
Summary: Two boys looking at the night sky together, 14 years apart.
Look who's inside again (ao3) - Frog910
Summary: Dan is struggling with dark thoughts, and Phil worries about him as he's gone without notice again.
Lost In Thought (ao3) - microwaveoven
Summary: Based on that one part in pizza mukbang 2 where DNP talk about why the hiatus started and how Phil felt lost for a while
loud heart (ao3) - phiclets
Summary: The orange heart reply was a cultural moment; this is my vision of what might have led up to Dan posting it.
Love you through it all (ao3) - Lesbianphan
Summary: A glimpse into Dan and Phil’s journey over the years, through dates/holidays and all the adventures they’ve embarked on together. Just some introspective fluff, featuring the many different stages of their relationship we’ve witnessed over the years
Loving His Ear (ao3) - Kim_Aurora_135
Summary: Appreciation literature
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orchideous-nox · 1 month
could you pretty please yap more about xeno and xenodora 🛐
Of course, I'll take any excuse to talk about this humanoid spaghetti noodle!!
I've mentioned that I hc Xenophilius as being an estranged Malfoy which I think is not an uncommon hc. We really don't know anything about the Lovegood family beyond Xeno, Pandora and Luna who marries a Scamander, making the name Lovegood extinct. If Xeno was a Malfoy (one of the other families known for having very light hair) then he would be Lucius's brother or perhaps half-brother, a cousin perhaps. This isn't something I have thought too much on but I know @futurequibblerjournalist and I know he'll be yapping about Xeno at some point....because I asked him to. Anyway, Xeno and Pandora both took new surnames to distance themselves from their families and became the Lovegoods because that says so much about their values and the life they want to lead together. They eloped because Pandora said if she didn't have Evan there then she didn't want a big wedding and Xeno believes the moment should be special and private so he doesn't mind, if that's what the love of his life wants then elopement it is.
Xeno runs The Quibbler, as we know, which has a reputation for being eccentric and a "lunatic rag", so I fully believe that Xenophilius would be a conspiracy theorist which we kinda see when people mention articles from the magazine. Xeno would have been one of the people who stormed Area 51 back in 2019, he's desperate to know the truth about extra-terrestrial life and even if he's British he's convinced that our government is also lying about aliens. He has a theory about anything and everything, he hears people talking about major historical events and he slides in like "have you considered-" and then they walk away. The only people I believe who would sit and listen are Pandora and Barty, who wholeheartedly believes them too.
Xenophilius and Pandora are just so AAAHHHHHHHHH (in a good way), I don't know how else to word it. They are that couple who genuinely believe that home is anywhere that the other person is. They are so deeply in love and it's that love that grounds them and makes them feel safe and protected. In Hogwarts, he is that guy who loves his girlfriend so much, he will walk away from any conversation if Pandora walks in the room because he'd much rather be talking to her. They both feel more relaxed if they've got some form of physical contact with the other whether its holding hands, their knees touching under the desk or the dinner table. Xenophilius is a long beanpole of a man so he likes to stand behind Pandora with his arms around her and his chin on top of her head. They are co-dependant in a non-toxic way because they genuinely are just so in love and become like the parent friends to everyone because they have so much love to give.
I think Xeno's music taste would be such a vibe honestly, I think he's listening to really obscure folk music and he can't understand why other people groan when he plays it. In terms of modern music though, I think he's listening to The Oh Hellos, The Amazing Devil, the people who do the medieval covers of modern songs. He's hearing Good Luck Babe and is like "this sounds different to how I know it". His favourite books are all retellings of myths and legends, or just straight up reading the original texts. He fucks with Welsh folk tales even if he's not Welsh, he just loves the vibes I think so he definitely owns a copy of The Mabinogion. He also loves a good fable because any story that teaches an important life lesson should be passed on to anyone who will listen...even if they are being forced to listen because Xeno is following them through the halls.
Thanks for the ask and giving me an excuse to talk about this personified borzoi!! <3
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fizzigigsimmer · 3 months
Bake Off: A Harringrove Sim Story
Chapter 3
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Copperdale Studios, early morning.
The studio is full as Nancy hosts her morning show for channel 4. Her guests are Steve & Billy. As the commercial break dies down, Jonathan gives the signal they are going live.
Nancy: Hello! Welcome back! I'm Nancy Wheeler and you're watching 'Good Morning With Nancy'. Joining me on the couch today are Billy Hargrove & Steve Harrington, the co-owners of Copperdale's very own Harringrove Cafe, and this summer the judges of Copperdale's very first Armature Bake Off!
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She pauses to allow her guests to wave to the audience. They give an enthusiastic cheer.
Nancy: Steve, Billy, thank you for coming on.
Steve: We're glad to be here!
Nancy: since the announcement we've been flooded with calls and messages from folks who want to know more about the competition: where can they watch, how can they apply. But my sources tell me that you've already narrowed down the teams?
Steve: Yep that's right. We personally invited six of Copperdale's most talented amateur bakers to compete - who also happen to be really good friends of the cafe!
Nancy: Do you think that's fair though? It sounds like there's a lot of talented folks in the area who would love to be considered.
Billy shrugs.
Billy: Our business our rules. We don't work with just anybody.
Steve: For good reason! We've collaborated on menus in the past with many talented individuals and we've always been careful to maintain a high standard. So for this endeavor it just made sense to reach out to those folks.
Nancy: Well, viewers are excited to hear more about the teams. So lets get into it!
Cut away to montage
Team 1. El & Max
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Most people can't tell that Billy & Max are siblings just by looking at them but five minutes in each other's company usually does the trick. Max and her best friend Eleven are local college students and when they aren't focused on school, or helping out at the cafe, they can be found hanging out in the game room at Argyle's Pizza Palace. Max loves to whip up tasty treats in her dorm room, and her additions to the menu have always been a hit. When she heard that the winner of the competition would get their own personalized menu....
Cut back to Studio
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Billy: Wait a minute! What did you tell her?!
Steve: Lets talk about team #2! You guys are gonna love the next team.
The camera cuts away again
Team 2. Argyle & Eddie
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Steve and Billy's friend Argyle is known for the best pizza in Copperdale. Argyle got his start as a delivery boy and inherited the business after his uncle retired. The Pizza Palace has flourished under his leadership and has become Copperdale's go to spot for game night and greasy eats to satisfy anybody's munchies! The other half of this dream team duo is Eddie Munson, lead guitarist of 2nd Grave. The band started right here in Copperdale! They can often be heard practicing in the backroom of the record shop where Eddie works. But now that the band is taking off, Eddie probably won't be seen behind the counter too much longer. A lesser known fact about him is his secret passion for baking soft fudgy brownies that will take you out of this world!
Cut back to studio.
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Nancy: Yes. Viewers will be happy to know that one of those members includes local rock legend, Eddie Munson of 2nd Grave. Is it true?
Billy: Unfortunately.
Nancy: After their single 'squeeze' reached the billboard top ten this summer, 2nd Grave has seen a great deal of sudden success. How did you convince Mr. Munson to take time out for this endeavor?
Steve: It was all Billy.
Billy: Yeah he pimps me out.
Nancy laughs nervously and tries to steer the conversation back to something more suitable for her younger viewers.
Nancy: I'm sure you're kidding.
Steve: No, really! Truthfully Billy is very good with people. He can be very persuasive...
A few weeks earlier....
Eddie and his band have regular gigs on Saturday night at Copperdale's only nightclub. It's a good opportunity to ambush him, Steve thinks.
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But things don't go exactly as planned. Heather gets a little too drunk, and Steve leaves to make sure Robin and her girlfriend get home safely.
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But Billy's got this covered. All he has to do is remind Eddie of how important this project is to Steve. Munson is a total marshmallow under all that leather.
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Back in the studio...
Nancy: Aww, it sounds like you guys have some really great friends. It's nice knowing that you can always count on them to be there.
Steve smiles and Billy shrugs, looking a little embarrassed with the sentimental turn of the conversation. Nancy turns towards the camera.
Nancy: Coming up, we'll reveal the final team and meet the amateur bakers in person. After this commercial break!
To be continued in part 4
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doppel-doodles · 9 months
Writing whatever I want: Arthur ramblings
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He's Trans :>
His hair is not naturally black but blonde instead, he just dyes it.(or shui does it for him, this man can't do anything with his hair to safe his life.)
Arthur wasn't actually his first new name, at first it was Gabriel, his parents choose it for him. He doesn't respond to this name anymore unless his brother addresses him with it.
The reason he choose the name Arthur is actually because he liked reading the legend of King Arthur as a child.
Speaking of siblings, he is the oldest of three, both his brother Adrien and sister Vivian are younger than him and he practically raised them their whole childhood.
Adrien is actually a character that comes up in his story, their relationship is kinda complicated. He is very used to Arthur bending over backwards for him it's not like he knows it any other way as he doesn't even correct him when he is called by his old name. That lack of communication and lack of boundaries caused their relationship to slowly start deteriorating.
Vivian doesn't really appear since she doesn't live in Megapolis, she still lives in Paris but their relationship is a bit better I guess, mainly because they don't really talk much to each other other than the occasional phone call so it's all very distant.
He doesn't have any special ancestry or is the reincarnation of someone as far as he knows, with him it's kinda like: "you know what? I don't need to be a demon or anything like that, I have this!" Pulls out a gun.
Also yeah he mainly fights with a gun, it's bullets don't actually hurt people, it just gives them an electric shock.
Small warning for mentions of self experimenting in these two segments I guess?(the science kind not the self expression kind)
I always imagine that his pupils move like the wax inside a lava lamp when his face his neutral but they can also take different shapes to emphasise his expressions, it wasn't a trait he was born with but he more so acquired it through a series of...self experiments. They call him "the mad scientist" for a reason! Ever since he had kids though he stopped doing those.
Those experiments also gave him other none visible differences, alcohol,medication,poisons and other such things no longer affect him.
If you're wondering how he has bio kids...magical river water that makes you pregnant is a thing that exists in this world- his ex-wife simply drank that mixed with both their DNA.
He has a very strict rule on not experiment on anything living in general, his own body is the only exception to that rule.
He barely sleeps. He is scared to fall asleep. He will literally stay up until he starts hallucinating only to, when he does get some shut eye, wake up screaming bloody murder every time from nightmares. He hates it and has taken to resting when nobody is home because of that to not bother anyone with this.
He is redsons mentor, kind of, originally red broke into his house to steal a powerful energy cell to help his father gain back his old glory, but with the power of tea and treats, basically being an absolute model host he somehow was able to convince him not do that??? Well thats how he won over the bull clones, there was also the fact that the mugufin was unstable and could blow his dad to bits- so he offered him to work on it together to finish it faster. They see each other every Monday and Arthur has a picture of redson in his wallet :)
He has a tendency to mumble to himself, usually in French.
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kitweewoos · 1 year
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Since he was young, all Eddie Munson could think about was making music, writing and performing his songs in front of a crowd. That's how he ends up forming a band with his friends, and even if they have maybe ten people at their shows, all there for the beer more than the show, it's the best time of his life. The worst thing that could happen, he supposed, when Corroded Coffin is actually becoming mildly popular is that Eddie starts to lose his voice. It starts with an ache after every show, and when he finally visits a doctor, it's some kind of medical condition where he can speak for now but the stress he puts on his vocal cords in order to perform their songs will do irreparable damage and his doctor really doesn't want him to continue to perform. So, Eddie has to find another vocalist or Corroded Coffin is over for good.
Steve Harrington would do anything for Dustin, really, but this shouldn't have been one of those things. He hesitates to call it a party, but it's a gathering full of nerds, and he's there. He's bored as hell, since Dustin and his little group of friends are off somewhere doing god knows what. He's just there to make sure they get home safe and in one piece, because he can't have Joyce and Claudia not trusting him because their children came home a little too late and with scrapes from a fight or two they shouldn't have been in. He was there, essentially, to babysit the little dorks, and he's fucking bored. He can't help it when he starts singing gently to himself to the instrumental someone put on the stereo. It's not much, but it's something to amuse himself with. At least, until he's overheard by Eddie Munson of all people.
There's a sound, perfectly on pitch and beat to the instrumental pumping from the speakers, and Eddie can't help himself. He's drawn to it. At the other end of it, is Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington, the Hair, the King of Hawkins High, was singing along in tune with a guitar backing almost without effort, or at least that's what it looks like. That's the voice he needs, though. That's exactly the voice they need to make Corroded Coffin even better, and save Eddie's voice. The only obstacle is Steve himself.
"So, Harrington, what can I do to convince you that I need you?" Eddie starts, and Steve startles. "Excuse me?" "Your voice, my lyrics, the band's music, we could be rock stars with that combination. What do you say?" "You sing in your own band, though. What do you need me for?" "Curiosity," he replies, but he can tell Steve doesn't believe him. "And medical necessity. I'm losing my voice, or I will, if I continue to sing, according to my doctor." "Ah. So you're desperate." "Give me a few songs, Harrington. One afternoon, sing a few songs with us, and if you hate it, you don't have to come back or see me ever again. But, if you like it, then you're becoming a part of rock history here."
When Steve shows up to the next Corroded Coffin practice, he finds that he doesn't hate singing with them, Eddie leaning in to press his body closer to Steve while performing. He likes the songs, the beat, the bass thumping in his chest, the camaraderie of it all, and he likes singing with a purpose, not just to amuse himself. His parents would hate it, and maybe that's partially why he's here, to prove something to himself and to them. Besides, he likes the way Eddie smiles at him, and leans into him like they've been friends forever, and treats him like a person rather than a legend. He likes it here.
Eddie doesn't expect to like Steve Harrington as much as he does, but Steve puts his whole chest (gorgeous, hairy, perfectly sculpted chest) into everything he does. He's strong and quick, he gets Eddie's dumb jokes somehow, he's stupidly kind to the little duckling nerds he's collected somehow, and he sings Eddie's lyrics exactly how they were meant to be. He gives a new life to the songs, a growl in his voice that even Eddie couldn't reproduce. He likes hearing Steve sing his songs, so if he asks Steve to come by separate from practice for a little songwriting session, no one should really be able to blame him. And if the sessions devolve into making out against Eddie's bed, well....
He's right, though, with Steve at the forefront of Corroded Coffin, they do make rock history, it just happens to involve more kissing than anticipated.
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youcantkillanidea · 20 days
hmmm okay here's my rambles. idk I might turn this into a fic at some point but it's more likely that if anything I just do some art and maybe some oneshots every now and then lol. But I wanted to talk about the portal fidds concept because I'm very attached.
Basically the idea is that, during the portal test, Fiddleford falls into the portal completely instead of just his head poking in and the rope isn't there for Ford to just pull him back out. Fidds gets stuck outside of their dimension, and now Ford not only has to deal with a world ending portal and demonic possessions but also the guilt of convincing his friend to help build and test the portal that would ultimately lead to this. More thoughts below the cut
There's a few reasons, I think, as to why Ford wouldn't just immediately reopen the portal to try to save Fiddleford. For one, it might end the world of course- I don't know that that alone would be enough deterrent here, but it'd probably make a big impact. For another thing, if he had to go in after Fidds to save him, he could get stuck too, and then there'd be no one around to disassemble the portal and make sure Bill didn't end the world.
I think maybe he'd still call Stanley, but when they met up Ford's plan would instead be "I need to go into the portal to save my friend, you need to be around to disassemble it in case we don't come back, and also hide my journal" and this could still pick at old wounds with like- Stan's not the one being told to leave immediately, but Ford is leaving him immediately it's like. Oh okay so you're going on the adventure of a lifetime without me. Obviously he wouldn't agree to it but I don't think there’s be the same "pushing him in" situation. I don't know where I'd take it from here tbh! I'm just kinda brainstorming- maybe they'd go in the portal on a rescue mission together and it could turn into a mystery trio thing?
I've thought more about portal Fidds. He wouldn't have the memory gun with him so that wouldn't be a problem anymore. But now there's a more physical barrier between him and his family and friends instead of a mental one, and he'd probably really miss them all. He's still angry at Ford probably but there's a lot going on and he has a lot of feelings and he's probably thinking about things a lot more without immediately wiping his memory so there's more nuance.
Fidds needs weapons for self defence out there of course and I've thought about that too. Making robots seems to be a specialty of his and he could definitely still find some use for them out there but I don't know how convenient or portable those would be as weapons. He mentions in Legend of the Gobblewonker that he's building a death ray, and I can imagine him doing something similar here as a weapon! Though he could also just use a gun lol
I don't own a copy of Journal 3 and haven't actually read it, so everything I know from it comes from little bits I've heard or seen from other people, it's very limited. So I don't know much about the other dimensions tbh! I'd have to look into it more if I wanted to actually write something. If Fidds can find a banjo or similar instrument out there though I like to think he'd take comfort in that :))
Idk if Bill would be after Fidds really? Like, chasing him down or anything I mean? I don't think he'd care that much? But Fidds is a great way of guilting Ford into reopening the portal for sure! And fuck man it works! As long as they can close the portal right away it shouldn't cause Weirdmaggeddon though? Because like, nothing like that happens when Ford falls in in canon so it should be fine I guess. But it's still a concern ofc! That's why Ford doesn't want to leave it unsupervised!
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