#how do you just come to terms with the fact that you were auctioned off
ghostwithaheartbeat · 2 months
It’s really weird when you have this experience that no one you talk to about it can really relate to and some people say it’s completely normal and your overreacting, but then other people are acting all horrified. And then you wonder if your overreacting, or if it was even real, or if it happened how you remember it, or if it really was as bad as you thought.
Like how as children this youth group we were in used to have the adult church members bid on us individually, and we’d go home with them for a few hours and work for them. It was an unspoken rule that you could not opt out, or opt your child out. Maybe that’s a normal way to raise money for church expenses? Or maybe that was shady?? This was in the middle of nowhere rural usa in the early 2010s for context
- Misty
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takiki16 · 9 months
Hey so I am starting to get into Jupiter Ascending fandom (a couple years late but what can I say). I was thinking of writing a fic. Do you have any resources for JA extra information?
Thanks in advance. Also I am loving your fic (it's how I started getting into the fandom lololol). can't wait to reread!!!
I'm paging @bemusedlybespectacled, @gallifreyburning, @vr-trakowski, @sorrelchestnut, @florentinequill, @fuckyeahjupiterascending, @vrabia, and honestly ANYONE ELSE who wants to chime in here, bc HOOOOOOO BOY!
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(I made that sweet puppy in fucking 2015 on my dying laptop in the travel study dorm in DC, JUPITER ASCENDING HOW I LOVE THEE)
The eternal fucking tragedy of Jupiter Ascending is that the wider world doesn't love it like we do. Does it have every single thing that turns my crank, id-wise? Sure! Does it have gorgeous over-the-top sequined costumes and extravagant set pieces that remind you at every minute that this movie specially thanked Swarovski Crystal in the credits? Sure! Does it have theeeee single most pinpoint reading of MY PERSONAL FEMALE GAZE that Channing Tatum has ever done? (sorry mister Magic Mike, but you do not even come CLOSE to "may I kill him?" in terms of sexy) SURE! Was this movie a commercial or critical success? Absolutely not 😔
There isn't, as far as I'm aware, an art book. There isn't an official novelization. There isn't even an actual script posted to the usual internet databases that isn't just an automatic shitty talk-to-text rendition of the movie dialogue. There are concept art paintings and old cast interviews floating around, and this auction website where the Wachowskis auctioned off some of the props from the movie, but as far as canon resources and extra material beyond the movie itself there isn't much. A quick duckduckgo search would probably be more helpful to you than anything else, if any of the websites still have the articles up - it WAS eight years ago, and doesn't that just break my fucking heart.
My corner of tumblr LOVED this movie. In 2015, there were TONS of posts gathering interviews, posting concept art, making cosplays, all the signs of a small but healthy fandom ecosystem. However, we call this the blue hellsite for a reason - not all of those resources are still there, and the ones that survived time and incompetent archival site coding are probably difficult to find. I would definitely recommend trawling the JA tags of all the blogs I tagged at the start of this post, as JA introduced me to two of my longest and most beloved of all mutuals. ALL of their insights were key to A Fine Chain.
There is also my own jupiter ascending tag and my more specific jupiter ascending meta tag, although I don't know how bored you are lol. The general JA tag is 105 pages - I would almost recommend just starting at page 105 and working forward from there since it chronicles my descent into kinky space angel werewolf brain rot pretty nicely. There are also my ao3 bookmarks for JA.
I WILL SAY that it has been 8 years, and I have changed into a very different person than the one I was when I first saw this movie. I don't REGRET the first few chapters of A Fine Chain, or any of my breathless meta posts, but I do think that if I were to write any of them over again, I'd hope that my writing style has matured and I'd have lots more extra material to draw from. Actually graduating from law school, writing long fic in another fandom, and generally percolating more as a person has given me lots of new perspectives on JA that make it more interesting even as I still enjoy it (for example, HBO's Succession is ODDLY RELEVANT and I wish there were more JA fanwriters to take advantage of that fact).
...I hope that was helpful? I will ETERNALLY mourn the fact that this fandom wasn't isn't bigger - we haven't even broken 1k on ao3! But EYE MYSELF am here to discuss JA stuff as long as this weird spurt of creative energy sustains me, and my inbox is always open!
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knaccblog · 1 year
Ready Now
"Aziraphale has told Crowley he loves him, many times by now and showed him that he loves him many more times as well. But there are still years and years of rules and habits learned through their long association that are complete rubbish now, harmful even. It's going to take awhile to sort them all out." aka Crowley and Aziraphale are both messes but they love each other so they're going to work it out. Also available on A03
One action packed road trip and one world saved (again) later, Aziraphale and Crowley are finally back in London but things are very different than before.  For one, Heaven and Hell are officially and forever off their backs. No more being technically traitors or ex-employees or anything, just a miraculous and permanent severing of their individual allegiances (without any real change to their state of being) and a promised immunity from any further meddling. It was a bit dizzying to think about, to be honest, so often Aziraphale would not, instead choosing to focus on the most exceptional, truly unbelievably wonderful thing that had happened along the way which was that Crowley had accepted his feelings (once Aziraphale had finally found his courage and told him) and returned them eagerly with words and kisses of his own. There may even have been a slight drizzle happening throughout the whole confession that was neatly blocked by a nearby apple tree, though to be honest, the details of everything besides how it felt to hold Crowley in his arms were a bit fuzzy. 
They'd been home for about three days so far (and by home, Aziraphale means holed up in his bookshop) and they'd gotten up to all manner of things that Aziraphale had barely ever even hoped to try together. He'd even, after a bit of convincing, attempted sleeping, which he'd found enjoyable enough, at least on a short term basis and as long as Crowley was curled tightly around him. This morning had started much the same way as any other had since their return; lots of kissing, breakfast, more kissing, talking about some inane subject for hours on end, kissing and so on. Aziraphale had been assuming that the terribly similar morning would roll on, transforming into a terribly similar afternoon when, to his surprise, a knock had come on the bookshop door while Crowley was in the back finding more wine. Aziraphale had nearly sent whoever it was away when he'd just heard, barely audible through the heavy wood and glass, the declaration that they were, in fact, from the International Express Delivery Service and had a package for a Mr. Fell that required a signature if at all possible.
Aziraphale had sprung up, hurrying to catch the delivery person before they slipped away with a book that he'd ordered nearly two years ago now that had somehow, between the pandemic and a surprising chain of postal mix-ups, miraculously gotten waylaid just long enough to arrive at the bookshop very close to his own permanent return to it. Funny old world and all that. To be honest, until that very moment, Aziraphale had basically forgotten all about it but the instant he opened the package, he felt his breath catch in his throat. The cover, a beautiful, polished crimson leather and it's contents, pages and pages of detailed facts about snakes paired with equally detailed gouache paintings of them were collectively even more stunning than they had seemed in the auction catalog all those years ago. He'd opened the book reverentially to the beginning and, without looking up, drifted his way carefully through the familiar obstacles of his bookshop and over to his couch. This was going to take some seeing to, he was certain.
Aziraphale looks up some time later from a particularly stunning illustration of a Red Bellied Black Snake to see Crowley pacing around the bookshop aimlessly. He tilts his head. "Is there something going on? Perhaps something you need to do, my dear?"
Crowley's gaze snaps up to meet Aziraphale's as he stops pacing. "Right, I'll just- get out of your hair then?" Crowley puts his sunglasses on and starts to head towards the door.
Aziraphale feels a sudden rush of panic. Something seems off. "Crowley, wait!" 
Crowley stops dead in his tracks and turns back to him. "What?"
"I-" He waves a hand in little circles. "I don't understand what's happening. Do you have something else you need to do or not?"
Crowley grimaces. "Technically... no."
Aziraphle sighs. "Then why are you leaving?"
"Well," Crowley shrugs, "you're busy-"
"Ahhhhh of course!" Aziraphale nods and smiles. Now he understands everything. How long had it been since he'd even looked up from his book? An half an hour, maybe an hour even. He hadn't meant to get so absorbed really. Crowley must be going mad. He wonders why he hadn't just wandered off all on his own really. Perhaps he hadn't wanted to leave without saying anything but he also hadn't wanted to interrupt Aziraphale? Crowley always had been terribly considerate of him. "Well," he smiles, "Just make sure to take the keys when you go then?"
Crowley's mouth flattens. "Right," he nods stiffly, his tone brittle. "Wouldn't want to be in the way." He heads for the door faster this time.
Before he even quite knows what he's doing, Aziraphale's snaped and the door becomes temporarily uncooperative. Crowley gives the handle a little tug and then sighs.
Aziraphale's stomach sinks. He's a fool. It's suddenly quite clear that he'd been nearly completely wrong with his previous theory. Luckily for him, he's starting to see the shape of it now. There must be a second conversation happening, one he can't perceive, that's making Crowley very upset. He sighs and squeezes his eyes closed. "Crowley, I don't know what I said but please just talk to me. I can tell you're quite upset."
Crowley jiggles the door knob one more time and then turns around. Even in the sunglasses, he won't meet Aziraphale's eyes. "It's just, I've been here what, three days? And you started reading and I figured, ya know, that was my sign to go. I mean, you're bound to get sick of me sometime. I'm just trying to, mmm, keep ahead of it. Stay out of your way."
Aziraphale's chest aches at that and he frowns. "Crowley, I love you-"
"Right," Crowley snaps, "and we wouldn't want you to change your mind about that now, would we?"
Aziraphale feels like he's been punched in the stomach. He closes his book completely and sets it on the arm of the couch. "Alright, that's enough of that. Come over here right this instant." His face is stone and his tone brokers no argument. 
Crowley squirms as if fighting himself and then goes limp. "Fine, since you haven't given me much of a choice." He saunters over, his feet dragging a little. "Here?" he says, standing in front of Aziraphale, his tone a bit mocking though which of them he's making fun of isn't clear. (Probably himself)
Aziraphale shakes his head and pats the couch next to him. "Here please."
Crowley visibly rolls his eyes, even in the sunglasses, and then plops down, a wild sprawl of limbs, "And wh-"
Aziraphale reaches across and grabs Crowley by the far shoulder, pulling him rather effortlessly down so that his head is now resting in Aziraphale's lap. Crowley's jaw falls slack and his cheeks darken just slightly. 
Aziraphale immediately tangles a hand in Crowley's hair and lets out a contented sigh. Ever since they'd gotten together and he'd started getting to touch Crowley whenever he wants, doing this had always made his heart skip a beat. Somehow it's even more lovely than he'd always thought it would be. He hopes that someday he'll get to feel it at all of the wonderful lengths he'd missed out on touching over the years. "I love doing this." Aziraphale beams down at Crowley as he continues to run his fingers through his hair. "Do you like it as well?"
Crowley stumbles for a moment before finally getting out, "Mmmmm yeah. Course I do." He smiles a little shyly and looks away. "I- I don't know what this has to do with anything?"
Aziraphale sighs and meets Crowley's eyes as best he can with the sunglasses. "I need you to understand something: I don't really ever want you to go away. Like of course we'll do separate errands sometimes or you'll get bored and go for a drive or I'll go to a book sale and you won't want to come. Or perhaps you and Muriel and the girls will go to some loud concert and I'll stay home. And that's normal and fine. I'll even be happy you're having a good time without me. But I am never going to be gladdened by just your absence, you understand? I'm always happiest when you're here with me."
Crowley swallows. "You can't mean that-"
"Do I sound like I'm joking?"
"Well, no but-"
"I have spent enough time playing coy and pushing you away and I'm sick of it. But also," Aziraphale frowns, "you have to talk to me. I am, unfortunately, not a mind reader."
"Honestly, that's for the best," Crowley says, under his breath. "Don't know what I'd do if you'd been reading my mind all these years and just never told me. Discorporate out of sheer embarrassment probably."
Aziraphale rolls his eyes just slightly.
"Right, sorry, what do you want to know again? It's just the," he gestures at his own head, "fingers are a bit… distracting and all."
"I can stop-" Aziraphale teases, ceasing his gentle touches for just a moment.
"Don't you dare!" Crowley's hand flies up as if to grab Aziraphale's wrist. 
"Fine," he smiles and resumes his caresses. "I wanted you to clarify why you were so upset. Did I do something?" 
"Nnnn nah," Crowley shrugs. "I mean I already said it, didn't I?  You were reading and I didn't want to be in the way."
"And that's it? Nothing else?"
"I mean," Crowley grits his teeth, and then frowns. He looks like he wants to run away again.  "In the past," he says, voice small, "you really were asking me to go? When you'd do that." 
Aziraphale frowns. Of course he's right. Aziraphale is aware that he'd often pushed Crowley away over the years. That's why he'd tried to be crystal clear on how he feels about Crowley being around now. He just really hadn't thought about how confusing this new state of their relationship could possibly be feeling from Crowley's side. Aziraphale has told him he loves him, many times by now, and showed him that he loves him many more times as well. But there are still years and years of rules and habits learned through their long association that are complete rubbish now, harmful even. It's going to take awhile to sort them all out.
Aziraphale nods. "Right, I see. That is why I started by saying what I did. But perhaps… what if I promise to tell you directly if there ever does come a time when I do need you to go for some reason? No more you needing to read between the lines?"
Crowley quirks an eyebrow, his voice hesitant. "You think you can do that?"
"I can very well try," he sits up a little straighter.
"Alright, so from now on, I just what? Have an open invitation to the bookshop and you just want me milling around whenever I want to be, yeah?"
"That is the idea, yes."
"Well alright then," Crowley looks stunned. "I'll… do that then." They sit there in quiet bliss for a moment before Crowley adds, "Not to look a gift horse in the mouth but uhhhh, why exactly are we sitting like this?"
Aziraphale startles. "Oh yes! Sorry about that. My idea, if you'd be amenable, is that we could sit like this while I read. I thought it sounded… nice." Aziraphale smiles shyly.
Crowley opens and closes his mouth a few times before he says, "Mmmm yeah, that could work." 
"Oh good," Aziraphale beams down at Crowley. 
The corners of Crowley's mouth turn up just slightly.
"You don't think you'll find it too boring?" 
Crowley takes off his sunglasses and tucks them into his jacket pocket. His small smile gets a bit larger. "I think it'll take me a while to get sick of this, Angel." He grabs Aziraphale's hand and kisses it gently before setting it back in his hair and closing his eyes. "Now, don't let me keep you from the wonderful world of ophiology. I think there may be one that's a rather good likeness of me somewhere around the halfway mark if memory serves."
Aziraphale smiles and chuckles slightly. Then, sighing contentedly, he figures out how to reopen his book, now one handed, and settles in for a nice long read, certain that there is no better way to spend a Thursday afternoon in the entire world. 
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thatstormygeek · 4 months
OpenAI did that. We know they did it! They fed everything they could find on the internet into their models to produce their product. This is very much in line with the approach of many successful tech companies of the past, which is “just do what we want and pretend that laws don’t really apply to our technology because it’s new and then get so big and rich that we’re able to sort of buy our way out of it on the back end.” This was, for example, the approach that Uber took when they said “we’ll pretend we’re not a taxi company so we’ll just open a taxi company in every city but not follow any of the laws that regulate taxi companies,” and what Airbnb did when they said “we’re not actually in the hotel business so we will just open one zillion unlicensed hotel rooms everywhere and pay no attention to any meddlesome regulations.” In both cases, the approach worked—the companies established themselves and damaged their unfortunate competitors who were subject to existing regulations and are now able to fight about how to write new regulations for themselves, at their leisure.
There is, of course, one important wrinkle to the odd decision-making process going on inside of these media companies. The executives making these deals with OpenAI likely do not imagine that AI is the sort of thing that will put them out of work. They imagine instead that a properly trained AI might put their staff out of work. Which, hell, could be a great thing from the company’s perspective. Lower labor costs! More profits for the executive bonus pool! If AI is just a straightforward version of automation that applies to creative and white collar jobs rather than to blue collar manufacturing jobs, then it is easy to see why company executives would feel cavalier about opening their doors to it. (Yesterday, the new CEO of the Washington Post company told staffers that “the paper has to have ‘AI everywhere in our newsroom.’” Remember this when the next layoffs hit.) ... First, we should be busting our asses right now to lay down this principle of journalism ethics: Thou shalt not publish any AI-written journalism. Ever! AI, no matter how well trained, no matter how much it can simulate the tone of a newspaper, and no matter how many editors you have look over what it spits out, lacks one vital thing that must be present in any ethical journalism: Accountability. It cannot tell you how it made the decisions to write what it wrote, and the editor checking its work can’t tell you either. Therefore AI must be limited to being a tool for journalists to use, rather than a technology that replaces journalists. I assure you that that is not a limit that the executives of media companies imagine exists. But if they don’t respect it, they are selling out their own future by auctioning off the credibility that is their real product. In fact, the more widespread AI chum becomes online the more valuable human journalistic credibility will become. The media companies that look at the rise of AI as something to mostly be defended against are the ones that are actually protecting their own long term value. The ones that rush to position themselves as the most AI-friendly, and happily sell their archives to train the next generation of AI, and scheme to lay off as many editorial employees as they can while they automate their work, will come to realize over time that they are fading ever deeper into the mist of indistinguishability. Ubiquitous AI, which is coming, means ubiquitous creepy simulacra of the human voice. What will stand out will be humanity, and the accountability that comes with it.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Wear Oh Where
There’s a lot to be said for being the oldest child. Unless you have a same-sex cousin nearby a year or two older than you, then you’ll never have to suffer the indignity of wearing hand-me-downs. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, like being the only girl in a brood of boys, and so forth, but generally speaking, people like me were apex consumers when it came to the clothing food chain.
In other words, I played a big role in what my younger brother got to wear.
Of course, that was a long time ago, and any stigma of wearing or otherwise acquiring previously owned goods has worn off. In fact, it has become the new norm. “Gently-used” is now code for “bargain,” and we gladly buy used cars, cameras, electronics, furniture, and clothing from a variety of sources. Whether it is at Goodwill or franchised outlets like Plato’s Closet and Clothes Mentor, to CraigsList and Facebook Marketplace, to online resale shops like Poshmark and Depop we are gobbling up items that someone else took the big hit on first.
While the trend was firmly in place before the pandemic, now in its inflationary wake, we are seeing these places become more popular than ever. Competition has increased among sellers as demand has increased. If anything, it has caused prices of used items to remain steady or even higher, yet still much cheaper than buying new.
The relative ease of setting up a resale shop on Poshmark or Depop is fueling the fire. Clothing also passes through auction sites like eBay as well, where people can bid on everything from blouses and slacks to purses. Shoppers have not lost their desire to look fashionable; they’re just being fashionably frugal.
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Clothing and footwear have been major contributors to the overall inflation rate in the last two years, especially since so many people have returned to their offices. Whereas the pandemic caused sales of professional clothing to sag precipitously, it’s now game-on as people try to cobble together stylish wardrobes on incomes that have not yet been adjusted for inflation.
For those who choose to set up long-term shops in these portals, the challenge is finding inventory to sell, and then making the right choices. It’s no different from any retailer, because inventory can become the bane of your existence. You must have it to make sales and profits, but it can also sink the ship if you get stuck with it.
Some sellers routinely do the garage sale circuit, peruse the changing racks of clothing at Goodwill, as well as watch for blowout sales at stores like Dillard’s. There can be golden nuggets hiding in plain sight if you know what to look for. Others buy returned items to vendors like Amazon.

But there are other competitors in the room, notably Target and H&M, both of whom have launched partnerships with ThredUp. That’s another way of saying that resale has joined the big leagues.
In a world of fast fashion, though, one must wonder how many times some garments can change hands. If we’re talking about high-quality, higher-priced items, it might be possible for an item to have several owners over its useful life. But for garments produced in Asian sweatshops and purchased from vendors like Shein, you might be doing well to wear it and sell it once before the garment self-destructs.
Another important factor is fashion itself. Some items are timeless, like a men’s button-down collared shirt. But other items have very short shelf lives; that fashion-forward dress or shirt you buy this spring may be very dated come 2024.
All together, the resale market is consumers’ way of sending a signal to manufacturers and retailers alike: Your prices are high, and we cannot continue to just take it as if nothing has happened. Any stigmas once attached to hand-me-downs and otherwise used items is a non-starter. We’re good with it, and in fact, better off. Even my brother would agree.
Dr “Said The Man Who Hasn’t Bought A Brand New Vehicle Since 1991“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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If I understand right, she originally wanted to leave pre covid so if my memory was right when she auctioned a bunch of stuff was the second time in the covid era she had tried to leave. Each time it sounds like they lied to her about the storylines they’d give her if she came back/for her exits. I’m also 50/50 on if the break she took after Perfect Storm was an attempt to leave because that was strange timing
Like how did the show fuck up two longtime subtext issues with Henrik and Jac so badly. I really feel like there was bitterness directed at the senior cast members for not liking the direction of the show/wanting to leave and a lot of ego from the producing teams (I mean how narcissistic do you have to be to killed Jac so graphically when Rosie could’ve and should’ve moved to Casualty and kept the possibility of a revival alive)
Yeah, she was gonna leave pre-COVID (her last scenes were meant to be filmed in May 2020 - on a semi-related note, we also know that's when Laila Rouass was meant to start filming again), but the production break interrupted things so she ended up leaving about... 5-ish months I'd guess later than she should've.
That's an interesting theory about the post-Perfect Storm break. It does make me wonder, now that you mention it, if she was thinking of leaving then and the producers talked her out of it so she ended up just taking a break instead.
Both Henrik and Jac's last few years of storylines really were SO weird and bizarre and awful. I absolutely believe you're right about the bitterness towards the long-term cast (this seems like a good time to bring up how they practically cut all ties with Hugh Quarshie too - we know he was criticising the direction the show was going in, and then he quit because of it, and they were really weirdly quiet about his exit. Hardly any hype or acknowledgement, despite him being literally the show's longest-serving actor. It really came across as though there was some kind of resentment towards him behind-the-scenes.). Guy hasn't been as openly critical of the show as Hugh or Rosie so it's harder to determine his feelings, but if you compare his interviews from his earlier days on the show to his more recent ones... his enthusiasm seems a lot more genuine in the older interviews. I mean, just compare the interview from series 15 I linked recently (https://www.whattowatch.com/holby-city/holby-city-news/holbys-guy-henry-maja-gets-under-hanssens-skin-101141), to this interview from during Henrik’s CSA storyline: https://www.whattowatch.com/news/holby-city-guy-henry-hanssen-blames-himself-for-the-abuse-667217
Although where this really starts getting weird is that of course, they did eventually give Guy something it sounds like he wanted - a coming out storyline/romance with a man for Henrik. And it wasn't even a compensation prize for Holby's cancellation, they were planning it before that. But then it all turns even weirder when you remember that even then, the storyline wasn't really Henrik's. It started out as his storyline, and it was a strong start, but then it became Billie's teenage pregnancy storyline instead of Henrik's coming out storyline. Just... alll sorts of weirdness behind the scenes there.
Rosie, meanwhile, got fucking nothing. In fact, as you say, they deliberately cut her off from any chance of going to Casualty. That’s Holby’s misogyny at work again. ://
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potatomike22 · 2 years
Here is something that you won't hear from anyone in the Old World. The art market is in terrible shape. Galleries are dying. Emerging artists are being squeezed from every direction, and cannot live from that practice. more often than not, they have two jobs.
The market is highly dominated by a few players. They define what you see in the museums. in galleries, at any exhibit.
At Potatomike, we want to play a part in changing the status quo.
Let’s bring Accessibility and Transparency to the Art World. let’s be open and more candid.
So, let us explain why this is necessary. The art market is in decline. Look at the numbers. The total art market is valued at $65 billion globally, every aspect of it, counting, all the galleries, auction houses, and everyone else comes out to $60BB. Now that is also the revenue of a single Fortune 500 company in the US makes every year.
This gives you an idea of how small the art market really is. Here's another data point of how small the market is. The revenue of 55% of all galleries generates less than 200,000 in total revenue.
If you think of it, 50% of this revenue goes directly to the artist. So Galleries operates on razor-thin margins.
The usual deal is 50% goes to the artist, so the Galleries revenue income is approximately 125K, at which point, They have to pay rent, they must pay for staff, they have to pay their own salaries, they have to pay for the exhibits, marketing material, lighting, opening night, with wine and hors d’oeuvre, the flyers, social media, etc.
That's why it doesn't work.
30% of all galleries are closing their doors, And only a few actually make money.
The way out of this quagmire is to promote Accessibility and transparency. they are both equally important, but let’s start with transparency, and why it is important. Transparency in any market brings conversion and conversion brings revenues in.
Conversion is everything, and in the art world, it's terrible, almost non-existent.
The old way of “business as usual “ and a murky marketplace is no longer working except for the few stars like Koons, Prince, or Hirst. but what about the legions of incredibly talented artists that are struggling and suffering?
Bring Accessibility and transparency to the art world and watch things take off. An art buyer looking to make their first or second or even third purchase has really no clue as to the real value of a piece of art.
By making historical pricing and transparency mainstream, the art world will take off and flourish.
“Consequence is not as important as looking for something”
There has not been a time in the history of the art market where the art world was as mainstream as it is now.
We have never experienced so many people that visit and show interest in art. in fact, they visit beautiful exhibits at the top museums around the world, and the numbers keep on climbing every year. As a point in case, Art Basel in Miami was full last year, there were never-ending lines in front of the fair.
People want to go in and see art. it’s a moment in time every year, and the results in terms of people are incredible, but regardless, very few people end up buying artwork,
Pay attention, next time you visit one of these events, everyone is clamoring and taking pictures, but nobody buys art. The Conversion is just awful.
Take an example of any industry. To make a point, let’s just compare, the internet to the art world.
So what do you do when you run an Internet company? You work on the conversion, you check your analytics, you import your data, you check your competitive analysis, you scrub your numbers, you look at the historical, you spend countless hours reviewing your data, and so on.
The art world hasn't changed an iota. In fact, the number of artworks that were sold in terms of volume of art is down by approximately 20 percent. then a decade ago. Sure you have incredible sales for 100+Milion, even a piece that sold for an astonishing 450$MM, but what about the rest of the artists?
Not good news. And at the same time, the number of millionaires and billionaires has more than tripled around the globe, and with so many more people visiting art fairs and events. the art world should be explosive, but unfortunately, fewer people do buy.
The reason behind it is once more, the lack of accessibility and transparency. if someone was to invest $5k in an artwork, knowing full well, the actual benchmark of the artist's work, based on previous sales, and a trend that could give a prediction of the value of the present artwork, people would look at emerging art in terms of investment and would pour in their capital into this asset.
Now, who buys art today? rich people. Buying art, from a confirmed handful of galleries and auction houses. in general, the stereotype is dominated by a wealthy white male in his 50s.
But wait… what about this painting or that one setting another record price? like The Davinci that sold for $450 million. And we all hear all this news about the auction houses setting record sales. that the art market is booming. Well, totally true. yes for the few privileged, it is true, Over time you see that prices increased dramatically over the past years. but for the rest of us, it is, unfortunately, the opposite.
In the past ten years, prices went up dramatically. if the majority of art lovers are not buying art, This leads to a conclusion. That this industry is still run by a few individuals. And then there is the rest, that is struggling, that is dying.
Another data point that is awfully accurate is that the major exhibits around the globe, are usually work presented by a handful of galleries, who themselves represent less than one hundred artists, and we are being generous here.
Approximately 25-30 artists make up more than 50% of the total revenue spent at contemporary auctions.
Because art shouldn't be run by a few individuals, a few collectors. A few artists and a few galleries. Art is for everyone. we all want to see new things in museums.
We are demanding a diverse view of the art market.
What we need is we need more buyers and we will find them through transparency.
Both Accessibility and Transparency are the keys because it brings in new buyers.
Think about how difficult it is today to buy artwork in an art gallery. the surroundings more often than not are austere, it tends to make you feel uncomfortable. It's this white cube with very little emotion or life injected into it.
Going to a gallery could be a sterile environment, the first thing you notice is the emptiness and unease, and if you happen to like a piece of art, you must inquire about the price, which by itself is an unpleasant task.
Once you ask, you are now looked upon as an intruder, by a fleet of salespeople, who make you feel like you do not belong.. talk about conversion kill. And then the director comes down just to state that the artwork is not available or the price is stratospheric. . They make it incredibly difficult for our generation to buy out.
As such and in conclusion, we request accessibility and transparency, along with all the information on the artist and his/her collection, Now!, immediately, and at no cost. . But the art world is not giving it to us. it is trying to protect itself at the expense of all others. That's why. we are playing our part at Potatomike.com.
0 notes
sinisterlyhan · 4 years
03. seo changbin /  9211 words
sugardaddy!changbin, virgin! sugarbaby!female reader, faint daddy kink, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, fingering, romance
tw: none, except for a small disclaimer that this is pure fiction and hyunjin would in no way disrespect anybody in real life, he is a very good boy. 
cw: body image (reader is on the skinner side)
a/n: this took me so long and the smut isn’t even that good, i’ll unfortunately admit 😭 and i’m sorry i couldn’t fit everything the request asked for in a oneshot. 
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changbin found it absolutely endearing that you went out of your way to research how to properly behave in an extravagant business party after he invited you to one. yet, even then, you still trailed behind him timidly as he threaded through one big name after another, throwing out company finances and business plans in between all the courtesy talks.
that was disregarding the fact that you looked stunning in the silk dress and diamond jewelry he prepared for you beforehand. the curves of your body further accentuated through the tight-fitting material, and your skin glowed under the old money hung around your neck.
he almost wanted to ditch the party so he could spend the rest of the evening with you back in his apartment, specifically at a spot where the big windows stood overlooking the vibrant city of seoul.
but it was an important party he has to attend, out of business purposes, so he had no other choice but to keep his lust (and possessiveness, as everyone seemed to be undressing you with their nosy fucking eyes) hidden in the secret glances, the suggestive whispers, and occasionally grabby hands.
besides, you still haven't quite agreed to the sex part of the contract yet. you were still a little anxious about it, he supposed. after all, it would be your first time if you agree to do it with him. either way, the farthest he could go was a make-out session with roaming hands, and that seemed to be enough for him.
"ah, shit."
you heard changbin curse from next to you, his low voice hidden under his breath so nobody would hear him. you glanced over, surprised. he has been so calm and collected this evening, with all his time spent speaking eloquently and intelligently. this sudden outburst completely deviated from the atmosphere he was carrying tonight, and you wondered what got him so agitated.
moving your eyes toward where he looked at, your brows raised at a familiar face standing in a circle of people. you were never extremely invested in the business field, as your brain was diving headfirst into the art field (one which changbin has shown to fully support, with both his money and his heart), but you still knew that face.
hwang hyunjin—the young and outrageously successful entrepreneur whose face was plastered all over the media because of his underdog story and womanizing tendencies.
and who, also, as you knew, has unfortunately grown to be very arrogant and condescending after his lucky success. and if there was one thing he has made clear during interviews and conferences, it was that he despised old money.
or, simply put, the kind of people hyunjin liked to fuck around in the head with was changbin.
"do you have to talk to him?" you asked, scooting closer to his side and taking your eyes off the blond-haired man.
"i would look petty if i talk to everyone but him," he muttered back, leaning toward you without tearing his eyes away from the man. "i just... i was hoping we can have a one-on-one conversation instead. that way i can be a piece of shit without any witnesses."
"huh..." you frowned, not understanding the logic going in his head.
it wasn't like everyone was sweet and polite in here, especially not hyunjin, out of all people. why not be blatantly rude as well if it was to return to favor? this wasn't an 'employee and customer' situation, like in the coffee shop you worked in where you always had to blame yourself for the customer's wrongdoings.
changbin is a rich, powerful man. he shouldn't have to be forced to take the heat in if he doesn't want to.
"if you're thinking i can do whatever i want just because i'm rich, you're... well, you are partially correct," changbin hummed, shifting his weight to the side. "but not in this situation."
"really?" you crossed your arms, your naked breasts pushed up with the action and luring his eyes to cast down, but he kept his gaze at your face, amusement lingering at your curious expression. "care to enlighten me about it?"
"hmm..." he pursed his lips, pretending to contemplate before he shrugged. "i will, if you will talk to me about your artsy things."
"why do you want to know what i'm learning!" you asked, happily exasperated as you took a small step back, laughing.
"what? i'm super curious!" he exclaimed incredulously, a smirk growing on his lips. "i see those paintings on your lecture slides all the time but i have no idea what those are!"
"would it make you happy if i tell you about it?" you asked then, having calmed down lots after learning that he has been paying attention to what you do on the dining table in his apartment. "it might be a little abstract for a businessman like you."
"abstract? baby, please, you underestimate me," he cooed, pinching your cheek playfully before his hand soothed out over your face, gripping your jaw. he smiled, fondly. "come on, give me a kiss before i have to talk to blond boy over there."
"boy? he's an adult," you laughed, and instead of letting him reply, you leaned in to press your lips against his.
changbin smiled, the words falling off his tongue upon the taste of your sweet lips.
it has taken him a while to be kissed by you. you were such a shy girl; when he so much as suggested the idea of it during his offer to become your sugar daddy, your face immediately flushed red, and he had been reluctant to talk to you about the more... sexual aspect of the contract.
but you had grown to be more comfortable around him now. kissing him hasn't come naturally yet, but you were willing to do so when he asked for one, whether it was around the apartment or in public places.
he could still remember the first time you pressed your lips against him—it was like he became a high school boy again, all giddy and excited on the inside but having to act calm and confident on the outside.
but you could tell he was satisfied with it as he had impulsively bought you an array of art supplies the next day. he didn't know what you wanted, so he went ahead and got whatever he heard was good. and now you've probably got semesters' worth of paint stacked in your dorm room.
"ah, well, i am still years older than him," changbin said after pulling away, his hands settled on your waist despite the public eye. "which i reckon you have a thing for."
"what? older man?" you joked, giggling with your hands flat against his broad chest. "hmm, maybe just you."
christ—where did that confidence come from? the giggling, the hands, and the words. you were driving him nuts, alright! was it the clothes, or even the atmosphere of this extravagant setting? ugh, either way, he loved it! he loved seeing you all giggly for him.
"you're gonna make me melt, baby," changbin whined under his breath, causing you to laugh a little louder.
"thank you, it's what i aspire to do in life," you commented, patting his chest in comfort before your hands roamed up to his collar. you carefully tightened his tie, keeping the warm smile on his face. "do you want me to join your conversation with mr. blond boy?"
he hummed, his eyes squinted as if he had to think, which he didn't. he knew he wouldn't want you in any part of his work, not even the casual chatters of it. besides, having hyunjin stand within your vicinity might not be the best idea for him. after all, no matter what, hyunjin was still a young, youthful, and wealthy man. and he likely knew a thing or two about snatching unavailable women.
not that changbin didn't trust you. but you two haven't gotten far in terms of a relationship yet, and it wasn't like you were already taken by him. he was your sugar daddy. you were stuck in a situation where you could always leave for a better option, and hyunjin might just be the better option for you, he was afraid.
"definitely not. you can join the snacks table at the side until i come to find you, and no flirting with anyone unless you're trying to talk me up, okay?" he said, sternly but with a hint of mischief. his eyes cast to the side, and his brows furrowed for a brief moment before he turned back to you. "and kiss me again, because i think the blond boy is ogling you."
he had no idea how he kept his voice so calm. hyunjin was blatantly staring at the curve of your hips wrapped in the tight, silk dress. whatever was going on in his mind, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out after seeing the smirk that arrived at his face.
oh, how changbin wanted to hide you from his sight. what dilemma—he both wanted to shield you and show you off. as if you were an art piece in a museum. and you most definitely were one in his eyes, one that he could auction his life for and still be unworthy for.
"really? this dress is doing more numbers on people than i expected," you said before leaning in, sealing your lips in a sweet kiss.
changbin laughed at your comment.
no way, it was definitely your face that was doing numbers on people. the dress simply accentuated the effect.
"okay," he nodded, "time to go to hell."
"good luck, binnie," you cheered quietly, waving your hand as he left your side, his rough hand slipping away from yours until he was too far out of reach.
you watched him approach the group of people, your eyes lingering on his back before they shifted up to meet eyes with hyunjin. your heart shuddered when you found him staring straight back at you, intrigued and curious, and you found no trouble in tearing your gaze away.
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changbin paced around in his room, agitated from the commotion he just caused in the business party he impulsively left.
it wasn't so much about the way others would perceive him after tonight's unfortunate event. he had faith that everyone in the room knew much about hyunjin's tendency to step on nerves, and that he wouldn't be the irrational type simply because of one mishap. especially not when it was made very blatant that hyunjin was, once again, going after a 'taken' woman.
what changbin was concerned about was the fact that his actions tonight spoke millions of words he has been trying to suppress for months. the fact that you saw how protective he was of you when he saw your uncomfortable expression, how angry he got when hyunjin so much as looked at you the wrong way, how hard he had shoved the young boy when his fingers brushed past your waist.
those were all obvious tell-tale signs that he might just care about you over the extent of just being your sugar daddy. and he was panicking because he had no idea how you would react if you pieced it all together that he has fallen quite hard for you. not just as a sugar baby, not just someone who provided him company because he was a lonely, rich man.
he has fallen for you as yourself, as an equal partner, as a close friend. everything about you he adored—your passion for art, your shy personality, your bad jokes on dates, and your unforgettable gratitude toward all the money he could never wait to spend on you.
changbin almost wanted to laugh. he has probably heard you say 'thank you' more than he has ever heard you say anything else.
he loved you, every aspect of you, and he didn't know how to deal with it aside from hiding the truth.
your meek voice paused him in his tracks. he turned to look at you, his glare harsh until he saw you move away from the half-opened door. you were drowned in one of his white dress shirts, the sleeves going over your palms and the hem overflowing to your upper-thigh. you wore nothing else but undergarments, he knew, because you knew he liked it that way.
he won't see what's underneath, but he liked the idea of it, and it was good for him that you were willing to wear so little in front of him despite your initial awkwardness.
christ, you knew him too well, and you were far too considerate. even at a time like this, you remembered to do something that would lift his sour mood. and many other times, whenever he was upset or stressed or frustrated, you always knew to put down your task at hand and console him with your lips all over his face.
what has he ever done to deserve that?
"hey," he muttered, looking away with a defeated sigh.
you frowned, deducting that he must have been very ill-affected by the previous incident. that simply made you feel even more guilty than before. you were so sure you have got the situation under control, but it wasn't every day that a rich, handsome, young man comes advancing toward you like hyunjin did. you were caught off-guard, and the next thing you knew he has your small waist squeezed in his hand.
it wasn't your fault that changbin had to jump in, but you sure felt like it was so. and now he was suffering from what he did.
"are you upset...?" you asked softly after approaching him. you stood before him, head up and eyes round as you looked at him.
he gave himself a moment to soak you in, letting the sight of your face consume him. then he sighed, his hand reaching up to caress the side of your head, an act much too gentle to be casual. "yes, but not with you, baby."
leaning against his hand, you gave him a short melancholic glance before you carefully walked closer to him with your arms held up. they went around his neck, pulling him into a genuine hug where you buried your face to his shoulder and spoke with a muffled voice.
"i'm sorry. thank you for standing up for me back there, even though it risked damaging your image."
you had a thought about it when you were alone in the guest room of his apartment. it has partly become your room if you could say so yourself. living in the dorm alone could not compare to having someone's presence around when you were about to fall asleep, and changbin always stayed up late enough for you to sense him until you drop into slumber.
but you were thinking, as you changed out of the silk dress and put on something you fished out of the closet in the room, about everything that went down tonight and how it had made you feel.
for sure, you had a sense of guilt because what changbin did was definitely going to be deemed as unprofessional in others' eyes. but a part of you was quite giddy and warmed that he cared enough to step between you and hyunjin. 
and it wasn't out of possessiveness; not because he didn't like to share you, or because you were strictly his to touch. simply because you obviously looked uncomfortable, because he saw that you didn't like the proximity hyunjin closed on you both, and he was annoyed that the boy didn't choose to respect your boundaries.
not for you to applaud a man for doing the bare minimum, but in the face of someone who didn't even meet the bare minimum line, changbin sure was attractive in that fleeting moment. not to mention, your heart was already wavering for him anyway. rather than making you fall in love, the act merely magnified your feelings.
"of course," changbin said, patting his hand against your head. "no one should ever touch you when you don't want them to, okay? and it's not your fault when they do."
you nodded, a hum of agreement going directly to the fabric of his shirt before you slowly moved away from the safe spot where you laid on your head on. your eyes searched for his face then, your affection for him hinted all too obviously on your face. and when your hand moved away from the back of his neck to his jaw, you couldn't wait for a second more to kiss him on the mouth.
changbin reciprocated immediately, his eyes shut tight as he melted into the sweet taste. the hand that went around your back shifted to your waist, holding you securely as he brought you forward to him, your breasts pushing against his chest more prominently than before.
your mouths moved together perfectly, sparking up a sensational heat within your chest that even the sun couldn't rival. it wasn't the first time you two have kissed with such passion lingering in your movements, sometimes just a casual make-out session would go for long because neither of you knew how to stop, but you could never bring yourself to get enough of him.
unconsciously pushing him backward, changbin continued to stumble upon the strength you added when you leaned your weight on him for more. when could feel the back of his legs touch the back of his desk chair, he moved a hand over to turn it around so he could slump down on the seat.
you chased after him, your torso leaning down to catch his lips as your legs moved to climb on top of his lap. your knees met at the side of his hips and his hands circled your small waist, holding you in your place carefully as you kissed him without a care.
changbin's heart was thumping quickly. mostly from the fervent way you were sucking on his lips, making him feel swollen and red. you always felt so eager, making his lonely heart feel appreciated and wanted. it was times like this, or just any moment he spent with you, when he was able to stop self-isolating.
but the more overwhelming feeling laid beneath his body. the fact that he could trace the curve of your bare skin underneath his thin shirt, and your lower body sat weighted closely against his erection was making his heart wage war against his conscience.
all he could think about was how much he wanted to go further than just making out with you. he wanted to touch you, intimately; he wanted his lips all over your beautiful, scorching body; he wanted to make you feel good, really good.
lord, he wants to fuck you so bad. he wants to fuck you so, so, so damn bad.
"oh, there is something i want to show you. don't make fun of me, okay?" you giggled after pulling away, your hands fumbling with the button of his shirt as a blush crept up your cheeks.
you began to slowly pop open the buttons, revealing more and more of your naked body until you finally shrugged the shirt off your shoulders, pulling the hem behind you to reveal the set of lacy lingerie you wore underneath.
lord have mercy on his soul—what was happening? the first time you found the set in a box shoved in his closet, you had thought they were art supplies he got you again, only to be dumbfounded to see undergarments that probably cost you your year's worth of paycheck at the coffee shop.
"i thought it might make you happy since you seemed like you wanted to see me in it the time i found it in your closet," you muttered, fiddling with your fingers as you looked at him through your lashes. "oh, wait! don't–don't stare at me like that! i feel like you're judging me!"
changbin shook his head, still in complete awe but he found it in himself to snap out of it.
he had bought that without the intention of asking you to present yourself in it, he simply got it because (a) he has the money, therefore why not? and (b) he thought you would look amazing in it, which you have proved him right, you do look spectacularly enticing in the set of lacy lingerie.
your perky breasts sat prettily under the floral-patterned pads, the roundness pushed up perfectly with the tightness of the bra. the black, lace garter belt cinched in your waist and draped over your panties, little ribbons handing around the hem of the clips.
and, of course, his dress-shirt falling off your dainty shoulders, adding a hint of adorable innocence in the face of absolute sex.
he held your waist, his calloused hand quite a contrast to the softness of your skin, and he eyed you up and down before taking a deep breath. you were both exposed and not entirely naked, your barely visible body urging him to just tear the lingerie off of you so he could worship your body right then and there, so he could finally let loose and fuck you senseless.
control. he let out a shivered breath. self-control.
"do... do you like it...?" you asked meekly then, fully meeting his eyes with small and shy gestures hanging off your hands.
"oh god, baby, please," he replied. "of course i do, you look stunning."
you smiled, beaming in relief, and you leaned forward to shut his eyes with an excited kiss. changbin moaned a little at the force, feeling your hip rub against his clothed member when you pushed toward him.
he figured it was just a mistake, perhaps you were as shocked at the friction as he was. but instead of pulling away, all you did was continue to grind down on him, trying to meet his arousal out of rather needy attempts.
oh, he couldn't do this. too much, too much. he has to get inside you, he couldn't even think.
"oh, actually–wait, hey."
snapping his eyes open, changbin gently pushed you away from his neck when he realized you planned to move even further down, your lips planting kisses so calculatingly he almost got lost in them. he swore he thought his heart would rip him apart and jump out right there.
you looked at him, bewildered. "what...?"
he stared at you, unsure. if you wanted to go further, he surely would comply with you. lord knows how long his cock has been aching for your permission. but if this decision was made out of the fleeting guilt you felt because of what happened tonight, he didn't want it. he wouldn't want your first time to be out of the need to provide compensation, he needed it to be special for you, and he was well-prepared for the person to never be him.
"hey, look at me," he pressed his palms to your cheeks, "i know how you are about sex, and i know you feel like you don't give me enough because you won't go to bed with me when i–uh, when i obviously wanted to."
you furrowed your brows, your eyes rounding innocently at him as he squeezed your cheeks together.
"i'm sorry if i have ever pressured you into feeling like you have to. you absolutely do not have to do anything of that sort for me, okay? your first time should be with somebody you love." he rubbed your cheeks, pressing his forehead against yours with a faint smile. "i will be just as entertained if you want to sit here and tell me all about frida kahlo."
you watched him, unblinking and unmoving.
one of your favorite artists. you never even mentioned it but she was all over your room. he must have noticed.
see, this is the kind of man he is. you have seen him through and through.
starting from the unbelievable tip of a hundred dollars he left you at the coffee shop, to your awkward first date at an expensive restaurant where you used his hundred dollars to pay for the meal, to the first time he held you in his arms because you got overwhelmed by his support of you choosing art as a career path, to the millions of times he has ensured you that you could just stand around in his apartment and he'd be happy to just feel your presence,
he has only been gentle and considerate, generous and patient—so, so patient—with you. and you could see him, thoroughly, not just as somebody who paid for your tuition and brought you to pretty places.
changbin was someone who kissed you goodnight after a nightmare, who took time out of his work to visit your university art exhibition, who was willing to sit through a ramble of things he couldn't care less about, because he loves you.
changbin was someone who loves you, and you loved him with just as much soul you could give.
"who said i wasn't trying to do it with someone i love...?" you whispered, looking into his eyes as your hands moved up to cup over his own. "who says you aren't the person i love?"
changbin took in your words. wavering strongly was his beating heart, uncertain and hoping that you meant what you said.
you sealed his confusion with another kiss—a much tentative one; careful, slow, and confessing. you were imprinting your affection for him with your lips, leaving a mark in his mouth he could never forget.
and there was only one thing in your mind when you brought his hands away from your face, your head moving lower to his neck, and his collarbones, until finally your feet touched the ground and you were kissing him through his clothes until you knelt at the floor between his legs: you were to make changbin feel good, you were to give him all the love you could offer, to both his heart and his body.
changbin stopped breathing at the sight of you kneeling before him, your hands slowly caressing up his inner thighs until they met at his belt. the permanent pout on your face as you undo his belt made him go batshit crazy imagining how those pretty little lips could wrap around his cock.
you popped the button open and unzipped the fly, not bothering to slide his pants down as your fingers tugged at the waist of his boxers, pulling it low enough for his cock to spring out from underneath. you flinched, startled, and your eyes widened in surprise at his size. it was only how you remember you have never actually sucked anyone off before, and neither have you watched a lot of people do it.
oh hell, you would have to wing this.
suppressing the urge to laugh, you let the curiosity overwhelm you and, finally, moved your hands up to wrap themselves around his thick shaft. he sucked in a breath, the warmth of your hands engulfing him as you slowly pumped up and down. your movement irregular but solid, your palm squeezing around his tip whenever they meet, adding pressure to his nerves and causing pre-cum to leak from his tip quicker than he thought.
your hands got sticky really quickly, the whiteness coating between your fingers as you continued to pump his cock until you saw that his tip of red and protruding. bringing yourself closer to him, then you brought your face toward the tip and, before you put your lips on him, you looked up to catch his eyes.
changbin's head rattled at your gaze—so naive-looking yet so affecting. you held more control in this situation, in every situation, even though you were always the more shrunken one.
"may i?" you asked, your breath hitting his angry tip.
he hummed, groaning at the welcoming sensation, and he nodded. "yes, baby, please."
the gate in his chest opened when you finally put him in your mouth, releasing him of his suffocation and all the hidden stress he never let out. your gentle lips sucked on his tip, your tongue licking across his slit to taste the bitter pre-cum, and the whine you let out in distaste gave him shivers.
throwing your mind off the liquid on your tongue, you pushed yourself further down, taking more of him in you as you suck your cheeks carefully, hoping it was enough stimulation for him. whatever you were doing, it was all from hearing people talk about it and mirroring the little of what you've seen, and you could only hope that it was good enough for him.
and it was. it was so, so good, you wouldn't have any idea. your mouth felt so warm and soft and wet around him, your teeth just barely grazing against his skin, and your tongue flat against his visible veins. not to mention the occasional look of uncertainty you would flash him, your pretty eyes wide with your mouth stuffed full of his shaft as you asked him for approval.
he could only give them in grunts and moans. the stimulation was too magnificent, he was at a complete loss for words that he got the privilege of feeling you suck him off.
"ah... ahh, fuck–" he threw his head back, the back of his neck leaned against the soft cushioned headrest. when you hummed around him, acknowledging the pleasure he was feeling, he immediately hissed upon the vibration. "fuck, keep–keep going–ahh..."
you bobbed your head irregularly, your inner-cheeks hallowing to touch his shaft and to given him suction. your tongue continued to flick on his skin, adding a gentle sensation to the overall wetness. it felt weird to have something stuck between your teeth, but hearing the grunts above was nothing more than satisfying to you.
a short gurgle escaped the gaps of your lips when you suddenly went beyond the length you were already taking, letting his cock reach further into your mouth and stopping when his tip brushed against your throat. changbin let out a louder moan then, the softness of your uvula poked by his tip and making his mind shatter.
"shit, baby, ugh!" he groaned, his hand flying to your hair and grabbing a fistful of it. he tugged at your scalp, unable to control his movement when his dick was engulfed by the warmth of your mouth.
you pulled away after a quick second of deep-throating him, but you didn't let yourself pop away for air. instead, your lips sucked at the skin of his tip when you reached dangerously up, and before you continued by taking him in your mouth and bobbing your head along his shaft again, you let the droll hanging by the tip of your tongue roll out the mouth.
the wetness dripped down his cock, a feeling changbin never knew he would take such notice of, but he has grown as an obsession for you that he'd memorized the feeling of your saliva on his skin. and he certainly would have this moment memorized as well—your mouth taking most of him while your hands stroked where your mouth couldn't reach, and your eyes getting all wide and teary whenever your nose hit the base.
he was bucking his hip into you soon, wanting to go at a pace he liked. his hands spread across your head, pulling your hair out of your face while semi holding you in place, but still giving you the freedom to move as much as he could. he knew he wasn't going to last much longer, the tension in his abdomen was building him up to an eventual release he wasn't sure if he was to empty himself in your mouth yet.
you could sense his silent impatience. anytime you were to pull your lips to the tip, he would thrust his hip up to your face, wanting you to take him back in. and each time, after you quickly swirled your tongue around his soft tip, you'd listen to his pleas and take him in your mouth again. it was all rinse and repeat—suck and lick, up and down. until his grip on your hair tightened with a hoarse groan, and you felt immobilized under his hands.
changbin squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling, his head thrown back slightly as he lightly thrusted into your mouth to chase after his release. his cock pulsated, his skin moving as he shot his hot cum into your mouth with an uncontrollable moan.
you coughed at the taste, finding them unpleasant to swallow. when he finally pulled out of you, you coughed, and his cum trailed out with your saliva, dripping down your chin alluringly as you looked up at changbin as an instinctive response.
his chest heaved as his eyes flashed with a sex-crazed affection. he couldn't even care whether you swallowed all of him or not. the view of your lower face covered with white wetness—his cum—was so devastatingly sexy. and the way they dripped and rolled down your breast made him insides twitch.
he felt like he got a recharge, and he could go on and on, he could stay inside you for the entire night.
changbin moved his hand up from the nape of your neck, caressing the side of your head with a much gentler approach, almost in a praising effort. he smiled at you, endeared. "such a good girl... such a good girl for me."
you held down a beam, but the quirk at your lips still flashed shyly upon his praise. changbin watched you with care, his eyes hazing out as his lids dropped in a tender manner. you have always been such a sight for sore eyes, he knew, but he had no idea he could love looking at someone so much—just looking and nothing else. no hands, no words, just the eyes and the glorious view of you.
and it was enough for him, it really was.
you turned your head to kiss his palm after a moment of silence. and your body swayed for a bit, side to side, until your head laid itself on his inner thigh. you looked up at him, your eyes yearning as you glanced between his face and his glistening cock. the pout on your face, and the slow gliding of your hands, were suggesting something, something big.
he shivered out an exhale, anticipating what you had in mind.
standing up slowly, you returned to your previous position where you straddled him on the chair. changbin helped you navigate around, keeping you ground on his lap as you found a better position. you kissed him in the meanwhile, your hips moving awkwardly as your lips kept the weak man occupied. until you could finally grind down on his length, you kept his busy with the swipes of your tongue.
changbin gasped when he felt the shape of your heat against his shaft, rubbing for friction and warmth, asking to be pounded and abused. he pulled away, his eyes wide at your pink cheeks, and you could only hug him closer by the neck, a slight grin escaping your lips.
"i can keep going..." you said, laying your head on his shoulder and burying your face to his neck as you ground against his abdomen. a moan left your lips, high and whiny, and you begged. "i want to be fucked, daddy, please."
woah. where the hell did you learn to say something like that? not that he didn't enjoy it, he was just very shocked to hear such words leave with your sweet voice attached to them! and also very, very turned on. unexplainably turned on.
"did you just call me daddy?" he muttered out, pushing your away so he could see your face.
you pursed your lips and nodded. you never knew the term could be used in a bedroom before. albeit you found it quite fascinating at first, but after digging a little deeper into it, you started wondering if changbin would be one to enjoy the use of that title. it was a slip of the tongue, you didn’t plan to say it, but judging by the look on his face, he didn’t seem to oppose it either.
“yes… daddy."
he could only laugh.
big mistake.
you yelped when he stood up, his hands clenching your waist to hoist you up with him. he reached one hand over this desk, impatiently swiping the papers and books off the floor so he could sit you tight on the surface. he pushed your back against the table, his chest pressed against yours and his hands on both your waist and your arm, holding you down.
you couldn't find a trace of softness in his eyes now. they have gone dark and lidded, the way you have never seen him look at you before. his hand snuck through your body, trailing along your torso and meeting at your neck. his hand fit around the bone perfectly, giving you just a good enough squeeze to make you gasp.
"now where the fuck did you learn that, baby girl?" he whispered close to your jaw, a smile on his face.
you wanted to answer, but his hand was dancing down your body, quickly and energetically, and your mind simply vanished when it met at the hem of your lace pantie. changbin watched you carefully, with a hint of anticipation, as he slipped the tip of his fingers beneath the soft fabric. you pursed your lips, heart beating excitedly as his hand inched further and further down until his hand was cupping your pussy.
his curled his middle finger, making the tip trail along your wetting slit and dipping into your hole just slightly out of tease. your hand flew up to grab his arm, your eyes rolling down to stare at him; you weren’t stopping him, but you always couldn’t do anything but wait for his next move, so you just looked ahead, unmoving.
“ever been fingered before?” changbin asked suddenly, his cheek leaning against your covered breast as his fingers teased your entrance. 
“not even by yourself?” 
“just once–“ you gasped at the stretched out feeling when he slowly slid his middle finger inside. your legs trembled at the sudden intrusion, surprised, but changbin made sure to keep them open by pushing himself between your legs. 
this was not a new feeling—well, not new per se. you have fingered yourself once before, out of plain curiosity after changbin suggested the idea of sex to you when you two were discussing your give-and-take  relationship. but you could barely get past the first several shoves of your fingers before you had to pull yourself out and wash away the filth sticking to your hands. 
you had been too shy to do it yourself, and thus never once felt the true pleasure of having your walls rubbed with the delicacy of the human hands. therefore, when changbin began to pump his middle finger in and out of your wet heat, you could barely contain the shocked whimpers he was eliciting out of you. and the quicker they did it, the more he began to stretch you out with the insert of his fourth finger, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit, the more you shivered at his touch.
he laughed to himself at the way you gasped when he spread his two fingers inside you, stretching you out and gathering your juices on his skin. he was getting you prepped and ready for his cock, making sure you were all wet and slippery before he could safely slide himself inside you. yet, even though it was still just simple foreplay, you managed to give him such lovely reactions. 
“you feeling okay, hmm?” leaning up to your face, he asked in a huff before kissing your lips, muffing your incoming moans as he sped up the pace of his hands.
the squelching sounds became more audible from beneath your hips, making your ears perk up when you realized how wet you have become. changbin smirked at your expression, so hopeless and weak, and he asked, “daddy’s making you feel good, isn’t he?”
you nodded, focusing on the way his fingers moved in your, thrusting against your walls and adding pressure to your weak spots. "yes–yes... daddy is making–ahh!"
he placed a hand in your hip, forcing you down when your body jolted from the sudden head-rush of an approaching orgasm. he watched your face scrunch up, moans leaving your lips in splits and ragged breaths, and all he could feel was satisfaction. for how long has he yearned for this sight? for how long has his mind been infiltrated with the imaginary image of your naked body?
it was all under his fingertips now, everything about you.
he could feel your release approaching with the tightening of your walls, and that excited him, but instead of bringing you over the edge, he paused his movements and pulled out of you instead.
you went down from your almost high, your eyes snapping open at the ceiling and your head lowering to look at changbin. his fingers glistened with your essence, causing everything you wanted to say to him to fly out of your head. you watched him, wondering what he was planning to do with it as he raised it to face level.
"sorry about that. i promise all i want to do tonight is to make you cum," he said, bringing you closer to the edge of his desk with one hand harsh against the lower side of your ass. "but if you're gonna do that, i'd rather you do it around my cock."
your faces were close once again, but instead of kissing you like you thought he would do, he moved his hand up to your face and tapped your bottom lip with his wet fingers. you reluctantly parted your mouth for him, and he slowly slipped his fingers between, reaching in for your tongue and resting his fingers there.
"suck, baby girl," he demanded softly.
you listened to him, your lips wrapping around his fingers and you began to lightly suck on them. you hollowed your cheeks, tasting yourself on him as you let out tiny, silky moans between the action. changbin gave himself a second to watch your blissful face, the rounding of your lips a replica of when you had them wrapped around his cock.
his arousal twitched, horny and impatient. taking notice of it, he finally broke away from looking at you and stood forward. his hand left your ass to move to your lace pantie, and after giving the hem a few gentle tugs, he grabbed a firm hold of the weak fabric and tore it down in a swift motion. it broke at the side, the coverage dropping off your body and the front half of it falling off the edge of the table.
changbin looked down at your naked cunt, his eyes flashing with red lust immediately. leaving the broke undergarment underneath you, he moved his hand down to his cock where he pumped his length a few times before he positioned at your entrance without any notice.
when you felt his tip against your hole, you gave his fingers an abrupt suck, surprise ridding your body. changbin gently pulled his hand out of your mouth then, his face getting much closer to yours where he could judge his nose against yours gently.
he kissed the corner of your mouth, his dry thumb stroking your jaw. "are you sure you want to do this?" was all that he asked.
you scrunched your nose up into a smile, bumping your forehead against his when you nodded in agreement. "yes."
"okay," he took a deep breath, "this is going to hurt, so tell me to stop if it's too much."
you grinned, laughing your playful laugh that he adored. "yes, daddy."
he smirked—adorable. just when he thought he couldn't love you more. "good girl."
with that said, he carefully laid you on your back, pushing away anything that could be in the way before he moved down to you just for the sake of keeping you close to him. and he slowly and surely tried to ease himself into you.
you felt the tremor from your chest increase when your hole greeted his cock, finding the stretch unfamiliar and uncomfortable due to his astonishing size. your grip on his clothed arms tightened as he moved, pushing himself further inside you with suppressed groans of pleasure.
he thought he could control himself and wait, but you have proven to him time and time again that his self-control may not be as good as he coined it to be. especially now, when your tight walls suffocated his cock with such delicious pressure, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to a territory where he abandoned his sanity and allow himself to fuck you immediately solely to satisfy himself.
oh, but he could never do that. he could never prioritize himself over you. everything he does was for you now, from the workplace to the bedroom, everything has to cater to you now.
"are you okay? does it hurt?" he asked after he has himself stuffed inside you. placing his hand on your cheek, he hovered closely over your face and smooched your eyes. "are you feeling okay, baby?"
"yeah, it just–" you laughed, moving your head to shake off the breathlessness. as painful as it had been, the stretch was fascinating to feel, and it felt strangely good to be so full. "it hurts a little but i'm fine, you can keep going."
changbin moved slowly from the start, wanting nothing more than for you to adjust to him. he knew that if you wanted more, you would ask for it, and there would be tell-tale signs from your face and your actions that tell him exactly what you wanted. it hasn't been a terrible lot of such intimacy happening between you both—actually, this was the first time, but he has got you down at the back of his palm, from the scrunch of your face to the hiss from your throat.
changbin has got you memorized, like everything else he has ever cared about, like your paintings and your coffees. and being inside you now, hearing as your discreet pants slowly turn into loud, euphoric moans, feeling as his cock rub sensually along your walls to scratch up a heat that could never rival that of his affection, he knew he loved you.
he has learned to love you, just as you have learned to love him. and he wanted to continue to do so for as long as you allow him, he would be ready to do that whenever you are.
your hands began to fumble around his body, unsure of their duty and therefore aiming for the one thing you wanted the most. your fingers worked clumsily, popping the buttons of his shirt one by one, two by two, until most of his chest was exposed. you let out a giddy laugh when you could see the traces of his pecs and the smooth skin of his tummy, feeling rather drunk on the pleasure and more so on fascination.
"you have a little tummy, bin, haha!"
he looked down, not realizing you had opened his buttons. when he looked back up at you, there was laughter on his face and he reached up to pinch your cheek as he bit lower lip in embarrassment. "when did you do that, hmm?"
"like... a second ago...?" you replied, "but awe, that's very cute. i'm gonna kiss your tummy later."
and you would blow raspberries on his skin, and he would laugh, and you two would just be on the bed as any other lovers would.
changbin felt more than just adored at this point. growing up focusing on his father's business and expanding his studies to keep up with his father's expectations, even though he has always been a friendly one, he was never able to gain the romantic life he always longed for. the people he likes either don't like him for who he is, or he doesn't have feelings for those who do.
you were a miracle. you were his miracle. how did you land on his hands so delicately?
he kissed you when he decided to pick up his previously slower speed. the spur of sudden endearment made him want to give it all to you, and he wanted nothing more than to feel you quiver around him in a haze. moving his lips down your neck to give you space for your sweet noises, his hands moved to fumble with your bra, slipping them off below your ribs and exposing your round breasts to him.
you moved your legs with a jolt when he wordlessly began planting bruises across your breasts, but something told you he was beginning to a deeper part of you and spreading such electrifying flow across your body.
the scrape of his teeth was a frighteningly joyful sensation, the thought of him sucking hickeys in your chest for both of your to see also was a newfound thrill you never thought you'd enjoy.
everything he was doing brought you over the moon and back. his strong thrusts built up tension at your abdomen, and his kisses adding to the pleasure you were already feeling from his cock hitting against your sweet spot. your moans became shameless, your hands longed for more to touch, and your words were bold as you asked him for more, more, and more.
"oh god, changbin–changbin, right there," you squeezed his arms, "please, more, give me more."
your feminine, sultry voice made his head swoon, and he could do not anything else but to oblige you. he couldn't even bring it in himself to care about the sudden loss of his bedroom title, his name sounded awfully lovely in your voice.
a curse flew past your lips when he placed his elbow next to your head, his body leaning down for leverage so he could better utilize his lower body. he snapped his hips into yours, listening to your pleads and increasing his pace as you asked. you moaned and moaned against his ears, and your body hugged him tightly to you, making him feel engulfed and warm.
"bin, bin, i feel close–ahh!" you patted his shoulder, your breasts moving against his chest.
"good," he hummed, holding your hands down to your side as an instinctive response. "cum around me when you want to, just let go."
the taste of your skin etched against his lips as he kissed your neck during the last of your endurance. his pounded into you, his strength immeasurable along with the tightening of your walls, and you were falling apart in seconds.
changbin groaned, his eyes rolling up when you pulsated around him. the euphoric scream of his name went straight into his head, repeating and repeating itself to get him off. he snapped his hips into yours, feeling his own high approaching as your walls continue to tighten down on him as the aftermath of your first orgasm.
"oh, fuck–" he cursed, feeling a ting on his tip so he pulled out immediately.
your cum slipped out at the action, a watery noise accompanying the slip of your cum trailing out your pussy. you watched as he pumped himself, his length glimmering with your filthy essence and staining his hands once again. knowing what he wanted to do, you quickly sat up and gently pushed him a step back.
changbin looked at you as you got down on your knees in front of him, your hands replacing his own to rub along his length for him. your hands were slippery as you watched him with wide, blazing eyes. and, the more he breathed with heavy exhales, you finally picked your time to reach up to take him in your mouth again, the bitter taste of yourself more permanent this time as you had just came around him.
he cursed out loud at and tilted his head sideways at the feeling of your warm mouth around his cock, his hands meeting at the back of your head while he slowly rocked his hip into your mouth. you focused on his tip, swiping your tongue along his slit and hallowing your cheeks around the sensitive bud. it didn't take long before he emptied himself in your mouth again, his cock going limp against your tongue as you swallowed around his tip.
you pulled away with a pop, a saliva string stretching between your mouth and his tip, only disappearing when you wiped your mouth to clean yourself up.
changbin slumped against his chair then, exhausted from the high he felt. his eyes moved to your knelt form, and he softened. opening his arms, he nudged his head toward you and said, "come here, baby."
you stood up, feeling the faint soreness between your legs but continuing to walk toward him anyway. he pulled you to his lap when you were close enough, your legs straddling his hips once again, but this time without the arousal interrupting the moment despite your bare skin touching.
you laid your cheek on his shoulder, with your face turned toward his neck and your arms around his waist. changbin stroked your hair despite the drying wetness on his hand, his eyes hazy as he stared ahead of him.
"you did so well, baby," he praised after a moment, "thank you for letting me be your first."
you smiled, shaking your head slightly. "i should thank you for taking care of me, just then and for so long."
"you don't have to," he mumbled, tilting his head so he leaned against you. "i wanted to do that."
you pursed your lips to let out a hoarse hum. the sleepiness was taking over you slowly, and despite your burning desire to talk more, you could fight the urge to fall asleep against his chest and his protective arms. therefore, rubbing your cheek on his shoulder, you looked up and mumbled, "i want to sleep."
"oh?" he chuckled. "are you sure you don't want to take a shower first? i can run you a bath."
"sleep first," you yawned, adjusting your position before fully letting yourself slump against his figure.
he caught you in his strong arms by wrapping them around your small figure. his chest heaved along with yours, feeling your breath in silence with him, and he gave you a very tiny nod in agreement.
"okay," he said, caressing your arms. "rest well, baby."
and he would be here when you wake up.
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drmedicsgamesurgery · 3 years
Danganronpa Kirigiri Volume 2 Full Translation Part 1
Thanks to DJ Shocker, Shenmen, Chilly, LiarieCC, and Blackflirtlarping. This is a fully fixed up and complete translation with no missing bits.
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Danganronpa Kirigiri Volume 2: The Norman Hotel Detective Auction
Chapter 1: Daily Life
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Couples dressed to the nines for Christmas Eve wined and dined in window booths, but due to the height of the building, no matter how much I craned my neck I couldn’t see them satisfactorily.
I must have gotten a little carried away, bouncing around the hall to eagerly check out the outside scenery from the windows of this high-rise building, as I felt someone tug on the sleeve of my coat; Kyoko Kirigiri. She gazed up at me, wordlessly, with cool eyes. I felt almost as if I was being scolded.
“Thank you for waiting! Please come this way.” Both Kirigiri and I followed a waiter into the interior of the hall. Suddenly, an enormous Christmas Tree came into view. A fir tree that must have been imported from abroad, decked out in dazzling star ornaments that were determined not to lose to the lights of the city in terms of brightness.
We found ourselves being led to a wide individual room.
An antique candle holder stood in the center of a table draped in a white cloth, the candles fully aglow.
Napkins and cutlery for three people were already laid out on the table. And the furthest wall was transparent, giving us a scenic view of the city nightscape.
“Woww! This is amazing!” I dashed over to the glass wall without thinking, and gazed out at the city lights twinkling under the night sky.
“Kirigiri, come here!” I called out to Kirigiri, who stood behind me. She seemed to be hesitating. She looked at me with a slightly concerned expression on her face, then approached the giant window. She looked over the city nightscape with pink tinged cheeks, seemingly unable to tear her eyes away from the lights of the city.
“Isn’t it pretty?”
Kirigiri nodded.
“Won’t you tell me how you really feel, out loud?”
“…It’s pretty.”
At this point, Suisei Nanamura entered our private room.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, ladies. I see you’re enjoying my Christmas present to you.”
By ‘present’ did he mean this view?
I suddenly felt a little embarrassed at taking the bait so quickly and backed away from the glass wall, flustered.
Suisei pulled out a chair with a gesture that made it seem like this was something he was well accustomed to. I lowered my head to him in a quick bow and took a seat. I really wasn’t used to how to act in a place as fancy as this.
On the other hand, Kirigiri seemed used to it. She lowered herself onto the chair, almost princess-like, and gave Suisei a casual nod as her thanks.
Kirigiri continued to surprise me, but I think she was essentially a refined and well-mannered kid. When it came to being a detective and solving cases she became cool-headed and almost difficult to approach, but I wondered if that had something to do with being raised in a family of detectives.
Suisei placed the Santa hat he’d been wearing on Kirigiri’s head and sat down opposite her. He didn’t offer any explanation as to why he’d given her the Santa hat, and Kirigiri herself didn’t react.
Well, she looked cute like that so I had no complaints…
“Well, I am a happy man! Having the honor of spending Christmas Eve with such beautiful young ladies…”
After sitting down, Suisei propped both elbows onto the table and rested his chin on top of his hands, suddenly observing us intensely.
I was bewildered by the suggestive look in his eyes.
“W-what ?”
I suddenly found myself feeling very shy.
Suisei had a face as handsome as an actor - he was an attractive man. I had absolutely no objections to joining him for Christmas dinner-
‘“2,000, 9,800, 23,000.” Suisei suddenly rattled off a series of mysterious digits.
“The price of your glasses, the price of your coat, and the price of your boots.”
“W-what…? How did you…?”
He knew?
The numbers were more or less correct.
“There are many ways to observe other people, and one of the most effective ways is to judge them by the value of what they’re wearing. Through knowing the value of their material possessions - in other words, their quality - is not a method to be overlooked.”
“I - I see."
“Yui Samidare-kun - for example, in your case you’re confident about your legs, so your most valuable possession is your boots. However, from the way your boots are worn down, they don’t seem to be specifically designed for sports. And you’ve chosen to walk down the path of becoming a detective. Aiming to become a detective at such a young age is probably due to something that happened in your past-”
“O-okay, I got it.”
I put both hands up in front of me, as if to evade Suisei’s words. I don’t think I wanted to hear anything else he had to say.
Suisei’s lips curled into a grin and he spread out his arms while gesturing at the clear glass wall.
“7,445,000 yen. The price of everything you can see from here. Along with the price of electricity for every building. The true essence of everything is so beautiful.”
Suisei gave me a smug wink.
Detectives were really hard to understand.
Suisei Nanamura was a Double Zero Class detective. According to the DSC (Detective Shelf Collection) at the Detective Library, his number was 900. The number nine indicated that he dealt primarily with murder investigations, and his double zero was proof of his skills.
In the past there was a detective who, due to the successful handling of his cases, moved up as far as rank three, but that took over 20 years of his career. For Nanamura to hold a double zero at the young age of 37 was, quite simply, incredible. It was not an honor you earned with half-hearted skills.
“Well then, let’s continue talking about the job over dinner.”
Suisei snapped his fingers, and from behind him a waiter appeared to fill his glass with red wine. Two more waiters also appeared by his side as if they were servants attending to a prince.
Since Kirigiri and I were still underage, we were passed a soft drink menu. I chose orange juice, and Kirigiri ordered a coffee.
“Let’s toast to our first meeting - is what I’d like to say, but allow me to refrain. After all, in our world a toast doesn’t signify the start of something, but the end.”
Suisei took a sip of his red wine.
The waiters began to lay out plates in front of Suisei. Usually when it came to French cuisine, every dish was served one by one, but for some reason they continued to pile dish after dish in front of him.
“10 hours, 28 minutes and 49 seconds.” Suisei suddenly rattled off another series of digits.
“That is the time that’s passed since I opened the letter challenging me to this Duel Noir. The time limit from when you open such a letter to who is victorious being decided is 168 hours. For my own sake, I opened the letter at exactly 10 am today.”
Suisei said with a serious expression on his face. However, he hadn’t stopped eating. It occurred to me that most of the food had already disappeared from his plate.
When did he…?
One plate each was placed in front of Kirigiri and me. If we tried to match Suisei’s pace, the food would be devoured before we could even enjoy it.
“Mr Nanamura, how many Duel Noir challenges have you participated in up until now?”
“This would be the fifth time.”
“The f-fifth time?”
“I can only call it bad luck. Out of all the detectives I know, there’s some who’ve never even heard of Duel Noirs. In fact, it’s more likely a detective will hear of Duel Noirs.”
Naturally, Kirigiri and I knew what a Duel Noir was.
Just a little earlier, Kirigiri and I had been wrapped up in one. A Duel Noir was a game organized by an organization called The Victims Catharsis Committee. Both a detective and a criminal engage in a deadly duel. After receiving a letter of challenge from a criminal, the detective will attempt to solve a case in real time.
Unlike what their name suggested, The Victims Catharsis Committee wasn’t a charitable organization at all. Under the name of providing catharsis for victims of crime, the committee lured participants into their game. It seemed that when it came to recruiting ‘challengers’, they particularly aimed for those who were driven by a need for revenge. In other words, by using those who were willing to go as far as murder, the game unfolded.
The detectives, on the other hand, were chosen out of the names registered on the Detective Index at the Detective Library.
There were approximately 65,500 detectives registered on the list, and their names were public information. It was assumed that The Victims Catharsis Committee summoned detectives from this list according to the difficulty of each case. For this, a detective’s DSC number was used as reference.
“The further you move up in rank, the amount of detectives decreases. Statistically it becomes more likely for one to be challenged to a Duel Noir.” Nanamura placed his fork on top of his plate, wiped his mouth with a napkin, then suddenly threw them all behind his back. One of the waiters caught the plate while barely moving an inch. With the space he cleared from throwing away his plate, Nanamura placed his two fingers together on top of the table.
Suisei began to stare at Kirigiri and me as if he was observing us.
“I read your file about the case you solved, you two. It was a great case for your induction.”
The Sirius Observatory was our induction case? And yet even now every time I remembered that day I felt a dreadful despair.
“However, the next one doesn’t seem to be so. Looking at the letter of challenge, the culprit seems to not only understand the aim of Duel Noirs far too well, but they also plan to win. That’s a troublesome attitude. Seems almost as if they’re enjoying the game. It’s probably a treat for the spectators as well.”
“Oh? You didn’t know? Duel Noirs are broadcast in real time. The spectators watch over them during what’s called a Closed Circuit, whilst eating and drinking together. You could call it a live-viewing.”
Speaking of which, didn’t the mastermind between the previous case say something along those lines?
The Victims Catharsis Committee didn’t just want to play a game - they wanted to offer a show.
“This is all pretty hard to believe. Who on earth would watch a Duel Noir?”
"I can’t tell you exactly who watches them, however there’s no doubt they move in high-class circles. In order to participate in a Closed Circuit, it’s said that the price is equivalent to that of the school fees from a third world country.”
What an incomprehensible and compassionless comparison. We can compare this to the duel in the arenas of Rome. People paid a lot of money to see blood and people killing each other. They want drama. Of course, I don't think I'd like to see that myself, people being killed so brutally. 
“By the way, why are you after the Victims Catharsis Committee?" asked Suisei.
"We can't leave such an organization in the wild! " I said with a cry from the heart.
"A great sense of justice, huh?" smiled Suisei. He then turned to Kirigiri. "What about you?"
Kirigiri hesitated for a moment, "There is no reason. Honestly, I haven’t received another invite to do so. "
“Um, a-ah, w-wait we should really be united on this!” I turned to retort at Kyoko. “Wait, are you telling me you aren’t willing to fight the Victim’s Catharsis Committee!?”
“No, I’m just interested in having my detective skills recognized.”
“...Seriously, you’re only interested in moving up the ranks? Are you really satisfied with that? After being manipulated, aren’t you the least bit offended?”
“...I do.” Now that actually surprised me. Still, she was answering me in that usual expression of hers. She wasn’t quite good at showing off her feelings, or rather she has an incredible poker face.
"It's not right to hide your emotions behind a stone face, you know? So just try to deal with this organization with me! Isn't this a detective's job? That we aren’t just limited to dealing with immediate threats!?" I questioned.
"If Yui-oneesama wants me to help her, then I will."
"You're so childish!"
I chewed my lower lip to control my frustration.
"Don't you have your own opinion? Are you just a doll that we can control as we please?"
Kirigiri simply looked at me with cold eyes. Was she actually angry?
"A detective operating without a client is just fulfilling mere self-satisfaction." Kirigiri said before looking away.
"Maybe, but at least I’m making an effort to find out the truth." I suddenly got up. Weirdly, it reminded me of my childhood, and especially of my sister. 
“Find the truth? What a childish response.”
“Says the actual child!”
After my sudden outburst, a sound echoed in the room. I looked at the source of the sound; Suisei was holding a mini trumpet. My ears began to ring. 
“Alright, no fighting. Honestly, you’re like children. No wait, not even that, but rookies” Even so, from my point of view, he was much worse. He then threw the trumpet with a bitter laugh and a waiter caught it without problem.
"A detective is nothing without an ideology, especially not trustworthy. They’re also nothing if they’re too self-serving. I guess you two have at least one half of what it means to be a proper detective." said Suisei before shrugging.
Kirigiri and I looked at each other for a moment.
"Sorry I got carried away." I said as I sat back down, my face flushed from embarrassment. Kirigiri remained silent with her face being stoic.
"Well, let's go back to our history lesson," Suisei said, “Since my investigation into the Victims Catharsis Committee began, the amount of missing detectives had reached the double digits.”
“D-double digits?”
“Get what I’m saying? It means that the situation is getting increasingly difficult to back out from.”
“Is that what you got from this investigation into such a dangerous organization? If so, then that just means we need to hurry up and eliminate them!”
“Really brave of you, Yui Samidare. The detectives that disappeared would have said the same thing. These detectives were Double Zeroes, yet even they couldn’t shake this organization. It’s proof that this situation can’t be solved so easily. Say, did you know the Victims Catharsis Committee is registered as a non-profit organization? Complete with an office building, people can freely enter and exit.”
“Really? But then… what’s the matter?”
“The matter is that the only information that can be gathered is what they have open to the public. They spread detectives thin with so much useless information, while the real information is carefully concealed. If you want to hide leaves, put them in the forest. That good example is written in ‘Father Brown’. It’s a famous detective novel by G.K. Chesterton.”
“Then...what purpose does this group have? Is it to really treat the vengeance of others as some sort of program to watch?”
"From what I know, those who traced this organization before they disappeared seem to know there was a real purpose to that.”
“There’s a purpose?"
"The detective who told me about it is still missing, so maybe he knew the real purpose of the Victims Catharsis Committee, or..."
"Well, it definitely wasn’t for ‘Catharsis’."
"What is it from you, Yui? You refer to the Victims Catharsis Committee as evil."
"Isn't that natural? They kill innocent people."
"But both parties are often criminals, aren't they? You should know that if you've ever participated in a Duel Noir." Suisei challenged me. "They're trying to get revenge on someone who's made them suffer in the past, often from a crime."
In the past Duel Noir, the culprit of it, was trying to get revenge for his family that was murdered. He wanted to avenge them.
"Life has also taken away the criminal’s common sense." Kirigiri challenged as well. "They have decided to take revenge on the people who stole from them."
"In this world, there are people who live their normal lives without being judged for the mistakes they have made, while others live a miserable life in the depths of society. Life is simply unfair. Don't you think their behavior is normal?" asked Suisei.
"I can understand that feeling... but it's still unacceptable to turn to violence." I spoke back in retort.
“In the end, what you’re saying is only the opinion of one detective. There is only a thin line that separates justice from evil. For many people, the Duel Noir is a relief or a holy war. Some people think that challengers are rewarded only because of a necessary evil that can change the world.."
The Victims Catharsis Committee was a necessary evil?
Is that really the case?
"Even if there was another reason... when you're determined to kill people, and you 
choose this path, I think you should be punished, no matter what the context is."
"You really are someone with a strong sense of justice." Suisei laughed softly. "But if the iron is twisted, it's very difficult to go back once it's done. A child like you can turn out to be the biggest threat."
"A threat..." Didn’t expect him to call me that.
“Don’t get too personally involved if you ever want to be married to an adult.” he said
"Don't let your feelings get in the way of your judgment, Yui-oneesama." warned Kirigiri. Well, I couldn't think of anything else to answer.
For a professional detective or for Kirigiri, hiding their emotions and not bringing their personal ideas into the business is very easy. I also think it is necessary. However, there's no reason to leave the Victims Catharsis Committee alone like that.
"Whatever the circumstances, I don't think it's time to change my mind about an 
organization like this," I stretched my neck slightly, "No matter the context or despair, a normal human being has to control themselves."
“So what they said about youth being both a wound and a sharp knife was correct!” 
“Mr. Nanamura! Do you really think the culprits of these Duel Noirs are innocent victims?” 
"Yep, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter to me." laughed Suisei as he answered without hesitation. "Innocent or not, as a detective, my true opponent is mystery. My existence is there to solve those that are right in front of me. Say, don’t you think it's more fun solving a mystery solo?"
“And so it turned into this…”
This was expected from a Double Zero. He really trusted his experience. "Do you really think I can forgive criminals? I'm not that naive," he said.
"I'm sorry I doubted you…”
“That’s quite alright!”
“Is there anything else we should know about the Victims Catharsis Committee?"
"I don't know anything else, but I heard another story from a single detective who had been the victim of a Duel Noir."
"Just one?"
"We call him the President, a man... I mean, they could be a woman, who is the brains of it all. Their identity is surrounded by a veil of mystery. One day they founded the Victims Catharsis Committee, a little less than 10 years ago."
"So they are the boss of the organization?"
If we could reveal the identity of the president, we would be able to charge the Victims Catharsis Committee as a criminal organization. The shadow that organization had casted was beginning to mold itself into a human figure.  
"Who could be the president? Could he have been an ex-detective?" Kirigiri said abruptly.
Suisei raised an eyebrow, placing his elbow on the table to support his chin. "Why do you think that?"
"Duel Noir targets must organize an unsolvable crime and become guilty of a false incident. In fact, it means that the organization is able to cover up the real culprit in a case and keep it for a future game. Only a top-notch detective could do that." I spoke, and was rather surprised from what came out of my mouth. Wow, guess I was getting up there in being high level as well... 
"That's right, you're absolutely correct." Kyoko nodded.
"However, if it is a high class detective who could find the real criminal very easily, he can survive their little adventure. As long as the rank is high enough, for example..." said Kirigiri, "The triple zero rank of the detective library counted four people in the past, but one of them disappeared from the records, perhaps they are the President we are after."
"This may be a consideration to be taken into account in order to identify the president of the organization." Applauded Suisei. "I'll skip the explanations, because to us, time is money. Kyoko Kirigiri, you seem to be able to follow me easily. "
"So, which detective was struck off the books?" Kirigiri asked.
"Unfortunately, I don't know." Replied Suisei, extending his arms. "When I registered in the detective library, there was nothing that could designate his identity, like most triple zeroes. All we know is that he's human. He was probably one of the first detectives in the library. If anyone knows anything, it must be a detective who handles gender cases. As far as I know, one of the founders was in this field."
Speaking of the founders, I heard that Kirigiri's grandfather is one of them. It doesn't look like he's registered, but... anyways, I might be thinking too much.
I was watching Kirigiri's reactions from the corner of my eye, but she didn't seem disturbed.
"If you're able to speculate that far, why can't anyone find him?"
Suisei took a knife & fork and raised his arms up. "It's because everything is speculation. If one of the old triple zeros turned out to be the president, it would be a shock."
"Why?" I asked 
"There is a difference between time, money or talent. That's the difference between us and the Triple Zeros. If they turn out to be criminals, it will have a big impact on the rest of us and our reputations. It's not a joke- it's a fact - and it's not an easily by-passable problem. It's an undeniable defeat." Suisei said.
For me to be a Double Zero was already above the clouds, so if someone with a lot of pride like Suisei said that... then maybe I should at least admit that I wanted to fight much harder than I already was.
"There's only one way to get closer to the Victims Catharsis Committee," said Suisei. "It's to capture the challenger, the murderer. They are in direct contact and receive private information. But then again you'll need to know the identity of the murderer. However, if we can do it, it would be a big step. Do you understand?"
"Of course!" I exclaimed. "I wouldn't let a criminal win."
"That's a powerful mantra." Suisei got up from his chair and looked at his watch.                       
"What? Are you planning to leave?"
"We are eating, but time is running out, and time is money." Said Suisei, waving to the waiter. "Even if there wasn't a confirmation, it's still a Duel Noir. Are you sure you want to come?"
"Yes." I said without hesitation. Kyoko saw my face and also nodded.
“Then let’s discuss this Duel Noir, shall we?”
The culprit of the Duel Noir can get funds from the organization in order to purchase Techniques. These Techniques range from tactics to weapons and once their ‘deck’ is assembled what they chose will be on display in the letter to the detective.
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A Message for the Detective
Heed the Cry of the Noir
Location — Norman Hotel — 80,000,000 yen                         
Weapon — Knife — 5,000,000 yen                        
Weapon — Revolver — 15,000,000 yen 
Weapon — Hammer — 3,000,000 yen
Weapon — Rope — 3,000,000 yen
Weapon — Automobile — 10,000,000 yen                  
Trick — Locked Room — 100,000,000 yen                       
Trick — Disappearing Act — 100,000,000 yen
Other — Cash — 1,000,000,000 yen
Total cost — 1,316,000,000 yen                         
According to the above cost, the following detective is summoned  — Suisei Nanamura.
It seems he's the detective to ask.
I felt a little overwhelmed when my eyes met Kirigiri's. This time, the person had accumulated several weapons and tricks. He could buy this from the organization, the price being marked on the letter.
The higher the price and difficulty, the higher the rank of the detective. "I'll tell you the most important things first," said Suisei, taking the bag a waiter had handed to him. He put the letter back inside and closed it.
"In a Duel Noir, there is a rule that says the criminal cannot kill the detective in charge of investigating. It's because there's no game when the detective's not there. The detective is always asked for through a letter. If you're not the detective, you're just a secondary companion. So it could be that the culprit is one of the victims, even if they're dead. You could die." His voice suddenly resounded. "Me and the others, if you think about it, are jumping into the criminal’s trap. It may indeed be that if we apply ourselves to all this, you won't get out of it unscathed and wind up a victim."
“A...victim?” Those unexpected words made my voice change. 
We would need to think about this carefully….
If we get in the way of the culprit, we could die.
“Are you scared?” said Suisei
"I... think I'll be fine." I lied to myself.
In contrast, Kyoko looked quite calm and gave a nod of her head.
"For the criminal to win, they must kill their enemy to get revenge on them, and last 168 hours without being discovered by the detective. If you win the "Duel Noir." You win the amount of money spent on the game. For a criminal wanting to start a new life, that's a good motivation." He said. 
“That...sounds like such a desperate situation to wind up in.”
"Exactly. They can put everything aside, including their past, and have a normal life if they wish. On the other hand, if the detective manages to find out who the culprit is, they will have to refund the money they spent on the game. If they cannot pay with money, they will have to pay with their life. In tune, I will do the same and fight with my life.” 
In short, it is a game of life and death for our enemy. To stay alive, they're going to do everything they can to not get caught. But I'm not going to be beaten. I became a detective to answer the call for help. If you want to bring justice as a detective, you have to put your life aside. That's the purpose of a detective. As such, I have no qualms about risking it all and even giving up my own life for it all. In contrast, Kyoko was a detective by nature with no sense of purpose outside of the profession. She was involved in this career since she was so young, and is now about to become a detective machine, utterly incapable of feeling death.
But, no matter how much detective work was installed in her, she was still a junior high school girl still starting out. 
"The Duel Noir does not always take place in closed areas. However, as this limits the movement of detectives and drives the police back, these locations are often chosen. The Norman Hotel, which was chosen for this game, is an old abandoned hotel in the mountains. It will be very far from the city. We cannot afford to neglect the preparations. We’ll probably be there for at least 100 hours."
Suisei looked at his watch once again, and raised his hand to say goodbye.
"I have to go." Suisei began to leave, when he suddenly turned around, remembering something. "Oh, and let's confirm the schedules before that. I'll leave for the Norman Hotel the day after tomorrow, because there's something I absolutely have to do tomorrow. I will leave around 7am, and with the transport, I'll probably arrive around 10am. Is that okay for you? It's only one day, but..."
"Isn't there a time limit?"
"With my speed, we shouldn't be late. There's no problem."
"Let's pray for our victory!"
Suisei then headed for the exit of the private room, before diverting to the windows. He opened one of them. A strong wind rushed into the room. Suisei moved his legs to the other side of the window. "Good luck!" He gave us a thumbs up and jumped out of the window.
"Mr. Nanamura!" I quickly got up from my chair and rushed to the window that was still open. I then saw him slowly descend towards the illuminated city, a parachute deployed. The big sky-blue parachute added something to the beauty of the city. Were the high-ranking detectives all like this? I froze for a moment, watching the man slowly descend. The sound of cutlery made me return to my senses. A waiter came to close the window, blocking the wind.
"Well, let's continue this meal, even if we’re worried. D-day is only the day after tomorrow.”
"Yui-oneesama." said Kirigiri. "This could be our last Christmas."
"Don't say such a thing! Of course we won't be killed so easily! We'll have more Christmases after this!"
And I'll protect you. I couldn't get those words out of my throat. I could only superimpose 
Kirigiri's possible death based on my little sister's... Because of that, I didn't even want to think about it. I didn't really trust Suisei. Moreover, if I let myself be trapped in my little sister's illusion, it could be annoying for the investigation. I forced myself to drop a "I'll do my best for the Duel Noir."
"I guess I don't have a choice if I want to improve my rank."
It's still my little sister's voice....
"Hey, Yui-oneesama." Kirigiri was young, but her voice sounded very adult. "We must survive the Duel Noir, no matter what happens there."
A waiter approached me, and gave me something that looked like a fine notebook. When I opened it, I discovered the dinner bill. 62248 yen. 
“So Mr. Suisei Nanamura didn't pay?” 
The waiter tilted his head and smiled to remind me of his presence. I checked my wallet but I only have two 2,000 yen bills on me. 
“What’ll we do?” I whispered to Kirigiri: “That damn detective! His spectacular exits and entries show he has money, but likes to keep it!"
"Keep calm, Yui-oneesama." Kirigiri replied gently. She then took a card out of her wallet. "Can I pay at once?"
"Certainly." After settling everything, the waiter bowed and then left us alone.
"Kirigiri... you’re so cool..."
Once dinner was over, we left the building. Even if we moved as far away as possible, it was impossible not to see it. Lights that were almost blinding our eyes were emanating powerfully from across the city. I felt like I was in a paradise under the ocean, walking with Kirigiri. The Christmas lights were comforting, and a row of Christmas trees illuminated the faces of passers-by.
"Well, now that we're here... I can walk you home..." I said. Kirigiri remained silent for a moment, listening to the sounds of the night. She then turned around and started to walk away on her own.
"No need, it's too late anyways. I'll send you a message."
"But, alone at this hour..."
Kirigiri leaned her head and said to me over her shoulder: "Maybe if it was a foreign country, but there is nothing threatening on the roads of this country."
"But, if a man is attracted to young girls like you... he could do... that!"
I tried to attack her from behind, to grab her neck, but the next thing I knew, she was 
gone. She then appeared behind me and put my arms behind my back.
“Ow, this hurts…”
"See? I can defend myself." She released my arm. “You need to be careful, Yui-oneesama. If you tried you could probably beat an older man with a high kick from those legs of yours. 
"Be careful though, because if a man really wanted to attack you, you probably won't be up to it."
"Of course I will."
"Did you take a self-defense course?...And if possible can you teach me that trick too?"
"I'm going now." Kirigiri said as she looked at the street clock.
"Let's just go back together anyways, I want to talk a little more with you. It's quite boring, being alone."
Kirigiri frowned, creating a wrinkle on her forehead. She kept walking without looking at me. I ran up to her.
"We can keep talking about..."
"What, teaching you self-defense?"
"No, about the president of the Victims Catharsis Committee..."
"What's the matter?"
"He's a former detective, and one of the founders of the Detective Library... couldn't it be your grandfather?"
"It's very dramatic, but no, it's not him."
"How can you know that?" I asked.
"My grandfather was never registered in the library. He told me that before. He never became a triple zero, and it's not registered, so it couldn't be deleted."
But did her grandfather tell the truth?
"Are you sure he's not lying to you? A grandfather would never tell his granddaughter that he is the president of such an organization..."
"My grandfather is very proud to be a Kirigiri, more than anyone else in my family... He would never settle for being put in boxes like the library ranks. He was against the whole DSC classification system in the first place."
"Just pride?" I opposed. I've never heard of this family. She came from a detective 
family, there was no doubt about it. She has these abilities at only 13 years old. Maybe she really comes from a big detective family and that blood flows through her veins, but I haven't seen any other detective react to the name 'Kirigiri'. Even Suisei, who was a double zero.
"I know what you're thinking. The Kirigiri family are good detectives, but we don't want to 
be known. We live in the shadows. So the ordinary detectives don't know us. That's why my grandfather didn't register in the library, to protect the Kirigiri pride. We almost never talk about ourselves."
"It's an incredible story... but why did Kyoko-chan register in the library? Isn't that 
against your family's principles? At least, according to your grandfather.”
"First, my grandfather technically lives abroad. So he doesn't fight crime from here. It is 
impossible for him to be the president of a small organization located only in Japan."
"It's true that he's on another level... Sorry for doubting your grandfather, Kirigiri. Even 
adults fight crimes like this anonymously, ignoring the opinion of the public and the government, but maybe he knows the president of the Victims Catharsis Committee? I mean, he was the 'president' of the library."
"I wonder about that, but there's nothing I can do about it."
"Maybe if you say your name, an official will recognize him. It's probably easier to sneak in discreetly."
"It doesn't matter. It'll always be the same thing; what do I do after that? How can I sue the president of such a non-profit organization?" Kirigiri looked troubled, and she moved her fingers closer to her face, as if to warm them with her breath.
"Whatever! Everything ends up being discovered! Like how Al Capone ended up being nabbed for tax fraud. There’s probably something that can be put on him. As long as we can stop the Duel Noir"
“Such an extreme line of justice, that’s no different than succumbing to evil.”
"Yes, but being around all the time thinking about conspiracy theories will do worse than 
better. For now, we should put the president's case aside. Let's try to clean up what's in front of us." I was really getting told by a girl who was younger than me.
That's right. We have already made good progress. Suisei Nanamura's Duel Noir had already started for 12 hours. We must remain calm. We'll think about how everything will go after we arrest the Duel Noir criminal... If we manage to get out of the hotel alive.
We continued to walk, our minds clouded with questions. Kirigiri suddenly stopped.
"What? What's the matter?"
"We have arrived." I looked up to see a huge traditional house, with a huge door. I had 
trouble closing my mouth. The streetlights continued along the hill, and the white barriers extended far and wide
“Were there any houses like that left?” In this case, it was the largest traditional house I had ever seen. I watched Kirigiri, my eyes full of jealousy. Yes, she was definitely a lady.
"My curfew has already passed." Kirigiri said. "Fortunately you're not a man, because even for a detective, he would have been angry." Kirigiri seemed a little uncomfortable.
"If you had a curfew, you should have told me. We would have left sooner." I said.
"It's because I was talking to you that I'm late," Kirigiri replied, with cold eyes.
"Yes, it's because I've talked too much. I'm sorry, but I had to be absolutely sure what we discussed."
"If you say so."
“I’ll explain the situation, if that works?”
“That would help me quite a deal.” she said with a slightly softer tone than before. I felt rather pleased from it all.
Kirigiri walked to the large gate before stopping. The gate was made of wood, and I could only imagine the splinters that would be caught by touching it. It was still quite warm, but there were no signs, just an intercom.
"Aren't you coming home?”
“Only outsiders go through the front door. Family access is through the back.” She said as she walked along the wall.
“How… formal.”               
The massive trees planted on the other side did not allow me to see behind the gate. It was difficult to see the majestic residence, but it was impossible to see a human presence. For someone who didn't know the place, the residence was a total mystery.
"Do you live with your grandfather or alone?
"It depends, but there are three maids. One person is always there."
“Servants, are you serious?”
Since the school we went to was full of young girls, it was not difficult to hear that some families hired maid servants so that they would not leave their daughter alone. One of these families was Kyoko's. She had neither her father nor her mother. I didn't have the details, so I didn't understand the situation well, but I easily understood that I shouldn't ask more questions.
"By the way, didn't you live abroad for a while?"
"Yes, with my grandfather. I stayed there for 5 years. Then I had to come back to this school, as I was already enrolled here," Kirigiri said. "It had to happen at some point. There's a small portal that allows easy access."
"My life is very different from yours."
"Really?" Kirigiri stoically replied.
We walked along the fence for a while, until Kirigiri pointed to a specific place. There was a small gate to make it easier to get in. She took the key out of her pocket, inserted it and turned the key. The gate opened easily.
“Eh? You had the key for this place on-hand?”
“The problem isn’t about me having the key. The problem is what to do afterwards.”
“Is sneaking to your room not on the table?”
“He’ll definitely catch me.”
"So what should I do?" I asked.
"Wait here, I'll call Grandpa."
"Okay, I'll wait."
"I'll be back soon."
"Oh, wait a minute!"
"Wouldn't it be better if you took that hat off your head," I replied, pointing at the Santa's hat that was on her head. She pushed it slightly. I watched it fall at my feet. Kyoko looked rather surprised. 
"What is it?"
"Didn't you notice?!" I picked up the hat and encouraged Kirigiri. "Hey, you better go."
"Oh, yeah." Kirigiri walked towards the door of the house. Once Kirigiri was out of sight, I put my hands in my pockets and leaned against the fence. It's unusual for Kirigiri to panic. Maybe her grandfather was that strict? Or maybe she really loves her grandfather. That must have been it. For her, who didn't have parents, it must have been difficult. I looked up to the sky, looking at the streetlights. 
Suddenly, little white glitter began to fall from the sky. A white Christmas? On Christmas Eve I am often alone, wondering what I will do next year, and my anxiety overwhelms me. This year, I met a girl named Kirigiri Kyoko, whose presence really helped me. I no longer have this feeling of loneliness and emptiness. We're both detectives too. Will she be here again next year? I was imagining our future: two detectives always together. I didn't want a dark future, but wasn't that the fate of a detective?
"Yui-oneesama." I heard a voice. I saw that the large gate was open. I turned around to see Kirigiri, looking at me with concern.
"Where's your grandfather?" I walked away from the white barriers by redoing the button on my coat. I approached Kirigiri looking behind her, but there was no one there.
"You're the man who wants to seduce my Kyoko!”
The voice came from above my head. An old man wearing a kimono was on the wall. I only noticed it now? I stepped back before being pulled forward again, put on the ground. A short time before, I was quietly contemplating the sky. It was disturbing to see an old man jump off a wall that high. The old man's cane kept me on the ground. Was he really that strong?! He lifted it up to try and hit my head.
"Wait, it's not her! She's a woman!"
"What?" He pulled his cane away, lifted me up, and grabbed my chest. "What are you doing!" I shouted, clearing the man's hand. I jumped away.
"It's Yui-oneesama, the detective who goes to the same school as me."
"Oh, is that true?" he said, scratching his white hair. "Sorry, I heard Kyoko was going to eat with a boy, excuse me for the misunderstanding!"
Despite his white hair, he looked pretty young. His hair was shiny, his wrinkles discreet, he stood up straight and his eyes were shiny with life. He had a cane in his right hand, but his legs didn't seem weak. Maybe it was some kind of weapon for him.
"I'm glad to know that Kyoko has made a friend. Was it you who called?" he said with a smile. He looked like another person with that soft smile on his face. “You’re taking care of my granddaughter. I’m so embarrassed. She was always alone, and didn’t seem to be used to life here. I was getting worried. If she has a good partner like you, then I can relax. Right, Kyoko?” “Yes.” 
"I'm sorry for delaying Kyoko and making her miss her curfew. She didn't seem familiar with life here, and I wanted to make sure she didn't get hurt."
Kirigiri was half hidden behind her grandfather's back. She seemed more comfortable than usual.  
"We both talked about the incident, and it took a long time... I didn't know there was a curfew. Please, don’t punish her!"
“Heh, I always wondered who Kyoko would bring back to me. Anyways, don’t worry, there’s an exception to every rule. If it involves a detective case, I'm willing to forgive her. For the Kirigiri family, detective business is very important and comes first. Even death does not deviate from its purpose."
“O-oh, so…”
“If it was detective related, then that curfew crap can wait!” he said with a merry laugh.
Was that what Kirigiri's grandfather taught? It sure explained a lot...still, glad he wasn’t unreasonable. Honestly, when he knocked me down and groped my chest, I was expecting the worst. Still, from what I’m seeing, he’s a pretty agreeable guy. Though, perhaps, that could be just his love for Kyoko, spoiling her?
“Heh, thought I was a grouchy old man? It’s all over your face!”
“Erm, s-so sorry!”
“Like I said, when it comes to being a Kirigiri, being a detective goes past one’s family, even death itself. Isn’t that right?”
“Yes, Grandpa.”
"That’s my girl! If it is for a case and to see Kyoko become a first rate detective, than I suppose it's worth keeping the gate unlocked at night,” 
"Really?" Kyoko asked in wonder. 
"Of course, as long as you’re focused on your duty!”
"I'll do my best to be a good detective," Kirigiri replied, her eyes shining.
"Good girl." said the grandfather as he stroked Kirigiri's head. She and her grandfather seemed quite happy.
I felt a little uncomfortable in front of the stage, but I couldn't help but think it was cute.
"Uh, tomorrow we'll have to solve a Duel Noir case, so Kyoko will be spending the night somewhere else. O-Of course, I’ll also be there with her! Is that alright?” 
"Of course!"
Well, it was easy... but sending his little girl without hesitation into such a case... He 
didn't seem to be afraid of the death of his loved ones. Did he know a lot about the Duel Noirs? He must have heard about the Victims Catharsis Committee, thanks to Kyoko. He at least knows a little. Maybe he even knew more than we did. Such a great detective, who is also the founder of the Detective Library, necessarily knows more. I hesitated for a long time, not knowing if I should ask him or not. The man spoke again.
"Well, it's about time we head inside. You should go home too, Yui. It's cold tonight and you need to prepare to investigate. Shall I call a cab for you?" 
“Oh, no, I’m fine.”
"It was a pleasure to meet you. Kyoko, you can see her off."
I slowly lowered my head, always thinking.
"May I ask you for another cho-..."
There was no old man left in front of me. I was looking around, but nothing... nowhere. He had disappeared. Completely missing.
"Yui-oneesama, maybe you should go home..." said Kirigiri, near the gate.
I hadn't noticed it, but I was tired. The tension and my heavy breath disappeared, and I could feel the fatigue falling on my shoulders.
"I'm sorry to have bothered you, Yui-oneesama."
"It's okay, I'd let an old man touch my chest if it's for you." I said, removing the dust from my coat. "But I didn't know your grandfather was so... focused on your education. Still, it's great he’s not so uptight. "
"Hey, Yui-oneesama?"
“It’s weird to choose detective work over family, yes?”
“W-w-well, I w-wouldn’t call it strange, just… well, it does seem to involve a lack of caring about people’s feelings in the matter.“ I said after a good degree of thought.
“People’s feelings?”
“Are you asking because you have doubts over your detective work?”
"No, that’s not it. Anyway, what Grandpa said earlier, that detective work was more important than the death of a family member… don't you think it's strict?"
"Well, I find it stranger than strict, but I guess that's your family's opinion of detectives..."
"No, it's different. For my family, work is really more important than the death of a family member. It's not a suggestion, it's an obligation. A dogma."
"Okay... I think it might be beautiful? It means you're very proud to be a detective, right?"
"Don't you think it's abnormal?" Kirigiri continued.
She had so much pride in her work as a detective that I could hardly see her doubting that. She was raised into it during her childhood, which made the thought of her doubts even harder to fathom. Still....
"What do you think?" I asked her.
"I don't think it's abnormal. I think… I think it's a good mentality," said Kirigiri. I thought for a moment to say that she didn't have to continue, but she opened her mouth before me. "But I feel like I force myself to think like that. Like, I live like a real detective, because I don't want to feel empty."
For her, her life was all about detective work, but even still...
"As long as I'm here, you won't be alone or empty." I hugged her.
"I want it to stay that way," Kirigiri said, looking at me.
"Of course! You're the coolest, most pure detective I know! Let's do our best together! Tomorrow and for as long as possible."
"Ah? ...Well, goodbye." Separating myself from Kirigiri, who walked back with a shyish look on her face, I laid my hand on the gate. I gave her one last look before running to the dormitories, the snow accompanying me. My curfew passed a long time ago! The dormitories were guarded, so I discreetly passed through a window.
Heh, violating the rules on Christmas night.
It felt quite nice!~
Chapter 1: End
https://drmedicsgamesurgery.tumblr.com/GameSurgeryDRTranslations for more!
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Kidnapped: Feitan x fem reader💀
Little angsty fic for my torture gremlin 🤪 
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Tags: Brief description of torture, mentions of sex and violence, almost rape scene (not with Fei)
You didn’t think you had ever hated anyone more than Feitan Portor. He was cruel, arrogant, and selfish, taking every opportunity to humiliate you and get on your nerves. Unfortunately, he knew exactly what to do to piss you off, and there had been more than one occasion when your arguing had gotten you two in very tight spots during missions. 
It didn’t always used to be that way. When you had first joined the Phantom Troupe, you had actually been pretty good friends with him, closer than most of the other Troupe members. But over time he had become cold and cruel, turning his back on you and becoming your tormentor instead. 
Which was why you were pissed off at Chrollo for pairing you up with Feitan for the next mission, but the Troupe leader insisted that you worked well together when you weren’t constantly arguing...which was rare. And unfortunately, this was going to be a big heist. 
Tonight you would be infiltrating the underground auction in Yorknew city to steal all the goods up for auction. It was a large job, especially facing off against all the mafia bosses, and you had to look the part in order to blend in. You were done up in a pretty red dress, your hair swept up to reveal crystal earrings and your lightly done makeup. Honestly, you were kind of feeling yourself, which was unusual because you didn’t usually care about how you looked. 
Feitan walked silently beside you as you made your way from the Troupe’s hideout in the direction of where you would be entering the auction. He was dressed up as well, wearing a black tuxedo and missing the usual bandana over his face, which you knew made him uncomfortable being so exposed. You might have tried to be nice if he’d not given you a once over when he saw you, a sneer pulling up his face as he scoffed. So instead of politely ignoring him, you grinned coldly and said, “You look like shit.” 
“You look like whore.” 
Your hands curled into fists, but you managed to not punch him. You did look slightly whory, but that was the point. You wanted to tempt all the big business men into spilling their riches into your waiting palms, even if it meant flashing a bit of bare leg and cleavage. The little gremlin didn’t have to point it out though. 
It was easy getting inside the auction, and soon you and Feitan were mingling with the guests as you waited for the event to begin. Feitan scanned the room with narrowed eyes, searching for our main target among the many rich mafia bosses throughout the area: Teika Rubin. 
As the son of one of the largest syndicate bosses in Yorknew city, Teika was set to inherit almost 20 million Jenny once he took over the business. He was at the auction in place of his father, and he currently held a diamond worth at least 5 million Jenny--more if you sold it right--in order to sell to a private buyer. It was your job to get him alone so that you could steal it. 
“He there,” Feitan murmured, his hair brushing your ear as he gestured towards the back of the room. He was right; at the center of an excessive number of bodyguards was Teika himself. 
He was young, maybe around twenty four, but you could tell by his eyes that his age didn’t mean inexperienced. You honestly had expected a pampered rich boy, but this was different. Cruel, smug, and powerful. And, if the way his eyes scanned the room with careful observation skills was any tell, smart. Not a good combination. Your mission may have been a bit harder than you expected, but there was no way you were going to tell Feitan that. 
“I’ll get him alone, but make sure you follow us.” 
You didn’t wait for a response as you slid away into the crowd. 
It ended up going exactly as you wanted. You spilled a drink on yourself and one of his guards, and like the charming person he was, Teika offered you a change of clothes. It only took a few sultry looks and suggestive words before he had you pinned up against the wall of one of the private rooms, shoving your dress up as he checked the clock. 
“I think I have enough time,” he said, smiling slightly. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay you well for this.” 
What had Feitan called you? A whore? You pushed that thought violently from your head as Teika started to kiss down your neck. 
You shuddered, clenching your teeth as he slid his hands along your thighs, your dress riding up almost to your hips. You were willing to do whatever it took to succeed in this mission and not let the rest of the Troupe down, but it was hard to force down your disgust and fear. 
Even if you wanted to escape, you weren’t sure you’d be able to. You didn’t have any weapons on you, and your Nen wasn’t exactly a combat tool. You were able to see the near future of yourself and people you loved if they were in life threatening danger, but although the power had gotten you out of many tight spots, it had holes. For example, if your opponent was just aiming to injure rather than kill, then you were completely in the dark. 
Plus, Teika was powerful. You didn’t know what his Nen power was exactly, but Chrollo had confirmed that he could be considered around the same level as a Phantom Troupe member in terms of combat ability. 
Please, Feitan, hurry.
The syndicate heir held your throat tightly as he went to tug your dress from your shoulders, and a small whimper of panic escaped your throat. 
And then Teika was being thrown across the room, slamming into the wall as you slid to the floor, gasping for air. Feitan stood over you, his eyes blank as he surveyed your rumbled hair and the way your dress had ridden up. 
“Let’s go,” he snapped, and you straightened your shoulders, snatching the knife he tossed you out of the air. 
Teika was quick to give up the jewel in his possession when he realized that all of his guards were dead, but he didn’t seem very upset about it. In fact, the manic look in his eye was almost gleeful as he watched you exit the room with Feitan. 
“Phantom Troupe,” you heard him mutter as the door clicked shut, and you set about locking him in there. 
“Why don’t we just kill him?” You asked, but Feitan didn’t even look at you. 
“Take too long,” he finally grunted. 
It was true. You could already hear the sound of gunshots coming from the main auction hall where Shizuku and Franklin were taking care of the rest of the mafia bosses, and soon the entire place would be swarmed with law enforcement and other mafia members. A fight between Feitan and Teika would be so destructive and long that it would cause more harm than good. 
“Thanks for coming in time,” you said as you walked side by side towards the back of the building where you were going to meet the other Troupe members.
Feitan snorted. “Seemed like fun.” 
Your mouth fell open, and you gaped at him. “I was just doing my part.”
“All you good for anyway,” he muttered, and you froze. 
Feitan crossed his arms, turning to you. “You useless.” 
“Y-you-” You were struggling to speak. You were used to petty insults, but this was different. He was dead serious. So you said the first thing that came to mind. “You’re just jealous.” 
Instantly, Feitan’s eyes flashed and turned lethal. “Jealous? Of what? You nothing but a burden to the Troupe with your arrogance and annoying personality. You weak, and the only thing you can do is…” His eyes trailed significantly down your short dress. 
You thought such things on the daily, but hearing them from him in particular made it worse. Tears filled your eyes unprompted, but you weren’t going to cry. Instead, you straightened your shoulders and turned your back on him, walking away without another word. You weren’t sure you could forgive him this time. 
3 hours later: 
“Where Y/n?” Phinks glared at Feitan as he met him outside of the auction hall, but Feitan only shrugged. “Is she ok?” He pushed, and the short Troupe member flipped him off. 
“She left.” He finally said. 
Feitan hadn’t been able to get your hurt expression out of his head, the tears shimmering in your eyes. He had never seen you cry before, or at least not because of him. He had gone too far. 
He had just been so enraged, seeing you pushed up against the wall by someone who wasn’t him. And then you had let out the sexiest sound he had ever heard, as if you were enjoying yourself, and he had lost it. He hadn’t meant to take it out on you--he never did. But that’s always what seemed to happen. 
“What did you do?” Phinks said in annoyance. Phinks and Shalnark had been trying to get Feitan to confess to liking you for years, and had eventually resorted to getting him blackout drunk. Shalnark had pretended to boast about seducing you, and Feitan had gone nuts. That was all the confirmation they needed. 
Since then, they had both tried to get him to confess to you, or at least not act like he hated you. But the issue was, Feitan wasn’t going to be weak over some girl. He wouldn’t allow you to take priority over the other good things in life, like torture, murder, and stealing. Caring about someone meant putting yourself at risk for them, and Feitan wasn’t willing to make that sacrifice, not even for you. 
But damn, that dress. He had had to talk himself out of dragging you back inside and forcing you to change, so that no other person except for him would ever get to see you in it. Perhaps his feelings were purely physical; that would be perfectly normal. But it didn’t explain why he wanted to be with you all the time, or why he enjoyed how red your face got when you were pissed at him, or why he loved watching you get all animated while telling a story, even as he pretended not to listen. 
But this time he could tell that he had gone too far, and you weren’t going to forgive him easily. Shit. He hated the idea of apologizing, but he hated the idea of you ignoring him even more. Maybe this one time he would put his pride aside…
Feitan began to walk a little faster as they approached the Troupe’s hideout, but he froze as they entered the abandoned building. 
There was blood everywhere. It covered the floors and was splattered along the walls, as if a major fight had gone down. In the center of the gore was a black screen. 
Machi emerged from behind some of the rubble, her eyes dark as she approached. “I just got back, but it looks like this was the work of one of the syndicates. I don’t know how they found our hideout though, or why they’d come when it was empty.”
“Where’s Y/n.” Feitan’s voice was soft, fury dripping from every word. Maybe she hadn’t come back to the hideout. Maybe she would be walking through the doors soon with Chrollo, and Feitan could apologize. 
As if in response to his question, the black screen flickered, and footage of a grey, concrete room appeared. In front of the camera was a familiar young man, and Feitan’s mind went blank. 
“I’m assuming that you’ve returned to your base by now,” Teika Rubin grinned, adjusting the camera. “I hope so, because this is live footage and you’ll miss the show!” 
The rest of the Troupe members had gathered around the screen at the center of the room, silently assessing as Teika stepped back...to reveal you.
You were tied to a chair and blindfolded, but you wrenched violently on the bonds holding you. “You disgusting shithead,” you snarled, and Teika backhanded you across the face. 
Feitan couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe. 
Teika continued lightly, “As you can see, I have your lovely member here with me, and we’re going to be spending some quality time together. If you want her back, you will return my money.” 
“How did they get her?” Nobunaga growled, fists clenching. 
“They must have some sort of tracking Nen user. Or--”
“Does it matter?” Feitan interrupted. “We go--” 
He froze as he watched Teika pick up a knife and drench it in a familiar amber liquid. It was an extremely rare mix that Feitan had used on a number of occasions with tricky patients, and it always got them talking almost instantly. The pain from a single drop was almost enough to knock someone unconscious. Feitan had tried a bit on himself once out of curiosity, and even he had been surprised at how awful the experience was. 
Teika was smiling sadistically as he lifted your arm, pressing the knife against the skin of your wrist and sliding upward. Your scream was almost enough to make Feitan throw up as he watched you jerking against the hold of the chair. 
The short Troupe member had fantasized about hurting you a number of times, especially after Machi had accidentally let it slip about your masochist preferences. He had barely been able to keep his hand out of his pants for weeks after that, getting turned on every time he saw you. The number of times he had stood in front of your door in the middle of the night, wondering if he should just give in and fuck you, was almost ridiculous. But tying you to the bed, choking you until you cried, or whipping you until you were cumming everywhere was different from this. 
Feitan was literally shaking with fury, and he didn’t say a single word as he strode away, your screams still echoing behind him. 
“Where are you going?” Shalnark asked, but Feitan didn’t turn. 
“I get her back. Kill them.” 
No one stopped him. 
It didn’t take him long to track down where you were being kept. Chrollo had been keeping track of all the main syndicate bases, so it was just a matter of narrowing down which one the doomed heir would be using. The entire search took less than an hour, and then Feitan was headed down the hall, killing everyone in sight as he looked for you in the rooms. 
Teika was still talking to the camera when Feitan slammed into him--clearly he hadn’t expected to be found so easily. You were slumped in your chair, unconscious, and your arm was a bloody mess. 
Feitan was so angry that his Nen came almost instantly. “Pain packer,” he hissed, wrapping himself and you in powerful armour to protect against his attack. “Rising sun.”
The room erupted. 
You woke as Feitan carried you through the molten hell that used to be the syndicate compound. All around you, you could hear the screams as people burned to death, but all you felt was a nice pleasant heat. 
“Fei?” You murmured, and you felt his arms tighten around you. 
“I’m surprised you came,” you managed. 
“Tch.” He paused, and then he muttered, “I always come for you.” 
It wasn’t an apology, but you knew this was as close to one as he could handle. You relaxed against his chest. “Ok.” 
You closed your eyes, but you heard him from above you as he said, “Don’t walk away again.” 
It may have sounded blank and cold as always, but you could see the panic in his eyes at seeing you wounded. And by the heat of the sun around us, he had been utterly enraged that you’d been kidnapped. 
Perhaps you could forgive him after all. 
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Google's short-lived data-advantage
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There's a lot of ways to think about the movement to tame Big Tech, but one of the more useful divisions to explore is the "Night of the Comet" people versus the "Don't Believe the Criti-Hype" people.
This is a division over the value of the data that Google, Facebook and other large tech firms have amassed over the years - data on their users, sure, but also data on the advertisers and publishers they serve with their ad-tech platforms.
Big Tech companies and their investors are really bullish on the value of this commercial data-advantage: they say that spying on us - the users - lets them manipulate our opinions and activities so that we buy or believe the things their advertisers pay them to push.
More quietly, their investors believe that the data-advantage extends to publishers and advertisers, a deep storehouse of data that makes it effectively impossible for anyone else to do the precision targeted that Big Tech manages, which is why they have such fat margins.
Night of the Comet tech criticism accepts these claims at face value: Big Tech's advantage, they claim, comes from having amassed this insurmountable data-advantage that allows it to both predict and shape what we - and therefore advertisers and publishers - will do.
The implication of this is that traditional antitrust remedies - breakups, say - won't be merely ineffective; they'll be terrifyingly harmful.
If Googbook invented a mind-control ray to sell your nephew fidget-spinners, then breaking them up will only make it easier for Robert Mercer to hijack that mind-control ray to turn your uncle into a Qanon racist.
Googbook's data-advantage, in other words, is like a planet-killing comet heading towards the Earth. If we break that comet up, it will turn into a killing rain of meteors that shower onto every part of the globe - we can't break up the comet, we have to *steer* it.
In this version of tech criticism, the answer is to leave Big Tech intact, but turn it into a utility, or some other highly regulated entity, bound by rules that limit its use of that mind-control system.
Bringing Big Tech to heel by deputizing it to serve as an arm of the state (and perhaps a national champion in the new Cold War with China), like the Bell System prior to the AT&T breakup in '82.
On the other side, you have the Don't Believe the Criti-Hype school. Lee Vinsel coined the term "Criti-Hype" to describe a kind of criticism that actually hypes its subject - say, by repeating Big Tech's self-serving claims.
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These claims aren't just self-serving, they're also highly dubious. Everyone who's ever claimed to be able to read - or control - our minds was lying (to themselves, or to everyone else, or both).
The "psychometrics" that all this behavior-modification depends on is - to quote *Nature* - a "scant science." From Big Five Personality Types to microexpression/sentiment analysis, we're deep into the realm of irreproducible results and junk science.
The Criti-Hype school posits that the supernormal returns to capital for Big Tech aren't driven by awesome ad-tech capabilities, but rather, by monopoly (buying or crushing all competitors) and the fraud it enables (the industry has nowhere else to go).
That is, Big Tech makes money the same way hedge-fund managers make their own stunning returns: by cheating so they get paid whether or not they're any good at their jobs. The mere existence of a profitable industry is not proof that the industry is run by competent people.
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And to be clear, there is a *lot* of fraud in ad-tech. Tim Hwang calls it a "Subprime Attention Crisis," where the ads are fake, the clicks are fake, the publishers' inventory is fake, the whole thing *riddled* with fraud.
As Aram Zucker-Scharff wrote, "The numbers are fake, the metrics are bullshit, the agencies responsible for enforcing good practices are knowing bullshitters profiting off the fake numbers and none of the models make sense at scale of actual human users."
It's a "bezzle" - a con whose mark hasn't twigged to the ruse...yet.
And while the Night of the Comet side relies on the irreproducible claims of self-proclaimed Svengalis, the Criti-Hype side has an increasingly corpus of cold, hard facts about the bezzle's operation.
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Take last November's "Why Google Dominates Advertising Markets," Dina Srinivasan's  superb and detailed dissection of Google's crooked ad-markets, in which they steal from advertisers and publishers by rigging the bids on both sides of the exchange.
Srinivasan proves you don't need mind-control rays to explain how Big G makes fantastic returns from the ad-tech market. That prospect is further explored in the UK Competition and Markets Authority's 437-page report on "Online platforms and digital advertising" (Jul '20):
Here's where it starts to get *really* interesting. In May 2020, Yale's Fiona Scott Morton and Omidyar's  David Dinielli used preliminary CMA data to publish their "Roadmap for a Digital Advertising Monopolization Case Against Google."
Morton and Dinelli zero in on the actual mechanism of Google's data-advantage, the thing it commands a lion's share of, which advertisers genuinely prize: location data. If I know you're around the corner from my cafe, I might spend a *lot* to show you an ad for my pasties.
This location data advantage is undeniable, but man, it has a short half-life. Thing is, I might spend a lot of money to show you an ad for my coffee shop when you're around the corner, but once you've moved on, you can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. You're dead to me.
This short half-life tells us that we're not living the Night of the Comet nightmare scenario. Break up Google, starve it of location data, and within *hours* most of its location targeting advantage is gone...forever.
As the antitrust cases against Google proceed, more and more of these technical exposes of rigged markets emerge, showing us how monopoly and fraud are at the heart of the data-advantage, and how contingent, time-bound and fragile that advantage really is.
The latest is the bizarrely named "Project Bernanke," a formerly secret ripoff that was exposed when Google forgot to redact a document it filed in its Texas antitrust case:
Google used data from recent ad-auctions to help advertisers shade their bids for ad-placements, exploiting the information asymmetry so the ads it brokered won the auctions, ensuring that rivals ad-brokerages were frozen out.
Though Google insists that this was just an industry practice, the leaked document reveals that Google kept this a secret from publishers. Its internal presentations claim that they made $230m in 2013 alone from this practice.
All together, this constitutes a highly specific account of how a data-advantage worked - and what its weak-point is. Project Bernanke was not grounded in longitudinal market data from ad-sales - it exploited *recent* data to deliver a $230m+/year advantage.
The multisided market - a multisided bezzle - exploits the monopolist's data advantage to harm readers, publishers and advertisers, not by predicting and shaping their behavior by bypassing their critical faculties with spooky, advanced psychometrics.
The bezzle requires fresh data - it's a flywheel that uses the monopolist's god's-eye-view to freeze out competitors and entrap publishers and advertisers to get more data to rig the market to entrap the publishers and the advertisers.
It's not a comet. It's a monopoly. It's not terrifying supergeniuses using machine learning to turn us into clicking zombies: it's garden-variety monopolists using anticompetitive, underhanded, dishonest and (probably) illegal tactics to maintain their monopoly.
Bust the trust, ban the conduct, and the data-advantage evaporates with the half-life of that extremely time-bound data. The criti-hype that says that the data-advantage is a deadly, unstoppable comet is just Google's own sales-patter, flipped on its head.
Don't believe the criti-hype.
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namjoonchronicles · 4 years
finer arts | th
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↳  genre fluff, slice of life, domestic, husband-Taehyung  ↳  words 4.6k ↳  summary inspired by the Baumgartner Restoration channel on Youtube, Taehyung is written as a fine art restorer. This fic centres on the point where arts and science collide. Also, long haired Taehyung. Unedited. :’) ↳ song miley cyrus ‘when i look at you’ slowed ver.
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Very soft. Taehyung’s hair, at this length, had always been soft. It’s been awhile since he told you he wanted them to grow longer, and it’s finally paying off. He looks terribly soft with bangs going just a little over his brows and poking his eyes. Gathering his hair into one apple sprout and tying it up has always been your favourite way to start the day. He was humming Frank Sinatra's in the living room as it played on the bluetooth speaker when you found him. Always so hardworking. You leaned on your side by the wall, folding your arms and watching your husband pouting at the document he was reading as his head hung low. Big round glasses sliding down the slope of his Godly carved nose he learned to hate, growing up. Parker Fountain Pen in his slender fingers, cross crossing, underlining, circling the paper in a professional manner makes you remember why you had fallen for him. Slowly, but surely.
He lifts his eyes, noticing another presence in the room, and briefly smiles before returning to his writing pad again, greeting in a deep voice, “You’re awake?”
“Yes, I am…” you nodded, indulging the view still. When he starts to repeatedly push his hair away from his face, you take off your own hairband and have him sit down on the floor, with his back leaning against the couch. And you gather his hair with your finger raking the locks gently, tying an apple sprout hair. His eyes were glued on the work he brought home.
“I take it that you’re leaving home for the studio today?” you tipped his head back, chin pointed upward, demanding his attention. He chuckles through his nose as you leaned in for a chaste kiss on the lips, where his beauty mark is and then the tip of his nose and the skin between his brows. With the chuckles alone, you knew you were right. Judging from the wrinkles on his forehead when he crosses out the plans he had, you knew that he was handling a semi large painting.
Taehyung is a fine-art conservator-restorer and because of it, his work consumes him. He treats his client’s painting like his own wife; each with their own time, loving and care. Instead of being envious towards the time he puts in them, you weigh more on the term ‘admiration’, towards his work and dedication. He truly is invested in his line of profession. It was only natural for an art lover like him to eventually become an artist himself, but after some unfortunate series of art blocks, he began to turn to conservation midway through college. You were always supportive of his aspirations. Although you don’t share the same passion for arts to actually go to a college as an art major like him, he always says you should have been an artist rather than scientist when he saw you sketch a lion behind your notes, after being frustrated about writing papers on your research.
Ever since then, you and Taehyung shared an art studio at your shared home after marriage.
“Polyurethane,” he let out a deep sigh. One word is enough.
A big part about restoration and conservation is perfection. When the previous conservator uses polyurethane as varnish, the next restorer, in this case is Taehyung, will have endless scrapings to do. Polyurethane becomes embedded in the paint, which makes most restorers emotionally frustrated. This poorly chosen varnish not only becomes a part of the paint, it makes it difficult to remove because it is scraped along with the original paint by the painter and artist. This then, leads to more restoration work because the objective of a restorer, is to… restore. Using polyurethane just adds into the time working on it. The last time he dealt with polyurethane paintings, he went home with colors drained out from his face. He spent a week on them because he needs to be extra careful to get most of the polyurethane out with minimal damage on the painting.
After the scrapings, he will have to remove the paintings from the old plywood it came with and it was glued with rabbit-skin glue which is the most tedious process, one after the other.
“When it came to the studio, I was holding my breath because the state of it... was just,” Taehyung puffed his cheek and deflated it. Where does he even start? Dented surface, skewed plywood frames, rabbit skin glue, and polyurethane varnish. The owner’s cat sat on the painting. And this painting was already fragile at this time. It was a very old painting auctioned for at least a million dollar. Taehyung almost fainted.
Right. That was how he is. When Taehyung works on a painting, any painting for that matter, of any values of any age, he is consumed by it. Giving it his all, but careful not to leave traces of him as to respect the original painter.Taehyung, as an artist, is mind blowingly authentic. He has unique perceptions towards everything he sees and he was the first few artist you knew that began with taking photographs. Actually, he was the only artist you knew all your life that was intimate enough to have this talk. Back in the days, art students don’t really mingle with science nerds due to unforeseen differences seniors claim to have. You personally were told that art students are too superficial to really want to understand the world and that they see you as a fuss in human form. You believed none of that bullshit.
You have always been the kind to look deeper than what is on the surface, always skin deep. Taehyung noticed this from the first time he laid eyes on you. There was something worth uncovering.
Just like today, when your eyes tunnels into the magnifier to see the photographed version of the painting he was supposed to restore, he gets giddy at the fact that his wife, his forever girlfriend takes so much interest in so many things and is well-versed in all kinds of art despite not being a member of the field. It was at moments like these that he relentlessly wonders why you never considered to seriously take art degrees just like your science stuff.
“Looks flaky, and the dent is so deep…” you commented, craning your neck on his desk as he watches fondly from the side, “You’ll have to patch it up and sew it together…”
The smile melts away and he averted his eyes, tapping his index finger on his knee at the same time. By his demeanor alone, you know that he dislikes this. The work just keeps piling on, and more and more of the original paint is lost. Like a wet on wet painting work, that keeps bleeding color, the painting will have more of Taehyung than it would of its owner. Taehyung let out a sigh you understood so well. You leave the painting’s print on the table with the magnifying glass set away on the corner with the rest of his tools. You bring yourself next to him and put your arm around his neck and the other palm rests on one side of his face, sliding down his chiseled jaws and thumb, tracing his lips. His cologne swims around your nostril, and the smell of his hair that you love, engulfs you. He gathers his arms around your waist, rests his head under your chin and stays like that as long as you both need.
He will be away for long and intimacy of such degree would be difficult to execute. Long tiring week ahead will make you drift you both apart, only to hopefully meet each other like the first time again.
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You remember the first time you laid your eyes on Kim Taehyung. He was helping the waitress picking the pieces of fallen tissues after a minor accident. He looked like he walked out of someone’s innate dream. Clean-shaven, dark brown comma hair, boring a dark brown suit and pants to match. The selfless act was something intriguing to you. It’s so rare to find someone who would take the time to help others in such a fast-paced era where everything has to be quick and perfect. You remember turning away and smiling to yourself, grateful that there’s such men still in the world. You never planned to find any attachments that night, it was just a casual formal gathering that you had to attend in order to remain in the social circle. You actually wanted to leave after thirty minutes, and probably watch a late night movie at a nearby movie theatre to appease yourself.
A drink in your hand, a small talk about how good the eclairs were, and a little bit about your short-term plans; apart from that, there was nothing much. You were never the kind to approach people first, finding more interest in the food than you do the people attending. But not your best friend, not Jimin. He is the loudest, most animatic figure out there, talking about all kinds of things, doing a lot of gags and just, a walking entertainment channel, with his addictive laughter and outgoing personality. Jimin would make friends with a broomstick if it attended. It was because of him that you were dragged into this little dinner party. He said if you come, he will join your presentation that he called boring and asked relevant questions. After careful consideration, and losing a couple of friends because of your hectic college schedule, you had no choice but adhere to his demands.
“Hi,” a succulent honeyed deep voice greeted you from behind, “Where did you get those jelly desserts?”
You glanced at him and when you recognised that he was that dude who helped the waitress, you shot your eyes back to your plate instantly, then jerked your head back up, “From the dessert corner, next to the pillar… I think they haven’t refilled them,” you said to him through a smile. Wow, he was so much taller than you expected. And, smells so nice.
“Oh thank you,” he tutted his tongue and nodded once, before he walked away grinning, “Over there right?” He walks sideways to talk to you still. He almost trips over the folded carpet and you got instantly worried before replying in a haste, “Yes! Oh careful, please!”
He gave an okay sign and puffed his cheeks.
Finding the back of your calves began to strain from the long period of standings, you had to find yourself a bar stool and ate your food alone, while Jimin was throwing his head back at a joke one of his new friends were telling. Someone took the empty seat next to you and sat with a huff.
“We already met twice and I still don’t know your name,” he peels his eyes off of his plate and turns sideways to you, “I’m Taehyung, Kim Taehyung.” You said your name in a hurry with an awkward giggle at the end, before poking your fork into the grapes and shoving them into your mouth.
“Did you come here alone?” he asked. “No, but he looks like he is having fun,” you didn’t specify who it was and Taehyung hung his head low with a dry, “Oh.” “You?” you replied. “Alone,” Taehyung said, “Didn’t plan to stay very long…I was going to catch a movie.”
Your eyes light up, “What movie? Because I’m not staying too!” Taehyung pouts, “Haven’t decided… I was going to decide there and then.”
“It’s nice to watch movies alone ha…” “Helps me recharge…” “What major are you? We’re from the same uni, correct?” “I am. I am an art major, and now more to restoration and conservator.” “Oooo, interesting… Meticulous work. That’s amazing.”
Taehyung then learns that you’re a science major, pharmaceutical technology. It sounded foreign to him, he had never known anyone with a science major, let alone talk to one. They always seem so…
“Fussy? Introverted? Closed up?” you listed. He shakes his head, jutting his lower lip out trying to think of a better adjective to describe, shooting his eyes to the ceiling then to the right. “Guarded,” Taehyung tipped his head to the side, looking at you as he spoke. “I get why we seemed that way,” you swirled your fork around the plate of spaghetti you took and nodded in agreement, “But we’re probably thinking about our gazillion unfinished reports and stressed out about why the results aren’t tally, and forgetting our breakfast, lunch and dinner, being high on caffeine…” you shrugged your shoulder, explaining.
“Doesn’t seem like a healthy way to live,” Taehyung commented, “But I understand the struggle.”
Discussing about the stereotypes, the polar opposites of a science versus art majors lasted longer than you expected. Art majors and science majors actually share more in common than you’d think. For starters, both are extremely meticulous and precise. Taehyung spoke about the specification of colours and blending of several techniques into one art requires an extensive studies of observations and practice. As a conservator, he must recognise personalized styles of close to thousands of painters to differentiate a genuine piece from a copy--a skill that would take years and decades to perfect.
For science, specifics come in the definition of science. There has to be hypotheses to be proven, and theories that aligned with the results. Making medication has several strict rules; and the process, the testing are endless. From the drug is being formulated, to the way it is processed, and how it reacts when it enters the human body, to how long it takes to be expelled and whatever happened in between must be noted. Uniformity, size particles, bottling, storage, etc. are all taken into custody when it comes to making drugs. You told Taehyung about the exhausting 48 sets of 100mL volumetric flask being used in order to determine the complete dissolution of 100mG of paracetamol.
“I get cross-eyed having to stare at the mark, trying not to make mistakes,” you smiled and Taehyung giggled. “I understand about getting cross-eyed,” he added. He continues about having to re-color a varnished painting with a limited set of light in the studio, and not being able to determine what pigment it was until daylight reveals that he was wrong.
“I think art and science are two things humans can’t live without,” you started, looking down at your semi empty plate, “I mean, life depends on science, but art is what makes it worth living.” “Rebecca Atwood,” Taehyung cited. Then you both looked at each other for what seemed the longest time, as if you both had found home in each other.
Your heart clearly whispered, “Where have you been all my life?” And for a period of time, you actually believed it was one-sided. How could someone like Taehyung want to spend time with you. But you guys eventually went to the movies together.
Jimin called midway through the movie. You excused yourself and took the call outside the hall.
“Yo, where art thou? The party’s over, don’t tell me you went home without me,” Jimin nags.
“I’m at the movies, I’ll get the Uber, don’t worry,” you hissed, “No, Jimin, I’m going to be fine. It’s not that late, I’ll call you when I get home. Yes, I know there’s class tomorrow at 2pm, alright bye,” you hang up and rush back inside.
Taehyung looks at you with wondering eyes and you felt inclined to explain, “Jimin. Asked me where I was, and wanted to go home. I said I’ll take the Uber.”
“Uber? No, I can drive you home,” Taehyung offered. You don’t think you should be in a car with someone you barely know so you politely declined. Taehyung however, waited with you for the Uber, and waved you goodbye. He didn’t ask for your number, much to your disappointment. But maybe it was a one night thing for him. It’s not like you expected anything, so why do you carry yourself heavily to your dorm?
It was rare to find someone you could connect to in such a short time. Tonight was a miracle at work, and it was short lifted. Laying down in your bed with the light from your phone shone over your face, you scrolled down Instagram to see your married highschool friend cradling babies. Another friend just got married. Another is half a world away. A few are taking pictures of cute dates they went on. And then there’s you, who is now staring at each one filled with envy and discontent, wondering if anyone will ever find the time to notice you and hopefully fall for you. Deep inside, all you ever wanted was to be in love. Despite you plunge yourself into heavy work in the most strenuous field out there, you were inexplicably lonely. It gets increasingly difficult as you grow older, and your options for men decreases.
They say, everyone has a soulmate. But for some reason, you think God forgot to make yours. Real connection is possibly impossible to find. The love you seek probably doesn’t exist.
And as you turn your phone face down next to you, it vibrated a message in.
Jimin: Are you home yet? Hello? Jimin: So you found Kim Taehyung? From arts? Jimin: He texted me the Uber car’s plate number to make sure I know where you are…
You replied,
You: yes.. You: you know taehyung??
Jimin: uh yeah. Orientation week together. Campmates. Jimin: how was it? You: he was nice… Jimin: You cold-blooded women. You: XD
The next day was your presentation. After spotting Jimin in the crowd, you immediately felt better. Some familiar faces would be nice. Final year project presentations can be brutal. Some of the questions you expected would be the purpose, the motive, the need for this project to be funded and why it carries such significance. Sometimes what you expect doesn't happen, and because of that you get very disheartened and disappointed. No matter how brave you decide to be, your body protests and rebels against your wishes. The way the bottle tremble in your hands shows how much this is hammering your dignity. It is as if you expected to be humiliated. You glanced down to your heavily arrowed notes and scribbles, closing your eyes as you stood in the back stage, mentally preparing yourself. How to be bulletproof?
Had he not helped the girl to purchase a canned coffee from the vending machine, he would not have been late, Taehyung thought. Now he creeps in the back of the lecture hall, carrying his own opened canned drink. There was an extra unopened canned coffee drink he snuck in. You had already started your presentations. Does he have the mental capacity for this new information? Of course. There were a few terms he wasn’t familiar with, but it was not enough to bore him. Your simpler explanation the night you met actually helped a lot. The oozing charisma you carry and the calm way you carry yourself was something worth looking up to. It was the kind that he actually envied about you. He had a feeling that you weren’t showing all parts of you and because of that, he was intrigued. Even as he sat there as an audience, completely at awe of your presentation, you were magnetic.
Not a single one person in that auditorium was paying their attention elsewhere. Being able to draw such dedication and passion is a talent. And it was all Kim Taehyung wished he could do.
“With all the existing medication with the same purpose, what good would a research in the same area pose? A renewal?” “And what about the gene-specific cancer studies that are already initiated since 2004? Haven’t we spent enough on that?” “What about the ethical issues surrounding the existing CRISPR, the so-called genetic-specific medications?”
The questions from the PhD holders you presented were all valid. You agreed.
“As a scientist, we understand that our research will continue far after our death. Many researches are done without a clear view of where the finish line is. If we want to talk about ethical issues regarding gene modifications, we have done them on all the things we could consume, grow and breed. If we have the power to prevent abnormality before it becomes one, why do we second guess ourselves? Isn’t the purpose of science to better understand, and then to prevent? To create a better living?”
The room fell into a deathly silence, and you were inclined to go back to your statements but when you dragged your eyes to the corner of the room, you saw some juniors nodding in agreement to what you’ve just said, you regained a little ounce of confidence. “But we haven’t truly understood the after effects of gene modifications. And through all prolonged research thus far, it doesn’t suggest a good result. How do you guarantee a perceptible study in the development of the medication you’re proposing?”
. . . Sniffles greeted Taehyung at the door he pushed opened gently. You were standing by the handrails on the faculty’s rooftop, the papers you brought in scattered around the ground. Some are drained into the pool of water puddle from last night’s rain. Digging the heels of your palm into your eyes, you heard the door creaked open and jumped.
“I’m sorry…” Taehyung whispered. You glanced over your shoulder at him and then turned away. Not because of anger or fear, but from shame. You have never shown anyone this timid side of you. You’re always expected to be strong, and you took that mask on literally. Having someone witnessing your vulnerability is as foreign as the sight of a shooting star. How unlucky for Taehyung, you thought.
“I bought you…” he placed the canned drink on the ground, next to where you placed your backpack, “A canned coffee.”
“How did you,” you sniffed, “How did you know that the presentations’ today?” “You told me the night we met?” he answered, in a confused tone.
And you gave him a lopsided smile, “Oh right. I’m not used to people remembering my errands. Jimin never does. No one ever does.”
“I am not actually good at remembering. But for some reason, yours was unforgettable,” he added an awkward chuckle at the end, scratching the back of his head not sure why he finds conversation with you feel homey. Sincerity and honesty comes naturally like breathing the air in.
“I did a crap job at presenting, didn’t I?” it was a statement, pretentiously laid out as a question.
But Taehyung knew better than to cement the depressive thought. Then he scooted near to you, and coil to your side, to give you a puppy eyed bright smile.
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That was when you first knew a Kim Taehyung. Everything else that happened after that seemed like a story written just for you. But loving Kim Taehyung didn’t come without challenges. When you love a man as attractive as that, there will be wandering eyes directed towards him. And you have your own fair share of evil eyes directed at you. How can a science nerd catch the attention of an art student? It was totally unheard off. Had Taehyung paid any attention to those thirsty hyenas, you would have given up the fight. However, this is Taehyung you’re talking about. Once he had his eyes set to a person, he developed tunnel vision only to that person.
For years, you struggled with perfection. And the thing about the struggle is that it was common to everyone, but so few would understand. Perfection quickly becomes a disease to over-achievers. Had it not been Taehyung, you would probably engage in an insufferable discontentment towards life and everything it has to offer. Everything changed when he handed you a paint brush and a 200-sized plain white canvas and a studio to yourself.
You felt liberated.
Not knowing where your illustrations will take you was the first taste of freedom you had ever allowed yourself to feel. Because in the arts, there are no wrongs or rights. And it's uniquely yours. And the look on Taehyung’s face when it's done? Priceless. To the point that you think you began drawing because of him and that he was just saying the things you wanted to hear. Then he hangs your drawings in the open hall, and brings home the comments written by the art lovers to prove that you are wrong.
When it comes to relationship turbulences, Taehyung and you personally respect each other’s space, friendship choices and principles. Such maturity is again rare so you’d like to think that you’re lucky in that sense. However, Taehyung’s family proved to be a massive hurdle. While you were raised in a humble home, and accustomed to having sleep as dinners, Taehyung’s family owns a collection of farms that produces vegetables and fruits, and Taehyung’s favourites happen to be strawberries. He surely is raised in an upper middle class well into his elementary years and then catapulted into first class around his high school time. Not to say that he doesn’t know what it’s like to starve, he has a fairshare of that in his rebellious years; but he was not used to the life you lead. The part-time jobs, the tutoring weekends, the errands. He never had to do those.
When he brought you home to his parents for the first time, you felt out of place. His penthouse, his army of maids, sports cars and spacious area. His parents, they were wonderful. They welcomed you with open arms. Even inviting you to a family-only event, introducing you to everyone, and then letting you see their family photo albums. Taehyung has a massive support system, a healthy relationship compared to yours. No matter how much he wants to convince you that his life isn’t perfect, it was a whole lot better than yours. You remember how he snuck you into his bedroom in the middle of the night when his parents were asleep, the snickering, the whispers and the night you shared, cuddling. You had tears in your eyes that night, because you never thought you’d be this fortunate.
Watching him fall asleep in your lap so soundly really made you think about the last time you ever made someone this comfortable. Is this how it feels to love and cherish? Finding a middle ground is not always easy, and most people take time to reach there. For Taehyung and you, sacrificing a lot comes without say. Your internal conflicts and his willingness to understand your perspective, and vice versa--it all takes time. You can owe it all to Taehyung’s ultimate patience. Just like the way he handles his work. Meticulously, and carefully. Like how chemicals are precise, the paints are too.
In every phase of life, we are being prepared for the phase that comes next. In accordance to what we are made of, we continue to evolve, continue to grow. And it is in this stage that we feel most vulnerable, most bare, most uncomfortable. Sometimes you dread the things that you weren’t allowed to have, much like the doctorate you sought after (that took much longer than others), the way it was withheld from you because life said you weren’t ready yet, even when you thought you were. Waiting patiently becomes the hardest part of it all. Although Taehyung might not understand half the things you went through, isn't he still here? Isn’t he still holding your hand? Isn’t he still singing to you?
Fine arts are creative art, especially visual art whose products are to be appreciated primarily or solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. If that’s the case, then Taehyung must be finer arts.
copyright © 2020 namjoonchronicles do not repost, and thank you for reading
:. I wrote a bit about the things I do in university, I’m sorry if you find that boring... it’s the only world I know... I am currently going through mid-semester exams, and I’m not doing well, spark up a fever with 3 more papers to go. Anyways. Have a great day!
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maeve-writes · 3 years
Little Red Corvette
Pairing: TFATWS!Bucky x Reader
Rating: 18+; Minors DNI
Warnings: Fluff, some angst, public sex, slight praise and daddy kink.
Summary: Bucky finds happiness in fixing up classic cars. He has his sights set on one in particular. When he can’t find it, you make it your mission to do whatever it takes to get it.
a/n: This is written for @buckyblues 4k Follower Challenge. (Congrats again!) I chose Little Red Corvette by Prince. Normally I’m inspired by lyrics, but the idea of Bucky in a sexy red two seater with a pretty lil’ thing next to him made me weak. I wanted this to be straight up smut but feelings got in the way.
This is not beta’d. Forgive any mistakes!
When Bucky came to terms with his new life, found some peace in a world without Soldat looming over his shoulder, he found solace in his tinkering. He would often take apart whatever technology he could find to see how it worked only to put it together again. It was therapeutic, a constant reminder that things were never broken for long, someone would always be there to fix it.
You were the one to piece him back together. Sam helped, too, of course, tightening any loose screws you may have missed, but you did all of the heavy lifting. You found out what made Bucky work, what parts needed replacing and you fixed him. He would never be the original James Barnes, but no one ever stayed the same, and you didn’t want him to be. You liked the man you woke up next to every morning, who blinked at you with sleep hazed eyes and pressed lazy kisses across your face. You loved the man that ravaged you at night, on any surface, buried as deep as he could go so he could become a part of you, to feel you against his soul.
While you found his tinkering irksome at times, especially when he would steal the coffee maker or microwave when you were in a rush to get to work and just need to zap fry breakfast and fill up your thermos, it was mostly endearing to see his nose scrunched up in concentration as he disassembled things with childlike fascination. 
What broke you was when you flopped down on the couch with controller in hand and no console to receive its signal. 
Storming into the garage, you slammed open the door to find him hunched over his work bench. “James,” you hissed through clenched teeth. You could see his muscle tense underneath the grey henley he had on, his breathing stilled. Only two women ever used that tone with him, one was his mother, the other was you, and he wasn’t sure which he was more afraid of. When he didn’t answer, you leaned against the door frame and glared at the large frame of his back. “Care to tell me where my PS5 is?” 
His shoulder dropped slightly and he dared to look over it at you. Bucky had seen death, had seen war, had seen the near end of the universe itself and nothing made his blood run colder than the receiving end of your icy stare. “I’ll put it back together,” he offered. The grinding of your teeth made him flinch and he dropped his tools to cross the room and make things right.
It took two months to find a replacement for your beloved PlayStation. How could he have known how hard it was to find one in stock? Even when it came in and he hooked it back up for you, you still held out one more day before you finally caved and forgave him with a two day fuckfest that ended with a proposal that Bucky moved on from electronics to cars.
He took the suggestion and ran with it. The next day he and Sam went to the junkyard to find a good frame with potential and towed it back with that bright, genuine smile of his and an eagerness to get started. He spent days on the internet ordering parts, looking up facts on what modern modifications worked best, and watched video after video of reviews on classic sports cars.
You found him in the garage most nights when his dreams became too much and he didn’t want to wake you. Some nights you would bring him snacks with a kiss and leave him to his work. Other nights you would climb behind him on his bench, wrap your arms around his waist and sleep against his back. Either way, you allowed him to work because that’s what Bucky needed.
When he wasn’t off on a mission or wrapped up in you, he was researching cars or fixing them. After one was finished from the base up, he’d give it away or offer it to a charity auction, then start all over. He had his favorites, every “car guy” did, and he also had his white whale.
One night you felt him crawl up your body impressively hidden behind the spread of your book. You lifted a curious brow but before you could lower your novel, he shoved his tablet in your face as he took a seat on your thighs. “Every time I try to find one, someone snatches it away,” he told you, voice a little huffy as if he was seconds away from a tantrum. 
“It can’t be that hard,” you tutted, tucking your book away to help him with his search. It turned out that it was incredibly hard to find any sort of form of his new obsession. Every post that either of you found had been sold or had a sale pending. Even body frames were hard to come by, much to your luck. “I’m sorry, babe, but we’ll find one soon.”
Bucky resigned himself to finding a filler car. While he was still enthusiastic about fixing up something new, you could tell his heart was set on it - the 1965 Corvette Convertible, specifically, Rally Red in color. There wasn’t much that your man asked for in life, even though it owed him so much, so for him to yearn for one thing so much and not be able to obtain it, it upset you.
So, you were going to make it happen. 
You spent your days working as usual and your nights searching for his coveted car. Your browser was filled with tabs, each watching car auctions, only to be outbid on all of them. Frustrated, you flipped on your VPN, opened up your TOR browser and dipped into the dark web to dig deeper. It wasn’t your first time going through back channels to get what you wanted and it wouldn’t be your last. If it would make Bucky happy, it would be worth the risk.
Two weeks later you told Bucky you would be working later than usual. You had been playing up a huge project at work and the deadline was coming closer. He, of course, hated when you were out past dark without him, but he never vocalized his concerns because he knew the bite he would receive in return. You could take care of yourself, he knew that, but he would still worry because that was his job.
You took an Uber from work to meet the seller at the small airport on the edge of the city. The man was from Germany and specialized in vintage cars; if he didn’t have one you wanted, he’d find one for a hefty price, of course. But any amount was worth your man’s happiness, at least that’s what you tell yourself as you held the small bag of cash in your hand as you crossed the airfield.
Sitting outside what you assumed to be a private jet was the cherry red two seater, top already down and looking as beautiful as the picture you saw online. Yeah, it was going to be worth every penny. “Jonas,” you asked as you approached the man standing cross armed next to the car. He towered over you by at least a full foot and a half and was just as wide. His dark eyes watched you approach, a curious flint sparked in them.
“Yes. You are early,” he noted. He held out a beefy hand and you placed the money in it. “Not one for pleasantries, hmm?” His laughter echoed across the runway and you offered him an amused smile. “Your man is a lucky one.” His other hand was held out, this time with the keys to the car. “For you to meet a complete stranger in the middle of the night, it is dangerous, no?”
You narrowed your gaze and lifted a brow. It seemed your look was enough of an answer because Jonas gave you another laugh. “A woman of very little words, I like you. We will do business again, yes?” It was a statement rather than a question. “Enjoy.”
He swept an arm toward the driver seat and you slid inside. With a turn of the key, the car purred to life and a smile grew on your face. You revved the engine twice, nodded to the man a few feet away before you sped towards your house to give Bucky his gift. 
When you got home, he wasn’t there. You found a note left on the kitchen counter: Beers with Sam. -B
Normally you wouldn’t mind him going out because you were happy that he would be even willing to leave the house, but to only leave a note and not text you seemed worrisome.
You pushed any more negative thoughts out of your mind and headed to take a shower. By the time you got out and headed back to the kitchen to make yourself a quick sandwich, Bucky was home, sitting on the counter and watching you. “Hey, handsome, how’s Sam?” You leaned up to kiss him, but it wasn’t returned. “Something wrong?”
“You weren’t at work,” Bucky said evenly. “We stopped by to grab you dinner and you weren’t there.”
Your skin heated and you sighed. “Bucky, I can explain-“
He cut you off with a dismissive wave of his metal hand. “Don’t bother. If you’re seein’ someone else, you can just tell me.”
You recoiled like he slapped you across the face. “James,” you snapped, which caused him to tense up, “I would never, ever even dream of being with anyone but you.” You forced your way between his legs and cupped his face in your hands to make him look at you. “You are all that I want and no one will ever compare to you. Don’t ever say that again, okay? You’ll break my heart.”
He didn’t say anything, not for a few minutes, and neither did you. All he could do was stare into your eyes and see the truth in them. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have said that.”
“It’s okay, I know why you did,” you assured him and pressed another kiss to his lips, this time you received one in response. “Now, can I tell you why I wasn’t at work?” He nodded once, a tiny glint of worry still lingering in his eyes. “Well, I’d rather show you.”
You stepped away from the counter and pulled him along with you. With his hand in yours, you led him to the garage and flipped on the light with a, “Ta-da!”
“Oh, darlin’,” he breathed as he let go of you and stumbled into the room towards the car, all of the fear, worry and angst melting away instantly. “How did you-“ You pinched your forefinger and thumb together and twisted them in front of your pursed lips. He rolled his eyes but smiled and gestured to the driver seat.
“All yours, handsome,” you winked and hit the button to open the garage door.
He shook his head and patted the seat next to him, “You’re comin’ with me.” When you protested saying you were in your night clothes, he waved it off. “We’re just goin’ for a drive, sweetheart, nothin’ to dress up for.” You joined him with a reluctant sigh and flopped into the passenger seat. 
When the key turned and the engine purred, Bucky let out a pornographic moan. You turned to him, brow perked. “Sweetheart,” he rasped, “you have no idea what this car does to me.” Your eyes flickered to the quickly growing bulge in his jeans before his deep chuckle caught your attention, “Or maybe you do.”
He reached over to pinch your chin between two metal fingers before crashing his lips against your own. His tongue fought its way inside of your mouth and licked sinfully against the roof of it. “Buckle up,” he whispered against the gasp you released as he sat back.
Lightheaded, you did as instructed and watched him adjust the mirrors and lights before he pulled out of the garage and sped down the driveway and through the neighborhood. His face was bright in the evening light, his smile outshone the moon. “You’re gorgeous,” you told him breathlessly, and you would have most likely not been heard over the wind whipping around you by any other person, but your super soldier caught every syllable and flushed at the compliment.
He took your hand into his and brought it to his lips, kissing each knuckle before it came to rest on his thigh. You could feel the happiness radiating off of him, seeping into your own pores and filling you up until your lips turned up into a matching smile. “What’re you thinkin’ about,” he asked you, flicking his attention from the road to you and back again.
“You,” you replied, “always you.”
The smile on his face grew and he squeezed your hand once more. He found a new happy place, one outside of your shared home, one not between your legs. It was there, in that car, racing free down the open road with his best girl in the seat next to him. “I’m thinkin’ about you, too,” he said as his hand guided yours towards his lap.
“Mr. Barnes,” you gasped playfully but allowed him to rest your hand against his tented jeans, “we can’t do this, it’s sinful.”
“Live a little, darlin’,” he played along, forcing you to squeeze him which caused him to groan.
You pinned your bottom lip between your teeth and rubbed at him over his clothes, feeling the heat of his arousal coming off him in burning waves. Your fingers worked open the button of his pants and with a little maneuvering, you were able to fish out his cock, hard and thick, violently red and dripping with need. His hiss as it hit the cool air caused you to jump back for a moment, but his needy whimper drew you back again. “I swear to god, Bucky, if you crash and kill me, I’m going to haunt you,” you warned him.
He blinked, taken aback by the rather brash statement, about to ask what you meant by that but you were already unbuckled, bent forward and taking him into your mouth. “Oh fuck,” he groaned, metal hand gripping the steering wheel tight enough to pop the stitching on the leather coating. 
Your tongue swirled around his tip, gathering what leaked out before you flattened your tongue and took more of him in. He was thick and long, hard to take all at once, but you had learned from many hours of practice just how to get all of his glorious cock down your throat. Your hands worked what wasn’t wet with your tongue yet as you bobbed up to suck on his head and relax your jaw. “Feels like heaven, sweetheart,” he cooed above you, his free hand bundling up your hair to keep it out of the way. “Fuck, your mouth works my cock so good.”
Delighted at his praise, you hummed in return that sent sparks to his core. You took more of him in, nearly all of him, with your cheeks hallowed and your tongue dancing along his skin. More praise fell from his lips, encouraging words and filthy promises, you almost forgot you’re in the car until the tires started to hit the bumps along the white line - an indication that Bucky was veering off of the road.
You pulled off of him much to his disappointment and saw that he parked along the side of the road. “What’re you doing,” you asked, wiping your spit away with the back of your hand. 
“You told me not to crash,” he shrugged and undid his seatbelt. “Now get over here and ride Daddy’s cock.”
The words hit you dead center and you nearly collapsed from how weak and needy they made you. “We seriously can’t do this, Buck, anyone can come by and see.”
“That’s livin’, darlin,” he replied. His flesh hand wrapped around his cock and started to pull on it, staring at you with half lidded eyes and a groan rumbled in his throat. “Are you gonna just sit there and stare or are you gonna enjoy the ride?”
Absently, you licked your lips and watched his hand work himself and honestly felt a little jealous of it. That was your cock, it was your responsibility to make it feel good. Thoughts of getting caught and thrown in jail over public indecency were thrown out of the window and you crawled over to him, losing your sleep shorts on your way over.
“No panties? That’s my good girl,” Bucky grinned, his hand moved from himself to your hips as you climbed into his lap. “Been thinkin’ about this pretty pussy all day.” He hungrily licked his lips and reached between your bodies to run his fingers through your folds, drawing a gasp from you. “Absolutely soakin’, hm? Been thinkin’ about me, too?”
You nodded, your pussy clenching around nothing as Bucky’s fingers teasingly danced around your hole. “Daddy,” you whined, desperate for any sort of attention, “please?”
“What do you need, sweetheart,” he purred, his thumb ghosting over your clit as your slick began to run down your thighs. 
“You, Daddy,” you answered, hoping that was enough. “All of you. Only you.”
Bucky seemed to be happy with that and slid two thick fingers inside of you. “Such a greedy little pussy,” he hummed, slowly pulling them out again as you whined above him. “You need to be filled, don’t you, baby? My fingers won’t be enough.”
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip once more, threatening to draw blood, when you shook your head in response. “Need your cock,” you told him. “Please.”
“Always askin’ so nicely, sweetness, how could I deny you?” He twisted his fingers inside you one last time before he held himself steady so you could line up. “Sink down on Daddy’s cock like a good girl.”
You steadied yourself with one hand on the headrest of his seat and the other was used to guide his tip towards your core. Once he slipped inside, your hand shot up to grip at his shirt as you lowered yourself with satisfied moan which was nearly drowned out by Bucky’s. “Too big,” you sighed, seated and feeling stretched and full.
“But you’re takin’ it, darlin’,” he smiled up at you, his skin flushed and covered in a thin layer of sweat. “You’re doing so good.” You preened at his compliment and returned his smile. “You move when you’re ready.”
You took the time to adjust to angle and his size, leaning down to exchange a lazy kiss. When you parted for air, you shifted your weight to wrap your arms around his neck and raised your hips to slide up his cock only to slam back down with a moan.
“Is that how you’re gonna to play it, sweetheart,” he asked breathlessly. When you replied with the same harsh roll of your hips, Bucky growled and his hands found your hips. You could feel the bite of his grip against your bone, you knew the bruises it would bring in the morning, but it would be worth it. “Can’t have a nice, slow fuck in the car, can we? My girl needs it hard and rough.”
He shifted his legs to plant his feet firmly on the floor of the car and started to meet your hips with a harsh snap of his own. Delighted at the feral snarl that curled his lips, you increased your speed, bouncing on his thick thighs as he fucked up into you, a growl erupting from him with each meeting of your hips. “Yes,” you gasped, “that’s it, Daddy. Just like that.”
“Yeah, I know how my dirty little girl likes it,” he grunted over the sound of your skin slapping and your slick sex sucking him in. “I can hear how much she likes it.”
Your head fell forward as he pounded up into you, the lewd squeak of the seat joined the chorus of your moans. “So close,” you told him.
But he already knew by the way you fluttered around him, coaxing him toward his own end. His metal hand left your hip and moved between you to seek out your swollen bud. “Gonna cum for me, good girl,” he asked. You tried to answer, tried to nod, but the way his hips shoved up into you and the cool metal against your heated sex that rubbed desperately at your clit was far too much.
A delicious snap came from within you and spread a white hot fire throughout your body. You came with his name on your lips, a desperate, holy cry. And he wasn’t far behind, a few hard thrusts and he spilled into you, whispering praise and adoration.
You stayed joined until the mess between your legs became itchy and the bugs started to swarm from the sweat on your bodies. “Best mill and half I’ve ever spent,” you sighed happily, lifting off of his lap.
“Wait, how much?!”
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plumrabbit · 4 years
DA Fandom and moving forward - Calling In vs. Calling Out
Hi everyone,
As a PoC member of the DA fandom, I felt I have been quiet for long enough on the issues that have been presented recently. I am not here to argue against or on behalf of any individual or group, I am only here to present some information that I hope will be helpful moving forward. This is a long post, but it’s my hope that if you read it and want to help contribute to making this place better for everyone, then you will be willing to try to put what is said here into practice.
Since I am a relatively small blog, I wanted to start with a little personal introduction that will segue into the topic at hand. My name is Liz (you can call me Jade too, that’s part of my middle name), and I am a mixed race, “ambiguously brown”, aspec person from Canada. I grew up around mostly other immigrant families, attended predominantly non-white schools that were run by mostly white admins, and completed my degrees at a very white university in a field that does not have much racial diversity. I have experienced racism first-hand many times including, but not limited to, name-calling/slurs, fetishization/exotification, being followed by staff, people second-guessing my name, jokes about hurting/killing people of my race, etc. as well as witnessing racism directed at my friends and peers. I know exactly what it’s like to be exhausted and feel unsafe or othered.  There is, however, one thing I need to point out about the multitude of instances of racism I’ve experienced - most of them were caused by ignorance, and not malice. Yes there are absolute assholes out there, but personally I can count those people I’ve encountered on one hand (I am not speaking for everyone, though). The vast majority of racism, bigotry and general harmful acts come from a place of ignorance, particularly on left-leaning tumblr (to clarify, this discussion is centered around well-meaning people and not the actual lost causes). When I say ignorance, I don’t mean a lack of education or intelligence, I mean not being able to see or understand an issue from another person’s perspective. It’s not quite the same as empathy either (where empathy means you are able to feel another person’s emotions), but fighting ignorance does require empathy. It also requires knowledge on the context of the specific situation, and that I believe is the crux of the problem.  I think the main reason why this is issue is particularly prevalent in the DA fandom is a result of the too-close-to-reality-to-ignore inspirations that have been confirmed by the devs. Yes, it’s fiction, but there are also a lot of people that see themselves (mis)represented in the themes and characters. And what one person sees as disrespectful, another person may not see at all. This can come full circle, too, for example: one person sees themselves and their trauma represented in a character, another person sees their race misrepresented in the same character. Person 1 uses the character as a comfort character or coping strategy. Person 2 thinks using that character in certain situations is disrespectful. Neither one sees the other’s perspective.  This is where intersectionality starts to come into play, and requires empathy and effort to address the intentions and emotions of the other person. Perhaps person 1 is LGBTQ+ and has been traumatized by being as such, and uses Dorian as a character to explore their trauma. Perhaps person 2 is Brown, and racism towards their people is their trigger, and thinks person 1 did not do Brown representation justice in their creative works.  Looking at this more specifically, person 1 may have put Dorian in sexual situations. Person 2 feels that the way it was conveyed was fetishist or exotified. Person 2 doesn’t know person 1′s intentions. Person 1 is not aware of certain descriptions that are racist (e.g. using food to describe a PoC’s skin tone). Perhaps person 1 was self-inserting and wanted to feel desirable on their own terms, but this gave person 2 that squick factor.  Now person 2 wants to address this issue, and I think this is where a call-in (not a call-out) would be appropriate. Here is a good infographic that compares the two: 
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(Original source)
Note that there is quite a large difference in the language used. Going back to the above example, person 2 could privately message person 1 asking them why they chose to represent Dorian the way they did, with specific examples, and using call-in language (and I’m going to get back to this in a minute). 
The point of this post and infographic isn’t meant to tell marginalized groups how they should be bringing up issues (though it is a good guide if you are concerned about being polite, particularly to a first time offender), it’s intended to demonstrate to people unintentionally participating in harmful behaviour what a call-out vs. call-in looks like. For PoC and other marginalized groups, yes it does take emotional labour to use call-in language and to try to understand someone that wounded you (here is a good read that incorporates the concept of emotional labour for call-ins, and discusses asking yourself if you are ready to do so). For the people who have unintentionally hurt a marginalized individual or group, please understand that someone calling you in is not an attack, it’s a chance to explain why you expressed something the way you did. 
That being said, we may have reached another hurdle. What if you call someone in, and the person called in does not want to discuss the fact that they were inserting their personal trauma? I think this is where things start to get a bit messy, but I am of the opinion that if you’ve unintentionally triggered someone else’s trauma through ignorance present in your work, you owe it to them to at the very least mention that you were inserting your trauma, without having to bring up specifics (anyone is allowed to set boundaries). From there, the discussion can be hopefully be opened up to learning from each other, and reaching a consensus. Sometimes that consensus requires the creator to edit or remove their work. As an addendum, if you are a creator that unintentionally hurt someone with your work that didn’t have an ulterior personal motivation, it’s your responsibility to understand why what you did was wrong, apologize, remove the work and do better next time. I know some people cherish their OCs, but you are allowed to change your perspective and make adjustments to your character without erasing them entirely. Now we’ve reached another potential obstacle - what if an offender doesn’t respond to your call-in? First of all, ask yourself, did you actually call them in, or did you attack them? Here is a good opinion piece from a Black professor on this matter. I’d like to clarify that I am not trying to tone police, I am speaking as someone that used to go ham on ignorant people on Facebook and Reddit, and has since changed their tactics and has even gotten through to Trump supporters (some of this stems from my spiritual growth as well, but that is not the point here).  There is another issue to address here now as well - what if you have tried, repeatedly, to call someone in and they just don’t change their behaviour? Alright, then it’s probably time to call them out. But again, ask yourself, did you truly try to get through to them? If so, well, at the end of the day, some people are, unfortunately, lost causes. In summary, a call-in is meant to come from a place of wanting to help someone who has seemingly gone astray, because you are worried about their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours towards a marginalized group. You know that if they made a mistake it isn’t them, isn’t their heart, and you want them to be able to understand why what they did hurt others, and give them the chance to correct themselves. It comes from a place of love and acceptance, because you don’t want your friends to harbour negative beliefs.  Finally, I want to give a real example of this in action. My cousin is a photographic artist, and was recently called in to discuss the nature of one of her pieces. Her subjects are usually people, and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. To help support BLM (she does a lot of work to help fight racism in general), she auctioned off one of her pieces. The subject of the piece happened to be a Black woman. She was called in by Black members of her art community to discuss how people bidding on an art piece that featured a person from a marginalized group perpetuated the ogling and monetization of Black people. She gave a response that acknowledged that her piece did perpetuate this issue, because she wanted to raise awareness of this historical harm, and recognized that her intention was ignorant of this perspective. The Black community also acknowledged that the piece itself was not harmful in any way, only that the surrounding issue that they were painfully aware of needed to be brought to light. The auction went ahead, and the piece sold for ~$1000, all of which was donated to BLM.  I think as a fandom we should be cognizant of when a work itself is harmful, or when the intention is harmful. Sometimes they overlap, sometimes they don’t. Both are talking points, and we should not be afraid to discuss them, but this requires respect from all parties. We also do need to be able to recognize what is strictly fiction, versus what has real-world impacts. My askbox is always open and my DMs are open to mutuals if you would like anything clarified or expanded upon. Or, if you’d just like to discuss a topic, vent, or have any questions about my own beliefs, you are welcome to reach out. I am happy to discuss anything, as long as there is mutual respect. 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1993 words
Warnings: none
Summary: Entering into an arranged marriage to Hvitserk
Arranged marriages were common in Kattegat.
So common in fact that you knew very few people that married for love alone. 
If there was to be a wedding, it was usually formed because there was mutual gain, not only for the two betrothed people, but also their families as well, and your marriage would be no different. 
Hvitserk was at an age where a man should start thinking about taking a wife, and you were at an age when you should have already been one. That made your father very willing to marry you off, and it didn’t hurt that the man in question was a son of Ragnar. 
The very chance to tie you to that bloodline forever was too good to pass up, especially for a greedy and malicious sort of creature like your father. The glory it would shine on him would not pass him by. 
That was the one thing he’d decided. 
He decided that, of course, long before he even asked you if you were willing to partake in any sort of marriage with that man. 
Not that you would have had much say to begin with. 
You had never met any of Ragnar’s famed sons and you, frankly, had no interest in doing so. However, Hvitserk was seeking a wife and with your father’s jarl title, there was little chance he would refuse. 
Even if you were, as your father would say, “No less worth than a milking cow” It was meant to be a compliment, you’d assumed, though it was getting harder and harder to take it as one as you got older. 
You were not blind to the fact that you weren’t as thin and fair as other women may have been, but that didn’t mean you weren’t just as beautiful. You were fine looking, as far as you were concerned, though maybe not to everyone. 
That didn’t seem as if it was going to be a problem for much longer though. 
After all, you were going to get married before long anyway. As soon as you became a wife, it wouldn’t matter what you looked like to anyone other than your husband. 
However, that brought one thing to your attention. You hadn’t thought about it before but there was a huge possibility that as soon as Hvitserk met you, he would refuse you entirely. 
If he didn’t see you as the kind of wife he wanted, you would be back to square one as far as a marriage goes and your father wouldn’t be happy with you. 
Not that you could really care all that much about that. There was no reason for you to treat yourself poorly over that chance. All things considered, if this man rejected you, that was his problem.
You had to just hope for the best and move on with your life if that happened...right? Not marrying Hvitserk wouldn’t immediately make you a spinster. 
You had to hope that wasn’t the case. 
Though, before you could completely back out of the entire thing, a thrall came through the door, a gown in her arms and a smile on her face. Her name was Ama, or something of the sort, and you forced yourself to focus as she spoke to you. 
“Pardon me, the Jarl asked me to ready you for your evening” she informed, setting the dress on the table by the door before closing it. 
The very idea of the day ahead of you filled you with dread, but you forced yourself to get up from where you were perched and readied yourself for what was waiting. 
It was better to get it out of the way. 
“Don’t slouch” your father huffed, reaching out to bump you slightly with the wooden cane he used to get around, trying to fix that. You were not even trying to make yourself presentable and he wasn’t going to let that stop him from marrying you off. 
He already had too much into this to let you ruin it.
“We will meet Hvitserk with his brother Ubbe and if he finds you presentable enough, you will remain here” he allowed, seeming to have no problem with forcing you away from your home.
Though, if he was that willing to get rid of you, perhaps you should have been glad to be rid of him. 
You only nodded as he spoke, not even bothering to speak to you as he walked you over to the grand hall in the center of Kattegat. You had never been here, this close to the shore, but you didn’t really have a chance to admire it before you were ushered inside. 
“Jarl Aland, my name is Ubbe” the first man to greet you started, offering a greeting to your much older father, who met him kindly with a smile. You couldn’t help but notice how handsome he was. 
He was nothing like the men in your father’s village, which seemed to be much smaller than the majority of Kattegat. For living so close to the outskirts, there really were few similarities. 
“Excellent. This is my daughter, Y/N” your father chuckled, offering you forward as if you were some sort of cattle to be auctioned off. Still, you did nothing but smile at the man as he admired you. 
You hated every second of it. 
“Hello, I look forward to getting to know much about you” he started, leading you toward the fire in the center of the room, his hand bracing your lower back slightly. 
It was just enough to keep you moving without making you feel uncomfortable, something you were glad for. After all, you were sure that if this man was to do anything unsavory to you, your father would do nothing to stop it. 
Luckily, Ubbe seemed to be rather mannerly for a prince. You just had to hope that his brother was just as civilized. 
“Hvitserk has been anxiously awaiting your arrival” he whispered, smiling down at you with an almost mischievous glint in his eyes. If only you knew just how much his brother had been talking about this. 
This betrothal had come after your father met with the sons of Ragnar last summer, on his way to escort your brother and a few of his friends to take a voyage from this port. 
You had only found out about it shortly after that, though you weren’t sure if the passing suggestion would ever come to pass in reality. Though, now that you were here, you knew why your father had been so keen on you doing this. 
Kattegat was a wonderful place for trade and had much opportunity for growth. It offered a lot of chances for monetary gain in your fathers eyes, and the best way to get in would be through you. 
A bond with the sons of Ragnar would make it plausible for more of your father’s people to come here and make money. 
“I can’t say I’ve been all that at ease myself” you joked back, careful to keep your voice down so that your father couldn’t hear. He was hanging back from you and the blonde, but you wouldn’t put it past him to eavesdrop. 
He had always been such a nosey old bastard. 
“I understand but you mustn't worry, nothing will happen to you here” he assured, and as much as you were sure you wouldn't, you believed him when the words left his lips. 
If nothing else, you knew that Ubbe would do nothing that would allow you to come to any harm. 
You only nodded at his promise, letting him lead you farther into the space until you found a large fire in the center of the back room, a few more men surrounding it. 
You assumed they were his brothers, but more than anything, you wondered which of them was the man you were to marry. 
“Boys, this is Y/N” he introduced, announcing your presence to all of them at once in a way that, under any other circumstances, would have embarrassed you incredibly. 
However, in this instance, all you did was smile as you waited for any of these new strangers to make themselves known to you. The first of which was another blonde, though he towered over both you and Ubbe.
“Jarl Aland’s daughter, we’ve been waiting for you. They call me-” he started, but as soon as he opened his mouth, you put the pieces together. “Bjorn Ironside” you filled in, recalling all the stories they told of him even where you lived. 
He was a living legend and it took you a second to compose yourself after making such a bold statement, not that any of them seemed to mind. If anything, the men surrounding you seemed amused.  
“She’s an enthusiastic little thing, isn’t she?” he grinned, directing his question to Ubbe, who only shrugged. It seemed to him that you were, though it was too early to tell. 
After all, he had only just met you. 
“Enough of that though, you’re here for Hvitserk” Bjorn finally decided, beckoning behind him, presumably for the man in question. 
The man who had been avoiding you up until this point. He had already had a hard enough time being convinced to even meet you, led alone come to terms with the idea of getting married. 
He had never wanted to be married. 
Though, the way he understood it, there just came a time when every man should have had a family, and he had to start thinking about that. It seemed that his bachelor days had come to an end. 
“Excuse him. Hvitserk has never truly cared about anything more than what’s dangling between his legs, and filling his stomach” Bjorn chuckled, his crude joke not lost on you as he nudged you gently. 
They didn’t seem to have any shame between the group of them, and you had to admit that it was refreshing. Your father had always made you live as if you had the sort of title these males did, but they didn’t act like it. 
If anything, they used their birthright as an excuse to be as crass as possible. 
“Come now brother, say hello to your bride” Ubbe prompted, finally addressing the man as he came into view from behind his much larger half brother. He had been dreading this all day. 
An idea that changed as soon as you came into view. 
As soon as he saw you, every thought Hvitserk’d had in regards to a greeting melted away, along with his manners. You had to have been the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid his eyes on. 
There was no possible way you had agreed to marry him. 
“Hvitserk, say hello” Ubbe snapped, laughing at his younger brothers obvious floundering. It was clear to both Bjorn and Ubbe the moment they saw you that this was how he would react. 
Not that it was supposed to be this amusing.
Hvitserk was never speechless, though you had somehow managed to force every plausible thought from his mind with only a look. 
It was by no means the smooth, or suave introduction he had been planning to knock you off your feet, but it was the best he could muster with the fog you’d forced upon him. 
“Hello Hvitserk, my name is Y/N, though I’d imagine you knew that already” you giggled, finding the humor in your action. Of course he knew your name already, you were just so in the habit of saying it when you first met someone. 
That laugh, nothing more than a slight ease of tension from you, only served to captivate the young male further. 
He was in way over his head, and it was only a matter of time before both you and all of his brothers noticed. 
One thing was for certain though, you no longer had to worry about him rejecting you. 
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drkcnry67 · 3 years
my secret is...
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title: my secret is...
pairing: jared x reader
fluff: superhero au
h&h: anti possession tattoo
tags: smut, lots of smut, more smut, implied smut, fighting, bruising, revealing your secret to the woman you choose to spend the rest of your life with, reader figuring it out before he says anything, shooting, fashion design implied, tech showcase, speeches, silent auction, I don't think there is anything else.
rating: maybe 18+ not sure how this will go yet
created for @spnfluffbingo @heavenandhellbingo @sweetness47
summery: nope
jared: i have a secret, my identity is for your ears only incase something happens to me, or you. in case something goes wrong tonight...
Yn: tonight, babe this is crazy talk just come to...
Suddenly a red dot is on the wall behind you, Jared pushes you to the ground just as a shot is fired, the window in your penthouse apartment shatters into a thousand pieces
You lay under your loved form, but something strikes you. Why would he... How... Oh my god... Were just some of the things you wanted to say but what you asked your love was something the inner you had wanted to ask for a while now..
Yn: are you the dark avenger?
Wait wait wait I'm ahead of myself again, let's go back to 5 months and 4 hours before the events above with a brief history review...
It all began on the anniversary of your first day in Texas, the day you had moved to get a fresh start(bad break up needed a fresh look on life.)
That day who knew a accidental bumping into someone would lead to a first date never mind them finding you a place to live, his only thing was you were never gonna be in danger with him around.
you were not paying attention and tripped over your own two feet as you landed against a chest, spilling your coffee on this nice mans suit jacket...
jared: are you alright miss?
you shiver at that voice, but you shake it off as you gently say...
yn: im so sorry about your jacket... its gonna be stained im so sorry...
jared: its all good, come this way i am sure we can find you something else to wear cause if im not mistaken your jacket also got ruined by this little accident.
yn: its not little, its everywhere ugh im such a clutz...
jared just laughs as the airport pages the janitor as you and jared move off to the side, your luggage on the ground in front of you and your jackets layed out on the bench.
you kinda laugh but it fades into a sigh of shock as jared's hand reached to pull a piece of your hair away from your eyes.
jared: we havent been introduced yet...
you take his hand in your own as you smile lightly.
yn: im yn, i am just moving here....
jared: well its very nice to meet you yn, im jared let me help you...
yn: do you know of any hotels with cheap and i mean dirt cheap availability long term...
jared just kinda stared at you your question kinda bothering him. so before he spoke again he picked up your bag and his own...
jared: you will not be staying in a hotel, you are gonna be my roommate.
you were shocked and then you kinda giggled but were stunned by jared's hand on your own leading you both toward the door, and into the parkade.
yn: i am so sorry agin about your jacket... are you sure that letting me live with you is a good idea.... i mean its not that i dont particularly think it is a good idea, thats not it at all, its more the fact that I've never ever had a actual roommate before this is also my first time in a city that I didn't grow up in... I'm rambling aren't I?
Jared: yes you are and it's cute!
yn: thank you for letting me stay with you... i was gonna have a hell of a time trying to find somewhere free to live in. especially with no job and being very new to town.
jared just laughed as the car stopped at a stoplight.
jared: so welcome to san antonio... it is not as large as dallas, but its still a great place to live. we will get you settled and then we will worry bout finding you a job. but mi casa et su casa.
you couldnt hold back from trying to find out more about this mysterious stranger who basically came out of no where just as you were trying to hail your way out of the airport.
yn: what do you do for work? if you dont mind me asking...
you blushed slightly as jared pulled into a parkade and put the car in park.
jared: i run my own company its a family business, my parents left it to me when they were killed when i was a kid. i like to spend a few nights after hours to prep papers and stuff for the following days. its apart of the billionaire bachelor life. though i could tell you more over dinner tonight.
You smiled slightly blushing, he invites you to live with him and then he asks you out on a date... Subtly and very suave but never the less a date is what he asked and a date is what you said yes too.
Yn: I would be honored though if it's somewhere fancy I should warn you I don't have anything overly formal.
That's when he revealed that we were at a mall. It didn't look cheap either. He simply smiled and got out of the car coming round to open your door holding his hand to you.
Jared: well that's most certainly what I figured which is why a shopping trip is in order. Course it's on me so please anything you find nice I'll get it for you. Plus it gives us a chance to learn something bout eachother.
You took his hand and your purse as you both walked to an elevator coming into the 2nd floor of a 3 story mall.
Jared: oh and just so you know I will not judge your outfits I'll simply print out poloroids of our outing for a scrapbook of memories for you. Now what's first...
You had to think and you smiled slightly.
Yn: well no outfit starts without a whole new hair do. You don't mind do you...
Jared: not at all, I'll take you to the finest salon here, they do your hair and your hnails all at once. I go there for my hair, they will help you out for anything you want to do.
Yn: how would you feel about me doing the under side of my hair funky and the upper side normal.
Jared could only smile as he spoke.
Jared: I think that will do some good for your new beginning. Now let me do the talking first.
You stayed by his side as you both walked in, a woman standing at the desk approached you both when she saw Jared.
Rebekah: well if it isn't my favorite customer and my best tipper how ya doing Jared?
Jared: pretty good, may I present my new roommate yn, yn may I introduce my oldest friend and sister from another mother Rebekah. She is also my stylist.
You and Rebekah hugged it out as she caught the glint to Jared's eye.
Rebekah: so what brings you both in today.
Yn: I would like something done that says fresh start. Something normal on top and funky on the bottom. Maybe some feather extensions. Along those lines and have fun with it. And I would also appreciate a manicure, acrylic color of your choice.
You basically told Rebekah what you wanted, Rebekah you and Jared were all sitting in the back at the station while Rebekah prepared and mixed the dyes for your hair, grabbed the correct extensions, and began with the low part of your hair.
After an hour and a half of leaving your hair in the hands of this new friend. You were not looking in the mirror while she did your hair, but instead into the eyes of the man who was your Savior.
Jared: that looks amazing Rebekah...
Rebekah: it's some of my best work!!! What do you think yn ready to see your new look?
You look at Jared who is just grinning cheek to cheek. As you are spun round to face the mirror. Your eyes went wide with wonder at the vision before your eyes.
Yn: it's so blonde and purple with hints of the rainbow in a sea of longer hair and it is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. Thanks so much.
Rebekah: no problem now do you still want your claws done?
You simply nodded your head doing a hair flip and ending up looking at Jared, his eyes beckoning you to approach.
Jared: feeling better?
Yn: much better this is exactly the fresh start I was hoping for. you know i have a good feeling bout tonight. but lets do my claws. short stelleto is the nail shape and length i would like.
rebekah and you sat at the nail table. jared put his hand on your shoulder while he checked his phone.
jared: i gotta make a phone call real quick. its work stuff. i will come back in a bit when i sort this out.
jared gave you a quick kiss to your cheek, you blush as he walks out of the salon and around the corner disappearing from your view. rebekah's voice brought you back out of planet jared.
rebekah: alright girl, spill. that look in your eyes, i know you are crushing big time on jared. and for the record he likes you too. he texted me just before you guys got over here. he said he was bringing a new crush over here
You couldn't believe it, Jared had pre warned Rebekah that you guys were coming. Geez, this man really was in love with you.
Yn: I can't believe someone like Jared, well a billionaire owner of his own company hottie who saved my life hunk of a man would ever be in love with me. Rebekah, I feel just blissfully happy but something's eating at me.
Rebekah held onto your hand for a split moment to make your gaze meet her own.
Rebekah: what happened to make you want a fresh start?
You wanted to make it as short and brief as possible but knew it would only bite you more in the ass if you did.
Yn: my asshole of a father that's what. He tried to sell me to some other family so I could marry one of their sons for money. But when I refused he hired some guys to jump me as I was coming home from work one evening. They put me in the hospital with a broken rib. I moved in with my best friend and boss. Gave my notice that I was leaving the city for good. She helped me get away. needless to say I got out and I'm never going back.
Rebekah: so your still hurting from what happened to you. That's where the doubt is coming from. Not to worry Darlin, if there's one thing I know is when Jared likes someone he will do anything to protect them at all costs. now lets finish your nails before jared comes back.
meanwhile jared is pacing back and forth in the mens washroom so he can have a stressful conversation with his partner behind the scenes.
jared: i dont know how to explain it dude but i think this girl is the one for me...
jensen: really hung up on her arent you?
jared: ya right now she is in the salon with rebekah... just getting a fresh look for her new start, i dont know how to explain it. jay i feel something a spark between me and her.
jensen: ya but what about your whole double life thing.
jared sighs for he hadnt given that much thought.
jared: guess ill have to tell her at some point. sometime soon. but for right now we go on exactly how we have... ill see you later.
jared hangs up the phone and straightens up before he heads back toward the salon. where you and rebekah were just finishing your girl talk and your nails.
jared: well thats a nice sound coming out of here. what did i miss?
you and rebekah could only smile.
yn: just some girl talk and lots of giggling. i feel like a brand new woman.
jared, you and rebekah walk back to the front counter.
jared: how much do i owe ya for this.
rebekah: nothin absolutely nothing. im not gonna charge ya for something that literally was to help someone gain a fresh start. thats just not how i roll. now you both go and enjoy your time. and yn come back anytime to chat or to get touch ups nails or hair...
you and jared leave the salon and head to a few other places where jared buys a few new things for you and for the place where he lived but zomething wasnt right.
thats when it happened... right there in the middle of the mall. jared pulled you back to hold your form against his own, as he kissed your lips. calmly and coolly he smiled once the kiss broke.
jared: woah, that was..
yn: breath taking?
jared: ya...
yn: i know what you mean. now lets...
before you both could say anything else you both were alerted to a disturbance by loud gun shots ringing in the air. getting down low it was like nothing ever seen before. or only in a movie.
Jared: shit... Not here not now... Let's just stay down maybe we won't be seen.
You stay down and stay silent staying close to Jared as you both heard this loud voice echoing up the floors. Neither of you wanted to get caught in this mess.
You and Jared crawled slowly back into the salon, where Rebekah was hiding in the back behind the counter.
Jared: Bekah we need to get out of here. I can't put her in danger.
Rebekah: ya well maybe it's time you trusted someone else with your secret...
Jared: maybe one day I will tell her but today is not that day. Now where is your service elevator.
Rebekah: you mean the emergency one. Just let me lock the door at the front first.
rebekah crawls and locks the door with a remote its silent and makes it look like the store was never open in the first place, then she goes back to you and Jared.
rebekah: alright quick and quiet lets go.
You stay close to Jared as the 3 if you made your way into the elevator and Rebekah hit the button to the parkade.
At that moment you all took a breath. Jared held you against his chest as he kinda smiled.
Jared: are you okay?
Yn: I'm a little shaken but I'll be okay. Where are we gonna get me a outfit for dinner tonight now...
Jared: Bekah do you think...
Rebekah looks at Jared.
Rebekah: it's possible but first we need to get to one of our vehicles, second a severe helping of police presence is needed. I've already pressed my silent alarm. And sent a text to Fred who said alright I'll take care of this. I also told him about the people still trapped in the mall but that I and you guys got out. He will probably want to speak with us later but right now let's go see Sheryl.
jared, rebekah and you made it to the jeep, you got in the passenger seat, jared got in the driver seat and rebekah got in behind you.
jared gripped your hand in his own as he drove you all about 30 minutes away from the mall, to a little boutique called "Sheryls howling dresses"
yn: what kind of boutique is this?
jared: one ran by another old friend. she was the same person who was tailor to my parents. she will whip you up some new outfits in the short span of 2 hours. trust me.
you were amazed..
yn: but how...
jared: you will see, now lets go inside and get you fabulous. plus it will help you to forget all that just happened and just have some fun. and dinner just became a charity dinner, i just recieved a reminder about a company benefit for tonight.
yn: ooo let me guess as owner of the company you have to make an appearance and give a speech?
jared: as unfortunate as it is, its not how i pictured our first time in public eye together going...
yn: really and how did you picture it going?
jared glances back at rebekah who gets out of the car and goes into the shop.
jared turns his gaze to you and smirks darkly.
jared: well i imagined we would go out for a romantic candlelight dinner, then back to my place, get you settled in, find a nice restaurant and order delivery then we would spend the evening dancing round here, laughing maybe cuddle up on the futon and watch a bunch of movies, mushy ones if you so desired, there would also be wine, and kissing, and so much more. anything you would have wanted. then at the end of the movie watching we would stay curled on that futon for as long as we wanted till we both fall asleep in eachothers arms to wake the next morn happy as can be.
You were lost in each other's eyes, but Jared saw a twinkle of something in your eyes that made him make his move.
Jared and you were in a fierce make out session. One that would have led to sexual endeavours except that Jared's phone interupted the session about 10 minutes into it.
Yn: let me guess it's Rebekah telling us to get our asses into the shop?
Jared: pretty much. Though I would like to continue this let's call it a conversation a little later perhaps after the party?
Yn: you mean where we won't be interupted?
Jared: exactly. Don't move I'll come round and hold the door for you.
You watched him straighten out before getting out of the Jeep. He walked over to your door but as he did you refelcted silently on what had just happened, What was just said, and what you were ready to do.
Jared reached your door, he opened it and held his hand out to you, you took it and gracefully got out of the Jeep, bringing your purse and cool with you.
Jared: relax it was new for me too. Now let's go and get you some new stuff.
Yn: I look forward to after the party when we can continue with what happened in the car.
Jared: ya know many nights I have spent sleeping in my Jeep, it wouldn't be a bad place for some sexual endeavours.
The tone to his voice changed once more, those last 2 words he almost growled, would have made it more romantic if they were said while you both were still in the jeep.
but none the less you are both walking through the door into the shop, into the world of glam and fashion. there were sparkles everywhich way you turned, you followed the sound of voices one voice in particular caling out your name.
Jared: yn this is Sheryl, Sheryl this is my girlfriend YN! She is new in town and is my new personal assistant for my company. unfortunately my other one just gave her resignation. so what do you say YN wanna come work for me and reap the benefits of being both my girlfriend and my assistant?
you were stunned you were honestly taken back, what with the things that happened and said in/out of the jeep, his look it was like it pierceed your soul.
yn: yes but i think i need some new outfits to fit the profile. as im sure the assistant needs to be flashy to make a statement. Something that says fresh start and new beginning.
Sheryl: hunny say no more let me take you to the back room for some measurements and for you to try something on deary. Rebekah and Jared don't even think about disrupting us during the process.
Jared: yes ma'am
Sheryl leads you to the back room and she smiles delightfully at you.
Sheryl: oh dear, Ive never thought I'd see Jared so happy. Must have been a shock for you eh?
Yn: you have no idea, I mean I came here to start over, a brand new life, but something went wrong, and I couldn't find a cab or anything for that matter then I spilled coke on Jared and now we are here. The rest is as you say history.
Sheryl: well that's a true love story if i ever heard one. i am just happy that he brought you here, to see me. now lets find you something fabulous to wear.
she goes to the desk and pulls a remote from the drawer as she spins both of your chairs to face the blank wall, which with the press of a button the wall opens up and several racks come out of the wall.
sheryl: okay girl, lets start with some shirts... if you see something you like i can stop the machine, and it will show the pieces one at a time slowly so you can see front and back of each piece. just remember all you have to do is say the word and the pieces you like will be put aside for you onto the nearby empty rack. lets begin.
one by one the pieces came out you picked out 20 new tops, 10 skirts, 15 jeans, 10 capris, 10 shorts, 25 dresses both business, casual and pleasure.
sheryl: are you happy with your new starting wardrobe?
yn: yes but i think i need accessories to match everything. don't you agree?
sheryl: of course, now lets get you some of those...
sheryl pressses another button and makes the racks of clothes switch with smaller racks of jewellry, bags, shoes and a few other small but cute accessories. you picked out 16 necklaces, 16 bracelets, 13 earrings, 5 rings, 20 various bags, purses, and briefcases, 12 scarves, 15 different types of shoes, a few hats, pairs of mitts, and some nice jackets for those nasty type weather days.
sheryl: well dear i think i can have my assistant bag these for you get them ready for transprt while we go back out and see your new beau.
you give sheryl a hug and when you pull back she smiles at you.
sheryl: oh dear no need to thank me its my honor to do this for you. your situation must have been something really terrible for you to leave your previous dwelling.
yn: lets just say i was through with letting my father try to use me for his own gain. my father was ready to sell me off to marry some rich investors snooty son who would have made me miserable, so the day before i was supposed to meet the douche bag i went with my boss after work and she took me to the airport and bought me a few things from the gift shop clothing wise and thats all i came with today. but if it wasnt for my general clumbsy nature i wouldnt have bumped into jared. sheryl i dont know how i can thank him for all of this...
sheryl: im sure you will know what to do when the time is right. i can tell from your aura when you walked in here with him that you and he were meant to be. I read psychic energy and tarot. It's a gift, one of natural cause nothing more nothing less.
You smile at Sheryl as you both exit the back room and go to stand with everyone else.
Sheryl: this girl is gonna look fabulous and I have a extra surprise for her too one that wasn't in the little showcase we just did. It's something she can wear tonight to your party benefit thing. Yn go over to the fitting room it's all in there for you, just change and sort your self out it will be all right honey.
You went to the fitting room where you shut the door locking it and took a look at the outfit that Sheryl had picked for you. The outfit the accessories oh man Jared was gonna flip his lid and probably wanna skip the outing but this is what she picked:
a sequined candy apple red off the shoulder, high low a line with bits of lace around the shoulders and waist. For the shoes she picked a nice black sandal heel about 3 inches to have you closer to Jared's height but not too close. A simple set of diamond dangle earrings, a drop diamond necklace and the best part of this a bracelet with a attached ring. Oh and a bonus a new bag, one that was alot nicer than your current one.
You figured you would swap your bags first then put on your new outfit. Once your new bag was all set up, You started taking off your current clothes and bringing your new dress off the hanger, it fit you like a glove it was so soft and pretty it made you spin round a few times before you put on your jewelry, and the last thing you did was put on your shoes.
Taking a bit of time to finish straightening yourself out, it seemed very very likely that Jared was gonna have that same look in his eye that he did back at the Jeep.
But grabbing your bag you walked out of the fitting room confident and comfortable. You twirl and go over to stand on the show platform so Sheryl can see you in full.
Sheryl: well baby girl how do you feel?
Yn: Sheryl I feel amazing, this is such a gorgeous dress, comfortable too. And my favorite color. This is perfect. But what does my new boss/ boyfriend think of my new outfit.
Jared came up behind you and stood there with a crouching smile crossing his features he simply says.
Jared: it's positively delightful and you look absolutely ravishing in it. How much do I owe?
Sheryl: Jared, when is the last time I charged you for anything?
Jared: well it's my honor then to fully pay your bills for the next while to keep your lights on and your shop safe.
Sheryl: Jared you are too sweet.... Now go you got a dinner to attend. And Jared show her the tattoo... It's bad enough you are going to the dinner with no flare to your outfit but you shouldn't keep that from her.
Jared goes to the rack and switches his shirt with one that fit his suit well.
Sheryl: that's better
Jared faces you and you catch eye of the tattoo on his chest.
Yn: what's this?
Jared: call it a family crest of sorts. It means you are in control at all times no matter what happens you are protected.
Yn: maybe I should get one too just in case.
Jared: maybe one day you will but today and right now we need to go. We have a benefit to attend. Thank you so much Sheryl, for everything. We owe you so much for this.
Sheryl: it's my pleasure now you kids go and have fun. I'll drop the wardrobe off at your house.
You Jared and Rebekah all left the shop, arriving back at the jeep a little conversation took place between the 3 of you.
jared: are you sure you dont wanna come to the benifit with us?
rebekah: nah i have to go give my statement about the mall incident and finish my cash out for the day and do some paperwork, but ill stop by tomorrow or something if thats alright...
jared: of course just call first ya know...
yn: i hope to see you again soon bekah...
rebekah comes and gives you a hug when she pulls back and smiles and then gets into the cab that pulls up behind her.
but speaks one more time before she shuts the door.
rebekah: oh by the way, for a first appearance as a couple you two are gonna have front page story of the paper tomorrow. trust me it will be a night to remember. I'll call you both later.
You both waved as Rebekah closed the door and the cab left. You and Jared kinda glanced at the sky.
Yn: the sunset is so gorgeous.
Jared: it always is, now let's get into this Jeep and go to the benefit before we don't leave this road like at all.
Yn: and what would we be doing in the road
Jared: well I would take you and I'd set you down on your back in the back seat of the Jeep while I hike up the bottom of your dress and I slide my hand up to your bikini line, where I would slide my fingers along your line till you beg me to stop, till you beg me for more. Do I need to continue?
He could tell what he was saying was getting to you. He could tell he was making you hot and bothered.
Yn: can we go to the benefit now before I take you up on your idea.
Jared: we will continue that later.
Jared smiles as he leads you round to open your side of the Jeep for you. He closes it behind you as he goes round to his side and starts the Jeep as he gets inside.
Putting on his seatbelt, he puts the Jeep in gear and begins the drive. Upon arriving at the conservatory he gets out of the Jeep first, then shoving through the press he comes round to open your side.
The photographers and press were all up in your faces.
Press 1: billionaire Jared Padalecki who is this beautiful young woman on your arm?
Jared: this is my girlfriend/new personal assistant for my company YN she is new to the city and comes for a fresh start.
Press 2: well well yn care to comment on what you think of our beautiful city so far? How has your first day as Jared girlfriend made you feel?
You were about to answer but Jared spoke for you.
Jared: she will make a statement inside the benefit please no more questions at this time. If you will excuse us.
Jared ushered you out of there and walked inside the building together.
Yn: they are intense...
Jared: it's all good, I'll do most of the talking up there and all you have to do is make a statement formally announcing your new status in my company and as my girlfriend... Just breathe as you do it I will be with you up there the entire time.
Yn: you out of the corner of your eye catch a glimpse of a man ocming toward you and Jared. You cling closer in a not scared looking way.
Jared: Jay over here!
Jared pulls out the silent auction tickets for you to go put in the bags.
Jared: yn, this is Jay Jay this is yn the girl I had told you about...
You shoke Jays hand and then Jared turned to face you.
Jared: here take these silent auction tickets and place them where you would like. I have a feeling not many people are here for the silent auction... They are more interested in the new tech plans for the company's r&d and what the budget looks like and how I am doing and the food... So you go do that I'll find you in a while and if anyone approaches that with a ress pass just tell them no comment.
You leaned up and gave Jared a kiss, it was one thing that felt right. Then you with the tickets in hand walk over to the silent auction area upon which you begin carefully thinking about what packages you wanted for you and Jared.
There was one package called business you threw a strip of tickets in there after you broke them apart...
You came accross a hobby package with new laptops and a graphics tablet you felt that would come in handy you broke apart 2 strips for that one.
You then came across a romance package you threw a strip of broken tickets in that one.
And you also threw some in other random packs. Then you went to grab a snack. Standing by the refreshment table you take a glance around the room, people shuffling and bustling about, no one saying anything except for how much they were excited for what Jared had to say.
That's when you heard footsteps behind you, you felt arms slide in behind you.
Jared: miss me?
Yn: you know I did. So many people just complementing the designs for the plans your company is putting out... There was a fair amount of tickets in each thing but the ones I put our tickets into were the lowest amounts.
Jared: am I gonna like the ones you picked if we win them...
Yn: you will be pleasently surprised if we win them and you will enjoy them definately...
Jared: hmm, we should take our seats for dinner and so you can meet the board officially before we go up to speak.
Yn: you mean we get to eat first...
Jared: never give a speech on an empty stomach it's a company motto. One of many, helps us to remember the important stuff. Jensen also following us as we go to the head table or what you presummed was the head table.
You stayed standing to shake some hands before sitting down.
Gerard: well Jared how did you meet such a lovely young woman?
Jared ushered for you to answer the question...
Yn: I kinda bumped into him and spilled coffee on his shirt and we'll things kinds clicked.
Gerard: well well that's quite the ordeal, and uh tell me yn what brought you to our fair town this day?
Yn: easy my family has been struggling with finances and my father tried to sell me off to marry into a rich family for more money... So my boss at my previous job was kind enough to book me a one way flight to the first available flight she could get. She packed me a single bag of belongings and dropped me off at the airport and now I'm here ready for a fresh start.
Gerard: so you literally left your entire life behind cause of your father...
Yn: yes I did, and if it wasn't for Jared I probably would have been sleeping in a shelter tonight.
Rachel: that's such a horrid ordeal, but good thing is now you have a new life and a new family. The job you have accepted as Jared's assistant is one we have had difficulties finding the right person who would stay long enough and not complain about all the meetings and note taking and business type stuff.
Yn: I'll stop you there say no more my bachelor's degree was in business administration, it was phenomenal. If you guys want proof of my studies I can get my former boss and best friend to send over my diploma.
Rachel: nah that won't be necessary. We trust you Besides if Jared thinks your a good fit that's good enough for us. So yn how does tonight compare to a normal night before your craziness back home.
Yn: for one thing back home I wouldn't have been at a fancy benefit dinner i would have been at my boss'place having dinner and a work meeting before our meetings the next morning. I was her assistant and that's why she was so inclined to help me... My boss was my best friend and if needed my gay love... But that was if we went to the bar and stuff... Cause we weren't gonna let those creeps in the bars get all up in our grills. To be honest though I lived more at her place than my place with my family. But what's done is done my father made his choice now he has to live with the consequences. i regret leaving my mom and my brother but i know they know by now it was for the best. i know i can't change what happened to me, all i know is i have to keep moving forward and settle into my new life here with you guys, the company and jared.
rachel: hey yn wanna come with me to the drink table i think we should surprise the guys with drinks.
yn: of course, ill be right back jared...
jared kisses you...
jared: i miss you already love.
you and rachel got up and went to get drinks... Standing there grabbing drinks you decided to reveal what you were truly feeling.
Yn: can I be honest with you?
Rachel: of course
Yn: i know i havent been here long, like literally since this morning when my plane landed and i spilt coffee on Jared and things just kinda happened from there, but i think ive already fallen in love with him. and i know its crazy to even think that that could be possible, but something inside me is telling me that this is where ive been meant to be this entire time, like this is my destiny.
rachel: yn i can say this, i dont think ive seen jared this happy in a long time. i think this is the start of a new beginning for you, for the company for us all. but i can say this in the 6 years now that ive been helping out at the company ive never ever seen him this happy like at all.
yn: we should probably get back to the others, but i hope sometime soon we can chat some more.
rachel: i would love that... maybe if there is a bunch of papers to stamp, fill out and file it would be alot more fun with 2 people.
yn: you know what that does sound like fun. it was the one thing at my previous job that no one liked to do except for me. i really enjoyed it, i still do...
Rachel: well I know whose helping me father the tax stuff this year...
You both laughed as you both carried the cups back to the table. Laughing on arrival to the table, Jared takes his cup from you and kisses you again as you sit back down.
Jared: you ladies seem to be very smily... Did you ladies have a good chat?
Yn: we did and we have a plan for how to make the filing and paperwork more efficient. So we are gonna get it done and started as the days go on.
Jared: you ready love?
You were kinda confused, but then it clicked, it was time to go up with Jared and make your statement and his speech.
Announcer: and now the man of the hour himself coming up to present another spectacular speech and make an announcement, Jared come on up!!!
You and Jared made your way on to the stage, where you let Jared stand at the mic first...
Jared: thanks you all for coming out tonight, our goal for this next year is to make our prison more secure the super criminals in that prison who are more likely to escape will be more securely locked down, in return to the please of the city's parents our company is proud to announce that we are increasing school funding for those who want to give their children the best education possible especially if they can't afford to in the first place. Basically the plan is to make the entire city affordable to everyone. To provide more work opportunities for people just starting out so teenagers will have better options, options for apprenticeships and better options for those just coming out of high school those guys will each receive a base fee of 10,000 per graduate that will help them be able to go into whatever field of education they wish to pursue. Hunters Inc we are also gonna offer apprenticeship programs run by my new personal assistant/new girlfriend and my head receptionist so here is my new personal assistant and girlfriend YN to make a formal statement declaring her status as my new assistant and my new girlfriend.
You switch places with Jared who smiles lightly as you clear your throat standing nice and tall composing yourself as you begin to speak.
Yn: thank you Jared for that wonderful introduction, my name is yn and I am the new personal assistant to Jared, I swear to uphold and perform my duties as they will come and I will probably stay with the company till the day I die. As for my new status as Jareds new girlfriend I promise to love him as faithfully as I do my work for as long as he will allow me to do so. This is where I belong, this is my new home, this is my future, this is my new life. Thank you.
as you and jared now moved to exit off the stage the announcer stopped you both...
announcer: alright now if you both will just pose for 10 shots for the photographers, no qustions to be answered at this time, photos only.
You and Jared stand in several poses, before being allowed to exit off the stage and back to your seats where you both are greeted by Gerard and Rachel.
Gerard extends his hand to you as he speaks.
Gerard: yn on behalf of Hunters INC let me be the first to Welcome you to the company i look forward to working with you.
as the evening went on you and jared were approached by so many people from all over town and around the different parts of the company.
after half an hour of shaking hands and speaking with several people you and jared finally had a few moments alone. jared sat on a chair and pulled you to sit in his lap.
jared: finally we have some moments alone... how do you feel after being on the floor basically meeting the entire board for the company...
yn: i feel a bit overwhelmed but nothing i dont think a hot steamy shower couldnt fix when we get back home.
Jared: hmm I like the sound of that although I was more thinking a dip in the jacuzzi, then a nice hot session in the shower then chilling in bed till sleep overtakes us and we wake in...
You put your finger to silence him as you spoke again...
Yn: say no more I'm in when can we leave...
Jared waved Jay over and smiled happily at you.
Jared: hey man, can you give Gerard and Rachel our regards we are gonna head home I still have to help yn settle in... Can you also make sure to have the car at the house for around 11 so we can give yn the proper tour of the company and introduce her to her job... Oh and any auction prizes me and yn may have won bring them to the office tomorrow.
Jensen: of course bro, I'll see you both tomorrow.
You and Jared were soon out the doors and down the stairs to the valet where the Jeep was brought to the landing, just as you and jared made it down the stairs.
valet: have a safe drive home mr padalecki, madame... have an amazing rest of your night...
you catch the jeep keys and playfully run to the drivers side of the jeep, jared runs after you and pins you to the door of the jeep for a few stolen moments.
jared: give me the keys or we wont ever get out of this parking lot fully clothed with all our decency...
Yn: fine but I'm all hot and bothered... So you owe me when we get home...
Jared just smiles as he opens his side of the truck and you just climb gently in throwing your shoes in the backseat with your purse...
You sit in the passenger seat, putting on your seatbelt as Jared gets in and shuts his door... Jared begins to drive you both home... the drive was quick and smooth cause there was no one on the roads.
pulling into this gated yard, it was in your view, a huge mansion one that you were now so thrilled to call home. jared pulled the car into the underground parkade... and you went to open the door, instead he got out of his side and came round to yours... after grabbing your bag and shoes...
jared: come on lets show you your new home...
you went to get out of the jeep, but instead jared pulled you so your legs wrapped around him and he began to kiss you, he kinda kicked the door to the jeep shut and was able to slightly push the button for the elevator, but that was it, once inside the elevator, your dress was undone, your back pressed against the mirror, jared was kissing you with a heep of passion...
you made quick work to open his shirt, bascailly tearing it open, ripping some of the buttons, but your hands now had some nice actual view...
yn: let me guess we are heading right for the bedroom?
jared: correct its just easier when i come home late... or am running late for work, this way i can just come straight down here to the jeep and go...
yn: nice... then take off the dress we can pick them up later... its all good...
jared: well then let go of me we will do this properly...
you loosened your legs and set your feet back on the ground, jareds hands still on your hips, as the elevator came to a slow stop... jared facing your back toward the door, he walks you out of the elevator clothing pieces from both of you falling to the floor before you fall gently on the bed...
jared then smiles as he suddenly remembers what you said to him before you left the party.
jared: ya know i believe i said i would show you the jacuzzi.
Yn: then what are you waiting for...
Jared: absolutely nothing...
In moments Jared helped you gently off the bed and walked with you to the jacuzzi... But holy cow the washroom or ensuite I guess you could call it that was fucking massive...
Jared: just let me start the water...
You stood there looking around till you come to face the mirror... You hear the water turn on and are instantly engulfed from behind by Jared who kisses you...
Jared: damn, how did I get to be so lucky..
Yn: right time right place fate destiny whatever you want to call it...
Jared: that should be good enough for water level, it fills pretty quickly... How bout I show you what fun truly looks like...
Jared picked you up carrying you so your legs were wrapped around him. he went into the tub, with your own body on his, the water didnt even phase you but neither of you stopped.
this was what you both had been waiting for since you met, this was the moment you lost your virginity to the best man you have ever knownn
The second he sat down his hard cock slid right into your pussy, giving you a few moments to adjust before he began to pound you. Water going every where, your moans and screams of pleasure echoing everywhere.
the voice commands from jared made the jacuzzi change into a shower, man this was the greatest experience of your life. the water now running over you and jared as the shower just made the pounding last a while longer.
the orgasm overtook the both of you, the water was turned off by voice command once more and the arms of your new boyfriend placing you on the ground as you both use the nearby towels to dry off.
jared: do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you?
yn: carry me
jared picks you up into his arms and you hold tight as he places you in the bed, to which you scoot in under the covers, then jared crawls in beside you, allowing you to cuddle into his chest his arms embracing your form.
jared knew in his heart of hearts that tonight he was normal, but tomorrow night would be a different story but he spoke softly to you as he felt you smile.
jared: rest now my love. tomorrow is a new day...
with those words, you and jared were happily cuddled and sleeping in seconds. there is a peace that fills you both, your dreams taking you to far off places, your mind only with thoughts of you and jared.
*time skip: the next morning your routine began, the waking up, the morning shower sex, the smell of jareds cologne driving you insane. the dinner meetings, the charity events, the auctions, the building projects and soon 5 months have passed, this shortly after you had been rescued by the mysterious dark avenger. the hero of san antonio, the mysterious hero who apparently had a fascination with making sure you were safe. but as the nights went on and the late nights jared spent supposedly at the office were timed around the dark avenger stopping some sort of problem, the timing of the nights jared spends at the "office" and the dark avenger in the city were too coincidental. but your brain wasnt gonna give up processing that thought. meanwhile jared as the dark avenger was preparing to strike down a dangerous new threat, one that was smart enough to figure out who he was. who seemed to know enough about you, him, his life, your daily routine. this threat knew every single detail and he was using it fully to his advantage, by that of he called jared while you werent with him and basically threatened you. to which jared decided he was gonna brake his one cardinal rule of NO KILLING just to keep you safe but little did he know that this night would be the worst night of his entirety s the Dark Avenger, this would be the day he would tell you the truth, today he was gonna reveal his secret identity to you but something else was aloft, we go to the end of the work day where you and jared are just finishing up in the office...*
yn: so where are we going for dinner tonight?
jared stands up from the chair he was sitting in and comes up behind you..
jared: ill have our driver pick up something, tonight we eat in cause i want to talk to you about some of my personal life... like some of it is from before i met you and some of it is fairly recent... does that sound good to you?
yn: of course it does but what could you possibly have to tell me that i dont already know...
jared: be patient my love. all will reveal itself in time.. but are we ready to leave the office?
you nod as you pick up the crate of paperwork and jared grabs your purse and coat as you both walk out to the valet where the driver is waiting. jared once the car starts moving gives the driver instructions, as he and you go through some of whats in the crate, making labels for the file folers and didnt notice the car stop outside the chinese place where the driver was ordering your food and waiting for it.
jared: i hope that this will make up for a long day at the office today
yn: it wasnt that bad, it was a slow day, today we are just a normal couple. today we forget the world outside and just be us, sitting in this vehicle, and to be together no matter what. what is it we said the first day i started working as your personal assistant....
jared sighed and grasped your hand...
jared: it is you and me, always and forever, no matter what
yn: exactly so whattever happens tonight, tomorrow, next week or hell next year, it doesnt matter, you and i are gonna conquer anything that gets in our way...
jared kissed you just as the driver came back into the car. this didnt bother the both of you as you guys started just making out in the backseat the driver took the smoothest way home.
once at the house, he pulled into the garage, the driver took the food into the house, you and jared take your time to get the papers get out of the car and into the house. both of you going up into the bedroom to get out of your work clothes and into something more comfortable.
you chose your tank top/short shorts and robe set with comfy slippers, while jared went with a pair of lounge sweats and no shirt, while you both sat in the lounge area to eat your food, something was bothering jared, hell something was bothering you...
what was bothering jared? well ever since that threatening phone call he had recieved well he hasnt been able to think straight about anything else.
what was bothering you? well the fact for one that your boyfriend and the mysterious dark avenger are never in the same place at the same time. your mind putting this together like it is a complex not so complex puzzle ya know what i mean.
anyway be that as it may, neither of you really said anything over dinner till post dinner a bout 2 hours after when you had just finished sorting the rest of the paperwork, and jared was doing his think pacing...
this was how you knew he was doing majior thinking or getting ready to tell you something... well this should be interesting if not eventful cause usually during these conversations you and jared were pretty heated...
yn: love are you alright?
jared: yn i have to tell you something...
jared stopped for a moment dead in his tracks before speaking against his voice slightly raised but not to much...
jared: it has to be tonight that i tlel you or something worse might occur
yn: what could possibly go wrong my love.
jared: several years ago, i was considered dead, but in truth i was on a mountain side training with some monks or something like that anyway they taught me how to fight, this gave me a new purpose a new sense of direction for my life.
you now had nothing in your hands and were sitting on the edge of your seat.
yn: your scaring me
jared: what i have to tell you can never leave this room, it can never leave your lips or this house... if it is spoken about outside of the 2 of us it could be compromised.
yn: whatever it is, it cant be that bad...
jared: i know you are a good person yn, but in truth i lie to you or myself anymore.
you continued to stare at him, the windows behind him beaming with the lights from the fountain turning on...
jared: i have a secret, my identity is for your ears only incase something happens to me, or you. in case something goes wrong tonight...
Yn: tonight, babe this is crazy talk just come to...
Suddenly a red dot is on the wall behind you, Jared pushes you to the ground just as a shot is fired, the window in your penthouse apartment shatters into a thousand pieces
You lay under your loved form, but something strikes you. Why would he... How... Oh my god... Were just some of the things you wanted to say but what you asked your love was something the inner you had wanted to ask for a while now..
Yn: are you the dark avenger?
jared: this is what i was afraid would happen... this is what i was afraid of...
yn: so i was right...
jared: you knew
yn: i mean i had my suspicions with the disapperance of you and the appearance of your other half.
jared breathed a silent sigh of relief as the sound of the front door being broken down echoed through the house. but the sound of heavy footsteps now too echoing through the house.
jared: just stay low and dont leave my side...
yn: never... whats the plan
jared: get to my secret lair and go from there...
But before you and Jared had a chance to think you were grabbed away from Jared... Now was your turn to reveal your secret...
You used your free arm to elbow the guy in the gut before pulling him by the neck over your shoulder and flipping him to the ground.
Jared upon seeing this was suddenly very impressed.
Jared: my love where did...
Yn: I learn that I was also trained by a group of secretists, but these were assassin's, they taught me what they knew and I haven't used my skills much here but over there well I killed alot of people.
Jared: alright then let's fight our way out of here, then we can discuss what this could mean for us...
The conversation once more interupted you and Jared turned to see a bunch of guys running toward you. you slid under one of the guys flipping him over and onto the floor...
jared was throwing guys out of the windows and into the walls, breaking the tables and stuff with the bad guys heads...
yn: hey babe, lets make a promise to change the floor to something more slip and slide friendly..
jared: consider it done babe... and maybe we will put whatever you want when we make it out of this babe. jared struggled those last few words as he punched a guys lights out...
you were pushing a guy toward one of the unbroken windows and pushing the guy back a bit he staggers before you spin kick him out the window..
jared reaches for your hand and pulls you toward him, as you both make a mad dash for the stairs, where making it at the top of the stairs where the 2 of you threw a vase and a vase stand down the stairs, bowling over any men trying to get up the stairs...
making it to the bedroom the room with one word from jared went into lockdown, the doors and windows were plated over with metal plating.
finally you both had a moment to breathe... jared and you were relieved, almost blissful to say the least. but something was wrong...
a sound that neither of you were nor had expected not ever... the sound of the floor beneath you both... beginning to crumble. you both grabbed hands and dove into the elevator... taking it down down to the secret basement basement...
like deep deep nderground. where the place was armed, alarmed and locked down... now trapped safely in the dark avenger's base of operations.
jared comes up beside you and spins you to look at him...
jared: are you alright my love?
you nod with your head but your eyes say something else as tears start pouring from your eyes. jared wipes them away and slightly kisses your forehead.
jared: hey hey its okay... look they cant get us, its all good...
yn: good, good, no its not good, this is a disaster... so much for peace and quiet... you were eventually gonna find out about my secret, what i did back there, those guys are dead, they are fully 100% dead... its just how my skills work... thats why i stopped using them.
jared: look yn, i know this is not how this was meant to go for me either... the attack i thought was not gonna happen, course i planned for the day that it could, but thats not the point the point is we are both safe, and we both have the strength to survive anything.
yn: but what are we gonna do, we cant leave, they have probably burned down the house looking for us already... and those repairs are not gonna be easy to do without money and stuff, which oh ya they also destroyed the crate of paperwork so that...
but before you could continue jared lifted you onto the table nearby and began kissing you... the tears from your eyes flowing down your cheeks as the kissing continued.
As the kissing was in full swing neither of you noticed that Jensen was coming up from a hidden underground lift system...
Jensen clears his throat making you and Jared go defensive.
Jensen: cool it guys it's me .. I saw the fire burning so I came up through the under under ground passages. The ones that run from Sheryl's to the office to here and back again...
Jared and you stand up right, you stand in between Jared and Jensen looking between the 2 of them and then it dawns on you ..
Yn: wait wait wait Woah babe how is Jensen connected to all this?
Jared: he is my guy in the chair or rather tech genius! That's why he is head of R&D... He is always building plans for new weapons for me depending on the villain of the week.
Yn: well can he fight?
To answer your question Jensen took off his shoes and his jacket going to the training area.. you on the other hand removed your overlay and slippers now standing on the mat.
Jensen: now come on buttercup let's see what you got...
Those were Jensen words before he was faceplnted in the mat... But he quickly got up and low kicked your legs from under you.
Throughout this battle, the 3 of you could all hear the explosions and smell the smoke from the house burning.
Once Jensen had called defeat he and Jared went to check the feed from the camera on the flagpole at the edge of the property line.
You found what seemed to be a 3d machine of some kind. You clicked a button and it began to give you choices for building your own suit, starting with a mask.
So you selected what pieces you wanted, what colors, what styles, what it all appeared on a maniquin beside the table. Both Jared and Jensen could see what you were doing.
Then it let you fabricate your very own personalized weapon... This one was a tough choice but for you it came down to dual blades or bow staff.
Jared: having trouble deciding which weapon you want my love.
You turn at that question.
Yn: how did..
Jared: I kinda figured this would be something you would do... What are your choices.
Yn: dual blades and bow staff...
Jensen: well which ever one you don't take I will cause my suit should be coming up any moment now...
You ended up choosing dual blades that turned into a bow staff you ended up creating your best of both worlds so to speak.
Jensen: yn you are extraordinary, I saw it in you the moment I met you. What is the plan Jared?
Jared had to think for a moment both of the most important people in his life were standing right in front of him waiting for his judgement call...
Jared: alright heres the plan... Suit up and deal with them the way heroes are meant to...
*type the suit up description on PC*
You run your hands over your body a few moments and stare at your self in the mirror, fixing your hair around your mask.
Jensen: ya know this is gonna be a whole lot easier to do if we could see the extent of the damage to the property...
jared: jay are those hidden drones still functional?
jensen goes over to the computer system and stands at the keyboard tying a few different key swipes before he exclaims happily in a loudish voice...
jensen: woohoo, i got it... this is it, this is how we can see what those monsters and invaders have done to our home. lets hope its not too extensive of damage...
the cameras feed up on the monitors, the house is almost completely in rubble, the walls almost completely burnt down, the worst part was the fact that those guys were still in the burning rubble searching for either signs of you and jared or your burnt corpses.
jared: the house
jensen: the grounds
yn: all our stuff, gone... those monsters are gonna rue the day they ever decided to mess with us...
you went over to the vehicles and choose a motorcycle. you kickstarted it and were preparing to get on it... jared and jensen watch this and come blocking you.
yn: get out of my way guys this is what i was trained to take care of... this is what i was trained to do...
jared brings you against the bars on the ledge...
jared: babe if you go there it will be bad, very very bad... you said it yourself a bit ago, you thought you were not being heard... well we heard you... no you are not going to reach your all time low... not through this, you will never kill again yn i can promise you that these guys will get justice served to them, just not through death.
yn: jared let me go these guys need to be taught what happens when they destroy a home that belongs to people. you guys can come along if you want but i cant promise none of them will die.
you get on the bike and straighten out your mask as you speed through the tunnels and discover the weapon system... your weapons set to stun not kill, you were ready for action.
jensen and jared do the same thing getting on the other 2 bikes and doing their absolute best to catch up to you.... their looks ones of concern for you and your wellbeing.
long story short the 3 of you were stunning the rest of those guys on the property edges, then getting off the bikes there were 5 guys left. right near where the front of the house would have been.
jared, you and jensen all standing in the dark of the brush, out of sight for now you all exchange a few small words.
jared: once we do this, there is no going back..
jensen: all the way together united.
yn: those guys will pay for this... this is our home and i refuse to stand by and let this happen any longer.
*this is really corny but i had to put this in here... it just seemed like it fit... *
you jared and jensen were all running into the line of fire... those guys didnt have a chance to use their guns before you 3 threw disrupters making their weapons useless.
the fight was going smoothly until a few more guys got out of a black suv that had just driven up. one of the guys clapping loudly, nothing to be heard except your own heartbeats and the sound of this guy clapping.
darius: well done little people...
jared: its over mccarthy... surrender now and i can promise the first spot in the newly renovated wing at the super max.
darius laughs and pulls a hand held out and shoots the disrupter before pulling the trigger shooting you in the leg... you fall back crumbled to the ground screaming.
jared: thats it, silver wolf tell the surrounding surrounding party to move in. we are going to need medical assistance to get merciful assassin patched up... ask for nathen for her medical assistance.
jensen: on it... ill shock them into unconcious and you go take care of your girl.
you were using your pocket knife to cut your pant leg around where you got shot... but you screamed in pain as you rolled over and dirt now infected the wound.
you removed your mask and tore off your boot on that side to remove the rest of your pant leg.
yn: son of a bitch...
jared slid on the damp grass in his final approach to you.
jared: woah woah woah, looks like it didnt go straight through. babe, lets get that leg elevated... use my legs for the elevation.
you let jared place your leg on his own as you both wait for Nathan to show up... but things were about to get alot worse or better depending on how you look at it...
after you and jared sitting in the still damp grass for 10 minutes, there were 2 sets of footsteps approaching you. through the clearing you both diserned the faces of jensen and nathan.
jensen: there they are...
jensen and nathan run over to you guys just as the blood loss slips you into unconciousness. the voice of nathan saying that they needed to move you to a secure area so he could get the bullet out.
neither jared nor jensen were gonna leave your side till they knew you were better... once back underground at the base, jared and jensen were drawing up plans for the new model design for the house. so they had one to show you when you woke up...
jared: no if its gonna be 3 stories the top floor needs to be like a master bedroom big enough for a punching bag, a double desk for both our computers and printer and some book cases, we are also gonna update the secret entrances to down here... at least 2 on each floor, one coming from the garage which has to have enough room to accomodate the numerous vehicles we have stashed everywhere. and that the pool area in the back is connected to the back of the house by a insulated glass walkway, and that the pool area itself is contained in the same insulated glass surrounding... floor heaters built in all the way from the doorway in the house, to the pool and back... the tiles on that pathway and surrounding the pool in the glass walls have to be reflective and multicoloured.. something fun for painting each wall in the new design. it needs to be wild and different and unique. it needs to reflect me and yn as a whole, as a couple. ya know before all this craziness tonight, i was thinking about asking her to marry me...
jensen knew jared was crazy about you but he didnt know he was that serious about you... he had no idea that his best friend and partner in crime fighting was thinking about settling down.
but before jensen could respond nathan came up behind them and the sound of the floor behind them made them a bit jumpy.
nathan: well good news i got the bullet out, but she needs fluids and probably a blood transfusion or 2, the bullet tested positive for poison... dont worry i will have the supplies for that back here in a little bit, unless one of you is a universal donor, then i dont need to leave... but another thing, jared you said that yn trained with some assassin type people as well?
jared: ya what about it?
nathan: there was an abnormality actually 2 in her bloodwork, one of them is a cause for celebration the other is not... which would you like to know about first...
jared: doesnt matter you choose...
nathan pulled them to the laptop where the results were...
nathan: for starters, jared congratulations you and yn are gonna be parents, she is about 4 weeks... the baby is healthy and is not affected by the bullet or the poison.
the expressions on jared's and jensens faces went from worried to concerned to slightly overflowing with silent joy...
nathan: the other thing is...
but before nathan could continue what he was gonna say the monitor attached to you beeped as though you were waking up... and that you did cause you sat straight up and your eyes were blood red... and you spoke only one word...
yn: venifica (*latin means poisoner, witch, sorcerous*)
an energy burst knocked everyone back as they all watched you just expell energy burst from your body... but no one could do anything... till jared managed to make his way closer to you and jab himself with one end of a transfusion line and the other end into you...
at which moment the energy stopped floowing, you went back into unconciousness, jared was given a chair as the transfusion did its thing.
7 hours later, passing in and out of conciousness no where really for anyone to go, jared jensen and nathan had not really slept. except what little they all snuck drifting in and out of concious.
another few moments passed and nathan removed the transfusion line and finish patching you up...
nathan: dont worry buddy she will be fine. look i know this is all overwhelming for you guys but i have a feeling that this wont detour her for long... whatever those guys did to her is coming out to play and it doesnt look good. that word she said before her first energy burst is latin in basic terms meaning witch...
after a few moments of being un hooked from the blood transfusion you groan, attempting to stretch out feeling the cool metal surface beneath your body.
jared, jensen and nathan all turn round in time to see you open your eyes.
jared: babe your alright...
yn: minus my leg but im sure my boss will understand... how bout you guys? did we win?
jared: we are all fine, perfect even... babe what kind of people did you train with again...
yn: they called themselves the lethalstrikes, they are a group of supernaturally based assassins, the supernatural bit is a serum a random serum that they make each recruit injest the first and last time they walk through those doors, once its in your system it takes till your 150th kill to fully activate and reveal your supernatural trait. the assassin skills and training combined with the basis of supernatural dna makes all trained by them lethal and very very deadly... i have no idea what i am though.
thats when jared played the audio and footage back to you...
yn: so im a, a witch? what the hell... those guys need a serious lesson in messing with people. though im not thrilled with this i want to know who was my 150th kill...
nathan: one of the guys in the field, according to jensen where you were coming through didnt survive at all, he died whatever you did you killed him, and that must have triggered your witch side.
long story short after some much needed rest and relaxation the plans were drawn up and finalized for the redone manor. extra rooms, expansions everywhere desks in every room, so many book shelves, secret entrances, elevators, each wall a different color. but no one had told you about the pregnancy yet... for nathan, jared and jensen were keeping the pregnancy news secret from you till you go for your follow up appointment for your leg/regular check up.
but no one spoke of what happened that dreadful day, you all managed to keep it out of the papers, and away from the snoops of the town, jensen finished fully moving into the manor...
now first night in the newly finished manor, you were just finishing up some paper work on your computer when there was a set of hands around your eyes...
jared: hey babe...
yn: hey, how was your run with jensen?
jared: it was good... i have a surprise for you though... will you allow me to spin you around to face me... so i can show you this surprise that is right outside our window here...
you were now curious why on earth was he trying to spin you round to bring you to the window... what the hell wass going on...
Yn: babe will you just tell me what is going on I have a doctor's appointment today...
Jared: I know and I'm going with you for it but before we leave our home I want you to see what I have had people working on for a while now...
You look out toward where the rose garden is and you see the words marry me made out of rose bushes.
You look over at Jared to see that he is kneeling on one knee with a 24k rose gold diamond engagement ring the stone in the center the size of a mini mini baseball.
Jared places the ring on your now extended toward him left hand...
Jared: is that a yes?
Yn: yes yes yes a thousand times yes!!!
Long story short again you and Jared after a short but sweet make out session got dressed, went downstairs to the garage where you both got into the car as Jared drove to the doctor's office. once in the room, all that was left was to wait for nathan to come in.
nathan comes in a few moments later you are up on the table on your back and waiting for him to begin the routine examination. short and sweet is not how this was gonna go... but for you, this news was about to be a huge shock.
nathan: alright im just gonna make sure that your stomach isnt hurt, after the fight and things like that i just want to make sure everything is ok... time for an ultrasound.
yn: your the doctor, just please warn me before you announce if there are any harsh or shocking socking surprises.
you hold jared's hand as you pull up your pintrest to show him some wedding ideas. when nathan suddenly stopped moving the wand around your abdomen and held it in one spot...
yn: nathan is everything ok?
nathan begins jotting things down in your files and then clears his throat...
nathan: well this is certainly an interesting development. i wouldnt start anything major project or diet wise any time soon... well i mean you guys should see it for yourselves.
he turned the monitor toward you and jared...
yn: is that...
nathan: yes that is a baby... that is your baby... congratulations!!!
you were about to have a panic attack...
yn: a baby... that.. we... what does this mean?
jared: breathe baby, do not let your emotions run high... remember breathe and keep the bracelet on you wont release your power without control...
you breathe in several deep deep breahts before you try to use your words. once the breathing had done its job, jared ran his fingers over your power control bracelet... the one specifically designed for you to help you control your new bestowed never before unleashed powers....
yn: im.. i mean we are gonna be parents.. we just got engaged... we need to prepare, there is so much to do, yet not alot of time left to do so...
jared: can we just live in this moment, the here, the now... we have time... lets just take and be happy with these happy happy moments...
jared kisses your forehead and then turns his attention to nathan...
~so thats our tale, our tale that started as a call of fate, turned into something wonderful... remmeber love finds you when you least expect it.~
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