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cbarc · 22 days ago
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I always enjoyed Eragon and Oriks chats
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thearunadragon · 1 month ago
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Eragon and Orik
This is a more realistic art piece than usual, but still maintained my style (AKA: the only way I know how to art.)
They are discussing war plans but also they are brothers your honor
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glbtrx · 1 year ago
Ajihad: would you say that you're independent?
Eragon: *looks behind himself*
Saphira, Nasuada, Arya, Orik, Murtagh: *nod*
Eragon: yeah, I'd say so.
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crispy-ghee · 4 months ago
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Commission for bonemoth on bluesky of Orik. This one was a lot of fun to do.
(Get your own $25 headshot commission on Ko-fi here)
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Small habits I’ve given the characters subconsciously
Eragon: picking at his cuticles.
Roran: biting nails
Arya: braiding or running her fingers through her hair
Elva: clicking heels together when sitting
Katrina: messing with her cloth seams (girly had to get really good a repair sewing)
Morzan: bitting/picking at his knuckles
Brom: chewing on clothes, necklaces’ etc.
Orik: teeth sucking.
Nasuda: shoe tapping
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dumbassonmars · 1 year ago
Stonehead! I called you Stonehead because I've been trying to wake you for almost an hour.
- Orik, from Eldest, by Christopher Paolini
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who is your favourite IC character?
murtagh or orik. (Can’t decide)
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sparklepirate · 2 years ago
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Ah. Well.
..... About that-
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thearunadragon · 1 month ago
These are the kind of videos Eragon and Orik would post about the feldûnost if they spent a week doing farm stuff together, and then there would just be a short clip at the end of the two of them being run over by, like, 20 baby feldûnost.
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whisperinglines · 2 years ago
«Ti preoccupi per una crepa nel pavimento quando tutta la montagna sta per crollarci addosso!»
- C. Paolini, Inheritance
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thearunadragon · 2 months ago
Okay the big one: IC characters reacting too...The Eragon movie
This honestly needs a whole structured little react book to answer fairly. That’s why it took me so long to figure out how to answer this. But, until I get to writing that properly, here’s a little rundown 😂
ERAGON wants to know why he’s blonde
ARYA wants to know why she’s blonde/ginger and wants explanations for literally everything else also
RORAN is angry because “this isn’t how this happened at all!” referring to joining the army and the conscription scenes. Eragon agrees.
ANGELA is obscenely amused and munching on popcorn.
MURTAGH doesn’t hate his character portrayal ENTIRELY, but wants to know why the FUCK the scar is on the side of his stomach and basically just a little paper cut of a sword wound compared to what actually happened. He also wants to know why it has two curves and why he was put in a cage.
NASUADA wants to know what’s going on with the strange ceremonial headgear in one of the scenes
AJIHAD find his portrayal accpetable
ORIK wants know where the actual f**k he and Hrothgar are
The TWINS are only in the special edition I believe and are very unhappy about it
SAPHIRA wants to know why she has feathers and why she grew in a half second and why her scales are not shiny. She will half-accept her personality in the film, though she thinks they could have captured her much better.
ORRIN is just here for the drama.
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glbtrx · 1 year ago
btw don't talk to me if you don't think that Orik is one of the most underrated and ignored characters of IC and, like, the best buddy you could ever hope to meet. bye
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aikoiya · 7 months ago
While I can definitely understand depression, I guess it just feels odd that he almost seems to be choosing not to even try to be happy.
Like, I get it. He loved Hemisi. Understandable. But he's really just soft of wallowing in his depression rather than even trying to move on & live.
Sure, he can't be with Hemisi. But he is the king now & he can find other ways to be happy. Like isn't just Hemisi.
Congratulations on the followers! Or, well... congrats to them for following someone awesome. XD
A prompt: Link (any of em), a butterfly, and "I could never think that about you."
It was a quiet evening in the royal gardens. Sonia was playing with her brother in the distance, allowing Link a moment to simply relax and smile and watch them. It was... nice. Peaceful. He hadn't seen his children in two days, with as worn thin as he'd felt lately. He'd hated himself for not simply dragging his pathetic self out of bed, but instead, Lady Impa had checked in on him and finally convinced him to leave his room after a couple days. He was thankful for it, and ashamed it took her help to get him here.
Movement caught his attention, and his gaze settled on a nearby flower. A butterfly was landing on it, wings gently moving back and forth as it balanced on the petals. It was lilac in color, with red markings on its delicate wings. One of the rarer breeds, only seen in Kakariko until they were introduced to the gardens. It reminded him of home from long, long ago.
He wondered how and why they had been brought here.
When he heard footsteps behind him, he glanced quickly, tensing, recognizing the cadence of the steps, the swishing of a skirt along the grass.
Zelda moved carefully, perching herself on the space beside him on the bench. Neither said anything for a while, listening to the laughter of their children.
Surprisingly, Link broke the silence first. "I thought you had a banquet you had to attend."
"It's in honor of the veterans of the war," Zelda answered. "I thought it best that you be there as well."
So what, you're here to retrieve me? Order me to go?
"Besides," Zelda continued, glancing at him almost worriedly. "That isn't for two days, remember?"
Oh. Was it? It wasn't as if Link knew what day it was anymore. Not really. They all blended together. His measurement of time was based on meetings with Impa or the royal scientists about progress on the Sheikah and their affairs. He'd only just started trying to get more involved with it, and it was... exhausting. But he was trying. Aside from that, all his time was spent with the children.
When I'm not being a useless lump, that is.
Link hummed to acknowledge the queen, but he didn't bother making eye contact. This conversation was becoming draining quickly. What did Zelda want?
Feeling annoyance grow in his chest, Link sighed and closed his eyes a moment before looking at her. Zelda's face was neutral, the previous worry gone. She was searching for something in his gaze. It was a familiar expression, one he often saw in the throne room.
What was she looking for, he wondered? She definitely wanted something out of him. Zelda never spoke to him or came to him unless she wanted something.
"I..." the queen was strangely hesitant with her words, and that did garner his attention. "I know... I know that you hate me. That you think I'm a monster. But I... am thankful for your help. For everything you've done."
...Wait, what?
Where had--what?
Where had this even come from?! Why was she--what??
"Are you well?" Link asked abruptly, turning a bit to face her more fully.
Zelda's expression grew sincerely puzzled at his remark, and then somehow became somber before she sighed and tried to look calm again. "I--yes. I'm fine."
This had to be a trick, right? Why was--she never thanked him for anything. Or, well, she'd thanked him during the war plenty of times. They'd been friends then. But ever since their marriage, requests and petitions became orders, gratitude became expectations. Link was just someone for her to utilize. He knew that. They both did.
What was this all about?
His stomach churned uncomfortably, guilt gnawing through the biting frost of resentment. His words lodged in his throat as his mind and heart fought for the right thing to say in this situation, distrust and concern mixing in a confusing concoction that poisoned his ability to speak.
Eventually, Zelda rose, a little less gracefully than she usually would. Link reached out, his hand grabbing hers to stop her from leaving, catching both of them off guard.
"Your Majesty," he automatically said as a placeholder, a means of trying to fight the mental block stopping him from speaking. What did he even want to say? What could he say to that? "I..."
The guilt won out, or perhaps some desperate desire to be acknowledged. He didn't know if this was compassion or simply him being pathetic, a positive response to a positive remark. But... still... "Zelda... I could never think that about you."
The queen glanced at him, eyes a little wider, perhaps even caught off guard.
Did she truly believe he thought she was a monster? He'd met monsters. Zelda was no Ganondorf, nor Ozen. She... she was just...
She was just doing what she thought was best.
"Monsters are selfish," Link continued. "You're trying to take care of Hyrule. I... I respect that."
Despite whatever anger and bitterness he held toward her, he could at least say those words genuinely. They were true. It was part of the reason he'd agreed to marry her, whether he loved her or not. They'd both wanted what was best for Hyrule, what was best for the Gerudo, what was best for those they did love dearly. And if they had to sacrifice their happiness for it, they were willing to do so.
Sacrifice. Zelda was willing to sacrifice for others. She was willing to sacrifice everything.
"You're my queen," he said quietly. "And you... always will be."
The queen, whose words held all the power in the world, was speechless. As the two monarchs stared at each other, hurt and brokenness a chasm between them, the lilac butterfly flew between them, carrying that last vestige of home with it into the darkening night sky as their daughter ran over to greet them.
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tomesmithpress · 2 years ago
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The Grass Sea ttrpg token set is now available on patreon!
The pack comes with the tokens you see below, plus many alts!
The Dao token will be released for free May 1st!
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vehrabells · 1 month ago
Papa’s Girl . ⌛🧡
I hope this makes sense. (´;ω;`) | Again, Orik design by @jess-the-vampire ! I’ve been coming up with Skywynne and Orik stuff hejdjsjejd I’m invested in the father-daughter...
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literalite · 1 year ago
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in case i can't think of an actual good way to edit them this is the eragon cast in the sims as i envisioned them as a kid
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