#how am I supposed to expect a future where things are good
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hervygervy · 3 days ago
So Kid Icarus Uprising has been out for 10+ years and yet we're still reusing the same two jokes, huh... Well, recycling is a beautiful thing so why don't we talk about them today!
You guys know 'em, right? Of course you do! "Floor ice cream gives you health!" "I never learned how to read!" Ha! What knee-slappers. Now what if I told y'all that those lines were actually creative deviations from the localization team?
Let's go in order. First is the floor ice cream bit, which occurs in chapter 16 right after a hot spring:
That was probably the millionth time you had to listen to that conversation, so I hope you can forgive me. But hey, now you get to hear the Japanese version:
The punchline is entirely different. Here's how I'd translate it:
Palutena: There's a Float Ring.
Viridi: I wonder if this is also an Aurum copy.
Pit: Whether it's a hot spring or a vehicle, I'll use whatever I can! This is what it is to be an angel! This is the angel's way of life!!
Viridi: What are you getting all psyched for? Palutena, are you giving him enough pocket money?
Palutena: Ah, that's... I haven't thought about that.
Pit: I'm not crying or anything, I'm not!
Aww. Poor Pit doesn't get any allowance. That's to be expected, I think.
A couple notes: the "Float Ring" is just the Japanese name for the Aether Ring, although you probably figured that out. All the vehicles have different names, actually. The Exo Tank is called the Beetle, the Cherubot is called the Gigas, the Lightning Chariot is called the Chariot of Light, and the Great Sacred Treasure is called the True Three Sacred Treasures. So on and so forth.
Additionally, something I personally find interesting is Viridi's word choice in one of her lines. Japanese is a very grammatically complex language, and one of these complexities comes in the form of talking about giving and receiving. There are a bunch of words for "to give" that are used depending on the giver and receiver's social status. As an English speaker, it's a real headache. I guess this is what you call pragmatics. When talking about giving allowance to Pit, Viridi uses やっておる (yatteoru) which is a progressive form of やる (yaru). やる can mean a billion different things, but in this context, it means "to give." And this is the kind of "give" you say when talking about giving something to a dog or plant or the like. Make of that what you will!
Wow, I really got sidetracked. Anyway, I can't say I know the logic behind this change, because both versions evidently have the intention of being funny. But lately I've been coming to the conclusion that the English version tries to make an effort to be more blatantly funny for lack of a better word. Like, instances where there is no joke in the Japanese version will see a joke inserted in the English version, or in cases like these, they try to ham up the funny factor. The localizers pretty much had free reign over the English script per Sakurai's blessing, so I suppose such random changes are an inevitability. In future posts, I'll talk about plot changes and characterization differences so please stay tuned for those! Back to the topic at hand, personally I'd say I prefer the Japanese version of this conversation, it's funny and cute.
Moving on! Reading. You're doing it right now. Thank you for that, by the way. But poor Pit, he never learned how to read. We learn this near the end of the flight segment of chapter 17:
People seem to be really fixated on what was honestly meant to just be a totally unserious and funny line. Like there's a whole lotta fanart out there depicting Pit learning to read or whole essays on literacy headcanons. But who am I to talk, I'm also someone who would take all of this game's lines at face value.
And now, the Japanese:
And my translation:
Pit: M-my wings are getting hot!
Palutena: It's no good! We're already at the flight limit! I'll cut the miracle of flight!
Pit: Wahh!
Palutena: Pit! Pit!!
Pit: Mayday! Mayday!! All systems down! It's already come to this! Before I die, I wanted to eat until I was full!
Viridi: Is this the time to be saying such corny things? You should ride this!
Pit: N-Nachure!
Viridi: Carefully line yourself up with the floating island. If you land poorly, you understand what'll happen, right?!
Oh, right, Viridi is called Nachure in the Japanese version. As in "nature." Surprised that never came up until now. But yeah! As you can see, the Japanese version uses a more clichéd punchline. Something you'd expect in a shounen anime. Again, the localizers had free reign and they simply changed the line to be something funnier. I have to say, I think the English version wins. There is no better punchline than illiteracy. It's a terribly overdone joke at this point, but maybe for good reason. It got added into Super Smash Bros Ultimate, after all. Did you know Antony Del Rio had to rerecord that line just for that game? They didn't just reuse it!
...I can make this post longer, if you want. We can like, really dive into this literacy thing if you want. There are a couple more conversations to pick apart, in that case. Just take a gander below the cutoff if that's your fancy.
Alright, so there's this part in chapter 5 where you have to jump across a bunch of rotating floating platforms, right? One of these rings of platforms is fashioned into letters spelling "Pandora," if you remember.
A thoroughly enlightening spelling lesson. The way this conversation plays out implies that Pit couldn't read the platforms. It makes me wonder if the English script writers already had the "never learned how to read" joke locked in, thus making it a genuine piece of characterization the writers were going for, or if this is purely a coincidence and it just so happens to work out perfectly.
To be honest, this conversation is a little less interesting than I hoped it to be. I'll translate:
Palutena: Those yellow floors ahead look like letters, don't they?
Pit: Let's see...
Palutena: PA-N-DO-O-RA... is this place some kind of self-introduction?
Pit: How embarrassing.
Pandora: Hmph. What, can't manage it? This taste.
Palutena: Yeah. It's impossible. In every sense.
First of all, I like how the English version calls the platforms orange rather than yellow. Yeah girl... those are indeed orange. Second, when Palutena is spelling out the platforms, she spells it out as if it were written in Japanese. The game's subtitles use Roman letters to transcribe her spelling, but it has furigana above it for a Japanese reading. Here, I'll show you and hope Tumblr doesn't ruin the compression:
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Quick Japanese lesson, writing is split into three scripts: hiragana, katakana, and kanji. Hiragana is like the foundation of it all and each character represents a single syllable of sound. Every hiragana has a katakana equivalent, and their purpose is just to transcribe foreign words into the Japanese sound system. Kanji are more logographic, considering they're derived from Chinese characters. They make up most of the "content" of the language while hiragana makes up the "function." Every kanji can be converted back to hiragana, since that's how all the sounds are written, but since there are no spaces in Japanese, it'd be a mighty pain to read if everything was hiragana. And Japanese is already hard to read. All of that word salad just to tell you that "furigana" are hiragana or katakana characters written above kanji or other characters to indicate how to read them.
Now, the Roman letters can actually be written out in katakana. Spelling "Pandora" would look like ピー・エー・エヌ・ディー・オー・アール・エー (pii, ee, enu, dii, oo, aaru, ee). But instead Palutena pronounces it and spells it out in a Japanese way, which seems odd to me. Am I making sense?
All in all, it's pretty obvious the Japanese version doesn't really contain any of the implications the English version potentially has.
There's one more conversation I want to take a look at. It's one of those elusive random conversations:
That's right, we're starting with Japanese first this time! This one's gonna be interesting to translate:
Pit: There are various gods around the world, huh?
Palutena: That's right.
Pit: Does each god come with their own respective angel, I wonder?
Palutena: No, that's not necessarily the case.
Viridi: "Angel" is written from "heaven uses," you know.
Pit: What? Isn't it "heavenly messenger?"
Viridi: I pity you. Don't you even understand that it means you're just being pushed around?
Pit: Lady Palutena, please say something!
Palutena: ...huh?
Pit: Hey, wait, Lady Palutena!
Mmm that probably didn't make much sense. Alright, so the Japanese word for "angel" is 天使 (tenshi) which is made up of 天, meaning "heaven," and 使, which means "use." So, literally "heaven's tool." I'm going to come to the conclusion that the Japanese seem to understand what an angel is better than the average westerner. Anyway, Viridi's making the argument that the word is derived from 天が使う (ten ga tsukau) which would mean "heaven uses." Pit protests that the word comes from 天の使い (ten no tsukai) which is also just... another way to say "angel." It literally means "heaven's messenger." A Japanese dictionary will define "angel" as "a messenger from God" so Pit's probably more correct here. As you probably gathered, 使 was read differently depending on how it was used. This is par for the course for kanji. Since kanji are derived from Chinese characters, and Chinese as a language has changed over time (as languages do) and different regions of China have different ways of saying things (dialects and all that), Japanese naturally picked up on all these different pronunciations. Thus, any one kanji could have a dozen different readings.
So what does this all mean? It means we've got a case for literacy, ladies and gents. You'd have to be able to read at least a little bit to understand that "shi" and "tsuka" are derived from the same morpheme.
The Japanese version of the Pandora convo doesn't really tell us anything, so to tally it up, we're at two points for illiteracy and one point for literacy. I have one more trick up my sleeve... but we're going to have to venture outside of Kid Icarus Uprising.
In Super Smash Bros for Wii U and Super Smash Bros Ultimate, if you play as Pit on the Palutena's Temple stage, mashing down taunt will trigger a special conversation between some of the Kid Icarus Uprising cast. It's like an evolution of Snake's codec calls from Brawl. Anyway, I want to direct your attention to this part of Villager's conversation. I don't have any audio so I hope some screenshots will do:
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"By the way, that name has an interesting secret."
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"Oh oh! What is it?"
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"The truth is, this is the first name in Smash to use hiragana!"
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"W-what! I didn't realize!"
I dunno, this has gotta indicate some literacy, right? Gotta have some conception of hiragana for this to mean anything, right? Can we get half a point for team literacy at least?
...I guess we really didn't get anywhere in the end. Is Pit literate? Up to you, I suppose. What a thrilling conclusion. Let's close this off with the English version of the above convo because I like it lots. It's got a stupidly rare random chance of occurring in like, chapter 11 exclusively so perhaps you haven't even heard it.
Probably one of my favorite interactions in the game. "Errand spirit." Chef's kiss. Perfect. Sublime. Perhaps westerners understand angels after all. Secretary Pit is also awesome.
The English version evidently takes the angle of playing with the definition of the word, rather than the etymology. This is fair enough because the average English speaker probably knows jack about the etymology of "angel." Oh, and the type of joke the Japanese version wishes to convey wouldn't really work in English. For fun, "angel" comes from Greek "angelos" which means "messenger." ...I guess we've come full circle.
This post has gone on for way too long. This cutoff part is probably longer than the main point of this post. Maybe I'm the one who needs a coffee.
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g3sdogden · 1 year ago
it's not "pseudo" poverty, it's just poverty
we're impoverished, not because the resources don't exist, but because we're not allowed them by the system
and the resources that're at least *locally* not available we're not allowed to make ourselves without money, something that we do not have on account of everything costing more than anyone can reasonably make
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mountainsandmayhem · 9 months ago
BDSMaid - Chapter 1
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Masterlist || AO3
Pairing: Millionaire Joel Miller x Female Reader Rating: 18+ Chapter Summary: To save money for law school, you accept a job at Maid Discretely; a high end, anonymous cleaning service. You aren’t supposed to know whose home you’re cleaning, but your curiosity is peaked by your first client, and when the two of you have a shocking and surprising run in, more than just your curiosity peaks.  CW: Author chooses not to use warnings in this chapter in order to avoid spoilers. While I never want to trigger anyone, you are solely responsible for the content you consume. AN: Oh boy, here we go! I'm in a straight PANIC getting ready to post this. I hope it meets all your expectations, I was not at all expecting that reaction to the teaser post. Love you all and thank you for all your support. Please share or comment, I have a praise kink LOL. Follow @mountainsandmayhem-updates and turn on notifications for future chapters. Dividers and support banners by @saradika-graphics. Thank you @mermaidgirl30, @littlevenicebitch69, @joelmillerisapunk and @burntheedges for being my little cheerleaders over this, ily!! Chapter Word Count: 4.4k
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You stare down at the very intimidating legal document you have clasped in your clammy hands. There are so many big legal sounding words that seem to be mocking you with their importance. Somehow there are clauses that have sub clauses that are then further broken down into sub-subclauses. It feels heavy to be handed this on a Monday morning. Truthfully, this doesn’t seem like something a soon-to-be twenty-one year old woman who literally just graduated college, albeit a semester early, should be allowed to sign without parents and a lawyer present. 
This is just supposed to be a simple job working part time as a maid for your best friend's family’s cleaning company. A job where she promised easy money and part time hours that you set for yourself. The perfect opportunity for you to be able to save money AND set aside lots of study time for your upcoming LSAT rewrite. You passed it a few months ago and applied to a bunch of law schools, but you aren’t going to waste these next few months waiting around. You know how competitive law schools can be, so you’re preparing to be better just in case you don’t get in.
Your eyes scan words that your brain can’t seem to comprehend. The internal panic starts to bubble in your chest, someone who has law aspirations should know what these words mean.
This is just supposed to be easy. Cleaning. Vacuuming. Washing floors. Simple things. 
But now, as you sit in this shiny, fancy downtown office building looking at your full legal name typed beside a bunch of ‘initial here’ and ‘sign here’ lines on a nondisclosure agreement you’re starting to feel like this is anything but simple. 
“Our clientele is VERY exclusive,” your childhood best friend Jamie says. She looks very professional and grown up sitting behind her glass desk. Her long, toned legs are crossed, the slit along the side of her crisp, white pencil skirt showing off her tanned upper thigh. She’s paired her white skirt with a baby pink silky blouse that's perfectly tucked into the high waist of the skirt. Her long, dark silky hair is twisted into a jeweled claw clip. Even though you’re the same age she has an air of sophistication and grace, even with winged eyeliner, a matte pink lip, and a slender rose gold septum ring that sits tight to her little button nose. She almost screams old Hollywood in the middle of Austin, Texas. 
She continues, “You won’t know the names of the clients and they will never be home. If they do come home, leave immediately, and try your best not to be seen or heard. Then you can fill out in the company app what you did and didn’t manage to get done.” 
You put the paper down on her perfect desk so she can’t see your hands shaking. How can you work at that desk all day and not get a single fingerprint or smudge on it? There’s a very good chance that I am not cut out for this. This is fancy. And expensive. I’m neither of those things. 
“What am I gonna be walking in on at these houses, Jamie?” You ask, swallowing the fiberglass that’s suddenly prickling at your throat. 
Jamie shakes her head and laughs, saying your name through her melodic giggles. “Most likely nothing. We’ve never had an encounter or run in with a client. They pick times for cleaners to come when they aren’t home.” She leans back in her high backed chair and continues, “But the clients are big deals. Politicians. Judges. Athletes. The odd celebrity. They don’t want anyone in their home that will snoop or snap pictures. Hence the NDA.” 
“Well, why didn’t you start with that!” You laugh. “Jesus, I thought I’d be walking into like a virginal sacrifice or some shit!” 
“Well, there was that one time…” Your face drops and she immediately starts laughing again. “I’m kidding. Relax. Look, you’ll probably get three homes a week, each house will take six to eight hours. The hourly pay is twenty dollars plus whatever tip they’ll leave you in these black envelopes.” 
She puts a perfectly polished finger on a stack of black envelopes with a red ‘Maid Discretely’ logo on it and continues, “In my experience, the tips are around five hundred, completely tax free. This is a good gig! You’ll be in law school becoming smarter than all of us in no time. Fuck, you’ll be writing insane contracts like those before we know it.” 
She stands, one hand resting on the desk while the other slides the paper towards you with a closed pen. She drops the writing apparatus on top of it, the metal casing of the pen clanging loudly on her glass desk. You let out an exasperated sigh, dramatically clicking the pen before signing the NDA. Jamie claps her hands excitedly then snatches the contract away before you can rip it up and says, “Let’s get your uniform and supplies!”
She hands you a few fitted white polo style t-shirts, black dress pants, white Keds (that she scolds are for inside the houses only), a caddy full of high end cleaning supplies, a top of the line Dyson vacuum and everything else you’ll need.
She ends your meeting with instructions on how the company's scheduling and tracking app works. "Essentially, you set the days and times you’re available and it will populate for you. You’ll have addresses, dates and times, as well as tasks to be done, all nicely laid out for you. If a client likes you, they can request you for additional shifts, but for continuity purposes you should get the same couple houses that you’ll rotate through throughout the month."
You nod along, mostly surprised to hear the girl who did a keg stand just a few days ago sound so professional, using words like 'continuity purposes'.
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The next day you have your first official shift. Tuesday from nine to three and you’re scheduled at a mansion in a neighborhood you’ve never heard of and you most definitely wouldn’t fit in to. Jamie is already waiting there for you when you pull up. She explained yesterday that she’d help you with the first one and then you are on your own after that. Well, not completely alone. Your iPhone is loaded full of smutty audio books, murder podcasts, and law books to listen to as you clean. 
Jamie was right, you think to yourself as you scroll to the latest romance novel you’ve downloaded and grab your AirPods, this is a good gig.
The house is absolutely massive, and you highly doubt you’ll be done in six hours. You gather all your stuff and head up to the house. Jamie shows you where the company supplied key box is and how to open it from the app. As you grab the key Jamie excitedly says, “This used to be my client. He always leaves a huge tip!”
You unlock the large front glass door and enter into a white marble foyer. The windows on the first floor are easily ten feet tall and allow in so much natural light. Gold and obsidian swirls in the marble reflect along the walls, dancing in the sunlight. To the left of the front door is a large open kitchen that might be bigger than your entire apartment. The marble of the expansive countertop is the same colour as the foyer. All the cabinetry is matte black with brushed gold handles. The kitchen opens into a lavish living room, a massive fireplace and TV sits on the far back left wall, encompassed by a very cozy looking white sectional. 
To the right of the front door, starting furthest away from where you stand in awe, is a door to a huge half bathroom, followed by a long table with a bowl for keys and mail, and then the door that leads to the garage. About fifty feet in front of you is a grand staircase that branches out to the left and right. Beyond the staircase you can see into the backyard. This is by far the nicest house you’ve ever been in.
As both you and Jamie slip into your keds she says, “Upstairs to the left are a few bedrooms and the office. I usually started there and then went to the right side where he has a huge entertainment area. Then I would clean down here since he doesn’t cook very often and it’s usually just a quick wipe down.”
Just as you start to panic over how you’re supposed to remember all this she nudges you and adds, “But that’s all in the app for you, most of the clients are very particular so they’ll lay out exactly what order you should be cleaning in, as well as any other extra things they need done.” 
She helps you carry all your stuff upstairs and then watches you work. Sure enough, the app says to start in the office so you do just that. Careful not to disturb the few piles of paperwork you dust the desk and shelves and then wipe down the windows and computer screen. You vacuum the hardwood and plush rug last and after Jamie gives you an approving nod, you move onto the next room.
You continue like that, going from room to room, your friend, and now boss, occasionally giving feedback or leaving to answer a phone call or respond to an email. The job is easy enough; repeating the same steps in each room over and over again. It’s the exact type of work you exceed at. You enjoy having clear sets of instructions and expectations, and a prioritized list where you can start at the top and work down. You’ve always excelled at following meticulous directions in school. Your life maybe not so much. When it comes to dating or your parents you aren’t one to do what you’re told.
When one o’clock rolls around you just have one bathroom upstairs and the already pristine downstairs to tend to, but Jamie coaxes you into taking your break, which is another thing you’re bad at. You were raised not to take breaks, taking a break or doing nothing means you're lazy. You should be working all the time, and pushing yourself to accomplish things. As a child you’d push and push yourself to be the best, honor roll ceremonies were the only time your dad would show up. He’d smile and brag about you to whoever was around.
“It’s important that you take all your supplies to your car with you when you eat your lunch. Never eat in their homes and never park on their driveways.” You nod and hoist all your stuff to the front step. “Make sure you lock up like you’re leaving too.” 
“How am I doing so far?” You ask as you lock the door, your stomach growling loudly as if it needs to prove to her how hard you’re working. You hadn’t realized how much of an appetite you’d gain just from cleaning. The few stale crackers and small can of tuna you managed to find in your cupboard this morning doesn’t seem like it’s going to be enough. 
“Really well! I actually think I might leave you to finish up. Don’t forget to take whatever he left for you out of the black envelope on the kitchen counter.” She doesn’t look up at you, her fingers tapping out an email on her shiny iphone screen. She doesn’t have her phone in a case and you can only imagine the level of self confidence you have to have to carry around an expensive item unprotected like that.
“Is it weird that there’s no pictures or anything of the family that lives here?” You say curiously as you both walk towards your parked vehicles. 
“No,” she says flatly. “I think it’s just one person here and that’s pretty normal for the houses you’ll be cleaning. Lots of them are rarely home or only home to sleep.” 
You gawk at the massive house from across the street as you throw all your supplies in the back of your used and rusted SUV. One person lives here. Alone. How is this possible? He’s clearly doing well for himself. Either he’s really lonely or a complete asshole. 
After you eat, you head back inside to finish up cleaning. The entire house looks like a show home. Not a single thing out of place. The kitchen seems staged, void of life aside from a tiny droplet of coffee on the countertop beside the Italian coffee maker, and a tiny brown stegosaurus toy that sits on top of it. Two minutes before the end of your shift you do a final sweep to make sure you haven’t left anything behind and then slip open the black envelope. Inside you find seven one hundred dollars and a note that just says ‘TY - JM’.
As you log your day in the company app you can’t believe you just made seven hundred freaking dollars to clean up after a man who makes no messes. You excitedly check your upcoming schedule and it looks like you’ll be back here in two more weeks. You could potentially be getting fourteen hundred dollars a month from this elusive “JM”. A man with no pictures or personal touches in his shiny white, black and gold mansion.
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It’s been almost two weeks since your first clean at JM’s house. Your other clients were good tippers, usually between four to five hundred, but you’ve been looking forward to going back. You know you’re not supposed to know who the clients are, but you couldn’t help but google JM to try to figure out who he is and how he has so much money. In hindsight, you guess all your clients have money, but something about him has alerted your curiosity. He seems like smoke, or a ghost, in his own home. Your other clients had some sort of semblance of life in their houses. A dent in the pillow. An open newspaper on the kitchen table. A coffee cup dropped in the sink before they headed off to whatever fancy job they have to afford such a massive house. A toilet seat left up or a smudge of toothpaste on the mirror. 
But not JM. 
No, the only thing JM left was a tiny droplet of coffee. Coffee that was probably imported straight from Italy. You’re almost ashamed of the amount of times you’ve wondered about that stegosaurus toy. It seems so out of place in his house of clean lines and sterility. 
You’re just settling in to enjoy a Sunday night of sushi, rosé and Bridgerton with your roommate when your phone bings, a little red notification bubble popping up on the Maid Discretely app. You have an added shift request for JM tomorrow. Instead of one six hour shift on Tuesday you now have two six hour shifts. You accept the request and scroll through the tasks. He’s requested you to wipe the baseboards and lightswitches on the main floor, a deep scrub of every bathroom, as well as doing the inside of the fridge, stove and microwave. There are also instructions for washing the sheets in the main bedroom, and spraying down the patio furniture around the pool.
Only a millionaire in Texas would ask for his pool furniture to be cleaned in February. 
Shortly after you accept the shift you get a text from Jamie:
Saw you accepted the shift. The client asked for the normal clean on the first day, please. Extras the next day. Thanks.
The following morning you head to the large, bright mansion. Parking across the street and hauling all your stuff in. It feels a bit weird to be here on a Monday and you have a feeling you’ll be reminding yourself all day that it is indeed Monday and not Tuesday.
You get all your stuff together, change into your indoor company issued keds and head up the stairs. The pink and orange hues of the sunrise glitters off the white marble tiles, glints of gold and sparkling black reflecting off of it. You take a second to look down from the landing as you pop in your airpods. It really is a beautiful home, and it’s too bad that whoever lives here is either lonely or an asshole, but for a split second you let yourself pretend that you and JM just finished making love and he’s now in the kitchen making you an espresso or a latte with that insanely fancy coffee machine in the kitchen. You shake your head at yourself. You didn’t find anything when googling, which isn’t surprising since two letters aren’t much to go on, but this house seems to draw you in, like it’s calling to you. It’s strange, it’s almost like you have a crush on this house and you couldn’t help but make a whole persona for whoever lives here. Even with its clean lines and lack of life, something about it settles in your gut, it feels like home. 
You scroll your podcast app trying to pick what episode you want to listen to and head down the hall, you can’t seem to decide so you pocket your phone without starting anything and reach for the matte black handle of the office door. You’re expecting to see JM’s tidy office with a few stacks of paperwork in one corner, but the sight you find before you has all the blood rush from your head and your stomach dropping right out of your body. Your jaw drops and you freeze in utter shock and fear.  
Instead of the usual stacks of paper, there’s an icy blond haired woman tied to the desk. She’s completely naked and on her back with her legs spread wide. Her ankles are tied to the legs of the desk with a scratchy looking rope, her wrists wrapped in matching rope and resting above her head. Her nipples are almost purple underneath the clothespin attached to them. You freeze, just the lewd wet noises of her pussy being worked furiously by the mysterious, fully clothed JM. His deep, commanding, gravel filled voice reverberates through the office. “Little fuckin' slut. Gonna split you in two.”
The woman lets out an unashamed cry of pleasure. Your entire body seems to go numb as your caddy falls from your hand, crashing loudly against the hardwood flooring. His head whips to the side, the icy blonde woman letting out a scream and trying to cover herself up. Your hands cover your mouth and even though you can’t feel your legs you spin and run for the stairs.
“Fuck. Fuck. Wait,” JM calls after you.
One of your AirPods falls from your ear as you run, you’re tempted to stop and grab it but you need to get out of here. Jamie’s voice echoes through your skull, ‘try your hardest not to be seen or heard’. 
He catches up to you as you reach the front entryway, his strong hand pushing the door closed. You can feel the heat of his body against your back. You’re shaking - both from being terrified and embarrassed. You have so many thoughts running through your mind. This will get you fired, or worse, you could have just possibly lost the company a client. Fuck. You aren’t supposed to know who lives here and you certainly aren’t supposed to see them doing that. 
“Please wait,” he says softly behind you and the heat of his broad body sends a chill down your spine.
The blood is rushing through your ears as your heart pounds in your throat. You don’t like confrontation and even with the softness in his voice, you’re sure he’s about to scream at you. You feel sick, and when you replay the words he said to the woman upstairs, and the sound of her moan that made you drop your caddy you start to feel dizzy and nervous.
Your hand falls from the handle of the front door and the brick wall of a man behind you steps back. You spin slowly to face him but keep your eyes on the floor. 
“I’m sorry,” you murmur, linking your fingers in front of you and focusing all your attention on the cuticle of your right thumb.
“No, please. This is my fault.” You trail your eyes from the floor to him. He's in perfectly pressed black dress pants paired with a white dress shirt. The sleeves are rolled to his forearms and he’s holding his hands up in front of himself as if to show you he isn’t armed or as a way to say 'you’re safe here'. 
You flick your eyes up to his face and he’s looking at you softly, the morning sunrise lighting up his tanned face and salt and pepper hair. JM is probably twice your age, but he is incredibly handsome. 
“I am so sorry. I must’a got my days mixed up when I booked you.” He says, a soft southern accent sneaking out. 
“I’m going to get fired,” you respond shakily.
“No,” he says stepping forward, you subsequently take a step back, pressing your body against the glass front door. Something about this man makes you nervous, but not in the same way women are trained to be nervous of strange men that are almost twice their size. “No. This is my fault. Please, let me explain. I jus’ gotta - well, can I go deal with…” his head cocks towards the stairs, “And then let me explain. Please?” 
You look at him, his handsome face all soft and apologetic. His dark brown and amber eyes dance around your face and without realizing you're even doing it, you nod your head. 
“Thank you,” he drops his hands at his side, visibly relaxing at your decision not to run. “Sit at the island for me. I’ll be back.” 
He watches you as you pad over to the island. The tall bar chair squeaks on the tile floor as you pull it out. He peels his eyes from you and heads upstairs. When you sit you have to stop from moaning out, the pressure of your body weight there sends a wave of rolling pleasure through you.
What the fuck? 
It’s a dull, throbbing ache followed by a small gush of thick wetness. Did you mistake a feeling of arousal for dizziness and nervousness upstairs? Were you turned on by what you just witnessed? 
Certainly not. There’s no way! He was, well, he wasn’t being nice to that woman. 
Soon you hear footsteps coming down the stairs and towards the foyer, his body blocks her from your view as they talk at the front door. They speak in hushed voices, all you’re able to make out is her saying thank you followed by the sound of a soft kiss and then she’s gone. 
She thanked him? It seems like he should be thanking her. 
He wanders into the kitchen and your throat goes impossibly dry. As if he can read your every need, he grabs a glass from the cabinet, puts it under the water dispenser on his fridge door and then slides the glass across the large island to you. You have to lift off the chair to reach it, whispering a thank you before taking a sip. 
JM leans against the countertop beside the fridge and watches you take a long drink. You put the glass down with a quiet clink and then fold your hands in your lap. His eye contact is intense, not in a creepy way, it’s almost like he’s assessing you. You find it hard to look at him so you avert your gaze to the glass. 
He clears his throat gently before he starts. “I jus’ want to say how sorry I am. You didn’t consent to seein’ any of that and I can’t imagine how awful that was for you.” His voice is so calm and soft. 
You flick your eyes up to him, “No, this is my fault. I am not suppose-“
JM shakes his head and holds up one hand, signaling you to stop. “No. This was me. I got my days mixed up. Meant to book ya for next week. This ain’t on you. This was my mistake. If it’s ok for me to ask, what’s your name?” 
You mumble your name into your glass and down the rest of your water. You figure you’re probably fired either way so who cares if he knows who you are. His face ticks up slightly, almost like he’s proud of you for drinking, and says your name back to you. 
“I ain’t gonna say anythin’ to your boss and I understand if you want to leave for the day. I’ll pay ya either way. I also understand if you say somethin’ to them and I can’t be a client anymore. It was unacceptable for me to be doin’ that when you’re supposed to be here. There ain’t any other way to word it. I was inappropriate and wrong.” He steps forward and holds his hand out so you slide the glass across to him. 
He refills it and puts it back for you to grab. “No,” you say, your voice cracking. After clearing your throat you continue, “No, I appreciate your apology but I’m not going to say anything.” 
He watches you again as you drain the glass, the same look of pride flashes across his eyes, “I’ll - umm - I’ll be in my office. You can uh,” he runs a hand through his scruff, “You just do whatever you need. I’ll stay outta your way.” 
He disappears before you can say anything else. You head up the stairs after a few minutes to find your cleaning caddy sitting in the hall with everything placed neatly where it belongs. His office door is closed and you can hear the deep rumble of his voice while he’s on a call. You grab your things, head into the master bedroom and begin cleaning. 
A few hours later while you’re sitting in your car eating lunch, the garage door opens and JM goes whipping past you in the sexiest blacked out sports car you’ve ever seen. He doesn’t even look over you as he speeds by. Your heart sinks, it's unexplainable but being in that house with him there, even after what you witnessed, felt more comfortable than being alone. JM must have some sort of magic touch, how you went from nervous and embarrassed to calm and comforted with just the look on his face and few words is beyond you.
After wiping down the kitchen you are all done for the day. You grab the black and red envelope off the kitchen counter and open it, peering in nervously. There’s a piece of matte black paper on top. You slide it out gently, the paper feels expensive between your fingers. As you unfold it you reveal a shiny black JMK logo at the top. In neat gold lettering is his writing.
‘Please know how sorry I am. Your consent is more important than anything. I broke that. Just hope I didn't break your trust. -Joel Miller.’
At the bottom of the envelope are ten crisp one hundred dollar bills. 
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wheneclipsefalls · 10 months ago
Grovel Part 2
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Pairing: Aged Up Lo'ak x Fem Omatikaya Reader
Part 1
Summary: Lo'ak needs a plan. A plan that will bring you back to him.
Warnings: aged up characters, eventual smut, lust, pinning, angst, past relationship, mentions of war, injury, etc.
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“Stop whining.” Neteyam groaned, watching as Lo’ak secured another tie around the fabric’s base. The kelku was coming together nicely. 
“I didn’t say anything.” Lo’ak all but huffed, lips turned downwards in the same fashion they had been since the celebration. He adjusted the straps of his loincloth, a trail of sweat racing down his spine. Oh how he already missed the refreshing waves of salt water. 
“Your expectations were truly far too high, brother. What did you think she would do?” 
Lo’ak shot him a seething look, one that warned against pushing it further, but brothers were immune to such limits. 
“You’re lucky you made it out of there without injury. And now knowing what you did I can’t say I would have blamed her otherwise.” 
“Yes Neteyam, I understand. Now can you shut up and help me lift the other end?” Lo’ak stomped past him, preparing the right side to be lifted. He didn’t wait for Neteyam to join him before using his own body weight to heave the heavy fabric into place. The younger Sully brother had been hyper fixated on his kelku since their arrival, even going as far as asking Kiri for advice on potential decoration. 
This home had to be good enough to meet your fancy, an objective that he now understood to be much harder than originally anticipated. 
“Mawey, baby brother. I am only trying to get your skxawng ass to understand.”
“Okay then fine!” The fabric was dropped to the floor in a heap. “Tell me what I should do. Since you know the ins and outs of wooing women, tell me how I am supposed to win her back.” His brows lifted, hands placed on his hips as he feigned bracing for his answer. Neteyam was not fazed by his younger brother’s outburst. After seeing Lo’ak’s restlessness the whole trip home in anticipation of seeing you, he was surprised the male was holding up as well as he was. 
“I may just be a simple gentleman, bro, but I think an apology would be a good place to start.” He squeezed his brother’s shoulder, surprised when Lo’ak was too lost in thought to bother wrestling him off. 
“I’ve tried. Everywhere I go she is avoiding me. I don’t even know where her kelku is or her routines. Otherwise-”
“Maybe I can help with that.” 
Lo’ak sent him a skeptical look.
“What?” He deadpanned. 
“She has a sister, right?” A completely rhetorical question that had Lo’ak knowing exactly where Neteyam was going with this. “Say the right words and maybe I can get some valuable help from Talu.” 
“Wow. How did I deserve a brother like you?” Sarcasm dripped from his tone as he ran a hand over his face. It was no secret that Neteyam had taken a liking to Talu. The future Olo’eyktan was neither bashful nor shy when it came to playing the golden suitor. 
Neteyam simply grinned before slapping him on the back and helping to hoist the kelku side once more.
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You were impossible. So hard headed and stubborn that even knowing your route and home was not enough to get in a good apology. He was sure by now that Talu knew of his intentions with you, that giddy smile forever present whenever she announced his presence to you, but there was always an excuse to cut things short. Only a few minutes and you would be running off to aid at the healer’s tent or pick up the hunting gear you had left behind. 
There was no end to the list of excuses you could formulate.
And it didn’t matter that neither himself nor Talu were fooled. You simply weren’t inclined to put more effort into hiding your disdain. 
Lo’ak couldn’t remember you being this difficult before. When the two of you were younger you had handed your heart over to him on a silver platter. Of course your weird friendship had been full of teasing, pranks, and insults but that was only part of the fun. Once romance had been initiated, you took everything he gave with warmth and affection. 
And he had ruined that. 
He let out another sigh, trying to play it off when his mother gave him the side eye. His new bow was almost finished, surely the right weapon he would need to fetch an impressive kill. Perhaps he would use his spear too just in case. If he was going to win you over, it would need to be something extreme. Something that said all the words you would not let him get out. 
At this point he was willing to take down a Palulukan if that is what it took. 
He snorted at the thought. It may have been a few years since hunting on Omatikaya soil but he knew that thing would have him torn in two. Maybe then he would get your attention, whatever remained of his body finally being enough to crack your tough composure. 
And then….
What started out as a ridiculously funny thought transformed into a new idea. A new plan. There was in fact one place that you could not run away from. 
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The healer’s tent had been slow in mid afternoon but luckily you were the only one on duty. When he walked through the tent flaps reverently, not bothering to hide the wince as his freshly torn up skin brushed the fabric, your lips parted. For a moment it seemed that concern swam in those beautiful eyes but then they were turning back into cold steel like that night at the festival. 
“Kind of underestimated the swoop-”
He was cut off by your stern point to the space in front of you. He followed obediently but on the way he couldn’t help but let his gaze roam over your exquisite form. He had meant what he had said that first night. You were more beautiful than the day he last saw you, a goddess-like creature even his wildest dreams could not have imagined. 
Today you wore a turquoise top made of small beads that were strung together to hang like vines. The color reminded him of the waters in Awa’atlu. Could that be your favorite color now? If so, he knew of so many places such gems and shells of that color. He could collect more for you. The beads mocked him, however, as their light weight cover just barely fell over your pretty nipples, one breath away from revealing the prize. 
Hell, he was sure the right puff of air from his lips could push away those teasing beads. 
As you began to work on applying ointment to his wounds Lo’ak forced himself to look away. However, he couldn’t find reason to not occasionally peak back and get a look at your pretty face. By Eywa, it was a true miracle that no one had snatched you up yet. Maybe he would thank the Great Mother for that gift at the Tree of Souls later. 
At one point your diligence fell and strayed from the wounds to glance at him instead. He flashed a grin, one that didn’t match the state of his bloody back. You shoved his head to look forward roughly but he had already caught a glimpse of your rosy cheeks. 
“You got injured how again?” 
“Flying error, it’s been a while. Why?” 
“No reason.” 
Silence fell and Lo’ak had to keep himself from fumbling with his messy bun. You may be difficult now but one thing was still true. You always wore your heart on your sleeve. 
“You don’t have to be worried, sevin-”
A sharp smack to the back of his head and Lo’ak couldn’t hide his surprised laugh. 
“Damn, you’ve got a pretty good backhand.” 
“Hush. I am trying to concentrate.” 
It was sure to be a lie. His wounds were nothing in comparison to what you must have encountered during the war and with your experience you would have him healed and out in a few minutes. But then that meant he only had a very small window to squeeze this apology into. 
“Don’t worry, I will behave.” He raised his hands in surrender but received only a little hum from you in response. “But while we’re here there is something I’ve been wanting to say.” 
Lo’ak hissed when the ointment was applied harshly to his deepest cut. It was nothing he couldn’t handle after so many war wounds but it did manage to lose him a few seconds of precious time. Had that been your intent?
“When we were kids I was…an absolute skxawng.” No argument came from you and Lo’ak glanced back from the corner of his eye. “I was more than a skxawng actually. I was reckless and angry and I didn’t even think about how my actions would affect others. Especially you and-”
“I don’t care. It is done.” Without Talu’s presence there was no incentive to dampen the ice in your voice. 
“Y/n,” He called your name softly, turning to grab your wrist and stop the movement. “I am sorry. I never should have hurt you like that. I knew better, especially….” He let out a deep sigh through his nose. “Especially considering how much I truly did love you.” 
You yanked your wrist back as if his grip was red hot. Scrambling away slightly, he could see the control you had over the moment slipping. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to push it further, get you to accept his apology. 
Unfortunately for him, Eywa must have decided that it was also the perfect time for the next healer to enter the tent. 
“There were hardly any herbs left by the river. Next time we try the mountains instead.” Penyau said, the smile on her face slowly dropping once sensing the tension in the room. 
“Great. Lo’ak needs patching up, sister.” 
“Oh, well then-”
“No, no. Y/N is already on it-”
“I’m passing you over.”
“You truly don’t care to finish healing the Na’vi that was put under your care?” Not the angle he wanted to take, but he was panicking. So desperate to get a few more minutes with you that he had to stop himself from using his grandmother as a scapegoat to keep you here. 
From the way your jaw clenched and tail curled he knew those cards would not have played well for him. 
“Talu is waiting. I leave.” You gritted out. Not a second to make another attempt or ever apologize before you were past the threshold and leaving him in the dust. Or at least, leaving him with Penyau who looked confused but more than happy to assist him. The smile she gave, however, did not hold the same sweetness as yours.
Or at least the smile he remembered from all those years ago.
He prayed he would see it again soon. 
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A part of you wanted to insist upon staying home. Well no, all of you wanted to insist but if there was one thing you had learned from working with Mo’at is that there was no hope in defying her. If she saw it fit to bring you to the council meeting then that is exactly what you would have to do. Jake Sully was back as Olo’eyktan and with that came his sons’ attendance too. You were not foolish enough to hope otherwise, but there would surely be others there you could occupy your time with.
Even Tarsem had become a close friend of yours, as close as a clan member can dare to get to an Olo’eyktan, but conversation would be light and easy with him. If you were lucky perhaps you would be able to leave the meeting early as your sector of concern was far more narrow, giving you a chance to escape the inevitable small talk afterwards. 
Luck, however, was not on your side. It seemed that Mo’at had deemed you her scribe for the meeting and that meant taking up every single detail presented. It was borderline impossible with the way Lo’ak’s eyes constantly strayed towards you. You’d think the male would have the decency to keep his staring at a minimum for public appearance.
Of course Lo’ak had never been afraid of attention.
That trait evidently had remained with him after all these years. 
“Morning shift can circle northbound while overlapping with the afternoon watch.” Jake continued, using a twig to draw over their makeshift map in the dirt. It felt like he was speaking another language with the way your brain refused to concentrate. Jake might as well have switched into English with the rate you were comprehending. 
“Lo’ak and Neteyam will be available by the end of the week once everything is settled in.” 
You were so lost at this point it wasn’t even funny. Mo’at was going to have your head. As if sensing your confusion, the younger Sully brother said softly, “yes, for teaching.” 
It didn’t clear things up much but Lo’ak had decided to start tying his hair back up into that damn bun again and you found yourself more dazed than in the beginning. Out of pure will power you resisted the urge to watch him dead on, unlike him. Watching those biceps stretch as he worked to wrestle those braids was still possible from your peripheral. 
Another twist in your stomach. 
Lo’ak relaxed backwards, long legs stretched out in front of him as Jake Sully continued his long speel. The meeting could have dragged on for centuries for all you knew and yet that twisting coil in your stomach never loosened. You felt like you were about to snap when the Olo’eyktan finally called for dismissal. 
Up to your feet in a matter of seconds, Mo’at shot you a strange look. The tips of your ears burned as you tried to play it off and wait patiently for her. The meeting may have been over but that didn’t mean you were meant to leave her side. Most likely she would have other work for you to accomplish this afternoon and even if not it would be rude to not walk your Tsahik back to Home Tree. 
“I’ve got it, grandmother.” Lo’ak easily switched Mo’at’s basket over to rest on his own hip. She gave him a nod and pat on the shoulder. 
Swinging the netted bag of herbs and medicinals over your shoulder you focused primarily on the path ahead. 
“Let me get that, sevin.” Lo’ak reached for your bag but with flaming cheeks you barely managed to deflect his advances and snap away. 
The effort was pointless however when Mo’at gently grabbed the bag from your shoulder and handed it to him. An almost imperceivable smirk graced her lips at your perplexed expression but otherwise she remained silent. Slightly baffled and now avoiding Lo’ak’s unrelenting attention you veered to pick up the pace. 
Now that he held your bag hostage there was no choice but to let him follow you both back to the healer’s tent. At least that’s what you thought until….
Mo’at let out a tired sigh and that was all it took for Lo’ak to insist she go home and get some rest. He assured her he would get the supplies back to the tent and walk you home safely, both actions that made you glare at him over her shoulder. The Tsahik, tired or not you couldn’t be sure, bid you farewell and gave her grandson another gentle squeeze to his shoulder. 
The second she was out of sight you went for your bag. Lo’ak easily swiped away from your grabbing hands.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” 
Despite his warm smile he was only met with unspoken annoyance that seeped into the atmosphere’s tension. If he wanted to walk you home, fine, but you were going to get it done in record time. Without another word you scrambled up the nearest tree, deciding to take the overhead route to avoid traffic. 
You could hear the clanking bags and basket as Lo’ak had to find ways to follow behind with only one arm to propel himself upwards. You secretly resented the way he managed just fine, despite the obstacle, long legs rushing over branches like they had only left the forest for a day.  
“Is your plan to avoid me forever?” 
Teeth grinding together you grabbed hold of another branch over head and propelled yourself up the next level. This time was more of a struggle, several vials almost falling out of the basket but that only earned him one concerned glance before you were striding forward once more. 
“I meant what I said yesterday. I truly am sorry.”
“Yes, I heard you.” The tempo you set with your feet borderlined running. Lo’ak’s struggle became ever more apparent as the two of you scaled higher. 
“Well yes I know that…shit!” A vial slipped from the basket, Lo’ak immediately lunged to catch it. You carried forward, trying not to think about how he almost lost the precious herbs that took you weeks to find and gather. “Got it!” He called but you were already several branches above. 
With this head start you may just be able to outrun the Omatikaya prince and make it home safely. 
Distant curses sounded from below followed by scrambling feet. 
When will he ever give up?
It’s hard to say what Lo’ak did during his time with the Metkayina but you were surprised, and slightly displeased, to see how capable Lo’ak had grown in his tree climbing. Although, now he had found a way to shimmy himself up a trunk with only his muscular legs to aid. The sheer athleticism required to do such made your head spin and cheeks heat.
Straight home. 
No detours. 
“Y/N, wait up.” 
He was closer than you would have liked, no doubt a result of your short attention span. 
“Come on, sevin. Does your determination to ignore me really warrant all of this?” 
Your temper was always an easy one to flare and when it came to Lo’ak Sully it seemed he had written the manual on how to light that flame. Turning on your heel, Lo’ak had to grind to a quick halt in order to avoid running into you again. It felt all too familiar to the celebration the other night so this time you spoke before he had a chance to get a word in. 
“Maybe so, but what does it matter to you?!” Nostrils flaring and breathing heavily it was no longer possible to hide how fast the male had gotten under your skin. 
“It’s admittedly more difficult to court a woman that won’t even let me be in her presence.” 
The savage words on the tip of your tongue stuttered and your treacherous body rippled with excitement. 
“You aren’t courting me.” 
“Well, I suppose that’s fair. I technically have not initiated courting yet.” 
“No Lo’ak, you will not court me. Ever.” Words like unbending steel the male’s eyes locked with your own and this time you found ways to not balk under his attention. When it seemed that nothing else was going to be said you turned on your heel once more. 
And then Lo’ak finally spoke. 
“I don’t see how you could stop me.” He murmured gruffly but the words immediately struck your temper like daggers. A bullseye shot. 
“Lo’ak Te Sulli-”
“Sevin, just listen for two seconds!” 
“Do not call me that!” Your voice hitched into a higher octave. 
“I’m sorry I just-”
“NO!” Your shriek echoed over the branches. Heated venom coursed through your veins. “You push and push and push but I am sick of hearing it!” More words threatened to fly free but your heart was already pounding at your ribcage. Stay one more second and you were sure to find yourself saying much more than you ever cared to.
“I’m not going to give up.”
Those bubbling truths refused to be swallowed any more.
“You say that now, Lo’ak, but just wait. Soon you will grow tired of chasing after me and when you do there will be a plethora of women waiting at your beck and call. Just like before there will be another woman to entertain you where I could not.” 
Lo’ak’s eyes blew wide and tail dropped to the floor but even then it would only be a few seconds before he made another pleaful attempt. And you couldn’t take any more of that. Those golden eyes covered by his signature two braids already beseeched your forgiveness far too easily. 
“And once again you will go to her.” 
He called your name as you left but you were already scrambling to safety. 
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It was going to take a grand gesture. One that would prove his loyalty to not only you but every Na’vi in the clan. Your forgiveness was not going to be an easy thing to win over but that was okay. Lo’ak had dealt with far worse for so much less. Enduring some verbal bashing and humbling circumstances was the least he could do to win the woman of his dreams. 
And yet…it still hurt. 
The way you shut him out, not letting him learn even a morsel about the girl he had been missing for years. How much time had he spent imagining your reunion? Perhaps all of his dreams and hopes had clouded his sense of reality because now he stood here with only a shattered fantasy left. He had fooled himself for too long, thinking the past could be something swept away with the turning of time. 
He had wounded you too deep for that.
So much deeper than he had ever let himself accept. 
With a heavy sigh Lo’ak commanded his heart to settle. Today he could not afford doubts to plague his mind. Everything from here on out had to be intentional, had to send a message. Your discerning eye would be sharper to him than any other potential suitor that would court a woman. Each move would be assessed and either take him closer or further away from holding you in his arms again. 
He checked over the supplies one more time, finger slipping into the pouch attached to his loincloth. Everything was in place.
“We can’t be late.” He reminded Neteyam, messing with his bun until he was satisfied with the way it sat.
“Someone is eager.” Neteyam's lips curved upwards as he leisurely took another bite of yovo. “Usually I am the one rushing us out the door.” 
“Things can change. I can be responsible too.” He shucked Neteyam’s bag over his own shoulder, ready to leave with or without his brother. 
Neteyam rolled his eyes, heaving himself up from his seated position. 
“Yes but what good is it without her here to watch you do so, baby brother?” His fingers barely touched Lo’ak’s braids before the younger brother was swooping away and swatting at his arm. The death glare sent his way only made a deep chuckle rise in Neteyam’s chest. 
Neteyam’s jesting was all in good fun but Lo’ak was far from in the mood to look at things that way. Over and over your words from the other day had echoed in his head. Your tone was drenched in steel cold enmity but even that couldn’t mask the pain that was seated in your golden orbs. His own childhood recklessness had put him at this point and now it was all he could think about. 
Setting things up for today’s lesson, however, had helped. It gave him an outlet, some way to use these swirling emotions and put them into something useful. Lo’ak Sully was not one to give up easily, no matter what you said. 
Gun to head Lo’ak would not be able to recite a word of what his brother spoke as they walked to the lake’s edge. The pounding of his heart was far too loud and it seemed his attention didn’t matter anyways when Neteyam’s own was easily captured by your sister. Without so much as a goodbye, he stalked towards the female Na’vi and left him behind. 
The rocks were littered with various warriors and clan members in his age group. His father had thought it would be best to keep it within a demographic that they could relate to, make these lessons more personal. And yet Lo’ak had never felt more out of place. At one point in time these people had been his peers but things had been so different then. A time that was hard to remember, like a distant dream. 
Only the memories of you had not been tainted with the passing of time. He blamed all of those days at the reef where his head had been filled with thoughts of you. It was hard to forget the one his heart longed for. Even his fling with Tsireya could not erase the mark you had left on him. 
He finally caught sight of where you were perched next to another warrior. 
Your eyes only skimmed over him for a second before turning away.
You thought that it was only a matter of time or opportunity before he would be swept away and wooed by another. Perhaps if you were right things would be so much easier. And yet the tug of his heart always brought him back to you. His inability to move on was not from a lack of effort. 
So many one night stands and summer flings only for every single one to feel hollow and robotic. 
You couldn’t have known that, however, and it was Lo’ak’s job to find a way to prove it to you.
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There were a million different excuses you could have conjured up to avoid these lessons. Some of them had almost slipped out this morning as Talu babbled on about how excited she was to see the eldest Sully son. However, you were mature enough to face the hard truths. Coping out now would be negligent to your duties as a useful clan member. If Olo’eyktan found it vital that the next generation learned about underwater diving then it was your responsibility to add those skills to your arsenal. 
It had been a couple days of successfully avoiding Lo’ak and now it seemed such a shame to break the streak. You refused to let those pesky thoughts bother you today however. You were her for one purpose and one purpose only. Master the art of free-diving and return to your new found peace and quiet. 
Naturally Lo’ak was greeted with quite the welcoming party, Na’vi females coaxing him over to hear about his travels. Rolling your eyes you prayed that Neteyam wouldn’t catch wind of your sour demeanor. All your worries were for not. His charming smile never strayed from your sister. Talu was skilled at putting up a calm front but you knew her well enough to sense that she was bubbling from the inside. 
You were going to hear about this conversation all night. 
Relief was temporarily found when the lessons started and instruction was finally given. The water was cool against your heated skin and you enjoyed the way it made your hair dance. Drill after drill you struggled to hold your breath longer. It felt as if your lungs were about to explode as you tried to suck in more air before plunging in again. 
Lo’ak and Neteyam would demonstrate then invite the crowd to mimic while they inspected and instructed along the way. It helped that you were not the only Na’vi who had no natural inclination towards these talents. Many came up to the surface choking on water and pushing hair from their face.  The lake looked more like an active river with the pulsing waves and splashes that emitted from every corner.
You had to give the brothers credit. No matter how ridiculous you all must have looked they never let themselves show visible signs of judgment or even laughter. 
It was far too easy to find Lo’ak in the midst. Even underwater he moved with a grace and calm that seemed so unlike him. It felt as if the water swirled to make way for him. He moved in sync with the pulse of Na’vi-made waves, cresting over them like a dance. Muscular frame floating through the abyss, he was a work of art among flailing limbs. 
He looked relaxed enough to fall asleep. His descent deeper was treated like an afternoon stroll. Your own dimming supply of air faded into the background as you found yourself swimming down after him. It was hard to keep up. Every long stroke of his was at least four of yours and still it felt as if that distance only grew with every passing second. 
He reached the bottom with one last kick, fingers carting through the various stones that lay there. Your brows furrowed as his own expression remained unperturbed. Finally a small smile broke loose when he caught hold of one rock in particular. It shimmered even in the daylight and Lo’ak made quick work to tuck it into the pouch at his side.
The first convulsing of your empty lungs was what broke you out of the trance. Lo’ak and his rock hunting was completely forgotten as your body screamed for oxygen. Now your turn to flail helplessly, you clawed towards the surface. Your lips pressed together, trying to focus on not giving into the urge of letting water in. 
How had you gotten so far down here in the first place?
The water’s surface looked so close and yet every kick only seemed to make it further away. It was an optical illusion that had your fear spiking with every second you couldn’t take in air. You hardly registered the strong arm that wrapped around your waist until your convulsing body was flying through the water. 
It was a miracle your own legs didn’t tangle with Lo’ak’s as they kicked out, but he had both of your bodies plunging upwards at a speed you could barely register. It seemed that your lungs simply could not get enough oxygen when your head finally broke through the surface. Your lungs still convulsed and your throat seized at every gasping breath.
“Just breathe. Nice and slow.” His deep voice tickled at your ear. Na’vi parted as you were floated over to the nearest shore. “There you go. In and out.” 
It seemed like a simple instruction but your body refused to snap out of panic mode. Fingernails digging into his forearms you tried to dislodge the residue water from your lungs. One arm under your back and another beneath your bent knees, Lo’ak easily carried your shaking body onto shore. He sat down, gently settling you between his parted legs while cooing encouragement. 
“Just focus on one breath at a time. Come on, do it with me, sevin.” His chest inflated against your back before slowly exhaling. You followed his lead. “That’s it. Try to breathe from here.” He placed his palm against your diaphragm. Eager to diminish the embarrassment that was creeping in, you zeroed in on acing his request. 
Breathing this way felt more physical, stretching your lungs to a point you didn’t know they could reach but every exhale brought your heart rate one further step down. 
“Very good.” 
The praise washed over you like a warm flame. Finally it felt as if your body was complying with your wishes, relaxing back against his chest. Your earlier fears of drowning were quickly reshaping to seem as nothing more than overreaction. Relief was sweet.
“Slow your heart.” Lo’ak purred, tucking his chin over your shoulder as he placed one hand over your collarbones. It was dangerously close to where your breasts rose and fell. 
With one swipe of your cupped hand through the water you had successfully catapulted water at his face. You dislodged yourself from his snuggling before sending him a dirty look and stomping off. 
Maybe that trick worked for him back with the Metkayina girls but you knew better than to fall for his charming traps.
“Sister!” Talu shouted, darting past the crowd. You could see in the distance Neteyam standing waist deep in the lake, right where your sister had left him. “By Eywa, are you alright?” 
Talu wasted no time in turning you back and forth in order to scour for injuries. Although still winded you did your best to ease her concerns. 
“Mawey, I am fine.” A sharp slap to the back of your head made you hiss in surprise.
“Then what were you thinking?! Diving down like that without any experience! That was not a part of the drill!” Her nose scrunched in the way it always did when giving you a scolding. 
“I know I just was…checking something…” You trailed off, feeling the heat of his gaze upon the back of your neck. 
“Neteyam says that you’re not supposed to dive like that even after a few weeks of training. We have to start with the shallow-”
“I know! I know!” Your groan only earned you another glare.
“Don’t scare me like that!” 
It was not a new experience to see Talu worked up. With your parents gone she was used to taking over as your caretaker and protector, although you were far beyond the years of needing such things. Regardless she had a knack for worrying. Yet another reason you had elected to never tell her about your history with Lo’ak.
“I am sorry.” It was nothing more than a mumble against her shoulder when she pulled you close. 
“Thank the Great Mother Lo’ak was there.” She sighed and from over her shoulder you could see where he was now directing another Na’vi female who struggled to make it across the space with one glide. 
“Yes, very lucky.” You deadpanned, rolling your eyes.
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It would have been rude to leave the lesson without joining in on the following social. Or at least that is what Talu claimed when you tried to retire early. Of course you had ulterior motives for expressing how tired you were but it was not a lie either. No matter how many times you had pushed yourself to suck in greater air, to make it one more stroke, you could never get past a certain threshold. Determination and anger had only swirled higher whenever you saw Lo’ak dance through the water. 
The entire ordeal had left you feeling defeated. The sooner you could crack the code on diving the sooner you could retire from these lessons. There was no denying however, how good the fire’s glow felt against your wet skin. Everyone huddled in a circle around the fire. Talu was more than happy to accept the seat Neteyam had saved for her. 
If it weren’t for the fear of looking over eager you were sure she would have already been snuggled up against him for warmth. Despite your animosity towards the younger Sully brother you were happy to see Talu courted by such an honorable warrior. He gave appreciation and chivalry freely, just in the way she deserved. 
You opted to take a seat at the edge of the circle, sitting close to Panyau. There was great entertainment to be found in the way some of the females slumped in disappointment when Neteyam focused his attention primarily on Talu. It took a hand to your lips to mask your giggle when one female’s tail dropped after Neteyam rejected her offering of drink. 
Lo’ak was not exempt from the same attention, although he strategically placed himself among other male clan members. Perhaps it was all in your head but it appeared that for once he was getting sick of the limelight. It didn’t last for long however because sooner or later the brothers were pressed to share stories from their time with the Metkayina. 
“A full grown Na’vi and he’s never flown?” Matutke questioned in disbelief, many other Na’vi mirroring his same perplexed expression.
“Never. I swear I saw his soul transcend to Eywa at first lift off. Think I still have the mark from where he dug his nails into my shoulder.” Lo’ak grinned, sounding a chorus of laughter through the crowd. 
“He cried almost as much as you did your first time, baby brother.” Neteyam quipped, reaching over to squeeze the back of Lo’ak’s neck. His younger brother glared and rolled his eyes as laughter rung through the forest but he surprisingly didn’t offer a comeback. 
Conversation ebbed and flowed easily among the group, old friends connecting once more. You found yourself even becoming content to sit by the fire’s glow with such jovial interactions taking place. It was nice to take the backseat and enjoy some much needed rest. Even being around Lo’ak was bearable as it seemed he had finally given up on bugging you. 
That is, until things took a turn.
It all started with one of the male’s, Pe’ku, teasing Lo’ak about the new gems and shells woven in his hair. Lo’ak had playfully glared at him as his friend yammered on about how it looked as if he had taken half the reef back with him. 
You did your best at tuning out the conversation when one female jumped in to defend him, talking about how particularly pretty the blue gem in his hair was. Sleep threatened to take over as Lo’ak explained how rare these pieces were, having to dive down to the deepest depths to retrieve them. Eyes rolling and head resting on your bent knees, you prayed that Talu would be ready to leave soon. 
The sudden oohs and aaahs when Lo’ak pulled something from his side pouch were like lullabies to your tired ears. 
And then your tail peaked with awareness. The group had grown silent and the weight of many eyes bore down on you. 
“Huh? What?” You stammered, head finally lifting to take in the scene with confusion. A few giggles laced the crowd and Lo’ak gave you a crooked smile.
“Could I talk to you for a minute?” He asked gently.
“What? Why?” The sudden beam of attention surrounding you caused unease to settle. 
Lo’ak gave a nervous laugh.
“Or I suppose I could ask here.” Tails and legs shifted out of the way as Lo’ak came to kneel before you. It was only then that you noticed the shimmering object in his right hand. “I started making this a few months ago, beginning when I first started to have hope of returning home.” 
He laid the long necklace carefully over his thighs. These glimmering pieces were unlike anything you had ever seen and much like the blue piece in his hair, it danced under the fading streaks of the day’s light. However unlike the small piece in his hair these ones tarried among different colors. A kaleidoscope of rainbow that would never stay the same shade for long, prancing with every different bounce of light. Intricately woven into the shape of a bodice that reminded you much of the stretching branches that reached for the sun. 
“It was the first time I had ever let myself imagine what it would be like to come back here. To see you again.” 
The swirling gold specks in his eyes trapped your own wide eyed stare in a vice like grip.
“I thought about you every time I dove down to retrieve a piece. It was the only piece in Awa’atlu that held a flame to my memory of your beauty. Looking at the woman you have grown into today I see that it is greatly insufficient as a comparison.” A short laugh accompanied his last sentence. 
The knot in your stomach flipped into acrobatics that had your heart pounding.
“For now this is all I have to offer as a courting gift. This and my vow.” The four fingered hand that rested on your thigh was warm, sending a jolt of electricity racing upwards. “Never will a day go by without my heart being full of love for you. Never a morning where I don’t ask myself what can be done to make you smile, to bring light into your life.To my dying breath I will protect you.”
It hit you then the specificity of this audience. At the sight of drooping females’ tails and piercing gazes of other males you realized that this was the mating pool. Your peers and potential suitors were all gathered here. And with them, every doe eyed female that had chased after Lo’ak since his return.
“I can not call you mine, at least not yet, but I do believe that Eywa has given me another chance to fight for that right. To fight for the honor it would be to reside by your side. So with my intentions clear and heart set I ask you to accept this first courting gift.” 
The following silence was deafening. It felt as if every second ticking by was one step closer to the bomb in your chest exploding. The group enveloped you like quick sand, each lean closer tightening around you in a suffocating grip. 
So when a small “yes” escaped your lips, you blamed it on the need to breathe. On the need to escape the borrading questions that would inevitably follow your rejection. 
You were willing to blame it on anything. 
Anything but the twinkle of excitement that struck you the second Lo’ak’s wide grin fell into place. 
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A/N: It has been so much fun to see y'all's reaction to this random little series I started. Please don't be shy! I love hearing your thoughts! It motivates me to keep writing<3
Taglist: @pandoraslxna @pandoraslovesworld @faintfill @rivatar @neteyamssyulang @mashiromochi @justcaptiannoodles @pocky444 @dayyzlol @kekunan @puddle-nerd @hazelwebsterboo2 @acerbicmoon @aesteticxsariana @haunting-venus @yawnetu @avatar4eva @baybaybear1 @nillikhyth @affinity101022 @tsireyasluvr @bambithewriter @delulumhaggy @kayfromthebay
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writingtraumaforever · 3 months ago
I am so mixed feeling’d about this movie right now. On one hand, I loved it. It had such a good telling of Sonic and Shadow’s dynamics and stories and how they view one another, and I loved that and will be elaborating more on this in the spoiler section. The changes they made from the video game were 50/50 to me. Some I get, others I just was really disappointed in. The action scenes are AMAZING. Battles are SICK, and I have admittedly been on the fence about Keanu voicing Shadow, but he won me over completely after watching the film.
Team Sonic’s dynamic is top tier in this movie. Knuckles, Sonic and Tails are the lights of my life, I love these brothers so much.
But if you are going into this film expecting a SHADOW movie???? You’re gonna be disappointed. This is, do not be mistaken, absolutely a Jim Carrey movie. This is a Robotnik movie 110%. Idk if they just couldn’t afford too many lines from Keanu or what, but Jim stole most the screen time. Which was hilarious and all, but it definitely stole from the deeper/darker story that was suppose to be at play. They went the insane/funny mad scientist route with Gerald rather than the vengeful and broken man he was, and this kinda falls flat and makes the whole thing feel less dangerous and life-threatening than it actually is.
I will say that what little we ARE given of Shadow is amazing. Thankfully us die-hard Shadow fans are use to picking up whatever scraps SEGA throws at us with this hedgehog and absolutely running with them. And in terms of that, we were given a MEAL. But Shadow’s story was definitely rushed rather than fleshed out. It’s like they gave us about 4 minutes of background for him and were like “Alright. That’s it. That’s him”. And then we just roll with it from then on. My hopes on the reason they did this is because we’ll perhaps get a Shadow the Hedgehog show or movie in the future where they elaborate on all this even more. But as for this movie??? Just be ready for a LOT of Robotnik.
I still think Gerald should’ve just been dead so Shadow could have more screen time instead of them cashing in on Jim Carrey. The movie as a whole was so unserious because of him.
That’s really my biggest letdown.
The whole plot felt VERY rushed. Like they were too worried about getting to the next action scene to really flesh out the story properly. Sadly this happens a lot when writers just ASSUME we know the story already so not all of it needs to be told when we just REALLY want all of it to be told. It’s also obvious they cut back on some plot points so it could stay kid friendly.
But don’t let this discourage you too much! Like I said, it really was a good movie. And it’s probably still up there as my fav simply because Shadow IS in it and Team Sonic’s moments save it for me. Not to mention Sonic and Shadow’s interactions, though few, are absolute perfection and capture them both so dang well like—
I will cherish those scenes forever. Sonadow fans have a FEAST with the scenes they were given, okay???
I give it a solid 7.5/10. Maybe 8 if they add more deleted scenes later or announce a Shadow show. :)))))
10/10 if you’re only there for Jim Carrey (whom I personally don’t care for).
Now for Spoilers:
The moon is successfully pissed on.
They very much did their best to make it apparent that Sonic and Shadow are the same but were simply given different fates and it’s SO GOOD BUT SO SAD. Like. Two sides to the same coin very much came across.
Them punching each other across continents was SICK.
Shadow pinning Sonic by his head was GAY.
Sonic pinning Shadow by his chest fur was GAY.
Sonic and Shadow’s talk on the moon is easily my favorite thing in the movie. Followed closely by their Super battle against each other and then their Super battle in space. I’ve recently written in my stories about how being super together creates this special bond between them, and these scenes 100% confirm/reinforce that!
Maria and Shadow scenes are PRECIOUS! Her playing guitar for him, him dragging her around the compound with her in skates, them watching the stars together- it was all beautiful!
I’m really glad they allowed a brief moment of clarity that Gerald did in fact love Shadow and care about him at one point because he’s literally the biggest butt the rest of the movie and just uses him.
StoneXRobotnik shippers will be both elated and heartbroken.
So many perfect Sonic and Tails and Knuckles bro moments omggggg their dynamic in this movie was so dang good I died. From Tails saving Sonic’s butt multiple times to Knuckles putting his angry and fiery disposition aside for his brother and handing over the master emerald— it was perfect. Knuckles is big lovable idiot energy, absolutely, but it’s not overdone. He’s serious when he needs to be and is SUCH an oldest brother. I loved his conflict with Sonic AND how he was the one who saved both Tails and Sonic at the end.
Shadow being a feminist with his latinas.
“Vengeful guac.”
Shadow and Sonic fighting together in space and constantly checking in on the other! Shadow asking Sonic where he is and using chaos spear to absolutely annihilate every robot after Sonic ahsjdkglg boyfriends protecting each other vibes.
Tbh, the entire scene where Shadow and Sonic are fighting side by side gives such huge soulmate vibes like oh my god they were VERY MUCH CONNECTED.
Their banter is EVERYTHING.
Shadow quoting Maria “even when the star is gone, its light remains” and then looking at Sonic?! GAAY.
Tom and Maria both poking Sonic and Shadow in the chest and telling them who they are in their hearts and who they choose to be is what counts. THIS being what brings them together?? PERFECTION.
Despite my annoyance at the amount of Robotnik in the movie, Eggman’s sacrifice and message to Stone was very touching.
Tails and Stone are the dream team.
Knuckles is forever scared of ghosts.
Shadow going after Tom ONLY because he thought it was the General and then immediately regretting it and feeling guilty when he sees it’s not and then having to watch Sonic cry over his body while Shadow sees himself crying over Maria is PEAK. BROKE MY HEART.
Sonic revisiting his cave. Shadow HAS to find and live in that at some point.
AMY ROSE AMY ROSE AMY ROSE AND SHES SO PRETTY AND STRONG OMG SHES SO SICK I LOVE HER SO MUCH ALREADY it looks like they’re trying to make her appear older than she is in the games, so I’m pretty sure they’re gonna be putting her with Sonic at some point. Which is fine by me cus I ship Sonamy too and to me, movie Sonic would be the one of all the versions of Sonic to want to settle down with some girl one day. I mean. His whole story is LITERALLY based around him finally getting to settle somewhere and have a family instead of continuing to run. Makes sense.
Um. The words “Faker” and “Ultimate Lifeform” are not ONCE uttered in this movie, and to me?? That’s absolute slander. That alone brought this movie down a whole point in my 1-10 scale, okay??? Negative 5,000 aura. Disgusting. Maybe the Commander possibly mentioned him being the Ultimate Lifeform, but Shadow never did and that’s just WRONG. This is a whole plot point in the game and in their characters from then on in the franchise, and it’s just glossed over!
Maria isn’t sick. The ARK isn’t in space. She isn’t shot. It’s all kinda dull in comparison to the game, tbh. They’re definitely still after her and shooting to kill because the soldier says “we have our orders” when Walters tries to stop him, but he still don’t shoot her so like— again. Dimmed down.
No Prison Island scenes other than the beginning when Shadow breaks out. Which was. Super disappointing.
It’s all just so unserious. Especially the Robotniks.
Chaos are just Japanese mascots. Which is big sad for Cream and Cheese fans.
No creation of Shadow = no Biolizard
No “Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog”. They tried to reference this with a joke from Jim Carrey, but it fell flat imo.
Indifferent/Open to:
Shadow came from a meteor. He wasn’t created. While I hate Gerald didn’t inherently create him, I am also glad this leaves room for the Black Arms to become a thing. It’s also very possible GUN and Gerald were both just lying about this. Because it very meticulously did NOT show Shadow actually coming from the meteor in any scenes. It just showed the meteor crash site and how it had Shadow/Balck Arms coloring. So maybe Gerald still did experiment on a hedgehog and stuff and it’s just lied about because that’s like— not okay??? But also, I noticed it never showed any like. Major accident that would’ve caused GUN to suddenly invade like that?? They just suddenly decided Shadow was too powerful and they needed to kill everyone while in the games, there were multiple incidents where people were hurt or compromised by the artificial chaos experiments before GUN invaded. PLUS Towers had seen and reported Gerald making a deal with the devil (Black Doom). So like— why would GUN just suddenly decide to annihilate everyone in Project Shadow like that??? It would be one thing if they just decided to shut them down, but they were actively going in there to KILL! So like— I feel like we’re missing pieces and being mislead.
Rouge isn’t there. Which I GET because how/why would she be?? By the end of the movie, there’s definitely ways for more mobians to start appearing (Amy is a prime example). So it makes sense that Rouge isn’t there yet because it’s EARTH so how WOULD she be??? And Shadow using chaos control at the end could open ways to other worlds (like in Sonic X when Sonic went super the first time and more Mobians started arriving on earth). But there were SO MANY MOMENTS SHE WOULDVE BEEN PERFECT. So it’s a shame, but understandable. Plus, how could they have made room for Rouge when they barely had room for Shadow with all the JIM CARREY.
I’ll probably continue to add to this as I process this movie over the next few days.
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ohisms · 6 months ago
✱˚。⋆ ↪ 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏 ! ( a collection of sentence starters from season  1 of nbc's “ good girls ”. adjust phrasing as necessary . will be updated in the future . mature themes are present . )
specificity is good , but that's over the top .
chill , i'm like two minutes late .
alright , everybody be cool and nobody gets hurt .
do you think i could make it in L.A. ?
i don't need all that . i just want to be super famous .
you know , i'm just not really much of a church person .
maybe next time you'll take security more seriously .
oh my god , can you please just listen to me for one damn minute ?!
shame on you . shame on all of you .
move it before i shoot your face off , let's go !
you should probably get yourself a lawyer .
why is it so crazy ? i mean , it's a victimless crime .
can't you have my back on one thing , ever ?
this is me helping you not ruin your life .
damn . that was a good sell .
i should have been more careful , i panicked .
no ! i mean ... i don't know . maybe .
we're gonna rob that store .
have you lost your mind ?
we can't sit back and let everything be taken away from us .
no one's gonna fix this . we have to do it ourselves .
[ name ] ... hello ? are you okay in there ?
how did you have the money for all of this ?
i'm here to clean up a mess , [ name ] .
it's not a knock , we all have our strengths and weaknesses . you're a beautiful dummy . it doesn't make you a bad person .
this is five grand . enough for a plane ticket , and to get you started .
i guess you won't mind if i go to the cops , then . right ?
i handled it because you couldn't .
you've got a little ... on your face , kind of looks like blood .
what am i looking at right now ? WHAT am i even looking at right now ?
[ name ] , this is life or death .
i choose death . GIVE ME DEATH .
i have ... sort of a favor to ask .
it's not like you can't afford it .
what do you need that much money for ?
thank you for making me completely humiliate myself for no reason .
this is what winning feels like .
i'm gonna need you to say it with me . we are winning .
it's not like you're gonna kill me .
you don't have the guts . you're not killers .
thought you'd pull a fast one , huh ? make a quick buck ?
girls like you , you never think things through .
you've done this your whole life . you make these big messes and expect everyone else to clean it up . then you just ignore it .
you can't leave me here forever .
you are an incredible liar .
when bad things happen to good people , everyone goes crazy .
if it could happen to us , it could happen to anyone .
roll the dice . tell them to pull the trigger . see what happens .
hey , looks like we've got a survivor .
i am going the speed limit . i don't wanna get a ticket .
where does he think he's going ? boy , this is hard to watch .
if you go to the cops , so will i .
i thought we were done with this .
oh ! you'd rather just declare a kilo at customs ?
– or we could just steal it .
are you hearing yourself right now ?
do not call me crazy .
what if we get caught ?
there's always a choice .
dude , it's never gonna end . unless we end it .
i'm not gonna shoot him , i'm just gonna scare him a little !
forgive me lord jesus , i did not mean to shoot that man .
are we supposed to knock or something ?
i wanted my music for the road trip .
how long has it been bleeding like this ?
i need to take you to the hospital , i think you need stitches .
i wish everything could go back to the way it was .
i had no damn idea how good i had it until it was gone .
i know you hate me right now .
i'm sorry . i suck .
i had to do something really , really important .
what's more important than me ?
is there something you want to ask me ?
just making conversation .
you know the tradition is jordans over a phone line , right ?
be outside in two minutes or you're dead , i mean it .
it's so crazy , even saying it .
you asked for this ? you ASKED for this ?
you can't sign people up for criminal activity like it's a bake sale !
that is NOT what i meant when i said i'd do another job .
so you think you get to pick and choose what you do and when you wanna do it ?
no , i'm sorry . that is not gonna work .
what's your gut say ?
i can prove it ! i mean i can't ... but i want to .
why should i apologize ?
chill out with the cayenne .
maybe we need like , smelling salts or something .
well , i want him to not die in my house .
i am so tired of almost dying .
hey ! ... don't be mad .
you're a dead man .
shut up , just don't say anything . i will handle it .
just say you're sorry .
i wanted to do something nice , so that maybe we could start fresh .
i'm not proud of my part in everything .
oh , yeah ? what does that mean ?
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lsunstreakerl · 17 days ago
part nine of the maxiel corporate au! (wow this is getting long)
I offer to you all 2.2k words, Max POV, Daniel POV. explicit! but it's max/rico for this one. max/daniel in the next one!
Max doesn't mean to sleep over at Rico's place, it kind of just... happens. He wakes up pressed to Rico's chest, one arm heavy over his waist, holding him. He's warm, more comfortable than he's felt in a while- the reassuring movement of Rico's breathing is a steady push-pull next to him.
But Max needs to leave for work- needs to grab his clothes, and- and stretch, for Daniel.
He also needs to talk to Daniel, but he's not sure how to approach that conversation, so he's going to put it off.
He wiggles underneath Rico's arm, trying to gently get out from under him. Rico makes a soft noise in his sleep, tugs Max closer.
This is not working.
Max pokes at his stomach- not that it does much, trying to push through solid abs. He's prodding at him, even if it feels like poking at a brick wall.
Rico groans, stretching long in the bed. Max eyes the way the muscles in his legs flex, tries to ignore the way his cock is stirring against Rico's hip.
There's another sleepy mumble, and then Rico is laying his hand on the side of Max's face, brushing at his hair.
"Where're you going?"
It's a sleepy rumble, deep and raspy.
"I need to get ready for work. And also open myself up, so unless you want to be involved in that-"
Rico looks significantly more awake, eyes skimming Max's face.
"I think I would."
Max blinks.
"Uh, I'm not sure you heard me right."
Rico's eyes soften as he looks at Max, arm still draped over him.
"I did. I think it might help, having a good start- get your head in the right place."
Max's face heats, and he looks away, embarrassed.
"Rico- I haven't- are you sure?"
"Yes. How's this- you grab your stuff from your room, come shower over here, and then I'll help you out before you leave, sound good?"
His voice is low and throaty, and Max tries not to shiver. He and Rico... they've never been like this. They've been close for a while, since Max was scrawny and self-destructive, Rico just as bad, but they've improved together too.
This is unknown territory.
He nods, and Rico lets him up, giving Max the space to slide out of bed, quietly pad next door into his own studio to grab his things.
The pipes don't creak as badly in Rico's shower, and the water pressure hits differently, but Max does a good job not thinking about the imminent future.
There's a stray, whispering thought about Daniel's reaction when he finds out about all of this- it feels practically scandalous, like Max is doing something wrong.
Although- Rico had said Daniel was wrong last night, so maybe the whole thing is more convoluted than Max is giving it credit for.
He shuts off the water, toweling off his hair as he pokes his head out of the bathroom. Rico is moving in the tiny kitchenette, but he steps over as Max comes out of the bathroom.
Max settles on the bed, but he's not sure what else Rico wants from him- hasn't done this with anyone except Daniel. The last time he'd had someone's fingers inside of him that weren't his own, he'd come so hard he'd cried.
Which reminds him-
"Rico- I am. I am not supposed to come, please. Please don't let me."
Rico's eyes are dark where he's standing, but he nods.
"You still want that?"
Max does. He hates that he does, but hating it doesn't change the way the heat of embarrassment flickers through him, the way the shame feels good.
Rico kneels on the bed, running his hand over Max's hip.
"Drop your legs for me, yeah? I'll be gentle."
Max squeezes his eyes shut, humiliatingly hard already. Rico kindly doesn't mention it.
When he touches his fingers down to Max, the lube isn't cold- it's skin temperature, not quite the jarring sensation Max is expecting.
"You don't have to be. Gentle, I mean."
Rico is gentle, circling his thumb and fingers, barely even teasing at him.
"I want to. You deserve that, Max. Especially with a day like today ahead of you."
Max is confused for a moment- Rico's voice has dropped down lower, and he's still being gentle.
He pauses, softly patting Max's thigh.
"Hey, if you want to stop just shout something. A word you want to use that isn't 'no' but still means you want to be done."
Max is not any less confused, using the first unpleasant word he can think of.
Rico huffs a laugh.
"Sure, that works."
There's a light press at Max's hole, Rico's thumb barely dipping into him. His free hand is running along Max's waist, smooth and strong.
He leaves Max's cock alone, which Max is grateful for.
"What do you have on your list for today?"
Some part of Max is wondering what it is about fingering him that makes people want to listen to him talk about work- once is an anomaly, but twice means the universe is trying to give him a complex.
He drops his head back into the pillows, trying to think as Rico's thumb pushes further into him.
"I have- I think a quarterly report to work on? And then also some weekly earnings, from Netco. Daniel will maybe want to see those."
Rico hums, replaces his thumb with a finger, slides in easy to the first knuckle.
"He'll want to see you, you mean. You're so good for him, aren't you?"
Max shudders, flushing hot. He wasn't- he wasn't expecting that. His eyes flick open, meeting Rico's.
He's just looking back at him, calm and steady as his finger sinks to the third knuckle.
"I, ah- I try-"
Rico's second finger teases as his rim. Max can barely feel the first- Daniel would be at three by now.
"And you are, aren't you? I bet you listen so pretty for him, do whatever he asks you to."
It's doing something to Max's brain, Rico saying these things to him, about Daniel- about how Max is for Daniel.
"I do, I do listen-"
"He's just not used to needing to be gentle, is he? Needs a reminder that you need some care."
Rico's second finger slides in, and Max doesn't register it beyond a dull pressure- nothing like before.
Rico doesn't wait for him to answer- prods briefly against Max's prostate. Enough for a spark of pleasure, but not enough to really work him up.
"We'll get that fixed for you. You're so good for him, Max, it's only fair that he remembers to be good too, yeah? Otherwise he doesn't deserve you, getting to see you laid out so pretty for him in the office."
Max swallows, hips hitching up onto Rico's fingers.
Rico's hand gently pushes him back down, fingers splayed wide over Max's stomach, effortlessly holding him in place as a third finger slides at the edge of the other two.
Max drops his thighs open wider. He's horny, but it's not- it's not desperate, like it is with Daniel, it's a slow, simmering need, building deep within him.
His fingers scissor inside of Max again, and he doesn't even notice for a moment that the third has joined, just knows it feels pleasantly full.
"Rico- feels good."
His words are slightly slurred, and Rico brushes his prostate again, gently curling his fingers.
"Good, that's how it's supposed to feel. You're going to be nice and ready for him later, and then you're going to call me, tell me all about it, okay?"
Rico has some kind of angle here, an ulterior motive, but Max doesn't bother focusing on it, too distracted by his fingers.
"Okay, yes- I will, I'll call you-"
Rico brushes against his prostate again before slowly withdrawing his fingers.
"Good, that's so good- you're perfect, Max. So good for me, and you know what?"
Max blinks hazily up at him. His head is fuzzy again, but it feels better this time.
Rico is wiping down the inside of Max's legs, touch gentle.
"You're going to do such good work today too. Because you're smart, and you're like a dog with a bone, yeah?"
He grins down at Max.
"Take 'em for all they're worth."
It's an inside joke- from Max to Rico before a match, from Rico to Max before he'd had mock trials and eventually paperwork for real trials.
Max grins back at him. He's feeling good, balanced with a low simmer of arousal.
"Fuck yeah."
Max still takes the bus, because Rico had to get ready for a day of HIIT workouts, but he doesn't stop for a bagel- Rico had thrown together some kind of protein based hash, joked around with Max at the table as they both ate. It had been soothing and familiar, and Max feels-
He feels good.
Daniel hasn't been able to stop thinking about Max. It's been bugging him- not even in a sexy way, just a general way. He keeps rethinking their encounters, trying to figure out what thread he's missing that's tugging at his brain, telling him he's overlooked something vital.
He's not sure the answer is fucking Max again, but- maybe it'll help, or at least provide some kind of clarity.
He takes another sip of his lukewarm coffee, trying to figure out what he wants to do with him.
The desk had been nice- good stress relief, Max crying pretty underneath him- but Blake had informed him Scarlett had to send him home after, so if he's going to do that it has to be at the end of the day.
Having Max on his knees certainly can't hurt the situation any.
He drops a little note in Max's inbox, another request for his presence whenever it's convenient. It ticks over to read, but then the typing bubble appears.
Daniel raises an eyebrow. Max doesn't answer- he just reads them and shows up. He's never typed back before.
Max V: Does 2 work for you? Need to finish quarterlies for Blake.
Daniel R: Blake technically works for me, you know.
Max V: Yes, but you will not care if I write it or not. Blake will :P
Daniel can't stifle his laugh- Max trying to reschedule on him is one thing, but the stupid little face- he doesn't know why it's making him giggle so bad.
Nobody ever sends Daniel little faces anymore. It's all "yes boss" "yes sir", none of the fun little quirks he knows his employees share with each other.
He tries to fight the curl of the smile at the edge of his mouth, but it's a losing battle.
Daniel R: Far be it from me to get in the way of Blake :]
Daniel R: Whenever you have time is fine, just let me know when you're headed up.
Max V: yes sjr
Max V: *sir
Max V: :)
Daniel shakes his head, turning back to his main monitor. It's weird- he's feeling better about the whole thing already.
One long runaround call from Netco later, he's feeling less better. He's tense, kind of wants to shove everything off his desk and just scream, but he won't- he knows better.
It's only 12, too early for Max to come up, so there's no help there.
Daniel R: Did your department eat lunch already?
Max V: no sir
Max V: swamped down here. Netco dumped three years worth of useless info at once into our laps
Max V: it's like a needle in a haystack, except the needle is a tiny smoking gun, and the haystack is the literal Atlantic Ocean
Max V: :(
Daniel raises an eyebrow. From the sounds of it, he might not see Max at all- but if the entire department has forgone lunch...
Daniel R: Are you all staying late?
Max V: it's looking like we might, sir
Daniel R: Okay- get a headcount for me, if you don't mind. And some thoughts about what you'd all like for dinner.
Daniel R: On me, obviously.
Max V: I can do that! :D
Daniel R: :]
Blake is at his doorway twenty minutes later, eyeing him suspiciously.
"Hello, Dan body double, what have you done with the real Daniel Ricciardo?"
Daniel huffs a laugh, leaning back into his chair.
"No clue what you're talking about, bud. Can't a guy take care of his departments every once in a while?"
"Riiiiight. That's what you're doing."
Daniel gives Blake his most innocent smile. Blake tosses a pen at him.
"I'm more surprised you haven't called Max up here yet- heard you got another runaround earlier."
Daniel makes a face, lips pressed together.
"You're all busy, I heard. And someone keeps telling me he's a valuable employee, so..."
"See, you're still being suspicious. Since when have you cared?"
Daniel shrugs, pen spinning between his fingers.
"I'm frustrated, and hitting a brick wall. Maybe I thought philanthropy would help."
Blake snorts, but he's looking fondly at Daniel.
"Let me know how that goes for you. And hey, as a little thank you- I'll send Max up here with the list, to deliver it to you personally."
It's practically permission, as far as Blake goes. Daniel flashes him a grin.
"You're too good to me, really."
Blake rolls his eyes, pushing off the doorway.
"If he could be somewhat functional when you're done that would be great, but I understand that's asking a lot."
"I make no promises!"
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icefox8155 · 25 days ago
Ch 1: Of All Places...
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This wasn’t supposed to happen.
You had a plan, one carefully mapped out since high school. Go to college in the U.S., work hard, get a good degree, and land a solid job that would set you up for a comfortable life. Maybe even move into a decent apartment, start saving for the future, and build something meaningful for yourself. That was how it was supposed to go.
And for a while, it did.
You got into college, slogged through the classes, pulled all-nighters, and somehow made it out with a degree in hand. You were supposed to be set after that. Finding a good job shouldn’t have been hard, not with your qualifications. And yet… here you were. Months had passed, and rejection after rejection had piled up in your inbox. Excuses varied—“not enough experience,” “we've decided to go with another candidate,” or worse, complete silence.
At some point, you stopped opening the emails. Whatever. You told yourself it wasn’t the end of the world. Maybe the job market was just bad. Maybe luck wasn’t on your side yet. Maybe you’d figure something else out later. But that gnawing feeling in the back of your mind, that unease you tried to suppress whispered that you were stuck, adrift in uncertainty with no clear direction forward.
Frustrated, you let out a heavy sigh and flopped onto your bed, phone in hand. If nothing else, there was one thing that never failed to take your mind off reality. Tapping on the screen, you opened up Solo Leveling once again. It wasn’t the first time you'd reread it, far from it. There was something almost comforting about Jinwoo’s story, his struggle, his rise to power. Maybe it was the way he started as the weakest, the way no one believed in him, and yet, he shattered every expectation. You envied that. The ability to change everything with enough determination, with enough effort.
As you scrolled, your eyes flickered across the familiar panels, tracing each detail you’d already memorized. The hum of your phone screen was the only light in the dim room, the only thing anchoring you as exhaustion weighed on your limbs. Your blinks grew slower, your body heavier. You fought to stay awake—just one more chapter, just one more moment lost in this world where everything made sense.
But sleep crept in, wrapping around you like a warm, suffocating blanket. Your phone slipped slightly in your grasp. Your breathing evened out. You didn’t notice the odd shadow that flickered across the screen. 
Didn’t notice how, just for a second, the edges of your vision seemed to warp. Didn’t see the way the world itself seemed to shift around you, a quiet, unseen force pulling you under. By the time your consciousness faded completely, it was already too late.
。⋆。˚ ʚɞ ˚。⋆。
Waking up in a different place is disorienting at best, terrifying at worst. It sends shockwaves through your entire being. When your eyes flutter open, you don’t find the familiar comfort of your own bed or the muted, worn-out walls of your tiny apartment. Instead, you are greeted by a chaotic symphony of strange sounds and bewildering sights, an overwhelming, unfamiliar place that instantly reminds you that you are not home, not even close.
The first thing that assaults your senses is the relentless clamor of the city, the ceaseless hum of a crowded street and the murmur of endless conversations swirling around you. You bolt upright, your heart hammering against your ribs, as a surge of anxiety floods your chest. Looking around frantically, you notice towering skyscrapers that pierce the sky, their vast shadows creeping over the bustling streets below. People stream past you like a tidal wave, each one lost in their own world, leaving you, a lone, and bewildered figure sitting on a cold, unforgiving bench, feeling invisible and abandoned.
‘Where am I?’ you demand internally. Did someone kidnap you and drop you off in this unknown nightmare? The thought gnaws at your mind relentlessly, fueling a rising panic that makes it hard to breathe. “What the hell is happening?” you mutter, your voice a mix of terror and disbelief.
Desperation twists your thoughts as you try to recall the last fragments of your memory. You remember the comforting ritual of reading a manhwa, specifically Solo Leveling and then succumbing to sleep, yet nothing hints at this surreal journey. The idea of kidnapping seems absurd, who would abandon you in an unknown location after going through the trouble of bringing you here in the first place? Despite the anxiety inside of you, you force yourself to stand, your legs trembling as you dust off your jeans. Jeans? Whatever happened to you pajamas? You shake your head and block out some dark thoughts, wanting to be able to focus on somehow finding a way back home.
A spark of hope flickers when you fumble for your phone, only to be met with a dead, lifeless screen staring back at you. Frustration surges through your veins, but a glimmer of relief comes when you notice a plain gray backpack that is on top of the same bench you woke up on. With trembling hands, you unzip it and discover a collection of items a stack of important-looking papers, a small key, and a weathered wallet. Opening the wallet reveals an ID with your own face, some cash bills, a few credit cards, and a slip of paper bearing an address. In that moment, you allow yourself a brief sigh of gratitude, you aren’t completely abandoned after all. 
As you sift through the documents, you can tell they’re significant, perhaps containing clues to why you’re here. You decide to keep them safe for a more private moment later, your mind already churning with questions and a desperate need for answers. But it's strange the words are not in your common language but you’re able to read them just fine?
Clenching your jaw, you step into the relentless crowd that dominates the street. The energy around you is palpable, vendors call out their wares, people hustle past in either hurrying or just walking past. You force yourself to navigate through the throng, trying to steady your racing thoughts and suppress the inner turmoil that threatens to erupt into panic.
After several long minutes, something catches your eye, a large, neon-lit billboard flickering with advertisements for some kind of news. But what popped up shouldn’t have been possible.Yet there it is, unmistakable images of Choi Jong-in and his guild of Hunters, people who should be fictional you know exist only in the pages of the web novel Solo Leveling, are now glaring back at you from the billboard. Your mind reels as you grapple with the realization these characters are meant to be fictional, yet here they are, a part of your new, terrifying reality.
“No, no, no…” you whisper, the words barely audible over the cacophony of the city. Panic surges once again, but beneath the fear, a steely resolve begins to form. Yet here I was, standing in the middle of Seoul, Korea, in a world where dungeons and hunters were real. A world where Sung Jinwoo existed. Your thoughts spiral. ‘How could this happen? How could I be in a place like this? I’m literally going to die!! Why did it have to be here and not some other modern but monsterless story!’
‘… Better than Attack on Titan.’ you thought
And more importantly, what did this mean for you? You continued walking for a bit before stopping at a nearby news stand and cautiously grabbed a local newspaper.The headline at the top sears itself into your mind, “Third Raid for Jeju Island Failed.” As you stare at those stark words, a chilling realization sets in you, a year, a year before the events of Solo Leveling begin. When everything you once believed was mere fiction or a distant, surreal dream is about to become horrifyingly real.
You feel your pulse quicken as you scan the rest of the page. Other columns spill out more news, hunters on edge, occasional reports of dungeon outbreaks, and ominous warnings of raid groups not all coming out alive but the gate still closed. The air around you seems to thicken, each word a heavier weight pressing down on you. A heavy lump swells in your throat, a reminder of the dread that courses through your veins.
This isn’t just a story you read for amusement, nor is it a nightmare you can simply wake up from, pinching yourself proved ineffective. The thought sends a shiver down your spine, if everything in that story does end up happening, then every danger, the relentless onslaught of dungeons, the brutal battles with formidable hunters and higher beings, is destined to happen all over again, with you right in the midst of it.
You want to hold your face and scream but being determined to not embarrass yourself and regain control, you decide to take a few deep breaths and make a list for you to follow, the first order of business is to avoid the unfolding chaos at all costs. You resolve to steer clear of any encounters with Sung Jinwoo, hunters, or the terrifying dungeons that punctuate this nightmare. After all, you are neither a powerful person nor a part of this story by design. If you can simply keep a low profile, perhaps you can survive until you somehow find a way back to your own world.
Yet, as you move through the busy streets, your mind is a storm of conflicting thoughts. You wonder, with a heavy heart, if ignoring the impending events is truly an option. Could you really let some people die knowing it could be avoided. But at the same time, everything will be restarted anyways with the Cup of Reincarnation, so is there really a point? The weight of this realization presses down on you, intensifying the dread that you are not just an unwilling observer but an active participant in a dangerous game.
Exhausted and overwhelmed, you eventually find refuge in a quiet park. Slumping onto a weathered bench beneath the swaying trees, you let your gaze drift aimlessly across the serene yet alien landscape. The surreal quality of your surroundings so vivid and real collides with the gnawing fatigue in your limbs. Tears sting your eyes, a silent testament to the overwhelming uncertainty of your situation. Clutching the slip of paper with the address, you can’t help but wonder if it holds the key to unraveling this mystery as to why you were brought here, why your name appears on documents you don’t recall creating or as to why you can understand Korean as if it's your first language.
After a moment of soul-searching, you summon the courage to interact with a local. Following a series of nervous exchanges and carefully chosen words, you obtain directions to the address printed on that mysterious slip of paper to an apartment building that seems to promise a temporary refuge from the chaos outside.
With the directions etched in your mind, you retrace your steps and arrive at the building. Digging deeper into the contents of your backpack, you discover a lease form for an apartment along with a small key bearing a room number. After a brief, rushed meeting with the landlord, you are ushered up a narrow flight of stairs and stand before a door marked with the matching number. Pushing it open, you step into a bare, sparse space that strangely mirrors the early days of your old apartment, a single bedroom, a modest bathroom, a little kitchenette devoid of any real comforts. There are a few cardboard boxes but that's it.
The landlord’s final words echo in your ears as he departs “The movers finished just this afternoon, and everything is ready for ya. Your down payment has already been covered for the first two months but after that you’ll need to start paying again. Have a good night!” You watch him leave, feeling a bittersweet mix of relief and isolation as you begin to claim this new space as your temporary sanctuary.
Alone now, you wander through the apartment with tentative hope. You explore every room the cramped bedroom, the simple bathroom, the kitchen with its sparse cupboards gathering the few essentials left in cardboard boxes, clothes, toiletries, bedding, and a few meager kitchen supplies. Putting everything away felt like chore that sucked more energy out of you than 
You gather your thoughts and head to the bathroom for a warm, comforting shower. The water cascades over you, washing away some of the immediate shock, yet the water on your skin feels like reminders of the harsh reality you face. You let the water drown out the cacophony of your racing heart, even as the heavy question looms in your mind. What will happen to you?
。⋆。˚ ʚɞ ˚。⋆。
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wildsupernova · 3 months ago
mistletoe kisses.
prompt #4 on scealaiscoite’s christmas prompts list: “hidden bunches of mistletoe”
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summary: it’s christmas time in the city, a time full of holiday cheer and celebrations. when you refuse to do anything about your feeling towards steve, robin comes up with a festive way to pull you two together.
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 2.4k
warnings: no use of y/n, fluff, some language
a/n: hey everyone! my sincerest apologies for my total disappearance from my blog for like 4 months. this semester absolutely kicked my ass and i’ve had no time or motivation to write much of anything, but now that i’m in my last two weeks for the semester i finally have some time and energy. i’ll be posting some small holiday stories likely until the end of december (if i can manage to stay consistent) and hope to get back into the groove of things. i hope you enjoy this little drabble, and thank you for sticking around! expect more in the future (if my brain allows it) —— nova
masterlist | prompts list
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December. A month filled with festive decor, frantic holiday shopping, Christmas parties, and the same five holiday songs playing on every store radio. As annoying as it could be, it truly was a time that filled you with excitement and joy, especially now, after you had long since graduated from walking the halls of Hawkins high and moved to the cold and windy downtown of Chicago with your best friends. 
Christmas in Hawkins was definitely something special, but not like it was in the city. Back home, the small downtown squares decorated their exteriors for the holidays, sure, but here, where expensive department stores and extravagant cafes lined the seemingly endless streets that made up downtown Chicago, lights and music and tinsel were almost never out of sight. The lamp posts lining the sidewalk were wound with shimmering red and silver garland, nearly every storefront with a big front window had a Christmas tree on display, and street performers played Christmas carols on every corner. Even the subway cars had been decorated for the occasion, advertisements now covered with pictures of Santa Claus wishing all the riders a happy holiday. There was only one thing that put a damper on your holiday spirit. 
Not having that special someone to celebrate the holidays with. 
You had your friends, sure, but the holidays were supposed to be a time for romance, for spending the day trapped inside of your shitty apartment watching the snow fall with only a thick blanket and a loving body to keep you warm. It had been the subject of your frustration for a good few years now, and even became more frustrating after you finally came to terms with your feelings for a certain Steve Harrington. 
“It’s fine, Robin. The holidays will continue whether I have a boyfriend or not.” You sprayed a bit of perfume into the air in front of you and took a sniff, scrunching up your nose and putting it back on the shelf as the offensive floral odor invaded your nose. 
“But the holidays would be the perfect time to finally tell him how you feel!” You had to swerve the shopping cart around Robin as she stepped in front of you, a pointless effort as she simply ran right back in front of it. 
“He doesn’t like me like that, Robin.”
“You don’t know that! But, if you tell him how in love with him you are-”
“I am not in love with him.”
“Yeah, okay, sure.” You rolled your eyes at Robin’s teasing, threatening to run her foot over with the cart if she didn’t move out of the way. “All I’m saying is that you always complain about how you don’t have a date on Christmas and that now would be the perfect time to get one.”
“Look, Robin, I appreciate your focus on fixing my love life, but I’m fine, really. Let’s just get the rest of this shopping done before it gets too late, I don’t want to try to squeeze through all the late shoppers on the train ride back.” You picked up a box of Christmas ornaments off the shelf, ready to put them in the cart until you saw the price tag. Eyes widening and letting out a soft whistle, you put them back and continued moving down the aisle. 
“Both of you are completely insufferable, you know that? Always complaining to me about this shit and then when I give you an easy solution you just- OH MISTLETOE!” Rushing forwards like a little kid seeing a toy, Robin launched towards a shelf at the end of the aisle, nearly knocking both you and the shopping cart into a shelf full of Christmas lights. She grabbed several bundles from off the shelf and bounced on her toes in front of you, eyes wide and twinkling.
“Robin, we are not getting mistletoe to hang around the apartment.” Her face dropped into a pout and you swore you saw her eyes begin to get watery with tears. 
“Why noooot?” She dragged the last word out like a child, and you found yourself rolling your eyes at her like a scolding parent. 
“Because we don’t need to hang up mistletoe. This isn’t one of those cliche Christmas movies where the couple kisses in the doorway before a fade to black. Now put it back, we still have to find the ornaments.” 
Robin huffed, throwing the bundles back on the shelf. 
As you turned your head to look at another box of ornaments, you didn’t see Robin take the bundle back off the shelf and hide it underneath the tree skirt with a smile.
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Putting up Christmas decorations in you and Robin’s small apartment certainly wasn’t a task you needed more than the two of you for, but when Steve and Eddie offered their help, and Nancy and Jonathan showed up at the door with a warm batch of fresh Christmas cookies, it turned from a two person job to a six person job quickly. The sheer amount of decorations Robin had made you buy certainly made sure there was enough for everyone to do, and before you knew it, the apartment was busy with bodies hanging garland above the door and trying desperately to figure out how to put up the fake Christmas tree. 
Your task of helping Eddie put up the tree had kept most of your attention off of Steve, but the longer it took, and the more whining you heard from Eddie, the more your focus started to drift. He was just barely out of your line of sight, lingering in the corner of your eye as he climbed the small step ladder to start hanging the Christmas garland around the perimeter of the living room. Robin said something to him as she handed him the garland and whatever it was had him tipping his head back with a groan, hair flopping out of place and muscles in his neck straining as he did. He ran a hand down his face and then through his hair, and you nearly groaned when he balled it into a fist at his side, gold watch glistening on his wrist. 
As he reached up to hammer the nail into the wall, you saw the bottom of his tight fitting red sweater lift up past the waistband of his jeans, showing off the toned muscles on the side of his abdomen and just the smallest hint of his Calvin Klein boxers. You sucked in a breath as it kept creeping higher and higher the further up on the wall he tried to reach, and without thinking, your hands completely let go of the part of the tree you were holding. 
Which caused the whole thing to tumble over right on top of Eddie.
A muffled ‘help’ came from underneath the mess of fake pine needles, Eddie’s legs peeking out from underneath in a way that would certainly be comedic if you weren’t absolutely mortified. You were quick to rush to Eddie’s aid, face flushed entirely red with embarrassment, in the hope that you could get him up quick enough that none of the attention would be pulled towards you, but one look to your left showed you that all eyes were already on you. Steve's face looked more worried than anything, but Robin was behind him holding in a laugh, and you had to send a glare her way to get her not to say anything. 
Setting the tree back in its place and reaching down to help Eddie up, he mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms and glaring at you in annoyance. 
“Never asking you for help again, not until you can learn to stop staring at St-” 
“I should go get the ornaments now that the tree is set up!” You cut him off loudly, much to his dismay, watching as Robin kept trying to hold in her laugh from over Steve’s shoulder. Shooting her a sharp glare, you jabbed Eddie in the ribs when he tried to make another comment. “Robin, why don’t you come help me grab them from the closet?”
“Hmm, I don’t think I’ll be able to reach them. Maybe Steve should go help?” The Cheshire grin on Robin’s face paired well with the way she patted Steve on the back and nudged him forward, Steve’s eyes going wide and his cheeks quickly going red. 
“Uh, y-yeah, I can help, if you need me to.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, giving Robin a glare as she pushed him forwards again. 
“I could use the help, sure.” You gave him a smile, which he returned, and started heading down the hallway, throwing one last look to Robin over your shoulder. 
Digging through your bedroom closet, you tried to find the bags of Christmas decorations you had put there only a few days before, coming up empty handed after throwing nearly everything in it to the side.
“I swear, I just put it in here two days ago.”
“Maybe you put it on the top shelf by accident?”
“I doubt it, I can’t even reach up there.”
“I’ll look anyway, maybe Eddie moved it when he got the tree down-” Steve cut himself off abruptly, clearing his throat mid reach up to the top shelf of your closet. You threw a few more things to the side, not yet looking up. 
“What? Did you find it?” When you did finally look up, you saw Steve’s gaze trained on the top of the closet door frame, hands still reaching to grab the bag of Christmas ornaments you could see sitting on the top shelf. You pulled your eyes away from where his sweater was riding up again and instead followed his line of sight, eyes widening and face going even redder than before when you saw exactly what it was that had stopped Steve in his tracks. 
A small bundle of mistletoe, hidden just behind the door frame and hanging right above the bag of Christmas ornaments. 
“Oh.” Steve swallowed thickly when you spoke and he finally let himself move, grabbing the bag full of ornament boxes and handing it to you softly. “I told Robin not to buy that, she must have hung that up there to be…funny, or something.” You grabbed one of the boxes still inside the bag, the plastic crinkling as you gripped it tight. Steve’s hands remained hovering in the air after you took the bag from his grip, eyes soft as they looked down at you over his nose. 
“Yeah, sounds like Robin.” The air grew thick as you looked at him, clearing your throat to try and cut through the tension the best you could. You let out a dry laugh, turning away from him and starting to travel towards the door.
“Well, got the ornaments, we should probably get back out there-” You were cut off when Steve’s hand wrapped around your wrist to stop you, pulling you back just a few inches. 
“Wait.” You turned to face him again, the redness in his cheeks and ears not going unnoticed. “Can’t break tradition.”
“What do you mean?” He let out a low chuckle and flashed you a smile. 
“Come on, I know you know what I’m talking about.” When you didn’t respond, he pulled you closer, the bag of ornaments softly falling to the floor as you let go of the handle in surprise.
“I can assure you that I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You kept playing dumb, hoping it would let you talk your way out of the situation, but Steve’s grin only grew wider. 
“You know what happens when two people walk under the mistletoe.”
“Do I?” Steve took another step towards you and you could feel your heart skip a beat, his body so close that his own heat radiated onto you. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I think you do.” He was slow as he brought his hand up to the side of your face, gently tilting your head up towards him as he leaned down to meet you somewhere in the middle. You could smell the expensive cologne on his skin as he moved down closer and closer, your eyes darting across his face when you became unsure where to look. It felt like hours before your lips finally connected, slotting between each other like perfectly matching puzzle pieces. 
Your heart was beating out of your chest, so loud in your own ears that you weren’t sure Steve couldn’t hear it himself, but the way his hand had started to tangle in your hair pulled all of your focus entirely to him. Standing up on your toes to reach him, you let your hands fall naturally against his chest, fists tightly gripping on to his sweater for balance. The kiss was soft and slow, as if he were testing the waters, but when you finally had enough sense to kiss him back, it changed into something different. Butterflies swam in your stomach when his other hand came up to hold the other side of your face, and he let out a groan when you melted into him with your arms draped over his shoulders. 
The kiss lasted until neither of you could breathe, Steve chasing your lips as you lowered back down on your heels and pulled away. It was silent in the room for another minute, the only sounds that of the reverberating conversation down the hall and the shared rhythm of you and Steve catching your breaths. 
“Merry Christmas.” Steve was first to speak, words breathy and hands still holding the side of your face. 
“Merry Christmas.” Your hands traveled to the front of his sweater in an effort to fix where your hands had left it wrinkled, his own thumbs softly running along your flushed cheeks. You leaned up to meet him in another kiss, but just as your lips were about to touch, Robin’s voice echoed loudly from down the hall. 
“Did you find it yet?” You both stopped your movements with a laugh, pressing your forehead to his before finally taking a step apart. Picking up the bag of ornaments, you took one more glance at the mistletoe hanging in the closet, laughing under your breath. 
“Yeah. Yeah, we found it.”
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cinnbar-bun · 8 months ago
the jotaro munchies have HIT…. can i please request a pt.4 jotaro and some good domestic family fluff w smolyne…. i am so…. soft for her……
A/n: Okay so I'm going to cheat and combine like... the 4-5 requests I got of 4taro and Smolyne into one!!!
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Domestic Family Fun Time (ft. Smolyne)
Summary: After recognizing he needs to be at home more, Jotaro is tasked with joining in on some of the activities you and Jolyne often partake in together!
Today's activities... slaying an evil monster and doing makeup.
Rating: SFW- pure fluff and comedy!
Word Count: ~1.4k
Notes: Reader is GN! but they do know/use makeup. Never specified if Jolyne is your biological/step daughter, and no mentions of Jolyne's mom- so feel free to imagine whatever you want! I imagine Jolyne as about ~5-6 here.
Taglist (if you'd like to be added, please fill out the form in the pinned or message me!): @gingernut1314 @adeadcreator @child-ofdust @starr-l1ghtt
Jotaro does his best to rectify some of his absence in the house since Jolyne was a newborn. He’s more present now and tries to support you and his daughter. 
Still, he’s the same stoic man, so don’t expect him to be so different now that he’s at home. He’ll be taking these duties very seriously, keeping an eye on the house, never taking a break, always work and- 
Oh who is he kidding? Even if he tries to look tough, Star Platinum is pretty much always exposing him. Star Platinum can’t help but reveal how happy and excited Jotaro gets at home with you two. 
Jotaro isn’t too used to dealing with Jolyne as she gets older, in the sense that she is becoming more active and starting to formulate her own thoughts. Still, he tries his best to work with his hyperactive daughter. 
Jolyne loves playing games and being physical. One of her favorite things to do with you is pretend to have to save you from a big monster while she is a super cool ‘fairy mermaid knight’. Normally, you two would play this by yourselves, but since Jotaro has been focused on being at home, he gets to witness these games. 
At first he stood off to the side and watched as Jolyne jumped off the couch and hit a large pillow covered with a blanket that served as one of the ‘minions’. He noticed how active you were in playing along and expressing with Jolyne, which he took note of for future reference. 
The next few times you played pretend, Jolyne beggggedddd Jotaro to please please please pretty please with a cherry on top play mermaid fairy knight with her. 
He wasn’t sure what his role was supposed to be, so he awkwardly asked, making her brainstorm. 
“Um… hm… well…” 
That is, until you had the brilliant idea to play the ‘evil villain’ and ‘kidnap’ Jotaro (put him inside the foldable pink castle playset). Jolyne was so excited to play along, and you began monologuing like a cheesy villain. 
“Now, young princess, I’ve kidnapped your father and placed him in this indestructible fortress where he can never leave! Mwahaha! Look at how terrified he is!” 
Jotaro just stands there, unsure of what to do, before you nudge his arm and gesture with your face for him to act along. He nods and then in the most bland tone ever- 
“Ah… I am… so scared. Please Jolyne. Save me.” 
You and Jolyne had to look away and stifle your laughter from that awful performance, but quickly got back into character. 
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to help Jolyne jump higher or make her feel like she is gliding for a bit. 
You hammed up the evil act while Jotaro would make the most monotone ‘screams’ as you ‘tortured’ him (tickling him or kissing him all over his face). Jolyne would yell back or gag playfully and then smack you with her fake weapon. 
Of course, you had to give a riveting performance and fake die dramatically before laying on the ground with a silly face, making Jolyne squeal happily and run up to Jotaro. 
“Thank you, Jolyne, for saving me. I’m in your debt.” 
Jolyne gets smug and talks about how of course she was going to save him, she’s his dad, and she’s gonna be a cool hero just like him!
Cue you nearly breaking character to sob and Jotaro mumbling a ‘good grief’ while tilting his hat down to hide the fact he also wants to break down at how cute Jolyne is. 
He makes sure to make her favorite dinner after- pizza rolls.
Another thing she manages to whisk you into doing is makeup. Jolyne loves to try it on and even put it on you. Sure, you end up looking like a brightly colored clown at the end, but it’s quite fun. 
Jolyne loves how colorful and sparkly she looks by the end of it when you finish her makeup. 
One day, though, while Jotaro is watching a documentary on dolphins, Jolyne comes up to him with her makeup kit and asks (read: says) to do his makeup. Jotaro is unsure at the suggestion- he’s never even worn makeup before- and seeing you walk behind her with lime green and purple eyeshadow and red lipstick makes him nearly second guess if he should do it. 
But one look at Jolyne’s face (which is done up in very pretty blue makeup thanks to you) and he sighs and accepts his fate, promptly closing his eyes and pausing the documentary. 
You join in with Jolyne and help her apply the makeup, properly showing where everything should go. 
“Ah, see, we have to apply the foundation here like this-” “Damn, dad, you’re pale!” “Jolyne-!” 
Jotaro knows this is going to be a mess but he’s finding it admittedly hilarious how serious you and Jolyne are taking this. Star Platinum is smiling widely at the both of you and eagerly pointing at different products as you two apply them.
“Hm, which color should we choose, Jolyne?” “Ah… I think dad should get green! No, wait, black!” “Black, huh? A bold choice, dear.” 
Everything goes pretty smoothly until he comes upon perhaps the worst torture known to man. 
Doing his eyelashes and eyeliner. Before you can even apply the eyelash curler to him, he opens his eyes and gasps. Hell no. That is NOT going anywhere near him. 
“Jotaro! It’s safe, I promise!” “The fact you need to clarify that it’s ‘safe’ tells me it isn’t.” “Stop being a baby and just close your eyes.” 
He relents after a bit of arguing, only to feel his heart stop when you bring the eyeliner out. 
“You are not putting a pencil in my eyes.” “It’s not in your eyes, it’s around-” “No.” 
Jotaro swears this is supposed to actually be a torture device. There’s no way that people around the world willingly put this stuff on. He cannot keep looking up without blinking a million times as you try to put the eyeliner on. 
“Stay still!” “Don’t put a pencil in my eyes then!” 
Jotaro honestly would rather fight Dio again than bother putting on eyeliner again. 
Finally, you finish and he releases the breath he held in… until you bring out mascara. 
Kill him. Please. This man is so damn twitchy with it and ends up getting the mascara around his eyelids. 
“You messed it up, dad!” “Sorry, Jolyne. Good grief, the things you two make me do.” 
After all that pain, Jolyne volunteers to do his lips. She grabs one of her lip balms and once Jotaro tastes it, he grimaces and gags. 
“What is that?!” “Coca-Cola! The Fanta one tastes the best, but you can’t have it because it’s my favorite.” 
Finally, it’s time for him to see the results of you and Jolyne’s silly game. 
“Wow… green lipstick… I didn’t even know they made that…” “Right? So what do you think, dad?” 
“I think I look like a zombie…” 
You laugh and press a kiss to Jotaro’s cheek. “A very handsome zombie.” 
He sighs and shakes his head before grabbing the two of you to pull you into a hug. 
“Thank you. Now how do I take this off of me?” 
Jolyne screams that he can’t because he looks so cute and she needs to commemorate it. She runs to her room and gets the old digital camera he got her then demanding the two of you pose in your ‘beautiful’ makeup. 
“Come on! Say cheese!” 
The three of you have a small photoshoot with it, which you ended up having printed at the store later. The photo with you smiling and hugging Jotaro while he has a tiny smile is proudly displayed in the house. In her teens, years later, Jolyne gets embarrassed by it and often hides it when her friends are over, asking you throw it out or something. She still secretly loves the memories of it so she wouldn’t actually want you to do that. 
Jotaro still has some ways to go when it comes to playing and taking care of Jolyne, but he’s slowly getting there. He’s happy he chose to make more of an effort and that you gave him another chance to prove himself. He can’t imagine another life than the one he has now. 
And… he can’t imagine feeling safer and more content than he is now, especially seeing you and Jolyne laughing over the photos you all just took.
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wolftarotcrafts · 2 months ago
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What is coming towards you in love? Let's find out! Soon I will post another tarot reading on how your relationship may deepen for those in relationships already.
I also just want to say thank you for the support on my other tarot readings I have posted on here. It means a lot to see that my readings have resonated with people. And if you missed those readings and want to check them out, you can go to my page, and I will link them at the end.
I also have started setting up my Ko-Fi, so I will make a separate post on that if anyone is curious about personal readings. Please enjoy the readings.
Pile One:
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Oooooooh, pile one. You have got some good things coming in. In terms of what you can expect, I see you meeting the one who you will get married to and start a life with. This is the person who is going to commit to you. I see you guys have kissed frogs and have been patiently waiting for your person. I see that the patience is finally going to pay off because on the horizon I see them arriving. I see you have been focused on yourself and really taking time for you. You are ready to receive what you want. I see it's just within reach. I see some of you are powerful manifesters and may have manifested your person with a spell or vision board. I say refresh the manifestation and make another little list of the qualities and traits you want your person to have and be specific. Use your power pile one and get ready because they are coming. 
Signs: Colored hair, Pink, Red, Purple, Black hair, Straight hair, Ocean, boats, Port, Fall, Seattle, Movie-10 Things I Hate About You, Seattle, Sunrise, Tomorrow-Annie, sunshine, light-hearted, Manifestation, Vision board, Songs, Winter, Dec, 18, In a few months, In a few days, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, 1212, Leap of faith, Jack, Fernanda, Ashly, Laura.
Pile Two:
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Hey pile two. I feel you guys are kind of in your own world. Many of you are young, like in high school, or just really carefree and youthful. I see you guys are just having fun and living the best life you can. I see there are two possible situations. I see that some people may have a crush on you, and you don't even know it. I see them admiring from afar. I see them finally gaining the courage to talk to you and ask you out. I also see another situation where some of you like someone, and you are observing them, and they are mirroring you and doing the same with another person. I then see you guys somehow come together and start liking each other. 
Signs: 6, 12, 19, 22, 26, 29, Aries, Aquarius, Brown hair, Orange, Tattoos, Smart, May, Asia, "Hi," Isaac, Swimming, Messages, hanging out with friends, Daylight Harry Styles, Hold On, We're Going Home- Drake,
Pile Three:
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Hey pile three. I am sending you good vibes and all the love. Pile three I am not going to lie. There are some bad vibes here. Make sure you are careful with who you surround yourself with and who you tell your secrets to. I see there are some snakes around you. I see there is going to be some conflict, and you might get heartbroken, and there might be some deception going on. Some of you might know who I am talking about and just ignore the red flags, but listen, it's only going to hurt you in the end. Do not ignore the red flags. Pay attention to your surroundings and who you are with. Not everyone has your best interest at heart. Just guard yourself a little pile three. I know this was supposed to be about love, so one of your friends may take your crush or something like that to hurt you, but again be on the lookout. I'm sending you hugs, pile three.🫂❤️‍🩹
Signs: 18, C, A, I Sneaky, Secrets, Drama, Backstabber, Gossip, Gemini, Sagittarius, "Friends," Alex, Alexander, Adam, Andrea, Cassandra, Cassie, July, Sad songs Wildflower-Billie Eilish
I have started working on my Ko-Fi, so more news on that is coming. Disregard the Etsy link.
Other Tarot Readings
Future Spouse PAC (Appearance)
Future Spouse PAC (Personality)
Advice-What you need to hear
Spirit Guide Reading
Again, thank you for the support!
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daydreamingyuta · 1 year ago
NCT as Husbands Series: Mark Lee
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summary: fluff, drabble, husband!mark wc: 823 nct as husbands masterlist a/n: ...if I don't get to fall in love with a guy who's just like mark!
I just know that Mark would be the best! husband!!
He’s so romantic and just such a gentleman!! Like even after being with you for so long he takes the time to listen to you and understand you. which is definitely his way of loving you!
You would have to remind him of how great of a husband he is. because showing him you appreciate him will make him melt. But also because he’s so infatuated with you and sometimes feels like he isn’t good enough for you 🥺 so of course you have to remind him of how amazing he is!
Also you're literally his muse! like he finds so much inspiration from you. The amount of love songs and sweet poems he's written for you 🥺🥺
Also doesn’t shut up about how much he’s in love with you. Like makes sure the whole world knows. like he literally cannot stop himself from talking about you but it's just because he loves you so much and can't help himself from bringing you into every conversation.
He's just such a sweet and genuine soul and you would be the luckiest girl in the world to have him as your husband!
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It's two in the morning when you wake up from a deep sleep. You think that it's time to get up until you see the time and lay your head back on the pillow. It's not until your hand reaches out for Mark, that you notice he's not in bed with you. You two had both fallen asleep together, so you know that he must have woken up earlier and couldn't go back to sleep. This was a typical occurrence, and often all he needs to fall back asleep is to cuddle with you as you gently scratch your nails up and down his back to soothe him. So, you hop out of bed and throw on a sweater so you can go find him in hopes of coaxing him back to bed. You're about four steps from the living room, when you hear muffled sniffles. Your heart immediately drops knowing that Mark was crying. You make your way over to him on the couch and place your hand on his shoulder which gives him a little shock as he wasn't expecting you. "Mark, what's wrong?" You ask and then notice that he was holding the album that had all your wedding pictures in his hands. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. I just couldn't sleep and our wedding anniversary is in a few weeks and I don't know, I just wanted to look at you in your wedding dress again." He wipes his tears away before he leans his head on your shoulder. You try to comfort him by rubbing your hand up and down the length of his arm. "Aw baby, it's ok you didn't wake me up but why is this making you cry?" "I don't know. It's just- before I met you I really never thought that I could have ever seen myself getting married. I used to be so confused and uncertain about the future but then I met you and... it was like everything all of sudden made sense. and then on our wedding day, when I saw you walking down the aisle in your dress, I just knew. I like just knew that I'm right where I'm supposed to be. and that all my steps, mistakes, and decisions led me to you and how thankful I am that everything led me to you y/n." "Markkk" You say, now starting to tear up along with him. He pulls you in a hug, not trying to hide his tears any longer. "I don't even know what to say but I love you so so so much." You two stay like that together for a while, just wanting to enjoy each other's presence during the sweet moment. However, once you feel your eyelids start to grow heavy, you know Mark must be getting tired as well. "Let's go back to bed, ok?" Mark yawns as he nods, showing just how sleepy he is. "Do you mind doing the back thing with your nails so I can go to sleep?" "Of course." You say, kissing him on his temple. You both head back to bed, Mark in front of you, but then something prompts you to look back. You see the photo album and the mess of tissues on the floor, but when you look closer, you see a slight smudge on the protective cover of a photo of you. You wipe it gently away and you immediately know the feel of it. It was chapstick, meaning Mark must have kissed your picture. Your heart completely melts at the thought as you set the photo album down and head to bed, knowing that you need to give him extra cuddles tonight for being so sweet and cute.
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yuellii · 1 year ago
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female reader . fluff, talks of the future, of having children
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There was not much shame to hold in mundane Monday mornings of Meropide, especially not as Wriothesley’s gaze was caught by the loud clacking of your shoes against the metal floors of the fortress.
Who would’ve thought to wear such loud shoes in a place like this except for you, and you’ve—rather intriguingly—caught his attention. While it certainly wasn’t uncommon for you to make your way up his office staircase, he could not help but click his tongue at the sound of your steps. Private time was brewing, perhaps much like the steaming tea at his parted lips.
“You might wanna get a heel-check,” he sourly remarked with a lazy gruff in his chords. His gaze flickered to you not a moment too soon as your sly little grin appeared from the bottom floor.
“How else am I supposed to announce my presence, Duke?”
If not for the cup against his mouth, he would’ve almost scowled at that haughty diction of yours.
“Your presence might not need announcing,” he spoke as you made your way to lean down over his desk. “Not when you should be rounding up some people at this time.”
You scoffed. “There’s not many working the Production Zone today.” Leaning your hip against the front of the table, you teasingly smiled down at him on his chair. A heavy contrast to his serious face, but you could always decipher it otherwise. He was one to stay quiet here, an underside of played cards to silently allow you to move on your own; And you did—perhaps it was the stillness that naturally gravitated you to the side of his office chair. “Which means I’m all yours for now, Duke.”
Calm face, barely moved a muscle, yet his hand came and pulled your hip until you were falling atop his lap, back flush against his chest. He was warm, possibly due to the lingering heat of the tea even so far below the ocean. And his arm was a firm type of secure around your waist, yet you couldn’t help but like the feel of being trapped against him like this. Perhaps he did, too; that wasn’t doubted when he always took advantage of any private time you had.
Now, this was the time you typically took to ramble on and on to him. Here, when he stayed quiet over his work to bask simultaneously in your presence. Here, where you could talk as much as you wanted without being a guard to those prisoners. Here, where you could feel his heartbeat right on your back. It’s tough to restrict the words that begin spilling out.
“I was thinking of having children.”
Your first sentence, no matter how quietly said, is one to immediately stun silence. He doesn’t move, and it leads one to wonder if he’s just focusing on the papers in front of him. Yet, he didn’t tense, either. There wasn’t much you could be afraid of here.
“There’s an adoption center I’ve been eyeing on the surface.”
When he speaks so calmly, you can’t help but exhale in relief withheld. So he’s thought about it, too. That’s a good start.
“You want to adopt?” A reasonable question from your end, and there’s a comforting sort of feel in the air that lulls your head to fall back against his shoulder. He gladly accepts your affection, moving himself to lean his cheek down atop your head. “I haven’t thought of that.”
You felt his body shrug right under yours. “It’s been a dream of mine,” he says so nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just confess to something he’s thought about for much of his life.
“And I’ve always wanted my own kids,” you said. Less than a contrary, truthfully, no tone of argument set between you two. It was in moments like these he felt stripped and bare the most—greatly and almost completely vulnerable in your wake. Where he can admit the simpler, less complicated things to a person that wouldn’t judge his forthcomings, as hopeful as they could be.
Because no one would expect the Duke of foredoomed Meropide to have a future hope.
And yet, he laughs. A small chuckle erupts from his chest, and you can feel the simplicity of it all. “Maybe we should have two kids,” he suggests. His arm wraps tighter around your stomach, and you think you might like that idea. “One child of our own, one we adopt.” You couldn’t see him, but you could tell he was smiling against the hair of your head when he kissed you ever so lightly.
“That’s certainly a start,” you settle. And then he pulls you in, all work disregarded to wrap both his arms snuggly around you and pulling you into his body. It’s still and warm on his lap; you could only smile as he breaths in the atmosphere you radiate.
“A good start. I like it.”
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🔖 - list : @vivinens ( winky face )
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possessionisamyth · 6 months ago
Not to kick a dead horse, but there is a way to make Pier's death genuinely very loaded and tragic that fandom consensus just seems to continue to miss! I've never seen a take about Piers's death being about PIERS, but all about "ooohh chris lost a good one" and how the two are not able to fuck anymore. But I am going to free you from these shackles while I zero in on Chris' comment of
"I wanted him to replace me."
Surely Piers was being trained to take Chris' job ideally after a decent retirement party, but neither of them get that luxury because Edonia happens, and Chris is gone. The beloved captain has vanished, and the person who's supposed to take his job is right there, so they give it to him. It's Piers responsibility to not only be a face of what the BSAA represents, but also the heavy shackles of expectations are slapped onto him.
Everyone wants Chris, which means Piers can't be himself nor figure out how to run the same jobs his way. No, it has to be Chris' way. There's no time for anyone to adjust and shift gears either with the C-Virus outbreaks, the terrorist attacks from Ada*(Carla), and the search party he shambled together to locate the missing Redfield. So he tries his damnedest to fill Chris' shoes and suddenly realizes just how out of his depth he is. There were so many reasons people called Chris for certain tasks, even tasks Piers hadn't known about and definitely hadn't been trained on, that Piers never saw. There's no mentor to dial. No reference other than fellow soldiers saying things like, "We don't know how, he just got it done," which is the least helpful thing in the world. Hell, there's barely any notes to go through when he searches Chris' office for a semblance of a hint as to how he should do this job.
Maybe it turns out Chris was doing his best to gently ease that heavy mantle into Piers' hands. It's why his scheduled retirement seemed so far away at the time. Perhaps, after one comment too many where he'd been accidentally addressed by the name of his captain for the 50th time, Piers breaks. He can't do this. He's not ready for this. He needs the one person who did all this back by any means necessary, so he drops all the work and joins the search party. He verbally harasses an amnesiac Chris into coming back because maybe it isn't that bad. Maybe Chris just needs a reminder of what he's been doing everyday for literal years and things would be back to normal again.
But it's not. It's messier. It's uglier. This isn't the Chris he worked so hard to fight alongside. There are glimpses of him in there, but most of the time in China, Piers feels like he's working with a stranger. People die, and Chris keeps pushing forward no matter how much he's shouted at, and Piers feels like this is all his fault. The deaths are his fault because he couldn't buckle down and do what Chris originally wanted him to do. Take Chris' place. Replace him. Be better than him.
So when they go to that underwater facility, and their backs are against the wall, there's the looming sense of failure and a terrifying amount of pressure. If they get out of this alive, who knows when Chris would be back in shape to work again if that ever happens. Piers would have to be responsible. He was already responsible for the squad he gathered to take up this job, and they were skewed into pieces around downtown Lanshiang. Take Chris' place. Replace him. Be better than him, and Piers failed on all accounts. He couldn't get Chris back the way he was supposed to be. His squad was dead. The responsibility he'd have to take up if they made it out alive would be nigh unbearable, and then he gets infected.
He gets infected and suddenly the decision is so easy. To let go. To hope for the best. To be the one left behind when he was supposed to be the one moving towards the future. Another glimpse of the Chris that Piers knew is seen, a more confident glimpse wherein Chris does everything he can to try and save him. And Piers smiles when Chris fails. When he saves Chris. When he seems to finally do one thing right after things never seemed to stop falling apart.
It's the last thing Chris sees. That smile and the ever encroaching weight of immeasurable responsibility that'll grasp him tight as soon as he breaks the surface. The weight Piers couldn't take from him, and maybe never wanted in the first place.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year ago
Can I request a kind of song fic? You know the song national anthem? The part where it says "red, white, blue is in the sky. Summers in the air, and baby heavens in your eyes". Can I have that with the first 3 dorms? Love your writing!
The familiar tone of cicadas and flushing greens bring about a stereotypical image of summer, and with it the reality of nearly a full year away from your world. No one has said it out loud yet, but it really does look like Twisted Wonderland is going to be your forever home, so it really is time you start thinking about what you want your future to look like...
And someone really seems to want a staring role in it.
I don't listen to Lana at all so I spent a brief moment wondering why someone was requesting I do a song fic based on the American National Anthem. Anyway I listened to the song a few times and came up with an idea, and then another, and another and I am so sorry this took forever. I hope you enjoy. notes: they/them used for Yuu, all scenarios are meant to take place over summer break, and contain a lot of summer themes. Going to the club and making out with Cater, possessive Leona, and mentioned vehicular manslaughter with Floyd. Other than that pretty tame. For other fic please look to my masterlist here.
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Riddle doesn’t know much about happiness now that he thinks about it.
He assumes he was happy when he played with Trey and Chenya all those years ago, and his mother had always been so insistent that true happiness came from doing well in his school work, and Riddle can say he gets something like happiness from his grades.  But then if that is “happiness” then what is this?  It doesn’t feel like it deserves quite the same word as what he feels like when he gets a good grade, and he certainly doesn’t get the same feeling of “happiness” from Trey as he does from you.  There’s a sting of pain to it that compels him to smile, to stay as close to you as possible when you speak.  
“I’ll miss you when you’re gone.”
That was where the pain had to have come from, but you’re here with him now and he knows you won’t be going back to that great somewhere you had come from and being next to you still hurts.
“Here.”  You tap your metal sparkler ignites his and you smile, wide and free in an attempt to encourage him to enjoy himself.  You must have noticed how tense he is, something that doesn’t change as he tries to force his focus on the sparkler.  It’s simple, short, putting out a bunch of yellow sparks that he swears it shouldn’t have the strength to.  It’s a lot like him, he supposes, he holds it out and up further and watches it spark down, the burnt edges sagging under their own weight as it rages against the night sky and tries to rival the stars.  “Are you going to draw anything?”
“Huh?”  He’s supposed to be having fun.  Are you disappointed in him?  No, you seem to have expected this, you're reaching for new sparklers and fumbling looking for something.
“If you twirl the sparkler through the air it’ll leave light behind.  It looks like drawing shapes.”  You take the risk of nodding towards Ace and Deuce, who he thinks are trying to draw their card suits from how Ace is pointing and Deuce’s face and laughing at the brief flicker of a spade he thinks he sees.  “It won’t stay for long but it’s still fun.”  A lighter, he recognizes the click before he turns back around to you and sees you fumbling with it.  Your hands must be cold, he can’t be happy with that but the strange feeling surges and compels him forward with the gentlest of fires he’s ever conjured.
“You’re the expert, so I’ll trust your advice.”  You jump slightly with the sparks and laughter, saying something he doesn’t hear as he takes his sparkler and joins you in drawing little hearts in the air.  It has to be a silly thing he’s said for you to laugh so much, but he means it so.  If he lets you point out the fun things, he thinks as you toss your second set of spent sparklers into the bucket of water and hold out the next for him to light, he can busy himself with the practical.  And maybe together you can both learn to enjoy that thing called happiness you both don’t know much about.
“Don’t you think you are being unfair?”  The words come out even though it has got to be pointless to say it; Trey has to know why else would his smile be so “strained,” why else would he be so determined to keep from making eye contact?  And furthermore he has to know you know, that’s why he is standing so close to you despite this new no eye contact rule.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  He continues looping icing in detailed patterns across a particularly complicated cake that you have to stop and stare at in wonder, could you ever get that good?  Trey must have a great deal of patience to do such technical work, shame he has also decided to use that skill to test yours.  You huff and look at your own work, Trey has to know you’ve been looking at him, people can feel the weight of other’s eyes right?  Let’s see how he functions without your attention.
Fine, you assume he’ll be fine, he’s always so unbothered by anything you do.  Cater has always insisted otherwise, but you swear he’s uncaring too. 
“Maybe you should intern at a cake shop.”  You do your best to mimic his voice and he chokes on his laugh, it takes a great deal of strength and perhaps patience that rivals Trey’s own to not turn and look.  His laugh is so genuine you could mistake it for joy.  “That’s what you said.”
“I did, didn't I?  Good advice that.”  His voice is a bit closer now, you try not to think about how that’s possible, you were already working so close to one another how could he get even closer without touching you?  Why do you want him to touch you… 
“Why didn’t you just invite me here?”  That has got to sound more pathetic than it does biting, it certainly feels that way.  “I applied to three separate places, and before I even completed the first line on your little questionnaire I got a call back from them congratulating me on getting hired here.”  Trey doesn’t so much as flinch, you see him in the corner of your eye, pretending to adjust his glasses and inspect your work.
“Maybe I wanted some plausible deniability.”  He’s so sincere you finally look at him and only sort of regret it when you see his triumphant smile.  “But someone got a bit too excited about a friend from NRC finally visiting and chased everyone else off.”  You snort.
“I can’t imagine Cater’s never wanted to come here, what with how he talked it up so much.”
“He has mentioned it once or twice.”  Trey adjusts a strawberry on a cupcake next to you, out of nerves more than need as he wonders over how to word what he wants to stay next.  “But I am glad you decided to come.  I was worried you would say no.”  You snort and Trey laughs slightly as he watches you squirm in indignance and tries not to focus on your lower lip’s quiver.
“Why on earth would I say no?  I’ve been curious about this place since forever.”  There’s flour on your apron he wants to smear on your face as an excuse to touch you and ignore the aching annoyance in his chest.  I don’t want you to be curious about the shop, everyone is.  I want you to be curious about me.
“Well there are more interesting ways to spend your summer than next to an oven.”  He says it nonchalantly as his thumb lingers on your nose just a bit longer than it should and your annoyance fades in place of something he doesn’t know but wants to oh so badly.
“Well maybe I just didn’t have anything better to do.”  He loves how pretend annoyed you get with him, the way your nose twitches and your eyes dart to look anywhere but him.  “And maybe I’ll not have anything better to do this winter or next summer either.”  He loves the security he has to indulge in those little things, even if you can’t ever go back to your old home.
“Oh?  That’s a real shame.”  He finally moves his thumb down your cheek and curls his fingers just under your chin to force you to look at him, to beg you to see a new possibility in his eyes.  “I can fix that.”
Cater inviting you places wasn’t a new thing, but you had really expected it to become an old one once he hit his fourth year and didn’t constantly see you irl and have to pretend he was as invested in your friendship as you were.  Was that a cruel thing to think?  Sure.  Did you hate yourself for it?  Absolutely.  Was it partially a product of your overwhelming fear of the consequences of opening up to someone with abandonment issues when you were all but guaranteed to permanently abandon him in a way that was so much worse than any of his previous friends?
Well now you were just being way too serious for the type of trip you were currently on.  You’ve never seen so many flashing lights outside of a nightmare but Cater certainly looks like he’s having the time of his life on the dance floor with Lilia and Kalim while you sit next to Trey being “boring” in the corner.  Not that you shouldn’t be at the club, you've just got a lot on your mind and no place to think it. 
“You don’t have to sit here with me if you want to.”  You apologize and Trey laughs, surprisingly not at all awkward.
“I’d make a total fool of myself, and I don’t want to end up on magicam being called someone’s dad.  Again.”  He swirls his drink in his hand and you look down at yours; you’re at a beach if you didn’t remember because of the stray sand in your shoes you would know by the little umbrella in your cup and the cheekily unbuttoned hawaiian shirt that displays the beads around Cater’s neck as he makes sure to fill your entire vision and steal your breath.
“Yuuuuu, c’mon dance with me.”  He grabs both your hands in his, intertwining your fingers and pulling out to the floor with the force of his voice as much as his grip.  “Can’t let you stay in the corner allll night, I’d be a bad senior!”  You think you hear Kalim and Lilia say something to Trey, but Cater’s so close to you, you can’t really hear anything, not even the music or the last call from the bar that sends you and your friends into the street stumbling back towards the hotel Kalim had insisted on booking.  “They’re certainly having fun.”  Cater hasn’t  let go of your hand, thumb circling your palm before finally resting nearby your pulse point.  “Sort of a shame to call it quits now.”  So he says but you can see the night’s been getting to him.  
“If you need a break I don’t think anyone will blame you.”  You squeeze his hand and a little of Cay Cay’s smile returns to Cater’s face as he squeezes back.  “Do you want me to let you sleep when we get back to the rooms?”  
He doesn’t respond immediately.  Those serious thoughts from before bring you back to reality and you finally see how far behind you’ve lagged from the rest of your group.  
“I want to hear your voice.”  The dull fear of abandonment snakes through you both and coaxes out Cater’s words he’d probably wouldn’t have ever said if you weren’t staying and he was completely sober.  It hitches in your breath as he looks at you, Cater’s real unguarded smile on his face as he lets the boardwalk lights shade him in their perfectly imperfect artificial shine.  “I want to hear you say we’re besties out loud again, I want it to be real.  Because I’m mad I screwed things up before thinking you’d be gone when you’re so desperately real.”  You wave the others on ahead, they shake their heads with knowing looks as you stop and lean into Cater, pressing your foreheads together and staring deep into each other’s eyes searching for something neither wants to admit was always there.  “You don’t deserve to be stuck here.”
“You don’t deserve to be stuck in your own head.”  He flinches and you reach to touch his cheek, could you kiss him here?  Would that be moving too fast?  “I’ll be just fine, Cater.”  
“But I want to keep you stuck here with me.”  He mumbles, and makes the move to kiss for you.  Your arms move around his neck and your hands thread through his hair, pulling him close as he never dared to be.
You’ve got all sorts of things you want to say out loud, just for him to hear.
“It’s so hot.”  Whines Grim, his bright smirk completely betraying his intent as you try not to sigh too loudly as you look over the prices at this ice cream stand Ace had convinced you to check out.  “I reeeeeally wish we had an ice cream sundae right now, don’t you hench human?”  
“You already had half a watermelon earlier,” you mutter “if I get you a whole sundae you might get sick.”  He won’t.  Grim almost never gets sick.  You’ve seen him eat and rank literal dirt.  But still you already are going to be carrying back the groceries Ace’s mom asked for and didn’t need something difficult to carry.  Thankfully there always seems to be something for cats in the Queendom of Roses because the seller helpfully pipes up that he has a tuna flavored push pop that Grim immediately begs for instead.
You consider getting the same one for Ace, but his childish joy when you pass him a cherry popsicle before opening your own is almost worth the missed joke.  “Aww nice, about time you paid me back for everything I do for you.”  Almost.  You roll your eyes and take your share of the grocery bags, half heartedly fighting for Ace to let you take more of them.  He won’t let you, nodding towards Grim in way of an excuse as if the little monster ever lets you take his paw.  He’s been doing a lot of things like that while you’ve been staying with his family, it’s actually been sort of nice.  There has been a sort of domestic give and take between you two for a long time now that you think about it, probably since the first time he tried to sneak his way into your bed, that has translated into something like a routine.  His family has been nice enough not to say anything about it but you know they see it too.  “Hey you have work tomorrow right?”
“Yeah.”  You try to blink your way back to a more normal state of mind.  “Do you want me to bring you back anything?”
“Nah I’ll just text you if I think of something when I’m on my way to pick you up.”  Ace says it so nonchalantly you have to wonder what old Ace would say.  The one who made fun of you for not having magic and ditched a girlfriend without saying anything for being boring, or did you never actually know that guy and got lucky enough to meet the ace of hearts instead?  
“Ya don’t always gotta walk them.”  Grim snorts, unimpressed as always in a way that never fails to make you smile.  “Yuu isn’t gonna disappear!  Headmage said they were here to stay.”  Ace rolls his eyes and you laugh.  For some reason he never fails to take bait from Grim.
“That’s not what it’s about, dummy, walking alone is dangerous.”
“Yeah Grim,” you teasingly scratch his little head “besides the only one who isn’t going to be around forever is Ace.”  
“Do you really think I won’t be around forever?”  Ace actually looks offended, sounds it too and you find yourself indignant.
“You’ve got to have a life eventually.”  You shrug.  “Deuce and me, school, that doesn’t last forever.”   “You can be a part of that life too you know?!”  It’s not the closest to a confession you’ve ever gotten from Ace, but it’s certainly the loudest.  “Look, I get you’ve got a lot going on in your mind right now, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.  I’ll sit outside that door waiting for you to be ready, and I’ll still be there even if that day never comes.  If you’re really in trouble I’ll bust down that door, just because you’re forced to be here doesn’t mean you’re alone.”  You wait.  You wait for the back track, the joke, the step back into the comfort of the friend zone but it doesn’t come.  He looks you in your eyes and keeps walking forward towards home.  “You have me, you know?”  You’ve always had me.
Sometimes you forget how abnormal Deuce is.  Probably because it’s a normal sort of abnormality, if any such thing exists, that doesn’t involve magic or monsters and you would have been able to wrap your mind around no matter what time and place you had met in.  But that doesn’t mean Deuce is not capable of doing or saying things that surprise you.
“Let’s make a pillow fort.”  He says, the familiarity of his joy the only thing that’s keeping you from screaming about his words.  “I’ve never made one before, it’ll be fun!”
“Oh I refuse to believe that.”  You laugh but refuse to protest, Ace isn’t here to bring down the mood and there’s no way Grim would deny something that he thinks is guaranteed to involve popcorn from the few times you’ve camped out in the Ramshackle Lounge and watched TV together.  And to be fair that’s also your plan for tonight, Deuce has a bunch of movies he’s been determined to show you since you agreed to stay over for the Summer.
“Well maybe back when I was a kid with my mom.”  He certainly has enough blankets for it, but then what self respecting house doesn’t have a few extras?  “I’ve never had a friend stay over before…”  If you were in a different mood, if his flushed face wasn’t so cute, you might tease about how you had been here before with Epel, Ortho, and Silver but there’s a tone to the way he says friend.  It’s the way he makes sure to lie as close to you as possible in your little fort and watches you as much as the movie that tells you that he feels, even if he doesn’t think, that this is somehow different.  “Have you?”  He asks it late, as the credits roll on your third or fourth movie and Grim snores.  “I thought maybe we could do something normal for once, but I forgot to ask.”  You laugh and roll your head onto his shoulder and allow yourself to really think about things.
“Thank you.”  It’s the first thought you have, surprising you both.  But should it?  There’s something warm and comforting about being with Deuce.  Natural even.  “I can’t say I’m happy but I feel closer to home than I have in a while.”  Deuce squeezes your hand and rests his head on top of yours.
“I’m glad.  I- know I shouldn’t be but I am sort of happy you’re still here.”  He wants to say he’s happy you are staying, but he knows he can’t.  It would be too cruel and Deuce knows he can’t really understand the depth of what you’ve lost or make up for it with sleep overs or movie nights.  But he does so want to try.  “I promise I’ll do my best to make your time here worth it, I meant what I said during Starsending.  I want you to be there when I get my badge, I want to make you proud of me too.”  
“I’d say I’ll be the loudest in the room but I’ve met your mom.”  You sleepily quip and he laughs.  “And I’m already proud of you, Deucey.”  His half open mouth freezes, his thanks stuck in the softness of your voice as he wills himself to sleep to sear the sound into his brain.
“Sweet dreams, Yuu.”  He’ll make this a summer worth having, he swears it.
“You cannot have driven me out here just to nap.”  Leona’s head is heavy and warm in your lap in stark contrast to the cool greenery that shades you from the rest of the palace.
“Can’t I?”  He opens his eyes to look up at you with a gleam that’s just so smug it makes your heart flutter in what you have to work very hard to convince yourself is annoyance.  “Because I could have sworn I just did.”
You aren’t sure why Leona invited you.  That one time you had visited the Savannah before had been because Grim demanded, not because he wanted you there.  Or at least that’s what you had thought but this time you had received an invitation, and though it had been worded more like a demand (must be a cat thing) it had been surprisingly thoughtful in its accommodations.  Grim certainly had been happy enough to accept on your behalf even before Crowley had agreed to let you go.
“I’m just surprised you would want anyone with you to nap at all.”  You had been afraid to touch him when you saw him, but you swear he wants you to play with his hair with how he purposely spreads it out, like he’s displaying for you.  “I thought you’d be happy to be rid of me.”
“Maybe I would have been.”  His bluntness is only dulled by its predictability, there’s something almost relieving about it if you’re honest.  Everyone has been so insistent on saying they are happy you have stayed and just as eager to avoid talking about the specifics that worry you.  Not Leona, he keeps his green eyes focused on you, striking right at the heart of things.  “But you aren’t half as annoying as everyone else, even if you could stand to fight for yourself a bit more.  Why do you think I invited you here anyway?”
“...so your family wouldn’t bother you about your duties?”  He laughs, loud and free and so forceful he shakes your entire body with its pride.
“Well you’re half right.”  He reaches up and pulls you down, rolling to the side so you’re lying in the bit of ground he’s warmed and caged in the safety of his arms with nowhere to run from the obvious truth.  “You’re here because I want you to be.”  The way he says it, the touch of his forehead against yours and the lull of his heartbeat, it’s like he’s daring you to think of your entire existence in Twisted Wonderland in terms of him and him alone.  And he knows it, he has to he’s too smart to word his sayings in a way that would misconstrue his meaning.  “What’s that shit you herbivores are always yammering on about?  ‘Finding your family?’  Well I found you so you’re going to stay right?”
“Are you offering me citizenship, your majesty?”  Because you have to make this a bit of a joke otherwise you’ll let him in on just how much power over you he really has.
“I’m offering you a home.”  He’s surprisingly serious.  “It’s dark, a bit shit, but you already like those sorts of places if your dorm is anything to go by.  And you’re so annoyingly sunny I’m sure it’ll perk right up when you settle yourself in.”  Just like he does as you move to hide your face in his chest, your breaths matching in the safe lull of slumber under the jungle’s starry sky.
“Man, I love Summer!  People are just so much freer with their cash, y’know shishishishi.”  Ruggie cackles as he settles himself into a booth, still somehow full of energy despite the day you’ve both had while you slump across from him.  “Peak tourism season means loads of opportunities for work!”
“I know Leona said this place was popular but I guess I didn’t realize just how much.”  Ruggie had been so proud to show you this barbeque place after your first night working at the resort with him, and you had been more than happy to know it on nights like this when you had worked overtime meeting some really pushy customers' needs for what felt like way too little money.  Even though this gig paid pretty well some people just weren’t worth shit, something Ruggie knows all too well.
“Yeah, nothing on Sage’s Island ever gets this busy.  You holding up ok?”  Ruggie’s always like this while he’s on the job, you try to tell yourself he doesn’t mean too much by it, that he’s just checking up on you from a place of mutual understanding but it still feels good.  Good enough that the smile you manage is genuine.
“Surprisingly, yeah.”  You could really do with some more sleep than you are going to get when you return to Grim tonight, but then you always could.  “What about you?  You always look twice as busy as me and that’s saying something.”
“Aww, you worried about little old me?  Kiiinda weird Yuu!  I’m the senior here, I'm more used to this.”  He’s the same smug Ruggie, brimming with enough confidence and infectious determination that perks you up just a bit.  Or maybe it’s the fact your food’s come and you are determined to snatch up the utensils and cook before Ruggie can and use it as an excuse to keep all the best cuts for himself.  He doesn’t jump to fight you tonight though, instead he looks contemplative.  “Hey, are you sure you’re ok with how you spent your Summer?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”  The meat sizzles on the grill, dampening the seriousness of the conversation with its pops, and Ruggie tries to focus on it but it’s clear he has been thinking about this for a while.
“Well, my invitation was kinda late.  I was really surprised you didn’t want to spend your Summer hanging out with your friends.”  You don’t say anything immediately, wondering how best to respond to someone who, admittedly, has never really admitted to being your friend despite you both regularly flirting with that and a much deeper concept.  
“I mean I do.”  It’s best to be honest with him, he won’t accept anything else even if it hurts to see you refuse to look at him as you flip the meat to cook its other side and continue thinking out loud.  “But I’m going to be stuck here forever, I want to get a head start on some security.  I can’t live in Ramshackle forever.  And besides…”  It’s best to be honest with him, you reassure yourself as you take a deep breath and give him the cut you know he’ll like best and stare deep into his eyes.  “I was happy to hear from you and get a chance to see you again sooner.”  His ears twitch and his eyes widen, words fumble out of his mouth without any real meaning as you both silently agree to table the conversation and eat your meal.  The best meals aren’t rushed, and the best connections allow themselves the time they need to grow.  You know you’ll both be ok, you promise yourself you will make sure of it.
“Jack, what is this thing again?”  You ask slightly exasperated, not with the product or with him, just yourself for still not remembering the types of snack foods available in a basic convenience store after a whole school year in this world.  For once, Jack doesn’t complain or pretend he doesn’t want to help, just dutifully walks over and looks at the package before putting it back on the shelf.
“It’s a type of chip, you liked this flavor better.”  He adds it to his basket and you sigh, mutter an apology Jack doesn’t acknowledge verbally, instead touching your thigh gently with his tail.  “Is there anything else you want to bring back to Sage’s Island with you?  If you don’t remember until you get back…”  I won’t send it to you.  That’s what he wants to say, but he cuts himself off before he can.  He can see your mind auto filling it in as you think, and he curses himself silently.  What a fool he’d been, “I won’t need to do that I’ll just know” he hadn’t counted on lying to himself about how he felt.  His mother had, she’d even laughed about it when he had tried to stumble around asking to let you visit.
“A soulmate is something you work for, Jack.  It’s not given to you, you have to earn it.”
Jack likes to think he works hard.  His grades are good, he’s in great shape, his unique magic is truly a gift and he isn’t taking it for granted but you.  You’ve got two separate drinks held up to the light, neither of them are exclusive to the Shaftlands.  You could get them at Sam’s any time but you are squinting as if you have truly never seen them before and he guesses that’s because it’s true.  Why is it so hard to just speak to you?  Is it because you're human?
“If you want something limited, those are over here.”  He takes what you were looking at anyway.  “My sister really likes this one.”  I think you will too, it’s a lot like what you get from the vending machines.  You nod and add it to the basket, turning towards the canned goods and insisting on getting some “fancy” tuna for Grim with a smile that stirs his soul and reassures him of what Jack knows is true even if he can’t speak about it.
“You think he’d notice even if it was different?”  You are shaking your head as you look at the can, making jokes but not bothering to pretend you don’t care.  It’s maddening, how bright you shine for those you care about and how little he can do to give that shine back to you.
“You can’t tell him how much it costs, otherwise he will insist it is.”  That works, you laugh and his tail goes crazy, unable to hide how important your laughter is to him.  I love you.  That’s what he wants to say.  “You should come back next summer.”  But he doesn’t, he rubs his neck and looks at the shelves and thinks it so loud he swears his heart is halfway out of his chest.  There’s a soft look in your eyes that he wants to think says you hear it, but he knows that he can’t take it as an excuse.  Next summer I’ll say it.  I’ll say it every day that you’re here, I promise.  Your smile is everything he needs.
“I look forward to it.”
There’s a picture on your phone you don’t think you were meant to see, but magicam lets you delete photos and Azul hasn’t done that yet.  It’s been an hour, the little opened notification sits there taunting you both but still he doesn’t do anything.  Not send a follow up message or delete the photo or anything and FINALLY you’ve had enough so you do something beyond reckless.
You call him.  And he answers.
“Prefect!  Always a pleasure to hear from you.”  Azul sounds so infuriatingly put together you want to die.  You bet he’s sat in some sort of fancy office, leaning back with a smug look on his face while you hug a pillow close to your chest, still in your pajamas seething with nerves over his little mistake.  “Is there something I can do for you?”
“Did you mean to send me a picture of your menu for orientation?”  You cringe at how upset you sound, because you really aren’t exactly.  It’s silly to hope Azul would talk to you over the summer at all, and if he did of course it would be about business.  That’s what talking with Azul is always about.  “Oh and hello I guess.”  But it still pays to be polite if for no other reason than the melodic laughter that you get to hear at what you're sure Azul sees as a cute mistake.
“I would have called you if I hadn’t.”  He sounds like he is reassuring a child, but still pauses to keep you off your game before he continues.  “I was expecting you to give your opinions on it, you have to have some don’t you?”  
“Not for free.”  You snort and he laughs again, slightly more awkwardly this time and you wish you could say that you didn’t feel bad, that you were as cold and calculated as the sea but neither of you are really.  It isn’t wrong to want something is it?  Azul is pro-greed, so surely he would understand you teasing him a bit to keep him in your life for just a bit longer.  “Do you need my opinion for something?”
“Just to hear it.”  Azul has a way of being so damnably dismissive about things it drives you insane.  Just once you want to hear him say- “Besides, it’s been a while since we talked and I thought it would be a good ice breaker.”  You choke on your own thoughts and almost break your jaw trying to keep him from hearing.  “You’ll be there I trust?”
“Orientation?”  Your throat hurts and it shows in your voice, that stupid octopus has got to be so smug right now it would be so insufferable to look at.  You definitely aren’t thinking about it and it definitely isn’t making your struggle to breathe worse.  “Or the Lounge?  Because it’s not like I’ll have anything to do really if you want help or something… I am sort of curious about those house themed drinks, that's a stupid good idea for an orientation by the way.”
“I knew you’d get it!”  Azul sounds so excited it’s almost pure.  “You’ll have to come by beforehand so I can show you how to make them, it took so much time to get the correct flavor pallet for the Savanaclaw and Ignihyde ones you have no idea-”  
And just like that he has you, he has you!  You’re listening and talking to him through all of his explanations, probably sitting somewhere under a tree well put together with Grim on your lap and… smiling he hopes?  While he is curled into a small ball in his room trying to pretend he knew this would work out exactly like he wanted the whole time.
You’ll be there.  When the bell strikes and the mirror opens its gaze on NRC once again he won’t have to be nostalgic for flames and mayhem because you will be there.  And this time he swears he’ll catch you for good.
It’s the last day of school and yet you have nothing to pack and nothing to do.  The usual excitement that accompanies the final freedom of summer is sort of lost in that void of being unable to go home, and as ashamed as you are to admit it you think you’ll go crazy if you don’t have anywhere to go next summer.  You already felt so overwhelmingly lonely when you first got the news, and you have heard these things get better but it doesn’t feel like it will.  Even the knock at your door fills you with dread, you don’t want to ruin Ace and Deuce’s excitement with your bad mood.  But that’s not what you see when you open your door.
“Hello prefect.”  Jade Leech is tall, so tall he fills up the frame with his stiff figure that you always have noticed for how proper it is but today he seems even more rigid than usual.  Guarded is the word you would use if you could ever picture him being afraid of you.  “May I come in?”  You nod and shut the door behind you both, your idle curiosity drowning out the danger signs as neither of you move or speak.  Jade’s hands stay folded in front of him, yours stay at your sides as you wait.  Wait wait wait for what you don’t know, hadn’t the twins told you they visited their parents over this break?  His mother sounded lovely, why would he want to keep her waiting?  “I was wondering…”  He closes his eyes and brings his hand up to his chin as if he is deep in thought but it reads more like it is taking a lot out of him to say what he wants to “Would you be interested in climbing Mount Moln with me sometime?”  Your breath catches in your throat, the memories of your trip to Harveston still somewhat fresh and inviting in their domesticity.  You hadn’t thought he would remember that little conversation you’d had, but he does.  His wide smile when he opens his eyes to see your fluster screams it’s haunted his dreams as much as it has yours.  “I do seem to recall you expressed a desire to climb it, and since you will be staying with us for the foreseeable future I thought I would take my chance on the proposal.”  Did he have to word it like that?  It’s doing things to your heart.
“I did say that, didn't I?”  You try to center yourself by closing your eyes, it’s always a bad thing to appear desperate around him but your mind insists on remembering.  The feel of the snow, the smell of the woods and the bonfires, and of Jade whether he would believe you or not.  Of the excitement in his voice when he named all the plants he knew, of the funny look on his face when his sled misbehaved, so passive as if it was happening to someone else and not him.  And of the shiver of excitement at his ideas on how to sabotage the other team, whispered quietly in your ear so as not to alert Epel in an effort to convince you of his position.  Or maybe now that you look at him he just wanted the excuse to be close.  “Yes.  Yes.  I would like that very much.”  Jade’s smile stretches to something as dangerous as it is thrilling as he takes his long desired excuse and closes the gap. “I will see you next week then.  Make sure to pack your things.”  You splutter and he takes a deep breath to savor the look as he traces your cheek and takes your weak protests in stride.  He never did say you would be going to Mount Moln this summer, you need to train after all.  Jade Leech intends to take his time with you, assuming you’ll let him of course.
“Hehe Floyd and shrimpy, drivin to the beeeeach.  What’ll they do?”  
“Stay in their lane and watch the road.”  Crewel has to have added a “fuck” in there that he didn’t voice if his death grip on the car’s grab handle is anything to go by, and if you are honest you wish he had, it would make this whole experience much more bearable.  You have opted to hold Grim instead, prayer was also an option but that wouldn’t keep Grim from trying to harass Floyd.  He’s laughing now, saying something to Professor Crewel you can’t quite place, maybe adding a new verse to his little song that admittedly sounds kind of catchy.  Floyd has a very nice voice you swear he only ever uses to make fun of people, not that you could see him ever doing anything with it since that would take too much repetitive work.  “Pull off the exit here and make sure to park WITHIN the lines this time.”  Crewel snaps and you find yourself finally at a merciful stop, and unable to free yourself and Grim from your seatbelts fast enough under the guise of “getting your things” from the trunk.  
You aren’t fast enough to avoid Floyd.  He’s there as soon as you open the trunk, tell tale smirk on his face.
“Well shrimpy?  I’m waitin’”  He’s giggling, the only thing that’s keeping him from kicking his feet is their need to be on solid ground to keep him upright.
“You suck.”  You say completely deadpan without a hint of irony.  “Congratulations I didn’t know anybody could do it that bad.  Why did you want to try learning to drive again?  They don’t have cars under the sea do they?”  Floyd seems amused by your attempt to steam past your little insults, choosing to ignore them for now and shrug as he takes the umbrellas out of the car and closes it.  
“It seemed fun.  Beakerfish is always goin on about ‘em and Pops says they get stupid expensive.  Why’s that huh?  You humans sure do like buying shit just to break it.”  He doesn’t move immediately, like he’s waiting for something and determined to block your way until he gets it.  So you take a deep breath and lie to yourself that it’s just this one answer.
“Floyd, most people don’t wreck their cars on purpose.”  It should be the most obvious thing in the world, but still he doesn’t move.  His smile gets wider and his eyes blaze with determined focus, for some reason he gets closer to you, one hand resting above you on the car to loosely cage you against it.  He has to know what he’s doing here too, Floyd’s a lot but he’s not stupid. “Aww really, shrimpy?  There’s so many movies and games ‘bout it you’d think that’s the whole point of havin’ em.”  He giggles exactly like he does before moving in with a squeeze, bending to whisper in your ear as if Crewel isn’t just on the other side of the vehicle still holding that damn crop and just looking for an excuse to strike.  “That’s not all they do in the movies though, huh Yuu?  Maybe I wanna take you someplace nice,quiet, and all alone for once~”  And just like he’s gone, back to bothering your professor who you know is chastising himself for agreeing to chaperone this trip while you try desperately to catch your breath.
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anotherandomcollection · 6 months ago
[prologue] Dear Diary...
──────────────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────────────── ≻─ ⋆✩ pairings: arlecchino x gn!reader ≻─ ⋆✩ warnings: some angst?, childhood friends to strangers to lovers, canon typical violence, mentions of death, slowburn - not beta read ≻─ ⋆✩ spoilers?: 4.6 (Arlecchino's story quest) ≻─ ⋆✩ synopsis: this is a series I'm writing - its in the form of dairy entries written from the reader's POV through the years.
this is just the prologue of how it all begins and provides insight on the background (on the reader) I made up :) There's no date for the diary entries but they progress forward.
≻─ ⋆✩ author's note: this was an idea that came to me in a dream (shower thoughts) /j I'm not too sure if this is a format that would be enjoyed, but I hope it is <3
≻─ ⋆✩ word count: 1.4K
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Dear Diary,
I'm leaving. I'm leaving this godforsaken house - I'm probably going to sneak off during my next mission. It's a solo mission, though I think it's just a ploy from "Mother" to get rid of me. My left leg is still injured and the Doctor says I may never fully recover, I have a barely noticeable limp, but anything short of perfection is frowned upon in the House of the Hearth (of course it is; the "Marelle" games should be enough of an indicator).
I don't know why either, I've been good - though perhaps she doesn't approve of the friendship Clervie and I have forged (not that she has any motherly rights to decide that). Or perhaps with Peruere - she is probably the next "King", with the highest potential or whatnot.
I'm scared to leave as well, just the idea of leaving is heavily frowned upon and is punishable with death. Even if I don't die on the mission, if I am caught, I will die. I'm not sure if even Archon's can tell me what happened to the other's who tried to leave. "Mother" keeps a strict tab on everyone and who knows what in the house. Any secrets being spilled… I pray for them. I pray for mercy, because I know the Doctor has none.
I'm scared to leave, scared about the future too. I don't know how to leave when this house is almost all that I remember. "Mother" clothed me, fed me and has given me a roof over my head. No matter how hard I had to work for it, I was given a shelter. It scares me that I don't hate this place as much as you would expect me to… It scares me to leave everything I know and all the people I cherish for this.
The battle for "King" starts soon, I probably won't be around for it. I'll either be long gone or dead, if the mission from mother goes according to my plan, I'll be on my way to Sumeru. If it doesn't… then I suppose mother's plan to get rid of me would have succeeded (archon's know I am not in mission ready condition).
I know its selfish to leave Clervie and Peruere but I cannot stay. I will die. Perhaps I could have stayed in another time or another universe where this "orphanage" didn't exist.
I'm leaving them a letter, but I have planned to make it look like I have died, or imply it, at least then I won't be the villain in their eyes for abandoning them here to suffer at the hands of "Mother". Painfully Hopefully, we will never cross paths and I will never have to explain myself. I'm not sure if they would understand.
I don't know how to live with myself anymore, not with the things the house has made us do. We are children and… I miss my family. I see glimpses of them in my dreams and memories - it was so warm. It had actually felt like a home. I think I had an older sister and a younger brother but I cannot clearly remember. I wonder what happened to them (if they even exist). I hope that I could have had that in another universe, but alas, I cannot in this one.
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[there is a letter left to Clervie and Peruere, hidden in a spot only the three of you know about]
Hi Clervie and Peruere,
It's me, I'm sure you know my writing by now and I'm sorry that I cannot see both of you one last time. I'm leaving on my mission and I will likely not return. "Mother" plans for me to die - I know it so because I am not currently mission ready and she's been sending me on so many. I'm barely pulling through as it is and I don't think I will make it back from this one.
I will miss both of you and I'm sorry it will end this way.
I will miss watching the sunrise with you, Clervie, and I hope that you see the aurora you so wish to see one day. I'm… sorry that it has come to this and I hope you continue going to watch the sun bleed orange-red in the sky and turn the horizon into a mix of orange and purple and pink (like your hair!).
Peruere… I will miss our shared love for insects. I left you some sketches I made of Bambi. I will miss our walks in the garden trying to insect-watch and then having to hide when our caretakers come looking for us. I really did enjoy them.
[in the same envelope, there are some old sketches of the spider - several sheets of the insect in several positions and all carefully drawn and the pages carefully preserved]
I'm sorry. [next to it is a scribbled out line, too scribbled to even make out what the words mean]
[the letter is only read by one of the people its addressed to before it is thrown into the fireplace and turns to ash]
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[the writing in this entry is shaky, tear drops are splattered on the page]
Dear Diary,
I heard Clervie died through the grapevine. I don't know what happened and I hope Peruere is doing alright. I only know she died in the battle for "King".
I don't know how to unpack this yet.
I'm scared
I thought I could maybe see them in the future. I don't know how to live knowing one of us will never get to grow up. It hurts so much. It hurts so much more than I thought this would...
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Dear Diary,
I got into the Sumeru Akademiya - under the Darshan Amurta and it specialises in biology. Particularly, I'm going to study insects! Which is probably more accurately called Entomology.
There's a new harbinger, Arlecchino. I don't know who that is, but I hear they are the new head of the House. "Mother" is dead. I hear the house has been taken over by a new "Father". I pray for the children each night. I hope the "Father" is nicer but the archon's know that is a stretch too far past reality. "Mother"… The Doctor… All the harbingers do is hurt and hurt.
I know first hand what both "Mother" and the Doctor does. Sometimes I wonder how they live with themselves. Perhaps both of them are crazy.
Perhaps it should satisfy me, that the person who tormented me and all the children is gone but there is none. It feels hollow and as terrible as it sounds, I… miss the house. It wasn't home, no, but there was some semblance of family, forged through sheer fear and understanding. I suppose it stops no one in the battle for King, it stops no one for the battle of recognition and the sheer desperation to survive.
But we all know why we do it.
I suppose we all understand. Understand enough to die without hatred. I wonder if Clervie felt the same. I hope her death was swift and as painless as possible. Archon's have mercy on her soul.
I've changed since the last time, I've changed my hairstyle and hopefully no one will recognise me. My injuries have been progressing well as well and my limp is almost gone. There's still the stress that weighs on me that someone will recognise me. I fear that someone from the Fatui recognises me - especially when they have their claws in every nation.
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[years later...]
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Dear Diary,
I'm going back to Fontaine. There has been an exchange in between both the Akademiya and the Fontaine Research Institute so I'll be going to study the Subdetection Units. They are these small units created by the Institute that monitors all sorts of environment data. It is extremely interesting and I wonder exactly what the units can record. Not only that but they are in the shape of insects!
I think these units are interesting and with some tweaking, it could be possible to track even more data from them. Particularly, underwater. These could also possibly monitor the area by the Fortress Meropide for escapees- The possibilities feel rather endless and I am probably being too ambitious, especially with little knowledge in the engineering behind these specific units.
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Dear Diary,
I think I saw her again today.
[the writing is shaky on the page and this entry is startlingly short.]
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