#find the words
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Tag Game: Find the Words
I've been tagged by the lovely @inahandful-of-dust for the words "sword", "shadow", and "star"! Thank you, this looks fun!
From a WIP currently titled "L/A omega auction", for "sword":
So he waits, snarling under his breath and flexing his fingers in an attempt to resist the urge to just draw a sword and start gutting the bastards around him - which does result in him being given a rather wide berth by the other alphas, funnily enough - until the auctioneer gets around to the Cat.
From "Flung to Catch a Star", the next AWAU longfic, for "shadow":
Yennefer is lurking in the shadows, hidden by a spell, just in case somehow the Nilfgaardians have managed to trick or bewitch Letho and his group, and are actually here to attempt to assassinate Geralt or steal Ciri. And there are Cats and Cranes in the rafters, and Bears in the corners holding halberds and doing their best to look like ceremonial guards, which is remarkably good, all things considered. Milena and Sasha and Vesemir and Livi are standing off to one side, out of the way but still visible, still obviously important, with Lambert and Aubry and Serrit standing guard beside them; Mouse, of course, is not visible, as a spymistress with a known face is less effective by far. They make an imposing picture, all of them assembled just so. Jaskier is so very, very proud of his family and his people.
From the in-beta WIP "Cats Among Wolves: Coën" for "star":
Since he’s known without a doubt that he is the last Griffin, and will never know a brother’s companionship again. Erland’s code does not allow him to lie down in bitter grief and loneliness and let death take him, but Coën cannot quite keep himself from making careless errors, leaving gaps that might allow him to finally put down this aching pain in his heart and join his brothers in their long Path among the stars.
And now I get to pick some words...let me see. How about "kiss" and "laugh" and "snarl", and I'll tag @queerfictionwriter and @kimikocha and @violaceum-vitellina-viridis and @heronfem and @hoomhum and anyone else who wants to play!
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Find the Word Tag!
Thank you for the tag @darknightfrombeyond! 💜 This was a fun one (and a good reminder that I need to edit and start posting again -- lol).
My words: Hollow, Drag, Edge, Light, Sweet Your words: Count, Expression, Note, Comfort, Young
Imperfectly Bound (TVD) Chapter 3
That earned Gwen a hollow chuckle. “I used to do drugs to do that. Well, the having fun part.”
“He’s dragging his feet but he’s up,” she explained, her expression tightening slightly. “Thanks for taking him with you. He seems to be reverting back to reclusive, loner Jeremy from this summer. It’ll be good for him to go out.”
Gwen took her shot and watched as her strategy fell apart, the blue striped ball bouncing off the edge of the pocket.
Imperfectly Bound (TVD) Chapter 4
“…. Earlier I heard you taking to the girls about your ex. I can respect you not wanting to involve Ric if you think he’d react badly, but I need to know,” he said, pausing to look at her as he stopped at a red light. “Is this Riley guy someone to worry about?”
Imperfectly Bound (TVD) Chapter 7
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Gwen said with feigned sweetness. Then, lowering her voice, added, “Besides, who says I need backup?”
Tagging: @wordspin-shares @illegalcerebral @iron-parkr @raith-way and anyone else who wants to participate.
#tag game#find the words#my writing#jennss#I should really edit so I can update my fic and then actually start writing again
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Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tag @thewriteflame!
My words were bathe, lift, shimmer (or shine), kind.
Here are some snippets from The Magician and Ms. Psychic!
bathe and lift
The windows that had been protecting the tellers were completely shattered, their glass scattered all across the floor. The overhead lights were busted, leaving only the sunlight from the front window to bathe the lobby in ominous light. Tellers moved quickly behind the counter doing something, but I didn’t have the brain power to process what they were doing over the little kid sobbing in the corner and their mother frantically trying to shush them. “Magician!” Max shouted at me from somewhere behind the counter. “Get your ass in here!” I made a rude gesture in his direction, and I popped over to the crying kid instead. “Hey.” I did my best to make my voice as gentle as possible as I crouched to be more at the kid’s level. “You alright?" I realized that was a stupid question the moment it came out of my mouth. The kid froze. They stared up at me, their eyes wide and their mouth gaping open in a silent scream. The kid’s mom wrapped an arm around them to pull them closer to her. “L… leave us alone.” I have to admit, I admired the guts she had to stand up to a supervillain to protect her kid, but I didn’t pay her more than a passing glance. “That Shapeshifter Guy’s a real meanie, isn’t he?” I asked. The kid tried to say something, but the only sound that came out of their mouth was a high pitched squeal that made me have to fight the urge to slap my hands over my ears. I extended a hand towards them. “You wanna get out of here?” The kid sniffled. They started to lift a shaky hand towards me, but their mom yoinked them back before they could get too close.
Back behind the glass separating the bank employees from everyone else, the tellers were all huddled together in a circle whispering conspiratorially. I inched closer, doing my best to listen in to whatever tricksy shit they were planning, but the lights shined too brightly for me to be able to focus on their quiet words. I cleared my throat, and their circle broke. A couple of them fell ass backwards onto the floor in their scramble to put more distance between us. “Where's my money?” I asked.
Without his helmet or his track suit, it took me a couple seconds to even register the fact that it really was Hermes. He wore a t-shirt and shorts despite the chilly weather outside like half the other dumbass teen boys out on their field trips. If it wasn’t for the domino mask covering his eyes and the usual overly confident grin plastered on his face, I may have thought I had the wrong annoying kid. “What the fuck?” I exhaled sharply. “Can’t you take like two seconds to get dressed properly?” Hermes glanced down at his outfit like he’d just realized he wasn’t wearing his usual outfit, but he just shrugged off my very valid complaint without an explanation. “Put the painting back and get out of here,” Hermes ordered. “You’re scaring people.” “Scaring people is kind of the point, kiddo."
I'll tag @oh-no-another-idea, @space-writes, @bardicbeetle, and anyone else who sees this and wants to share some snippets from their wip.
Your words are knock, angry, forever, and water.
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Find the Words
Thank you for the tag, @peridotglimmer! Though I have a couple things under wraps that matched your words, I do have one other WIP match I can share 😊
Rules: Find the words from the list in your WIPs and post the paragraph they belong to.
My words were love, hate, ice, good.
Love (from a spicy WIP: No Risk, No Reward)
"You're a menace," he growled, all bark and no bite. Diana trailed her hands down his torso as he tried to focus on the environment beyond. It would be far too easy for someone to catch them, for their waiter to round the corner or their neighbors enjoying shisha to get curious, for anyone to hear their hushed chorus of passion beneath the radio's union of techno and ajouag. But easy wasn't the way of the game. She loved risk and he loved her--danger was part of the trade.
Tagging with no pressure: @diana-fortyseven @cajunandfire @cicaklah @postalninja @issytheamateurnerd @rieper-for-hire @air-tuna-art
New words: keep, trust, eyes, cover
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Find The Words
tagged by @princessfbi <3
My words are: Cold, Pink, Crawl, Gasp
The thought is enough to have Maddie’s blood boiling, melting away some of the cold dread freezing her in place.
Maddie’s cheeks turn charmingly pink. “Do you think Buck and Eddie are having a similar heart-to-heart?”
“You think he’ll be paying attention?” Chimney looks meaningfully at the guy. “He’s practically trying to crawl inside his laptop. I think we’re okay."
“Oh god,” Chimney gasps, coughing a little. “What is this, paint stripper?”
Lotta Madney goodness in this batch!
Tagging @bigfootsmom @spaceprincessem @homerforsure @jeeyuns @malewifediaz @father-salmon @underwater-ninja-13 @monsterrae1 @giddyupbuck for the words hard, light, blush, laugh
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find the words
tagged by my beloveds @princessfbi & @devirnis <3 <3 <3
my words are: hurt, pretty, pink, gasp (i combined the 2 sets)
“Hey— Hey! Buck, it’s me, it’s Eddie. I’m not going to hurt you— you’re okay!”
“So pretty like this…terrified.”
Goosebumps erupt in the wake of his hand as he drags his nails down his chest and he watches as pink lines bloom across his skin.
Buck gasps, eyes rolling back in his head as the black spots eat away at his vision.
no pressure tagging @honestlydarkprincess, @loserdiaz, @monsterrae1, @lovebuck, @maygrantgf, @shyaudacity, @miserykites, @housewifebuck, @colonoscopys, @homerforsure, @mellaithwen, @underwater-ninja-13, @father-salmon (sorry if you've been tagged already!)
your words are: uniform, red, chaos, shock
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Word find tag (Hope, home, hold, hole)
@winterandwords tagged me to search my WIP for hope, home, hold, and hole
Kohl mostly lined her round dark eyes that had seen its more than fair share of hardship and suffering and loss of hope in humanity.
“An enchanting home it is, madame,” complimented Justin. He hadn’t fully appreciated it, but this bedchamber appeared more comfortable than his own even when it was in a more luxurious home.
He hissed and winced, but Clarisse gave him a measure of comfort by whispering words of comfort, encouraging him to hold on as she applied the medicine on the wound.
He took off his trench coat, letting it slide to present him in a well-fitted black suit with a black tie. A white rosal was in the buttonhole, stark against the dark backdrop.
Tagging @laplumedemaureen, @chauceryfairytales, and @clairelsonao3 if you'd like to do it, with an open tag for anyone else who wants to join in.
The words to search your WIP for are road, saunter, and arise.
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Find the Words!
find the words
tagged by: @typicalopposite
rules: find your given words in your WIPs and post a snippet containing the words, then tag others with their own sets of words :)
my words: laugh, tomorrow, and wonder
Laugh - 5+1 where Alex and Henry are at the lake house having sex anywhere on the property they want
Tonight, he tells his father about Alex’s rowing skills, about the coordination and the strength to send their small boat gliding along the water. He tells him about how they rowed out to the center of the lake, jumped in to float for awhile in the deep water, and how they laughed as they were forced to swim all the way back to shore, unable to pull themselves back into the boat. He recalls Alex’s incessant cursing as he took the motor boat back out to retrieve the rowboat, towing it back to shore, his cheeks burning bright red with embarrassment that Henry kissed away.
Funny story, I don't have tomorrow featuring in ANY of my WIPs right now!
Wonder - The Henry hurt/comfort fic
Henry’s long legs are tucked beneath the blankets, and he’s wearing a ratty Oxford sweatshirt with several bleach stains spread throughout. His hair, where earlier it was perfectly coiffed and smoothed with pomade, has fallen into disarray, appearing as if he’s raked his fingers through the golden strands a time or two. He looks…soft, and tired, and pale, and…entirely human, for the second time in as many days. Alex can’t help but wonder if maybe all this time, he’s been stuck on the other side of some sort of wall that Henry built, and now that he’s seen him seemingly at his weakest, perhaps he’ll let him stay there instead of kicking him out and slamming an invisible door behind him.
I think the neat thing about this tag game is each person giving their own words to someone else, so I'm only going to pick a couple people and then see what words they might have to throw out into the world!
@kiwiana-writes, @anincompletelist, and @inexplicablymine y'all are up, if you want! Your words are: glare, harmful, and pray
#find the words#rwrb fic#rwrb fanfic#rwrb fanfiction#my fics#my wips#my writing#tag games#writing games
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Find the word!
Hallo! Thank ya to @toribookworm22 for the tag!
The words for me are
The words for @asterhaze @stanrendipity @tisiphonewolfe @garthcelyn and open tags for anyone else are;
now onto my findings; all from Rituals and Red Tape
SWALLOW- Ooooo how I hate this beautiful man, first meeting of HR
Cherry blossom petals swirled along the floor, snaking through my legs. I could feel my mind softening and my limbs growing warm. Swallowing the lump in my throat I turned to face my speaker, a trembling sigh wormed its way out my mouth as I gazed into their shimmering blue eyes. Blond hair cascaded over one side of their angular face, playfully it was pushed aside by a hand of marble white skin. The contrast of their skin was enhanced by the powder blue button-up and the navy blue jacket that draped casually over their shoulder. A wry smile traced itself across their lips as they grabbed my hand and pulled me in close. At this proximity it was clear the black outline to their figure was not a trick of the light but an intrinsic part of their form.
DEAL- From the chapter I am currently editing
With some final snaps and cracks I stretched and sighed in relief as everything settled back into its rightful spot, “I’ll either have a word with Caretaker or send something to follow up once we have completed the task at hand. Not too large of a deal, we just need to verify that the resident in question has all the proper permits and allowances to possess such a device; I might suggest they attend a refresher course in domicile maintenance and good neighbor behavior. But,” -I start to walk away- “this is neither here nor there we have other matters to see to first.”
FOREIGN-The first paragraph of the story
Salt, sun-baked sand, and hot asphalt were the first things I could smell. Opening my eyes I beheld before me a landscape familiar, yet, foreign in some indiscernible manner. A thought nagged at the back of my mind, a feeling of uncertainty and unease. This thought had only existed for a moment before the panic crashed over me. I was no longer at home, let alone in my bed. A heavy weight pressed against my chest as my mind raced. How was this possible? My last memory before this sudden displacement was the hum of an electric fan, the soft caress of a hand sewn blanket, and the cradle of the perfect pillow.
Thanks again for the tag and sorry this took some time!
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Find the Words!
This tag came from @space-writes, so thanks for including me in this game!
Passing it on with soft tags to @nopoodles, @lexiklecksi, @did-i-do-this-write, and @unmellowyellowfellow, as well as leaving an open tag. Your words will be underneath, piece, neither, heavy, and busy. If you can't find one, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words were feed, elaborate, study, and silver. These excerpts were taken from my Castle series
Feed Small schools of symbiotic fish swam about the serpents, feeding off the crustaceans that were attracted by the algae. They looked like tiny flashes of silver in the water, as though someone had dropped handfuls of coins.
They could estimate the age of the serpents based on their sizes and saw, to their surprise, most were quite young. The one they’d killed and hooked appeared to be the oldest of all the serpents that had migrated to Ship’s Bane.
“I thought you said these waters were well traveled?” Seen asked Jethro, who gave him a doggy shrug.
“We pass through fairly often.”
“We haven’t passed through recently?” he offered.
Elaborate “You just threw him.”
“Yes,” Hank said. “I don’t think he liked it.”
The rodent stared at him for a second more, then started laughing. It laughed so hard, it knocked itself right over and kept laughing, curled up on its side. Unable to help himself, Hank found himself laughing with it. The sheer absurdity of it all.
When its fit subsided, it sat up and wiped its eyes with its tail tuft. Standing, it performed an elaborate bow, sweeping its tail over its head like a fine hat. “Flolly Hawm, ever at your service!”
Study Tobias’ eyes flicked from him to Jay and back again. He didn’t know that Jay begged him to run, that it was the magic keeping his face impassive. To Haow, he said, “You look well for someone who died a thousand years ago.”
“How kind of you to say so,” Haow said with an amiable smile, sitting at the little table. “Immortality will do that.”
Tobias ignored him, instead looking to Jay. Jay’s body stood relaxed and at ease, that ever present half-smile in place on his lips. He noticed Tobias’ study of him and raised his eyebrows with a quick grin.
Silver “Why is she silver?” he found himself asking Arial in a whisper, and she gasped.
“Aero!” she hissed, appalled. “You can’t just ask why someone’s silver!”
#find the words#find the word tag#find the word game#tag game#tag games#writer games#open tag#open to everyone#original fiction#original characters#my writing#yavs writing#castle in the ice series
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Find the Words
Tagged by: @sasslett, thank you so much for thinking of me!! This was really fun to do! 🥰💖
Rules: You are given a list of words that you much search your works to find. Once you find each word, post a snippet of the writings in which the word was used, preferably long enough so everyone understands the context in which each word was used.
My words were weapon, star, skin and smirk!
Weapon - from FFXIVWrite 2022 #19: Turn a Blind Eye
“I haven’t had the chance to apologize to you, for playing with you when I first saw you in the Black Shroud,” said G’raha as he looked towards his companion, admiring how beautiful she looked in the evening glow of the twilit sky, in the shadow of the shining tower that pierced the heavens above.
Yume waved her hand dismissively. “Oh, ‘tis alright. You weren’t nearly as insufferable once we met in person.”
G’raha’s ears fell back and he began to pout, which made Yume giggle incessantly.
With a sigh, G’raha replied, “Guess you’re right about that. I-I think I was just overcome by seeing an honest-to-gods hero in the flesh, and—“
“Is that what you think of me? A hero?”
“Yume?” G’raha looked to the Raen with concern as she looked towards the horizon, deep in thought.
“Raha, I am no hero. Far from it. If you knew the things I have done, or how many times I turned a blind eye to the suffering of my people under my father’s rule, you would never call me a hero.”
“But you slayed primals, you fought and defeated the XIVth Legion, the Ultima Weapon, hells, even an Ascian! Those are impressive feats, you and yours saved the realm for godssake! Those are all heroic deeds, my friend.”
“Tell me Raha, how many people need to be saved in order to make up for my past mistakes? If I save a hundred people, does that make up for a hundred others that were killed? Does that somehow redeem me in your eyes?”
The miqo’te was speechless. He didn’t know how to answer her. She was correct, and yet…
Yume turned to G’raha with the most serious eyes that he had seen from her before. There was no anger, no pain, no sorrow, only a countenance as cold as steel. “I am a killer. That is all I ever have been and all I ever will be.”
Star - from “Who did this to you?”
“Hali! Where are you?! Hali!” Aymeric was running as fast as he could, desperately trying to look among the piles of magitek rubble and broken bodies, searching for any sign of the lalafellin Astrologian, but so far, he had not seen any trace.
Then he saw it: a flash of pink hair out of the corner of his eye. Aymeric gasped and ran over to her, throwing Naegling to the ground and kneeling next to her.
“Hali!” The lord commander’s voice was strained as he laid his hand on her bloodied cheek.
Hali’s pink hair was disheveled, her astrologian robes were stained with a mixture of blood and dirt, and her star globe laid closed next to her side. For a brief moment, Aymeric feared the worst, yet he dared not voice that fear aloud.
He gently lifted her into his arms, cradling her small form against his chest, and noted that she felt so light, as he lifted her without effort, but it was concerning that she had not seemed to even notice him lift her off the ground.
“Hali… please! Open your eyes!”
That seemed to do the trick, as Hali stirred and her eyes fluttered open, but she was straining to breathe. She had just enough strength to smile up at the elezen. “Aymeric? Is that… really you?”
Aymeric briefly closed his eyes, straining to hold himself together, but his voice turned dark as he looked down at Hali’s frail form.
“…Who did this to you?” He asked, though he was almost certain who had done it, he had to hear it from her lips.
“Let… it go Aymeric, it doesn’t… matter–“
“Yes, it does. Who did this to you?” He growled.
Skin - from Hold Me Closer
As daylight broke through the curtains adorning the infirmary room window, Hali stirred awake, surrounded by warmth. She felt the lightweight bedsheets covering most of her body, but there was another warmth that she couldn’t quite place. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Not since she was but a very young child that she felt like she was held in someone’s arms when she awoke.
But as soon as she was able to open her eyes, she realized that she was in fact, being held. When her sight came into sharper focus, Hali just froze in place, excitement and fear rose from the pit of her stomach as the reality of the situation became apparent. The unfamiliar warmth was in fact Aymeric’s flesh. In the middle of the night, she must’ve slid over to him and began to cuddle up against him.
But that wasn’t all that her unconscious self did, oh no. She not only had curled up against him, but her face was nuzzled into his chest, and her left leg was on top of his abdomen, and her other leg was right up against his side. Then as she turned to look behind her, she saw Aymeric’s arm around her, holding her to him, with his hand resting on her hip.
Hali’s heart started beating out of her chest and electricity shot through her body as all around her, she felt his skin on hers. He felt soft, supple, yet she could also feel his muscles underneath, with a distinct firmness that she was wholly unfamiliar.
She had never felt a grown man’s muscular body before, and it was conjuring a growing fire from within. An overwhelming sensation of wanting to reach out and touch more… she wanted to feel more of him.
Suddenly her higher brain functioning kicked in, and it shook her from her baser urges with the horror that she was nearly on top of a man who was not her lover, as much as she may wish that were true.
Smirk - from Snowdrops
When the hair ornament was secured in place, Hali looked over to Aymeric, who was already staring at her.
“How does it look?” Hali asked with a timid grin.
Aymeric smiled warmly as he reached over and tucked a few strands of her rosy pink hair behind her ear. “You look beautiful, my snowdrop.”
Hali’s face, from her cheeks to the tips of her pointed ears, turned a deep red.
“Y-Your snowdrop?!” She fumbled over her words as her heart practically flew out of her chest. Just what was he thinking?! How dare he say such things to her and not expect her to faint right on the spot?!
Aymeric shrugged his shoulders with a playful grin. “Oh, do you not like the term of endearment? I could perhaps keep calling you my friend—“
“No no! Please, you may call me your snowdrop anytime! Trust me…” Hali replied with a smirk.
The lord commander laughed before he grinned at Hali. “How I will miss you so…”
Tagging: @meepsthemiqo, @traveler-of-light, and any other writer out there that wants to do this and hasn’t been tagged yet!
Your words are yours, heart, breath, and smile!
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Find the Word Tag
Thanks for the tag @oh-no-another-idea!!
My words were grieve, grace, game, and grin.
I did find all of these words in The Magician and Ms. Psychic, but grieve and grace both happen to be in sentences with Major Spoilers so I'm just gonna double up on snippets for the other words since they both appear multiple times.
“Listen.” I slapped my hand on the table. “I would suggest a straight up fight, but since you like to cheat by not even letting me get close to you, I’d like to suggest something a little bit more fair.” I pulled a deck of cards from my pocket to plop on the table between us. “A game of poker! You win, and I’ll back off and let you do your thing, but if I win…” I couldn’t help the little grin that tugged at the corners of my lips as I leaned forwards on the table on both hands. “I get to peel off your skin to make a cute new pair of boots.” Ms. Psychic frowned. “Playing cards with a magician isn’t really my idea of a fair fight.”
game pt 2
“Fuck that.” I guided her gaze away from the house with a gentle hand. “If you go back there, he wins. You gotta let him seethe a little. Give him a chance to realize what an asshat he’s being.” Claire bit down on her bottom lip. “I’m not sure mind games would work on my dad” “Or maybe I could go give him a piece of my mind.” A curl of hair flopped into my face as I squared my shoulders. “Someone needs to make him realize that he shouldn’t talk to you like that.” I turned around, ready to march in there and yoink a few bones, but Claire tugged me closer before I could get too far. “I… I don’t think…” Her voice trailed off, and she took a deep breath. “I don’t think he was trying to say anything wrong. He just wants what’s best for me.”
“Muncher.” I exhaled sharply. “Are you there?” Another several seconds of silence passed before a faint static sound bubbled through the shitty walkie-talkie speaker. “You didn’t say ‘over.’ Over.” “Muncher.” I brought the walkie-talkie up a little closer to my mouth with an annoyed huff. “What the fuck?” After another long moment of silence, I added an exasperated, “Over.” “Just following the sacred rules of the walkie-talkie.” I could practically hear the shit eating grin on Myles’ face through the static. “Over.”
grin pt 2
“What the heck?” Hermes’ voice squeaked. "Get these off of me." I couldn't help but grin as I watched Hermes try and fail to pull himself free from the handcuffs. “Not gonna happen, kiddo.” I walked backwards through the vault door. Metal clanged as Hermes tugged on his handcuffs again. “Magician.” He stomped his foot. “I’m serious.” “I am too.” I placed one hand on the side of the vault door. “Naughty kids deserve to be put in time out.”
I'll tag @ahordeofwasps, @wordwizards, @thelittlestspider, and anyone else who sees this and wants to play along.
Your words are lose, let, left, and letter.
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Find the word tag!
Thanks for the tag @quinnharperwrites. For those that don't know, if challenged you have to find a set of words from any of your WIP(s) and then challenge people with a different set.
My words were: issue, location, way, glasses, and bed
This was actually really fun, and surprisingly challenging considering I couldn’t find about half of them.
Bed- Estrella Solitaria Reaching the top of the hill, Ophellia smiled, sighed and slowly turned to admire the path she had walked and how different the world looked under the light of the two moons. Before her crops and farmland stretched as far as her eye could see and further still, their embrace seemingly blanketing the entire world like a planet sized bed. Her eyes tilted upwards and her gaze turned to the stars. There’s a certain beauty in the unknown, she thought to herself, dreaming. Dreaming of what, if anything lied beyond the plantation- of what distant worlds her parents may have called home. As she gazed towards the stars, she wondered how many millions of sunsets she was watching from this hill, and wondered if her parents were watching them with her.
Glasses (glass(?))- Estrella Solitaria Hours felt like minutes as Ophellia sat by the window, watching awestruck as entire solar systems streaked across the inky darkness like raindrops on glass. The galaxy was a lot larger than just Hephaestus. An uncomfortable feeling of insignificance formed a pit in her gut and in an attempt to distract herself she turned her focus towards the Emissaries.
Way- Despair The commissar shook his head, unconvinced. Perhaps the Negotiator was unconvinced too. He was good at his job and had a supernatural knack for knitting sentences in such a way that he usually got what he wanted before they were through. Even so, he doubted his abilities would at all be effective towards a god.
Issue N/A
Location nope.
I decided to include “way” twice to make up for all of the missing words.
Way- Despair Above, scores of trenches scarred the soil like stretch marks on skin and each day, the frontlines inched closer and closer to friendly lands. He closed his eyes, trying to push away the unbearable feeling of grief, gripping at throat and as he did so he realized he was crying. It's just in your head, you need to appear in control, he reminded himself, lying, as he pushed himself upwards, half expecting his legs to melt under him on his way up.
I challenge @shellyscribbles ,@caffeine-bee, @yvesdot and anyone else that wants to join.
Your words are: Life, why, pretty, sad, and star
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Find the Word Tag
Thanks to @mariahwritesstuff for this one; check out her post here.
My words were gift, charm and break. Is it just me or do these words seem chosen specifically for me? Love them in any case! Here are the words from GSNBTR:
Ch. 14
At least an illiterate slave toiling in the fields wouldn't be haunted by everything that, despite his gifts, he was still failing at.
Ch. 15
He might be able to charm the birds right out of the trees, but she was now less a bird and more an angry, buzzing horsefly, determined to no longer fall for anything he threw in front of her.
Ch. 9
“Good slaves never break the rules, and yet here we are.”
(Yeah, it's the title drop. I'm sorry, you walked right into that one.)🤣
Should you choose to join in @elshells @isherwoodj @hallwriteblr
You words are shine, lose, and care.
Have fun!
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I hope you're safe out there. While you can't always be stuck in self doubt and always question everything, because that'd be exhausting, to a certain degree... That's a good fear, in a way. It keeps you learning and questioning. Fear can be bad and it can hurt and I hope it does neither to you. But inherently, it's not always negative either.

#also ily i wish i had comforting words#that I could make you feel better magically#or just#not magically#find the words#but i dont have them so
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