#house 6x2
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scintillatingshortgirl19 · 1 year ago
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gee i wonder if the issue could be at all related to the fact that the current treatment plan for his chronic pain consists solely of FUCKING IBUPROFEN
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amyritter2 · 2 years ago
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adds this to the markwardo satosugu stendall "only friend" compilation
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babygirl-wilson · 2 years ago
as far as i’m concerned house md ended after 6x2. chase and cameron are happily married, foreman and thirteen are happily together, house is vicodin free and happily living with wilson, and cuddy is happily living without a car shaped hole in her living room. also since i’m already being delusional i’m gonna say kutner never died and i guess since someone had to die to start this chain of events i’m gonna pretend it was taub or smthn.
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thefuturewithoutus · 2 years ago
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freezerbunny-sims2 · 3 months ago
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Fully Underwater Lot Tutorial
@creida-sims @kitkat99
UPDATE January 2025
There is now a much, much easier way to do this. This version of SimPE now includes a tool to change terrain geometry. To edit the terrain in SimPE, go to Tools/Neighborhood/Neighborhood Browser and load your neighborhood. In the Resource Tree, select Neighborhood Terrain Geometry (NHTG) and select the only resource in the Resource List. In Plugin View, click Terrain Editor. It's very intuitive, but basically, you can edit the terrain under a lot to make it be underwater. You can also delete the road with the Road Editor.
I'll keep the old tutorial for archival purposes, but unless you can't or don't want to install this version of SimPE, it is pretty much obsolete.
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Some warnings and disclaimers
1. This is not a beginner tutorial. I have tried to explain with as much detail as I can, but still, if you just started playing The Sims 2 I recommend trying out other building tutorials first.
2. I have tested it but there's always a possibility that some new problems will come up. Follow at your own risk. Backup your neighborhoods before trying this. Test it first in a new empty neighborhood.
3. These lots are roadless, so they require specific gameplay conditions to avoid breaking immersion (pun intended).
4. They will behave like normal lots in the sense that sims can walk around and do anything as if they were on land. There's one big problem to consider: when sims go fully underwater, their hair and some parts of their clothing might disappear visually.
So this is more useful for structures that sit above the water, shallow water that doesn't reach a sim's head or, with some modifications, small islands surrounded by water. So unless you want bald mermaids, I don't recommend this for sims that live underwater.
5. If you use Voeille's hood water mod, reflections will look glitchy in lot view, because this is technically not a beach lot. The only solution I found is enabling "Lot view ocean reflections" in RPC Launcher. Otherwise you'll have to deal with glitchy reflections.
6. Before following this tutorial, make sure you know the basics of creating, editing, importing and exporting SimCity 4 terrains. Written tutorial by SimEchoes here, video tutorial by loonaplum here.
Software and mods used
The Sims 2 FreeTime expansion pack (required for the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat)
SimCity 4 (required) Hood Replace by Mootilda (required)
Lot Adjuster by Mootilda (required)
Portal revealer by Inge Jones (required)
Voeille's pond and sea water overhaul and RPC Launcher (optional, see disclaimers)
The Sims 2 Apartment Life and Bon Voyage expansion packs (optional, for "walk to lot/work/school" options)
Cheat codes used
moveObjects on/off
modifyNeighborhoodTerrain on/off
1. Creating/editing a terrain in SimCity 4
1.1. You can edit an already existing terrain or create your own from scratch. In both cases, you need to keep two things in mind: If you want the usable area of the lot to be underwater, such as making houses for mermaids or a coral reef, make sure the water is shallow. No more than a few short clicks with the terraforming tools in SimCity 4. This is because The Sims 2 live mode camera won't go underwater, so making the water too deep might make it uncomfortable to build or play the lot.
If you goal is to build a structure mostly above water, like a ship or an oil rig, you can get away with making the water a bit deeper, but not too much. I've noticed that sometimes the lot terrain tools stop working correctly if there a hill that's too steep.
1.2. Once you've created the terrain, you will need to add a small island on the area where your lot will be. I know it seems contradictory, but trust me, it will make sense. Create and name your city. Use the terraforming tools in city mode to make a tiny island of about 6x2 squares.
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1.3. On the island, use the road tool to place a straight road that takes up 4 squares. Then, using the street tool (the last option), place two short streets at each end of the road.
Streets will disappear in TS2, only roads translate to roads in ts2, so why do we place them? Well, placing a street at the end of a road will get rid of the rounded end bit in TS2, which can't be used to place lots. This will be important for the placement of the lot and to make sure the edges of the lot are underwater. If this doesn't make sense yet, don't worry, it might make sense later.
1.4. Save the terrain. Don't exit SimCity 4. Copy your new/edited sc4 terrain from your SimCity 4 folder to your SC4Terrains folder in your Sims 2 documents directory. It is usually
"C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\SC4Terrains"
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1.5. Back in SimCity 4, we're going to make a second version of this terrain. Remove the roads and streets you made before, with the bulldozer tool. With the level terrain tool in Mayor mode, carefully remove the island, so it's on the same level as the bottom of the ocean/lake. Don't change anything else. Save, exit and copy this second terrain to your Sims 2 SC4Terrains folder. Make sure you rename the file to something different from the first one, like adding "no roads" to the filename. You should have two terrains by the end of this step. One with the small island and one without it.
2. Editing the terrain in The Sims 2
2.1. Open The Sims 2 and create a new neighborhood using your new terrain. Something to keep in mind: if you want the terrain to be a subhood of another neighborhood, make it a subhood from the start. You will not be able to move the lot once it's finished, since it will be roadless. I don't recommend decorating the neighborhood for now. Leave it empty until the end of this tutorial.
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2.2. Place the smallest empty lot (3x1) on the island.
2.3. In neighborhood view, open the cheat console by pressing Control + Shift + C, and type
modifyNeighborhoodTerrain on
To quote The Sims Wiki:
"This allows you to alter the neighborhood terrain by raising or lowering it. To use this cheat, be in the neighborhood view, then enter the cheat "modifyNeighborhoodTerrain on" (without the quotation marks), and click over the area you would like to change. To select a larger area, click and drag the cursor to highlight the desired area. Press [ or ] to raise or lower the terrain by one click, press \ to level the terrain, and press P to flatten terrain. When you're finished, type “modifyNeighborhoodTerrain off” in the cheat box (again, without the quotations)."
If you use an English keyboard, these instructions will probably be enough for you. If you don't, I recommend first testing the cheat, because the keys for using this cheat are different in other languages. For example, in my spanish keyboard, the question marks are used to raise and lower the terrain and the º/ª key flattens it.
Another aside: When you select an area using this cheat, a green overlay is supposed to show up. Some lighting mods make this green overlay invisible, like the one I use. If that's your case, you kind of have to eyeball it. Remember that one neighborhood grid square in TS2 is equivalent to 10 lot tiles, or the width of a road. I recommend getting a mod that allows you to tilt the neighborhood camera on the Y axis, which will allow you to have a bird eye's view of the terrain.
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2.4. Flatten the terrain around the lot so it's at water level. This cheat won't allow you to edit the terrain inside the lot, so you have to edit the terrain around the lot. Make sure there is plenty of flat underwater space around the island. You should end up with something like the picture above. The water will have some holes, but don't worry, those get filled with water the next time you load the neighborhood.
2.5. Enter the lot and place any object on it. Save the lot and exit the game. This is so LotAdjuster recognizes the lot in the next step.
3. Expanding the lot with Lot Adjuster
3.1. Open Lot Adjuster and select your neighborhood and lot.
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3.2. Click "Advanced…". Check "Over the road (only enlarge front yard)". Use the arrows to add 20 tiles to the front yard. Click "Finish" and "Restart".
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3.3. Select the same lot again. This time, check "Add and remove roads". Uncheck the road checkbox for the front yard. Add 20 Tiles to the back yard, 20 tiles to the left side and 10 tiles to the right side. Check "Place portals manually". You should end up with a 60x60 lot, which is the biggest size. You might want a smaller lot, but unless you know what you are doing, I recommend starting with this size. You can shrink it later. The goal of making the lot this big is making sure the edges of the lot are underwater. Click "Finish" and exit.
4. Moving portals and flattening the lot
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4.1. Make sure you have the portal revealer by Inge installed in your Downloads folder before the next step. Open your game and load your neighborhood. The lot should look something like the picture above.
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4.2. Load the lot. Delete the object you placed before. Place the portal revealer on the lot near the mailbox/phone booth and trashcan. It looks like a yellow flamingo and you can find it in Build Mode/Doors and Windows/Multi-Story Windows catalogue. You will notice that when you select the object from the catalogue, some yellow cubes appear on the lot, and when you place the object, the cubes disappear. After placing the portal revealer, pick it up and place it again. This will make the yellow boxes visible again.
So what are those yellow boxes? They are portals. They determine where sims and cars arrive and leave the lot. The ones on both ends of the sidewalk are called pedestrian portals, and in the street, one lane has portals for service vehicles (maids, gardeners, etc.) and the opposite is for owned cars and carpools. You can see the portal's names if you pick them up. Make sure not to delete any of them.
Now, since this is going to be a roadless lot, ideally there won't be vehicles in it. This means that the lot would ideally be accessed through walking only. In community lots, this would not be an issue if you have the Bon Voyage expansion pack, which allows sims to walk to lots.
In residential lots, you might run into some problems. Service NPCs always arrive on vehicles, and unless your sim owns a vehicle, the carpool and school bus will always come to pick sims up for work/school. It might break your immersion to have a vehicle show up underwater or on a ship. There are many options to avoid this: having sims work on an owned business instead of a regular job, not having kids on the lot, making the kids homeschooled, avoiding calling service NPCs… it depends on how you want to play the lot. For example, my icebreaker is a residential lot, only adults live there, some sims live in it temporarily and none of them have a regular job.
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All of this is relevant because we're going to move the portals. Where you move the portals depends on you. Think about how you're going to use the lot. In my icebreaker, I placed the car portals (which won't be used) underwater, on a corner of the lot. I placed the pedestrian portals on the ship, to pretend that the walkbys are part of the crew or passengers. But for now, just move the portals, mailbox/phone booth and trashcan to a corner of the lot. To be able to pick up the mailbox/phone booth and trashcan, use the cheat moveObjects on. Delete the street and sidewalk tiles using the floor tool (Control + click and hold left mouse button + drag).
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4.3. Flatten the island with the level terrain tool. Save the lot. Almost done! Don't mind the hole in the water, this will be fixed. You will notice that in neighborhood view, the island is still there. This is because the neighborhood terrain under the lot hasn't updated. I don't know why this happens, but it does. Normally, moving the lot would fix it, but we can't move this lot using the game's tools. Instead, we are going to fix the terrain with Hood Replace. Don't exit the game yet.
5. Updating the terrain with Hood Replace
5.1. Create a new neighborhood using the new roadless terrain. Make sure it has the same type of terrain (lush, desert, etc.) as the first one. Again, name it "NO ROADS" or something similar. Exit the game.
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5.2. Open HoodReplace. On the left column you will select your "NO ROADS" neighborhood. In the right column, select the neighborhood that has the underwater lot. Check these settings: Replace terrain, replace road, and versioned backups. Leave everything else unchecked. Click Copy.
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5.3. Open The Sims 2 and load the neighborhood to check if the changes worked. That concludes the tutorial. At this point you can shrink the lot if you don't want it to be so big. Remember to move the portals to their final placement when you're done building the lot. Also keep in mind pedestrians (walkbys) always walk by the mailbox, so keep the mailbox accessible for sims.
If you're going to have multiple underwater lots, I recommend making them first, and decorating the neighborhood after. Doing this in an already existing neighborhood might be more difficult, mainly because, if you made any changes to the terrain using the modifyNeighborhoodTerrain cheat in the past, they might get reset when using Hood Replace.
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benedictconsultingbatch · 1 year ago
Unpopular opinion? They put too much in the rookie 6x2. Oscar suing John. Skip tracer Randy. They accidentally pawn the ring (how do you accidentally sell a ring for $1,000??) so chenford has to get it back. John's son is having trouble making it to town for the wedding so Bailey has to deal with that. Their wedding planner says they need more for the wedding because the venue is bigger and nicer than their house so they have to do the flowers and fix the cake because John is allergic to coconut so that's the bachelor/bachelorette party and Nyla tells Celina she can't be Aaron's only support system and Tim fights the hammer for the ring. And the lie detector thing. And the drug flower pots. And then Celina and the guy get taken. And that gets resolved 5 minutes later (I thought that would be an exciting cliffhanger into the next episode) and all of that in 42 MINUTES! I didn't even follow what Oscar is suing John about. I wanted Chenford to have a conversation. Celina getting kidnapped could have been a great cliffhanger for episode 3. Some of the scenes were so short! Give stuff time to breathe! I get that it's the 100th episode but I *think* it would work better if they crammed less in and focused on making fewer storylines really good. I liked 6x1 a lot. Not tons of plots, but each plot was more developed. Each plot had more time. That episode felt faster to me than this one. Ep 2 I was like there's so much going on what is happening. Maybe cause it's a shorter season so they really want to fit as much into each episode as possible? I did love the back and forth during the flower/cake thing of Lucy and Tim each talking from their perspective.
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jormungandr0005 · 4 months ago
Bosc Monitor ( Varanus exanthematicus ) Enclosure [ BOSSK ]
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This is my bosc monitors enclosure. It is a 4x2x2. He is 14-15 inches and may recieve a gigantic upgrade in the future, but he was a rehome to me and I probably can only keep him til he gets to two feet. I am keeping him until he is, 'too big' as I have seen rehomes fail to thrive if rehomed to places providing under the thriving minimum. He will be rehomed when I feel he is too big (2 ft in this case) with proper guidelines on care and housing. I am not letting someone put him in a 6x2. He needs an 8x4 for the rest of his life. I may keep him if my circumstances change. I don't know, though. If I were to, I'd have to sacrifice both Fennec and Dogma or simply put them in another room. (I'd prefer the latter.) This current setup will suit him. His basking area gets to the high temp they need. He has climbing enrichment if he were ever to climb. His substrate is up to 7 inches high at the back in some places (the left specifically has more). I am happy to answer any questions.
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Interesting / Best Episodes of House MD
(it's been a while, list in progress and not comprehensive. I am updating it! Check the original post)
1x9 DNR
1x11 Detox
1x21 Three Stories
2x12 Distractions
2x17 All In
2x20 and 2x21 Euphoria
2x24 No Reason
3x4 Lines in the Sand
3x7 Son of Coma Guy
3x12 One Day, One Room
3x15 Half-Wit
3x18 Airborne
3x24 Human Error
4x1 through 4x9, the New Fellows Selection Arc
4x13 No More Mr. Nice Guy
4x14 Living the Dream
4x15 and 4x16 House's Head and Wilson's Heart
5x1 Dying Changes Everything
5x2 Not Cancer
5x3 Adverse Events
5x4 Birthmarks
5x5 Lucky Thirteen
5x9 Last Resort
5x15 Unfaithful
5x17 The Social Contract
5x18 Here Kitty
5x19 Locked In
5x22, 5x23 Hallucination Arc
6x1 and 6x2 Broken
6x3 Epic Fail
6x4 Instant Karma
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supernovagifs · 7 months ago
Supernatural Season Masterlist
Below are Supernatural Episodes
Season 1
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1x1 - Pilot
1x2 - Wendigo
1x3 - Dead in the Water
1x4 - Phantom Traveler
1x5 - Bloody Mary
1x6 - Skin
1x7 - Hook Man
1x8 - Bugs
1x9 - Home
1x10 - Asylum
1x11 - Scarecrow
1x12 - Faith
1x13 - Route 666
1x14 - Nightmare
1x15 - The Benders
1x16 - Shadow
1x17 - Hell House
1x18 - Something Wicked
1x19 - Provenance
1x20 - Dead Man's Blood
1x21 - Salvation
1x22 - Devil's Trap
Season 2
2x1 - In My Time of Dying
2x2 - Everybody Loves a Clown
2x3 - Bloodlust
2x4 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
2x5 - Simon Said
2x6 - No Exit
2x7 - The Usual Suspects
2x8 - Crossroad Blues
2x9 - Croatoan
2x10 - Hunted
2x11 - Playthings
2x12 - Nightshifter
2x13 - Houses of the Holy
2x14 - Born Under a Bad Sign
2x15 - Tall Tales
2x16 - Roadkill
2x17 - Heart
2x18 - Hollywood Babylon
2x19 - Folsom Prison Blues
2x20 - What Is and What Should Never Be
2x21 - All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 1)
2x22 - All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2)
Season 3
3x1 - The Magnificent Seven
3x2 - The Kids Are Alright
3x3 - Bad Day at Black Rock
3x4 - Sin City
3x5 - Bedtime Stories
3x6 - Red Sky at Morning
3x7 - Fresh Blood
3x8 - A Very Supernatural Christmas
3x9 - Malleus Maleficarum
3x10 - Dream a Little Dream of Me
3x11 - Mystery Spot
3x12 - Jus in Bello
3x13 - Ghostfacers!
3x14 - Long-Distance Call
3x15 - Time Is On My Side
3x16 - No Rest for the Wicked
Season 4
4x1 - Lazarus Rising
4x2 - Are You There God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
4x3 - In the Beginning
4x4 - Metamorphosis
4x5 - Monster Movie
4x6 - Yellow Fever
4x7 - It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
4x8 - Wishful Thinking
4x9 - I Know What You Did Last Summer
4x10 - Heaven and Hell
4x11 - Family Remains
4x12 - Criss Angel Is a Douche Bag
4x13 - After School Special
4x14 - Sex and Violence
4x15 - Death Takes a Holiday
4x16 - On the Head of a Pin
4x17 - It's a Terrible Life
4x18 - The Monster at the End of This Book
4x19 - Jump the Shark
4x20 - The Rapture
4x21 - When the Levee Breaks
4x22 - Lucifer Rising
Season 5
5x1 - Sympathy for the Devil
5x2 - Good God, Y'All!
5x3 - Free To Be You and Me
5x4 - The End
5x5 - Fallen Idols
5x6 - I Believe the Children Are Our Future
5x7 - The Curious Case of Dean Winchester
5x8 - Changing Channels
5x9 - The Real Ghostbusters
5x10 - Abandon All Hope
5x11 - Sam, Interrupted
5x12 - Swap Meat
5x13 - The Song Remains the Same
5x14 - My Bloody Valentine
5x15 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
5x16 - Dark Side of the Moon
5x17 - 99 Problems
5x18 - Point of No Return
5x19 - Hammer of the Gods
5x20 - The Devil You Know
5x21 - Two Minutes to Midnight
5x22 - Swan Song
Season 6
6x1 - Exile on Main St.
6x2 - Two and a Half Men
6x3 - The Third Man
6x4 - Weekend at Bobby's
6x5 - Live Free or Twihard
6x6 - You Can't Handle the Truth
6x7 - Family Matters
6x8 - All Dogs Go to Heaven
6x9 - Clap Your Hands If You Believe…
6x10 - Caged Heat
6x11 - Appointment in Samarra
6x12 - Like a Virgin
6x13 - Unforgiven
6x14 - Mannequin 3: The Reckoning
6x15 - The French Mistake
6x16 - And Then There Were None
6x17 - My Heart Will Go On
6x18 - Frontierland
6x19 - Mommy Dearest
6x20 - The Man Who Would Be King
6x21 - Let It Bleed
6x22 - The Man Who Knew Too Much
Season 7
7x1 - Meet the New Boss
7x2 - Hello, Cruel World
7x3 - The Girl Next Door
7x4 - Defending Your Life
7x5 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil
7x6 - Slash Fiction
7x7 - The Mentalists
7x8 - Season 7, Time for a Wedding!
7x9 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters
7x10 - Death's Door
7x11 - Adventures in Babysitting
7x12 - Time After Time
7x13 - The Slice Girls
7x14 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie
7x15 - Repo Man
7x16 - Out With the Old
7x17 - The Born-Again Identity
7x18 - Party On, Garth
7x19 - Of Grave Importance
7x20 - The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo
7x21 - Reading Is Fundamental
7x22 - There Will Be Blood
7x23 - Survival of the Fittest
Season 8
8x1 - We Need to Talk About Kevin
8x2 - What's Up, Tiger Mommy?
8x3 - Heartache
8x4 - Bitten
8x5 - Blood Brother
8x6 - Southern Comfort
8x7 - A Little Slice of Kevin
8x8 - Hunteri Heroici
8x9 - Citizen Fang
8x10 - Torn and Frayed
8x11 - LARP and the Real Girl
8x12 - As Time Goes By
8x13 - Everybody Hates Hitler
8x14 - Trial and Error
8x15 - Man's Best Friend with Benefits
8x16 - Remember the Titans
8x17 - Goodbye Stranger
8x18 - Freaks and Geeks
8x19 - Taxi Driver
8x20 - Pac-Man Fever
8x21 - The Great Escapist
8x22 - Clip Show
8x23 - Sacrifice
Season 9
9x1 - I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
9x2 - Devil May Care
9x3 - I'm No Angel
9x4 - Slumber Party
9x5 - Dog Dean Afternoon
9x6 - Heaven Can't Wait
9x7 - Bad Boys
9x8 - Rock and a Hard Place
9x9 - Holy Terror
9x10 - Road Trip
9x11 - First Born
9x12 - Sharp Teeth
9x13 - The Purge
9x14 - Captives
9x15 - #THINMAN
9x16 - Blade Runners
9x17 - Mother's Little Helper
9x18 - Meta Fiction
9x19 - Alex Annie Alexis Ann
9x20 - Bloodlines
9x21 - King of the Damned
9x22 - Stairway to Heaven
9x23 - Do You Believe in Miracles?
Season 10
10x1 - Black
10x2 - Reichenbach
10x3 - Soul Survivor
10x4 - Paper Moon
10x5 - Fan Fiction
10x6 - Ask Jeeves
10x7 - Girls, Girls, Girls
10x8 - Hibbing 911
10x9 - The Things We Left Behind
10x10 - The Hunter Games
10x11 - There's No Place Like Home
10x12 - About a Boy
10x13 - Halt & Catch Fire
10x14 - The Executioner's Song
10x15 - The Things They Carried
10x16 - Paint It Black
10x17 - Inside Man
10x18 - Book of the Damned
10x19 - The Werther Project
10x20 - Angel Heart
10x21 - Dark Dynasty
10x22 - The Prisoner
10x23 - Brother's Keeper
Season 11
11x1 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
11x2 - Form and Void
11x3 - The Bad Seed
11x4 - Baby
11x5 - Thin Lizzie
11x6 - Our Little World
11x7 - Plush
11x8 - Just My Imagination
11x9 - O Brother Where Art Thou?
11x10 - The Devil in the Details
11x11 - Into the Mystic
11x12 - Don't You Forget About Me
11x13 - Love Hurts
11x14 - The Vessel
11x15 - Beyond the Mat
11x16 - Safe House
11x17 - Red Meat
11x18 - Hell's Angel
11x19 - The Chitters
11x20 - Don't Call Me Shurley
11x21 - "All in the Family
11x22 - We Happy Few
11x23 - Alpha and Omega
Season 12
12x1 - Keep Calm and Carry On
12x2 - Mamma Mia
12x3 - The Foundry
12x4 - American Nightmare
12x5 - The One You've Been Waiting For
12x6 - Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox
12x7 - Rock Never Dies
12x8 - LOTUS
12x9 - First Blood
12x10 - Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets
12x11 - Regarding Dean
12x12 - Stuck in the Middle (With You)
12x13 - Family Feud
12x14 - The Raid
12x15 - Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
12x16 - Ladies Drink Free
12x17 - The British Invasion
12x18 - The Memory Remains
12x19 - The Future
12x20 - Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes
12x21 - There's Something About Mary
12x22 - Who We Are
12x23 - All Along the Watchtower
Season 13
13x1 - Lost and Found
13x2 - The Rising Son
13x3 - Patience
13x4 - The Big Empty
13x5 - Advanced Thanatology
13x6 - Tombstone
13x7 - War of the Worlds
13x8 - The Scorpion and the Frog
13x9 - The Bad Place
13x10 - Wayward Sisters
13x11 - Breakdown
13x12 - Various & Sundry Villains
13x13 - Devil's Bargain
13x14 - Good Intentions
13x15 - A Most Holy Man
13x16 - Scoobynatural
13x17 - The Thing
13x18 - Bring 'em Back Alive
13x19 - Funeralia
13x20 - Unfinished Business
13x21 - Beat the Devil
13x22 - Exodus
13x23 - Let the Good Times Roll
Season 14
14x1 - Stranger in a Strange Land
14x2 - Gods and Monsters
14x3 - The Scar
14x4 - Mint Condition
14x5 - Nightmare Logic
14x6 - Optimism
14x7 - Unhuman Nature
14x8 - Byzantium
14x9 - The Spear
14x10 - Nihilism
14x11 - Damaged Goods
14x12 - Prophet and Loss
14x13 - Lebanon
14x14 - Ouroboros
14x15 - Peace of Mind
14x16 - Don't Go in the Woods
14x17 - Game Night
14x18 - Absence
14x19 - Jack in the Box
14x20 - Moriah
Season 15
15x1 - Back and to the Future
15x2 - Raising Hell
15x3 - The Rupture
15x4 - Atomic Monsters
15x5 - Proverbs 17:3
15x6 - Golden Time
15x7 - Last Call
15x8 - Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven
15x9 - The Trap
15x10 - The Heroes' Journey
15x11 - The Gamblers
15x12 - Galaxy Brain
15x13 - Destiny's Child
15x14 - Last Holiday
15x15 - Gimme Shelter
15x16 - Drag Me Away (From You)
15x17 - Unity
15x18 - Despair
15x19 - Inherit the Earth
15x20 - Carry On
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gift-to-literature · 1 year ago
1. Pilot : 1x1
2. Wendigo : 1x2
3. Dead in the Water : 1x3
4. Phantom Traveler : 1x4
5. Bloody Mary : 1x5
6. Skin : 1x6
7. Hook Man : 1x7
8. Bugs : 1x8
9. Home : 1x9
10. Asylum : 1x10
11. Scarecrow : 1x11
12. Faith : 1x12
13. Route 666 : 1x13
14. Nightmare : 1x14
15. The Benders : 1x15
16. Shadow : 1x16
17. Hell House : 1x17
18. Something Wicked : 1x18
19. Provenance : 1x19
20. Dead Man's Blood : 1x20
21. Salvation : 1x21
22. Devil's Trap : 1x22
23. In My Time of Dying : 2x1
24. Everybody Loves a Clown : 2x2
25. Bloodlust : 2x3
26. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things : 2x4
27. Simon Said : 2x5
28. No Exit : 2x6
29. The Usual Suspects : 2x7
30. Crossroad Blues : 2x8
31. Croatoan : 2x9
32. Hunted : 2x10
33. Playthings : 2x11
34. Nightshifter : 2x12
35. Houses of the Holy : 2x13
36. Born Under a Bad Sign : 2x14
37. Tall Tales : 2x15
38. Roadkill : 2x16
39. Heart : 2x17
40. Hollywood Babylon : 2x18
41. Folsom Prison Blues : 2x19
42. What Is and What Should Never Be : 2x20
43. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 : 2x21
44. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 : 2x22
45. The Magnificent Seven : 3x1
46. The Kids Are Alright : 3x2
47. Bad Day at Black Rock : 3x3
48. Sin City : 3x4
49. Bedtime Stories : 3x5
50. Red Sky at Morning : 3x6
51. Fresh Blood : 3x7
52. A Very Supernatural Christmas : 3x8
53. Malleus Maleficarum : 3x9
54. Dream a Little Dream of Me : 3x10
55. Mystery Spot : 3x11
56. Jus in Bello : 3x12
57. Ghostfacers! : 3x13
58. Long Distance Call : 3x14
59. Time Is on My Side : 3x15
60. No Rest for the Wicked : 3x16
61. Lazarus Rising : 4x1
62. Are You There, God? It's Me Dean Winchester : 4x2
63. In the Beginning : 4x3
64. Metamorphosis : 4x4
65. Monster Movie : 4x5
66. Yellow Fever : 4x6
67. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester : 4x7
68. Whisful Thinking : 4x8
69. I Know What You Did Last Summer : 4x9
70. Heaven and Hell : 4x10
71. Family Remains : 4x11
72. Criss Angel Is a Douch Bag : 4x12
73. After School Special : 4x13
74. Sex and Violence : 4x14
75. Death Takes a Holiday : 4x15
76. On the Head of a Pin : 4x16
77. It's a Terrible Life : 4x17
78. The Monster at the End of This Book : 4x18
79. Jump the Shark : 4x19
80. The Rapture : 4x20
81. When the Levee Breaks : 4x21
82. Lucifer Rising : 4x22
83. Sympathy for the Devil : 5x1
84. Good God, Y'All : 5x2
85. Free to Be You and Me : 5x3
86. The End : 5x4
87. Fallen Idols : 5x5
88. I Believe the Children Are Our Future : 5x6
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester : 5x7
90. Changing Channels : 5x8
91. The Real Ghostbusters : 5x9
92. Abandon All Hope : 5x10
93. Sam, Interrupted : 5x11
94. Swap Meat : 5x12
95. The Song Remains the Same : 5x13
96. My Bloody Valentine : 5x14
97. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid : 5x15
98. Dark Side of the Moon : 5x16
99. 99 Problems : 5x17
100. Point of No Return : 5x18
101. Hammer of the Gods : 5x19
102. The Devil You Know : 5x20
103. Two Minutes to Midnight : 5x21
104. Swan Song : 5x22
105. Exile on Main St. : 6x1
106. Two and a Half Man : 6x2
107. The Third Man : 6x3
108. Weekend at Bobby's : 6x4
109. Live Free or Twi-hard : 6x5
110. You Can't Handle the Truth : 6x6
111. Family Matters : 6x7
112. All Dogs Go to Heaven : 6x8
113. Clap Your Hands If You Believe : 6x9
114. Caged Heat : 6x10
115. Appointment in Samarra : 6x11
116. Like a Virgin : 6x12
117. Unforgiven : 6x13
118. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning : 6x14
119. The French Mistake : 6x15
120. ... And Then There Were None : 6x16
121. My Heart Will Go On : 6x17
122. Frontierland : 6x18
123. Mommy Dearest : 6x19
124. The Man Who Whould Be King : 6x20
125. Let It Bleed : 6x21
126. The Man Who Knew Too Much : 6x22
127. Meet the New Boss : 6x23
128. Hello, Cruel World : 7x1
129. The Girl Next Door : 7x2
130. Defending Your Life : 7x3
131. Shut Up, Dr. Phil : 7x4
132. Slash Fiction : 7x5
133. The Mentalists : 7x6
134. Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! : 7x7
135. Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel : 7x8
136. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters : 7x9
137. Death's Door : 7x10
138. Adventures in Babysitting : 7x11
139. Time After Time : 7x12
140. The Slice Girls : 7x13
141. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie : 7x14
142. Repo Man : 7x15
143. Out with the Old : 7x16
144. The Born-Again Identity : 7x17
145. Party On, Garth : 7x18
146. Of Grave Importance : 7x19
147. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo : 7x20
148. Reading Is Fundamental : 7x21
149. There Will Be Blood : 7x22
150. Survival of the Fittest : 7x23
151. We Need to Talk About Kevin : 8x1
152. What's Up, Tiger Mommy? : 8x2
153. Heartache : 8x3
154. Bitten : 8x4
155. Blood Brother : 8x5
156. Southern Comfort : 8x6
157. A Little Slice of Kevin : 8x7
158. Hunteri Heroici : 8x8
159. Citizen Fang : 8x9
160. Torn and Frayed : 8x10
161. LARP and the Real Girl : 8x11
162. As Time Goes By : 8x12
163. Everybody Hates Hitler : 8x13
164. Trial and Error : 8x14
165. Man's Best Friend with Benefits : 8x15
166. Remember the Titans : 8x16
167. Goodbye Stranger : 8x17
168. Freaks and Geeks : 8x18
169. Taxi Driver : 8x19
170. Pac-Man Fever : 8x20
171. The Great Escapist : 8x21
172. Clip Show : 8x22
173. Sacrifice : 8x23
174. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here : 9x1
175. Devil May Care : 9x2
176. I'm No Angel : 9x3
177. Slumber Party : 9x4
178. Dog Dean Afternoon : 9x5
179. Heaven Can't Wait : 9x6
180. Bad Boys : 9x7
181. Rock and a Hard Place : 9x8
182. Holy Terror : 9x9
183. Road Trip : 9x10
184. First Born : 9x11
185. Sharp Teeth : 9x12
186. The Purge : 9x13
187. Captives : 9x14
188. #thinman : 9x15
189. Blade Runners : 9x16
190. Mother's Little Helper : 9x17
191. Meta Fiction : 9x18
192. Alex Annie Alexis Ann : 9x19
193. Bloodlines : 9x20
194. King of the Damned : 9x21
195. Stairway to Heaven : 9x22
196. Do You Believe in Miracles : 9x23
197. Black : 10x1
198. Reichenbach : 10x2
199. Soul Survivor : 10x3
200. Fan Fiction : 10x4
201. Paper Moon : 10x5
202. Ask Jeeves : 10x6
203. Girls, Girls, Girls : 10x7
204. Hibbing 911 : 10x8
205. The Things We Left Behind : 10x9
206. The Hunter Games : 10x10
207. There's No Place Like Home : 10x11
208. About a Boy : 10x12
209. Halt & Catch Fire : 10x13
210. The Executioner's Song : 10x14
211. The Thing They Carried : 10x15
212. Paint It Black : 10x16
213. Inside Man : 10x17
214. Book of the Damned : 10x18
215. The Werther Project : 10x19
216. Angel Heart : 10x20
217. Dark Dynasty : 10x21
218. The Prisoner : 10x22
219. Brother's Keeper : 10x23
220. Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire : 11x1
221. Form and Void : 11x2
222. The Bad Seed : 11x3
223. Baby : 11x4
224. Thin Lizzie : 11x5
225. Our Little World : 11x6
226. Plush : 11x7
227. Just My Imagination : 11x8
228. O Brother, Where Art Thou? : 11x9
229. The Devil in the Details : 11x10
230. Into the Mystic : 11x11
231. Don't You Forget About Me : 11x12
232. Love Hurts : 11x13
233. The Vessel : 11x14
234. Beyond the Mat : 11x15
235. Safe House : 11x16
236. Red Meat : 11x17
237. Hell's Angel : 11x18
238. The Chitters : 11x19
239. Don't Call Me Shurley : 11x20
240. All in the Family : 11x21
241. We Happy Few : 11x22
242. Alpha and Omega : 11x23
243. Keep Calm and Carry On : 12x1
244. Mamma Mia : 12x2
245. The Foundry : 12x3
246. American Nightmare : 12x4
247. The One You've Been Waiting For : 12x5
248. Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox : 12x6
249. Rock Never Dies : 12x7
250. LOTUS : 12x8
251. First Blood : 12x9
252. Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets : 12x10
253. Regarding Dean : 12x11
254. Stuck in the Middle (With You) : 12x12
255. Family Feud : 12x13
256. The Raid : 12x14
257. Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell : 12x15
258. Ladies Drink Free : 12x16
259. The British Invasion : 12x17
260. The Memory Remains : 12x18
261. The Future : 12x19
262. Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes : 12x20
263. There's Something About Mary : 12x21
264. Who We Are : 12x22
265. All Along the Watchtower : 12x23
266. Lost and Found : 13x1
267. The Rising Son : 13x2
268. Patience : 13x3
269. The Big Empty : 13x4
270. Advanced Thanatology : 13x5
271. Tombstone : 13x6
272. War of the Worlds : 13x7
273. The Scorpion and the Frog : 13x8
274. The Bad Place : 13x9
275. Wayward Sisters : 13x10
276. Breakdown : 13x11
277. Various & Sundry Villains : 13x12
278. Devil's Bargain : 13x13
279. Good Intentions : 13x14
280. A Most Holy Man : 13x15
281. ScoobyNatural : 13x16
282. The Thing : 13x17
283. Bring 'em Back Alive : 13x18
284. Funeralia : 13x19
285. Unfinished Business : 13x20
286. Beat the Devil : 13x21
287. Exodus : 13x22
288. Let the Good Times Roll : 13x23
289. Stranger in a Strange Land : 14x1
290. Gods and Monsters : 14x2
291. The Scar : 14x3
292. Nightmare Logic : 14x4
293. Optimism : 14x5
294. Unhuman Nature : 14x6
295. Byzantium : 14x7
296. The Spear : 14x8
297. Nihilism : 14x9
298. Damaged Goods : 14x10
299. Prophet and Loss : 14x11
300. Lebanon : 14x12
301. Mint Condition : 14x13
302. Ouroboros : 14x14
303. Peace of Mind : 14x15
304. Don't Go in the Woods : 14x16
305. Game Night : 14x17
306. Absence : 14x18
307. Jack in the Box : 14x19
308. Moriah : 14x20
309. Back and to the Future : 15x1
310. Raising Hell : 15x2
311. The Rupture : 15x3
312. Atomic Monsters : 15x4
313. Proverbs 17:3 : 15x5
314. Golden Time : 15x6
315. Last Call : 15x7
316. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven : 15x8
317. The Trap : 15x9
318. The Heroes' Journey : 15x10
319. The Gamblers : 15x11
320. Galaxy Brain : 15x12
321. Destiny's Child : 15x13
322. Last Holiday : 15x14
323. Gimme Shelter : 15x15
324. Drag Me Away (From You) : 15x16
325. Unity : 15x17
326. Despair : 15x18
327. Inherit the Earth : 15x19
328. Carry On : 15x20
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freakin-zazzed · 2 years ago
after the masterpiece that is 5x22 they give me house trying to get nasty with someone other than cuddy (or Wilson) in 6x1/6x2?? do the writers hate me personally?
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marcmarcmomarc · 3 months ago
RWBY Audio Description notes: Character name revelations
Characters will have placeholder descriptions until their names are revealed in the show. End credits and offscreen mentions do not count.
Weiss - “White” Trailer
Blake and Adam - “Black” Trailer
Junior, Melanie, Miltia, and Yang - “Yellow” Trailer
Ruby, Ozpin, Torchwick, Lisa Lavender, and Glynda - 1x1: “Ruby Rose”
Jaune - 1x2: “The Shining Beacon”
Nora, Ren, and Pyrrha - 1x4: “The First Day”
Port - 1x10: “The Badge and the Burden Pt. 2”
Cardin - 1x11: “Jaunedice”
Penny - 1x15: “The Stray”
Sun - 1x16: “Black and White”
Emerald, Mercury, Tukson, and Cinder - 2x1: “Best Day Ever”
Ironwood and Neptune - 2x2: “Welcome to Beacon”
“Deery” and Neo - 2x4: “Painting the Town”
Zwei, Velvet, and Yatsuhashi - 2x8: “Field Trip”
Oobleck - 2x9: “Search and Destroy”
Perry - 2x11: “No Brakes”
Fox - 2x12: “Breach”
Reese, Arslan Altan/Arslan, Nadir Shiko/Nadir, and Bolin Hori/Bolin - 3x1: “Round One”
Nolan, Sage Ayana/Sage, Octavia Ember/Octavia, Gwen Darcy/Gwen, Dew Gayl/Dew, Nebula Violette/Nebula, and Scarlet David/Scarlet - 3x2: “New Challengers”
Winter, Qrow, and Coco - 3x3: “It’s Brawl in the Family”
Ciel, Flynt, and Neon - 3x5: “Neon”
Amber - 3x6: “Fall”
Blue Four - 3x9: “PvP”
Tai - 3x12: “End of the Beginning”
Watts, Tyrian, and Hazel - 4x1: “The Next Step”
Whitley, Jacques, and Klein - 4x2: “Remembrance”
Raven - 4x4: “Family”
Kali, Ghira, Corsac, and Fennec - 4x5: “Menagerie”
Henry - 4x6: “Tipping Point”
Oscar - 4x7: “Punished”
Ilia - 4x9: “Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back”
An and Li - 4x10: “Kuroyuri”
Lionheart - 5x1: “Welcome to Haven”
Khan - 5x2: “Dread in the Air”
Vernal - 5x3: Unforeseen Complications”
Mata and Yuma - 5x5: “Necessary Sacrifice”
Trifa - 5x8: “Alone Together”
Dee and Dudley - 6x1: “Argus Limited”
Maria, Miss Malachite, Jinn, and Salem - 6x2: “Uncovered”
Ozma, the God of Light, and the God of Darkness - 6x3: “The Lost Fable”
Saph and Terra - 6x7: “The Grimm Reaper”
Cordovin - 6x8: “Dead End”
Pietro - 7x1: “The Greatest Kingdom”
Hare - 7x2: “A New Approach”
Elm, Vine, Marrow, and Clover - 7x3: “Ace-Operatives”
Kobalt, Ivori, Robyn, Joanna, May, and Fria - 7x5: “Sparks”
Sleet and Camilla - 7x9: “As Above, So Below”
Fi - 8x2: “Refuge”
The Hound - 8x4: “Fault”
Willow - 8x8: “Dark”
Ambrosius - 8x12: “Creation”
Little - 9x1: “A Place of Particular Concern”
Jinxy - 9x2: “Altercation at the Auspicious Auction”
The Red Prince and the Cat - 9x3: “Rude, Red, and Royal”
Herb - 9x4: “A Cat Most Curious”
The Teapot Lady and Juniper - 9x5: “The Parfait Predicament”
Alyx and Lewis - 9x6: “Confessions Within Cumulonimbus Clouds”
The Paper Pleasers and the Jabberwalker - 9x7: “The Perils of Paper Houses”
The Genial Gems - 9x9: “A Tale Involving a Tree”
Summer and Somewhat - 9x10: “Of Solitude and Self”
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castle-dominion · 2 years ago
6x2 dreamworld
Castle still hasn't told becks that esposito thinks dreamworld is a thing. Or yk say "I heard abt it for derek storm"
There was only one existing "vial" of toxin? I mean like...
& then isn't US healthcare rly bad?
Is castle allowed in the investigation now?
"You told esposito?"
I think BRONSON thought it did
Lol castle, who is dying, is doing better than beckett.
Only an hour or two? how close is their thinking? he has 10-12 hours living & then another 1-2 hours?
reporter's gonna be dead
sleep when I'm dead" lol
RC: And if it doesn’t work out, I’ll be out of your hair by the end of the day.
RmC: Is he always such a character?
You know, cops lie to you all the time. Be careful.
Just having this convo in a coffee shop?
IDK much abt this, I've seen it before & I'm still confused.
RmC is talking so slowly...
Oh heck yeah, the sec of defense is SO hiding stuff.
He has a slight lisp, his S is an SH.
Beckett is too much of a homicide cop, she talks to people firmly instead of being polite to this guy.
If it indeed does exist.
Is he lying when becks asked him abt valkyrie?
how much of the toxin do they HAVE?
Wasn't that beckett's ringtone in earlier seasons?
If I'm not there tomorrow <3 <3 <3
Martha KNOWS something is wrong.
Oof those "see you tomorrow"s dsjlskdjfslkdjf
The washington monument lol.
Love dual citizenship.
K but how is the antidote administered?
& how MUCH toxin/antidote is there? Maybe it is a rly small thing & he DOES have it in his backpack but it's so small u didn't notice at first.
RC: Thanks. For letting me be a part of this.
Vilante: When you write your next novel, maybe you’ll find a place for a dashing Colombian American federal agent.
RC: Consider it done.
Rasheed: (laughs) You have a gift for making every fact sound sinister.
That's cops for ya.
But you left AFTER he did...
Oh he was following him & then they talked & then it didn't matter who left first.
Here's the plot: Rasheed saw Bronson holding the dead body of a young woman, Bronson pulled a gun on him, they kept it a secret.
Bronson thinks rasheed told someone.
He could come up with a lie like that, plenty of people do.
Btw bronson was in that car for ages, what if he exposed other ppl to that toxin babes? Also did they ever figure out who planted the aeresol toxin in his car?
"We've been trying to highlight things for years, we didn't realize that the highlighters were black" -the fbi
Not since typewriters. i & W. & the music too.
Love a good old transcript. https://dustjackets.fandom.com/wiki/6x02_transcript
KEVIN RYAN and JAVIER ESPOSITO exit the elevator.
I just always thought that you and I would have kids together.
All the fangirls: wHat.?
Martha going to rysposito for help <3
Castle & his bad coffee lol.
It is his death, he can joke about it if he wants.
Lol typing.
Dun dun dun, valkyrie is the servant girl who is getting killed in there. Whoops.
Dun dun dun he mentioned dreamworld.
Vilante is me: But if he wanted to silence Bronson, why would he go to the trouble of setting him up first? And none of this explains the theft of the toxin.
So confused.
lmao waterboarding the truth out of secretary reed.
My man has a NICE house
"the woman whose husband is dying"
Ask him "then tell me who to actually ask about!"
rysposito calling beckett & castle's mom & all this stuff...kjsdkfhsjdk
She's smart but risked her job on it.
Also yeah castle is getting more shortness of breath, how long does he have now?
The reporter boy claimed the body of the servant agent?
Why would the reporter, Brad, have given up his information earlier in the episode then?
It's one of the oldest motives there is.
RC: I was given less than a day to live just a little less than a day ago
(i shouldn't find that funny)
Man has a nice apartment, too bad Castle doesn't have his writer vest tho
WOULD he have all that info in his house? is he that messy?
But maybe becks should call the doc anyway so he can administer it bro...
Oh now that is sick (so cool & poetic tho)
You & your stupid hunches <3.
Looks a bit like the guy from the show mum & lil bro are watching. oliver queen.
The sugarbowl
Also nobody knew he had an appointement for an interview with the wife? rly?
Castle *falls*
anTidote babe.
Oh Castle is going to wake up & trip this guy lol.
Oh it's mccord,, not castle. too bad. Good how she trusted her partner's hunches tho.
So castle almost dies & then makes a full recovery?
KB: Castle.
Her voice is soft over the beep of the machines. She reaches out to stroke his neck.
KB: Castle.
He hums as he travels back into wakefulness.
KB: Hey.
She smiles.
RC: Hi. I had the strangest dream and you were there.
MR: Oh, thank God.
AC: Hey Dad.
RC: And you were there and you were there.
They grab is hand.
Pi: Hey Mr. C. I did some healing reiki on you. Looks like it worked.
RC: (dryly) And you were there.
(I love Pi. Lives in amsterdam where shrooms & weed are legal, lived in costa rica & went home with Alexis even tho he doesn't have a passport, later on becomes a bee counting biologist or smth, lights up sage, practices reiki, he is a very culturally learned man.)
Ooh th emusic djfksldfsdkjflskjd
Beckett chill, it's like when you let drug dealers off the hook bc they help with your murder investigation. You do that all the time.
That's what partners do <3 <3 <3
I think I got some clips from this one...
0 notes
blameitonmy80hdbaby · 3 years ago
adhd role-playing [board game?] idea for neurotypicals
u are the neurotypical player and u must complete a list of tasks “around the house” (the board is a house split into rooms with tasks )
everyone gets an identical task list, u decide in what area u would like to begin and how u would like to proceed (aka stay in one room to finish all the tasks there, or move from room to room)
Very beginning of the game: roll die to determine if you are medicated or unmedicated. 1-3: no. 4-6: yes (this may come in handy later. Or maybe not 🙃)
before u begin each task, u must roll a die that determines ur motivation level
1-2: low motivation, draw card from red stack to see ur possible turn-losing distraction.
Maybe u wandered around restlessly for an hour, hoping to gain motivation…so u miss a turn.
Maybe you’ll spend 2 hours researching the War of the Roses and miss two ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Or maybe, just maybe, you’ll be so overwhelmed by the enormity of your task that u can’t proceed until u roll a 5!
3-4: average motivation, draw card from yellow stack. Cards are not as punitive as red but still probably suck.
Maybe u realized that in order to do a chore, you had to get another chore done first, so ur moved to another room until u roll a three???
Maybe u forgot to throw out that old fruit a few days ago and now have a bug infestation on ur hands that u need to deal with immediately.
But hey, maybe ur good sleep from last night keeps you energized and focused! Maybe u got motivated from watching a fun and helpful organizational video on YouTube! Or is that a distraction…
5-6: high motivation, draw card from green stack.
Seems great right? Maybe you’ll finish the task immediately and proceed to the next room
Or next two rooms, because u planned out exactly what u wanted to do and didn’t deviate to do auxiliary tasks
But maybe u went too fast and made a mistake, forcing u to return to a room that u were previously in.
Maybe u burned off all your energy on one task and need to recharge with snacks for a turn
Worst of all, maybe ur high motivation just disappeared and u have no idea why 😞, triggering a three turn loss
Possible booster! If ur medicated, u may draw a card from the blue stack every 3 turns
but lol beware meds don’t always help ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so either u get a booster or u get penalized!
maybe the dosage was too low and didn’t do anything.
Maybe it was too high and u couldn’t eat anything, which drained u of energy and made u take a three hour/three turn losing nap
Sudden death card: can be found in red, yellow or green stacks.
triggers the name 10!, useless trivia!, or what’s that song? event.
If this card is drawn, the player whose turn FOLLOWS URS must draw from the BLACK stack (u cannot draw ur own black card) to see if u get a name 10!, useless trivia!, or what’s that song? card
Name 10! requires u to name 10 of whatever category ur given (types of trees, things you could find in a classroom, pizza toppings, marvel characters) in under one minute!
Useless trivia! Answer the question on the card in under one minute! what are the names of the kardashian/jenner siblings? what are the seven colours of the rainbow? What is (5x5)(6x2)+(22/11)(14-7)squared????!?!
What’s that song: if drawn, a player other than u must sing or hum the song listed on the card. U must guess the song in under a minute. Good luck not getting the song stuck in ur head!
If u cannot complete the task in under a minute, ur turns will henceforth be devoted to its completion (with a loss of three turns, max)
(Now I know you’re thinking this game sounds impossible and pointless and a bunch of people would probably lose all motivation and/or rage quit if it took them this long to complete an errand)
🎉 w e l c o m e 🎉 t o 🎉 a d h d ! 🎉
(Disclaimer: ADHD is not a game, it is a condition whose severity and symptoms range from person to person. This is in no way wholly representative of a neurodivergent individual’s struggle with ADHD, nor is it made to mock or insult those who struggle with the condition.)
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gwlemonyshenanigans · 3 years ago
Spotlight Friday
Time is flying by so fast! In two days the event will kick off! Are you as excited as we are?
It’s time to put two more of our wonderful creators in the spotlight!
Where can we find you? (Ao3, FFN, Tumblr, etc?)
AO3: Wreck; Tumblr: meggie-stardust
Who is your favorite character?
Which is your favorite Gundam?
What is your favorite episode or scene from Gundam Wing? (Show, movie, or manga)
I love every moment that Treize gets to be extra, up to and including his death, but also the moment when Epyon is revealed to to be wearing kneehigh boots and holding a whip. Just chef's kiss.
What got you into the Gundam Wing fandom?
Back in the day I had a crush, and they started watched GW, so I did, too. And then I started looking stuff up and then I found the old GW Addition message boards and discovered fic and the rest is history. But that that was also like 22 years ago! So the rest of the story goes, at the end of 2020, a friend and I decided to rewatch the series for the first time since the early 2000s, and I got sucked back in. And here I am!
Which type of fandom media do you prefer to contribute? And to consume? (art, fics, metas, etc.)
I write fic, and I write silly shitposts. In terms of consuming, I love all contributions to fandom. Every one brings their own thing to the table, and it is such a gift for everyone else.
What is your favorite trope?
Specific to GW? I love me a good safe-house fic. And I am a big fan of post-war, everyone works for the Preventors.
Shamelessly plug the work you are most proud of and the reason why!
My Lemony fic from last year, and the first major GW thing I'd written since taking a 15 year break from GW. It's a 1x2x3 with multiple POV's and I can't believe I actually finished it! https://archiveofourown.org/works/31357937/chapters/77541641
Where can we find you? (Ao3, FFN, Tumblr, etc?)
Who is your favorite character?
Most likely Duo, but honestly all the boys are near and dear to me.
Which is your favorite Gundam?
Deathscythe, I love the look so much and the scythe is so cool. He was the first Gundam I saw when I started watching and I was intrigued from that moment forward.
What is your favorite episode or scene from Gundam Wing? (Show, movie, or manga)
When Duo breaks Heero out of the base towards the beginning of the series. I don't know why that scene was so poignant to me, but it's the scene that always comes back to me when I think about Gundam Wing.
What got you into the Gundam Wing fandom?
I didn't even know about Fanfiction at the time, it wasn't until almost ten years after watching Gundam Wing that I discovered Fanfiction, but it was one of the first series I checked out as soon as I discovered it and I was amazed at how great the writing was and the stories people came up with. I wanted to try it myself after reading and haven't left since!
Which type of fandom media do you prefer to contribute? And to consume? (art, fics, metas, etc.)
Fiction, I'm in awe of those who can draw, but I can't draw at all.
What is your favorite trope?
I used to be a die-hard 1x2 and 6x2 fan, but some great writers have made me love practically all the pairings possible.
Shamelessly plug the work you are most proud of and the reason why!
Oh man, that's hard. I guess I would say Sum Tuus, it's my longest fic and fairly dark, but I had so much fun with it too. I'm so proud of it because it wasn't the easiest to write, but I finished it and loved watching the characters evolve and change as they got older. It was one of the first times I wrote from a first person POV, which was a new experience, and I discovered I really enjoy it!
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years ago
Tuesday 25 February 1840
8 ¾
goodish night having pulled my bois de lit (in comfort here with each of us a bois de lit) into the middle of my room – not bit at all – breakfast at 10 ¼ to 11 ¼ - A- tolerably right again I took no notice of last night   she wrong at my spending the money on the eggs if I would not eat them   her mind is not large as to little matters – traineau in waiting from 12 ½ - wrote the last 2pp. till now 12 40/.. – fine day – R10 ½° at 8 ¾ a.m. on the window seat in my room and R13 ½° ¼ hour afterwards close to my bedhead between 2 stoves – and R-27 ½° dehors to the north at 11 a.m. according to George who took (as usual) the thermometer out of doors – out at 1 to 3 40/..
off from Simbirsk pronounced Sim-beersk at 5 10/.. – very fine day – very fine afternoon and evening – sun sinking beautifully as we drive off – out from 1 to 3 40/.. – 1st southwards to the high ground along the Volga – what a noble river! – 3 versts over to village on the other side rather to the north – the river over flows up to the mountains and is 20v. wide to the foot of the mountains – the villages are just out of water – cannot stir from then but in boats – 2 large islands near the city – islands overflowed on the tops of the brush wood above water – Right bank everywhere high, and left bank highish a little to the north of the city – Sviaga [Svijaga]  river 2v. from Volga [?] of the city to the north – drove southward along the high ground over the Volga – Gardens and orchards, and magnificent view along the river north and south – we drove down upon the Sviaga [Svijaga] (which does not divide the town. vid. Geog. Dict. of Russia) – the town lies on high ground between the 2 rivers and the basse ville and one or more churches along the waters edge of the Volga, and a village like slobode where horses are kept and sold, is divided from the few houses on this side of the town by the Sviaga [Svijaga] across which is a wood bridge and direct road to Moscow – on the low ground near the Sviaga [Svijaga] is the prison a square enclosure with a square tower 6 yards sq. at each corner and space between = 5 towers or 5x6 = 30 yards + 6x2 = 42 yards – tops of towers flat or so nearly so, roofs not visible from below – 2 chimneys on the top of the tower next to us – one large arched gateway into the prison – a plain but handsome looking building – a little farther on the cemetery full of tombs square pointed roofs on 4 wood columns or 4 brick whitewashed pillars more than ½ the tombs of this sort – the cemetery covered with them – singular appearance – not a single tree there – the tower of the cemetery church (where the funeral service is read over the corpse) is in the middle of the building – the principal street runs parallel with the Volga, with other streets parallel and others at right angles to it – of the churches here (17 according to our coachman, 16 according to our landlord, and 12 according to Schnitzler) only observed one in the Moscow style of 1 large dome and 4 small one of which at each corners of the large one, that is finishing each corner of the square from which the large dome springs -  the clochers here at the west end, and generally joining to the centre part of which (i.e. the square from which the dome or sometimes 8tagon lantern tower springs) by a nave, and ground floor of the clocher forming a great west entrance to the church – went into the convent of women (80 of them) walled round like all the convents and monasteries I have seen in Russia – 2 churches within the enclosure – went into the one with clocher as just described square tower in retiring grades, finished in a sharp spire – very picturesque – and lantern tower at the other end – from the clocher one entered a sort of vestibule chapel than the nave or church, and the lantern tower seemed to be over the prestole – the other church in this convent is a square finished in a top cornice as is very frequent in these square churches of grotesque semicircular arches, the disc tho’ not [?] here being painted in fresco
and this sort of church at Moscow universally? being topped in 5 domes as above mentioned – the effect of this outside painting is always striking and good – Is the square the oldest form of church? was it not a square stone that Jacob set up to God in Bethel? – and is not the Kaaba at Mecca a square? and this square was roofed up to a point? – the tower of Babel was one square upon another square in retiring grades, and the last grade would have finished in a pyramid point, as do so many of the Tartar remains of this day e.g. the beautiful tower at Kazan – the cathedral (Simbirsk or more properly Sinbirsk?) is one large dome springing from a circular base, with 4 8style porticos (as at Helsingfors) not yet finished inside – the dome covered with metal of a lead-like lustre – one cocher (of 2 horse traineau) said in answer to A-‘s question, if the enormous apples mentioned by Schnitzler in his 1st vol. were grown here, yes! apples of ½ ft. in diameter – many orchards close around in the tower – the situation of the town is very fine – all along the high bank of the Volga and at its foot to the waters’ edge of the V- on one sidge, and that of the Sviaga [Svijaga]  on the other – how beautiful it must be in summer, as indeed must be all these towns (Nijni [Nižnij], Kazan, Simbirsk........) so finely situated on this magnificent Volga – nothing is wanting but that the precipitous heights should be of hard rock instead of marly sand – the Gastinoi [Gostiny] Dvor large, and busy but old and must of wood and rather picturesque than good – there is a high road from Simbirsk via Samara to Orenburg about 600v. said our landlord – A- starved with the cold – tea – off at 5 10/.. – sixty villages in the immediate neighbourhood of Simbirsk were maliciously burnt down last summer our coachman or somebody told George – I should have noticed the large handsome new building for the jurisdiction of the free peasants of those villages neither belonging to government nor to Seigneurs – Tartars chiefly? Is not this the Chancellerie de tutelle? vid. Geo. Dict. of Russia article Sarepta which has a jurisdiction of this sort at St. Petersburg – off from Simbirsk at 5 10/.. – A-‘s door shut at starting – shut mine yesterday just after writing the above notes in pencil in my rough now at 5 ¾, and R-10° lying in my open doorway – R-27° outside north this morning at 8 – Dark on arriving at Klusitschi [Bol’shie Kliuchishchi] at 7 p.m. and lighted ourselves up – the lighted wax candle warms our kibitka – I got out for a moment at Jasoschnaja [Yasashnaya Tashla]  to straighten my legs etc. – largeish village?
5 10/.. to 7 Simbirsk to Klusitschi [Bol’shie Kliuchishchi]  21
7 ½ to 9 35/.. K- to Jasoschnaja taschla [Yasashnaya Tashla] 26
9 57/.. to 11 ¾ J- to Terenga [Teren'ga]  22
at Terenga [Teren'ga] at 11 ¾ pretty little church must be a good village? too dark to see – had intended going forwards – no horses – must wait for their return till 6 in the morning so drove back to the other end of the village and at the little auberge at 12 10/.. – Little small room but soon made ourselves very comfortable – put out mattresses on the floor, and I lay down dressed as I was with my chalat over me at one – A- writing some while after – I was asleep when she lay down close by me – very fine day
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