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drkcnry67 · 2 years ago
but you're my...
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title: but you're my...
pairing: brother!jensen x sister!reader
fluff: long lost sibling
kink: bath tub sex
A.F.G.B: found family
tags: taboo, long lost sibling sex, brother cock in sister pussy, brother cums in sister pussy, vaginal sex, sex in a bath tub, dr dna test, finding out your own brother got you pregnant WARNING DO NOT READ IF UNDER THE AGE OF 18 THIS WILL GIVE YOU NIGHTMAREZ THIS WILL BE YOUR DOOM...
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created for @spnfluffbingo @spnkinkbingo @sweetness47
You head out to the club to meet up with your best friend... Going through highschool and college would have sucked if not for her. But doing your 3rd year of law, you both decided to hit the club after a full week of exams.
You got into a romper, strapless, blue and gold obviously but it was a brand new outfit... you were heading to meet up with your bestie outside of the best club on campus.
Now you don't normally mingle with anyone that you either bring back to the dorm or go back to their place with but tonight felt different.
You and your best friend were just dancing in the crowd. You went to grab some drinks but a stranger a tall dark mysterious hot guy bumped into you. He leans in to whisper in your ear
Jensen: sorry for bumping into you.
You lean in to whisper back
Yn: it's all good.
He replies low husky and soft
Jensen: dance with me
In seconds the music changed, it was more hypnotic and seductive.. but you followed Jensen to the center of the crowd where you both spent the next few hours just doing the grind.
It wasn't till almost closing time that your best friend found you.
Alaina: go home with him, I'll see you tomorrow. Plus I get to have my own fun and you 2 seem to have hit it off.
Yn: but it seems too good to be true...
Alaina: you worry too much take tonight for yourself. Go and have some fun. I know I will.
And like that you both parted ways. Jensen summoned you a cab to take you cross campus to the guys dorms.
Jensen and you went inside and found neither of you could keep your hands off eachother but also agreed a bath was in order.
Jensen took his hands off of you long enough to run the bath ... you turned around to stare in the mirror, but you looked down slightly startled by the arms of someone wrapping around your waist.
Jensen: I can afford to buy you new clothes and plus I have some shirts that you could use as dresses if need be... now are you ready for me to tear these clothes off of you and rock your world?
You let out a shrilled moan as Jensen placed small slow kisses cross your neck...
Yn: take me for I belong to you in full...
That's the last words spoken before your clothes are torn from your body... you then are carried into the bath... you could feel Jensen's hard cock throbbing beneath your wet pussy... as you grinded against him now sitting in the bath...
Jensen: alright baby let me shut off the water and then i will proceed to rock your world.
jensen then breathes in a groan which he then released with the following command.
jensen: water turn off...
you felt the water flow change... but that was a few seconds before jensen's hand was at your pussy, his hard cock errect beneath you, jensen kissed you as you slid onto his hard errect cock...
this caused you to cry out into the kiss. you were one of the few people that he had ever had in his apartment, but you were the only girl he had ever been with...
You were the one person in this entire planet who he hoped could save him, his company and his soul!
Jensen had gone down a dark path, though he plays Dean Winchester in the hit show supernatural, he should have known better than to do a satanic ritual even if it was for a haunted house and supposedly fake...
Well he had to, he promised he would help out so he went in, he did the ritual and boom, he hasnt been feeling right since!
You kept riding his hard erect cock but every time Jensen and you would lock eyes his eyes would be pitch voidless black...
Yn(inner thoughts): man I gotta do something... wait of course that's it...
You felt his thrusts become faster and harder... but you kept going as you spoke in clear ish moans the following words...
Yn: exorcisomus te, omnis immunus spirits, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursion infernalis adversarri, omnis legio, omnis congregato, insectas diabolicas, ergo dracto malidicte, eclesium secura fascious liberate, te regamous, audinos
At that last word the devils trap your magic had placed above you guys was now taking that demon back to hell.
Jensen: yn I'm so sorry...
You put your finger to his lips and look into his eyes.
Yn: take me to the bed, the water is all over the floor, we will clean up the rest of the mess tomorrow.
You feel jensens breathing turn softer as he grips your ass cheeks with his hands and lifts you up carrying you to the bed ever so gently.
Jensen gently places you on the bed as he begins to pound into you again. You scream, moan, dig your nails into his biceps and no sign of any other darkness in his features.
Jensen breathing heavily as he continues to pound you into the bed for another 15 minutes before he says the following words..
Jensen: squirt for me baby... squirt for me, show me how you like this...
You moaned against his neck and then it hit you, like the earth shattered right before your eyes, like the ground beneath you would swallow you whole, your powers reacted to jensens words and with a loud scream you squirted all over the bed and Jensen.
Jensen however came inside you, warm hot liquid shot right inside your core. Once the unloading was done and a couple of towels were grabbed you and Jensen pulled off those sheets and grabbed a clean blanket in order to curl up and sleep. Both of you putting your phones beside you guys.
Yn: how do you feel?
Jensen: like a new man. Yn I'm so sorry about what happened in the bath, I....
He was about to continue when you placed your hands on his...
Yn: I watch supernatural, I realize now why you seemed so familiar to me. I know what your darkness was. It was a demon...
Jensen: but that is impossible... I have...
He goes to gesture to his tattoo, but sees that it's been burned off...
Jensen: this is impossible... why, how...
Yn: hey hey its okay, look we will figure this out and I won't leave your side till we do...
Jensen: but What about...
Yn: all my classes are online I literally just listen to them, my teacher sends out multiple lesson assignments incase anyone likes to jump ahead you get extra credit when you do.
Jensen: but What about your roommate, what about...
You put a finger to his lips and felt peace.
Yn: do not make any more attempts for me to say no. I am staying with you and that's final... till we can figure out what happened to you.
Jensen finally crawled into bed beside you. Pulling you against his body so your both looking into eachothers eyes.
Jensen: your so cute when your being stubborn.
Yn:don't change the subject handsome. Now let's get some rest before morning comes or my best friend tracks me down. Lights off...
The lights turned off as you and Jensen fell sound asleep. Neither of you felt anything but peace the rest of the night.
Morning came about 830am your phone rings, you in a sleepy haze reach behind you and swipe the answer button.
Yn: yes
Alaina: hey girly... how was last night...
Yn: it was amazing girl, I feel different I feel like I am a whole new person.
Alaina: are we gonna do lunch today before your appointment or are we moving it to tomorrow.
Suddenly it clicked...
Yn: omg my appointment with the school counselor... shit... I totally forgot... Alaina ummm rain check on the coffee, also I won't be home in the dorm for a bit, I'm gonna stay with Jensen for a while.
Alaina: girl what happened last night that...
You hmm'd into the phone.
Yn: nah girl I mean yes last night was amazing, but you have to understand that my reason behind staying with Jensen has nothing to do with anything from the sexual activities but with the bond that Jensen and I created last night.
Jensen now was tracing your body his fingers were trailing along your thigh toward your still semi sensitive pussy.
His fingers touched the edge of your bikini line, you flinched and let out a squeak. You could hear Alaina in the phone clearing her throat...
Alaina: what was that?
Yn: nothing...
You said as though you were a little girl who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
Alaina: uh huh oh well you go have fun I'll keep you informed. Love you
Yn: love you too...
Alaina and you hang up the phone. You let out a loud shrill of pleasure as Jensen begins to bury his face in your pussy as he sampled you...
Yn: omg Jensen, don't stop!
Jensen just keeps flicking his tongue across your now dripping wet pussy. Your clit so sensitive as Jensen keeps licking it and biting it and pinching it.
Jensen pulls back for a few seconds.
Jensen:squirt for me again baby, squirt for me!
That was it that was your undoing. He made you squirt for the second time in less than 24 hours. Mid squirt he thrusted into you again, hard rough and completely unstable, the bed creaking and you continued to drip while being ducked once more by Jensen.
Jensen: do it again baby, squirt for me.
That was it, you squirted again as Jensen once more came inside you. Jensen kissed you once he finished unloading and decided that cuddling would be a good way to start the morning.
Yn: can I level with you?
Jensen: of course you can..
Yn: that was my first actual cock....
Jensen looks at you with a confused look.
Jensen: what do you mean?
Yn: I mean my virginity had gone to my vibrator about a month ago, in the shower.
Jensen: so I'm the first guy whose ever?
Yn: yes you are...
You kiss his nose and feel his breathing change.
Jensen: so you have a school counselor appointment today?
Yn: ya to discuss my classes and how things are going and see if I've decided on a major or minor or what I'd like to do yet!
Jensen: any other appointments this week?
Yn: not this week, next week I have a Dr appointment. Blood work and stuff.. ya know the family history thing don't want any surprises.
Jensen: totally understandable.
jensen smiled as he went over to his closet and pulled out a long ish short sleeve shirt button up in the front. it was a dark blue color and felt soft to the touch, this was his favorite shirt that he thought would look stunning on you.
jensen: here you go one shirt and ill take you shopping after your appointment with the counselor to get you some clothes to keep here...
yn: no worries, we have plenty of time. now do you want to hit the cafe for breakfast, or do you have other...
you were silenced with a kiss to your lips, jensen pulled back before addressing you again.
jensen: ive got all day with you... tomorrow i do have to attend art class, and meet with the counselor, then i have to go and reshoot some scenes, but thats in the evening...
you kinda squealed happily.
yn: ooo do i get to come with for that?
jensen: 100% do not worry you do not get out of my sight for one singular moment. well except for the counselor appointments and your dr appointment...
yn: and im perfectly okay with that... by the way do you have a brush or comb for my hair please?
after 10 minutes you both were dressed, hair done and such and out of the door. through the campus you both strolled, going through the halls, the students you both passed on campus just stared none of them said anything. for no one really knew what to say...
getting to the cafe you ordered your usual which was a sausage biscuit no egg with cheese. jensen ordered the same thing both of you with a bottle of pepsi each...
that was given to you both in moments, taking it you both go sit on a bench just around the corner from the counselors office, you both ate the sandwiches and drank the pepsi, laughed, talked, made plans for after the meeting, you then kissed jensen got up and went round the corner to the counselors office.
your meeting with the counselor went well, you were given many options for courses for the next term. you were also given your report card a bit early...
you chatted a bit more with her and then said thank you and walked out rounding the corner to see jensen still sitting there. he pulled you in for a kiss and then he smiled, both of you walking through the halls once more to go find the campus strip mall...
jensen proceeded to buy you whatever you wanted. This went on for a bit before Jensen received a phone call for which he placed on speaker.
Jensen: ya
Rob: hey can we do the reshoot tonight instead of tomorrow this way we can film the new scenes asap!
Jensen just stared at you looking for any sign of you not wanting to or what have you.
Jensen: we are on our way down to the studio.
Rob: let me guess a long story?
Jensen: not that long of a story see you guys soon!
You were both in a taxi and taken off campus to the movie studio just 10 blocks away. You take jensens hand and watch the eyes of people around you as you both walk up to the other people you assumed to be Jensens cast mates.
Jensen: everyone this is my girlfriend yn, yn these are well...
Yn: let me guess... I'm gonna say your character names from left to right and you all nod if I get you correct.
You were certain you were gonna have all nods across all the boards.
Yn: Sam, castiel, Bobby, Gabriel, and Chuck...
All nods across the board just like you wanted. You felt the same dark energy that you had just felt last night.
You gripped Jensen tightly as you were greeted by each cast member and given a seat of honor as jensens girlfriend.
Jensen: just keep eyes focused on me... I promise you will see it soon.
You didn't know what to expect but you watched as Jensen was now behind a table and a huge book looked really old and ancient... too old in fact to just be a prop.
Yn: that book... what is it that... oh my God...
You whisper under your breath as Jensen begins to read from the book.
Dean: is everyone ready cause although Rowena gave me the summoning spell for this I'm not so sure this is a good idea.
Sam: dude we don't have a choice like at all... it's this or we never know how to defeat the leviathans.
Bobby: be careful boy, I promised your daddy I'd look after you both and damn it that's exactly what I'm going to do. But this this is not what I promised I'd protect you for.
Castiel: if you like maybe I should.
Dean: alright everyone shut up I'm gonna do this...
Dean/Jensen locks eye contact with you and begins reading the summoning spell.
Dean: hodie colligimus advocare regem inferni , lapsum celi principem , quem Deus omnipotens prae omnibus fouebat o lucifer aureus filius prodire sic ore ad os loquimur In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti . Sancto Spiritui praecipimus tibi (today we gather to summon the king of hell, the fallen prince of heaven, the one whom the almighty set to favor above all others oh lucifer the golden son come forth so we may speak face to face In the name of the father the son and the holy ghost we command thee)
Several flashes of light and the cameras going haywire, the picture once more didn't come clear but you as plain as day saw it... you saw some black smoke go into your boyfriends body.
Jensen fell to the ground again breathing heavily you were by his side in moments. You helped him sit down and then you went to check out the book.
Yn: this was supposed to stay buried, it was never meant to be unleashed. Oh my God what the fuck are these people thinking.
You closed the book, and brought it over to the rest of the crew to explain to them what this book is..
Yn: this book is the last remaining of the 8 arcane texts, 2 were given to the Egyptians, 4 were given to the Israelites, 1 was given to the British, and 1 was said to be lost in the titanic wreckage. This is the one that went down with the titanic. But how did you guys come into possession of it?
Rob: one of our camera crew is a professional deep sea diver he was exploring the titanic wreckage looking for basically buried jewels, he instead found this locked tight in an air tight case, well preserved, and amazed he was, so he thought we could use it on the show.
You simply opened the front cover of the book and laid it flat on the directors table and you borrowed a hair dryer from one of the stylists and began to blow hot air onto the book.
Several names appeared briefly before fading but one name stuck... it was as you feared. This was bad, like worse than waking up in class naked after a werewolf transformation.
Jared: ok I've seen many weird looks today and my best friend collapsed again but the look on your face says that this is not at all a good thing or a normal thing...
Yn: that's cause this is worse than anything the name that hasn't faded is that of Samhain, the very same being who inspired Halloween, it was said that if you didn't cover your face with a mask he would come and steal your soul and scratch out your eyes and such... legend goes that Samhain while alive had come into possession of one of the 8 arcane texts this one in particular with the famousity for its possession, pure dark black magic and preservation spells. That spell that Jensen has been reading the one that keeps glitching out your equipment, is basically opening his body up to constant possession when ever he reads it and eventually it will be Samhain who possesses his body forever. I can't let that happen.
You had to think about this for a moment, for you had limited time before this would become permenant. That's when it hit you.
Yn: I have one of the arcane texts back in my dorm, if I can get a hand getting Jensen there I will be able to make sure that this never ever ever happens to him again. Also my volume has protection charms and spells to ensure that we are all safe. But I can't leave this volume here, so I'm gonna need a tote of some kind to get this book back to my dorm with someone else and Jensen as well. Once there I'll put you guys on video chat so you guys can see what happens.
Rob: Jared should go as for the tote, how bout a backpack?
Yn: perfect, Jared get Jensen meet me outside we leave at once... I'll hail us a cab.
You went out onto the curb and secured the first cab you could find. You told the cab driver to wait a few moments and where he would be taking you guys and paid him in cash in advance.
Jared: alright yn get in first I'll slide Jensen in between us and we will figure the rest out after.
You get into the cab, Jensen is slid toward you and Jared squeezes in and shuts the door. You tell the cab driver to step on it, what was a 20 minute drive there became a 10 minute drive back.
Getting dropped off in front of the dorm entrance, you and Jared strong arm Jensen and the backpack through the halls, to the dorm, you knock and use your key to enter the room.
You lay Jensen on your bed before going to lock your dorm door.
Jared: alright what can I do...
You hand him a cloth and a bowl.
Yn: go into the washroom, fill the bowl with some cold water and dab jensens forehead. We need to try and cool down his body before the possession emerges again.
You feel Jared watching you as you use your powers to encase jensens body in a devils trap, jared just occasionally pats down jays brow trying to keep his temp down.
you mixed concoctions, you chanted a few small sealing spells, you combed through the books, both of them. you were the only one who was actually capable of doing this spell/purification.
you had jared call rob and the rest of the crew on a video call. you however were busy setting up for the spell. you started a short while after.
yn: in nomine dostri jesu, awaken!
you wanted to have a chat with this spirit and jensen's body needed to be awake for this to work. you placed your hand over his body and a anti possession tattoo placed on his chest woke up his possessed body.
Jensen(possessed by spirit): ah so your the bitch this dude has been thinking about these few hours, your also the one who banished me last night...
Yn: yes that's me... but I'm giving you 1 chance to leave willing and never return. Or I will force you to leave painfully and forcefully
Jensen(possessed by samhain): ah so that's what happened to that arcane text.. it's pair... my books pair.
You were now certain this voice, this spirit you had to get the books out of view.
Yn: that's it I am gonna send you back to hell, and I'm gonna also ensure you will never ever be able to rise again.
You took a big breath and using the English of the beginning of the exorcism/banishment you began the spell.
Yn: to this be to thine be mine, in this i pray, oh goddess 3 hear me by thy power seal this evil un thine dark place for all eternity as i banish him now, so mote it be to the goddess i plea; exorcisomus te omnis immunus spiritus omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarri omnis legio omnis congregato insectas diabolicas ergo dracto malidicte eclesium secura tuam facias libertatum te regamous audinos
With that the anti possession symbol burned bright as Samhain was expelled from jensens body. You now held yourself up by the edge of the desk, Sam moved to help you sit down but you motioned for him to stay where he was.
Yn: I'm fine, Jared you should go and come back I'm the morning, by then Jensen should be awake. Umm take my spare key, it's the blue lanyard, it's got my room number on it come back in the morning.
You see Jared out the door but he stops you at the last second and insists on staying on the floor so he can make sure you and Jensen were gonna be okay and plus if your roommate came home someone would have to explain what happened.
You agreed he came back in shut the door locking it behind him you placed both arcane texts on opposite ends of the room in lead and glass confinement and enchanted cases.
You passed out after sending a text to your best friend, snuggled up beside your man. His best friend asleep on the floor, the light turned out and all 3 of you fast asleep.
it was about 8am when your best friend and roommate walked in the room and gasped... startling you and jared...
yn: shh alaina lets talk in the hall... Jared stay with him please.
you get up and step into the hall with your best friend. you knew you had to explain what happened. so thats what you did. the girl who knew everything about you, your obsession of sorts with the paranormal, you told her what happened to jensen, and with jensen the night before last.
alaina: so it finally happened? your no longer a...
yn: shh yes i lost it to jensen that same night. but i also have exorcised this possessing demonic force twice now and placed an enchanted anti possession tattoo on his body so that way this never happens again.
Alaina: do you not realize that this is like huge, so major for us... well more you than me but now we have cause for celebration, that is once your man wakes up. How long has it been...
You had to stiffle the sigh that was about to leave your lips.
Yn: what since I did the spell... about 9 hours but I have to be honest I don't wanna know what would have happened if I didn't have the knowledge that I do.
Alaina: we should get back in there...
You are way ahead of her already re opening your door, only to hear the most beautiful sound in the world to you... the laugh that had made you swoon that previous day.
yn: jensen!
jensen's head snapped towards you and smiled as he sat now on the edge of the bed and opened his arms to you... you gently ran into his embrace sitting on his lap kissing him, it felt normal.
alaina: well this is exactly the kind of happyness that makes me happy that i have class soon... so i have to get ready...
jared: im already to go to class can i walk with you?
alaina: of course let me just change really quick.
alaina takes a dress and stuff into the washroom, you sit nestled into jensen's embrace all cozy and this makes jensen smile wider. jared and Alaina left a bit before you and jensen started chatting about the day and the events to follow in the next weeks.
jensen: i remember blacking out at the studio, but nothing else after that. you were talking about the book... is it really magical?
yn: yes but enough about that right now... we have to be across town in an hour, my therapist appointment got moved up... and i have a doctor appointment in 2 weeks.
jensen: right now i just wanna hold you... and wait therapist?
you nod...
yn: its more of a magics councellor... the school one wasnt helping me when my powers came in, and now im trying to learn how to control and summon my powers. ive been seeing this magics therapist for almost 2 years.
jensen was surprised at how much he had learned about you in the last couple days... you were now getting up going through your wardrobe and trying to decide on the perfect outfit for the day.
you chose a black capri tank top jumpsuit, you felt the soft fabric slide over your body. you were tired, you knew this truth had to come out in order for this relationship with Jensen to work.
Jensen: babe, I wanna learn...
You were shocked, that was not the response you were expecting from Jensen... so you turned to him...
Yn: are you sure you wanna take this path it's a long winding road and it will only get worse as the time goes on...
Jensen: yes...
You waved your hands and put Jensen into a circle of binding.
Yn: Jensen you wish to take on the rights and laws bound by magic are you willing to abide to these laws? Are you also willing to look at me not just as your girlfriend but as your magics teacher as well? If you agree a enchanted ring similar to mine will appear on your finger.
Jensen: I Jensen do agree to all you have asked and am ready to begin the tasks of magic.
the circles flames now burned in a bright green, the ring now on Jensen's finger matched yours exactly. thats when you took his hand and the flames disbursed.
Jensen: awesome!
Yn: I agree now we have to go... time for you to meet Helena...
Jensen: lead the way babe!
About 10 seconds later you conjoured a portal and held jensens hand as you both walked through it.
The way jensens eyes lit up when you both walked through the portal and came out across town was wonderful!
Jensen: your counselor is in an antique shop...
Yn: she runs the antique store down here her counselor practice is in the studio above. As far as I know I'm her only patient. But I'm sure that once she meets you she will happily give me the tools to train you properly.
you were wanting to tell him what he might experience, the illusions he may see but you just figured it would be a surprise. you let jensen walk into the store by himself at first.
you were one of those who could walk in and see the stores true set up... not just that of the illusion set up by Helena. you walk in close behind your boyfriend and his face switched as the illusion set and lifted as quick as it came and left...
jensen: what the hell am i seeing?
helena: its an illusion... its the changing of what you see vs what other people who might walk in see...
yn: exactly. helena im locking the door cause we need to speak in private. without other interuptions.
you put the closed sign up setting it for lunch and for 1hr45min... you go to sit on top of the counter, darkening the shop windows so no one on the outside could see anything.
helena: so yn whose your friend!
yn: this is Jensen he is more than my friend he is my boyfriend! he and i met by chance, and now ive dragged him into my crazy world...
helena: alright lets see what we have here...
helena does a flaming circle around jensen and puts him through the tests, the same beginning trials she put you through... trying to figure out what are his strengths and weak points.
but while your sitting there watching this you get really light headed almost like you are having a dizzy spell.. you were one second sitting on the counter, and the next second you let out a long exhausted sigh and then fall off the counter unconcious.
the last thing you hear is Jensen calling your name... you woke up a few hours later in a hospital room, in a very uncomfortable bed with your boyfriends arms around you.
You stir this startles your boyfriend who places a small yet longing kiss to your forehead.
Jensen: your awake, it's okay baby I'm right here.
Yn: what happened?
Jensen was about to speak when Helena and Dr Michael walked into the room.
Michael: we were hoping you could tell us... nice to see you yn...
Yn: you too doc, but what's happening and why does it feel like I've been hit by a bus... like an enchanted one with spikes and why do I feel nauseous...
Dr michael: well if I may I'd like to shed some light on this... but first Helena and I would like to tell you both something that may shock you both...
Both you and Jensen sit up looking at both Helena and Michael... and it's Helena who speaks next...
Helena: yn, member how when your powers got stronger you felt like something was missing...
You nod at hee to continue
Helena: yn you have a twin brother...
Your jaw dropped to the ground you were shocked and then Helena cleared her throat and continued again...
Helena: I want you to know that this happened while you both were in my shop and Jensen Michael wants a blood sample from you so he can run some tests... but while I was putting Jensen through the trials I saw a discrepancy in his and your bonded lines it glowed bright and beautiful like the first autumn harvest moon of the equinox. So he just wants to run some tests.
Michael takes a vile of blood from Jensen, whose just holding you
Michael: Helena tell her the other set of news after I've run this test... cause its probably gonna cause some hesitation and drama...
Helena simply nods handing you a sandwich and waits for Michael to come back with the test results.
About 10 minutes later Michael comes back with a few more sheets of paper... handing them to Helena first she gasps and squeals slightly...
Yn: what what's the good word? Please tell me it's good... I hate bad news...
Helena: yn, meet your brother Jensen...
Those words immediately made Jensen get up and start pacing... his tone completely changed. Your pulse monitor started increasing you too were also disoriented...
Yn: what the fuck? And I do mean what the actual fuck...
Michael clears his throat and simply hands all the papers regarding the DNA test to you and then Helena hands you a very important sheet...
You take one look at it and your eyes go wide with concern as you slowly pass the page to Jensen...
Jensen who was fuming when he took the page from you now softened his tone as he turned to face the doctor.
Jensen: is this even possible?
Michael: how long have you guys been together?
Yn: I think it's only been a few days close to a week ish... why do you ask...
Michael: just curious how bout an ultra sound and then we will let you both call who you need too and rest...
michael has a nurse wheel in an ultrasound machine. you were a little concerned but kept an open mind. you used your powers to make the bed a little bit more comfortable and a bit bigger to hold you and jensen.
you feel the gel go against your skin, you shiver slightly as you then feel the scope against your stomach. michael turns the screen to face you and Jensen as he move the scope around. after a few moments a blip appears on the screen.
Jensen: doc is that?
michael: it would seem congratulations are in order... from this i would say your about 3 weeks almost a month. i would blame the magic for this one though i think when your powers collided and you guys broke the virginal barriers you guys created life. but your powers seem to have sped it up.
You and jensen sat in silence as the ultrasound was wrapped up and the gel cleaned off your lower abdomen.
Yn: doc, Helena thank you both so much but can we have the room please. We appreciate everything you both have done for us but Jensen and I have some things to figure out.
This was not the kind of news neither you nor Jensen wanted to hear, but you were not in the right state of mind to even speak to anyone except Jensen.
You and jensen watched Helena and Michael leave as they shut the door behind them. This left you and Jensen and the entire room to yourselves.
Jensen comes to sit on the bed beside you.
Jensen: I have an idea of how you are feeling but we need to figure out a few things but I'll start off officially by saying that I do but i don't care that we are siblings, I love you Yn and I will help to raise this kid with you...
You took a glance at your brother/boyfriend, tears whelled in your eyes. Jensen wipes the falling tears from your cheeks.
Yn: but What about...
Jensen: hey its okay, we have lots of time to figure things out. And I guess we have to decide what to tell people.
You yawn and invite your brother/boyfriend to lean back into the bed... his arms around you, the blanket over you both.
Yn: can we figure this out later, like you said we have lots of time. Can we rest and process this... I feel mentally exhausted.
Jensen: im so happy I found you, dear sister...
Yn: me too dear brother. I love you.
Jensen kisses your forehead softly before hearing your soft snores fill the room.
Jensen: I love you too my sweet angel!
~that's all for now folks~
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calaofnoldor · 4 years ago
In Your Dreams
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Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean, Garth
Words: 7,393
Summary: In a world where your dreams are your soulmate's memories, a call to Garth for backup changes Sam's life forever. (Soulmate AU)
Warnings: heavily implied smut, angst, the slightest allusion to ptsd, flashes of huffy!sam (is this just a thing in all my fics now??), fluff, language as always, also i was deep in my sam girl feels when i wrote this so please proceed with caution.
A/N: written for @idabbleincrazy’s "what do you mean this is classic rock?" 1k follower celebration! my prompt was the song "are you gonna be my girl" by jet and the quote "oh, come on!" which is bolded in the fic. also written for @swiftlymoniquesblog’s 300 followers celebration, for which i chose the song "confident" by demi lovato from her playlist.
congratulations to both you lovely babes!! i am SO sorry that this is incredibly late and probably not what you wanted lol. it really got away from me and i didn't know how to deal with it so here's 7k words that literally no one asked for 😂
Square Filled: Soulmate AU for @spnfluffbingo; Garth for @spnmixedbingo; Mistaken Identity for @girl-next-door-writes’s make me feel bingo; Soulmates for @samwinchesterbingo
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It played out like a movie scene. Sam’s breath halted the minute the rusty ‘78 Ford Ranchero pulled up to the motel, frozen as he watched the passenger side door open in slow motion, making way for one black booted foot after another to step out onto the pavement. Attached to them was the most beautiful pair of legs he had ever seen, and Sam was only vaguely aware of his continuously drooping jaw as his eyes roamed up the rest of your figure, utterly and unprecedentedly thunderstruck when you flung your hair over your shoulder like a model in a goddamn shampoo commercial.
You oozed confidence, which was sexy as hell, but it was much more than that. Something deep within him startled awake, and it wasn’t just his man parts twitching with interest, though that definitely happened when you adjusted your daisy dukes and caused your top to ride up ever so subtly. God, you must’ve been the most sublime being to ever cross his path. Sam could hear Jet’s “Are You Gonna Be My Girl” playing in the background, but it was impossible to tell whether the sound was coming from the car speakers or his own head.
Either way, the music was cut short when Garth killed the engine and sauntered around his coupe with a winning smile. “Heeey brothers! I brought backup! Allow me to introduce you,” he offered excitedly, throwing a casual arm around you when he got to your side, a gesture that seemed to send Sam’s heart leaping off a cliff, “Guys, this is Y/N and Y/N, these are the Winchesters, Dean and Sam.”
Sam tried to smile but you seemed so comfortable and content beneath Garth’s touch, he really wasn’t ready for the sour taste of envy that rose inside him, filling his throat like acid reflux.
“Garth, you wily son of a bitch!” called his brother from beside him. Sam didn’t need to look over to picture the smirk of approval Dean was sporting, and the thought alone brought forth more bile, which he desperately tried to swallow down with a couple violent bobs of his Adam’s apple.
“Oh Deano,” Garth shook his tilted head as he genuinely professed, “you always say the nicest things to me.” And as he launched himself towards Dean with puppy-like fervor for a somewhat one-sided hug, Sam felt bad about the groundless feelings of resentment he’d began to harbor for the scrawny yet respectable hunter. Still, he couldn’t help but try to catch your eye during the reprieve, only to find your soft gaze fixed on Garth’s back while the slightest vestige of a smile ghosted across your divine features.
She’s taken, Sam. Soulmates most likely, with the way you’re looking at the guy, his brain augmented bitterly. Damn it, Garth really was one lucky son of a bitch.
“And don’t think you’re not getting one too, Sam!” the oblivious bastard let go of Dean and came at Sam with open arms and nothing but love, so with a forced smile and mind full of warring thoughts, the younger Winchester had no choice but to awkwardly accept.
“So did you get us rooms yet?” Garth asked when he finally pulled away, “You know I’d love to bunk with you guys but ever since Y/N’s gotten used to my snoring, we’ve kinda become a package deal, you know what I mean?”
“Oh, I sure do, buddy!” Dean exclaimed with a lewd grin, “Yours is Room 4B, but we’re right next door in 4A so try and keep that in mind when you’re uh- snoring it up, will ya?”
Having long since grown accustomed to Dean’s base brand of humor, Sam was surprised when he realized his usual reflexive eye roll had been supplanted with a deep breath and forceful clench of his teeth.
“I’ll try my best, but I can’t promise we’ll be quiet as mice through the night!” Garth’s good-natured retort felt like a twisting blade through Sam’s chest. He pulled his brows together and placed a large palm tentatively above his heart, unable to understand why the involuntary reaction felt so tangible as he watched Garth set off.
Following suit, you grabbed some luggage from the Ranchero’s cargo bed and made for your room. Sam knew he should try to stay away from you, but like a magnetic field, you pulled him in, so when he turned around to see you strutting by, Sam fumbled to help you with your duffle. But the fierce glare you shot him quickly stopped him in his tracks and he only barely managed to stay upright as he backtracked and scurried out of your way, big feet and long legs suddenly forgetting their own size.
“Woah, get it together, little bro,” Dean sniggered as soon as you were out of earshot, “You alright there, kiddo? I’ve never seen you fall so hard so fast… almost literally,” he teased, ignoring the bitch face Sam sent him in response, “Think you can make it through this hunt without jumping Garth’s girl?”
This time Sam did roll his eyes, though he left the question unanswered, feeling a bit skeptical himself.
“You think they’re soulmates?” Dean wondered aloud, turning to look off in the direction you’d gone, “Not sure how else to explain that. But either way, damn, did Fitzgerald hit a home run there!”
Sam was speechless as he stared alongside his brother, choked up on the unshakable yet impossible suspicion that you were somehow… his. But that couldn’t be, could it? Even if you weren’t with Garth, there was no way for him to know for sure. The demon blood Yellow Eyes had fed him as a baby inhibited his soulmate bond so not once could he remember dreaming of their memories, and Sam had never been more disappointed by the fact.
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The case was cracked with almost no help from Sam, as his ability to focus on anything other than you proved a hopeless and desolate enterprise. Paired with the way his impetuous attempts to connect with you in any sense were harshly rebuffed by that gorgeous yet venomous get back stare of yours, and Sam was a complete mess of shaky hands and pained smiles. So when you announced you’d be retiring early for the night, claiming to want catch up on some rest before the big monster showdown the next day, Sam was both crestfallen and relieved.
“Have a good night,” Garth gave you a meaningful look that Sam couldn’t begin to decipher, a cruel reminder of the inexplicable nature of soulmate connections.
“So… what’s up with Y/N?” Dean asked whilst Sam was still gazing in vain at the door you’d left through.
“Oh, she’s uh… she’s complicated,” Garth responded slowly, nodding along to himself as an uncharacteristic expression of melancholy replaced the grin on his face, “Most people think she’s outta her mind… I mean, she’s not! …But it’s a pretty common misconception,” he shrugged in a ‘what-can-ya-do’ type of way, but the Winchesters’ frowns prompted him to continue, “She’s just… had it kinda rough, ya know? And the people around her haven’t exactly been empathetic about it all so she’s put up some walls over time and she comes off a bit strong and standoffish to most, but her heart’s in the right place and she really is a fantastic hunter so you don’t have to worry about her having your backs out there tomorrow, eh?”
Dean seemed to subscribe to this explanation, but the hunt wasn’t what Sam was worried about. Now, on top of the need to be close to you, he was also experiencing a compelling urge to hold you, understand you, and comfort you in whatever way you needed. His entire body throbbed with the desire to run to the adjoining room and kick the door in just to breathe the same air as you again, while his fingers itched to touch you – brush the hair from your eyes, caress your cheek, envelope your hand, explore other areas… Maybe in your dreams, Sam... He almost laughed at the ironic mockery of that saying, but instead pushed the corners of his mouth up as sincerely as he could before proceeding to ponder his inner dilemma with his elbows on his knees.
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You awoke to your own scream, bolting upright and gasping for air. Shit. That one had been particularly bad; you’d probably made a lot of noise. Glancing over at the other bed in your room, you weren’t surprised to find Garth starfish-ing above the sheets and blissfully unconscious. That was part of why you liked the guy: he could sleep through just about anything, that and he’d never once judged you by the nightmares that plagued you since birth and reflected your soulmate’s preposterous life thus far.
Wait. As you blinked, you realized something felt different. On impulse, your eyes fluttered shut, but the flashing image of a malicious face that appeared behind your eyelids had them flying open in an instant. That was weird. You never remembered the faces from your dreams.
The names and faces always became blurry as soon as you woke up, but it’s said that once you meet and identify your soulmate, it all comes rushing back to you through a mental, movie-like recap of their life story up until that point, although exceptions to this rule weren’t unheard of, and many believed that every soulmate connection was unique.
Regardless, there was one thing you could never forget about your dreams, and that was the way they made you feel. Or was it the way your soulmate had felt? Starting from a tender young age, you’d dreamed nearly every night, so frequently they were beginning to feel like your own memories. You knew the in-depth tale of your soulmate’s existence, shared just about all of his experiences. From waiting alone in crummy motel rooms as a kid, overcome with the fear and anxiety of not knowing when or if his dad and brother would ever return from a hunt, to being physically and emotionally tortured and violated within a magical cage where time and the limits of the human body adhered to no laws, and his abuser wore a smile that could light his veins on fire, as you’d just had the pleasure of envisioning.
More often than not, your dreams were nightmares, and you’d make sounds of protest as you slept. It was why you had chosen to hit the sack early, with the hopes that their drunken hunter rowdiness might help mask your shouts. But it hadn’t been easy to walk away, harder still to fall asleep. Something had been eating at your subconscious since you got here, or rather someone. Most of the time, you avoided people at all costs, so often that it’d become instinct, but you found yourself actually wanting to be around that stupidly tall Winchester, to the point where it almost hurt to pry yourself away from him. And now that you’d recalled a face from your dream for the first time in your life, you couldn’t help but wonder…
No. Don’t get your hopes up, Y/N. There was no way. Sam was far too… normal. Besides, you’d imagined what your soulmate might look like before, and even in your wildest concoctions, he hadn’t looked that good. You’d kept your defences up until now so you weren’t about to let them drop just because you ran into a pretty boy. You really did need to stop thinking about him though, maybe grab a glass of water to soothe your sore throat.
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Sam couldn’t sleep. His mind was racing as he laid atop the scratchy covers and stared at the ceiling. If the hunt went well tomorrow, you’d be riding off into the sunset in Garth’s Ranchero without so much as a ‘goodbye’. He couldn’t let that happen, not when every atom of his being was propelling him towards you, screeching at him to get his girl. But you weren’t his. You were with Garth. So why couldn’t he just respect that?
With a sigh, Sam let his eyes fall shut, squeezing them tight in a pointless effort to erase the image of you from the backs of his eyelids, but they shot wide open again when he heard your voice cry out from the next room.
Sam was up before he knew what he was doing. There was only one thing of which he was certain: you didn’t sound like you were in the midst of pleasure. You sounded like you were in pain, and that set every hair on his arm erect.
He noticed his breathing was harder than usual as well when he quietly got to his feet and crept toward the shared wall between your rooms, although he couldn’t seem to constrain it. Pressing his ear against the peeling wallpaper, he listened to your whimpers and wails crescendo until they peaked with a harrowing yell that made his heart feel as if it would burst through his ribcage. Dean grumbled in his sleep and rolled over but Sam was frozen in his spot, despite the erratic pumping of blood through his lengthy vessels.
It wasn’t until he heard the creaking of your bedsprings turn into running water in the communal dining area when Sam finally moved, drawing a deep breath and wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans. He didn’t know what to say to you, but he knew he had to try, so he made sure to let his footsteps carry sound and make himself appear as small as possible as he opened the back door and walked into the kitchenette.
You were standing by the counter, facing away from him, but before he could take another step, you’d whirled around with a gun in your hands, aimed directly at his heart.
Sam’s hands shot up before he whisper-shouted, “Whoa, whoa! Hey, it’s just me! It’s me!”
Advancing toward him without lowering your gun, you produced a flask from out of nowhere and threw its contents on Sam’s face before he could react.
He blinked the wetness away as you finally dropped your weapon, shrugging through a half-hearted apology, “Sorry, you can never be too careful on a demon case,” you explained lowly, flashing him the label that read ‘holy water’ before tucking the silver flask back into your pocket.
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You took a moment to examine him, aggrieved that he somehow looked even better when he was wet. Trying to be cool about it, you crossed your arms across your chest and waited as he wiped a huge hand down his face.
The first words to come out of his sinful lips after your unceremonious attack took you by surprise, “Are you OK?”
“What?” It sounded harsher than you’d meant it and you had to remind yourself to stand down. He’d given you no reason to get combative; on the contrary, something about him just screamed… good.
“I- I heard you… it sounded like you were having a pretty bad nightmare.”
You gave him a slight nod, gulping your usual defense mechanisms back down your throat, “Oh, yeah… my soulmate has um… been through some things.” It was impossible not to huff at your own dramatic understatement.
“Right, yeah, I’m sure Garth has seen his fair share of monsters and other ordeals in his life.”
“Wh- what do you mean, Garth?” you questioned with a furrowed brow.
“Sorry, I just assumed that you guys were soulmates with the way you are and… everything,” Sam confessed with an adorable cock of his head.
You nearly laughed out loud, “Garth isn’t my soulmate. I mean, I wouldn’t be upset if he were, but we’ve exchanged dreams before and our souls definitely aren’t tied together.”
“Oh,” he heaved a sigh that seemed to emanate relief, “So the whole uh… ‘snoring’ thing is-”
“A cover. He knows I get loud during nightmares, and we room together because he has the unique ability to sleep through an entire torture sequence being played out in my head, as he just proved again tonight.” Shit. What are you doing, Y/N? Stop talking. “Oh, I should probably apologize for waking you. You can go back to bed though; I’ve gotten enough sleep for the night.”
Sam’s eyes were wide as he shook his head emphatically, “No, you didn’t wake me! I- I couldn’t sleep anyway. But please, don’t apologize for something you can’t control,” he beseeched with soft, imploring eyes that you immediately dreamed of letting yourself melt into. “Y-you said you were being tortured in your dream?”
Forcing a deep breath through your nose, you slowly conceded, “Well yeah, or at least remembering it the way my soulmate does, I guess… if he even exists.” The last four words were added sourly beneath your breath, but Sam caught them right away.
“You don’t think your soulmate exists?”
You looked up to find his eyebrows drawn together, color-changing eyes fraught with genuine concern. You weren’t sure why you were still talking to him but something about the guy made you feel safe, impelled you to open up to him, “I find it hard to believe he’s still out there functioning like a normal human being with all the shit he’s gone through... I mean, if I’ve been ostracized just for telling people about my dreams, I can’t imagine how he’s survived.”
“You’ve been ostracized because of the things your soulmate remembers?!”
The way he seemed almost offended for you buttered you up even more, “Yeah, Garth is pretty much the only friend I have left,” you admitted with a quiet, sardonic laugh.
There was pity in Sam’s eyes now, a reaction that had always irked you virtually just as much as the fear and revulsion, but it was clear that his was forged out of empathy rather than the usual disdain. And it didn’t stand alone among the emotions displayed across his face. His expression seemed to say ‘please, tell me more,’ and you did.
“I was raised in the suburbs by conservative folks who knew nothing about the supernatural… so they thought I was out of my mind the first time I told them about my dreams, took me to a soulmate bond expert and everything, tried to ‘fix’ me. When they couldn’t, they ignored me, soundproofed my bedroom walls while telling everyone I was crazy. Pretty much disowned me as soon I turned eighteen, fearing I might bring home a sociopathic serial killer one day. Word got around and people avoided me like I was a ticking time bomb. When I started hunting and finally made some friends in that community, I thought they’d be more understanding, but it turns out some things aren’t normal or acceptable even on hunter terms. So, I never really told anyone again, never tried to make friends again. Until Garth came along, that is.”
A small smile took hold of your lips, as it always did when you thought about the lanky and lovable dork, “He never judged me by my nightmares, never treated me any differently, never looked at me through a lens of apprehension.”
“Well, I’m glad you found him,” Sam said, a closed-lip smile of his own peeking through the stubble. Then, after a pregnant pause, “I don’t mean to intrude, but h-have you ever considered breaking your bond, you know, just to stop the nightmares?”
“Never.” Your response was instantaneous and adamant. “I couldn’t. If I-… He’s overcome odds of impossible proportions, suffered fates that no one should ever have to endure, despite doing nothing wrong, been blamed for things that were either completely out of his control or that he was manipulated into doing through a kind heart and good intentions-” you had to stop yourself before you got too riled up.
“You talk like you’re already in love with him,” Sam observed.
“Well, it’s hard not to be. It’s also why I stopped giving a fuck about what other people think of him. I used to try and hide it, lie about what I’d dream of, but they’d always find out. And then I realized it didn’t matter to me because I’ll always side with him, and having narrow-minded people in your life is such a chore anyway.”
“But how can you be so sure of someone you’ve never met?” There was no malice in his tone or body language, only earnest curiosity, and it made you wonder how someone so large could be so very cute.
“Because if he exists, he’s a hero.”
“Well if he’s so great, why does everyone in your life run away from the idea of him?” Sam chuckled lightly, but you thought you heard something that resembled envy within his words. Maybe people were right, maybe you really were out of your mind.
“Because he’s done things that most people can’t even begin to imagine, not even a hunter. Honestly, you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you half the things I’ve dreamt of.”
Though you didn’t expect to be rewarded with another glimpse of those splendid dimples, you were nonetheless grateful as they seemed to fill your chest with unfathomable peace and irrefutable joy. “Try me,” he said, with a beckoning grin.
“Well, I mean for starters, he’s been through literal hell.”
Sam’s jaw suddenly hung a littler looser, but you’d encountered far more theatrical receptions.
“Yeah, he’s been dealt some real shitty cards,” you started, “Been tormented by pure evil in more than every imaginable way for longer than any conceivable human lifetime, been stripped of his bodily autonomy and rights more times than I can count, been used and manipulated by a demon since he was a literal baby, and that’s on top of losing nearly everyone he’s ever loved including both parents at a young age… But did I mention he managed to stop the fucking apocalypse?”
The surprise on his face was more palpable now, and you almost laughed at his frozen expression.
“And we haven’t even gotten to the bizarre stuff yet. Would you believe me if I told you he’s died more than once? Or that he’s met a prophet who writes books about he and his brother’s lives? Oh, he also once traveled to an alternate universe where his doppelgänger was the actor who played him on a TV show. And, there was even a period of time, about a year ago, when the dreams got all fuzzy, which I later learned was because he was-“
“Soulless.” Sam finished your sentence with such gravity, it felt like the entire earth lurched beneath your feet.
“H-how did you know th-“ But even as you spoke the words, it dawned on you: that there was a reason you’d felt drawn to him, that he was in fact the answer to everything, the person you’d been dreaming of your entire life. And in that moment, you discovered that the stories were true, because your question was both interrupted and answered by a sudden onslaught of images flashing through your head, a fast-forwarded montage of every memory you’d ever dreamed, in chronological order, with the names and faces all filled in.
You doubled over and closed your eyes as Sam’s life replayed itself in your mind, unaware that you were panting loudly and clutching at your head until his beautiful yet distraught voice faded back into the forefront.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Are you OK?!”
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Sam’s hand instinctively reached out for you, but when it made contact with your arm, his brain was instantly flooded with moving images of a young girl, developing rapidly into the woman standing in front of him through what must have been every momentous memory he’d been denied the privilege of seeing, forcing him to recoil and mirror your startled stance.
So when you finally reopened your eyes, it was to see Sam bent nearly in half, close-eyed and open-mouthed, while big hands grasped at the luscious mane on his head.
“Guess I should be the one asking you that,” you laughed, but the way his chest visibly rose and fell when he straightened back up made you feel breathless again, “Did you just-“
“Yeah,” he exhaled, shutting his eyes once more before blinking repeatedly, as if he could still see the images, “And I’m guessing you also-“
“Yeah,” you parroted, glancing up at Sam with an awestruck expression that unwittingly floored him with its beauty, “I can’t believe this is happening.”
The elaborate fortress you’d built around your heart and soul after an entire lifetime of facing scorn and neglect and repugnance from nearly everyone around you had effortlessly dissolved at his touch, and as you fully came to terms with the giant revelation before you, something within you gave way, letting every emotion you were feeling appear written across your face.
“You’re real?” Your whispered words sounded just as much a statement as they did a question, though in reality, they might have been a plea.
Taking a small, wary step toward him as your eyes flickered between his, your hand – with a mind of its own – slowly reached up to embrace his chiseled jaw, and your lips were incapable of resisting their joyous quirk when his light stubble tickled your palm and the skin beneath it proved warm and solid.
His long fingers wrapped around your wrist reverently, “Yeah, baby, I’m real.”
Your breath hitched at the gorgeous depth of his voice. “How are you real? And so fucking gorgeous?” you breathed, fingers dancing across his cheekbones before reveling in the silky softness of his hair, “And tall? I mean, I kinda guessed you’d be on the above average side with the way most people look up at you in your memories but jeez... You’re perfect.” Your body moved on its own accord as it traveled the short distance to anchor itself against his, wasting no time to pull him down and kiss him with every ounce of ‘you’ you could muster, to which Sam instantly and eagerly responded.
It was easily the best kiss of your life, decades worth of anticipation that balanced a delicate pendulum swaying between hope and desperation, combined with the fierce love you already felt for this impossibly perfect man poured through you until it found its release in Sam’s mouth.
He slid his fingers into the hair behind your neck, cradling the back of your head, while his other massive hand settled in the valley of your waist, pulling you snug into him until you could feel the lines of his abs. “You’re pretty damn perfect yourself. Been dreaming of this since I saw you step outta that damn car.”
“Yeah?” The single, slightly smug word was all you could articulate.
“Fuck yeah, that’s why seeing you with Garth felt like such a cruel joke, especially since I’d never had a single dream of your memories until I touched you just now, so there was no way for me to gauge anything.”
“Right, I guess I should’ve been more alert, but I figured brothers hunting together wasn’t all that uncommon. Can’t believe I couldn’t smell the co-dependency though,” you giggled but Sam shut you up with a swift kiss. “Mm, well now that you have seen some of my memories, what do you think?”
“I think you’re everything I could’ve possibly dreamt up and more.”
“Wow. I didn’t take you for the cheesy type,” you deadpanned.
“I’m just being honest.” Sam’s dimples broke through with a mirthful smile and already you knew they‘d become one of your favorite things in this world and beyond.
Biting your lip, you nodded, “OK, well in the spirit of honesty, I have to tell you that it was way more arousing to see you make those monster kills in that director’s cut in my head than to dream about it from your perspective.”
Sam’s smile turned into a smirk, “Yeah?”
You trailed your hands down his impressive torso, relishing every ridge and groove, mapping out the thick cords of his long neck, grazing the taut nipples beneath his cotton t-shirt, and lingering within the deep trenches of his V-line as you made your way down to the waistband of his jeans. Hooking your fingers into his belt loops, you tugged him toward you with a force that seemed to both surprise and excite him, if his quiet grunt and darkened pupils were any indication. “Fuck yeah,” you echoed before pushing your lips back against his.
Having waited much too long for this, you couldn’t hold back. Sam must’ve felt similarly because he pushed back just as hard, until you were forced to grip him tighter, digging your fingers into his muscled back just to hold on. His own fingers applied a similar pressure to your butt cheeks, squeezing them with a rough hunger that only spurred you on more.
But just as your tongues began to get acquainted – though it felt more like lovers reuniting after an unspeakably long and unbearable period of time – Sam somehow managed to retreat an inch from your hold, hissing through his teeth with crinkled brows and closed eyes. His chest heaved into yours a few times before he spoke, sounding about as regretful as you felt, “Wait… Maybe we shouldn’t do this. I’ve already ruined your life by being your soulmate. I can’t be good for you.”
“Sam, you do realize that our souls are literally bound together, right? And there’s nothing you could say or do that would make me stay away now that I’ve finally found you.”
“Y/N, I started the apocalypse!” Sam swore it took almost as much willpower to untangle himself from you as it had to overpower Lucifer in that godforsaken cemetery. He backed up in fear that your pull was stronger at closer distances, though he still couldn’t look at you, choosing an unfocused spot on the speckled floor to eye instead, as the shame and guilt began to cloud his mind.
“No, you thought you were saving the world!” you countered immediately, feeling the fiery mass of restrained ire you’d been carrying inside you for years blaze alight, as if with the click of a switch, “And then you did! By risking and sacrificing everything! Not to mention there were sixty-five other seals that had nothing to do with you!”
“Well how 'bout the fact that I was addicted to demon blood?” Sam’s voice grew louder. There was nothing like recounting his own sins to get him fired up. “I had a sexual relationship with a demon! Surely, you’re not OK with that?!”
With a scoff, you dismissed him, “You think people don’t have sex before they find their soulmates? I mean, yeah, it was a weird thing to dream about, but I’ve always felt what you felt, remember? So I know it started because you were desperate to save Dean and I know the weight of the grief you were feeling when you were with her. I know how you thought you were helping people by exorcising demons instead of killing their meatsuits. I know all of it. You can’t scare me off, Sam!”
While he was finding it surprisingly hard to dispute your claims, true to his Winchester genes, Sam was much too stubborn to give up. You were brilliant and beautiful and deserved so much more than anything he had to offer. “What about all the things I did when I was soulless?” he tried again.
But you had a retort on the ready for that one as well. “Sam, don’t you get it by now? That was out of your control. The same way you wouldn’t blame someone for all the things they do when they're possessed. Besides, as your soulmate, I’m not too concerned about your douchey behaviour when you were literally missing your soul.”
That seemed to shut him up, but the confliction swirling within his prismatic eyes told you he wasn’t convinced. “Look,” you sighed, “you always think you’ve got this darkness inside you, that you’re not ‘clean’… but you are.”
As you let that sink in, you smiled to yourself, “You know, you and Garth actually have that in common: you’re both good to the core. You’re clean, Sam. You’re the cleanest, purest soul I’ve ever known, but baby, you’re not normal.” Shaking your head apologetically, you resisted the temptation to kiss that disbelieving, forlorn look off his face. “I know you’ve always wanted to be but you’re anything but. I mean, you saved the fucking world, Sam! When the world has done nothing to deserve you. You suffered nearly two centuries of torture by the devil himself to save it, and not only did you never get any acclaim, but the whole thing has left you racked with wrongful blame and unreasonable guilt!? And I know you don’t think you do, but baby you have every goddamn right to be mad, to be furious.”
Your soulmate’s ridiculously puppy-like gaze almost had you leaping to wrap him up in your arms, but you willed yourself to continue, “But in the end, all the bullshit crap you took didn’t make you jaded; it didn’t make you violent or vengeful or bitter. No, you turned it into love, and strength, and empathy. You still care so deeply, still carry on saving everyone you can, still manage to find hope. Fuck, Sam, you’re the only reason I kept fighting. Cause I figured if you could do it, then I had no fucking excuses. You were always my light! There’s gotta be a reason we’re soulmates. I know you never felt the bond but I-”
Sam’s lips cut yours off with a forceful kiss, the first one he’d truly initiated and my god did it feel good. So good that you weren’t even embarrassed when you let out a soft whine as he pulled away tragically soon. At least his hands were still cupping your face.
“I did. I did feel the bond,” he declared, forehead resting on yours so you could feel the truth of his words through his breath on your skin, “I knew you were mine the moment I saw you, but I tried to push it down because I thought you were with Garth and every time I tried to reach out… you shot me down with that look.”
“What look?” Your fingers found their way to his thick and vascular forearms for it seemed unwise not to touch him whenever you were given the chance.
“You know, that get back stare.”
“A get back stare?” You pulled away slightly to shoot him a somewhat amused, questioning glance.
“Yeah, it was really hot but also very off-putting when you’re trying to get to know your soulmate.”
Rolling your eyes playfully, you suppressed your laugh into a smile, “Well, it’s not my fault I’ve had to learn to defend myself and my misunderstood soulmate from nearly everyone in the world. And sometimes that means playing offence,” you admitted with a shrug.
Said soulmate’s giant hands glided down your arms to take hold of your significantly smaller hands, and his eyes, teeming with resolve and vivid remorse, were fixed on you as he said, “Well, I hope you know you don’t have to anymore now that you’ve got me.”
Sam was undeniably surprised and frankly a bit hurt when you snorted a chuckle in response, “Yeah, I highly doubt that. If anything, I might become more menacing.”
Though he didn’t pull away, you could tell by his expression that you’d bruised a somewhat masculine part of his ego. Sighing at his misinterpretation, you dropped one of his hands in favor of grasping the other with both of yours, fiddling with his gorgeous fingers as you began, “Hey, just because you’re all big and strong doesn’t mean you can’t also be a victim or ever need protection. You’ve been abused, Sam. And not just by the devil and every other monster. Sometimes the worst of it came from the people in your life, and I swear to god, there were times when I wanted to rip them to pieces!”
You looked down when you felt his free hand land on yours, its thumb running gentle circles along your skin that instantly calmed you and made you aware of how tight your grip had grown around his fingers. When you lifted your gaze again, Sam’s features were alight with awe, staring at you as if he were shocked that anyone could ever love him so much. It brought you back to how adorably sweet he’d been when you first met, not even twenty-four hours ago. That humble and innocent demeanor had led you to assume he couldn’t be your soulmate, the one who’d been through hell and back.
“I still don’t understand how you seem so… well-adjusted. I mean, after everything you’ve been through and never getting a chance to properly recover from or even address all the trauma.”
He raised your conjoined hands and kissed your knuckles while smiling softly at you. “It hasn’t been all that bad… you’re making me sound way more heroic than I really am.”
“Sam, your life was a prophecy from the very beginning, but you changed it. It was your destiny to destroy the world, but instead you saved it. Do you not realize how incredible that is?” Catching the glassy look in his beautiful eyes, you hurried to change the mood. This day would undoubtedly become one of the most important in your lives and you didn’t want to commemorate it with tears, so you released his hands and wound your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him as you lowered your voice to ask, “Or how sexy?”
Your soulmate closed his eyes and breathed you in, strong arms automatically pulling you closer, until his nose caressed your cheek, “Fuck, what did I do to deserve you?”
“Do you want me to recap the things I just said, or do you want a comprehensive list of it all? Because that might take a while and I really wanna kiss you again,” you moaned across his jaw.
“Yeah, me too,” Sam exhaled into your skin before your mouths met in a passionate exchange of love and acceptance. This time, it was completely mutual and felt like a dream come true in every sense of the saying. What’s more, kissing your soulmate felt like a big ‘fuck you’ to the rest of the world, it felt like celestial invincibility and dazzling euphoria. But most importantly, it felt like home, and you never wanted to leave.
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Though he still found it hard to believe this was really happening, Sam knew he could never let you go now. He just didn’t have it in him. Kissing you felt like rapture, better than any high demon blood could grant him and infinitely more satisfying. There was a healing component as well, as if the simple touch of your lips could cleanse him of his wrongdoings and wipe away his self-contempt. All his life, he questioned what it was he’d fought so hard for, and this was it, right here in his arms.
Even within his boggled mind, one thought rang consistently clear: that you and this bond you shared must be cherished. So Sam kept the kisses slow, deep, and sensual as he backed you up into the wall, pressing a large hand against it to temper your blow. Wet and wanton slurping sounds filled the room, interspersed with muffled moans and shortened breaths. His soft lips and talented tongue wouldn’t release you until his lungs were begging for air, forcing him to pant into your mouth as he gazed down at you with unrestrained wonder.
You stared up at him with an equivalent expression as you caught your breath, that stunning, miniscule trace of a smile he’d first seen you giving Garth, now pointed at him and loaded with a whole other level of fondness.
Wordless communication must’ve been a part of your soulmate connection for the two of you seemed to know exactly how to move together, where to touch, and how to feel, like you’d been doing this since the beginning of time. Sam believed every nerve in his body sparked to life as you hooked a leg behind his knee and pulled him close, so close that each bulging curve of him pressed seamlessly into each gorgeous nook of you.
The loudest harmony of moans yet pierced the air and reverberated through him, and Sam knew right away that he would spend lifetimes chasing that sound. He felt himself respond in ways he never knew possible as your lips moved from his jaw to his collar bone, and your delicate little hands roamed eagerly across his shoulders and back.
“Mmm, it makes sense that you’re so big though,” you mused into his heated skin.
“Oh yeah, why’s that?” Sam couldn’t hide the smirk in his voice.
“How else would you fit all that bravery-“ you paused to plant a kiss on his upper chest and continued to work your way up his neck after every subsequent word, “compassion… strength… forgiveness… devotion… and love?” This time his lips met yours in a tender kiss. “Not to mention brains.”
Sam was dizzy with joy. He had never felt so loved, so understood, or so appreciated. “You know, I’m starting to think we were made for each other?” Your smile stretched so big against his own, he wanted to drown in this moment forever. “And you know you’re incredible too, right?” Brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, he chuckled at your suddenly bashful disposition, such a stark contrast to all those glares you’d sent him throughout the day. “Baby, you’re so strong. I mean, at least I almost always had Dean. You were alone practically all your life, thrust into this world you knew nothing about, with no one to teach you or guide you, and yet... Garth tells me you’re one hell of a hunter. And even if I hadn't seen those badass memories, just with the way you pulled that gun and holy water on me earlier, I’d be very inclined to believe him,” Sam joked.
It earned him a subtle roll of your beautiful eyes and a loving peck. “Well that’s not exactly true because I did kind of have someone to teach me… in my dreams. You might even say I learned from the best,” you whispered seductively whilst leaning up on your toes to run your nose across his cheekbone and your fingers through his hair.
Closing his eyes at the feeling of your gentle nails along his scalp, Sam released a content sigh as his hands found their way to your hips, squeezing lightly. “You know, you’re probably gonna get even more shit from all those people for actually being with me?”
“Screw all of them. They don’t understand that my soulmate isn’t just the boy with demon blood; he’s the man who saved the fucking world.” Your words were a low growl in his ear, and he just about jumped when he felt you rubbing up against his crotch to emphasize them.
“Oh fuck! Ungh, you really know how to talk me up, you know that?”
“We’ll see about that,” you answered with a wink.
And that was why when daylight rolled around, bringing with it a chipper Dean and the scent of bacon, both were greeted with the sight of Sam half seated on the table against the wall with you stood before him, chests nearly melded together and legs intermingled, both topless and groaning the other’s name.
“Oh, come on!”
The wafting aroma of breakfast had done nothing to alert you of Dean’s presence and you gave a little yelp at the abrupt outburst while Sam’s bulky arms hastily wrapped themselves more securely around your back, pressing you tighter to his chest in an attempt to hide yours. You huffed a laugh and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and Sam couldn’t help but smile at how right it felt to hold you in his arms, in spite of the awkward circumstances and pending conversation.
Before he could answer his brother, however, Garth walked in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he peered up at the unfolding scene. “What’d I miss?”
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TEAM IDJITS: @mrswhozeewhatsis @carryonmywaywardbucky​​​ @swiftlymoniquesblog @moosewinchester @sams-sass @thinkinghardhardlythinking​ @jotink78​ @winifrede​​ @writingforthelonelysoul @turtletaylor98 @lyarr24 @deanwanddamons @peridottea91​​ @allys-creative-bubble @idreamofplaid @samsgirl2020​​ @katwed​​​ @asgoodasdancingqueen @austin-winchester67​​ @nerdyfangirl67 @fangirlxwritesx67​​
TEAM MOOSE: @mind-of-a-girl​​ @samfreakingwinchester​​ @regainedworld @sam-winchester-love44 @maddiebwrites​​
please let me know if you’d like to be added/removed/moved :)
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Two Can Keep A Secret
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Pic Credit: Google
Summary: It all started with innocent flirting, but one drunken night ended with you two confessing your love.
Pairing: Jared Padalecki x Reader
Squares: Jared Padalecki for @supernatural-jackles TMAS // Secret Dating for @spnmixedbingo // Age Gap for @spnfluffbingo // Secret Relationship for @anyfandomfluffbingo // Drunken Confessions for
@girl-next-door-writes Make Me Feel Bingo // Didn't realize they were dating for @j3bingo //
Warnings: Fluff, friends to lovers, alcohol consumption, drunken confessions, dating, secret dating, loneliness, low self-esteem
Word Count: 1680
A/N: I know the start of the story sucks, but please keep reading, it gets better.
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Jared and you started seeing each other not too long ago, you kept your relationship in secret just to enjoy each other’s company without the comments from the outside.
People were always making comments about how close you two were, how cute you would look as a couple but the age difference was too noticeable and didn’t look “good”.
Everyone took for granted that your relationship with Jared was more than just friendship. You two were constantly flirting, always touching the other, taking care of the other, basically, both of you were in love with the other, but not admitting it.
But not always everything is happiness, one day you heard someone on set talking about your relationship with Jared and “how gross” was because he looked like your father. You’ve never let any comment bother you, but that one hit you hard, you didn't know why. It made you feel weird being next to Jared. Did everyone think the same thing? Since you weren’t feeling okay with it, you decided to put some distance between you two. You knew it was going to be hard, but you needed to do your best. No matter how much you tried to be away from him, you always ended up near him. It looked like the universe wanted you two to be together.
You stopped spending time with him, you pushed him away, you put distance between you two, you made harsh comments, you tried everything, but still, he was there.
"Why are you acting like you don't want me to be near you?" Jared asked you, "Is… complicated?" you said unsure, "complicated how?" He insisted, "I… I think I need some time… to think”, you told him, “to think what?” he asked caressing your hand, “to think about us,” Jared looked hurt. It was the only way to keep him away from you, you needed to put some distance, with everything that was happening around you, you were overwhelmed.
You were able to keep him away from you for nearly two weeks, but then after filming a hard scene, everything changed. That day was very particular. You were having a really particular day regarding your mental health. You were very closed off and didn't want anyone to bother you. After filming the scene you left the set, needing some alone time to process everything. Your mind wasn't being friendly with you and your thoughts were very harmful.
You were sitting outside thinking about everything that was going on in your head when you felt someone behind you, you knew it was him.
"I know you said you didn't want me around, but it is kinda difficult. Is everything alright?" He asked concerned "not in the mood to fight" you said and moved over to let Jared sit next to you. You were expecting him to question you, but he just sat there in silence. "I'm tired, you know" you said, breaking the silence. "My mind won't shut and I don't know what else to do to keep it quiet" you admitted. He scoot closer to you and hugged you "maybe if you start talking about it you can quiet it a little," he whispered, "maybe you're right, I don't know," you said feeling some tears falling down your cheeks. "Whenever you're ready, I'm here for you to listen. I always will" he said kissing your forehead.
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Later that day, Jared joined you in your apartment and stayed with you, you weren't feeling safe with your mind and didn't want to be alone. You told him everything, how lonely you were feeling, the insecurity you felt about your acting skills, about how you looked like, how low your self-esteem was, everything, you didn't keep anything from him. Jared was an amazing friend, you couldn't deny it. He held out your hand while you talked, he hugged you while you cried, he kept you safe that night when you went to bed. He made you feel safe.
When he noticed you were relaxed in his arms, he started talking, "Sweetheart, you need to know that you are an incredible actress", "you are not alone because you have me", "your mind will tell you otherwise, but you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met. I will keep telling you this every single day until you believe me," he said looking you in the eyes.
That night, you knew you needed to get back with him because you loved him. You started to fall in love even more after he joined you in your first therapy session, he never showed pity, he never judged you, he never treated you differently. He was there for you as he had promised. He stayed with you every step of the way and never complained. With every positive thing you said about you, he gave you a small present for achieving a new small goal. He was very proud of all the work you've been doing.
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As the months went by, you got really close to the other, to the point where everyone thought you two finally admitted your feelings and were actually dating. One of the makeup artists made a comment about how in love Jared was when he talked about you. You didn’t want to believe it, yes, you got a lot closer since he found you at your lowest point, but that was just that, a friendship, right?
You were supposed to meet him and the rest of the cast for lunch. You decided against it and stayed at your trailer, you weren't in the mood for chatting.
Your head was a mess at that moment. You didn't know what happened but one moment you were fine and the next you were curled up in your bed in your apartment with a bottle of whiskey next to you. Your mind was very fuzzy, everything was blurry. You didn’t remember leaving the set, driving back to your place, and starting drinking. You didn’t have your belongings, so you probably just left without thinking and it was clear that no one on the set had noticed, because if they had, they would’ve stopped you since you were needed for filming.
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You were woken up by someone banging at your door. You went there and opened it “what the hell is going on? you said angry “Oh my god sweetheart, you’re fine,” Jared said, relieved, hugging you in the process, “what?” you said confused, Jared entered your apartment and closed the door, “Jare, are you going to say something or not?” you said slurring your words, “Are you drunk?”, “Don’t know, I guess. I don’t remember much. Stop changing the subject” you said, “I went to look for you at your trailer because they needed us to film but you weren’t there. Your phone, wallet, and the rest of your things were, so we thought you just were in the bathroom, or in another trailer, so one of the assistants went to look out for you, and she got back like five minutes later saying that your car was gone.” Jared explained out of breath, you tried to find an excuse on why you left, but you couldn’t come up with any, “we thought something happened to you,” he said moving his hand to your cheek, you leaned your face to his touch, “I thought something happened to you, “ he said caressing it, “I’m sorry, I don’t remember what happened, one moment I was on set and then I remember being here, everything is blurry. Then I remember you banging at the door” you explained, you looked down, feeling guilty, “I needed some time, I guess I was too focused on something else that I never realized that I left until I got home” you said “where I feel safe.” a tear fell.
“Baby, what is going on?” Jared asked, you sighed and went to your living room, Jared walked right behind you and sat next to you grabbing your hands “talk to me, please. Don’t close yourself,” you sighed again “I love you Jare” you admitted, "I love you too" he answered too quickly, realizing his feelings weren't reciprocate, "not like that" you said crying, you got up but he stopped you, “You’re drunk, you..”, “probably,” you admitted interrupting him, “but not my feelings.”
You knew this was going to be the end of your friendship, you weren’t supposed to develop feelings towards him, this was just a regular friendship where he supported you on your recovery, “I think is better if you leave, I want to be alone,” you said getting up, moving from the living room towards your room, Jared went behind you once again, but this time he grabbed you from your wrist to make you stop walking, he brought you to his chest and grabbed your face with his other hand and kissed you. When you broke apart he placed his forehead against yours and said “I love you too” and kissed again more fiercely, “For real." He pecked your lips, "I was too afraid to open up, I didn’t know if you felt the same way and didn’t want to lose what we have” he admitted after the kiss.
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The following day, you arrived with him to the set, “I’m gonna talk with the producers” you said, pecking his lips, “ok, I’ll see you later” Jared said giving you another kiss. The talk with the producers went well and they were very understanding of your situation and you were grateful to them for their support. When you were leaving, you heard one of them saying “I didn’t realize they were dating,” you grinned and heard the other say “me neither, but she seems to be better."
You left the small office with a smile on your face, you weren't feeling perfect, but you knew that thanks to him, you were ready to change that. He was the main reason why you were fine with yourself, still, you had a long road ahead, but with him next to you, you would defeat anything.
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Tag List (Is Open - DM or Link in Bio)
@iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @mrspeacem1nusone | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanreads | @wonderfulworldofwinchester
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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haidyn-reeves · 4 years ago
I’ve Got You
Square: Cuddling Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 2352 Warnings: If cuddling Dean Winchester is a warning, then you’ve been warned. Lil’ bit of angst but lotta bit of fluff! Summary: When Dean loses control during a hunt, Y/N makes sure he knows he’s not alone. A/N: For @spnmixedbingo​ and @spnfluffbingo​!
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Over the years, Y/N witnessed the many sides of Dean Winchester, but she wasn’t prepared to see him so torn up and uneasy now that he bore the Mark of Cain. He thought she didn’t notice the flinches, winces, and the grabs at his arm. It was no secret that the Mark was affecting him somehow. She heard him tossing and turning in the room next to hers at night, she saw the longing stares at the bottles of liquor. The Mark made him terrifying when he needed to be, but he was the most vulnerable when he was alone with his thoughts. Dean wanted to create space between them, he knew he could snap at any minute and the thought of hurting Y/N because of the Mark he asked for made him sick.
It was a particularly rough day. Dean lost control again during the hunt, leaving Sam and Y/N bewildered as they stared at the man, First Blade in his shaking hands. Y/N wanted nothing more than to run to his side, to wrap him in her arms and remind him that he was still the greatest man she knew, but the sight of the blade made her stomach turn. Dean had created so much distance between himself and his girl that she wasn’t even sure he’d welcome her embrace.
“Dean, drop the blade,” Sam urged, trying to remain calm so as not to alarm his brother.
“Dean, you’re okay. It’s over,” Y/N soothed, her voice shaking. Sam put his arm out to keep her behind him.
Dean began to come to, snapping out of whatever daze he was in. He blinked his eyes a few times, looking around the room at the slaughtered vampires and their victims. He looked down at his hands, seeing all the blood covering his skin and his clothes. He dropped the Blade as if it were on fire, burning his skin to the touch.
“Kick it over to me, Dean.”
Dean looked up at his brother, slowly getting to his feet and nudging the Blade in Sam’s direction with his foot, refusing to look at Y/N before leaving the warehouse and making his way to Baby. Sam shrugged off his flannel and bent down to pick up the Blade, wrapping it in his shirt.
“Sam, what do we do? He hasn’t had the Mark that long and it already has a hold on him.”
“For now, we keep this blade far away from him. Without the temptation of the blade maybe it’ll calm down enough for us to figure out a better plan.”
“How are we going to keep it from him? You know Dean, if he wants something, he gets it.”
“Leave it to me, for now let’s get him home and I’ll take care of it.”
Y/N nodded, following Sam out of the warehouse. They found Dean attempting to clean himself up, though he was still covered in now-dried blood and his skin was stained red. 
“Hey Dean, how about I drive and you try to get some rest. Y/N can sit up front with me and you can take the back seat to stretch out. We’ll be home soon and then you can clean up properly.”
As if still in a daze, Dean gave a brief nod before climbing into the back seat, passing the keys to Sam before making himself comfortable. Y/N sighed quietly, getting into the passenger’s seat beside Sam as he started the engine, driving them back to the Bunker.
The ride was quiet, Dean having passed out sooner than expected. Y/N was fighting sleep, too anxious about Dean to allow herself to rest. Her heart ached for the older hunter. Simply put, she missed him. She never expected him to ask for a break or space from their relationship. All she wanted to do was help him through this mess but all he wanted to do was keep her safe. He didn’t care that she trusted him with her life; he didn’t trust himself with it while bearing the Mark. 
When Baby pulled into the garage, Sam gently shook Dean awake, throwing his hands up in defense when his brother shot up alarmed. 
“Dean it’s just us, we’re home. Let’s get you inside, yeah?” Dean climbed out of the back seat and stormed into the Bunker, leaving Sam and Y/N to carry in the bags. 
“I guess he remembered what happened and now we have grumpy Dean.” Sam looked down at Y/N, giving her a sad smile.
“Listen, I know you two are on a little break, but I can’t comfort him the way you can, and I know my brother, and I know right now he’s hurting, he’s confused, and he’s upset with himself. He may not want to admit it but he does need you, way more than he’s ever let on.”
“I don’t want to disrespect his wishes, Sam.”
“I know, but I’m telling you, he needs you. Go on, I’ll grab the bags.” He gave her a gentle nudge in the Bunker door’s direction, chuckling as she made her way into the underground fortress.
Y/N followed the twists and turns of the hallway until she got to her bedroom, finding Dean’s door closed next to hers. She knocked on his door, turning the knob when she didn’t hear a response. The man was sitting on the edge of his bed, staring at the floor with his hands on his thighs.
“Dean…? Can I run you a bath? Help you clean up?”
“No,” he answered gruffly, still refusing to meet her eyes. 
“Dean, you asked for space. I’m giving you space, but I never agreed to not take care of you, especially when you need it. You take care of everyone else, let yourself be taken care of for once.” Dean didn’t budge and Y/N pursed her lips, going to his dresser and pulling out a henley and sweatpants. “You seem to have forgotten that I don’t take no for an answer, so let’s go.”
Dean rolled his eyes and got up, following Y/N to the bathroom down the hall. She handed him the clothes she picked out, stopping outside the bathroom door. “My aromatherapy body wash is under the sink if you’d like to use it. Always calms me down after a rough day. If you need anything, holler.” She watched him enter the bathroom before going back to her room to change into her pajamas and unpack her duffel. She finished getting ready for bed at the sink in the corner of her room, waiting to hear Dean come down the hall and enter his room. She had no idea how she was going to approach the situation, she just knew she needed to do something to make sure Dean knew he wasn’t alone in dealing with the Mark.
She was packing her duffel away when she heard Dean’s footsteps coming closer to her room before he entered his own. She gave him a few minutes to get settled, taking the time to handle her nerves. What the hell was she nervous about? This was Dean, her man, there was no reason to be this nervous. She took a deep breath before knocking on his bedroom door, hearing an agitated grunt as a response. She rolled her eyes and pushed the door open, finding Dean in the same position as earlier, sitting on the edge of his bed and staring at the floor. His damp hair was standing up in every direction, indicating he had run his fingers through it a ridiculous amount of times while he stewed in his irritation.
“Dean,” she sighed, closing the door behind her.
“Y/N,” he grunted, turning his head away from her. She shook her head, crossing the distance between the doorway and his bed. “Y/N, no-“
She ignored his protests, straddling his thighs and sitting down on his lap. When he refused to meet her gaze, she cupped his cheeks and gently turned his head, making his pretty olive eyes lock with hers. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he huffed, though it was easy to see that his guard was slowly crumbling down. Y/N smiled, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. She kissed his temple, resting her cheek against his as she held him, his body tense against hers.
“Dean, you can hug me back.”
“Don't wanna hurt you,” he mumbled, mostly talking into her shoulder.
“You won’t hurt me, and even if you do, you taught me how to defend myself. I could take you.”
“Not a chance.”
“Dean Winchester, if you don’t hug me back, I will tickle you. And don’t you dare say you aren’t ticklish, I’ve heard you squeal like a little girl if someone so much as pokes your side wrong.”
“Y/N you’re such a pain,” Dean huffed again, limply wrapping his arms around her waist.
“You can do better than that.” Dean rolled his eyes, tightening his hold on her. “I’m supposed to be your pain, Dean.”
“Yeah,” he sighed, his body starting to relax. He buried his face in her shoulder, Y/N rocking them from side to side carefully. 
“You don’t have to do this alone, Dee. Sam and I, we want to help you. Any way we can. And don’t you even try to say you can handle it on your own. I know you can, you’re the strongest man I know, but this? This isn’t something anyone should have to do alone, nor is it something you deserve.”
“Yes I do,” he whispered. “I’ve done terrible things-“
“Darling, the amount of good you’ve done surely outweighs anything bad you’ve ever done. You’ve saved so many lives, Dee. You stopped the apocalypse. You saved the literal world. You don’t deserve anything less than everything good this world has to offer. You’re not a bad person, Dean. I’m not just saying that. I genuinely believe your heart is good. None of us would be here without you.”
“I’m scared.” The words tasted foreign on his tongue. Dean was never one to discuss his feelings, not liking to be vulnerable. Y/N and Sam were the exceptions, he felt comfortable sharing some of his feelings with them, but he’d never told anyone he was scared before.
“It’s okay to be scared, Dean. It’s a scary Mark and a scary burden to bear. But you don’t have to face it alone.”
Dean squeezed his eyes shut, his grip continuing to tighten as he held onto Y/N, almost for dear life. He hated that he pushed her away to cope on his own and now he desperately wanted her back. He nudged his face further into the crook of her neck, his fingers squeezing the material of her pajama top.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, “I need you.”
“I’ve got you,” she pulled back slightly, kissing his forehead. “How about we lay down yeah? You need to get some sleep, babe.”
Dean nodded, letting go of Y/N so they could crawl into his bed. She scooted behind him, spooning him, Dean sinking back against her front. She reached for his right hand, interlocking their fingers and squeezing softly. She looked down at the Mark on his arm and cringed. “Does it hurt?”
“Feels like when you have pins and needles and sunburn all at the same time,” he winced. He pulled their interlocked fingers up to his chest, holding her hand over his heart tightly. Y/N smiled, dipping her head down to press a soft kiss to the back of his neck. He shuddered in her hold, smiling to himself as he tucked himself under her chin.
“I told you you’re ticklish,” she teased. 
“Felt nice though, made me relax.” Y/N smiled, nuzzling her nose at the back of his neck. “I love you, you know.”
“I know Dean, I love you, too. Every inch of your stubborn ass.”
“I was trying to be cute.”
“You don’t have to try, you just are,” she giggled. “But seriously, please don’t push me away, babe. I’m here for you, I’ve got you, always. I want to help in any way I can.”
Dean melted in her embrace, relaxing against her. “I just don’t want to hurt you, sweetheart. The Mark, it takes over sometimes and I don’t want you to be the one that gets hurt because of it.”
“Dean…I know you’re trying to protect me, and I appreciate that and love that about you…but maybe you need to let me and Sam try to protect you for a bit. Just until you get a handle on the Mark and learn to understand it better.”
Dean brought their interlocked hands from his chest to his lips, kissing the back of her hand before turning over in her arms to face her. “If it gets to be too much for you, I need you to promise me you’ll walk away.”
“Y/N, I’m serious. If I agree to this, I need to know that when it gets too dangerous, you’ll be safe. Promise me.”
Y/N stared into Dean’s eyes, those pretty green orbs always able to say what he wouldn’t allow himself to voice out loud. The worry was evident, but the love was enough to make her heart stop in her chest. She knew she could never actually walk away from him when he needed her most, but if it made him feel better to hear her say it, she could give him that much.
“I promise, Dean.” She brushed her lips against his in a soft kiss, sealing the deal.
“Thank you,” he sighed with relief, pulling her impossibly closer. He showered her cheeks in kisses, making her squeal and squirm as his days-old scruff tickled her skin. “Missed this.”
“Missed you.”
“Well played,” he hummed, combing his fingers through her hair as she snuggled into his chest. “Remind me never to do that again.”
“Oh trust me, Winchester. I will.”
Tagging: @lyarr24​ @gia-25​ @waywardrose13​
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fangirlextraordinaire · 4 years ago
Must Have Pie
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 470 Rating: E Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of a gun Square Filled: Caught Red-Handed (@spndeanbingo​) & 1st Child (@spnfluffbingo​) A/N: Just a cute little blurb I wrote.  Those were real cravings I had with my first 2 kiddos.  Pregnancy is weird!
Sneaking into the kitchen, you had one objective: grabbing a slice of pie without waking anyone else.  You were 7 months pregnant with twins and, like the mini-Deans that they were, they started demanding pie at 4 in the morning.  Your cravings had been all over the place from peanuts dipped in honey mustard to dry Trix washed down with Pepsi so you were thankful for a normal craving (and not having gestational diabetes!).  Thankfully, Dean had gone straight to bed after coming home from a ghoul case so there wasn’t anyone to stop you in your quest.
Or so you thought.  Coming around the corner, you hadn’t allowed enough room for your belly and knocked a bowl off the counter.  You stood stock still to see if the noise woke Dean but when you heard nothing, you continued to the fridge.  You pulled out the last slice of triple berry pie, piling it high with whipped cream. While indulging your sugary fantasies, you failed to hear Dean coming around the corner, gun aimed at the intruder.  Had you still been living in the bunker, you would’ve heard his heavy footsteps but the carpet in your suburban home absorbed his footsteps.  Unfortunately for you, seeing Dean with a gun aimed at you, gave you quite the scare, sending pie, cream, and fork flying.
“Dean! What the hell are you doing?!,” you ask in a mixture of fright and anger.
He lowered his head slightly in embarrassment. “I heard someone down here in the dark and thought it was a burglar. What were you-Wait, is that MY pie?”
Now it was your turn to retreat. “Dean, you know I love you, right? Seeing as how I’m incubating your offspring, it makes sense that they’d like pie, right? Weeeellll, the boys were really craving some of your pie and you’re not supposed to deny your cravings so I came to grab a slice but then you scared me and it went flying and now there’s no more pie.”
By this point, you were in full hysterics but luckily Dean knew how to navigate your mood swings by this point.  “Honey, it’s okay! I’m just glad you’re okay.  I’ll run down to the store to grab you some more pie. Any flavor you want?” You looked at him with watery eyes. “You will? You’re too sweet, Dean.  I love you.”
He didn’t respond but gave you a kiss that made your toes curl, pouring all of his love into it. “Okay, why don’t you go watch something on Netflix until I get back? Watch that Supernatural show you love so much,” he says with a good-natured eye roll.
Dean wasn’t really that upset about the pie but he would make sure to grab 2 and hide the second one, just in case.
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lucisfavoritedemon · 4 years ago
The Black Dove
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Pairings: Bucky x reader, Steve x reader (no Stucky), Sam & Dean x Winchester!reader, Castiel x reader
Summary: All you have ever known was how to fight and hunt. Your world and all you have ever known is thrown through a loop when you are sucked through a portal, and forced to adjust to this new reality. Will you leave the life you knew for so long, or will you decide to go back home, leaving the ones you loved behind?
Squares Filled: Crossover @marvelfluffbingo    Free Space @spnfluffbingo
Warnings: some angst, fighting with siblings, super fluffy conversations, happy Steve, homesickness, fluff, and more fluff
Word Count: 4954
A/N: All mistakes are mine. 
I used to be a normal girl, who lived a normal life. As normal as life as a “criminal” could be. My name is Y/n Winchester, my brothers are Dean and Sam. We are hunters of the supernatural. We have been hunting for as long as I can remember. I was only a year old when my mother died, and Sam was only still a baby. 
Though we knew what was truly out there, not many people did. That’s where the life of fake credit cards, and run ins with the law come in. It wasn’t an ideal life, but it was a life that we wouldn’t change for the world. At least that’s what I always thought.
Sam and I were looking through books at the bunker library. We were trying to find a way to open the portal to the other reality where our mom was stuck in with Lucifer. We were getting no closer to finding a way to open the portal.
“I’m getting so tired of all these books. Don’t get me wrong, I love books, but this is just exhausting that we aren’t any closer.” I said, slamming my book closed.
“I know. We can’t just give up though. We don’t have that option.”
“I understand, but why can’t Dean help us too. We shouldn’t have to do it all ourselves.”
“I know, but he is seeing if he can find cases for us while we look. Maybe hoping to give us a break.”
“Are you sure? He hasn’t left his room. I even made dinner, and he hasn’t come out.”
“Maybe you should go check on him?”
“Why is it always me.” I stand up, playfulling stomping my foot. I walk down the hall to his room. I knock before walking in.
“Hey, I just started it, wanna watch it with me?” Dean said, eating a slice of pizza.
“No! You’re supposed to be looking for cases! Not watching movies.” I grab his remote and turn it off.
“Sorry, but I haven’t found anything.”
I grab his computer. I begin to look for mysterious deaths in the area, or in nearby states. “There. Found one. Was that so hard?”
“Cas will stay here and keep you company while you finish finding that portal thing.”
“Fine. Get dressed. I’ll go tell Sam.” I walk out, and head back to Sam, “lazy ass was watching movies and eating pizza. I found a case for you guys. Call Cas for me. Dean apparently thinks I can’t handle going out on a case, and I also need a babysitter.”
“Yeah I’ll call him.” Sam chuckles.
“Thanks.” I go to the kitchen, and get another plate of food. I sit at the table and take a breather. I hoped that we would find how to reopen the portal, but I wasn’t sure how much more of this I could take.
“We’re heading out. Cas said he would be here soon.” Sam said.
“Okay.” I just look down at my plate.
“Hey, it’ll be okay. We’ll be back before you even know we’re gone.” Dean reassured.
“It doesn’t matter. I just hate it when I can’t go.”
“If we didn’t need to find a way to open the rift again, you could come with us.” Dean smiled, trying to be positive.
“Sam and I should be the ones going. You have done nothing.” I snapped.
“Y/n, please calm down.” Sam tried to diffuse the situation. He knew Dean and I couldn’t stand each other sometimes.
“Sorry, but it’s true. He was in there watching movies, and eating pizza after I worked for an hour to make a homemade dinner for us.”
“It was kind of rude Dean. She did find a case for us quickly.”
“No. We both talked about this.”
“Talked about what?”
“We feel like after the last hunt, you need to stay benched.”
“Fine. But I don’t always need a babysitter.”
“Yes you do. To make sure you don’t find a hunt, and take off.”
“Why do you care?”
“In case you get arrested? There is still a warrant out for your arrest.”
“Like you two should talk.”
“Thing is, we are ‘dead’. They realised you’re not.”
“Okay, you have a point, but it wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Yeah, but it should be the last.” Dean says, walking away.
“We’ll call you when we get a motel.” Sam gives a small smile.
“Be safe please.”
“Promise. You stay out of trouble.”
“I’ll try.”
Sam walks out, and I’m left alone again. I finish eating real quick and go back to researching. It wasn’t too long before Cas showed up.
“I brought snacks.”
I smile kindly, “thanks Cas.”
“I know you don’t want me here, and all, but I feel like we don’t hang out much on our own.”
“It’s not that I don’t want you here, it’s the fact my brothers don’t trust me enough to stay here.”
“I agree with them though.”
“Of course you do.” I go back to reading, already wanting the small talk to stop.
“I don’t want anything happening to you. Believe it or not you and Dean are very similar in that aspect.”
“Don’t compare us. I want to be NOTHING like him. I at least do some real work around here.”
“You both are strong headed. Both have the will to help people no matter what it takes, but right now, you need to stay here for a while. Just till this blows over.”
“And what if it doesn’t? I’m not going to continue to be sidelined.”
“I know. If this doesn’t blow over in a month, I will talk to them.”
“Fine, but don’t think I’m letting you off easy. You still agreed with them.”
I smile, and finish scanning through the book I was reading earlier. On the very last page there was a spell that could open a hole to another reality of our world. “I think I found something. It seems a lot easier than we thought it would be.”
“It may look simple, but that could change.”
“We have half the stuff here in the bunker. All we need are these last few ingredients.”
“We will wait for them to get back then. I’m not letting you out, and I’m not leaving you alone.”
“You’re no fun.”
“Now we can hang out and enjoy each other’s company.”
“For someone who wants my attention, you haven’t made a good case for yourself.”
“I’m trying. I’m new to this whole relationship thing.”
“I know, but usually if your girlfriend is complaining about someone, you don’t agree with the person they’re angry with.”
“Then I would be lying, and I’ve read that you will always figure out when I’m lying.”
“Okay point.”
He pulls me onto his lap, “I may not know a lot about relationships, but I do know that I never ever want to lie to you.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere with me Cas.”
“I’m not trying to flatter you. I’m being honest.”
“Fine,” I lean in to kiss him, but I’m interrupted by my phone ringing, “hello?”
“Hey, we made it to the motel for the night. Is Cas there?” Sam said, and I could tell he was smiling.
“Yeah, he’s here. I wish you two would have waited just a little longer before leaving. I found something.”
“You did!? What is it? Is it complicated?”
“No. We actually have a little over half the things we need here at the bunker, and the rest we can easily obtain.”
“Sounds good. Get done as quick as you can.”
“We will do our best. See you in a few days.”
“See ya.”
He hung up quickly before I could say anything else. I just wish that I was able to do more than to stay here. I understand that I screwed up, and they didn’t want me to pay the price like they had to in the past. I couldn’t be too mad, but I still wanted to help. Not just sit here with my hands tied.
“You okay?” Cas spoke up, tearing me from my thoughts.
“I will be. I just hope that this works. If not, then it’ll be my fault for giving false hope.”
“Don’t blame yourself. They won’t blame you.”
“They may not, but I will blame myself.”
“Y/n, don’t say that. I promise everything will be okay. This is going to work, it has to.”
“Which is why you have to let me gather the ingredients. I need to test it. If it works, then they can go through, but I have to to test it.”
“And what if it doesn’t?”
“Then maybe I could be used for something good for once. Make Dean see I’m not just a screw up.”
“He doesn’t think you’re a screw up.”
“Yes he does. I’m going out to get the rest of this stuff. I’ll go in a disguise. I will be careful. You just have to trust me.”
“Okay. You have an hour. If you’re not back, I’m coming back to find you.”
“Fair enough.” I change, then head out. It doesn’t take me long to find the rest of the ingredients. I get back and start working on the spell. 
“I hope this works.”
“Me too.” I finish mixing everything together. I began to read the spell, as the room began to glow bright. I finished reading the spell, and there, in the middle of the room, was a red lightning bolt thing. I had a feeling it was the portal we needed.
“There. It worked. Now, we wait for Sam and Dean.”
“No. I have to test it.”
“We don’t know how stable it is.”
“Doesn’t matter. I have to try. If it closes, you have the spell and the ingredients to pen it back up.”
“Y/n, please don’t.”
“I’m sorry Cas.” I hug him tightly, and kiss him before I head to the portal. I walk through as everything goes black.
3rd Person POV:
It was the end of the battle, and the Avengers were sent to scan the streets of New York for anything that remained of the battle. They were about to leave earlier, but they saw a flash of light, and thought there were more aliens coming. As they scanned near the source of the flash, one of them spotted a girl who was unconscious, but was completely untouched from the debris and dust around them. 
“JARVIS check vitals.” Tony Stark stated.
“Vitals are normal sir.” Tony’s computer system, JARVIS, stated. 
“We should send her with Fury. Have them contain her in case she is not human.” Tony suggested to the others.
“I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. What if she is just human, and she wakes up with people watching her. That could be terrifying.” Steve stated.
“I agree with Steve. You never know what she really is. Come on let’s just take her back to the tower, and wait till she wakes up.” Natasha stated.
“That won’t be necessary. S.H.I.E.L.D. has taken upon itself to monitor her in Washington. If she is human, we will figure out how the hell she got here. We have targeted the source of energy, and it isn’t like anything we’ve ever seen, but she seems human.”
“Told ya Cap.”
“Fury, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea sir.”
“It is, if I say it is. You are welcome to escort her if you want Captain.”
“No thanks, but I do want a call if she wakes up. No experimenting.”
“Did he just tell Fury what to do?” Clint whispered to Natasha.
“Fine. She wakes up, you’ll be the first contact.”
Steve just nods and walks off. He didn’t know why he was taking this so personally. Wasn’t like he knew her, but something about her said she has already been through a lot. He couldn’t risk her being questioned, and overwhelmed.
“Will she get the proper medical treatment she needs?” Tony asked as he carried the girl to where Fury’s helicopter was.
“Now you’re worried about the girl? She’s not staying here, if that’s what you’re trying to get at.”
“I’m just making sure that she is treated like a human until she is proven not to be.”
“Let me guess you want a call too when she’s awake?”
“No. Sending Cap in will overwhelm her enough. I just want to know if you determine human or other worldly.” Tony said, laying her inside the helicopter, as Agent Hill straps her down in a gurney.
“Fine,” Fury walked to the pilot’s seat, “man you’d think they knew her or something.” Fury mumbled, taking off.
Tony walked back to meet the others, who were all sitting around waiting for him. They all sat in silence for a bit. Everyone could tell they all had something to say about the girl that just randomly showed up out of, seemingly, thin air.
“Fury said she’ll get the proper treatment she needs until she wakes up and they can figure out her story. Figure out where she came from.”
“That’s good. Maybe she really is just a human, who just happens to be super lucky?” Natasha suggests, not very convincingly.
“We all know that isn’t very likely.”
“Barton’s right. She is the only explanation of the flash of light. It explains how she was almost completely clean. She had no other injuries, so she most likely bonked her head on entry, and that explains why she was passed out cold.” Tony stated, trying to sound rational.
“Look, if she is human, we can’t overwhelm her with questions. Imagine how she would feel. She may not be able to think straight and tell us something that she doesn’t mean. One of us has to go and be there with her. Make sure she isn’t overwhelmed by all the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.”
“Glad you already volunteered yourself Cap.”
“Someone had to. If not me, then who?”
“I think you’re the perfect one to do it Rogers. You have that welcoming look to you.” Natasha spoke up.
“I agree with Nat.” Clint spoke.
Everyone was in agreement. Steve was the best person for the job, but Tony wasn’t very pleased, he wanted to make sure that no one got hurt. He would have volunteered had Steve not done so already. He couldn’t risk losing anyone to whatever she could be.
Reader POV:
I don’t remember what happened, but the next thing I knew when I opened my eyes was that I was in a hospital. This was unusual for Sam and Dean. We always treated our injuries at the bunker before we resorted to going to a hospital, but this place wasn’t anywhere that I recognized.
I heard voices talking outside, but I just played it off as the doctors and nurses talking about what happened to me. I saw a blonde haired man out of the corner of my eyes, and thought that maybe the voices were Sam and Cas.
The man looked over at me, “no. My name is Steve. I’m part of the team that rescued you.”
“R-rescued? Where am I? Where are my brothers?”
“Hey calm down, it’s okay. You’re in a hospital in Washington D.C. We found you in the streets of New York after an alien invasion. As far as your brothers, we didn’t know whether you were human or not.”
“That better explains the restraints. Are you sure I’m not being arrested?”
“Is there a reason you should be arrested?”
“No. Just saying this is a lot like what they do to people who are hurt who they are arresting.”
“They usually handcuff, and use restraints, but guess that proves you’re human.”
“Yes I’m human, how did I get to New York, the D.C. from Kansas.”
“Where in Kansas do you live?”
“Lebanon, with my brothers Sam, and Dean Winchester.”
“Okay. It’ll be okay. We’ll find your brothers. We’ll get you home. We don’t know how you got to New York, we saw a flash of light, and there you were untouched by all the debris, and you had no other injuries, other than you were unconscious.”
“Then the portal kind of worked.”
“What portal?”
“I found a spell in a book to create a rift in reality. My mom is trapped in another version of our world, but we haven’t been able to find something that works. Until now, sort of. It took me to New York, but it possibly proves that with a little tweaking, we can get our mom back.”
“I’m sorry about your mom, but that doesn’t explain why we can’t find you in any system.”
“Well you kind of need my name for that don’t you?”
“Not with facial recognition.”
“That is advanced technology, and they only use it for criminals. Unless you were lying about me not being arrested.”
“No, you’re not being arrested. What is your name then so maybe we can properly identify you.”
“My name is Y/n Winchester. I grew up in Lawrence, Kansas, and have been all over the country,” I shake my head at what I just said, “I shouldn't have said any of that.”
“Because I’m wanted for murder. A crime I didn't commit, but I can’t prove that i didn’t because you wouldn’t believe me.”
“She isn’t anything Captain Rogers. She’s just human. But the thing is, Miss Winchester, we don’t have anything on you. No date of birth, no address, no nothing.” A man with an eye patch announced, as he walked in.
“My name is Y/n Winchester, I live in Lebanon, Kansas, I was born October 13, 1981. My parents are Mary and John Winchester. I have two brothers named Dean and Sam. Dean was born on January 24, 1979. Sam was born on May 2, 1983. My brothers, and I live in Lebanon. Please, please, you have to believe me.”
“Y/n, I believe you, but it doesn’t make any sense how you are here, but it’s like you don’t exist.”
“What year is this?”
“May I ask your names? And where you’re from?”
“I’m Steve Rogers. I’m from Brooklyn.”
“Nick Fury. And that’s classified.” The man in the eye patch stated. He seemed very secretive, and I didn’t understand why. Guess he didn’t trust me. Which was fair.
“So Steve, Brooklyn. When were you born.”
“That is also classified.” Nick Fury said.
“So many secrets.”
“I don’t want you to get overwhelmed.”
“If you knew my field of work you would know that I don’t get overwhelmed easily. My grandfather came from 1958 through a closet in our motel room. I saw my mom’s father be resurrected. I’ve seen my brothers die and come back as if nothing happened. Whatever you have to say , it won't shock me.”
“Fine. I was born July 4, 1918.”
“Wow. I mean it isn;t impossible, but I’ve never heard of a human staying alive for that long.”
“Look, I know you two want to chat about how it’s possible for the captain to have survived so long, but we need you two. Steve, I want you to train her.”
“What? Train me for what?”
“You’re not serious about this.”
“Dead serious captain. I’ll let Stark know that you have taken on this task, and that he has nothing to worry about.”
I sat there looking between the two men. I wasn’t going to be trained like a circus monkey. Whoever these men were, they were very odd, yet oddly familiar. I began to struggle in my restraints to get them to loosen up.
“Help her out of those, I fear we have a lot of work to do.”
Steve nods and comes to help me. As soons as my first hand was free, I landed a punch to his face. I loosened my other hand and began running. I ran into a bathroom and changed into my clothes. I had to get out of there, but just when I thought the coast was clear, I ran into a group of guards, and they dragged me out to a car. This was it. I was probably actually going to jail now.
We pulled up to a big building, and they let me out. I was surprised they actually trusted me to not run off this time. The men make a circle formation to probably make sure I don’t take off again. They lead me to a big open room, and they guard the door. I look around seeing if maybe Nick Fury, or Steve, were in the room. I noticed a man at the far corner window in the room looking out. I looked back at the guards thinking maybe they left a hole for me to escape.
“Don’t even try. They will kill you if I order them to, so don’t even think about trying to escape.”
“Who are you?”
He turns to face me, “My name is Alexander Pierce. I’m the director here at S.H.I.E.L.D.”
“Isn’t that the thing that you use to protect yourself from enemy attacks?”
“Yes, but this organization is called S.H.I.E.L.D. It stands for…”
“Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division.” Nick Fury interrupted.
“Thanks for that Nick. I just wanted to meet the girl that the whole world is talking about.”
“Because of how you came to this world. It wasn’t natural.” Alexander Pierce said. 
“Nothing in my life is natural. What makes this situation any different. The fact that it’s like I don’t even exist is unnatural.”
“We were able to locate the bunker in Lebanon, but there was no sign of anyone having ever lived there. It’s an old storage warehouse.” Nick Fury stated.
“Did you go inside?” I asked no believing him.
“I didn’t, but my men did. All they reported was cobwebs, and boxes that were filled with old machinery parts.”
“That’s not possible. I mean maybe the men of letters bunker might be a little dirty, but there should be something there. I mean Sam and Dean wouldn’t have found it yet, but there has to be something.”
“Men of Letters?”
“Um, they are an organization that is made of men who help protect society from threats, but no one really ever knows about them. It’s a lot safer that way.” 
“We aren’t aware of any group out there like that.” Mr. Peirce spoke immediately.
“That’s kind of the point, but they were killed off back in the 50s. So, there is no one left to carry the legacy other than me and my brothers.”
“I think we should get her settled in. Get her a place set up where she can rest and gain her thoughts.” Nick Fury said, pushing me gently towards the door guarded by the men.
“Why the rush? I think she should be able to get a tour of the facility.”
“If she wants a tour, Steve Rogers can show her around. I don’t think anyone other than an Avenger should be escorting her around outside of her apartment.”
“Alright. I guess you have a point.” Mr. Pierce didn’t seem too happy about that decision.
“Mr. Rogers will show you to your place. It’s all set up for you. He has the key for you.” Nick Fury stated, ignoring Pierce.
“Thank you. I hope we get all of this straightened out soon. I don’t want to be a bother to anyone, or cause any more trouble.”
“It’s no trouble. Trust me, and we could use someone with your spunk.”
“Because I did. I'm trying to learn how people talk nowadays. It was that obvious though, huh?”
“Just a little. What do you mean how people talk nowadays? What are you like a hundred?”
“Pretty close. Like 94.”
“I was kidding.”
“Wish I was.”
“This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder.”
Steve and I walk out of the building, and he leads the way to where I would be staying. It was a tiny little apartment complex, but it looked cozy. This was where my comfort level was. In tiny cramped spaces that seemed like they wouldn't be big enough for one, but you fit 4.
“I'm on the floor just above you, so if you need anything, or just need a friend, you can come find me.” Steve smiled. 
“Thank you. That's very kind of you.” He nods and goes to walk away, “Steve?”
“Will you tell me how you look so young? What's your secret?”
“Super soldier serum, and being frozen in ice for 70 years.”
“I see. Very interesting combination.”
“I didn’t mean to completely catch you off guard with that.” Steve apologised.
“Don’t apologise. If you heard what I dealt with on an almost daily basis, then you would know that is not the weirdest thing, or most bizarre thing I have ever heard.”
“Good. Now go get some sleep. Fury wants to see how you train. He wants to see what makes you special.”
“Nothing. There’s your answer. I’m not special, the life I believed I lived for so long is no longer. My brothers somehow don’t exist, and I’m stuck here. I wish Cas was here right now. He would know what to do.”
“He was my boyfriend. He may go by another name, he used to be known as Jimmy Novak?”
“I’ll see what I can find, but I think you should rest.”
“Goodnight Steve.”
Steve walked out, and I shut the door behind him. I wasn’t used to such a nice place to live in, but here I was. Sam and Dean would have been so jealous if they saw this place. I really missed them, and I wish they were here with me. I didn’t get the chance to fix things between me and Dean, but I guess I did tell Cas I was okay if the portal closed behind me. At least I would be one step closer to finding our mom, and getting her back.
The next morning I woke up, and hoped that all of it was just a bad dream. That I had never opened that stupid portal in the first place, but alas, that was not the case. I trudged out of bed, and was going to take a shower when I heard knocking on my door.
“Y/n, it’s Steve.”
“Hold on. I’m coming.” I yelled/loudly talked back. I walked to the door and opened it letting him inside.
“I would have thought you have been up and dressed by now.”
“I would have, but I needed my beauty sleep, and time to process all of this.”
“Well, I have some good news for you, we found this Jimmy Novak guy. Fury tracked him down.”
“I really appreciate that Steve, but let me guess, he has a family.”
“That was going to be the bad news.”
“Look I really appreciate you trying, but even if Jimmy didn’t have anyone, it wouldn’t be the same.”
“Look, Fury gave me permission to take you to Lebanon to see that bunker you were talking about.”
“That would be nice. I want to see for myself that what he said he saw was truly nothing. I mean I know it probably is that way, but I have to see for myself. I have to know that my brothers truly don’t exist in this world.”
“Go and get ready. I’ll meet you downstairs when you’re ready, okay?”
“Sounds good. Thank you so much Steve.”
“Of course. I want to bring you peace for whatever is going on. I just want to help. I want to be a friend to you.”
“You have really proved that Steve. Let me go get ready, I’ll be down in an hour okay?”
“Sounds good.” He smiles, and sees himself out.
I go and take a shower quickly and dress in some of the clothes that Fury, or Steve, must have bought while I was still in the hospital. He was a really nice guy, and I really appreciated everything he has done for me. It just felt so weird to be in a place that didn’t have my brothers in it. 
I got dressed quickly, and headed downstairs to meet Steve. He was standing outside in front of a nice sedan. Nicer than any car I have been in other than the back of a police car. Though, the Impala was a nice car, it still had that old timey feel which I guess is why Dean liked it so much.
“You ready?” Steve asked, opening the passenger side door for me.
“As I’ll ever be.” I smiled, and climbed in. 
Steve got in the driver’s side, and started the car. He drove off heading to Kansas. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared that I wouldn’t find any answers about whether or not the Men of Letters actually existed. I didn’ know what I would do if the life I lived before waking up in that hospital was gone. I guess I would just have to wait and see.
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tirstyspngirl · 3 years ago
Well That was Awkward
@spnfluffbingo square filled: Embarrassing First Meeting
@spnquotebingo square filled: "Thanks for the lesson... but I don't need you to tell me who I am."
Warnings: none
Pairing: Castiel/Sam (can also be read as Gen)
Word Count: 1589
Castiel always loved books. He read non-stop as a child, frequently getting in trouble for reading in class instead of listening to the teacher’s lecturing. So it was no surprise to any of his family members when Castiel got his degree in English Literature with a minor in creative writing. Castiel worked as an English professor for several years as he wrote his first books under the pen name Jack Lafitte.He couldn’t believe the first time one of his books was published. Castiel had always had a low self esteem and it seemed unlikely to him that he would ever create a novel that people would actually pay money to read. Throughout the years, he became quite the accomplished author, with several series published, many of the books ending up on the best-seller’s list. Whenever Castiel was feeling low on self-worth, he would take a trip to a bookstore and look at the displays that held his books. It quelled his anxiety and helped to boost his confidence in himself.
That was where he found himself one cloudy afternoon. The week had been extremely stressful and he was feeling quite down about himself. As he entered the cozy shop, he took in a deep breath. The smell of books always helped to relax him. As he meandered to the fiction section toward the L’s he found that an extremely tall man with shoulder length chestnut hair was stocking his books. Castiel had come to the bookstore a few times and had seen the man every time he came in. He was about to turn around and leave the bookstore before the man could spot him, but he was too late.
“Good afternoon! Can I help you find something?”
“Oh no, thank you.. I-I’m just browsing”
“No worries, I’ll be out of the way shortly.” The large man turned back to stocking the books before pausing and turning back to Castiel. “Could I offer you some recommendations?”
“Um, sure I guess.” Castiel said hesitantly. All he wanted to do was look at his books on the shelf, take a deep breath and go home to write the next chapter of his latest novel. But the handsome man wanted to talk to him and Cas couldn’t say no. He’d been lusting over the man from a distance ever since he moved to the town a few months prior.
“Awesome! Have you ever heard of an author named Jack Lafitte?”
Castiel couldn’t help but release a small huff of laughter. The man was trying to suggest his own books to him.
“I know,” the giant chuckled, “ Who hasn’t? Well, have you ever read any of his books, or just heard of him?”
“I’ve read them all actually,” Castiel admitted.
“He’s amazing right?”
“Oh. Yeah. H-he’s pretty good.”
“Pretty good? The man is a genius. Everything of his I’ve ever consumed I’ve loved. And it’s not just me, he has a huge following. There are even people that love his work so much they write fanfiction about his stories.”
“They do?”
“Oh yeah! It’s too bad the man seems like a pretentious asshole.”
“I’m sorry?” Castiel asks, shocked at the insulting words. Well there went his attraction for the man. That was unfortunate.
“I mean I’ve never met the man, but that’s part of the problem. He doesn’t ever do any events. No Q&A panels, not signings, nothing. The only authors that don’t do any of that are all high and mighty. I can’t help but assume that he’s the same way.”
Finally, Catiel cannot bear to hear how awful of a person he is. “Thanks for the lesson… but I don’t need you to tell me who I am.”
The man’s gorgeously tan face blanches as he processes what Castiel said.
“Y-you’re Jack Lafitte?”
“I am. And I don't want to hang out here and listen to you call me an asshole.”
“I am so sorry, that was extremely rude of me. I shouldn’t have said any of that. You’re my favorite author and I’ve always wanted to meet you, but you never do any events, so I said bitter words to make myself feel better. That’s not cool.”
“No, it’s not.”
“I really am sorry. Let me make it up to you!” Upon seeing Castiel's hesitance, he scrambles “Please! This is my last task and then I can close up the shop. There’s an amazing coffee shop just down the street. And they have booze if you need something a little stronger. My treat.”
Castiel sighs, but decides to take the man up on his offer. He genuinely seems apologetic and at the very least he’ll get some free caffeine in him so he can actually focus on writing his chapter later. “Ok, fine. But can I at least know your name? I’m not too keen on leaving with a stranger whose name I don’t even know.”
“Oh my god, I am so sorry. It’s Sam, Sam Winchester.”
“Sam.” Cas repeats.
“Yeah. Alright, let me grab my keys and coat. I’ll lock up and we can walk to the shop. It’s only a few blocks from here.”
“Okay” Castiel says. He wanders towards the front door of the shop while Sam grabs his required items. When he makes it to the front, he holds the door for Castiel before locking up behind them. Sam leads the way, heading north.
I really am sorry.” Sam says again. “I feel like a truly terrible person. Especially since I really do love your books. Then to turn around and say such horrible things.”
Castiel doesn’t know how to respond and simply makes a noncommittal sound. Sam grimaces, and keeps walking, mentally berating himself. When they arrive at the shop a few minutes later, Sam once again holds the door open for Castiel. He greets the friendly red-headed barista behind the counter before turning to Castiel.
“What would you like? Just about everything here is amazing.”
“Just about?” Castiel asks wryly.
Sam blushes a little and Castiel enjoys the flush it brings to the man’s face. Sam rubs a hand behind his neck.
“I’m not a fan of the chocolate they use for the mochas, it’s a little too dark and bitter for my tastes. I like my coffee to be sweet and creamy.” He admits.
Castiel smiles a little and looks up at the menu. He can’t help but get excited when he sees a honey-vanilla latte. Honey is another one of Castiel’s obsessions. He even started keeping bees shortly after moving so he could have his own fresh, unfiltered honey.
“I’d like to try the honey-vanilla latte.” He says to the barista.
“You got it!” She says, voice chipper. “And for you Sam?”
“English Toffee breve, please.”
“Sure thing guys. Go find a cozy corner and I’ll bring them out to you once they’re ready.”
“Thanks Charlie.” Sam says. He stuffs a few bills into the tip jar before turning back to Castiel. “Where would you like to sit?” He asks.
“Anywhere is fine.”
Sam nods and heads towards his favorite table in the joint. It sits in the corner so he can see the entire room, but it’s also next to the front windows allowing him to people-watch from the comfort of the quaint cafe. Sam sits and gestures for Castiel to join him. Once Castiel is seated, Sam starts his apologies once again.
“Again, I’m so sorry for what I said back at the bookshop. It was rude. Can we start over? You seem like a really cool person and I’d love to get to know you. The real you, not the asshole I perceived you as.”
Castiel was beginning to like the man. He didn’t want to hear any more apologies from him, it was making it awkward, but he was also interested in getting to know him. So they sat in the coffee shop for several more hours getting to know one another. Topics ranged from other novels and authors they enjoyed, places they'd traveled to and lived in, whether or not Star Wars was better than Star Trek, amongst various other random topics.
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen the Harry Potter movies!” Sam exclaimed. “They definitely aren’t better than the books, obviously, but they still must be seen. We’ll have to remedy that.”
“Well it will have to be another day, unfortunately.” Cas replied. “I must get going. I have three chapters that need be written this week or my editor will have a stroke.”
“Oh! Of course, I’m so sorry for keeping you.”
“It’s no trouble, Sam. I’ve been enjoying our conversation.”
“I’m glad, especially since I came across like an asshole at first.”
Castiel chuckled, but did not disagree. He pulled out a pad of sticky notes from his bag, something he never traveled without (what if an idea struck him while he was out and about?!). He wrote his number on it as well as his name. His real name.
“Castiel?” Sam asked with confusion.
“That’s my name. Jack Lafitte is simply a pen name.”
“Well it’s nice to meet you Cas. Can I call you Cas?”
“If you’d like, sure. Just make sure you call me.” Cas winked at Sam before he turned and walked out the door. A soft smile gracing his face. Cas was happy he’d gone with the man to get coffee. He had made a new friend who could possibly even turn into more than a friend. The smile stayed on Castiel’s face his entire walk home.
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samisadeangirl · 4 years ago
Thanks for the update!  I’ll move my story to the new collection shortly.
Hi!! Will there be a new collection on AO3 for 2021, or are we still using the SPN Fluff Bingo 2020 collection? I finally got my first story for this year's card finished and should be posting tomorrow, and I could only find the 2020 collection. Thanks!
I don’t have AO3 but someone has kindly made one for me. The collection for 2021 is up and running
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drkcnry67 · 3 years ago
Stolen knight
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Title: Stolen Knight
A/N: congrats to @supraveng for her 500 followers! Here is story #2 for ya darling! Don't worry this one is actually gonna be better than imagination can run! Enjoy!
Pairing: Jensen x reader
Kink: squirting
Spn fluff: kingdom AU
Tags: masquerade ball semi public sex, fingering in the staircase, squirting in the staircase, prince masquerading as a knight at his own party, arriving at the kingdom to be newly engaged to the prince.
Rating: 18+
Summery: not telling
Mentioning: @spnkinkbingo @supraveng @sweetness47 @spnfluffbingo
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Jensen the prince of the Kingdom of Daggerfall, the kingdom was a fair size but nothing compared to that of where you were coming from, you the princess of the Gold Coast a small kingdom full of cut throats and mercenaries and thieves...
It was a desert kingdom not too much for trees or plants or dirt but plenty of sand... one evening your parents were discussing with an emersary from the kingdom of Daggerfall...
Rick: and so the kingdom of Daggerfall would at the request of our late king that this marriage alliance happen between the princess YN and prince Jensen... any objections?
Your parents shake their heads but before another word is spoken the door is busted down, and a bunch of angry looking men rush in swords drawn and moltov cocktails flying everywhere.
The emissary took hold of you and took you out of the servents passages... down the road to the docks... where a ship lay in wait to take both of you cross the sea...
After a rocky ride and watching helplessly from the boat as your kingdom went up in flames... the emissary just starred at you while he spoke very quietly with the captain...
Captain: do not tell me of such nonsense... this girl travels and stays where you do... no more no less we will arrive when we arrive is that clear....
Rick: crystal clear. Then me and the lady shall retire now... captain.
The emissary comes to you and escorts you to the lower deck to a corner cabin where you were given the bed and the emissary took the chair. Between the rocking of the boat, your tears and the gentle sound of the waves against the boat you fell asleep.
Rick(quietly to self while looking at your sleeping form): sleep while you can milady you will need it's strength for the coming days.
With that last thought out loud the emissary too fell asleep. About 8 hours later you and the emissary were interrupted by a knock on the cabin door.
Rick: yes
Crewmate: sir we are just about to dock in Daggerfall Port...
Rick: thank you we will be up shortly...
You stretched slightly and slowly sat up the sound of footsteps above and bells ringing and people (men specifically) shouting...
Rick: princess how did you sleep?
Yn: my kingdom my parents, it's all gone...
Rick: it's gonna be just fine... the king and queen of Daggerfall have already prepared the marriage contract... all that's left is for you and Jensen to be wed...
Yn: what's the prince like...
Rick: strong willed, handsome, brave
You couldnt help wondering if your parents had survived or if your kingdom would even still exist.
Yn: I can do this right?
Rick: absolutely, now let's get out of this room so you can see your new home...
Yn: yes please.
You followed Rick out of the cabin and up the stairs to the deck. A beautiful busy kingdom now stood before you... to be honest it kinda overwhelmed you...
Rick: princess, welcome to Daggerfall!
You follow the emissary as the ship is tied to the dock, and the ramp is lowered, the emissary escorts you off the ramp and into a carriage.
Rick: when we arrive at the castle I'm sure we can arrange for some new dresses and some riding gear to be...
He stops mid sentence for he realizes your not paying attention... instead he places his hand on your shoulder...
Rick: don't worry milady, you will be happy again, you will be prosperous and we will all be okay, one day soon we will send troops back to your country to rid it of those pesky raiders...
You were in a strange land, your new home... but something felt calm, and peaceful! You just stare out the window... soon a castle stands in your view.
yn: are you sure I'm gonna be happy here?
Rick: yes I am... you are gonna be very happy here. Once you get settled in anyway! But we are here and look at how many people are here to greet you...
You breathed a bit easier seeing all the smiling faces, and once the carriage came to a full stop, you watched the door open and a voice announced in a loud tone..
Yeller: announcing the arrival of Princess YN of the Gold Coast and emissary Rick of Daggerfall.
You let Rick step out of the carriage first knowing you had to compose yourself first. Once fully composed you took Rick's hand and stepped out of the carriage.
With Rick 1 step ahead of you, you both went up to be greeted by the king and queen...
You curtsey and feel the eyes of rhe kingdom on you...
John: yn we are delighted to meet you finally, we have prepared one of our finest rooms for you. Tonight we shall hold a masquerade ball, this ball will serve as the welcoming party, a chance for you all to get to know our honored guest, for in the coming days we shall make an announcement that shall change the course of our great nations forever.
Mary: come my dear you must me tired from your journey, come let's get you cleaned up...
Wow these people were so nice, and this was the first time you were meeting them... you follow the king and queen with Rick behind you a bit into the castle and up a set of stairs to the end of a short ish corridor.
The door opened to reveal a luxurious room full of brand new things jewels, dresses, etc for you...
Yn: is this all mine?
Mary comes up behind you after she has shooed everyone else away... she comes into the room with you and sits on the chaise.
Mary: yes it is... I heard what happened to you, Rick filled me in... as I'm sure he is filling in the king right now... I'm so sorry that this happened to you... but your safe and at the masquerade tonight you will meet our son, and your engagement to him will be announced as well... now do you need help at all or are you ok...
You had to smile, the warmth coming off her so you nodded..
Yn: I could do with the help, these dresses are much different than what I'm used too.
You went then to choose a dress from the selection that laid before you... you were browsing the selection of gowns and remembered that this was a masquerade ball...
Yn: what mask selection is there?
You asked with such curiosity as if in hope of it helping your dress selection choice! Mary goes and opens a box with a few pairs of masks in it...
Mary: which every mask you choose my son, your future husband will wear its pair... it is how he will know how to find you... but once you pick out your masquerade set we will leave it on the bed for you for later closer to the party.
You choose the half full half not mask in silver... it was so shiny... but then sitting on the chair near by in eye shot was a Ball-Gown with a V-neck, Sweep Train, in Satin With Sequins and a Split Front in Fuchsia...
Yn: this one this is the dress for tonight...
Mary: wonderful my dear you are gonna be absolutely stunning at the ball tonight... now what would you like to wear till then...
You went to the bed cause you had seen it a few short moments before... you picked it up and held it against yourself, a simple just above the ankle thin strapped Satin gown in cerulean blue... you also grabbed a pair of comfortable shoes.
Yn: I'd like to wear something simple till the ball tonight... if your okay with that, your majesty...
Mary simply nodded and came round and helped you undo the back of your dress, you used a sheet to cover yourself...
Mary: please my dear you don't need to be frightened... you tremble at my every touch... what troubles you child.
Yn: the maids and ladies who would help me get ready back home would always well... poke fun at how I look... they always suggested that I was well not skinny...
Mary: non sense my dear, you do not need to be ashamed of anything... your perfectly safe here... plus if I know my son and I do, he will not be able to resist you in that dress tonight...
You smile as the queen helps you slide into your simple Satin gown, there was a feeling of comfort and security you felt talking with the queen, it was like bonding with the mother you never got...
You spun round in the dress before sitting in front of the mirror as the queen proceeded to help you braid your hair. Once she was finished she helped you up.
Yn: thank you your majesty!
Mary: please no need to be so formal.
Yn: very well, I'm gonna go for a walk through those roses outside. I love roses.
Mary:of course I'll send Rick when it's time to come back in and get ready for the ball.
you walk through the halls, down the stairs and out to the rose garden, walking passed the troops training, catching glimpses of the men with nice muscles...
what were you thinking you had to get your head out of that gutter... you were about to meet your future husband tonight. you were about to become engaged and you couldnt bare to screw this up now... you had no place to go back to if you did...
yn(to self): ugh, what is wrong with me?
you were now mentally scolding yourself. all because you had looked at one hot guy... well now was the time to sit and smell the flowers, enjoy the daylight, and soak up some rays of sunshine till the ball.. and thats exactly what you did, you sat in the rose garden, closed your eyes and meditated.
you felt so calm, and peaceful, till the sound of voices screaming you were knocked off the bench and flat sideways on the ground your body covered by anothers more muscular more rough.
jensen: are you alright milady?
yn: its yn and yes im okay... thank you...
jensen: im so sorry about that im training new recruits for the palace army.. today is the archery lesson, i told them all to take 5 while i ran over here to save you...
yn: well thank you but umm i have one question, can i get up now?
jensen cleared his throat, as he helped you get back on your feet. you dusted off your dress and then he was suddenly on one knee again.
jensen: forgive me your highness...
you motioned for him to rise as you finished straightening out your dress.
Yn: please no formalities, it's just yn... and you are?
Jensen had to think quickly... he didn't want this to be your first impression of him bumbling and such... but something about you made him feel alive...
Jensen: Jay, I'm a knight in the kings army. Well I'll leave you be, I'm sorry again about tackling you to the ground. Maybe I'll see you around. Yn.
Yn: Jay...
It was the best sight you had ever seen the backside of the man who saved your life... walking away.
You got back into a position once more for meditation, except a bit more out of the training archers view.
A few hours passed, the sunlight sat almost eye level when your name was being yelled from behind you.
Rick: milady it's time to get ready for the masquerade.
You stand and walk back inside with Rick. Feeling the comfort and peace you sought in your afternoon meditation.
In your room, 2 ladies came into the room with a note from the queen... simply saying that you were going to be dressed by these 2 ladies. And that she would see you in the grand hall...
In seconds you were dressed and hair re braided a tiara placed on your head, you were then pointed in the direction of the grand hall.
You were announced by the page at the door. You entered, Mary came over to you and took your hand...
Mary: my dear, you look marvelous.
Yn: thank you, is your son here yet?
Mary shakes her head..
Mary: not yet, why don't you sit by the fire place in comfort while people come in and this way they can speak with you a bit if they wish, away from the crowd.
Yn: of course thank you
*time skip: slowly one by one, minutes passed, people came into the grand hall people bowed before you and the king and queen. Minutes turned into an hour very quickly. This is when the page blew his horn and announced that the musicians should begin to play. First it was a circle dance, then a line dance, but you were watching and waiting for the man who was to be your husband to show himself. But through the vast crowds of people, you couldn't find him, but also everyone was wearing masks so it made it more difficult. About 10 minutes later, a voice popped up from behind you... this is where we go to now*
Jo: excuse me your highness, my name is jo the queen has appointed me to be your lady in waiting.. and I've been tasked with asking you to rendezvous with a mysterious stranger I'm the hallway away from the eyes of the ball... he says that you caught his attention with the shot of an arrow. But he wants you to meet the real him.
You were intrigued... maybe this was your mystery husband to be... you thanked jo and said you would find her later, you excused yourself and stepped into the hallway.
Jensen: pardon me your grace, but I fear I have to explain myself.
You turned to meet the eyes of the man who had saved you earlier the man who had called himself Jay, now standing before you claiming he needs to explain.
Yn: I'm assuming it has to do with how informal our meeting in the gardne was for both of us your highness.
Jensen: I'm Jensen, your future husband to be if you so desire it titled.
You move a bit closer and feel the heat pooling between your legs, Jensen kind of krinkles his nose a bit as he notices something dripping down your leg...
Jensen: yn forgive me but there's something dripping down your leg.
Jensens eyes pierced you like daggers, he had no idea that this moment is one you had wanted since you first met him and didn't know who he was.
Yn: I'm but putty in your hands my lord. Make me squirt my lord, I need relief.
That was all you had to say, Jensen pressed you against the wall and hiked up your skirt and dipped his fingers right into your dripping wet pussy...
Jensen: that's it baby, squirt for me... let me move your pretty dress out of the way... and no one will ever know...
You were so far from being a proper princess, but now being in this darkened corner with your future husband to be was like waking up from a nightmare.
You within 10 minutes more were now squirting all over the floor. Grabbing a set of roses and rubbing a few of the petals on your legs and using a piece of the table fabric to make it look like the vase of flowers spilt on the ground.
You both mask up straighten our and rejoin the party. Walking in arm and arm you both join the waltz... center of the dance floor and enjoying eachothers touch and company.
Mary and John usher for the music to cease about half way into the waltz.
John: may I address the arrival of the princess yn, those who wish to remain for the announcement may but right now I wish to announce the engagement of my son Prince Jensen to the lovely princess YN.
You and Jensen wave and stand in front of the thrones to address the court.
Yn: friends, members of the court, when i arrived this morning, i had just been taken out of my own country due to our home was invaded, i would have been killed if the ambassador for Daggerfall hadnt swept me out through the servants quarters and down to the docks. i came here with nothing. i felt so alone, but i dont anymore. thanks to my fiance Jensen, the love ive felt from his parents and the great many of you that have shown me kindness. so thank you to my loving and adoring Fiance and his family for accepting me as one of their own... long live daggerfall!
the people cheered and the music resumed. the waltz played again from the beginning of the dance. you and jensen went into the centere of the floor. but the allure was still strong, so middle of the dance you and jensen looked at eachother.
jensen: bedchamber?
yn: uh huh!
you feel jensen leave your grasp to go talk to his parents... probably telling them that the two of you needed some peace and quiet. away from the crowd.
jensen comes around you takes you gently and calmish by the arm and leads you up to what you presumed to be his bedchambers. he opened the door but that was it.
your dress undone and on the floor in seconds, jensens shirt and pants on the floor strewn everywhere. you on the bed jensen on top of you gently rubbing against your pussy with his hard cock. in seconds he slides in and makes you scream and moan.
both of you so immeersed in this various positions and feelings that the time escapes you, the evening goes on and you both are lost in eachother feeling nothing but the love of your own hearts.
at the end of the orgasm that befell the both of you.
jensen held you and you both just laughed.
yn: you know this was my first time... and i have to say it feels amazing.
jensen: i hope your pregnant it would force the wedding sooner.
yn: bad boy, this is no way to behave...
jensen: no but it sure is fun!
yn: thank you for being my stolen knight! i love you Jensen!
jensen: your welcome baby, i love you too.
that was the end of the conversation, you both now were just comfortable in eachothers eyes, forms, and arms. so comfortable in fact that you both fell asleep.
~what happened next is a story for another time~
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First Date
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Credit Images: Google
Summary: You were set up on a blind date with the best friend of a friend in common. You never thought this could be that good Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader Squares: First Date for @supernatural-jackles TMAS // Blind Date for @spnfluffbingo // Baby for @winchesterandbeyondbingo // Ice Cream Date for @anyfandomfluffbingo // Soulmates for @girl-next-door-writes Make Me Feel Bingo Warnings: Fluff, blind date, walking in the park, holding hands, insecurities of meeting someone, first date Word Count: 1639
A/N: I mean no harm towards Danneel and their kids. For the purpose of this fanfic, Jensen is single.
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It’s been almost six months since the breakup, and it might be time to start going out again with her. Maybe not dating again but you could just have fun with her. It took her almost two months to finally convince you to go to a bar to just have a drink. Thanks to the alcohol, you started to feel bad again, wanting to call your ex again, forgive him and start dating again. Briana wasn’t buying it and she was going to do everything in her power to prevent it.
The weekend after you tried to reach out to your ex again, you got a text from Bri, "Wear something nice, we are going out. It’s a date" You sighed while looking at her text, you weren’t in the mood to go out, plus you had a ton of things to do. You typed back "I can’t today, I’m busy" and sent it to her, not even a minute later she had answered you, "I’m sorry but this is not open for discussion. Meet me at the ice cream shop in an hour. DON’T BE LATE."
When Briana had set an idea, there was no way of getting out of it. You sighed and started to get ready, you had a date with your best friend. Why would she want you to wear something nice for an ice cream shop? Maybe she wants to take you somewhere else after that and the ice cream is just for convincing.
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Forty-five minutes later you were arriving at the ice cream shop and Briana was nowhere to be seen. She hadn’t texted you so maybe she was on her way. While waiting for her, you saw a beautiful black Chevrolet Impala parked in the shop’s parking lot. The car looked brand new, definitely, someone loved it way too much to have it that way. Your curiosity took advantage and made you move closer to the car to inspect it. You weren’t a true fan of cars but you could recognize the one your father loved. Next to the car, was a tall blonde man, very good-looking. He probably was the owner. You approached the car and asked, “Is it yours?” The blonde man smiled and said, “Yes, she is. She’s my baby, “he said very proudly. You smiled and admitted “She is gorgeous” touching the hood of the car. “I could say the same,” he flirted and you blushed.
”Are you waiting for someone? I saw you arriving a little while ago” he said and that’s when it hit you, this was a blind date. Briana said date and wear something nice in the same text. Of course, she would set you up. This guy was gorgeous and you felt good talking with him, obviously, she was not going to find that because you wouldn’t hear the end of it.
“My best friend forced me to come, but she hasn’t arrived yet” you admitted, this cute guy smiled and looked at the floor, “By any chance, your friend is called Briana?” When you were about to answer your phone pinged, telling you that you had an unread message, you opened it and it was from Bri, obviously. “Don’t thank me. I love you both”
This guy smiled and said “You must be Y/N,” you nodded, “I’m Jensen” he introduced himself, “I can’t believe she set us up” you said and Jensen chuckled, “I do. We are talking about Briana” you chuckled and he gave you a wide smile. A smile that made your heart skip a beat. You wouldn’t mind seeing it more frequently, you hoped you could keep seeing it.
Something inside you made you feel comfortable with him but it was something that scared the hell out of you. You haven’t felt like that in so long. Clearly, Briana knew both of you and she knew that you were going to be good for the other. You didn’t know his story, but you felt like this would work and you hate her for that.
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“Can I invite you some ice cream?” He asked you, “since we both are here…” you smiled, “I would love to” you answered and he smiled again. You were way too confident with him, you liked this new side of you.
Both of you walked to the front door of the shop, he opened the door for you and let you go inside first, then he put a hand on your lower back and guided you to a small empty booth. One of the waitresses came and asked for your orders.
“So, why do you think Bri set us up?” He asked to break the silence, you laughed, and all of a sudden you got shy, this wasn’t the kind of question you were expecting for a first date, because this was it, right?
“Because she hates my ex and wants me to get over him” you chuckled, “you?” he sighed, “As weird as may sound, she says I’m too lonely.” He didn’t look like the type of guy who was lonely, “Really?” “Yeah. She didn’t like your ex?” He asked to change the topic, “Not really. I mean, she was happy because I was happy or at least that’s what I thought. I’m pretty sure she set us up because a few months ago I got very drunk and told her that I wanted to get back to him” you admitted, “It sounds like Bri” he laughs, “but I get it, you were drunk and he probably was an asshole, and when we are drunk we do stupid things” Jensen said when the waitress came with your orders.
Jensen and you talked about life, hobbies, music, cars. You discovered you had a lot in common, you were perfect for the other. "We are soulmates" Jensen joked when you agreed on the best music band of all history. You were actually enjoying his company, you were glad Bri forced you to come.
He seemed to be a great guy and you kinda like him. He seemed to be honest, it was obvious he cared about his friends, he had a good taste for cars and had a lovely smile. Maybe Bri was right, you needed to get over your ex.
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The waitress approached your table and brought the bill, you took out your wallet and Jensen stopped you by grabbing your hand, “please, let me” your heart stopped, his hand was warm and soft, you didn’t want him to remove it, “It's okay, really, “ you said, you didn’t mind paying. He smiled and said, “my treat. Then we can meet up again and you can invite me for a beer this time” he flirted “it’s a date then,” you said blushing. Jensen paid and you two got up from your booth and headed to the door.
You walked to his car and stopped in front of it, “is it too straightforward if I ask you to come with me to another place?” he asked nervously while touching the back of his neck. “No, it is not. Shall we?” Jensen nodded opened the passenger door and you entered the car, she was even beautiful on the inside. Jensen walked to his side of the car and entered, he turned the engine and she purred. You couldn’t stop smiling, you felt like a teenager going on a date with his high school crush.
Ten minutes later, Jensen parked the car on the side of the park, the sun was starting to set and the sky was tinted in pinks and oranges. Everything looked very romantic. “Wait,” he said. He got out of the car and walked around the front just to open your door. He gave you his hand for you to take it “what a gentleman” you flirted and his cheeks blushed in the slightest shade of pink, he never let your hand go, instead he intertwined his fingers with yours and took you on a walk around it.
Everything was perfect, too perfect to be real. You knew this was going to end soon and you didn’t want it to happen. You were distracted, your mind was pulling out all these bad scenarios with him.
Jensen noticed you were distant, he stopped walking in front of you, he moved a strand of hair from your face and asked “what’s in your mind?” you sighed, you felt embarrassed, “Is it weird that I don’t want this to end?” you admitted “why would it end?” he asked confused, “I don’t know, it feels…” Jensen put his free hand on your cheek and you leaned to his touch, “I know,” Jensen interrupted you, “but this seems legit, and let me be honest, I haven’t had this fun with a hot chick in a while” he finished smirking and your face turned red, you had to look down, you felt ashamed.
“Hey,” he lifted your chin, “It won’t end. I promise," he said, caressing your cheek “how would you know?” “Because” he kissed one cheek, “I” he kissed the other cheek “know” he kissed the tip of your nose and pressed his forehead with yours.
You stayed like that for a few minutes until you interrupted it “Jens…” he hummed “kiss me” and just like that he kissed your lips. For the first time, you had that feeling of butterflies in your stomach, you didn’t want it to end. When you broke apart, both of you were grinning. “Let’s go back to my place. I think I’m gonna invite you for those beers today” He pecked your lips, “a second date already? I might be the luckiest man in the world” he kissed you again and you headed back to the car.
Bri was going to be very happy and she was going to tease you about it.
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Tag List (Is Open - DM or Link in Description)
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lucisfavoritedemon · 4 years ago
Always & Forever: Part 1
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Pairing: Lucifer x reader
Summary: Being forced into an arranged marriage by your father doesn't go quite to plan when your soon to be husband tries to take the only freedom you have ever known. Little does he know someone else was listening in. Go on a journey to discover that Lucifer may not be as bad as he appears. He did save your life after all.
Warnings: talks of acts of violence, talks of possession, age gap, cursing, fluff, some angst, mentions of blood and injury, talk of mature topics, 18+ only.
Word Count: 2,638
Square filled: Medieval AU
A/N: I try to stay as true to the time period as I am comfortable with. This an 18+ only series. You have been warned. There is a lot of talk about mature topics. You have been warned. All thoughts are in italics. Written for @spnfluffbingo
I don’t know how I ended up in this situation, but here I was standing in front of a man who I had just merely met. 24 hours ago though, I wouldn’t have been standing right where I am right now, about to marry this man, if it weren’t for him saving my life. 
I’m getting ahead of myself though. Allow me to start off with an introduction. I am princess Y/N Y/L/N of Lucaea. The first born to the King of Lucaea, King Nova III. This man I speak of is the second eldest of five sons to the King of Oslucatish. This man’s name is Lucifer. 
It all started yesterday when the five brothers arrived. I had no idea, staring out my window, who my future husband would be. It initially wasn’t going to be the man I ended up with, but the eldest Michael. That, of course, didn’t go to plan.
“M’lady, the prince of Oslucatish and his knights have arrived and are down in the throne room awaiting your arrival.” My lady in waiting announced, bowing the entire time.
“Thank you. Let them know I will be down soon. Allow me to fix myself up and look presentable.”
“Yes m’lady.” She walks out.
I start to make myself look decent, so I don’t make a fool of myself. I soon feel good enough to finally gain the courage to walk down and greet them all. I enter the throne room and I’m greeted by many eyes looking me up and down. Except, one pair of eyes. One knight is still standing at attention. He is wearing different armor than the other three knights, which makes me believe he is of a higher rank.
“M’lady,” a man dressed in just royal garments walks up and kneels down, bowing his, “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” He grabs my hand and kisses it.
“Likewise your highness.” I bow my head back.
“I am Michael the first Prince of Oslucatish.” He turns to the four knights, “brothers let me be alone with my future wife please.”
Three out of four salute and walk off, but the knight he never once made eye contact stayed put.
“Lucifer, that’s an order.”
“I’m not leaving the lady unattended under your care Michael. I wouldn’t trust him if I were you young princess. He has a dark side to him.”
I just stand there shocked at this man. I was also furious that he was ignoring direct orders from the prince. “I think it’s best you leave young knight. I think we both deserve time to get to know each other alone before we elope.”
“Huh, you’re dumber than you appear. Your judgment of my brother is clouded. You haven’t seen what he’s capable of. Yet, if you insist. I shall leave.”
With that the knight walks out no more arguments.
“How odd that one quick response has sent my brother away. He never listens to anyone.”
“It’s because he knows if he overstays his welcome, it could mean war between our families. Arranged marriage or not.”
“So smart for a lady. Are all women this smart? If so,” his expression changes instantly, “we need to change that.”
“I beg pardon?”
“You heard me. I can’t have my wife thinking she can speak wence not spoken to. It’s rude to speak out of turn.” 
He walks closer to me, practically pinning me against the door. 
“You want to take away my freedom to speak my mind?”
“Now you’re getting it,” he says as he puts his hands against the door on either side of my head, “a lady should never challenge her husband. If so, a punishment shall be bestowed upon her. To ensure she never does it again.”
I glare at him. I will not have anyone take away my freedom to speak my mind. I have a lot to say, and I will not have my voice silenced any longer. “You’re a fowl man Michael. I will not be silenced anymore.”
He grabs my face faster than I have a chance to protect myself. “Then I’ll have to make you be quiet.” 
He takes out a dagger from a sheath on his belt. I suddenly feel my body freeze. I can’t move my hands or face. It’s like I was suddenly paralyzed. He pries my mouth open and goes to grab my tongue. I fear the worst is about to happen till I see a shadow figure burst through the window shattering the glass.
“Don’t you dare harm her!”
The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t trust that fact, for I thought my ears were playing tricks on me. I just closed my eyes waiting to feel the sting of the dagger cutting through my tongue, but the pain never came. Instead, I didn’t feel anything. Not even MIchael’s fingers holding my tongue anymore.
“I knew you would abuse the privilege of marrying such a beautiful creature. You’d just taint her and make her the way you want her to be! No matter the cost. You could bring war and shame to our family! You wouldn’t even care if you killed her to make her the way you believe she should be! She’s lucky I was eavesdropping.”
Who was this man? I couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer as I felt whatever was holding me still, releasing me from its invisible grasp, as I slowly fall to the ground passing out.
When I finally awoke I was in my room, but I felt an odd presence there. One I’ve never felt before, but at the same time it felt familiar. I was too out of it though to think of who it could be.
“Good you’re finally awake.”
That voice. I knew it. Was this the man who saved me from Michael? Who was he? Will I finally be able to see his face? What’s going to happen about my marriage? I have to go through with a marriage soon, or I will taint my family name.
“Take it easy. Don’t sit up too fast.”
I hadn’t noticed that I was trying to sit up so I could get a better look at the man in the shadows. I need to see my rescuer’s face. I had to know who was my knight in shining armor.
“I tried to warn you about Michael, but you refused to listen. It almost took you dying for you to realise this. What a pity it would have been for him to completely ruin someone so brave.”
“I see the shock factor is still there.”
I was able to focus enough to tell the man had his back to me. How did he know I was awake? Or trying to sit up?
“I can’t believe our father wanted a war. And trusted Michael to start this. I won’t let it happen. You are too beautiful to die for such a disgusting thing.”
“D-die? W-war?”
“Do you not understand? Maybe I was wrong about you.”
I shoot a glare to the back of his head, “what do you mean wrong about me?”
“Ah, so she does speak full sentences. Good to know my brother didn’t totally scar you for the rest of your life.”
“No. Only thing he did was make me not want to hold my tongue any longer. So, who the hell are you?”
“Ouch. That’s no way to greet someone who just saved your freaking life.”
“Well, I am absolutely refusing to marry Michael after what he just did, but I have to marry someone from the Oslucatish Kingdom. Since you said Michael was your brother, I might as well marry the man who just saved my life. No matter who you are.”
This earns a chuckle from the man, “I’m surprised to hear you say that. I thought that would just up and tell us to leave and declare war against our two kingdoms.”
“I would never do that. It wouldn’t benefit either kingdoms. If anything it would cause more problems than solve. I have to do what’s best for my people, and if that’s marrying another member of the Oslucatish line, then I shall marry someone else in the royal family.”
“Then it’s decided. We shall marry as soon as possible so no one can oppose. That includes you darling.”
“I agree. Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, am I allowed to see my savior/future husbands face?”
He chuckles again, and turns around. I still couldn’t see who he was, for it was still a little dark to tell. He started to walk closer. I didn’t even have to see his face. I recognized the armor before I even saw his face.
The man I just agreed to marry, the man who just saved my life, was none other than Lucifer. The man who wanted absolutely nothing to do with me as soon as I walked into the throne room. The man who didn’t even look me in the eyes. The man who refused to leave when ordered, was now going to be my husband till the end of my reign.
“Still want to go through this? You look shocked it was me.”
“I am surprised, but I do still want to go through this. You saved my life after all, and I am eternally grateful for that.” 
I stand up slowly and kneel down in front of him. Showing him how grateful I am and that I am not afraid of the decision I have made to make him my husband.
“Stand up you’re embarrassing me.”
I stand up and look at him, “there is no one else here. How am I embarrassing you?”
“Because having someone like you show your appreciation that way makes me flustered and it’s embarrassing because it’s hard for me to look at you the same and I struggle not to stumble over my words. Even talking now is a bit difficult for me.”
I just giggle at him, for I can see he is thinking really hard to explain to me why he’s so flustered.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Because I think it’s cute how a little gesture of kindness has you all flustered.”
“I-I see.”
“You don’t have to hide it from me though. That’ll get hard quickly. When we’re alone you can just be yourself around me.”
He just nods, and I smile brightly.
“I-I should go and leave you to rest.”
“I should go let my father know about the change in marriage. I will also start planning everything.”
“No need. I was going to discuss arrangements for tomorrow night. Talk to your father and let him know everything. I will handle the rest.”
“Yes. I said we should marry as soon as possible. We should be able to get a decent amount of stuff before tomorrow night. I don’t need my brother to interfere with what is now mine.”
“Okay then. It is settled. Tomorrow night it is” 
When he said that, I wasn’t expecting to be married off in the next 24 hours. Am I even ready for this commitment?
“Good. I’ll come check in on you tonight once I’ve made all the arrangements.”
I nod and he leaves.
I get changed and head down to see my father, but I am quickly stopped by the guards.
“Sorry miss, but your father has said he doesn’t want to be disturbed. He is talking to your fiance now.”
My fiance? But Lucifer said I could talk to my father on my own. Why would he go behind my back and talk to him? Unless he assumed I had already talked to him, but he would leave as soon as he realised I hadn’t.
“Who is he talking to? I want a name.”
“Michael, the eldest son. The man you are to marry in two hours.”
“What!? No way! I demand a presence with my father at once! That is an order! Unless you want to find another place of work, and I can guarantee that it won’t be as grand as this life you have been given! Now step aside.”
The guards look at each other, sighing, and stepping aside.
I have to stop him. No matter what it costs. I will not marry the man who tried to take my freedom away. The only freedom I have ever known.
I run in bursting through the doors and see Michael talking to my father.
“Ah there you are darling. How was your nap.”
“You shut your disgusting mouth you fiend!”
“Y/N! That is not how you greet your future husband.”
“I will not marry this filth of a prince. He probably didn’t even tell you what he almost did to me! He’s a pathetic little liar!”
“You must have me confused with my little brother Lucifer. I would never dare harm you in any way.” He walks to me and tries to caress my cheek.
I slap his hand away and glare at him. How dare he speak of Lucifer that way. He’s the one who tried to cut my tongue out of my mouth.
“I want to speak with my father alone. That is an order. It is still my kingdom. This is still my castle. So leave me alone with my father.”
“Michael we will continue our discussion later. I must meet with my daughter.”
“Sir are you sure? She seems to be not feeling well. I can escort her back to her room to rest…”
“Silence. I will not be questioned on what I decide to do. You will learn quickly that my daughter does not get worked up easily unless there is something really wrong. So, I must listen to what she says. I want what’s best for her and my kingdom.”
“Y-yes sir.” Michael caves and glares at me before walking out.
“What is wrong my darling? Why are you being so rude to the prince?”
“Because our first encounter didn’t go so well. He tried to cut my tongue out so I couldn’t speak out of turn, or speak period. I surely would have bled out and died.”
My father thinks upon this for a second before speaking, “that’s horrible. Michael said you missed his meeting in the throne room because you were exhausted. No wonder that felt suspicious. That’s it I shall declare war against them for hurting…”
“Wait! I have already come up with a solution for this. I will still marry into the Oslucatish family. We can’t afford to go to war with them.”
“Who will you marry? There isn’t anyone from that family I trust with you anymore.”
“There is one. The prince that saved me from his brother. Prince Lucifer.”
“The commander of their imperial army?”
“Yes sir. He refused to leave alone with Michael, but he left only because I ordered him to, and he was listening to our conversation and came to my rescue. He stayed by my side till he knew I was okay.”
“Then it’s settled. I’m so proud of you handling this on your own. You will make a fine queen one day.”
“Thank you father.” I bow to him in respect.”
“Well I shall prepare for a royal wedding in the next week then.”
“No need. Lucifer has already gone around trying to arrange everything. We want to marry tomorrow night. We don’t need Michael interfering any longer.”
“What a man you have there. Then it's settled. We shall feast tonight in celebration of this wonderful engagement,” he calls a guard over, “find this Prince Lucifer and bring him here, I want to meet him at once.”
“Yes sir.” The guard salutes, and runs out.
“Wait here till Lucifer comes so I may speak with you both.”
“Yes father.”
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spnfluffbingo · 6 years ago
Round Four Rules
Please read the rules and FAQs before Signing Up
You can write as few or as many fics as you would like. There is no scorecard.
You can start writing as soon as you get your card, but fics posted after Dec 28th 2021 will not be reblogged
I will not be remaking cards as the squares will be the ones that you chose
1 card per person at first but if you black out your card you can ask for another one
Your fic must state what square you fill, warnings, word count and pairing. (Suggested format - Only those four are required)
Aesthetics, drabbles, one shots, drawings are all accepted fills.
No word min or max. But whatever your word count please use the keep reading feature!
One square per fic/artwork. If you write a series each chapter can be considered a fill. Your filled squares can also be a continuation of a series or a start of a new series.
No combining squares.
Warn accordingly. If warnings are spoilers put them in the tags.
Tag the blog @spnfluffbingo in the A/N and use the tag #spnfluffbingo2021 (in one word!) in the first five tags.
To ensure that you have read the rules and FAQs, you’ll need the word palace to gain access to this bingo otherwise your application will be rejected. 
If you cannot tag the blog, please, don’t be afraid to submit them to me
All characters, ships, reader inserts, OC’s, actors etc are allowed as long as they relate to Supernatural.
Your fic can have elements from other genres (angst, smut, crack) just remember it has to have a strong element of fluff to it.
If you don’t know what a square means you can send in an ask or pm. I am happy to answer.
I’ll reblog your masterlist after the bingo finishes or whenever you submit them
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calaofnoldor · 4 years ago
You, Me, and Bones
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Characters: Sam x F!Reader, Dean
Words: 4,379
Summary: A series of moments that define the evolution of your relationship with Sam. (Domestic AU)
Warnings: 18+ smutty cock warming, language, puppy dog eyes, so much fluff, pining, bit of protective/jealous sam (sorry, i was writing this at the same time as sttc), periods (the menstrual kind), failed attempts at romance, wow i am so out of my element here pls forgive me
A/N: written for @stusbunker's jam basket fic exchange! this is for the lovely @fangirlxwritesx67 (i was honored to write for you and i really hope you don't hate it 🤞)
also written for @negans-lucille-tblr's 7ks of the week challenge, for which i chose the prompts: sam winchester + best friends to lovers + grand declaration of love + cock warming. (congrats darling! i don't typically write smutty things but i tried for you!)
Square Filled: Domestic AU for @spnmixedbingo; Playing With Their Hair for @spnfluffbingo; Alternative Universe for @girl-next-door-writes's make me feel bingo
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Sam Winchester was your best friend. It’d been that way since the fifth grade, when you accidentally landed the two of you in detention and thereby discovered your shared interest for mythical folklore. After that, you became inseparable, though you soon learned that he and his brother Dean were a package deal, so over time, you grew quite close with the older Winchester as well. You loved him like the big brother you never wanted while you loved Sam like your dearest friend in the world, until one day you didn’t.
He’d always been your favorite person, the one you could turn to for anything, so it caught you off guard when a fateful time of the month made you see him in a new light.
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The cramps were killing you; you were sure of it. Never had they been this painful. Your uterus had reduced you to a useless lump, rolling around on your bed as you moaned aloud, and not in a cute way. Somehow, sometime, through the haze of agony, you’d sent Sam a delirious text, an SOS signal for painkillers and every chocolate bar in the state of Kansas.
When the doorbell rang, you stumbled to greet him, doubled over and clutching at your stomach. Sam’s beaming smile disappeared as the door swung open to reveal your unsightly state.
“Jesus, Y/L/N, are you alright?”
You managed to stand up a little straighter and send him a grimace of a smile, “Just peachy, Winchester.”
“Well here,” he rushed past you and started laying out the supplies he’d hauled over in two oversized grocery bags, “I got you some ibuprofen and a heating pad, because I read that that’s supposed to help. Which do you wanna try first?”
“Both,” you implored with grabby hands, “Hand me the goods.”
“OK,” Sam nodded and got to work getting you medicated and warmed up, “I also brought you some donuts and a couple cupcakes from that little bakery you like, and there’s chips in there too, all of your favorite flavors, and popcorn, in case you want a lighter, healthier option, and of course, chocolate galore. Oh, I also picked up a tub of that ice cream you’re obsessed with, though I read you shouldn’t be consuming too many cold foods or beverages right now.”
“Have I ever told you I love you?”
He chuckled and you wondered if those dimples had always looked so goddamned adorable. “You’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
“Well, it’s true. You’re my hero, Sam Winchester.” The grin you shot him contorted when a fresh surge of cramps bowled you over, but you waved him off as he stepped toward you in concern, “I’m fine. You should probably go back now. I know you’ve got exams to study for.”
Sam’s brows pulled together, “I’m not comfortable leaving you alone like this. Besides, who are you gonna eat all this food with?”
You knew the latter statement was just a flimsy veil of an excuse because Sam had never shared your (and Dean’s) affinity toward junk food, but you’d also never developed any immunity against those patented puppy dog eyes. It was far from the first time he’d subjected you to them, however, so you were rather flabbergasted when the way his enchanting hazel eyes flooded with worry and compassion unraveled a multitude of strange and foreign reveries in your brain. It must have been the hormones.
“What?” your best friend asked when he caught you ogling him with a dreamy look.
“Nothing,” you shook your head, “Just- you’re gonna make a really great boyfriend one day.”
Sam forced a laugh, but it sounded bitter and you didn’t know why.
From then on, your attraction toward him evolved at a mind-boggling rate. You’d always felt a desire to be around Sam all the time, but now you wanted to be around him all the time and suck his dick. But he never once expressed any interest in you beyond a platonic or brotherly love, and you were terrified of sinking your friendship that had already sailed so far out from shore.
There were times that made you question the way he saw you though. The first occurred when you were getting ready for the gym on a scorching summer day.
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You padded out of your room in bare feet, a hair tie between your teeth whilst you gathered your unruly locks to secure them away from your face. As you bent down to put your socks and trainers on, Sam made a choking sound from his seat at the kitchen island.
“You alright, Sammy?” Despite outgrowing most things, he’d never quite outgrown that childhood nickname, although you and Dean were the only ones permitted to call him that now.
“Wait, you’re just gonna go out like that?” he inquired with a rough, incredulous edge in his tone, ignoring your concern.
Looking down at your ensemble of booty shorts and a sports bra, you sassed, “Well, yeah… I’m going to the gym.”
“Yeah, but don’t you think that’s a little too… Won’t you be cold?”
“Sam, do you know how many degrees it is outside right now?” Though your voice held nothing but skepticism, little embers of hope sparked inside you, ignited by the thought that he sounded not unlike a jealous boyfriend.
But they were all stomped out by his next words, “I know but… your gym’s got air conditioning, right? Here, take my hoodie in case you need it. You can just tie it around your waist for now.” He handed you the giant article of clothing with averted eyes.
Oh, you thought, so it hadn’t been the idea of other men seeing you in minimal clothing that bothered him, but rather eyeing you in an outfit so revealing made him uncomfortable. Perhaps you were right; he could only ever see you as a little sister.
This theory prevailed for months until it was disproved by an incessant suitor of yours.
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Buzzing wildly, your phone lit up to display yet another series of inappropriate ‘textual advances’, the third set you’d received this week.
At your quiet groan, Sam immediately looked up from his spot across the table. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just this guy from work keeps hitting on me, and I don’t think he understands what ‘no’ means,” you sighed.
“What?!” Sam sounded startled and furious at the same time.
Rushing to placate him, you explained, “It’s not a big deal; it’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before. It’s just really annoying is all.”
“WHAT?! When? Who? Why didn’t you tell me? Let me see what he looks like. Give me his name and social security number.”
“Sam, calm down,” you laughed, “You don’t have go into overprotective big bro mode, OK?”
He puffed out an exasperated breath. “What? That’s not a thing. But If he won’t leave you alone and take ‘no’ for an answer, then this asshole needs to be taught some manners- I think I should have a chat with him.”
“OK, that is literally the definition of overprotective big bro mode.” Teasing him blanketed your own despair, though a wretched ache still constricted your chest at the notion of being ‘family-zoned’.
“It’s not- I’m not- I just don’t enjoy knowing that my best friend is being harassed and doing nothing about it,” Sam stuttered to clarify, gesticulating with his big hands.
Right, you thought, you’re just his best friend, Y/N. He doesn’t even love you enough to think of you as family.
And so, you learned to grin and bear it, stowing your feelings away as they inevitably grew, fed and fostered by Sam’s glowing brilliance and all the things he did that made him such a wonderful person and friend. You struggled to contain those feelings within you, smothering their every attempt to surface with a stupid excuse and a strained smile, until the day Sam did something that brought you to tears.
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“You got me a puppy?!” you questioned dumbly as you stared at the unbearably adorable golden retriever pup, peeking out at you from within the aerated gift box whose lid you’d just removed. Unable to resist, you hoisted the little fella into your arms and cradled him against your chest, closing your eyes at the softness of his fur against your cheek and giggling when he began to lick your face.
When you reopened your eyes, it was to find Sam gazing at you with an awed smile. “Why?”
“Well, your birthday’s next month… but also, I noticed you’ve been kinda down a lot lately and since you won’t talk to me about it, I thought maybe this fluffball could help cheer you up,” Sam told you as he reached out to scratch the puppy behind its ears. “Wait, are you crying?”
“What- No!” you denied instantly, turning your face to the side, “My allergies must be acting up or something.” The truth was you were touched by Sam’s gesture, and after what felt like centuries of repressing your unrequited love for the man, you’d reached a breaking point, made worse by the fact that it’d been your fall for him that landed you down in the dumps in the first place, and this oblivious attempt to lift you out only made you love him more.
“Y/N, you don’t have any allergies.”
“Shut up, you don’t know me!”
Sam laughed, prying the pup from your hands when it began to squirm toward him, “I know you better than anyone else in the world, well maybe apart from Dean, but the point is, I know something’s been bugging you. I just wish you’d tell me what it is, but every time I try to bring it up, you dodge the question and act cold and distant for days after. I’m starting to feel like I did something wrong. If that’s the case, please just tell me so I can try to fix whatever it was that upset you.”
“OK no, you cannot do the puppy dog eyes while holding an actual puppy!” you objected, “That’s just not fair! Also, I thought the dog was for me. Why do I suddenly feel outnumbered?”
Sam said nothing; he simply readjusted the pupper until its little head was tucked beneath his chin and together they hit you with what must’ve been the world’s most indomitable quartet of puppy dog eyes.
Defenseless, you bit your lip and groaned, “OK fine, you really wanna know?”
“If I haven’t made that clear by now, I might have to reconsider my enrollment in law school. Y/N, you know you can tell me anything right? I thought this,” a long index finger gestured between the two of you, “was about honesty and always having each other's backs.”
Although you never wanted to jeopardize your friendship, you knew Sam was right. He deserved better than lies and deceit. He deserved the truth. “Sam, that's the thing… I don't wanna do ‘this’ anymore,” you paused to inhale a deep, shuddering breath, “because I love you.”
Hurt flashed across Sam’s features before they settled into an expression closer to confusion, “OK, I seriously need to change career paths because I'm not following your logic. You don't want to be friends anymore because you love me?”
“Yes! But I don't love you the way you're thinking or the way you love me, you stupid Winchester. I'm in love with you!” Sam’s mouth fell open though no words escaped so you rambled on, “I probably have been since we were ten; I just never noticed it until you brought me cupcakes and chocolate when I was on my period that one time because I’m an idiot. But then I fell into the black hole of loving Sam Winchester and nothing has ever been the same. I started noticing things beyond the reasons I love you as a friend. Things like… the pinkness of your lips, and the length of your neck, or your shoulder-to-waist ratio, or the size of your hands, and just the size of you in general- I mean, what happened to the skinny kid who only came up to my ear?” A somewhat lopsided grin broke out across his face, but you were nowhere near done.
“I know all the ways you touch your face and push your hands through your hair, memorized every wayward strand that’s hugged your cheekbones, how your chest heaves when you get mad or after a workout, the types of smiles and frowns that make your dimples pop the most, and do not get me started on the number of colors in your eyes or the way they’re constantly changing like the goddamn sky- I mean, what the fuck?! Is there any part of you that isn’t mind-blowingly perfect?!”
Sam’s jaw was once again loose, and the golden ball of fluff roaming between your legs on the loveseat had gone unusually quiet, as if he knew something big was going down, so you figured you’d go for a home run, “And that’s why it’s gotten hard to be around you because every time you smile, I wanna melt into a puddle and fit my thumb in your dimple. And every time you’re upset, I wanna run to you and hold you in my arms forever, run my fingers through your hair and tell you that it’s gonna be OK, remind you that you’ve always got me, that I’ll be here for you through anything, even if you don’t want me the I way I want you. But worst of all… basically anytime you do anything, even the most mundane of things ‒ sometimes as simple as breathing ‒ I get this unquenchable urge to kiss you… anywhere you’d let me. So yeah, I don’t wanna be just your best friend anymore because I love you more than anyone else in the world… well, maybe apart from this little guy,” you snuggled the pup who had found its way onto your lap, hoping that its utter cuteness would distract you from the upcoming heartache.
But the rejection never came. Instead, Sam scooted closer to you and took your head gently in his expansive hands, lifting your face toward his, “Are you done?” He was incredibly close and your lungs seemed to lack oxygen so you nodded wordlessly. “Good. Because I’ve lost track of how long I’ve been waiting to do this.”
You were in shock as his lips approached yours, but managed to tilt your head just in time to avoid a collision between your noses. The kisses were short, soft, and slow at first, testing the waters as your mouths grew acquainted, but it didn’t take long for your body to respond with the urgent need it had been subduing for so long, applying a desperate force behind your voracious lips as your equally ravenous hands reached out for whatever part of him you could get a hold of. But as Sam’s tongue finally entered your mouth, a high-pitched whimper pierced the air and you pulled away, reluctant but happy.
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Thus, Bones went from having one human to two. And as the pooch grew, so did your relationship. It took some time to adjust to your new roles, privileges, and pet names, but now when the monthly cramps assailed you, Sam would be there when he could, a big warm hand on your lower stomach in lieu of a heating pad. And when he couldn’t, Bones happily took his place. The gym became a couples retreat, where you’d even occasionally attempt those partner workout routines that nauseated everyone in your vicinity, while home workouts involved Sam doing push ups with you and Bones on his back for added resistance. And best of all, you got to appreciate not only the way Sam looked in a suit when he was off to work, but also the way he looked in his birthday suit in your bed.
Next to that, cuddling became your favorite development. Watching TV often resulted in your moose of a boyfriend laid across the custom-length couch with his head in your lap, while Bones stretched himself out on Sam’s chest. You could spend hours playing with your man’s hair, combing your fingertips through his satiny tresses and scraping your nails gently against his scalp. Sam would moan in relief after a long day at the office, kissing your thigh in thanks while he ran his own hand lazily through Bones’ fur. If ever you stopped the petting train, they would both whine whilst looking up at you with those masterful pleading eyes.
You also discovered that Bones had no problem with intimacy as long as he was involved, which meant make out sessions frequently led to your fur baby squeezing himself between the two of you, splayed out on his back and looking for belly rubs, a tongue stuck out to the side in glee when his owners acquiesced without fail. In fact, you concocted a game, when Sam was feeling low, in which you peppered his face with loud kisses to see how long it would take for Bones to join the fun, never ceasing until Sam was drowning in love and doggy slobber. Still, nothing compared to waking up on his chest after a stormy night, opening your eyes to find your sleepy fido snug and content beneath a tanned, vascular forearm, while deft, elongated fingers frolicked through your hair.
And it turned out Sam was just as good at romance as he was everything else, routinely surprising you with little love notes sprinkled about the house, (eloquent words that reminded you of your worth or beauty or simply the fact that he loved you), your favorite breakfast foods in bed, and once even a rare, original edition signed copy of your favorite book.
So on a haphazard day off, in an effort repay him, you picked out a racy new lingerie set and then procured every clichéd requisite: a candlelit atmosphere, fresh strawberries and whipped cream, rose petals on the bed, and even chocolate fondue. But as Sam’s car pulled onto the driveway, Bones got his muzzle into the whipped cream, which somehow left you hobbling frantically toward the door on one stilettoed heel when the key began to turn within the lock.
“Wait! Wait! Don’t come in yet!” You stumbled to slip on the other shoe before striking your best seductive pose in the doorway, and after hurriedly fixed your hair, resolutely flung the door open to come face to face with the one and only Dean Winchester, who went wide-eyed and slack-jawed at the sight of your risqué get-up.
“Shit!” you cried out in alarm, racing to cover yourself, “Fuck me!”
“Oh, I’m sure Sammy would be happy to,” came Dean’s suave and slightly smug response.
“Dean!” Sam’s deep voice boomed in protest when he finally recovered from shock beside his leering brother, jerking a huge hand up to cover Dean’s eyes when you turned around to grab yourself a throw blanket.
You could barely make eye contact with either of them when you returned.
“Well, I think our football and beer plans can wait for another night, brother. Oh and uh... congratulations!” Clapping Sam on the shoulder, Dean left with a signature wink-and-smirk.
Never again did you attempt to surprise Sam with anything remotely sexual, though it did happen unintentionally when you were working overtime in your living room one memorable weekend.
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Sam wore a knowing grin as you walked dejectedly toward him, no doubt finding amusement in your childish pout.
“I told you to take a break,” he said as he set his book down on the arm of the barrel chair he was sat in, welcoming you to crawl into his lap with open arms and a slight smirk.
You did so without pause, pushing your fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck and nuzzling your nose into his throat. “Yeah, but I wanted to figure it out,” you mumbled against his pulse.
“I know, and you will, baby. But you can’t just keep going at it for hours without rest. You gotta give your body what it needs.”
“Well, right now it needs you.” You ventured out of your burrow to look imploringly into his kaleidoscope eyes, but before you could make your next move, a seventy-pound attention seeker bounded over and up into Sam’s lap as well. “Bones, you cockblock!”
Your love-induced giggle fest was interrupted by Sam’s ringtone. “Oh shit, I’ve gotta take care of this.”
“What?” you frowned, unable to conceal your disappointment.
“Just some urgent paperwork the firm sent me.”
“So no sex?”
Sam’s dimples reappeared as he pecked your pouted lips, “Maybe later, baby girl.”
Forced to disband, you watched as he grabbed his laptop and pulled out a chair at your dining table, a devilish idea popping into your head.
“Y/N, what are you doing?” Sam asked when you began to climb into his lap again.
“I wanna try something. You can still work, I promise.” Undoing his pants, you bit your lip as soon as you saw the SAXX logo.
Though he moaned at the implication, Sam complained, “Baby, Bones is right there.”
“We’ll cover his eyes; he won’t even know what’s happening.”
“We are not traumatizing our dog just because you can’t keep it in your pants!”
You whined, overcome by a sudden onslaught of neediness and insatiable horniness. This happened quite often around Sam. “Fine, I’ll take him to the yard.” Up before he had a chance to dissuade you, you hollered for the dog, “Come on, buddy! Let’s go play outside, yeah?”
Crawling beneath the table when you returned, Sam started as you began to tug at his pants from below. “Shhh, you don’t have to do anything; just pretend I’m not here.” You finally freed his gorgeous dick, pleased to find it already semi-hard, and proceeded to lick a thick stripe up its underside before swirling your tongue and puckering your lips around the tip.
“Yeah, I don’t think I can do that,” Sam strained.
After a few more kitten licks, you took hold of his shaft and used it to pull yourself up, relishing the hiss Sam let loose as you moved to straddle him, lifting your skirt and grinding your bare sex against his.
“Babe,” he exhaled in warning, clenching his teeth to restrain himself.
“Just ignore me, baby boy,” you countered whilst circling his thick diameter with your hand. Just a few practiced and vigorous strokes had him hard as a rock and ready to ride, but you were only going to keep him warm until you could.
As your hands moved to his shoulders, Sam’s vast ones, that had been uselessly perched atop his keyboard finally relented, grasping your hips with a light squeeze. They subconsciously helped raise your body enough for you to rub your slick across his length before lining up to gradually lower yourself, inch by painstaking inch. Erring on the side of caution, you retreated a few times, ever so slightly, on your way down, because although you were soaking for him, Sam was massive and usually opened you up with his fingers first.
“Nnngh,” he groaned, tossing his head back with closed eyes, “Fucking marry me already!”
“What?!” With a gasp, you slid right down the rest of the length, swallowing him whole as your butt cheeks slapped against his muscled thighs and a duet of unfiltered, pornographic moans echoed through the room.
To recover from the incredible feeling of fullness, you rested your head upon his immense shoulder while fluttering around him. “Did you just ask me that because I’m literally keeping your cock warm?” you wondered through a breathless giggle.
“Fuck. No. I didn’t mean to- That wasn’t supposed to-“ You pulled back to smile gently at him, perpetually amazed by the precious, puppy-like behavior of this six-foot-four hunk of a man, particularly during a time like this.
Sam sighed and pressed his forehead to yours. “I’ve actually been thinking about it for some time now.” His cock twitched within you and you couldn’t withhold the quiet sound of appreciation that consequently escaped you.
“Fuck,” he repeated, “This is not how it was supposed to go.”
“You had a plan?” As you whispered the words, you felt your pelvic muscles unwittingly pulse around him at the thought.
Giant hands caressed your outer thighs as Sam grunted, “No, not really. But I’ve known that I wanted to marry you for a long time now, and this is not how I pictured the proposal to go.”
“It’ll make a hell of a story though.”
Sam snorted, “No one will ever hear of this. I demand a redo.”
You rested your triceps on his shoulders and let your fingers roam into his hair, fondling the silken strands and raking across his scalp, unknowingly sending shivers down Sam’s spine as he spoke.
“It’s not my fault I can’t control myself around you. It’s been decades and you’re still the only person who’s ever had this effect on me, who I’ve ever wanted to spend the rest of my life with… Would it be too cheesy to call you my missing puzzle piece right now?”
You groaned in both laughter and arousal at the reminder of his member still fully sheathed within you, letting your forehead fall against his once more.
“I’m so sorry it just came out like that,” he said, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear.
“I’m not,” you contended while pushing his bangs out of his face in return, “Ask me again.”
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
You swore he swelled even more inside you and you responded with a clench, “I’d never marry another.”
“That’s not exactly an answer,” Sam pointed out, bucking up slightly in protest.
“Ungh! Hell yes, Winchester!” With your head thrown back in ecstasy, you bounced a bit on his lap, in search of friction.
Slamming his laptop shut, Sam growled, “Fuck paperwork, how am I supposed to concentrate when I’ve got my future wife wrapped around me?”
Your answer involved swaying above him to change the angle while yanking lightly at his hair and clenching him tighter.
“Oh, you’ve got it coming, baby girl! Bones can wait another hour, right?”
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TEAM IDJITS: @mrswhozeewhatsis @carryonmywaywardbucky @swiftlymoniquesblog @moosewinchester @sams-sass @thinkinghardhardlythinking @jotink78 @winifrede @writingforthelonelysoul @turtletaylor98 @lyarr24 @deanwanddamons @peridottea91 @tvdspngirl314 @idreamofplaid @samsgirl2020 @katwed @asgoodasdancingqueen
TEAM MOOSE: @mind-of-a-girl
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Inked [Part 01]
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Images from Google
Title: Inked [Part 01] — The Beginning of Everything Summary: Your best friend since high school opens a tattoo shop and offers you a job position you can’t deny. This opportunity brings a lot of people into your life, and some of them are meant to last for long. Pairing: Danneel Ackles x Reader Squares: Tattoo Artist!AU for @spnfluffbingo// Free Space for @anyfandomfluffbingo // Tattoo for @danneelacklesbingo // Tattoo Shop AU for @badbitchesbingo // Tattoo Shop AU for @spnaubingo // Warnings: Tattoos, Alternative Universe, nothing else I believe Word Count: 2357 A/N: Welcome to the first part of the story! I'm still working on it, so please be patient. This came as an idea on one of my many tattoo sessions. I hope you like this!
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You were fairly new to the tattoo world, it wasn’t exactly unknown because you had a few on your body but you loved the art and history that came with them, but something you never expected was working for it. Unlike Danneel, your best friend, she was a tattoo artist and had always dreamed of opening a tattoo shop and being known for it. She has been working in the industry since she was 16 and now, over twenty years later, she was one of the best in the industry, but never had the chance to get her own studio.
After a lot of hard work, she was finally able to open up her own tattoo studio, and of course, she asked you to be part of her team. “I want you to be my shop assistant,” she said when she gave you the news. You couldn’t deny the offer because you needed a change of air and she was your best friend after all. However, you warned her that you didn’t have a clue on how to do it, but still, you were going to work hard.
The studio was a big warehouse that needed a lot of hard work and remodeling, it was going to take a few months to have it ready for use. While painting the studio, she explained to you that you were going to manage the social media of the studio and sometimes, her own as well. Dani’s idea was to open up the studio in about four months or so, around the beginning of fall.
It took you three months of really hard work to assemble the most important things, the workstation for each tattoo artist, the front desk area, your office, and a small break area.
You created the social media account a month into renovating the studio. It was worth all the hard work Dani was putting into it, the whole world needed to know that if you work hard for your dreams, they will come true.
Since Dani offered you a job in her studio, and you were really happy about what she had achieved, you needed to give her something. You asked your friend Luke, who was also a tattoo artist and Dani’s colleague to paint the sign of the studio. “Sister Jo Tattoo Studio” was the name that Dani chose.
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You were twenty days away from the date that Dani had planned the opening but still, there were a few important things that were missing, therefore the opening was delayed for at least two more months. “Please, reach the clients and rearrange their appointments, I’m sure they will understand” Dani requested you while finishing the setup of your office. Between finishing the last touches of the studio and planning and rearranging Dani’s agenda with her old and newest appointments time went fast, when you realized you were a week away from the opening day.
Dani made a post on her social media about it, the support she got was truly amazing. The number of people who were excited about this chapter in her life was overwhelming. In just a week, you received around a thousand emails asking for available job positions, appointments, and photographers asking for collaborations with her to promote the opening.
That last week was very chaotic, staff meetings with the crew members, hours organizing tattoo supplies for each tattoo artist, labeling everything for everyone’s knowledge, chaotic week.
You were really nervous about the party Dani and you organized for some of her intimate friends and the staff members. You gifted them some original merch for the first day in the office, each t-shirt had their name on the back, Dani’s read “Lady Boss”.
The party went great, the crew members of the studio were lovely people, you knew you were going to have lots of fun working there. All of the guests attended except for one, this artist couldn’t make it to the party, you kind of expected it, every tattoo artist you met in the past six months was always busy.
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During the first week of work, you got very overwhelmed with the number of messages and emails you had to answer. You knew Dani trusted you, but now you were having second thoughts about this job. You noticed that your work shift was kinda short to be able to do everything. Most of the day you used it to answer all the messages, which included Dani’s account. Whenever someone saw you, you had the phone between your hands and your laptop in front of you, you probably were answering messages for Dani and for the studio.
Even though Dani asked you to run the studio’s account along with her account, sometimes you helped some of the crew by answering their emails too. As overwhelming as it sounds, you couldn’t help it, you were always ready to help anyone. There weren’t too many people in Dani’s team, she was very meticulous in choosing which artists were going to be working with her.
Your anxiety started to get worse with the following weeks of work, you weren’t used to being reached by hundreds of people every day. You couldn’t believe how rude people can be for not being answered in the first hour after they had sent the message. You tried your best to answer as many messages as you were able to and do the other things you were needed to.
With every anxiety crisis you had, Dani was there next to you, helping you to get it through, putting your favorite song to ground you. Both of you knew this was going to happen and she didn’t care. “Just do what you can, I’ll handle the rest,” she told you after one of your crises “I just want you to be okay. I love you” you hugged her and said “thank you, Dan, for everything. I love you too”
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You bonded with all the artists as soon as you started working with them. Sister Jo was your new family. One day, Tim said jokingly that you had too much “visible” skin for someone who worked in a tattoo shop, he suggested that you needed to start getting tattooed by them, all of you laughed, but for them seemed like a serious matter, you, in the other hand, were fine with your tattoos. “When are you getting tattooed by one of us?” Luke asked you a few days later, bringing back what Tim had suggested, “Don’t know. My hands are kind of full as well as your schedules,” you said, “Don’t worry, we will make it work” Luke said heading to meet his client.
True to his word, a week after, Dani showed up in your small office with a manila folder, “What’s this?” you asked confused, you didn’t know what it was since you do everything by email, “Meet me at my station in an hour” she said leaving a second later.
When you opened it, inside there was a drawing and a small note that read “I figured you will need this. Don’t cheat until it’s done. Love u, Dani”
An hour and a half later, Dani was cleaning the tattoo, and all the crew was anxiously waiting for her to finish. “Thank you guys, this means a lot to me,” you told them. The first one to see it was Megan and said “it’s original, I really like it,” then was Luke, “what does it mean?” he asked curiously “I know what it is but, what’s the meaning behind it?” Dani sighed and said, “is something that has a big meaning” she sighed and said "you can interpret as you want, the real meaning will remain private between N/N and me," Luke lifted his hands in surrender and the rest of the team left you two alone.
"Thank you, Dani," you said, opening up your arms to hug her, "anything for you babe." She said hugging you back. She covered it up and both of you got back to work.
The following day as you were working in your office, Dani showed up at your door and said pointing to your desk "I left that for you, I need you to check it up and give me your opinion. No rush" and then she left. You grabbed said folder and put it with the rest of the things you needed to finish.
Once you got everything done, you checked what Dani gave you. Inside the folder were some samples of different posters. You thought she might have mistaken the folder, you didn't have a clue about art and all sorts of things.
You were about to get her when she showed up at your office, "baby, book a staff meeting for tomorrow morning, please" you nodded jotting it down so you didn't forget, "Dani, wait, what's this?" You asked and Dani looked at you, "So, what do you think? These are some samples for the flyer that we're going to put on the front of the studio to promote our new guest." She explained, "But there are no names in here, how…" "is a surprise guest," you looked at Dani and asked, "and how people will know if they are interested in getting a tattoo by this artist?" You were making a point, and Dani knew that you wanted to know who this person was, "you're going to get emails every Friday with his appointments and you will have to fit them in ours, he will be coming in two months" she said ending the talk.
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The next day when you woke up, you had a notification on your phone for the staff meeting, something felt wrong and you didn’t know what. When you arrived at the studio, all the tattoo artists were there, you had to look at your watch to double-check the time, you were late and you’re never late.
That day didn’t start as a good day, and this was triggering your alarms for an anxiety attack. Dani noticed your behavior and knew what was going on. She sat next to you and handed you a cup of coffee, she put a hand on your leg and said “I asked them to come a little bit early, I needed to talk with them.” You started to feel the anxiety creeping up, something was definitely wrong and you knew it, “Is everything alright?” You asked worriedly, “Just hear us out” Luke mentioned, “Sweetie,” Dani called your attention, “we think you need to take some days off,” she said, “Why?” Megan started saying “You’ve been working so hard for all of us and you deserve them,” Luke continued, “we noticed the changes in your behavior, we love you and we want you to be okay,” “It's just for your well-being. We all support you” Dani finished, you didn’t understand why she was asking you that, but what they said was true, you were very anxious lately, a day or two off didn’t sound that bad.
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After taking two days off, the following weeks were a total success, the studio was well known, all the appointments that were available now were booked. You even had walk-ins and events for certain holidays that were already planned in advance. You could see in Dani that this was all that she had ever dreamt of. You were really proud of her and all her achievements. Your anxiety was under control again, which you were grateful to the team for those days off, you really needed them.
But there was only one thing that kept your anxiety at bay, the mysterious tattoo artist. You didn’t know who it was, you guessed it was important since he was sending you his appointments and you just had to add them to your studio’s calendar. Dani was very silent about this thing, she was the only one who knew and to be honest, could be anyone, she had gotten too many friends in over twenty years of tattooing.
You were answering an email when your phone started to ring, “Oh shoot” you said when you realized what it was, “what happened?” Dani asked, “I should start promoting your mysterious tattoo artist, he is coming in two weeks” you explained, “You kidding right? Is that time already?” she asked, surprised by how the time flew. The studio was having a great moment and every single day was very busy.
You were so busy that you had totally forgotten about it, thank God for setting up reminders for everything, if not, you would’ve totally forgotten.
“Go home Y/N,” Dani said “I’ll finish here, don’t worry”, “Let me finish this, and I’ll go,” you commented to her. You did as you said and started gathering your things, your phone buzzed notifying you of a new message, you thought it was another person asking for an appointment, but you were wrong, it was a text message, “who texts nowadays?” you said aloud to no one in particular, when you opened it, it was from an unknown number.
“Can’t wait to meet you, sweetheart.” the message read, ``Who is this?” you said aloud and Dani came to check on you, “Is something wrong?” you showed her the text message, “oh yeah, I forgot about it.” You looked at her waiting for an explanation “This is the mysterious guest. You are technically my assistant, so I gave him your number.” You nodded understanding, “So is a he,” you said “that doesn’t narrow down the list at all” Dani laughed at your comment, “You can talk to him, but you cannot ask him his name or any type of question that could reveal his identity.” “Fine, mom,” you said disappointed. “Anyways, go home, take a bath, relax a little and talk with him, you really gonna like him” you grabbed your things because Dani was practically kicking you out.
“I’ll call you later so you can tell me how this guy is treating you, don't save the juicy details” she winked and you laughed.
How were you going to find out who this guy was without asking his name?
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Tag List (Is Open - DM or Link in Bio)
Inked Taglist @danneelsmain | @deandreamernp | @maliburenee
Everything Taglist @iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @thevelvetseries | @mrspeacem1nusone | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanreads
Supernatural - RPF @akshi8278 | @wonderfulworldofwinchester
Credits for @firefly-graphics for the divider
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carryonmywaywardcaptain · 4 years ago
SPN Fluff Bingo Masterlist
CarryOnCap’s Masterlist
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Below are my 2021 submissions for @spnfluffbingo​!
Dean Winchester
Miles of Memories- 2  (Mistaken for a Couple)
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