#dabihawks medieval au
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kitnjinx · 1 year ago
Anyone up for some Medieval Fantasy DabiHawks?
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corujalesbica · 2 years ago
Anyone up to beta reading a 10 chapter long, 20k dabihawks genderbend F/F medieval au fanfic ?
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Ok SO this is gonna be my first multichapter and I'm really excited!! We're 9k words in (goal is 20k). I know that's not a lot for most people, but again this is my first big story. :) I appreciate all the support I can get!! The 4 first chapters are currently being revised, and I'm getting help from my amazing beta reader @arson-n-barf
The story takes place in a medieval world I created that has its on geography and its own rules.
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Its a dabihawks genderbend au, but all of the other characters remain with their original genders (I might make some people trans though). Endeavor is the king of Akarui, a kingdom that has a century old rivalry with Chikara. Hawks is a knight of honor, one of the few who takes orders directly from the royal family. Dabi is a fugitive who travels around Akarui with a group of magical outcasts who play music in small places to survive.
I want to play around with fate, magic and epic battles, so from pain these woman were born and in pain they shall meet again.
I'm so excited about the prospect of actually finishing this!!! I made some concept art :) :
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Anyways, that's it I've been low key obssesed with dabihawks (son of a hero who turned villain c son of villain who turned hero and all that) and if anyone wants to use this space to share their work or recommend stories you're all very welcome to. :D
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queer-artsy-lil-shit · 2 years ago
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Dabihawks genderbend medieval au no one asked for :)
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sasdavvero · 4 months ago
the dabihawks medieval au is just a very intricate mergana
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freedom-of-speech333 · 1 year ago
Thinking of writing a dabihawks medieval fantasy au tracking the life of their child.
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ravenchaser1024 · 4 years ago
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DabiHawks Week Day 6: Medieval AU
From the fic: Level Up chapter 6 : When it comes to you, I don't think I can sympathize by TheyCallMeBol
Assassin’s Creed AU
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kuroimiyukatz · 4 years ago
DabiHawks week 2021
Día 6: Medieval AU
La @dabihawksweek20 se nos está acabando, pero no la emoción 😆🖤🖤🖤🖤
Nos quedan dos días y hay que darlo todo!
Día 6 Medieval AU
En este mundo las criaturas sobrenaturales conviven con los humanos desde hace siglos. Dragones, hadas, dríadas y ninfas pueden ser encontradas si sabes en donde buscarlas.
Yo mismo, al ser un sacerdote del templo del dios del fuego no soy ajeno a la existencia de seres espirituales. Puede decirse que los atraigo, mi trabajo, después de todo es mediar entre ambos mundos.
El trato con ellos, es cosa de todos los días. Mis poderes espirituales, concedidos por el dios al que sirvo, me otorgan habilidades raramente confiadas a un humano. Creo que por eso los fantasmas me siguen, nos agradamos mutuamente e incluso se preocupan por mí.
—Keigo-san ¿Te encuentras bien? —preguntan consternados los fantasmas que habitan el cementerio contiguo al templo—. Te ves cansado.
—Dormí poco anoche, es todo —respondo para calmarlos.
Asienten incrédulos. No creo que pueda engañarlos. Están consientes de que la esencia demoniaca que ha colonizado mi piel, no es de este mundo. Yo mismo al despertar, llego a percibir ese olor a incienso quemado mezclado con el sudor de mi ropa de dormir. Me excita, provoca morderme los labios mientras me encargo de la erección que aparece como un recuerdo de la noche anterior.
Por más experiencia que tenga con los seres sobrenaturales, jamás imaginé que alguna vez lidiaría con un íncubo.
“Dabi.” Te pienso en medio de mis quehaceres de sacerdote. Pienso en tu cuerpo etéreo, que me posee con tanta pasión cada noche, que llego a creer que perderé el juicio.
El toque de tus manos expertas me deshace, soy tuyo desde mucho antes de consumar el acto. Te quiero todo, incluso si eso significa renunciar a mi cordura por unas horas más.
—Creí que los íncubos solamente yacían con mujeres —comenté en un destello de lucidez hace algunas noches.
—¿Te desagrada mi apariencia masculina? —alzaste ambas cejas sobre esa sonrisa retorcida.
—Nunca dije eso…
Tu enorme suspiro se estrelló contra mi cara antes de recostarte a mi lado.
—Simplemente somos seres instintivos. Sembramos la semilla de la lujuria en los sueños de los humanos —explicaste—. Ustedes suelen ser tan manipulables, no oponen resistencia, se dejan llevar por esas imágenes y después, su mente y su cuerpo hacen el resto. Nosotros nos alimentamos de esa energía sexual que expiden.
—Eso no responde mi pregunta —insistí—. ¿Por qué yo?
—Como te dije, es puro instinto —tu mano larga y quemada me acarició el rostro bajando hasta mi pecho—. Me sentí atraído por tu poder espiritual. Tienes algo que jamás había visto en ningún humano… Eres algo especial, sacerdote del fuego.
Atrapé esa mano con la mía y la llevé hasta mis labios para depositar besos en ella. Agradecí al dios del fuego por escuchar los rezos de su propio siervo. De ese que pese a conocer su rol como sacerdote se sentía incompleto. Pedí con tanto fervor que ese hueco en mi alma fuera llenado, que creo que por eso te reconocí tan pronto plantaste la semilla de lujuria en mis sueños.
Llevaba meses pidiendo, meditando y tratando en vano de encontrar cura a ese vacío en mi interior. No quería, no me atrevía a darle un nombre hasta esa noche.
Si lo que dices es cierto, la fuerte energía espiritual que emané por tanto tiempo, debió ser un faro para ti. Sentí demasiado calor en mi sueño, un calor que había iniciado apenas con una chispa, como la sensación de un beso fugaz que pronto se multiplicó por todo mi cuerpo.
Los besos se volvieron intensos, mi boca se abrió para darle la bienvenida a una energía que era como agua para mi sed. Pronto me inundó una ola de caricias. Dijiste que como íncubo te alimentas de la energía que propago cuando estallo de placer. Lo que descubrirías tú también aquella primera noche, es que nada me excita tanto como sentirme amado.
El roce de esa energía en mis sueños tenía el balance perfecto de ternura y pasión. Por eso supe que debía abrir los ojos. De inmediato noté que esto no podía tratarse sino de algo sobrenatural y debía despertar para ir a su encuentro.
—Nunca esperé que fueras a despertar en ese momento…
Sí, desperté a medio trance. Confundiendo aún la realidad con el sueño al encontrarme con ese espíritu demoniaco con cuerpo de dios, yaciendo sobre mí; con su boca abierta a centímetros de la mía, para tomar la energía sexual que te alimenta. Maté la distancia de un solo golpe y te rodeé con mis brazos.
Así nos hundimos en una danza de cuerpo y espíritu, un verdadero banquete para ti y un frenesí de placer para mí. Terminaste de materializarte y me hiciste tuyo. Por eso ahora mi cuerpo te reclama, te extraña. Desea sentir tus dientes encajándose en mis muslos antes de trepar por mi entrepierna.
De verdad me devoras, te entrego mi cuerpo y hasta mi alma cuando te siento entrar para estimularme cuanto sea necesario; incluso cuando te pido más, eres un amante generoso y me das lo que quiero a manos llenas.
—Puedes alimentarte de mí hasta que estés satisfecho, Dabi.
—Debo admitir que jamás imaginé que aprendería a amar a un humano —comentaste dejando un beso en mis labios.
—Tu amor es el mejor afrodisiaco —correspondo tras degustar el gusto caliente de tu saliva—. También te amo.
Es por eso que mis horarios están volteados desde hace meses. Aunque (según me explicaste) una sola dosis de energía es suficiente alimento por un par de días para los íncubos, no todas las noches son de placer desenfrenado.
Poco a poco las visitas nocturnas comenzaron a intercalarse con largas charlas sobre el mundo de los espíritus, el humano e incluso lo que aún está más allá de esos dos. Entre tazas de té, vino y bocadillos de media noche llegamos a pasar horas inmersos en textos antiguos, en demostraciones de magia o paseos de tu mano por ese mundo al que los humanos no tienen acceso.
Cada instante que paso a tu lado, incluso lo que no comprendemos del otro, no hace sino atraernos más.
Ahora es apenas medio día en el templo y ya ansío que llegue la noche para perderme contigo y de paso encontrarme gritando de placer sobre tu cuerpo de demonio.
Mil gracias por leer!
A seguir disfrutando!
Hasta mañana 😘😘😘😘
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Day 6 of DabiHawks Week!! @dabihawksweek20
Medieval AU!!!
Dabi gets bored in his tower and when dragons get bored, they destroy and steal. He found himself a nice knight bird.
NSFW Day 6: Piercings
Keigo finally has some time to relax and learn something new about his lover. Dabi and him learn how to balance pain with pleasure.
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future-dregs · 4 years ago
Heyo! It's 🌟Fanfic Friday🌟
I've tried this once before, let's hope this time it sticks!
League of Retail Workers by frankiesin
BNHA. G rating. Pairings - none. (though part of a series that includes a explicit DabiHawks chapter, and I'm pretty sure there's language.)
The League of Villains but they work at a Hot Topic in a mall. That's it that's the fic.
This is a quick, funny, very entertaining and enjoyable read, and I highly recommend the entire series.
You Look Better Sunburnt And Stupid by BugTongue
HxH. M rating for language and definite but non explicit sexual antics. Pairings - Leorio/Kurapika.
Kurapika and Leorio steal an unthinkable amount of money from a casino and have to lay low for a while. Feelings get involved and its kind of okay.
This is an AU of sorts where the red eye thing happens but not a whole lot else from canon. Enjoy.
A bit OOC on Kurapika's part, but it's not outstanding and easy to overlook. I was supposed to be watching bread bake while I was reading this, but I let it burn and set off the smoke detector instead because I was wrapped up in it.
Said the Tall, Spanish Male by patxaran
HxH. T rating for makeouts, drinking, and a bit of language. Pairings - Leorio/Kurapika.
Seeing some fics when I first got into HxH refer to Leorio as a "Spanish male" slowly drove me insane, so I wrote this. Here is my "Leorio is kinda Spanish and kinda Italian" AU. Learn about the distant land of Italiberia, which is the prospective name I've given this cultural gray area between Spain, Italy, and the HxH World where the story is set.
Pairing-wise, it's your standard Leopika fare. Because I ship them to the moon and back.
This is one of my favorite HxH fics ever. Because this is one of those atmosphere stories. Technically, not a whole lot happens, but it doesn't matter because you are there. You are on that couch, or at that festival, and you can see everything and feel everything and it's amazing.
Call Me Maybe by Vee_hee_hee
BNHA. T rating for sporadic language. Pairings - Yagi Toshinori/Naomasa.
Two grown adults with high profile law enforcement jobs handle mutual attraction in a calm and direct manner.
just kidding, could you imagine
Cute. Fluffy. Kinda makes you wanna scream into your pillow because come ON!! I'm very fond of this tiny little ship, it's hard to find content of it, not to mention GOOD content, but here's a nice example.
Bakugou and Todoroki's Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701
BNHA. T rating. (For language, obvs.) Pairings - Kiribaku, Tododeku, Shinkami, Erasermic. (Iirc, the ships aren't a huge focus though.)
It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students.
To say that things had snowballed was an understatement.
Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.
I think from the description it's fairly obvious what this story is gonna be like, but damn if it isn't satisfying.
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ao3feed-todoroki · 4 years ago
The Prince and the Harpy
The Prince and the Harpy by snowii
I think this is less medieval and more royalty au? I have no idea
Words: 1703, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Dabihawks Week 2021
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Todoroki Rei
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo
Additional Tags: Prince Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Harpy Takami Keigo | Hawks, Minor Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo, Minor Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Good Parent Todoroki Rei
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31479623
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ao3feed-hawks · 4 years ago
The Prince and the Harpy
The Prince and the Harpy by snowii
I think this is less medieval and more royalty au? I have no idea
Words: 1703, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 6 of Dabihawks Week 2021
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Todoroki Rei
Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo
Additional Tags: Prince Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Harpy Takami Keigo | Hawks, Minor Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko/Todoroki Natsuo, Minor Todoroki Fuyumi/Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Good Parent Todoroki Rei
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31479623
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sasdavvero · 2 years ago
should I post a OS about a DabiHawks medieval!AU thats been sitting in my drafts since june? its fluff and smut so ye idk i also gotta translate it first but ye
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lgbtlunaverse · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag! Incredibly amused by the concept of a "wip folder" y'all DON'T just make untitled google documents and throw them out into the void?
Anyway, be ready for the longest list of your fucking life. If i had not already gotten an adhd diagnosis I could probably just have shown a psychiatrist this and it would've been enough proof.
So, in no particular oder:
1. "A warped rail meets a straight one" current ongoing todofam and dabihawks fic
2. "Living up to the name" short dabi&twice oneshot of dabi cremating jin's body after taking his blood for toga after the dabihawkstwice fight in the war.
3. A platonic rei&toga fic where toga disguises herself and sneaks into a hospital for supplies and makes friends with the kind and pretty white haired lady who lives there, having no idea what boulder she just sent rolling.
4. "A knight and a king" (working title) a shigahawks role reversal au
5. "Local teenager yells at all might for being a bad uncle" (working title) a fix-it fic where heroes student shirakumo oboro decides to take a different road to school and stumbles along the path of a lost child, and, well, what was he gonna do? Not take care of shimura tenko?
6. "White coal" an au where phoenix theory is true and the quirk activates the night of the sekoto peak incident. Instead of a jawbone and news of a dead son, Endeavor finds a successor now immune to his previous weaknesses and much more willing than shouto. You think it's a fix it for the first 3 lines but it really really isn't.
7. A todoroki siblings sartre no exit au. Where hell is beig forced to have an emotionally honest talk with your family.
8. Post-war and timeskip togachako fic, where ochako managed to save toga and in the rush of the battle they kissed, and then proceeded to not talk about that for five years. Featuring unlikely friends shouto and himiko, an ochako whose emotional intelligence is solely reserved for people who are not herself, past implied jinkei, a still very dead jin, and all of the issues that everyone gets from that clusterfuck.
9. A "touya gets one for all" au (i know that sounds like a crackfic but believe me i make it work.)
10. A part two to the "touya gets one for all" au set after the all for one fight that ends in eventual shigadabihawks.
11. A jinkei universe traveling ficwhere AU! Takami keigo falls asleep on the couch leaning his head on his husband's shoulder, and wake up in a crumbling building to see another version of himself about to kill said husband.
12. An erasercloudmic AND kuropress au. Like, both at the same time. Lots of feelings, even more dads. Nuff said.
13. The only no quirk college au i will ever write. It's jinkei but features all of the league, erasercloudmic, and also todosiblings.
14. Togachako spidergirl au. Ochako is spidergirl, toga is her cool upperclassman who she's got a crush on but secretly also a young villainess who keeps escaping spidergirl's grasp.
15. Magne character study disguised as a oneshot about transfem dabi
16. Dabihawkstwice fantasy au plus a dabitwice focused prequel
17. A deltarune noelle/susie metafic that uses dark worlds as a metaphor for fiction and transports susie and noelle into a dark world full of nice date places that subtly try to push them together, but things keep being off, feeling wrong. They are not supposed to be here, this is not the actual story they need to be in. Self aware narrator who is also the author. The inherent horror of being a videogame character.
18. A ranger's apprentice- erak's ransom allysandra au where i kick the canon love triangle in its balls and make the girls kiss in a desert instead. Alyss tells lady pauline about her idea to try and come along the trip to arrida earleir, and pauline suggests it before she can tell her not to. Cassandra has a thing for tall elegant people with cute smiles.
19. "Helpless" a kiyoyachi very-not-historically-accurate medieval nobility au. (Oh my god we've finally arrived at the haikyuu wips) plus a kurodai spinoff oneshot
20. An ushiiwaoi au taking palce in the same nobility universe but not connected to the story of thenkiyoyachi one. Plus an iwaoi prequel oneshot tha tos techncoally already fonosjed but not posted yet.
21. "Blackbeard, why does my father call you babygirl?" (working title) An OFMD fic where a grown up alma is travelling by sea alone when suddenly the passenger ship she is on gets raided by pirates and- is that her dead? Is that her dead father? Captaining a pirate ship?
22. "Montem ascendes" ongoing ushioi fic where they hash their shit out and bizzarely get together in middle school, somehow making their rivalry ten time worse for all of their friens because honestly genuine hatred would have been better than this poor excise for flirting. (Yes. This is not abandoned even though i haven't udpated it in over 2 years)
23. Kageken urban fantasy ghibli-esque fic where tobio becomes friends with his cute yet quiet bew neighbour's cat, unaware that kenma is a shapeshifter and the cat is him.
24. OFMD post-season 1 fic. Not really any twists, just me having fun with the possibilities of what season 2 could bring.
25. "Candy hearts" OH LOOKIE IT'S ANOTHER JINKEI AU. One where instead of killing him, hawks manages to use a quirk from another mla member to temporarily brainwash jin and convince him to come with him. Through anotner quirk accident (and one dabi) this ends with an amnesiac jin who thinks he and keigo are married and keigo, wings even more burned than in canon and completely unsuited for combat, being ordered to play along to keep an s-level villain out of the second war. Domestic fluff? More like domestic angst.
26. Arcane fix it au where instead of waiting then using the crystals, powder goes to topside to try and find out more about them immediately after vi leaves to turn herself in to the enforcers (so before vander gets captured) and walks into jayce and viktor discussing their problems on how to make hextech work. She offers them the crystals (instead of theirnstealing-the-equipment plan) and in turn they help her with the silco problem.
27. Ushiiwaoi au where all 3 of them were childhood friends that had a fallout in middle school
28. Ushiiwaoi soulmate au. (It's only ushioi who are the soulmates but with poly ending)
29. Kurokenhina soulmate au (once again only kenhina are soulmates, but with established kuroken and poly ending. Actually takes place in a different universe than the ushiiwaoi one despite being so similar)
30. Ushisaku single parent au. With wakatoshi as the single parent and "I don't like children" sakusa to "okay maybe I am okay with this one child" sakusa.
31. Short and sweet kenhina valentine's day oneshot
32. "An interesting team" kurodai canon-compliant summar camp fic
33. Kiyoyui 5+1 things fic
34. Another unvierse-hopping AU with an older himiko toga from a fix it universe (tho still pretty close to canon, only a few nicer endings) gets dropped in the canon timeline during the summer camp villain raid, decides to mess with her old friends a little bit, and accidentally fixes the universe.
35. "One step at a time" a tanakiyoyachi au where tanaka accidentally finds out about yachi's gay crush and they form the shimizu appeciation club, only for things to spiral from there.
36. Ushioi "ended up at the same college" fic. Featuring my favorite oc of all time, wakatoshi's american lesbian stepsister. She is here to be better at being gay than her brother and she is succeeding.
37. Iwakita + kurodaiyui + kenhina fantasy Siren + pirates AU where Iwaizumi Hajime loses his husband in a terrible storm. One year later, forced back to the same waters that the love of his life was taken from him, he boards the Nekoma with its strange heartbroken captain, and when shipwreck strikes a second time and they're crashed on an island, he swears he sees the face of his husband between the waves. (Aka all of karasuno plus kita died at sea and were reincarnated as sirens with little to no memories of their human past, until they are forced to face it)
And there are STILL more but i think i'm gonna leave it at that. Also I'm not tagging 37 people, holy shit. This chain ends with me, thank you very much.
Got tagged by @springkitten, tysm! <3
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many  people as you have wips. I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
i’ve got waaay too many wips, with almost all of them being darkfic (yes, it’s my niche), and in the interest of keeping myself safe from antis and harassment i shall take the liberty to omit most of those:
stray (mad dog: the dark, angsty choi kang-woo/kim min-joon fic that is 99% undernegotiated hatesex that is ultimately a disguise for hurt/comfort which i started a few days ago)
colors of absence (mctna)
limbo (mctna: the sequel for the seon-ho has amnesia fic)
sh ship + word ask meme (mctna: yes, i’m still working on those prompts from the ask meme, please forgive me for being so slow ;__;)
some way of being human (the crowned clown)
achilles heel (vincenzo)
gifset sh & blue (mctna)
gifset yi heon (the crowned clown)
Tagging @illwynd, @argents-huntress, @bienmoreau, @hedvig-ulrika, @sadviper, @rain-hat, @nubreed73, @fuckingfeatherine, @blueberry-cheese-pizza, @lvsifer, @lilsjames, @contagiousrhythminmybrain
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sasdavvero · 2 years ago
sasdavvero DabiHawks Series Masterlist
complete masterlist
unless specified, the ff are on Ao3
DabiHawks Chainsaw Man AU - ongoing [ita/eng]
canon stories: Run Away While You Can and Tutta Questione Di Sfiga
Run Away While You Can: 11 chapters, prequel for Tutta Questione Di Sfiga [ita-completed(11/11)/eng-completed(10/10)]
Tutta Questione Di Sfiga: 30/30, [ita] / Jinxed It! 8/30 [eng]
Warmth: two oneshots about Dabi's injuries [ita/eng]
Is This The Best For Us: one-shot, detail of chapter5 of RAWYC [ita/eng]
All The Time In The World: one-shot, post RAWYC, pre TQDS [ita/eng]
Red, Blue And Gray: one-shot, about Keigo and Touya's son (TW // self-harm) [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Illuso: one-shot, detail about Touya's belief in TQDS [ita]
Running (Away): short story about Fumiho (DabiHawks son) [ita]
Genitori Di Noi Stessi: Salvatore and Therapy lol [ita-ao3/ita-efp/Tumblr link]
Desperate Attempts: Fumiho-centric, TW // suicide attempts, [eng]
San Valentino 2022: Salvatore/Niccolò, Angst, Grief [Tumblr Post/ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
DabiHawks Possession AU - ongoing [ita/eng]
the canon [ita/eng] for this AU is being posted
Doomed From The Start: base story for the AU (29/63) [ita/eng]
Dancing: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, Fluff, just Fluff lol [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Realization: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, PWP (that's it lol) [ita-ao3/ita-efp]
Staying Up All Night (Thinking Of Nothing At All): two one-shots, Dabi/Hawks, character studies [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Need: one-shot, Keigo-centric, Dabi/Hawks, ch study [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Closeness: one-shot, POV 2nd person, Dabi/Hawks, Explicit, Introspection [eng]
Empty Promises: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks angst with a happy ending (kinda) [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Finally Able To Say It: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, just 500words of fluff lol [eng]
Strange: one-shot, possession/character study, MCD [ita-ao3/ita-efp]
DabiHawks Quirkless AU [ita]
Actor!Hawks and Tattoo Artist/Singer!Touya, still in development
Pretty Boy: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, SongFic, fluff and angst [ita]
Una Domanda: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, fluff [ita]
Non-Universe [ita/eng]
still in development
The Difference Between You And You: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, BodySwap Fic, smut, crack kinda, [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Identity: 2 chapters, completed, Non-Hawks-centric, character study, Non-Dabi in second chapter [ita-ao3/ita-efp/eng]
Everything I Want: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, PWP [eng]
His Own Name: one-shot, spinner/shigaraki/dabi/twice/hawks, crack treaterd seriously [ita]
DabiHawks Medieval AU
still in development
A Candlelight Dream: one-shot, Dabi/Hawks, PWP, dancing [ita-ao3/ita-efp]
In Another Life: one-shot, Kaina/Rei, angst, medieval/magic AU [eng]
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sasdavvero · 3 years ago
dabihawks medieval!AU with magic and patricide and slow burn friends to lovers to enemies to lovers again anyone?
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