#branwen kingstone
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What do you mean I'm "the wrong kind of Goth?"
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chungledown-bimothy · 11 months
top 5 old men that ensure your status as Mutual 4
you know what yeah that's fair lmao
but the thing is, there are a couple ways this could be interpreted. top 5 old men i want to fuck, or top 5 old men i post about wanting to fuck. but in posting the first, it becomes the second. so we'll do it that way.
1- kingston brown. perhaps an unexpected first choice, but he uses command a lot. and lou constantly delivers on lines/speeches that are just so damn hot. we need to talk about pete, his conversation with robert moses, etc.
2- lapin cadbury. priest kink. the scene with the sugar plum fairy in episode 1 is hot i don't make the rules. priest kink. (edit: i assumed where's your bulb now and the bulb cares for no one didn't need to be mentioned, but i changed my mind they should be talked about constantly. they make me short circuit jesus christ he's so hot)
3- qrow branwen. the juxtaposition of his depressed bisexual alcoholic energy with how he absolutely wrecks shop in a fight is extremely attractive. absolute wet kitten of a man who could fuckin obliterate me? smash. (honestly he's not higher on the list only because 40 is debatable for old man or not)
4- trent crimm. sarcastic judgemental faggot who lives for gossip with a great wardrobe and perfect hair.
5- rupert giles. any buffy fan gets it, i don't need to explain.
(hmm i think i have more of a thing for voices than i previously thought. also we're ignoring that 2 of these are fathers and one is, first and foremost, a father figure for the protagonist.)
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queersrus · 2 months
request for cottagecore + sad-ish? id pack? please + thanks!
here's my attempt!
assuming id pack includes more than just the usual npts i'll throw in a few cottagecore and sad related labels i found
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ambrose, amos, ansel, acacia, ada, adelaide, arwin/arwen, ava, avery/averie, aviva, amaranth, able, arbor, art, arty/artie, asher, ainsley, acheron, adalia brandy/brandi, branwen, billie/billy, bryony, bill, banner, booker, bram
barley, brion, brian, bryce chloris, chandra, cyrene, cayenne, cade, clyde, chester, cliff denna, diana/dianna, diona, donna/dona, derby, dallas, danica, daphne, dixie, dawn, dylan
edmund, elenore, elodie, eudora, elenore/eleanor, ebony, erica, eila, eira, eve, eithne, everlee, elize, eliza, elizabeth, everlyn, elwood, emerson, elowen finnegan, freddy/freddie, frederick, fallin/fallon, florance/florence
fable, frank, frankie/franky, franklin/franklyn, faine, filbert, finneas ginny/ginnie, gale, georgia, george, georgina, granger halcyone, hana/hanna/hannah, harriet, harry, hayley/hailie/hailey, halie/hallie, heather, harlowe/harlow, harrow, hadar, hawl, hayes,
huck, holden, huso ilana, illiana/iliana, ingrid, ivory jane, janet/janette, jesse/jessie, josie, jose, jack, jackie, jackson kingston, kodi/kodie, kodiak, kylan
lupin, lian, liana/lianna, liane/lianne, linc, linden, lyle, lucius maisie, matilda, maude, mabel, merle, marin, mica/mika, mason/macon, martin, miller, miles nellie, nyssa, ned, nick, ness
opholia, oliver, olive, olivia, oleander, odell, oriel, oscar paisley, poppy, posie, phineas, parker rose, rosemary/rosemarie, rosy/rosie, rory, rosette, rosetta, rue, rosabel/rosabell/rosabelle, rosa, rosabela/rosabella, rosella, rosaria,
rosario, rob, robert, ray, reed, ridge, ryland, rowan, roan shiloh, sharon, scarlet/scarlett/skarlett, sam, samantha, samuel, sunny/sunnie, sawyer, shaw, shay, steve, stevie, stevia, sorell/sorrell, seb, sebby/sebbie, sebastian, saddie/sadie, sade
theodore, theo, tori, toria, tamie/tammie, tawny, terra, timber, tim, timothy, tanner, teddy/teddie, trevis/travis, trevor, tyler, tristan/tristin, tristah/trista, trystia verginia, vicky/vickie, victor, victoria, viola, violet/violette,
violeta/violetta, valerian, vernon winnie, willa, winston, winifred, winslow, will, william, willow, wade, wagner, warren, watts, watson, wilhelmina yvonne, yves zephyr/zephyre, zara, zinnia, zion
appleyard, ashton, ashwood baker, brookstone, butterfield catkin, cobbler, cooper, copper, copperwood, copperfield, crestfallen dogwood, direwood, direbrook, direfield, desperfield, downyard
doleman fenlon, falkner, forlorn greenwood, greenfield, golding, goldwood, goldfield, griefman, griefwood, gardner
hilbrook, holbrook, heath, horsewood, horsefield, hawksley, harrowing, hawkswood, hawthorne, hawkner, hawkfield, holloway, hallowood
larken, limewood, lockhart, lovejoy mourner, mournwright, mournman nettleship
plowman, penrose, penwright redbrook, rosedale, redwood, rosewood, redfield summerfield, sweetnam, seawright, sorrowfield, sorrowbrook, shamewood, shamewright
thacker, thatcher westfield, wainwright, write/wright, wagonwright, woodsman, wyrmwood/wormwood, winterwood, winterrose, wretchwood, wretchman
system names:
the cottagecore *system, the sorrowful system, the melancholic cottage system, the mourning flowerbed system, the gloomy garden system, the tearful system, the harvest system
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1st p prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ci/cotte/cottagy/cottagine/cottageself hi/he/hy/harvestine/harvestself gi/garde/gardy/gardine/gardenself si/sade/sady/sadine/sadself si/sorre/sorry/sorrowine/sorrowself mi/me/mely/melancholine/melancholyself
2nd p prns: you/your/yours/yourself
co/cottager/cottagers/cottagerself ho/harvester/harvesters/harvesterself go/gardener/gardeners/gardenerself so/sader/sadders/sadderself so/sorrower/sorrowers/sorrowerself mo/melancholer/melancholers/melancholerself
3rd p prns: they/them/theirs/themself
co/cottage, cott/age, cot/cottage, cot/tage, cottage/cottages, cottage/core har/vest, ha/harvest, harv/est, harvest/harvests gar/den, gar/garden, garden/gardens, garden/core farm/core sa/sad, sad/sads, sa/ad, sad/sadden, so/sorrow, sor/row, sorr/ow, sorrow/sorrows, sorrow/sorrowful mel/melancholy, mel/ancholy, melan/choly, melancholy/melancholies, melancholy/melchancholic
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the weeping gardener, the mourning farmer, the sad cottage dweller, the melancholic planter, the sorrowful woodsman
**one who lives a sad cottage life, one who mourns within ones cottage, one who weeps amongst ones gardens, one who copes with sadness through cottage life
book titles:
the sad little cottage, a melancholic villager, the weeping willows, the mourning garden, the sorrows of an old cottage, a pitiful harvest
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cottagegoric(link), cafdreamian(link), cottagecrittean(link), cottagecoric(link), Cálidatierramielgender(link)
orientations: (n/a)
cottagecore bpd(link)
many can be found by searching cottagecore genders/mogai/liom as well, there are many versions of cottagecore flags especially for lgbt related labels so they should not be hard to find if you feel like looking!
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*system can be replaced with any alternative (ex. cluster, collective, hoard/horde, etc)
**one can be replaced with any prn
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pandoriasmostwanted · 10 months
SSO Ask Game
Does your OC(s) have any talents or skills that aren't related to horses?
I'll go first
Ylva is a prolific writer and is writing a book series. She also keeps a diary.
Phoenix plays bass guitar and also likes to bake.
Branwen is a witch apprentice and makes charms
Calamity helps out around the circus, and has a solo act
Hayden is an apprentice blacksmith and used to help her parents make jewellery
Lorelei sings a lot, it used to just be for survival, being a siren, but now she sings for fun as well
Aida is really into law and debating, she wants to be a lawyer one day
Blake spends a lot of time with the Rangers and has become quite adept at bushcraft, she also whittles
Persephone is a model and actor
Drew used to do ballet as a child, and even though he doesn't perform anymore after transitioning he still occasionally does dance in the privacy of his home
Max is new and I haven't figured out too much about him yet, but I do know he plays the harmonica
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Thank god for the Silverglade councilman because I'm 90% sure without him I would have been rejected just for the way Branwen dresses.
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pandoriasmostwanted · 8 months
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
SSO OC Ask Game!
Reblog with a song that you always associate with your oc(s)? Doesn't have to be their theme song, just a song that makes you think of them when you hear it.
I'll start us off
Ylva - Queen of Kings by Alessandra
Everyone else under the cut!
Phoenix - The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
Branwen - Ghost Love Score by Nightwish
Calamity - Circus by Britney Spears
Lorelei - Siren Song by Maruv
Blake - Like It Like That by Guy Sebastian
Persephone - The Fame by Lady Gaga
Aida - Burn by Ellie Goulding
Drew - That's What I Want by Lil Nas X
Morgan - Ghost of a Rose - Blackmore's Night
Hayden - When the Hammer Falls by Clamavi De Profundis
Max - Leave Me Lonely by Hilltop Hoods
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pandoriasmostwanted · 3 months
Branwen + Darko in a room ignoring each other while simultaneously trying to out-goth each other
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pandoriasmostwanted · 4 months
hii for your oc asks :0 you can pick the oc/s (though i am personally most curious about calamity/branwen, so eyes emoji)
(if it's too many, only answer the ones you like best :3 )
💝, 💙, ☕, ⚡, 🐰, 🦷
This is gonna be fun because Branwen and Calamity are like polar opposites.
💝 How much effort do they put into their appearance? Do they have a favourite article of clothing?
Branwen puts more effort into her looks than Calamity, who is just a chaotic mess. Branwen prefers comfort over style and always wears dark colours, black especially. I would say she probably takes about 15-30 minutes get ready each day. Calamity doesn't give a single fuck about human fashion trends and just wears the most obnoxiously bright clothes, even if the colours or patterns clash.
💙 Describe their bedroom! Is it personalised, unchanged? Messy, neat?
Branwen is kind of a neat freak, her room is pristine. She lives with her mentor, Mrs Holdsworth, so her room is quite small, but she utilises the space well. She has a basket in the corner of her room for her cat to sleep in, various posters of musicians on the wall above her bed, a desk tucked into the corner opposite of the cat's basket, her bed along the same. There's also a recessed wardrobe and a floor cabinet that houses her witch supplies.
Calamity just sleeps in a caravan at the circus that Ydris conjured up for her and it is absolutely filthy in there.
☕️ What is their preferred beverage?
Branwen is a coffee person, but will occasionally drink tea if Mrs Holdsworth makes it so they can do leaf readings.
Calamity is a soft drink fiend. Ydris has forbidden energy drinks after "The Incident".
⚡️Does this oc have any unusual or "irrational" fears?
Branwen isn't really scared of anything per se, she's just aware of things.
Calamity's fear is the unstoppable marching of time that is leading us all to an inevitable death.
Bonus: Ylva's biggest fear is Calamity.
🐰 How huggable is this oc?
Branwen is not very huggable, if you ever get anything more than a handshake from her consider yourself lucky.
Calamity is very huggable! She's extremely tactile and loves physical contact with other people.
🦷 Would this oc ever bite someone?
Branwen would not let anyone get within biting range ever
Calamity bites as a greeting
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Made the girlies and their horses in the Sims 4 because I can't help myself
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How my characters are doing at camp western:
Blake + Phoenix: Actual cowgirls who know what they’re doing and doing a phenomenal job
Ylva: Being mauled by 30 wolves and one bear
Calamity: Hoarding gold like Gollum hoarding the ring
Branwen: Refusing to step foot in the Firgrove area for fear of her life
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
🐾 answered here
🛋 [COUCH W/ LAMP] -> Where does your Original Character live? As in, where do they reside - one of the many stables across the Jorvegian Peninsula, or do they own an apartment/home within one of Jorvik's Cities?
Ylva - She lives in a cottage in Silverglade
Phoenix - She lives in the workers accommodations at Starshine Ranch
Branwen - She currently lives with Mrs Holdsworth, but is looking for a new place
Calamity - She lives at the circus, and shares a trailer with Ydris
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
two people, butterfly, stars, trophy! -sleepytimestables
👥 answered here
🦋 [BUTTERFLY] -> Does your Original Character belong to any of the organisations or groups on Jorvik - Dark Core, the Keepers, the Rangers, the GED, one of the Stables, etc.?
Ylva - She's not as inducted into the Keepers of Aideen as much as they'd like her to be, since Ylva wants to keep some semblance of independence. She also helps out the Rangers a fair bit.
Phoenix - She works at Starshine Ranch and and because of her girlfriend she ends up helping out the Rangers a lot.
Branwen - Generally keeps to herself, aside from annual coven meetings. Wants to learn more about the Vala but that's about it.
Calamity - Only affiliated with the circus
✨️ [STARS] -> Does your Character have any powers? Including anything beside what is known from current SSO Lore (the Circles, etc.)
Ylva - She's a reincarnation of a goddess and has the powers of all four Circles
Phoenix - She probably has some latent magical powers, but hasn't realised them yet. As far as she knows, she's a regular human
Branwen - She's a witch apprentice and has ancestry among the Vala, so once she gets a handle on her magic she'll be a real magic powerhouse
Calamity - Her magic is a bit screwy, due to her being Pandorian
🏆 [TROPHY] -> Is your Original Character known across the island? Are they known for something specific, e.g. how Lisa is a musician and Anne a dressage rider, etc.
Ylva - She's not as well known in the dressage world as Anne, but she's getting there. She's also fairly well known in lower eventing circles
Phoenix - She's pretty well known for her trick riding and mounted shooting in Western circles, and to a lesser extent, known for her main career as an animal trainer for films and tv shows
Branwen - No, she keeps to herself, and no one has any reason to know who she is and she'd like to keep it that way
Calamity - She's not famous by any stretch, but she does occasionally get recognised by people who have been to the circus
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
🐾⚔️ for all of them :)
🐾 [PAW PRINTS] -> Does your Original Character own any pets? If so, how many and what kind?
Ylva - Basically owns a private zoo at this point, she has so many animals. Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds you name it, she probably has it.
Phoenix - Also owns a lot of animals, but she trains animals for tv and movies
Branwen - has a small flock of ravens, and a cat. The ravens are named after the Addams Family and the cat is named Salem
Calamity - she has a seagull named Fripp :)
Lorelei - doesn't have any pets in the traditional sense, but she does take care of the animals that live in her lake
Blake - co-owns Phoenix's animals because they're together <3
Persephone - she has an African bush viper that is basically a glorified house plant
Aida - she has a black and white cat named Oreo
Drew - doesn't have the time for any pets, but if he did it'd be something low maintenance like a ball python
Morgan - her dad is a wildlife rehabber, so they're not pets, but she does spend a lot of time around animals
Hayden - she has a Rottweiler mix puppy named Libby
Max - no pets currently, but I could see him getting a rabbit or guinea pig.
⚔️ [CROSSED SWORDS] -> What is your Original Character's relationship to Dark Core, their Riders, and Garnok in general?
Ylva - Even though they're supposed to be enemies, Ylva kind of pities the Dark Riders. She can't help it, it's just who she is. In another lifetime she feels they could be friends. Thinks Darko is a pathetic wet cat and Mr Sands is a loser, though.
Phoenix - Tries to ignore them mostly, she's tired of the emotional whiplash they give her between flirting and attempted murder.
Branwen - No real feelings either way about them, though she did turn down their offer to recruit her. She did once have a violin battle with Katja though.
Calamity - Was briefly part of Dark Core, but they kicked her out because she was too annoying. She still shows up every now and again because they refuse to update their security. She also broke their portal by accident.
Lorelei - Doesn't like Dark Core, she despises what they're doing to the environment, and is personally responsible for that scar on Sabine's face
Blake - Basically ignores Dark Core.
Persephone - Had a Raptor-esque experience with Dark Core briefly before she broke off their contract and has ignored them since
Aida - Detests Dark Core, the Dark Riders and everything they stand for.
Drew - Blissfully unaware
Morgan - In the same camp as Lorelei, hates how badly they're screwing up the ecosystem with their bullshit
Hayden - Kinda stays out it, she knows they're bad, and she helps the druids and keepers of aideen how she can but she's not a fighter
Max - Blissfully unaware of everything
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pandoriasmostwanted · 9 months
🛸🪄👥 for the oc asks? :)
(Unless specified otherwise, I'll be answering for my main four OCs)
👥 - has your OC formed any special bonds on Jorvik? Be it romantic, platonic or a secret third option?
Ylva - she got a wholeass girlfriend in the form of one Linda Chanda. She's also pretty good friends with the other soul riders. Also good friends with Derek and Mario.
Phoenix - besties with Josh, they bonded over western riding and being immigrants
Branwen - she and Mrs Holdsworth have developed a grandmother/granddaughter relationship along with their mentor/student relationship, despite Branwen's reluctance and trying to keep things professional. Mrs H's charms are just too powerful.
Calamity - she's pretty close with her 'adopted' big brother Ydris, and the rest of the circus crew. She's also, surprisingly, pretty fond of Elizabeth.
🪄 - Does your OC know about the magic powers existing across Jorvik? Do they know of the Sisterhood and the Keepers, the Wild Wood Herds, or Pandoria?
Ylva - Yes, she's the fifth Soul Rider and reincarnation of Aideen, and regularly visits the Wild Wood Herds and been to Pandoria a few times.
Phoenix - She's aware of it, but does her best to ignore it. She just wants to train her horses in peace.
Branwen - She comes from a long bloodline of witches, so she's known some things for a long time. Pandoria was a new experience, though.
Calamity - She is Pandorian, so yes.
🛸 - What is your OC's opinion on Pandoria and the 'travel' through space and time taking place across some places in Jorvik? What about other myths and legends of Jorvik that they got to meet in person (like Jon Jarl?)
Ylva - She finds Pandoria quite ethereal and could spend a lot of time there if she could.
Phoenix - She's allergic to Pandoria, it makes her break out in hives. Also she doesn't like Jon Jarl and called him a dickhead.
Branwen - Pandoria makes her feel nauseous, she also detests Jon Jarl and doesn't think he should be as revered as he is by the druids and keepers of aideen
Calamity - She misses Pandoria a lot, and feels quite homesick whenever she thinks about Pandoria.
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pandoriasmostwanted · 11 months
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The scariest part of Halloween is Branwen letting her natural hair colour grow out
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