#if anything he probably thought it made it more spooky
dovesdreaming · 2 days
Randonauts Assemble: Logan, Wade, and the Scariest Night Ever
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Summary: Wade has the stupid idea of going randonaughting at night with the intention to see something ‘scary’. While you and Wade are left scared for your lives, Logan is left annoyed by the whole thing. (Logan x reader)
It was supposed to be a chill night. A quiet evening at the X-Mansion, maybe some beers, maybe a movie, or better yet, a night where Logan didn’t have to deal with Wade Wilson’s endless stream of insanity. But that was before Wade burst into the mansion at 10 p.m. with his mask half-on, his phone in his hand, and Dogpool under his arm like a furry football. "Logan! Y/n! Prepare yourselves! We are going... randonauting!" Logan didn't even look up from his cigar. "What the hell's randonauting?" You, seated next to Logan on the couch, glanced between Wade and Logan. You had heard of it. Randonauting was this weird app that used random coordinates to send you to strange, sometimes creepy, places based on whatever "intention" you set. It was the latest social media trend, a mix of spooky adventure and internet oddness.
"We’re not doing that” Logan growled, his usual “I’m too old for this nonsense” look firmly in place. But Wade was relentless, as always. "Come on, Wolvie! Don’t you want to live a little? Have a little spooky fun?" Wade practically sang, leaning down and waving the phone in Logan’s face. "We can pick an intention! I’m thinking... scary or creepy because it’s dark, and it’s way more fun to do stuff that might involve ghosts or abandoned places or finding a cursed treasure!" You snorted, trying to hold back a laugh. The idea was ridiculous, but... also kind of fun. "It could be interesting, Logan”.
Logan turned to you, eyebrow raised. "You too?"
You shrugged. "Well, I mean... we don’t have anything else planned. Might as well".
Logan groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I’m surrounded by idiots”. Wade, sensing victory, grinned so widely under his mask you could see the fabric stretch. "Yesss! And Dogpool’s coming too!" The small, mutated dog barked in approval, wiggling out of Wade’s grip to scamper across the floor. Logan stood up, his cigar clenched between his teeth. “Fine. But if this turns out to be as stupid as I think it is, I’m letting Wade get eaten by whatever creepy monster we run into”.
An hour later, you were all in Logan’s truck, winding down a dark, narrow road surrounded by dense woods. Wade was in the backseat, leaning between the front seats with his phone out like some kind of insane navigator, and Dogpool was perched on his lap. “I can’t believe we’re actually doing this” you muttered, glancing at Logan, who was stoically staring at the road ahead like he’d been forced to endure worse than this in his long, long life. He probably had. But still. “Yeah, well,” Logan grunted, “you wanted to come”. “Are we there yet?” Wade sang from the back, shaking the phone. “Randonautica says we’re getting close! The coordinates are up ahead, and guess what? It’s taking us into the woods. Oooh, spooky!” Dogpool barked, as if in agreement with Wade's exaggerated excitement.
You, on the other hand, felt the nerves creeping in. It was one thing to laugh about this kind of stuff when you were safe at home. It was another to actually be driving toward an unknown, creepy location in the middle of nowhere at night. “Logan” you said, your voice a little quieter, “what if this place is actually dangerous? Like, what if it’s-“ “It’ll be fine” he cut you off, his hand finding yours and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Nothin’ out here we can’t handle”.
You relaxed a bit at his words, even though the thought of wandering through the woods still made your stomach flip. “Yeah, Y/n” Wade chimed in, leaning even closer so his masked face was right beside your ear. “What’s the worst that could happen? We get murdered by ghost lumberjacks? Ohhh, spooky axe-men, please don’t hurt us! We’re just innocent explorers!” He threw his arm dramatically over his forehead, almost knocking over Dogpool in the process. Logan shoved Wade’s face away with a growl. “Sit down”.
Finally, Wade’s phone chimed. “We’re here!” he announced, like some deranged tour guide. “It’s up ahead! Right through those creepy trees. Looks like… an abandoned building or something?” You squinted through the windshield, barely making out the shape of something large and dilapidated looming in the distance. It looked like an old school, or maybe a hospital. Definitely abandoned. Definitely creepy. “Of course it’s an abandoned building” Logan muttered as he killed the engine. “Because why wouldn’t it be?” The four of you trekked through the woods, the only light coming from Wade’s flashlight and the faint glow of your phone screen as you followed the coordinates. The building loomed ahead, its windows shattered, the structure itself looking like something straight out of a horror movie. Vines had grown up the sides, and the front doors were hanging off their hinges, creaking softly in the night breeze.
“I don’t like this” you whispered, instinctively moving closer to Logan. “This feels… too creepy”. Logan, unfazed, wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer as you both approached the entrance. “It’s just a building. Ain’t nothin’ here to be scared of”. “Speak for yourself,” Wade muttered, holding Dogpool tighter as the little dog let out a low growl at the darkened interior of the building. “This place is way too on-the-nose for a horror movie. I bet there’s ghosts. And zombies. Probably zombie ghosts”. You gave Wade a look. “Those aren’t real”. He narrowed his eyes behind his mask. “Says you. I’ve seen some stuff, Y/n. Don’t come crying to me when we’re being chased by a ghost janitor with an axe”. “Both of you shut it” Logan grunted, pushing the door open with a loud creak.
The inside of the building was worse than the outside. Dark, damp, and filled with debris. The faint smell of mildew and rot filled the air, and the flicker of Wade’s flashlight cast long, eerie shadows along the walls. “Alright, split up and look for clues” Wade said, holding up Dogpool like a furry detective. “No one’s splittin’ up” Logan said sharply, keeping you close to him as the two of you started to walk down one of the darkened hallways. You held onto his arm tightly, every sound making your heart race. Logan, of course, was the picture of calm, as if this was just a normal stroll through a perfectly fine building.
Wade, on the other hand, was trying to act calm, but you could tell he was freaked out. He kept muttering under his breath, occasionally yelping when his flashlight flickered or when Dogpool barked at some random piece of debris. “This is fine. Everything’s fine” Wade said, his voice a little higher than usual. “I’ve been through way worse. I’ve fought aliens. I’ve fought, uh, time-traveling cyborgs. This is nothing. Totally not scary. At all”. You couldn’t help but smirk. “You scared, Wade?” “Pffft, no” he said, though the way he held Dogpool like a security blanket told a different story. “Just… keeping my guard up. Gotta protect the team, you know?” Logan rolled his eyes. “We’re leavin’ in five minutes. There’s nothin’ here”.
As if on cue, there was a loud bang from somewhere deeper in the building. You jumped, clinging to Logan’s arm even tighter. Wade let out a high-pitched yelp and nearly dropped Dogpool. “What the-was that a ghost?!” Wade shrieked. Logan sighed. “It’s just the wind”. You weren’t convinced. “That sounded a little too-”Another bang echoed through the building, followed by the unmistakable sound of something scraping along the floor. Wade’s eyes widened behind his mask. “Alright, that’s it! Time to go! I’m not gettin’ murdered by ghost janitors or demon hospital patients tonight, thank you very much”. You nodded vigorously. “Yeah, let’s leave”. Logan, to his credit, didn’t seem remotely phased. “You two are ridiculous” he muttered, though even he turned back toward the entrance, his arm still around you.
As you hurried back out into the safety of the woods, Wade was still mumbling to himself about haunted hospitals and vowing never to trust an app again. Logan just shook his head, pulling you closer as the two of you walked toward the truck. “Told you nothin’ scary would happen” he said.“Except that sound back there” you pointed out, still glancing over your shoulder. “Yeah, well” Logan shrugged, “could’ve been worse. Could’ve had to listen to Wade all night”. “Hey! I heard that!” Wade called, huffing as he cradled Dogpool protectively. “You’re all just mad because I brought adventure into your lives”. You and Logan just shared a look to say ‘sureee’.
You held onto Logan very tightly the rest of the night still freaked out about what you had heard, just glad you got out of there before something worse happened. In the next room over Wade clung onto dogpool saying calming things to the dog, who was already asleep, to calm his own racing heart. Maybe haunted houses are just too scary for superhero’s.
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men-written-by-women · 15 hours
Regulus could admit when he made a mistake. It was a common misconception that he believed he was always right. It was just that he was right most of the time, so the opportunity to admit his faults never really came up.
However, the opportunity for him to confess he made a mistake was currently staring him in the face.
James cleared his throat, obviously waiting for Regulus to say something. He considered admitting defeat and telling James they were lost, but that option didn't sound very appealing. He decided he didn’t want his boyfriend to tease him because he led them astray, so he marched forward with purpose.
This seemed to break James from his silence. “Reg, you’ve got to be joking. There’s no way I’m going through there.” Regulus continued to walk forward, albeit a little more slowly because he didn’t want to leave James behind.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared.” Maybe taunting would convince James to follow him. It worked way too often.
“Are you sure that’s the way we need to go?” James seemed hesitant to suggest that Regulus did something wrong, and it made the other man feel a little chastised since he was essentially lying to him. But it didn’t make him feel bad enough to tell the truth.
“Yes,” he said. “We just need to go through this cemetery, and then we’ll be there. Promise.”
James still seemed slightly unconvinced but began to follow Regulus into the graveyard. Regulus didn’t know how he had landed them at this spot. It did fit the spooky feeling of the foggy night, but the pleasing aesthetic wasn’t enough to calm his beating heart as they walked past the headstones.
A noise up ahead made Regulus jump and grab James’ hand.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared,” James repeated his words from earlier. This caused a blush to cover his face, and he pulled his hand away. He realized he should probably confess so that they could figure out how to get themselves out of there. Another noise spurred him into talking.
“Okay, I have something I need to tell you.” Regulus waited for James’ nod before continuing. “I may have…not told the whole truth. I actually don’t know where we are, and this cemetery is kinda freaking me out.”
Instead of James getting upset like Regulus thought he would, he only smiled and grabbed Regulus' hand again. “I sort of assumed that. I didn’t feel the need to call you out on it though.”
Regulus wasn’t sure how, but he could feel his blush get deeper. James leaned down to kiss his cheek. “It’s okay though. I’m sure we can figure a way out of here. I’ll protect you from anything that tries to get you.”
He laughed while Regulus lightly punched his arm. His laughter quickly stopped when they heard another noise, this time from behind him. They looked at each other, eyes wide, and quickly started running, their hands locked together the whole way.
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Phone dude caused an Afton family reunion in FNAF 3,,
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mypoisonedvine · 11 months
𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 | ghostface!darren (pig) x reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | he probably wasn't even invited to this party, because who would invite him? but he came anyways... just to torment you. far more than you could've imagined, in fact.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁 | 2.5k
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | NONCON DARK SMUT 18+ ONLY!!, public sex, degradation, pain kink, knife kink, a bit of predator/prey, blood kink, smoking, unprotected sex/implied risk of pregnancy, darren is kind of an incel lmao
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It was a pretty traditional high school party— overcrowded, loud and sweaty, bad music and worse liquor— but at least the sea of costumes, ranging from scary to silly to sexy, added at least some new layer of interest to the whole thing.
You hadn’t tried very hard with your devil costume— more accurately an attempt at a ‘sexy devil’ costume— but you put on horns and heels with a tight red dress and nobody can really complain.  You weren’t really here to get into the ‘spooky spirit’ or whatever anyways, just an excuse to drink and maybe chat with some people you’d been missing.
The person you ended up chatting to right in that moment, though, was exactly the last person you wanted to talk to.
You didn’t even know there was someone behind you until you felt him press up to your back, suddenly hovering right by you.  “Want a drink?” he asked, shoving a cup towards you, but you were too busy nearly jumping out of your skin to care— you almost knocked the drink over, actually some of it did splash onto another partygoer, but she was too drunk to notice.
“Fuck!” you yelped, turning to see the gangly boy behind you.  “Christ, Darren, do you have to always sneak up on a girl like that?”
He just smiled and tried to offer the drink to you again.
“M’already holding one,” you pointed out with a frown, “didn’t ya notice?”
“O-oh yeah,” he mumbled, lowering the cup finally.  “Costume looks good.”
“Thanks,” you shrugged, though you suddenly felt the urge to tug down the bottom of your dress.
“You’re not worried what the boys are gonna think with you dressed like that?” he asked, and you glared at him as you shoved his shoulder.  
“Don’t you think before you open your fuckin’ mouth?” you spat.  “What are you, anyway?”
The black robes didn’t really tell you anything— not until he reached behind his head and pulled a Ghostface mask over his face.
“Oh,” you snorted, “not the most original, is it?”
“Don’t like t’movie?” he wondered as he pulled the mask back again.
“I mean, it’s pretty good,” you relented, “but—”
“You wanna fuck ‘im, don’t you?” he insisted suddenly with a lascivious grin. 
“What?” you squinted.
“Ghostface,” he clarified, “you’re one of the girls who thinks he’s fit, yeah?”
“Why are you always such a creep?” you asked him with a grimace, but then you decided to change the topic quickly.  “Kinda thought you’d be a pig or something,” you admitted, “with the nickname and all.”
“Nah, that’s stupid,” he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms— which made you notice the prop knife in his hand.  It actually looked pretty good, shinier than most plastic costume knives.
Just then, Jimmy O’Doyle sauntered up beside you, slipping his arm around your shoulders.  “Ay, little devil,” he greeted, flicking the red horns on your head as you smiled sheepishly.
He hardly acknowledged Darren, spare for a quick nod, but Darren was staring at Jimmy for a little too long before he looked at you again.
“Thought you said you didn’t want a boyfriend,” Darren said sharply, glowering a bit.
Jimmy scoffed and you shifted uncomfortably; Darren tended to be… what’s the word… desperate?  Clingy?  Overall bizarre?  He certainly couldn’t take much of a hint.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you said first, though that didn’t really matter— you didn’t need any reason to reject Darren, outside of your natural self-preservation instinct.  He actually wasn’t bad-looking, but it was hard to tell past those leering eyes and the uncomfortable smile.  He wasn’t smiling now though… he looked quietly enraged, sipping pointedly on his drink as he glanced away for a moment.  
“I’ll see you later, yeah?” Jimmy smirked at you, hardly waiting for your nod before disappearing back into the crowd.
Suddenly, as you felt Darren’s livid gaze from awkwardly close, you decided that you needed a little fresh air.  And by that, you really meant a cigarette.
Not wanting to tell Darren that you were going outside for a smoke, you instead mumbled some excuse about going to the loo— somewhere he was just sane enough not to follow you to— and bumped through the crowd until you found a door out into the neighbourhood.
There was a slight drizzle still going outside— more of a misting, really— that made everything all foggy and grey, spare for the yellow-y glow of the streetlamps dotting the way.  It wasn’t a full moon, as cool as that would be, but near to one… regardless, it wasn’t visible behind low, dark clouds, leaving the night starless and dreary.  There wasn’t much to look at in the alley as you lit your cigarette and took slow drags from it, so as you stared blankly forward at brick walls with chipping whitewash, your mind wandered a bit.  Nothing of great merit: upcoming assignments, the possibility of an afterparty, the lingering hope you could find a steamy hook-up for the night… you didn’t just put this outfit on for the pictures.
Before you could get too far into your imagination, you were startled by a distant sound, jumping slight as your head turned towards it— but it was just the dark alley, not much to see.  You squinted, trying to make out movement in the shadows, but for quite a while you couldn’t see anything.
Only when you turned your head back forward with a shrug was there any sign of what you’d heard, just a shift in the corner of your eye.  You looked at it again, and you hated to admit it, but your heart froze up for a second when that white face emerged from the darkness.
Of course, you gave your best unaffected scoff when you actually processed what you were looking at.
“Quit it, Darren,” you warned, willing your voice to sound stable as you shouted down the road towards him, “you’re not gonna scare me.”
You watched him move closer, stepping into the light so you could see him better, and tried to ignore the way the hairs on your neck stood up.  If he knew he was getting to you, he’d just keep doing it; you rolled your eyes and took a drag through your cigarette to try to seem nonchalant… but you had to stop your hand from shaking just a bit.  Only because it was chilly out, surely…
You thought it was a joke— a stupid joke, but still just a joke— until he dragged his knife along the brick wall as he stalked toward you.  The sharp, high-pitched screech of metal against stone was unmistakable… and that was how you realised it was a real knife.  A very sharp, very real knife; he’s going to actually kill me, you thought, just before you let out a primal and instinctive scream.
Turning on your heel, you ran as fast as you could.  Each rapid pulse of your heart pumped adrenaline through your veins, and you felt so shaky that you worried the light night breeze would knock you over.  
These were far from running shoes, though— they were pretty excruciating to just stand in, actually— and it was only a few blocks of a chase before you tripped.  Yelping in pain, you tried to scramble up or even crawl forward… but just as you rolled over and winced from landing on your hip, you saw him stalking forward into the flickering light of a streetlamp.
He was probably just going to take the mask off and laugh at you, right?  Reveal the whole thing was a silly prank and the knife was fake and that he just wanted to prove you were scared of him.  Yes, that would be the most sane thing for him to do at that moment, even after being so not-sane by chasing you with a knife.  Instead, as you tried to crawl back, he just tilted his masked head curiously at you, and with his free hand reached down and palmed at his groin.  He was hard— you could see the outline of it through his costume, his hips rocking forward slightly into his palm as you heard a muffled hiss from his mouth.
He knelt down and grabbed your kicking legs, roughly yanking you closer and hovering above you menacingly.  “C’mon and scream for me,” he ordered with a delighted purr, pulling his mask back, laughing when what came out of you was more of a wail or sob instead.  “Louder, y’little whore—”
“Get off me!” you shrieked, trying to fight him away, whining as he laid down over you instead and licked your neck.  You turned your head with a grimace, shuddering as his weight pinned you against the slightly-damp pavement.
“G’na show Pig how tight the little hole gets when you’re scared— aren’t ya, fuckin’ slut?”
“Be serious, Darren— s’not funny, get away from me!”
You struggled less when he flashed the knife; as little as you could, in fact you actually nearly froze as he teased you with it, running the tip down the front of your dress with just enough pressure to pop a few sequins off, making you whimper in terror.  He laughed, though— a small, dark, chuckle.  “Quiet now,” he noticed.  “Don’t make a fuss, sweetheart.”
You had to bite your lip to hide a shout, though, when a gloved hand up slipped under your short dress, grabbing greedily at your lacy panties.  He licked his teeth, bared by his grin, as he stared at you with those haunting eyes of his.  “Wet, aren’tcha, girl?” he taunted— not that he’d be able to feel it through his black gloves, but past your own groaning you could almost hear it (though you tried not to).
“You’re such a creep!” you spat, though you tried to regulate your tone as you glanced at his knife again, held against you by one of his hands on your arm; maybe part of you still thought he would stop and admit it was a joke, but the darkness in his stare made you doubt that more and more.  The gravity of the situation still hadn’t really set in yet— sure, you were coursing with fear and had goosebumps all over, but it didn’t totally feel real.
“Won’t take too long,” he promised with a sigh as he hastily tugged his costume out of the way, still pinning you down with one hand (if not as effectively).  When he roughly yanked his cock out, proudly brandishing it between your legs as your eyes went wide… that’s when it felt real.
“Don’t,” you gasped instantly, looking up at him with pleading eyes.  “Don’t, Darren, please— you can’t—”
“Shh,” he hissed quickly, “s’good— gonna feel good, alright?”
He gasped loudly as he pushed inside you, eyes shutting tight before he dropped his head down onto your chest.  “Fuck, girl— what’s a whore cunt so tight for?”
Not wasting any time, he pulled his hips back and roughly thrusted forward into you again, making you choke on your cry.
“S’for me, isn’t it?” he decided with a sick sort of grin.  “Want Pig to feel good?  Like t’squeeze the thick cock, don’t ya?”
“I— I fuckin’ hate you,” you whimpered, shutting your eyes tight, in disgusted disbelief that this was happening— that it was him inside you, holding you down.  But you couldn’t forget it, not with him moaning and purring above you, mumbling stuttered praises… and the feeling of it, it was impossible to ignore, as much as you hoped to somehow.  It was a deep stretch, each thrust making your chest tighten out of more than just fear.
“Mmf, fuck,” he grunted, holding onto you tighter— another reminder he still had that fucking knife.  “Pretty— it’s a pretty thing… it’s warm inside…”
Grimacing, you hated the way your body responded to his lewd comments about it; your walls clenched on him slightly, you could tell by the way you felt even more sore inside than before.
He pressed the knife up against your neck, growling in amusement at your wince of fear.  “Think Pig’s gonna slice you?”
“I… I don’t know,” you stammered out your answer, eventually.
“Waste of a pretty face, no?” he smirked, moving the knife up and caressing the side of your face with it— not that it could really be called a caress, all rigid and cold like that… “Say please.”
“Say please,” he repeated, “beg me not to hurt you.”
“Already are,” you sneered at him, but he pressed the knife to your neck with a little more intention— a little more pressure, a wild look in his eyes suddenly— as he insisted again.
“Wanna hear you beg,” he spat.  “Do it or Piggy might hurt you worse.”
“Please, please,” you whispered shakily, shutting your eyes.  “Please don’t, Darren…”
You gasped sharply as he pressed the knife down just enough to draw a thin line of blood, only to pull the blade away and lick hungrily at the wound.  Feeling dizzy and sick, you winced at the sting of his tongue lapping at your pierced skin, lips wrapping around and suckling as teeth dug painfully into your pulse.
He thrusted faster, recklessly so, and bit down on his lip as he breathed heavier.  You were too focused on how painfully deep he was going to really process anything when he started to slow down— that is, you felt that he was slowing down, and didn’t think for a minute about why he was slowing down.  
His loud, low groan gave it away; you snapped back to reality and looked up at him in a new kind of fear.  “Fuck, Darren, did you just—?!” you whimpered, squirming harder as you realised what he’d done.
“Shh, shh,” he soothed you sharply, hissing as he grabbed a tight hold of your hip.  “Stay fuckin’ still, girl— fuck, I’m still coming—”
You yelped and tried harder to fight him off, but he kept you pinned down easily, even forcing you into a rough and sloppy kiss.
He sighed into it after a second, relaxing on top of you until it was a little hard to breathe under his weight.  You whined and tried to break away, but the hand with the knife still in it held your jaw, the cold metal pressing threateningly against your face.
Whimpering and blinking up at him, you met his icy gaze and he smiled proudly down at you.  “Little devil, eh?” he smirked as he toyed with your horned headband, which had become quite dishevelled from all the running and struggling.  “Your blood matches the outfit— poor whore, red all over…”
“Darren,” you choked, fighting a sob of disbelief as you felt him pull out of you with a hiss— a steady, sticky leak giving away how much he’d come.  “What the fuck did you do?”
“Don’t be fussin’, girl, like I said,” he rolled his eyes, though he was still grinning wide.  “Ready to go back to the party now?  Or do you just want Pig to take y’home, sweetheart?” 
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
Even more thoughts, for you to post if you so choose!
I do love the idea of Shen Yuan having a fancy hair piece with a pin that doubles as a weapon! Just because demon crows don’t have access to spiritual swords doesn’t mean he can’t stab the hell out of you.
For his main weapon, I’m thinking crow demons that can take human form tend to use bows, with the feathers shed by their clan as fletching. (Perhaps demon feathers also grant abilities of some sort to the arrows?)
Looking at the iridescence of crow feathers reminds me of the Chinese tradition of making jewelry with kingfisher feathers. Now I think it would be lovely if the crow demons also had a tradition of fashioning similar jewelry with their own feathers, perhaps treated with solutions and lacquered in a way that brings out even more of their color.
Speaking of colors, while crows aren’t among those birds able to see significant ultraviolet, they are tetrachromats, and thus are able to distinguish colors to a far greater extent than humans. I’m sure his sudden ability to see way more colors than he could in his last life is very perplexing to poor Shen Yuan!
The regular crows acting as an alarm system by cursing and saying spooky nonsense at all unknown visitors is an absolute delight!
I vote that Shen Yuan intentionally never gives them whatever signal that would mark Airplane as a friend, just so they continue to harass the guy every time he comes to visit. 😂
(I’m thinking poor Airplane is trying to set up trade routes for demons, and struggling with the general hostility different types of demons have for one another. Killing interlopers and/or raiding other demons for their stuff is not conductive to trade! It’s no wonder demons lack the arts. Nobody shares anything with anyone, except when giving demon nobles tribute. 😭)
You know, with all the feathers and bird-folks about, the transmigrators probably figure out quill pens. Not sure how big of an improvement they’d be compared to brushes, but they’re at least more like what the transmigrators are used to.
It’d also be funny if all the demon crows and villagers were learning to write simplified Chinese from Shen Yuan, instead of traditional, leading visitors to wonder what the hell is up with this one location’s weird writing system, where half the characters are inexplicably different.
(He probably teaches them traditional too, if only for the sake of reading imported books and things, but simplified is probably faster for personal notes and bookkeeping or the like).
I've always loved when people have weapons in discreet places, so it seemed necessary to dump that onto Shen Yuan because he's the most iconic character ever. Especially CrowYuan as well, it seems like something he'd do just to be safe when it comes to these things - after everything he's read, it's hard not to always be prepared. (Also, a more cheeky reason if I may, imagine Shen Yuan in a sticky situation and he pulls the hair pin out of his hair, now holding a weapon and looking AWESOME as he does it) Also, main weapon as a bow IS MAKING ME LOOOSE MY MIND. Ever since I was little, I've been obsessed with people who use bows (Legolas, Robin Hood, Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, various book characters) and the idea of giving Shen Yuan a bow?? I am dropping to my knees and shaking my fists at the sky. HUZZAAAHH!!! Feathers as fletching is a great idea, almost like a calling card of sorts, as well as a warning. Demon feathers giving certain abilities to arrows is a brilliant idea, such as resilience, poison, increased speeds (useful for high pressure situations where someone has to die before they can be alerted). I'd find it interesting if different demon feathers grant different abilities, and it's almost a norm for these demons to trade feathers! The jewellery idea is absolutely gorgeous and adorable! I was thinking that it could mainly be a crow demon thing, and to have one made for you if you aren't a crow demon is a sign of great trust within the community, a decision that has to be agreed to by at least half of the community! Also, itty bitty angst idea, this jewellery could also be highly sought out because it's gorgeous and its making is entirely a clan secret that is only taught to those within it - so, it's often seen as a spoil of war, a way to brag about a crow demon's death is to wear the jewellery "won" from "battle". Shen Yuan would most definitely be thrown off guard by this wider arrange of colours, often found in the wildest areas of the forest and just staring at everything. At first, he wonders if it's because he's a demon now, but more research (aka, bullying a demon chicken Airplane for answers) shows that it is fact not because he's a demon, but instead because he's a crow. He is both excited that he can see all these colours and fiercely delighted that Airplane can't, because he's a spiteful little shit and I love him. If Airplane comes to visit, he's grown adept to immediately submitting to the harassment of the crows because they soon grow bored of him if they don't get any reaction other than pitiful screaming. (He would highly suffer from trying to set up trade routes as well, lmaooo) OH MY GOD, if Mobei Jun ever comes to visit Bing-ge, he would also be immediately attacked by crows and that is funnier than anything else right now in my mind. His stern face immediately becomes one of absolute outrage, but it quickly becomes confusion when Bing-ge says he can't attack them back because "Shen Yuan would never forgive me" On the idea of feathers as quill pens, that would end up being incredibly useful for them! Perhaps the use of certain demon feathers would be better than others if we go by different demon feathers holding different abilities - for instance, let's say crow feathers hold increased speed, that would be helpful for writing because one would merely need to guide the quill and let it do the rest. However, a demon feather that created a poison effect, let's say chicken feathers, would not be the best for writing, which makes certain feathers more valuable than others for different things! Shen Yuan would be a great teacher, because he knows the traditional Chinese - which is useful for things you previously mentioned - but then he would be able to introduce a whole new writing system that makes it easier to write. This would be especially useful for those who may struggle with the traditional Chinese, because then they would still be able to access writing!! {part seven! part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, and part six!}
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skyahri · 8 days
Haunted |Satoru Gojo X Reader (?)| HC
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Summary: Yuuji swears he's being haunted by the ghost of a little girl.
Warnings: Eh, it's mostly Yuuji content. Found family comfort dort of thing. All fluff, all Itadori being stupid.
Masterlist Ko-fi
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Yuuji harshly rubbed his eyes, trying to get the blur to recede as quickly as possible. His other hand reached across his nightstand, knocking over a few figures as he tries to switch on his lamp. When his vision clears and his room is well lit, he's finally able to focus his sight on the doorway.
He swears he could feel someone staring at him. While the room and corridor were pitch black and he couldn't make out any details, the small silhouette made it clear that it was a child. Unfortunately, by the time he had caught his bearings, the figure was gone and there was nothing left in the dark hallway.
He got up peaked out into the hall. When nothing caught his eye, he pulled his door shut, clicking the lock into place and giving it a tug just to ease his nerves. It's probably best that he start making sure to do that every night.
The scare had left him on edge and he found himself tossing and turning the rest of the night. Maybe Megumi was right about watching scary movies before bed... not that he'd admit that to him.
He decided to keep the odd encounter (if it could even be called that) to himself out of fear of being ridiculed by his friends. They already gave him a lot of shit as is. Telling them about the ghost child who visited him last night was sure to end poorly for him, especially since he had no proof.
While the daylight had mostly kept the anxiety at bay, the dread of night brought it all back full force. That night, in a desperate attempt to lessen his paranoia, Yuuji made his way to the kitchen for some tea. The kettle was set, chamomile ready to be steeped, and now all that was left to do was lose himself in his thoughts while he waited.
The rational part of his brain was trying to convince him that he was being stupid- that there were no spooky ghost kids running around Jujutsu High, but he couldn't shake it off that easily. He'd had his fair share of nightmares, and this felt starkly different than any of those. It was far more real than anything he'd experienced before.
Just as the water began to steam, he felt that same eerie change in the air.
He peered around the open entryway, raking his eyes over everything he could make out in the darkness. Just as he was about to chalk the whole thing up to his shot nerves, he saw it- a flash of white moving towards the first year's dorms.
With no plan in mind or any regard for his own safety, he bolted after the cause of his anxiety, chasing it down a maze of hallways before the lead eventually ran cold. It's like the entity had vanished into thin air, not a single sound or residual left behind.
Though he was spooked to his core, he at least knew that he had, in fact, seen something last night.
As he made his way back towards the kitchen, he debated what to do with this newfound information. While he was entirely sure that he was being haunted, he still couldn't take this issue to Megumi or Nobara. They were nonbelievers and would use the opportunity to pick on him even more than they already did.
He had no choice but to deal with the situation himself.
That's how he found himself crouched next to his open bedroom door at two am the next day. He'd stayed up all night in preparation for what he dubbed as 'The Hunt' and he was now in the height of it all.
It wasn't long before he heard the pitter-patter of small feet, further confirming that this ghost must be a child. He fixed his posture and moved to a more suitable angle as the steps grew closer. When he saw the faintest bit of white hair illuminated by moonlight, he darted out, grabbing the creature by its calf and hoisting it into the air.
Before he could reach the light switch in his room, it let out a loud, ear piercing scream. He had half a mind not to immediately drop it in an attempt to protect his hearing.
Alerted by the commotion, Megumi's door slid open and two Hell Hounds tumbled out. They raced towards him, only stopping just short of the pair. The brunette wasn't too far behind, his hands fixed in a bird-like position in preparation for whatever could be going on.
In the newfound light from his room, Yuuji finally got a good look at what had been following him all this time. Long white hair, fair skin, and pale blue eyes. The little girl was ghostly for sure.
"Itadori? What the Hell are you doing?"
"I caught the ghost that's been haunting me!"
"... what?"
Megumi, realizing that there was no actual threat, lowered his hands and released his dogs. While his posture became less rigid as the adrenaline slowly left his body, Yuuji's only seemed to increase, the stupid look on his becoming more dramatic.
He shook her back and forth like a freshly caught fish, completely oblivious to the panicked tears gathering in her eyes.
"A ghost, Fushiguro! I caught it!"
"That's my sister, idiot."
"Your sister is a ghost?!"
Megumi resisted the urge to punch him, opting to free the poor kid from his monstrous grip instead. He took a firm hold of her and gently flipped her into a more comfortable position. She didn't hesitate to cling to him, hugging him tight and burying her face into his neck.
"No, she isn't a ghost."
"But, she was staring into my room the other night!"
"It's a big school. She probably got confused on the way to my room and couldn't see."
"She was running through the halls in the middle of the night! She totally disappeared when I chased her!"
"She's scared of the dark, probably wanted to get out of it as fast as possible. And she didn't disappear, she just came into my room."
"She's so, so... pale!"
"Yeah, it's a clan thing."
Yuuji stared between the visible portion of the girl's face and Megumi's. He brought his thumb and forefinger to his chin and narrowed his eyes.
"I thought the Zen'in were all dark hair and brooding? And you said Tsumiki was older than you!"
"Are you being serious right now?"
Yuuji had the gall to look offended. Megumi, while typically mild-mannered, is actually close to snapping. It's the middle of the night, his sister is upset, and Itadori's brain is running even slower than usual.
He sighs and grips the little girl tighter. His face must portray how irritated he is, because Yuuji starting to visibly sweat. He looks nervous, if not a little ashamed. It must be dawning on him how absolutely ridiculous this whole ordeal is.
"First of all, you've only met me and Maki. Zen'in don't have a standard look. Second, Tsumiki is older. This is Saori. I have two sisters. Third, she's very obviously Gojo's kid."
"Gojo has a kid?"
If looks could kill, Itadori Yuuji would be a dead man right now.
"Yes. She's staying on the grounds while Gojo and Y/N are away on business. Were you not paying attention when Yaga was explaining this last week?"
Heat flooded Yuuji's face. No, he hadn't been listening. Megan Thee Stallion's new album had just dropped and he had his headphones in throughout the entire meeting. He shifted on his feet, not knowing how to answer without further infuriating his friend.
Megumi let out the most exhausted sigh he could manage and glared at the pink haired boy.
"Go to bed, Itadori."
He turned around a took a single step forward before pausing. He swiveled his body just enough to side-eye Yuuji. The look was different than the one from a moment ago. It was more pointed, damn near threatening.
"And Itadori?"
"If you ever scare my sister like this again, I'll be sitting front row of your execution with popcorn."
And with that, he went straight into his dorm, gently sliding the door shut behind him and leaving Yuuji in the dark.
He couldn't help but think that, while Fushiguro's threat was still heavy in the air, at least he didn't have to worry about the ghost anymore.
- - - - -
Said teenager whipped around, his smile growing even bigger at the sight of his favorite teacher. For just a moment, the recent slipped his mind. He was too caught up in the crushing hug Gojo had caught him in.
"I heard Saori gave you quite the scare, kid."
As predicted, he'd been teased relentlessly over the past few days. Word about the supposed ghost and its not-so-heroic capture spread pretty quickly (small school and all). By lunch, everyone had made more than their fair share of jokes at his expense.
"Please don't tell me you're going to make fun of me too, Gojo-sensei,"
The older man laughed at the pouty face Yuuji sported. He set the boy on the ground and let one his big hands come down on top of his head to ruffle the pink locks.
"Wouldn't dream of it!"
Relief drowned out any lingering worry, but it was quickly washed away when Gojo leaned in a little too close to his face, a sinister smile stretching across his face. He used his index finger to pull his blindfold up just enough to make eye contact.
"No, see, I came here to tell you that Saori is my baby girl, and if you ever manhandle her like that again,"
He paused, a bone-chilling chuckle falling from his lips.
"Let's just say I'll make sure you have a closed casket at your funeral."
Before the words could even process in his mind, Gojo was already securing the cloth back into place. His typical grin had returned and stepped back to greet the incoming second years.
Yuuji visibly gulped. What was it with people threatening him? It was an honest mistake!
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yanderelionwrites · 1 year
Trick or Treat (Male!Yandere x Reader)
A Halloween one-shot for spooky season 🎃 I didn't want it to be too long so it's a little rushed, but here it is. Enjoy!
Content Warning: yandere, breaking and entering, assault/grabbing, manipulation
Word Count: 1.9k
“Are you sure you don’t wanna come to the party with us? I have a spare costume you could borrow that I know you would look great in!” Your roommate asked, adjusting the faux dog ears that were sitting atop her head as she walked into the kitchen.
You pulled a candy bowl out of the cupboard, dumping the sweet treats you had bought earlier today and filling it up to the brim. You smiled politely at her, but shook your head.
“Nah, I’m good. You know parties aren’t really my thing. Besides, somebody’s gotta watch over the house to make sure it doesn’t get TP’d or egged or whatever.”
“Still, though, I feel bad leaving you here by yourself. Are you sure you’ll be okay?”
“You sound like such a mom, Mallory,” Your other roommate, Tristan, snarked, coming down the stairs clad in a black cat costume. “(Name)’s been home alone plenty of times before. They’re not a kid.”
“I know, but it’s Halloween! The holiday just makes being alone feel more scary…”
“I’ll be fine, Mal,” You sighed, though you were still grateful for her concern. 
“We should probably get going now,” Tristan said, checking his phone. “Come on, Mal, let’s go,” Tristan grabbed ahold of her wrist, dragging her out the front door. “Don’t have too much fun without us, alright?” He winked at you.
“Bye, (Name)! We’ll probably be back around midnight! Call us if you need anything!”
After waving them goodbye, you took a small table and placed the candy bowl on top, leaving it out front with a “take two” sign. You had only bought one bag so if it ran out, it ran out. Locking the door behind you, you made your way upstairs to your bedroom, excitement coursing through your body. You loved your roommates, but there was just something about having the whole house to yourself that made you giddy. A true introvert at heart.
Plopping down on your bed, you turned on your TV, scrolling through streaming sites to decide what to watch. In honor of the holiday, you naturally chose a horror movie, something you’ve never seen before but heard good things about. Cuddling up with your favorite plush, you get comfortable as the film starts, ready to experience the same dread and terror alongside the main characters.
That feeling never came however, because you quickly fell asleep not even 30 minutes into the movie. An hour had gone by by the time you woke up, with the credits rolling and the obnoxious sound of the doorbell going off. You stuffed your face into the blanket you were wrapped up in, hoping and waiting for the visitor to go away. The candy bowl was probably empty and some greedy brat was outside demanding for more.
You were forced to jump out of bed and stomp down the stairs when the ringing only continued, followed by loud knocking. Damn entitled kids. You thought bitterly, undoing the locks and yanking the front door back without even checking who was outside first.
“Look, I don’t got any more candy, so just-” You barked, but stopped mid-sentence when you were met with a tall figure dressed head to toe in black clothes. He had a hood covering his eyes, with a mask obscuring his nose and mouth. He stood eerily still, staying completely silent, only the sound of his heavy breathing being heard. It felt like an eternity before he said, “...Trick or Treat.”
Your eyes widen, backing up a bit and closing the door enough to shield yourself from him. You definitely were not expecting a grown-ass man to be outside your door asking for treats. Chuckling awkwardly, you stutter, “U-Uhm, sorry…we unfortunately ran out of candy…”
“Darn…that’s too bad,” The man’s voice was husky, but muffled by his mask. “I was really looking forward to having something sweet tonight,” He flipped his hood off before pulling his mask down, giving you a hungry look. “You’re wrong, though. The sweetest piece of candy is standing right in front of me. I could just devour you in one bite.“
Slamming the door shut, you quickly locked it again, disgust and slight fear taking over you. The audacity he had to just start flirting with you was downright deplorable, the creepiness of it all causing your hair to stand on end. Maybe this could be a prank? A stupid Halloween scare that would rack up millions of views online, with poor you being one of the unfortunate victims. 
Yeah, that’s probably what it was. You wouldn’t expect any less from this neighborhood, after all. Your heart was still pounding as you tried to convince yourself that it was just a joke, however, and you headed into the kitchen to grab something to drink. A glass of water was needed to calm your nerves.
After gulping down the cool liquid, you searched for a snack to chow down on. Hopefully if you eat something while watching your movie, you won’t fall asleep this time. Deciding on microwave popcorn, you popped a bag in and waited for it to be ready. 
Only a few seconds went by when you heard tapping on a window. It was coming from the sliding glass door that led out into the backyard. At first, you wanted to believe you were just hearing things, but the next taps were louder and incessant. The last thing you wanted to do was investigate, having had enough fright for one night, so you stayed where you were.
Good thing you did, because immediately after the tapping stopped, came a loud crash. You screamed, watching in horror as you witnessed a brick fly through the glass door, shattering it to pieces. Reflexively, you quickly grabbed a knife from the knife block, just in time to see the man from before casually stalking into your home. He turned to you, an eerie grin on his face as he approached. You pointed your weapon towards him, making sure he kept his distance.
“Stay the hell away! The fuck’s your problem, why are you breaking into my house?!” You shouted, putting on your nastiest glare.
He cocked his head to the side, as if he couldn’t understand why you were angry. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m here for my candy,” He said matter-of-factly. Smirking, he curled his pointer finger at you. “So put that silly thing down and c’mere.”
“You’re insane! Get the fuck out of my house!”
“So rude,” The man huffed, pouting like a child as if this was all a game to him. “Well, if you’re not going to give me my treat, I’ll just have to give you a trick. That’s how this works, hm?”
Before you could even process his words, he lunged forward, twisting the knife out of your hands with ease. He was stronger than he looked, and within a matter of seconds, he had you pinned against the counter. You winced as your stomach dug into the marble surface, and you desperately tried to move your hands from out underneath his iron grip. They wouldn’t budge.
“Don’t struggle too hard, darling. It’ll make this easier for the both of us,” The man breathed into your ear. Chuckling, he added, “You’re cute when you’re scared, you know. God, I can’t wait to taste you.”
Your fear only worsened at that, struggling even harder even though it was useless. “W-Why are you doing this? Who even are you?” Your voice wobbled as tears pricked the corners of your eyes.
“Who I am doesn’t matter right now. And maybe you’ll find out why this is happening to you if you do some digging later. A little detective work, if you will.”
What the hell does that mean? You couldn’t dwell on it for very long, though, because the man was pressing into you even closer now. You squealed when he dragged his tongue along the shell of your ear, anger getting ready to burst when he only laughed at your reaction.
“Get off me, creep!” You snarled, and you actually managed to jerk your arm back and elbow him in the stomach. Hissing, his grip loosened, allowing you to push him off. He stumbled back, and while he was vulnerable, you promptly kicked him in the groin. The intruder yelped in pain as he fell to the floor. You took this chance to run, practically throwing yourself at the front door and fumbling with the locks so you could get the hell out of there.
“Yeah, you better run…while you still can…” The man groaned, but his threats hardly fazed you considering he was just a pathetic heap on the ground now.
Flinging open the door, you sprinted out of the house, planning to find safety with one of your neighbors. You couldn’t get far, however, as you ran into someone quite familiar.
“Tristan?” You panted, hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath while looking up at your worried roommate.
“(Name)? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Tristan asked, putting a hand on your shoulder to try and comfort you. “What are you doing out here?”
You sucked in a few more breaths before explaining the situation to him. “There…someone….some guy broke into the house… He was after me…he tried…tried…” You couldn’t even finish your sentence, it was too terrifying to relive. 
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now,” Tristan hushed you, pulling you into a surprising embrace. It was something you never expected from him, but you returned the gesture anyway.
“He’s still in the house, Tristan… We need to call the cops and get away from here,” You pulled away from the hug, eyes now focused back on the house. “I left my phone in my room, so can you call them?”
“Yeah, I will,” He nodded, whipping out his phone to start dialing. “Let’s go back to my car and stay there until they arrive, okay?”
The two of you made yourselves comfortable in the warm car, and you listened intently as Tristan called 911. After he hung up, he told you that they were on their way and would be there as soon as possible. It was able to calm your beating heart only a little bit. There was a beat of silence between you two before you decided to speak up.
“So where’s Mallory? Is she still at the party?”
Without missing a beat, Tristan said, “Yeah, she is. I just had to come back cuz I forgot something. The last thing I expected was to see you in such a panic, though. Good thing I got here when I did.”
“Yeah… I wasn’t sure what neighbor would answer the door to help me, so I’m glad I ran into you,” You confessed.
Tristan laid a comforting hand over yours and smiled. “I’m just happy you’re not hurt. That guy’s gonna pay for what he did.”
You gave him a weak smile in return, before leaning into his touch. Seeing Tristan being so soft was new, but you found it sweet and appreciated how hard he was trying to soothe you. You closed your eyes as he wrapped an arm around you, glad that you were finally away from that creepy intruder.
Tristan let you rest, pulling out his phone when it buzzed with a text alert. Opening the message, it read:
I’m out of the house now. Sorry I couldn’t keep em pinned for longer, I know u wanted to look like the hero or some shit. Though it looks like it still worked out in the end
Trying to hide his smile, Tristan replied:
Thanks man. I’ll send the rest of your payment over in a bit, after the cops leave and things settle down.
Stuffing his phone away, he squeezed your arm gently, smirking at the way you moved in closer. You were so easy to scare.
Right into his arms.
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gemini-sensei · 5 months
Nightly Smokes | Shy!Eli Moskowitz x Goth!ChubbyReader 🖤
● Based off of these headcanons ●
CW: smoking 🍃, high sex, semi-public car sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, marking, biting, tit play. (unedtied)
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The stars were so pretty. That was all Eli could think about as he laid on the open field and stared up at the sky, the air lingering with the smell of marijuana. He licked his lips and turned hisnhead to look at Reader, who looked stunning. She was even prettier than the stars.
She had the roach between her finger, nothing left to smoke. She snubbed it in the dirt and sat up, smiling to herself. But she felt her eyes on him and looked over her shoulder at him, and asked, "what are you looking st me like that for?"
He stared at her for a moment before he even processed what she said. " 'Cause you're so pretty."
She laughed and he grinned because her laughter is contagious and beautiful. He stared at her with nothing but admiration and love. Despite the fog of his mind, his thoughts about her were clear as day. It was funny in a way but also a total dream, because most days all he wanted to do was think about her and not have to worry about anything else, but when he was sober he didn't have that luxury. So, by all accounts, this was nice.
"Do you have another?" he asked. He still wasn't all that educated on the terminology of smoking weed, so he tried to avoid using certain words so he didn't sound dumb. He didn't want to sound stupid in front of Reader. "Like, more to smoke?"
She smiled at him and nodded. "Of course I do."
She reached into her jacket and pulled out a mint tin that never had mints in it. She opened it, pulled out a joint and put it between her lips. While she lit it, Eli sat up and watched her with admiring eyes. Then she passed him the joint and he took a big drag off of it, feeling his lungs fill with the happy smoke. He held it for a moment before letting it go. He didn't cough anymore, not like the first few times he'd smoked with her, and he was glad he didn't because it made him feel amateurish in front of her - even though he'd been a total novice.
She took it back from him and they laughed when she blew smoke rings into the night air. They were the only ones there to enjoy it, which was how they liked it; empty park, open field, quiet night. It was all either of them needed. No one was around to be obnoxious and bother them. Sometimes, Eli found himself wishing it could be like that all the time.
When the second joint was nothing but a nub, Reader stamped it out and stood up. They'd been there long enough and she probably had to go home. Eli selfishly didn't want the night to end. Nevertheless, he stood up and followed her to her car. Except when they got there, she opened the back door and crawled inside. He didn't exactly have the wherewithal to question her about it and just followed her inside, closing the door behind him. The lights went out and when he turned to face her, he barely saw her figure leaning into him. He liked having her close, though, and didn't stop her.
She kissed him lazily, almost breaking the kiss with a smile. Her arms wrapped around him and pulled him close and his arms wound around her automatically, his hands on her back. Their lazy kiss soon turned into a heavy, sloppy make out session. Before he knew what was happening, they were laid out in the backseat of her car and he was on top of her, and her hands were on his ass. He moaned and she laughed, finally breaking the kiss.
In the haze of their minds, the couple laughed and tried to move about the car, but there was little to no room inside. Eli smiled down at Reader, who was partially lit up by the moonlight shining in through the window over her. She looked spooky and beautiful, her black lipstick a little smudged and he just knew it was on his face but he didn't care. She didn't either. She just pulled him down for another heavy kiss.
They moaned as things got hotter between them. Eli was slotted between her legs and she was laid out so pretty. His hands were on her waist, squeezing her sides and pulling moans from her pretty lips. She held his ass and pulled him close, pressing his pelvis into hers and he groaned as he realized he was hard.
She broke the kiss again and whined, "Eli... I need you."
He looked at her and she was the only thing he could see clearly. "I need you too."
They had no room to move and as they realized this again, Eli just shoved his sweats down his thighs with his boxers. His cock sprang out and he hissed as the air hit it, making his throb with need. Reader was still in her day clothes, so her skirt was easy to flip up and pull her panties to the side. She was soaked and Eli couldn't help but get a little distracted playing with her puffy wet pussy lips with his thumb, spreading her wetness all over.
She whined and wiggled under him, reaching down to feel for his cock. When she found it, she teased him with a few pumps that got him whimpering over her. He dropped his head to look down at her hand touching him. "Reader... please."
"Stop teasing me then," she said and smiled at him in the near darkness. He did as he was told and she removed her hand from him, making him whine. She then spread herself open with two fingers and said, "Fuck me, Eli."
He guided his cock to her entrance and shoved the tip into her. It wasn't their first time, they'd done it a few time before, but he was still a little choppy with his movements. He was still inexperienced but he wasn't totally clueless. He slowed down and eased himself into her a little smoother, listening to Reader moan as he filled her up.
"Fuck, oh fuck, I love your big fat cock," she moaned out, especially mouthy when she was high. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him down to her, his body pressed up against hers as he bottomed out. "You fill me up so well! Fuck me, babe. Fuck me."
He didn't waste any time getting to it, pulling his hips back before thrusting back into her. He honestly didn't pull back too much to fuck her, never wanting to be out of her once he was in her tight cunt. She never complained, moaning and calling out for him the whole time. So he thought he always did a pretty decent job only to finish and her tell him how amazing it was. However, high out of his mind, he wasn't really thinking about all that. His mind was on her fat cunt and how great it felt wrapped around him; how great he felt getting to fuck her.
His hands wandered her body as they rocked the car, not that they noticed. His hands found their way under her shirt only to discover she wasn't wearing a bra and her fat tits were just there for him to play with. His hands squeezed and fondled her breasts, pulling more moans and dirty words from her mouth.
"Fuck, Eli! Just like that! Fuck me just like that!" she moaned and his squeezed her tits a little harder. His thrusts never slowed though his rhythm still needed some work, not that Reader cared. His almost haphazard way of fucking her was almost too good to be true. "Harder! More, please! Fuck!"
So, he delivered. He thrust into her harder and faster, his fingers pinching her nipples. It sent volts of pleasure through her body and he loved feeling her cunt bear down on his cock. It made his head fuzzier and he only heard her. Her voice bounced off the walls of the car. His head fell on her shoulder and he kissed along her neck, mouthing at her choker and necklaces until he found her exposed skin and started sucking on it.
He was so quiet, mostly grunting and whining as he fucked her, but he never said much when he was high and they were doing it. It was as if his brain couldn't work both his cock and mouth at the same time, not that neither of them cared. But if they weren't high, he'd be whining louder and telling her how she felt wrapped around him. His mind just couldn't conjure up the words in its haze. So he marked her up where he could, pinched her nipples, and fucked her just like she wanted to say what he wanted to, I love you.
Reader felt like she was floating on a cloud while getting her cunt pounded. It was nice to not think about anything but Eli and the way he touched her. His hands on her were always so gentle and soft but when they got high and fuck - which was only about one or two other times, she couldn't remember - he threw all that delicacy out the window. If she asked to be fucked hard, he did it and he never disappointed. She liked it both ways and he was still figuring out what he liked, but pleasuring her and giving her whatever she wanted seemed to get him off. It was nice.
She threw her head back as his twisted her nipple at the same time he bit the space where her neck and shoulder met. Her cunt squeezed his cock, so close to coming. She just needed that extra push. So she wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed him deeper into her. His cock slammed into her g-spot and her eyes rolled up and the words fell from her mouth.
"I'm coming! I'm coming! Fuckfuckfuck! Eliiii!" she squealed. She came all over his cock, velvet walls milking him for everything his body was worth. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"
He kept going, fucking her constricting pussy as she praised his name like he were some sort of god. Because of all that wrapped together, he didn't last long. He whined as his balls drew up and he pushed as far into her as he could. His hips began grinding into hers as he came, whimpering into her neck. Time felt like it slowed down and he didn't know how long he sat inside her like that for, but it was nice no matter what.
Reader laid there, playing with his hair as he filled her cunt with his cum. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth that spread through her, biting her lip because she felt every throb and spurt from his cock. Her body went limp under him as her high came down, but she just focused on his cock for a while.
Then she pulled his head up and brought his lips to hers, kissing him like they hadn't just fucked like high little rabbits. She shoved her tongue into his mouth and took what was left of his breath away, but it couldn't last long because of that. He whined breathlessly when they had to part and they both panted hard. The windows were foggy but they didn't help the matter. It didn't matter anyway.
She smiled up at him nevertheless. He smiled back and let his head drop onto her shoulder again, too tired to do much at that moment. His hands were still cupping her tits and he didn't have the strength to pull out yet, not that Reader minded. She loved the feeling of being filled with her boyfriend. She'd cockwarm him for however long he needed to catch his breath and recoup from them little romp.
He finally got some of his bearings together, though, and mumbled, "I love you, Reader."
She kissed his forehead. "I love you too, Eli."
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screaminglygay · 1 year
pairing: siren! natasha x reader
summary: working on a boat sounds like a fun, but what if there is a cold weather?
word count: 3.6k
warnings: heavy manipulation!!!, mind control, toxic dynamic, humping a tail, dirty talk, just smut!, badly written description of what sailors do
an: so the time is here!!!! I’m exited and also anxious, aghh. I’d appreciate any of your feedback and don’t be scared to send me some thoughts! If there are any typos, i sincerely apologize, just let me know and I’ll fix it!
an2: there is a part that was inspired by hp and goblet of fire, i’ve changed most of it, but left some parts, since natasha is siren. felt like it was fitting. and it’s exactly how I imagine natasha’s style of singing.
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!
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Working on a coast was an incredible experience and for such a long time you were happy to have the oppurtunity to see new things, but most imporantily feel new things.
This spontanious work trip helped you with your mental health more than your therapist in years. You didn´t even mind working alone somedays, since your coworkers had some days shift off. You enjoyed those quiet days, where you didn´t even overthink, you just let your thoughts peacefully be and surprisingly they did the same thing to you.
Seeing things, the old things but with a different font was something you never get tired of. Everything was bigger and prettier. Colorfull sunrises and sunsets, bigger and shiny stars. But when the warm and fuzzy wind was changed by heavy rains and scary thunderstorms, you were really changing your opinion and wishing you were back in your comfy king sized bed, watching another stupid show on Netflix. Not everything was so colorful all the time.
Especially when the weather got cold and nothing was so warm and fuzzy as in the summer. When the first storm came you thought that you can hadle it, alone. You did, but barerly.
But from todays morning, you knew something big is coming and nothing could prepare you for that. You woke up and checked your phone, like you did every signle day and noticed you have one unread message, saying that your coworker, Tobias, can´t make it, because he got sea sick, from all the sailing he did this week. Which is little weird since you´re positive he´s been sailing the day he was born. But even the best of us can get sick sometimes. So youre all alone. You let out a big sigh. You werent mad, no. You were just little scared of the storm that might and most probably will come today.
When you finally got up and looked from the window you could feel that the wind was freezingly cold. Goosebumps begin to form on your arms and neck. The cold feeling seeps through your skin deeper, like a stealthy intruder, sending shivers down your spine. It's an icy touch that grips your body, making your muscles tense.
It´s gonna be a long day.
As always you packed your stuff, fuzzy socks, warm coat, another shirt just in case youll get wet. Lastly you took some snacks and a big amout of soup, hoping your heater wont let you down. And last but not least a lots of tea. As your boss always says "Tea and rum is better than a warm coat." Well you dont have the rum, but the tea will do, at least that´s what youre saying to yourself.
When you got to work, you checked all the papers from yesterday, made sure to know what your tasks will be today. And of course you had to check if the boat is in a good shape to sail the next day. It´s a lot of work, but at least you have a job to do. Not like a week ago, where you just sat and watch as the waves hit the rocks for 12 hours. You noticed that even waves have a simple patterns, its was so hypnotic to watch it hit the big rocks again and again and again.
You slowly checked all the papers to not miss anything important and undeerscore everything that you need to do today. You checked your watch and made a mental note to put the kettle on soon.
Youre working here for about a 5 months now and you still havent figured out your routine. Even though most of the times youre still doing the same job all over again, checking something, writing what needs to be fixed, checking the load, or just watching over the boat, you still do everything at the same time. So sometimes (read it as most of the times) you just forget to do the simple things as taking care of your basic needs. When you and Tobias have shift together, you two kinda take care of eachtoher, but when he´s not there it´s just so easy to forget about it.
But today you did quite good job, after checking the lower deck you came back up to unlock the kitchen and put the kettle on. When youre water was getting ready for your favorite and only tea you had here, you wrote some documentary about the first ship load you had to check. Everything was correct and you were happy that you didn´t have to unpack it and count it manually. Your first break of the day fly past very quickly as you finished your tea, that didnt make you feel warm at all. You put the cup in the sink and went on another round of checking the boat lower deck.
As you stood up something red caught your eye in the distance, you took a few steps closer to the window, hoping you would see better at what it is. It was weird seeing something so bright in the distance, where only the gray waves were moving. But to your disappointment, you didnt got the answer, it was probably some coral from the shore. You shake your head slightly and moved to another task.
When you came up you noticed that it was already dark outside, shockingly it was the same tempetrure as throghtout the day. Which was a positive thing.
How long have I been downstairs? What time is it? I didn´t have lunch... again.
As many thoughts at the same time speed through your mind, you heard something under the boat. You just closed your eyes, taking few deep breaths to calm your nerves. You put down the paperwork and the pen you were holding. Making your way to the kitchen, youve notice that you didn´t even drank much water. Cursing yourself, you drink a half of the bottle right away. The fresh water finally hitting your needs. Refreshing shockwave going through your body. Every cell awaken and all of your sences light up. Already feeling better, taking a moment to make soup and overall just refresh yourself. As you´re finishing your food, you hear it again.
This time is was way louder, so you took all of your courage to go out and look what it was. Sometimes you were tought, or maybe you just act before you think things through. You were terrified of the dark and most importantly what´s in it, but this time something made you go out. You were surprised by yourself, but you didnt question it, much.
When you got out you checked the boat, slowly analyzing if something is wrong.
Was it an animal? A fallen brench into the water?
"Hello?" You immidietly cursed yourself. "Im an idiot." You mumble as you walk around. "There is no more pathetic and stupid way to die then just say hello to the dark." You mumble under your breath.
After a while walking around the boat a big strike apeared on the sky. And after few second of a complete silence there was a big thunder coming, that made you run back inside. There it was the big storm you were so terrified of. It was way worse than the last time and you were hoping to survive it.
That´s a little bit dramatic, but your heart was pounding fast, your hands started to shake and even in this cold you very still incredibly sweaty, like if you just ran a marathon in the desert. After few hours of tinkinkng you´ll die, the storm suddently stopped, leaving you all tired and scared at the same time. Until youve heard another sound, it wasnt another bang, it was more like a humming.
Maybe someone from the sailors is here? But they are all men. Maybe someones wife? Again, your thoughts are running milions miles per hour.
The humming sounds so warm, like the old days, back in summer, where everything was colorfull, fuzzy and it felt generally so good in your ears. You stood up and without second guessing you step outside. There was complete silence, not a single person outside, The sun slowly coming out, trying to fight those stromy clouds that were showing the only evidence of heavy storm.
As soon as your hand laid back on the door handle a beautfiul voice start to sing a melodic song. You didnt understand it, it was some language you never heard, but you liked it, your brain might not understand the words, but your body understood the melody. And suddenly you didn´t felt cold, it was the other way around actually. Your cheeks were on fire, like you were running a fever, but you didn´t feel bad, no, you actually felt the best you ever did.
When you turn around you saw her. Unbeiebly beaitiful, goddess looking woman. Her hair was red, not like an apple red, more like a bright fire that is keeping you warm at the coldest nights. Each strand seemed to catch the sunlight that was finally going up, setting her aglow with a vibrant, fiery aura. Her green eyes were pierced at you, she was looking at you, waiting for your move. But you just stood there and watched her, your breathing started to speed up. You tried to remeber evertything about her, but as soon as your eyes fell lower, you noticed how light her skin looked. It reminded you of a fresh marble that was just ready to be cast in. But what caught your off guard the most, was her tail. You´ve never seen aynthing like that and it was very obvious, because youre face made it very well known. It was mixed feeling between shocked and amazed. The siren's tail was a fluid masterpiece, a shimmering blend of oceanic blues and greens. With each sinuous movement, it created a mesmerizing scene.
"Hey sailor." she smirked, her voice sound way raspier than it did when she sang.
"I- I- I´m not a sailor. This is uh not my uh- boat... I just work here." You stutter out, cursing yourself for seeing the prettiest woman your eyes have ever laid on and you ramble out this sentence.
"You just work here? Oh what a pity, I wanted to ask for some help." The red haired frown, which made you feel sad right away.
"I can help! I just... not my boat." You awkwardly chuckled out.
Her eyes immidietly fell back on you. "Oh really? I don´t want to bother since you´re not the sailor of this boat." Her voice sounded so soft, yet harsh at the same time. It was luring you, by every word she said, you felt different emotion each time. A good emotions.
"I mean I´m on a shift now, so teoretically I am sailor of this boat." You smiled, youre pupils were so big and you felt like you were in euhporia.
She smiled softly. Her smile could make a whole army fall to their knees. You knew it, but most imporatnly she did too. But there was only one person she want to fall on their knees. And that person was you.
"Okay then, sailor..." her raspy voice now coming lower to your body, slowly eletrucing you. "I just need a little favor, my tail..." She let out a little whine, completly changing her body language. She didn´t seem so confident, she looked so fragile and sad. And you have to help her.
"Are you hurt?!" You imidditetly walk closer to her. Crouching so youre on the same eye level. She place her hand on yours, looking at you and finally, she bonded. Her touch made you feel cold and warm at the same time. Butterflies flying everywhere not just in your stomach and her eyes. Her captivating eyes has already read you like a whole book. Her eyes were an entrancing shade of emerald, deep and captivating like the hidden depths of the sea. They held an enigmatic allure, with a hint of mischief and ancient wisdom that drew you in, ensnaring your heart and mind.
"A little-" she sigh and looks away. "-maybe you can help me get back, to safety, where no one can find us." The soft spoken woman look at you, making eye contact again, while her hand is still on yours.
"Us?" Your words caught her off guard.
"Yes, us, darling. You know, not all people are kind as you are. Youre the only one who ever made me feel safe. Youre the only one i can trust now. Youre-" she blinks a few times, leaning closer to you. "-youre my saviour. Will you help me, darling? Help us to get to safety? The world is too cruel and we need to decide right now."
This was the task you were waiting your whole life on here. Make sure she is safe, there is nothing else that is more important than this. You nod, still making eye contact.
"I will. Of course!" You nod again, taking this job very seriously, as you felt like you were born for this.
"Say it. Say what you were made to do, darling." Raspiness was now the only thing that you´ve heard. You were less and less interested in your work and your tasks before her.
Before her there was... was there anything before her?
"I will help you. I will help us get to safety." Your eyes scanned her face, hoping these words will help her.
"Thank you my darling, will you follow me? Please?" her eyes were watery, she´s holing back tears and that tears your heart.
"Yes." You say without hasitation.
"Yes, what, darling?" She asks.
"Yes, uh-" suddnely you feel this sensation, your head feels fuzzy and your view is more and more bright. Your words are caugh up in your throat, when you looked at her lips you can see them moving, but your ears cant catch the word she´s saying. But your mind does.
"Yes, mistress." you whisper back as it´s the only thing you can say.
As you closed your eyes for a second, the world around you seemed to blur and fade. The warm feeling never leaving your side.
Time itself shifted, as if you were wrapped in a comforting cocoon. The soft, rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore became a lullaby and there is it was again. Her singing. Her soft and heart warming singing.
When you finally stirred, it was as if you had awakened in a dream. The dimly lit cave, adorned with iridescent seashells and many other decorations, that suited the cave. And there, before you, was a siren of unparalleled beauty, her emerald eyes reflecting the cave's soft luminescence.
"Hello, darling..." she slowly moved towards you "...slept well?" her smirk grew wider as she saw your hand immidietly going between your legs as there was some unbeliveble aching you were feeling.
"I- uh huh" You only nod, not realizing that your hand is going lower on your body.
The siren´s hand falls on your cheeks as she tuck some of your falen hair behind your ear. Not even for a second breaking eye contact. Without second thinking you grab her hands and put them on your body, that was covered in your wet clothes.
"P-please!" Was all you could have said. She just chuckled and squeezed your breasts.
"You don´t even know my name and you want me to fuck you? Aww darling, youre way easier than I thought you would be. So so so easy" She tsked and suddenly, you didn´t felt her hands on you anymore.
"I don´t care!" You yelp as the aching was even worse now. Is this what drugs do to you? You just want more and more and still it isn´t enough.
The siren looked at you shocked, her hand was placed on her chest as a sign of being offended. "Darling, you don´t care what my name is? That´s rude." She pout. Tears immidietly filling her eyes. "And I thought you don´t want to hurt me, yet you´re just like the others." She looked away.
"Wait- No, no, no! Im not like the others, Im sorry! Im so sorry! I want to know your name. Oh gosh I didn´t want to be so selfish!" You grabbed her arm. "Please, tell me your name, I bet it´s beautiful just like you!"
"You think Im beautiful?" Her green eyes falling back on you.
"Very." You nod.
"It´s Natasha." She wiped her tears.
"Okay, Natasha. Im sorry for being selfish, It was really mean, let me make it up to you, please." You felt so sad, like every joy just left your body forever. Like you didn´t even experience a single happy thing in your life. Like everything was just dark.
"You´re right, you did act very selfish and mean. And you should definetly make it up to me, (Y/N)." Natasha seems so small right now, like a small fish in a big dark ocean.
"Anything you want, just please- forgive me." You basically whined at this point.
"(Y/N), you truly hurted my feelings, I don´t know. How can i trust you not hurting me again?" The horrible feeling of guilt is forming not just in your stomach, but also in your head now.
Natasha looked really hurt by your words. And you felt like if you´ll lose her, you´ll lose yourself, forever.
You squeezed her hand. "I will never. How can i prove it to you? Please..." You knew this will work. "... mistress, let me prove to you, I won´t ever hurt you and Im truly so sorry!"
Her eyes shifted, her pretty green color in her eyes just dissapeared and turned into black.
"Take of your clothes. They´re wet, you will get sick. Aren´t you cold, darling?" At her words you did feel the cold breeze. Actually you were freezing.
"Y-y-yeah, Im freezing." You said while your teeth chattered.
"Oh, darling! Clothes off, righ now!" She ordered and you did as she told. "I don´t want you catch a cold!" Her voice was caring, so caring you didn´t think you deserve it, after how mean you´ve been acting towards her.
As you stand there, completly naked the shivering didn´t end, it got even worse and your nipples could cut dimonds now.
"You´re still cold? Oh, darling, come here." She pointed at her tail. "My tail is warm, it´s gonna keep you from freezing to death." Her smile could cure everything negative thing in this world.
Without second guessing you almost jumped at her, your hand wanting to touch her tail, but you stopped yourself. "May I? Mistress?" Natasha just nodded. You hand immidietly touching her tail.
It´s so soft, oh my god and warm! So so warm.
"Sit on it, darling." She take your hands and guided you on her tail. "It will make you warm, so warm, it will end the shivers, I promise."
So you did. You sat on her tail and if you felt tingles everywhere before, then now there are tignles even in places you don´t have. Running your fingers along its sleek, supple surface was like caressing a piece of heaven. Its velvety texture and gentle, soothing warmth enveloped you in a sense of euphoria, as if you were touching a living embodiment of comfort and enchantment, a sensation that melted away all of your less important other thoughts.
Natasha noticed you´re still shivering and put her hand on your hips. "Darling, if you start to move you will stop shivering. Fast friction makes heat and you really need to be in heat now, darling." Natasha was right, her words were exactly what you needed, but you just didn´t know how.
How can I do this? I don´t want to hurt her tail.
"You won´t hurt my tail, darling. I will guide you, okay?" Her strong hands squeezed your hips and slowly made you move back and forth. "Just like that, you´re doing so good."
After a little while you start to get the hang of it and you felt that amazing friction again. Everything started to feel so good, all the lost joy, all the good feeling are back. All the happy thoughts.
"Oh my god- it´s really working!" You screamed.
"I know, darling. I can feel you on my tail. Keep going." She wispered in your ear.
You did. Oh boy, you did. You moved your hips back and forth faster and faster. And at the same time it got easier, maybe it´s the tail, or maybe it´s the fact that your juices were all over Natasha.
You definetly felt the heat.
Few moments before you came and let all of your juices on the siren´s tail, she started to sing again. In the same language you couldn´t understand before, but you can now. It´s like you know the song all your life.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing alone in the dark,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We're gonna take what you'll sorely miss,
But not for long you gonna think,
Let us help, and you won´t sink.
Your life might have been so perfect,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
After the red head stopped singing, she looked at you and finally closed the gap between you two. Your first kiss was a moment of exquisite tenderness, a meeting of souls that overlap the boundaries of land and sea. As their lips brushed together, it was a gentle, captivating exchange of warmth and desire. In that soft, lingering kiss, they found a connection that was as deep and boundless as the ocean itself, a love that defied all expectations and left you utterly in her arms.
"I forgive you, darling." Natasha said and you knew, you found your life task. As she holds you close on her tail your eyes fell back into the warm fuzzy feeling, you didn´t mind be in forever.
Hope you enjoyed first day of KINKTOBER!
Thank you for reading!!!
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spooky-fm · 2 years
DP x DC fic: Delivery Ghost
This has been consuming my brain for weeks. Based on this post by @gummybearstastelikesadness:
Danny wakes up in the new world and, not feeling responsible for its villains (unlike the ghost attacks where he is the one who turned on the portal) decides to take a break and have a vacation. As a pizza delivery person, he brings orders to the recipients within the specified timeframe, no matter what. Certain citizens of this world are suspicious when the app lets them order to a town 2 hours away from the location ... and the delivery boy is there in under 10 minutes.
If only Danny cared about their feelings.
Part 1.
Waking up sore and confused in the middle of a random field with only vague memories of last night's events wasn't that weird for Danny Fenton. He had been Amity Park's resident hero for several years and had lived through much stranger awakenings. His list started with Vlad Plasmius's spooky basement inside a cloning tube and his parents' lab strapped to the vivisection table, and ended with places like the middle of nowhere in the Ghost Zone after an ecto-storm or a hundered-year-old abandoned maze of secret tunnels under the Masons' house after a particularly exciting date with Sam. Next to those, an ordinary-looking meadow was a welcome change. Despite that, something felt not quite right, but Danny couldn't quite focus on the feeling in his drowsy state.
Careful inspection of his body revealed that he had all of his limbs attached where they should be attached and functioning as normal. Aside from mild discomfort after lying on the cold ground for a significant amount of time he was perfectly healthy, despite splotches of dried ectoplasm and blood indicating recent injuries.
Deciding that he did not care enough to remember what those splotches were from just yet, Danny shrugged and continued his inspection. He looked around the field, trying to find any clues, tracks, or signs of civilization, and, failing to locate any, he transformed into his ghost form.
The transformation was enough of a jolt to wake him up from his morning sleepiness, forcing Danny to remember the fight with an unfamilliar ghost that appeared just as he finished fixing reindeer antlers to the top of the head of his freshly-made one-foot-tall snowman made from the first snow in the season. He had been so concerned with taking the fight away from his new porch guardian that he hadn't taken it seriously enough. Between exchanging blows and trying to find out the name of the intruder into his neighbourhood, he ended up too distracted to notice that they were not alone and got blasted with a dark-purple beam from behind.
As much as he would have liked to know more, the memory tastefully faded to black and refused to provide any further details.
'Never mind the why's and how's then,' - Danny thought, unconcerned. 'Time to consider the where's and the when's.'
Having thought that, he suddenly realised what had been bothering him from the moment he woke up. He was so busy taking stock of his physical state that he forgot to question the gentle warmth of the ground he had slept on and the decidedly non-December greenery around him.
Wide-eyed, Danny quickly flew up, searching for anything that could point him towards Amity or any other nearby town.
The vegetation did not seem too different from what he was used to, so he concluded that he probably wasn't anywhere Southern enough to be this warm in December. That suggested Clockwork shenanigans, which did not fill Danny with too much confidence.
He turned invisible, picked a random direction, and flew at a leisurely speed fully intending to enjoy the idyllic weather.
A couple of hours later, he finally came across a large enough town where he decided he would not be instantly noticed in the morning crowd. He easily found the local library and got permission to use a computer from the librarian that barely glanced at him in the dimly lit lobby. He made his way towards the two ancient computers ready to learn the local date and hopefully figure out how he ended up in this situation.
Danny wasn't truly surprised when the calendar showed a date a couple months in the past according to his personal timeline. He had spent enough time (ha!) with Clockwork to not be put off by a bit of minor time-travel. What surprised him, however, was his inability to find even a single mention of Amity Park on the internet.
Familiar forums, social media account of his friends, Amity news sources, even his personal blog that he posted blurry pictures of blob ghosts to were missing. Maps, both regular and satellite, showed a familiar but slightly different landscape where his home town should have been with a completely different name written over it.
Danny stared at the monitor with unfocused eyes. If he really had travelled in time, he would have been able to find some trace of Amity, or his friends. Searching for their names gave unhelpful results, and trying to look up ghosts and ghost attacks only led him down the rabbit hole of superheroes and something called 'The Justice League' that just gave him a headache. This led to the natural conclusion that instead of a minor instance of short time-travel he got tangled in a major instance of timeline-hopping.
He shuddered a little, remembering Dan. At least it seemed that Danny didn't exist at all in this timeline, in any shape. That turned out to be a slightly disturbing thought and Danny decided to ignore it with the practiced ease of someone who was used to rolling with the punches for the sake of his mental stability.
He wondered briefly when this world and his started to differ, but his limited knowledge of human history was not enough to give him much of a hint. He figured it was at least a couple hundred years in the past, but that was the extent of his detective abilities.
It was a relief to finally exit the stuffy library building and let the rays of sunshine fall on his face after several hours of researching the new world he found himself in. Despite failing to get any closer to the mystery of his appearance there, he didn't feel that upset at the change of scenery.
While walking leisurely along the tidy street, Danny contemplated the heroes and villains of this timeline. It seemed that the Justice League was the top dog when it came to the forces of good. He wasn't sure how to approach them without raising suspicion that a person suddenly coming into existence would certainly cause.
Suddenly, he was struck by a thought so alien to him that he stopped in his tracks and stared blankly ahead.
He didn't have to do anything!
There were no ghost attacks in the news, and thus probably no portal to the Ghost Zone. He hadn't opened a doorway between the Infinite Realms and Earth, and there was nobody who needed help that couldn't be given by any of the local heroes.
Danny realised that didn't feel any pressing need to protect this world. That little part of his core that was always anxious about Amity, about Sam and Tucker, and about the rest of the world was now blissfully quiet. Danny smiled at that, shaking his head and continuing his walk towards what seemed to be a small river.
He also began to notice the stares people around were directing at him and tried to get lost in the crowd - with little luck. It almost seemed that having drawn the attention of the locals, he was standing out as an obvious outsider.
He was starting to get annoyed at the constant attention, when he noticed his ragged sleeve and recalled that he was in fact still covered in suspiciously blood-looking greenish blots. He considered the fact that it was actually blood from his already-healed small scratches was irrelevant. 
Cursing quietly, Danny quickly turned into a shady-looking alleyway and made his escape from the public eye by going invisible.
He decided to continue on his course towards the riverside in this way, while mulling over the earlier revelation. The more he thought about it, the more he became convinced that it was a great idea to take a break and get some rest from ghostly affairs. And if he really wanted to go back, he could always find a way to open a portal into the Ghost Zone and find Clockwork. His sort-of mentor, sort-of father figure wouldn't mind helping him with a little nudge towards the right timeline, would he? Besides, the guy probably knew all about Danny's little jaunt across realities. Since there was no sign of him or his cryptic advice, it was entirely reasonable that he approved of the whole thing.
So it was decided: Danny Fenton was going on vacation.
He flipped in the air in excitement and started flying away from the town. Giggling a little at the fact that he still didn't know the name of the first town he visited in this timeline, he froze in place as something occured to him: He had no money, no possessions and didn't know where to go.
Despite not technically needing food or shelter as a ghost, he didn't want to spend his vacation hiding away under his invisibility. And what sort of vacation would it be if he had no money to spend on fun things like videogames and hot dogs?
He figured the solution was simple: He'll just have to find a job.
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crowlixcx · 9 months
Please god please HOW WAS MACBETH
Okay bestie lets get into it!! Obvs it's...literally Macbeth lol so I doubt i'm spoiling the plot for anyone here however if anyone reading this does have tickets and doesn't want to know anything about staging etc i suggest u avert your eyes now
Anon babes it was marvellous. David was so commanding?? he's built like a string bean but when he was up on stage he looked BIG and powerful. The character development was so nuanced, the descent into madness was manic and chaotic but eventually steady and calm - he literally snapped a little boys neck with his bare hands in the battle scene it was gruesome. I've seen one too many productions of Macbeth where its pretty much all pinned on Lady Macbeth being the brains behind the operation but it was very obvious from the start of this production that Macbeth had plenty of malicious thoughts and intentions of his own. He needed a little bit of convincing from LM but obviously your average person cannot be coerced into murder lol this man was out for blood from the START. Cush Jumbo was DIVINE and the perfect enabler, their chemistry was spicy and sensual and I loved it. They changed the script so that LM visits Lady MacDuff before the latter is murdered and its sooo good it makes Lady Macbeth so much more 3 dimensional rather than the usual evil witchy woman, it makes her human and Jumbo portrays her beautifully. It really was exciting for the production to be so intimate. The Donmar is a LOVELY black box theatre not many seats at all so you're very close to the action. This is my 5th time seeing DT on stage (prev. Much Ado About Nothing, Richard II, Don Juan in Soho & Good) and they've all been at big venues so it felt very different. The use of headphones was soooo good and it helped them keep the pace of the show (it was 1hr50 with no interval). Rather than dramatic asides like in the script the actors could whisper and it was RIGHT in your ear which made it feel very personal and dark like you were really in the character's heads. You never saw any of the visions (the dagger, the witches, banquo's ghost) which is how i always prefer it to be portrayed personally because you know... they're not actually there this man is just guilty AF and losing his grasp on reality!! But the sound effects they used in these moments were verrrry good and helped set the scene, lots of spooky music and sounds of screaming and whispering etc. And just generally through out the production you heard every. single. word. because of the headphones which was just delicious.
Final note because when u came into my inbox u were probably just expecting a simple 'yeah i really enjoyed it!!' and instead i've written a mini essay BUT in the battle scene at the end David really did win the award for most agile man in his 50s, he head-butt like 4 people and i was like...damn boy can u come over and fight me some time
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ri-afan · 2 months
By the way, when ghosts and Ancients appear, should there be any visual effects and sensations? Like Frostbite? A drop in temperature? Surfaces becoming crusted with ice?
For example, a headcanon on Danny who is a cosmic Ancient, an eldritch, a cryptid, a ghostly entity. How would all of this affect him showing up next to a human?
(By the way?)
Oooh 😯 Should there be? Probably not, it would take away the whole invisibility sneak thing they got going on.
But in charged situations? If they want to tip over a bit more to spooky? If it’s just spooky for humans but it’s actually more of a ghost greeting? Hell yeah, I’ll ascribe to it. It can even be tweaked with the emotion they want to enter with, like if they’re pissed or if they are trying to calm things down or if it’s relatively neutral. Coin toss/dice roll on whether it’s different for all, similar based on core type, same for type but application is different based on strength, or just boiled down to general ghostliness.
(Or is this all based off auras and if so, can ghosts physically manipulate theirs and what’s the effects of that? Or does Everyone have one and ghosts/effected people are the only ones who can see/manipulate theirs? Oof, idk. Too many thoughts in the head!)
For one we know/could squeeze into the idea naturally from the show: Clockwork. As Ancient of Time, Clockwork likely messes with time on arrival. It’s probably the least hassle for Clockwork if it’s pausing time than anything else, hence the medallions when the ghost goes to people to pull them out of the pause. (And easiest to keep track of/not melt peoples minds with.)
For Danny… If it’s not a drop in temp because of the whole ghostly/ice core phenomenon and assuming you don’t want two of the same with Frostbite… and you want to go cosmic/space… maybe there’s auditory/speaking issues, like gaps and suppression, or a slight feeling of breathlessness because space is a vacuum? (Isn’t space cold too? Could be an interesting bait and switch if people kept thinking Ice and he pulls up one day with the power of the sun and manipulation of space.) Or if Danny is made an Ancient of Space it could also be feeling an odd pressure, like if you’re temporarily feeling too big or small in your body. Or or! Feeling gravity more or less than what you should be at the time.
If not a space/cosmic thing and you’re going with Phantom being a spirit of Protection then I would have it add a layer of feelings/reactions (specifically not changing any other feelings or otherwise altering minds) based on where the human would fall on his scale of morals: too much on the bad side and you feel trepidation and apprehension, in the good side you may feel safety, courage, or whatever. (The human’s placement on the scale would not be a conscious thing and the deciding factor is more multifaceted as Phantom grows. So long as Phantom is strong and resolute in his morals, you could probably use the reactions to gauge other people.)
Now, Danny-as-human Danny? I’m a sucker for either he’s just Some Guy or Predator Instinct, but it’s not sudden or a big rush of adrenaline. It’s something uncanny for sure because you look at the guy and you don’t know what’s wrong because visually there’s nothing wrong, but the vibes are off. (😅 scary dog vibes but the dude is like a retriever or shepherd or something — scares off the creeps at college parties and he’s long since stopped questioning why he’s invited to the parties. If he’s aware of it, he’d be the guy that sits next to or walks by a girl and then reveals that she was being stalked by a creep but it looks like he’s gone now, so have a nice day/makes sure you are safe and aware)
Like a Big Cat: it’s a predator and can kill you easily and maybe without meaning to, but also… they’re big kitties and you see videos of humans booping their snoots, holding their murder mittens, petting them and whatever. Those zookeeper-class of folks who understand the risks and works with the animals instead of against them. Some people can’t shake off that prey instinct but others are there despite it.
Hit or Miss whether aliens/super powered folks will feel it (looking at the Justice League for crossover fans) for the Human-Danny, but I’d say it’s rare for anyone to be immune to Phantom Effects.
Hope this was to your satisfaction cause this tickled my brain nicely
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angsthology · 10 months
“when you said you were seeing someone i was kind of hoping a therapist” — or an alt title: roo sees things others can’t
theres been this uneasy feeling she feels on the back of her neck...
a/n fun fact i was possessed once as a kid. but anyway this came to me when i was reading the gamer episode of vr!!! so thank u noelle. but anyway let me explain this one: where im from the places here are kinda... "spooky" i guess and there are some people who can see otherworldly creatures and idk i just feel like bringing these in cause i thought it would be fun!
warnings; kinda creepy tbh i wrote this and imagined it a couple of times and scared myself (cause ik damn well it can happen to me 😭), this writing is kinda all over the place so uhh sorry
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alex had initially been unfazed by the girl beside him, having a hard battle against her drooping eyes. he definitely understood where it’s coming from. this meeting was so boring. plus, roo wasn’t a big fan of listening to words that came out of the mouth of men anyway so there’s no surprise there.
it was only then after several more head drops she seemed like she was more awake, her eyes quietly and cautiously scanned the room from every top corner to behind them.
he brushed it off as nothing, probably just gathering reality after her on and off nap.
after that it was smooth sailing and more... listening.
only, he sort of noticed how her eyes barely looked up from her lap but he fully knew that she was awake now. still, he thought, maybe she was just tired still so he didn’t bother bothering her.
when the excruciating life sentence had finally stopped, the entire room stood up and either made their way to each other or simply leave.
alex had a brief conversation with charles who sat on the right row behind him, he then went to speak to his friend that was just one second ago still sat silently beside him only to turn around to find an empty seat.
he then looked around the room to see if she had went to talk to someone only to find her lack of presence in the room.
weird. she always did like to mingle.
again, he shrugged it off, maybe she just went to take a nap elsewhere.
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the next time they had a meeting in the same room, the alfa romeo driver had arrived with george russell by her side. they barely said anything and arrived in silence. well, that wasn’t true. the girl had arrived in silence, george was greeting everyone happily.
when they arrived, george occupied himself in a conversation with alex. when he looked to his right he found the spot empty where the woman once stood in. he then looked around to find her already sitting silently besides her teammate.
she had been fine this morning when she met up with george until they were called into the meeting that’s when her energy seemed to have shifted. george simply thought she just dreaded the meeting itself—as per usual, like any other meeting she didn’t like so it seemed pretty normal to the brit.
though, she was uncharacteristically quiet. like, she wasn’t exactly someone with a big dictionary on the daily but she was still as annoying as a twenty-something-year-old could be.
she had kept her head down during the entire duration of the meeting, only ‘listening’ to whatever there was to be said. every once in a while she could be seen looking up cautiously from her lap, though her eyes only seemed to be looking at repetitive spots.
after the meeting was finally over again, she was gone before anyone could reach her.
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another day, another meeting everyone dreaded. seems like that’s all the agenda was the last couple of days.
but no one dreaded it more than the woman in metallic black.
she was currently walking along with zhou (who was now caught up with all the information). she was uncomfortable, she hoped that today she’s gone—that it was gone. she had been keeping her head down to avoid it but over the days she could feel her creeping in closer and closer to her.
roo was so close to entering the room until she felt the hair on her neck stood up in alert and she knew she couldn’t. she was so close to escaping today’s meeting but just her luck.
lando had seen her and she knew it was too late when he had beckoned her over.
she—like she has been the last few days—entered the room cautiously, not looking up to that spot for her own sake.
“hey, man.” the brit greeted, patting her back.
she tried to greet them all back in the same manner but her uneasiness were overpowering her social skills and she couldn’t find the power in herself to say anything coherent.
the rest of the men looked at each other in question giving the other only a shrug. they were about to ask when they were cut off by the meeting starting.
and, surprise surprise, roo had already disappeared again from their side.
she now sat on the far left just next to the opening isle where they could walk through.
the three british men didn’t waste time to occupy look at the other for confirmation and the empty seats beside her. usually that would’ve pulled a reaction from her, a comment along the lines of ‘everybody wants to get with roo’ but when she stayed quiet head down that really piqued their interest.
throughout the entire meeting she was still very quiet which wasn’t something out of the blue but something that was, is the heavy breathing coming out of her mouth. at first it was nothing but the more and more time passes it got heavier and louder. lando, who sat next to her had heard the entire buildup causing him to worry for his fellow driver. he nudged her with his arm to which she flinched at.
“hey, you alr—” before he could finish she was already jumping off her seat and mumbling a small ‘excuse me’ as she sped-walked in front of them, circling her way out of the row and exiting the room.
a moment later, her teammate excuses himself out of the room leaving the three british men to give each other a look.
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after they were all dismissed, the three had made it their mission to find the alfa romeo driver(s). everyone knew how random roo’s (behavioral) pattern is, but even they knew that was weird and out of the blue.
but somehow, it was not really a big surprise when they saw her walking along the paddock with fernando, smiling as if nothing had happened.
when she saw them, her smile grew and she waved at them happily as they went and approached her.
“hey, how was the meeting?”
“fine. —are you alright?” lando didn’t bother to hover around the topic.
she shrugged, “yeah, just, things, y’know.”
george furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and quite frankly, taken aback, “what things?” he asks, his tone almost sound accusing.
she sighs, slumping her shoulder a bit, “it’s stupid.” she states.
“if it made you bolt out of the room like that, not really.”
she rolls her eyes, “i kinda… have been seeing a woman.”
they were so taken aback the three furrowed their brows in sync, only making her realize the mistake in her words.
she shook her head as if to refresh her thoughts, “let me rewind—i uh, i can… see spirits.”
still—hell, probably more—confused, their response to her words were tilting their heads like a puppy dog (though george and lando had a sort of shift into a more judgy look).
she clicks her tongue, “every time i look up in that room i see this woman with long hair—hair that covered her entire face down to her chest. and– the first time ‘round i thought that was it and that when i come back the next time she’d be gone. but… i guess it seemed like she got closer every time i come back. and today– today she went to the point where she was near my face and i guess… i guess i was finally feeling her presence getting too close instead of just seeing.”
when she finished talking, the three drivers in front of her stayed silent and she almost regret saying anything. she felt really stupid despite how real it was for her. she turned to whine to nando next to her when one of the three brits finally spoke up.
“that’s awesome!” exclaimed alex.
roo, still standing facing in fernando’s direction, only side-eyed him—judgy and  confused, right on-brand.
“…i was terrified.” she somehow thought she needed to clarify.
“no, yeah, sorry you had to go through that, whatever—you can see ghosts!” alex re-states excitedly.
the older man out of the four of them couldn’t help but be amused by the entire conversation. he put both his hands on each of the girl’s shoulders and laughed lightly, shaking her a little in the process, “good luck, niña.”
“man, i don’t need luck. i need new friends.”
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taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra sorry for this mess 😭😭
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dronebiscuitbat · 5 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 5)
Uzi was left by herself, N reluctantly taking his leave after she reminded him that he still needed oil, and as much as she didn't mind sharing, he would drink her out of house and home incredibly quickly if he stayed.
It's not like she wanted him to go… er, well she did, but only so she could gather her thoughts on the situation that happened today.
It was nice, spending a mostly stress free day with him, as so much of their time was spent dealing with nightmare fuel and ungodly eldritch abominations, she wondered if that counted as a “trauma bond.” It probably did.
She picked up a pen with her solver power, the purple glow lighting up the room, she spun it, letting the action itself distract her.
She hated that fact that “angsty teen” was a rather quite accurate description for her. But it wasn't her fault that shit kept happening and she was forced to deal with it.
And no, she wasn't dealing with it well. She wasn't dealing with the fact she was turning into a weird biological disassembly drone well, she wasn't handling her finding out her mom had whatever she has and it had driven her crazy well. And she certainly wasn't handling her father abandoning her well.
And she was totally not scared to go to sleep tonight and face her freaky nightmares again, no Uzi Doorman wasn't scared of anything.
She lost control of the pen, and it careened into the wall before sticking into it. She groaned, looking at the ceiling.
Doll still had her stupid bug.
If anything thats what worried her the most right now. Doll was stupidly overpowered with her mastery of her solver powers.The bitch could teleport! And if N or V was caught unaware by her… she really hoped that they were at least together.
And Uzi did want to master them as well, she did! It made her a cool spooky witch and more on par with her disassembly drone friends (freind? V was still up in the air) than if she were just normal, everyday Uzi.
She pulled the pen back out of the wall again, trying to duplicate it like she'd seen Doll do with the knives back at prom.
And was immediately reminded of that searing, burning, white hot pain that had coursed through her when she had boarded herself up in that cabin. When she'd lost all control.
The pen exploded, sending a shower of black ink all over her room, and she made herself jump, a small yelp leaving her mouth before she sighed in frustration.
She was a little bit scar- wary about using the solver. She went through way more oil when she was actively using it. And more recently it had felt… unstable. Like she wasn't quite herself if she pushed it too far.
Once, it had even flashed gold. Which had freaked her out enough that she'd relegated it's use to simple tasks and emergencies. But even still, she knew she couldn't get any better at controlling it if she didn't use it.
Which of course caused her to get more frustrated. Irritation crawling up her back, and now out of a practice object, she slammed her head down on the desk, filling the void with a thud.
She grabbed her black, cat eared headphones that were resting on her desk, sticking it into an MP3 player she'd inherited from her mom. Blasting Nightcore into her audio receptors loud enough so that maybe she wouldn't hear her own thoughts anymore.
It wasn't really helping. Now her angsty thoughts were just Nightcore flavored.
Her thoughts drifted back to her lovable disassembly drone companion. Wondering, idly, what he was getting up to outside the walls of the bunker.
Not anything that interesting, as it turned out.
N was perched on the top of a building, five eyes (technically seven, counting the ones in his visor) piercing even though the thickest fog cover Copper-9 could muster. His tail making wide swings behind him.
He hunted every single night. He had to, his systems drew so much energy and ran so hot that he could run through half a full tank if he was exerting himself. He was honestly getting a little sick of it, he could've been doing anything else right now.
Like finishing that movie he'd fallen asleep watching, that sounded way more enticing.
But his visor forever blinking with a “seek intake” message mocked him. Why the heck was he made this way?!
He knew the answer of course. But they could at least have given them an ounce of leeway when it came to oil consumption. Sure, his filters could make use of most types of oil, even motor oil in a pinch. But none of that mattered when he went through it so fast!
He took off into the air, scanning the ground for corpses he could drink from.
Which felt increasing weirder the more time he spent in the bunker, he talked to workers almost every single day and here he was desecrating their family members to keep himself alive.
He shook that thought out of his processors. He couldn't go without oil, he'd tried. And nearly killed himself.
Death by being boiled alive in your own shell wasn't fun. And so he kept searching, he'd normally always found a corpse eventually, J had always preferred a high body count rather than hunting for oil, so plenty of her kills were still full of it.
And hers were easy to spot. The more barbaric the death, the more likely it was J.
He saw a dim red light hooked over a streetlight. And landed next to it, it was the upper torso of a drone, the bottom half completely ripped off an thrown who knows where.
Yeah that was probably a J kill.
He gingerly lifted the poor drone, listening for the sloshing of oil before closing his eyes and snapping off the drones neck. And puncturing a small hole in its head.
He tipped it into his mouth, a sick sense of pleasure washed over him that he vehemently ignored, it was just another way for the humans to entice the disassembly drones to kill more, just like the sensitivity of his tail, and just like his programming telling him that the liquid was sweet when it shouldn't be.
The head was the easiest part to drink from, and often contained the most oil than any other part. So he concluded his hunt there, carrying what was left home with him. Where he'd put it into much less horrific containers. Where he could pretend he hadn't stolen it from a corpse.
How many of these drones were parents?
The thought smacked him upside the head like V when he'd annoyed her. Jolting him out of one morbid train of thought to another.
How many orphans did he himself create? How many children grew up alone, without their parents, because he took them away?
Uzi had mentioned, breifly, that her mother was dead. And he didn't have to be a genius to figure out what killed her, there was really only one option. Well three, if he was being technical.
He prayed, so badly it was J. So that way it was just another shitty thing he could blame on her. But it very easily could have been V… or him.
He really hoped it wasn't. That would be a cruel joke. Killing the parent of the person who changed his life, who cared about him in a way he wasn't sure anyone else had ever done.
But they all blended together, so many terrified faces that there was no way he could remember them all, the only small comfort was that he was the least brutal member of their team, if he had done it, he would've been quick.
He reached the spire as the sun rose behind him. V had already returned from her hunt, and he could see her tail hanging out from her nest over the spire, twitching.
He flew up to his nest, the lowest of the three. And dropped the head gently in the corner before landing on the salvaged blanket with a poof. Leaning back into it.
He'd stopped sleeping like a bat a long time ago. Dropping on his head one too many times being woken up by a nightmare. This was far more comfortable anyway.
He heard V's light snoring. Which at some point in his life may have made him blush. But now all he did was smile, he still deeply cared for V, and wanted her to be happy, and safe. But that crush had long since died. It had died the day they left the manor, but he'd held onto it a bit too long.
He missed Uzi's bed.
Speaking about things that made him blush. That did the trick, making a yellow fluster stain his cheeks.
So what? It was comfortable! His nest was lumpy and sometimes the blanket would slip and he'd be poked in the back by the jagged spire. Uzi's bed was squishy and was right up against a vent so cool air washed over him.
And if he was there, sleeping beside her. Then he didn't worry about where she was, or if she was safe. Because she'd be right there. Where he could protect her.
He thought back to that morning, which by now had seemed so long ago. How he'd fallen asleep holding her, and how she'd curled up on his chest with a little smile on her face, mumbling something in her sleep.
It had been the most relaxed he'd ever seen her.
He wished she'd always be relaxed, she always seemed to be stressed out about something, her solver, Doll, her mom, her dad. She was probably doing it right now, without him there to direct her attention elsewhere.
He heard V stop snoring, shuffling up in her nest before it slowly started up again, although this time slightly louder. The sun was peeking over the horizon. It would be beautiful if it didn't kill him.
V didn't talk to him much, which wasn't all that different from thier dynamic before, but now it seemed to sting more, after regaining his memories and understanding that before they were… this. They'd been freinds. More then that even.
And while he didn't ever expect a return to that. Heck, he didn't even want that. He did want to be there for her, she was going through a lot too, and she seemed to remember more than he did even now.
He remembered before and after he became a disassembly drone. But not the transition. It had been the gala, then suddenly he was in the pod, given orders to kill and eat any worker drone he came across by J.
He wondered if she did. And it was something that had made her so much different then who he remembered her to be.
Either way, it had made the tower uncomfortably silent, and that made him think. He didn't like thinking! Thinking often made him sad, and he'd been sad too much. Happy thoughts N, happy thoughts.
Tera came next, the litle droneling that had wormed her way in his head. How cute she was, and how strong her core beat was. He wondered what she would be like when she got older. With how happy she seemed to be just by seeing them.
Uzi also seemed happy, and he had the feeling that he'd glimpsed the softest part of her while she held the baby drone.
He really liked it when she was soft, not that he didn't enjoy her quick tongue, but it was something he knew she had a hard time expressing, she was loud and confident, and possibly slightly feral. But that was only a part of her, the other part was kind, loyal, and so… loving?
Was that the right word? It felt a little too strong of a word to use. It wasn't wrong, it just felt weird. But she was always making sure he was okay, like at prom. When she'd asked him to please stop putting himself in danger for her. He wouldn't, but still.
Or when she'd sacrificed her knowledge to save his memories, or today, when she'd assured him that she'd never abandon him.
And while he'd known that, boy was it really good to hear from her. So yes, she was loving, in her own way.
That's what he fell asleep to, curling himself into a ball as if he was trying to hold something that wasn't there.
Next ->
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
27 ASKS! :00 THANK YOU!! :}} 🧈
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I'm indifferent to it. I know of it and have seen a lot of people play it, buuuut it doesn't really catch my interest much.. :( 💔
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If he was starving or dehydrated.. he probably could have :( Not sure what he'd see or hear though..
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Although unfortunately I cannot reveal anything without spoiling stuff..
Though I can say that the animatronics- new and old, are not fully aware of Fazbear Entertainments history.. 👀
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I think there is yeah :0
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Well of course :0 But considering Seam and Jevil's trauma with Spade King.. if they ever saw a Lancer they likely would have just turned the other way in discomfort-
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I feel like either Peso, Dashi or Captain Barnacles. :0
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Other than maybe effecting his magic in someway..? I cant think of anything :0
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That world looks beautiful! Yet also spooky <XD I don't know anything about Worldless but if its safe, they'll stay a while. :0
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I feel like none of the Octonauts get seasick. Considering their species, line of work, and life experience..
But maybe if there's a crazy storm of sorts,, mayyybe.. Tweak.? wouldn't feel the best? But it'd be less sea sick and more like a headache. :(
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I don't intend for them to encounter anything like that no.. <:/ But if they did? They would FREAK OUT. You bet the Octopod would be stationed nearby for months as the Octonauts studied the sunken city XD
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Oh hugs for sure. Angsty? Wholesome? It doesn't really matter. A hugs a hug and I love drawing them 🤗
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XDD I'm glad you like what you see! And I'm technically into Undertale atm! Well, its a bit more focused on Deltarune characters. (Seam and Jevil) But there's a handful of Undertale characters in there as well! :}}
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XDDD THANK YOU SO MUCH!! :D And yes indeed! I am the culprit behind the silly jester men and their very large spider/human DJ friend XDDD
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I'm not familiar with tarot cards, so I haven't thought about it no.. <:/ Sorry!
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I think they'd be too disturbed by the burning corpse on the ground to even realize that you were dancing <XD
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I think that Fazbear entertainment doesn't add more characters because its a lot more complex than we might think.
Not only do you have to design and build the animatronic and its personality. Which would include probably thousands of dollars in work and trouble shooting to make one that is as advanced as the others..
You also have to set up an attraction for it. You have to set up marketing, plushies, clothes, toys, themed food, etc. You have to hire employees to run the attraction, you also have to train said employees on how to run the new attraction. You have to get handlers for the new animatronic, build another green room on Rockstar row, redo all the maps in the Pizzaplex to accommodate for the new attraction.
This also includes updating the fazwatches/making new fazwatches to hand out. Every single staff bot has to be updated in order to be made aware of the new animatronics presence and how to interact with it.
Like. Soooooo much would go into adding a new animatronic its crazy-
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Jevil feels bad for his original counterpart. Because he's still locked up in a cell..
Seam is probably jealous of his original, thinking that he got off easy. He doesn't even have shackles..
Goner kid doesn't envy her original at all. Considering her original is still lost in the void somewhere..
Grillby had a run in with his original.. it did not go well..
Asgore does not envy his original at all. He cant imagine how it would feel for his children to pass, and his wife to leave him out of disgust...
River feels.. a bit indifferent to her original I imagine..
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I do! Somewhat-
A family member introduced me to the web comic a few years ago. And I kept up with it for a while.. Eventually though it stopped updating. I was bummed. Figuring that something must have happened..
..Only to find out that they were working on a pilot animation the whole time and are as alive as ever! Still haven't sat down and watched the pilot like 9 months later-- 💔
As for my opinion on the comic, the artwork is fantastic. But I don't got two braincells to rub together and don't understand/remember the story so uh.. <:D yeah...
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Now thankfully I don't think it would ever come to that-
Even after someone as powerful as an Asgore joined their group, Jevil is still endlessly paranoid and risks nothing when it comes to Seams/the groups safety.
If anyone found out that he could dimension hop? He would immediately assume that he is no longer safe around those people and would flee that AU.
And if someone did take him well.. now you've got a mighty king and a determined human on your tail. Which are not good people to have after you-
Though I suppose all of that aside.. if that did happen? The only one who would remember is Frisk. And she would be greatly disturbed.. Upon a reset, she would tell Jevil very sternly that this AU is not safe. Jevil wouldn't question her for a second and would instantly open up a mirror and they would bounce-
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Oh! I'm glad to hear that the "controversy" was nothing serious! :0 Thank you for the info! :}
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Jevil probably told the kiddos to be on the look out for a new hat. He could have told them he likes to wear a hat but doesn't like his jester one. They would understand the assignment and would be on the look out :0
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Sometime after Peach was rescued the bros were brought over to Daisy's kingdom to meet her. Kind'a just a "meet the legendary heroes that saved my best friends life" situation.
It wasn't love at first sight- but Luigi did notice her. Not just for her beauty, but for her bravery and personality as well. 💚🧡
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XD Made me imagine a home alone situation. The Glamrocks setting up slap-stick humor type booby traps to deter the bad guys XDD
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dearestdolly444 · 3 months
Can tadc have victorian goth witch ? Her favourite film probably would be Love Witch...
Her dress and her witch hat has spider and siper webs accessory..
And calls them all with a "darling" nickname in a platonic way and kinda she is like a rich aunt to them and she is a good listener and has dark humor too
İ loved your blog btw
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⛧°。⋆TADC x witchy!reader⋆。°⛧
Giggles this is my first anon request
As a witch, this made me so happy to get! I love that movie so much omg. And thank you cutie💕
If you’d like a part two let me know<3
Warnings: implied platonic, but could be seen as romantic
Characters: Caine, Gangle, Kinger
now playing…
- Lets be honest, he’s not going to approve of your choice in movies. The Love Witch isn’t exactly PG… but he’ll let you watch Sabrina The Teenage Witch! That’s close enough, right—?
- He might let you tone down the colours of your bedroom, but doesn’t let you change it to dark colours like black, sadly. Still have to keep the circus theme!
- Caine likes your style but would try to coax you to wear something more colourful. Maybe try a bright yellow! Or a neon pink! No? Oh well, maybe next time (it won’t work next time either).
- Calls you nicknames right back! A shortened version of your name, “dear,” or maybe “toots.” Gets a bit more peppy-in-his-steppy when you call him something when he’s not expecting it.
- Appreciates when you listen to the other circus members issues. It means less abstractions, which means less work for him… but really, he does find it quite helpful and sweet!
- Does not, however, appreciate your sense of humour. Will probably slap a censor on you when he thinks you’re being ”inappropriate” so you’ll have to tone it down, at least around him.
- She’s attached to you, honestly. She just gets so happy and giddy when you call her “darling.” Depending on her mask, she might even give you a small nickname back. She’s be very shy about it, though…
- Adores your style even though she wouldn’t personally wear it. It just looks so good on you, probably not on her, though. She’s feel very flattered if you offered to dress her up, or even in the real world AU do her makeup. She’d probably let you but don’t go to heavy on everything. And it’s not staying on for a long time. She doesn’t like to feel very confined.
- Gangle will vent to you if you let her. If she’s feeling sad, she’ll seek you out to help her. She’ll either want comfort or light advice, so ask her beforehand.
- She finds 1/2 your humour hilarious and the other 1/2 kind of spooky… it really depends on her mask that day. She might make jokes with you or she might just give you a “😨” kind of look, LMAO😭
- Might watch movies with you, but she’ll cling to your arm when scary parts pop up. It’s not that she doesn’t like the movies or shows, it just creeps her out a little.
- He’s a little afraid of you at first. He thinks you’ll curse him or something. He gets used to you, but sometimes he’ll scream and run away when you just appear there (He didn’t see you walk in).
- Once you’re there for a couple digital months he gets much more comfortable and even invites you in his pillow fort! Please say yes, it’ll make him so happy. Speaking of activities, he would also ask to find insects with you, seeing how you seem to like spiders. He probably thought you had real spiders on your clothes before he realized they were just decoration.
- Bless his soul, he doesn’t understand your humour. He asks about your jokes every time, and at this point you just pat him on the head and tell him not to worry about it.
- He likes to rant to you about anything. Sometimes it doesn’t even make sense, but you still listen. It makes him really excited to talk about how he once saw a game show that starred dogs in his dreams. And he also likes to vent, but it ends up in him talking about his next grand pillow fort..
- He giggles slightly when you call him petnames. If he had feet, they would be kicking. He probably doesn’t call you anything back, but he appreciates it! If he does call you something, it’s “dear.”
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