#how long should i hold eye contact. how do i keep a conversation going past “how are you”. what questions are too weird to ask. fuck knows
yelenapines · 3 months
was going to go to sleep but figured that what better time than now to research how to hold a conversation and make friends!
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drabblesandimagines · 8 months
Leon Kennedy x female reader More of my fluffy nonsense
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Hunnigan slams the phone down into the cradle at the end of her call and if you hadn’t already been casting auspicious glances up at the scene before you, her actions would’ve made you jump.
“What is it, Leon?” Hunnigan’s tone is blunt.
It would be so easy to look up at the handsome DSO agent then. You’d be perfectly within your right to look up too, your desk opposite sat directly opposite Hunnigan’s so you had ring-side side seats to the commotion. It wouldn’t look odd - he’d be in your eyeline, after all - but you fight the temptation, keeping your eyes fixed on the paper in front of you, fingers tapping idly away over the keyboard as you transpose to the screen.
Exactly what you’ve been doing the past ten minutes that Leon Kennedy has been wandering around the office, dressed in a pair of form-fitting jeans today, his gun holster peeking out from underneath a beloved leather jacket, directing all attention to a certain pair of assets.
Not that you were keeping track of how long he’d been there, of course, you had work to do.
“Huh?” For someone who had apparently been waiting on her call finishing, Leon’s thoughts seems elsewhere.
“I said,” Hunnigan adjusts her tone, “can I help you with something?”
“Does there have to be something? Surely a guy can just come visit his favourite FOS agent.”
“But you haven’t come to visit, you’ve come to loiter.” Hunnigan retorts. “I told you already, if I have anything for you, I will be in contact. Go home.”
There’s an incredulous scoff as he tries to think of a reason to stay, but it quickly transforms into a sigh as he admits defeat. “Fine.”
He begins his retreat towards the exit and you hear the tell-tale beep of his pass against by the door panel, the electronic lock then clunking in release.
“Have a good afternoon, ladies.”
You look up then – and only then - to find him looking directly at you. You give him a polite smile in return. “You too.”
He grins in return, a proper one that makes his eyes crease, before giving you a nod and a wave as he through the door. The smile stays on your lips as you reach for your mug of coffee – now ice cold - and take a sip.
“I think he likes you, you know?” Hunnigan states in her oh-so-nonchalantly way, making you choke on the gulp you’d just taken.
“What? No…! I mean, who?” Your voice is tight in response from having swallowed the liquid the wrong way, internally cursing. Smooth, real smooth.
“Leon.” The agent continues hammering away at her keyboard, kindly ignoring your attempts at being subtle.
“I don’t know where you’ve drawn that conclusion from.” You don’t – you really don’t. You could probably count the amount of conversations the two of you have had with all of your fingers, all just pleasantries.
“I’ve worked with him for years now and he’s never been here as much since your transfer started.”
“Coincidence, I’m sure. He just seems eager for work.”
Hunnigan goes to open her mouth in response when, thankfully, the phone on her desk rings. Saved by the bell.
Being afraid of elevators had never really been an issue until you had taken this assignment, being sent to work on the 12th floor. At the very least it’s proving to be a good workout the number of times a day you now trudge up and down the stairwell from your desk to the archives below. The DSO holds a surprising amount of paper copies of intel in the basement – both handwritten and old typewriter documents - secured behind a vault door, rumours of the place being rigged to ignite in flames if an intruder is detected to prevent it all from falling into the wrong hands.
The DSO board had decided that intel should now be stored in the government-secured cloud and on paper and you’d been brought in as an archivist/analyst hybrid, on loan from the CIA. The project you’d been tasked with, single-handedly, was transferring intel that was currently only held in those paper copies to the online system. There was technology that could do but it wasn’t perfect – scrawled handwriting would often prove indecipherable by most machines or it misread words, so everything would need quality checked. It was agreed a human touch was best and your name had come up after the CIA had undertaken a similar audit of their files a few years ago to excellent results. Once everything had been digitized, it had become easier to quickly identify any links between incidents past and present – using surnames, terms, intel – and even stopped a handful of potential ones, so the DSO had been keen to put the practice in place.
It did mean, however, that every day you’d go down to the vault, select a box of paperwork – either the one you’ve got partway through or a whole new one - trudge back up the many flights of stairs, and then start typing from page to screen to produce a digitized document. It was imperative that no-one else see the documents, so they’d set you up in Hunnigan’s office as one of their most trusted agents.
Wanting to look professional whilst in the office but not break your neck on the stairs, you kept a selection of heels in your locker to swap out of for your reliable sneakers. Hunnigan was still working away when you packed up around 7pm, kicking off your heels to switch out, and had been in a lengthy, hushed tone call for the past hour. You nodded your head as you heaved the box of documents up in your arms, and she waved back in acknowledgement.
Beeping your ID card at the door, the lock buzzed and the door opened automatically – a godsend as the box you had today was particularly heavy – everything within held in those awful arch-lever folders.
As you emerged, you heard the puff of the elevator doors beginning to slide shut, not even giving it a moment of thought. You turned to the left to head down the stairs as usual, when a gloved hand slammed between the elevator doors, preventing them from closing with a thud and giving you a start, turning to see a face.
The face of Leon S Kennedy catches you entirely by surprise. He hadn’t even been by the office today to bother Hunnigan, though you know he does have his own desk somewhere in the building, maybe even his own office. He smiles at the sight of you, beckoning you over.
“Hey. Hop on in - I’m going down.”
You hesitate at the invitation. You haven’t been in an elevator for years and he’s just stood there, waiting, holding the door open. You have to say or do something. “You okay?”
Next thing you know, as if you’d been hypnotized, you were walking towards the elevator, then stepping over the threshold into a place you swore you never would enter again.
“Basement?” Leon fingers hover over the button panel in anticipation.
“Yeah. Thanks.”
He presses the buttons for ground and basement simultaneously with two fingers, and the door slides shut with another puff of air.
The elevator and your stomach begin to descend in unison.
This is fine.
“Looks heavy. Can I…?” He gestures to the box, offering to take it.
“Oh, thanks, but it’s okay.” You bump the box up with your knee, trying to strengthen your grip on it. Your palms are sweaty, but you’re not sure if the cause is the elevator or the handsome man besides you.
Leon crosses his arms, leans back against the wall. “They still not given you a lackey to do all the grunt work? I thought that’s what they took on interns for these days.”
“It’s difficult when no-one else is meant to handle it, let alone see it but me.” Leon gives you a quizzical look at that. “It’s protocol, narrows down the potential for leaks. If anything gets out, it’s on my head, so…”
“What about when you take breaks? You don’t…”
You nod, shifting the box in your arms again. Why do they feel like jelly? “Gotta lug it back downstairs to be locked back in the vault.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Mm-mm. It’s fine – good exercise for me, I guess, between sitting at the desk all day, so…”
“Surely they could at least give you a desk closer to the grou-“
The elevator’s smooth descent is transformed into a shudder, followed by a loud metallic screech and a sharp jerk that makes your stomach truly drop before all motion halts. No, no, no, no.
“Huh.” Leon muses, calm as anything. He immediately presses the emergency call button, illuminated in red, but the only sound that emits out of the speakers is static. He presses it again to the same result, and then in rapid succession, as if that’ll coerce it into working.
You tighten your grip on the box, wanting to tell him to stop but, thankfully, he gives up before you can have the strength to find your voice and pulls his cell out from his pocket.
“Damn, no reception.” He looks back over to you then with a sympathetic smile. “Well, this is one way to get overtime outta us, hey?”
There’s no chance to reply before the elevator plunges into darkness and you drop the box immediately, thankfully away from your feet. It can only be a few seconds at the most but it feels like an eternity before the emergency lighting comes on, casting the small metal prison in a pale yellow hue.
Leon’s staring at you, looking concerned. “You okay?”
“Y-yeah.” You reply, not at all convincingly. You bend down to pick up the box to escape that blue-eyed gaze for a moment, heaving it back up in your arms. “Is this… normal for this office?” You hope he can’t hear how tight your voice is.
“Power must be down, seems like the back-up generator kicked in.” The agent shrugs, looking around the elevator as if something of use might be around. “It’ll prioritize the critical systems – so I’d guess lights, vending machines and elevators are not gonna be particularly high up on that list.”
“Wonderful.” You reply, breathily. It’s warm. Should it be warm? “Here, let me just…” Leon reaches over and gently tugs the box from your weak grip, no sign of surprise at the weight of it as he takes it. “We don’t know how long we’ll be in here, so let’s put this down.”
“No, I shou-“
“I promise I’m not going to try and read any of it.”
You watch him as he places it down, he’s sure to bend with his knees rather than his back, and tucks it into the corner under the button panel, out of the way. He stands back up to his full height, looking at you for a response, but all you manage is a shaky nod.
“Are you feeling okay?” “Y-yeah. Fine.” “Mm. Not a great liar.” He tilts his head, scanning you with his eyes once more. “What’s the matter?”   “I…” Another swallow in the hopes of your mouth not feeling so dry. “I don’t like elevators. Always take the stairs.” “Oh.” Not the answer he was expecting it seems. “Wait, why’d you get in, then?” “Well, er…” You hesitate again, how do you answer that? “You… You told me to.”
He can’t help the goofy smile that crosses his face. “Huh, that’s all it takes? Interesting. I’ll have to remember that.”
You’re about to ask him what that’s supposed to mean, the words just on the tip of your tongue when the elevator jerks and they turn into a shriek. It’s over before it even begins, really, but Leon’s reflexes now have you pressed up against the wall, his arms braced above your head to protect it from any sort of impact.
“It’s all right,” he says, softly. “I’m here, I’ve got you.”
Your heart is beating too fast, tears burn at your eyes at the fright. He’s so close, you can smell his cologne – musky, hints of vanilla – but this isn’t where you want to be having this moment.
“How about we sit down, huh?”
“I’m okay.” Your answer is breathy again, your chest feeling tight. Panting like you’d finished climbing up 12 flights of stairs.
“It’ll be more comfortable.”
“Don’t wanna…” You try and take a deep inhale, but it doesn’t seem to reach the bottom of your lungs. “Don’t wanna s-shake it.”
“You won’t.” He drops his arms from against the wall and instead grabs your hand, squeezes it in an attempt to ground you. “Trust me.”
You want to trust him, but the panic is too strong. This was such a bad idea, why did you do this?
“We’ll do it together, okay?” He somehow coaxes you to shuffle forward and then slips in behind you, taking hold of your other hand. “Just lean against me and we’ll ease on down.”
Leon presses his chest firmly up against your back and you wonder if he can feel how hard your heart is beating. He wraps his arms around your waist next, meaning you’re hugging yourself in a way before he slides down against the elevator wall, bringing you down with him, onto the carpeted elevator floor. He thought it was a seamless maneuverer, but the way he’d felt your nails dig into his leather gloves from how tight your grip was, he knew you weren’t of the same opinion.
“There we go.” His thighs are spread either side of yours, now that you’re nestled inbetween his legs. “Worried you were gonna pass out – you’d gone really pale. Just sit here and concentrate on your breathing a minute, okay? Feel how I’m doing it.”
You close your eyes and try to concentrate on how he’s breathing, feeling his chest expand as he inhales, loudly and deliberately through his nose, holds the breath, then exhales heavily through his mouth, tickling the back of your neck.
You try and mimic him, get your inhales and exhales in sync and, slowly, the pressure begins to ease in your chest as you feel your breaths get deeper and deeper.
"Feeling a little better?”
His voice reverberates from his chest being pressed up against your back, feels comforting. “Yeah. Thank you.”
“Hey, don’t mention it. My fault you’re in here, after all.” He replies, gently. “I’m gonna move now, okay? Wanna check you’ve got the colour back in your cheeks.”
You nod, and he somehow manages to shuffle back and to the front of you with overly cautious movements – definitely for your benefit, ever the gentleman - withdrawing his legs into a crossed position and giving you a smile as he takes in your appearance. Being so fixed in his gaze makes your cheeks prickle with heat – maybe not the colour he’d hoped to be checking.
“Yeah, you’re looking better. Good.” He nods in affirmation, more to himself than you. “That noise – I think someone was trying to get the power back on, sounds like it only worked for a second before it could get going. The elevator’s not gonna fall.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve had to disable some of them before – for work, I mean. They’re all equipped with multiple failsafe systems to prevent that exact scenario.”
“Disable them?”
“Just so they stop…” He gestures in a circle as he tries to find the words, “elevating, I guess, so I’m not pursued. Make ‘em take the stairs.”
“Ah, right.” You nod. “Wind them a bit.”
“Exactly. If you don’t mind me asking, you always been afraid of them?”
“No. Got stuck in one in an old apartment block years ago – it didn’t feel particularly modern. There were three of us – me and two drunk guys who kept jumping up and down, convinced that would make it move. The fire department got us out after two hours cos I had one of those… episodes. Haven’t been in one since.”
“They just kept laughing the more panicked I got. I felt so stupid.”
“Panic attacks are no joke. That box breathing always helps me if I feel on edge, though.”
“Yeah, that was really good.” You feel a shy smile creep over your face. “If I had to get suck in an elevator with anyone, I’m glad it was you.”
He practically beams. “Now I don’t feel quite so bad. I’ve gotta ask again though, you really got in here just because I said to?” He’s already seen you a panicking mess, so why not just be honest? “Your smile helped too.” “Well, consider me flattered.”
“It’s a nice smile…” You swallow, a little cautious of the next word. “Enticing.”
You swear you see a smidge of colour flush Leon’s cheeks then, but it must be a trick of the artificial lights. “Well, since we’re confessing – yours is too. That’s the real reason I was bothering Hunnigan. Wanted to see if I could win another.”
“You came to see me smile?” You’re definitely blushing now – cheeks prickling with the heat.
“Guilty. I don’t think you’d remember, but a week or so back I was having a real shitty day. Went to go debrief with Hunnigan and she wasn’t there, but you were. When I stormed in, you just gave me the best and most genuine smile I’d seen in days. Meant a lot.” He rubs the back of his neck, sheepishly.
You smile again, can’t help it, and he groans, jokingly. “Ugh, see? Not again – I don’t think my heart can take how sweet it is.”
You don’t know what to say to that but you’re excused when, suddenly, the lights transition overhead with a flicker from the emergency dulled tones to the standard, harsh fluorescent light and the elevator begins its smooth descent once more.
“Finally, huh?” Leon gets up easily to his feet and then offers you a hand.
“Yeah.” You accept it without hesitation, goosebumps prickling up your arm as he wraps his fingers around your hand and he pulls you up with ease. Slyly, his other hand now rests on the small of your back, drawing you in close…
The elevator dings, announcing its arrival on the ground floor and the doors slide open to reveal a maintenance worker, clad in blue overalls, waiting in the lobby. Leon draws back then, but still keeps his hand steady on your back.
“You two all right? Power-cut had rotten timing, I was gonna repair that emergency speaker tonight when most of the office was cleared out.”
“All good, thanks.” Leon bends down, picks up the box again without question and you follow him out of the elevator in pursuit, only to hear a cell begin to ring from his pocket. He balances the box with one arm – you’ve no idea how – and pulls out the device, frowning at the name on screen.
“Sorry, I’ve really gotta take this.” His brows furrow in annoyance. “You be okay with taking that downstairs?”
“Yeah, of course. I really should take it back now anyway, you know, just in case…” You trail off as he eases the box over to you, making sure you’ve got it properly before he lets go. “Thanks… for everything.”
“Pleasure was all mine.” He replies, sincerely, before reluctantly lifting the cell up to his ear.
You leave him to his phone-call and head down the stairs for a thankfully unremarkable trip down to the vaults to replace the box back in its rightful place. It’d be a lie to say when you climbed back up to the lobby that you weren’t disappointed when there’s no trace of him to be found.
The next morning, after passing through the security check, you make your way down to the archive vault as usual, pressing your hand against the door panel to gain access. Sadly, you’ve still got a lot of work to do in the box you’d been working on yesterday, so you dutifully log its withdrawal in the computer system, and heave it up once more in your arms before heading out.
You only make it up one flight of stairs when you see him, leaned up against the stairway wall, one arm held against his chest whilst his other hand is holding his cell, squinting at some text. He looks up as you scuff your trainer on one of the steps and he smiles as you reach him, tucking his cell back away.
“Good morning.”
“Morning. What brings you here?” You curse inwardly. “I mean, not that it’s not a pleasant surprise, just…”
He waves it off. “I getcha. Well, I have some pretty good sway here, you know, so I’ve volunteered.”
“Volunteered for what?”
“Volunteered…” He steps forward and wraps his arms around the box, “..to be your stairs lackey.”
“Oh, no – it’s fine, honestly.” You feel flustered at the very idea. Leon’s one of the top, if not the top agent of the DSO. He can’t be doing manual labour for you, he shouldn’t. “You have so many better things to be doing. I can mana…”
“Please?” He tilts his head, gives you that enticing smile again. “I mean, I could just tell you,” – he teases – “but I thought I’d ask this time, so you’re sure.”
The smile makes you feel weak at the knees and you’d already proven yesterday you couldn’t resist its magic. “Okay. But you should definitely take the elevator then.”
“Uh-uh.” He shakes his head, taking the box into his arms. “It’s good cardio, got my weight-resistance. You’re practically doing me a favour by taking the stairs.”
“Is that so?”
“Mm-hm. Though,” he bites his lip in a pause, “I may have ulterior motives.”
“Right, and what would those be?”
“If I were to, say, visit the office around six tonight and carry this thing back down to the vault, maybe you’d go to dinner with me?”
God, you feel absolutely giddy - there’s no way you can hold back your smile. “I think that’s… acceptable.”
“Then we have a deal. Ladies first,” he nods with his head to up the stairwell.
“No, I… I think you should go first. Just so I can keep an eye on you on the way up. I’ve got to make sure you’re not sneaking a peek at the assets, you know?”
He quirks an eyebrow, you know he’s wondering what you’re thinking, but he shrugs it off all the same. “As you wish.”
And as you follow him up 12 flights of stairs, you slightly breathless and him seemingly fine, you can’t help but sneak a look at a different pair of assets before you.
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icysnails · 1 year
Kissing Their Forehead
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Genre: Fluff, a tiny bit of angst
Pairings: Xiao, Welt, Kafka, Wanderer/Scaramouche, Kaveh, Blade x gn!reader (Seperate)
Warnings: Spoilers for both Genshin and HSR, Established relationship, Slightly Suggestive (Kafka), mentions of blood/wounds (Xiao + Blade), Kissing, some have more plot than others (╥﹏╥) - If I missed any, please let me know!
Word count: 400 - 600 words per character
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Nights like these were common for you and Xiao. The two of you meet up on the roof of Wangshu Inn every night, catching up on whatever you missed in each other’s absence during the day. This is also the time when Xiao listens to his heart, and allows you to get closer to him. Even after you’ve spent so much time together, he still isn’t used to the flurries of affection you throw at him, and tonight was no different.
When you lovingly press your lips to the diamond on Xiao’s forehead mid-conversation, his mind goes entirely blank. Surprise reflects in his amber gaze, and a wave of gut wrenching emotion surges through him. It’s a mix of joy, confusion, and grief- almost as if he’s experiencing both his terrifying past and his peaceful present at the same time. He had been alone for so long, keeping himself away from humanity unless absolutely necessary, to avoid the risk of hurting anyone should he lose control. He knows things aren't like that anymore- not with you around. He loves you and you love him in return, but he can’t help but feel guilty for being able to experience such affection. After what he had done over the course of his past, after he had stained his hands with so much blood, how could he ever deserve love? He views himself as dangerous- as a monster, and deep down, he thinks you deserve so much better than him. He had voiced this to you before, but you just cupped his face in your hands and smiled sadly at him, whispering that you wished he would think better of himself and that you wouldn’t trade him for the world.
Xiao couldn’t begin to understand why you felt this way, but at the same time, he is eternally grateful to have you with him. Your presence soothes him and illuminates the darkness of his heart- even if it feels selfish, he can’t help but melt whenever your lips meet his forehead. Xiao closes his eyes, leaning into your touch, pushing his spiral of insecurity to the side for now. When you pull away and look at him with your shining, lovestruck eyes, he can’t help but flush and move closer to you. His hand comes to rest on your cheek as his forehead comes to rest gently on your own. The world seems to stand still as you make eye contact, your lips only inches away from his. Xiao’s shoulders relax and the intolerable screams of dying demons he usually grapples with fade into serene silence. The Yaksha’s touch is careful and light, and his expression displays how deeply he longs to stay in this moment for as long as possible. However, he knows well that this desire is nothing but an empty fantasy, rendered impossible at the hands of time. Soon, danger and duty would cruelly pierce through the veil of peace, tearing you away from each other. So Xiao holds you and leans further into your warmth, cherishing the moment before it slips away once more.
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Welt is a kind, tired old soul. He’s been through a lot, he’s seen a lot, and he’s lost a lot- two examples being his old friends and his home planet. He knows how quickly a once peaceful life can fade due to the dangers of the universe, and he knows how irreplaceable loved ones are. Unfortunately, he learned that the hard way. So, he wastes no time in showing you how precious you are to him. Luckily, you accept his displays of affection with excitement and return it back tenfold.
The two of you are going about your regular duties on the express when you catch Welt’s eye from across the train car. No one else is around, so you sidle over to him, trying not to be too obvious. Welt gives you a side eye as you do this, not knowing what to expect from the cheeky grin that’s making its way across your face. Only a minute later, Welt feels your presence next to him, and he swears that the smile you have plastered on is contagious. His own lips quirk up into a smile, and before he knows it, your body is pressed up against his, your arms constricting around him like there's no tomorrow. He lets out a sigh of endearment, his own arms gently moving to envelop you. Honestly, what was he going to do with you?
However, his infatuation quickly changes to confusion as you pull away slightly and rest your hands on his shoulders. You raise yourself a bit, attempting to reach his forehead, brows furrowing slightly in frustration due to his height. Soon enough, you manage to reach his forehead and your lips quickly make gentle contact with his skin. Welt chuckles softly, moving his hands to your waist, pulling you against him a second time. A massive grin breaks out on his face, and you swear you’ve never seen him happier in your life. Welt then cups your face and drowns you in a flurry of kisses, his own cheeks flushing profusely as he watches you become more and more flustered. The sounds of lovestruck giggles and playful remarks bounce off the walls of the train car, hours passing before the two of you remember your duties. Undoubtedly, the whole exchange ends with Welt fondly clinging to you with one of his hands carding through your hair, work entirely forgotten, as you wait for the rest of the crew to return.
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As expected, Kafka loves to tease. Her demeanor is alluring, drawing people to her in both hatred and love. While most disapprove of her title as a Stellaron Hunter, you seem to be an exception. In fact, it’s become very clear to her that she’s got you eternally and willingly caught in her web. She watches your every movement with immense amusement, her gaze dark yet loving as you fall apart from the products of her captivating existence. Often, she was the one initiating affection through words and subtle touches, adoring the way you choke on your words and desperately fumble for a half-decent response. More often than not, these interactions result in bolder acts of physical affection. Whether that’s innocent acts like allowing Kafka to tilt your chin up to kiss you, or you quickly embracing her as a way to hide your hopelessly heated face, or acts that are more… risque, you love every second you get to spend with her. And although Kafka wears a mask of cold, calm deceit, you know that when it comes to you, she doesn’t think twice about showing how genuine her love is.
Even if Kafka was skilled in making you flustered, you had been itching to initiate something on your own for weeks. To watch her get thrown off balance instead of you, all because of something you had said or done- it seemed like an impossible fantasy. Yet you persist in building up your courage, determined to express your love for her and pay her back for all the times she set butterflies off in your stomach. So, you carefully mapped out how you would go about your initiation, knowing that you would have to surprise your beloved in order to elicit any kind of reaction. The next day, you keep your eyes peeled for a moment when she’s idle and unaware of your presence. You manage to catch her while she’s reading, legs crossed casually as she sinks into the cushioning of her chair, eyes glinting with amusement at the book’s contents. Quietly, you enter the room, seemingly ignoring her- that is, until you reach her chair and swoop down to kiss her forehead before she can say anything. Afterward, you turn away and speed walk out of the room, internally reveling in the surprise that overtook Kafka’s features. Her eyes shot open wide, lips slightly parted, eyebrows raised. However, in your absence after the kiss, you didn’t see the fierce blush that spread over Kafka’s cheeks or hear the lovestruck giggle that involuntarily escaped her lips. And you definitely didn’t find out about Silverwolf walking in a few minutes later, only to find the woman folded over in her chair with her face in her hands, giggling like a schoolgirl and entirely refusing to look up. You had caused the most calm Stellaron Hunter to break her collected facade for once, which was incredibly hard to do. After making her feel so lovestruck, there’s no way she could just leave you alone. She would have to get back at you somehow- expect nothing less than to be smothered with her love over the next few days.
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Scaramouche had been going about his day as normal, bored out of his mind, desperately trying to find something interesting to do while vivid thoughts of you plagued his mind. Nahida had attempted to immerse him in different human activities, yet none of them seemed to take- he was either pretty bad at them, or he just gave up on them because he lost interest. Even the few battles he encountered during his day weren’t enough to take his mind off your absence. Needless to say, when you arrive home he’s all over you, trying to hide his longing for you behind a false mask of annoyance. But you can see right through him, adoration reflecting in your eyes as you quickly grab his face and press a firm kiss to his forehead. As you do so, a confused protest escapes his throat, the poor man startled by your sudden loving gesture. Afterward, you take his hand and drag him further into Sumeru to go get some food, but Scaramouche’s mind is entirely elsewhere. His pace is much slower than yours, making it slightly hard to lead him into the city, but he really can’t help it. Even now, even after the two of you have known each other for so long, you still manage to surprise him. He shields his face with one hand to hide his reddening cheeks and uses the other to tether you to him, picking up his pace so that you’re the one who’s being pulled. The giggle that this elicits from you doesn’t help either, as it only causes the butterflies in his stomach to burst even more.
After all, Scara wasn’t used to this. All his life, he’s been alone- always being left behind, always being used. He had become so accustomed to the feeling of anger and resentment that he didn’t realize how lonely he had indeed become. After he had the Electro Gnosis taken from him and his identity erased from Irminsul, his anger morphed into an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. Sure, erasing himself gave him a second chance at life, but his own loss of identity left him feeling void of any purpose or desire. That quickly changed when you were introduced to him though. As time went on, as he got to know you better, the void in his chest slowly became filled with the undying urge to protect you. The puppet didn’t understand what these emotions were or why he felt like this, but that didn’t matter to him. As long as you were safe, as long as he got to see your smile at the end of the day, he would be content. As you both reach your destination, Scara turns back to look at you, his heart immediately starting to hammer in his chest. You were beaming at him, a playful glint in your eyes- it was painfully clear that you were about to start teasing him for getting so flustered. Before you can say anything, Scaramouche gently takes your face in his hands and kisses you, gaze hopelessly soft. His gentle expression then turns into a devious smirk, amused by the way your eyes widen, entirely unsure of what to say. Now he can see the appeal of surprise kisses, and he’ll definitely be using them more often if this is the reaction he’ll get.
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Kaveh cares for you more than anyone else. His passion for you is immense, so much so that it makes his passion for architecture pale in comparison- which is saying a lot because he loves architecture. In fact, it was practically his life until he met you, (aside from bickering with Alhaitham), and in his eyes, you're the greatest work of art to ever exist. Even the glistening walls and windows of the Palace of Alcazarzaray couldn’t match your glory. His genuine admiration for you often makes it hard for him to communicate how he feels- only one look is enough to get him red faced and stuttering. He does try though, he tries incredibly hard, but it just doesn’t work. The architect is constantly fighting with his own mind, wanting to spill out every ounce of love he’s feeling but not wanting to say the wrong thing. This internal conflict only intensifies during big projects, when all he can think of is you. He doesn’t get to see you often during these periods of time, which only makes him long for you more. So, when you pass by his desk, leaning over to see what he’s working on, you can imagine how deeply sidetracked he gets. When you ask what he’s doing, he starts explaining the details of the project, but quickly trails off as he sees the gentle smile on your face. Oh archons, you’re stunning, he thinks, fighting to find his words once more.
When he does, he quickly finishes his explanation, clearing his throat to try and cover up how deeply flustered he is. You nod and raise your eyebrows, impressed by his ambition and talent. Needing to get on with your own work, you wish him luck, brushing his bangs back and kissing him delicately on the forehead. Kaveh’s face explodes with red and suddenly he feels like the room is far too hot. He fans himself off with his hands, attempting to focus, but the feeling of your lips on his skin keeps replaying in his head. His thoughts are scattered all over the place, each stream of thought overlapping to become an insufferable cacophony of noise and feelings, to the point where he just can't take it anymore. Throwing his pencil down, Kaveh quickly gets up from his seat and somewhat aggressively hurries into the other room, where he finds you sitting on the couch, peacefully flipping through a book. He takes your hand, pulling you up toward his chest. His arms wrap around you tightly and he buries his face into your neck, your confused exclamations completely unheard by him. The architect’s resolve to continue working shatters as soon as you hug him back, his attitude clearly indicating that he doesn’t plan on letting go of you any time soon- not that you mind, of course.
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Blade doesn’t understand why you like him so much. He doesn’t understand you, and how you keep going despite everything you’ve been through already. Though he doesn’t openly show his admiration for you, it's definitely there, despite the cold expression on his face. If you look just closely enough, you can see the way his gaze softens slightly whenever you enter the same room as him. You take this as permission for you to get near him and a confirmation that you aren’t being a burden by physically displaying your fondness for him. One way you show your infatuation with him is by patching him up after missions or fights, and unsurprisingly, he doesn’t understand why you do this either. He can heal himself for the most part, so why would you go through the trouble? Despite his lack of comprehension, he never fights back. The feeling of your gentle, loving hands on his skin soothes him, even if he has an abundance of painful gashes all over his body. The feeling of your lips on each of his wounds after you’ve tended to them is enough to get his heart beating faster, which is something that he thought was impossible to achieve.
Each time, just before you finish patching him up, you take his face in your hands, so carefully that you may as well be handling porcelain. From there, you guide his head slightly forward to almost meet your lips. Blade closes his eyes, his bandaged hand lifting to rest on top of one of your own, wanting to keep your warmth on his skin for as long as possible. A relaxed exhale slips past his lips as the tension in his shoulders deflates. When you finally press your lips to the soft expanse of Blade’s forehead, you can feel his hand start to shake slightly, his brows furrowing in confusion. You pull away, smiling warmly at him, washing away any confusion or sadness that lingers in his gaze. Your eyes meet and Blade’s mind becomes consumed by your touch. It’s been centuries since he’s felt this way- since he’s felt safe, since he’s felt like he has a home. Blade moves back, pulling you forward and into his lap. His hands carefully support your back, your chest pressing against him tightly while your head falls onto his shoulder. His breathing syncs up with yours as you shift to shyly return his embrace. Blade’s lips upturn into a small smile as you gently chastise him for moving so suddenly, warning that it may reopen his wounds. His chest grows tight in appreciation, his love for you growing with every breath he takes. No matter what tomorrow may bring, no matter how much pain he must endure, he knows it will all be alright as long as you’re safe.
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t3a-tan · 1 month
Romantic and Hopeless (3/?)
First / Previous / Next
Ever since Oscar learned more about the truth of his soulmate's situation he had been doing nothing but thinking of how to help. He wasn't the type of person to sit back when someone was suffering so now he had been restless in his search for a solution. He thought about contacting the police, but he didn't want to break Rabbit’s trust.
So it all came down to him. He had been skipping school every day, spending his time searching online for whoever Zorro Ryker was. Thanks to it being a unique name it was easy to find results, but actually trying to figure out where his soulmate might be being held was a different story. In passing conversation she mentioned something about being underground, but that didn't really narrow the search.
He even spent money on some sketchy sites in order to get a hold of more information about the man… at first his results were pretty normal and uninteresting, but he noticed that by looking deeper into the darker sides of the internet, the name ‘Ryker’ appeared more often.
Zorro Ryker was a man who ran a launderette that was a surprisingly short distance away. At the same time, Ryker was a man with various connections on the dark web.
Isn't it a thing that launderettes are often a front for shadier businesses? He decided he would just go check it out, even though he was extremely nervous. The launderette was not open for 24 hours, and so he decided to wait for Sammy to say hello again to go inside, since that meant Ryker wasn't there.
He was eating at a place opposite the launderette, sitting at the window as he ate, occasionally glancing towards it.
“Hey, Fox.” There it was. Oscar's heart fluttered at the sound of her voice, feeling even more determined to go ahead with his plan. He doubted he would find her this easily, but at the very least he would get closer to doing so. Ryker might have left clues to her whereabouts after all.
Oscar glanced towards the launderette, seeing a man closing up. He fit the description of Ryker exactly, and Oscar's fist clenched at the sight. He looked away after a moment, to finish his food and to not call attention to himself.
“Hey yourself, Rabbit. Still holding up okay?” He asked as he clasped his hands together in his lap. I'm gonna get you out of there. I promise.
“Yeah. As much as I can anyway… How's your day been?” She asked back. For the past few days Oscar hadn't told her anything about his plan; not about his research or about skipping school.
“It's been alright. Mum hasn't gotten back yet, so… we'll see. Freddo came over to play some video games— he just headed out like…half an hour ago.” He responded, still not letting her in on the plan because it might just stress her out. He watched as a car pulled out from the street, seeing that Ryker was the one driving and that he was leaving fully.
I'll wait five more minutes.
He spoke to Sammy for a bit longer, before getting up from his stool and leaving the fast food place he had been waiting in, heading towards the launderette.
First, he was checking for security systems. This wasn't his first rodeo— when his mum went away for a long time when he was younger he had broken into a few Tesco Expresses at night for food. He scoped out the outside, mindful of cameras, before beginning to pick at the locked door towards the back of the shop.
Once he was in he laid low, just looking around for some kind of backroom where Ryker might be keeping information. After finding what seemed to be an office he entered, moving a bunch of books and papers around…. Until suddenly, the floor began to move.
Oscar yelped, stomach dropping as the part of the room he was standing on seemed to turn into an elevator, eyes wide with alarm. Oh god. Oh god. A secret elevator? Should I really go down?
He was nervous, mostly because of the mention that Ryker owned a gun, but he took a deep breath and stayed determined. I have to find something. She can't just stay there forever.
As the elevator arrived at its destination, Oscar walked out, looking around at the oddly high tech surroundings. It looked like…a lab. And not the meth kind. He looked around, using his phone flashlight to see and being careful not to make too much noise or leave much evidence that he had been there.
“Wait. I think he's back.” Oscar bristled as Rabbit's voice registered in his head, instinctively looking towards the elevator he came from…but it was still there. Open. Unless…she can hear me?
“Do you hear him, or see him?” He asked. No response came. She's worried she'll be heard. But is she actually here somewhere?
The lab was big, with multiple rooms, some of which were just full of files and papers, and another that had a lot of intimidating looking machines inside. He felt an odd sense of dread looking at all of it— there was something about the odd devices that felt almost alien. Some parts of them even seemed to glow in the darkness.
Most of what he tried to read was written in a language he couldn't understand, using a script he couldn't recognize. Maybe it's a cypher..? How paranoid is this guy? He sighed and threw the papers back down onto the table, continuing to look for clues.
Finally he found something that was written in English. He flipped to a random page, flicking through.
However, it's not usual that I get to have a full conversation with either of the children, so I'll take what I can get.
Children? Rabbit and her brother maybe? Oscar's gaze drifted upwards on the page to find the context.
Subject 2 has a surprising amount of agility; a finding that developed when I found him out of containment whilst I had left the lid off. He was afraid of delving further about his talents. A pity. After Subject 1 incurred her most recent injury, I notice he's been a lot more restless and anxious. Due to her infection I have been keeping them separate for now so she can heal in the best conditions, but I understand that humans are social creatures, and children especially so.
Oscar raised an eyebrow at the detached usage of the word ‘humans’, but ignored it and continued.
I allowed him some roaming under my supervision in the hopes that this would allow me to observe his agility properly and that it would cheer him up. Subject 2 is usually very quiet, clinging onto Subject 1 like a parasite, but it took a surprisingly short amount of time for him to start talking today. He told me that his favourite colour is purple, and even attempted to engage with me and ask my own. It didn't take much prompting for him to tell me why exactly purple was his favourite colour, recalling a memory from before. I was disturbed to hear that Subject 2 can no longer remember his own parent's faces. However, it's not usual that I get to have a full conversation with either of the children, so I'll take what I can get.
Reaching the part he had first read again, he paused before looking to the next page, continuing the journal entry with furrowed brows. Subject 2… Is that Rabbit's brother? This must have been written before he… He took a deep breath and continued.
It's times like these that my resolve feels the weakest. I find myself wondering; if I had just given up my research, what would they be doing now? Is what I want to achieve really worth it? It's been so long now that the fiery anger I felt and revenge I swore feels cold and ashen. I cannot stop now though. I've gone too far. I don't expect forgiveness, but I hope the children will one day make peace with what I've done. Tomorrow I believe Subject 1 can be taken off of antibiotics. She will recover, I can only hope it's swift so she and Subject 2 are not apart for too much longer. I should avoid speaking with him alone too much lest I become soft. Empathy is something the enemy lacks, and so I must too be devoid of it.
Oscar frowned as he closed the journal and set it back down where he found it. He's a bloody lunatic. Really, what situation could ever warrant kidnapping children? At least there was a hint of remorse, but Oscar couldn't fathom a sane man getting to that point in the first place. And what enemy is he even talking about?
He swallowed nervously but continued exploring the lab quietly. So far there was no sign of his soulmate.
He entered the next room, and his attention was immediately caught by something to the left of the room.
A singular glass enclosure sat on the table. Oscar slowly approached, curious to see what pet Ryker was keeping…only for his gaze to fall upon a tiny girl. She was protecting her eyes, and Oscar realised he was still pointing his phone flashlight directly at her so he lowered his phone down, mouth agape.
He could barely make out any of her features in the dark, but what little light his phone provided from it's new position told him that she had dark skin and darker hair that was cut messily to hang around her ears. At first she had been squinting against the light but as she took in his appearance her eyes suddenly widened and she scrambled back.
Is that…?
“Rabbit…” He breathed, still staring down at her from behind his sunglasses— which really weren't doing him any favours in this room. He took them off so he could see better, before crouching down to peer through the glass better. “Is…is that you?”
He received no response, but Oscar was more preoccupied with the surprise of seeing someone so small. After a few moments of staring, his soft green gaze trailing up and down her tiny form, he finally registered that he was only making the tiny girl, who may or may not be his soulmate, more nervous by the second. He bit his lip.
“Well… If you aren't her, I'm still not gonna leave you here with that monster. You'll be okay, I promise..! Not gonna hurt you…” He reached down, carefully removing the lid of the enclosure and setting it to the side. Then he began to reach into the box prison, only to pause when he saw the girl scramble back away from his hand in fear.
Is this really Rabbit? Surely Rabbit would know I'm not a threat?
“No no no— I'm here to help, see? I'm not…like that guy keeping you. My name is Oscar. I'm gonna get you out of here…” He was hesitant to actually grab or touch the tiny person whilst she seemed so afraid. As nervous as he was, and as much as he wanted to leave as soon as possible, he had no idea what this tiny person had been through…but if it was like Rabbit, then he could understand why she was so afraid.
“Shhh…come on. I can't stay here… I know you're scared, but that monster isn't going to touch you again. H-here uh…” He turned off his phone flashlight, bringing it into the enclosure so that it was flat beside her. “You can climb on this so I don't have to touch you? You'll have to go in my pocket though when we leave the building.”
Slowly, and clearly with a lot of willpower, she climbed onto the back of his phone. Oscar could see her shaking from here and his heart clenched with sympathy. He had no idea what this person had been through, but it must have been a lot for them to get so small. Is this really Rabbit? She's not saying anything… she could be in shock.
“Easy…” He lifted the phone slowly, bringing it towards his chest pocket and holding it steady. “Hop in, and then we can leave. It's gonna be okay… I'll help you.”
It felt like his heart was beating out of his chest with anxiety as he waited. Every second that passed could be a second that Ryker would return. So far, if this wasn't Rabbit, Oscar had seen no other sign of her or clues to her whereabouts.
He watched as the tiny girl slipped into his pocket, marvelling slightly at how she disappeared entirely within it. He turned his flashlight back on, putting on his sunglasses, and began to walk towards the elevator again.
“We're in the elevator now, okay? Almost out. I'll take you back to my place for now, but I promise I'll help you find a way to get back to normal.” He assured, fingers tapping anxiously at the front pockets of his jeans as he waited for the elevator to reach the launderette again.
He didn't lock the door behind him, simply focused on getting home so he could fully focus on and speak to the tiny person he had found. She understandably wasn't very talkative for now, but he hoped when she realised he was safe she would be more willing to speak. He still needed to find out if she was Rabbit or not.
The winter air was cold and Oscar shivered slightly before looking down at his pocket.
“I'm gonna put my jacket on, so it'll get dark, okay? Still not gonna hurt you…” He explained softly as he started zipping his jacket up. Hearing no protest he zipped it the rest of the way. “It’s gonna be okay. Almost home.”
He placed his hands into his jacket pockets, fidgeting anxiously with the seams inside as he walked, looking around every now and then, worried he was being followed by Ryker. Once he was certain that the monstrous man wasn't there at all he let out a sigh of relief, his breath visible in the cold evening air.
You're gonna be okay. I promise.
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bloatedandalone04 · 7 months
Bets & Bargains - Part 3
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Series Masterlist
➪in which you and bradley hang out again and get to know more about each other, and quickly realize that you’re more alike than you thought.
PSA: strongly suggested to read the warnings before proceeding.
WC; 3.5k | Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | THANK YOU FOR 4.4K FOLLOWERS
Bradley reread Bri’s text an embarrassing amount of times, and he was still reading it now as he made his way onto the campus grounds. 
His phone was in his hand, her text on full display as he tried to think of how to respond to it, despite it being sent a mere sixteen hours ago. After he got home last night, he stripped down and had a shower in an attempt to cool himself off. He felt guilty about hanging out with you, mainly because he had agreed to that bet he was going to call off, and because he was clearly still hung up on Bri.
He was always bad at replying to texts, which is why he had yet to get back to her, and that was probably another reason she broke up with him. 
Still not knowing what to say, he pockets his phone, his fingers brushing against his wallet and a piece of paper. He had thrown on the jeans he wore last night to the botanical gardens, and when he pulled his hand back out of his pocket, he saw that he was holding the ticket you bought for him. 
God, were you sweet last night. You and he talked for so long, and it was all enjoyable conversations, which was a bit unexpected for the first time he’s actually hung out with you. One of the first things Bradley noticed about you was your voice, and he was sure he could spend hours on end just listening to it, which was a bit concerning since he had no business feeling that way about you so soon after meeting you. 
He was actually a bit shocked that Bri had texted him after seeing him once outside of his house. As much as he hated to admit it, him going out to meet you might have actually scored him a few points with her.
When he tore his eyes away from the ticket, he immediately met your gaze, and a genuine smile took over his lips that matched your own. He puts the ticket in his bag this time before meeting you halfway, his eyes lingering on your floral printed skirt for longer than necessary. “Hi, Bradley,” you greet in your sweet voice that made Bradley bite down on his lip to stop the groan that nearly slipped from his mouth.
“Hi, Y/n,” he said back, watching your lips curve upwards. “Is floral your trademark?”
You look down at your white cropped tee and skirt before shrugging. “It can be,” 
Bradley’s grin only grew at that as he moved to stand next to you. “Can I walk you to class?”
“You definitely can,” you answered and began walking towards the opposite side of campus from where his own class is. He’d probably be late if he were to walk you all the way to yours, but he didn’t care too much, which is a bit surprising for him as he’s always tried to be school-orientated. 
“I had fun yesterday,” he says as he quickly catches up to you. One thing he’s learned about you is that you’d easily leave him in the dust if he isn’t quick enough to keep up, and that was actually something he admired about you. 
You look up at him as you grab hold of the strap of your bag. “Me too,” 
“We should hang out again,” he offered, then added, “Only if you want to.”
You raise a brow as you ask, “Do you want to?”
He scoffed, “I wouldn’t have brought it up if I didn’t want to,”
You nod and break eye contact. “I was just checking to make sure you’re still different from all the stereotypical frat guys I’ve met in the past, that’s all,”
“Trust me,” he started, holding the door open for you. “I’m very different.”
You grin at him as you enter the building. “And you’re proving it very well,”
“Good to know,” he replied and you turned to give him a softer smile. 
“You don’t have to walk me the whole way,” you tell him as you adjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder. “You’ll probably be late for your own class.”
That was true, but oddly enough Bradley didn’t care. “It’s fine, I just finished my class,” he said and you raised a brow as you checked your phone. “I had an eight AM lecture.” He added when he saw you read the time. 
“Oh,” you say, believing him with a nod. “That sucks, I hate lectures.”
“I think everyone hates lectures,” he says as you resume walking again. 
“I have a question.”
Bradley saw the opportunity and took it, “Shoot,”
You smile at him then give him a shy look. “Will your girlfriend get mad that we’re hanging out?”
That had his own smile fading a bit and his brows furrowing. “My girlfriend?” He asked, wondering if you had seen him and Bri around campus before and he just didn’t see you. If that’s the case, it was nice to know that Bri hadn’t gone around and told everyone she knows that she had dumped him like he was nothing at all to her. 
You nod and drop your gaze to his neck, and he thought you were going to ask about his scars or something, then you said, “She seems very possessive of you,”
Your index finger pokes at a sore spot on his throat and he knew then that you were referring to the hickey Bri had given him before breaking up with him a couple mornings ago.
“Oh, yeah, uh,” he trailed off as he felt his face flush in embarrassment. “That’s a really fucking embarrassing story, I’m not gonna lie.”
“Oh,” you repeat and give him a small smile. “That’s okay. Maybe one for another day then. My class is right here.” You point to the door next to him and he nods, grateful that you didn’t try to pry the story out of him.
“Okay,” he said, rubbing at the back of his neck before running his fingers over his sore throat. “I’ll see you later then?”
You nod and give him a small wave before disappearing into the classroom, leaving Bradley to stand in the hallway for a few extra seconds with a dumb grin on his face before he quickly realized that he would probably be close to ten minutes late to his own class if he didn’t start walking right now. 
You were blushing pretty much the whole three hours you were at class for. 
Bradley was so hot and so not the kind of guy you would ever go for, which is exactly why you found yourself wanting him. You usually stayed with the attainable ones, hence why you were with your ex-boyfriend for three years before ending it. Luke was your best friend’s brother and he went to the same high school as you, so you got to see him everyday. It was easy with him, but now you wanted a challenge. 
While Luke was your first love, you knew he wasn’t going to be your last. Maybe you thought that at first, when the relationship was still new, but three years later, it was dulling for you. 
With that being said, you still weren’t entirely sure if Bradley was in a relationship or not, so you couldn’t get your hopes up too much. Maybe a good guy friend is all you need. 
Just then your phone went off, and you found yourself wishing it was him texting you, but you also knew better.
Luke♡: Fine, don’t answer me. But just know that I don’t plan on waiting forever for you to figure your shit out. 
You scoff and click on Bradley’s contact instead of answering your ex, but just as you began typing, a text appeared on your screen. 
Fratley: Hope your class went by super fucking fast, and it wasn’t boring.
You smile down at your phone and type with one hand while you use your other to rummage around for your keys in your bag. 
Funnily enough, it went by super fucking slowly, and it was a total bore. I blame you.  
You pull out your house key and were just about to insert it into the lock when he texted you again,
Fratley: That’s not really fair, I walked you to that class and everything. Would grabbing some food and shakes with me make it better?
You look at the time and see that it was nearing four thirty in the afternoon, and then your stomach growled. With a shake of your head, you drop your keys back into your bag and turn around as you replied to him.
You know what, it just might. Meet you at Five Guys in a bit?
Fratley: You read my mind.
Five Guys was around a thirty minute walk from campus, but you could probably make it in half that time if you really tried. You’d be risking looking like a sweaty mess when you got there, but it beat paying for a cab. 
You make it to the restaurant by quarter to five, and you spend a second or so admiring the nice looking red two door Jeep in the parking lot before entering the building. 
Bringing your hand up, you wipe away the thin layer of sweat that gathered on your browline as you look around the red and white interior. You drop your hand when you meet Bradley’s gaze, and you smile at him as you begin to walk again. 
He was sitting towards the back near the windows, and you were a bit out of breath when you finally reached him. 
You definitely reached your step goal today. 
“Hi,” you greeted as you dropped your bag onto the seat across from his at the booth. 
“Hey,” he said back with his cute smile that had you blushing like a teenager. 
“I’m sorry I’m a bit late,” you say as you sit down across from him and rest your palms against the table. 
He shrugged, that damn smile still painted on his lips. “It’s okay, we didn’t set up a time,”
You look at him for a few seconds before letting out an embarrassed laugh. “You’re right, that probably would’ve been a smart thing to do,” 
“That’s alright, we’re both idiots,” he grinned and you laughed again in agreement. He looked a bit nervous as he nodded towards one of the two paper cups on the table. “I ordered us shakes, I didn’t know what kind you liked, so I played it safe and got you vanilla.”
“That was nice,” you beam and he slid it over to you. “Thank you.”
He smiled before it promptly dropped. “I just realized that I should’ve waited to order these. You probably think I drugged it or something,”
You laughed loudly before slapping your hand over your mouth. “I wasn’t thinking that at all,” you say as you look down at the shake before back up at him. “And I still don’t think that since you would’ve just admitted to it, and despite what we just said, I think you’re smarter than you let on.”
Bradley quirked a brow as he sipped on his chocolate shake, then grimaced. “I hate paper straws,” 
You snort softly and shrug. “Save the turtles?”
He set his drink down with a look of fake disappointment on his face. “Oh no, you’re one of those girls?”
You lift a brow as you sip on the vanilla shake. “I won’t apologize for thinking about the environment, frat boy,” 
“So you’re telling me you prefer cardboard straws? Is that it?” He scoffed, pulling the soggy straw out of the cup and setting it down on a napkin. “It’s like drinking from a rolled up newspaper.” 
You laugh again and cover your mouth, your gaze softening at the smile that formed on his lips. “That’s oddly specific,”
“But am I wrong?” He asked, and you stayed silent, making him smirk as he sipped on the shake. “That’s what I thought.”
Half an hour goes by, and Bradley was a proper gentleman when he asked what you wanted, then went up and ordered for the both of you. You didn’t know anything about his family life, but you could tell that he was raised at least somewhat right, and that’s going off of the hours you’ve spent with him since that night at the party. 
You were already done with your food and were sipping on your shake as he asked, “Am I allowed to know who made you so mad yesterday? Because I was genuinely caught off guard when you told me to fuck off when I didn’t even say anything yet,”
You shake your head and smile as you pull out your nearly-dissolved paper straw. “I wasn’t telling you to fuck off,” 
“Who were you saying it to then?” He asked and smirked when you tossed the straw into the paper bag with your wrapper. “Told you, by the way.”
Rolling your eyes, you shrug. “It was just my ex,” you answer then add, “And you didn’t tell me anything.”
“I did, too,” he replied as he leaned back and crossed his arms. “Your ex, huh? Do you still like the guy?” He asked and you were probably imagining it, but you could’ve sworn he sounded the smallest bit jealous when he asked that. 
“Like is a strong word, Bradley,” you mutter and he huffs out a laugh. “In all seriousness, I think I stopped loving him long before we broke up.”
“You were in love?” He asked as he gathered up the wrappers and napkins, stuffing them into the paperbag afterwards. 
You nod and give him a grateful smile. “Yeah, he was my highschool sweetheart or whatever,” 
Bradley raised his brows as he nodded. “It was pretty serious then,” he trailed off and you nodded again. He fell silent for a few seconds before leaning over and bracing his elbows on the table. “Are you gonna get back together?”
Now it was your turn to be quiet as you took in his question. You hadn’t let yourself give it much thought, and hadn’t actually decided if you wanted Luke back or not. He was a past chapter in your life, a good one at that, but you wanted more. 
You wanted a fresh start. 
Luke was an amazing boyfriend, and the perfect match for highschool Y/n, but you were getting older. You were maturing, and you supposed Luke was, too, but not in the same way as you. 
You were entering your second year of college, and it was clear that he wasn’t the right fit for the person you were becoming. “I don’t know,” you answer, though you were starting to strongly feel like the relationship was great while it lasted, but maybe it was past the due date to move on. 
Bradley looked in thought for a couple of beats before he asked, “What happened?” He sounded hesitant to ask that, and you could appreciate his kindness and subtle interest in your life. 
“I guess I just…stopped missing him,” you confessed, and it was the first time you’d admitted to that. Your eyes widen a bit in embarrassment and you try to laugh it off as you sit up. “Anyway.”
He gives you a small smile as he stands up and throws away the bag. “Did you drive here?” 
“No,” you answer and stand up as well, grabbing your bag and slinging it over your shoulder. 
Bradley nodded as he pulled out car keys from his pocket. “You called a ride then,” he stated and you shook your head, making him furrow his brows. 
“I walked,” you clarified and watched as his lips parted slightly before he looked out the windows and at the darkness that came with it being night time now. 
“You walked?” He asked and looked back at you, and you nod. “Are you planning on walking back, too?”
You shrugged with a smile. “I don’t like paying for rides,” 
Bradley laughed before taking your hand in his and unknowingly releasing butterflies all over your body with the simple gesture. “Good thing I don’t charge,” he replied and guided you out to the dark parking lot. 
“You have a car?” You ask, a bit shocked since not many people you knew drove or had their own cars. He nodded and your surprised expression dropped as you added, “You already paid for dinner, you don’t have to drive me home as well.”
“I’m not letting you walk half an hour back to campus in the dark by yourself,” he murmured as he led you over to the very Jeep you were looking at before dinner. “I was raised a bit better than that.” 
His words were sweet, but you were too busy looking at the pretty red car. “This is yours?” You ask the most obvious question and he holds up the keys in response, the Jeep label on the chain enough of an answer. “It’s nice.”
He laughed, “Thanks, it was a birthday present,”
“No, I’ve had her for just under four years now,”
“Her?” You ask with a smirk as he lets go of your hand in order to open the passenger side door for you. 
A faint blush formed on his cheeks, but he wasn’t embarrassed as he nodded. “Yeah, her,”
“Why am I not surprised?” You laughed as he shook his head and closed the door before getting in on the drivers side. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” He grunted as he started the car and effortlessly backed out of the parking space. 
He did that whole one hand on the wheel while the other was gripping your headrest thing, and you were powerless to stop the blush that formed on your face. “I don’t know,” you were actually at a loss for words at how you managed to find yourself in the continuous presence of a guy like him. 
Not wanting him to see how red your face had gotten, you lean forward and turn on your seat warmer. Bradley glanced over at you with a small grin as he kept his left hand on the steering wheel and his right elbow braced on the center console. “Are you cold?”
“No,” you answer and look out at the dark scenery. “I just like being warm when I’m in a car.”
He laughed, “Why am I not surprised,” 
You spare a look at him and see that he was wearing a boyish grin, and when you asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?” he just shrugged with a smirk.
Oh yeah, you two matched each other’s energy almost too well, and it was a bit concerning how quickly you found yourself liking him. 
“Thanks for dinner,” you say in an attempt to change the subject. “I can pay you back.”
“Please don’t,” he laughed again and glanced over at you before looking back at the dark road. “Five Guys is, like, the cheapest place to eat at. You also bought the tickets yesterday, so we’re nearly even now.”
He nodded and looked over at you again as he said, “Nearly,” 
You fall silent after that, wondering if that meant that he wanted to keep hanging out after tonight. You made it back to campus and Bradley pulled over to the side of the road outside of your dorm, and he turned the car off before turning to you. “Thanks again,” you start and take off your seatbelt. “I like hanging out with you. I know I keep saying it, but you’re different from the other guys I’ve hung out with in the past.”
He smiled at that. “I like hanging out with you, too,” 
You debate on your next words, and you knew you didn’t have much to lose at this point, so you take a nervous breath before saying, “My ex and I aren’t getting back together. I know that earlier I said that I didn’t know, but I think I do. We had a few good years together, but I think it’s time to move on,”
Bradley nodded in understanding, “I hope you didn’t feel pressured to come to that conclusion. I didn’t mean to pry earlier,”
“Oh, no,” you wave him off and grab your bag. “I knew it before, I just wanted you to know, too, I guess.”
He nodded again and shifted in his seat. “I just got out of something, too,” he tells you. “It wasn’t as serious as yours was, but it still fucked me up a bit. I mean it, though, I really like hanging out with you. I almost wish we met sooner, I could use a few more good people in my life.”
You give him a comforting smile. “Yeah, I get that,” you trail off and sling your bag over your shoulder. “Have a good night, Bradley.” You hesitate for a few seconds before leaning over and pressing a kiss to his cheek, and he laughed softly before smiling over at you. 
“Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow? Or later in the week?” He asked with that same smidge of desperation that had you nodding in response. “Have a good night, too, Y/n.” 
You waved at him as you closed the car door and pulled out your keys, and you tried not to think about the fact that he waited until you were fully inside the building before he started the car again and left.
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un-lawliet · 11 months
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— in which Dazai’s kiss contradicts his words.
(or reader tries to move on, fails and Dazai picks up the pieces)
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Shin Nakatani was nothing like Osamu Dazai, you concluded.
Perhaps that’s why you were sat in the corner of some grubby bar, listening to his proclamations of self acclaimed greatness whilst you sipped at a (now bitter) beer, refusing to make eye contact with the man.
Osamu Dazai, never spoke about himself, sacrificing a genuine exploration of his true thoughts and feelings for charming smiles tainted with an overdramatic flair.
By comparison, you think, you’d much prefer the empty conversations you had with Dazai, over the overbearing false confidence oozing from the man beside you.
His mouth moved in a manner that did not wait for you to divulge. Unrelenting, flapping jaws reminding you of how lucky you were that such a “tired looking woman” was so “endearing enough” for him to give you a chance.
You don’t even know what that means, eyebrows furrowed as you processed the insult, hating how you silently relished in the honesty of his voice.
At least you were talking to someone who did not hide true intentions behind confusing actions and unsaid truths.
You bite the inside of your mouth, and embrace the seething sting of pain, punishing yourself for your constant comparison.
You were not here to think about Dazai, you were here to move on, to avoid the constant, overbearing ache in your chest that came with acceptance that Dazai, could never reciprocate your unspoken feelings.
And so you shuffled in your battered bar stool, the creaking below forcing you out of your thoughts and back to the lost conversation.
The bars light was dim, hollowing out the faces of all those who sat within its dullness, shadows chasing out the warmth and leaving seemingly lifeless, drunk husks of people.
“…And of course one should ask where I get the time to balance both work and steady relationships.”
“Uh huh..”
“And I would tell the fool who asks the same thing I’ll tell you…I do it by combining the two!”
“To me, relationships are like business, both transactional, both just as give or take as the other.”
You awkwardly look up at him, he winks and you feel sick.
“Of course.” You offer, wishing you could bite your tongue of instead of agreeing blindly to his vulgar beliefs.
He continues in his crudeness, and you glance at your phone, staring at the time.
You want to go home.
Clearing your throat, you fold in on yourself when he pauses mid sentence to look you in the eye, his brow inclining.
“It’s um late, I have work in the morning…” You trail off and inwardly die when a flicker of exasperation dances in the movement in his changing expression.
“Would you mind walking me to the train station?” You scramble, trying to save yourself from the awkward stillness that follows.
He nods and you both move to leave, he walks in front of you and you watch the back of his head as he continues to talk.
He has a mole on his neck, it peeks out at you from behind the collar of his shirt, you count the freckles behind his ear and wonder if he even knew they were there.
In your opinion, Yokohama was beautiful at night.
More lively. Cluttered with different people doing different things, every passing face appeared more open when followed by moonlight.
The streets lined themselves with opposing humans with different names and contrasting history’s, and yet, they all looked the same when shadowed.
You’re nearing the train station, although you knew there would be no train waiting for you past Midnight, Nakatani, in all his drunken glory, did not seem to realise this, instead he had slowed his pace, allowing you to keep pace with his wide strides. A prologue to a goodbye.
A woman bumps into you pushing you towards your date, he laughs, the sound vibrates brazenly in your ears and you smile because you don’t know what else to do.
“Can I kiss you?” He’s saying, holding your shoulder, “As a reward for a long journey.”
You want to remark that the walk only took five minutes, the time on your phone reading 00:42, but you don’t.
Instead you nod and turn to him, watching as his rosy gloating face gets closer to your own.
There’s a horrible tongue in your mouth.
It curls around and smooths the underside of your teeth, mapping out the area of your gums and you cringe, your nose scrunching.
He tastes of cheap liquor and cigarettes, you feel yourself dizzying from past nicotine breathing down your throat, burning your lungs as you inhale him.
Your choke and step away, wiping your wet lips as you do, recoiling in the after taste, spluttering out fake broken apologies.
“I just remembered..” You hesitate grasping for words that appear to be stuck in your raw throat, “I can’t kiss you.”
“Excuse me?” He replies, you see his broken ego in the darkening of his eyes as he names you a bitch and looks you up and down.
“I’m sorry Nakatani, that was a horrible kiss.” You state, words falling out of your vile tasting mouth, the alcohol on your breath forgetting to filter kindness into your speech. “I um… can’t kiss you.”
“Well your not too nice to kiss either, don’t think this was anything more than charity work.” He hisses back, teeth bared. You think he looks like a dog.
“Then, you should consider better ways to help charity, Mr Nakatani.” You breathe, unable to add enough insult into your voice. Your stuttering, shame ploughing it’s way through your body, you want to throw up.
He’s cursing at you, face flushed with alcohol and embarrassment, and then he’s turning and walking away, he sways with the whisper of the wind and you suddenly feel quite drunk yourself.
It surges and you gag, turning to face the crumbling wall beside you, shaky hands clamping over your mouth as you relive the kiss only moments prior.
You feel sick, you want to go home.
There’s a street light beside you, it flickers when you sit against it, eyes staring out into the docks Yokohama, the sea, a black pool before you.
The waves carry the moon as they crash amongst each other, ripples of reflection morphing to produce a white highlighted stream, stopping the merging of a black sky and sea.
You rub a hand over your face, letting the skin under your eyes drag downwards before you let your hand fall to rest on the ground.
There’s no stars, it must be cloudy tonight.
Shin Nakatani was nothing like Osamu Dazai. Perhaps that why you’re now alone, sitting on a wet footpath, in the crux of a cloudy, cold night, thinking about him instead.
You sigh, and watch as your breath materialises into smoke before you, fading into the darkened dusk, carried by a breeze of which you could not seem to feel.
Your superficial affection for Dazai may not be built upon the foundations of shared interest, but God was it a hard wall to knock down.
You just can’t seem to move on from the man, despite his every action being one that pushed you away again and again.
You brush a tiny spider from your thigh, you don’t see where it lands, eyes too focused on the bitten nails found on the tips of your cool fingers.
“Excuse me! The pretty lady on the ground!”
You seem freeze, your head falling backwards to hit the street lamp behind you.
Of course he would find you like this, huddled pathetically on the side of a road wallowing in self pity.
He stops just in-front of you, bending down to look you in your eye, an grin plastered across his face, you almost huff at the irony of his appearance.
“Hello Dazai.” You mumble, blinking up at him, weak light reflects off his features, b across the stretched apples of his cheeks making it appear like he’s glowing.
“You’re on the ground.” He muses, standing upright, looking down on you, a view he much preferred.
You don’t reply, choosing instead to simply look away, ignoring the palpitations of your heart. Vulnerability silencing your words as you swallow the remnants of your horrible, horrible kiss.
Dazai looks at you, his eyes moving across your painted face, glancing sideways to an empty street, solidifying your aloneness, his expression morphs into one of acute understanding before it vanishes in the execution of a trained smile.
You don’t see his smile, but you take his momentary silence as one of accurate assessment.
You think his quietness is more deadly than his usual entourage of sharp one liners that encase each conversation shared with him.
You wipe your mouth again.
“..I’m on the ground.” You conclude, stretching your legs in-front of you, eyes remaining on the scuffed tips of your battered shoes. “I’m um just sitting to catch my breath Dazai, you can..you can leave, you don’t need to stay.” Your words come out whispered, and you think they sound cruel when you taste them on your tongue.
“But your gloom is so blatant my dear!” The man before you guffaws, his volume far exceeding your own, “How could a gentleman like myself leave you here to rot in your own misery!”
You glance up at him and he’s clutching his heart through the layers of his coat, head raised in a substantial showing of himself.
You rub your eyes, you feel the makeup on your lashes smudge.“You’re giving me a headache.”
“How cruel of you to say!”
“Please, go away.”
He’s smiling, he’s smiling at your words and you want to rip your eyes out as an atonement for ever believing you could see “authenticity” in his grin.
You’re tired, and Dazai knows, he knows everything. You’re sick of his unspoken understanding.
You hear a wave crash along the far side of a ship, it crashes into a dock and vibrates the ground on which you sat.
It’s bitterly cold, your teeth chatter in your jaws, you clamp them shut, and look away again.
“I’m assuming it was a date then?” Dazai’s watching you closer now, eyes flitting across the slight tremor in your lip as you nod.
“Leaving a beautiful woman by herself in the dark, he mustn’t have been that interesting.”
“He said I looked tired”
“You do.” His voice sounds strangely empty, the blank sky above you holding more substance, the crinkle of his eyes seems forced now, as if struck by realisation.
You don’t know what to say, so you resort to saying nothing, focusing on the blinking of your eyes, and the rise and fall of your chest. Dazai watches as you breathe.
The hands in his pockets are tainted red across the knuckles, his finger tips too. Bandages seemingly useless in combating the perils of an approaching winter, Dazai doesn’t mind.
He joins you in your silence as he steps towards you and kneels down, shoes scrapping across the hard ground, it looks like he’s falling to his knees.
“You’re stuck in self pity.” He states, his voice sounds bored, eyes narrowed. Embarrassment clings to the curve of your waist and trails it’s way up to your face, you blink and look towards the source.
His nose is slightly reddened, but his expression does not falter, does not reveal any rhyme or reason, nor a motive to why he’s not leaving.
You try to dissect his thoughts in your mind, cutting him open and trying to stare through the black pools of his eyes to try reach the core.
Instead you find you can’t, there’s a steel wall preventing you from prying, you grow frustrated and Dazai just watches.
“Self pity is a nightmare.” You almost think he whispers it.
You want to reach out and touch his face, follow the curve of his lips right up the hair framing his hollowed face.
“Can..can I hold your hand?” Your timid, pathetic, needing to be held to stabilise yourself, how did you get so weak.
There’s a pause, Dazai stiffens, it’s just barely noticeable but you see it, you’ve caught him off guard with your boldness.
Dressed up to impress another man and yet, it’s him you ask to cling to in the blackened equidistant of the night.
Slowly, as if approaching prey, Dazai lifts his hand out of his pocket, his eyes never leaving your face as he presents his hand.
You grasp it, hold it.
You think the ground would be more pleasing to touch.
It’s obvious he’s uncomfortable, he can’t push you away when you’ve captured him like this, but for the sake of the expanding the mask he’s crafted after years of desolate numbness, he says nothing about the way your hand tightens around his.
“And what would your date say about this hm? Do you usually hold the hands on another after being with another man?” He muses, you think his smile looks cold.
“It’s not a habit.” You mumble, your thumb tracing the line where his bandages end; they’re new, the implications make you feel sick.
The ground where his knee sits digs into his flesh, stones pressing into the skin of his knee, but he does not move, he’s almost statuesque.
You frown, at him, the reasoning behind his words falling onto your ears. “Don’t judge me Dazai.” You mutter, words sounding far more harsh when spoken out-loud.
“I wasn’t.” It’s simple.
Dazai’s quiet when he lies, at least you can walk away having learned something new about the man who holds your hand but drops your heart.
“I-I’m just sad.” Your shoulder deflate, his hand tighten around yours for a split second, you think you imagined it.
“Then.” He starts, dullness oozing out of his voice, “If you’re so miserable why not join me in a double suicide, I’m sure it would be far more romantic than this.” He removes his hand from yours and stands, forcing his hand back into his pocket, you miss how he flexes it, as if holding back a truth he cannot speak.
His smile is ugly, so ugly that it’s pushing you away, forcing your head to look the other way, to not watch the man hiding his inner downfall infront if you. Dazai’s eye twitches, and his mask cracks for a moment.
A building nearby turns its lights off, you see the silhouettes of two people, working the closing shift, they laugh as they pull down the shudders before the door, and turn to walk together, in the opposite direction, none the wiser to the two people sat watching them from afar.
“Don’t do that Dazai.” You start, your clawing onto the remains of an awkward conversation, trying to force it back to life, ignoring how his words made your heart stop in the hollowed captivity of your chest. “Please, not now.”
Your begging he realises, begging for a true moment with him.
But he won’t give you that, to think otherwise is foolish.
However, as he watches your trembling figure, foolish is the only way he can describe you. The grotesque smile falls from his face and onto the dirty ground of which he stands and you sit.
“Struck a nerve?” Dazai queries, he sounds bored again, you hate yourself.
“Sorry, sorry.” You repeat, eyes swimming with poorly expressed expression. “I’m just..selfish and lonely tonight.” You’re confessing, as if he himself is a God, nihilism forgotten in the shaking of your voice.
“I just wanted to feel connected with someone without having to beg for it”
The meaning of your words crumbles in the silence that follows, dancing across the distance between the pair of you, from your mouth to his ear.
“Ah.” A soft smile of understanding crosses his features, you jump when he turns on his heel, “Then I am not suited for his conversation.”
“I’ll call Kunikida, he’s more inclined for situations like this than I.” He’s walking, he’s walking and you’re watching and you feel yourself rip at the seams, you need to know if there’s a chance, a chance he might care. You fight the will to keep yourself composed and your desperation comes out triumphant.
You’re stupid, he knows of your affections, yet he leaves every-time.
“I kissed him.”
The air melts into a bitter, silent breeze, you fear you might have just pushed a boundary, reaching forward with your eyes closed, crossing a line you could not see.
Dazai stops.
He doesn’t know why he stops.
He does not care for your love, he does not reciprocate, he refuses to. You don’t know him, your love is not his to accept, it acts as a maladaptive pining for a man, a human, for which he cannot claim, less he wear a fake suit presenting as himself.
And yet, you kissed another man, and the chilly motions of the wind blowing across his stagnant face whisper to him that he’s bothered by this, blowing into his ear, mocking him for being, despite everything; as humanly selfish as you.
Perhaps he’s bothered by your lack of self-respect, kissing a man you were so clearly uninterested in in your vain search for connection, but he turns and looks at you, and feels in his soul, that he’s lying to himself.
It’s a realisation that leaves him as bitter as the atmosphere encasing the pair of you.
“And?” He speaks as if it’s a secret, as if him prying was a sin, and he omnipotent.
“It wasn’t you.”
The small movement of his head betrays how much he wants to look away, forcing himself to stare you out, to intimidate you into walking away.
You’re brave tonight, he thinks.
“I don’t hate you Osamu.” You breathe.
You can’t breathe, too preoccupied with staring, truly staring at his face, wondering if maybe, just maybe, he would listen to you should you get to his level.
You stand up, he stays where he is.
“Are you expecting reciprocation?” He moves to checkmate, his voice heard like a warning, his eyes reading as empty.
You shake your head, and bite the skin on your lips.
“I just needed to know that you heard me.”
Dazai throws his head back and laughs, it fills the void of sea and sky and you shake at the cruel sound. To an outsider it may appear as if he’s brimming with joy, unable to hide its serene hold on him. But you’re too close to mistake his laughter as anything but uncomfortable.
“And tell me.” He breathes through his laughter, his hand placed on his stomach, “Did you hate him? Hate the kiss?”
Shame burns your cheeks, and you look to your shoes again as heat floods your face.
Your king was dead, you’d been defeated.
“It was like a slug in my mouth.” You muse.
Eventually he stops laughing, and your world returns to normal. Silent and unchanging, you count the intervals between the sounds of the waves.
Dazai is untouchable again. Everything is back to how it was.
“Shall I take you out drinking too then hm? Then I’ll kiss you properly and we shall never speak again.”
You don’t answer, thwarted by the maze of his twisted personality.
“Did you hear me?” He mocks, his smile sly, you want to rip it off his mendacious face.
He’s pushing you away, the distance between you extending far beyond your reach, you falter with the consequential loss of your friendship with Dazai.
You don���t know what to say, your words can’t create a bridge to combat the vehement river of “unsure’s, so instead you shake your head, arms moving up to embrace yourself.
Dazai is quiet when he lies, however he’s silent when he’s unsure.
And when you don’t respond he narrows honeyed eyes, an uncertainty you don’t see flickers across his pupils and fractures the disciplined facade of his character.
He’s pushing you away, and for once he feels hesitant.
He’s forced you away timelessly, but you’re still looking at him, with that foolish soft look in your eye. And Dazai wants to smudge it off your features and chastise you for regarding him in such a tender manner.
He says nothing, but raises his hand once more, presenting it you.
The street is empty, nobody but Dazai present to witness how your eyes widen and your head tilts, confused.
Your emotions bleed out onto your face, staining the crease of your eyes with hurt, your lips pouting in trepidation.
And you hold his hand in yours, it’s stiff, it’s awkward, but it’s an unspoken viaduct into his psyche, your heart soars.
“Despite everything..I really don’t hate you, you know?” You’re speaking dangerously again, pulling him towards you despite his childish resilience towards trust.
His hand tightens, you’re sure of it this time.
“Ask me.” He mumbles, pulling you closer, your feet nudge his, your nose almost touching his shirt when you look up at him. “Ask me to kiss you.”
“Osamu-” His face is half encased with shadow, the glow from the street light failing to fully show him to you. You breathe and he feels it on his chin.
You don’t understand, your stuck in parallel to his contradictions, frantically scanning for the root of his intention, hands balling into fists when you can’t find it amongst the fog.
His hand comes up and tilts your head upwards, leaning down towards you, your nose touching his as you bite your tongue.
Time slows, and you whisper, it comes out meek.
“Kiss me, please.”
It’s instantaneous to your request. His bottom lip brushes against yours, and he’s on you like fire to oil.
His hand spreads out against your cold cheek, pulling you closer, his middle finger finding rest on the lobe of your ear.
He kisses you as if he wants to. As if he’s making a sick point to the man who had previously stolen your breath within the same night.
He breathes you in, and you breathe him out.
You want him to swallow you whole, right there and then on the side of the street, hidden away from the rest of the world.
You almost cry when he pulls away, eyes glistening as you look at him once more.
His spit is on your lip and you query, “Was that a-”
“It was a kiss.” He doesn’t let you finish, pushing his palm into your cheek, watching as you let your head move gently with the force.
Your unspoken question dies in the removal of his hand, and is reborn when he doesn’t not walk away immediately, hands stuck back in tattered pockets as he smiles, and for a second, a split second you see him as a boy, with fear breaching the walls of his eyes.
It vanishes instantly, disappearing with the climaxing waves behind you.
You try to recall the genuine look in you mind, try to pinpoint the vulnerability you had seen for a moment, but you lose sight of it as he claps his hands.
“Now, the night is still young my dear, I must be off.” His personified joy hits you like a raindrop hits a petal, and you stare, as if in a daze as he steps back, away from you.
“Oh- ok?” You grasp at anything to say, anything to reassure you that everything was ok.
He smiles, and nudges your arm, you can’t tell if he’s being himself anymore.
He going, and your left with the sickly sense of hope swimming in your chest, drowning amongst your spoken affections.
“Safe home!” He calls, his voice light, revealing nothing, and leaving you with less.
There was nobody in the world like Osamu Dazai, and perhaps that’s why you turned and began to walk home, alone.
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masterlist <3
feel free to leave a request !
a/n: beep boop bop im tired- i hope this made sense, i just love the cruelty of dazais character <3 (can you tell) anyway reminder i love you and that you’re doing ok !!! ALSO shin nakatani was named using a random name generator i found on google and i think that’s very funny, my cat is sitting on my chest as i type this, it’s hard to write when you can’t move all that much :,)
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moonlightspencie · 1 year
Devils Roll the Dice…
Description: A new recruit to the BAU catches Reid’s eye. Unfortunately for the both of them, she has a past with someone very close to him. Are they willing to keep secrets just to keep one another? (TWO-PART MINISERIES)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!Reader
Warnings: alcohol consumption, sexual references/content (i’ll accept 16+ because its definitely not more than pg-13 material but writing anything sexy makes me feel weird if i know teenagers are reading it)
Word Count: 4k
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I took a deep breath, looking in the mirror. I knew we were meeting the new recruit today, and just the thought of it exhausted me. Not that I didn’t like meeting new people. I just hated the break in routine.
We had a concrete team. Kate had already joined. We didn’t need anyone else coming in and messing up a very new rhythm we’d found with each other.
I finished tying my tie, pressing it down, and preemptively steeling myself against the new person. Probably some guy who didn’t know the difference between a tyrannical and enforcing sadist. Half of the students I’d met in recent guest lectures only wanted to go into the field because they’d listened too many crime podcasts anyways.
I walked into the bullpen, taking my seat as usual, ready to turn that cold shoulder at the first misstep of whoever this mystery recruit was. Unfortunately, I felt anything but cold when Hotch called our attention to the figure standing in his office doorway. He stood partially in front of her before he allowed her to stand right next to him as he introduced us. My eyes locked onto her at an embarrassing rate, and I felt far more embarrassed when she caught me and flashed a smirk.
She was anything but shy as a newbie, and for some reason that thrilled me. She wasn’t afraid to get into conversation with the team immediately as she unpacked her things at her new desk. She wasn’t afraid to tell Garcia everything she wanted to know. Much to my surprise, she wasn’t afraid to send me the cutest smiles every time she caught my eyes on her.
“Hey,” she said, walking up to me as I stood in the kitchenette.
Truthfully, I needed the time alone because of her. I couldn’t stop looking at her, and it was becoming a problem considering I was supposed to be doing work. She was just so… Different. She was sweet and funny and so attractive it made my mouth dry up.
“Hi,” I said after a moment. “Coffee?”
She nodded, holding out her mug. I filled it up from the pot in my hands after I topped off my own. She blew on it, looking up at me with big eyes. I watched her, not realizing how long it had been until she broke eye contact, a smile settling onto her face.
“You’re gonna keep watching me blow on my coffee?”
I opened my mouth to say something, but fell quiet when she smiled again. She moved the mug from her face.
“Got any advice for me with the BAU?”
I swallowed. “Uh, you came from Intelligence, right?”
She nodded, brows raised. “Yeah. How’d you know?”
“I was listening earlier. You said it to JJ.”
“Alright, so I know one fact about you other than the eidetic memory,” she said with a chuckle.
I smiled softly. “Right. Sorry, I haven’t been very talkative today.”
“That’s okay,” she said, giving me a reassuring smile. “I’ve tried really hard to get into this unit, so I don’t plan on leaving any time soon. We’ll have time to get to know one another.”
I nodded quickly. “Uh, so, advice. Um, I guess you should know this team is a lot like a family. We really care about each other, and we’re pretty close. Especially us field agents.”
“Good to know,” she nodded thoughtfully. “If you have any more wisdom floating around in that big ol’ brain of yours, let me know. I already heard Penelope calling you ‘boy wonder’, so I’d love to see you live up to that reputation.”
She finished off her sentence with a wink, turning away from me and rejoining the others who still gathered around her desk. She was shiny and new, and everyone wanted to know about her. I couldn’t blame them. I’d love to know as much as I could get my hands on.
One thing I learned very quickly is that she had a habit of flirting.
At first, I thought it was a general behavior she exhibited towards everyone. Then, after some keen observation I came to a terrible and exciting realization: she really only flirted with me.
I think most of it was due to the fact that she just liked to see me flustered. She could make it happen very easily, too. All it took was a sly, under-the-breath comment in passing and my face was turning red.
She’d smile at me, enjoying the tint in my cheeks. I’d stare back at her, just glad to see her smile.
Four weeks in and I was entirely wrapped around her finger.
She wasn’t shy about flirting on cases either, though she was always really good about making sure the only thing anyone ever saw was me being a total dork.
I almost never tried flirting back. I was pretty terrible at it anyways. But there were occasions when I’d make an attempt.
We were working on a case that leaned heavily on the geographical profile, meaning: I spent the entire case in the precinct. I finally cracked it after a few days, and the team found themselves at a farm. One of my least favorite places for a case to be, leaving me very thankful that I wasn’t along for the search and rescue. I really only went to the farm because everyone else was there.
By the time that I actually got to the crime scene, the unsub had already been apprehended. So, I stood near the cars, waiting on the others to come back. It was several minutes before I heard Hotch and Derek walking up and talking to one another. I turned as the rest of the team followed several steps behind. Y/N came into view last, and I couldn’t help but let out a laugh as she walked closer.
She gave me an exasperated smile, throwing her arms up as I took her in. She was covered in dried mud, clearly having taken a fall somewhere gross.
“I tripped and fell while doing absolutely nothing. I feel like you, all clumsy,” she joked, laughing.
I smiled, looking her up and down.
“How are you still pretty covered in dirt?”
“You can’t do that,” she said quickly, looking over her shoulder. “Not right now, anyways.”
I scrunched up my face. She had been much more forwardly flirtatious on cases before now. I couldn’t fathom how this was any different, especially since all I did was make a flirty comment. I guess my facial expression could’ve conveyed more. I seemed to have a hard time concealing my feelings for her when she looked at me the way she did.
She looked behind her again, like she was keeping an eye out for someone. But the only person there was Morgan. Maybe she was afraid of him telling on us for flirting on the job. But he was the one that relentlessly flirted with everyone else. Why would he be coming after us? Maybe she didn’t know that well enough.
“Morgan flirts with people all the time. He’s not going to—”
“Spencer,” she groaned, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind the SUV.
I furrowed my brow again. “What?”
“If I tell you something, you have to promise not to get weird about it.”
“Get… Weird?”
“Like, don’t be all freaked out,” she clarified.
“Okay,” I said, unsure where this was heading.
She cleared her throat, stealing one more glance at him. She looked back at me, chewing her lip with a coy smile. I had a feeling that now wasn’t the time, but I blushed, unable to stop myself from fully taking her in. Luckily, my upstairs brain started working again just in time to give all my attention to her as she started speaking.
“I’m sure this will make things a little awkward,” she stated, sighing softly, “but, he and I… Uh, Derek and I, we have a history.”
I quirked a brow. “Oh? How?”
She stared at me, expecting me to take a hint that I was most certainly not picking up on.
“We… We were involved. Romantically.”
My brows shot up. “Oh.”
“Yeah. It was only like five months, really, but,” she shrugged. “That happened. Hence why it’s been a little awkward between us.”
She said that bit like it was the most obvious thing in the world, but I hadn’t been any the wiser about it. Maybe it was just another case of me being a little more oblivious than some of my coworkers about behaviors that didn’t have to do with the job. Maybe I was just too enamored with her to pay attention to how she interacted with our coworker.
“I didn’t notice,” I said quietly.
“Good. I’ve been hoping to keep it on the down-low,” she said with a laugh. “I haven’t exactly wanted to endure teasing from the team about sleeping with Derek of all people.”
I swallowed, not having thought about the fact that she’d been… Physical with him. More so, that he’d gotten to be with her in that way. He’d seen her. Heard her. Felt her. All of her. I took in a breath, clearing my head of that image.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner if I was going to keep flirting like this,” she said, suddenly a little shy as she shoved her hands in her pockets. “I know you two are close.”
“Yeah. I’m surprised he didn’t tell us about you.”
She laughed. “Our relationship wasn’t completely… A serious thing.”
“Serious enough to last five months.”
She snorted. “Most of the time we spent together wasn’t exactly romantic. He was great, but we both kind of used each other. Hard time in life for both of us back then.”
“Ah,” I said, nodding curtly. “So it was mostly, uh— Sexual?”
She smirked, looking away. “Not entirely just that. But that was a lot of it.”
I nodded again, feeling my cheeks flush. She nudged my arm, pulling my attention again.
“It’s been well over a year now since that all happened,” she said quietly. “I just… I don’t want to rock the boat right now. Being new to the unit, I should probably try my best to be on everyone’s good side, you know?”
“I get it. I’ll stop with the flirting,” I said, giving what I hoped was an affirming smile.
She furrowed her brow. “That’s not what I meant.”
“It isn’t?”
“The flirting is fine, I just think… Maybe we should keep it a little more quiet when we’re around the others,” she shrugged. “If that’s okay.”
“You’re okay with me— doing that?”
“Spencer, I don’t know if you know this, but you’re crazy hot.”
I was certainly blushing now. I swallowed, blinking in surprise as I looked at her. Her smile only grew. She enjoyed teasing me. I couldn’t say I didn’t like it just as much as she did.
“Uh, th-thank you?”
She rolled her eyes. “Quit acting so shy as if you don’t already know.”
My eyes widened. “I’m not acting.”
“Every woman who meets you flirts with you.”
“No they don’t,” I argued, my brows knitting together.
“Are you blind?”
“No,” I said, still in a state of confusion.
She laughed it off. “Alright, boy wonder, we’d better join the group. They’re gathering like vultures.”
I followed after her as she integrated into the group where they stood as Hotch spoke. She was so good at finding her way in. I was thrilled to see how she’d find her place in my life going forward.
In the following weeks, she gave me an idea of what that would look like. Stolen glances at every turn had my heart racing. It went even faster every time she found a way to touch me in some inconspicuous way.
A hand on my arm as she asked about the maps I was working on. A brush of fingers as she’d hand me a coffee cup. Her shoulder pressed into mine to whisper to me some detail of a case that really could’ve been said at full volume.
She usually didn’t step past those boundaries though, ever cautious not to let herself get caught out by anyone else. The comments she made towards me were still relentless, however. I didn’t know how she had it hidden so well.
I, however, had much more trouble hiding my attraction, and I was sure I’d heard some of my teammates whispering to each other about it. They’d give me knowing looks every time I got caught out staring at her. Even Morgan gave what seemed like mostly-good natured glances my way when I paid a bit too much attention to her. Probably only because he didn’t know that I knew about them, and even more likely didn’t want anyone else to know. It would be a tell-tale sign if he didn’t make fun of me.
It felt wrong to be keeping this odd little secret from him. I wasn’t necessarily sneaking around with his ex-girlfriend, but we were still flirting. We were still hiding something from him. I wondered how he’d react if he found out, and hoped for my sake that he was well and truly over it.
Especially after our last night on a case in Georgia. The summer air in the state was hot, and it felt like it was actively pulling air from my lungs every time I went outside. Maybe it was some kind of metaphor for what was to come.
I held back for hours from going to her door. The teasing had been terribly relentless the entire time we were on the case, and the week before. Tension was building, and I knew if I was easily picking up on it, she definitely had to be.
I paced around my room, contemplating my options. If I went to her, there was a chance we’d finally talk about whatever was happening between us. There was also a chance she’d tell me to leave if I attempted to tell her how I really felt, and I’d be left pining over her probably forever. Both were pretty scary.
Either way, I decided it was better than continuing to fall for her without having a real conversation about it. I walked to the door, my hand on the handle.
She stood just outside my door, her hand raised as if she was about to knock when I tugged it open. A smile graced her pretty lips, her hand dropping.
“Looks like we had the same idea,” she stated, pushing past me into my room. “Good timing.”
“It was.”
She chewed at her lip, looking around the space with her arms crossed. I stared at her as she took it all in, waiting for whatever was on her mind to be put out into the open. She looked back at me, apparently reading my mind.
“We’re both waiting on each other to speak up, huh?”
I nodded. “Yeah.”
“This is a ridiculous thing we’re doing right now. It’s like sneaking around with any of the fun parts,” she said with a laugh.
“I think it’s fun,” I shrugged.
“It could be more fun.”
I swallowed. “Yeah. But I’m happy just to have your attention.”
She smirked, walking towards me.
“I think you’re kind of needy.”
“It’s cute.”
I blushed, giving her a smile as I looked away. She still looked at me like she was about to devour me. I could sympathize with all of those animals I saw in nature documentaries as the predator closed in on them. It was in vivid color. She stalked closer and closer, knowing full well that my guard was down enough for her to launch an attack.
“You really enjoy this, don’t you?” I asked. “Knowing you make me flustered. Half of the time I can hardly talk when I’m around you. Everyone knows it, and they all think it’s one-sided.”
She leaned her chest into mine, surely able to feel how fast my heart beat for her.
“Are you embarrassed by it?”
Her hands crept their way up under my shirt, leaving goosebumps in their wake as if her touch didn’t feel as hot as the sun. I watched her silently, letting her do whatever she wanted. She couldn’t asked me to jump out of the seventh-floor window with her and I would’ve gone head first without a question.
Panic only crept in when she started leaning in closer to my face, and I realized her lips were on a path that would end with mine.
“Wait,” I said, grabbing her wrists.
Her eyes widened, pulling her head back slightly.
“Are you okay?”
“I just don’t think this is a good idea,” I breathed out.
She retreated from me, and it was hard not to let my body follow hers. She was only a step away, but it felt like a continent’s worth of space. My fingers itched to reach out and pull her back in.
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly, eyes wandering over her face.
She swallowed. “I don’t know what you want, Spence. One minute you’re telling me you want me, the next you’re pushing me away.”
Logic kept trying to overtake my head. It was annoying.
“I can’t… You’re Morgan’s ex.”
She sighed. “I’m also a human being. I am my own person separate from him. One that is very attracted to you.”
I wet my lips, not missing how her eyes followed the action. I felt a fluttering in my stomach just watching her react. She smiled, as always, catching me in the act of being wildly into her. She took half a step forward.
“You’re telling me this is a bad idea, but every time I look at you I’m getting a different message.”
I swallowed. “I know.”
“So, which is it?”
“It is a bad idea,” I started, intending on making it a whole sentence, but not knowing what to say next.
“But I don’t know if I care enough to stop it.”
She smirked again, not holding back this time. She reached up, pulling me down to her lips with her hands wrapped in my hair. I wound my arms around her waist, pulling her tightly into me. I relished feeling her body fully pressed against mine, especially when she let out a contented sigh as I deepened the kiss. She started guiding my backwards towards the bed, and I obliged her silent request until the backs of my knees were against the mattress.
“Sit,” she requested, the word whispered against my lips.
I did, peering up at her as she staying standing in between my legs. She grasped my chin in her soft hand, tilting up my head to see me.
“How sure about this are you?”
“I don’t know,” I answered truthfully.
She smiled. “Good. I don’t either.”
She dropped into my lap, kissing me like we hadn’t even stopped in the first place. My hands gripped her hips for the first time, and she was everything I had daydreamed about. Soft and responsive. I couldn’t imagine being the one to let her go, and I found myself questioning Morgan’s judgment in that moment.
It made me feel even better every time she smiled or made a little comment about the ways I reacted to her. Usually I’d be embarrassed, but she just made me feel good.
“Sweet boy,” she mumbled against me, moving her lips from my jaw and down my neck.
My hands found themselves wandering across her back, and my eyes were practically stuck shut as I felt her lips against my skin. I could’ve died right then and there and been happy to go.
But a knock at the door sent us both into high alert. She sat up straight, looking towards the door.
I stood with her legs still wrapped around me before I turned and dropped her on the bed. She bounced on the mattress, looking up at me with a surprised smile.
“Just— Stay here and stay quiet. Please,” I said, then walked to the door, trying to frantically fix my hair.
I cleared my throat as I opened the door, forcing myself to not look like I was embarrassingly close to…
I shook myself out of that thought the second I saw Morgan. He definitely put an end to any sexy thoughts that clouded my head.
“Hey, kid, can I ask you something?”
I furrowed my brow. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I just… Do you know what’s been up with JJ? She’s been a little off. Won’t really talk to me, so I was wondering if she said anything to you.”
I let out a breath of relief. “No, she hasn’t told me anything. But I know Henry’s been pretty sick the past week. Maybe that’s it.”
“Hm,” he hummed, nodding slowly. “Alright, thanks. Just… Worried, you know?”
“Yeah,” I nodded. “It’s JJ, though. She’ll be okay.”
“Right, yeah, I know,” he nodded again. “Alright. Thanks, again. You get some sleep tonight, alright?”
I nodded, bidding him a goodnight. I shut the door, seeing her on the bed still. She was propped up on her elbows, smirking at me.
“That ruin the mood?”
I locked the door.
“Not particularly.”
To my surprise, she ended up being the one who wanted to take it slow. We kissed for another hour or so when I got back within her reach, but didn’t go much further. Not that I was in a position to complain. I was ecstatic just to be touching her, and she somehow felt the same about me. I wasn’t sure I’d ever understand why that was.
She’d told me when I’d dropped onto the bed, crawling over top of her, that she didn’t want to go all the way. She said it so sweet. Almost like she was afraid of whatever answer I’d give to her. As if I’d say I didn’t want to kiss her all night long.
Besides, I was pretty sure I’d spontaneously combust if we had gone any further.
We woke up the next morning, still holding onto one another. She had changed into my t-shirt before she climbed into bed with me, and looked absolutely incredible with her messy bed-head and sleepy smile.
“Good morning,” she mumbled.
“It is a very good morning,” I said, pressing a soft kiss to her lips.
Her hand pressed against my cheek, the smile spreading on her face as she looked at me.
“You’re adorable,” she said quietly, granting me another kiss.
I sighed. “I don’t think I want to stop this.”
“Why would we?” she asked with an incredulous smile.
“Because, I mean, we can’t tell anyone about us,” I said with a shrug. “I just thought you wouldn’t want to make this— A thing.”
She wet her lips. “We don’t have to tell anyone in order to be together.”
I contemplated that for a moment. I’d never considered having a completely private relationship. At least not with someone who wasn’t actively being stalked. That was an entirely different scenario. I guess to her, it was probably scary to get into a relationship with one of your ex’s best friends. I couldn’t blame her for that.
I took a breath. “You… You want to keep it a secret?”
She nodded. “If that’s okay with you.”
“I’ll do whatever you want,” I said with a nod, not bothering to filter my thoughts as they came out into the open.
She smiled. “Anything?”
“Almost. I draw the line at murder.”
She laughed. “Team’d catch you anyways.”
I laughed right back, giving her another kiss. She leaned into my touch, shyness creeping into her face.
“I do really like you, Spencer.”
I nodded. “I do too.”
“This’ll be great, you know?”
She smiled brightly, causing one to form on my face. She brushed my hair away from my face, just looking at me.
“Yeah. I know.”
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ch0wen · 10 months
Cover - Part III | Tangerine x Fem!Reader | 18+
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warnings: smut mentioned, (minors dni), cursing, & violence
to catch up - Cover - parts one & two
Tangerine's large hands wrapped around the diner's ceramic mug full of his muddled-grey tea. Warming himself while also trying to still his shakiness. He was having a tough time attempting to conceal his nerves. He avoided eye contact to retroactively stall the dreaded discussion.
“So,” you started, “Tangerine and Lemon. Fruits. Why choose from that category?”
Across from you, the man looked physically and mentally relieved that you hadn't leaped right into the hard questions. A smile wriggled under his mustache,
"When we were younger, Lem and I loved to watch American cinema. We would get inspired by a lot of ‘em. We played the games they did, tried out the sports, and picked up similar traditions.
One day, during a rare, hot English summer, I suggested starting a lemonade stand. My brother reacted with, ‘lemons are too tart! No one even likes sour drinks. I don't want to sell rotten lemons,' and I would remind him that you can turn a sour lemon into a sweet delight with a little bit of sugar. Shit, you should've seen his face when I ended up persuading him and he tried our first attempt at a batch. We got the measurements so wrong!”
His eyes shone as he spoke. He seemed to have been slowly opening up. Laughing into his hand and playing it off as a scratch to his face before dropping it to the table's surface. He was earnest as he told of his boyhood. Intriguing you with his storytelling, and leaning toward him as he continued on.
"Anyway. He would tell me that I'm like the sugar. That I make things better. But frankly, I can be a rotten arsehole to him. And by now, maybe he has forgotten about those silly childhood praises, but I never did. Those were the times, especially at the beginning of our career, when he made me feel wanted. He's good at that. He doesn't even require me to be the sugar in our brotherhood. He's naturally a genuinely good man.
I do need to tell myself I am useful, and deep down, I may not believe that to be all true. But he reminds me. He’s good at making people feel understood and cared for. He is true to his codename. He's a lemon, and everybody loves ‘em.”
Absentmindedly, you played with his finger twitching on the sticky table. He curled his hand properly around yours to hold.
The hours passed and the diner went through waves of people. Coming and going, in and out, like clouds in unsettled coffee. Breakfast rush, stillness, then lunch chaos. To the both of you, the other was the focal point. Everything else just felt like a static buzz.
“I can't help but notice that you haven't asked the question. Basically the entire point of this morning."
"I didn't want to force it out," you finger at the sugar packets, like skimming a mini record collection. Attempting to downplay your interest. “I wanted us to get there without having to press it.”
A grateful hum of, “You are a peach," transitioned into a sigh, "but I suppose you deserve to know that I am a contracted assassin."
It was only half past two in the afternoon when you both emerged from the diner. You made sure to avoid the eyes in the queue of the waiting patrons. The large tip, Tangerine thought he dropped into the checkbook unseen, should at least ease the hostess's agitation about your prolonged stay. You stand facing each other on the bustling city sidewalk.
The silence felt heavy after hours-long conversations. You studied each other. Your chance to fully take him in, in a different perspective, a new light. You were wary of how to leave this after the time you just spent together. The things he depicted. The part of himself that he had fanned out. He seemed to have bore it all. How do you grapple with that while having to part ways?
Tangerine didn’t keep you speculating. His handsome face sported a pleasant smile as he stepped forward to hug you. The embrace lasted only a moment, but it felt that he didn’t want to let go -
Like he was trying to hold you still. Keeping all those secrets that he poured out over the cooling cups of coffee between the two of you. Pressing them in close and sealing them behind tight lips. To him, when you walk out of his sight, you’ll take his story with you. The moment that he lets you go, the truth gets out. Exposed are all the mysteries on the inside and his safety. The scary reality is that he potentially jeopardized his and his brother’s lives to answer your curiosity.
Except, that was just your mind racing again. Tangerine's hug lasted for a minute and in a beat, he was pulling his shoulders back to look down at your face. And then he pulled you in for a kiss, the breath-stealing and tangling your hand in his hair, kind.
The date with Tangerine was like an omen that you wouldn't be able to get the pair of assassins out of your life. Every day, something happened that would remind you of them. One of your little students would ask for a bandaid. You'd hear a song that played in the diner or a familiar theme song that Lemon definitely was humming. You’d find yourself grinning.
Little reminders would pop up here and there. Until one-half of the duo started turning up here and there when you’d least expect or anticipate it. It was a gradually natural formation of a budding friendship with Lemon and an eventual relationship between you and Tangerine.
Your romance with the latter was like any 2000s Rom. Com. daydream, except for the consistent reminders that you were dating a killer ——
Your boyfriend would show up unannounced with fresh flowers and a splat of blood on his neck peeking out from under his collar.
Written-out jokes from Lemon were handed over with a roll of his eyes but the ghost of a smile on his lips. Signaling that he has already heard the ridiculous gag that his brother came up with.
He’d be up early and missing in action during the day, but made up for it by staying late on date nights.
He always found time to call you between the sporadic periods of action while on the job. Just hoping to chat about your day so far or what he wanted to do to you later. Your mind runs with what exact situations he was calling in the middle of, whenever he was out of breath or your conversations were cut short with crashes and shouts.
You could sense when he exerted too much energy after those particularly long workdays. He tended to be quieter, or his body weight pressed impossibly closer on top of yours as his cock pushed in deep, or when Lemon would physically need to drag him into your apartment and throw him onto the couch.
Regardless of his fatigue, once you got each other going - either by massaging his sore neck, his rough thumbs grazing over your exposed thighs, or knee rubbing against his bulge as you bandage up a cut - He basically reverted back into stealth mode. Targeting his focus on only you. It felt like he existed to get you off. Wanting you to come on either his mouth, fingers, or pounding dick. He may have been exhausted but he wouldn't lose stamina until you were finished.
Nine times out of ten, whether after a hotel rendezvous or candle-lit dinner over a pack of instant potatoes and Kraft Mac and cheese, you’d find yourselves snuggled up in bed. You were always left stated after a good fuck from Tangerine. Hands, tongues, and whispers danced in the shared tranquility of your space. You were making special memories with the limited time you found with him.
It went on like this for years. Each day felt like you peeled away another layer of a fruit's skin. Discovering a new trait or trick of your boyfriend's. You anticipated something exciting when he flung open the apartment door or your bedroom window. He never ceased to thrill and fulfill your every need.
And that one Tuesday in Spring was no different. He strode up to your car after class let out, seizing your waist from behind. A spin to your hips in his grasp had him close enough to breathe into your ear,
"Fly out to France with me, yeah?"
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sea-of-dust · 11 months
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Till it becomes a pumpkin
Yuta Maki Inumaki x Gn! Reader
Summary: part one of the tamaki s/o series this one ant for my moots its for me 😻
Notes: the reader will be referred to as boss sometimes. Reader has a curse technique to suppress certain things and extends this ability to objects. Little Halloween snit bit at the end of eatch one. IM SORRY IM A DAY LATE.
Warnings: swearing, pretty long headcannons, not proofread some parts im half asleep.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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When he joined jujitsu high, you had this werid welcoming feeling about you. He couldn't put his finger on it...that was till you,Inumaki and Panda cornered him. "As your classmate I cannot stand by and watch you suffer" you pull out two hairclips "please hold still" utterly confused yet letting it happen you carefully put the hair clips on. "Rika didn't come out..." "that just means my cursed technique is as amazing as ever" "Bonito flakes" "Shut up inumaki" you pull out a mirror showing him the hairclips in his hair. "It only suppresses Rikas will to attack people you consider allies, only take it off when you feel you have full control"
He stuck around you more than anyone else there, sometimes hiding behind you. "Wait till he realizes you can barely flight" "keep talking and I'm going to suppress your hairline into next week" you held Yutas hand with that same welcoming warm presence. "You'll be fine" Even when he got to know you all better he still stuck by you and inumaki the most.
"You're so cute Yuta!!" Is something mostly everyone's heard for the past year, you'll never stop showering him with praise and affection for the most minor things. "You're into him" "PFTTT please yutas my best friend plus he's always so gloomy I'm only trying to cheer him up" "Bonito flakes" "I swear to god Inumaki" "you're into him!!" Panda walks back to Yuta and then to you "you have a fat chance!" "STOP WITH THE STUPID POSE" thank god he somehow didn't hear half of that conversation
He did try to confess to you...multiple times. "So I was thinking we could go out sometime" "oh? So you finally proposed a spot?" "I really like you y/n" "I like you too Yuta!" "Really?" "Yea you're my friend!" He'd never correct you thinking you were just avoiding the topic when in reality you just never got it. Until most of your friends called you out on it. "I don't know he just seems more glum than usual" you pause looking up when two figures hover over you "has anything happened over those few days" "well...he said he liked me and that he wanted to go out" your friends stare in shocked silence. "What?" One of them finishes up a few pencil strokes "have you considered the fact he has a crush on you" your eyes widen at the thought. "WAIT HE DOES?!" "You tone deaf idiot" and so they set up a plan to isolate both of you from the rest. "Turn em down like him back I don't care" as soon as the door locks you sigh lightly "Yuta...do you have a crush on me" his eyes widen with his cheeks turning pink. "Why would you think that" "you lock arms with me alot you say things that kinda flew over my head at first and" he shushes you quickly avoiding eye contact, moving his hand off your mouth as you begin to speak up. "I love you too Okkotsu" you could have sworn you saw his heart skip a beat "are you serious?" "I wouldn't joke with someone's feelings, especially yours" you could have sworn he was on the brink of tears watching him walk up to you, gripping you waist tightly and hiding his face in your chest. As soon as you pat his head the waterworks flow. "There there Yuta" hugging him back gently you let him cry into your chest
"Sooo who's the lucky lad boss" "I'm not telling you" "you don't have to he's your lock screen" "WHEN DID YOU GET MY PHONE" you link arms with your friend "MAKE THEM STOP PLEASEEE" "I would but this Yuta person has me intrigued aswell" "...you can't be serious" "were very serious, we should share cake with him!" "..oh no" they did meet him sadly and found out how easy it was to fluster him. "So how's the boss like around you" "eh?!" "Do they not treat you differently at all" Yuta hesitantly takes a bite of cake "now that you mention it they do hug me more often" your friend stares at him narrowing his eyes watching Yuta flush up. "Something tells me boss kisses you before bed too" "HUH?!?" "Knew it cross it off bingo!" "I got a cross already" "I already filled mine" "dammit"
He probably has a bingo too with how open he is to showing pda. Hugs from behind that feel like he's trying to be as close to you as humanely possible, whispering into your ear small little things he wanted to do later, kissing you suddenly but somewhere private, and the free space casually calling you "honey or babe" infront of everyone but Gojo. This is mostly how your friend group outside of school found out about the people you go to school with. "So you're here for the bingo of your life huh?" "First one to fill their board wins" "you're on" turns out Yuta was the one everyone got bingo on first.
This is also why you two mostly go on dates in the night. "Pst yuta yutaa" he rolls over "pookie" "NO NOT AGAIN oh-" sitting up suddenly he sees you at his window "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!" "No time to explain I wanna take you somewhere" "where?" "A surprise" you lead him out the window to a small hill sitting down on the grass. "Wait for it" he does only looking at you though until you suddenly point at the sky, his eyes widen as stars begin to fall not noticing when his head lands on your shoulders. "I'm sorry I heard the news and didn't wanna be the only one to see it" his hand reaches for yours while he watches the stars. "I just wanted to show you this then we'll be off" "then let's stay a while" he moves a bit closer "but you can barely keep your eyes open" he hugs you suddenly "then let's stay till I fall asleep" you only hum in response you two watching the stars together.
You two couldn't be separated even for two secounds. Of course if it was for a mission you'd be understanding but that wasn't gonna stop you from your u.f.o accusations. "HES BEEN TAKEN GET THE HELICOTPER I BEG OF YOU" "Why do you have one at the ready? But relax he's in Africa for a mission" "of course.." "nothing to worry about" as soon as maki tried to hang up "ALIENS KIDNAPED EM AND NOW THEYRE KEEPING HIM IN AFRICA" "HES FINE CALM DOWN" she sighs into the mic "listen..Yuta is gonna come back he'll be fine mostly unharmed now please go back to sleep" she hears a sniffle on the other line "thank you Maki" didn't stop you for nearly losing all energy and barely able to perform starlight kicks "Boss what was that?" "Starlight kick more like bummy poke" they're waiting for the random rain so you can reach maximum dramatic. "I know you two text everyday but if you miss him call him" "you cake devouring monster what a great idea!" You call him near instantly and suddenly your emo arc is over. Wait till you learn Yutas been the same way while away.
As soon as he gets back you do almost instantly notice his change in demeanor. More confidently standing infront of you and smiling warmly. "Yuta..." "yes?" "YOURE SO CUTE HOW COULD ANYONE BE INTIMADATED YOURE LIKE A PUPPY" that demeanor instantly broken by how you showered him with adoration. "Super soft too" you hug him for a long while everyone coulda sworn that guy turned a new shade of red just because of you. "And you took off the hairclips I'm so proud of you Yuta" you hold his head to your chest hugging him close not noticing just how flustered he is yet happy to be by your side. "That reminds me" you feel Two objects clip to your hair with him showing the same hairclips you gave when you first met him. "They look nice on you" giggling softly he takes a picture of your confused face. "DONT TURN THIS ON ME YOURE WAY CUTER WITH THESE ON" "I don't need em anymore!" "I don't care put em back on!!"
"Close your eyes and" Click, as soon as that's heard a bunch of lights and decoration were turned on. "It looks amazing Yuta I can't thank you enough" "don't mention it" "I will mention the cutiest Halloween decorator in the world!" You cup his cheeks ready to give him a small kiss. "Ew cut it out" "what if kids see" "you two need to get a life" they both shake their head in unison "simp" "oh my god" "they just came to remind you we had a party at the school" one of your friends hand you a flyer "yes I know I was just about to leave my candy bucket out" "that's not the problem" your friend looks at Yuta "where's his costume?" Your eyes widen at this realization. "...I'll be right back" you drag him inside quickly opening your drawer of make-up "when did you have this?" "You doubt how many times people ask for either a pad or makeup, always prepare for everything!" You run around gathering things while panicking and looking back at him only to get some of the best smiles in modern day. "Yuta don't look at me like that it's making me wanna give you dog ears" he turns away hearing tou ravange your closet when finally you settle on an outfit for him. "Here here we don't have time put it on I beg of you" "you think boss is going through hell up there" "have faith in y/n if they can manage to make probably criminals into club memmbers well be ok" they all look at their rabbit loving friend. "What?" "AHHHHHHHH" "that's bosses "I SAW SOMETHING WAYYY TOO GOOD THE TWINS SHOULD DO SOME DIGGING AND MAKE FUN OF EM SCREAM" "you're adorable" your on the brink of tears looking at him after putting on the outfit "the most handsome phantom I've ever seen" "are you sure-" "I'm very sure I'll just have to change my outfit last minute but" you sit him back down grabbing your eye liner "please hold still this shouldn't be long" "oh no please take your time" the same guy enjoying how close your chest was to him watching your eyes narrow as you figure out what to do. It's a great view on his end. Unfortunately, you finish quickly with you quickly changing to match him. "Alright lets-" you were stopped by him hugging you tight placing kisses all over your face. "I couldn't pass up this chance for the world" he kisses you again "you're gonna ruin your make-up Yuta" you avoid eye contact "I don't mind if it means you get to cup my face more" "Yuta!" You walk downstairs with him with the others. "Alright dearest" "blerg" "Shut up, anyway let's go win that contest" "that you're suddenly interested in" "Why yes since I have the best partner for it ever there's no wa-" your friend shushes you casually throwing you and Yuta into the car you all shared "lets go before they start monologing" "YEAAA"
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She wonders why you don't use a ball instead of those needles for weapons... Because while you were playing with friends outside of school all she heard was "IVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU TWO, STARLIGHT KIIIIIICK" and a few secounds later she got knocked out cold. Woke up in your bedroom with you crying next to her. "MAKI YOURE AWAKE!!" "What the hell happened" "you were hit with bosses starlight kick" "it was for them! I didn't mean to hit you!" Sincere sounding enough didn't save you from her attempting to train with you.
"It's either you teach me that kick or we train together for a week" "please don't ive seen what you've done to Yuta" you did attempt to teach her your kick and it mostly failed miserably, didn't stop you from suddenly getting determined to try harder. "Welp looks like you're training with me" you move her leg a bit "try kicking it now and with wind up" "ok?" "And kick it like Panda made a weird comment about you" she performed a starlight kick flawlessly at that momment. You cheered watching that ball go into orbit while maki grumbled under her breath. "That was amazing Maki!" "First try too" She always seemed to come up to you more often to flex her achievements just so you could stroke her pride a bit.
You even spoke about her outside of jujitsu tech. "Boss is into people that would most likely step on em. As usual they're always this werid" "CUT IT OUT YOU TWO, Makis super cool though you'll love her!" Little to say they did love her, so much she's basically apart of your friend group outside of school now. They're debating on making her the new vice prez to witch you friend did NOT approve to say the least. "Atleast she won't take pictures of us while asleep" "actually I have them while most of you were awake and those have been selling better than the sleeping ones suggest you get better sheets" "Awe man" "wadya mean awe man he just confessed to having cameras in our houses" "unless you wanna sell them for free" there's a long silence. "I don't think we should demote em guys" "yea totally not illegal im blind" "bliinndddd" three of you say in unison
She does like dragging you around to do stuff with her. "Y/n!" "Yea!" "Lets go to the supermarket together" "what could be waiting for us there-" "instant coffee" "SAY NO MORE" you do this happy go lucky little dance whenever you drink it even though she finds it childish it is pretty fun watching you enjoy instant coffee. "Thank you Maki I'm gonna drink the entire box" "save some for me" "maybe" "wadya mean maybe?" She did have to hide any mention of instant coffee around you.
The twins use her to mess with you, knowing to exploit your totally not obvious crush on her. "Hey boss wanna play" "I'm busy right now" "shame I guess we'll just have to plan our wedding with Maki then" you turn your head around almost like an owl as soon as maki and marry were in the same sentence. "I'll play" your voice suddenly more threatening and low as the twins shrug "alright then-"
She did like being around you alot, that changed from like to loved the day you hugged her when she got back from a mission. "MAKI!" no time for her to respond she braced for impact, not expecting a quick yet tight hug from behind. "I missed you a bit" "seems like more than a bit" you huff softly "I..." You tighten your grip even more "just had a bad feeling atleast I was wrong" sighing she pushes you off "you're gonna crush my ribs" "OH-" You let go of her backing up "I'm glad you're ok Maki" she couldn't sleep after hearing those words, you're the worst for saying that you owe her!
So she makes it her mission to ask you out. Shouldn't be that hard except she doesn't know how to put it. "Oh so you're trying to ask out y/n" the twins giggle "don't worry we got you covered" your friend pushes up his glasses before him and the twins get to work "remmber Wednesday by their window and be there by sundown" the twins smirk while your friend finishes up the thing he was scribbling. "Put this in their mail" "Sure thing!" She did what she was told opening your window to see you turned around "Maki, I must confess this is kinda...unlike you" "wadya mean?" You give her the note "IM IN LOVE LOVE. EVRYTIME I LOOK AT YOU IT FEELS LIKE MY HEART BEATS OUTTA MY CHEST PLEASE MARRY ME!!" That's all she got through before crumbling it "im gonna end em" letting her in from the window and closing it. "They usually do that thinking they'll help, they're not very good at love notes" you cringe remembering one of them, looking to see Makis embrassed expression. "So they tricked me" "I mean they got your message across" laughing softly she narrows her eyes walking closer "I like you, go out with me" "so straight foward" she looked at you seriously "I love you aswell if it wasn't odvious" sighing she hugs you hesitantly.
She won't be lovey dovey in public she mostly hides it, infact you didn't even know she had a crush on you till she told you. Won't stop her from bluntly declaring it. "Soo" the twins stare at you two walking in, you not sure how Maki will feel about it decide not to say anything, fortunately for you she smirks "we're dating" everyone stops in their tracks before an uproar of "WOOAAAHAHAHHAAHHAHH"'s were heard. The clubroom sounded like a frat house. "Congrats boss!" "CONGRATS Y/N!" The look on one of your fangirls faces were priceless exactly what she aimed for when doing that.
As SOON as you two are alone, it's a different story. "You should kiss me" "you just closed the door maki" your laugh only makes her even more lovesick. "You owe me two now" "so unfair" she's all over you when your alone as if acting on every thought she held off in public. "Maki dial it back-" she kisses your cheek "what scared?" As if teasing you she holds your hands pinning you down "I've been waiting all day for this you know" you go to school the next day looking a bit stunned by thise events that anytime you think of maki you just kinda pause. This happened way too much. Thank god no one figured out why.
She dosent understand why you help people so much its kinda painful to see you walk into odvious traps. Such as the one set up by a newspaper club. "Excuse me you know y/n correct" "yes why?" "Is it true they have a dark side?" She thinks back a bit "you mean the emo phases?" "NO NO not that! The evil dark side kind" she realizes what's going on rather quickly "No matter of fact y/n's a ball of idiotic sunshine" "Maki!!" You shout out to her suddenly "come on! We're about go start the next round without you!" She walks off toward you ignoring further questions from the newspaper club. Unluckily for them they had gotten a surprise visit from the club memmbers aswell as her. "They disbanded? What a shame" "indeed" "you two just pushed up your glasses in sync that was cool" "do it again"
She took you to a haunted house not expecting to carry you the entire time. "AHHHH MAKI A GHOST!" "it's super small tho" "SAVE MEEE" "MAKI!!" As much as she would admit your cute when scared she wasn't gonna let em jumpscsre you like that. "Hold my hand" you blush a bit "oh I cant" "you wanna get outta here?" You grab her hand as she leads you out with ease, almost avoiding all jumlscares. "What about this" she presents to you a small cart. "Now we can't run" "don't worry too hard about it" swallowing your fear temporary you went through the ride with her resting on her shoulder fully admiring the scenery. "Thsnk you for bringing me" "don't mention it" she pinches your cheeks "your reaction to all this is key ya know" "they really are scary!" "One was just a cut out" "still scary!" She laughs softly at that "what?" "Maki protect me!!" Qouting you as your face turns red "your the worst" "oh please you love me" she kisses your cheek not thinking much of it, but leaving you speechless. "You know you never kissed me in public before..." You get a bit bashful "maybe I should be scared more often" "too late already know your tactics" "awe"
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"BONITO FLAKES!!" "STOP SQUIRMING" he kept moving his head away as you tried to give him a spoon. "Inumaki you're gonna taste this so I don't lose to those two idiots and you're gonna be honest" "Mustard leaf!" "Gojo was being dramatic he didn't pass out!" You see disgusted fear in his eyes before he swallows down and opens his mouth. To his surprise its pretty amazing. "Sooo" he narrowed his eyes "salmon" "YES!" "I never knew you cooked" Panda walked in. "Why I do, to make everyone happy I mastered many things" "so you mastered leaving the teachers bedridden" "I TOLD YOU HE WAS JUST BEING DRAMATIC, that won't stop me from beating the twins in this bet" you smirk "maybe I'll even get that little bunny holding monsters approval!" You reach your fist to the sky. No one was sent to bed because of your cooking that day.
You've always forced inumaki to do stuff with you and in exchange whenever he'd as you'd use your curse technique to limit the effect his abilities had on him. He just had to sit through a make-over scene. Sometimes he thinks you can just nerf his powers entirely if you tried but you'd always respond "last time I tried to cancel someone's cursed technique I think I was too broad with it, think the guy ended up with like 50% fish 50% human it was really awkward". He "looses" the clips you gave him and you always have the same "WHAAA we must set up a funeral arrangement" "salmon" "don't agree your paying for it" "fuck" "don't speak normally while I'm reconsidering our friendship"
You're also the Inumaki decoder, which is why you two are usually partnered for missions, totally not because Gojo sees it happening. "Those two are married" "Why yes they are" "what-" "Bonito flakes" "not what you said last time this question came up" you could feel inumaki go deadpan you could tell the guys smiling under there "Bonito flakes" said in the most "I'm lying" way ever "I swear- give it to us before this guy ends up six feet under"
He definitely would find out the hard way what club you do outside of the high school. This "cooking competition" was actually a setup for something else something with rose petal involvement... "Welcome ladies" "AAAAAAAAHHH" "I've made eatch one thinking of all of you please savor every bite" "oh y/n you remembered my favorite dish!" "How could I forget something that important when it reminds me of you" "tuna tuna" "oh y/n please not in public" "don't worry my dear no one would mind this display of my adoration" "ah-" the girl causually faints into your arms and you put her in the preprepared bench to rest. "That's the 32nd boss" "I bet you guys couldn't reach 20" "we just had our 19th" "eh. HUH" "Tuna tuna" "you two idiots!!" You ran off once again never noticing inumaki trying to get your attention so he did the next best thing. "Next guest-" "tuna" it was as if someone had suddenly decided to jumpscare you, your eyes widening as you instantly break character finally hearing his voice. "...well if you don't mind" you drag him behind a table" trembling as you grip his shoulders "inumaki...what the hell are you doing here" "followed" "ARE YOU SERIOUS" you sigh "whatever listen you're gonna pretend to be a normal customer and then we move on with our day" "salmon" "yea you better" he enjoy that day knowing you watched his every move, kept it a secret just so he could keep messing with you.
He does sometimes wonder what it's like for the girls that come by so he does try to get you to seriously put on your theatrics, unfortunately you see him as a friend. Just means to try harder. "Inumaki?" He gets closer to you laying his head on your shoulder "are you alright would you like me to get you some water?" He dosent respond only holding your waist. "Inumaki...I don't know what's wrong but" you play with his hair "you always seem to brighten up when I do this" the twiddling with his hair strands was amazing to say the least. "I like you alot" "huh?" "I mean it I love you" you stop playing with his hair "wait...YOU TWO?!" You blush heavily "I've been inlove with you for a while aswell" smileing fondly he hugs you even tighter. "Salmon" "salmon you jerk" teasing him you kiss his forehead, you could feel him melting.
Everyone just automatically knows you two are dating without even saying it. "So did you two get together over the weekend?" "?" "I can feel it it feels like I'm third wheeling" "don't worry too much about it" "salmon" "yeaaa" Maki narrows her eyes at the both of you. "Inumaki there's a spot I wanted to try out nearby" "?" "They're even setting up dates right now" "it's gone too far" "who the hell are you two" your friends turn to her one with a bunny in hand the other looking like if megumi cut his hair and got taller. "A fanclub" "They're leaving" "GO GO" she did finally got conformation you two were dating when inumaki held your hand and looked as if he were about to teasingly kiss you, thank god your friends were so painfully odvious as stalking. "Inumaki you mustn't,wait...WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE" "sorry boss just wanted to see it happen since you had to cancel" "WHO PUT YOU UP TO THIS" your friend raises his hand "I'm jealous" "that's the worst excuse you came up with.
He will admit one of his favorite activities is getting involved in your out of school shenanigans. "I order you to master the sassy chicken by the end of this week!" "Salmon" "inumaki not you unfortunately you can waltz...right?" "Bonito flakes" "UNACCEPTABLE, get over here were gonna dance!" He lied he just wanted to see you flustered, unfortunately he realized you were incredibly serious on this. "So what if you might not be there it's still worth it to teach you" you teach him quite quickly. Now let him buy those magazines of you.
The twins love him. So much infact that he helps mess with you. "Heyyy pookie" "who told you to call me that-" Inumaki waves from the distance. He 100% uses the twins to send you letters while your in the middle of club activities. "Now now ladies" "Boss it's from tuna" "...give it to me" you take it gracefully opening it to reveal "ditch the ladies and get over here" you turn your head to see inumaki stuffing his face with cake with the other two turning around just to smirk at you "that little" you fold it neatly putting it in your pocket "apologies ladies" "AHHHHHH" "SELL YOUR BATHWATER" "Alright now that's a little too werid"
He does like making you his personal nap post, trust as soon as he gets the chance he hits you with the "so tireddddd" waddle and lays on you. Ofc the first few times you gave him piggy back rides letting him sleep on your back but then he kinda ruined it when he didn't even use his curse technique at all. "Wait a minute you didn't use it at all!" Your eyes narrow as you point at him "no free piggy backs you can walk!" "Bonito flakes..." "you have a bed at home" you are his bed at home! He does NOT let you go as soon as he's napping you're gonna have to rizz people up with him latched onto you.
As soon as you two are alone he's up to something. Biting your cheeks texting you the most random things so he doesn't accidently curse you. "I wanna go to a park" "marry me" he deletes that text "sorry my cat typed" "you're right next to me you're such an idiot" and the best part a kiss to the forehead. The best thing ever in his opinion is when you get all affectionate. "You're always so needy, one can only assume you'd want to spend every waking momment with me" kissing his forehead again while playing with his hair the guy basically turns into puddy. "I should do this more often so you won't be jealous of the fans" you pull him closer "not to worry I'll be as affectionate as need be to make up for that" "salmon" he dosent even look up at you but he's very amused by the idea cuddling up to you continuing to play with his hair
"Salllmmmoonn" "you're a very depressing zombie ya know you're worse than Yuta" "Bonito flakes" "true you're much more adorable" "salmon" "salmon" you repeat back at him watching his cheeks puff. "Don't worry zombumaki well scare the other team easily!" "How long till they get here" "10 minute" "perfect" you continue on with your plan to jumpscare the next people in the room. "You'll be down in just a secound inumaki" waving at him from up there while he's stuck to the ceiling suspended by a few bits or ropes. "You know your lines right?" "Salmon" "perfect" you and your friend hide in the corner together bickering about small things. "You're such a jerk" elbow jab strike one "we wouldn't be friends if I wasn't" "true I like you like this" "me too" strike 2 "Oh they're comming!" You grab your friends wrist pulling them closer "shush shush I swear" "Relax I'll cover your mouth if you scream too loudly" "you're the worst" he quickly shushes you, strike three there wasn't time to glare at your friend as someone had triggered the trap set by you and your friend. He suddenly drops down infront of the guests "boo" "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" They all ran off without a secound thought. "Great job inumaki!" You untie his ropes so he's able to get out "I'm sure you got then good" "salmon" he hugs you suddenly glaring at your friends before back at you. "Alright next stage" he pulls you down suddenly whispering something in your ear making you blush. "Go on without me" "Alright if you insist" your friend leaves the room, with that happening Inumaki hugs you tighter making you pat his head. "You were a great zombie good job" giving him small head pats you stand there with him for a little while. "We're gonna win cause of you" "salmon" "of course you'd say that" you move his head to face yours. "Yes im helping you take off your makeup" "salmon" "yep"
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gem-femmes · 1 month
How to handle running into a former friend or ex that you’re not looking to reconnect with
Let’s talk about something we all face at some point: running into someone from your past that you’ve moved on from, whether it’s an old friend or a former lover.
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You’ve done the work, you’ve grieved, and you’ve leveled up. You’re not interested in rehashing the past or rekindling that connection. But what happens when you bump into them in public?
Often when this happened to me, I found the other person missed me and wanted to spend time with me again - even when they had ghosted me. This made me uncomfortable. They had confused me, I had to grieve the loss of the relationship and now they want me again???
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Believing I owed them an explanation due to happy times spent together, I let them drag me into pointless discussions to figure out what had gone wrong years ago.
Every time, I realized our connection had ended for a reason, and my explaining only opened up old wounds.
Don't do that.
Here’s how to handle encounters with former friends, lovers and foes like a boss:
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1. Stay Calm and Composed
First things first—take a deep breath. You’ve already moved on emotionally, and this is just another moment in your day. You’ve got this.
2. Acknowledge Them Briefly
If you make eye contact, a simple “Hi” or “Hello” with a confident smile is more than enough. You’re showing that you’re mature, unbothered, and not holding any grudges. No need for deep dives into what happened.
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3. Keep it Short
If they try to engage in small talk, go ahead and be polite, but keep it light and brief. A quick “It’s good to see you,” followed by a natural exit, sends the message that you’re not interested in going any deeper.
4. Graceful Exit Strategies
Sometimes, it’s best to have an escape plan. If the conversation starts to linger, here are some graceful ways to make your exit:
“I’d love to chat more, but I’m on a tight schedule today. Have a great day!”
“It’s nice seeing you, but I need to finish my shopping before I forget what I need.”
“I have to go; someone’s waiting for me. Take care!”
“Well, I should get going. It was nice running into you!”
“I’ll let you get back to your day. See you around!”
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5. Don’t Feel the Need to Explain
If they try to bring up the past, it’s perfectly fine to deflect. A simple, “That was a long time ago, and I’m focused on the present now” will keep you from getting sucked into a conversation you’re not interested in. You’ve moved on, and your time and energy are precious.
It’s all about maintaining your peace of mind and protecting the progress you’ve made. You’ve leveled up, and you don’t need to revisit chapters you’ve already closed.
Stay polite, stay brief, and most importantly, stay focused on you. You’ve got bigger and better things to do! 💪✨
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thebibutterflyao3 · 5 months
Day Thirty - Confusion @sapphicmicrofics
April Daily Series - 1043 words *The End*
<<<Previous Part OR Start Here
When they reached the base of the tree, Dorcas finally sorted out her thoughts. She needed to prepare herself for the “conversation” that Marlene threatened her with. Threatened may be overstating it a little, but Marlene hadn’t given her time to argue against it.
Knowing her ex as well as she did, Dorcas anticipated a fierce defence of their past relationship and the possibility of a future one. Marlene wasn’t as skilled at debates as Dorcas, but she was passionate in her arguments. A vast vocabulary and quick wit were often her only defence against Marlene’s stubborn sincerity.
How can I defend a position that I don’t hold against her impassioned pleas? I want her back too, but there are so many barriers. I can’t see how to make it work.
“Do you ever watch the tree go up?” Marlene asked, meeting her gaze. Surprise momentarily skated over her face when she found Dorcas staring at her already.
Dorcas didn’t look away, partially because she’d always appreciated the open communication of direct eye contact and partially to prove that she wasn’t ashamed to be caught. Unabashed appraisal was a valuable weapon that she wielded often. Most people found it disconcerting and it weakened their position from the start.
Marlene was not most people. She grinned with all of her teeth, a wide and confident predator’s smile. It was sickening how Dorcas’s stomach fluttered at the sight.
Ridiculous! Absurd. Dangerous?
“You said we needed to have a conversation?” Dorcas gestured between them for her to “go on.”
Marlene swivelled in front of her and reached for her neck. “Need to see this for a minute.”
“It’s yours, so…” Dorcas trailed off as Marlene lifted the ring from her chest and kissed the engraved heart “for luck” as she always did before hockey games.
“You should know that I have very few regrets in my life,” Marlene said, toying with the ring. “I’ve been in fights that earned me stitches and scars, drunken revelry that ended in minor legal mishaps, and more than a few shite relationships. It’s all part of my past and made me who I am today.”
Dorcas frowned in confusion as she processed the information. Legal mishaps? What legal mishaps?
“I wouldn’t be me, so why regret what’s over and done?” Marlene continued, “But losing this? Losing you? I will regret that monumental fuck-up until the day that I die.”
“Oh.” It was all that Dorcas could force out amid the rush of emotions.
Marlene released the ring, then reached around to unclasp the necklace it hung from. “I think it’s well past time for me to make it up to you.”
Dorcas wanted to stop her, to cling to the necklace and refuse to give it back. The few minutes with its comforting weight against her chest after all this time grounded her in a way she hadn’t been in months…about a year, actually. Since Marlene left.
“You were right and I was an idiot. Which is not exactly a shocking development, I’ll give you that.” Marlene chuckled to herself as she slid the ring off of the chain. “I’ve let doubt and insecurity cloud my better judgement for too long.”
“And pride,” Dorcas added, her voice low and thick with emotion. “Did you change your mind then? You want it back?”
Marlene’s smile shifted subtly as her eyes searched Dorcas’s face. “Only borrowing it, if you don’t mind?”
“Why would I mi—” Dorcas cut herself off with a gasp as Marlene dropped onto one knee.
No. This can’t be happening. This little twit!
“Dorcas, if I’d known back then what I do now, I would have proposed to you the day I bought your ring instead of carrying it in my pocket and waiting for the perfect moment. Now, when I need it, the fool thing is safely tucked away some 500 kilometres away. So, this will have to do.”
Dorcas’s legs trembled violently, just barely keeping her upright. She couldn’t have formed words if she tried. Her mind was completely blank, except for the one word that played on repeat.
Marly Marly Marly
“You are still the most important person in my life, Cas, even after everything fell apart. I would do anything to see you happy again. You deserve to spend the rest of your life fucking beaming from pure joy, and I want to be there when you do. Believe me when I say that I love you more than pineapple on pizza, my Docs, and yes, even hockey. You are everything to me,” Marlene said, gazing up at her with tears in her eyes.
Oh no, don’t you dare cry! I cannot cry in front of all of these people!
“All that to say, yes, I’m an idiot.”
Dorcas burst out laughing and covered her face with her hands. “Yes, you are.”
The small crowd gathered around them tittered with amusement. She wished they’d mind their own and was tempted to tell them so, but couldn’t tear her gaze from Marlene’s earnest smile.
“An idiot who learns from her mistakes,” Marlene added pointedly. “If I stepped onto that train tomorrow without proposing…if I walked away from you a second time…I couldn’t live with myself.”
“Are you actually going to propose, or is this a bid for the title of the longest romantic edging in history?” Dorcas asked, rolling her eyes.
Marlene snorted a laugh, then clasped Dorcas’s left hand and slid the claddagh onto her finger with the crown facing out. “Calm your tits! I’m almost there.”
Before she could respond, Marlene lifted Dorcas’s left hand to her lips and kissed the ring again. Her own hands were shaking a bit as she lifted to her feet, then Marlene cupped her face gently.
“Dorcas Iris Meadowes, will you marry me?”
Dorcas kissed her hard, unable to contain her nervous energy any longer. Shouts and applause exploded around them. She was immediately caught up in the kiss, matching Marlene’s fervour with her own.
Marlene pulled back suddenly and choked on a laugh. “Is that a ‘yes?’”
“Yes, you idiot! Now kiss me!” Dorcas demanded, grabbing the back of her neck and recapturing her lips.
Consequences be damned. This is worth it.
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Todojima HCs
Pairing: Todoroki x Yuken (High&low: the Worst X)
A/N: Holy fucknuts, I had no idea these would end up being so long. My Todojima brain rot is really starting to show 💀 Also, I know I switch between past and present tense in this, don’t @ me
Thank you times a thousand to @livelaughlovehyunjin​ for beta-ing this! 💕
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They never agreed to meet, but Todoroki and Yuken crossed paths on the dock at least once a week
Yuken always thought Todoroki was indifferent to his presence, but there was one week in April when Yuken stayed home sick
And Todoroki noticed
He found that, while still relaxing, fishing just wasn’t as nice without Yuken around
Because when Yuken wasn’t there, Todoroki couldn’t glance at him every few minutes to take in his pretty profile
And Yuken couldn’t pretend not to notice
And yet—
Each man had convinced himself that there was no way the other one could ever want to be with him, albeit for very different reasons
Todoroki was certain that Yuken was far out of his league, and Yuken believed that Todoroki wasn’t a romantic person, period
They were both wrong
But what to do? After all, Yuken knew that Todoroki often stared at him and ask him where he was when he was away
But that didn’t mean he had a crush…right?
But Yuken is too curious to ignore it
So he starts pushing boundaries
Each day at the dock, he inches closer to the stoic, black-haired person next to him
Todoroki should warn him to keep his distance, lest their fishing lines get tangled up
But he doesn’t
Instead, Doroki asks Yuken one day if he’s hungry, suggesting they pause fishing to go to a street food vendor
Yuken knows better than to miss an opportunity, so he nods nonchalantly
But his heart is pounding
They eat for about half an hour, then walk along the riverfront until well after dark
It’s the first time Yuken sees Todoroki smile, and he thinks there’s no way this is actually happening he is so cute but then—
Todoroki laughs
Yuken says something offhand, and Doroki actually laughs
At the same time that Yuken is thinking he needs more of a smiling Todoroki in his weekly routine, Doroki is thinking to himself that this is the first time in a long time he’s actually had fun
Their conversations run for hours and it becomes increasingly evident that they’re on the same wavelength about a lot in life 
Including not talking about their feelings
Todoroki doesn’t want to, and Yuken doesn’t need to
They communicate by acts of service and physical touch
Todoroki starts bringing Yuken coffee at Housen so he can recharge between practice fights
And Yuken learns how to properly bandage knuckles so that he can help Todoroki patch up after brawls
Thinking, Maybe if I hold eye contact while I do this, he’ll get the hint??
Doroki’s breath hitches in his throat the first time Yuken does this
Not only because he’s not used to someone doing that for him, but because it’s Yuken and he’s so close and is he holding eye contact on purpose??
One thing that the two have in common is that no one expects passion from them
Todoroki is unwavering, relentlessly coolheaded, and Yuken is an easygoing jokester
But they love the same way that they fight— focused and ferocious
Even then, Yuken was taken aback at Todoroki’s eagerness the first time they kissed
Because Yuken may be an expert flirt, but Todoroki is full of pent-up Gay frustration
Yuken was watching Todoroki practice kicks on the punching bag in his homeroom at Oya, and the little voice in his head had started to become an impatient scream
He moved away from the wall and stilled the punching bag as Doroki watched, also moving closer without realizing it
But Yuken doesn’t stop at that, stepping closer and closer until the only thing keeping them from each other is the bag itself
And neither of them is certain what’s happening, but they know they don’t want it to stop
Yuken moves around the bag until he can feel Todoroki’s breath across his lips, and he’s sure that Todoroki can hear his heart pounding
Their lips meet and it’s strange at first; unfamiliar
Yuken pulls away first, but only barely, to look at Doroki and make sure that this is real
And then it clicks into place
And Doroki is pulling Yuken back to him by the back of his neck, kissing him with such urgency that Yuken has to wonder if he thought about doing this
They both did, many times, and by the time it happens, it’s long overdue
And fishing is never quite the same
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kgyeomiex · 2 years
I’ll Show You
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“Surely you must reciprocate some sort of feelings for me. I don’t think “friends” are supposed to look at each other the way we do.”
You are someone who’s always been hurt by anyone who’s entered your life... It came to the point where you decided that maybe it’s best if you don’t let anyone into your life... What’s the point? They all disappoint you at the end anyways. 
As you tried your hardest to avoid the people... There was one person who entered your life and stopped you from running away... Will he ever change the way you think about others? Or will he just disappoint you like the rest?
Part 1~ 
Walking into campus can become overwhelming. The moment you arrive, you always seem to find huge groups of friends standing outside the campus having a whole conversation as if they had never spoken to one another.
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It’s quite annoying, especially when you are trying to pass by, and they are in your damn way.
“Excuse me,” you said, trying to make your way past the damn crowd and on your way to your dorm room.
However, instead of hearing you, they completely ignored your existence and continued to talk to one another.
You could say excuse me again and get ignored but you decided to find a way to make your presence noticed.
Holding onto your suitcase in one hand and your duffle bag on your shoulder you squeezed through the little space you had between two humans pushed your way through.
“What the hell,” one girl blurts out as your shoulder bumped against hers.
“Learn some manners,” the girl had the audacity to say, causing you to stop from walking and looking right at her.
“Well maybe if you stopped talking out of your ass and paid attention to your surroundings then you would have caught on that I said excuse me a long time ago.” You didn’t mean to be a complete bitch, but you couldn’t help yourself.
Your goal right now is just to get to the dorm room and unpack. Probably go back to sleep once you finish and call it a day...
“You could have easily walked on the street if you needed to pass by so bad,”
“Oh, I’m sorry how selfish of me to put myself first before you. I’ll just walk on the street and get run over because someone doesn’t want to move for two seconds,” After that, you rolled your eyes and turned back around.
“What a bitch,” you could have just walked away and let the situation go but you couldn’t help yourself.
You looked back at the girl and blurted out “I could say the same thing.”
Everyone around her was shocked by your sudden words.
“Just drop it. You were in the way, just apologize and call it a day,” One of the guys said that was suddenly approaching catching you off guard...
If you were being honest, you were expecting her friends to probably talk down to you saying you should be the one apologizing but they didn’t seem to be doing that.
You couldn’t help but look at the stranger who was slightly defending you...
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He took one look at his friend but then looked right at you not avoiding any type of eye contact. He looked directly into your eyes.
Why the hell is he staring at you...
“I’m not apologizing with that mouth of hers” you were now becoming impatient.
What’s the point of standing here if she was just going to continue talking shit the whole time you were here?
Without saying another word, you stopped making eye contact with the guy, turned around, and walked off.
Right now, all you want to do is go to your dorm room and call it a day. You don’t have time to deal with humans that don’t deserve your time.
“That’s right, keep walking!” The girl shouts but instead of turning around and saying anything, you lifted your hand and gave her the finger.
You were finally here. You pulled out the dorm room key you were handed to as soon as you got in the building and began to unlock your dorm door.
So far college was feeling a little rough. You already seem to have made an enemy on your way to your door room. How sad is that?
But to be honest you were expecting something like that to happen especially since others say you give this don’t mess with me vibe.
As you walked in you noticed the room was empty. The person you were supposed to roommate with hasn’t arrived. You had first dibs on what bed you wanted.
You walked over to the bed closest to the door and placed your suitcase on it.
To be honest, if it wasn’t for the requirement of sleeping in a dorm for this school you would be home right now. Usually, people come and live-in dorms because they want the whole college experience.
They want to make friends; they want to go to parties and make unforgettable memories... But you... Honestly, you could be careless about all of this.
“Hello!” The door opens and right there you see your roommate walking in with a huge smile spreading across her face.
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You had two ways to go about this. Either you could be rude and ignore her... Show her you don’t care about making friendships here or give her the benefit of the doubt since, after all, you are going to be rooming it with her.8
“Hey,” you got up and just simply smiled.
You decided to go with the path of being nice. You already had a bad experience the moment you stepped foot on the campus, did you need another argument.
“I’m sorry I’m late. I ended up going into the wrong hall and was about to fight someone but I’m here!” She says putting down her suitcase and you just looked at her.
“Fight someone?” Guess you weren’t the only one having harsh first encounters.
“Oh yeah. So, I was trying to find my way through this chaos, and some girl instead of saying excuse me crashed into me and had the audacity to turn around and give me the eye. Like you crashed into me! I had to walk away before I got kicked out on the first day,” You couldn’t help but instantly smile as she finished telling the story...
Even though you weren’t the type to make friends... You liked your roommate... She kind of reminded herself of you... SO FAR.
“Oh, I forgot! My name is Kim Yerim, but you can call me Yeri,” she says walking over to the empty bed.
“My name is Y/N L/N, but you can just call me Y/N,”
“Cool! I hope we get along to be honest. I always had a fear of having a roommate that has too many rules, or someone who’s a complete mess. I need someone in the middle,” Yeri and you happened to have that in common...
Weirdly although you weren’t planning to make friends... You had a good feeling about her... She was someone you could tell you would get along with... This was a big surprise to say something like this...
“Mm, I don’t have rules. I mean the only thing I think is common sense is we don’t touch each other's stuff without permission and if we invite anyone over, we just let the other know... Other than that, I don’t have anything else,” She looked at you and smiled.
“I like you,”
Maybe you spoke too soon about making friends... Okay you aren’t going to be best friends, but she’s your roommate so you might as well get along with the girl, right?
The two of you began to unpack your boxes and suitcases. But after a while, you suddenly grow too lazy to continue going... You were kind of curious about what campus life was like. It was the first day back to school, there must be some type of party going on today...
It’s not like you were planning to attend the party, but you just wanted to see what this school was all about.
You noticed Yeri still unpacking.
“Hey... I don’t know about you, but I am getting lazy unpacking... I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go out and check the campus?” As soon as you said that she immediately stopped doing what she did and smiled.
“Oh, thank god, I was getting tired.”
It’s weird to assume right away but Yeri and you seemed to be alike so far... It’s scary but very comforting because you had a good feeling about these living rearrangements.
“Let’s go!” She grabbed her keys from the drawer near her bed and in a matter of seconds, you followed behind her.
Leaving out of the dorms was challenging. There were so many people moving in today, you were lucky that neither Yeri nor you even tripped on a nearby suitcase.
“I have a question,” Yeri blurts out as you two leave the dorm building and begin to walk around campus.
“And I may have an answer,”
“What’s your plan to come here?”
“My plan?”
“Yeah, like are you planning to come here to make friends, live up the college experience and party, or are you here to be an actual scholar and get that diploma?” You had to think about the question...
To be honest you weren’t even sure. Well of course you were at school to get the degree you need but you were doing it because you had no other choice.
“Well, one thing you’ll learn about me, in the long run, is that I suck at making friends. I honestly don’t care about going to parties or being popular or anything like that. I guess I am just here of course for my degree but also just to see what life brings me. “You were someone who wasn’t sure about what path you wanted to go with the flow and see what happens along the way.
“Understandable... But that doesn’t mean you should restrain yourself from checking out a few parties on campus every now and then,” I looked at her.
“Parties aren’t my type of scenery,”
“They aren’t for me either, but if I want to experience a few here and there I am going to drag you to one with me. Why not try a new experience?” You weren’t going to ruin her college experience with your negative energy, so you just nodded your head.
“One party won’t hurt,”
“That’s the spirit!”
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Since it was the first day, there were a bunch of different booths all around the campus to check out to join clubs. You weren’t planning to be a part of any type of club because that includes socializing and getting involved and that wasn’t your scene.
“Any clubs that catch your attention?” Yeri asked me and we passed a few booths.
You continued to look around and there was one that caught your attention, but you chose to ignore it instead.
“Are you planning to join any clubs?” You asked and she automatically shook her head.
“No, to be honest, I just wanted to check out the campus and hope I come across a new eye candy for the semester... You know a little motivation to get excited for this new year,”
You couldn’t help but smile at her remark.
Yeri was someone who was oddly very comforting. You weren’t expecting to develop any type of friendship, but unexpected things happen all the time.
The two of you continued to stroll through the campus trying to familiarize yourselves with what everything was until you saw a familiar face appear from a crowd.
It was the same guy you came across when you had that rude encounter with the girl.
You quickly looked away and tried to ignore the fact that he was inches away from you. You thought maybe if you looked away, he would stop looking at you, but you were wrong. The moment you quickly glanced back you two made eye contact... Can this be any more awkward?
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You don’t get why he was staring at you. . . Even when the two of you had your first encounter instead of defending his friend it was as if he was helping you out... You don’t understand why he would do that, but it made you slightly curious.
But it’s not like you were about to march up to him and ask him 21 questions... Guess you’ll have to stay curious.
“Who’s that cutie checking you out,” Yeri suddenly blurts out, distracting you from your thoughts and you look at him.
“I have no clue,” you weren’t lying. You didn’t even know the boy’s name. If anything, the only thing you knew about him is the fact that he decided to stand up for you with his rude ass friend.
“Look at you... You already have someone interested in you. Must be nice,” You looked at her and laughed.
“I doubt that’s the case. I’m sure he’s looking at someone else,” you said trying to make an excuse on why he was looking for your direction. Yeri looked around but there was no one else around her.
“Right... If you say so,” Yeri said smirking and you shook your head.
“If anything, he’s probably looking in my direction because of the way I treated his friend earlier. This girl was in my way, and I may or may have not given his friend a hard time.” Yeri laughed and wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
“And therefore, you and I will be getting along perfectly fine.
After exploring around the campus and getting to know Yeri, eventually you two went back to your dorms and were planning to unpack but that backfired quickly. You two were exhausted as it was, so you two pushed everything to the side and just fell asleep.
You wish sleeping in was part of your agenda for today’s plan but unfortunately, that’s not the case. Instead, you had to attend your first day of class.
As you heard your phone ring near your ear, you began to pat down your bed trying to look for your phone avoiding opening your eyes. Eventually, you found your phone and turned off the alarm clock.
Not leaving you much of a choice, you opened your eyes and looked over at Yeri who was still sound asleep.
She probably has later classes than you. Must be nice...
You dragged yourself out of bed, grabbed your belongings, and headed to the shower... it’s time to prepare yourself for your first day of classes.
Today you had 2 classes. Although that doesn’t sound entirely bad, the first week of school is always the hardest. Your mind is still set on summer vacation, so suddenly having responsibilities appear out of nowhere makes you feel more tired than usual.
Walking your way to class felt odd. You hate feeling anxious but that’s how you were feeling. Especially because you knew that for your first two classes, they were most likely going to make you interact with one another to introduce yourself.
You hated doing any activities that included you talking to others.
As you mentally prepared yourself, you grabbed on the doorknob and entered your first class. As you walked in, you were surprised to see the number of students who were in class early. But then again it is the first day of class... What do you expect?
You looked around and managed to find a corner that was completely abandoned by the class. It was honestly a pretty good spot. It was in front of the class, so you had a good view of the board and away from everyone.
It was two empty desks beside one another... Hopefully, no one considers sitting next to you because that would suck.
Once you sat down, it wasn’t long until you opened your bookbag, and you took out your notebook and a pen.
Might as well prepare yourself before class starts.
To avoid the feeling of time, you opened your pen and notebook just began to color in the corner of the paper. You can’t wait till this class is over.
As you continued to scribble the shit out of your notebook you suddenly heard someone clear their throat. You looked up and made eye contact with a familiar pair of eyes.
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“Is this seat taken?”
For some odd reason as he is standing before you asking you for this seat… he seemed different.
When you first made eye contact with him, he did give you an intimidating presence. Someone you probably wouldn’t approach because he can come off rude…
But as he stood in front of you, he suddenly came off as someone soft…
“Uh no… take a seat”
You couldn’t help but quickly look around the class as he took a seat and noticed a handful of empty seats around the class.
Why did he choose to sit next to you?
You were suddenly curious, but you ignored your curiosity and continued to scribble on your notebook. He probably just sat next to you having no intentions. You’re just overthinking.
“My name is Taeyong by the way, what’s your name?” You stopped yourself from scribbling and looked over at him.
Was he now talking to you?
You were so confused… if anything shouldn’t this boy be avoiding you? Especially after you were rude to that friend of his.
“My name is Y/N,”
Although you weren't intending on making any friends... You weren't rude... Plus, you were slightly curious as to why he was suddenly sparking up a conversation with you.
"Excited to start the new semester?" you were caught off guard by the sudden questions he was asking but you just smiled.
"Not really if I'm being honest,"
"Me too... I can already feel myself stress out with all the homework assignments they are getting ready to assign," you nodded your head, and before you could say anything else the professor walked in.
"Good morning,"
You looked over at the professor but couldn't help but glance at Taeyong.
Something about him has you suddenly wondering. He wasn't rude to you at all even though you were mean to his friends... You two have come across one another and every time you see him, he's making eye contact with you... And now he's sitting next to you sparking up a conversation... Is there something you're missing?
"I would like everyone to grab a syllabus and pass it along," the professor says as he hands the syllabus to Taeyong.
Taeyong takes two out from the pile and hands the rest behind him. He hands you a syllabus and smiles.
Is there something you're missing here? Why was he being so nice to you...
"Thank you,"
To avoid feeling awkward with the situation, you began to scan through the syllabus... You can tell from off the bat that this class was going to be interesting...
You said as you opened your dorm door, and you saw her there on the floor facing the mini mirror applying makeup.
"Y/N!" She repeated right back at me, and you looked at her.
"I have a question..." You threw your bag to your bed and looked at Yeri.
"And I may have an answer," she says as looks through her makeup bag.
"Let's say you come across a guy and in the beginning, the encounter wasn't the best..." You were trying your hardest to keep the situation as vague as possible.
"How bad are we speaking here?"
"Um..." you were trying to think of a way not to give yourself out exactly.
"Not too bad but I mean you thought maybe he might not like you because you were mean to his friend?"
It was hard to try to be as vague as possible without making Yeri suspicious. She stopped herself from doing what she was doing, and she looked at you.
"Are we talking about that cute guy who was staring you down yesterday?"
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"What..." You were sucky at lying. Yeri just took one look at you and smiled.
"Well, clearly he's interested in you,"
"What?" You wouldn't say that... The guy hardly knows you.
"Yeah, I doubt that I think... He's just a nice person," after saying that Yeri just busts out laughing and shakes her head.
"Ah my little Y/N, you have so much to learn about love grasshopper. And therefore, I am here, to help you,"
You were caught off guard to hear Yeri say she was going to help you with love.
"Wait what?"
How did this go from asking a simple question to suddenly getting relationship advice...? What's going on?
To Be Continued. . .
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sleepingdeath-light · 3 months
relationship hcs ; lord oyster cookie
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requested by ; (totally not) 🍾 anon (12/08/23)
fandom(s) ; cookie run
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; lord oyster cookie
outline ; “lord oyster smut and relationship hcs ~ (undercover 🍾)”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
lord oyster cookie is nothing short of a complete and utter gentleman in how he approaches courting, and eventually also dating, you — he goes at whatever pace you’re most comfortable, lets you take the lead when it comes to taking steps forward as a unit (when you become official, what labels you ought to use for each other, who you should tell about your blossoming relationship and when you should tell them, etc.), is endlessly conscious and respectful of your personal boundaries (e.g. if you’re touch averse he’ll do his best to keep close without making physical contact with you until you yourself initiate anything), insists on paying for your every outing, and never shows up to a meeting with you and your mutual chaperone without some sort of gift suited to your preferences (e.g. if you love flowers he’ll bring you a fresh bouquet, whereas if you’re more of an avid reader he’ll bring you a book in your favourite genre)
and make no mistake these efforts don’t stop the moment you two become an official couple, no, because this lovestruck sailor never stops dating and wooing you no matter how long you’ve been together — it’s important to him that you know how much he loves you and how often he thinks of you, especially given how much time he spends away from you and out at sea with his crew
dates are an absolute must and happen as frequently as your schedules allow — walks along the harbour, trips into town to window shop (and inevitably have him buying you any pretty thing you lay your eyes on for more than a few seconds), visits to the local park, day trips to neighbouring towns and villages, etc. — with your lovely spouse doing just about anything he can to make your day that little bit brighter
he’s the type of partner who would, without a second of hesitation, drape his coat across your shoulders if you seemed cold or place it on the ground for you to walk over to prevent you from ruining your shoes or the bottoms of your clothing in a puddle
…is it obvious enough yet that acts of service is his primary language or do i need to go on about the breakfast (well, feast) in bed he brings you every weekend he’s at home, or his insistence on taking care of you when you’re too tired or mentally drained or ill to do so yourself, or any of the numerous other things he does without batting an eyelid because to him there’s no such thing as a chore or a pain so long as it’s done for you
the pet names he uses for you are all very traditional and almost formal sounding (e.g. ‘darling’, ‘beloved’, ‘my sweet’, ‘my love’, ‘my dear’, etc.) but he won’t be opposed to you using terms of endearment for him that don’t quite fall into either of those categories — but calling him something a bit more modern like ‘baby girl’ or ‘my male wife’ will have him raising an eyebrow in private and turning bright red in public
he’s extremely protective over you and will, if need be, speak up in your defence should someone else try to insult, belittle, or threaten you (and he’s more than capable of handling his own in a fight if it should come to that) — but he also trusts your judgement and your ability to handle yourself, only stepping in if he notices that you’re uncomfortable or frightened, or if you look to him for help
lord oyster cookie takes a while to fully open up to you about the failings and the sins of his past, how he betrayed his first love and nearly destroyed a whole civilisation in the process, and as one might expect it’s very emotional conversation and he can barely look you in the eye for most of it — just sit and listen to his tale and then, when he’s finished, pull him into your arms and hold him close, reassure him that you know he’s changed and grown and that you won’t hold his past against him (and don’t bring up later how tightly he clung to you and how his whole body shook with the force of his cries as he wept and sobbed into your shirt)
his favourite places to kiss you are as follows: your lips, your fingertips, your knuckles, the apples of your cheeks, and (in the early mornings when you’re just waking up, and the late evenings when you’re changing into your nightwear) the backs of your shoulders — and his kisses are all either tender and sweet or lingering and intentional depending on the mood of the moment
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Hello i arrive back 🕺 for the unplanned variable meme: #2 :D also #20 and #15 pls :3c <3 nyehehe
omg aaaa thank uuu <3
2. What are their attributes, perks, and flaws?
Below Average Strength
Average Dexterity
Very high Intelligence (the critical damage buff 🥰)
Good Perception
High Charm
Good Temperament
in other words this guy's all brains no muscles (yet still beats up ppl w/ a tossball stick)
Perks: omg long list bc sc edition allows u to choose all so i'll just write the ones that fit him or ones i always pick: toughness, slow the world, the negotiator (i always think about rac: a crack in time bc of this one btw), strider, cheetah, high maintenance, precision, Nietzsche's reward, resilient, quick and the dead, run and gun, the reaper, scanner, snake oil salesman, soliloquy, harvester, steady hand, confidence, armor master, don't go dyin' on me!, boom, headshot!
Drug addiction
Smoke addiction
i also think he'd have a frost weakness </3
15. How do the companion quests go?
first things first: you have no idea how happy he is that he can help them solve their problems btw </3 people pleaser ^ 2
Max: do u have any idea how many times Tobias had to hold himself from not leaving him in the middle of nowhere bc of all the OSI things he kept talking abt in the beginning? he's had his share of ppl using religion to control ppl back on Earth already and he's not having it here </3 BUT he also realizes that Max himself is a victim and maybe, Maybe helping him out will make him realize what's up. Their relationship got a bit rocky on Monarch after the Fallbrook scene (he managed to talk Max out of killing the guy btw), and even worse bc he got...tired...of how Max was talking to Iconoclasts, specifically to Huxley after she hurt her leg. This led to a small "fight" btwn them (away from the others' eyes obviously) and he was like...ready to say that they're going different ways after Scylla. WELL then they go to Scylla (almost right away after the fight) and learn the truth abt Max + finally solve his problems. Tobias feels Really Bad abt how he acted :( They become v close friends in the end (and also have a unofficial "got practically disowned" club)
Ellie: This was a funny and short one and they mostly just had fun in the second half of the quest. As for the visit at Ellie's parents' house? That reminded him a lot of his own mother & step-father </3
Nyoka: Helping with this one was hard for Tobias tbh. Not because the task themselves were hard but because he was constantly concerned about Nyoka's wellbeing (especially after they found in Emerald Vale). Once they killed the mantiqueen, he though that she should keep the amulets to remember the good things from the past <3 Every now and then he would ask her to tell some funny stories about CHARON, she seems to enjoy talking about the good things.
Felix: "What would you do if a long lost friend contacted you suddenly" "Idk man, freak out? they're all on Earth :(" "oh yeah sorry" is one of my favorite conversations btw. ANYWAY. He knew Harlow wasn't being honest the moment they arrived to his base. He's been on Scylla and seen the ship wrecks, and some notes left from their old crews. The outlaws they saw there have to have some kind of a leader. He still decided not to say anything about it, especially to Felix, and went to meet this guy. He agreed to do what Harlow wanted, but decided to find out what actually happened, and finally voices his concern regarding Harlow to Felix. Felix doesn't know what to think but decided to go with the plan. They go to the Groundbreaker, then to Emerald Vale, where they find the guy Harlow's looking for and ask him to tell what happened. The guy tells that Harlow's working for the Board and that he has evidence. They believe him and decide to let him live. After that they go right away back to Harlow, get the evidence and confront Harlow. They talk about it and Harlow attacks them bc clearly they're not on their side. They manage to win :') I personally think that since Felix is clearly not doing well, they go back to the ship and make a self care night for him to show that he's cared abt and that he deserves better friends.
Parvati: first things first: he was so happy to help with this aaaAAAA oh my god. imagine being able to help someone ask the love of their life out for a date when u had the same problems </3 Anyway. So, after that one letter makes Parvati feel bad, they go to the Lost Hope, where he advices her to choose wine bc he heard it's good. She tells what's wrong and asks what to drink next & he just advices her to choose water sjdjjfjfdj That was a good choice tbh. Then they do all the tasks for the date (they pick the mock apple basket btw) and finally when they get to Byzantium everything's complete. Parvati & Junlei have an amazing date and Tony is so happy for them <3
20. How did those cows get onto their ship??
ADA herself takes these orders and uses it to make fun of Tobias <3
unplanned variable asks
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skylarmoon71 · 2 years
Alexander (Grimm) Chapter 10
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“I ran a sweep over all the floors.” 
Alexander turned around fully woge, and you shut the door. His body relaxed when he saw it was just you. It took you a moment to realize he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Apparently he’d been in the middle of changing. He rolled his head changing back, fur replaced with smooth skin. 
“I apologize, one can never be too careful.” You nod, averting your eyes. 
“You don’t have to tell me.” It paid to be careful.
“It’s been a week, I’ve contacted some people to help you keep a lookout. I’m heading back to Portland tomorrow.”
He nods. 
“I understand. Thank you for your help, truly. I would not have made it this far without you.” 
“Sure wouldn’t.” 
You hear the rustling of his shirt, and you look up. He looks dressed for bed.
“We should get some rest, tomorrow will be a challenge.” You had to agree with him. You do a little stretch and head to the bathroom to freshen up. 
You aren’t sure how long you spend there. Lately, you don’t truly feel like yourself. After you told Alexander about your past, you weren’t sure how to feel. Or how to react when he comforted you. That night he held you. The both of you had slept in each other's arms until the morning. He was there for you in a way you never knew you needed. Splashing water onto your face, you wipe it with a wash towel as you begin to head back into the bedroom. Alexander is taking off his shoes, seated on the bed. 
“Are you alright, you were in there for quite a while.” 
“I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind. “ You slip under the covers, and Alexander looks over his shoulder at you with a little smile. When you're comfortable, your gaze moves to him. 
“We’ve become quite domesticated, haven’t we?” 
You pull the covers to your chest. It’s weird, but he’s right. He slides under himself, turning  off the lamp to his left. The darkness encases the room, and you just stare up at the ceiling. It’s so quiet, it makes you a little uneasy. 
You swallow. 
“About what happened a few nights ago.” 
“You don’t owe me an explanation. I was out of line. I should not have pushed you. It will not happen again. “
Your instinct is to end the conversation there, pretend that it didn’t happen. But now, you feel like you can’t. Maybe you just don’t want to. You shift on the bed, turning to him. 
“Why did you..hold me like that?” 
You can feel the movement, and even in the darkness, you can make out his beautiful eyes. 
“Because you needed me to. You’ve shouldered so much on your own. You’ve also done so much for me. If I am able to provide just a small fraction of that, then I will. “ 
For the first time, you want to be greedy. You want to feel like that night again. With his hands wrapped around you. The safety, comfort. You need it. 
“Will you-” 
“Yes, I will.” 
It’s almost like he read your mind. His hand slides down to your waist as he pulls you in. The feel of his warmth is strangely familiar. Maybe it’s because you’ve been craving it all your life. His fingers run over the back of your head, and you let out a soft breath. Nothing needs to be said. This is all you need right now. 
Your brows furrow, and you squint. Rubbing some of the sleep out of your eyes, you look over at the clock. It’s three in the morning. Your position with Alexander has somehow switched. Your back is pressed to his chest. His arm is lying leisurely on your stomach. Something else that you’ve taken notice of is the feel of soft fur on the back of your neck. 
“He woged..” 
You suppose it’s not that unusual. You try not to think about it too much. He’d change back eventually. 
His voice has deepened significantly, and you nibble on your bottom lip. His lips are right next to your ear. You can feel one of his fangs brush your skin.  
Why the hell was he calling your name in his sleep. And why was it getting you excited? You pressed your legs together. 
“Go to sleep, go to sleep.” 
You keep chanting those words. It seems to be working, but the hand on your stomach shifts, and you stifle a moan when he gropes your chest. You press a hand to your lips whimpering. If he heard, he would surely wake up, and definitely take the floor. His claws aren’t even digging into your skin. It feels strangely tender, and this time you bite down on your lip. 
Alexander released something akin to a pur, and you  breathed a sigh of relief when his hand moved away from the present sensitive area. You press your head to the pillow. 
So, that was never going to leave this room.
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