#horse: polaris
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Made the girlies and their horses in the Sims 4 because I can't help myself
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saturnvs · 8 months
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guiding light
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 4 months
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some dgr doodles i did last night
ft: the toxic yuri enogiri au i have in my head where they were dating before the killing game started. throughout the actual game, kyoko has the vaguest recollection that she has some kind of deep connection with the mastermind behind it all, and junko is both rooting for and actively sabotaging her girlfriend by dropping hints about their relationship. which leads to some intensely disconcerting inner turmoil for kyoko as she tries to figure out what the hell she's gonna do when she uncovers the mastermind's secrets, and if she really wants to do that at all
and naegami horses ig
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polarissheriff · 7 months
*he takes that as a command and summons a shit ton of chickens
《He simply just doesn't let the chickens inside the house. The horses will get em eventually》
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bellasaraeternal · 8 months
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“Let your values guide you as you explore new things.”
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jacesbeloved · 2 years
for the kingdom: part II
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summary: being the youngest daughter of alicent, you hadn’t known what it was like to feel restraint until you had been betrothed to the eldest son of queen rhaenyra for a pact. for who? for the kingdom
pairing: jacaerys velaryon x targaryen!reader
warnings/notes: sexual innuendos, tension again, drunk jace and rude y/n, mild enemies/rivals to lovers, them arguing 60% of the time. (a/n: i haven’t read the part in the book w/ jace being in the north and w/ cregan so pls don’t come at me at the latter part <3 and also meraxes the dragon is alive yay)
part: I, II, III, IV
ftk taglist: @kentarosbaby @lady-ashfade @simrah1012 @mfrnchsk @sexualityisajoke @elsyyie @instabull @ephemeralninon @chrisevansgirlfriendsposts @mainstreambitchlife @alexandra-001 @writer-lee5 @nightly-polaris
jace taglist: @cosmicfairygirl @simrah1012 @lucerysvelaryonstan @lady-stark-winter-rose @moon1gt @aureliapappa @jcrsctrl @bobfloydluvsblackwomen
It was quite mind boggling to you how Jace managed to irritate you even more than your pre-wedding feast.
After telling you that both of you had to travel around Westeros, he only clarified now that you two would head north to Winterfell. Telling you there's no need to pack or choose your clothes to bring since he already had them tailor different clothes.
Your voice boomed around you and Jace's chambers, furiously ranting about your own style and preferences all the while, Jace stared at a random book he picked up on his cabinet.
"What do you even know about my clothing!?" You roared, glaring at your husband. "I'm well aware of your tastes and colors, beloved. No need to yell," Jace replies swiftly, his tone calm as if you weren't hysterical at him, loudly slamming the book shut.
"Rich green and white colored gowns, hand-sewn images of Meraxes on the cloth, golden accents and belts, emphasis on the bust area, curvy patterns. I may elaborate further if it pleases you." He started to list out before you could respond, each thing he mentioned describing your own collection of gowns perfectly. He stood from his seat, eyebrows arching in challenge as he saw the surprise in your eyes.
You scoff at him before leaving him in your room, walking out, and yelling at him to get on with the flight. Your husband followed quickly right after.
With your and Jace's bags loaded onto carts and horses set to journey to the north, you and him, along with the Kingsguards, head outside the walls of King's Landing to your dragons. Vermax was brought outside by dragonriders, while Meraxes, your dragon, lived outside. She didn't fit in the Dragonpit.
Your blank face slowly brightens as you see your dragon, and you smirk when you hear Jace marvel at the sight of her. "Meraxes is beautiful," Jacaerys comments, staring at the silver beauty that is your dragon.
Having been riding Meraxes since you were 12, you were quite proud of your dragon. Her silver scales that made her look white, her red eyes that made any person gulp in fear, and the fact it was first ridden by Rhaenys Targaryen, sister-wife to Aegon the Conqueror, gave you all the more boast.
You side-eyed him, getting a glimpse of his dragon before sighing. "Vermax is small, very much uglier as well."
Some of the kingsguards stifle a quiet chuckle at your comment while you smile sweetly at Jace. Your husband glared at you before scoffing.
"Truly such an honest woman, aren't you, my dear wife?"
"Only for you, my lovely husband," you grin, and he scoffs sarcastically before turning to his dragon. You did the same, patting the side of Meraxes' head as she mewled, the ground rumbling when she started moving.
You easily mount your dragon, pulling at the ropes cautiously and patting the base of its neck as it starts to rise. You see Jace rise the same way, his dragon roaring as well.
"I bid you a safe flight, my princess." Criston Cole spoke, bowing with respect. "And to you, Prince Jacaerys."
The both of you nod at him, your heads gliding as you glance at each other with squinted eyes, the wind blowing in your faces.
"May you reach Winterfell safely, my beloved," he says loudly, nodding at you.
"See you there." Was the only thing you replied before ascending with your dragon.
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Winterfell appeared to be much colder at night. The infamous grey direwolf that every person in Westeros recognizes greeted all of you inside the castle walls warmly, contrary to the cold environment surrounding it.
You walked the pathway of Winterfell with your head held high, meeting halfway with Jace after you and Meraxes had to take a detour. Your husband now wore a thick fur coat around him, placing a matching coat onto your shoulders after you arrived at his side.
Jace leans over to your side, breath fanning over your ear. "I see Vermax may be uglier, certainly faster though." He withdraws with a cheeky grin as the both of you arrive in the very heart of Winterfell, the courtyard.
The guards holding the Targaryen banners halted when you both did, facing the people of Winterfell as you and Jace did.
In one united motion, they all descended onto their knees, bending the knee to you both, bowing their heads out of respect. Jace inhaled a sharp breath before beckoning the lord up, his people following after.
"Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, Heir to the Iron Throne, and Princess Y/N Targaryen, his future Queen Consort, daughter of the late King Viserys, the first of his name."
"You honor us, Lord Cregan," Jace was the first to speak, smiling warmly at the older man before they hugged. "It is our honor to have you both in Winterfell," Cregan says, pulling away from Jace and kissing your hand.
You nod at Cregan's council, sisters, and children beside him, them bowing in return whilst Jace shook their hands.
"How long has it been, a decade? More than?" Cregan inquires, "I'm afraid more than, Lord Cregan. It's been quite some time, if I may say so myself." Jace says with sympathy.
While Jace had been conversing with Cregan, you let yourself stare at the people surrounding him. You're not really familiar with any of them; you haven't really known much about them aside from what's written in the books in the Red Keep and what you hear from your mother.
They all had a small smile as you looked at them; even the children looked happy, like they were excited to hear the prince and princess would come to their castle. Although, one of the men caught your attention.
A lowborn. His face was dirty and messy, blank expression, and his clothes were torn. He was haunting. You two locked eyes with each other, as everything else seemed rather irrelevant.
"Beloved, are you okay?" Your husband's hand lightly holds your arm, startling you a bit. You looked at him alarmed before your face softened, turning to Lord Cregan.
"I’m fine." You nod, smiling tightly at him. Jacaerys stared at you weirdly before nodding as well and turning back to Cregan.
The man clapped loudly, a jolly smile on his face as he spoke. "Well then! Let us have them settled and rested for the hunt tomorrow!" The rest of them clapped as well, slowly dispersing away as you heard your horses neighing, glancing to see your stuff being taken off of the carts.
Cregan led the both of you to the guest house himself after feasting for a bit, cracking jokes with you and Jace. He was actually much more jolly and warm than you had expected.
You enter first, a massive door opening up to a warm living room with a fireplace already burning in the middle. There were heads of wild animals decorating the walls, and a staple, the House Stark banner, in the middle of it all.
"We gave the princess her own table of sweets, we heard the princess loves that." Cregan directs your attention to a platter of fruits, crackers, and pies.
"That is well appreciated, Lord Cregan. Such thoughtfulness," you replied, nodding softly at him. Cregan nodded his head at you—a bit ambiguous, which made you and Jace confused a bit.
When he saw the way both you and Jace looked confused, he chuckled loudly. "Oh, are these the newlyweds that threw away tradition? I see why now, you two are still stiff with each other."
"My prince, go on, feed her." Cregan encourages, patting the other's back rather harshly, which made him lunge forward a bit.
Your forehead creased, looking at Jace to see what Cregan meant, and the man had the same amount of confusion as you did. He tried to utter something, but the smile on Cregan's face never faltered, now resulting in Jace laughing dryly and nodding, picking up a fork from the silver tray, cutting a piece of the pie, and gathering a big amount of cream on it.
You swallow harshly, wondering if that big of a pie slice is going to fit in your mouth. It was the side of a fist, and Jace had a grin on his face as he cut it.
"Say "ahh," my beloved," Jace holds up the fork, your eyes going over to Cregan, a proud smile on his face.
"There's, uh, there's a lot on it, husband," you chuckled at Jace, the man clearly knowing the smile on your face only meant a threat.
"You can take it, go on." You glare at him as the pie eventually dissolves in your mouth, surprisingly fitting. The sweet taste of the blueberries and the sweetness of the cream on top of it mixed so well. "Very good," Jace whispers, wiping the leftover cream on the side of your mouth.
You quickly swallow the pie down whole, quickly grabbing the fork from Jace as you cut an even larger piece than the one Jace made you eat. Cregan laughed loudly at this, thinking of it as a sweet interaction between the two newlyweds, but it was just both of you trying to shove pies down each other's throats.
There wasn't a second you wasted, after cutting the piece, you scooped it up on your fork, shooting the fork inside Jace's mouth as you ignored his nervous excuses.
"It's- Gods, it's really good. Thank you, Lord Cregan," Jace says while munching on the pie, grabbing a glass of wine to drink as he side-eyes you. "And you as well, my dear wife."
"Truly such a sweet couple," Cregan sighs, walking away to head upstairs. You smirk at Jace, hitting his side before following Cregan. Jace had clutched his side before following you. He led the two of you upstairs, where there were only two doors, one of which you recognized as the room with the chamber pot.
You look at Jace, trying to communicate with him with your eyes as he still holds his side now with a delicious cup of wine in his other hand. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw your glare, a jerk to your head to the door and he finally gets it.
"And, uh, this is our chambers then?" Jace asked, gesturing at the door.
"Ah, of course! This is where I hope the miracle would happen," Cregan winks at your husband, the latter freezing in place. "Rest easy now, my princess, prince, and be ready for the feast tomorrow! We have a hunt!" He bows at the both of you before excusing himself, leaving the two of you there now.
"Miracle," you grimaced, glaring at him while he rolled his eyes, ignoring you and opening the chamber's door for you.
The door revealed a beautifully lit and decorated room, warm fur all around, an incredibly large bed with fabric draped on the frame, and a dozen candles all around. The room had everything.
Your things had already been arranged inside the room when you saw your familiar knick-knacks and bottles by the mirror. Jace's things were also mixed in with yours, his black and red coats hang beside your green and white ones on a wooden hook.
Your hands quickly pulled open the cabinet, ready to lash out again at Jace when your mouth dropped.
The green color of your gowns was just as rich as you always liked, the amount of gold accents were just right, the appropriate buckles, buttons, laces, everything. Even the embroidered images of Meraxes were done well.
"Told you. A beaut, aren't they?" Jace smirks, joining you by your side to look at the extravagant dresses inside the cabinet.
You swallowed down the need for complaining in your throat, tonguing at your cheek before grabbing a hold of one of the gowns and inspecting it critically as if you had five sets of eyes. You had wanted to look at something to nitpick at, but none of them were ugly or imperfect.
"What now, Jacaerys? Do you want me to fall to my knees in front of you? Do you want me to smother you in kisses? Warm our bed? Tell me, I'd give it to you since you're such a darling for having such beautiful gowns tailored for me." Jace could hear the sarcasm even if he was deaf. The sarcastic look in your face contradicted your actions as you tried to give him lovestruck eyes while walking towards the bed.
"Does your family have a knack for drama?" Jace remarks. "You're welcome, Y/N. I see giving thanks is not your specialty."
You lay on the edge of the bed, your head lying beside Jace's figure. "I give thanks in different ways, Jace. Would you like to know how?"
The man's eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips, licking his own in a split second before standing up, the knock on the door making you both stand quick.
The door opens to reveal Lord Cregan's sister, holding a fruit basket. "I beg your pardon, my prince. I did not mean to interrupt you and your wife, my brother, Lord Stark, had just wanted me to give you these."
She smiled sweetly at him. The man reciprocates the smile as he takes the fruit basket gratefully, surprised at another basket. He inspects a few of the fruits in the front, glancing at you, who had been lighting a few candles before handing Sara an apple.
Sara furrowed her eyebrow at him, chuckling lightly at the prince as she waved her hand as a no.
"Go on." Jacaerys gives her his hand after she takes the apple. "I don't think we've been properly introduced to each other, I am Jacaerys-"
"I already know who you are, my prince. I am Sara Snow, Lord Cregan's sister," she replies, shaking Jacaerys' hand.
"I already know who you are as well, Lady Snow," The two laugh lightly before waving, Jace closing the door.
When he stepped back into the room, you still had your back to him, lighting your candles.
"So you prefer brunettes," you spoke quietly while fanning the matchstick you held, raising an eyebrow at him.
"You're taking an interest in my preferences, might I say you like me?" Jace replies, walking over to you to grab his clothes from his cabinet.
You laugh at him, side-eyeing your husband as he pulls off his shirt. "And you're always undressing in front of me, might I say you are hinting at something?" He halts his movement, turning to face you with his bare chest in front of you. His lips jutted out as he cocked his head to the side.
It was tempting to look down. It took every bit of control you had not to look at his body.
You had expected him to reply, but he doesn't. He merely looks at you from your head to your legs before taking the cup of wine he had set aside earlier on your dresser and drinking it, walking away from you.
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The whole hunt had been boring—mainly just Jace and Cregan laughing and drinking with each other, not paying you any mind. You hated being bored, so here you were, playing with three highborns from Winterfell for hours.
"A boar's arse? Just a peck?" One of the boys clarified with you, the other two were already thinking about how they'd get to do it.
"No, kiss a boar's arse also using your tongue. You must kiss its ass for two minutes. All four of us must be present for it to be valid," you explained once more, laughing to yourself when you saw them look at each other worriedly.
They nodded at you, making you laugh at how stupid they were. They even kneeled, swearing to you that they'd do their best. As if you'd actually let them ride Meraxes, you'd rather jump off of your dragon mid-flight than place another person with you on your dragon.
The maidens beside you looked scared but intrigued, anticipating whether or not they would actually do it.
"Oh, and, the boy that could do that and climb the broken tower in the middle of Winterfell, I'll bring him to King's Landing on dragonba-"
"I'm deeply sorry, my lords, my wife is not bringing anyone to King's Landing on dragonback," the familiar voice cuts you off, placing an arm around your shoulders while you roll your eyes. "If I may have a word with her, that would be splendid."
The three boys and maidens beside you all bowed to the prince, scurrying away while they still hoped your offer still stood. They wanted to ride a dragon that badly. You winked at one of the boys, nodding to him teasingly.
"A boar's arse, really, Y/N?" Jace spoke, disappointment in his tone, as he took a seat on the log beside you, holding a canteen of wine, courtesy of Cregan, as you expected.
"You should've seen earlier, one of them ate a rabbit raw after I told them I'd take them to see Meraxes—not even a ride, just see." You laugh at the memory, remembering the boy puking his guts out because of it.
You glance at Jace; he still has a disappointed look on his face. "Oh, come on, at least I'm keeping myself busy. What d'you want me to do, chatter with the maidens? Head back to the halls? This is honestly so boring, Jacaerys." You groaned while dramatically massaging your own forehead, even closing your eyes.
Jacaerys reciprocates the same gesture, probably even more stressed than you were after he'd been hearing your tricks and challenges to the mindless boys with you, seducing and playing with their feelings and desires.
"Do whatever you wish for entertainment, but leave the poor boys alone," Jace says, and you giggle at him, slowly cocking your head in his direction while batting your eyelashes. "Or else what?"
He turns to you, no longer stressed nor disappointed, but amused, "Do you really have to turn everything provocative?"
"I just asked what would you do if I did it again, how is that provocative?" He crossed his arms. "I am either provocative or dramatic, which of me do you like more?" You asked, crossing your arms as well.
"Isn't there a nice one of you?" You smiled at his question, one that he's always seen from you.
"Go kiss a boar's arse, my lovely husband."
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After the day-long hunt, a boar was piked on top of a fire, with rabbits and birds being roasted beside it as well. Dozens of Cregan's men had their tents set up, declaring that, as per Cregan's joyful experience with earlier's hunt, they'd sleep in the woods and continue tomorrow.
And there you were, laying inside your tent while studying the handle of your own sword, given to you by your father, Viserys.
"Keep it, be someone they don't want you to be." The words of your father echoed in your head, telling the story of your older sister Rhaenyra, who was forbidden to be a queen, told not to be one as it breaks the law. But your father didn't care; he still named her heir, and no one could do anything about it.
Not even your mother.
You sheathed it back, throwing it aside as you pulled a cushion underneath your head. Closing your eyes while the rest sang songs and danced around the fire. You didn't even know where your husband-
"There you are," speak of the devil.
A relieved sigh sounds from the entrance of the tent. You didn't need to look at the speaker, you already knew who it was.
"They're... They're asking for you, for the princess." Jace slurred his words, audibly drunk.
"So you came to me, the princess, your wife, because your companions are looking for me? Not because you just so happened to wonder about what I was doing?" Your voice came out gargled as you had your face planted on the cushion.
"And also to make sure you're not tormenting boys. Who knows, someone might just throw themselves in the fire, saying you'll give them a kiss if they do," you laugh at Jace's allegation, seeing that the alcohol has given him quite a different personality now.
Alcohol does change people, at least for a few hours.
You raise your middle finger at him from your back, and you feel him sit beside you. The rustling and clanking of glasses make you sit up. And there you saw that Jace wasn't only audibly drunk, he was the most obvious drunk you have ever seen. His eyes were puffy, his hair disheveled, his cheeks a light shade of red, and his lips in a pout as he took a sip of his wine once more.
If you knew any less, you'd actually think he was adorable right now. He looked like the type to read stories at night, but you knew better than to expect nice things.
Silence floats around the air between the two of you, him silently sipping on his wine all the while you watch him blankly, taking a sip of your own wine as well.
"Well then? I am alright here. You can go back to your companions and drink 'til you drop. Tell them to just drop you outside of our tent after." Jace nods however, he refuses to leave the tent. Making himself comfortable with a cushion.
"Can't I stay in our tent?" Jace furrows his eyebrows at you.
You groaned, slapping your hand onto your forehead. "There's no fun in our tent, Jacaerys."
"Who said that? Of course there is." He smiled. For a second, you thought something else, but then you see him holding a ball—various balls—and throwing them upwards in amusement as he tried to catch them again with the same hand he used to throw them.
You watch him entertain himself with some balls and wine while drinking some wine yourself.
"Oh, so you'd rather drink here with me, have fun with me?" you spoke. "That's... provocative," Jace replies, clearly drunk as he downs his wine, making you scoff.
"Do you want to see how provocative I can be, husband?" You whisper just enough for him to hear, and he gulps.
You stood up from your seat, walking slowly to the older man before sitting down in front of him. The two of you are now inches apart. You placed the cup somewhere, making sure it was far from both of you as you unclipped your coat, throwing it to your side of the tent as you were now left in your dress. You stood once more, swinging your leg over him as you straddled him, making sure there was still a decent amount of space between you two.
Jace froze completely, not sure what to do as he was intoxicated. His mind was hazy, drunk and nervous. This is the first time you two have ever been this close. You placed your hands on top of his shoulders, leaning in slowly.
You manage to give him a short kiss, his own lips moving subtly with yours as you taste the strong wine on his lips. Before you could fully close the distance between you two and continue, he spoke. "Don't."
hearts, reactions, replies, and reblogs are very appreciated if you liked the story! <3 ^w^
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The Carousel Kingdom - Artwork!
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Hello everyone!! I'm so, so excited to be given the chance yet again to do art for the @tss-storytime big bang this year! And I'm also incredibly excited to be able to work with the amazing @logarhythm-bees on their absolutely brilliant story - seriously, it's such a good read, I really recommend it!!!!
You can find the story here:
Virgil, average by-commission artist and studio-apartment resident, is fine with his life. Simple, predictable. Manageable. But a trip to find some new furniture with his best friend Patton turns into something far more complicated- a carousel horse turned prince, a fantasy world at his fingertips, and a rogue bandit on its throne. It doesn’t help that Patton’s taking to it like a fish to water, and Virgil’s feeling a lot more like a fish on the moon. Out of place, unprepared, and not enough limbs to be helpful. But the prince seems to have more faith in him than Virgil really understands.
AKA, Virgil just wanted a new couch, and now he’s reinstating the monarchy of an alternate universe. Fun for all!
Reblogs are appreciated - and please check out Polaris' work, it's such a fun fic :3
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crimson-chains · 8 months
If Yildun is the dark horse (unicorn? Horsedeer?), would that make Polaris the light dragon??
Def the newest creature takes mostly after Yildun and the Star Dragon is fully Polaris, so, you could think of it that way!! ^W^
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kedreeva · 11 months
your stories about your birds (especially Polaris) remind me so much of working with horses. “no, you stupid beautiful animal, I promise that that brick has always been there. it is not going to eat you. the shadow on the ground is yours and it cannot harm you.” dumb and pretty animals for the win
They only have so many stat points they can assign during character creation
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Illustration of Rich Black
𖤐Hello everyone Kuronians𖤐
Today I would like to tell you about the illustration Yanuzza did for the 15th anniversary of the series. The illustration in question was presented as the official visual of the Rich Black or the magnificent exhibition that perfectly summed up every facet of the work.Being a very complex illustration, that is probably why it was simplified in the G-fantasy magazine while still bringing the same atmosphere.In addition, the illustration we see in the magazine was the first idea she sketched, whereas, the Rich Black illustration she came up with by modifying the initial idea several times.
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Dwelling on Rich Black's illustration, we are immediately catapulted into a gloomy and cold atmosphere, where the figures of birds flying away certainly do not help to make this illustration more welcoming.We can say that the scene takes place on a chessboard where we notice the two protagonists in the foreground. Sebastian, and especially 'Ciel', are wearing very peculiar clothes, so peculiar that our attention lingers only on them.
Apparently Sebastian's tailcoat looks like the usual garment he always wears, but when seen up close, one can see that behind the back it has a black lace embroidery depicting a horned skull crowned with beautiful lilies. Just above the swallowtails one can see another lace decoration containing two buttons.The trousers, seemingly innocuous, have a side band with lace encrustations forming the Roman characters XV or the number fifteen.
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If Sebastian's look amazed you with its elegance, that of 'Ciel' is undoubtedly on another level. Starting from the jacket, you can see some very peculiar brooches, in fact each of them represents an arc from the manga. They are all placed on the jacket, except for one, namely the brooch that specularly represents two identical skulls. This brooch represents the Blue Memory arc and happens to be placed on the shoe. At first glance it might look like an anti-brother gesture, but in fact it is anything but, because in non-verbal communication it is the feet that are the most truthful body part. If we do not like someone unconsciously when they come towards us to talk to us we will not tilt our foot towards them, symbolising a kind of 'non-acceptance' rather we will turn away or something. Perhaps with this gesture Yanuzza wanted to emphasise the relationship he had, and has, with his brother, because despite everything he will always remain a part of him.As with the butler, we have the same skull motif with lace lilies on the jacket of the human puppy. The illustration, or rather, the clothes are so well-rendered and detailed that it is easy to get lost in the details, such as the dark train of 'Ciel' ending in skulls.
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Nevertheless, this is not the real message of the illustration, because the interesting part is behind it. It will not be very easy to explain this also because the illustration is so complex that it is not really easy to see the pawns. Yes, the pawns. Behind Sebastian and 'Ciel' there are several white pawns, not random pawns, this because we saw them in Emerald Witch where Yanuzza associated the colour white with the enemy.
White pawns
Bishop = Joker
Knight = Undertaker
Pawn = Doll
Queen = Victory
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In between Sebastian and 'Ciel' we can see a strange pawn, this because it is missing a piece. The pawn in question is actually that of Undertaker, the horse, whose head they 'decapitated'.On either side we can see the pawns associated with Joker and Ciel in a strange pairing... Joker is on 'Ciel's side, while Ciel on Sebastian's side. Indeed, our count has exterminated the Noah's Ark Circus and surely Joker (perhaps Polaris) will want revenge. As for Sebastian, well... he's the cause of Ciel's death and I don't think there's anything more to add. Behind the human cub is the queen's pawn, obviously associated with Victoria, but unlike the side pawns, it seems to be going the way of the horse, since it's in an unsteady position that suggests an imminent crash. Even its position does not seem coincidental, considering the great power Victoria has over 'Ciel'.
The scenario of this illustration almost seems to announce a battle, a battle that 'Ciel' will face head-on and with confidence given the way it is drawn. For the first time, we have a young man with his legs spread wide apart, in a commanding position of confidence, as if marking territory. Perhaps later Yanuzza will show us a new 'Ciel'? After all, he still has to take back his villa.
Even in this illustration we have two readings: the first is on the two protagonists who, with their peculiar clothing, not only distract us from everything else, but also bring attention to the essence of Kuroshitsuji, giving us a broad vision of the series.The same vision we had in Rich Black where each story arc had its own corner with exclusive panels, unpublished plates and more.The second reading is in the background and, unlike the first, here we do not have a focus on the series in general but on what could be a hypothetical future of the events of the manga.
If you are curious to see more of my posts, you can find me on IG as Kuroshitsuji_itaru 😈
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midnight-in-town · 1 year
Orphanage of livestock
Alrighty, buckle up guys, time for another very cringy theory. :D Big thanks to my friend @dorkshadows for all our discussions about the current arc; this arc is really making us wrack our brain for ideas. xD
To start, here's a reminder as to where we stand vis à vis bizarre dolls:
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UT first used to edit those corpses' cinematic records with fake memories he made during the Campania arc, but it quickly changed during the Weston arc to "longing for the future"...
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...which are "incomplete fragments that the dead crave about the future they were to have had". Since UT didn't explain anything new ever since, it's likely that the records are still being edited with this method in the current arc.
Then, with the blue sect arc, we were introduced to the use of blood transfusions as "fuel" for the bizarre dolls' longevity...
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...and our!Ciel's side set out to crash these collect operations in order to weaken the Undertaker and real!Ciel's side.
Mey Rin's investigation confirmed the existence of one blood collect site...
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and so did Bard's:
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However, in Finny and Snake's investigation, while the orphanage did sort the children into 4 groups too, the elder siblings pointed out that...
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...not only have they never any blood drawn from them, but the orphanage is rather forcing them to attend classes, in order to develop their "aptitude" based on the tests they took when they arrived. Most importantly, when Ginny fledged, the chief of staff said...
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...that "the aptitude honed there will make contributions to the world" (as a child with Corgi aptitudes, Ginny's classes were about physical activities "like gymnastics or horse riding").
Investigating Ginny having fledged, that's when Finny, Snake and the elder siblings discovered yet another lab (very similar to the one in Sphere music hall) with evidence of blood collection, but also of organ collection.
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So, since this arc with Finny and Snake heavily parallels the circus arc, I was wondering if the purpose of dissecting these poor kids was similar to what Kelvin and the doc did with the kids they abducted:
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In other words, whoever is behind this operation (UT is involved, but he might not be the only Shinigami deserter behind this) are maybe killing the kids to collect blood but also many different organs, so that they can probably upgrade their latest bizarre dolls (both in body and record).
Under read more for additional explanations/speculations:
1) the orphanage collects the children's organs to physically upgrade BDs ?
Most likely by grafting new organs or body parts (taken from the orphanage kids who fledged) on bizarre dolls who need them.
For example, considering the Polaris = Joker theory: back in the circus arc, Joker said:
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and then Seb cut his second hand. Yet, when Polaris attacked Agni (who was quite strong), Agni noticed that...
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...his opponent was very quick and strong. So if Polaris is indeed Joker, then it's likely BD!Joker has new strong arms.
Additionally, crack thought, but we witnessed both Doll and real!Ciel suddenly collapsing, which we automatically linked to needing more blood to keep on functioning, but if they really got new organs from those kids, then maybe...
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...the issue we witnessed isn't anemia, but some sort of graft versus host disease? Or both lmao. (I'm totally reaching here)
2) the orphanage also collects the children's organs to gain more sponsors ?
Additionally to the Bizarre Dolls, these organs could be used to gain more sponsors, similarly to Bravat who used to provide blood transfusions to parliamentarians who suffered from kidney failure:
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Only rich folks would have enough money to buy organs if they needed it, so they'd make good sponsors for this super expensive BD project.
Of course, the risk of graft v. host disease would be very high as well but, since Othello said "they learnt more than they ought to have" upon visiting the Sphere music hall's lab (ch125), maybe they figured out about how to make a successful graft, on top of blood types ? (Or, most likely, the ones running this clown show just don't care about their sponsors dying once they've gotten the money ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ exactly like Bravat who killed the parliamentarians)
3) the orphanage collects the children's organs for experimentation
This would explain why Finny finds a lot of similarities between this orphanage and the German lab by which he was experimented on for enhanced strength.
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Additionally, this would explain Snake's weird comment on "orphanages being terrible places", if he too was also experimented on as a child (which is how and why he understands snakes) :
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Lastly, back to the Polaris = Joker idea, Agni mentioned that Polaris had "unimaginable strength". As we know, Agni was one of the strongest characters, so for him to qualify his opponent as "unimaginably strong", it is likely that Polaris has some kind of enhanced strength.
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So do they research about enhancing human (or bizarre doll) strength or longevity? Or is it research on cinematic records? Your guess is as good as mine but, as already proved with the circus arc, no one will miss these orphans...
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...making this "the best recycling scheme" one can think of. T_T
4) the orphanage assigning orphans to classes based on aptitude tests is used to upgrade BD's records or lack of soul:
The kids are sorted into 4 groups based on the aptitude test they took. Literally quoting the manga:
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Mastiff kids learn reading, writing and skills needed to be senior servants managing large manors
Corgi kids specialize in physical activities
Collie kids learn all the skills to make a living as a domestic servant and martial arts
Pomeranian kids (kids who scored the highest on the tests) study latin, maths and games
These orphans are told they are saved and then to envision their future based on their aptitude and what they're forced to learn in their respective classes. This is probably done so that they will develop very specific "longing for the future" which, again, are "incomplete fragments that the dead crave about the future they were to have had".
So, once they fledged and are killed, their "longing for the future" are probably extracted and used one way or another. Since the records are already edited, the goal behind this might be to create some sort of a soul substitute, as hinted by Jane in the Heathfield investigation arc:
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and it sure would explain why the chief of staff said the aptitudes can contribute to the world:
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That's why something like a change in the afternoon tea menu of the pomeranian kids (from lemon drizzle cake to lemon tart) would actually matter, because taste is probably one of the parameters that can influence the "shape of a soul" or something.
There are 4 groups in the orphanage; in the previous investigations that mostly meant 4 blood types, but this time it might mostly mean 4 star lords:
Mastiff kids for used for Polaris, who defines himself as a butler (he's not real!Ciel's butler tho++) (Joker?)
obviously Pomeranian kids are used for Sirius (real!Ciel)
For Canopus and Vega, it's a bit trickier, but I propose Corgi kids for Vega/Layla, despite her probably being high born, because she worked as a nurse helping veterans with rehabilitation, which looked like this :
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This leaves Collie kids for Canopus...
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even if Canopus' true identity is really the least obvious one right now. FYI, some Japanese speaking fans have discussed that Canopus is the maid Jane and she indeed worked as a maid and knew how to fight, so it fits (I personally have another theory in mind for Jane, but Canopus!Jane definitely has some basis). If not Jane (or Doll, like some fans keep saying), Canopus can still appear during Seb & Ciel's investigation, so we'll just keep these details about Collie kids in mind.
I'm sure the truth behind Snake & Finny's investigation, as well as the next one with Ciel and Seb, will provide us with more hints about how the bizarre dolls and, more specifically, the star lords are becoming more and more perfect. So far this post is what I can guess with what we were given.
TL;DR in many possible ways, the ones behind this arc (besides UT, I mean) are preying on these poor kids and making use of every parts of them (blood, organs and maybe even their longing for the future).
That's why giving them mistletoe when they reach fledging day is so ironic...
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...because they really suck every "nutrient" possible from these kids until they die.
Not gonna lie, it doesn't look good at all for Theo. He's headed straight for real!Ciel... ://
Kudos if you read all that, I hope it was as clear as possible! As always, thoughts in comments or reblogs are welcome! :D
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velvetlaceee · 6 months
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Introducing Polaris - Pandora’s horse. Since Pandora’s parents bought Polaris for Pandora as her Christmas gift, they both were inseparable. When Pandora decided about moving to the big city - San Myshuno, she couldn’t leave Polaris in Chestnut Ridge, and took her with herself. Now Polaris is staying at Windenburg Stables owned by Pandora’s friend mother, and visit her dear horse as often as she can..
pandora’s friend - lottie by @softflowerr lot; hidden path by @starrysimsie thank u to the cc creators! @enriques4 @daylifesims @joliebean @kd89-3dstudios @seoulsoul-sims
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saturnvs · 5 months
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polaris; guiding light for lost horses
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echoarts · 3 months
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Horses have overtaken my brainnnn
Meet Princess Polaris Lunella Moonbeam, or just Iris, the daughter of my OC Star Gazer and my version of Princess Luna :) (Her parents are under the cut for reference)
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By the way Iris wasn't born an alicorn, she earnt her wings like the rest through finding and perfecting a spell to return her mother Star Gazer to life since she died long before the show began
For context Iris was born right before Luna became Nightmare Moon and was kept in magical time stasis as a newborn. She was found by Celestia and freed from the stasis the same day Twilight was born and they grew up together learning magic under Celestia.
Star Gazer lived out her natural lifespan without her wife or daughter but put all of her magic into an artifact hidden alongside Iris as a last ditch attempt to maybe return to them in the future
Iris is the princess of the star/space
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polarissheriff · 7 months
╭┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ- Dalv was navigating through the cornfield before eventually finding the farm. ❝ ..Polaris? May I speak with you for a bit? ❞
╰┈➤ [@integrityvictim]
☆-- Oh, hey Dalv.
《He patted Cassi and let the horse walk off. She knew where to go》
☆-- Sure, we can talk. What's on yer mind?
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abybweisse · 1 year
how do you think the Undertaker will go about these soul transplants? Unlike blood, souls are much more abstract in nature and can't just be (if I may put it to bluntly) be sucked out of someones body and pumped into someone else. But regardless, his plan is doomed to fail and I just hope that he's not gonna die in the end :(
⚠️ Long post ⚠️
Soul transplant "surgery"
It would definitely be more surgical-like than sucking it out and pumping it in. Less like blood transfusions and liposuction... and more like an organ transplant.
To humans, a soul would be ethereal, but to demons and reapers it's likely something they can hold, just about as easily as a kidney or heart. Maybe not quite that physically tangible but nearly. How else would reapers be able to collect them and demons be able to eat them?
And why else would Jane, Heathfield, and that matron at F. O. L. talk about making souls match, sometimes even referring to their shapes?
I think of souls in the Kuroverse being somewhat moldable but only to an extent. In Jujutsu Kaisen, the curse Mahito doesn't seem to be able to create souls, but he can definitely manipulate/reshape souls; when he changes the shape of a soul, it actually changes the shape of whatever body it's in. If he is injured, instead of healing himself, he just preserves or reshapes his own soul to fix the injury; he can even replace lost limbs this way.
In the Kuroverse, reapers cannot make souls, either. Reapers don't even have Mahito's soul-shaping abilities. That's why Undertaker has this orphanage running "clinical trials". They start out with children because they are less set in their ways; they are more moldable. First, they are separated into four classes, based on blood type. That's the first level of compatibility.
They also take those "aptitude" tests about favorite animals, foods, etc, but choosing the "wrong" answers on those tests doesn't get you placed in another class, since class is ultimately based on blood type. What they do is force kids who have the blood type but lack the same preferences to get used to those things that are expected of their "aptitude". Some of them never fit the mold:
Ginny (Corgi) still didn't particularly like horses.
Nick (Pom) wants to play outside and prefers foods served to the other classes.
Daniel (Collie) can't stand wearing a dress or doing so-called "women's work".
Milly (Collie) doesn't like the food served to "her" class. (Staff refers to Milly as a girl, so Milly might otherwise fit the aptitude pretty well, unless it's a translation error.)
These students who make poor candidates end up being used for blood and possibly some organs.
The top students match not just the blood types but also the "aptitudes" of their respective star lords:
Theo probably likes being indoors, likes dogs, likes the menus for the Pomeranian class (probably prefers strawberry cake over chocolate), likes to read and play chess, etc. He's smart and charming, too.
Oliver is shy and tries to make it seem like he's not a good match, but that's only because he knows something is wrong. But he's a good cook (when he's paying attention) and his embroidery skills are top notch. He seems skilled in the martial arts they learn. He must not care too much what he wears. He likes the food that the Collies eat -- or he just doesn't complain -- and he probably adores whatever animal Layla likes best.
Artie is stubborn and might not like some aspects of being in Mastiff class, but he doesn't complain, since he thinks/thought the orphanage is/was his only chance of finding a decent job later. He probably likes whatever animal Polaris likes best. He doesn't mind hard work. He takes pride in what he does and keeps the other students in line, even if they aren't in his class.
Mabel must like horses (though that option isn't on the aptitude test), sports/athletics, and being outside. She likes whatever animal Doll likes best, possibly the weasel. She eats what's served to her class. She's friendly and outgoing.
These are the four kids most likely to be used for not just blood and organs... but also their souls. It's particularly bad that in ch204 they've all now been caught snooping around the orphanage. They officially know too much now about the place. (Gee, thanks, Emily. 🙄)
Theo was about to be fledged, but now all four top students could get "mass fledged". I hope any attempt to kill them off fails! I don't want Undertaker to use their souls for the star lords.
He might have already tried with earlier candidates that seemed to fit their aptitudes well, but they didn't work out as hoped. And he could eventually try with our earl (for real Ciel, of course). Theo might survive simply because Yana-san wants Undertaker to feel forced to combine the twins, like as some last resort.
But what would a soul transplant procedure actually look like?
That's your main question. We don't know much about the nature of souls in the Kuroverse, especially in manga canon. We just know that the anime staff for s2 let Claude steal "Ciel's" soul and keep it in a ring in a tin of tea leaves. He also traps Alois/Jim's soul in a ring. It's not explained how he does that... or how he transfers these souls back out of the rings and into bodies. We do know that the concept of soul shapes exists in s2, or at least compatibility based on similar life experiences; Claude reinforces the similarities between "Ciel" and Alois/Jim before combining both souls into one body. Again, the how isn't explained.
No telling whether Undertaker will ever explain how to transfer a soul from one body to another, but he might also use some device as a temporary vessel. A hair locket, perhaps. The new soul would need to "fit" the shaped "hole" left behind by the soul that's gone. If the fit isn't just right, the person is likely to behave erratically or maybe even become lethargic -- some sort of physical reaction that shows it's not working right. Could even be the person spouting nonsense or screaming in agony. Such reactions would suggest the person is experiencing some form of existential crisis or something, right? Struggling to separate body from soul. Worst case scenario might be the person trying to rip out the soul but in reality they just rip themselves apart. These different reactions are basically organ rejection... but against souls instead of a kidney or liver.
If the soul matches well enough, the person might start to behave pretty much the same as before they ever died, though they might develop certain quirks they didn't have before.
It would be interesting -- dreadful, but interesting -- to see our earl's soul placed into the body of real Ciel, since it's been emphasized they are mirror twins. Presumably, their souls mirror each other, too. If that's true, then our earl's soul would essentially have to be implanted backwards/faced the opposite direction. This could lead to a particularly dangerous mismatch!
When Undertaker is finally confronted again (by our earl and Sebastian, as well as by reapers), he's likely to eventually be forced to give up, if he doesn't just fight to his own death. By then, his experiments are likely to have failed, in some way. Sadly, his chances of surviving the series are pretty low. He might even end up on Othello's examination table. 😔
Truth is, what does Undertaker have left, if this all-consuming project is a major failure? Where does he go? What does he do? His doomed end is almost an inevitability, in terms of storytelling traditions....
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