#hoping for a s2 ngl
koreandragon · 2 years
what do you think about the new one dollar lawyer ep plotwise? considering how much there's left to deal with do u think they'll set it up for a s2? it would make sense since they probably wanna milk the success. i feel like it wasn't really necessary to have jihun leaving for an entire year to reflect and everyone grieving it just for him to come back and everything's fine again lol. i'm scared the ending will be rushed. the fact that ep 9 was sorta filler and the whole series being cut short doesn't help :/ two things i will never get with this show is why the flashback had to be that long and then then deciding for less episodes right after that
but then again this ep did give us so many good mari/jihun moments like omg the way she hit him with the flowers like a lover who got ghosted skwidjs i also missed them getting into each other's personal space so much 😭 AND THE HUG??? i cannot believe that their chemistry is so good that this show has all of us wearing full clown attire every week even after his literal dead ex-fiancee who he's barely over got introduced 🙉
i really loved this episode actually. and if you guys know me you know i'm generally very against kdramas getting a second season because most of the time it's unnecessary but i think this show would benefit from a season 2. it has a format that is suitable for more seasons, kind of like a sitcom? i wouldn't be surprised if they went for that considering the little stove league jab in one of the episodes lol
tell you what, people usually hate time jumps, i eat them up. why? because i love reuinion scenes. love being like "ohh how are they going to meet again, what's the other person gonna say when they see them" that stuff is very fun to me. i just think it was funny how he was like "i'll be back soon" then they didn't see him again for a year lmao?? i also like that it gives the characters time to think about what the other person means to them, how their abscence or them leaving them behind makes them feel like how mari was incredibly hurt over it. and you see i don't think she forgave him that easily, she gave him a run for his money first.
they said they wanted to preserve the quality by cutting the episodes so i hope they're gonna do that and it won't be rushed.... i am pretty annoyed now that the flashback was so long like i've never seen a whole flashback last EPISODES. especially if you're gonna cut the show short.
it wasn't just me who noticed the the crackling electricity this episode like the pent up tension from him leaving and mari being mad at him but also being worried about him and wanting to forgive him was just *chef's kiss*. so much personal space invasion and casual touching and just...idk...longing?? call me insane like call me absolutely off my rockers but i'm still gonna be sitting in the front row of this circus. especially when they parallel mari with juyeong or juyeong in a flashback says something that can be applied to mari and his relationship like i just wanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways i'm normal. let's see how they wrap this up.
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
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one of the best/funniest dynamics on TV is: (in/sp)
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akans-dead-at-sea · 10 months
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It's alright
30 second timelapse:
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arcanegifs · 2 years
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Favorite Arcane Scenes: 10/? ↳ "You understand you've broken several laws? You're a Councilor's daughter. Your actions reflect on the entire body."
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freakinator · 3 months
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sorry wemmbu but you couldnt handle s2 zam's transfem swag so minute cucked you instead
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hamletshoeratio · 3 months
In season 4, I demand more Benedict and Hyacinth interactions. Gregory's off to school, Anthony and Kate are off to India, Eloise and Francesca are off to Scotland, the other two have married and moved out, so these two are the last ones under Violet's roof, I love what we've gotten of them but I need more bonding scenes. They're both hilarious and completely unhinged at times, I need more of this chaotic sibling duo.
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deus-ex-mona · 1 month
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kinda thinking about t h e m again…
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sovamurka · 10 days
not gonna lie, if my best friend/partner said that people from my city/country are dangerous and are not worth anything I would have felt sick and disgusted too
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suledins · 2 years
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every wilmon kiss: [24/?] - season 2 episode 5
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cardboardfeet · 3 months
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sketches based on ch 1 of Slow Down, Nakamura! by hickorybox! 9 more to gooooo ☆ㄱ☆
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thewitchoftheweed · 1 year
i'm telling y'all, Louis de Pointe du Lac ate that baby.
the scene lead-in: "It's important for your readers to know that I haven't killed since 2000. I sit here before you a master of my instincts."
Daniel asks multiple times if he ate the baby. We never get a straight no from Louis- it just goes back into the scene.
and the dialogue he has with Lestat afterward is damning (emphasis my own):
"You've been skipping meals lately; don't think I haven't noticed."
"It was my nephew."
"You have to stop seeing them; they'll grow frightened of you, if they haven't already."
afterward, no one in the family wants him in the house. Louis breaks down the door to see Grace. who responds by telling her girls to run from Louis and screaming at him to get out, before running herself.
in that same scene, Louis brings presents for the twins: "paper dolls for your girls" since it is their birthday. but no one - not Mama du Lac, not Levi, not Louis, not Grace - mention that baby boy again, nor is he seen with his sisters.
the only reason Grace is cordial with Louis at their mother's funeral is because a) she's southern and it's their mother's funeral and b) she wants to buy the house from him.
idk if Louis is in denial or Armand did some mind-magic to free him from the guilt, but he ate that baby.
memory is a monster, indeed.
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ginger-grimm · 1 month
Sharing just cause I need to get it off my chest. I haven't shared opinions on TV shows in a while because most new stuff is just so uninteresting but I've watched this show since s1 first came out, almost. Opinions will be all over the place, don't feel like ordering them per episode.
Season was too short, everyone is well aware of it, but the storyline was so cluttered that it just didn't hit the same
Character motivation and characterization of everyone was all over the place in general. Why are we wasting a whole episode on a coupling no one was going to like? Why is the family split up for the majority of this final season?
I hate pretty much everyone's ending. Luther should have been given Viktor's storyline with Reggie to have his dilemma come full circle. I enjoyed him having a bit more comedic relief as opposed to his annoying attitude in the earlier seasons but there is so much he could have done besides being comedic fodder with Diego. Like, hello, he had a wife that went missing and I guess he never actually looked for her? Or he did and he gave up and got over it just like that? I wouldn't know since she was mentioned twice and only in a wistful tone as if she died. Put him with Reggie to resolve his daddy issues finally. Literally anything else. Diego spent the season in an unappy marriage with a shitty job, essentially chasing his glory days once again and he died with zero closure with his wife and the mother of his children. Allison's husband left her and she fell back into old patterns with her daughter and never really made up with her family and none of her issues are resolved. Klaus spent the season with a pointless villain who took up way too much screentime. Five took his brother's wife and was entirely out of character this season. Why is he nice guying after Lila when there is an apocalypse around the corner? Ben died having done literally nothing this season. None of his self conciousness was resolved, there was no real depth given to him and his storyline with Jennifer came and went. Viktor spent the entirety of the season with Reggie for some reason when really he should have been reconsiling with his family and mending his relationship with them. Lila died on the outs with her husband and in a weird "relationship" with her brother-in-law and also being entirely out-of-character. It's truly a disservice to everyone in the maincast.
I didn't mind the ending in general, I figured they would have to sacrifice themselves to fix everything they fucked up once and for all. I only question how Claire, Grace, Coco, and Carlos are alive even if they were "saved" by the trainstation. Their parents never existed and therefore they shouldn't either.
Wish they would have explored the trainstation more. It's a cool device but where did it come from and why now?
Gene and Jean were such wasted villains. Again, blaming it on the season being too short and too much focus on unnecessary storylines but the concept was there, they just squandered it.
What was the point of Reggie and Abigail? What is Abigail's real motivation? Is she evil or just ambivilent towards it all? I guess I enjoy that she wanted to fix her mistake but why wouldn't they give these two at least a flashback to show where they came from and how they got here?
The vibes this season in genral were off and I can't totally explain why despite the season being rushed and too short.
I honestly tuned out during the whole Five and Lila thing because, yeah, it was gross and it sucked and it ruined three great characters. I'm honestly moreso just questioning Lila as a mother. I get she was unhappy with Diego, I figured this would happen once they got married and became parents, but she genuinely seemed to love her kids. So when she gets lost in a subway for seven years she should be fighting like hell to get back to her kids instead of fucking her brother-in-law, right? Right?!
My favorite part was honestly the relationship that Klaus had with Claire. It just feels to me like everyone else was so far removed from her for some reason despite most of them being close enough to show up to Grace's birthday party?
The stakes were there but they essentially poofed away by the end of episode five.
I liked the ending to be honest, it was pretty serene and again, I think it makes sense for them to die to save the world, since they are the reason the world keeps ending. It was also nice to see the continuation of characters we saw appear throughout the series (minus Ray and the Sparrows).
Also enjoyed getting to see a young Umbrella Academy one last time.
All in all the season was not good, but I enjoyed getting to see the cast and characters again, even if they weren't entirely themselves. Also the ending wasn't horrible, so that's sometimes. I think it could have been made infinitely better if they had taken more time and if they had maybe tried to get up to ten episodes to mellow everything out and properly end everyone's storylines in a more satisfying way.
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mwagneto · 3 months
hunblr iwtv fandom hol????
I KNOWWWWW i have multiple irls who i know would love it but they keep dragging their feet...
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arcanegifs · 5 months
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I might be unwell but. Uh. Aziraphale's behaviour in season 2 seems weird but on purpose.
As in those random memories (Job, Bodysnatching, the Magic Show) were all implanted to make him change his behaviour towards the end of s2. Like his drinking stops. His EATING? HELLO?
Because ngl there's some things that are off, but POINTEDLY off about Aziraphale's behaviour and Crowley's behaviour + Apperance. I'm. Unwell. Thinking about it. It's amazing. It's horrible. Neil. WTF have you done to me
I need to gather my data first, but I've been working in the background. Idk if people edit: *(other than the metatron/story theorist) have also figured it out*, but im making my own gifs and photo sets for what I want to do, so I hope I dont tread on anyone's toes!
I also encourage others to really look at Aziraphale and Crowley behaviour in S1 vs. S2. And the book is gospel as well (i know the canon is different, but they're still, in essence, similar characters eoth minor differences.)
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mobius-m-mobius · 10 months
ty for giffing some of the sweeter lokius scenes! everyone's reunion fanart is beautiful and hopeful then finale gifs make me cry again lol. it's nice to remember how many romantic moments we got 💚💛
Oh that's very kind of you to say and I can certainly relate! Was planning to rewatch the entire Loki series but keep getting caught up in Lokius being separated for now when all they've wanted is to be together working towards good so might pivot into going back through Owen's filmography instead for some much needed and guaranteed happiness 😅💖
If it helps Loki Appreciation Week is coming up soon, Dec 11th-17th, and I'm sure there will be plenty of love going around for everyone's favorite eps and moments! I'm going to be following my own lead from airing and giffing the first thing that pops into mind each day like a speedrun so can't promise zero angst but will definitely be trying to keep the majority more fun and romantic to celebrate what most of the season felt like to me 🥰
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