#how do you call a satyr but unicorn?
birdmomblogs · 1 year
Mythology Art Challenge ✨
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[ID: List of art challenge prompts called Birdmom’s Mythos Month. How to participate: 20 prompts are provided to give you flexibility to make art for every weekday and let you rest on the weekend. They do not have to be completed in any particular order (I only listed them alphabetically here) and prompts may be repeated as they are broad categories. Bonus prompts are included should you want a weekend prompt or feel inspired by your background. Any month can be Birdmom’s Mythology Month, so participate whenever you are able! Don’t stress, have fun and good luck! Use #birdmom mythos to share and feel free to tag me @birdmomblogs on Tumblr. 20 Prompts: 1. Aliens & Extraterrestrials. 2. Angels & Cherubs. 3. Centaurs, Satyrs, Minotaurs & more… 4. Chimeras, Griffins, Manticores & more… 5. Demons, Devils & Imps. 6. Dragons, Wyvern & Lizardfolk. 7. Elementals & Genies. 8. Elves & Dwarves. 9. Fairies, Pixies, Changelings & more… 10. Ghosts, Spirits, the Paranormal & more… 11. Goblins, Giants, Orcs & more… 12. Gods & Goddesses. 13. Mermaids & Sirens. 14. Monsters & Creatures. 15. Phoenix & Birdfolk. 16. Unicorns & Pegasi. 17. Vampires & Gargoyles. 18. Werewolves & Shapeshifters. 19. Witches, Wizards, Warlocks & more… 20. Zombies, Mummies, the Undead & more… Bonus Prompts: 1. Cultural/Regional Mythology. 2. Urban Legends & Fairytales. end ID]
*** I created this because I am not big on Mermay and always feel left out every May. I thought, "Why is there not a challenge that can include everyone's interests?!" So I decided to make my own. It’s not the fanciest post I know… But I did what I could with the energy I had.
There are lots of humanoids, creatures and other mythological beings you can choose from! So have fun and go wild with this! If art isn't your thing, feel free to try writing instead! I would love to read whatever you come up with :)
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isas-oc-asylum · 2 years
Arboresian Territories Lore
Arboresia is comprised of 6 territories of varying sizes, the borders of which constantly change. The cultures of each region are WILDLY unique and the Arboresians who call them home are passionately loud about how amazing they are.
Magic is the main influence of this, of course, even down to how the climate functions differently in each region. What do you mean there’s a blizzard in one territory and its 90°F in the one right next door? Magic fucking said so, that’s why. Earth’s regional climate logic be damned.
Four out of six of these territories are referred to as the Primary Territories. These four have cultures and names that revolve around the four seasons, which arguably is the phenomena that contributes most to making nature so beautiful, as it influences the flora and fauna. Fitting nature-inspired regions for the nature-loving country. These four primary territories are Autumn Hallow, Goldray, Bloomshine, and Fort Frost.
Arboresia also has micro-territories such as the Metsuki Kingdom, and disbanded territories such as Obsidimoore. These are not major enough to get a section elaborating on them, but I might change my mind on that.
A lot of territory culture and the expansion on how these territories are so cool come in the form of headcanons and such that don’t fit the format of this post, but that can be remedied by asks or other posts. One way or another I’ll find a way to convey how awesome and unique each territory is.
All flags below have been made by @deaths-presence​!
The 6 Arboresian territories are:
Autumn Hallow
Fort Frost
Natives in each territory are called:
Autumn Hallow: Autumn Hallowans
Bloomshine: Bloomshiners
Goldray: Goldrasians
Fort Frost: Frostians
Jazswing: Jazswingers
Scornwood: Scornwoodians
Autumn Hallow
The Autumn Territory, obviously. To nobody’s surprise, the spooky and magical supernaturals founded the Autumn and Halloween-themed territory first. Here, magic and power are loudly celebrated. October is Supernatural Pride Month and Halloween is the biggest, most extravagant and magical holiday in not just the territory, but perhaps the entire country. Autumn Hallowans party HARD and there is nothing more significant to them than being your true spooky self, no matter how terrifying or weird. Autumn Hallow is the most densely populated with supernaturals, though the entire country is comprised of them.
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The Summer-themed, yeehaw territory. Blend yeehaw aesthetic & hot girl summer. This territory is all about warmth and summer fun. If Arboresian agriculture isn’t coming from Autumn Hallow, it’s coming from here. Go to any rural American state, or fuck, just stand in a cornfield somewhere. There ya go, it’s Goldray. Arboresia has an entire population of Florida Man equivalents and they live here.
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The Spring-themed territory. Here, nature is even more everything than it is in the rest of the country. Litter is a felony and nature prevails over all. This territory is incredibly green and full of colorful plants and the most mystifying creatures you’ll ever see, even in its biggest cities. It’s very easy to mistake this territory for a rainforest or some kind of insane fae realm. Everything here is mythical and full of whimsy. Bloomshine is heavily populated by elves and other mythical creatures, rather than supernatural. Fairies, satyrs, unicorns, all of it.
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Fort Frost
The Winter-themed territory. It’s like a free trial of what its like to live in Antarctica during the Winter, and during the other three seasons it’s a more accessible version of Alaska. Despite Autumn Hallow’s... everything, Fort Frost is the territory that terrifies Arboresians the most. Shit here is just another level of wild and scary. Internet cryptids found footage type scary. Yetis are real and they fucking live here. But even with an array of massive, deadly creatures both normal and mythical, Fort Frost still has all the cozy and gorgeous winter wonderland things all you cold weather enjoyers love the most.
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The American 1920s called, they want their aesthetic back. For some reason a bunch of Arboresians (maybe who were American immigrants? But nobody knows for sure) fell in love with the aesthetic of being party animals with bomb ass fashion, so they made a territory about it. Jazswing is a territory of music, fashion, and living the high life no matter how poor or wealthy you are. The territory also has a reputation for not only bringing back the good parts of the American 20s and the arts, but it holds Arboresia’s biggest port, which is a popular spot for tourists, and modern day pirates. But most notable of all, Jazswing has a not-so-subtle and very present underworld of crime. Mafias, hitmen, bootlegging, drug dealers, the whole package. Jazswing has a rich culture that goes deep, but you best be careful about how far into it you venture.
Territory Flag:
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Steampunk isn’t out of fashion or purely fantasy, you’re just a pleb who hasn’t visited Scornwood, Arboresia. Its a place of innovation, traditional magic like alchemy, and the coolest parts of the steampunk scene, especially the fashion and cool gadgets. Live your spunky sci-fi dreams here. Don your goggles, top-hats, pinstriped clothes and smother everything you own in gears. This is the territory for you. Scornwood loves tradition, and can be very exclusive about what or who enters it to avoid modernity tainting the things that make it special. They don’t live a strict no-tech lifestyle whatsoever, in fact they LOVE the stuff, but it absolutely MUST fit the culture. None of that sleek chrome bullshit.
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dreamunleashed · 3 years
I just want to say your candy design is so cute!! I love how they look!!
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Thank you anon!
Also all of my personas + me, use She/Her pronouns please!
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I lost your ask! I have no idea where it went nor do I know who you are!! And I am so sorry for taking so long!!
Hey, may I have a match-up for 1 bara bittybones please?
Living situation: small apartment, further in the country, it's peaceful, it gets hot and humid n the area a lot, I live alone so he could have his own space, no pets.
Owner personality: mellow, paranoid, has PTSD, may need a push to get goin sometimes cause depression, panic attacks I hide n the closet, realist when I'm n right head, antisocial with most but wouldn't be with him, respectful of boundaries, likes to drink wine, crochet, knit, swim, do essential oils, and I'm a model, I can get on with any way they like to give and/or recieve love, spa days all the way, sleepy quiet cuddles I adore, and I draw, patient, long fuse, can be sneaky, will cook a ton.
Wants: a companion
Doll(Tale paps neko): These bitties are super affectionate and always feel the need to be around their owner, though this makes them have horrible separation anxiety! These bitties always know what to say when your having an episode(what I often call my 'attacks' and mood swings) or going through a rough patch! These bitties do not need other bitties around and would do well in single bitty homes!
Silkie(tale sans chicken harpy): These bitties are super chill, though need at least 3 other bitties around! They are a more lazy type but still love to get up and move, they can learn how to help you quickly and are not a super loud chicken bitty, they do have feathers that often grow over their eyes but some trimming or a headband is an easy fix!
Appa(tale gaster unicorn): These bitties are a more laid-back type, though a very affectionate one! With their magic they can help get/place things on a higher shelf or just hand you things from a distaince without being underfoot or to close to something dangerous! Similarly to Satyrs their magic has a soothing/calming affect in their fur! Note that Unicorns are a more social type, so having at least one other bitty around is ideal!
Clay(Fellswap paps Satyr): With things like PTSD, depression, and paranoia I had to suggest a Satyr! They have calming/soothing magic in their fur/wool, and with Clay bitties more laid-back and affectionate nature they are perfect an keeping a level head when you need them! They need to be sheared annually or bi-annually so if you want you can make their fur into yarn and make clothes with it! Many of those with Satyrs do, either for themselves or their friends ad family! Note that Satyrs are another Social type! Though Clay's can manage just fine with just their owner!
Boelen Python(two headed(tale and fell) paps lamia): These somewhat odd bitties are super affectionate and helpful! Their patterns are simply beautiful and are great for some inspiration! These bitties are like a two-in-one deal with both of their heads having different personalities an thoughts, though they rarely fight! They will of course do their best to help you and will learn how to! They are big(being 8-12 feet tall as bara!) and give big cuddles!
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magicae-est-realis · 4 years
Bracken and Verl Meeting
Hi everyone! Sadly, I cannot write as well as Bandon Mull, so it will be in my own writing style. If anyone has any ideas on what I should do next, please say so! I love listening to them. This one is a credit to @candlemouse!
Kendra was reading on the porch while Bracken collected sandwiches from Grandma and Vanessa, who had decided that a picnic was non-negotiable. As the tall unicorn came out, struggling to carry a basket filled with food and a stereotypical blanket, she laughed at how flustered he looked.
“I had to listen to the two of them talking about us the entire time!” he complained. “Apparently they forgot unicorns can hear better than humans.”
“But you’re in a human form. Wouldn’t you be the same as one of us?”
“No. I merely appear like a person. It doesn’t mean I am one.”
“Oh. But how does that work then?”
“Powerful magic and illusions, mostly.” 
The conversation carried them all the way to outside the Naiad’s lake, and Kendra was relieved to see that Bracken seemed to have forgotten his earlier embarrassment. As the two walked through the entrance, they were greeted by Satyrs running around wildly, shouting as they played a game of tackle tag.
“Kendra!” a voice called. She groaned, frantically trying to tell Bracken to turn around and go back to the house, while he looked down at her, confused.
“But we just got here?” 
“Yes, I know, but we should leave now!” she finished speaking just as Verl arrived, and, ignoring Bracken completely, he proceeded to bend down and kiss Kendra’s hand, not noticing how quickly she wiped it on her jeans, or how awkward Bracken looked.
“Ah, my beautiful fair maiden! How glorious it is to see you again! I am afraid that I did not know you were coming today, or I would have brought you another token of my love to you!” By the time the Satyr have finished speaking, Bracken was looking incredibly uncomfortable, and Kendra was trying hard not to die of embarrassment.
“Umm... yeah. Great. Nice to see you too, Verl. Er, we were just... leaving now... so, if you could please excuse us?” 
“Oh, but why would you go now? You just got here! Come, I am certain that the others would allow me to leave the game to spend time with a maiden as lovely as you.” Bracken was looking more and more awkward with each word, and as he shifted slightly, Verl seemed to notice him for the first time.
“Oh. Yes. Hello. My name is Verl. Who are you?” The tone of voice dropped by about ten degrees. Bracken, face scarlet with embarrassment, looked about ready to die.
“I’m Bracken. Kendra and I were going on a picnic together.” He seemed to regret the words almost immediately.
“I see.” Another twenty degrees dropped from Verl’s tone.
“Er, yes, come on now Bracken! Um... I think Grandpa wanted us to check on Nero!” Kendra was almost as red as Bracken.
“Yes! Nero! Bye Verl. Nice seeing you?” The two of them rushed away from the pond, leaving before Verl had time to figure out what had happened.
“Sorry about that. Verl doesn’t seem to get the hint that I don’t like him back at all. He even carved me a statue!” Kendra groaned.
“Don’t worry. Before I got captured, this Hamadryad was practically handing off my arm. I was about ready to cut her tree down.” Kendra laughed, and as they walked, the embarrassment seemed to slowly fade away.
Eventually, they ate their sandwiched on top of Nero’s cliff, laughing together, Verl completely forgotten.
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My sides… my sides… it hurts to laugh this hard.
Calls me a coward, begs me to FaceTime him - you know, without providing any contact details - then blocks me. Somebody’s projecting, and I’m pretty sure it’s not me, LOL.
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Dude, you make yourself look bad, by talking like a demented fantasy roleplayer who doesn’t know the game is over. Just like your entire religion of wacky plagiarized fables, talking animals, incest, demons, unicorns, dragons, witches, satyr, people living for 900 years, absurdly specific instructions on baking cakes, literal zombies, monsters living in the clouds, and literal magic makes itself look bad. Bad and ludicrous. Fairytales, kiddo. You believe fairytales are real, and I’m fairly sure you’ve never read your little storybook all the way through (psst… I have), let alone know where it came from (psst… I do). So, I don’t need to do much at all, just show everybody. You load the ammo, I’m gonna fire it.
The coward is the person too afraid to live in the real world without an imaginary bully to back him up, with a threat he can’t carry out while he’s alive, and a promise he can never fulfil. Doesn’t say much for your integrity. Meanwhile, every single thing you’ve ever said to me has been nothing but a threat. An empty one, but a threat, still. Kinda shows you’re just a really shitty person inclined towards violence out of fear. Who lies in his bio, as you’ve thoroughly demonstrated. Twice.
Here’s the interesting thing: if you were actually of “love”, you would have followed these two godly instructions:
to be discreet and humble in your worship, not making a big, obnoxious show in order to be seen to be worshipful, needing to be “worthy of [your] time” because of how godly you are.
to have a compelling, convincing explanation for why your belief is “true” and thereby save me. You are literally commanded to do so. But you never even tried. (And why do I know this while you don’t seem to?) So, not only did you expressly deny your god, you decided to take pleasure in imagining your god’s wrath against me.
So, even within the confines of your own little fictional god-world, you’re a reprobate. Honestly, your god’s going to be more pissed with you than with me. I just never honestly saw a reason to believe your god exists. But you believed, and then refused your god’s instructions and disobeyed, like you were on its level, like you had its authority. And made a bit spectacle of your worshipfulness. I’d think long and hard if I were you, about why you feel you can do anything you wish, consequence-free, in defiance of your god, and why you think you have your god’s authority. I mean, we know your god is your sock-puppet, but still. It would appear you’re either a sociopath or you actually don’t even really believe your own silly superstitions. But we can certainly conclude you’re not of “love” or “peace” like you dishonestly claim.
So, you’re both a bad person and you believe things that aren’t true. Not doing that well so far, pally. Not really being the shining example that sells the Xtian dream. Pretty empty, really, if this is how terrible a person Jesus-love makes you. Maybe it’s time to care about real people instead of your imaginary superfriends. Just a suggestion.
Don’t worry, the Invisible Pink Unicorn will be merciful to you when you finally meet her in the real afterlife, rather than your silly fake one. And she won’t make you confess anything, since she already knows all (weird yours doesn’t), she never tortures anyone, since she’s not an immoral psychopath, and she doesn’t blame people for simply being people she made them to be. Which, of course means she’s better and more moral and more loving than your tribal blood god could ever hope to be. You know, if it existed. But then I could just defeat it with an iron wrench anyway. (Seriously, your god has a kryptonite.)
Truth can be demonstrated, and you’ve already made it clear you can’t. You got nothing, @lastlightfades. Certainly no measure of “truth”.
I can already hear the trumpets, buddy. They’re making that sad wah-wah-wah-wahhhhh sound.
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wordsmith-in-purple · 5 years
How LGBTQ+ People Should Really Be Represented In Media - A Scenario Starring Ian And Barley Lightfoot of the Upcoming Pixar Movie “Onward”
Imagine, if you will, that it’s late afternoon/early evening in New Mushroomton. The sun is approaching the horizon, casting the sky in beautiful pastel pinks and blues. Cars are pulling into the driveways of the mushroom-shaped houses, but there’s very little activity outside. Maybe a Cyclops is putting out the trash to save time next morning - he hasn’t heard about the unicorns running around. Either way, things are quiet right now.
Tucked away in his bedroom on the top floor of his house, Ian Lightfoot is hunched over a book, formulas and variables jostling for space in his cluttered mind. Occasionally, he looks over at his notebook and scribbles down a note in a tidy shorthand. Downstairs, he can hear hissing and clanking, alongside the undeniable smell of a delicious cockatrice noodle soup, from the kitchen - Mom’s cooking dinner - and the slightly-off-tune voice of his older brother belting out some rock song from the sixties. As Barley hits a high note and his voice cracks, Ian smiles a bit, rolls his eyes, and pops in his earbuds.
On the far side of Ian’s desk, his phone buzzes, playing a three-tone chime. Ian glances over. He’s received a text from one Alec Cloverhoof. Hey Ian, it reads. When’s the history paper due again?
Ian picks up his phone and taps out a reply. Friday, but if you get it done by Wednesday, I can peer edit it for you.
Three math problems later, Alec responds. Alright! Thanks, Ian! You’re the best!
Ian doesn’t send a reply. Instead, he swipes over to the photo app. He pulls up a photo of Alec, relatively recent in his camera roll. He taps it, so that it fills the entire screen. Ian lets out a deep, long sigh. That’s one adorable satyr. His chocolate-brown eyes, his stylishly messy hair, his perfectly groomed fur, those shiny hooves...
“Texting your boyfriend again?”
“Gah!” Ian fumbles with his phone, slapping it down on his desk and turning around in his chair to face Barley, who’s leaning against the door, cocky grin plastered on his face. “He’s not my boyfriend!” Ian protests.
“Yet,” Barley finishes, stepping into the room.
“Yet,” Ian agrees with a sadder sigh. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad we’re friends, and I’m glad he lets me help him with his homework, but it would be really cool to be, y’know, a thing!”
“So, ask him out,” Barley says, sitting down on Ian’s barely-made bed with a thump.
Ian shakes his head. “I don’t know if I can.”
“Dad did it to Mom.”
Ian turns softly to Barley. “Do you remember Dad? What was he like?”
And so the conversation goes, the brothers discussing whatever happens to cross their minds until their mother calls them down for dinner. Just like that, we have established that Ian Lightfoot is, in fact, attracted to other males, but we have not made it so that the story revolves entirely around his sexuality. We also normalized Ian’s sexuality by having Barley comment, not on the fact that he’s crushing on a boy, but that he’s crushing at all.
Now, I’m not saying that stories about people coming to terms with their sexuality via romantic plotlines are bad. Quite the contrary. What I am saying is that we need to stop making romance such a big plot point in literally every story. Here, the fact that Ian has a crush doesn’t drive the story. He just happens to have a crush. The brothers move on from the topic pretty quickly. (Note - the Sanders Sides fandom does this pretty well, probably because literally all the ships are gay.)
In short - not every story about gay people has to be about people being gay.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 27
Everything was going well, it was hard getting Remus to stay focused, I've told him so many times to stay focused, Roman tells me it was a way for him to get ready, it took a while but he managed to fight with the Earth Element. Now I was explaining on how everything is out of body experience, Virgil panickily asked, "How? We are only his sides, how is this possible?" "Let me get to that," I said, calmly, "I get that you, his sides, are imaginary, but it only works on him, you guys are just figments of his personality, when he steps out of his body, you guys appear before him." "Oh, so it only works for real living people, basically right?" asked Logan. I nodded, "You are totally safe from being seen by anyone, only I, and himself can see you guys." "So, what about his friends?" asked Janus.
I bluntly said, "I do not want to take any risk of what I am doing to be out in the open, and being seen as a threat to anyone, not to mention, being experimented on." The sides shudders at the thought, including Remus, which is odd, maybe I did something that made him realize on what is going on is really happening before him.
Yes, I still fear of being experimented on, I just don't want to lose everything that I have, Virgil broke the silence, "So why did you give us power ups?" "Because someday this world will no longer be safe for any of you to live here," I said, "You have a home where you are safe and protected at all times, I'll be sure of it." "We'll fight alongside you if need be," said Roman, "You do not have to fight alone." "True, but you are not battle ready," I said, "You need to do more training before I can say that it's time for testing your strength and choosing a form of your liking." "Form?" asked Logan. Thank goodness that I am in Soul form, I turned into my Centaur form, Roman freaked out, "Whoa, what the hell happen to you?!"
"Roman, language," said Patton. Virgil said to Patton, "Actually Patton, it is the right time to use that kind of language after what we are seeing before us." "So, what are you in this form?" asked Logan, who is trying to keep it together. I responded, "This is one out of 2 forms that I have, in this form, I am just a regular Centaur, my second form well I need to be out in the open in order for me to show you guys without breaking anything."
We all went outside, into his backyard more likely, his sides helped me through the tiny doorway because I didn't want to change back and turn into it again, thankfully my horse body is not that huge, it's more of a Zebra like body. Thomas said, "Alright, show us, this second form." As soon as he said that, my wings came out, "This is my final form, called the Pterocentaur or Winged Centaur." 
"Alright, so do we have to have a form or what?" asked Thomas. I shrugged, "I mean, you don't have to but it can enhance your powers if you turn into them when you have no other choice." "So, in other words, we don't have a choice in the matter," said Logan. I nodded, "Because I'm going to explain another thing on why it matters." So I explained everything about Hollows and the Elemental Hollows, Thomas got the idea, "So, the Rainbow Elemental Spirit, how do we get it to show up?" "It's already inside of you, how else are you seeing me in my Centaur form?" I asked. They all nodded in agreement, I tell them, "Now pick any form of creature, it can be real or mythical, anything, it does not matter. Just as long as it's not Spiderfolk."
Virgil pouts, "Can I have a familiar that's a spider?" "Oh, yes, definitely," I said, "Reason why I said not the Spiderfolk, I have yet to see one but I was told that they are our enemy." "Alright never mind about choosing one," said Virgil, giving up the idea of being one I'm guessing.
I'm kinda having an idea of what they might chose, I'm just going to wait because it takes a lot of thinking and Roman does not think unless it's creative thinking, I know from experience, I'm like that as well, so I decided to help them through, so I went into deep thought then I got the perfect forms for them, "Got it all figured out for you guys." "Let's hear it," said Logan. I turned to him, "Logan, since you love to read and think logically, I have decided that you are going to be an Elf Wizard, because both Angel and Valkyrie does not suit you." "An Elf who is also a Wizard, perfect and wonderful choosing for me," said Logan.
I went to all of them, "Roman, your first form is a Lion and your second form is a Dragon. Patton, you are going to be a half human half deer, this creature is called Fauns, Virgil, you have 2 forms of werecats, Remus, you are going to be this creature known as a Cecelia, it's a half human and half octopus, Janus, you are going to be turning into creature called Zhuyin, it's hybrid between a human and a snake. Finally you, Thomas Sanders, I couldn't pick which one was better for you so I went with a Satyr."
"I'm happy with that," said Thomas, "Just as long as you remain the only Centaur in the Elemental Realm." I smiled, yes I just realized that I am and the Wraith wants to keep it that way, but rules must be broken when I said, "Not only that, but you can turn into a Unicorn, or a Horned Centaur, same with you Patton." "Are you sure about that?" asked Janus. I sighed, "I don't like the thought of being the only one, it would make me feel so lonely."
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kendras-stingbulb · 4 years
Seth’s POV
Last time Seth had been at Terrabelle he had promised to sneak Eve out, so that she could live her life how she wanted to, not how her father wanted her to, it was her life, not his. And it did help that Seth really liked spending time with her. Most girls he had talked to had been too different from him to actually like. He couldn’t talk to them about what he’d been through during the war. Eve knew about him losing his memory, he couldn’t tell other people about that because that would involve telling them about the magical world and he couldn’t do that.
Before he knew it Seth was at the mountain he had planned to climb, it’s not like he could go up the pathway, even with his shade walking it could possibly get him caught. Seth couldn’t risk anything going wrong, this had to work. Seth found the spot that looked like the easiest way up and started climbing. He only slipped a few times because he had gotten a lot better at climbing over the years. When he finally reached the top he crawled on his stomach so that he could get a good view of how he was going to get to the arranged meeting spot. Seth was not even going to try and sneak in the castle. Because he would most likely get caught, and why risk that when Eve was more than capable of getting out herself without any help from him.
Seth quietly slid down the slope as he started shade walking so nobody would see a fourteen-year-old boy sliding down a hill, in the middle of the night. Especially when he was also a human boy who was trespassing. When he reached the bottom Seth hit the ground without a sound. He crept his way closer to the town, where he could still he could see only a few lights still on.
As Seth got closer to the spot under a big tree he could feel himself getting more excited with every step. It had been a while since he had actually seen Eve and he couldn’t wait to see her, she was quickly becoming his best friend. Not that he was saying that Newel and Doren and the rest of the gang weren’t good friends it was just nice to talk to someone who was around his age, that wasn’t his sister. Well, Eve at least looked and acted his age but since the Fair Folk aged slowly she was probably twice his age. But that didn’t matter she was a magical being, of course, she was going to be somewhat different than him, it’s not something he thought about too often.
As the tree came into view he saw Eve already there, he decided to not reveal himself quite yet. Seth snuck up slowly and as he got right behind her he put his hand over her mouth the scare her a bit. But what Seth wasn’t expecting was for her to grab his arm and flip him over her shoulder and on to the ground. “That’s you don’t sneak up on me,” Eve said laughing quietly at the shock expression on Seth’s face. “You knew it was me?” Seth asked. “Who else would know I was here and if it wasn’t you, good thing I did flip you, just in case.” As Seth was about to stand up he found himself only to be knocked over again, but this time in a better way. Eve tackled him with a hug. Seth hugged her back, enjoying the lemon scent of her curly hair. Eve gave him one last tight squeeze before she lifted herself up to that she was hovering over him, looking down at him. “Sorry, it’s just has been a while since I last saw you in person instead of reading letters,” Eve said blushing slightly. “No, it’s fine, I get it. I missed you too,” Seth said smiling up at her.
Eve stood up and helped Seth up as well, both of them holding on to each other’s hand a little longer than necessary. “Um, so, how are you getting me out of here?” Eve asked “The same was I came in,” Seth said pointing up the hills that lead out of the valley. “Okay, let’s get going then,” Eve said, obviously excited. Seth smiled at her excitement, it was so nice to be able to show her what exploring could be like. Eve walked a little bit in front of Seth, looking over at her he noticed the way her blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight and the way her hair slightly moved in the breeze. “Ugh, hurry up Seth we don’t have all night! I want to be out of Terrabelle as long as possible before I have to come back,” Eve complained snapping him back to reality, “Okay, I’ll race you,” Seth said as he started running, “Hey we still need to be careful!” Eve said as she started running, Seth knew she could disguise herself using her powers if she needed to.
As they reached the top of the hill Eve looked up at the sky, “The sky is so pretty tonight,” Seth looked over at her and said “Yeah it is,” Eve looked over at him and Seth felt his face and ears get warm. “So, what do you have planned for the two hours that we have tonight?” Eve asked “Well I actually have something set up. In one of the protected areas of the preserve, I decided it was probably a good idea to play it safe tonight.” Seth said hoping that she would like what he had planned. “Sound good. Lead the way,” She said as they started climbing down the more mountain-like side of the hill.
Seth and Eve arrived in the small clearing where Seth had set up a hammock and Christmas lights. With the help of the satyrs, Warren and Bracken. All of them under the promise to not tell anyone especially Kendra, who was probably going to find out sooner than later, she always did. But until then Seth was just going to enjoy the time he had left before Kendra was able to enact her revenge for all the years Seth has teased her about Bracken. Not that Seth and Eve were like Kendra and Bracken, ew no, Eve was just a friend.
Eve gasped when she saw the set up “Wow, Seth this is amazing! How did you get electricity out here?” Eve asked “Oh you know just some handy unicorn magic, and a car battery,” Seth said scratching the back of his neck, a little nervous “and I have a laptop so we can watch anything you want, we can do anything you want really.” Seth said as Eve looked around, “Seth this is so nice. I was just hoping to yo hang out with you, or walk around, but this is more than I expected.”
Eve said sounding astonished. It made Seth happy to know this isn’t less than what she expected. “Seth this might not seem like a lot to you, but it truly means so much for someone to do something like this for me. You snuck me out of Terrabelle and set all this all up, it just means so much to get out of that castle,” Eve said “Oh, it’s really nothing, I’d do anything for you,” Seth said. Eve turned to him taking his hand and looking him in the eyes,” It’s not nothing Seth,” Eve said seriously. Then Seth found himself leaning closer to Eve and her doing the same...then a noise came from the woods and both of them jumped back from each other and Eve played with her hair as Seth scratch the back of his neck with one hand and put the one that had been holding Eve’s in his jeans pocket. “Um, how about a movie?” Eve asked. “Yeah totally let’s do it! And by ‘it’ i mean watch a movie because what else would we do?” Seth said very awkwardly.
“Yeah!” Eve said and they both walked over to the hammock to watch a movie.
Nothing else weird happened while Seth and Eve watch the movie. Everything was normal, they laughed and talked, they talked more than they actually watched the movie. When the movie was finished they had to rush a bit so that Eve wouldn’t get caught. When they reached their meet up spot under the big tree they both knew neither of them wanted to say goodbye, so they just stood there for a while trying to think of reasons they wouldn’t have to say goodbye. “Well, I guess I better go then,” Eve said. “Yeah, probably. Do you think we can do this again?” Seth asked hopefully, “Yes! Definitely I just don’t know when. We can’t do it too often but maybe I could figure out a way to get out with my Father’s permission, and I could just bump into you by chance. Also, it has been a while since you have actually come into the castle so maybe Father will let come.” Eve said as she used her foot to draw stuff in the dirt, “I would like to see you again before you go back to Fabelhaven, we don’t know how long it could be before you come back.” She said looking up at Seth. “Yeah, but if not I could always sneak through the barrel if I need to,” Seth said with a grin that said he was already planning how he was going to do it. Eve just sighed at that. “Yeah maybe, okay then I guess I should go then. Thank you, I had a great night and I’ll hopefully see you soon.” Eve said about to leave when she stopped and turned back around, put one hand on Seth’s shoulder and got up on her tiptoes, and kissed Seth on the cheek. “Goodnight Seth,” Eve said and walked away ‘Goodnight!” Seth called after her. It had taken a while for him to find the words to answer, he was so shocked by the kiss. Eve just looked back at him and smiled.
With a big smile on his face, Seth made his way back to the keep maybe girls aren’t as bad as he thought.
The End.
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aj-the-satyr · 5 years
11/11/11 thingy
Thank you @carrotgirl-1 for including me in your lil ol’ list o’ tagged peeps. As you may or may not know this is the answer 11 questions tag 11 people thing. Suppose I can ask 11 more questions but we’ll see if my brain makes it through the first 2 steps.
1. How do you pick character names?
Hmm...... Some of them I do research into topics surrounding who/what the character is. Grigory Zmeya for example is my Russian snake guy and Zmeya is Russian for snake. Or is if the internet isn’t lying to me, but whatever. While others seemingly just come to me and then I find out that they actually have meanings that fit. Like calling a warrior person Ishtar and finding out about the Goddess Ishtar and how that fit the character perfectly. Some are just me writing at 3am and it’s all I can think of or they amuse me somehow. Ginger DeAngelo is one of those.
2. Which OC would you like to meet irl?
Chance Wolf..... no she’d probably shoot me. Er..... this is a tough one. I could say Lamont but then again he is almost me, just as a Satyr so that won’t do. Maybe Liz. Yeah I think Liz would be great. She’s a spider other that runs a magical brothel in the world I am writing with my Co-Author and she had six arms and likes coffee and to give hugs. She’s also in my fave typo that I have done so far in my writing where I wrote “What Liz before you” instead of Lies. Well there’s that and the Strawberry Italian Sofa, no whip. But that’s another story. next question.
3. Sunset or sunrise?
Which one is more pink? I like pink. Both are really pretty though. Probably seen more sunsets that sunrises. Not sure.
4. Would you rather explore the deep space or the deep seas?
Space! I mean have you seen Angler Fish?!??! No really it would be Space. Taz hate water. Not a fan of being in.on.anywhere near open water. Swimming pools I can deal with but lakes and the like, nope. No thank you. So off to Space with this goat.
5. What inspired your latest WIP?
My latest WiP? So that would be the Malarkey one I guess. Well I just wanted to write something goofy so made a couple of characters but the real inspiration was probably both @expositionpreposition and @waltzingwithsouls who both expressed great enjoyment out of reading about Marcus and Lars. So less a what and more a who??
6. Happy endings or sad endings?
Endings that feel earned. I mean there is nothing wrong with being happy or sad at the end of a journey but as long as it fits what came before. I don’t need a happy ending just because or a sad ending because it’s more “Real” or whatever I want an ending. I want closure be that for the better or not. I mean I feel like I suck at endings so eh. Guess I just don’t want endings to feel contrived or forced.
7. Do you believe in ghosts?
8. What’s the first line from your favorite WIP?
“Next time we ride inside the airship!”
9. If you could shapeshift into any animal, which would it be?
A unicorn so I could stab people? I don’t know. Don’t think I’d want to be just one. Can’t I just shapeshift a bunch of times before I have to make up my mind?
10. So if you’re heading to a lovely garden buffet, with every cuisine imaginable, and you had free-flowing drinks and a chocolate fountain and desserts galore, and you’re wearing a nice dress or suit, right, and there’s a line in front of the roasted meats area, but you’re drooling and you just can’t wait to bite into that juicy steak so you go–you go to the seafood section, and then you see this person, this person who’s hogging all the lobster, just smiling at you as they keep piling on lobster after lobster, they can’t hold it anymore, they don’t have enough hands or plates, so you help them out, and after you help them out they smile sweetly and ask if you’d care for some lobster.
Who is this person?
That feels like a very Ginger thing. She’d probably just been doing stuff as a werewolf and needed the calories.
11. What’s your favorite line from your favorite OC?
Hmm.......... Probably when Chance said “Cool Superhero name, I’m doesn’t give a fuck woman.”
Ok. Onto the tags I guess. Also I gotta come up with some questions huh?
@anntarinsanitymaterialized @wordsaremylife @pinespittinink @expositionpreposition @yuutfa @notanotherhour @atinydino @periakman @writersblockandapotoftea @nicky-writes and @waltzingwithsouls
Usual caveat of you don’t have to do anything this old goat says but enough of that! Onto the Questions!
1) What is the most difficult scene you’ve had to write so far?
2) Banana?
3) What movie/tv show/book gave you an idea that you just had to steal/use in a different way/alter so that no one would know you stole it?
4) Favourite Cartoon Villain?
5) Have you ever read about a real world scientific thing that has led you to changing something in one of your WiPs?
6) I bought a new fancy mechanical keyboard that apparantly can do 16.1 million colors. What color should I set it to?
7) Is it weird that I switch between the US and UK spellings of words when I write?
8) Fave junk food?
9) Are there any languages that you wished you could speak?
10) Do you believe in Aliens?
11) Do you write down those shower/late night/4am ideas or do you try to hold onto them in your squishy brain meats?
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Stars and Rooftops
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Summary: Billy gets a new foster sibling, but she doesn’t want to stay. Or at least that’s what she keeps telling herself.
Warnings: Maybe some cursing, i don’t remember honestly.
Notes: for now, this is a oneshot, unless i want to add a chapter or two more.
Word Count: 4.9k ( and i wrote this in a DAY!! Woohoo!!)
Billy had seen a hell of a lot of weird things since becoming the Champion of the wizard, Shazam. Aliens falling from the sky and invading Earth, men running faster than the speed of sound, mermaids, (even though Victor kept insisting that they were Atlanteans), and dudes dressed up as bats, to list a few. But he had to admit, this took the cake. By far. It all started with Billy saving people from their burning building. I know, that’s pretty cliche, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.
So here he was, speeding in and out of the building trying to grab as many people as he could. The flames licking the sides of the building, turning a nice, rich brown into a smoldering black. He had just gotten the last of everyone out the door when the second floor collapsed in on itself, caving the whole thing.
Billy let out a sigh of relief. That was close.
The tenants of the former building, stood by in shock, looking at the remnants of their home. Although a few came out of their stupor and came over to thank the local hero, who blushed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“It was nothing. I would have done it even if i didn’t have superpowers.” He admitted to the crowd. A few of them chuckled in response to the hero’s comment and a came forward and shook his hand or gave him a quick hug. Billy didn’t want to leave them till the paramedics came, but sadly, he was late for dinner and he couldn’t stay any longer than he had. He waved goodbye to the citizens of Fawcett as his feet slowly left the ground and he was soon in the clear blue autumn skies.
Billy smiled in delight as the cold wind brushed his face and tugged at his cape. Oh how he loved flying. He believed it was the best feeling in the entire world and that nothing would ever live up to it. The bright sky above him, the sun just starting to set casting golden rays everywhere and freezing air around him was amazing. To say the least. But sadly, his flight ended shortly.
Billy touched down a block or two from the Vasquez’s house and made sure nobody was around him when he said the magic word.
And just like that, Fawcett City’s brave, red clad hero turned into thirteen year old Billy Batson. The magic lightening struck down and left smoke billowing through the air and little bits of electricity spasming around Billy. The boy just shrugged it off, picked up the backpack he had casted aside, and walked onto the sidewalk, acting as if nothing had happened. Anothing thing that happened to Billy since becoming the Champion, is he became more exposed to magic and it’s quirks. Like there were a few days when he would see magical creatures walking through Fawcett and nobody would even bat an eye at it, and he would laugh at how absurd it looked. There was one time when he saw a satyr buying a hotdog off of a hotdog vendor and asking for mustard, a eudaemon sitting in a bookstore sipping a cup of coffee, and even a policeman riding a unicorn. It was funny to see to say the least. And not only could he see magical creatures, but he could sense things about people. It wasn’t very noticeable, it was like heightened intuition more than anything, but it sure did come in handy when Billy got into less than preferred situations.
He had just walked up to his most recent foster home, when his gut clenched all of a sudden. There was that sixth sense again, saying that there was something off inside. Billy tensed and prepared to say the word if he needed to before he reached for the door handle and turned it.
He walked inside, calling out the usual “I’m home!” and was met with Mrs. Vasquez’s cheerful voice.
“Oh, you’re home! Good! Billy, why don’t you come into the living room and come meet our guest?”
Still wary, Billy set down his backpack and walked into the living room to see Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez sitting next to a woman in a suit and a young girl about his age looking at him strangely. The woman was in a neat black pantsuit and her hair was up in a bun and a badge clipped to her blazer. A social worker. Billy felt a rock form in his stomach. This couldn’t be good.
Meanwhile the girl just kept looking at him, as if she was trying to decipher something; she wasn’t as clean looking as the social worker, with a ratty blue sweatshirt, dirt covered red shorts, and a beanie with holes in it. Billy knew the look well. This girl was just on the streets. The boy sighed and let his shoulders sag, she had probably gotten sucked into the foster system just as he had, and the social worker was here to drop her off until they found her files or a new home to go to.
“Billy, I’d like you to meet Danielle. She’ll be staying here for a few days until Ms. Turner can find her a proper home.”
Billy smirked inwardly. ‘Called it.’ he thought.
“Dani.” the girl said. The adults in the room looked at the said girl in shock. “Sorry, what?” The social worker asked. Dani turned her gaze away from Billy and looked at Ms. Turner directly. Billy assumed that this was the first time she had spoken in a while.
“My name’s Dani. With an “i”. Not Danielle.” that said she turned her attention back to Billy. It was starting to make him uncomfortable.  
“Okaaayyy. This is Dani. Billy do you wanna say something?”
“No, not really.” he said shrugging.
“Billy.” Mrs. Vasquez lightly scolded. Dani let a smirk escape her lips.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have homework to do.” the boy said as he grabbed his backpack and headed for the stairs.
Dani turned her attention to the Vasquez’s and spoke, “I like him.”  
Dani was disappointed in herself. How could she have gotten caught so easily! It was an embarrassment to her ghost status and stealth abilities, and it all started with her dining and dashing. Long story short, she started to get really hungry after five days of eating nothing, and being half ghost burned lots of calories. So what was the harm in her eating a little bit and then turning invisible and leave. Except she didn’t eat a little bit. And she didn’t turn invisible. After that whole buffet she ate, the manager of the diner started pestering her about the bill and she knew she couldn’t turn invisible with witnesses. Then the manager grabbed her, called the police, and everything became a blue after that. Then before she knew it, she was sitting on a nice couch in the Vasquez residence with a damn social worker of all people discussing housing and what they were gonna do with her. She never even got a chance to slip away, and had settled for glaring out the window, watching the cars go by. It was all pretty boring until Dani got a tingly feeling down her spine, like electricity, and a breath of gold escaped her mouth. She clamped her mouth shut and glanced at the adults in the room. Luckily nobody noticed. And then the front door opened and in came the boy who she’d be living with.
“Billy! Why don’t you come into the living room and meet our new guest?” Mrs. Vasquez said. Dani scoffed internally at the sound of her being a guest when the boy, Billy, entered the room. He looked pretty similar to her, with black hair and blue eyes, but that’s where the similarities ended. He sported a red hoodie and a football jersey underneath it and blue jeans with red sneakers.
And once Dani saw him, she had this weird sense about him, like there was more to him than what meets the eye. As if he was more powerful than he was letting on. And she knew this because it was the exact same thing she and Danny did all the time.
The adults and their talking just became white noise to her as she kept looking at the boy, trying to figure out what made him so special. She heard the social worker, Ms. Turner, call her “Danielle”, and she had to speak up and correct her. The only person who called her “Danielle” was Vlad, and she wanted nothing to do with him or anything related to that monster.
She realized that that was the first time she spoke since the police station.
“Okaaayyy. Billy do you wanna say anything?”
“No, not really.” the boy said nonchalantly.
“Billy.” Mrs. Vasquez scolded. Dani smirked. Billy then said something about doing homework, and he took his bag and went upstairs.
“I like him.” She said.
Dinner that night was mac and cheese. It was Darla’s turn to choose dinner and she thought that mac and cheese would be a good idea since it was one of the Vasquez’s best dishes. So here was Billy and Freddy, setting the table while Darla and Mr. Vasquez worked on the cheesy pasta, and Mrs. Vasquez was upstairs trying to help Dani find something else to wear since her current clothes were practically dirt and rags.
“Dinner’s ready!” Darla announced proudly, placing the mac and cheese on the table, displaying the gooey dish with a flourish of her hand. Freddy smiled at her enthusiasm and Billy smirked at her antics. No matter how grumpy Billy was with everyone, he could never be grumpy with Darla. She was just like a pure ray of sunshine that could never be tainted, and even though Billy would never admit it, he would do anything to protect her. She was like a sister to him just as much as Freddy was a brother to him. But he’d never tell anyone, not even Victor, he had a reputation to uphold.
Footsteps thudded down the stairs and Dani appeared, her hair damp from a shower and wearing fresh clothes. There was a big grin on her face and Billy wondered just how long she had worn those old clothes. She had a white crop sweatshirt that said “LEGEND” and a pair of new jeans on.
“What’s for dinner? I’m starving!” Dani asked.
“Mac and cheese!” Freddy said.
“Yes! I love mac and cheese!”
“Well then you’re gonna love this. Mr. Vasquez makes the BEST mac and cheese in the whole world. Trust me.”
“Nice. And I’m sorry but i don’t think i got your name.”
“Oh right, I’m Freddy. Nice to meet you.” he said sticking out his hand to Dani for her to shake.
“Likewise.” she said taking his hand.
“And I’m Darla!” the cocoa-skinned girl said.
“Good to meet you Darla.”
“And you’ve already met Billy. He’s the broody one out of all of us.” Freddy said in a stage whisper.
“I’m not broody!” Billy protested. Darla nodded her head behind him. Dani smiled.
“Alright kids, sit down. It’s time to eat.” Mr. Vasquez said. Mrs. Vasquez, Freddy, Darla, and Billy all sat down in their respective places while Dani just stood awkwardly to the side. She had never done this before in the year she had been alive. She never did it with Danny’s family, with Vlad, and she’d been way too busy traveling the world that she never had the chance to actually try something like this.
“C’mon Dani. Sit next to Billy.” Darla said.
Dani rubbed the back of her neck and shuffled over to the empty seat next to Billy. He gave her a strange look. Dani was just about to reach for the serving spoon, when everyone at the table took each other’s hands. Billy offered his hand to her, which she was tentative to take, and Mrs. Vasquez, who was next to her, took her other hand.
“Dear Lord,” Mr. Vasquez started, “Thank you for this wonderful day and bringing Dani to us, and bless this food to our bodies. Amen.”
“Amen.” everyone else chorused after him. Dani stayed silent and looked at everybody funny as they each took turns filling up their plates.
“So, Dani,” Mr. Vasquez began, “Where were you before you came here?”
“Uhm, I was, in uh,” She stammered. Struggling to come up with a believable lie. Cause she couldn’t just say that she spent the past two weeks flying around France.
“Central. Central City.”
Mr. Vasquez’s eyebrows rose. “Wow, you’re sure a far ways from there then.”
‘Is that far?’ Dani wondered. Distance just became a word to her after a while.
“Yeah, I am.”
“Woah! Cool! Does that mean you saw the Flash?” Darla asked innocently. Dani shrugged as it was her turn to dish up her plate. The name sounded familiar to her, but she wasn’t sure why.
“Uhm, no I didn’t. Sorry.”
Darla seemed to deflate a little, but it didn’t last long.
“Where else have you been?” Freddy asked.
“All over.” Dani said. “Kind of hard to keep track of everywhere I’ve been.”  
Freddy nodded, accepting the answer.   
“Have you ever seen a superhero?” Billy asked. Dani smirked at the question. If only he knew how ironic that question was.
“Oh yeah, i’ve definitely seen my share of superheroes. One even saved my life.” She said before she could shut her big mouth.
Suddenly Darla and Freddy were asking question after question, wanting to know every detail about her rescue; Dani couldn’t even get a word in. Meanwhile, Billy stayed silent the entire time. Did he rescue her? He couldn’t remember everybody he saved, but he racked his brain trying to remember if he did or not.
“Freddy! Darla!” Mrs. Vasquez shouted. Effectively shutting them up. “If Dani doesn’t want to talk about it, then don’t ask.”
“Sorry, Dani.” they both said. Dani smiled sadly.
“It’s okay. You each get one question about it though. I won’t leave you hanging.” The foster siblings brightened up and Darla was the first to ask her question.
“Who saved you?”
Billy held his breath and Dani kept smiling sadly. “It was a small town hero, I doubt you guys have even heard of him, but he goes by Phantom. He was the one to save my life.” Darla’s face said it all. Even Billy was confused. He’d never heard of a hero named Phantom before, and he was on the Justice League. Wasn’t it kind of his job to learn more about other superhuman/alien beings? He’ll have to ask Victor to research him later.
“What did he save you from?” Freddy asked.
Dani fell silent. She couldn’t tell them the truth. What was she supposed to say? ‘Oh i was destabilizing and turning into a pile of goo in the basement of a psychopath and he sprayed me with some magical Febreeze and saved my life. Crazy right?’      
“Uhhhmm, I’d rather not say.”
“Oh okay. Then, what can he do? What are his powers?”
Dani smiled. “Well, he can fly, turn invisible, walk through walls, and he has these cool lasers called ecto-blasts. He shoots them out of his hands and eyes. It’s pretty cool!”
“He sounds awesome!”
“Yeah, he’s super cool!”
“So he’s like a mix of Martian Manhunter and Superman?”
A flicker of confusion flashed across Dani’s face. “Uh, I guess? To be honest, i don’t pay a whole of a lot attention to the Justice League. I do like Batman though. He seems awesome. Also Wonder Woman.”
Darla got a look on her face that Dani didn’t know how to interpret, before she asked. “What do you think of Shazam?”
Billy tensed up and sent a glare at Darla.     
Freddy choked on his water. The table was silent.
“You’re kidding right?” He said after regaining his bearings.
“You don’t know who Shazam is?” Mrs. Vasquez asked, a bit baffled, which confused Dani.
“No. Sorry. Who is he?”
At the question Billy, glanced down at his plate and started playing with his food absentmindedly. He hadn’t said a word the whole dinner and by now, he decided he wasn’t going to.
“Shazam is Fawcett City’s superhero. I’m sure you’ve seen him around while you were here. He always makes an appearance at least once a day.” Freddy said. He glanced at Billy quickly before turning back to Dani. “Maybe you just need to see a picture of him. Hold on, I’ll pull up a picture of him real quick”
Mr. Vasquez held up a finger. “Uh. Nuh uh. No phone’s at the table. You know the rules Freddy. Put it away.” He said curtly. Freddy deflated, pocketing the phone and turning back to his plate of pasta. “You can show her later. Now Billy, Freddy, Darla, how was school today. Learn anything new?”
“Sorry Billy.” Freddy whispered to his foster brother after dinner was finished. Said boy shrugged.
“It’s okay Freddy. Don’t apologize.” They arrived at their shared bedroom and Freddy closed the door behind them.
“I’m gonna go do my ‘homework’. Billy said as he opened up the window and took off it’s screen.
“Okay, have fun and tell Victor ‘Hi’ for me, and don’t die. Also, make sure you’re farther away from the house this time. Last night you were sloppy. I could hear you say ‘Shazam.’”
Billy nodded and gave Freddy a salute. “Will do.” he crept out of the window and jumped off of the roof onto the grass. Jogging away from the house until he was sure nobody he knew would hear him, he shouted the name of the wizard and flew off into the night.
“So, you’re saying that this chick, who has met superheroes before, has absolutely no idea who Shazam is?” Victor asked as he tossed Billy a football. Monitor duty was boring as ever, so of course Billy had nagged Victor into tossing a football with him.
“Yeah! Ugh, it made dinner so awkward! Like, how can she not have heard about me? I’m one of the Justice League!”
He tossed the ball back to Victor.
“Well maybe she’s been a bit too busy to research superheroes. You said that she traveled a lot. Maybe she just didn’t have the time. Not to mention she was also on the street. So cut her some slack.”
The ball flew through the air again.
“Yeah, I know. You’re right.”   
They continued to throw the ball back and forth between them, making light conversation, until a rapid beeping came from the computer and they had to put the football down.
“Ready to do some superheroing?” Billy said with a cheesy grin on his face as his feet rose from the ground.
“I don’t even think that’s an actual word.”
Dani had to admit, this had been a good day. It started off terrible, with her getting caught by the police and getting placed in a home by a social worker, but in the end it was good. She got to have a home cooked meal, a place to sleep, fresh clothes, a full stomach, a hot shower, and a chance to actually live in a home. It was something she never got a chance to try. Which is why what she was about to do that much harder.  She watched the digital clock next to her bed tick till one in the morning, before she sat up, cringing at the rustling of the sheets. She glanced at the bed next to her, where Darla slept, and released breath of relief when she saw she didn’t wake up.
Tapping into her core, Dani began to float from her bed. She threw off the sheets and began to drift toward the door. She wasn’t going to leave without food and water and some clean clothes. She hated having to do this, but she knew she had to. There weren’t any records of her anywhere, so when the social worker came back in a day or two with all these questions Dani couldn’t answer…
Well, it just wouldn’t end well.
She had found an empty backpack and had begun packing it with dry snacks and water bottles. Dani thought about taking some money, but she decided against it. Knowing that the family needed it more than she did. Once she was finished packing and had stuffed her pajamas in the bag, wearing the crop sweatshirt and jeans again, she crept over to her and Darla’s bedroom and floated through the door and wall onto the roof. Turning tangible, she landed on the roof and shrugged the backpack onto her shoulders. She glanced at the house one last time before turning around and walking to the edge of the roof.
But when she turned around, she gasped. Dani didn’t even think about it at the time, but the Vasquez’s house was far away from the city, so that when night came, there was both hundreds of stars out and there was the glittering skyline. This is what Dani saw. The stars twinkling in the sky and the city shimmering in all of its lights. It was two of Dani’s favorite things at one time.
‘Well, what’s the rush? As long as I’m gone before morning, everything will be fine.’ the ghost girl thought.
A wry grin on her face, Dani when over to the edge and sat down. Her legs swinging back and forth as she gazed at the stars in the sky and the stars on Earth.
‘Well, since I’m out here, I might as well have one of the snacks I packed.’ she thought to herself; knowing full well that she was just coming up with excuses to stay longer at the foster home.
Dani pulled out a granola bar and started munching on it while the stars shined and the breeze wrapped around her. And since it was hours before the sun rose, Dani had no fear of someone spotting her sitting up on the roof, stargazing. Or at least she thought. A tingle of electricity ran down her spine and her ghost sense went off. Instead it was gold instead of the normal blue.
“What are you doing?” a voice asked behind her.
Dani yelped in surprise and dropped her granola bar as she whipped around to see who had spoken. And to her surprise, it wasn’t a normal person. Nope. It was man clad in a red and gold suit with a lightning bolt on his chest and a white cape billowing behind him as he floated high above the ground. The cape had a hood on it, which was pulled over the stranger’s face, hiding his features from Dani’s view and making her feel uneasy. But this wasn’t the strangest thing to happen to Dani. She had half expected for him to start attacking her already, but when he didn’t it confused the ghost girl.
“Sorry?” she asked.
“What are you doing up here? It’s not safe standing on roofs when there’s no one to look out for you.” the mysterious man stated. Dani scoffed.
“Yeah, well I can take care of myself. Don’t need a man in a costume and cape to come to my rescue.”
The man crossed his arms and Dani felt like he was glaring at her.
“So who are you? Don’t think i’ve heard of you before.” she said to him. Hoping to keep things light.
“The name’s Shazam. And you are?”
It all clicked into place for Dani now, and a understanding smile made its way onto her face.
“Ooooohh okay. That all makes sense now. You’re Fawcett City’s own personal hero, right? Yeah, I’ve heard some good stuff about you. Probably should’ve figured it out already, but you know. They don’t call me “clueless” for nothing.” Dani knew that last part wasn’t true, but she was cloned from someone who was clueless, so it made sense that she got the misfortune of getting that quality from Danny as well.    
“Who calls you “clueless”?” Shazam asked as he touched down on the roof.
“Oh you know, people.”
The superhero sat down next to her and she could feel him looking at her funny.
“What?” she asked.
“You seem much too chill to be talking to a superhero right now.” he said. Dani laughed.
“Oh man, if only you knew!”
“Well I’m just saying,” Shazam threw his hood down, revealing neat jet black hair and familiar baby blue eyes. “Not everyone is as chill as you are when having a conversation with a superpowered human being.”
Dani stopped laughing and looked at Shazam. He seemed familiar to her, but she didn’t know why he did. They had only just met. Hadn’t they?
“Yeah, you’re right. Not everyone is chill when talking to a superhero. But then again there are the exceptions.”
“You mean you?”
Dani shrugged and Shazam sighed. “You know you still didn’t tell me what you’re doing up here.” He said to her.
“Can’t a girl just sit and stargaze on her roof?”
“With a bag full of food and water and fully dressed? No. I don’t think so. That sounds like running away to me.”
Dani huffed and turned to the bag. It clearly looked like she was running away, which she was. She wasn’t even going to deny it.
“Yeah, I was.” This got the hero’s attention.
“Why? Do you not like it here? Was dinner too awkward?” He asked all of a sudden. Dani glanced up the red clad hero and looked at him funny. He seemed to realize what he had said, seeing as how he had instantly shut up. Then it began to make sense. Dinner… the gold ghost sense… the familiarity of a superhero she had never met before…
She had to admit, it was a good disguise. Even for her. Dani smiled and turned back to her bag and pulled out another granola bar and offered it to Shazam. A night of hero work was always exhausting, especially for a kid her age.
He glanced down at the bar and took it gingerly from her hand. “Thanks.” he mumbled.
“No problem. And no, dinner wasn’t awkward. In fact it was fun. I’ve never had a home cooked meal before. Or sat down at a table with a family. Or said Grace. Or even talked about my day.” Dani glanced down at the ground far below her, and she knew that it would be a good memory for her to keep.
“What? Are you serious?” Shazam said in shock. The girl nodded and turned her attention back to the sky.
“You’ve never had any of that before?”
“Nope. But it’s okay, my life isn’t absolutely terrible and miserable. Although I do wish i can do this every night. It’d be nice.”
“So why not?”
Dani stayed silent, not answering the hero’s answer, and just gazed at the city lights.
“Because I can’t.”
There was a finality in her voice, that let Shazam know that she was serious and that nothing would change her mind. But he had to try, didn’t he? To convince her to stay?
“Well, as cryptic as that sounds, I’m sure the people living here won’t mind having you around. Living in a home full of people who care about you isn’t all that bad. And trust me, I would know.”
A knowing smile graced on Dani’s face and Shazam noted that she smiled a lot, although they were all different from each other and meant different things.
“I believe you. But it’s not a matter of whether or not I want to stay, but that I can’t. If I do, something bad will happen, and I don’t want that. These people don’t deserve that. They’re a good family and I don’t know if even I deserve to be blessed with them. It’s just all a mess.” She admitted to the hero before her. He looked at her with understanding in his eyes, but didn’t say a word. It was quiet between the two until the sky started to turn grey and the lights of the city began to turn off. Dawn was nearly here and neither of them had noticed the time fly by.
“Well,” Shazam started out, “I’m not saying you shouldn’t stay. But i think you should give these people another chance. I know it’s not them and it’s you and all of that cliche stuff, but trust me on this. They are willing to do anything to help you and they care. They care a lot. It’s not some act they put. It’ll be worth while i can promise that. And hey, you’ll get to live with a family more. More dinners, more domestic small talk, more home cooked meals, mo-”
“More showers, more clean clothes, more love, more chances... “ Dani finished. She glanced at the backpack once again and then at the rising sun.
“And hey, if it doesn’t work out. You can always run away another day.” Shazam said lightly. Dani breathed a laugh. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Maybe I can stay a few more days. Till the social worker comes back anyway. Sound good to you?”
“Yeah.” Shazam said. He didn’t notice the vague slip up he did, but Dani did, and she smiled.
“Right then. Should probably head back inside and unpack before everyone wakes up and notices.”
“Yep, totally.”
“And by the way? Thanks, Billy.”
Billy hummed. “You’re welcome.”
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A Tale of a Misfit and his Talking Lizard
Chapter 4
Read Chapter 3 Here
@aj-the-satyr I’m sorry, I forgot about it XD
Anele looked at the Unicorn in the moonlight. She had never seen something so beautiful. A full black mane spilled across their neck, the horn was sharper than any steel that she has ever held in her hand.
She held out her hand clumsily. Even if it killed her, she wanted to touch it.
"You don't have to fear me," she said softly. The unicorn blinked and came forward, placing its nose in her palm.
"You smell of blood," the unicorn said quietly. Anele lowered her hand.
"You do speak," she whispered.
"Of course I do, all fair things have tongues that wag like man's."
"Excuse you, I am a woman."
"I know, which is why I approached you," the unicorn looked at her with large eyes, one blue, one brown. "And now, I know that you are a warrior."
"Yes," Anele said.
"May I ask for your protection?" the Unicorn asked. "I do not have the seashells you mortals use to pay for things but I am so tired of running."
"The Hunter Witch."
"You have heard of her?" the unicorn asked. Anele nodded.
"We call her Omuembi," she replied. "She hunts Lila's children and says it is for the good of all but it is really only for the good of her and the people who look like her." Anele spat on the ground. "We are not her friends."
"Thank Lila," the unicorn said. Anele smiled, breathing in the scent of the unicorn's coat. Sage and dust and honey; it smelled wonderful.
"Come with me, I promise you'll be safe."
"I swear, on my life."
"Be careful with that."
“Do not attempt to stop me,” Anele said, walking off. The unicorn hesitated, then followed. “What is your name?”
“I am Anele.”
“It is nice to meet you.”
Grigori blinked awake, sitting up and rubbing his temples. Anele. That had been the name of the warrior in the book. Ovar stirred on the pillow next to him, sitting up and looking at him with little bleary brown eyes.
“Why are you awake?” he mumbled, pawing at his snout.
“I had a peculiar dream, you can go back to sleep,” Grigori said, swinging his feet off of the bed and putting them on the cold stone floor.
“No, I’m up now,” Ovar replied, standing up and stretching like a cat. "Where are we going?" Ovar asked as Grigori found the slippers Brutus had left by the fire, pulling them on and wriggling his toes.
"To the library," Grigori replied as Ovar tugged a blanket off of the bed. "What are you doing?"
"The palace is cold at night," Ovar replied, dragging the blanket over to Grigori. Grigori smiled and picked it up, wrapping it around his shoulders.
"Should we bring a lantern?"
"I think Brutus left a lumine crystal on the dresser," Ovar said, climbing onto Grigori's shoulders. Grigori nodded and shuffled over to the dresser, picking up the pale yellow crystal. He shook it twice, and it lit up, pulsing with a warm light.
Grigori crept from the room, shuffling along the corridor, pausing to look at Echo again. He leaned closer, holding the crystal up to see the deftly carved runes in the metal.
"We should steal it," Ovar piped.
"Again, we've been over this, stealing is bad," Grigori replied in a hushed whisper.
"But it's shiny," Ovar complained, digging his claws into Grigori's shoulder.
"That it is," Thiago said and Grigori turned, his cheeks flushing and crystal falling to the ground He ducked his head, trying his best to bow. "Oh, don't worry about that," he said, gesturing flippantly.
"We weren't actually going to steal it, your Majesty," Grigori said quickly, lifting his head. Thiago chuckled, shaking his head, his brown curls bouncing and wrinkles forming around his eyes.
"Perhaps it would be better if you did," he mused, looking at the staff. "Echo was made to protect."
"I know," Grigori said. "My Doma made it."
"Doma?" Thiago asked.
"The one who raised me," Grigori replied, feeling his cheeks heat up. He didn't know the common equivalent. There was only his Doma. "Their name is Losuick."
"The Forgemaster."
"That's what you call them?" Grigori blinked. Thiago nodded.
"They used to make the greatest weapons in the world," Thiago said. "People would beg to be their apprentice but they never said yes. Then, suddenly, they stopped. In the middle of a commission."
Grigori blinked, rubbing the back of his neck. He remembered why Losuick had stopped. He had hurt himself on the spear they had been making. He still had the scar on his neck. He lifted his hand, realizing he had been rubbing it.
Thiago smiled at him and reached out, taking Echo off of the wall and holding it out to him.
"I would rather it go with someone who will use it," he said. Grigori blinked and took it in his shaking hands.
"T, Thank you," he stuttered. Thiago smiled and Grigori felt his cheeks and ears heating up.
"You are welcome. Now, why are you and your dragon wandering the palace at night like wraiths?"
"I had a dream," Grigori confessed, hand tightening around Echo. "It was... Disconcerting?"
"What was disconcerting about it?"
"Well, before my Awakening, I was reading a book and the book had a seal on it, and the seal looked like this." Grigori fumbled in his pockets with his free hand, letting go of the blanket. Ovar clung to his shoulder, keeping the blanket in place. He pulled out the medallion. Thiago glanced at it, scrunching his brow.
"That's a family crest. Usually, it belongs to the women in the family."
"What family is it from?" Grigori asked. Thiago shrugged.
"I am unsure, but let us find out," Thiago said, turning and walking towards the library. Grigori blinked, unsure of what to do. "Well, come on!"
Grigori trotted after Thiago, leaving the crystal behind on the ground. Without a living being's touch, it fizzled out, leaving the corridor dark except for Thiago's own crystal.
Thiago pushed open the door to the library.
"Syralth, are you sleeping or touching yourself?" he called. Grigori peeked over his shoulder, Syralth was indeed sitting in one of the massive armchairs.
"I'm reading," Syralth replied, looking up from their massive book, gold eyes twinkling in the firelight. "As you humans do. Why are you two awake?"
"Grigori had a disconcerting dream," Thiago replied. "And I had to piss."
"Lovely. What occurred during the dream, Grigori? Perhaps I can be of assistance," Syralth said, shutting his book and pointing to the little fluffy stool in front of him. Grigori came forward and sat down, feeling silly and childish that he had bothered Thiago and Syralth.
"There was a unicorn and a woman, her name was Anele and the unicorn was Everwyn and she was running from  Omuembi."
"The Hunter Witch," Syralth said softly.
"Yes," Grigori said, clapping his hands together. "And then, I realized that Anele was the name of the hero of the book was the same and-" Grigori held up the medallion. "-The book has the same symbol on the front."
Syralth reached out and Grigori placed the medallion in his hand.
"Where did you get this?"
"Fala the Troll gave it to me," Grigori replied. Ovar chirped in agreement. Syralth nodded.
"This is the crest of the Azazel."
"The Unicorn tribe of the Lilonian Empire," Syralth explained. "This would have belonged to the Priestess, Thoko. She was a good woman."
"Thoko?" Grigori said quietly. Syralth handed him back the medallion. He ran his thumb over the surface. "Is she alive?"
"I do not know where she is now."
"What did Thoko look like?" Grigori asked, his hands shaking. Losuick had shown him the carving of his birth Doma the only time he had been to the mountaintop.
"Dark skin, eyes that glinted like newly-minted coins. She was a healer of some prominence, and she always carried a basket filled with bandages and poultices with her."
"Was the basket circular, made of reeds, with a lid that split in the middle to open out?" he asked, making the motion of opening the basket.
"Yes," Syralth replied.
"I know where she is," Grigori said softly, hugging himself. Ovar climbed down onto his lap as his shoulders shook. "She's buried at the top of the Daemon Mountain, with a marker carved with her face."
"How can you possibly know that?" Thiago asked. Grigori looked at him, at the lines that connected his furrowed brows overhanging soft eyes.
"She's my birth Doma," Grigori whispered. "She died the night she brought me to the dwarves in that very basket, wounded beyond saving. She's my birth Doma."
Thiago blinked, looking at Syralth, who made a soft noise.
"I sensed as much. Your bloodline was yelling at me as I awakened you. 'I'm still here, I live in this one. There's hope. I'm alive!'" Syralth mimicked, though not unkindly.
"So, what does being Thoko's son mean?" Thiago asked, steadying Grigori with an arm. "I only heard rumours of her being on this continent."
"It means he's the last child of Anele's bloodline. It means that there's hope, it means that the unicorns still live. It also means that he'll have to face Jaclyn if he wants to end the curse."
"Why?" Grigori asked, still reeling.
"She's Omuembi," Syralth replied.
"No, that's not possible," Grigori said. "The Omuembi died at the end of the story," he said, looking around for the book.
"In body, yes, but in spirit, she was sent to Rojura to face her crimes. She refused and became a demon."
"So Jaclyn is a demon," Thiago said softly. "Rot and mirrors, we're going to die.
"I suspect that she was human," Syralth said. "But Omuembi possessed her and the woman Jaclyn was is dead."
"And if... Omuembi knows that Grigori is an Azazel."
"She'll chase him."
"And Elianore's chasing Ovar, so that means that they'll probably become allies," Thiago said grimly. Syralth nodded.
"We need to get them both to the Nesting Grounds. They'll be safe there," Syralth said, standing up. "And they need to leave before sunset tomorrow."
"Couldn't you or Jal fly them there?"
"Jal and I will stall Jaclyn and Elianore, we have other concerns," Syralth said, crossing his arms. "Also, despite being an Azazel, Grigori is very much human. The flight would kill him."
"And... I don't do heights if my opinion matters at all in what we do next," Grigori said. "I am nauseous just thinking about flying."
"Then we go by land and sea," Thiago said. "I'll go wake Sacha." The king left the room, the door swinging behind him. Grigori looked at Syralth.
"So... Because I'm alive, the unicorns are too?" he asked, looking at Ovar and petting his head.
"Yes, although I do not know what it means now that you've soul bonded with Ovar," Syralth said, sitting back down.
"What do you mean?"
"Generally, a soul bond with a dragon guarantees two things," Syralth held up two fingers. "One, a lifelong companion and friend and two, a life as long as that of your dragon."
"Wait, I'm immortal?"
"Effectively, but that runs two ways. If you die, he dies and vice versa. So, the two of you can be killed but you cannot die," Syralth explained.
"That is either the most amazing news of my life or the most terrible because I'm going to be stuck with Ovar for eternity," Grigori said. Ovar nipped his hand. "Ow!"
"I am the perfect soul to be stuck with. I am loving, brave and amazing," Ovar crowed, wiggling his tail and stretching.
“Yes, yes you are,” Grigori giggled.
Grigori let Pheo adjust his hood, hiding Ovar and his distinctive unruly hair within its folds. He smiled at him, clutching Echo firmly in his right hand. It shimmered in the dying m
"Are you sure you're alright?" he asked, eyes glancing towards Pheo's chest, where the worst of the wounds had been.
"Yes, the fluids from a dragon are quite an effective salve, even for the most trying wounds," Pheo replied, finishing adjusting Grigori's robe. Sacha snickered into her hand, armour clinking.
"Why does she get armour?" Grigori asked.
"Because Grigori," she rolled his name around her mouth. "If they get past us, you're doomed anyway"
"I'm glad that you have faith in me," Grigori muttered. Sacha chuckled and slapped his back. He stiffened slightly. "Besides, you're bonded with the tiny evil lizard."
"I am not a lizard," Ovar protested. Grigori lowered his hood so Ovar could see. "I am a dragon."
"You look and run like a little lizard," Sacha replied, moving away from Grigori. Ovar sighed in Grigori's ear.
"I do not like her," he hissed.
"It's just for a few weeks," Grigori replied, watching her go through the supplies. He was carrying his own food in his elf-bag. "Then we'll meet your mother, I'll find the unicorns and then, we'll go to Xing. Remember that spicy stew we had for breakfast this morning?"
"They apparently eat that all the time down there. We'll go taste the lot of it, travelling all over Bitai," Grigori said, scratching Ovar's ear.
"Can we visit the Deeps too?" Ovar asked. Grigori nodded.
"We'll travel the whole world. We've got an eternity to do so," he replied. Ovar rumbled contentedly.
"That sounds well. If we survive."
"When we survive. Only elves deal in possibilities, you have to keep moving forward, straight and true."
"You are the most peculiar human in the Three Realms," Ovar said, curling up on Grigori's shoulder.
"Good. I don't think I'd like to be ordinary. It sounds frightfully dull," Grigori said. Ovar flicked the back of his head with his tail. He pointed his snout at Echo.
"So, what are we going to do with that?"
"Syralth taught me a couple of Air Spells to try with it as we go," Grigori said, using his right hand to pat the elf bag. "Additionally, I've got the scroll he was using, so we'll figure it out."
Ovar nodded and Grigori tightened his grip on the staff, feeling it pulse slightly in his palm. Syralth came over with Jal and awkwardly held out his hand to shake.
"We'll try to hold them here as long as we can," Syralth said. "Good luck."
"Thank you," Grigori said, taking Syralth hand and swinging it side to side. "I think I did that wrong."
"I am fairly sure you did," Syralth replied, laughing and letting go of Grigori's hand, "But I am fine with it," he continued, pressing his left fist over his stomach and his right one over his heart. "I think you'd enjoy a dwarven salute better."
Grigori responded with the same salute.
"Brain to Heart to stomach to earth, I wish you luck, Grigori. May your beard grow ever longer," Syralth said.
"Strength from below, Syralth. I wish you happiness and protection. May your armour never break," Grigori replied, his chest puffing with a ridiculous amount of pride.  Ovar huffed slightly. "Goodbye Jal. I hope we meet again."
"I certainly think that we will," Jal said, placing a hand on Grigori's shoulders. Grigori flinched a bit under the weight. "Stay alive."
"I'll do my best."
"No seriously, stay alive or Mishka will tear my hide apart."
"Isn't she only a bit bigger than Ovar?" Jal gave Grigori a look and Grigori nodded. "I'll do my best," he repeated. Jal nodded.
"Oi, dragons," Sacha yelled from the gate. Grigori turned and looked at her. "Let's go, we're wasting moonlight."
"You could try not waking up the rest of the town," Jal replied.
"Uh huh. Let's go Grigori," she said, turning and facing her small company of three. She had handpicked them.
And Grigori didn't know any of them. They would probably hate him.
"Stop thinking like that," Ovar mumbled as Grigori walked over.
"Uh-huh. I think you have to be up in the hood," Grigori replied, pulling the hood up and letting Ovar scramble in.
"Alright, you've all been briefed but this is your first time seeing the objective, so here's the shorthand version: We get him and the dragon to Nevern. If we're separated, priority remains on their safety. One of us will be with the two of them at all times. Clear?" The soldiers all nodded and Grigori nodded inside of his hood. "Good, we're leaving now."
Grigori followed Sacha, two of the soldiers on either side of him and one behind. He was at the center of a diamond, Echo's butt clinking on the cobblestones.
I don't think it should be called Echo.
That's just what the first user called it.  Grigori replied.
We should rename it.
Like Harbinger, or Windsong or Everwyn.  Ovar's voice grew more excited and he poked his nose out of the hood.
Why Everwyn?
It means Forever Wind and I think it's poetic.
You don't even know what poetry is.  Grigori retorted.
Neither do you.  
Yes I do.  Grigori defended, cheeks flushing and eyes fixing on Sacha's back.
What is it then?  
Words, on paper, arranged. Alright, I concede, I don't know what poetry is.  Grigori threw up his right hand. One of the soldiers gave him an odd glance. Grigori blinked.  Now hush, we're leaving the city.  
Fine, fine.  
Grigori looked over at the soldier and gestured at Ovar's nose, which dipped as Ovar fell asleep. Grigori blinked, his hand dropping He hadn't realized it before, but Ovar sleeping left a pleasant humming sound in his ear, like a broken melody of shy little notes.
He shook his head and the notes faded, leaving him to walk with his thoughts, surrounded by strangers.
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angryrabbit42 · 6 years
Uniquely Alone
Kahlen had heard the rumor in the bathroom from a siren who was telling a Fae girl with mossy hair. A thrill had run through her. Being undead wasn’t as exciting as the movies made it out to be and tonight was supposed to change that. She was going to embrace the weirdness, and get a piercing, or a tattoo or dance with a stranger. She bounced around in the drink line. She was also going to get a drink, an alcoholic drink, for the first time.
“There’s a unicorn her tonight,” Kahlen told the tall brown haired man next to her, excited.
He had the bright sheen to his pale skin that indicated he was either Fae or Incubi. He had been shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip with her for the last five minutes as they jostled for position at the bar. His warmth had seeped into her cold skin, making her feel a bit connected to him in a way she was forgetting after her time undead. His blood would be amazing if she could convince him to donate some. Not that blood donation was the reason he was here. It was a piercing/tattooing event for the Others, the ones that couldn’t go to a human place because of blood colors, skin tones or otherworldly features. It was also a massive party, complete with open bar, loud music, and flashing lights.
“Pfft, that’s ridiculous,” he said and turned to face her. “What are you new?” he asked.
Kahlen would have blushed if her heart still pumped. “Yeah, this is my first supernatural anything.”
Grinning brightly he ordered for both of them, politely asking her preferred blood type. He ordered a drink for sylvans. He tipped the satyr and handed her a glass. Bold, he took her by the elbow. She let him lead her away from the bar and back to one of the corner booths. The music was loud and electronic. Once they slid into the booth, it was tolerable. He lifted his glass and they clinked. Kahlen watched him take a sip of the syrupy looking green drink. It was probably light on the alcohol and heavy on the chlorophyll. He definitely had to be Fae. His eyes were a rich walnut instead of the normal grassy green but she hadn’t met many wood nymphs or Fae or anything before tonight.
“How long since?” he asked and waved at her.
“A year,” Kahlen responded. “Woke up on the football field.”
Grimacing in sympathy, he took another sip and explained why he asked. It was considered rude to ask a vampire how they died. Kahlen had learned that the hard way when she had come across her first old vampire. Her wrist still hurt from the break. “Everyone here knows about unicorn blood,” he murmured, leaning in close in case anyone was close enough to listen. “I didn't want you to embarrass yourself.”
Kahlen reached out a hand to shake his formally. He gripped her hand with his warm one and let loose with a toothy grin. “Kahlen Jenson,” she introduced herself.
“Kahlen! Great name! Very modern,” he enthused. He didn’t give her a name in return. That was very Fae. Names had power. She grimaced. She shouldn’t have given him her name. He noticed and winked. “It’s just hard to pronounce,” he remarked and elaborated when she blinked, “My name, it’s difficult to… You can call me...hmm. What name do you like?”
She rolled her eyes. Tilting her head to exam his bright eyes, straight nose, and silly grin, she thought she’d tease him a bit. “How about Fareed?
The humor drained out of him. “Oh, you might be a bit of a seer, Kahlen. Fine, but shorten it to Reed, alright?”
Kahlen placed her hand over his. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”
His smile re-appeared and he said arrogantly, “I am unique, that’s true enough. But I’m not alone right now, am I?”
“No,” she replied and giggled as he downed his drink. His eyes seemed to glow silver for a second before fading back to the same walnut brown. “So, unicorn blood?”
“Right, oh, forgotten that already,” he murmured and looked offended when she giggled again. “Yes, right okay. Can’t bleed in public.” He waved his hand around the dance floor where werewolves, Fae, sprites, and vampires were dancing under the undulating lights. “Smells fantastic, amazingly, wonderfully fantastic, and any number of these would rip one apart to get a taste. You can’t have unicorn blood without the unicorn’s permission. It does bad, very bad things to you.”
“What sort of things?” Kahlen asked.
He rolled his eyes and reiterated, “Bad things. Can’t get piercings or tattoos.”
“Because they would bleed,” Kahlen said, puzzling it out.
“Yup and the poor unicorn would get torn apart,” he agreed. “Let’s dance!”
Her strange new friend had pulled her onto the dance floor before she could protest. He didn’t get too close to her. He kept a hold of one of her hands always as if he was afraid she would disappear if he let go. Kahlen had never been to a human rave before she was murdered. She was forever eighteen and she had been sheltered. The press of bodies around them was exciting as heat radiated off of the live things. A few vampires nodded in her direction. Most of them were islands, dotted around the ocean of people, in the water, but not a part of it. She let herself move with Reed. She grabbed his other hand when he was in danger of being pulled away by an aggressive weregirl. He slipped into her arms gratefully, hugging her.
A rich fresh scent assaulted her. It was like a hot fudge sundae, and chips, and pizza, and she felt her mouth start to water. An image of ripping into his throat flashed across her mind’s eye. She jerked back, but he held tight to her. He whispered in her ear. “So what did you come here for? Tattoo? Piercing?”
Kahlen shivered as his breath brought more of his scent to her and warmed her skin. She missed being warm. Wherever he touched, he left a glorious trail of it. Her fangs descended and he spun her out and back. She blinked, pulling back on the need to feed. Reed watched her with a rueful expression. She fought the urge to apologize. She was trying to make a friend, not kill him. Bloodlust wasn’t something she had ever gotten used to in the last year. It always freaked her out and made her buzz with guilt.
“Piercing,” she replied, resisting the urge to inhale.
He let go and disappeared into the crowd. Kahlen searched for him as he bounced away. Left on her own, she became her own island as the crowd continued to dance around her. Had she offended Reed? Maybe. She had been flashing fang and entertaining the idea of having him for dinner. She bit into her lip in frustration. She didn’t have any supernatural friends yet. She had barely had any live ones left after being turned. She saw a Fae disappear into the back booths as a were came out with a large silver hoop in his ear.
She slipped through the crowd like a shark. If Reed wasn’t coming back, she may as well get the piercing she had wanted. Her mother had never let her pierce her ears. Now she was beholden to none, as sires rarely stuck around after turning someone. It would make her look more grown up. It would at least make her fit better into this crowd.
A bored Fae gave her a once over. “Vampires can’t tattoo. Piercing? Let me guess earrings?”
“Yeah,” Kahlen said, affecting the same bored tone as the pretty Fae with her long pink hair in complicated braids.
“Second booth,” the Fae gave her a light shove but sniffed her as she went.
Kahlen frowned, walking backwards to see the Fae leaning toward her, inhaling again. Slipping into the curtained booth backward, she spun to face a tall elegant vampire dressed in royal purple from head to toe. He even had purple latex gloves at his station.
“Ears please,” Kahlen said, unsure what she needed to do.
He sniffed disdainfully as he approached. The vampire sniffed again in earnest. In a blink, Kahlen was pinned to the table under his powerful right hand. Fangs descended and eyes glowing brilliant scarlet, the vampire sniffed again. “You smell…”
“Delicious,” he finished.
Uh oh, Kahlen struggled against the steel grip of the bigger and considerably older vampire above her. Did vampires kill and eat younger vampires? Eyes wide, she kicked out, knocking the older vampire off balance. He was back in an instant, claws slashing into her leg as she scrambled off the piercer’s table. The scent of her own blood, bubbling up thick and dark, terrified her. Kahlen tossed the table of surgical instruments into the vampire’s face.
The privacy curtain was ripped open. Reed stood there gasping. “My fault!”
The tall purple vampire spun to face him.
“Me, not her,” he said. “I’m the one you want.”
“You smell,” the vampire said, eyes red but glazed over. “I have to taste you. I have to-”
Reed glowed a brilliant silvery blue. Kahlen watched that light explode out of him and knock the piercer across the room. He collapsed in a heap. Reed knelt down next to her, radiating the scent of pepperoni pizza and a chocolate milkshake. Kahlen’s fangs descended. She hadn’t had anything to drink but blood in a year.
“You’re hurt,” he cried reaching out to her.
“You’re the unicorn,” she said, fighting to keep still. 
“The one and only,” he said. “I only came out tonight because I was lonely. I’m the last one. I’ve been the last one for decades.”
Losing a lot of her blood was helping slow her down but her hunger, her hunger was growing. Hissing, she curled in on herself as the pangs in her stomach made thinking harder and harder to do.
Reed touched her arm. She flinched away. He gripped her arm. “Kahlen, I went to get a drink for you, so you wouldn’t be so focused on me, on my blood. You were gone when I got back. I was stupid. My scent was all over you. I masked it, but I touched you, hugged you…
“I-I don’t want to kill you,” Kahlen hissed, trying to block out the tantalizing scent of roast turkey and mashed potatoes that he was sporting now. “So hungry. You smell like Thanksgiving.”
“Oh, well that’s one on me, Thanksgiving? Really?” he asked, eyes glowing silver.
Kahlen nodded, squeezing her eyes shut to fight harder against her own body. “Now leave before…”
“No. It’s fine, I can heal you. My blood can heal you,” Reed said as he snatched a dropped needle off the floor.
“Bad things,” Kahlen grunted.
“Only if I don’t want you to do it. I give you permission, okay? But it might have side effects,” he said as he stabbed his arm multiple times to get his bright pearlescent blood to rise to the surface. “We’ll worry about that after. Trust me…Oh, okay, you be careful.”
Kahlen latched onto his arm and her fangs sank into his skin, popping it and blood sluiced into her mouth. Reed grunted but let her hold on. The blood, oh it tasted exactly like Thanksgiving, mixed with hot chocolate, and mint chocolate ice cream, and every other food she had been craving for ever a year. It was all sliding down into her stomach and filling her body with so much warmth.
“Stop now,” Reed told her.
Kahlen couldn’t. She needed more. She growled in protest.
“Now Kahlen,” he begged.
She tried, she really tried. Her fangs felt like they were hooked, locked into place. A sharp pain lanced through her and finally, she released, sliding bonelessly to the cement floor and into unconsciousness.
“Probably shouldn’t have done that,” Reed’s voice was worried, and weak near her left ear. “I was trying to heal the leg wound, not get myself killed. How would that help us? Hm? Think you drank too much though.”
She opened her eyes. They weren’t in the underground rave anymore. She rolled her shoulders. Kahlen was on a bed, a soft bed. Reed lying next to her stretched out alongside. His hand was in hers. He grinned when her eyes met his.
“Hello!” he exclaimed.
“Hello,” she muttered, her voice dry and scratchy.
“Here,” he sat up and turned away from her. In a second he was back with a cup. It had a bendy straw in it. “Drink, you had a rough night.”
Kahlen sipped. The taste that exploded on her tongue was not blood. The urge to gag rose for an instant but vanished. It was water. It was plain water. Kahlen pushed the cup away. “I can’t drink water!”
“Think you can,” Reed argued, “think you just did. Side effects, remember?”
Kahlen glared at him before scanning the room. She turned away from him and saw the open window. She was sitting in a bright room full of sunshine. She hissed and held up her arm. No smoke, no pain… “What?”
Patiently, Reed grabbed her arm and moved it into a sunbeam. He had a bandage on where she had savaged his arm. Her skin was warming in the light, but not burning. He took the same hand and placed over her chest. Kahlen felt a beat. It was sluggish, but it was a heartbeat.
“Side effects?”  she asked. “What sort of side effects?”
“Healed you,” Reed said smugly.
“Healed?” Kahlen glanced down at her leg, the skin was smooth, if a bit pale and a little shinier like a Fae.
Reed was embarrassed. “I ah, um, gave you permission. My blood has healing properties. I'm not prejudiced. My blood, it ah, it just seems to see vampirism as a disease. So, it cured it. I’m sorry. You’re sort of human again.”
Amazed, Kahlen put both her hands into the sunlight. When it wasn’t enough, she slid off the bed and put her head out the window to stare up at the sun. Clouds obscured it a bit but even they were lovely, all puffy and white in the bright blue summer sky. “You healed me. I’m human.”
“Sort of human,” Reed reiterated. “Close to human, almost human, mostly, almost human.”
Kahlen bounced back onto the bed next to him, giddy. “Fine. I’ll take it, if you promise me I can eat chips again, oh and candy, and ice cream, and a hot fudge sundae with nuts…”
“Sure, but you’ll get a stomach ache. I mean, that’s an awful lot of sugar,” he replied then grinned. “You’re really okay with it? I was sort of afraid you liked being a vampire and I ruined it. Well, I tried to stop you before you drank too much, but you were insistent. Had to hit you with a tray.”
Kahlen grabbed for his bandaged arm. “I’m so sorry! I couldn’t control it. I don’t mind. I wasn’t getting the hang of the ‘creature of the night’ thing anyhow. But what do I do now? My family thinks I’m dead. I was dead. Do I go back to school? Wait, did you say mostly, almost human?”
“Might be a teensy bit unicorn now,” Reed said and held up his fingers to measure out a pinch. “I could help you with that if you want. Show you some stuff, some magic stuff. Only if you want me to do it.”
Kahlen grinned. “Friends?” she asked.
“Yeah, okay,” Reed said, sitting up straight, looking pleased. “I’ve never had a friend before. What do um, friends do?”
“They get pizza.”
“I love pizza,” he told her. “What about your ears? Did you still want to get them pierced?”
“Eventually, think I’m traumatized. Maybe I’ll just get clip-on’s for now.”
“I’m pretty good with a needle,” Reed told her. “Saved you with one, didn’t I?”
“Not a chance,” Kahlen told him.
The End.
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askkrenko · 7 years
On Animals vs Animalfolk
The conclusion makes me realize: I don’t think you ever took an explicit stance about animal/human hybrid races.
Obviously, the current situation is a mess, with Leonin and Aven being Cat and Birds respectively, but Snake-people being sometimes Snake sometimes Naga, Lizard-people being their own things, Siren and Harpy mostly not Birds, but sometimes Birds, and this is only those we talked about recently. I don’t even remember what Loxodon and Rhox are tagged as…
So, what do you think would have been an good solution, if we didn’t have to deal with all the inertia of history? Are you strongly in favor of one or the other? Or do you think it should be decided on a case by case basis? Based on what other factors?
~ @death-burst
A very good question was asked in response to my Krenko’s Guide: Birds, and rather than just continually reblog that, I thought this deserved its own thread for people to answer.
The question of whether animal-people are their animal types (Like Leonin and Aven) or their own types (like Minotaur and Naga) is a pretty major one, and there’s multiple ways to deal it out, each with benefits and drawbacks. I’ll get into them below the break.
Option one: All animalfolk are the same type as their animals. 
That is, Minotaurs would be Oxen, Nagas would be Snakes, and Harpies and Sirens would both be Birds.  Now, the big benefit here is cutting down on creature types and letting it be easier to make decks of those types. “Cat” deck is easier than “Lizard” deck because cat people and cats are the same race, while lizard people and lizards are not. Oxen sharing a type with Minotaurs would give them the benefit of all that Minotaur tribal. It should result in the best gameplay response, but it’s also going to wind up looking the weirdest when you try to make sense of it.
 First off, as we see with Leonin and Aven, it creates this weird flavor option where a Leonin is happier to work alongside a housecat than alongside a Loxodon, which is just... a bit odd. Should Brimaz feel some sort of primal unity with a saber tooth tiger? Or a Leotau? Does it even make sense for a Siren like Malcolm (who needs a card ASAP) to think of a Bird of Paradise as one of “his people”? 
The second problem with this option is that not all ‘beast men’ as they are have a unified equivalent animal. Viashino are spread among Lizard, Crocodile, and Dinosaur. Most Merfolk are Fish, but Shadowmoor has the Seal-like Selkies. And then are Dryads and Treefolk supposed to be creature type “Plant?” Are Gorgons Snakes? Some of them certainly seem to be, but not all.
The third problem is that it makes a few creature types less immediately understandable. While people are accepting Leonin as cat people, declaring that Satyrs are actually Goats feels a bit off, as does seriously calling a Merfolk a Fish. We do it as a joke, sure, but actually writing Fish on the card would feel... off. Minotaurs as Oxen are more forgivable, but calling a Centaur a Horse just feels like a downright lie, even though a Centaur is more Horse than a Minotaur is Ox. It creates a disconnect where you actively feel certain things are mislabeled.
Option Two: All beastmen get their own race
That is, anything that uses the race/class style gets its own type. The big benefit here is that everything is clearly labeled and it makes perfect sense what works in tribe. Avens like Avens, but not birds. Minotaurs like Minotaurs, but not Oxen. Everything is exactly what it says it is. This is probably the most reasonable from a flavor perspective... but is awful for gameplay.
The first problem here is type splitting. Splitting Rhino from Rhox takes you from one type underused at 27 to two races under used at 11 and 16.  Splitting Aven from Bird is more comfortable, as both can survive on their own, but now you have an issue of future cards that care about them need to choose one or the other, no longer hitting both. This gets especially weird for one-offs. 
The second problem here is that some beastmen are one-offs. Scandalmonger is the only boar person. Wishmonger is the only unicorn person. Amphin Cutthroat and Pathmage are the only Salamander people, and that creature type is already tiny. There’s likely other instances here as well, but it certainly raises a question for the future. Would a lone turtle-person need their own type? 
Option Three: Mythological creatures get a type, invented ones do not
This tends to be the trend current Magic has stuck with, though there are a number of exceptions. If the creature is one from actual mythology and has some sort of expectation that the audience has heard of it before, it gets its own type. Otherwise, it uses its animal-men type. This is designed to be the easiest on the audience, as creature types are then what people instinctively think they are. When someone sees an ox-man, they know it’s a minotaur. When someone sees a cat-man, they don’t have anything else to call it, so it’s a cat-man. Magic can call it a Leonin, but that’s Magic’s made up word for it.
The major problems here come when invented races border mythological races. Orochi are Snakes because Wizards made them up, but Naga are also snake-men who are not snakes because they’re from mythology. This means we have two groups of snake-people who do not share a creature type, which is made all the more egregious by the fact that Orochi have a huge amount of tribal support as Snakes. A similar problem hits on Harpies and Sirens not being the same type as Aven. Further, a bunch of Dryads are clearly trees, but not Treefolk, which is a supported creature type. Wormwood Dryad, Gnalrwood Dryad, and Dryad Arbor, specifically, are just trees shaped like women.
Option Four: Purely case by case
Purely case by case is a reasonable idea, and would allow for the best mechanical and flavor balance for each type as it needs it, but this still results in major inconsistancy as a result, with players having no idea what’s what. Magic’s done a lot of this in the past, which is why we have Viashino and Cephalids.
This gets really messy really fast, and its biggest problem is that when deciding whether to make a new creature type for something is necesarry, one thing that should be asking is “how often do we plan to use these?” Lets assume a new world has a race of turtle-people. We can either label them as “Turtle” or as “Kappa.” The set’s got eight of them, because they’re a decent part of the world but not so big as to be planning a deck around them. A big question as to whether to give them their own creature type or not is if they’ll be iconic and memorable, and it’s really hard to know that until after the set has come out. If people really like them, they’re going to come back on many worlds, and as their forms change for different planes, it’ll be nicer to have the freedom to make different Kappa than just “turtles.” However, if people don’t attach to them, having their own creature type that most don’t immediately get will just be offputting and weird.
Option Five: Pipe Dream: Complete overhaul with wider types
So, I’m going to throw out first that I know full well a complete overhaul is unreasonable. I’d like one, but it’s just too much in  a game that’s mostly physical. That said, here’s how I’d do it:
All Beastmen are of a Beastmen type... But those types are wider. We’re starting to see this with Minotaur, which includes a number of rams on Amonkhet, and Zedruu, Having other suites of beastmen share typings would be a complete restructuring, but I think it’d work best for everyone.
Minotaurs would include all Ungulates here. This means Rhox, Scandalmonger, Wishmonger, but also easily opening the door for Elk-people to just randomly show up somewhere under the tag Minotaur. This would still only apply to bipeds, though, so Centaurs are still Centaurs (but a Centaur could include something with the lower body of any Ungulate.)
Aven would split from Bird, but absorb Siren and Harpy, and include any humanoid that has feathers and flies.
Ainok, or another name, would include Ainoks, Khenra, and Kitsune, as well as any other Caniform Beastman. Possibly also Feline beastmen, but I think Leonin are getting big enough to have all catfolk just be Leonin. Werewolves stay as Werewolves because they’re really not the same as other animalfolk.
Merfolk would absorb Cephalids. I don’t expect us to see enough different aquatic races that we need more than one type for aquatic animal-person.  Homarids are inhuman enough that I think we just want to tag them as Crustaceans. 
Amphin for any Amphibious Humanoid. 
Reptilians would get Viashino and Naga, because we really do recognize a difference between snake-people and lizard-people, and any turtle people would also become Viashno if they showed up. Orochi would become Naga.
And while I’m at it: Kobolds, Orcs, and Ogres are all Goblins.
This is more of a “if starting over” approach, of course, as too many gameplay effects exist to really encourage splitting pre-existing creature types.  Adding Siren and Harpy to Bird would be obvious and clear, but splitting Avens from Birds would be a logistical nightmare, and would require fighting for custody of old Bird tribal rewards.
Final Notes:
My actual suggestion at this point is, because they’re riding history, just... try not to make any new creature types, and fold in the old ones that didn’t get traction. Homarids can be Crabs now. It’s okay. We get that Homarids aren’t coming back in force, even if we still want to see a few. And when you introduce something like Naga, well, you’ve already got so much snake tribal sitting around, just let them use it.
You’ve got Viashino. Make use of it. Seriously. Viashino are inherently cool.
If you want to use a thing and really can’t find a proper type for it, like say deciding you want to do a set with lots of dinosaurs and not feeling right calling them lizards or beasts, or a set with lots of werewolves, or just needing Pilot as a new class because nothing else fits right, okay, but introducing the type Naga instead of using Snake or adding in Sirens that were visually very similar to Aven but were not Birds just doesn’t do anything because now you have a new type that you’re not even giving us the tools to use.
At least Aetherborn and Servo had lords.
I think “tools to use” is the real key here. I want the tools to use any creature type that exists, so if you’re adding a new creature type it should either be a clear label of mechanical similarity, like Processor or Pilot, or come with a card that lets me take advantage of that word. 
If you put a word on a card that does LITERALLY NOTHING, not even remind me how that card works, you’re wasting my time.
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eat-shit-satan · 7 years
a peryton is a stag mixed with a deer, but Nerris clearly has some human anatomy. so can she shapeshift into a full on peryton, or no?
TL;DR: Nerris can’t, neither can Preston. Harrison can do it because unicorn magic, but that’s it!Now, for the people who want to listen to me explain some things a bit better…Let’s expand this topic to the whole performance trio for a second! 
Tumblr media
Here’s a somewhat old Kelpie Preston that I did for an example! Now, all of the Performance Trio is like this, more like satyrs than centaurs/cervitaurs. I deliberately chose to make them two legged instead of four legged as it’d be harder for me to draw them with more exaggerated expressions which the Performance Trio needs. Apart from that choice just for drawing’s sake, I feel a disconnect from other people’s Camp Camp monster AU’s with things like Gargoyle Max or Griffon Neil, right off the top of my head. I’m not trying to call out anyone, this is just how I felt, and the story they’re trying to tell is obviously different than mine. The main difference with mine is that they’re at Camp Campbell to learn how to hide that they’re monsters, and having not one, but three four legged monster campers would be too complicated to try and figure out how they’re supposed to hide that. I can’t pull a Percy Jackson type thing to use a wheelchair to hide it for all three of them, especially since they’re kids. It ends up being super clunky for me.
ANYWAYS! That was all just sort of flavor text and clarification stuff, if you just want the answer to the ask, read that tl;dr.
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santiagostyle · 7 years
wtf are these greek myth asks why arent they numbered i cant just type out every single greek thing to ever exist pathetic!! anyway answer all of them pls cool love u byyyyye
ffs here i was thinking i could reblog this oNE THING without u tryna play me like this but no you can’t even let me have this jfc here we go
GODS: Life
Zeus: What’s your name or nickname? 
Hera: Where are you from?
Sydney, Australia
Athena: How old are you?
Hephaestus: When is your birthday?
June 5
Aphrodite: What’s your relationship status?
I mean???? I’m single but I’m?? talking to someone??
Poseidon: What are your pronouns?
Dionysus: Are you and extrovert or an introvert?
equal parts both
Demeter: Do you have any pets?
Apollo: What kind of music are you into?
i’ll listen to pretty much anything tbh
Artemis: What do you first notice about new people?
their?? face??
Hades: What’s a big fear of yours?
HAHAH dying alone
Ares: What’s a big pet peeve of yours?
Hestia: Where do you consider home?
Pegasus: Last movie you watched?
Cruel Intentions
Mermaid: Last tv show you finished?
I’m guessing B99 doesn’t count so probably Gilmore Girls
Centaur: Last book you read?
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Siren: Last song you listened to?
Ego - Chris Loco & RAYE
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
Chinese food
Cyclops: Last time you cried?
i mean i almost cried this afternoon but probably last month
Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
happy?? idk her
Sphynx: Last text you sent?
hahahahaha to my best friend “habibi i saw ur message but i have no data so can’t reply but call me when u on a break or when u finish work”
Chimera: Last call you made?
i facetimed a girl from dancing
Griffin: Last thing you did before going to sleep last night?
i was on tumblr
Nymph: Last dream you remember?
LMFAO i had a dream i was drunk at dinner with my friends and this guy i know randomly started speaking french jfc idk 
Satyr: Last time you couldn’t stop laughing?
honestly like two days ago at dancing, we literally always find something to laugh about 
HEROES: Experiences
Heracles: Have you ever had a dream come true?
ummm not really i don’t think so
Theseus: What is your worst regret?
jfc always trying to be Chill and coming across as disinterested 
Perseus: Have you ever been arrested?
Cadmus: Have you ever had your heart broken?
Achilles: Have you ever had to be hospitalized?
Actaeon: Tell about a memory you wish to forget.
i ?? can’t actually think of one
Bellerophon: Have you ever passed out?
lmao yes during a blood test
Agamemnon: What is an achievement you’re proud of?
does skipping kindergarten count as an achievement
Oedipus: Have you ever been in love?
ehhhhh i don't think so
Jason: Have you ever travelled abroad? Where?
i’ve been to fiji and the US
Atlanta: Have you ever stood up for someone else?
Hippolytus: Tell an experience you will never forget.
i remember i once made my dance teacher laugh so hard she was literally crying and rolling on the floor BUT LIKE i wasn’t even intentionally trying to be funny i’m just an idiot and she couldn’t handle it but yea it was nice
MAGICAL ITEMS: Favorites  
Trident: Who are your favorite people?
@johnnydora , all my friends from uni, and my best friends from school
Lightning Bolt: What are your top three favorite movies?
Cruel Intentions, Celeste and Jesse Forever, The Emperor’s New Groove
Sun Chariot: What is your favorite mythological creature?
Unicorns man
Lyre: What are your top three favorite songs?
America - XYLØ
Nobody’s in Love - 2AM Club
Sucker - Peaches
Caduceus: What is your favorite color?
Pink or purple
Aegis: What is your favorite book or series?
The Unbearable Lightness of Being - Milan Kundera
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Scythe: What is your favorite tv show?
is this even a real question
Bident: What is your favorite way to spend free time?
i’m literally on this website constantly 
Harpe: What are your top 3 favorite places?
Massachussets, the Dymocks Cafe in the Sydney CBD, and my best friend’s car
Cornucopia: What is your favorite place to eat?
Guzman Y Gomez
Winged Sandals: What is your favorite thing to do when you hangout with your friends?
honestly we just talk and it’s the best
Golden Fleece: What is your favorite animal?
Meerkats honestly
PLACES: Goals and Wishes
Olympus: Describe your dream job.
literally anything in the film or theatre industry but ideally maybe a producer of films or stage shows
Tartarus: What’s a short term goal you hope to achieve?
finish writing this essay that’s due in 5 hours
Underworld: Describe your dream vacation.
europe or south america !!!
Styx: How would you like your life to look like in 10 years?
like myself but 10 years older
Athuna: If you could live anywhere in the world for the rest of your life, where would it be?
either sydney or anywhere in massachusetts probably
Sparta: Do you have a bucket list? If so, what’s on it?
i mean it’s not an actual written list so not technically but i defs wanna go back to Massachusetts can u tell
Elysium: If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
hmmm i mean i’d probably wanna read minds i think??
Ogygia: Describe your dream husband/wife/life partner?
god literally jus somebody who can make me laugh
Troja: What is the craziest thing you wanna do before you die?
be ??? happy ?? what a wild concept
The Labyrinth: Have you ever died and came back to life as a vampire?
i mean yeah haven’t we all
Delphi: Are you currently doing anything to pursue your dreams?
affirmative i’m at uni studying film and theatre 
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