#hotwings fanfiction
beforetimes · 1 month
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ever wanted to read a vampire au where touya is a human bloodbag with so many issues and hawks is a vampire with so many issues and they drink blood a littleeee bit like having sex? slaps roof of car well i'll tell you now i have the fic for you
some snippets below for anyone who is curious what they'd be getting themselves into ↓
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Dabi the Genie by Freedom_of_speech33 on AO3
A soft rub, a twinkle in the air, and once again the genie popped out for another greedy human.
Didn’t they ever learn?
This one wanted a million rubles, Dabi smirked and snapped.
A pile of cash burning in bright blue fire.
‘You should have been specific.’
Another rub, another wish from greedy human lips:
‘Give me the love of my life.’
Dabi shook his head and snapped,
A beautiful hen that adored this man, and he walked away mad.
Don’t they ever learn?
Love can not be wished for.
Soft cloth rubbed, awakened to another, human wishing for more.
Red feathers, golden eyes, lips sealed shut.
What does this one want?
He sits and observes, bringing shiny trinkets, I have no use for.
Days go by, still not a word, it’s nice to relax, no greedy human wish.
His hand holds mine, words softly spoken, my spell is broken.
Freed from my lamp, I sit upon his lap, of Keigo, my love. 
Freed, allowed to roam, we seek greater thrills, more genies to free, from dark human greed.
When they ask us to stop, to leave their stolen, cursed prize, we will, for a moment, before knocking them down.
‘You should have been specific’
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Dabihawks genderbend medieval au no one asked for :)
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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moonsvillain · 6 months
hotwings au where hawks is a vampire, dabi is a human, and they meet through the vampire equivalent of doordash.
dabi shows up at his door, scruffy and woozy (guy who's been doing this as a full time job and is not coping with the blood loss very well)
hawks is (rightfully) concerned and is ready to cancel his order but dabi immediately disagrees because "that'll fuck up my ratings sooo bad dude don't be an asshole"
hawks: "???"
dabi: "i really need this job man"
hawks kinda shrugs and asks if dabi's up to anything for the next few hours and dabi doesn't have anything going on so hawks invites him in and immediately sits this guy down on his couch to feed him and let him rest for at least four hours so he's not indirectly accused of manslaughter
one must imagine the disposition of an alley cat encountering canned food for the first time: internal battle of mistrust versus yummy treats
dabi goes down kicking and screaming
(the day he goes over to hawks' place it's raining so hard you can barely see and all dabi has is a cheap plastic poncho. hawks' place has heating—he very 'reluctantly' curls up on the couch)
hawks is probably the worst cook on earth but when he tells dabi this, he refuses to let hawks order food for him; dabi would literally rather die than subject another minimum wage worker to the storm outside just to come to this rich asshole's home
which ends up with dabi in hawks' kitchen, making himself a meal
(which, he probably wouldn't usually do this, but the blood loss is kind of getting to him. dabi's decision making has slowly trickled down to the average level it is when he gets drunk)
when he's fed and warm and hawks has forced him to watch two animated movies dabi could not give less of a shit about he finally turns to dabi like
"ok i know we're having a great time but also i really need to eat something. like. you. preferably."
dabi shrugs and offers up his arm, getting progressively more sleepy while hawks finishes his meal before falling asleep pressed against hawks' side
wakes up the next morning with a blanket pulled over him, cheek pressed to a throw pillow with a littleee bit of drool staining the fabric under him
sits up and looks around, armed only with blurry memories of the night before
("did i... sleep with this guy...!?!??!?")
finds a note on the table and unfolds it, trying to figure out what the hell is going on
(lovedddd hanging w u yesterday :P off at work feel free 2 make urself breakfast before u go. U should know where everything is. tip on the counter 4 u. xoxo hawks)
dabi, slightly mortified at the implication he rooted around in this guy's kitchen when he was out of it yesterday finds the tip
it's literally, like, $500 dollars
dabi scribbles down his phone number and sticks it on the fridge with a magnet
(half because he really needed that money and is pleasantly surprised that he got rent money a week earlier than he was expecting)
(half because he might not remember yesterday entirely, but he remembers feeling safe and warm and being addicted to that rare sensation)
hawks is very happy when he gets home, even if dabi isn't there, when he finds his little gift on the fridge
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thesakuragarnet · 6 months
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Summary: Dabi is beyond obsessed. He’s obsessed with the way that Hawks cries out when they’re fucking. He’s obsessed with the way Hawks looks pinned beneath him, writhing and clinging for dear life to the bed, breath hot and heavy in the air. Dabi is obsessed with his new toy and everything he has to offer…at least…that’s what he keeps telling himself.
Hawks is suffocating. He's drowning in ideals that he's been conditioned to ignore and cast aside. Now, he finds that instead of drowning in the blood of his enemies, he's drunk off love and lust...underneath one of Japan's most wanted.
Non-Spicy Tags: DabiHawks, obsessive/possessive Dabi, heavy smut, swearing, making out, intimacy
Word Count: 3,087 words
AO3 link
Spicy Tags: T0p d0m Dabi, sub b0ttom Hawks, a n a l sex, bl0wjobs, sloppy/sleepy s3x and kisses, morning s3x, aftercare, explicit s3xual content
Dabi is beyond obsessed. He’s obsessed with the way that Hawks cries out when they’re fucking. He’s obsessed with the way Hawks looks pinned beneath him, writhing and clinging for dear life to the bed, breath hot and heavy in the air. Dabi is obsessed with his new toy and everything he has to offer…at least…that’s what he keeps telling himself. It's getting harder and harder for him to swallow his emotions. His mask slips around Hawks; he catches himself letting Touya slip through the cracks, staring at the hero with wide, shining eyes full of hope and talking until his throat hurts. It's...easier with Hawks. Dabi doesn't understand it. His guard should be up. His walls should be impenetrable. Still, from their very first kiss, Dabi's felt like his soul has been snatched up. He can only maintain his uncaring facade for so long until they're alone, and then, he finds himself whispering sweet nothings in Hawks' ears. He finds himself wanting Hawks. 
At the same time, Hawks is suffocating. He's drowning in ideals that he's been conditioned to ignore and cast aside. Now, he finds that instead of drowning in the blood of his enemies, he's drunk off love and lust...underneath one of Japan's most wanted. He didn't expect Dabi to be so intentional and intimate. Inviting Dabi into his bed became commonplace after their first time, when Dabi carefully and consensually coaxed him to climax, checking in with him more times than should've been necessary. Dabi was a villain. He shouldn't have cared how Hawks felt about their little fling...if that's all it was. Hawks was used to being used...and sex with Dabi should've been no different. Except, it was. It was so abhorrently different that it flipped Hawks' brain inside out. Sex with Dabi felt safe, and it was extremely concerning and a little insane to even consider "Dabi" and "safe" in the same breath. But, it was comforting. Hawks craved the villain's sweet embrace with such a violent thirst that it felt unbearable. Every fleeting touch made his wings stiffen and his heart flutter. 
Hawks was just finishing up his patrol shift when his phone buzzed in his pocket. In truth, he thought it was the HPSC leader bugging him for more intel on the League; he certainly was caught off guard by the "you up?" text from Dabi followed by the address of a love hotel. Hawks snorts before he dials the burner phone he's memorized by heart. 
"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Only supposed to call for emergencies, birdie," Dabi hums mockingly into the phone as he lounges on the king-sized hotel bed. 
"You're the one who sent me you up," Hawks chides, and Dabi rolls his eyes, resting a scarred arm behind his head as he kicks off his leather boots. 
"I've got an update for you. Wanna discuss it in person," He admits, keeping his descriptions minimal. Dabi's whole identity has been mystique, a charming similarity that he finds in Hawks. 
"Sure you're not just horny?" Hawks teases, a glimmer of a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. 
There's a brief silence and a scoff, and, when Dabi speaks again, there's a distinct edge to his voice:
"Are you coming or not?"
'Did he take offense to that?' Hawks wonders, eyebrows raising at the prospect of the villain hinting at mutual feelings. Neither of them voiced that they cared for one another...not explicitly. Sure, the longing touches following hookups were a little more than casual, and the gentle words they whispered to one another were a little more than simple seductions. Hawks runs over his schedule for the following day in his head before deciding he can afford a night with Dabi.
"Be there in ten."
Hawks turns the hotel room key over and over between his fingers as he struts down the hallway, thoughts spiraling in his brain.
What intel could Dabi have gathered? Had he figured out that he was a lying bastard? Had the villains made even more advances? Was he just looking for a quickie?
Finally, he finds the right hotel room, and he straightens up his posture, looking around to make sure there's no civilians before he puts the key in the lock. Hawks opens the door to find Dabi sitting on the edge of the bed, shirtless, filing his nails. Dabi's not ripped by any means, but it doesn't mean he's not nice to look at shirtless. Hawks quickly slips in, closing the door behind him, and the motion makes Dabi look up with a smug smirk plastered on his face. 
"There's the pretty bird," Dabi murmurs, clicking his tongue, "You're late."
"I'm here, aren't I?"
"Ten minutes and thirty seconds."
"Had to find the right room," Hawks sniffs, trying to act like he doesn't care. Besides, Dabi's just being annoying on purpose. He tends to do that. Dabi wipes his hands on his jeans, brushing away the fine dust before tossing the file toward his folded jacket in the corner. He takes a good look at Hawks, eyes analyzing every inch of the Pro Hero. Hawks tries not to squirm beneath his gaze. 
"You look tired," Dabi says flatly, though it's unable to read whether his tone is out of pity or mockery. 
"Just got off shift," Hawks yawns, eyes suddenly feeling particularly heavy. "So. What's the update?"
"All business, ain't ya, Hawks?" Dabi snorts, lip curling the tiniest bit, but Hawks doesn't notice...either that or he doesn't care. "The update...I think you're ready to come with me to the Paranormal Liberation Front hideout."
Hawks' eyes light up. He's that much closer to getting intel on Shigaraki's whereabouts. "Really?"
"Don't act so surprised, hero. I don't just let anyone sleep with me," Dabi mutters under his breath, accidentally letting the last sentence leave his lips rather than letting it stay in his brain. His words stick with Hawks for a few moments before the Hero Commission's mission invades the hero's mind. Hawks is going to make it possible. A world where heroes have too much time on their hands. A safe world...far different than the world he grew up in. 
"When are we going?" Hawks blurts, anticipation boiling in his veins. His eagerness calls Dabi's walls up, setting off alarm bells that he wishes would shut the fuck up. 
"Tomorrow. I got in a bit of a spat with my co-lieutenant today. Decided I'd rather spend a night with you out here rather than in that swanky mansion. No spy cameras here," Dabi sighs, leaning back and stretching. 
"Spy cameras?" Hawks cocks his head. 
"Don't worry about it," Dabi shakes his head, realizing he's already said too much. Hawks blinks before noticing just how heavy his body feels. He'd spent all day catching low-level criminals and stopping villain attacks. He's in desperate need of a shower...and probably Dabi. He sees the glint in his lover's ocean-blue eyes and gulps. 
'Most definitely Dabi,' He thinks to himself. 
"Hey. I'm gonna go hop in the shower," Hawks stammers, eager to get into bed with the villain as soon as possible...eager to feel those sweet caresses that almost make him forget why he's sleeping with Dabi in the first place. Dabi's eyes become half-lidded, a devilish grin forming on his scar-laden mug as he watches Hawks walk into the connected bathroom and shut the door behind him. 
Steam pours out of the bathroom when Hawks opens the door, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, water droplets clinging to his muscular frame, highlighting the curves and ridges that Dabi loves to trace with his tongue. Dabi's already stripped down to his underwear, still sitting on the edge of the bed, taking in the sight before him. The Pro approaches, letting the towel drop before straddling Dabi's lap, forcing a breathy gasp from the villain's throat as their erections grind against one another. 
"Fuck," Dabi huffs, hands caressing Hawks' sides, wrapping around his back to scratch the space between his wings as Hawks drapes his own arms around Dabi's neck. Soft whimpers rumble in Hawks' throat as he rocks his hips, his voice thick with desire. 
"Baby, I think you're too tired to get railed," Dabi chuckles, once again adopting that taunting tone despite his obvious arousal. Hawks borderline whines; he needs to blow off some steam after his shift. He needs Dabi to fuck him senseless...but he's right. He's too tired. 
"Shut up," Hawks retorts with a particularly rough thrust that sends sparks up Dabi's spine, making his head feel fuzzy and his dick uncomfortably hard. He reaches up, cupping the hero's face before letting his eyelids flutter closed and connecting their lips in a tender kiss. Hawks hums into the gesture, eyes rolling back into his head as his senses go into overdrive. Kissing Dabi is intoxicating. The way his mismatched lips fit perfectly between Hawks'. The way Dabi's stitched tongue traces every inch of his mouth is simultaneously overwhelming yet delicate; it drives Hawks wild. 
Hawks kisses Dabi back passionately, pulling him closer as one kiss becomes one thousand. The villain's hands find their way to his lover's shoulders, and he promptly uses his body weight and momentum to send them hurtling onto the bed; Hawks is pinned beneath him, their lips never once part. Hawks groans Dabi's name into his mouth, making the villain shudder, tongues intertwining. Dabi breaks free from the kiss with a raspy sigh, pupils blown out as he sinks his teeth into the side of Hawks' neck. The hero moans, head in the clouds as he feels Dabi's fangs softly sinking into his flesh, just hard enough to leave a mark. Dabi pulls away, bringing his lips to Hawks' ear as he whispers:
"You wanna feel good, birdie?" 
Hawks chews his bottom lip, nodding vigorously...embarrassingly vigorously. It makes Dabi have to swallow a chuckle. 
"You remember the safe word?" Dabi asks, pressing kisses beneath Hawks' earlobe as the hero hums a "yes". 
"Relax for me," The villain sighs as he begins kissing all the way down Hawks' body. Hawks watches Dabi's head slowly move down, lips grazing the space between his pecs and trailing to his six-pack. He can't help the noise that bursts from his mouth when his lover starts kissing from the bottom of his shaft all the way up to his tip. The hero shudders, wings flaring out behind him on the bed and flexing as Dabi teasingly licks up and down his cock, flashing that impressively long tongue of his. Dabi's tongue is warm and feels utterly heavenly against his skin, and the villain adores the sounds he's forcing out of Hawks. The hums and whines kiss his scarred ears and make lust boil in his gut. Carefully, Dabi sucks Hawks' tip into his mouth, tongue swirling around the soft flesh and making the hero's toes curl. 
"Shit, Dabs," Hawks groans, trying so hard not to buck his hips and force Dabi to deepthroat him all at once. In the handful of times that they've hooked up, Dabi's managed to memorize all of Hawks' weak points...at least when it comes to sex. 
"You taste so good," Dabi rasps, pulling back before taking Hawks all the way into his throat. Dabi groans at the taste of Hawks' pre-come coating his tongue, hands braced against Hawks' muscular thighs, fingernails ever so slightly digging into his skin as he sucks him off. "So fucking good."
Hawks' pleasure-filled sighs are music to Dabi's ears, and his eyes roll back into his head as Dabi expertly presses his tongue against his shaft. Hawks doesn't know when Dabi lubed up his fingers, but the moment he feels cold pressing against his hole, it makes him tense up. 
"Relax," Dabi mutters with his mouth full of cock as he rubs the ring of muscle. Hawks sighs, raising his arms to cover his eyes as his cheeks heat up, and he focuses on the sensations. He focuses on Dabi's tongue, on Dabi's fingers, on Dabi. A flighty curse leaves Hawks' lips, voice breaking as Dabi delicately presses a finger inside, gently curling it as he takes Hawks further into his mouth. 
"Gonna come," Hawks trills, sweat beading on his brow as Dabi starts scissoring him open, fingers gently massaging his insides. Dabi takes him all the way once again, and Hawks sees stars. The heat of the villain's mouth, the way he's unconsciously rutting against Dabi's fingers, fucking himself deeper to Dabi's delight, it's all too much for the Pro Hero.
Hawks' orgasm wrecks his whole body, shivers of pleasure rolling through his bones as he spurts ropes of cum down Dabi's throat. The villain drinks it eagerly, almost enthusiastically, sucking through the orgasm and flexing his fingers against Hawks' prostate. When Hawks is out of breath and whimpering pathetically, Dabi pulls his slick lips off of his cock with a resounding pop. He sighs, lying down on the bed next to Hawks before pulling the blankets up over them. 
"Was it good for you?" Hawks asks, half-chuckling between deep breaths.
"It'll be good for me in the morning...if you're up for it," Dabi sighs with a smile before wrapping his arms around Hawks, pulling him into his chest. 
"Goodnight, Dabi," Hawks huffs, letting the relief wash over him as he yawns.
Sunrise manages to seep into the dark room of the love hotel, coming in through the almost opaque curtains and striking the crumpled bedsheets. Dabi is the first to stir, eyes blinking open to see Hawks' sleeping form. He hates the smile that instantly spreads across his face. He's got feelings for a hero...whether he wants to recognize what type of feelings they are or not. He crawls closer, pressing his lips to Hawks' forehead. The hero stirs, stretching his wings out, pupils turning to slits when he sees Dabi as he panics for a split second. It only takes another nanosecond for him to remember that he's not in any danger. 
"Morning," Hawks grins, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"G'mornin, birdie," Dabi sneers before pressing his lips to Hawks' in a sleepy, passionate kiss. Hawks hums into Dabi's mouth, leaning into his embrace. It doesn't take long for them to become a tangle of limbs and tongues, slowly growing erections rocking against one another as they connect their lips over and over again. 
"Wanna fuck you," Dabi slurs between sloppy kisses, "so bad."
"Please," Hawks whimpers, voice cracking between lip locks as his hands hastily run through Dabi's hair, dragging down to the scars on his shoulder blade where Hawks feels the rough patch of skin. Their labored breaths seem to echo off of the walls of the love hotel room, sweat beading on their bodies as they fluidly grind against each other.
"God, Hawks," Dabi moans lowly, words flowing like molasses on his tongue from his half-asleep brain. He grips Hawks' hips before reaching down and grabbing the underside of his thighs. 
"You ready, baby?" Dabi slurs, and Hawks nods, sleepy tears in his eyes as Dabi reaches over onto the nightstand, grabbing the bottle of lube and groaning as he strokes it over his cock. 
"Want you so bad," Dabi pants, softly biting his bottom lip as he slicks up his dick, lining it up with Hawks' hole. He lifts up Hawks' legs, spreading them up and apart as he slowly slips in, groaning as Hawks' walls squeeze every inch. 
"Dabi-hah-you-fuck you feel so good," Hawks stutters, eyes welling with tears as he focuses on the sensation of his lover stretching him open. The subtle praise goes right to Dabi's cock, and he slips all the way inside with a crisp smack of skin against skin. Dabi haphazardly rocks his hips back and forth, punching the air out of Hawks' lungs. 
"No one else can touch you," Dabi rasps, his voice ragged and gravelly, distorted by the brief sighs polluting his resolve. "No one else can fuck you. No one else. But me. Only me."
Hawks crumbles beneath Dabi's possessive words. He's never felt wanted...not really. Not in the ways that Dabi makes him feel wanted. 
"You're mine. You're fucking miiine," Dabi slurs, drunk off his own pleasure as he pants between languid thrusts. 
"I'm yours," Hawks chokes, tears streaming down his face, sleepy and euphoric. His brain is jelly, and his vision is blurry; he can't concentrate on anything but Dabi. 
"Mine," The villain groans, dissolving into the feeling of Hawks clamping down on him, into the sight of Hawks completely wrecked beneath him, into the sounds of Hawks crying in ecstasy, into the smells of pure, raw passion.
The rhythm of lovemaking is sloppy and all over the place, after all, they're both still half-asleep. Still, it's intoxicating, exhilarating, and everything in between. It's otherworldly. They're both so drunk on love and lust and ecstasy. 
"C'mere," Dabi sighs, leaning down and connecting their lips, kissing Hawks while they fuck. Hawks moans into Dabi's mouth, the vibrations tasting sweeter than honey on the villain's tongue. Dabi can feel the overwhelming rush rising in the pit of his stomach, his orgasm threatening to ravage him at any moment. 
"Close," Dabi gasps, grunting as his dick pulses inside Hawks. "Where do you want it?"
"Inside," Hawks blubbers, "Come inside me."
Dabi practically sticks his tongue down Hawks' throat as his hand snakes down his body and wraps around the hero's leaking cock, pumping his hand while he ruts up into his guts. Hawks cries out, back arching as he rapidly approaches his own climax. 
"Fuck," Dabi chokes out as he comes without warning, hips jerking as he empties inside of Hawks. It doesn't take long for Hawks to release into Dabi's hand, and, soon, they're both flushed and sweaty.
Hawks sighs as Dabi releases his flagging erection, and Dabi licks the pro's cum off his hand, never once breaking eye contact. Hawks shudders, even more blood rushing to his cheeks as he comes down from the high. 
"Gonna pull out. Ready?" Dabi huffs, and Hawks murmurs in agreement. Slowly, the villain and the hero separate, bodies still entangled, yet not as intimately as moments ago. Dabi rests on top of Hawks, listening to the feathered hero's heartbeat as he rests his head on his chest. 
"So...hah...we heading to the hideout?" Hawks chuckles, and Dabi grunts in irritation. 
"Gimme a minute. Then we'll go."
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compsonn · 2 months
Most Well-Written Fics 2024
back at it again for the third year in a row!! personal favorites from this year across multiple fandoms!
no particular order, just based on the order of my bookmarks.
for reference i am sooo picky, i have read over 6000 fics according to ao3, and i've read 700 since the beginning of the year. i only have 53 bookmarks in total... but here are some bookmarked fics i read this year!!!
this year i got into some random shit, blah blah blah, honestly most of these are not faulkner levels of literature doing monuments for the english language but they were good and make me feel a sort of way, so, here you go
Harry Potter (Drarry)
This Year's Love by trishjames / drarry E, longfic. love it a lot. genuinely made me want to become an adult. they were meant to be cry emoji
Yes, But It'lll Cost You by mintaminta / drarry T, privated. this one had such a good vibe, reminds me of fun and school and calm darkness. very nice.
Bad Habits by No_One_Special_01289 / drarry E, lowkey porn, longfic. those last few chapters got me SO hard, they love each other omg cry emoji. poor harry. i think i skipped most of the smut when i read it but the plot was so good. literally star crossed lovers UGHHHHH LET THEM BE TOGETHER
Recursion by tessacrowley / drarry E, longfic. its written really well and it's witty, but i kind of think this author just self-inserts herself for draco in all her fics because... that boy was soo pathetic in canon. genius au basically. but i can forgive her bc the fics are good
House M.D. (Hilson)
yes Medical Malpractice Husbands whatever shut up i like the fics and they're probably in love so leave me BE. these fics are good.
Look, Don't Touch by ORiley42 / hilson E, voyeurism fic.... guys HEAR ME OUT HEAR ME OUT OK that makes it sound SOOO bad but trust me i bookmarked this one because the author took such a horrible trope and made it genuinely not feel that creepy. like this fic is SO funny. it's really good. and the author is straight up just a good writer
the sea and the sky and you and i by thismagichour / hilson M, hanahaki angst. its really good because wilson just gives up and its soo heart wrenching bc he thinks house doesnt like him back and just wants to die. poor guy.
My Hero Academia (Dabihawks)
i have not given a Phuque about MHA for the past five years but i had this phase this year where i was briefly re-obsessed with dabihawks so here are some fics
planting trees (making shade) by nightquake / dabihawks T. basically hawks KHS for a good cause ..? really well written, has high tension and good allusions. loved this one. its the kind of fic u know is good by the summary
Hawks Lays an Egg by ButterflyApocalypse / dabihawks T. never in my entire Life 18 Years have i ever enjoyed mpreg except this fic, because he isnt even pregnant he just has this egg. it's such a good funny fic. i was asking myself why i had it bookmarked from like four years ago earlier this year so i reread it and i was like Yeah ok it deserves the bookmark. SOOO funny and ridiculous. crackiest fic.
MISC random fandoms (Battle Cats (????) and A Clockwork Orange)
nyankopalooza by Sanodigy / Battle Cats Game gen. No clue how i even found this. its so funny. ive never read a fic like this. its so funny. and weirdly well written, i like experimental / weirdly formatted fics. i used to play this game when i was a kid
Bitva Gruppa by VoidVesper / a clockwork orange X fight club, alex delarge X tyler durden E. its straight up a horrible plot, AKA CHILD GETS ASSAULTED. warning for underage and assault. it's not a morally good fic (clockwork orange is intentionally a morally wrong book). but holy shit the writing is great. like it reads like it's anthony burgess. just really good. probably one of the only fics here where i straight up bookmarked only because of the writing style
OK that wraps up this year's edition!! please give these fics a read, your life will be Fulfilled. byebyee
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emeraldfwooperfangirl · 2 months
Lost ao3 fic! Please help the re-reading cravings are bad 🥲
Hi! I need help looking for a DabiHawk fic, I unfortunately didn’t bookmark it nor write down the title.
In the story Dabi is captured by the Hero Commission, Hawks knows and finds out that they plan to use a quirk to try and force Dabi to tell them where the League is. The quirk in question puts Dabi in a coma and makes him trapped in a time loop in his mind, instead of going insane like predicted he starts to have fun with it, spends more time with the League, finds and reconciles with his siblings, admits his feelings to Hawks and even has a few encounters with Endeavor.
It gets to the point where he doesn’t want to wake up. That’s when it gets angsty, because Hawks and the League bust him out and wake him up but he doesn’t believe he is actually out of the loop and is either delirious or tries to reset it (big mess, they call his siblings to try and convince him etc.).
I think it was multiple chapters and complete, but i can’t guarantee it 100%.
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Thank you so much if you can help, I’ve been craving re-reading it for a while and not finding it has been a nightmare ;-;
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erimeows · 2 months
My Hero Academia: Masterlist
Hi there! I'm Eri, and I write for all sorts of stuff. While I do have everything published on here, I personally choose to have my masterlists linked to my Ao3.
I haven't read the manga- and I've only watched seasons 1-5 of the anime, though I've had the manga ending spoiled for me. Requests are open and I love writing for this show, just don't expect me to write anything accurate from S6 and beyond. Also note that a lot of these fics were written before important plot milestones and may not be the most accurate. Some of these are NSFW, so be sure to check the tags!
If you'd like to learn more about me, send in a request, or look at my works for other fandoms, check out my pinned post!
Character x Character:
Good Friends (Eraserhead x Present Mic)
After Dark (Endeavor x Hawks)
Dancing With The Devil (Dabi x Hawks)
Late Nights, Early Mornings (Endeavor x Hawks)
Evening (Endeavor x Hawks)
Power(less) (Best Jeanist x Hawks)
Options (Dabi x Hawks)
Writing On The Wall (Eraserhead x Present Mic)
Icarus (Best Jeanist x Hawks)
Yeah, Right (Eraserhead x All Might)
Character x Reader:
Divined (Eraserhead x Reader)
Sickness (Overhaul x Reader)
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memeshnik · 3 months
I'm writing the last chapters of my DabiHawks fic and I'm so excited cause it seems like it would be the first one that I'll actually finish 😭
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traffic-duck · 3 months
I wanna find a Dabihawks fic where Dabi is a singer in a band but he also has a secret life of being a world renowned supervillain. And Hawks is also a singer in another band but is one of the most famous hero’s who is constantly fighting Dabi. And no one knows there are secretly supervillains/hero’s. Also Dabi has this massive “rivalry” with hawks (he is secretly I love with him but is also emotionally constipated and oblivious). If you anything like this or have found anything like this please tell me so I can read it. I will be leaving kudos. Please and thank you. Maybe we can also be mutuals. Who knows?
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: Through some freak accident of the universe, Dabi has been invited to compete on The Bachelorette. Have they actually seen his face? Surprisingly yes, and they still want him. For this season they apparently need a ‘bad boy’ to both balance out the hero contestant (why in hell is Hawks involved?) and to trash talk the show in interviews to appeal to audiences who don’t like the scripting. Getting sent on a vacation away from his annoying bandmates to complain and eat as much free food as he wants? Sold.
Author: SatelliteBlue
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freedom-of-speech333 · 10 months
Hold Me Close (Chapter 2)
Dabi leaned against the bathroom door, slowly slipping downwards as Hawks’ voice interlaced with the gentle splashing of water. 
The song, his song, his soulsong. Hawks was singing his soul song, every note matching the ones in Dabi’s head. His eyes burned as tears threatened to escape.
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pleathewrites · 6 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 1 excerpt — what are your thoughts on child abuse? + burncare read full story here
Meeting semi-regularly with Hawks has been… ‘Strange,’ Dabi thinks. 
The Number Two’s got a bad temper, hates being out of the loop, and hates it more when Dabi can’t be bothered to spare more than a few words at him. Dabi mostly makes Hawks do small jobs — gather bits of mild information and tail certain lower-ranked heroes. Dabi doesn’t ask for any top secrets because he has a feeling Hawks would only feed him lies. ‘Why?’ Because that’s what Dabi does. 
But the Bird has interesting thoughts. 
Dabi will admit — seeing Hawks’ speech during the Hero Ranking ceremony was wildly entertaining. Dabi assumed the hero had a flair for the dramatic, but he never thought the guy would be so bold to make such a scene on national live television. 
“Who’s gonna be happy hearing that? Stain?”
Dabi remembers Spinner’s spit-take at Hawks’ interruption of Edgeshot trying to seem oh, so humble. 
“You don’t think we need to change how we do things?... Why are those less accomplished than me playing it safe?”
Dabi remembers the way Toga’s eyes sparkled, the way even Shigaraki started to tilt his head in consideration. Dabi thinks the raining feathers were a bit over the top since the guy was already fucking floating, but he’ll admit it was a nice touch.
But his favorite — “Now, go ahead, Number One Hero, with a lower approval rating than me.”
Dabi actually let out a snort, at that one. 
It’s been a few weeks since that broadcast, but ever since, Dabi’s interest in the hero has been considerably piqued. 
He sent Hawks a set of coordinates and a time to meet about an hour ago. He’s late himself, but only by thirty minutes, and, well, he’s a villain.
He immediately spots the stupid little bird because, in an industrial town full of grey, that stupid yellow suit is an absolute eyesore. 
“You don’t own any other clothes, Hero?” 
Back turned, with only crimson wings in his view, Dabi hoped the guy would have jumped. Dabi’s been told he can be as quiet as a ghost, but then he remembers Hawks telling him something about telepathic feathers and sound vibration. 
“Dabi!” Hawks twirls halfway with that stupid grin of his, “You’re actually early. For you.”
“Say my name louder, would you. Might as well dial up the Commission right now and let ‘em know you turned, while you’re at it,” The words are worried, but Dabi’s tone stays neutral because they both know the Commission is already informed about every single one of their meetings. It’s just Hawks who thinks Dabi’s dumb as rocks. 
“We’re in a literal alleyway in one of the sketchiest towns in Japan, dude.”
“Tch,” Dabi’s nose scrunches in a sneer, ‘Of course he’d consider this town to be sketchy, just because it’s a little run down.’
Hawks scratches at the back of his head, “Though, I guess you got a point. I — uh, heh, I didn’t have time to change. Patrol and all.” 
Dabi deadpans, “You can spare ten minutes. It’s not gonna kill you,” and Hawks still looks weirdly apologetic so he adds on, “Birdy, you’re acting like I’m the one who’s gonna be waitin’ up on you. Has that been the trend, so far?”
“You know, now that you bring it up…” And Dabi just thinks, ‘oh, Gods, no,’ while Hawks puts a gloved finger to his chin, “Why are you always late?”
Dabi doesn’t answer. 
Hawks puts his hands up in mock surrender, “Alright, fine. Be mysterious, whatever,” Then clasps his hands behind his back. Dabi thinks that’ll be the end of that, but Hawks loves the sound of his own voice too much, “You villains are so dramatic.”
Dabi gapes, and lays his hand over his chest in offense, “I’m dramatic?” He scoffs — he cannot stand half the shit that comes out of this smart-ass’s mouth. His hand leaves his chest to point at the Number Two, “This coming from the guy that not only interrupted a rank ceremony but made it rain feathers while he did it? Braggin’ about his own approval rating while floating in the fuckin’ air?”
And — ‘oh shit’ — Dabi should have kept his mouth shut. 
Because he sees the bastard’s golden eyes fucking gleam, and crimson feathers ruffle, “Eh? You keepin’ tabs on me, Hot Stuff?” and he starts to lean in, close enough for Dabi to feel the need to reel back, his nose a mere inch away from Dabi’s own, “Ya like watchin’ me?” Pale eyelashes flutter.
Dabi’s had enough. 
He hears a muffled ‘oomph!’ as his scarred hand pushes Hawks’ face away, “Don’t fuckin’ flatter yourself, the ceremony was national news.”
Hawks pulls back and laughs a little. It’s a breathy sound, almost a rumble with how deep the guy’s voice is, but it’s always quiet. Tired. 
Dabi’s stomach chooses that moment to let out a loud and horrifying grumble. 
Hawks’ bushy eyebrow lifts in question, and Dabi can feel the blood gather in his cheeks, humiliation warming his usually cool skin. 
“So, there is a reason you look like a bag of bones,” Hawks says.
Dabi knows the guy is trying to be cheeky, but it hits harder than intended because, ‘Yeah, I haven’t eaten all fuckin’ day,’ and the only thing he does remember eating is cheap instant udon, yesterday. He put a boiled egg in it for protein, but that stuff only goes so far.
Luckily, Hawks continues without needing a response from Dabi, “C’mon, I’m hungry, too, and I saw a chicken place around here. On me, the place is probably cheap, anyway, considering,” and waves his hand around broadly, referring to their current location.
Usually, this is the part where ‘Person B’ says something like, ‘I don’t need your charity!’ but Dabi isn’t prideful enough to deny free sustenance, especially since he can’t even remember the last time he ate real meat. 
So, he shrugs, “Lead the way. But first, button up your fuckin’ jacket and take off your glasses, for fuck’s sake. I know you can move your feathers, so — I dunno, move ‘em under your jacket, or somethin’. Hide them.”
And Hawks actually has the audacity to pout, “I hate compressing my wings.”
“Gods,” Dabi groans to the sky, “It’s just for the walk there.”
After grumbling some more, mostly to himself, Hawks relents and leads the way to a mostly empty chicken shop with neon signs and shiny wooden floors. They sit in a booth at the farthest corner, and order. 
Hawks is somewhat right — food is cheap in a town like this. Dabi’s not well-versed in all things economics, but he knows an underfunded town is a wanted-villain’s safest haven. The residents of such towns rarely call for police — police mean heroes, and heroes mean collateral damage; the residents of this town already struggle to make ends meet with their healthy bodies and standing businesses. One bad fight can end in dozens of collapsed buildings, and an overflow of the nearest already-at-capacity hospital. 
‘As long as you don’t cause too much trouble, the residents here won’t even bat an eye at you, no matter how wanted you are.’
Dabi takes off his facemask and hood when their food is served, and Hawks lets his wings out with a ruffle. The hero begins to dig in, but his gloves stay on.
“Isn’t this cannibalism, for you?”
The previous expression of excitement on Hawks’ face drops, “Ha ha. You’re so clever. I’ve never heard that one before.”
“Fuck off.”
“No, seriously, you should be a comedian.”
“Go to hell. It was actually a semi-serious question.”
A smile quirks at the corner of Hawks’ lips, “Just let me eat in peace, man.”
And so, they eat for a bit, mostly in silence, until Dabi decides the silence feels suffocating. Hawks isn’t asking any questions, not his usual, ‘so whaddya got for me, today?’ and it leaves Dabi with his own thoughts.
After finishing about half his plate, Dabi finally asks what’s been on his mind since watching the Bird on television. 
“What are your thoughts on child abuse?” 
Hawks freezes, a chicken piece halfway through his open mouth when he looks up at Dabi, muffling out, “What?” 
Dabi lets his chin rest on his palm, curling his greasy fingers inwards to avoid his seams, “Humor me, Hero. Got a penny if ya need one.” 
Hawks swallows and puts down his fork — ‘eating chicken wings with fuckin’ utensils, what a priss.’ 
“Uh, gonna need a little bit more context here, man…”
He looks so wary.
Dabi sighs and spells it out for the dumb bird, “What would you do, as a hero, if you received a report of child abuse?”
Hawks takes a moment, scratching at his goatee, “Well, investigate, then hopefully make an arrest,” He shrugs, “Abusers should be jailed. I dunno what you want from me beyond that. Random question, dude.”
Dabi, more or less, ignores the confusion in Hawks’ eyes, but he does take note of how Hawks hasn’t continued eating. The hero is sat back, waiting for Dabi to provide the clearly missing context. 
Dabi has to know what kind of person he’s dealing with, because meeting Hawks this past month and seeing his actions on live television make Dabi… tentatively hopeful — about what, he’s not sure, but Dabi doesn’t like surprises, so he has to ask.
“Mm. But, what if that same abuser shows kindness to everyone else, outside those few people?” 
At that, Hawks lets out a scoff, “It’s usually an act, man. Why are you asking me this? I mean, like, yes, yeah it doesn’t matter if they treat others differently. Doesn’t make up for what they’re doing, the people they’re hurting.”
“Uh-huh,” Dabi’s eyes never leave Hawks’ face, noting the expressive curl of blonde eyebrows, bushed up in earnest to match his glinting frown, “And if other people are, say, ‘counting on them’?”
Those blond eyebrows furrow closer, wild hairs almost touching, “What do you mean?” 
Dabi tilts his head away from the palm it rests on and unfurls those fingers one-by-one to count off, “World leaders, presidents, peace figures.... heroes,” and even Dabi knows his voice took a sharp turn at the last item, and he doubts Hawks had missed it.
“I… No, no, it’s still wrong. It’s complicated, yeah, but... it doesn’t matter how much good someone does if that same person is going off to abuse someone else. Especially their own family.”
Dabi doesn’t know why, but hearing that come from a hero does something to him, speaks to a too-short past life, and validates the soft blindspot of his otherwise iron conscience.
Dabi picks off a piece of his own chicken and takes a bite, “Yeah, we’ll see.”
Meanwhile, Hawks looks completely out of sorts. He’s biting his lip, his hand coming up to rub the knuckle of his gloved index right underneath it. 
Dabi waits. 
“I… I didn’t spend a lot of my life with my birth parents. They were abusive. And they were… y’know, what everyone would call ‘bad people’. Drug addicts, thieves. Probably other things, too, I dunno,” and Dabi is listening to every single word, food completely forgotten. Hawks isn’t looking at him, lidded eyes are directed more towards Dabi’s shoulder, and that’s okay because Dabi hasn’t spoken a single word of his own abuse, so he’s not going to judge how others do it. 
The blond’s head shakes, “Ah,” and clearing gold eyes look back to Dabi, “Point is, even they didn’t face consequences for what they did to me. My dad… He’s in jail, but it’s not for what he did to me. And my mom… Commission paid her a hefty check to adopt me, so she's probably off living an even better life — or maybe dead from overdose, I dunno.” 
“Sounds hard,” it’s a shitty response, but Dabi doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want to reveal his own story, but for all that’s broken and wrong and rotted inside of him, he still feels empathy towards this guy, towards the Number Two Hero.
‘Birds of a feather, ‘n all that.’
“Yeah, well. Just makes me think, if apparently ‘bad people’ can get away with the crime of child abuse — people with practically zero social or economic influence — then, how do the same institutions hold someone with real status accountable?”
Against his desire to appear aloof, Dabi feels the sharp tug of his own lips pulling into a small smile, “Askin’ all the right questions. Best ones have no answer.”
Hawks laughs, and it's the same one as the alley, low and quiet. Soft. 
Dabi wonders if the guy lets himself laugh often. He smiles a lot, that’s for certain, but smiles are always easier to fake than laughter.  
“I have a feeling a lot of villains have this kind of backstory, or something similar, huh.”
“As you?” Dabi raises a brow, the easiest kind of expression he can do to the lack of staples there, a constant reminder of his ‘backstory,’ like he’s a fucking manga character,  “Maybe. ‘Cept they weren’t saved by anyone. No one’s jumpin’ up and down to take care of us. That’s the difference between us,” his index finger flicking back-and-forth in the space between them, “Heroes ‘n villains.”
The laugh that leaves Hawks is wrong this time. It’s bitter and booming — dark, and not nearly as lovely as Dabi found the others.
“Saved. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.”
Dabi’s stomach churns something sick. He hopes it’s the chicken.
The next time Dabi is supposed to meet Hawks, the skin around the staples of his hands feels like it’s on fire. Red, itchy, and, ‘Oh Gods,’ Dabi thinks he’s starting to see something white seep out the seam of his right wrist.  
He used up the last of his supplies two weeks ago. Right now, the only things he has in his apartment are gauze, soap, and tap water that can be boiled. 
Dabi thinks about calling one of the League members, any of them, but after Kamino, there’s been wanted posters of their faces plastered everywhere, mostly definitely around cities nice enough to have open pharmacies.
He calls Hawks. 
“Hello! Where are ya, hot stuff? I’ve been waitin’ for half an hour, and I even took the time to change my clothes.”
Dabi rolls his eyes at the nickname and grips the phone tighter. It makes his wrist burn. He doesn’t waste any time, “Do you have access to any antiseptics or disinfectants right now? Strong ones. Or maybe even antibiotics, like silver sulfadiazine?”
“Burn cream? Uh… not, like, I don’t have any on me. I could get some? Is everything alright?”
Dabi closes his eyes and rubs his brow, “Yeah, I’m gonna send you some new coordinates. Bring the supplies here. And hurry.”
He hangs up and sets to boiling some water. 
Three loud knocks later echo through Dabi’s apartment, and he yells, “Come in!” as he pats his wrists dry with a paper towel. 
“Dabi?” Hawks’ voice rings through the apartment and his large wings come into view from where Dabi stands in the kitchen. Hawks takes his shoes off at the entryway — ‘how well mannered.’ — and perks up when he spots the scarred man.
“Hey! So, I got an assortment of things. Hydrogen peroxide, saline, antibacterial ointment, got the silver sulfadiazine like you asked — that shit is expensive without a coupon — and, oh! I got these, like, film coverings, pharmacist calls ‘em ‘nanocrystalline silver dressing’ , supposed to be better for fighting infection,” He shrugs, “I also went ahead and got some other things like gauze, dressing, Q-tips, pins,” and sets the plastic bag on the countertop,  “Here, take a look.”
Dabi does, with his eyes because he doesn’t want his freshly cleaned wrists getting even more infected with whatever bacteria could be on the plastic bag or any of these items. 
“... Damn. Thanks, Birdy,” He’s honestly shocked Hawks got this much stuff. 
He ignores the way his heart beats faster, ‘Might finally be the sepsis.’
When Dabi looks back up at the guy, his feathers are wiggling again, something Dabi has come to understand what the hero does when he’s somewhat pleased, “Uh, can you wash your hands over there in the sink and pull out the… Hm, the silver dressing, white dressing, and the gauze? Just set it on the counter, I’ll be right back.”
Dabi walks over to his bathroom, hearing the affirmative, “Sure!” from the hero, and closes the door with his elbow. 
He needs a minute. 
‘I can’t believe I just let an undercover hero into my apartment. Am I going to have to move? Fuck… fuck, fuck!’
“Shit,” he whispers to himself as he opens his medicine cabinet and fetches a pair of tweezers and a box of latex gloves.
‘I can’t believe he bought all that stuff. Dude’s loaded, that’s fine and all, but… what the fuck? I only asked for the burn cream…’ 
Dabi shakes his head, closes the medicine cabinet, and is greeted with the reflection of his own confused expression, etched by a small crack at the upper left side. He takes a minute to look at the man staring back at him, looking at his scars and his freshly dyed roots. He knows he’s a frightening sight, something out of nightmares and horror movies. 
He hates looking at himself, sometimes. He knows others do, too. 
Some nights, the vulnerability of his upsettingly-human psyche will claw its way out like the vicious beast it is, and force him to understand his loneliness. On those nights, he will understand why people turned away a half-dead teen, why store owners chased him out with their bats and mops, and why heroes will always, always attack on-sight upon seeing Dabi’s face. 
He will understand why the League’s bar is really the one place he can ever sip his drink in peace and enjoy the burn at the back of his throat without some prick trying to slip him paper bills in exchange for things he can’t even say out loud. On those nights, the righteous anger will leave his body like steam from boiling water, and leave him hollow and cold and so, very, very alone. 
He wonders if tonight will be one of those nights. 
“Uh, Dabi? You alright in there?”
Dabi blinks out and away from his reflection, ‘Maybe not,’ and leaves his bathroom. 
When he comes back to the kitchen, all the supplies he asked for are out and ready to use. Hawks sits on Dabi’s only stool, waiting.
Dabi didn’t get a chance to really look at the guy, until now. The hero did end up changing his attire for tonight — black sweatshirt, normal jeans that are still on the baggier side, and black boots closer to the kind in fashion magazines than those hideously yellow rainboots he normally tends to wear. When Dabi lifts his eyes back up, he notices the hero’s hair looks a bit different, a little more chaotic, and a little less stiff — it looks soft. 
‘Oh, pull it fucking together.’
Dabi clears his throat and hands over the box of latex gloves, “Do you mind helping me out? I just need you to do this wrist, and then I can work on the other.”
Hawks is nodding and stretching the gloves over his hands before Dabi even finishes his sentence. 
“Y’know, your place isn’t anything like I’d thought it’d be. ‘S nice. Clean.” 
Dabi hears a snap! and a muttered, “shit.”
He opens his mouth to ask what’s wrong before he looks at Hawks’ hand, and sees matte black claws curving out fingers loosely lined with tattered blue latex.
“Heh,” Hawks laughs, a bit nervously, “Sorry ‘bout that. My own gloves are so thick, I forget I have these.”
“Why am I just now seeing these?” Dabi wonders out loud, eyes glued to the tips of talons he could have sworn that, for a split second, sparkled at him, “Shit. Those are fucking sharp, man. You’re tellin’ me you don’t fight with ‘em?” He doesn’t really pay attention to broadcasts of hero fights but from the ones he’s seen, the Number Two’s hands were always gloved.
“Ah,” Hawks starts to pull a fresh latex glove over his hand again, leaving some space between the ends of each finger for his talons this time, “That wouldn’t be very heroic, would it? There’d be a lot of… blood. Kids don’t need to see that kind of gore in the news, y’know.”
Dabi raises an eyebrow, “I… guess....” 
Honestly, Dabi thinks that’s a bullshit excuse, to not use something so clearly advantageous in serious combat, especially when the hero's life is on the line practically every day, ‘Even if he doesn’t want to use them, why does he cover them?’
He lets the matter be, for now, and looks over the directions on the box of the nanocrystalline silver dressing. He reads it twice, just to make sure. 
Hawks speaks up, apparently needing to hear his own voice again, “The directions say that for exudative wounds, you should apply the dressing dry.”
“Yeah, I see that.”
“So... Let’s get started!” 
Dabi huffs. He hates that he needs help but he’s always been shit with his right hand, and he doesn’t want to risk dropping anything. He lays his left hand out towards Hawks and critically watches every move the man makes. 
Hawks is extremely gentle, and he dresses the wound as if he’s done this a thousand times over. The hero’s eyes never leave Dabi’s wrist, except for the few times he’d go over and read the instructions again to make sure he’s doing everything right. He cradles Dabi’s forearm with one hand as he uses the other to smooth the silver dressing on, the pressure of his fingers light around the staples and firm around the skin. After he applies the secondary dressing, he briefly looks up at Dabi to ask, “You alright?” 
Dabi can only nod. 
When the gauze is wrapped and firmly pinned in place, Hawks finally lets go and Dabi takes a step back to breathe.  
He immediately sets to work on his other hand, moistening the silver dressing with the clean water he’d boiled earlier on. 
“You sure you don’t want help with the other hand? I’ve been trained in this kinda stuff, first aid. I don’t mind.”
‘Well, that explains a little.’  
Still, Dabi shakes his head, “I prefer to do it myself,” and there’s truth in that, it’s the absolute truth, Dabi likes to do things himself. He likes things done his way, and he doesn’t like being touched. 
But the gentle feeling of Hawks’ fingers on his skin urges him to reconsider. 
He won’t, but some part of him wishes he would. 
As he starts to apply the silver dressing with his tweezers, he hears Hawks ask, “Can I ask you something really personal? Like, probably boundary-crossing?”
Dabi’s eyes never leave his working hands, “You got a lot of nerve, Birdbrain, thinkin’ we’re cool like that.”
He hears a small squawk, “C’mon, dude! I’m in your apartment, per your request! I think we’re along the lines of something, ‘like that’.”
Dabi snorts, “I won’t stop you, but don’t be surprised if I tell you to fuck off.”
Hawks laughs — the same small breathy one that makes Dabi’s own mouth quirk up.
Hawks asks why his body is full of scars.  
And Dabi… Well, every passing day, Dabi feels himself getting closer to death and, tonight, it makes his lips a little loose. Maybe he just wants someone to know his story, maybe he wants to try saying it out loud. And if he’s gonna tell his tale, it might as well be in the company of his favorite little double-agent.
When he finishes wrapping up the gauze around his right wrist, he digs for the cigarette packet deep in his pocket, takes out a stick, and lights it up. 
“My father,” He begins, “He’s the reason I’m like this, the reason I look like this, act this way. I know the whole ‘daddy issues’ thing is overrated but, well,” He shrugs, not daring to look up from his apartment floor. He takes another puff, the nicotine in his veins calming him, the smoke down his throat grounding him. He remembers his conviction, “That man took everything from me, left me like this, and he only ever got rewarded.”
He briefly glances at Hawks, the man’s gold eyes filled with an empathetic sorrow that only people like them could give each other, “I’m sorry.”
Dabi shakes his head and looks away, because he can’t deal with this, can’t have someone looking at him like that, not after all these years, “Not your fault. Nothing to be sorry for.”
“He’ll burn,” Hawks says, and Dabi sees the man’s fists clench from the corner of his eye, “Wherever he is, one way or another, he’ll burn.”
Dabi doesn’t know what kind of feelings are running through the hero right now. He thinks that maybe if he looks up, he might see.
‘Is he angry? Is it for me? Does he pity me, feel sorry for me? Is he triggered by my story the way I was by his? Or is he just telling me what he thinks I want to hear?’ — but Dabi doesn’t want to see. 
Because if Hawks only knew who Dabi’s father was, who made him like this, and did this to him, he doesn’t want to know if the hero would look at him the same way gold eyes do now. 
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore, Birdy.”
Dabi walks over to his worn-out couch and sits down with a tired sigh. Hawks follows. 
For the next ten minutes, Dabi relays small bits and pieces of League information to Hawks, and the hero returns with tidbits of hero business. 
It honestly just feels like a way to fill the time. 
When a moment of silence reaches them, and Dabi’s cigarette has burned all the way through the filter, Dabi speaks up about something he kept quiet to himself last time, “Say, since you asked me a deeply personal question, grant me the same privilege?” 
“Sure, as long as I get the same privilege of tellin’ you to fuck off if I want.”
Dabi snorts and ashes his cigarette, tilts his head towards the hero.
“Was I wrong? Back then, about the Commission saving you?” 
He sees Hawks bite his lips and sink deeper into the sofa cushions, tilting his head back. He sighs, “You’re an observant fucker, aren’t you?”
Dabi smirks, “What villain isn’t?” 
“The ones that get caught.”
And at that, Dabi barks a laugh and is honestly shocked at the sound of it. He thinks Hawks is, too, by the way his blond eyebrows round up, and his previously conflicted eyes soften. 
Hawks lifts one of his clawed hands up, and if Dabi didn’t know better, he’d think the gesture was some kind of show-and-tell, but at the way Hawks’ own eyes glaze over his talons, Dabi thinks the movement is more for the hero’s own comfort. 
“I lied earlier, about the reason I don’t fight with my claws,” Hawks finally says, softly, almost as if he were speaking to himself. 
Dabi knows to keep quiet. 
“I do care about wanting kids to live in a safer world, to… spare them. Of the horrific consequences that come from battles, traumatizing images ‘n all that stuff. Of course, I care about that. But… But I know my abilities. If allowed, I know I’d be able to use my claws in ways that wouldn’t end in some kind of, fucking , feral episode.”
Dabi’s eyebrows slowly knit together, “Allowed?”
Golden eyes flick over to Dabi’s and the vulnerability swirling in them makes the scarred man want… something.
To gasp, reach out, put his own wrapped hands over the talons, and warm them up a bit, just — something.
He’s horrified at these new and intrusive thoughts. 
Instead of doing anything, he waits. 
“The Commission,” Hawks drops his hand to his lap and averts his eyes there, “They have an image of what they believe society wants a hero to look like, along with other things. They… told me they were ‘correcting’ my flaws.”
There’s a beat of heavy, waiting silence.
“They appreciate my quirk — it’s strong and versatile, good for offense, defense, rescue — stuff like that. But they don’t… They hate my raptor genes, the mutations. Like, the only thing I’m allowed to have and show are my wings — everything else has to be hidden or removed. I’m a mutant, but I have to do everything I can to look as ‘humane’ as possible.”
‘What is even considered ‘humane’, in a society of quirked-people?’ 
Dabi is immediately reminded of his hatred towards hero society, “Shit, what the fuck, Birdy. Is that why you wear those stupid-ass gloves?”
Hawks sends a bitter and sad smile to Dabi, “Was the only way to convince them to let me keep my talons. They used to clip ‘em or file them down, but that fucking hurts and they grow back wrong, so. Yeah, got these gloves and told them I’ll never take ‘em off.”
“Tch,” Dabi feels so disgusted right now, at the people who run this society, “So they make you nice ‘n pretty for everyone to look at while they profit of’a’ya. Sick.”
“Yeah, well,” Hawks huffs a laugh, and it’s the one that makes Dabi feel sick to his stomach, “I’m the Number Two Hero, with my own agency! All at the tender age of twenty-four — oops, sorry, twenty-two, Commission fudged my age to make me look even more impressive. An eighteen-year-old success story is prettier than a twenty-year-old one.”
Bile threatens to well up in Dabi’s throat at that — the effort to make this hero fit into society’s obsession with the ‘barely legal’ trope.
“I should be grateful, right?” Hawks bitterly smiles, “Everybody wants to fuck me and every hero wants to be me.”
“Fuck outta here if you’re gonna talk like that, Birdbrain.”
Pink lips bite themselves into a smile, one so much more shy and on the edge of mischievous, “Wanna see my feet?”
“What the fuck?”
He does. He really does.
read full chapter here
my other works
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cuspidgoddess · 9 months
Archive of Our OwnMaster List
The Flock of Villains AU
A Gilded Cage is Still a Cage Completed Hawks is honest w/ the LOV from the start about his mission
The Best Things in Life are Free Completed Continuation of A Gilded Cage
How to Build a Nest In Process Fumikage Tokoyami centric
The Greatest Gift is Loving You Completed Co-Writer: @savi909 Natsuo Todoroki/Stolas Yew centric side fic
Sweet Dreams and Beautiful Nightmares
In Process
If the Mini Murder™️ became villains
Furless Babies
A Less Than Fluffy Situation Completed Hairless cat Dabi AU
Shedding Completed 1 Shot of the aftermath of A Less Than Fluffy Situation
Rough Patches Planned
41 notes · View notes
moonsvillain · 5 months
hotwings au where hawks is a fallen angel who happens to crash-land in dabi's backyard on his way down.
hawks' wings are from his status as an angel rather than a separate quirk
i'd like to imagine that quirks aren't really a thing that they're up to date on, as well as being pretty behind in, like, everything else
imagine hawks going into this with an ariel-like disposition
anyway this kicks off with hawks crashing into dabi's backyard in the middle of the night
dabi, who's obviously awake, gets up to go investigate what the fuck that was (naturally assumes someone's here to kill him, as any normal, not-paranoid-at-all person would think)
hawks is very upset (landed on his wing wrong and maybe broke it, which, like, "OWWW...." this guy has never felt pain before and now he's human, which is cool conceptually but why do humans feel pain?? are they like this all the time?? who would do this to them??)
which leads to dabi finding hawk in a pile of limbs armed with a broken wing tangled in the clothes lines that he never bothered to take down after he finally saved up enough for a washer-dryer unit
at this point in time, dabi hasn't been scouted by the league yet, but he's not struggling to survive. he's found a small townhouse to reside in, one story, one bedroom, and a small backyard
(the backyard was an important detail to him—sometimes dabi needs to just. bask in the sun. feel warm when he can)
hawks sees dabi and assumes that he must be someone from hell, and it was some sort of cosmic fate that brought the two together
(hawks has always been the hero-type, even as an angel. he doesn't want to defeat people, rather, he wants to help them.
(hawks is just terribly naive, which impedes this goal of his by a lot)
dabi drags hawks inside once he's figured out that he isn't with the hero commission after threatening to burn the rest of his feathers off (which, the fire isn't helping hawks' case against him)
hawks can't really just say he's an angel, mostly because he gets the feeling that saying as much to someone like dabi would go very sideways
so he spins a story about being kicked out of his home and having nowhere to go and no family to take him in even if they wanted
which, it's not really stretching the truth at all. that is what happened. he just omitted a few details
dabi is stabbed by a violent wave of sympathy that he tries to suppress at first, until remembering that he'd have done anything to have support from someone like dabi is now back when he had been scared, alone, confused and hurt
and even though hawks is cheerful enough, dabi can see the mask he's wearing—he's hiding something. something that hurts
so dabi nods, accepts this answer, and offers hawks the couch for the night, which hawks gladly accepts (and ignores the way his eyes get wet)
the next day both wake up, remember the night before, realize it wasn't a dream and think, fuck
dabi's gotten himself saddled with a roommate—cuz even if he wanted to ignore him, it's too late now, he spent the whole night turning the situation over in his mind and kicking him out would make dabi's already fragile emotional stability skew out of control
and its finally settling into hawks' head that he's been kicked out and he doesn't know where he's going or if he'll ever get the chance to go back even if he wanted to and he's doomed to spend the rest of his life wandering the earth looking for acceptance that will never last
tldr both are having mild panic attacks
dabi finally tries to address the situation by like, asking what hawks plans on doing or if he knows anyone that could help him out
which gets dabi a look so pathetic he immediately regrets asking
("fuckkk he's so sad and lame. what am i supposed to do. it's like staring at a miserable puppy with a bag full of treats in your pocket and pretending you don't know they're there.")
dabi grits out an offer:
stay here and figure out a way to pay rent, and dabi will do his best to fix up hawks' wing so he can fly again but also so it doesn't cost a million dollars to pay for the treatment in the first place
(dabi's plans consist of roaming the underground to find a doctor that could help the both of them out and threatening them—dabi's been putting off finding one for himself after his skin grafts start looking nastier than they should and this is the push he needs to get to it)
hawks, oblivious to this, agrees pretty readily
dabi nods
a moment of silence. then:
"is your real name dabi, or—"
"i'm not hearing this from you, hawks."
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