#how could I know what a gogurt is
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vergil-losing-archive · 2 years ago
gogurt (and frubes I guess) is yogurt in a tube marketed for children for ease of use I guess? you dont need a spoon so its good for packed lunches.
The saga of me learning new stuff from silly interactions on this blog continues, once again.
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watarfallar · 2 months ago
Incorrect quotes because they're funny
Scar: You have an impressive pain tolerance. Grian: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Scar: Where are you going? Grian: To either get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.
Grian: Scar, no. Scar: Scar, yes.
Scar: Do I least have a chance to explain myself? Grian: This is America, so nope! Scar: This isn't America, this is OHIO!
Scar: How do ethical philosophers feel about murder? Grian: Well, it’s frowned upon. Scar: Okay, but what if the reason you want to murder someone is to make your life easier? Scar: That’s okay, right?
Scar: Grian, this morning, I called you abhorrent and reprehensible, and I’d like to withdraw that statement- Grian: Aww, thanks- Scar: But I can't. Those are the 2 words that best describe you.
Grian: Remain CALM! slaps Scar multiple times
Scar: My head hurts. Grian: That’s your brain trying to comprehend its own stupidity.
Grian, in the hospital: Will you visit me when I get out? Scar: Lol nah, I hate graveyards.
Grian: Would anyone know any good vendors for professional-quality brass knuckles? Scar: I know you’re serious, but you say the scariest shit sometimes.
Grian: Can I have your number? Scar, visible texting: I don't have a phone.
Scar: I wanna sleep for 40 hours. Grian: You know that's called a coma, right? Scar: Scar: That sounds so refreshing, I could totally go for a light coma right now.
Grian: You are, of course, wondering why it is I have brought you here tonight. Scar: Actually, Grian, after all these years, I just sort of go with it.
Grian: Try not to roll your eyes at me. Scar: I don't have pupils.
Grian: Hey. Scar: pissed off You… complete …ASS, Grian! You show up here after WEEKS, and you say “hey”?!
Scar: I love hearing Grian shouting at someone else. It makes such a nice change.
Scar: Any idiot would know that. Grian: I knew that! Scar: See?
Grian: I know this isn’t going to end well and I don’t care. So don’t you try and stop me, Scar! Scar: I wasn’t stopping you. I was asking if you had a spare camera so I can record this.
Grian, looking at their reflection: Now, that's rubbish. Who's that supposed to be? Scar: Well, that's you. Grian: Me?! Is that what I look like? Scar: You don't know? Grian: Busy day.
Scar: hiding something in their coat I think we should adopt another kid! Grian: No. Scar: Why not? Grian: Because when you say “kid”, you mean “cat”, and we already have fifteen of those. Scar: unzips coat Sixteen.
Grian: Breaking News, Scar has disappointed us.
Grian: You are an absolute fucking dork. Scar, singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork! Grian: sighs Yeah, you're my dork.
Scar: You know how some people consider “may you have an interesting life” to be a curse? Grian: Yes…? Scar: Fuck those people. Wanna have an adventure?
Scar: I think I should be allowed on ghost hunter tv shows. Grian: I think that would be dangerous for the ghosts.
Scar: Okay, two person huddle. Grian: You can't huddle with two people. This is just a hug.
Grian: I couldn't do this without you, Scar. Scar: Sure you could. Not as stylishly, of course.
Grian: CHARACTER. FLAWS. ARE. FUCKING. IMPORTANT. Scar: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Grian: What's gone wrong, Scar? Scar: Hey! That’s one hell of a thing to say to a person. Just because I’m calling doesn’t mean there’s a crisis. Grian: That’s technically true, I suppose. Why are you calling? Scar: Well… There’s a crisis.
Grian: I know one person who finds me funny! Scar: Okay, who?… and you can't say yourself! Grian: Okay then I'm out.
Grian: Did you ever have like a pet run away and find it or anything? Scar: I had a lizard that I burnt.
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phosphorus-12 · 7 months ago
Grougal: Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey! Qilby: But I'm a vegan. Grougal: Wakey Wakey Vegetables and Sadness.
Qilby: You’re overthinking this. Yugo: You don’t know the appropriate level of thinking, Qilby. What if I’m underthinking?
Qilby: Let’s write Efrim a friendly note, shall we? Dear… Incompetent… Dumbass…
Yugo: Sometimes I drink milk straight from the container. Grougal: The cow?? Chibi: What? Adamai: Grougal, W H Y?
Qilby: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Mina >:O language Yugo: Yeah watch your fucking language Chibi: Okay, who taught Yugo the fuck word?! Adamai: 'The fuck word'. Mina: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Glip: Oh my god they censored it Qilby: Say fuck, Mina. Efrim: Do it, Mina. Say fuck.
Efrim: The saying “it is better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission” no longer applies to Yugo.
Adamai: We should normalize not loving family members. Yugo: You can just say: “I hate my dumb fuck brother, Qilby” or whatever. Talk like a normal person!
Chibi: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city. Mina: Well, that was entirely predictable. Chibi: One of them punched a gang member. Mina: Qilby? Chibi: Yugo, actually. Mina: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Baby Grougal after being born: I woke up and chose VIOLENCE. I WILL COMMIT ARSON AND BURN EVERYTHING TO THE GROUND!!! I AM ANGRY- Yugo: Awwww, you’re so adorable! Give me a hug~ Grougal: Wh-What? nO, yOURE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME! TREMBLE BEFORE MY WRATH- Adamai, recording: This is so cute.
Qilby: Why is it so hard for you to believe me?! Glip: … Qilby: Oh, right. The lying.
Balthazar: I hate you sometimes. Qilby: Well according to this picture Mina drew of us holding hands that's not true. Balthazar: Qilby, you drew that. Qilby: It doesn't matter.
Grougal: This should be illegal! Chibi: It is.
Phaeris is casually searching around the room Adamai: Hey Phaeris, what’re you looking for? Phaeris: My will to live. Mina walks into the room Phaeris: Oh, there it is.
Nora: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Yugo, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Nora: Made you all playlists! Nora: Efrim, yours has only heavy metal, and is dark like your soul. Nora: Chibi, yours has sad songs and blues to pair with your crippling depression. Nora: And Shinonome has the ABBA Gold album.
Nora: CHARACTER. FLAWS. ARE. FUCKING. IMPORTANT. Yugo: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Kidnapper: I have your father. Yugo: What? I don't have a father… Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face? Yugo: Oh my god, you have my brother Qilby.
Shinonome: Hi, could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?? Balthazar: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔 Chibi: Why were you microwaving a lemon??? Balthazar: I read boiling lemons helps cover up up bad smells (I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges) but I didn't own any pots. Adamai: Did you burn an orange too? How??? Balthazar: Microwave for 40 minutes. 😔
Yugo: You don't think I can fight because of my height! Chibi: I don't think you can fight because you're in a wedding dress. For what it's worth, I don't think Qilby can fight in that dress either. Qilby: Perhaps not. But I would make a radiant bride.
Chibi: I'm trying to juggle family life and work life but I can't seem to find a balance. What do you suggest I do to keep everyone happy? Yugo, deadpan: Quit your job, kill your family.
Efrim: Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. One fell off and… Grougal: Was diagnosed with mesothelioma. Efrim: Mamma called the doctor and the doctor said… Qilby: You might be entitled to financial compensation if he or a loved one dies.
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prettyinpikk · 2 months ago
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This is a multi-part series. Credit for both OCs in this goes to @norvstforthvwickvd, and I want to thank my bestie @sologenny for helping me write this series.♡
Terry Richmond x OC! Stormi Montoya
18+, Augst, fluff, mention of shooting, killing, dying, and death, blood, childhood friends to lovers dynamic, choking, kissing, dom and sub, p in v, bondage, blindfolding, gagging, roleplaying, and hair pulling (eventually).
This is part 1 of A Soldier's Duty
Hector’s POV:
“ALL RIGHT CADETS! GET READY TO FIRE!” screamed my sergeant.
We were currently in Berlin, Germany for war. I was ready for anything to come my way. I had both guns loaded, and a cannon behind me just in case the enemy got too close, or tried to come from behind. My other team members were lined up just how we were taught, and how we practiced. We were just waiting for the German army to strike before us. Anyone or thing that tried to come at us would be completely debunked because of how much we’ve prepared for this very moment.
I saw a German soldier running toward our line, and our sergeant screamed “FIRE!” That was the only thing I heard before all the shots started firing. I watched each and every German soldier’s body drop towards the floor while our soldiers ran towards their bodies and stole their guns. We needed their guns to make sure that we had extra supplies since the US didn’t want to send more until the middle of December.
One by one, people were falling to their knees and I saw so many lifeless bodies, wondering if this was the end of any families’ hope and faith. Making sure that I wouldn’t be one of those bodies. I couldn’t leave the family I had back in America. Not now. Not today. Especially when I have Stormi waiting for me to come home.
“SHOOT THE CANNON!” We all heard Sergeant yelling repeatedly. A group of three, myself and two other soldiers, went towards the cannon. I completely forgot that I wasn’t supposed to leave the barricades that we’d set up abandoned. I had left my other team members to fend for themselves, when I’m one of the strongest people who’s enrolled, well that’s what I thought. I quickly realized my mistake after I shot the cannon and felt a warm feeling in my chest. I looked down to see blood coming straight out of my chest while I tried to put my hand over my chest to try to stop the bleeding. It wasn’t working. All I could think of at this moment was Stormi. And how she might never see me again if I don’t get medical help right now.
“While he entangled his hands in my hair, I made sure to open my mouth as wide as possible- WOAH! Stormi, what the hell do you have me reading?” I asked my younger sister as she wanted to show me this new book she’s been writing.
“What? It’s just called smut Hector. The writing class that I signed up for wants me to step out of my comfort zone, and the teacher said that it could be anything. It’s not like I’m gonna share this one out though.” She said as she shrugged her shoulders while eating a gogurt pack.
“Well tell your teacher to stop making you step out of your comfort zone. Got me reading shit that YOU don’t even need to be writing OR experiencing. Don’t let me catch you actually doing this shit Stormi.” I said while I mugged her and handed her book back.
Her teacher can keep the whole assignment. I want nothing to do with it and I hope she gets an A on whatever the hell that was.
I tried my hardest to run and get some help so they could dislodge the bullet. But I was too late. I didn’t know what to do. I was falling over my own feet and everything around me was fading. My vision was getting blurry and I just barely saw two soldiers coming to pick me up. I fought to keep my eyes open, but it wasn’t working. The only thing left on my mind was my sister. I can’t let her forget about me. “M-make sure t-to tell Stormi Montoy-ya I love h-her.” And with that, I officially closed my eyes.
~A week later ~
Stormi’s POV:
I was sitting in my office writing an overview for this article that my boss needed for a deadline that was pretty close before receiving a knock on the door. “Coming!” I yelled out at the continuing knock.
“Alright, alright I’m here!” I opened the door to see two marines standing there in their camo uniforms with an envelope, a folded flag, and a plaque of medals. “Are you Stormi Montoya?” one of the soldiers asked. “Yes, I am w-what’s going on?” I held onto the door for support not wanting to believe what was happening in front of me. “We as soldiers of this country are here to present you the medals and flag of your late brother Cadet Hector Montoya who passed in the line of duty Monday-” “OH GOD NOOO!” I let out my cries of terror as the cadet continued with the speech but I couldn’t care less my brother was dead. I stood there with my legs barely able to hold my body up as tears fell from my face and my body shaking with sorrow as I took the things from the soldiers and just closed the door, left with a big empty feeling in my chest. 
I looked down at the envelope that had my name on it in his handwriting on the front. Tears overflowed my vision as I broke down more, the grief taking over every inch of my body finally falling to my knees, cradling everything to my chest. “Hector!…. HECTOR!” I called and cried for my big brother pleading for him to come back. It was the same feeling that took over my life when our parents passed after I went to college. “Please Hector, I can’t be alone like this, you know I hate that. You promised to always come back.”
“Hector, where are you going?” I asked him as he packed a bag to go by Terry’s for the weekend. “I’m going by Terry’s house for the weekend. You know this Stormer I told you this five times already.” He said with a roll of his eyes but I knew he wasn’t really annoyed with me because of the affectionate nickname he always called me when he knew I was actually worried. “You’ll come back right?” I asked as I stood next to him. My 7-year-old self said in my Disney princess nightgown and bunny slippers. “Yea I'm coming back Stormer it’s only for the weekend and plus I’m your big brother I always come back.” Was the last thing he said before he gave a gap tooth smile.
I finally calmed down enough after a while to look at the letter that Hector wrote to me. I flipped it over to the back taking out the folded piece of paper, I felt another wave of tears wanting to come out again. I opened it to read:
Dear Stormer,
 “Oh God,” I said my voice cracking.
I missed you very much sis I want wanted to come home and tell ya about the crazy ass training I went through before the war in Berlin for the holidays and taste the cherry pie you said wanted to try to make on your own and to read over your recent works that you wrote. But if you got this letter that sadly means none of that can happen… Now I don’t you to go crying over me and the fact that I’m not here anymore. That doesn't mean I’m not still here for you. I want you to keep writing so maybe in the future you can show your kids all of your work like you did with me, but they’d probably end up being nerds like you and go write novels or something. I don't know, you always had the brains for stuff like this. Anyways I just want you to take care of yourself and even if you feel like you can’t Terry will look out for you. Just call him and he’ll answer for you. He promised me he would pick up where I left off if anything happened to me, to look out for you. I want you to be okay Stormer even if I'm not there. I just want you to be okay and you are not alone.
-Love your big brother, Hector
After reading the whole letter I just sat in the middle of my living room processing what I just read. My mind raced over the words, again and again, my pain flourishing into anger and hurt it was like he was ready to die as if he gave up the moment he stepped foot onto that field but I knew it was my mind and heart going through the stages of grief but I couldn’t help it, I already lost my parents and now my brother I just couldn’t take the pain anymore. 
I got up from the floor, putting my brother’s things down on the coffee table before I headed upstairs to my room and just flopped down on the bed. The side effects of me crying finally caught up to me causing me to drift off to sleep. Maybe I’ll wake up and this would all be a bad dream.
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skzpixie · 1 year ago
Taglist: @mynameisnotlaura, @palindrome969
Kai: Hey, you want some leftovers?  Minho: What's that?  Kai: You've never had leftovers???  Minho: No, because I'm not a quitter. 
Chan: I drink to forget but I always remember.  
Kai: You're drinking orange juice. 
Kai: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?  
Changbin: Why? It was important.  
Kai: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".  
Hyunjin, shrugging: The people need to know. 
Kai: *pitches an idea*  
Jeongin, impressed: Huh, there might be something here!  
Seungmin, under their breath: Yeah, a lawsuit. 
Kai: You know the sound a fork makes in the garbage disposal? That's the sound that my brain makes all the time. 
Kai: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship—  
Kai: I'M NOT DONE!  
Kai: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl— 
Felix: Coca Cola can remove rust from metal, imagine what it’s doing to your body.  
Seungmin: Pfff, getting rid of the rust, idiot.  
Kai: Hmm... I've been drinking soda and my body's rust free... not sure where you're getting your facts from... 
Jeongin: Don't have a bookmark? Try ketchup instead!!  
Kai: What makes you think I read? 
Kai: Christmas lights?  
Chan: Check.  
Changbin: Thermos of hot cocoa?  
Chan: Check.  
Felix: Santa suits?  
Chan: Check.  
Kai: Shovel?  
Chan: Check.  
Minho: Alibi and bail money?  
Chan: Check- wait, WHAT?! 
Han, taping a knife onto a Roomba: Be free, my child.  
Kai, entering the room with a small cut on their ankle: Who the f- 
Changbin: I love you.  
Kai: I love you too. I've waited so long to hear you say that.  
*Kai and Changbin kiss passionately*  
Minho, to Seungmin: You owe me 20 dollars. 
Seungmin: Changbin, I don't like you.  
Changbin: What did you say?  
Seungmin: You heard me!  
Changbin, internally: And it turns out I actually didn't hear what the fuck you just said. 
Felix: It was me...  
Chan: ...Is going to be forgiven because everyone deserves a second chance. 
Felix: We call that a traumatic experience.  
Felix, turning to Seungmin: Not a "bruh moment".  
Felix, turning to Kai: Not "sadge".  
Felix, turning to Han: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO". 
Jeongin: You use emoji’s like a straight person.  
Kai: That’s literally the worst thing anyone has ever said about me. 
Hyunjin: What do you think Kai will do for a distraction?  
Han: She'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.  
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*  
Han: ...or She could do that. 
Kai: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down. 
Kai: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat. 
Hyunjin: I’m not stupid, you know.  
Kai: Well, you’re doing a really good impression of it! 
*Kai and Felix texting*  
Kai: Come downstairs and talk to me please. I'm lonely.  
Felix: Isn't Hyunjin there?  
Kai: Yes but I like you more. 
Jeongin, referring to Han and Felix: Those guys are dorks.  
Kai: Yes, but they’re my dorks. 
Seungmin: Is anyone going to tell me what's going on in here?!  
Changbin: It's kind of complicated, but Kai- 
Seungmin: Got it. Forget I asked. 
Seungmin: Hey do you wanna hang out this weekend?  
Kai: Generic excuse.  
Seungmin: I can’t believe you said that out loud, to my face.  
Kai: I can. 
Kai: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes. 
Changbin: If you want my advice-  
Han: No offense but you’re the last person I want relationship advice from. You tried to kill your significant other. Multiple times.  
Changbin: First off, that was before we started dating. Secondly, they’ve also tried to kill me.  
Hyunjin: It’s true. It was mutually attempted murder. 
Kai, singing to the tune of I Kissed a Girl: I killed a guy, and I liked it-  
Seungmin, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?  
Hyunjin, also singing: The taste of his cherry chapstick.  
Chan, appalled: Call the exorcist. 
Kai: What’s your name?  
Changbin, whispering to Jeongin: Can I tell Her my real name?  
Jeongin: No!  
Changbin: I’m… Jeongin.  
Jeongin, whispering to Himself: The ONE TIME he gets my name right… 
Kai: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending you to Ohio! 
Hyunjin: Subs are so fun to play with. All you have to do is hint at what you might do, back them into a corner with a look, or grab their wrist in a certain way and they're a wide-eyed mess.  
Kai: What the fuck kind of Subway are you going to?  
Han: Substitute teachers deal with so much shit.  
Seungmin: Guys. 
*at 3am*  
Felix, holding the vlogging camera: *runs into Changbin’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  
Changbin: *wakes up* Dude!  
Felix: *cackles*  
Kai: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind Changbin* What the fuck, Felix?  
Felix: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT- 
Kai: Clownery. Tomfoolery. Absolute fuckery, I am going to revoke your life privileges. 
Changbin: Stay foxy.  
Han: Die lonely. 
Kai: How many children do you have?  
Chan: Biologically, legally, or emotionally? Because there is a difference. 
Chan: Hey, Changbin? Can I get some dating advice?  
Changbin: Just because I'm with Kai doesn't mean I know how I did it. 
Kai: “Ladies and gentlemen” is unnecessarily gendered, overly formal, lengthy, and honestly, I’m falling asleep already. “Cowards” on the other hand, is inclusive to all genders, to the point, and dramatic. 
Kai: Hey guys, I’m making french toast sticks in the oven. I’m gonna take a quick nap, so wake me up in 5 minutes to flip them over.  
*5 minutes later*  
Jeongin: Kai it’s been 5 minutes, time to flip your sticks.  
Kai: snnnzzzz...  
Han: Life is like Kai. It's short. 
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smarmimo · 3 months ago
man ARMS is so cool. I wish arms were real
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⚖️ ARMS-Powerscale Follow
🪚 Eat-My-Sawdust Follow
all bb voters are slurping up copaganda like a gogurt tube. They're not that cool
🐶 dogbiscuitz Follow
but barq though
🪚 Eat-My-Sawdust
oh my god it's a ROBOT. Stop having sympathy for metal cubes with faces, bb are weapons of the state
🤖 all-barq-all-byte Follow
you're just mad you don't have a cute dog robot
🧲 trontactics Follow
and you're just mad your fave, an evil servant of the government, lost the last match to Cooler Springman
🎉ribbonparty Follow
tumblr user trontactics hasn't read the coyle leaks
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🌵 cact-me Follow
man having normal arms is boooring,,, if I had ARMS gene I wouldn't have to get out of bed to do the dishes. I could do em from here and my roommate would stfu
🧴 gayglue Follow
Everyone wishes they had ARMS until they wake up and their fingers are made of gorilla glue and they get called the glue guy forever and they have to change their legal name to Glueby Stickson.
🌵 cact-me
are you okay
☠️ deactivated-18394728
if I had arms id yank my peanits real hard
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🌝 moonbeam Follow
fyi if you name yourself after your ARMS you're annoying as fuck have a good day
🧣 scarfy777 Follow
fyi if you name yourself after your ARMS you're one of the most beautiful people on earth and I'm glad you're having fun
🍆 condom-inium Follow
thanks I really needed that
🧣 scarfy777
not you
4,601 notes
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🔌 pull-the-plug Follow
I couldn't do ARMS fighting personally, too scared of getting literally exploded in the ring. Like seriously how is this allowed
🧬 ARMSLabs Follow
Hello! ARMS Weapons department here. We just want to reassure you that the explosions from explosive-attribute weapons are completely safe!
The explosions are produced using silver fulminate, which is highly explosive when physically agitated, but the amount of silver fulminate in these weapons is not much more than the amount of silver fulminate used in your average bang snap.
Also, like bang snaps, sand and gravel is used as a buffer to prevent severe physical damage.
🪤 cheesebox Follow
if someone threw a watermelon sized bang snap at me I think I'd have a heart attack
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📀 retrocycle Follow
I'm stuck in a café on via dolce because some bozos decided that the middle of a street would be a great place to start a brawl. Massive crowd cheering them on. Fists flying everywhere because they've both got ARMS. Think an audience member just got punched in the face. I just wanted some fucjing cupcakes
📀 retrocycle
And the cupcakes are terrible too!!! Having a great fucking day over here
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🎉 ribbonparty Follow
HOW does ninjara have stans. you know the guy's an assassin in training right??? like???future murderer??? this is your fave???
⛓️ shuriken-sweetheart Follow
ninjas haven't killed people since the 18th century, hope this helps!!!
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⚒️ glovesmith Follow
I design ARMS weapons for a living and a coworker showed me a set they were working on, I throw a punch with it and suddenly there's spaghetti on the wall. Don't give ARMS makers free reign to do whatever they want because this is what's gonna happen
⚒️ glovesmith
And before you ask, yes, it was a revolving tri-bolt. They wanted to fill the thing with marinara, pesto, and alfredo sauces. Italian attribute
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💋 kissgirl Follow
I had some really good mozzarella sticks last night and I woke up just now and my arms are mozzarella sticks and all I can think about rn is eating them what do I do
🍡 god-dango Follow
eat your fingers
🥖 badguette Follow
eat your fingers
🪀 yo-yo-yapper Follow
Just another day of seeing people advocate for self-cannibalism on my dash. Seriously guys, use your heads.
🩻 bone-to-pick Follow
eat your fingers
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🏟��� box-babe Follow
Idk why they decided to hold this match in a literal graveyard but it's scary and it's dark out and it's a full moon and walking past all these headstones I think the dead are gonna rise and beat me up
🏟️ box-babe
Who the fuck is master mummy
🏟️ box-babe
guys if the floating hands get me can you call my mom
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🧬 ARMSLabs Follow
A day of the life of an ARMS Labs employee!
Current to-do list:
-monitor the goo
-feed the goo
-praise the goo
-make sacrifices to the goo
-sell soul to the goo
🧽 simple-spunch Follow
hey ARMS Labs what the fuck does this mean
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⛓️ shuriken-sweetheart Follow
Party Crash Bash finals
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🐲 dragon-on-the-double Follow
fucking ninjara stans. min min is NOT "coughing baby," she's got a really good win-loss ratio and STILL manages to run mintendo during the grand prix. you just hate to see powerful women winning
⛓️ shuriken-sweetheart
L + ratio + ninjara's still gonna kick her ass
👑 ARMS-HallOfFame Follow
Date Posted: June 13th, 2019
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🏅 goodboymedal Follow
Just sat down to watch the Grand Prix finale live!!! Wooo!!! Hope mom can see me in the crowd on the tv hehe
🏅 goodboymedal
wait why's Dr Coyle here
🏅 goodboymedal
🏅 goodboymedal
it's okay it's okay they knocked her out. normal Grand Prix resuming now???
🏅 goodboymedal
💀 skullometer Follow
🩻 bone-to-pick Follow
🦷 hedlok-wedlok Follow
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jovialtorchlight · 1 year ago
The Nokia Phone Underneath the Bleachers
In 2004, I slipped out of the pocket of Ian Thomas’ denim JNCO jorts and fell into the darkness deep beneath the gym bleachers at Cumberland Hills Middle School. ( For the record, Ian’s jorts had a bulldog patch on the back pocket. They were sick.) For Ian, the consequences of my neglectful disappearance were fleeting; he had to wash his dad’s car and couldn’t play Halo for a weekend.
Me? I faced a solitary prison. My battery stayed alive for a month, and everytime someone called Ian, “Come Out and Play” by the Offspring rang out in the cavernous purgatory. My neighbors? A crumpled up Gogurt wrapper. Dust. A desiccated Cheeto. A clove cigarette that fell out of Ryan Ashbin’s pocket in 2006; crumpled up detention slips; later, an influx of Silly Bandz. Livestrong Bracelets. For nineteen years, I could smell only buttsweat and Axe; in 2007, a gym sock fell a few inches from me and I prayed for the vicious odor to be fumigated.
The massive quaking and reverberations from pep rallys ; the secret conversations. Usher on loop during school dances.
I have been a silent witness.
A witness to conversations soaked in the melodrama of existing, for a moment, as a thirteen year old. To them, it felt like forever, like it was everything. But I saw them pulled away by time, out of the school, away and into the world. A collection of tiny moments, faded into the ether, that at one time, to some kid, mattered more than anything else.
Vince Garcia scrambling up the bleachers, tears in his eyes, huddled at the top corner, hyperventilating. Mr. Bennet following shortly behind him, his massive body creaking up the bleachers, gently coaxing Vince to come back to class.
“It’s my dad,” Vince croaked. “He’s dying.”
Rosie Blair admitting to her best friend that she cut herself. Tom Gatlin coming out to his best friend. Macie Howard breaking up with Danny Evans and dating Howie Grant and then getting back together with Danny and Danny’s ex-Tracey Young jumping Macie and pulling her hair. A debate that almost devolved into a fistfight over whether Bigfoot existed in San Andreas.
I have seen the years pass by through the cracks in the bleachers. On a cold December afternoon in 2023, light permeated the darkness. A hand grasped me, and pulled me out of the catacombs.
I guess I had it better than most old phones; discarded in a landfill, resting beneath piles of junk in a drawer. And I don’t know where I am going.
Phones today are fragile, glassy, imperceptible to me. I cannot fathom what they can do. I don’t think I’ll be returning to the workforce.
Maybe I’ll write a book? Maybe they’ll run me over with a truck and film it, just to see how indestructible I really am.
But when September rolls around, and the nervous sixth graders fill the gym, waiting for orientation, I won’t be underneath the bleachers.
My tomb has been unsealed.
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incorrectdaedra · 1 year ago
please give a synopsis of carnival goldfish that's such an intriguing name. how does this relate to our prince of wishes?
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Okay so
You're absolutely right, this is Vile. Vile the character AND vile the descriptor.
A common trope in family slice-of-life stories is for a small child to acquire, love, and accidentally kill a pet fish. The adults, not wanting to deal with the fallout, run frantically to the pet store to find a fish that vaguely resembles the one that passed before the kid even notices it's dead in a story that can only be funny because fish are considered too insignificant to mourn.
Carnival Goldfish is a disturbingly light-hearted story about what I think would happen if Clavicus Vile took a mortal lover. Vile gets overly excited and forgets that mortals are delicate creatures, he kills it, whines to Barbas that it's been sleeping for too long, and Barbas rushes to the mortal plane to find a replacement before Vile realizes what he's done. Mortals all kinda look the same anyways, it shouldn't be hard.
So, yeah! That's the basic gist. As fun as it is to read mortal x daedra romances, I don't think any daedric prince could really love a mortal as an equal (except maybe Sheogorath, since he's crazy). I do know plot point by plot point what happens in this story, but I haven't moved past the outline yet because I haven't come up with OCs to be the lover and the replacement yet. I don't experience romantic attraction and I don't write many OCs, so this is just generally pretty alien to me I guess? Anyways, I hope I can make this concept into a story that keeps people up at night. Thanks for the asks, guys :3 :3
@ego-osbourne @gergoats-gogurt
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 year ago
you are back! and hopefully refreshed to hear me gasp at the concept of baby daddy oliver. i am wailing like a town crier at the visions spiralling in my mind’s eye……he is SO babydaddy shaped it’s a bit concerning.
even if you are both diametrically opposed about the state of your relationship bc he’s terrible (overbearing), he would go to the ends of the earth for your kid never doubt that.
him holding a chunky baby wearing a mini jersey?? SEDATE ME PLEASE. i think the coparenting would be where you both hit your stride together pushing through teething and sleepless nights and endless research abt if (insert thing here) is typical for your kid. it’s not a traditional situation or even initially remotely normal but you both can depend on each other to see it through and your kid absolutely feels that care bc ur both good parents doing the best they can.
that being said though he absolutely needs to work on not cussing in front of the baby (set up a swear jar) and not eating the snacks?? i can see how the bastard could inhale the applesauce, gogurt tubes and dinosaur nuggets like a vaccuum lmao
so so happy ur back. (i saw that u want to read more this year so i recommend sampling “legends and lattes”. a comfort fantasy read w/ low-ish mystery stakes and the coziest vibe. idk if it’s what you’d usually go for but it wasnt what i go for either yet felt rlly charmed after giving it a try!)
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the problem is that i really from the bottom of my wretched heart thing that man is a GOOD father. not an okay or average one but a GOOODD DAD. and i think the whole coparenting thing goes so well with him in all the ways you describe like he is so Present and so There. and you have so much time together
he takes your kid on daytrips and goes with you to the park and he works even harder to train to give your kid a life. and you know you're right it is not traditional at all!!!! but it works so well and i do think thats the reason you end up falling for him
in my. in my Mind. the reason there's this like bump where you have some resentment about him and some gripes w him because he proves himself capable of being committed and devoted and that's like the main conflict of the romance element and it . it is cooking me half to death
ALSO HIM EATING THE SNACKS FJKHSKDJJKFD. hes so real for that... those little yogurt puffs for babies are DELICIOUS
(thank you for the book recc!!!! i am open to everything so i will give it a peep!!!)
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andrea-lyn · 4 months ago
@kaydeefalls is the loveliest ever for tagging me in this meme, bc it's an absolute fave, so ty ty!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
494, which definitely excludes some early career stuff I do not share. Yes, it's a lot, but hey, that's hyperfixation for you!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3,646,862, which means 4mil is the next big target, and knowing me, I'll get there.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, my WIP folder touches the following fandoms: The Old Guard, Avatar the Last Airbender, XMFC, Interview with the Vampire, Roswell New Mexico (I very much want to write more Roy/Jamie, but just kicking around ideas rn).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
ready for my close up, mr. dameron (Poe/Finn), aka @swingsetindecember baited me with gogurt and I wrote a fic, and the gogurt is unique, but the baiting is not (see: my entire Mag7 oeuvre)
how to fall in love with a fairytale  (Poe/Finn), aka, I got into the Star Wars fandom at the right time
what a tale my thoughts could tell (Joe/Nicky), aka, I got into the Old Guard fandom at the right time and mind-reading does well
Your Hand In Mine (Poe/Finn), aka, see above
hallelujah, you're still mine (Joe/Nicky), also above
The next couple are still Old Guard/Star Wars, but this year a few newbies have crept into the top page, including Ted Lasso and IWTV, which is very exciting to me!
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, always, I am a slut for positive reinforcement and I want to give thanks for that.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Every once in a while I like to write something that guts me to write and makes me cry. Anyway, The Time Traveling Pilot technically has a bittersweet and happy ending, except it's also super angsty? Love the ouroboros of it all!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
....take your pick. With minimal exceptions, I'm a happy ending girlie by trade.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I had a run in Roswell New Mexico where I had to turn off guests because I was getting some really random, but vicious comments and I knew why, but it was still exhausting.
9. Do you write smut?
I've noticed as I get older, I've stopped as much, mostly because the tone doesn't seem to match what I'm doing. Don't get me wrong, I'll still include it, but it's usually more in passing than focused.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Hell yes, and I miss them, I need to write more.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, and my biggest piece of advice for any writer is to have an open policy for transformative works on your AO3, because that's how you get awesome translations and podfics!
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes, and I love this too, and would love to do more of it. Honestly, sometimes I think that's the only way I'll ever finish the original novel ideas I have.
14. What is your all time favorite ship?
I feel like I don't have all-time faves, but I will say that there are some ships that stick with me even after years and I'll go back to them. Right now, I'd say those two that have longevity are Ronan/Adam, and Kirk/McCoy. Obviously then there are current obsessions like Armand/Daniel and Sokka/Zuko, but those first two just stick.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's only one. Literally, only ONE. I will probably never finish even though there's only a chapter left. It's a modern day Pride & Prejudice AU. It is literally the only fic I've ever abandoned after I started posting (pretty sure it's still on ff.net) and honestly, the only reason I'm not going back to it is because my style has changed too much.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Engaging plot, or so I like to think. I feel like I tend to have fun unique takes on things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Not describing shit enough. I do a lot of vague things on purpose sometimes because it fits the mood, and sometimes because I'm just too lazy about my prose.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language during a fic?
So I used to. And then I realized that it's too much work to scroll or highlight, so now I'll just write in italics and denote the language in the prose after.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog or Charmed - I can't remember which came first, but my username comes from the Mary Sues I wrote in both of those fandoms, bc I decided that I might as well own it. And here we are.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's always a flip-flop between my Webgott (Love Like The Sea) and this one, Baby, I'm Howling For You (my McDanno supernatural big bang). The latter is probably winning right now because I re-read it the other day and I miss world-building like that, so I'm dying to get back to it.
TAGGING TIME! I'm hitting up @myrmidryad @inell @atthelamppost @graygiantess and anyone else who wants to ramble about fics!
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cowboywithacunt · 8 months ago
wait tell me everything about the ovi toy i have no idea how they work... do you just like put the eggs into the tunnel and squeeze them into you like a gogurt or like what i need to KNOW
I think there's a few different ways they're made, mine has a hollow dildo that you put the eggs into (it can fit about 3 of the ones it came with at once) and then a squeezy pump that pushes the eggs out. I'm sure you could also just squeeze them out by grabbing the toy too
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junoinferno · 2 years ago
If Y/N Fic Was Realistic, Dave York Edition
Dave York: Y/N, I have something to tell you.
Y/N: What is it, honey?
Dave York: I’m a freelance contract killer.
Y/N: I don’t understand.
Dave York: (sighs) I just got sick of it, going out and killing people for the government with an increasingly murky foreign policy, because some politician said to-
Y/N: No, that checks.
Dave: It does?
Y/N: What I don’t get is why if you’re doing murder for hire, why do we have these stupid cheap vertical blinds on this door?!
Dave: Huh?
Y/N: I’ve pulled off like three of those by accident in the past month. They probably came with the house-
Dave: I-
Y/N: And when I said I wanted the Alexa fridge why was that too much money?
Dave: We don’t need an Alexa fridge-
Y/N: We need a new fridge anyway! It shows you what’s inside without opening the door-
Dave: Just open the door-
Y/N: Do you know how long your children stand with the door open because they can’t find the Gogurt even though it’s in the same place it has always been?
Dave: Fine! Get the Alexa fridge!
Y/N: Thank you. Finally!
Dave: You’re sure you don’t have any questions about… my work?
Y/N: Uh, United States foreign policy is stupid? Nope. Got it. I’ve seen Narcos.
Dave: Oh, my God, are you rewatching that again?!
Y/N: I’m just saying you could try growing some facial hair.
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kn-1013 · 2 years ago
Childhood Crushes
Rating: T Ships: Reigen Arataka/Serizawa Katsuya, can be read as platonic or romantic Words: 655 AO3: NormalCaptive
Summary: Reigen and Serizawa talk childhood crushes.
Notes: A Serizawa-focused character study. I kind of wish this one were longer, but oh well. It's more than Terry Pratchett wrote in a single day.
"So," Reigen said, catching Serizawa's attention. "Who was it for you?" 
They were both at a relatively empty and quiet ramen restaurant after a long day's work. Mob wasn't there for work that day, so it was just the two of them. Reigen had something that looked quite fancy and delicious, with extra pieces of pork added to the soup, whereas Serizawa tried to go for something closer to the instant noodles he was so used to eating, something simple. 
"What do you mean?" Serizawa said, mouth quite full of noodles. 
"Well, everyone has childhood crushes, right?" Reigen said, taking another bite. Serizawa shrugged. "I s'pose so." "Well, when you're some flavor of gay, you often don't know that, and something has to slap you in the face with it for you to get it. At least, that's how it happened for me." Serizawa hummed. "Usually, it's celebrities, too. For me? That American guy, Harrison Ford." Serizawa blinked. "From Indianna Jones?" Reigen nodded. "All those posters of him and the movie covers with his broad chest out in the open, ugh." Reigen snickered. "I don't know how my parents didn't know, like immediately. I had him all over my room." 
Serizawa raised a brow. "Poster over the bed?" Reigen nodded solemnly. "Poster over the bed." 
Serizawa gave a small chuckle. 
"See, I had crushes on mostly female characters, like Lara Croft--" "Tomb Raider." "--Yeah, Tomb Raider. Lara Croft in all her polygonal glory." Serizawa chuckled and took another bite of his food. "But what really changed things for me was Metal Gear Solid 2." "The only thing I know about Metal Gear Solid is that guy is called Solid Snake, for some reason." Reigen laughed. "It's Kojima, he kind of just does that." Serizawa said. "The character's real name is David, but something-something snakes are stealthy." He chuckled.
"But anyway, in Metal Gear Solid 2, there's a character called Vamp who is bisexual. That's what introduced the concept to me. I did more digging wherever I could on the early 2000s internet, learned what the term meant, and, well, that's when things started making sense. And then, for years, I had a crush on him." Serizawa took another bite, reminiscing a bit. "Though, he was a more minor character. I don't think there were any posters with just him on them. Or, if there were, I didn't have them." 
"This is why you should've had a gay crush on a popular character, so you could kiss the poster goodnight." Reigen said, very matter-of-fact. 
Serizawa almost choked. "Did you-?" Reigen snickered. "You know, I can't say." "Oh my god." 
Serizawa pointed his chopsticks loosely toward Reigen. "You're a hot mess, you know that?" Reigen laughed. "Haven't heard that one before!" He said sarcastically. 
"At least my guy wasn't a vampire named Vamp, and drinking people like Gogurts!" 
"Okay--No, he's not called Vamp because he drinks blood, according to the dialogue, he's a vampire because he's bisexual." Reigen almost spit out his food in confused laughter. "What? How does that make sense!" Serizawa threw his hands up. "I'm just as confused as you are! I don't think anyone actually knows what the hell that line meant." 
Right then, Serizawa had realized that for the first time, he had a friend right in front of him. Not online, right there. Someone who was actually interested in what he had to say, who was engaging with him. He cared about his online friends, but he had forgotten what it was like to be around another person. That friends online couldn't alone be a replacement for in-person connection, at least not for him. This was someone who he could reach out and touch, someone real. 
Someone whose genuine smile didn't show often, but when it did, it lit up his world. Someone who showed him to be confident, someone who believed in him. 
He could get used to this. 
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[Image descriptions in order: screenshots of tumblr posts, which say:
phoneticmeow: I love when my boyfriend showers at my house cause I get to lean against the door and hear him quietly scream
[initiala: Killed ANOTHER FREAKING CANADIAN SOLDIER. How do they keep getting into my house?! Stop!!
initiala: It occurs to me that people might not know that this is another name for a mayfly. I am not being infiltrated by humans from Canada.]
[Discord messages, which say:
guilty ghoul: move to nyc. eat balls all day
guilty ghoul: BAGELS (not sent)
real krispies:🤨
real krispies: ?
guilty ghoul: BAGELS.
{doey ! and real krispies are typing...}]
[Tumblr post:
kratt09: people who don't wear glasses are so weird like you just wake up and your eyes are pussy fresh??
kratt09: thats not the word I meant to use]
[A Reddit post on r/Montessori titled "How to put a baby down". The first line of the post says "Edit: I MEANT HOW TO PUT HIM TO SLEEP 🙈"]
[Tumblr anonymous ask: being mailed is enrichment for us girls
predstrogen answered: good girls get USPS and bad girls get fedex to dump them in a ditch
predstrogen reblogs with a screenshot of another anonymous ask, which says "MAULED fuck"
Below, predstrogen says:
[Tumblr post by dishsaop which says: the worst part about being an adult is thay its no longer socially acceptable to just roll down a really big hill and then run back up it and roll back down again. "oh is this a syphilis metaphor" passerby would ask. "is this for a tick tock". no i just wanna come home covered in dirt and scratches and bask in the the solace of childlike mirth
dishsaop reblogs with a screenshot of discord massages, which say:
Unknown: Saf
Unknown: was that a comedic mixup of sisyphus and syphilis
dishesoap: what
dishesoap: wait
/End of discord conversation
The tumblr post beneath the messages says, in all capitals: SISYPHUS. FUCKING AUTOCORRECT.]
[Tumblr post by dartagnanromance:
fuck algebra i don't need it just give me a dead body and i'll figure it out from there
i feel i should clarify i am a mortuary science major]
[cuuno-moved: sonic the lesbian is a hedgehog
cuuno-moved: wait i fucked it up.
cuuno-moved: guys stop reblogging this.]
[infectiouspiss: they should invent joints that don't hurt
infectiouspiss: {Attached is a screenshot of two comments by pissditchingz which say: how tf are you smoking them that it hurts
Oh shit do you mean like bones}]
[Anonymous ask: so, like, what do you think about chihuahuas???
actuallycuteanimals answered: They are a lovely and very underrated fish
actuallycuteanimals, in toggle case: wAIT
[conzoop: roommate reminded me how good Hole is
the band the band the band the grunge band with frontwoman Courtney Love the BAND THE BAND THE BANDTHE BAND THE BAND TH]
[toskarin: the oedipal task of doing the dishes
[A screenshot of a tiktok. The top half is a worm's eye photo of the sky with trees framing the edges, and the text "quote "I'm gonna be a vegetarian when i grow up!" Unquote".
The bottom half is a photo of a cemetery in the day, with the text "*works at a cemetery*"
Beneath the tiktok is a screenshot of the creator's comment, which says "GUYS I MENT VETERINARIAN, THE SUN WAS ON MY PHONE SO I COULD BARELY SEE 😭😭😭#autocorrect]
[A tumblr post with a photo of a squeeze tube of yogurt. Text on the side of the yogurt tube says "DING DONG, TEXAS IS A REAL PLACE. LOOK IT UP!"
Beneath the image, the OP says: So uuuuhhhh...got my daughter a yogurt this morning and learned something new.
issamomma: Guys I just realized they meant there's a city in Texas called Ding Dong. I thought the people at GoGurt were really like, "DING DONG! WAKE UP SHEEPLE. BIG GOVERNMENT DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW. TEXAS IS REAL. LOOK IT UP. GET THIS TO THE PEOPLE." Like some big exec at Yoplait is ready to lose his life over exposing a national secret through the medium of childrens' yogurt snack tubes.]
[An anonymous ask: You won't believe your eyes, Ten thousand naked guys
girlfoxcock answered: that means... twenty thousand cocks...
girlfoxcock: I made a miscalculation.]
[anarcho-skamunist: quacking in my boobs over this
anarcho-skamunist: QUAKING
anarcho-skamunist: BOOTS. FUCKER]
[emeraldwhale: Fermenting in a butch honoring way
emeraldwhale: @ dramaticromantic
{Attached is a screenshot of a comment by dramaticromantic which says: Call that kombutcha}
[A tumblr post of a screenshot of a live tweet by @/AP "The Associated Press" (golden verification), which says "Michelle Yeoh and Angela Bassett locked in a long embrace, their bare, muscle-bound arms wrapped around each other."
The tumblr poster says: I am sitting and listening
homoqueerjewhobbit reblogs saying: Gotta include the follow-up: {a tweet by The Associated Press, which says: The AP has deleted a previous tweet about the Oscars after party because it contained awkward wording and lacked context.}]
[doubleca5t: my gf just said "I'm drawing rainbow dash" and then after a long pause, "NOT sexily!!!"]
[yellowsuggestion: My aesthetic: when you take off your glasses on a highway and all the lights go soft and smudged, a trail of amber behind you like a quiet afterthought
A comment by yellowsuggestion which says in all capitals: YALL IM IN THE PASSENGER SEAT]
[jasontoddsguns: Ryan Reynolds milking Hugh Jackman for all he's worth will never not be funny.
[c3rvida3: Doctor said I only have to do four hours of therapy a week instead of seven. I am the pina colada of mental health.
c3rvida3: I meant to say "pinnacle", not "pina colada". The telephone is a cruel mistress. I am so healthy, still.]
[A tweet by @/ryvnlovve "Ryan Lowe" which says "Anne Hathaway for Elle France, June 2022"
@/hotpriestt "Girl with no problems" replies, "every tweet about anne hathaway going viral like police didn't find human remains and evidence of cannibalism in her LA home that she sold in 2013😭"
hotpriestt later tweets, "hey guys forgot to take my prozac yesterday and one of the withdrawal symptoms is hallucinations so yea"
hotpriestt tweets again, "apparently hallucinations aren't part of withdrawing wow im never buying prozac off facebook marketplace again".]
[0111010001110010011000010111000 asked: what if we both shot out our autism beams to destroy the city from opposing ends 🤔 and they accidentally clashed 😳 !!
girlballs answered: whoa I'd feel bad for everyone caught in the splash radius
girlballs: blast radius. i meant blast radius]
[solarsyrup: one of my favorite story elements is "character way past their prime can still absolutely wreck you, leaving you to wonder just how powerful they used to be"
sdwolfpup: {A screenshot of a tag which says #OH YOU MEANT IN A FIGHT}]
[piromantic: *travels to the other side of the country* whoa i've never seen these biomes bef
post cancelled i forgot biome was a real term and not just a minecraft word]
[A tweet by @/CraigEvil "funkle" which says "I had an insane dream last night where i shot some guy in the chest in broad daylight and the coroner came and measured his penis at the crime scene and the cops let me go because it was less than 4 inches"
A tumblr reblog by mevil which is a screenshot of two tweets by "throwing absolute haymakers tow..." which say, "we get no rights"
"i mean they get no rights".]
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Post corrections/clarifications are my favorite genre of humor: a compilation
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pinkvanessastar13 · 7 months ago
so I went into the Incorrect quote generator with these 2
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Emily: So, according to my university, it is, quote, “my responsibility if there is an internet outage to contact the faculty and the department.” Emily: Now, if you’re a critical thinker like me, you might be wondering one thing. Emily: HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO EMAIL THE DEPARTMENT?!?!?!
Kanya: Fight me! Matthew: Ha, look at your size! What are you gonna do, kick my ankle? Later Maddie: Why is Matthew crying? Magician Rabbid: Kanya kicked them really hard on the ankle.
Kayden: Remain CALM! *slaps Kanya multiple times*
Matthew: Where’s Kanya? Emily: Doing stuff. Matthew: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Kayden? Emily: Trying to stop Kanya from doing the stuff. Matthew: And Lexie? Emily: Trying to stop Kayden from stopping Kanya from doing the stuff. Matthew: I see. And what are you doing here, Emily? Emily: I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Lexie from stopping Kayden from stopping Kanya from doing the stuff.
Matthew: Don’t stay up all night, Maddie. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Kanya, rubbing their temples: I am not proud of what I am about to say, but someone get me a cigarrette. Matthew: But Kanya, we don't smoke. Kanya: Cut the crap, Matthew. I'm not an idiot. I know that one in five people smoke. Kanya: points at Kayden One! points at Magician Rabbid Two! points at Emily Three! points at Lexie Four! points at Matthew Five! Kanya: Now, I am going to close my eyes, and when I open them, there better be a cigarrette between these two fingers! Kayden: puts a cigarrette in Kanya's hand Kanya: Thank you. …Light? The Squad: all simultaneously pull out lighters
Kayden: CHARACTER. FLAWS. ARE. FUCKING. IMPORTANT. Kanya: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Emily: I didn’t know that air fryers are a real thing. Used to think that they were made up by the internet as a funny joke and that their purpose was to “fry air”. Matthew: WAIT, BUT IT FRIES THE AIR TO FRY THE FOOD?? Emily: I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS A KITCHEN APPLIANCE, MY FIRST ASSUMPTION WAS SOMETHING AKIN TO AN AIR CONDITIONER! Kanya: IT’S NOT LIKE AN AIR CONDITIONER???? Maddie: You guys clearly don’t own an air fryer.
Kanya: My stomach growled super loud in French. Kanya: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Emily: Bonjour. Lexie: Le growl. Maddie: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
Kayden and Emily enter a dive bar Kayden: Look, I know you’re disappointed but could we at least have a drink. Emily, in a scuba diving suit: I would like leave, please.
Emily: Time for plan G. Maddie: Don’t you mean plan B? Emily: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties. Kayden: What about plan D? Emily: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago. Matthew: What about plan E? Emily: I’m hoping not to use it. Lexie dies in plan E. Lexie: I like plan E.
Magician Rabbid: So don't panic but one of us is possessed by an owl…. Maddie: …. Lexie: ….. Emily: …… Kanya: ..Who? Magician Rabbid: That's the thing we don't- Everyone stares at Kanya
Matthew: Uh, Lexie? Maddie is in the pool and I don't think they're waterproof. Lexie: What? Emily: I think they meant, Maddie is drowning. Lexie: WHAT?! Meanwhile Maddie: is drowning Kayden: OH MY GOD, MADDIE! KEEP SWIMMING! Maddie: I can't swim, dumbass— sinks Kayden: MADDIE!
0 notes
kiwisfics · 2 years ago
Incorrect Quotes
A/N - Just some fun stuff lol
Alfred: Attention everyone who doesn’t live here: we will be closing in five minutes. If you are present in the mansion after closing, you will be hunted for sport.
*The sound of all the adult Batfam minus Bruce scurrying for the door*
Bruce: Any questions?
*half of the room raises hands*
Bruce: …Any questions about the mission?
*Everyone raises hands*
Bruce: Why are there MORE hands now?
Bruce: Character flaws are important.
[Name]: Me when someone tells me to stop eating mayo packets like they’re gogurt tubes.
Jason: You WHAT?
Bruce: Could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
[Name]: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Jason: Why were you microwaving a lemon?
[Name]: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells. I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges. But I didn’t know where the pots were.
Dick: …Did you burn an orange too? How?
[Name]: …Microwave for 40 minutes.
Bruce: I really like this whole “good guy, bad guy” act you two have going on.
[Name]: It’s not an act. It’s just that Jason’s mean and I’m not.
Bruce: Name one thing-
[Name]: Rocks.
Jason: Yeah, that’s good. Mine was the ineradicably of hope despite the futility of effort.
[Name]: …Actually rocks is more than one thing…
Bruce: Okay, I have a box. We’re going to put everything we love inside this box.
Dick: Can I put [Name] in the box?
Bruce: No.
Jason: Can I put [Name] into the box?
Bruce: No.
Tim: Can I- 
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