#how did it smell
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artcalledwrap · 2 months ago
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I’m a Citi-sin
I a citisen
I’m a citizen
My texts should be personal
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crystallized-cheese · 8 days ago
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chloesimaginationthings · 8 months ago
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Phone dude caused an Afton family reunion in FNAF 3,,
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bingsoo-jung · 2 months ago
I said this in the comments of someone else’s post, but I’m going to say this here. Taash identifying as non-binary is good actually, and in fact better than the dev’s making up some new term for them. Let’s get into it.
So for a bit of background, I’m non-binary and Thai. If you don’t know, Thai has specific terms for different gender-sexual identities, they’re quite old, they date back a few hundred years. However, the thing about culturally specific terms is just that, they’re culturally specific. The reason you use them is because you are tied to the culture in such a way that you gender-sexual identity cannot be disassociated from it. Because, to be clear, these terms are never just about your gender or sexual identity. They encompass a role you play within society itself.
For instance, in Thai culture we have tom/tomboys. These are AFAB folks who occupy a masculine societal role and date women. If you’re AMAB you cannot be tom. If you’re transmasc and feminine? You cannot be tom. If you’re transmasc and not attracted to women? You cannot be tom. If you’re transmasc and mostly date men? You cannot be tom. If you’re transmasc but don’t particularly feel like taking care of the girl you date, taking her out, being the ‘man’ in the relationship? You can’t really be tom.
Because the thing about culturally specific genders is that they come with a lot of rules. Being tom isn’t being non-binary. There are cis women who are tom, and there are non-binary people who are toms. You do not get eschew gender roles in these cases. You are quite literally taking one on. You have a role and place in society that has been made for you, and you are expected to carry it out.
Because of this, none of these terms are a one-to-one for other identities, and nor should they be. Being kathoey or hijra is not the same as being a trans woman or non-binary, and visa versa. You can be kathoey and not be trans. You can be trans and not be kathoey. Being aqun-athlok or any other specific term shouldn’t be either. The idea that it is, is more ahistorical and inaccurate than the word non-binary itself. Giving Taash some new, culturally specific term, would inherently tie them to a culture, and one perhaps that they didn’t feel apart of. Especially since Taash’s entire story is about struggling to figure out where they belong. Arguably the biggest issue with their story is that you have to make them decide, and fundamentally tying them to a term would’ve compounded that problem.
The reason I identify as non-binary and not a tom, is because I am not occupying some specific role in Thai culture. Despite living in LA, I rarely interact with other Thai people who aren’t my family. I do not live in a cultural context that would allow me to identify as a tom.
The thing about terms like non-binary, or trans, or agender, is that they’re meant to be acultural terms encapsulating the concept of truth to oneself and ones identity. Whereas culturally specific terms aren’t, they’re about the role you hold in society and where you fit in. It’s about your identity within a status quo. Taash is a character who is eschewing societal roles, and breaking the status quo, giving them those terms just wouldn’t work.
And finally? Using non-binary itself allows the writers to very specifically say where they stand. There is no space given to transphobes. You either accept that DA is queer-friendly or bust. And that’s a very important stance to make in an era where trans and non-binary folks are being actively targeted. There’s no ‘well Taash isn’t actually trans or non-binary they’re [insert term here]!’ Because people would’ve done that, we know they would’ve. This means people can’t do that. They have to just say that they have an issue with the term, and thus we can call them for what they are. Transphobes. Plain and simple.
So yeah, Taash’s identity does have nuance, it has a lot of it. And to be honest with you, I wouldn’t be surprised if Trick Weekes, a non-binary person whose wife is First Nations and thus from a group with culturally specific gender identities, knows about the difference between something like two-spirit and trans. And to be honest with you, using something like non-binary has nuance I doubt was actually afforded to Krem, considering they cast a cis woman to play Krem.
So yeah.
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lyculuscaelus · 5 months ago
So lately I’ve been seeing a lot of posts asking people to stop trying to make Odysseus look nice in their works cuz he’s a “messed-up person in the mythology”. Your opinion is valid however I have but one thing to point out:
You want to know who started all this? Who started to “make Odysseus look nice” in the first place?
It’s Homer. It’s nobody else but Homer himself.
A non-Homeric Odysseus would try to murder people out of his own interests. He’d murder Palamedes without remorse (and we’d be cheering over this but it’s a murder after all), he’d attempt to murder Diomedes just to get the Palladium himself, he’d volunteer to kill Astyanax
meanwhile you wouldn’t find any mention of either Palamedes or Nauplius in Homer’s poems, neither did he mention anything abt the Palladium heist (and Diomedes necessity did not happen until Conon’s version), the death of Astyanax, the distribution of war prizes, etc. And all the details in the Odyssey seemed to deny the existence of Nauplius’s vengeance at all, so Odysseus would not take any of the blame.
A non-Homeric Odysseus would be depicted as “cruel, treacherous”, meanwhile in book 10 of the Iliad Odysseus was not mentioned to have killed anyone during the marauding, neither did he promise Dolan anything at all. The negative interpretations are denied by these details subtly put by Homer.
A non-Homeric Odysseus would be widely known as a “coward” for only shooting arrows from afar. But Homer gave him a spear and had him absolutely slaying in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. That part of Ajax’s speech was invalid already.
Most importantly—a non-Homeric Odysseus would be having kids everywhere else, and the loyalty to his own wife as seen in the Odyssey is no where to be found. Meanwhile his lineage was a single-son line made by Zeus in the Odyssey, and his love for Penelope was one of his main drives, especially seen in book 5 of the Odyssey. He loved his family as a loving parent—something you don’t get to see in most of the non-Homeric writings—for most of the time they followed a different tradition indeed, in which Odysseus wasn’t half as nice as in the Odyssey.
TL;DR: in case you haven’t noticed, the characterization of the Homeric Odysseus was quite different from a non-Homeric version of Odysseus. It’s not that Homer didn’t know of the existence of other versions—he knew them too well, which is why in his version of the story, you don’t get to see any mention of them.
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elnotwoods · 1 year ago
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salt-n-salt · 6 months ago
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very messy teddy bear shane contemplations before i go to class 

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dumbfucksystem · 3 months ago
do you guys think anyone remembers to put flowers on airplane’s grave

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deja-mew · 7 months ago
HOT TAKE: Even after Unicron upgraded him, Megatron had to pick barnacles off himself for a good long while. I can’t imagine all the underwater critters that probably moved into him as a corpse. Maybe he wasn’t down there quite that long, but I’m sure he didn’t get away 100% critter-free. Barnacle boy Megs. Who else is here for that
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canisalbus · 1 year ago
I'm curious to know what you meant by not having an internal monologue-- like, do you not address yourself sometimes, in your own head? For example-- "I probably shouldn't do that", or, "I guess I look okay today", or, "I wonder what they think of me?" ? (Some people address themselves in second person, ie. "oh you shouldn't have done that", or, "you're gonna be fine".)
Not really? My brain doesn't give me words, let alone sentences. It's mostly just images and concepts.
I can formulate speech in my mind if I put a significant amount of focus on that, it never happens passively. I have a lot of social anxiety (and I'm autistic, for what it's worth) so I often rehearse potential future conversations in my head, but it's a distinct activity that takes up a lot of mental space. I can be sort of slow at writing because it takes a moment for me to convert my thoughts into a verbal form, I keep pausing to try to find the most accurate and effective way to communicate what I'm trying to say.
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aidoxl · 6 months ago
We as a society don't talk about Arthur's bout of cannibalism nearly enough. That man killed a guy with his bare hands after seeing that he killed a girl by brushing against a lock of hair. And he subjected John to numerous visions of his death as he savagely ate at Mr. Faust. Like enough with the jokes where's the angst when it's begging to be explored.
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ninyard · 4 months ago
Hey so like. You know when Andrew was going through withdrawal? Do you think Proust let him smoke, or was he withdrawing from that at the same time too?
Or maybe he lets him smoke after depriving him of them for a while. Andrew’s hands shaking after a session with Proust and he needs a cigarette but it makes him feel sick, because he’s not smoking as much as he’s used to, so when he’s finally allowed to smoke again it’s horrible and his head rushes and his hands tremble and his stomach feels sick and his throat hurts. His stomach is sick because of the nicotine and tobacco but it’s not just that and he knows it. He wants to run away but he can’t. He has no one to talk to. He sits in a courtyard with a cigarette burning because he can’t smoke any more or else he’ll puke, and he thinks of Neil, just smelling the smoke instead. Watching it rise. Taking his time with it because he knows when he’s finished he’ll have to go back inside to his doctors and his stomach won’t feel better and his head won’t hurt any less.
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thomashelbyswife · 1 year ago
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Tommy Shelby - Peaky Blinders S5E5
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ask-the-druggieverse · 4 months ago
Who out of everyone eated the drugs the most?? Takes-ed em' Inhalation. Do any of thems takes its together????
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- ALT - EDIBLES SWAP: Please don't overdose on edibles SWAP: it's not a healthy coping mechanism (Has heart problems and fatigue now)
POT Dust takes it in consideration (1-4 days), usually when he needs/wants to to chill/relax Horror does pot everyday
HIGH TOGETHER FRESH: Sometimes I join them FRESH: Tho... it's sad that they can no longer become sober
- IDK - If Error and Ink ever become sober the cannabis hangover will be CRAZY (dang forever weed brownie and forever weed paint...)
EDIT: My dumb dumb forgot to add a little message for Swap saying he's sober now :skull:
MAIN: @inkyu
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gomzdrawfr · 1 year ago
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sexycornenthusiast · 2 months ago
I hc that Sonia is really bad at cooking, straight up no idea what to do and every time she turns the stove on she's just guessing how high to turn it up (she's just like me fr). One time Kazuichi and Gundham watch her set a pot of instant noodles on fire -- which they weren't aware was even possible -- and Kaz is like "Wow Miss Sonia, I think that's the worst anyone's ever done it. You should get a medal" (in a genuinely awed and impressed way) and then she starts crying so Gundham steps in like "Yes, my queen, a magnificent display of your true dark powers!!"
And then they order delivery.
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