#how he lost saphira
mattizard · 3 months
I want a book about Broms life so bad man
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saphirafoxgirlspost1 · 5 months
(Open Rp) "Legend of the Golden Dragon"
Long time ago, Saphira and Her Now Soon-to-be-Ex-boyfriend Name "Daniel Landus Rooster" Who she's been with him for the past 10 years of their relationship and Daniel is from a Lovely wealthy family as well and his parents are very good decent people..During the Times, She was once pregnant on the 9th year and She was thrilled that she heard that she's going to have a baby girl and so Does The parents Of Daniel rooster..but To daniel who heard about this…Wasn't really happy about this…He began to act Childish and wanted to have a son..but then..Saphira tore his ass up with a harshful Lecture and telling him To Stop acting Like King Henry VIII, She told him that he needs to get his act striaght up..and she heard the other news that she not only have a baby girl but a baby boy..She was thrilled..but.. sadly..the car ran her over and cause her to have miscarriage of her 2 unborn children..she was at the hospital very devastated..and next year..Daniel is all happy and all..while saphira find it odd about him..he came home late until one day, She got called From the cops that Daniel is in jail For Murder and also prostitution and Embezzlement of Saphira's Fathers company that he works for…Saphira's eyes widen in rage..and she storms to the police Station to pay a visit on jail.and saphira sees Daniel wearing an Orange jumpsuit..and Daniel sees rage on saphira's face as he knew That he is in The WHOLE mess Of trouble written all over him..And then She Picked Up the Phone With anger and Disgust..and she said in anger tone,
Saph: "Where the Hell Were you During the night?"
Daniel: "Listen saph…I was shopping and u-"
Then saphira Slammed on the table and Snapped at him
Saph: "DON"T LIE TO ME!!, I heard what you did..and I want to know..Did you Purposly ran over me in the car?..I heard from one of the police that they Saw you drive the car..and run over me and cause the death of Our children..and I Want the truth..Right..Now."
Daniel : Sighs softly "Yes it was me.."
Saph: "WHAT!!!?? Why Did you Do that Daniel!? What were you thinking!!? You Killed Our 2 Unborn babies!!"
Daniel: "Wait? Two babies?"
Saph: " Yea! You Dimwitted LOUT!! I was Having one boy and One girl! I was going to tell you but now, You Killed them Ya Monstrous BRUTE! You wanted that Son SO Desparately Mr. King-Henry-VII But YOU Lost your Damn Chance! ALL because of you Hated My Daughter So much That you Did the Unthinkable!! So tell me…Why did you go to the Burlesque For Prostitution?!"
Saphira was in rage as Daniel was shocked, His face was pale and now he's filled with regret and horrid..and then..he answers
Daniel: "I-i…sighs I wanted to have fun..so i slept with 15 girls in that place…"
Saphira's eye widen with shock mix with now fully malice in her and She said,
Saph: "YOU WHAT!!?? Not only you Killed my babies but Sleeping with 15 Whore in that godforsaken place!! Is there anything that I wanted to know about this!?"
Daniel: "Well..your not going to like it..But I got one of them pregnant."
Then saphira was so in rage that she has Blood shots in her eyes and she slammed her fist on the table in anger..and she said
Saph: "OH THAT"S IT!! Your Not only a Murderer and a thief but your nothing but a Mangy Cheating DOG! But not only this! You Are Mean, Rotten, Selfish, Cruel, Wicken and LOW-Down! and your parents is on it's way..and Boy They have a Bone to pick with ya! They already Knew What you did To their grandbabies! and I'm going to make sure That you'll pay me for all the Damages That you put Upon me and Now my precious angels! And also..From this day Forth, We're Over! We're done! and I hope That your getting what you Deserve and I'm going to make sure you'll Never Set Foot in my Property again!"
Daniel: "But Saph! You know how strict my parents is! I heard they'll bail me out and make me Pay back! Please I'm sorry..lets start over!"
Saphira: " Well Thats too Bad Daniel! You Lost your chance to be a good father to my kids, But now Your not even fit to be a Father in the first place! I Hope that Woman will place your child at Foster care because No Child ain't going to have Such a Horrible Father who only killed Children all because of Obsession of having a Son! I am Sick and tired of your Cruel behavior and your Little TroubleSome antics! We're through Daniel Rooster! Good-bye and Good Riddance!"
Saphira Hangs up and Left him..and His parents just arrived to pay his bail and Dragged Daniels ass to his home and His father and Mother Tore his ass Into New about Acting Irresponsible and unthinkable thing he did and Telling him what a failure he is as a man and Human being itself..and then His parents apolgize To saphira and her father about Their Horrible son's Troublesome behavior..They paid saphira Compensation For the damage He cause…and Now Daniel is Force to work day and Night to Pay His parents up for many part time job.. As Five years went by, Saphira fell into a despair Until Her Father Decided to Invited Every single Men who wanted to be with her..but all turns out..they only love her wealth..and He sighs and Pray to Inari the kitsune goddess to Give Saphira a man of her Life who would treated her right but then..There's a scroll that fell off the Shelf..and he discovered there's a way to get any elegible Man to retrieve and rewarded them With His daughter..So the scroll shows That there's a legendary Dragon armor made of Pure Gold and Only pure hearted Lad who will wear the armor but there's a bad Armor that was sealed up for all time..and he who wears that Dark Dragon armor can possessed such a corrupted Powers beyond their wildest dreams..So He Invited every elegible young men to find a golden armor and he will reward someone by the hands of his beloved daughter….then One of the Brave man came To Saphira's father and Said…
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blakeswritingimagines · 6 months
Relationship headcanons from "The Vow"
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Firstly telling you your name which he had to tell you every time he saw you. You would forget your name again about five minutes later. Secondly, he taught you what a dragon is and tried to explain you already had one named Saphira that he gifted you after marrying you. Third, he gave you a crash course in basic Valyrian, but you mostly just used it to swear. For some reason, you had developed an obsession with swearing which was quite endearing in a crude sort of way.
He was very much in love with you. A strong and independent woman for your time, you were very unlike any other girl/woman he had ever met. You were headstrong at times which could be both endearing and frustrating. It is hard to believe so many years have passed since then, sometimes it seems like it was just yesterday. It feels like his heart has been ripped out of him but he must carry on for the sake of the realm and for you. Love is what he feels for you almost as if you became the air he breathes.
You had your issues like any couple, however you remained devoted to each other for over 12 years in wedlock. You were a great mother and a lovely wife who he cared for deeply, even if his actions didn't always show it. Your relationship was the best he's had with any person, and your injury is perhaps the greatest regret of his life as he feels responsible for it.
You and him have a complicated relationship. It's filled with love and resentment, loyalty and betrayal. You've been through a lot together, but there are still secrets hidden between you both. You may not always get along, but you love each other more than you'll ever admit. At the end of the day, no one knows him better than you do.
Some key things about the relationship with you is that you had a very deep connection that transcended words. The loss of your memories has been hard on everyone around you. He's been working together with Rhaenyra to help you remember your past.
Another key thing about your relationship is that you both value family above all else. Losing your memories has been difficult as he has been forced to try and piece things together from the scraps he can find. You had been so strong throughout all of this he is forever in awe of you and the resilience you show.
Before you lost your memories, you had been through many different experiences together. You had shared laughs, losses, and everything in between. You had become one another's closest confidant through these challenges. The loss of your memories has tested that connection. He can only do so much to help you remember the past you had lived together. This experience has humbled him to his core as he realizes how easily he could have lost you forever.
You and him have experienced many different highs and lows during your marriage. Sometimes disagreeing on how to handle certain situations and would argue, but this ultimately helped you both grow as a couple. One of the biggest challenges you faced early on was finding the right balance between your duties to the realm and protecting your own happiness. Over time, you both realized you had to work together to find this balance. You also have a great love and respect for each other's strengths and weaknesses. He knows that you are truly his soulmate.
During your memory loss, he was filled with many different emotions. He felt a sense of guilt and shame because you could not remember the life you had lived together, he felt angry because of what you had lost and he felt scared because he did not know if your memories would return. He tried his best to be supportive and understanding while at the same time feeling lost and overwhelmed by the whole situation. The truth is, he felt lost without you beside him.
At first, he tried to make you understand that he loves you. But when you couldn't remember anything about the past decade of your lives, it was like you were a stranger to him. You were not the woman he had married and had raised children with. Even so, he never stopped loving you. He wanted to help you remember and find yourself again. Despite it all, you would still be his world.
He tried to reteach you to use a sword, but you didn't show any natural talent nor any ability to remember his teachings. He noticed you took a fair amount of instruction for a while but would suddenly forget that swords could injure a person. You'd then be back to the basics again. You had a bit of success with archery, though you seemed more interested in practicing your aim against targets that might try a sneak attack on you - a random servant girl or a horse - than actual stationary targets.
He, Rhaenyra, and Viserys also take the opportunity to brush up on your knowledge of Westeros geography, as well. If you didn't know where the Red Keep is, for example, that can cause frustration for all of them.
It might also be a good idea for you to learn the names of your children again, as well as their ages and gender. Knowing how old your children are can be helpful in determining where you need to be as a parent, like whether to spend more time with newborns or if the older kids are old enough to be away from home.
Well, it would be especially important to re-teach you about your relationship, as it would be vital for maintaining your emotional connection while you re-learn about yourself and the world around you. This would include re-teaching you about your shared romantic and intimate experiences, your history together, and your general feelings and thoughts about each other.
If you were to begin spending more time with Rhaenyra and his brother, he would need to work to re-teach you about your complicated family relationships, and how your new relationships might alter or compromise your own. It would be especially important to re-teach you about his own feelings, opinions, and beliefs, to ensure that you are not unknowingly hurting or betraying him.
When things do eventually get better, it would be important to re-teach his wife about the joy and happiness you've shared over the years. This would include reliving your fond memories together and discussing the hopes and dreams you had for yourselves and your family. This would help you remember why you love one another, and hopefully reignite that love as you become yourself again.
His marriage with you was pure bliss. You are kind, witty, and very beautiful to him. You could make him laugh and during the time you couldn't remember he misses those days very much. He remembers when he brought you to Dragonstone for the first time, the look of awe in your eyes because of the dragons who roam the skies. He was too when he first saw them. When the sun set you would dance in the light of the flames, watching the stars. The next day you would take a dragon and search for wild game, spending the day just the two of you.
Your marriage has been an overall happy one. Although you have your fights from time to time most of your time spent together has been filled with love and laughter. When you lost your memory things changed though, you did not know who you were or how you came to be in bed with him. You were scared but he tried his best to make things right. Things are better again though, it took a little time but you know who he is again, and that he's forever here for you.
He loves you more than any other person in the seven kingdoms. You both would laugh and talk for hours, and you knew all his secrets and dreams. When you lost your memory, he was crushed. You may not have remembered him, but he remembered every little thing for you.
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storyhaunt · 5 months
a lot of the 'shifts' and divergences from canon that occur on this blog (as well as a few focus-points in terms of traumatic experiences), in regards to eragon, revolve around one specific event - the agaetí blödhren. in general, i think there was a lot of missed and scrapped potential within the inheritance cycle, but it is the agaetí blödhren that completely changes the trajectory of the story in terms of eragon's character and how he must interact with the world and exist within it.
the agaetí blödhren, or 'the blood oath ceremony' in english, is an elven celebration that occurs every 100 years, commemorating the pact forged between elves and dragons as a means to end the long-standing dragon war (aka, du fyrn skulblaka). it was through this pact that the souls of elves and dragons were brought together as one, and it was when the elves were given their immortality, and the dragons, their magic and ability to communicate. the event itself, which occurs once every hundred years and for three days straight, is described as being so visceral and raw and dangerously intoxicating (and exceptionally unwise for non-elves to experience, as, if i remember correctly, they run the risk of being lost in the ensuing spiritual mania and snapping mentally under what is essentially an overdose of magic), as the elves chant and sing their magic for the entirety of those three days. an excerpt from eldest, the gift of dragons:
Then the elves began to sing in their clear, flutelike voices. They sang many songs, yet each was but part of a larger melody that wove an enchantment over the dreamy night, heightening senses, removing inhibitions, and burnishing the revels with fey magic. Their verses concerned heroic deeds and quests by ship and horse to forgotten lands and the sorrow of lost beauty. The throbbing music enveloped Eragon, and he felt a wild abandon take hold of him, a desire to run free of his life and dance through elven glades forever more. Beside him, Saphira hummed along with the tune, her glazed eyes lidded halfway.
What transpired afterward, Eragon was never able to adequately recall. It was as if he had a fever and faded in and out of consciousness. He could remember certain incidents with vivid clarity—bright, pungent flashes filled with merriment—but it was beyond him to reconstruct the order in which they occurred. He lost track of whether it was day or night, for no matter the time, dusk seemed to pervade the forest. Nor could he ever say if he had slumbered, or needed sleep, during the celebration.…
suffice to say, the night itself is a strange one for eragon, a wave of new and bizarre experiences. but it is less the agaetí blödhren itself that changes eragon - i will always stand by the idea that even without what happens with the dragon-tattoo, the ceremony was, in some fashion, traumatic for eragon, or at the very least a not so great time for him, and though it's definitely something he himself tells himself he has no opinion on, his experience wasn't exactly the greatest - and moreso the violation of autonomy that occurs during.
for context, for the last several months up until this point, eragon has suffered from seizures, which have gotten progressively worse and more frequent and life-threatening as the days have gone on. this is a result of being gored on the sword of durza, a shade 'employed' by galbatorix. the seizures themselves spark as a result of the extreme pain and agony that eragon's wound / scar leaves him in, as well as, in my own opinion, the metaphorical mental scarification of eragon's brain being split between two places (fighting for his own consciousness as well as being trapped in the remnants of durza's memories / mind), and the subsequent struggle to actually bring himself back fully and stay present, even if he's out of that place and belongs to himself again.
with all of that being said - during the agaetí blödhren, there is a moment where an elf's dragon tattoo separates from their body amidst the magic-song of the celebration, and it approaches eragon and touches his gedwëy ignasia, his dragon-mark. in this moment, eragon has no idea what is happening or what will happen to him; he technically can't even be classified as sober, and is, as paolini himself describes, drifting in and out of being black-out, and solidly and detrimentally disoriented. he does not know what the dragon-tattoo will do to him, and neither does anyone else present. and herein lies an odd decision on paolini's part.
when the dragon-tattoo touches eragon's gedwëy ignasia, it triggers a physiological and magical response in eragon, who immediately blacks out as a result of the searing pain that shoots all throughout him, and he is understandably terrified out of his mind as to what's happening to him. excerpt from eldest, the gift of dragons (still):
As the dragon’s baleful eye fell upon him, Eragon knew that the creature was no mere apparition but a conscious being bound and sustained by magic. Saphira and Glaedr’s humming grew ever louder until it blocked all other sound from Eragon’s ears. Above, the specter of their race looped down over the elves, brushing them with an insubstantial wing. It came to a stop before Eragon, engulfing him in an endless, whirling gaze. Bidden by some instinct, Eragon raised his right hand, his palm tingling.
In his mind echoed a voice of fire: Our gift so you may do what you must.
The dragon bent his neck and, with his snout, touched the heart of Eragon’s gedwëy ignasia. A spark jumped between them, and Eragon went rigid as incandescent heat poured through his body, consuming his insides. His vision flashed red and black, and the scar on his back burned as if branded. Fleeing to safety, he fell deep within himself, where darkness grasped him and he had not the strength to resist it.
Last, he again heard the voice of fire say, Our gift to you.
when eragon awakes an hour later, he is completely and utterly changed. when it comes to dragon-riders, due to the pact forged between elves and dragons, and the fact that it was elves who made the first bond with dragons [to create dragon-riders], as they age, human dragon-riders will slowly become more physically elven; an unavoidable thing, a result of the magic which courses through them. however, in this situation, the process has been heavily expedited, and eragon finds himself … near completely elven.
he also finds that he has no scars anymore. no seizures. he is also the pinnacle of beauty, and has been made to have alabaster skin. as it stands, while having such drastic physical changes forced upon him is a traumatic incident for eragon, it is the latter issues that i will not be fully acknowledging, mostly in part because i do not … really enjoy the way in which eragon's blemishes and disability were completely erased, and become things of the past for him. especially in the case of his disability.
the way in which paolini has a tendency to write disabilities is a very unforgiving one. those who are not abled-bodied in some way, shape, or form, are outcast, isolated, and deemed worthless, weak, and generally repulsive. now, this whole thing could have been made into a commentary on how that way of thinking is, in fact, cruel, and that particular lack of compassion and the upholding of 'perfection' and 'normality' [in regards to being able-bodied], but if i'm being entirely honest, you can really tell how old paolini was when he wrote this story when disabilities, physical and mental, are the topic of discussion, and you can definitely tell the era / year the books were written in. even more unsavory, there is the full discussion and implication of eugenics regarding those who are not able-bodied within the story, and virtually every single character seems to be entirely on board and in agreement about the worth and abilities of those who are disabled. it's not exactly the prettiest picture that gets painted, here.
to have eragon magically 'cured' of his seizures, and for the every single character and the story itself sigh a breath of relief, because eragon 'would have been useless' had he not been 'fixed' (which, if i remember correctly, 'fix' was, in fact, a word that was used when speaking about eragon and his disability). it is entirely true that continuing to deal with his seizures would be a struggle, and he would be put through the wringer, and as someone who is disabled himself, i know the feeling of 'i would do anything to not have to feel like this / go through this ever again'. but the way that paolini pretty immediately 'fixes' the problem, and the way that the the story and its cast treat eragon as though he is suddenly useless and incapable of anything after his battle with durza, is honestly more than a little uncomfortable and in extreme poor taste. the idea that life as a whole is an impossible obstacle if you cannot function 'normally', and the persistent ideology that you are weak and useless and incapable of achieving anything if you are not able-bodied is, in fact, a shitty mindset to have, and takes away a lot of the weight that could be applied to your story, were the protagonist allowed to be disabled and still be a hero.
now, the other thing that rubs me the wrong way about eragon's transformation and how he is described, is the prevalent note regarding him now having 'alabaster skin'. while eragon himself has not, up until this point, had his skin-tone described at all, something that has been common place within the writing itself for almost all characters (which, given the fact that it's only the characters of color who ever get described, we can assume that paolini intends for every other character to be white, and for us to just assume and expect that). however, and this is likely just a result of the way that i've read and interpreted the story, but regardless - despite eragon's lack of description wrt skin tone, he has always, in my mind, been brown, which in part is because … and my memory is constantly foggy and i cannot find the exact passage i'm thinking of, but i believe there have been notes made regarding brom (eragon's biological father) and the fact that he would conceal his gedwëy ignasia with mud and clay, which in and of itself does not prove that brom was brown in any way, but it's the idea that no other characters seemed to take notice of that or think anything of it (and the subsequent concept that the mud/clay might have blended relatively well with the rest of his skin). this whole point has a lot less confidence than the one above, i admit, and is more speculation and headcanoning than written-fact, but eragon suddenly being pale as snow and that being one of the identifying traits that makes him beautiful now … it does feel a little bit weird.
now, as i cannot figure out a transition to this point and want to get this post over with before i lose my mind, how i will be portraying eragon on this blog where the agaetí blödhren and his transformation are concerned:
as stated previously, eragon still has seizures. they are not as extreme as they were when he was in the height of his physical agony as a result of his wound, but he still has them from time to time, with the worst episodes typically occurring in moments of high stress as well as, predictably, moments of extreme physical pain. his particular symptoms include temporary disorientation (speaking gibberish / incoherently without realizing, saying the same thing(s) over and over for a second as if 'glitching'), zoning out (staring into space, 'not listening'; extremely brief, does not remember whatever is said / done during these little hiccups), and, less frequently, fainting / blacking out (there have, in fact, been a few instances of him 'passing out' at his desk, or having to sit down on the ground because of a 'dizzy spell'; can last a few minutes, and he usually comes to extremely disoriented and exhausted and out of it). he is still a capable and dangerous fighter, and is far from helpless. he does get frustrated with himself at times, but he is not useless by any measure of the word, and still has the full capacity for adventure and heroics.
many of his smaller and 'less important' scars were healed during his transformation, but not all of them. the scar that durza left, as well as his scars from his first flight with saphira, and the one that he gave himself when messing with garrow's scythe, still mark his body. durza's scar still hurts, but not to the intensity that it did before.
brom and eragon are brown. the transformation does not change this.
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Hello! Finally scraped together my courage! I love how you talk of the inheritance cycle and i have a lots of feels for that saga, it's the first fantasy i have EVER read.
As you have probably guessed i love Orrin and kind of appreciate Murthag, but my favourite character is Jeod.
Could you talk a bit about your thoughts on him? I find him an incredibly fascinating character (and he wields a RAPIER. that's the BEST WEAPON.)
lots of love! i really like your blog!
Hello hello!!! Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my stuff and I'm glad for the ask as well!
I really like Jeod! He's one of my favorite background characters. I think it's especially refreshing that he's not emphasized as a warrior and the most important contributions he makes are through his scholarly studies. In that way, he really balances out the main characters who are very focused on the war and the battles. And the way he encourages his same sort of curiosity and joy for books and learning in Eragon is very sweet, and I wish we could have seen more of it. Overall, Jeod simply comes across as very heartfelt, I see him as one of the more caring characters with the way he so readily goes out of his way to help- joining the Varden to steal the egg in the first place, helping Brom and Eragon without hesitation, and giving Roran and the others from Carvahall the chance to reach Surda. He does all he can and it's very endearing.
I also have an old headcanon deep in my heart that Jeod had a long standing and ill fated crush on Brom. In the beginning, the mysteriousness and intrigue that his brisk, guarded manner evoked drew him in, and then he came to admire his sharp wit experienced confidence. It started as a little crush, light and guileless. He never had the courage to mention it and Brom, always forging ahead and never slowing down, didn't give him much chance anyway. But the feelings stayed with him and they slowly transformed into something more sincere- a quiet, persistent pining. But Jeod still feared saying what he felt and Brom always regarded them as colleagues, or sometimes friends, and if he recognized anything else in Jeod's heart, he turned a blind eye to it. Jeod told himself maybe he would finally say something more after they settled the matter of the missing dragon egg, but then Brom died. At least Jeod believed so. Too little too late. When he married Helen a few years later, it wasn't his most thought out decision and he always carried a bit of guilt for never loving her quite the same way he loved Brom. After Brom suddenly appeared on his doorstep again, Jeod almost told him, but it still felt like too late. He was married now, and he could sense that wherever Brom's fate led, it was with Eragon and Saphira, not him. And lo and behold, he lost Brom a second time months later, a more gentle heartbreak than the first, but still poignant.
But on another note I've been thinking about lately, if they'd gotten a proper opportunity, I actually think Jeod and Orrin would get along very well. Of course their shared interest in academics and research and learning would give them common ground and draw them together, and I picture them going back and forth discussing their various areas of interest for ages. And I rather wish that the sort of support Jeod gave Eragon could have been shared with Orrin as well because it would really suit both their characters and could have been a very touching and significant exchange. Orrin's interest in science is very genuine and passionate but it never receives any encouragement in canon and I can really easily see that coming from Jeod, who deeply understands and respects the drive to learn, telling him that his work and skill are admirable and valuable. Also, I can only imagine how jealous Orrin was of Jeod during the war lmao.
Jeod: oh haha I'm not much of a fighter anymore so I help the war effort with my scholarly knowledge, studying books to find things that might help! :)
Orrin, through clenched teeth, vibrating slightly: god I wish that were me.
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glbtrx · 1 year
OTHERS Eragon problems
It has been said over and over again, The Inheritance Cycle has so many outstanding issues, problems, contradictions that I've lost count.
But one that particularly sticks out for me is Galbatorix's knowledge of certain things.
All right, he's the all-powerful, mysterious king, whatever you want, but do you remember the final battle?
Here Galbatorix first spoke of the Eldunarya that Eragon had found in the Vault of Souls. I mean, Gal looked at a point in the void (where the invisible Eldunarya were) and said "Hey Umaroth wassup" as if it were nothing
h o w is that possible
Eragon went to Vroengard with only Saphira and Glaedr; he later spoke about it with Blodgharm, Islanzadi, Orik, Orrin, Jörmundur and Roran. (I assume Nasuada knew it too, but I don't remember exactly the scene)
No one else learned of this, and Eragon revealed the secret on a hill a long way from the camp, and in any case I very much doubt that all those trained people, especially the elves, would not have noticed that someone else was listening them.
Eragon also made everyone swear in the Ancient Language to secrecy.
I repeat, how is it possible that Galbatorix knew this before they even entered the Throne Room?
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tired-fandom-ndn · 17 days
I haven't read Eragon in probably fifteen or more years (I'm not gonna bother looking up when it came out to figure out exactly how long) but I just wanna say I agree with you shipping Eragon and Muragh as well as Saphira and Murtagh's dragon. Hot.
But also I don't know if I ever knew Brom was Eragon's father so I feel like I just had a major plot twist dropped on me. :O I feel like that's something I'd remember lol. Wow!
But yeah I agree, they should've been full brothers. That'd make for a better story. And be hotter.
[context one two]
I've been shipping Eragon and Murtagh since 4th grade when I first read Eragon lmao. I know a lot of people stopped with the reveal that they're brothers, but a lot of people DIDN'T (as evidenced by the 10+ year old fics on FFN lmao) and I am desperate to drag more people into this pit with me. I just don't understand why people don't ship Saphira and Thorn too? All the parallels and narrative aspects of it, the same enemies-to-lovers potential that Eragon/Murtagh has, they would also just have such pretty purple eggs :)
I can't actually remember if it's ever explicitly confirmed that Brom was his father or if it was just heavily implied and assumed by other characters because of Brom's relationship with Selena, the timing of Eragon's birth, etc. I guess I'll see when I read Brisingr! I just finished Eldest, which ends with Murtagh "revealing" that he and Eragon are Morzan's sons and idk how tiny me felt about that (I probably thought it was hot, ngl) but adult me is seeing the narrative potential lost when the full story is revealed later.
The only thing that would make them being full brothers hotter is if Morzan was still alive to be an awful father and general creep to them but alas, that AU will only exist in my head.
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rozetheeuwu · 4 months
1, 2, 3, 8 for Saphira, Taka and Victoria for the chara ask game😄✨️
Thank youuuu lets go.
A long post so putting everything under read more The first three questions honestly kinda overlap with each other answer wise so sorry about that slkdgjdlgdf
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Saphira - I adore her entire character arc throughout the story in both main and post game (even if there's like one quest in the latter for her). Even if I don't agree with a lot of her views in main game I can obviously understand a 100% why she acts the way she does and has a certain mindset.
I can't really think of anything about her character I dislike personality wise at the top of my head, but I hate the dragon design on her outfit because it's a pain to draw for me if that counts.
Taka - Idk I do have a weakness for characters with daddy issues I suppose. Similar to Saphira I like his development (in both routes) throughout the story. I also do in post game, but I have some issues with how that's done in certain parts.
I'm just gonna continue on that last part by saying I don't like how in Reshiram route his personality just kinda does changes after being freed from the umbral state.
Like I don't mind the umbral part and how he acted during that regard, but from that point on he kinda felt different. I don't mind the change and I did enjoy him in that route, but I wish we had seen his character change into that after being freed from the umbral state and being like "Yeah, I guess I don't want to be like this anymore."
It just feels a little jarring, especially since the other characters that were also umbrals literally got nothing in that regard, like they spouted how they felt and when they were freed were like "Oopsie, let's never talk about this again theehee."
Victoria - I can't keep saying that I like the character's development throughout the story so I'll say something different for her.
I do love her immediate action to help others in need. She's caring person and genuinely wants the best for others.
Idk what I dislike about her, I guess the way she got almost nothing in postgame quest wise but that can be said for a lot of the characters.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Saphira - Love that her ace is a Dragonite. Idk it's often seen as this cute dragon, so to see someone with her personality have one is really fun.
Taka - I love his color scheme! The greysih washed out colors, then his scarfs pop out with the red color.
Victoria - I love that her team slightly changes in main game after Kiki passes. Losing the Pangoro (panda's are often used to symbolize ying and yang) saying how she lost her balance/inner peace or whatever. Of course I could be looking way to into that.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
I honestly kind of explained this already in the first answer kgjfdlgjfd
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Oh boy, that's a good question. I have some good answers.
Saphira - Honestly for her I don't have an opinion on any takes or whatever on her. I can understand why people don't like her, as long as they like understand why she does what she does it's not an issue to me?
Taka - I hate how people downplay Zekrom route Taka, in fact I prefer that version of him. I'm excluding the Tao Gauntlet team up battle, because I want to focus on his character.
The development of going from the son of the leader of Team Meteor who's bloodline is (was) important to the region to a man who just wants to live a normal life is so special to me and the fact he's not as loved in this route or even said that this version of him isn't good SUCKS.
Victoria - Okay (some) people hate how she acted after Kiki and saying 'that's not what Kiki taught her that's not what she would want her stude-' Yeah no SHIT. Too bad a traumatic experience changes people and forces us to not work on logic sometimes. Fuck she literally learns to accept what happens and learns in end game and to forgive herself in post game.
I'm gonna be honest, I bet if she was a male character people would dislike her less about the way she acts after Kiki died.
Okay yeah I'll stop there with that dfngfdlg
Thanks for the ask!!
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fattybattysblog · 6 months
Find the Word...Love Edition!
Thanks for tagging me @axolotlsupremacyowo with how much romance I write, I should have a good bit of these and I think I'll be really sad if I don't.
I'll tag @tsukimefuku, @mothboypoison and anyone else who wants to join is free to!
Words for me to find:
Darling, Friendship, Fond, Tender, Relationship
Words for you to find:
Sweetheart, Doll, Partner, Love, Heart
Darling - (Valus [incubus] X Reader)
Ah... the only time I use darling appears to be within a sex scene so I can't share it. But it's there, promise.
Friendship - (What are Friends For?)
"Of course. That's what friends are for," he nodded, attempting to reassure her with a smile, "you can always call for me. I'll beat them up next time." Saphira returned his smile weakly, following him to the other end of the beach. Angeal would do so much to help his friends, including do some thinking ahead for them. Stopping a fight was best, but she really did wish she could have broke that guy's arm or something. Well… there's always next time.
Fond - (Honeysuckle)
“These are peonies. One of my favorites, honestly,” Mako smiled. “They take a while to establish, but they’re very fragrant flowers. And they taste great. A little peachy. I remember them from my life fondly, as is similar to the rest of the garden.”
Tender - (In the Glow of Love)
Arin lifted her head to say something, but her words were lost as she met his eyes in the silvery light. In his eyes, she found a tender warmth she hadn't realized she craved, a sweetness that enveloped her like a gentle caress. Unable to tear her gaze away, she surrendered to the magnetic pull between them, drawn inexorably closer. Tsune's free hand gently took her cheek, guiding her face nearer to his. Arin's eyes fluttered shut as their lips met, a soft collision that sent a jolt of electricity coursing through their veins. They surrendered to the intoxicating rush of emotion, their kiss deepening as they lost themselves in each other's embrace.
Relationship - (Always Time for an Old Friend)
"Yep. Haha… exes around every corner," Thalia remarked wryly, pushing her empty glass aside. Kuzan's expression darkened slightly at the mention of Thalia's past relationships. While it was inevitable for everyone to confront their past eventually, Thalia's history was fraught with danger. It was only a matter of time before a more… volatile ex popped up to cause her trouble. A troubling thought for Kuzan.
Yeah so there they are! Hope you like the excerpts I could share, lmao.
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modern-inheritance · 2 years
Modern Inheritance: Wind (One Word Prompt Short)
Even before Saphira’s egg came to him, Eragon knew he thought differently from others in Carvahall. Things that no one else seemed to link could form connections in his mind. A scrap of sandpaper in the barn had him first thinking of smoothing out the rough patch on the kitchen table, then of the roughness he felt on a particular tree’s bark in the Spine, to the rough bristles of a boar’s hide he saw while hunting one summer, to finally suggesting that they buy a side of bacon because it would soon be Roran’s birthday and the boar’s hide reminded him of his cousin’s first attempt at growing a beard the year before. A simple pinecone could lead him to thinking up ways to rebuild the collapsing firewood cradle, a starling reminding him to remind Marian that the winter coats needed new furs, or a glimpse of Burka pulling the plow igniting questions on how the stone for the massive buildings in cities far away was hauled to the top floors.
Roran never understood it. Neither did Garrow, nor Marian, though they all tried to listen patiently and accepted his occasional unconventional ways of doing some tasks. 
But that was how he always had been. The mad dash of thoughts and dreams were Eragon’s constant. He was at peace with it, found solace and sanctuary in mindlessly throwing himself into a project or chore for hours on end while he contemplated the tangled webs he wove in his mind. 
After Garrow’s murder, though, there was little Eragon could do to keep his mind truly at peace with the noise. 
Every day was a struggle. Constantly moving, constantly learning, constantly taking in everything he could. It soothed the rabble somewhat, satiating his thirst for all things new that constantly itched at the back of his brain. Saphira’s mind, woven to his own, was a comforting blanket that dulled the ache of losing almost everything he had known and everyone he had loved. 
When the day was done and Eragon was alone, those shifting thoughts and questions turned inward. The paths they drew went to dark places, hurt and anguish rearing up. It was always there, really, beneath the cacophony, always ready to take over the narrative when he could not keep quite busy enough. There was nowhere he was safe from them, no place to hide.
But here? No. Here he was safe.
Eragon tightened his knees around Saphira’s sides and spread his arms out. The roar of the wind tearing over his body, rushing through his hair and ripping past his ears drowned out all the pain. Only the exhilaration of flight was left, the excitement and pride of Saphira melding with his mind to chase all other thoughts away. 
The boy cupped his hands and felt the air pull them back, fluttered his fingers and felt them dance. He held them flat and mimicked his partner’s wings, let the changes in wind direct how they tilted and turned. 
Up here, where the wind and the sky and Saphira were all that mattered in the moment, Eragon felt at peace. The irony wasn’t lost on him that, sometimes, the only place he could really breathe was where the wind stole his breath away.
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torment-deviser · 1 year
In the case of Vidar for what I mentioned earlier today about the Celebi anomaly: I haven't thought about his team specifically. But rather, his mom's. See in the original timeline her Pokemon ended up in his care after her death before the main plot happens. They are a Mr Rime and a Drifloon. However, since they were used to being more domestic Pokemon, Vidar never had them on his team. He only started using them more once he got a home to help take care of it.
However, these pokemon basically helped raise him and his brother. As his mom was a single mom supporting two kids for at least half of his life.
Mr Rime specifically was his mom's first pokemon. So I imagine him meeting the pokemon would probably get him teary-eyed. Because he can see how old Mr Rime has become in his appearance. Having lost the remaining family of his original trainder , probably also affecting it.
I think Mr Rime would end up under the care of Saphira. Maybe because he stuck to her, maybe bc she knew the significance of this Pokemon. And with Elias also gone. She took care of him, and he was in return. Sice Mr Rime was more of a homemaker Pokémon
I think it would also be a way others would see how close she was to Vidar at the point of his disappearance. Since I think they were kinda getting closer and im that nebulous stage of establishing a more romantic relationship. So for her to take on the care of a Pokemon whose typing is almost the complete opposite of what she usually trains. It is very significant for her to take him.
Drifloon probably ended up with Ace, helping at the circus. Since his mother got them to watch over Seth and Vidar and entretain them when they were little, so they probably helped deal with kids at the circus.
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fansandtheic · 2 years
Liz's Story
Dear Mr Paolini, I will never forget the first time I picked up a beaten up paperback copy of Eragon, passed down to me by my brother, and dove into a world of fantasy like I'd never experienced before. Your words opened the door to me to read all kinds of books that I'd never picked up before and beyond that, they made me laugh and cry and think more than any book I'd read. The stories of Eragon and Saphira and everyone else are of course dramatic and thrilling with swords and dragons and spells, but the most impactful part to me is the connection between the people that is at the heart of the series. The love and sacrifice that every character experiences in some way made me think about what it means to really love. I learned about doing the right thing out of love for others and not as a shallow token of self righteousness. The way Roran and Katrina love each other so fiercely and the deep connection between dragons and riders makes me rethink my relationships with the people around me and reminds me not to take them for granted. It's been about six years since I first read the Inheritance Cycle and it is still changing the way I think. For the past few years I've struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts. I've been in darker places than I ever have before and a few months ago I tried to end my life. As I try to pick up the pieces and find a way forward, I've been listening to your books again. I'm so grateful for the joy they've brought, and even when I feel like I know the stories inside out I still share in Eragon's fears and triumphs as he grows and finds his way in Alagaësia. It is so encouraging to see someone fight through something that seems impossible and incredibly overwhelming, that they feel so unprepared for and lost as to how to overcome it. And it reminds me that strength comes from relying on the people around us, reaching out and building stronger connections, fighting for our loved ones even when it feels hopeless. I won't say I've won my battles yet or totally defeated the Galbatorix in my mind, but I wanted to tell you how much your books mean to me and have comforted me over the years. They inspire me to fight for joy in my life and I'm incredibly thankful to you for putting your creations out into the world, and for the crazy amount of details and emotions that bring Alagaësia to life. Your words have changed me as a reader and a person and your world will forever have a place in my heart and on my shelves. From your grateful fan, Liz Turner
PS I know it's yours to decide but I want to believe that Murtagh and Nasuada are reunited and supporting each other, I think they need a happy ending :) also I'm so excited for the Disney+ SERIES and more of the Fractalverse!!
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(Open Rp) Danny Phantom: The Ultimate Enemy in “The Angel and the Devil”
It all Started, after the Explosion of the Nasty burger. Saphira’s Good friend Danny Lost his sister, his parents, his friends, and His teacher...She was in the Human Disguised..at the Funeral..She sees danny upset and heartbroken..She hugs him and tell him that she’s sorry for the loss as a comfort..but then week later, Saphira Visit Vlad masters home where danny is now living with him...She sees danny Being strapped on while asleep with a sleeping gas mask on it...She looked at him and she change into a Goddess form and said..
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Saph: “What happen to danny??” Vlad masters:” He..wasn’t so well..he’s in pain emotionally...now i have to tell you..I’ve decided to remove his ghost...I don’t want his burden to Dragged him down.” Saphira: *gasp*” Vlad Don’t!..His Ghost is pretty unstable and IT Will attack you..or worse...*Sighs* but if you insist..” Vlad: “Thank you my dear friend..” Saph:” But Be warned Vlad Masters, If you Proceed to remove his ghost..there’s going to be consequences...and trust me..you’re going to be shocked..”
She said as she began to leave the manor and began to Ride her horse Out of there...but Half way far...She hears the Screams Of dannys Ghosts as she gasp..and began to Ride off her horse In fear..She close her eyes..and sees him as she gasp..and said “Oh shit...we are serious trouble...I must leave and return in 10 years..” She began to ride off to the swamps right passed the amity park..She called valerie to keep an eye out on fentons home and she will return when 10 years is up...Then Saphira Disappeared into the Shadows...
10 years later..
The Night where Saphira returns to Amity park..Saphira Spotted the city Where it was Domed and Protect by the ghost shield..
her eyes:
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Part Of the cities Is turn into ruins...as she rides off quickly before “He” Finds her..as she made it to the city after she went through the Ghost shield..She Rides to fentons Home while wearing a Lovely White Angelic Cloak made of White fur and gold threads..She dismount her horse and began to go onto the Front Door and Knock on it and she said,”Valerie...valeria are you awake? I’m here..its me..Saphira..may i Come in?..” When the Door is opened and Valrie was suprised that saphira was still young and beautiful..So she lets her in..and she said to her” How’s everything for the past 10 years since i vanished? what happen to the city?” then..She told her that it was Horrible when that ghost destroys the part of the city and saphira realized he was looking for her and she said,” He’s been Looking for me...and he thought i was here..but i wasn’t..If he finds out i’m here..He’s going to break the ghost shields one way or another..” She was scared...But the next day..Valerie gave her the watch just to communicate with her..Saphira thanked her very much..but then During the day.She got called by Someone, She answers..and she saw darkness with two red eyes..She went pale...It was him..and he said With a calm and Seductive voice.....
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rpxgifs · 1 year
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saphira  talia reign rivera —  𝕞𝕖𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤
During the renaissance, Talia had her eyes on the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen. She could barely stop talking about it any time the opportunity arose. Much to her surprise, her father surprised her with a gift one day. When she opened the box, the beautiful necklace shown up at her and her smile was just as bright. Though she knew how the necklace came into his possession, they were dragons after all, she chose to believe that he picked it especially for her and wore it every day as a precious gift from her beloved father.
Following her resurrection, Talia found that the necklace was not on her person as it was at her death and it broke her. Assuming that her father was long gone, she had lost the one thing that connected her to him. Once the pair was reunited, Talia learned that her father had taken the necklace following her death as a way to keep her close to him.
Since that moment it was returned to her, she has not taken it off. It doesn’t matter how many odd looks she gets about how flashy it is to wear every day, she will not take it off. She may hide it under her clothing to save face, but she has vowed that it will never leave her possession again.  
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New Year's Eve Rambling (12/31/2022)
With today being the last day of 2022 all I've got to say about this year is... FUCK 2022!!! This year will forever been known as the year that I was faced with the most difficult decision in my 31 years of existence. I know I've said that before, about Bebes four years ago. But I was asked to end two stories so close together this year. Saphira and Dad. I feel I didn't even have time to process Saphira's absence before I ended up sitting next to Dad's hospital bed, until he took his last breath. Dad's passing is the one that weighs heaviest in my heart. I can't even explain the amount of defeat one has to endure to make the decision I was forced into. The amount of pain that slams into one's chest when the doctor and nurses wait patiently for a decision to be made. The weight you feel when you silently ask yourself 'what's the best choice'. The amount of will power you have to muster when you say 'they would want to end here'. And then the exhaustion that sets in with your new reality. The loudness of their absence, the silence that fills your home, and the responsibilities you must take on. The bad memories that resurface and sad realizations that your forced to deal with in their absence. Their story may have ended, but your continues on. Finding whatever reason to be your motivation. In my case I'm running off of spite. In spite of everything, as defeated and lost as I may feel, I continue on. One day, spite won't be the only thing that drives me, for now it'll do. This post is longer than I had originally intended, proves that it is difficult to summarize how 2022 has impacted me. All I want from 2023 is to be a little less heartbreaking as I continue healing from 2022.
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m00nj311y · 2 years
Spoilers for The Inheritance Cycle!
more Eragon trivia! now with style! again, this stuff most likely is in the inheriwiki
Eragon and Saphira
Understandably for a dragon, Saphira thinks it a terrible fate to be unable to fly (Eldest, pg 206)
Saphira has a triangular head (Eldest, pg 210)
Eragon promised to help Saphira search for dragons outside of Alagaesia (Eldest, pg 217).
Eragon’s sense of identity was closely linked to the condition of his body (Eldest, pg 256)
Saphira was naturally suited to the sky (Eldest, pg 277)
Eragon thought that things that change and are lost were worth preserving (Eldest, pg 382)
Eragon possessed the talent to judge with near-perfect precision how much strength a task required and whether it would exceed that of his body (Eldest, pg 390)
Eragon felt most comfortable alone or in small groups (Inheritance, pg 427)
Saphira admired hawks more for their hunting prowess than for their appearance. Hawks reminded Eragon of Saphira (Inheritance, pg 427)
Eragon thought it a blinkered existence to have one’s whole world bound by the limits of their sight (Inheritance, pg 428)
Flying made it difficult for Saphira to concentrate on anything else (Inheritance, pg 431)
Eating a large meal while riding Saphira often made Eragon queasy (Inheritance, pg 466)
Eragon felt that “his sort of life” was not meant to venture to the bottom of the sea (Inheritance, pg 466)
Eragon thought it was possible to be level with the moon and the stars. Likewise, he also thought that shooting stars were made when birds or dragons or some other earthly creature were snatched up by the wind and thrown skyward with such speed that they flamed (Inheritance, pg 477)
Saphira would trust the word of a werecat before that of any other creature (Inheritance, pg 532)
Du Weldenvarden / The Elves
Among the elves, it is rude to pry into one’s affairs (Eldest, pg 203)
there is a species of moss that feels like rabbit fur in Du Weldenvarden (Eldest, pg 206)
Du Weldenvarden has many mysteries and dangers, especially for a Dragon Rider (Eldest pg 208)
If not for the elves, Eragon knew that he could wander in Du Weldenvarden for the rest of his life without ever finding a way out (Eldest, pg 219)
Eragon felt as if Queen Islanzadí knew everything that he might say or do (Eldest, pg 228)
what elves didnt say was often more important than what they did say (Eldest, pg 234)
As stated by Oromis, it was Queen Islanzadí’s duty to scry the land (Eldest, pg 268). It is likely that it was the duty of the sitting elven monarch to scry the land for news regarding Alagaesia’s current state
Very little exists that an elf must strive for (Eldest, pg 300)
Rhunon has blunt fingernails (Eldest, pg 302)
Rhunon seemed to dislike brown-colored dragons, as their muddy and dark colors likely translated poorly into their Rider’s sword (Eldest, pg 302)
An elf named Ladin likely theorized that a vacuum existed (Eldest, pg 317)
Oromis had a customary expression of impassive reserve (Eldest, pg 358)
The elves have texts on geography, biology, anatomy, philosophy, and mathematics, as well as memoirs, biographies, and histories. They challenged Eragon’s beliefs and forced him to reexamine his assumptions about everything from the rights of an individual within a society to what caused the sun to move across the sky (Eldest, pg 391)
There are crumbling ruins in Du Weldenvarden (Eldest, pg 393)
The machinations of the elves were subtle and allowed little room for errors (Eldest, pg 397)
Elves have concerts held under thatched pines (Eldest, pg 453)
Arya had always wanted to visit the home of the Riders (Inheritance, pg 397)
Oromis believed that the whole of the world could be deduced from the smallest grain of sand if one studied it closely enough (Inheritance, pg 429)
The elves made it impossible for anything or anyone to enter Du Weldenvarden by means of magic; thus, a dragon trying to enter the forest by flight would fall from the sky (Brisingr, pg 583)
The Menoa Tree
The Menoa Tree’s mind was so large and alien and so intertwined with the forest that she did not need to defend herself against mental attacks (Brisingr, pg 654)
It is implied that the Tree controls, at least, a large swath of Du Weldenvarden (Brisingr, pg 654)
The Tree knows every creature that lives in Du Weldenvarden (Brisingr, pg 658)
Carvahall / The Humans
There is a mountain in the Spine known as Narnmor (Eldest, pg 182)
the oldest man in Carvahall is Svart, the uncle of Ivor; he is nearly 60 years (Eldest, pg 182)
Carvahall has never had a beggar before (Eldest, pg 190)
silver, linens, lace, and many other things needed for a well-run home are passed down from mother to daughter. this tradition began from the day Palancar and his people first settled Alagaesia and it determines a woman’s worth (Eldest, ph 191)
Roran had never seen a map of Alagaesia (Eldest, pg 246)
Roran considered Galbatorix an unnatural blight upon the world (Eldest, pg 250)
In Carvahall, custom tools formed a legacy that was bequeathed from father to son, or from master to jouneyman, and that these tools were a measure of a smith’s wealth and skills (Eldest, pg 252-253)
Humans often made casually cruel remarks (Eldest, pg 282)
Nasuada felt uncomfortable whenever she had to interact with magic users (Eldest, pg 325)
Nasuada believed in and prayed to a goddess named Gokukara, who is implied to be owl-themed as Nasuada referred to herself as Gokukara’s “owlet” (Inheritance, pg 405)
Pride and vanity were weak points Nasuada could exploit, as she was skilled at bending others to her will (Inheritance, pg 416)
The dwarves lost an entire clan to Galbatorix’s uprising (Eldest, pg 200)
Orik was dense, like a miniature boulder (Eldest, pg 366)
The Ra’zac bow to the Lethrblaka (Eldest, pg 198), who are their parents and adult form (Eldest, pg 380)
The Ra’zac have a morbid fear of deep water, as they cannot swim (Eldest, pg 380)
Their breath fogs the minds of humans, incapacitating many, though the dwarves were not as heavily effected, and the elves were immune altogether (Eldest, pg 380)
The Dragon Riders
the Dragon Riders were supposed to guard against the failings of the different governments and races, but no one existed to point out the flaws within the Dragon Riders’ own system, which caused their downfall (Eldest, pg 202)
It was an essential lesson of the Dragon Riders for one to be aware of all things equally and not blinker themselves in order to concentrate on a particular subject (Eldest, pg 292)
Dragons learned how to identify and avoid dangerous weather patterns (Eldest, pg 298). There are three rules to spotting downdrafts and five rules for escaping them (Eldest, pg 296), which the reader never learns
The most basic lesson for the Dragon Riders was to share everything with one’s partner (Eldest, pg 297)
There are secrets reserved for the wisest of the Dragon Riders, such as killing with no more energy than moving one’s finger, the method by which one can instantaneously transport an item from one point to another, a spell that will allow for one to identify poisons in their food and drink, a variation on scrying that allows one to hear as well as to see, how to draw energy from one’s surroundings and thus preserve one’s own strength, and how to maximize one’s strength in every possible way (Eldest, pg 353-354)
There was a proper way to control various forms of energy, such as light, heat, electricity, and even gravity (Eldest, pg 375) These, and even magnetism, were considered great energies (Eldest, pg 390)
Bonded dragons had a strenuous exercise regimen, such as hovering in the air while holding a boulder, sprints, dives, and other acrobatics, and breathing fire for as long as possible onto a natural stone pillar in an attempt to melt the stone and to increase endurance (Eldest, pg 392)
It is the duty of an elder dragon to ensure that the newest generation of Riders understands the true importance of the station they have assumed (Eldest, pg 437)
Galbatorix was not the first Dragon Rider to go mad, but he was the first to gain a follower (Inheritance, pg 432)
Some of the Forsworn believed that, by virtue of power, the dragons and the Riders deserved to rule over Alagaesia (Inheritance, pg 432)
In times of famine, the Dragon Riders brought food to the starving (Inheritance, pg 443)
The Dragons
Dragon scales were translucent (Eldest, pg 302), meaning that the scales allowed light to pass completely through
It is likely that wild dragons “named” themselves after body parts such as teeth, significant events of their life such as fights won and lost as well as eggs conceived and hatchlings grown to maturity, and favored prey (Eldest, pg 437)
Dragons use their tongues to direct their streams of fire (Eldest, pg 438)
Glaedr states that dragons remain in their eggs indefinitely (Eldest, pg 438) but Umaroth warns that dragons cannot stay in their eggs for too long or else their minds will become twisted and strange (Inheritance, pg 562). Umaroth most likely warns so because there is a spell over the hatchlings which “slows their bodies”
Glaedr--and through him, the dragons, the Riders, and the elves--believed that, when the flesh is destroyed, so is the soul (Eldest, pg 440)
On the Stone of Broken Eggs are a number of “dull, colorless scales” (Eldest, pg 448). It is possible that, when a dragon loses a scale, the scale becomes dull and colorless.
Dragons have imbricated scales (Eldest, pg 461), meaning that their scales overlap one another
Dragons can lick molten rock (Eldest, pg 465)
Although the only two examples came from Glaedr and Saphira during the Blood-Oath Celebration, is it clear that dragons possess a great potential for art (Eldest, pg 464-465)
The Spectral Dragon “anointed [Eragon] with what skill we dragons possess,” so it can be assumed that dragons (and the elves) live in a state of “heightened awareness,” such as seeing perfectly well in the dark; being highly sensitive to touch (Eragon could count the number of hairs on a leaf by feel); being able to identify a multitude of odors; hearing even the smallest of animals in the underbrush, hearing the noise a flake of bark makes when it falls to the earth, hearing the beat of their own heart; following an object of interest though the disturbance of their wake in the air; and having extremely sensitive eyes (Eldest, pgs 470-472)
It is implied that dragons have an impeccable sense of direction, as Saphira never seemed to lose her bearing, not even on a starless night or when deep underground (Inheritance, pg 430)
There was at least one instance where a dragon’s connection to their Eldunari was severed, thus creating two independent versions of that dragon (the dragon itself, and the mind within the heart-of-hearts) (Inheritance, pg 435)
Saphira hummed when she was pleased or amused (Inheritance, pg 440-441) so it can be assumed that this was a trait all dragons shared
It is implied that a female dragon carrying fully-developed eggs could wait to lay them (Inheritance, 559)
Dragon eggs need warmth to be comfortable (Inheritance, 560)
If a dragon disgorges their Eldunari too young and later dies, their minds will be “limited” by the size of their Eldunari (Inheritance, pg 564)
Bonded or wild, dragons communicated with one another using images, feelings, and impressions of people and objects (Brisingr, pg 205). Eragon does not consider it a recognizable language
Dragons have incredible eyesight, as from thousands of feet high Saphira could count the number of feathers on the back of a chicken hawk that as skimming a field; she could see a rabbit dash to its warren and she could see a small herd of deer cowering under the branches of a currant bush (Brisingr, pg 459)
Dragons also have sensitive ears, as from thousands of feet high Saphira could hear the warning calls of the animals reacting to her presence (Brisingr, pg 459)
Dragons rely not only upon their bodies but upon their magic to fly (Brisingr, pg 583).
Stated by Oromis, magic is the art of thinking, and that magic relies on a disciplined intellect (Eldest, pg 353)
An absolute was a spell worded in such a way that only two outcomes were possible: success or death (Eldest, pg 357)
Alagaesia has lodestones (Inheritance, pg 417) which are naturally magnetized pieces of magnetite
It is subtly implied that gods exist in the Alagaesian canon, as a man in the Varden who was blinded and had a vision was not only able to accurately state that Eragon had twelve “stars” around his waist (the Belt of Beloth had twelve gems full of energy) and had a “star” in his right hand (Aren), but also that Murtagh had multiple, hateful, non-human “others” with him (enslaved Eldunarya) (Brisingr, pg 351)
Galbatorix believed Nasuada was dangerous in a way the others were not (Inheritance, pg 422)
Galbatorix chose his servants only from those who were barren and unwed, as he believed that families made it easier for people to change their true names (Inheritance, pg 443)
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