#how do you clean the literal fabric of reality?
wonijinjin · 8 months
being in a relationship with kim mingyu: silly headcanons
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synopsis: my silly thoughts on how it would be to live and be in a relationship with mingyu, @babyleostuff thank you for helping me list these and listening to me talking about these scenarios i loved it
word count: 1.2k | genre: fluff, humour/crack | pairing: mingyu x f! reader | warnings: mentions of dresses, food, diets, reader being overall somewhat smaller than mingyu
- okay so mingyu is a goofy man we all know this, but here are some things about living with him and being his girlfriend that would make you go crazy (in both good and bad ways)
- he would scare the shit out of you every morning since his little confused puppy face and messy hair directly in your face would be such a shocker every single time you wake up in the same bed as him, especially if you went to bed alone and he snuck into bed during the night if he worked late. this would result in you screaming you head off and him being so surprised aswell he might even fall off the bed lmao.
- sleeping with him also includes him being the most comfortable pillow ever, but there would be a price you would have to pay for it; he would get on top of you during the night, kinda like a nice free weighed blanket, except the fact that he would be so heavy after some time you couldn’t breathe and would have to hit him continuously until he wakes up.
- this man would definitely be a pathological liar when it comes to stories about him being brave over something, like my man literally caught a single fly or bug and he would be like “yeah that’s right i tamed a 10 meters long python.” also he would not shut up about it, bringing it up every time there’s a chance, but when you would actually need help getting rid of an insect he would run away crying like the baby he is.
- he would love to cook for you, but would turn into the biggest clutz when you are in charge in the kitchen; you would be peacefully cooking when he would come into the room upon smelling the fruit of your hard work, making everything go wrong; the moment this man appears next to you with the sentence “oh my god i wanna help you you know how much i love cooking, especially with you.” your peace and quiet would be over, in the end resulting in you having to clean up all the mess he made while he sits on the couch as a punishment after you scolded him. (after this incident you would probably never allow him to help you cook, only the other way around)
- he adores sundresses and overall cutesy summer clothes, you cannot tell me otherwise, he would be hypnotised by the way the dress looked on you, trying to match his shirt with it. he would be spinning you around all day to some kind of music, loving the way the dress flows, how the fabric feels on his hands, and how cute you look in his arms, really making the moment feel like a real fairytale.
- mingyu’s brain works faster than light so it is really hard to understand what he says, since he’s always talking with such speed which would result in you having to stop him every 5 minutes to tell him to slow down and him being confused about why you cannot keep up with him, saying that he always talks like this. (mingyu babes that doesn’t mean it was understandable before lmao)
- another thing connected to him speaking is his cute little lisp; you would always tease him for it (as you do for everything else) in a cute way and he would be such a drama queen saying that you were the meanest, when in reality you loved it so much you could burst from affection every time this man opened his mouth.
- he would insist on driving you everywhere; doesn’t matter if you have your drivers licence or not mingyu would love you to be his passenger princess. he would put on sunglassses to seem cool while he is driving with one hand, his other on your thigh, looking at you from time to time while you stared at him shamelessly, drooling over how good he looked while driving.
- no matter how much of an organised person you are, you would probably have little arguments with him about you not washing the dishes right after cooking or leaving your books or other personal belongings scattered around the house. he just cannot help it, he is a clean freak.
- mingyu would try to be romantic by catching you off guard with a kiss, but would bump his forehead with yours and would have to tend to the ache in both of your temples after the incident, making him sulky and worried about you, and of course ashamed that he was clumsy yet again. (don’t worry you would laugh it off, making it up to him by giving him many many kisses)
- people would always assume that he wore the pants in the relationship but in reality i think your roles would be very well balanced. he may be a gentle person but he wouldn’t be afraid to speak up on your behalf if needed, always prioritising your protection.
- he would let you do his skincare to cheer you up when you had a bad day, since your stress relief comes from babying him (like fr who wouldn’t want to baby this cutie?), so he would be patiently sitting while you applied every serum and sheet mask existing on the planet to his face.
- his hugs are one of the best things in the world, being engulfed by his large frame would always be so comforting, him letting you inhale the scent of his cologne for as long as you need.
- he is a gymrat as everyone knows, and he would insist on you going to the gym with him at least once. you don’t have to worry if you are not a gym girly, because he wants you there to help him; he would ask you to sit on his back while doing pushups, or to get on top of some of the equipment, basically he would use you as human weights, kissing you every time he came up to where you were positioned, sheepishly smiling at you as you watched his big muscles work in awe.
- he would get so shy and giggly if you complimented him, like he has a big ego of course he knows he is handsome, but if the praise comes from you he would be melting and giggling like the babygirl he is.
- he loves to eat and loves meat; finding him grilling randomly in the backyard of the house at like midnight wouldn’t be a surprising occurrence.
- mingyu would stuff you full of food every chance he gets, no questions asked. he eats very well as we know (as he should!) because well for those muscles and the amount of workouts he does he needs the energy to be fair; whenever he eats you need to have a bite with him too, even if you say you are dieting or aren’t hungry he doesn’t care; he just feeds you. you cannot escape especially if he is cooking for you.
- he loves to drink from time to time so on occasions when you would join him he would forget how big of a man he really is and would definitely try to lean on you for support as he would be so drunk, only to realise that he is basically crushing you to death lmao.
- he is a man with a childlike heart, so he would try to fit his tall ass figure into such small spaces, which would definitely result in needing your help to pull him out of like children’s playground swings and stuff, poor guy would be whining so loudly about his everything hurting the next day.
- lastly and most importantly; he loves you so much he would let you do (and get him do to) anything without hesitation, and whatever bad thing you did he would never get angry at you, you are just his baby and to him you cannot do any harm even if you told him you burned his house off.
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deadgirlwalking91 · 3 months
new update - 'thank you for the venom', chapter 10: 'i like to push it and push it until my luck is over'
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten Summary
Adam loses his patience with Lute when she won't let him take care of her without a fight.
Who is here for some close proximityyyyyyy?! 🙋🏼‍♀️
All I'm going to say is that the next few chapters are going to be fun. SO much fun. Buckle up, buttercups!
Thanks @branded-rose for beta-ing as always, you wonderful human <3
Neither Adam or Lute said anything on the way to his apartment.
Lute had decided, for fucking once, that she didn’t feel up to talking or backchatting him and instead spent the trek back sulking in his arms, refusing to look at him.
If he was being honest, the silence was more than welcomed. It gave Adam time to think, to form a game plan for the week ahead. His objective? To not fuck his lieutenant while she recovered from her injury. As tempting as it was, he couldn’t risk her reinjuring herself and taking more time off training. 
Considering he had a meeting with Sera coming up, he needed Lute to heal up fast, lest he be subjected to a lecture on how he wasn’t taking this seriously enough, why was his lieutenant always getting injured under his watch, blah, blah-fucking-blah.
Though, now that he came to think of it, he was the guy who literally invented sex. Surely he could come up with some creative positions so as to not do further damage to her ankle. 
He found himself lost in his thoughts as they approached his front door, trying to think of the most stationary way to bury himself inside her when a familiar, irritating voice quickly brought him back to reality.
“Sir? Sir. Are you even listening to me?”
Adam glanced down at Lute, who was waving a hand in front of his face, looking wildly unimpressed.
“Course I was,” he said defensively, lying through his teeth. He had absolutely no idea what she’d said - and frankly, couldn’t care, considering he’d been thoroughly enjoying the visuals that accompanied his dirty thoughts.
“Then what was I talking about?” She narrowed her eyes at him, and he resisted the urge to roll his own in response.
“Uhh… you were complaining about something or other? Hold up - could you reach into my pocket and grab my key for me?” 
What a save.
Lute scowled at him, unimpressed. “A ‘please’ wouldn’t hurt, you know.”
Adam resisted the urge to drop her on the floor for being a colossal pain in his ass. Injury be damned, she was already getting on his nerves and they hadn’t even walked through the front door yet.
It was going to be a long ass week together, and he wasn’t sure which one of them would kill the other first.
“Fucking hell - fine. Grab the key from my pocket and unlock the front door, so we can hurry the fuck up and get inside, please?”
Smiling smugly, she reached her hand into his pocket, digging around for his key, her fingers roughly hitting the front of his hip and thigh through the fabric of his robe. “Was that so hard, sir?”
“If you keep digging around like that babe, you’ll find something else in there that’s hard.”
“Ugh. You disgust me.” She threw him the flattest look, producing the key from his pocket and unceremoniously shoving it into the keyhole.
When they stepped through the front door, Adam felt the slightest pang of shame at not cleaning up after himself from the night before. Empty wine bottles and takeout containers littered his counter, while there was no way Lute’s keen eye would miss the hot pink bra draped lazily over the back of his armchair.
Layla had forgotten to pick up after herself again.
“Really?” she asked dryly, raising a brow at him as he carried her over to his couch. “I’m surprised you don’t have a lost and found box permanently stationed outside your front door.”
“You know Lute, that’s the most intelligent thing that I think has ever come out of your mouth,” he mused, setting her down carefully so as not to bump her injured leg. “I’ll be right back.”
He grabbed the bra off the back of his chair and wandered into his bedroom, quickly grabbing his phone to text Layla.
Adam: You forgot your bra. Again.
As expected, considering Layla never got off her phone, it vibrated in his hand almost instantly.
Layla: Did your pretty little patient notice?
Adam: Yes. 
Layla: She’d look good in it, too. Don’t you think?
Adam: Not helping.
Layla: I know. Good luck. 
Snorting, he pocketed his phone again. Layla had picked up on the tension between him and Lute at the bar a couple of months go, before he’d followed her outside. She’d nagged him about it for fucking weeks, until a moment where she quite literally had him by the balls and he relented, admitting that there had been something between them, but nothing more had happened.
He didn’t need the truth spreading around the barracks like wildfire, considering how fucking chatty the girls were. Still, he was thankful that Layla seemed to have kept her mouth shut, even though she nagged him almost daily about Lute.
As he reminded himself to change his sheets later, he drew on the uncomfortable conversation he’d had with Layla the night before in his bed.
“Why do you even fucking care?” Adam asked, rolling over to look at her. “I wouldn’t have picked you to be the jealous type.”
“That’s because I’m not,” Layla said simply as she sat up, letting the duvet fall, exposing her ample chest as she inspected a strand of her hair. “Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy our hookups because they scratch an itch, so to speak, but emotionally you’re kind of a giant walking red flag.”
“Gee, thanks,” he said bitterly. “Way to make a guy feel good about himself.”
“Oh, please, Adam,” she snorted. “That’s not what I’m here for. You want someone to stroke your ego? Get a girlfriend. Or, man up and do something about your little crush on Lute.”
“I’ll give you something you can stroke,” he said in a low voice, reaching over to cup one of her breasts, massaging it softly, choosing to ignore her dig at him as he kneaded it softly.
She glanced at his hand, her expression bored, then shook her head. “Nah. I’m good.” Stretching, she slid out of his bed and began getting dressed.
“Where are you going?”
“Home. I told you - I had an itch, you scratched it. Now I’m done.”She leaned both arms on the bed, staring Adam down with her large golden eyes, her expression unusually firm.
“Stop being such a pussy Adam, and just shoot your shot,” she said sternly. “I have a feeling that you’ll be a happier man for it.”
“I have no fucking idea what you’re on about.”
“That’s your problem then, not mine.”
With that, she sashayed out of his room, flicking her hair over her shoulder.
Shoving the memory to the back of his mind, not wanting to think about it any further, Adam threw the bra into his closet before grabbing two pillows off his bed and trudging back out into his living room. 
Lute’s thumbs were moving swiftly across her phone screen as she typed furiously, her eyes unmoving. If she noticed Adam come back into the room, she didn’t acknowledge him.
“Who are you texting?”
She startled slightly, glaring at him as he took a seat next to her on the couch. “Vaggie. I’m telling her what I’ll need for the next week.”
“Anything special I should know about?”
Her cheeks flushed and she narrowed her eyes further at him. “No.”
“That’s a lie if I ever fucking heard one. Here - hold this,” he shoved a pillow at her, knocking her phone out of her hands, causing it to bounce away from her and land close to her feet. Grabbing it to pass back to her, he snuck a quick look at her screen.
Vaggie: You sure you’re okay? You could have stayed with me.
Lute: You’d get sick of me.
Vaggie: That’s a lie.
Lute: Plus, he had a point. His place is bigger than our apartments. 
Vaggie: I guess. If you need to tap out at any time though, call me. What do you need?
Lute: I’ll be alright. Just the usual stuff. Clothes and toiletries. Also my protein powder and shaker. And a book or two. Third drawer in the kitchen. You know the type.
Vaggie: Unusual hiding spot for a book, but okay.
“Why do you keep your books in the kitchen drawer?” Adam asked, extending his arm so Lute could take her phone. “That’s a fucking weird spot. Most normal people keep theirs on a bookshelf.”
“None of your fucking business,” she snapped, snatching her phone back and locking it. “Next time, don’t read my messages, creep.”
“Oh, calm your tits, it wasn’t like you had anything interesting to say,” he huffed, laying the remaining pillow across the top of his thighs. “Alright, I’m about to take a look at your leg and see how bad the damage is. I’d suggest biting into that pillow while I do it.”
“Why on earth would I need to bite into a pillow?”
Adam sighed and scratched behind his neck, not caring for her attitude. “Because, and I hate to break this to you, babe, but it’s not going to tickle when I take your shoe off. In fact, it’s going to hurt like hell. So, instead of you yelling at the top of your lungs and my neighbours get pissed off that they can hear someone screaming in here again, just bite into the fucking pillow, would you?” 
“Do you make screaming loud enough to piss your neighbours off a regular habit?” she asked, cocking a brow at him. He snorted and gently lifted her legs, scooting closer to her so that he could place them on top of the pillow on his lap.
“It’s not me they’re complaining about, babe.”
She shot him a withering look and he snickered, shaking his head. “You are so easy to rile up, Dangertits.”
“Stop calling me that.”
“Not gonna happen. Anyway, get ready because I’m about to take your shoe off and it’s gonna hurt.” He started undoing the laces on her trainer, taking care not to knock her foot.
“Somehow, I think I’ll manage,” she muttered, “I don’t see why you’re making such a big deal about this. It’s a fucking ankle sprain, but you’re making out like I’ve lost a goddamn limb or something”
He closed his eyes, trying to find the inner strength to deal with her shitty attitude. He wasn’t the most patient man at the best of times, but she was really testing him now.
“Lute,” he ground out through gritted teeth, “shut the fuck up and stop being such a brat.”
She puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms looking away from him. “I am not being a brat.”
“You fucking are. You’re pouting at me again.”
“I am not,” she argued, aiming a swift kick at him with her good leg. He caught it mid-air before it connected with his shoulder, glowering at her.
“If you don’t shut your mouth,” he growled, “I’m going to shut it for you.”
“Oooh, I’m so scared,” she said sardonically, her face twisting into a mock fearful expression. “What are you going to do to me?”
“Don’t push your fucking luck with me.” He leaned over, their chests just touching as he grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him, her blazing golden eyes meeting the yellow of his mask. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to help you here, not make things worse. Stop running your fucking mouth and start listening to me. That’s an order. Do you fucking understand me, Lieutenant?”
Her lip curled into a snarl. “I didn’t ask you to take care of me, sir.”
“I couldn’t really give a shit what you asked for,” he said coolly, letting go of her face roughly and resuming his original position on the couch. “Shoe’s coming off now, by the way. Get ready - or not, I’m not bothered either way.”
He gripped the heel of her trainer and tugged downwars, trying not to move her actual foot as much as possible. Lute hissed, then let out a cry of pain as he gently wiggled the shoe in order to ease it off her swollen foot.
“That hurts!” she yelled, throwing her head back against the armrest of the couch.
“Bite the goddamn pillow, Lute, or my neighbours will think I’m murdering someone.”
“It’s Heaven, nobody gets murdered here,” she growled.
“Well, it’s either that or they’ll think you’re an animal and into some kinky shit, so if you want them to keep thinking that, go ahead and be my guest. I don’t care.”
He was relieved to see her finally press the pillow into her face, her scream muffled as he finally managed to get her shoe and sock off.
Adam had seen his fair share of soft tissue injuries during his time as Commander of the Exorcist army - severe bruising, strains and sprains were commonplace, especially during training sessions. In fact, they probably made up at least half of the incident reports he had to fill out. But, in classic Lute fashion, she had managed to spectacularly outdo everybody else, sporting the most brilliant ankle sprain he had ever seen.
Her skin was no longer pale, instead now heavily bruised with patches of vibrant oranges and yellows that spread from the tips of her toes right up to past the hem of her leggings, concentrated mostly around her ankle - which had turned a particularly nasty shade of vermillion. The afflicted area had also swelled to twice its normal size, looking unnatural next to her muscular right leg.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, gently running his fingers over her swollen skin. “Not sure if I should congratulate you on doing such a great job, or be pissed that you’re going to be out of action for a while.”
When she didn’t respond, he glanced up at her and was surprised to find that tears had formed in the corners of her eyes.
“It’s not that bad,” he backtracked, feeling uncomfortable at her sudden shift in demeanour. Shit, he was hopeless when it came to women crying in front of him, he never had any idea what to do, and no matter what he said, he tended to just make it worse. “A week off work, at the most.”
She looked away, and he pretended not to notice as she quickly wiped her eyes. Not that she deserved it for being such a pain in the ass earlier. Still, he couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit sorry for her. Her misery almost made her seem normal.
“I don’t want to take a week off work,” she said thickly. “We’ve got too much to do. And - and you have a meeting with Sera and -”
Adam cut her off, waving his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about my meeting with Sare-bear, she doesn’t have to know everything that goes on at training. But, Lute, just listen,” he let one of his hands come to rest on her knee in a comforting gesture.
“You need to swallow your fucking pride and do as I say, alright? I swear I’m not trying to be a dick, I’m trying to help you get back to normal as soon as possible. Believe it or not, you’re not invincible, but if you just rest, you’ll heal quicker. Okay? So, just…fucking chill.”
He gave her knee a reassuring pat, and as she looked up at him through her damp lashes, he felt oddly compelled to comfort her further. He wasn’t entirely sure where the feeling came from, or what it meant exactly, but all he knew was that he needed to show her that he cared. So he lifted the hand that was resting on her leg and grabbed one of her hands, squeezing it gently, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles.
He found himself studying how small her hands were, how if he held their hands up together, the tips of her fingers would barely reach past his palms. How could such tiny hands be responsible for spilling so much Sinner blood, year after year?
Lute cast her eyes downwards into her lap and nodded, resigned. “Okay,” she said quietly, her voice barely audible.
Adam breathed a sigh of relief and let his head fall backwards. “Finally, she listens to me,” he muttered to his ceiling. “It’s only taken God knows how fucking long.”
He managed to catch the pillow just before it hit him in the face.
Lute was on the verge of falling asleep when Vaggie turned up at Adam’s apartment, a large duffel bag slung over her shoulder and a scowl plastered on her face as he greeted her with an obnoxiously loud, “‘Sup, Vagasaurous!”
She couldn’t hear most of their conversation from her position on the couch due to the fact that they were speaking in hushed voices, but she was positive she heard Vaggie stage-whisper, “What do you mean she hasn’t had any fucking painkillers?” at one point.
If they spoke much after that, she had no recollection of it as she let her eyes rest, drifting off to sleep.
When she woke, she was surprised to feel something soft covering her bare shoulders. Opening her eyes, she found a blanket over her, considerately tucked neatly under her body. Vaggie must have come in and made sure she was warm, knowing Adam wouldn’t have the care factor to do so.
Sitting up, Lute hissed, grimacing as pain seared through her ankle, which was resting gently atop one of the pillows Adam had brought out from his bedroom. Another considerate gesture from Vaggie.
She really was such a good friend.
“Bout time you woke up.”
Her eyes darted around, finding Adam sitting at his counter flicking through something on his phone. 
“How long was I asleep for?” she asked, drawing the blanket up under her chin. She didn’t love the idea of him being around her, awake, while she slept. What if she did something embarrassing, like snored, or drooled… or worse, talked in her sleep?
Given some of the… intense dreams she’d had over the past few months that may or may not have involved her boss, she reall, really hoped she didn’t sleeptalk.
Adam looked up from his phone as he set it on his counter, which was now rid of the rubbish that had been strewn across it when they first arrived at the apartment. At least he’d taken the liberty of cleaning up while she slept. “A couple hours? You were pretty out of it.”
“Oh, fuck yeah. Also, you have the funniest little snore. It’d almost be cute if it wasn’t coming from you.”
“I do not snore!” Lute cried indignantly, pulling the blanket tighter around herself.
He raised an eyebrow at her. “Babe. You snored. Besides, how would you know if you do or don’t? Anybody ever told you that you have?”
“No,” she admitted, deliberately choosing not to elaborate further - he didn’t need to know it was because she’d never slept next to anybody before. She’d never hear the end of it and besides, it was absolutely none of his business.
“Well, either this was something special you saved just for me, or all the men you’ve ever shared a bed with sleep like the dead.”
“Again, sir, it’s Heaven. Most people here sleep like the dead because they are dead.”
“Fuck, it was nice and peaceful while you were comatose,” Adam muttered under his breath, sliding off his stool, “even if you were snoring.” 
Lute watched with mild interest as he opened kitchen cupboards, continuing to mutter to himself. It was odd seeing him in such a domesticated environment - given his status in Heaven as the First Man and how obnoxious he was, she’d expected him to live in a more luxurious, gaudy home. In reality, apart from an overly-large TV, and the fact that the footprint of his apartment was slightly larger than hers, his home wasn’t very impressive at all.
“What are you doing?” she asked as he made his way over to her and sat on the coffee table in front of her, holding a glass of water.
“Your little scissor-sister bestie chewed me out for not giving you these sooner, so hurry up and take them before she turns up at my door again.” He extended his hand, uncurling his fist to reveal two small blue pills. “They should stop the pain while you’re sitting still.”
“I’m not in pain,” Lute said quickly, eyeing the pills, “I’m fine.” She didn’t want him thinking she was weak enough to need medication. That would just be pathetic, especially for something as minor as a sprained ankle.
“Oh for fuck’s sake, did we or did we not just have a conversation about this?” Adam snapped, “take the fucking pills Lute, before I force them down your throat.”
Glaring at him, she snatched the pills from his outstretched hand, but before she could pull away his hand closed tightly over hers. He moved off the coffee table, kneeling in front of her, once again closing space between their bodies.
She glanced down at their hands, and noticed that he must have taken his gloves off while she was asleep, because they were bare. She’d seen him without them before, but he was close enough now that she couldn’t help but notice the sprinkling of fine ash-brown hair that crept up the back of his hand.
It was also warm, and strong. If it were anybody else holding her hand, she’d admit to liking how that felt. She kept that thought to herself.
“You,” he started, his voice now low and dangerous, “are really pissing me off now. Cut the bullshit, stop being a stubborn little bitch and let me take fucking care of you, alright?”
“I’m not weak,” she hissed, “I’m not some helpless little girl who needs saving.”
“Nobody said you were. Shut up and take the painkillers, Lute.” He let go of her hand and shook his head in frustration.
Scowling, she shoved the pills in her mouth and swallowed, grimacing at the taste as she struggled to get them down her throat. She held out her hand for the glass of water and Adam handed it to her unceremoniously.
Once she’d managed to chase the pills with the water, she thrust the glass back in his direction. 
“Was that so hard?” 
She sighed. “Yes actually, it was.”
“It would have been a fuckton easier if you’d just listened to me.”
“Where did you even get painkillers, anyway? It’s not like anybody here needs them.”
He snorted. “You think I’m going to smuggle hard liquor from Hell every year for our post-Extermination Day rager, and not be smart enough to also steal something to help with the hangover the next day?”
“Oh, I feel so honoured you gave me your special hangover pills.”
“So you fucking should be, I only get a few a year.” 
She turned her head to gaze at him, still seated on the floor in front of her. He looked as tired as she felt. “Why are you so hellbent on doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“This. Making sure I’m alright. You don’t care about me.”
“Bullshit. I care about all my girls, Lute, and that includes you.” He scooted closer, so his side leaned against the couch, his body facing hers. “You just make my job more difficult because you’ve got more of a tendency to bite back than the others.”
Lute didn’t say anything, instead choosing to adjust the waistband of her leggings, which were starting to dig into her and get uncomfortable. She desperately needed a shower.
“You know what’s going to be difficult?” she groaned, realising another roadblock they’d have to tackle. 
She grimaced, not wanting to admit it out loud - but what choice did she have?
Adam blinked at her, confused. “Oh, yeah we can do that. No biggie, I’ll just carry you in, you can do your thing and when you’re ready just call me and I’ll come get you. Easy as fuck.”
“Sir. That’s not going to work. How am I even supposed to stand in the shower, or get in and out?
He scratched the back of his neck, frowning. “Shit, I didn’t think of that. Unless…”
“I’m not showering with you,” Lute said quickly.
Adam snorted. “Babe, that is not where my mind was going, but now that you mention it, if you can put your big girl panties on and be an adult about this, it would be the easiest solution.”
She glared at him. “No, sir. What was your other plan?”
“I have a bath. It’s probably easier to get you in there.”
She swallowed, unconvinced. “I haven’t had a bath since -”
Adam held a hand up, silencing her. “Since I busted into your apartment. Yeah, yeah, I know, spare me the lecture. As far as I see this playing out Dangertits, you’ve got three options. One, take a bath. I help you in, get you settled, then come and get you when the time’s up. Easy. Two, we shower together. Not gonna lie, the thought of it excites me, but you’d have to keep your eyes closed the whole time, because this,” he tugged at the bottom of his hood, “would be coming off.”
“I can keep my eyes closed, I’ve done it before,” she retorted, the words escaping her lips before she had the chance to hold them in. Her eyes widened and she clapped a hand to her mouth, utterly mortified at her inadvertent admission of wanting to shower with him. Her stomach twisted into a thousand knots as she frantically wondered how the fuck she was going to talk her way out of this. 
She wanted to die.
He cocked an eyebrow at her, grinning. “Believe me, I know you can. Let’s just say the last time I asked you to, I was very impressed with how well you can follow instructions when you don’t fucking backchat me.”
Lute sank lower into the couch, pulling the blanket over her head so Adam wouldn’t see how her face and chest were basically glowing fluorescent. So she didn’t have to look at his stupid smug fake face as it smirked at her.
“What’s my third option?” she muttered, her voice strained.
“You don’t bathe at all for the next week. Which is fucking gross.”
She felt him rip the blanket away from her, and she yelped at the sensation of the cool air on her bare skin, goosebumps creeping up her arms. She glared up at Adam, who was now standing over her, blanket tossed to the side.
“Was that necessary?” she asked, folding her arms over her stomach.
He shrugged. “Not really, no, but I need an answer, and I didn’t feel like you were going to give me one, so I had to do something.. What’s it gonna be, babe?”
“I don’t have a choice, do I?” she groaned, “I’ll take a bath.”
“Slightly disappointed you didn’t suggest the shower, to be honest.” He bent down and slid one arm under her knees, and the other around her waist, lifting her up off the couch effortlessly. “Come on. Let’s get you clean. Want me to give you a sponge bath while we’re at it?”
Lute turned her head and let it rest against Adam’s chest as he carried her to his bathroom, taking in his scent - woody, aromatic. Slightly peppery, even. Masculine. 
For all the times he’d been in her personal space, she’d never really paid attention to how he smelt. She was usually too busy being annoyed by his presence.
Or, he had her preoccupied in other ways.
As for his comment about the sponge bath?
Lute felt that sometimes, some questions were best left unanswered.
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miguelswifey04 · 1 year
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mentally gone... (miguel o'hara x gender neutral! reader)
in which y/n suffers a brain injury, in a coma, and miguel loses his one and only.
WARNING: angst, suffering, trauma, near death experience (?)
part 2, part 1
miguel felt something break inside of him. he heard something shatter. maybe it was the sound of his heart breaking into millions of pieces he just didn’t know what to do. he just lost someone so important to him again. this can’t be. no not this again…
“no, no, NO!” he yelled out, “this can’t be…you mean to tell me they lost their memories?!” he didn’t know what to do but just stare at the doctor. he did not want to believe anything he just heard from the doctor saying you had amnesia. he did know you hit your head hard onto the ground but he just did not want to consider that possibility at all. he wanted all of this to be a wicked nightmare. oh god, he just wanted it to just be a nightmare. ‘please be a nightmare’ miguel begged to his brain…but he had to face the reality of it all. it was indeed not a nightmare.
miguel began to cry as he walked by your side. you looked at him as you furrowed your brows as you were so confused at the fact a stranger was crying over you. you didn’t know what to do but wince at the headache that you had as you held your head in your hands feeling the fabric of the bandages that were wrapped around you head. you looked up at him again and started to feel somewhat bad for him. he was distraught and a mess. miguel came closer to you as he fell down onto his knees besides your hospital bed and became to apologize profusely in between sobs.
“i—i’m so so s-orry, this is all my fault,” he held his face in his hands still on the edge of you bed. you were stunned to say the least and felt various emotions clash with one another in your heart. this was all too much for you, and you didn’t even recognize the poor man who was crying over you. you wanted to say something anything to get this man to stop crying.
you cautiously reached out to him as you put your hand on his shoulder. he immediately looked up to you as he shakily wiped his tears as his chest rose up and down viciously. you could tell he was shaking so badly. you felt bad. “i’m trying my hardest to remember but i can’t it hurts to try to recall any of my memories.” that’s all you’ve managed to say and his face fell to one of the horrors you would see in a horror movie. he was mortified towards the fact that you may never ever recognize him ever again or even if you did you probably wouldn’t feel the same way you once did for him ever again.
“please, it’s okay y/n…i’ll do my best for you to remember me again.” miguel said his voice quaking as he pleaded. he was looking for any signs that may indicate that you might remember quite literally anything but none were evident. a few more tears began to cascade down his chiseled face as he sniffled. he had dried tear stains on his face from his previous tears but all of that was washed clean with new ones. he reached out to grab a hand from you but you slightly flinched from his touch so he gently retrieved it back.
you stood there silent. you were confused and conflicted with a man who was promising you to make you remember. a man who was devoted to make you somewhat bring back your memories that have been blocked for who knows how long. how are you supposed to trust a man who you don’t even know? do you just take his word for it or deny him? “i just don’t know.” you muttered under your breath.
miguel was clinging on the last threads of hope. his stomach churned at your words and god did they stab him deep in the heart. he wanted to just hold you so tightly but he didn’t because he did not want to overstep your boundaries because after all you weren’t the same person he once fell in love with. you were a whole new person. miguel knew he needed to respect that as much as he did not want to accept it.
he took shallow deep breaths as he stood up on his own feet. most of the air he breathed did not fill his lungs properly. he would clench and unclench his fists as a way to sooth his internal aching. “i understand how you feel but please i’ll make you remember us. we had it all…god i’m such a fucking fool for never telling you that i loved you…”
“you loved me?”
“yes. yes i did and i still do. i’ll do anything i can to make you fall back in love with me.”
“i—i don’t know.” you knew he had to give it up now but you did not know that miguel was the type of person to never give up. he knew this time he had to try his very best to bring back the person he once loved. he did not care if it would take him years to make you fall for him. he just didn’t care because what he was not going to do was give up. at the very least you were alive but you weren’t the person miguel knew. you seemed unbothered and confused and in a way lifeless even though your soul was still intact. in a sense a part of you did die when you were knocked unconscious and fell off a building.
miguel left your room and gave you one last glance through the window of your hospital room and disappeared. you felt a twinge of sadness in your heart as you felt alone in your hospital room that was filled by beeps of the machines and the sound of the IV dropping from the bag. you didn’t understand why you felt that way but you did, but you brushed off that feeling as you looked up at the ceiling trying to remember. nothing came to mind.
miguel was consumed by his loneliness and that loneliness turned into angry outbursts. everyone noticed the slight change in miguel’s mannerisms and random emotional outbursts. he was a broken man just trying to make sense of it all while the responsibility of the multiverse were at his shoulders. jess and peter, even gwen and hobie tried to stir clear of his wrath. everyone was quite afraid to make him angry but you did not know that. you did not know anything that was going on. you were kept in the dark even though people would visit you.
this was a battle that you and miguel were facing alone. who will overcome their battles and who will lose?
a/n: let me know if you want me to continue this <3
@omartheuwu @arianyo
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aris-ink · 2 years
can you PLEASE write this couple again? soft smut? i literally beg nothing topped this i swear (daddy's got you one) 🎈 https://at.tumblr.com/aris-ink/694418642578849792/lws2mtncn3lz
yes angel 🫰most of us have muddled reflections. I hope sometime you can see them for what they really are, and love yourselves every day for the rest of your lives.
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre: romance
warnings: mentions of violence (not towards the reader), allusions to emotional abuse (not by jungkook), hurt/comfort, reassurance, praise, dirty talk, dd/lg, choking, mentions of spanking, riding, rough sex, creampie, soft!dom jk, he is.... in love.....
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What's wrong with me?
Jungkook couldn't stand hearing that question. He couldn't stand seeing you cry, and he absolutely couldn't stand the people you lived with.
He refused to call them your family. No one who made you feel so down about yourself deserved to hold such a title. After he beat the shit out of your brother, he wasn't welcome in your house anymore and he had zero regrets. The next night, it took him all of twenty minutes to arrive at your place, stuff your bags into the trunk of his car and take you to his house.
It took all of his self control, however, not to sneak back into your neighborhood and slit the fucker's throat. Mostly because he had more important things to take care of, like helping you settle in. But if there was anything Jungkook has learned over the years, it was that there was no need to hurry when it came to making someone suffer. He knew how to hold a grudge. There was not an ounce of space for forgiveness in his heart for anyone who tore at your self esteem. No willingness to find it either.
By now, he didn't even need to hear you ask the question out loud. One look into your eyes and he knew what you were thinking. One look was enough to make him forget about everything that existed around him; the only thing that felt real and that mattered was you. Your warmth under his fingertips, so solid. The rest was smoke.
"Baby," he whispered into your ear, his hands running over your waist slowly as you sat in his lap. "Look at me."
You lifted your eyes to his, met with a soft smile.
"Nothing," he said.
You blinked at him, so adorably confused.
"The answer is nothing," he clarified. "There's nothing wrong with you."
You immediately tried to avoid his gaze, but he wouldn't let you, not now, not ever. Not until his words were burned into your mind, covering all the other scars there.
His big hand cupped your cheek, tilting your chin up.
"Do you trust me?"
You fiddled with the fabric of his shirt, trying to find the right words.
"I- I do. I just wish I was more-"
"Don't say it," he warned. "I mean it, baby."
He hated the word normal. Absolutely abhorred it. His jaw twitched, his thumbs stroking both of your cheeks. Why did you have to grow up surrounded by people who littered in your lake, throwing all of their ugly thoughts, ignorance and hatred into its clear waters? Muddling your reflection so much that when you peeked into it you appeared small and distorted, like a dead, crumbling star, when in reality you were so bright and expansive; an entire universe of wonders. How were you supposed to see it in all the pollution? Some you even caused yourself, because they made you want to erase your image from the rippling surface altogether.
He didn't care how dirty that lake was. He was ready to dive in and suffocate to help you clean it out.
"Color?" He murmured, the tip of his nose pressing against yours.
Your eyes fluttered shut. Even though you weren't sure what he needed the confirmation for, you still answered quietly.
Jungkook's mouth parted softly next to yours, his breath hot and minty on your skin.
"Then let go," he whispered. "Let daddy take care of you."
Let daddy take care of you. The one sentence that always made your shoulders relax, seeming to melt all your worries away. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip, warm and wet, teasing, inviting. He pulled you closer to him, already lost in your galaxies, and more than happy to turn to ashes among them.
He heard somewhere that bones were made of stardust. Yours and his must have been from the same star, longing to be reunited, moulded together for all eternity. He kissed you hard, his hands slipping under your shirt to skim your breasts, feel your nipples harden in response to the touch. His cock stirred and twitched at the feeling of your skin, his lungs constricted.
"I am going to fuck all of this doubt out of you, baby," he breathed, tightening his hand on your breast to fondle it. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard you'll only know whatever I say, no other thoughts."
He lowered your panties with one hand, the movement clumsy and hurried.
"Like how much I love you," he grunted, lowering his lips to your neck. "How pretty you are. How amazing."
He twisted your nipple, teeth grazing your throat, a groan fleeing his lips when you sneaked your hand into his pants to palm him.
"Shit, what did daddy say about being a little minx, huh?"
You breathed out a whine, tilting your head back to allow him to press wetter kisses into your neck.
"But I need you, daddy."
Jungkook could feel his eyes rolling back. The sounds you made, the begging, the way you stroked his cock - it was too much. He hissed, his hips rolling forward unconsciously, seeking more, always needing more.
"Are you wet for me, baby? Already soaked your little panties?"
You moaned shamelessly, nodding against his lips. The sound was drowned out by Jungkook's groan, louder, longer.
"So fucking hot."
He let you pull his pants down his thick thighs, just enough to free his cock. It throbbed in your hand, leaking with the need for more friction, for a connection that would leave him buried so deep inside you there would be no space for anything else ever again. Not for doubt, not for fear or pain. Just him.
"Baby," he detached his lips from yours only to whisper these words. "Need to fuck you."
You moaned softly, your arms wrapping around his neck, hips lifting off his lap. His breath hitched when you lowered them again, agonizingly slowly, wet heat coming into contact with the aching tip of his big cock.
"Yeah, good girl. Ride me, baby."
You whined into his neck, sinking down softly to get used to the stretch, gripping him so tightly he couldn't help the stutter of his hips, the veins in his neck prominent with the effort of trying to not fuck into you.
When the skin of your thighs met his, your slick dripping onto him, he moaned into your hair and gripped it in one hand, keeping the other under your shirt.
Up. Then down. These were his favorite sounds; the wet, desperate slapping of your bodies, you falling apart around him like there was no tomorrow, lost in bliss. He let you roll your hips and set your own pace, experiment, torture his poor, damned soul in all the sweetest ways you wished.
But the heat in his body was becoming feverish, the need to take over and take care of you overshadowing reason. The need to pound into you and make your legs shake, hear you scream his name.
Licking his lips, he slid both hands down to your waist, soft to the touch, his hold on you secure and strong as he flipped you onto the mattress. You gasped, fingertips digging into the nape of his neck.
For a moment, he remained still, his eyes locked on yours. Could you learn to see your reflection in them instead?
He buried his face in the crook of your neck.
"I can't do this by myself, baby, I won't," he whispered. "Daddy needs you. Needs you to work with him on this."
Your thighs trembled around him. He looked up at you, dark gaze full of love.
"Promise me, baby."
You hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly. That was progress. Jungkook grabbed a hold of your neck, gently at first, making your lips part.
"You're a good girl who doesn't break promises, aren't you, sweetheart?"
You nodded again, your pussy clenching around him. He groaned, pulling out of the sticky heat only to plunge back in roughly, setting a pace so different to yours. The headboard banged against the wall, but Jungkook didn't give a shit. He wanted to come so bad, wanted to take you there with him.
"Fuuuck, fuck," his moans turned raspier, higher, his balls aching with each thrust. "Good girl, is this what you needed? Daddy's love? Daddy's big cock in that tight, pretty cunt?"
"Y-yeah," you stuttered out a whine, sharp nails dragging down the flexing muscles of his back. "Please daddy, please-!"
Jungkook choked you harder, shaking you a little.
"Are you gonna start listening to daddy? Huh? You gonna stop saying all that shit about yourself that makes my heart hurt? Are you gonna let me fucking love you?"
You let out a sob into his neck. He wasn't sure whether it was because of what he said or because of how needy you were, knowing that coming without his permission in this case would do nothing but land you in a whole pile of trouble.
"Color, s-shit, baby, what's your color-"
"Green!" You moaned. "Please. Please, daddy."
Jungkook shuddered, fucking you faster, meaner, punishing you with all the strength he had. You'd be bruised tomorrow, but the way you chanted his name clouded his mind, made his cock throb inside you.
"Answer me first, baby, do you want me to fucking spank you? Answer me."
You clenched around him again. He hissed, satisfaction washing over him when your back arched, words spilling out of your pretty mouth brokenly.
"Yes, I promise! I promise, d-daddy, ohh-"
"That's my good girl," he groaned. "So tight, oh god. Fuck. Come for me, yeah? Come on. Cream daddy's cock, baby. You want me to come inside you, don't you?"
That was enough to make you tense beneath him, his lips quick to capture yours and control at least some of the volume your cries carried throughout the room. Jungkook continued fucking you, his cock pulsing, filling you up with hot, thick strings of cum. He broke the kiss only when his own self control slipped completely, breathy yeahs let out into your neck.
Praises fell from his mouth in whispers when he limped against you, as natural and unconscious as every breath he took. Good girl, so beautiful, feels so good, I love you so much.
He lifted himself up to kiss you, hazy and sated, but the faint smile he noticed on your face made him pause. It looked relaxed. Genuine. Warm.
It made his heart feel like it was no longer attached to his body, but floating, entwined with yours, cells grown into each other, atoms connecting. He smiled back, his thumb brushing over your lower lip.
Maybe you could learn to see yourself in his eyes. At least until your lake was clean again.
💌 taglist: @wonyuknow @imnotlauriane @baalsgurl1913 @bucketofhiros @glowunderthemoon @silv3rswirls @osakis-gf @era-genius @iceprincessviviane
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osamusriceballs · 10 months
The Accident - Part VII
Atsumu x fem reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 2k
About: You talk to your mysterious friend and finally part from Atsumu.
Part I II -> Next part
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"It's me. I'm okay- please don't worry. I'll be back soon."
"Where have you been? I was worried sick; I've tried calling you all night! You just texted me that everything's alright at 4am, but what's going on? Where are you?"
The voice comes out of the phone, quickly and fast as always, and you hold the phone a bit further away from your ear. "Please, I'm okay, I promise!" You can hear a few deep breaths on the other side, probably the attempt to calm down, and then the voice speaks again.
"Where are you right now? I'll come and pick you up, and then you can tell me everything."
"I'm at the—" you hesitate and then look at the name on the towel and read it out loud. "Do you know where that is?"
"Give me a second." You hear typing noises on the other side and then a little gasp. "That's an expensive hotel! One night costs 500 bucks, and the suits are literally thousands of dollars per night!"
"What?!" you're speechless for a few moments, realizing just how much money Atsumu might own—you are in a suite after all and you definitely did not pay for it.
"It will take some time to get there. I'll be there in an hour? I'll send you my location. Is there someone else with you?" Your thoughts drift to Atsumu, and you hum. "Yes. And I need to ask for a favor. Do you have a lawyer? Or do you know someone who maybe knows someone who can help me with a divorce for cheap?"
"A divorce? Who needs a—wait. Are you talking about yourself? Did you get married?" The voice is so shrill and loud that you almost flinch, and you find yourself regretting revealing that fact already. "I'll tell you the details later. Please don't worry about me." You try to sound as calm and soothing as you can, and after a few shocked gasps, you hear silence again on the other hand. "Hello? Are you still there?"
"Yes. I'll come and get you, and then you'll have to tell me everything."
You agree, and after a few more times of you repeating that you'll be fine and that you're being taken care of, you hang up. You take a deep breath, and without thinking too much about it, you quickly undress and go into the shower.
It's like heaven. The warm water feels soothing on your skin, and there are more products in the shower than you have ever used so far, but you find yourself drawn to the pretty bottles and decide to spoil yourself. It's not your water bill after all, and if Atsumu is paying for it, you can go all out and spend a few more minutes in the shower. The towels are fluffy and warm, thanks to the towel warmer, and you find yourself pressing your face against the soft fabric and inhaling the fresh and clean smell. The mirror is foggy by now, you probably showered at too hot a temperature, but the warm water just felt so good on your skin.
A soft knock on the door brings your attention back to reality, and you find yourself stepping closer to the pompous wooden door. "Y/n? I put the clothes in front of the door. Samu and I will wait on the balcony; you can get them anytime."
"Thanks!" you respond and hear footsteps leaving the room and a loud sound that's probably the window closing behind them. You wait a few more moments just to be sure that they are gone, and then you open the door a little bit to take the small pile of clothes.
It's a shirt with the hotel name, surprisingly tasteful due to the minimalistic logo of the expensive establishment, as well as a matching pair of sweatpants as well as a pair of socks. The fabric is soft, and you quickly put on the new clothes, only regretting that you have to wear your old panties, but there is not much you can do about it.
You take one last look at your phone, quickly checking your appearance one last time, wishing you'd have the time to wash your hair too, but you'll do that when you're back in your hotel room. You're just glad that you feel clean and warm now.
You step out of the room, feeling a little better and more alive already, and look around. You find Atsumu and Osamu standing on the balcony, both of them busy in a heated discussion, and you watch them for a few moments from your position after you noticed that they are not looking in your direction yet.
They are undeniably related. You can find similarities in the way they speak, in the way they use they hands when they talk and in the way they stand. They are both very attractive—something that you can freely admire now that they haven't seen you yet.
A notification on your phone informs you that your friend will reach you in a few minutes, and when you look up, you see that the twins have stopped talking and instead watch you through the window in silence. You pause momentarily and then lift your hand to wave at them. Atsumu's eyes take in your new clothes, checking you out from head to toe, and he gives you an approving thumbs up and a grin. Osamu rolls his eyes at Atsumu and simply pushes the door open.
"Hey. I'm glad the clothes fit." He comments, and you look down at yourself at his words. "Yeah, me too. Thanks. I appreciate it a lot; I feel so much better already."
Atsumu also steps into the room again, making sure to bump his shoulder against Osamu's when he passes him, ignoring the curse of the dark-haired male.
"Ya look better already. Feelin' alright again?" His voice is still tinted with the slightest bit of concern, and you smile at his words.
"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry for being so weird before. I was just a bit overwhelmed." Atsumu shakes his head and buries his hands in his pockets. "Don't sweat it. That's normal. Gettin' married like this is a pretty unusual thing after all."
"Right. Uhm. My friend will pick me up soon; I'll get downstairs and wait there. I'll give you my number, and then you can call me as soon as you find out more?" You look at him questioningly, and he is quick to fish for his phone in his back pocket. "Sounds good. I'll wait with ya till yer friend arrives." He watches while you type in your number and quickly save it. "Oh, you don't have to. I'll find the way on my own, don't worry." You shake your head, but he quickly wraps an arm around your shoulders and leads you to the door. "Nah, I insist. Where are your shoes?" You let him guide you, his arm around your shoulders feeling somewhat heavy but comforting while you look around for your high heels from last night. Atsumu guides you to the chair next to the door and ushers you to sit on it while he grabs the black shoes from the ground. "Do ya think they'll fit with the socks?" He asks with a frown, and you just shrug your shoulders as a response. "I hope so. I don't want to leave without socks; I don't even want to wear the shoes, to be honest."
His brows furrow while he looks at your feet. "Sorry, I wish we had some other shoes for ya." You quickly shake your head. "It's fine. It's just for the way downstairs. It's okay." He nods and kneels in front of you, and you subconsciously slide back on the chair as far as you can to create some distance between the two of you. "What are you doing?" He takes your left foot and places it on his thigh, and you feel every single muscle in your body tensing at the sudden contact. "Helpin' with yer shoes. Stay still for me."
You're at a loss for words while he slips the shoe on your foot; all you can do is stare at him while he secures it around your ankle. Surprisingly, it fits around your socked foot, and he nods before he lets go of your foot and reaches for the other. It doesn't take him long to get it on your foot too, and you shortly admire how skilled he is with his fingers, and then he places them both on the ground. "There ya go." He hums satisfied and gets on his feet, quickly offering you his hand to stand up. At this point, you just accept it and take his hand, allowing him to lead you to the door.
"Uhm. Bye, Osamu. See you. Maybe." You turn around and wave at the dark-haired twin who had made no attempt to come with you, and he nods acknowledgingly. "See ya."
You follow Atsumu through the door, who seems to be familiar with the hotel because he is quick to lead you to an outrageously big elevator. It's silent on the ride downstairs. You're standing each on different sides of the elevator, leaning against the walls, your bodies no longer touching. You don't really know what to say to him; you're too deep in thought right now, and he seems to feel somewhat similar.
"The exit is right there." He motions to the other end of the hall as soon as you get out of the elevator, and you hum while you follow him to the doors. You're lucky that there are barely people around because you certainly feel a bit underdressed with the clothes from the shop, but Atsumu doesn't even spare a glance to anyone you're passing. The receptionist greets you without batting an eye at your unusual attire; you're fairly certain that you both give a very unusual sight. Atsumu with his formal dress pants and half-opened dress shirt, and you with the hotel shirt and sweatpants and heels from last night. Surely not an everyday sight, but professionalism prevents her from looking longer at you.
It does not take long until you both stand in front of the hotel, just far enough from the entrance not to bother other guests but still close enough to see everyone who enters the building. You both stand there for a few moments in mutual silence, until you look up at him with a faint smile. "Thank you for showing me the way. I'll manage from here on. You can get back to Osamu; it's alright."
He frowns at your words and looks around.
"Can I really leave you here?" He looks a bit worried, and you nod with a tight smile. You really need some time to think about everything. "My friend will pick me up soon. You can go back to Osamu; it's fine, really!"
He hesitates for a second, probably not fully convinced that everything's fine, and the next thing you know is that his big arms surround you and pull you into a hug. You're stiff at first, unsure how you should react, but the comfort and familiarity that he is radiating by now makes it all too easy to melt into his touch and to hug him back. "Y/n. I meant it. I'll take care of ya, okay? Everything's gonna be alright. I'll make sure of that."
"Hmm." You hum against his shoulder, deeply inhaling his comfortable smell, and his grip tightens around you. "And if ya need anything—anything at all—call me. Anytime." You nod, hoping that he can feel your response and your gratitude because you don't trust your voice right now. You know you should probably pull back, but it feels too good to be in his arms, too good to be close to him, so you just stay, and he seems willing to let you.
"Y/n!" You hear someone yelling your name behind you, and you quickly pull yourself out of Atsumu's arms. You turn around and face a familiar face with big brown eyes which flicker from you to Atsumu with a surprised expression.
"Wait—Atsumu Miya? What are you doing here?"
Your jaw drops, and you turn your head back to Atsumu, who looks equally surprised to see your friend.
"You know each other?!"
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cee-grice · 9 months
Hello! I'm getting caught up on all your amazing asks here... But here's my pre-emptive Ask for Storytelling Saturday for next week:
Describe your WIP in bullet points so my ADHD brain gets it quickly!
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hey hey Belle!! oh man, I also have to clean out my inbox, it's getting a bit embarrassing haha... I know you said this is a pre-emptive STS ask, but!.. I saw it and got excited lol, so you're getting it answered Now
so! my current WIP, When White Crows Cry, described in bullet points:
(this is gonna be long)
it's a science fantasy?? only instead of robots and space we have chemistry and pathology lol
also dark academia vibes
set in a secondary world reminiscent of 19th century-esque europe, only with modern advancements in science
the magic system is science-based - essentially, if you wanna manipulate the fabric of reality, you gotta. understand said fabric of reality
so, to cast a believable illusion you need to perfectly understand color and light and depth and all that (so you gotta be a kickass realism artist lol)
or, to change a glass ball into a gold one, you gotta understand the molecular composition of each material and know how to manipulate it so it would change forms
there's one tiny teensy issue with magic, though - it is a limited resource ahaha
ANYWAY that's the gist of it
main character - Quil, an exceptional transmutation mage who got exiled some years ago for performing human transmutation (very bad very taboo)
(he, of course, continues doing human transmutation)
(despite the Trauma)
the second most important character - Endra, who has this nasty magical parasite slowly eating away at his body and mind, and his only hope at a cure is... human transmutation
you can see where this is going
anyway so that's the Past timeline - Quil trying to figure out what's going on with Endra's body and finding a way to fix it
(this is also the Romance timeline lol)
we also have the Present timeline
and that starts with Quil getting revived a year after his death in the country he'd gotten exiled from
(that's literally the first chapter so it's not a spoiler lol)
anyway he gets offered a Deal - help his ex-mentor with her project that could potentially save magic, and in exchange he'd get amnesty
the issue? he really, really hates his ex-mentor
and he would have really, really preferred to stay dead
this whole magic dying thing is Not his problem, either lol
counter issue? the project concerns the same magic parasite that Endra had (has?), so it could put him in danger, and Quil quite literally would die again before he let that happen, so.
he agrees
(so that he could sabotage it lol)
but also! Quil doesn't know what happened with Endra post his death, so that's something he works on figuring out as well
(he gets far more questions than answers. where IS this guy)
anywayyy that's the gist of the story
now for the lightning round
this would be for you if any of this intrigues you:
highly questionable academic and medical ethics
characters forsaking morality to get what they want and losing sight of what truly matters
So Much Interpersonal Drama
no physical fights - a Lot of verbal fights
dealing with the horrors of resurrection
dealing with the horrors of facing your loved ones after they'd mourned you for a year
a cast of eccentric scientists
an obsessive, codependent queer romance between people who don't know how the other looks like
a lot of fucked up queer characters in general
an incredibly spiteful trans protagonist who just wants to be left the fuck alone but everyone insists on dragging him into their shit, so instead he's gonna Make them leave him alone
everyone wanting you to live apart from You
magic biology! magic chemistry! magic science! nerd shit!
anyway oof idk if this helps but omggg is it hard to explain a fantasy story quickly ahaha....
(this is the general tag for this wip so u can check out more stuff about it that's explained in a more cohesive manner lol)
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Freebie for Me
Well, sweethearts... I never expected to do a part 2 of Freebie but... here it is! Freebie was the first fic of mine that has done so well ever! It was meant to be a one-shot but the enthusiasm for it surprised me that I had to continue after inspiration hit me. So here it is! I wanted to take the fic in too many ways so I apologize if it reads messy.
Enjoy, or don't. 👀
Warning: mutual masturbation, voyeurism, kinkshaming, pet names, compromising pictures (of reader), praising, my bad writing and weird sentence structure, reader is a creep and Bo is too, absolutely nonsensical, no penis × hole action because I do not know how to write actual sex scenes but the fic is spicy, Ooc Bo, NOT PROOFREAD (LV. Lemon)
Gn!reader with no physical description as always
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Everything has pretty much gone back to normal after Bo's and yours little interaction. Something that might have implied something else withered and died with a sad wheeze. He has been putting you through the wringer these past weeks; from housework, to corpse clean up and then helping him fix the most dilapidated houses of Ambrose under the scorching sun.
Your body was begging for mercy and a break for hours.
Hoping that Bo would show even the tiniest bit of consideration towards you. Ironic considering he barely had that for his brothers and between them and Jonesy, you were at the bottom of his priorities.
That's Bo for you, the bitter thoughts resonated in your head, you weren't special before and you weren't special today so suck it up. Didn't mean it doesn't sting a bit.
However, what did you expect? Bo made his disinterest quite clear. You were just a toy to play with and tease whenever he felt bored, a little distraction. He genuinely found it entertaining to mess with you and you couldn't blame him, you allowed him to. Sadly enough, his teasing didn't involve being intimate with you to any capacity but you'll take what you can.
Dogs will beg for any scraps, no matter how bad they are after all.
You didn't have any dignity to begin with and you for certain weren't a Saint deserving of his sympathy. The things you've done before saying much of your character.
It appeared your torture wasn't done yet because now you're back to reality after briefly escaping through your thoughts. Your eyes drifted up as you wordlessly handed Bo more nails for him to hammer down on the window he was currently fixing. His coveralls were pulled down and the sleeves tightly wrapped against his waist, showing the white shirt he was wearing underneath. The sweat made it so that the fabric clung to his body and showed every muscle straining against it. Whenever he stretched, a bit of his tummy and happy trail could be seen as well.
Heat spread across your neck and below your stomach.
Such a little thing shouldn't get you as hot and bothered as it did, considering you quite literally own pictures of him naked.
The snapping of his fingers took you out of your daydreams once again.
"Hey, you've been slacking here. Drifting off to God knows where. If you don't wanna help I'm making you help Vincent dispose of the bodies again and I heard ya didn't like it."
Even when angry, brows knitting in frustration, he looked too pretty for his own good.
"Sorry... I just," you paused, trying to come up with something "need a bathroom break..."
You shouldn't be doing this right now.
It was far too risky and there was a time and place for you to be shoving your hand in your pants. It felt so damn juvenile as well, getting so hot and bothered enough to masturbate in a ghost town, behind one of the many houses in Ambrose.
You groaned as you sped up, hearing the squelching too loud in your ears. You need to get this over with and get back quickly to Bo before he suspects anything. You don't think he'd let you live on if he found out you were doing this, he'd probably laugh as well and tell Vincent and Lester about it.
You already had the creep and freak label plastered on by them. You didn't need a third one to drag their point across even more. Not like they had the right to anything as they were creeps and freaks themselves. They were hypocrites too.
Your eyes rolled back the closer you got. This would feel better if it was Bo's hand instead...
Or his mouth.
Or his co-...
"Well, aren't you disgusting? Seriously, out in the open?"
With how quickly you twisted your neck, you felt something crack. Wide eyes stared directly at cerulean ones. There stood Bo, with his arms crossed against his chest as a sneer made it's way on his handsome face, dark brow raising.
"B-Bo... I-... how did-..!"
"This is my town, hun. I can enter whenever, wherever and however I so damn please." He didn't give room for questioning but it felt he wanted you to oppose him. His disappointment was visible when you remained quiet and averted your gaze. He scoffed as he got closer, it seemed he wasn't done with playing with you yet.
He never was.
Bo would never admit this in a million years but he really loved teasing you. He has never met someone as confusing as you. Acting all shy and aloof, unaware of your depraved actions all together no matter how many times he had made you admit of your wrongdoings, and not changing your ways.
It made his head spin, almost like being drunk but without the threat of a hangover. He fought the urge to take things too far but seeing how much you've tolerated his advances he wondered how much he could push. Bo didn't have much self-control nor was he the type of guy to fight his indulgences for too long. So he bit.
"Go on, don't let me stop you."
You blinked.
"Are you deaf? I told you to keep touching yourself. You were desperate enough to crank one out in a place where anyone could find you. So get to it."
His hand took hold of your shoulder and with a gentleness you weren't used to, pushed you down to kneel.
"That's better," his voice barely a whisper, eyes half-lidded as a small smile grazed his lips "You're being so obedient, hun. Always are..."
His hand rose up to press his palm against the side of your neck, slowly sliding up to lay on your cheek. His calloused thumb rubbing soft circles under your eye.
You shivered, wanted this more than anything. To be taken in with such fondness. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, wanting to feel him, be closer to him. You rose your hand to hold him and press him closer but-
"Hands to yourself. You don't deserve to touch me seeing how much of a pervert you are. Still need to teach you some manners after all."
Oddly enough, his words held no venom behind it.
As quick as his warmth grazed your skin, it went away making you yearn for more.
It seemed being trapped between the wall and Bo is a reoccurring thing as you were currently in that same position. Your back pressed against the wall and between Bo's legs, one of his hands pressed against the wall while the other tugged at his underwear. Despite trying to act cool and collected, the way his fingers trembled with excitement gave him away.
It made you feel good to know you affected him like that. Tables turned and all.
Bo had ordered you to pull both your pants and underwear all the way down to your thighs as he loomed over you, his coveralls pushed even lower and shirt hiked up. He had pulled his boxers down as well, making it so that his member sprung free out of its confines.
Your eyes crossed in complete awe, you have been complaining hours ago about never getting any further with Bo. Now, here you were, with his imposing frame trapping you and his full attention towards you.
You hoped it wasn't a dream.
Please, don't let it be a dream.
Soon enough both of you got to work, Bo providing you with a perfect view. You just had to admire him. His chest rising up and down with every stuttered breath he took, hair sticking to his forehead and neck, lips parted and eyes closed in concentration. You never noticed how long and dark his eyelashes were or the little creases next to his eyes. The soft blush was also delightful to see, you wished you could frame this moment forever.
Before you could stop yourself, the words poured out.
"God... you're beautiful."
Bo faltered and opened his eyes, neck craning down as nervous laugh emitted from his throat. The sound unfamiliar for both of you but he recovered quickly.
"Y-you gonna worship me or something?"
"If you would like that..."
Bo shook his head, deciding to ignore you as you increased his pace, large hand stroking the soft skin of his dick. You were so odd but it was frustratingly endearing for him at times.
"Getting there..."
"N-no, like I said... no touching, not even to help. Only me and besides... instead of properly fucking you..."
He got closer till his penis was straight on your face. He widened his stance, legs parting and slightly bending his knees, hus hand furiously pumping his dick as pre-cum coated his hand. Giving a final tug, his hips shook as he came, body trembling at the orgasm.
"This," he hissed, "is much more fitting for you."
The warmth of his cum hit your face as it dripped down to dirty your shirt. You let out a pathetic and surprised whimper as you lifted your arms to prevent it from hitting your eye or hair to no avail. You couldn't help but to scowl and glare at Bo.
"Oops, my bad." He didn't sound apologetic whatsoever, even less with the shit eating grin plastered on.
You took a hold of your shirt to try and clean yourself up but Bo held your wrist.
"Ah ah, don't clean yourself up yet. Wait here."
He disappeared leaving you alone for a couple of minutes, nervousness rising the more the hours ticked by. You didn't even get the chance to finish. What a bastard. Your sulking was soon interrupted as you heard boots stomping closer. You felt a clump on your throat, what if it was Vincent? What would you do? You didn't want him to see you like this, you wouldn't know what to say to him but... a deep and depraved part of yourself kinda wished it was him.
It was Bo, and in his hands was a polaroid camera. He prepared it, closing it in on your face.
"Eyes on me, sweet pea."
The mess dripped off from your fingertips, and face, you didn't have time to react.
"Say cheese."
The flash of the polaroid camera disoriented you temporarily, blinking quickly to get your eyesight back.
Bo took the photo and carefully fanned it, eagerly waiting for the reveal.
"This one is going in the basement. Might be nice and show this to Vince and Les. Bet you would like that, huh?"
"You're such a freak."
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crimsonamber9999 · 2 years
// yo need some art advice! How on earth do you get clean line art? Cuz I want to step up my line art skills.
:|| oh boy here we go I'm about to go on a long tangent- so I will let you in on a lil secret.. My motto is: literally fake it, till I make it.
Give others the illusion of clean lineart. Here is a final sketch of @brokenbroods bby Kei.
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Here is the first.
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The reality is, mun here sometimes goes through at least 1-3 sketch renditions till I considered it 'good' and go on to lineart. But how do you lineart? There are actually several tools that can help you out! Firstly, the brush. Familiarize yourself with a brush. For me, it's the RC side pencil brush. It genuinely takes a long time to find a brush that's right for you and you can even find new ones you like better! I thought last year my sai brushes were the ones but I was pleasantly surprised. Secondly, your stabilizer tool is your friend. Main art programs such as Clip, Procreate and Sai, have one. I switch alot during the process esp if my pencil feels too quick or too slow- For Sai, I have it to about 4-9 for lineart. Clip here it ranges from 4-23 and so on.
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Thirdly, and I can't stress it enough. Is experience. My lineart is over years of experience and thankfully there are practices! to get a better 'grip' on your pencil. Proko does an excellent tutorial on it with traditional media here. I still find myself struggling with controlling my shoulder, simply because I have shaky hands so dw if you also struggle with such concepts.
Having trouble drawing fabric? or the 'tension' points? here is how I do so.
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How do I do lineart? can you show me a demonstration?
Notice how I do it multiple times and then switch to the other. If I find myself struggling with a part. I switch to a different point in my drawing to work from there.
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Iron Service Near Me: Revealing the Complete Laundry Experience
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Fed up from Ironing board backaches? Or,
Looking for a one-stop-shop solution? 
Well, let’s face it. Ironing is a nightmare chore for some busy professionals.
But what if we tell you that your dream of laundry and ironing services can come true under one single roof?
Yes, this is not even a utopian fantasy but a complete reality waiting for you at your doorstep – thanks to the convenience of an ironing service near me. And yes, some laundry services do include ironing. But it’s essential to discover more and take advantage of these services. 
So, without waiting any longer, let’s explore the usage of professional ironing and laundry services to get that dreamy, freshly starched collar look every day. Keep reading!
101 Solutions: Importance of a Professional Ironing Service Near Me
Of course, choosing the professional ironing service near me over the DIY route will benefit you. Therefore, here are a few reasons why you should look out and hire an expert ironing service near me:
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Assurance of Quality
From complex or delicate fabrics to stubborn wrinkles, the experts have years of experience in handling stuff. No matter how old or wrinkled, when you look for an expert ironing service near me and offer them your stuff, they will undoubtedly add value and life to your clothes. Moreover, they have the right equipment and machines to deliver the perfect results.
Quick Enlightenment: You can avoid stress and damage in one go if you hand over your precious clothes to an expert laundry service. 
They are indeed called professional for a reason. Because they do it every day, every hour, and every minute, if you outsource your laundry and ironing services, it will save you time. Not only this but if you are planning to repeat wrinkled outfits, a professional ironing service will do it for you to get you that crisp, clean look every time, even at the last minute. Furthermore, to get extra benefits, look for ironing clothes near me with the shortest turnaround time.
Special Occasions Covered
Remember not to let your wardrobe’s disaster ruin your special moments.
Professional services offer rush options, from last-minute family gatherings to a romantic dinner date and big presentations. Yes, no sweating (literally). They ensure that you are event-ready even on the tightest deadlines. Hence, wrinkles, who? You have a crisp suit delivered to your doorsteps every time with your confidence restored and your presentation nailed like a pro!
Budget-Friendly Options
Because your peace and time are priceless but the ironing services need to be affordable. Hence, ironing service prices are far more affordable than you think. A wrinkle-free life does not supposedly have to come at a royal price- not with Prime Laundry, at least!
You can certainly opt for different packages for formal business attire, party dresses, and home wear. Moreover, the optimum standard charges of professional ironing and dry cleaning service providers make things easy and fit every budget.
Tailored to Your Needs
Your wardrobe is as unique as you are. Hence, forget about a one-size-fits-all solution for ironing needs. You need to invest and hire a professional ironing service that understands your unique concerns. From getting your ironed clothes folded or on a hanger, the on-demand professionals work in sync as you request them to do so. No matter if you have deep creases and wrinkles on bed sheets, blouses, blankets, duvets, shirts, jackets, and knitwear, choose experts who believe in a customised approach rather than a generic one. 
Choosing a Wrinkle-Free Life With Prime Laundry’s Expertise
So folks, no more ironing blues. Say hello to the life of crisp, crease-free bliss with prime laundry. We are here to sort out your ironing worries and provide you with ironing and dry cleaning services to streamline your weekly routine and free you up from this dreaded chore. 
Hence, reclaim your time, invest in your well-being, and let the professional ironing services in London handle the hot stuff. Moreover, time is money, and we save you both. From bed sheets, curtains, and clothes, we are here to bring you a perfect crease-free home.
All you need to do is book a pick-up at your convenience, and our team will collect your clothes from the doorsteps and deliver you freshly clean and ironed clothes after expert processing. 
Your wardrobe and, of course, your sanity will thank you for it! Get in touch with our experts or visit our website to learn more details.
This content is originally published on Prime Laundry’s Website: Iron Service Near Me: Revealing the Complete Laundry Experience
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mythvoiced · 6 months
@crue11 | ♥
The first thing the beautiful and ever-so-righteous Xiao XingChen hates himself for today is the way he trembles, ever so slightly, when Xue Yang touches him.
When Xue Yang touches him. Xue Yang. Xue Yang.
Xue Yang whom Xiao XingChen had vouched for, he'd looked at him once, and even despite the things he was already doing, a part of Xiao XingChen would always assume he would have made it out. Would have learned how to be better, would have recognized the error of his ways, how power means nothing if it's built on hills of corpses, quite literally it seems.
All at his own expense.
All because he didn't know better, all because he thought he knew better.
It's different now.
The voice he hears is both more and less familiar than the one he used to sit next to, entertained by stories and tentative touches, inching closer to a reality he didn't think he was allowed solely because it served no purpose other than indulging himself and whatever desire he'd managed to develop over the years.
Xue Yang.
He's still caring. He cares every day, there's food every day, even while his face continues to ache in pain at this point near-numbing, even if he bleeds through nearly every fabric wrapped around his eyes, Xue Yang, Xue Yang, will be there, and wipe it clean, the face he couldn't protect.
Every time Xue Yang comes back, Xiao XingChen is overcome with an intensity of emotions unbecoming to the moon he used to be equalled to. Where Song Lan was icy wind, he was the kinder breeze. He was praised for being gentle, soft-spoken but assertive, someone who'd do the right thing without ever stepping on others, unless terribly provoked, and even then solely to protect the innocent.
When Xue Yang doesn't show up... or when Xiao XingChen gets lost inside his own head and forgets to count the seconds, minutes, hours, when he can't hear him shift around outside, when it's too quiet... it's worse.
He's never been afraid of his disability. Even growing accustomed to it hadn't scared him. It wasn't easy, the jump. It was dreadful, but like a painful challenge, not a terrible reality he'd never learn to come to terms with.
Now, though, the idea of waking up one day and realizing Xue Yang had left, either because his passion project had come back wrong, or for some other reason, none good enough for Xiao XingChen to not think about stumbling out the coffin house and try to track him down.
It wouldn't be fair... if he left now. And yet... can he stomach having him around?
Who's who's property.
When Xiao XingChen used to move, back then, 'grace' and 'elegance' would be associated to him the way clouds were associated to the sky, and depths to lakes.
Now when he knocks the bowl of water over with an accidental swat like he doesn't seem to care for it, as uncaring of the way he sways before he rights himself and reaches for where he'd last heard Xue Yang, Xue Yang's voice, he resembles more all those men pitied for being once large and now small.
He doesn't want to go to him. He can't also not move away from him.
He gets stuck somewhere halfway. He just stops.
"Are you ever going to be honest with me," spat, choked. There's so much ache behind the words he can't make it sound like hate even if he wanted to, but it is. It's the kind of hate born from... well.
It's wet, and it means too much, it's almost swallowed back in a hitch of air, not one of surprise, but one caused by the struggle to not lose his breath under the onslaught of whatever he feels.
Never once does he think about killing Xue Yang. Never once does he think about hurting him. That's not what he wants. He doesn't want Xue Yang to pay. He doesn't want things to be this way.
He wouldn't have hated him.
Under different circumstances.
"I don't want your eyes," that's more like it. Angrier. Tighter jaw, but so aching, so yearning. It's not fair. And for the first time in forever, Xiao XingChen indulges. Allows himself to whine about it, even if only in his heart. Allows himself to selfishly wish it'd been someone else in his stead. Allows himself to hate the entire world, just for a moment.
He's exhausted.
"Why are you..." if only he could cry proper tears. His face contorts. He looks like he's watched a loved one die, without the tranquility of mind to realize what that means for him, for them, as they are. "What do you want from me...?"
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compofworksbybailey · 7 months
Struggles of sitting down to write
Oh man, let me tell you about the struggle of sitting down and actually getting some writing done. It's like trying to herd a pack of wild cats on a sugar high. You've got all these fantastic ideas swirling around in your head, just waiting to burst out onto the page, but actually getting them to cooperate and form coherent sentences? Yeah, good luck with that.
First off, there's the whole issue of motivation. I mean, sure, I've got all these amazing ideas bouncing around in my brain like a pinball machine on steroids, but actually mustering up the energy to sit down and put them into words? It's like trying to convince a sloth to run a marathon. I'll be sitting there, staring at my blank screen, and all I can think about is how much I'd rather be doing literally anything else. Like, I could clean out my sock drawer, alphabetize my spice rack, or reorganize my collection of novelty socks. Anything to avoid actually getting down to business and writing.
Then there's the whole issue of distractions. I mean, it's not like I'm actively seeking out ways to avoid writing, but the universe just seems to conspire against me. Every time I sit down to write, suddenly the neighbor's dog starts barking like it's auditioning for a role in a canine version of "The Exorcist." Or my phone starts blowing up with notifications like the entire world decided to collectively text me at the exact moment I decided to be productive. And don't even get me started on the siren song of social media. I'll just pop on for a quick scroll through Instagram, and suddenly three hours have passed and I've somehow fallen into a deep dive of cat memes and conspiracy theories.
And let's not forget about the actual act of writing itself. It's like trying to wrangle a herd of hyperactive squirrels. I'll have this brilliant idea in my head, and I'll start typing it out, and then suddenly my brain goes completely blank and I'm left staring at the screen like a deer caught in headlights. Or I'll get halfway through a sentence and realize that it makes absolutely no sense, so I'll backspace and start over, only to get stuck in an endless loop of rewriting the same sentence over and over again until I start to question the very fabric of reality.
But you know what? Despite all the struggles and frustrations, there's something undeniably exhilarating about finally getting those words out onto the page. It's like a rush of adrenaline, a feeling of accomplishment that makes all the hair-pulling and existential crises worth it. So, yeah, maybe it's hard to sit down and write, but when those seemingly great ideas finally come together and form something magical, it's like catching lightning in a bottle. And hey, if all else fails, at least I've got a killer collection of novelty socks to fall back on.
0 notes
ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
In Our Final Moments
by Wellthatsprettyironic
“Wilbur?” Tommy whispered, gently pushing himself forward with his palms. The movement took an unnatural amount of effort, but the way his leg twisted to drag on the floor was grounding, the pain routing him to reality as he blinked away the remnants of sleep from his foggy mind.
His brother immediately looked up at the name, a raw mixture of relief and agony encompassing his face as blood trickled down his chin. His eyes scanned up and down, checking for any injuries that Tommy may possess. The instant his gaze landed on his leg, the fabric soaked with blood, and the cuts that littered his arms, he gasped.
“Darling, what did they do to you?” Wilbur choked, leaping forward to wrap Tommy in a hug.
or, Tommy and Wilbur are captured by Manberg and sentenced to death. Tommy doesn't have a great time but big brother Wilbur is there so at least wholesome crimeboys exists
Words: 2635, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 5 of oh my god im writing angsty fanfiction about literal block men instead of attending therapy
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Minecraft (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Fundy (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith | Tubbo, Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Floris | Fundy & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Angst and Feels, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Protective Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit Needs a Hug (Video Blogging RPF), author has no idea how to clean an infected wound, Fluff, Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit are Siblings, Platonic Relationships, Platonic Cuddling, TommyInnit Needs Help (Video Blogging RPF), Suicidal Thoughts, I Fucking Hate Manberg /pos, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
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katnisscarter · 2 years
I finally cleaned out some of the stuff from the apartment you had given back, there were a lot of photos of us in there… it’s weird to look at them. Like, we look so happy and I mean we were, we were so in love. But there’s a disconnect for me like I know that’s me but it feels like a different person. I mean, I guess it was. I’ve changed so much after what happened to me in 2021. The absolute trauma of my own brain betraying me, I mean the whole fabric of reality changing and not knowing what to trust? The only thing I trusted in during all of it was you. I didn’t even trust my parents. But… You leaving changed alot of me. A lot of good changes. You leaving me and no longer loving me made me love myself. It’s kind of fucked up. It was weird to throw those photo strips away though. But I just… the disconnect was too much. In going through all of those things I found my ring too and honestly like I figured it was still on the floor in the corner of the apartment stairs just rotting after I threw it at you that night. It was weird to look at it again. Forever and always seems so silly now. I mean I meant it at least. I don’t know it’s just all so weird. & I don’t understand so many things that happened. And like I really fucking don’t understand why your new girlfriend felt the need to insert herself into my life again like I haven’t even talked to you in months ?? And god the message was so mean like that whole thing I REALLY don’t understand. To tell me to go rot?? I would never say that to you or her for that matter. I mean I want you to be happy, I really fucking do like bottom of my heart I want that for you. I’m so devastatingly sad that you’re not here for my happiness, my life has gotten so much better. I’ve gotten so much better. And it breaks my heart that you aren’t able to see it and be here for it because you were there for me in the worst times of my life. I remember you would talk to me about how great life would be where I’m at now and I won’t lie, it’s hard to be here without you. But… I mean I guess I don’t know you anymore so it isn’t hard at the same time. Like it’s all so weird. So complicated. But I just don’t understand the animosity. Like even after you lied to me, literally cheated on me for months while I was in the hospital, and broke up with me I don’t think badly of you. Like I don’t shit talk you? I don’t spend nights just talking about how awful you are to my boyfriend or anyone for that matter. Like I tell the truth of what happened and honestly? I fucking still defend you most of the time when people do say mean things about what happened. But like, to let her seek me out on PINTEREST of all things to just call me all this shit and be so mean like… idk. I wouldn’t think you’d ever like someone like that. Like I know I fucked up a lot of things in our relationship but like…. Idk I would be so mad at John if he did that to you. Also to talk about your sex life like maybe it’s the nurse in me but that’s a HIPPA violation at the least. It’s just weird. Plus to poke fun at me venting on this absolute trash site is just like ?? lol. I coped how I had to at the time to get to where I needed and through all the major changes that happened in my life overnight. Idk why poking fun at my mental health is cute. Much less the most awful traumatic thing that happened to me that two years later I’m still working through every day. Like?? Idk. It’s all just so weird. But I guess you’re different now. I’m different too. We grew apart. It happens. Life happens. Shit happens I mean I truly did not want any of that shit to go down but like, I’m better for it yknow. And I’m better for knowing you, for being loved by you. I’m very thankful for the time we spent together. I’m very thankful for the love we shared and the experiences we had together. When I think back on the five years before shit went down like it makes me happy. Like they were fun memories. Just because you’re my ex doesn’t mean I have to erase everything and hate you with a vengeance. But I guess that’s just me.
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highladyluck · 4 years
How do you go from 'our holier-than-thou neighbors sure are paranoid today' to 'there's a semi-sentient bone-dissolving evil mist monster haunting the ruins of the city next door'?
Because in lieu of any mechanical explanation for Shadar Logoth I'm just gonna start explaining it to myself as "the Age Lace is old and delicate and easily soiled, if you let bad vibes sit on it too long it's gonna leave a stain and grow mold."
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bloodybloob · 2 years
Linked Universe as Gods (probably done before but this is my take).
Time: God of Reality
-The father figure.
-Time itself is a concept made up by humans, his real title is the God of Reality, humans are too stupid to figure it out though. They tried to explain his confusing abilities by just saying “he’s the god of the clock and he messes with time, that’s why his powers are so confusing”.
-This isn’t the truth, he actually controls the fabric of reality itself and keeps it balanced by doing stuff like creating borders between worlds and making sure things are working how they should.
-For example: if a huge piece of land got destroyed people would pray that he rewind the time in that specific area so that they could live there again. He can’t actually undo what has been done, but bending reality just a smidge doesn’t hurt. Unfortunately, mortals don’t know that is what he is actually doing and instead think he is rewinding the clock. Because of this, people got confused and labeled him as Time.
-He doesn’t use his abilities often and prefers to sit back and watch his brothers make a mess that he’ll inevitably have to pick up.
-Is, of course, the dad of the group.
-They’re actually all brothers but he’s the oldest, has a dad voice, scolds them often, and is literally called Time by the people. No way his brothers don’t call him Old Man!
-Sometimes if a mortal gets on his nerves he’ll mess with their vision and the colors they see, he may have accidentally caused a few people to go insane because of this.
-He’s sort of like the main god and the one people pray to the most often or refer to when they’re not talking about a specific thing. It’s kinda like the Hylia vs the three goddesses situation where they usually refer to Hylia yet know of the other three. They may say “Oh Hylia!” when startled but when they say are about to take a test they’d say “Nayru, grant me your wisdom” or something. Kinda like that.
-Behind his closed eye is a sight incomprehensible to the human mind, hence why he keeps it closed.
-He collaborates with everyone, as all their jobs are somehow linked to reality.
Twilight: God of Other Worlds
-Lovely piece of himbo.
-Time may create borders for other worlds, but Twilight enforces them.
-After an event where the twilight leaked into this plane, people mistook yet another god’s job as something else, meaning he ended up being called the God of the Twilight
-He is relatively unknown outside of the twilight event as his job doesn’t seem to effect mortals day to day lives (it does, without him the world’s barriers would shatter and let all sorts of creatures roam), thus he is prayed to the least, except for the Twili who absolutely worship him.
-He’s the protective big brother type figure, whenever Time is not cleaning up after the children it is him and Sky, who is the other big brother figure.
-He worries a lot over the others, especially Wild, who has a lot of issues I’ll be getting into.
-If he has no duties to tend to he is hovering over his brothers and asking if their alright or need anything. He is fiercely protective over them and whenever a mortal insults someone in The Chain or somehow causes them harm- you bet he is on their case.
-Due to events with the Twilight Realm he has a distinct wolflike form that can either be otherworldly looking Wolfie or just like regular Wolfie. Some of the others like to cuddle with him when he’s in that form (not that they don’t cuddle enough as it is).
-He only really collaborates with Time, none of the others unless it’s an emergency like the Twili event.
Warriors: God of War
-He should honestly be called God of Bias.
-His powers range from light control over soldiers to complete and utter sway in how a battle will end up.
-He is often prayed to by Kings, warlords, and generals, all of which are doing something for power or wealth.
-Warriors often completely ignores their gifts and prayers and prefers to answer to the common soldier or peasants that need a family member to return safe or for their home to still stand once the enemy takes all. This causes mortals quite a bit confusion in what offerings he takes as he seems to have no response towards monarch’s lavish sacrifices
-Soldiers often took to calling him “the God of us Warriors”, and he adopted the nickname Warriors lovingly.
-Despite being the God of War, he very rarely gets involved in the actual full scale fighting, when he does however… an entire army could be wiped out by the other within an instant, hence why rulers continue to plead towards him despite his infrequent answers.
-Other than just being an all around good guy, the other reason he prefers to not get involved with wars is to protect his fellow gods. People praying for their battle wounds to disappear greatly takes up Rulie’s time, Sky’s mailbox is already stuffed enough and he doesn’t need the plethora of messages filled with grief and mourning, and tearing apart the land for one’s own selfish desires is not doing wonders for Wild at the moment.
-He is said to be one of the most attractive gods, making him a popular topic among bars. Sometimes he’ll go down to earth disguised just to get in on gossip. There was one incident where the people there found out who he was and reported he did indeed look very beautiful. As a god, Warriors finds this hilarious.
-He is totally the mix of the unconcerned big brother and the cool uncle (though if we’re being honest he acts more like a cool aunt than a cool uncle).
-He often needs or has to give help to pretty much everyone, including Time as always and Twilight in specific scenarios.
Wind: God of the Wind
-Little man.
-Pretty young by god standards.
-He controls the winds and the currents they follow, he can also summon stuff like storms and tornadoes for example.
-He wanted to be called Breeze but people ended up calling him his normal god title without even knowing it, boring if you asked him
-Sailors and pirates pray to him a lot, people interested in war efforts also appeal to him for oversea battles. But Wind, while looking up to Time, also looks up to and is more inclined to go along with whatever Warriors’ standpoint is, so he completely ignores them and lets the wind have its own fun. Sometimes he’ll personally screw with armadas and battleships for the heck of it.
-He adores the concept of pirates and desperately wants to be one.
-He was declared (along with some of the others like Wild and Hyrule for example) too young and too brash to go down and pretend to be a mortal without heavy supervision.
-Despite this, he has totally snuck out and joined a pirate crew multiple times, and somehow let it slip to the pirates multiple times that he was, in fact, a god.
-This has gotten him in deep water before but he continues doing it for fun. He has even pulled more adventurous and fun loving gods like Wild and Hyrule down with him, they’ve been found out as gods at least once doing this and were forced to retreat before something bad happened (specifically to Wild). Every time they’ve gotten caught by their fellow gods and got into even worse trouble.
-He often cooperates with Wild for his control over birds and the ocean, Warriors because of oversea battles, and Hyrule to keep magic in the air.
Four: God of Minerals
-Even littler man.
-Basically has control over stone and gems, hence his name.
-It’s more powerful than it seems, as the planet people stand on is just one giant rock, meaning if he really wanted to he could just grow spikes everywhere and kill everyone (he may have gotten mad at one particularly cruel noble and crystallized his entire family but we don’t talk about that-)
-He is commonly prayed to by miners and monarchs seeking riches. Occasionally he’ll get a smith’s prayers, as the god has dabbled in the smithing business as well, so they also beg of him.
-Mortals were once again confused with him. At first they called him the God of Mining or God of Caves, as praying to him would net them more riches. Then the whole crystalized noble family thing happened and people begun to rethink how they perceived the god.
-Some cultists, who thought all the gods were bad, looked at this event and said that the god was too dangerous. They did a massive and costly ritual that forcibly summoned Four, their goal being to greatly diminish his power and then kill him. Luckily, Twilight, ever the protective brother, interrupted them and ruthlessly slaughtered the cultists.
-The ritual was incomplete, instead of drastically weakening the god it split him apart, meaning he had four halves that could merge into one, the colors!
-It was all very confusing and distressing when Twilight brought him back in four pieces, but they eventually figured out what was happening and how to get him to merge. Time offered to fix him but Four declined, him both merged and split preferred this and saw it as a strength (plus, his four halves were like four new brothers that they all already knew!).
-Sometimes he’ll split so he can do more work in multiple areas at once, earning the now colorfully clad god the name Four by mortals.
-Green, Blue, Red, and Vio are not as powerful split, they are still immortal and capable of great damage alone but it isn’t enough to destroy the planet like they usually could.
-The colors usually don’t touch down on Earth without fusing first, as it is more dangerous and their brothers would never allow it. They also don’t have a larger, godlike form, they only have it when merged, it’s another reason they can’t touch down without being whole.
-Four is particularly interested in the little minish civilizations that plodded their little claws along his dirt. He asked Hyrule to help him perfect a minish form in his likeness so he could be among the little creatures.
-While alone Vio briefly dabbled in the study of dark magics after talking to Hyrule and Legend about it, he tried a spell out on a big mirror and accidentally summoned a portal that brought forth a shadow version of a non split Four. The mirror then proceeded to shatter from the force of the magic trapping the being in their world.
-Shadow! Shadow doesn’t have any godlike powers or a larger form, but he does have all of his normal abilities, and he is a shadow of a god so he has immortality and stuff. Vio and him are great friends and the other colors and gods get along with him well enough. The guy usually hangs with the mischief makers like Wind and Wild while nagging the colors whenever they aren’t merged constantly, especially Vio. Even when they are merged Shadow is all over them.
-Twilight was pretty mad about the whole thing because Shadow is from another realm and shouldn’t even be allowed in their godly domain, but the others practically begged the deity to let Shadow stay, and he unwillingly obliged (the puppy dog eyes got him). Things are a bit tense between Shadow and Twilight, but they are working on it.
-Let’s just say Hyrule banned him off of spells after Vio somehow managed to accidentally summon a shadow version of his merged self, a welcome shadow, yes, but they don’t all need an accidentally summoned shadow that are almost but not quite gods.
-Four usually collaborates with Warriors for materials for weapons, Wild who has dominion over everything that lays across the rock he controls, and Hyrule to keep magic in the ground.
Wild: God of the Wilds
-Definition: Sweet, but feral.
-Wild has control of, well, the wilds: plants, animals, crops, and the entire ocean and every horrific creature that’s in it.
-Time is the main god, but Wild is considered to be the one most commonly prayed to and given gifts to by the most people. Royals, soldiers, generals, nobles, and peasants all need food, sailors and pirates need to travel the ocean, explorers need the wilderness to agree with them, and pretty much everyone everywhere doesn’t want to be attacked by animals or afflicted by disease.
-That’s another thing, his power includes the ability grow, to force any kind of cell reproduction. He can essentially make it ten times as likely to pull yourself out of a deadly disease (even when no one in this time period knows what cells are).
-He is actually the one who would most likely go down in a one on one fight as he has been significantly weakened. People constantly harming the environment and abusing the life it holds has greatly diminished his physical ability, so much so he can’t walk right in a physical form.
-Whenever a great event that destroys a lot of plant life, kills a bunch of animals, or messes with the ocean happens a new burn wound will appear on his body. Even after he helps the land recover the wound stays and ultimately scars, they’re permanent. The injuries cause intense headaches and amnesia, he has a hard time remembering things and is often confused on where he is or who the people he’s with are (this is just to bring the amnesia and scar thing into a world where they are gods in a way that makes sense.)
-His brothers freak the freak out every time it happens and go into panic mode. They were in an inconsolable state the first time it happened, a blind rage. Their screams of fury and vengeance could be heard rattling the Earth as each of their dominions began to crack (like for example: the winds would begin blowing savagely from Wind’s anguish, the ground would begin to quake from Four’s fury, barriers keeping realities apart would start to wobble and break at Twilight’s crave for retribution).
-Let’s just say anyone who is responsible for a new burn doesn’t make it out… Not that they’re dead! They’re just being tortured for eternity…
-Wild is a gremlin and will often defy the orders of the Gods and go to Earth to play in the trees and grasses. He also likes to hang out with spirits/creatures like Korok’s, Kikwi’s or The Lord of the Mountain because all of their appearances and or connections to him greatly peak his interest.
-His injuries caused his brain to grow scrambled, he acts very childlike, loses focus often, and wanders around lost a lot of the time. (This just serves to make his brothers even more panicked when he’s wandered off to who knows where).
-He gets relief from their constant eyes whenever Wind or Hyrule pulls him down to Earth to do stuff (until they’re ultimately caught and punished by being squished in the cuddle pile).
-He often cooperates with Wind for the birds and sailors, Four because most of his stuff relies on the rock and dirt beneath it all, Warriors who keeps the devastation at bay, and Hyrule to keep magic in nature (and because he wants to learn about the magic critters).
Legend: God of Prophecy
-Touch-starved idiot who refuses to admit he’s touch-starved.
-He’s technically the God of Dreams who just so happens to be able to see in the future, but after an incident involving a powerful, almost godlike being known as the Windfish that may have messed with his power and brain, he prefers God of Prophecy now, meaning he was more than happy to accept the name Legend from the people.
-He can will himself to appear into the minds of those asleep, from there he can give them predictions of the future. He also occasionally gives general advice but he isn’t that good at it and often just offends whoever he is speaking to.
-He is the god that is depicted the most accurately in paintings as he is commonly seen in people’s dreams. The others to be most accurately represented are Wild, Wind, and Hyrule, but that’s because they’ve been caught so many times. And it’s only their mortal forms accurately depicted, not their true ones, Legend has both of his forms being depicted accurately.
-Pretty much anyone seeking guidance will pray to him, though it is likely he only appears to those who actually need it, or those that he deems needs a good slapping to the face.
-His schedule gets pretty full during wartime, which he despises because he has to hang out with Warriors and Warriors is the WORST.
-He will sometimes scour the future to see if he can prevent any major events that may harm the land and, in return, his brother.
-He is very negative about his powers and god status- especially after the Windfish- but when asked if he’d give it up he’d say “You’d think these idiots would let me leave?” Which translates to “And leave my brothers? Not for the world.”
-He occasionally goes down to dance and sing among people, he finds festivities somewhat fun and tries to inconspicuously introduce a few to his brothers so they can all do them together (he is almost always called out by Warriors or Wind, they all end up playing card games until someone gets frustrated or Sky deems it nap time and flops onto his closest victim brother).
-He made friends with the mortal Ravio, our lovable scammer who cosplays as a purple bunny, along with his weirdly shaped bird, Sheerow. Ravio doesn’t yet know his new friend a god, but he does know Legend has incredible power after the god helped save him and his wares, the bunny admired him and started calling him “Mr. Hero”.
-Legend sheepishly asked Hyrule to help him make a magical item that would let him turn into a bunny, he refused to tell the magic god what it was for. He also neglects to tell Ravio, who doesn’t know it’s Legend getting all the snuggles and love from within his lap.
-He often cooperates with Warriors for wartime and Sky because of the lovesick goons that take up way too much of their time.
Hyrule: God of Magic
-Sweet tooth.
-Any and all things magic, whether it be the faint, unnoticeable pulsing in the ground or great, electric staffs capable of immense destruction, it all falls under his control.
-He likes to dwell with magic creatures and spirits, his favorite being fairies. He liked them so much that he created a fairy form when he was younger (he has gotten stuck in a bottle and has been forced to reveal himself as a being of great power to escape so many times).
-His first few times dabbling in the lives of mortals was at a time where people weren’t as knowledgeable on magic. To them it seemed that his power spread throughout everything! Especially in the Kingdom Hyrule (where fairies frequented), thus, he was named Hyrule. Of course it was later discovered that he was actually the God of Magic, but the cute nicknames like Rule, Rules, and Rulie stuck so much so that the rest of the boys never really stopped calling him Hyrule, even when the mortals moved onto Magic.
-He is often prayed to by magic users, wanting to learn or gain power from him, and explorers, hoping to find powerful artifacts or new and exciting magical creatures.
-His domain also blankets potions, meaning he is often seen as some sort of god of healing which fills his mailbox up during wartime. He isn’t really, magic just sometimes falls under healing categories as well. Wild is closer to a healing god than him for his ability to decimate disease.
-Hyrule goes down to Earth the most, to explore and wander. If he wasn’t so concerned over Wild he would bring him for his longer explorations, instead they only stay out for a few days when together.
-Rulie gets a lot of people praying to him over the wrong things as they don’t know how magic works.
-There are so many joking prayers (that people don’t realize are also sent to their gods along with the genuine ones) for him that he finally lost his cool, he brought down massive lighting strikes in front of every castle in every kingdom as a warning to STOP SENDING HIM FAKES!
-He collaborates with Wars during wartime, Legend to help push his future sight further with magic, and Four, Wild, and Wind to keep the magic everywhere alive and balanced.
Sky: God of Emotion
-The snuggle bug.
-He’s only called Sky because there is a saying that when you look up and stare past a rainbow’s alluring visage you can see his face smiling (you can’t, but the nickname was cute so he took it).
-His power may not sound strong at first but if he really wanted to he could manipulate the entire world, both animals and sentients alike, to bow at his feet. He would never, but the possibility counts.
-He does his best to wrangle back wars started over emotions and keep things at a balanced peace, his influence can only go so far however and once something happens that’s it, no love can stop the armada heading to the zora domain.
-He is primarily prayed to by the Gerudo who wish to find a loving husband. In fact, he is mistaken for a love god often. He gets SO many infatuated prayers of hopes for blossoming love, enough to be ahead of both Time and Wild in the ‘most prayers department’ if the gods were to consider them all serious ones.
-The amount of times he has heard his name screamed, looked at what was happening, and saw something not appropriate is a billion times too many and has traumatized him in some capacity.
-Unlike Hyrule he has never gotten mad about it even if his situation is arguably worse. How can he ever get mad at mortals? They’re so cute! That didn’t mean he didn’t get tired of it though, he was plenty done with the lovesick prayers.
-He favors the gorons as they never really stuff his mailbox full of love letters (he also doesn’t have any idea if they fall in love or how they repopulate- which is good! He doesn’t want to ever know, he has seen too much as it is).
-He sometimes slacks on his job and lets his head drift among the clouds before being shaken awake by one of his brothers saying he is slacking and that he’ll get no cuddle time if he sleeps through his work.
-He’s totally the soft teddy bear brother while also sorta being a mom friend. He will give his brothers all the snuggles (and refuse to let them go) in the world while also being worried sick over their well being.
-He has literally told Wind to go to timeout before, isn’t that the most mom thing ever?
-He needs help from Warriors to keep kingdom relations in check and with Legend to keep whoever the dream god is visiting calm during whatever offensive bull Legend is going to spew about them to their face.
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
warm shower || hanma x reader cw: fem!Reader, manga spoilers, mentions of death, agnst/fluff/comfort, non sexual nudity word count: 1.8k
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"You stink."
Regretfully that was the first thing that came out of your mouth the second you saw him. Not a proper 'I missed you' or even 'Where the hell have you been?!' All better choices in reality than what you had said. Trying to play it off cool in front of him for the first time. Joking in fact that he looked like shit like it was simple locker room talk. When tears brimmed along your lashes with each passing second he'd stood in front of you.
Now as the water ran down the drain. Sud laden globs of every soap you had under your roof now hitting your shower floor. Each time wash through of his hair getting more and more like normal. You cycling through those dumb words you chose with occasional glances towards your shower curtain. Unable to see much but the lanky figure of the man you insisted take as long as he needed washing up.
Mourning the absolute fuck up that happened to be the moment you reunited.
Shuji had played it off with a tired and weary half smirk like it had only been a long weekend you hadn't seen each other. Not in fact literal months since the last time you stood together. From him an equally bad joke about how at least his bike was clean so who cared what happened to him. Settling in your bones how utterly worried you had been and still were for him each passing second.
"Hey, do you have any conditioner?" Shuji didn't holler, knowing you were sitting on the lid of the toilet adjacent to your shower pretty promptly after he'd stepped in.
Yanked from your dwell thoughts Shuji's question made you realize the frog in your throat. Quick to clear your throat and blot at your eyes as if he could actually see you through the shower curtain, "L=Left- Ahem- Left side, that small bottle. It's a little old."
"A little?" Shuji scoffed over the running water, "The top is crusty do you even use this?"
There was some fumbling as you watched his tall shadow surely try to wash off the top of the squeeze container. Proceed to fumble it and drop it half a dozen times before Shuji got what he wanted and went back to lathering his hair. And you dropped your gaze back down to your lap.
"Honestly I think it's yours." You admitted. Just the scent alone tipped you off to the fact that old bottle wasn't yours.
"Man this is a tester bottle I stole from that mall a few years back," As light hearted as ever with his giggles Shuji fondly recalled the literal buffet of pocketable items at the expo the two of you snuck into. It felt so long ago that happened. But the conditioner was as silky and delightful as the only other time he used it.
"It got tucked behind shit, meant to move it a few times but eh." You lied.
In fact you lied about a lot of things after you called him stinky. The conditioner bottle you were claiming was just old junk. To the spare outfit you had tucked in your closet since he'd been gone. They were all claimed to be junk you forgot to throw out yet. When in fact it was all you clung to just to keep thoughts of Shuji from disappearing completely.
Even calling him stinky was a lie. As you sat on your own toilet listening to the globs of water hit the ground as he rinsed off one last time. Stinky was the last thing you'd honestly thought of when you saw him after all this time.
With thoughts mumbling on your eyes caught the disappearance of the towel on your shower curtain rod. Polietly you looked down when the fabric rustled and Shuji stepped out wrapped up in your towel. Hair sopping wet and clinging to his face. He looked more pathetic now soaked to the bone like a cat than when he'd wandered into your place. At least now he was clean and freshly showered within the safety of your apartment.
"Ah man, I needed that." Shuji grabbed your hand towel and began going to town drying his hair. An utter mess made of it when he yanked the towel off his head and his hair frizzed out in every direction, "It's the small things you miss most."
"How about you try a hairbrush next huh?" You offered after getting up and digging through your vanity drawer to produce an old comb.
Shuji commented on how he remembered styling his hair with the same exact comb. All you could do was answer with throwing away a perfectly good comb seemed silly. Though you never used it. It sat much like the rest of the things in your apartment as reminders of him all this time he'd been gone.
Digging at his knots. Fewer now after the good through washing. You sat back down not on the closed toilet. But at least on the foot of your bed right in front of the bathroom door. Giving you ample view of his face in the reflection of the mirror when Shuji saw you watching him. Arms above his head as he tore into his mess of hair, he still stopped and gave you a cheeky smile that looked more like what he used to do.
Something still felt off to you. Perhaps it was your stinky comment. Or perhaps it was just all of this. Shuji here. Just after the other day you thought he'd never be seen again. Only to be bathing in your shower after he arrived unannounced looking like shit less than an hour ago. Thoughts thrummed through your head. And your heart hurt in your chest. You'd spent so long waiting for this after those wanted notices went out. Now you didn't really know what to do and you kept saying the wrong thing.
Comb midway through his hair, the towel totting fool turned around to see you holding back tears while looking right at him. He wanted to pop off with something but the way your eyes looked. All he could do was draw the comb one final time through his hair and stop.
"...are you ok?" You couldn't find the right words and these were all that came out.
Seemed stupid to ask when the answer was so transparent. But he wanted to lighten the mood. So just like your poor choice of calling him stinky. Shuji went off about how being a fugitive wasn't exactly his dream job and it was surprisingly more boring than one would think. Overboard in his usual avoidant self until you just couldn't stand it anymore.
"I'm not talking about that you idiot-" The glands under your tongue kept pouring in salvia to your mouth. Forcing you to swallow like a fool lest you throw up every nerve twisting and writhing in your stomach, "I'm- I'm talking about all the death- All the people- You I just- Do you miss them?"
You had him in the first half but your question caused a scowl to cross his brows, "Miss who?"
"Kisaki-" You looked up at him as he stepped out of your bathroom still wrapped in your towel but no longer dripping wet, "He was your friend and he- Then those other two you said....Keisuke? He died too and his friend you hung out with, he's in jail and gone now."
There was quite the understanding to what you were getting at. Each person he'd expressed an interest in and what was the closest thing he could call a friend, ended up dead. Shuji had found himself enjoying certain people. Only to have the grandeur of death take them one right after the other. There were other's you didn't know the names too. One's he'd met and enjoyed after disappearing. But just like the Kisaki and the others, death soon followed them. Leaving Shuji to wonder if in fact the problem was him.
Taking in a shaky breath Shuji kept realizing he didn't respond to you. Driving a wedge of awkwardness with each passing second. Until even if he popped off with a joke, you could see right through it.
"Why didn't you come back to me? I could have helped you. Shuji I-"
"I was scared you would be next." He finally admitted. Listless golden eyes refusing contact. He closed his fist around the towel and snugged it up on his waist in the moments following, "I was- I thought you'd die too. And man I didn't want that on my conscious." Shuji rubbed the back of his neck vividly remembering each death. Sure he wasn't the cause of it but how could he not feel directly involved when it kept happening around him even if his hands remained clear of any red stains, "You dying seemed....pointless."
Months had gone by. At some points you weren't sure he was even alive. That offered comfort some nights. Other nights it made you sick to your stomach. A pain you never wanted to feel again and at the aspect of it, welcomed death over the dread that had laced itself through your every day life.
Reaching up to grasp his bony hands. Tracing the now old and out of style sin and punishment tattoos with your thumbs. Shuji had no choice but to look at you when you drug his attention and his body closer to you.
"You don't get to decide what's pointless for me." You broke eye contact to look at his hands as you worried your thumbs over his tattoos, "That's my call so shut it."
And all at once, as someone else took the decision making away from him, Shuji's body seemed to let go of a long needed sigh of relief. Dipping down to his knees before your bed. Allowing you to embrace his naked top in your arms. Ignoring the wet hair soaking your shirt when you took him as close to you as possible.
"I would die a thousand deaths....to just never go through that again." You mumbled into the crook of his neck when you hugged him tighter, "So shut up stinky. I get to decide what I do with my life. Not you."
His turn to clutch onto you as tightly as he could. Shuji now felt the same foolish words bubbling up in his mind. He wanted nothing to do with them or to be responsible for lightening the mood. Right now all he wanted to do was let you do everything for him, "You're right." He managed with barely a waiver infringing on his trembling lips, Shuji only hugging you tighter and burying his face snugger into your shoulder, "You've always been the real boss."
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