ultfan · 11 months
@hopeds sent in a prompt: ❛  you can do whatever you want to me.  ❜ – mikan
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                     ‶  whatever i want?  ″ the words are echoed back, his eyes — clouded by a darkness that make his cheerful demeanor frightening – watch her carefully. there is interest. he can feel his heart thumping in his chest, the quickening of his pulse. it's easy to fall into... selfish habits in the midst of everything going on. the horrors being wrought by them and their associates.
                     komaeda did not participate in this for selfish reasons, though. he worked with a hopeful purpose. but even he wasn't immune to the despair that surrounded all of them. even he struggled to hold onto his ideals — who wouldn't? he was only human...
                     approaching the nurse, he reaches out to grab both her hands in his. excitedly — almost manic. something's certainly broken in him. none of them had come out unscathed. even if he did seem relatively unchanged from their school years; at least in terms of his views on the world.
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                     ‶  you're so generous, tsumiki-san!  ″ hands squeeze hers tightly. everything about him is... unnerving. ‶  if i were less of a coward, i'd probably make you regret saying that. but it's not my place to try to end your life...  ″ he lets out a light laugh, as if he were telling a joke. that was not a joke.
                      he was aligned with them. he chose his side. komaeda was simply awaiting a hero that would take them all down. a hero who would never be him — not in a million years.
                     komaeda drops her hands, laughter continuing to spill from his lips as he plops himself down a nearby couch.  ‶  i hope you weren't expecting me to want to sleep with someone as disgusting as you.  ″ not physically, no. but her soul. her personality was rotten. he wasn't any different.  ‶  i guess i do seem like someone who would be that desperate. — maybe i am...  ″
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quickdeaths · 11 months
It was only from outside the school grounds - by the vending machines at the gates, where Shinobu was, or elsewhere in the city - that one could properly appreciate the grand scope of Hope's Peak Academy. Shinobu's own laboratory was visible, easily, the long, thin shape jutting out from the side of one of the buildings, built to accommodate a long-distance shot. Each student had a lab built to such specifications, and such construction, to say nothing of the scouting network, didn't come cheap. One source of funding, though, was standing nearby, in a plain white shirt with a black ribbon and matching skirt. "Um!"
"Good afternoon, Miss Murata." It had taken Shinobu a moment to remember the name of the Reserve Course second year, though they imagined it wasn't noticed. Miss Murata was out of breath, with a bit of sweat on her face, as though she'd rushed over once she'd noticed the Main Course's famed Cold Prince alone. She had messy brown hair, and a small, twitching nose that reminded one of a mouse. She wasn't especially attractive, Shinobu noted, though she hardly cared for that sort of thing. "Did you require something of me?"
Ka-chunk. The canned coffee that she'd purchased fell into the bottom of the machine, quickly retrieved, as Shinobu looked to Miss Murata. "Ah, w-well..." Shinobu held her gaze for a moment, before pressing another number and feeding coins into the machine. "If... I thought..." Just say it, Miss Murata. I'll accept it, no matter what It is, but as is, you're simply wasting my time. The machine shook again, having dropped a bottle of green tea. The archer knelt to retrieve it, red eyes locked with Miss Murata and unblinking even so. She waited a moment or two longer. I have no idea what you're so timid. Is your opinion of yourself so low that you think my acceptance policy includes an exception?
"If you're free-" "Pardon the interruption, Miss Murata, but this conversation will have to wait." They stowed both drinks in their bag before turning back towards the main campus. "I have business this afternoon. We'll have to continue this conversation another time." Perhaps when you're not quite so predictably, insufferably meek. She gave the girl no further attention, passing through the gates as Miss Murata deflated rather like a balloon, unable to follow.
The Reserve Course students, were, of course, one source of funding that kept the school's gates open, but it was a different revenue stream that had Shinobu's attention on the day - government grants, and particularly the strings that came with them. So many little departments and ministries, all seeking some kind of return on investment that might elevate their national prestige. It was one such grant that had led to the request that those students skilled in "Traditional" arts hold a demonstration for a number of government officials and foreign dignitaries in the near future.
None of which would have bothered Shinobu, had she not, bafflingly, been placed in charge of it. On the balance, staying at school for additional work was preferable to returning home, but between wrangling Anzu, Miss Saionji, and some of the underclassmen, the archer imagined it to be quite the difficult, tedious task. At least it wasn't one expected of her alone, and her co-organizer was someone who seemed, from what little she knew of her, dependable.
"Yaguchi, of Class 77-A." Her knuckles rapped upon the door to Classroom 77-B, before sliding it opening. Class had since let out, but it was still polite to announce oneself. There were still a number of students, though Shinobu's attention quickly went to one girl in particular. "Miss Pekoyama." She gave the swordswoman an acknowledging nod, followed by one towards the angry-looking boy sitting in front of her. Kuzuryu, if she remembered correctly. "If you're available, shall we go to my laboratory?" With the hand not holding the door, she held up the small spiral notebook given her with a number of the event's details. "There are a number of things we need to go over, in preparation."
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sadclowncentral · 2 months
shoutout to the guy who after unsuccessfully hitting on my sister and being politely declined asked her "is it okay if i ask your brother instead" and when she said yes gave me a long and searching look before sighing and going "no. i am not drunk enough to go for a dude. but you look like an angel" happy bisexual pride to this man and this man only. hope you figure it out soon king
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koobiie · 5 months
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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raan-miir-tah · 2 months
Amal has spoken to me, asking me to help boost her campaign to save her family from genocide. Please donate whatever you can reasonably spare!
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hansoeii · 1 month
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the honda odyssey, huh?
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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pls rb if you think cuddling doesn't have to be s3xual
im tryna prove a point to my bf's mother help me out
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apocalypsegay · 20 days
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i don't think he clicked through
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
By the way, you can improve your executive function. You can literally build it like a muscle.
Yes, even if you're neurodivergent. I don't have ADHD, but it is allegedly a thing with ADHD as well. And I am autistic, and after a bunch of nerve damage (severe enough that I was basically housebound for 6 months), I had to completely rebuild my ability to get my brain to Do Things from what felt like nearly scratch.
This is specifically from ADDitude magazine, so written specifically for ADHD (and while focused in large part on kids, also definitely includes adults and adult activities):
Here's a link on this for autism (though as an editor wow did that title need an editor lol):
Resources on this aren't great because they're mainly aimed at neurotypical therapists or parents of neurdivergent children. There's worksheets you can do that help a lot too or thought work you can do to sort of build the neuro-infrastructure for tasks.
But a lot of the stuff is just like. fun. Pulling from both the first article and my own experience:
Play games or video games where you have to make a lot of decisions. Literally go make a ton of picrews or do online dress-up dolls if you like. It helped me.
Art, especially forms of art that require patience, planning ahead, or in contrast improvisation
Listening to longform storytelling without visuals, e.g. just listening regularly to audiobooks or narrative podcasts, etc.
Martial arts
Sports in general
Board games like chess or Catan (I actually found a big list of what board games are good for building what executive functioning skills here)
If you're bad at time management play games or video games with a bunch of timers
Things can be easier. You might always have a disability around this (I certainly always will), but it can be easier. You do not have to be this stuck forever.
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tree-whispering · 6 months
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ultfan · 11 months
@hopeds sent in a prompt: “  why the fuck is there blood on the carpet?  ” from yasuke :3c
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                     as it's pointed out, komaeda's gaze drops down to look at that splatter. it's dried by now, but he did guess it was something unseemly. a concerning amount, probably. he hadn't considered it when he had invited the super high school level neurologist into his dorm. it didn't bothered him much, but maybe he should look into getting a rug to put over it?
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                     ‶  i wasn't able to get the stain out, unfortunately... forgive me for showing you something so unsightly. do you want me to cover it up with something?  ″ that doesn't actually answer the question, komaeda.
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greykolla-art · 7 months
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Yeah I think you’re in the right place, Al.
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hayanahed · 2 months
Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family From GAZA WAR
Dear Humanity,
I'm Haya from Gaza , from a family of 8 people: my parents, two sons, and four daughters (two of them suffer from allergies).
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I've witnessed the evidence of the tragedy that has struck our lives in Gaza, where my family and I have survived amidst numerous previous wars. But today, we face the most dangerous and fierce battle in the current war. The urgent need intensifies for us, as we have nothing left and are unable to secure our basic needs such as food, water, and safe shelter.
Here is our story - On October 7th, our lives changed forever, my family and I evacuated from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, hoping to return soon, but it wasn't meant to be. Our home was surrounded, burned, and then completely destroyed, Our home, once a fortress of hope, now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of our shattered dreams.
The night before we left from the north to the south was terrifying. Shelling sounds were everywhere, making a loud noise that felt like it went through our souls. Every explosions shook the ground like earthquakes, sending shockwaves of fear through our trembling bodies. filling us with fear. The air smelled of destruction and blood, making it hard to breathe. When dawn came, we saw the devastation around us, realizing our home was now a symbol of loss and despair.
We ran into the streets and with each step we took into the unknown streets, we felt as if we were plunging deeper into the abyss of our shattered existence, leaving behind everything we own in our home: Clothes, important official documents, the car, and literally it's almost everything - the enormity of our loss weighed heavily upon us.
Our home it was where we found hope, safety, and made precious memories. Losing it felt like losing years of our lives, leaving us adrift amidst the wreckage of our shattered existence.
A brief video depicting the devastation that struck our home and our entire neighborhood in Gaza.
Desperate Plea: Escaping Gaza's Allergy Nightmare
I, Haya, suffer from severe allergy to penicillin-derived medications, and my sister, Amal, also suffers from severe allergies to medications from my family such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
These allergies create a deep sense of fear and anxiety for us, as we live in a constant state of tension and fear of anything that may require a visit to the hospital. We fear being given inappropriate medications due to the unavailability of suitable treatments in Gaza because of war or lack of awareness and not informing the doctor of our allergies, which could lead to serious consequences threatening our lives.
MY Father Income
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Our dreams are heading towards oblivion in the labyrinth of an uncertain future
My story, along with my siblings, represents a united team of four individuals, three of whom are skilled programmers and one graphic designer. We work as freelancers in the world of freelancing.
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As for my younger sister, she is a student studying at the College of Architecture. She has always carried a big dream in her heart, a dream of being part of changing Gaza, of making it more beautiful and better. She looked forward to the day when she would receive her degree and start building this dream. But the beginning of the war changed everything. The destruction of infrastructure and universities cast shadows of despair over her dreams.
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When I think of my brother in Belgium, I can't help but feel deep sadness. He has been suffering from unbearable anxiety and insomnia since the outbreak of the war. Sleep eludes him at night, and his physical and mental health collapses under the weight of these heavy burdens, negatively affecting his performance at work. Problems and challenges pile up in front of him without the slightest opportunity for rest.
We all feel psychological pressure and extreme anxiety. The war hasn't been limited to external attacks but has deeply infiltrated our daily lives. We search among the rubble for a little safety and the basic resources for survival. Every day comes with a new challenge that we must overcome.
As we sway amidst the rubble of shattered dreams, our souls wrestle and our hearts beat strongly challenging the ravages of war.
Our parents earnestly seek a way to rescue us from this hell, feeling the heavy responsibility for every moment we spend under the shadows of fear and destruction. They dream of a safe place where they can build for us a better future, filled with security and hope, for we deserve life in all its meanings of comfort and peace.
Perhaps this fundraising campaign represents a light in the midst of darkness, it is indeed the only hope we cling to firmly.
I appeal to the world as a whole to hear my cry and the mournful cry of my family in Gaza. We need the helping hand that reaches out to wipe our tears and build a bridge to safety.
Your donation is not just a donation; it's an opportunity to rebuild life and brighten a better tomorrow. Be part of our hopeful story, for we need your hand to start anew.
The purpose of the fundraising campaign
The goal of this fundraising campaign is to rescue my family - my parents, my siblings, and me - through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt, which currently requires $5000 per person. This campaign is our only chance to stay alive, and I humbly request your assistance at this critical time. I will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses, committing to transparency and clarity.
All of our important links are here https://linktr.ee/hayanahed
Verified by :
⭐️ operation olive branch, number 26 on their spreadsheet. (On Master list)
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⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249 on their spreadsheet. Or you could see it as number 212 here is the photo for more clear proof
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Thank you for your kindness and support.
.جزاكم الله خيراً
yours sincerely;
Haya Alshawish.
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starridge · 1 month
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puppet hour was brutal
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