#hope we talk more Vani!!
lieximhuman · 4 months
wait i was just scrolling your blog and i saw that the summer hikaru died got an anime adaption confirmed, i've seen you posting abt it before but i have no idea what it's about could u like give me an overview/tell me abt your favorite characters or smth bc i'm interested in it and i'd rather ask you than google for an exciting synopsis 😭 (don't feel forced to respond to this, this is my weird way of reaching out bc hi we've been mutuals for a while but we never really talk <//3)
Hiiiii <3 yes ofccc (I'll try to do a spoiler-free version wich cuts out some main themes😭) Also additional apologies for my English cuz 💀💀 second language and all, and if I make any mistakes story-wise TwT
Honestly, I recommend reading the first chapter, it's pretty direct in what the themes are and who our main characters are and "represent". It's not like most manga that drags it on for a couple of chapters, I can private chat the link or u can just look it up since it's easy to find (I do NOT recommend starting through the one-shot/ chapter 0 btw!!).
Oh, and the art. God. The art is absolutely stunning so yea, the story works a lot better visually than what I can tell.
So! Those main characters are 'Hikaru' and Yoshiki, mainly Yoshiki. They are childhood friends and in their second year of high school (or third year in the complete four-year American system) living in a small town. In that sense it's a slice of life, going to school with friends and having fun. But!! The town is almost "haunted", it's full of ghosts and some citizens can see/ feel/ hear those, those ghosts aren't exactly evil but they can hurt the living. So it's also a horror with a detective-ish thing going on (with gore aspects too) because of those monsters and what they do and them trying to figure out how everything works because it's being hidden from them by the village elders almost.
It also focuses a lot on the emotional journey of the characters, mainly towards grief (oh the grief! very well represented and relatable :,/) and friendship. It's really striking when you see how the characters move their face and bodies to show those emotions even tho the speech is also incredible. It's as if the characters are actually real, they have their own little quirks with how they talk and move.
Some people also see it as a BL, which yes... it does have some queer aspects to it but I wouldn't consider it an actual possibility of the two main characters having a true romantic development. But I would say Yoshiki is queer. Also, it does have some - although rare - sensual(???) aspects but you get to see more through that later, which is very interesting.
-> SO, YEA. Main points:
astronomically beautiful gorgeous art in every panel
great characterization
interesting cast (both kids and adults)
interesting and deep lore!
death/ grief
moral dilemmas
Good mix of slice-of-life, horror and mystery
the characters are adorable holly hell <3
It's gutwrenching in the way you really feel it in the gut ahahaha
I really hope this was helpful/ entertaining and that if you do end up reading it that we can talk loads abt it <3 !!! Even if this was like... just me rambling and maybe incomprehensible 💀
Also not sure how the anime adaptation is even gonna turn out! Really hoping I somehow get to watch it tho ^u^ Plus, my favorite character... I don't know? I like the MC's but outside of them I like Asako cuz she speaks in emojis lol
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vanitythevantropist · 1 month
*excited note taking* so Vani tell me about your species! I want to know everything!
Most believe I am a demon, but that’s not really the case. You see, I am kinda known as a being of chaos :3
I wouldn’t call myself a super populated species, but I can’t say there aren’t others, either. I know a lot of em, they could make up a country!
The whole thing with us is, well, we cause chaos👀 It’s a fun existence but, eh, most people don’t wanna talk to you a lot of the time.
Makes sense, I mean, I did turn a few of them into basket balls (temporarily! I’m not *that* cruel)
Species wise, we take on many forms! There can be a main form, but not always. Don’t expect to see many similarities, you’ll only get them power wise. That’s just the fun of being what we are, I guess😌
Me? I have quite a few of em! My main one’s typically a purple humanoid being with purple scales, a snake head, a snake tail and more animalistic legs and arms. You know how it is, you’ve seen it, I’m sure!
Sometimes I take on an appearance that’s just a snake. I’m not sure why, but it’s fun :3 It’s not super subtle because subtly is for loser, I wanna keep my colours!
Quick round, let’s go; dragon form, human form, sometimes a crow form, yada yada.
Okay, I’ve been rambling a lot about everything but the chaos being thing, haven’t I?👀 I should probably get on that
We have our limits, sure, we can’t just do things (we need to run them by the council for the more extreme aspects) HOWEVER, we do a lot, nonetheless!
Again, the basketball comment👀 Sometimes I use soul linking and it’s really fun. I throw a ball at the wall and they go with it, it’s fricken awesome
I can tell you for a fact, most of you are fine! We have our rules and morals and mine don’t include ‘screwing over mutuals’😌
I hope your note taking is more organised than I am :3
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I'm currently stuck in Vani/Kraizen ("Kenopsia/Forever Ocean" setting by @kenopsia-official/@keno-reblogs) brainrot hell and desperately wanted to Vani/Kwaiz-ify something, and then my brain went "uuuuuuuuuuh STONE. HEY. HEY STONE. GET VANI'ED, IDIOT" and then this attempt at doing a Juno-style headshot got out of control lmao.
Decided to Vani-fy @stonedragonisnthere's sona, Stone. Shading the hair and the weird nose-plates made me want to commit war-crimes lmao. Ended up showing this to Stone before posting it and we talked about Vani-fied Stone's Sembla (Salt) and Brand location (replacing one stomach plate). So she's a weirdo 'SPLOSION psionic alien. Still didn't know what to do with the eye mask markings, so just simple black eyelids it is lmao. Also made Stone's eyelashes white to not get lost in the eye mask.
I hope you like it!
Some bonuses under the cut, as Stone and I talked more between me posting this on DA and posting it here:
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Pre-Brandshock eyes. Tanja color is hex #bc9902, secondary color is hex #e5beff.
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briebysabs · 2 years
Hello everyone I would like to rant on how Vanitas and mostly Noé, deal with their trauma. Why? Because it correlates with my fic and I find it VERY interesting.
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Let me start with Noé bc he’s kinda the main reason I’m writing this. Then Vani will weave his way into it as well. I feel like us as an audience tend to see Vanitas notably as the one that has issues. He has more skeletons in the closet and is definitely more flawed. But when talking about Noé’s character as I have attempted several times in my theories. You realize that his inner turmoil and fear goes deeper than Louis’ death.
Noé has gone through shit. There are a series of things we need to remember before the big tragedy even happens.
1. Noé is an orphan
2. He was adopted by a human elderly couple that passed not long after.
3. He was kidnapped and was on the black market for an unspecified period of time before Teacher bought him.
May I remind you, Noé doesn’t tell Vanitas any of this. Or Louis dying. Domi told Vanitas that his partner is an orphan. Mikhail is the one who tells Vani who Louis even was and how he died in front of Noé.
Think about it. Vanitas is secretive but Noé isn’t sharing a lot either. Hell, Vanitas knew Noé was an Archiviste by I believe from Nox, Count Orlok’s personal guard. Do you notice a pattern here? All the information Vanitas gains about Noé is coming from other people. Why is that?
Well let’s put a pin in this and return to it later. We find out how his grandparents found him, their death and him being kidnapped. All of it is mentioned as like a passing comment. Obviously he’s a child and doesn’t fully understand what’s happening. We don’t know what happened to his eye either. He doesn’t share that with anyone.
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But we see he misses them dearly. But he never mentions or thinks about them in present day. At least we haven’t seen that.
Despite the impact they’ve had on his life and why he cares for humans just as much as vampires.
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So you’re probably like girl, what are you getting at here? Well I’m going to let this clip speak for my entire point and elaborate from that. Because this is the perfect example/representation of what I’m talking about.
I am also adding this panel bc of it ties back to what we put a pin on and I’ll soon come back to in a moment. But keep this in mind. This is Noé’s final thought that was cut from the anime.
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My first bullet point: Noé represses his trauma. This is what differentiates him from Vanitas. Bc instead of pushing it away, Vanitas lets his consume him which is what dictates a lot of the actions he makes. Noé swallows a lot of shit down. That’s why there are several moments he has this sharp outburst of anger. He doesn’t want to confront his past but they affect who he is. That’s why he clings to optimism (looking to the future) bc that’s what keeps him going.
Besides the Book, it’s the other main reason he latched onto Vanitas to begin with. Because he gave Noé that hope.....which is why I’m afraid of the Noé writing these memoirs but that’s a whole other topic.
And here is where the pin comes loose. Noé’s biggest fear is yes, losing the people around him but also himself. Noé is terrified of himself. I won’t necessarily call it self-hatred (though it inevitably kinda boils down to that)
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He’s afraid of his appearance seen while fighting Vanitas, he’s afraid of his strength which is why he holds back a lot or underestimates his enemy. He’s afraid of his Archiviste abilities, he’s afraid of how he felt relieved to be alive after Louis’ death.
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He’s afraid he’ll never understand this world despite finding the good in it. And he keeps pushing it all down and I just wanna hug him because THIS IS NOT HEALTHY.
FYI this method of coping with your problems or trauma is a recipe for disaster. This is what breaks people. At least from personal experience of what I’ve seen. Eventually, a straw is going to break the camel’s back. Because you can’t stay silent forever, you can’t run away forever and man this has turned into a therapy session 🥲
Bro I barely focused on Vanitas. I’ll make a separate thread about him one day. Needless to say, I am incredibly excited for what Lady Archiviste has in store for us and if it’s a Noé centric arc addressing what’s in this ramble LETS FUCKING GO
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akuaya-eng · 3 months
(Main story) Chapter 5 - Episode 8
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I didn't expect to be heading to the Holy Land again so soon. Adder is really something… Well, I expected it. But before they catch Dia… Knowing him, it won't be easy, but... He even went to the sanctuary alone. Dia must be desperate. The current situation is--
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… Sigh. He’s still the same. I’m not thrilled about this, but if it means I can interfere, it's not so bad. I'll follow Adder's orders… Hm? (devil appears) What is that…
(thinking) As expected… I heard that he was captured by the imperial army, but… Claude is quite cruel. I can't believe he got to this point.
It's been a while. Are you going home now?
…! Argh…Argh… You are…!
Where’s your home now? Oh, right. The Gloriosa family. The hot topic of the Six Devil families. They must be eagerly waiting for your return.
Ple… Please help me! It's not like we don't know each other…!
I'm glad you remember me. Of course, I'll help you. We shall go together… to the Belladonna family.
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I'm back, Adder. Can we talk?
Did not just Rosé become a birdhead, but you too? I ordered you to go to the Holy Land.
Of course, I haven't forgotten. But something unexpected happened. I'm sorry, but could you open the door for me? My hands are full.
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… You're a troublesome freeloader… What is that filthy rag?
I just picked it up over there. I thought Adder would like it.
You think I'd like this trash? What a joke. Even Rosé's nonsense is more amusing.
Come on, don't say that. This devil is like me. A former angel who once fell from heaven and became a devil. So he remembers my face.
So, he's an old friend from your angel days? Fallen angels are nothing but trouble. Once they fall, they fall all the way. You'll end up like this soon enough.
I hope I don't end up like this. I do like things neat and tidy. Hey Adder, I have a favor to ask.
I haven't even said anything yet.
I won't keep him in the mansion. Throw him out.
Don't say that… He's severely weakened. Can't you let him rest for a bit?
Is it out of sympathy for a fellow fallen angel? That's quite compassionate for you. What's in it for me? The Belladonna family doesn't do charity. I have no intentions of keeping someone useless here. Remember that.
Does that mean you don't need a freeloader like me anymore? That's harsh.
Don't underestimate yourself. I keep you here because you're useful. Keep proving your worth to me. If you don't, you might end up like this.
Scary, scary. Don't threaten me like that. I'm really getting into that painting. At least let me stay until I finish that picture.
You're talking about your hobby. You've turned the guest room I gave you into a storeroom.
It's not a storeroom, it's an atelier. I love the north-facing light. It's steady. If I had to be greedy, I wish there was a skylight.
For a freeloader who hasn't done anything impressive, you're asking for too much. Be grateful for a roof and walls.
Well, if I do something impressive enough to make Adder happy, could you build me a skylight? I'll paint a portrait of you as a thank you.
I don't need that. But if you really contribute to the Belladonna family, I'll consider a reward.
That's tough. I'm not the type of person who is passionate just for a reward… But I do want a skylight, so I'll think about it.
U… ugh…
Oops. I had so much fun talking to Adder that I forgot about him. Oh, right. This could be an impressive find.
A find?
This devil's name is Dagon. He belongs to the Gloriosa family now.
Probably… He's the mastermind behind the calamity Rosé was trying to cause.
I see.
What do you think? Sounds like an interesting story, right?
Right. You've done well for once.
Not bad for a find, right? I thought Adder would like it... Maybe I'll get my skylight soon.
Everyone's quick to get carried away. At least get some useful information from this rag before you ask for anything.
Fair enough… So, what should we do? Should I have the servants prepare a guest room?
Chain him in the dungeon. Once he wakes up, it’ll be time for a chat.
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aquathewriter · 9 months
Okay, if I were to post a big brother Vani fic (idk when but it’ll happen!) and you’ve read my fics, should I structure it like my brothers series (flashback chapters every other chapter), or should it be just chapter by chapter?
I want something like Vanitas meets Sora when he’s a kid after accidentally kidnapping him and, after Vanitas fakes his death in his fight with Ven, Sora eventually adopts (heals Vani’s heart by giving him some of his light) him as his big brother but Sora’s parents do know about the goblin teen living in their walls. Kairi and Riku know of Vanitas but as they got older, they chalked him up to be his imaginary friend. I’ve always liked the idea that Vanitas ages as Ven ages so, since Ven is sleeping and not aging, Vani will physically say the same age. The story would follow the regular kh story where Vanitas follows Dora but in the darkness and no one, other than Sora, knows he’s there.
Vanitas wouldn’t make himself known until after Chain of Memories. Vanitas is unable to follow Sora into Castle Oblivion but once Sora is in the sleep pod and Riku makes his way to the top (bottom? It has been a while since I played recom...), he’s able to make his way to Sora and steps out and demands for Naminé to tell him what happened to Sora. Let’s also just say that Riku would be shook when he sees a kid that looks like his best friend and is telling him that he’s Sora’s older brother/imaginary friend.
Vanitas ends up guarding Sora, becomes friends with Naminé, and actively avoids Mickey. Vanitas doesn't officially meet Kairi until The World that Never Was when she first sees Riku when he looks like Ansem. She hopes that he’s Sora. Mickey won't meet him until they are all reunited at the Islands. Mickey will knock him out, ties him up, and demand to know how Sora and Riku know him. Sora quickly explains their story and Mickey takes Vanitas and the others to Yen Sid.
Now this next bit isn't really planned like, Vanitas stays and we roll into 3D and, while Sora is unconscious, Vanitas is able to Sora out of there while the others distract Xehanort and Co. After 3D, we move onto kh3 and this is where i rip everyone’s hearts out, both Sora’s and the readers lol!
Xehanort is able to get Vanitas, rip that little light that’s on his heart, and pretty much reverts him back to who he was before he met Sora with the added bonus that he will have vague memories of Sora but won’t really remember him. Kh3 progresses as normal, though with a bit more feels, and Vanitas is struck down.
Not long after Sora wakes up in Quadratum, he finds that Vanitas’s heart is within his, and Vanitas is PISSED (they can talk to each other). the main story would follow this with Sora trying to help Vanitas remember who he was and Vanitas yelling and taking over Sora’s body every chance he gets so he can cause chaos.
But yeah, both how do you think this should be structured and what do you think? Also thanks if you read all of this!!
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flamechasr · 10 months
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@handpuppetsbybrett (2/2) happy holidays! 🧸✨
hi molly wolly!! hjfkdf we are not too close but know i like you lotsies because you are so pleasant to be around with and talk to, you're such a kind person and i hope that doesn't change about you. you are always on my mind like when i actually started becoming active again in lpc and you weren't there at the time i actually did miss u. hmm what else do i say. same with rey we need to kin more of the same things because i actually had to think really hard about what to make for you, i knew one would be noe bc i did pair edits and so i could make vanitas for rey, but i couldnt do it for boards bc i've made a vani board already for rey in the past.... so i racked my brain and thought i did watch ee but i am not in too deep so i wasnt sure about making a board for it but i managed!! you are so her it is real to me. and for song rec we have good girls don't get used by beach bunny, i don't know really how it relates to molly i heard it once and liked it and thought the vibes are cute like her!! so. uhmmm i hope you enjoy the song and pressies and everything and have a very good holiday season :)
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my life has been pretty great besides like. general brain stuff. but like the actual things happening have been good!!! i keep thinking it’s like may though and then i get whiplash when i go outside and it’s 20 degrees. very specific but i want it to be spring so badly!!!!
how abt you vani? it’s been foreverrr since we’ve talked how’s Your life been? i miss youuu
i'm glad it's all going well for you!!! i hope the Brain Stuff gets easier/better i know it can be pretty bad sometimes </3 god same tho its been below freezing for over a week now and its like..... where spring. i miss the spring :(
i'm doing alright !!! uhm my second semester of school is okay except every-other-day i have to stay at school All Day which is Terrible and Evil but it's okay!!! um in abt a week i get to go on a cruise which'll be fun too <3
i miss you!!!! we need to talk more </3 i keep thinking 'oh i should say hi to lav!' and then i forgor </3
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brattyfrenchvampire · 24 days
I’ve scanned through the fandom and have read some theories and meta posts. I haven’t seen much about the after effects of Noé viewing someone’s memories. I do think this could be revealed in canon at some point, but it may turn out I’m only speaking for my Noé. As an Archiviste, the first time he drinks someone’s blood he’s forced to see their memories. If he drank from the same person again, he can choose whether or not if he wants to see the memories. This much is already known.
Here’s the new bit. Noé sometimes confuses the memories of others with his own. The more times he views the same person’s memories the more he starts to have identity issues. How I just mentioned the memory confusion, if you could imagine viewing the same memories enough times or a number of different ones from the person’s viewpoint one might truly believe those memories and feelings are their own. If they have those it stands to reason, it’s because they are that person. Now he would have to consciously choose to see those memories. But there wasn’t a magic number to how many times before it affected him. If they were particularly strong memories, it could take just the first time even. Others there might not be confusion until the 10th time. We also know that Noé usually chooses not to view someone’s memories. But his track record of being force fed blood isn’t great. Honestly, he needs to dye his hair and change his last name, so people stop forcing themselves on him. Also, perhaps he has a reason he needs to keep viewing someone’s memories. Thankfully it didn’t happen too often in my canon.
Through the series it’s told from Noé’s perspective and also 3rd person. It’s rarely from another person’s perspective. But there have been a few incidents it does shift to Vanitas’ perspective. Spoiler, Noé does eventually drink Vanitas’ blood and sees his memories. (Recall when he first drank from Domi and noted all he saw was himself. All the moments from Vani’s view have been him looking at Noé.) In my canon he reacted to my memories badly. We had to put some distance between us. Those were painful years for me. But I wonder how it was like for him. He took in my traumas on top of his own. I hope I didn’t pass on any of my cravings as well. We never talked about it when we reunited years later. There was a lot we didn’t discuss. I suppose we were both in denial that everything was going to be fine. Talking about what happened would shatter that illusion. I didn’t want to talk about Jeanne’s death, Noé didn’t want to talk about my memories and how they affected him. Non, we were finally together, and I turned without any problems…nice things only last so long. I think he fed on me again before he killed me, if only to hold onto something.
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cadkilop · 2 years
Autoanswer app
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Autoanswer app for android#
Autoanswer app Bluetooth#
In the application settings, you will be able to configure your own voice commands, which will manage all your calls. it is up to you to decide whether to answer or not. With the help of certain voice commands, the application handles incoming calls, i.e. The Vani application is really handy and functional. Vani – Your Personal Voice Assistant Call Answer In Auto Answer Call you can set the duration of receiving a call – from 5 to 30 seconds. Once you have finished talking, the duration of the call will appear on the screen. You can also block automatic answering to unknown numbers – especially if you never receive such calls in real life. You can disable the Auto Answer function on certain numbers and call them back later by yourself. You can turn it on and off for as long as you need it.Īuto Answer Call has a convenient feature – before you make a call, you hear the caller’s name (more precisely, what name is written in your smartphone).
Autoanswer app Bluetooth#
This application works easily without a Bluetooth headset and is designed for self-use. It automatically puts you on speakerphone so you can hear your caller. Auto Answer Call helps you answer any incoming call without touching your smartphone screen. Sometimes it’s much more convenient to answer calls without the help of your hands – for example, you’re busy or doing dirty work. All details of calls, SMS, or calls made are easily tracked in detail in the app itself. With Do It Later, you can organize a mass mailing, so that you do not have to manually select each recipient – and the text can be entered with a voice assistant. The system with messages is also set up – they can be sent at exact times. The application can set a specific time range, within which it will automatically receive all incoming calls. Maybe you are too busy at work or just can’t get distracted at the moment – the app will do it for you.ĭo It Later offers users to automate messages or make an automatic mailing at a specific time, set an automatic answer to incoming calls and a few other interesting options. Vani – Your Personal Voice Assistant Call Answerĭo It Later – Auto Message, Send & Reply Text SMSĭo It Later is a special application for busy people who can’t always answer or send information on time.Do It Later – Auto Message, Send & Reply Text SMS.
Autoanswer app for android#
We have tried to select 5 Best Auto-Answer Call Apps for Android for you. Some of them take the call right away and you can start a conversation. Some apps ask you to record your answer in advance and the person you’re talking to will immediately hear that you’re busy and should call you back later. There are also 11 Best missed call alert apps (Android & iOS) to help you remember important calls. Their functionality is different from each other and you won’t be able to understand it right away. There are not many applications for Android to implement automatic answer or answer without clicking on the screen. But not always owners of Android smartphones use such a feature. On landlines, automatic answering machines are installed for these situations that will inform the person that you cannot come to the phone. Maybe you’re driving and just can’t get distracted and take the call, maybe you’re just busy with something more important. Now scroll the screen to tap Call Audio Routing.You don’t always have the option to answer the call yourself. Head over the Settings App from your iPhone Home screen. Close/ Disable Auto-Answer Calls in iOS 11/ iOS 12 on iPhone Hope, an Apple will be expanded Auto receive calls feature only for favorites callers, enrolled contacts just. There is no ability to auto-answer incoming Skype video call on the iPhone lock screen.Ī significant disadvantage of this feature is that whenever users set 0 seconds, that time caller can’t get time to hear call ringing and so that it pushes Missed call function out of the pipeline. Limited for some Video call apps, we tested, and as a result, I won’t receive Whatsapp Video automatically, as well same Unable to auto receive video chatting from Messenger. One of the great iOS 11 function case it is useful when you are riding your motorcycle or driving vehicle like the car, truck, etc. Also, Skype audio and video you can receive on iPhone lock screen and phone standby mode. It provides the facility to receive iPhone cellular calls, FaceTime Audio/ Video, Whatsapp, Viber, and Facebook Messenger and popular third-party apps support receive calls automatically interface. Pros of Automatic Answer iPhone incoming calls without sliding: Let’s see some merits and demerits of this eye-catching auto-answer call feature.
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softedwin · 5 years
yall I get that filler episodes aren’t really there to drive the plot forward, we usually get one emotional™️ scene at the end, but you’re really trying to tell me that sam just doesn’t care or has accepted that his best friend is just... gone?? like he’s not asking dean what’s up with that? and i mean it’s not unusual for cas to just disappear, I get it, but you’re giving us all this drama and then expect us to be happy with a filler episode where the drama isn’t even a teeny tiny bit addressed? I know spn has done this a lot in the past but it just interrupts the flow so badly, especially because this is something that should be affecting both of them
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retracexcviii · 2 years
Vanitas' relationship with Misha
Hi there again.
As I wrote yesterday, I am going to share with you a analysis I made about a month ago. I wanted these two analysis to be next to the other because they are somehow related, but really it's only one thing I comment here so there is no need to read the previous one.
So, with no more preambles, I will start when Vani and Misha met:
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Here, Vani was in his survivor mode and he was being a cold heart with Misha while the young one was a ball of sweetness and hope.
But, after and unknown time, Vani couldn’t help but help Misha. Even though he knew that was bad for himsleft and that probably it wouldn't save Misha's life.
I don't think Vani behavior back in the laboratory was because he saw Misha as family but because (as Luna pointed out) in the end Vani is a very kind kid.
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After Luna took them from Moreau's hands, again, we don't know how much time passed but thanks to Noé we could se some of their memories and them weren't bad at all.
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In this example we have a Vani with much more development in his relationship with Misha and:
Vani made a dessert for him just because he never tasted it
He doesn’t like sweets and yet he ate the cake (and the bean)
Vani looks really happy to see Misha happy
So I think Vani really cared about past Misha, but...
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... then "that day" arrived and all things changed.
Vanitas couldn't be more vague about the events of that day but I am sure of one thing: Misha died.
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I think this basically because Vanitas isn't an idiot and okay, the trauma he went through could made him run away fast, but I can’t see Vanitas leaving Misha bleeding to die + his face in memoire 46 was really shocked.
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Then, after some years, they got reunited again... And oh, Luna... Vanitas' face is so cold. I think this maybe because:
He thought Misha did something to Noé (which makes sense)
Something happened before that day that made Vanitas being angry with Misha
Vanitas was convinced he was looking at a death person
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Curiously Vanitas calmed down after learning Misha doesn't remember about that doom day, like if Vanitas was relieved for it...
Anyways, when he heard Misha talking about bringing back the votbm, he goes reckless and cold again.
Then the fight happened, Misha lost half of his face, etc.
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The next day they got reunited again and Vanitas was expecting every action Misha did (this can be because he know him really well) and it’s not affected by Misha’s crying but, he is unable to look directly to Misha when this happens...
And I see this action as a hit of how deep Vani used to care about Misha and, at the same time, how Vanitas can bring himself to feel like that again.
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That conclusion comes from this panel where, after being beaten, tired and in a state of semi-consciousness; Vanitas heard present Misha crying for help and Vanitas sees a memory of his little brother (due to his ptsd symptoms) and simply he shows a devastated expression to see his little brother like this...
So, next day he didn't look I guess for the fear of the memories...
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To conclude, Vanitas' words: the dead don't come back.
It’s said so firm that I am afraid to theorize that it has happened before. Like if humans/vampires would have managed to resuscitate.
Besides, Vanitas seems so convinced that Luna won’t come back + he treats Misha so cold that I feel like Vanitas knows something about this that he is not saying and is really dark.
A summarize: I think young Vanitas loved and cared about Misha a lot but because of whatever happened "that day", Vanitas can't see Misha as his little brother anymore. And for that reason Vanitas calls him Mikhail everytime...
Again, thanks a lot if you read it all and feel free to comment whatever.
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neversetyoufree · 3 years
I dunno if this is gonna make sense to anyone but me, but it’s like. Even when Vanitas no Carte is straight, it’s usually not Straight about it, and I think that’s one of the reasons this series works so well for me.
The main couple in the series is VaniJeanne, and while the initial content of them is really uncomfy, when the actual romance really kicks in, it’s in such an unexpected way. Vanitas is a creepy asshole to her at first, yes, but out of all the reasons he does that, none of them are made out as genuine love. Attraction, sure, but like, there’s a big gap between that and romance, and as far as I can tell, we’re supposed to think he’s an asshole for how he treats her at first.
And Jeanne is super easily wowed at first--in the palm of his hand on their date because she’s just not used to being treated kindly, but that’s clearly not love either. When Vani is acting all controlling, and Jeanne is acting all submissive and soft, there’s a lot of playing at romance, but never the real deal.
It’s not until Jeanne sees Vanitas acting genuine and kind and vulnerable, not until Vanitas sees Jeanne acting confident and strong, that their relationship gets validated as possibly real love, y’know? The more time goes on, the more agency and dominance Jeanne takes back, and Vani likes it. And regardless of my thoughts on their dynamic in early chapters, I vibe with that.
And like, I normally hate the whole trope of “every woman falls in love with the main character,” but even though there are 3 different women that are canonically into Noé, it never feels like falls into that gross “main character has a harem” category. For one thing, it’s not actually every woman (given that Chloé and Jeanne couldn’t seem less interested), and with the exception of Domi, it’s not really a thing. We get one scene of Riche blushing, and some gags about Amelia in the bonus chapter, but it’s not like every gal in the series is constantly drooling over him. Plus, when Riche and Amelia being into him is played for a joke, which is how it’s usually played, it’s as much a joke on Noé as anything else. The gag isn’t “haha, look at all these girls falling for him. Aren’t women so easy and silly?“ The gag is “haha, look at how oblivious Noé is. This princely-ass motherfucker can have a woman start blushing and babbling in his arms, and he still won’t pick up on the signals.
Then there’s all the casual genuine queerness that happens around the sidelines. Dominique gets to flirt with Nox and Jeanne to tease them. She gets to talk about how her sister scares away all the guys, so she’s “only popular with girls.” When Dante teases Vanitas about his and Noé’s relationship, even calling Noé his sugar daddy, the joke is never “what, you guys gay or something?” It’s, “hey edgelord, I can see you caring about somebody.” We get to see a guy/guy couple and a gal/gal couple ballroom dancing together, with lingering shots of hand-holding between them, and even if neither of those couples is romantic, that still feels important, y’know? Not to even mention Luna’s gender. Inhuman, “special and unique” enby characters are a tired trope, yes, but on the other hand, holy shit.
Unless something goes very wrong with the writing in the future, VnC will always feel like such an inherently queer series to me. Even if we don’t get a canon m/m or w/w couple by the end, it just feels to me like a universe that’s welcoming to queerness. And even the het couples are more than “he was a boy, she was a girl,” and they don’t stay bogged down the whole time in tired gender roles.
And all of this just makes it such a comfortable series for me. Like, I can just exist here, y’know? Even if we don’t get any better representation than what we have right now (though I hope to hell it keeps getting better), this is a universe where a bi/ace/enby person could exist, and I wouldn’t be the only one. It’s nice.
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mrarika · 3 years
!! warning: vanitas no carte manga spoilers ahead !!
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people need to talk abt these more. the symbolism here is so good like,, (we’ve already established that the glowing butterflies r them obviously, idk how else to bring this up but just in case anyone didnt know, this is just for context lmao) the way vanitas is closing his eyes, not noticing noé, being inside a painting wih luna (their hair’s on the right) which could mean one of two things; either that painting is smth related to votbm or vani being secretive (i doubt it tho, why else would luna b there with him) while noé isnt in one and has his eyes open. it also makes sense in the context of the ending lyrics, “and the walls i built - they melt away, with every touch of your embrace” - ‘walls i built’ as in the painting barrier being a metaphor of his vow to kill anyone who tries to take his memories + also just him being secretive in general and/or the thing related to votbm i mentioned earlier - ‘melt away’ as in maybe he started caring more abt noé and he wouldnt want to kill him and lastly - ‘your embrace’ as in how noé started to connect (not sure if thats the right word) with vani cough cough i will never set u free cough
i didnt wanna make the paragraph longer so ill put the thing abt the votbm here. i talked abt it with a friend of mine, in the fandom.com disc vnc serv. heres the important bits of the convo i talked abt here: 
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heres context for the ‘since in this panel mikhail doesnt know someone else told him’ bit 
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(we agreed on the person saying this to b luna)  i hope anyone reading this understands whatever im saying, i suck at explaining </3
also small detail - theres bubbles coming from vanitas’ butterfly, which normally symbolises the brevity of life and suddenness of death, idk where to go with that so im just sayin
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akuaya-eng · 3 months
(Main story) Chapter 5 - Episode 3
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Adder, are you here?
As you can see. Didn't I tell you to knock before entering the room?
I think you did. Sorry, I just wanted to see your face quickly.
Don't say things you don't mean. This isn't because of my foolish younger brother, is it?
Well~, maybe it is. He said that if I talk like this, you'd usually forgive me.
I've become too soft. It looks like I'll need to tighten things up again. For Rosé, and you as well.
Me too? I hope you give me a break.
So, what do you want? You didn't just come to see my face, did you?
Oh, right. The curses in the mansion have increased too much, and the servants are having trouble. They won't die from touching them, but it's interfering with their work.
What? I just purified them yesterday-- Rosé...
Wasn't it Rosé's turn yesterday? In that case, either he slacked off or the number suddenly increased overnight.
Probably both. So, where is the culprit?
Who knows. I figured you'd ask, so I searched, but I couldn't find him.
He's hiding. When I find him, I will show no mercy. He's probably the cause of this sudden increase… There's no choice. I'll go purify them. Tuner, if you want to come, then come.
I'll go.
In that case, I'll go too. I'm curious about what you'll sense in the devil world.
If you're coming, then make yourself useful. Take Rosé's place.
If I feel like it.
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…… (purifies)
As expected of Adder. You handle the power of purification well.
… You didn't come along just to flatter me, did you?
Heh. Still, there are a staggering number of curses. It's so dense, you can't see ahead. Was the Colchicum Castle like this too…? Oops, I forgot, we're not supposed to talk about other factions.
It's heading your way. Protect yourself.
There's no choice… Heh. (purifies) It's not too bad to touch it a little, but it's not very pleasant.
…oh… ooh…
A voice comes from the curse… The usual thing is happening, Adder.
Ghost of a hostile devil
...Betrayed me… You betrayed me… Adder Belladonna…!
Oh, it's calling you by name. Please, take your time.
Ghost of a hostile devil
We made... a deal…! Why did you betray me… Why did you abandon me…!!
Adder, do you recognize whose ghost this is?
I don't.
Right. This kind of thing happens all the time. Deals, schemes, betrayals… These are all the devils' specialties.
Ghost of a hostile devil
You think you control the devil world…? Haha… Fool. You're just a pawn too…
Today's ghost is more lively than usual. Are you okay, Adder?
Are you asking me if I'm okay? Who do you think you're talking to? Even if the useless trash hate me, it doesn't matter. They couldn't harm me while they were alive. And now, even in death-- (purifies)
Ghost of a hostile devil
Adder… Belladonna… I... curse… you… (vanishes)
At most, they're a nuisance. The purification here is complete. Let's go.
You didn't even flinch. Is that because you're a devil? Or is it because you want to be the next Devil King?
What are you trying to say?
Nothing. I was just curious. Even devils have emotions, don't they? You care about others, feel pity and regret. Maybe not as richly as humans, but still, you have them, right?
Hah. Nonsense. If you need an example of a devil without emotions, you have Rosé right beside you.
… It's true that I can't imagine Rosé caring about others. Pitying or sympathizing even less.
He left all such feelings in our mother's womb. Rosé has been a devil since birth. He can't feel pain. Not from others, not even his own.
That must be hard to live with.
… Who knows.
Was it last month? The incident where the only son of an enemy devil noble was turned into a pet. They stormed the Belladonna mansion over an alleged kidnapping and were all slaughtered. By Rosé. After it quieted down, he appeared with a smile on his face... and a collar on what used to be a devil…
That was six months ago. Last month's incident was worse.
That was terrible… Too painful to even mention.
Thanks to someone who doesn't care about anything around him, the Belladonna family constantly faces trouble.
I guess that make Adara, who doesn't abandon Rosé... kind.
He just has his uses.
… I see.
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... Only the entrance left?
Let's finish quickly. Hah! (purifies)
Another one.
They all like to talk, don't they?
No… This calamity is… orchestrated... the red moon…
… A ghost related to the calamity of the scarlet moon.
The prince... was not the start... He was merely... a tool. It started with something else… more evil… not alone…
… Well. I thought they were all useless, but some ghosts can be helpful.
The cause of the Red Moon Calamity isn't Dia… someone else triggered it… But... Adder. Do you believe what ghosts say?
Not at all. But the information is interesting. Depending on how we use it, it might be useful.
… True. Adder is right.
It was unexpectedly positive. Let's finish the rest and get back to work.
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digital-dhampirs · 3 years
vnc episode 12 thoughts
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The thrilling conclusion to the Vanitas no Carte anime’s first cour is out, and I have thoughts! I’m still considering doing a full season/ fill cour review, but I have a Lot of episode 12- specific opinions, so this review / breakdown / thing will focus around e12!
A warning before we begin— review will contain spoilers for events that take place in the vnc manga and not in the anime, and will most likely spoil some sections of the anime’s next cour. With that, let’s get started!
Episode 12 of the VnC anime covers chapters 19, 21, 22, and 23 of the manga.
To begin this review in a brutally honest way, this episode was… in my opinion as a manga reader… bad. It did have some ok moments, but generally devoted a lot of its time to a plotline that (while adorable) isn’t actually super important compared to what was left on the wayside. Vanitas and Noé’s fight over blood drinking is fine, I guess, but why’d we get that minute long flashback compilation and not Dante’s conversation with Dominique, or Roland and Olivier’s complete conversation, or Astolfo’s excitement to hunt vampires, or Mikhail?
I really truly wish the show had taken some of the money and time that went into the Vanitas and Noé fight from chapter 23 and put it into the arguably much more important and interesting parts of this episode. Ruthven drinking Noé’s blood, Roland’s threat, and Chloé and Astolfo’s introductions all had some very janky stills and animations. It truly irked me to see that time and effort went into making Noé’s mouth move while he’s mentally monologuing about wanting to drink Vanitas’s blood, while Roland’s fantastic threat from Chapter 22 got… this. click on image for worse quality
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The episode also decided to continue E11’s habit of chopping scenes up and mashing them together. In E11 this was a very not great decision, but was ultimately somewhat forgiveable from a tone point of view. In E12, meanwhile, it’s just all out chaos as the anime tries to string five completely separate scenes into something coherent (Noé and Vanitas in the hotel, Ruthven and Jeanne in the street, Domi and Dante on the stairs, Roland and Olivier in the chasseur compound, and a flashback to complete the Ruthven and Noé encounter from E11). Suffice it to say the anime does not succeed in this endeavor.
What really irritates me about this is that the manga already provided a framework for the anime to work these scenes together into. A frantic Vanitas reunites with Noé, Ruthven meets Jeanne in the street, Roland and Olivier speak about the beast, we see a mysterious flashback of Chloé calling for Jeanne as they talk, cut to Jeanne in the present as Dante and Ruthven’s attendants simultaneously tell Ruthven and Vanitas about the beast’s return.
I really wish the anime could’ve just given us the conclusion to the Ruthven scene at the start of the episode, done the OP, and then followed this series of events to a T. But it didn’t, and the result is a bit of a mess.
The anime’s choice to omit half of Roland and Olivier’s conversation means Dante’s announcement about the beast being back has no meaning or weight; Vanitas running to the hotel before we know what actually happened to Noé at the cafe ruins the drama and irony of the scene; Noé’s lack of memory of what happened at the cafe is muddled by the weirdly placed cafe flashback right afterwards; the anime putting Olivier’s “what that man believes in isn’t god” line seconds before the reveal of Roland’s intelligent and scheming nature doesn’t give the line enough room to breathe and stew; and the transition scene with Domi and Dante just doesn’t fit. I can honestly say I would have preferred Dante just teleporting from the streets of Paris to Vani and Noé’s windowsill than have that scene smack dab in the middle of what’s already a confusing mishmash of way too many unconnected events.
Wow. That was a long, critical paragraph. one might even say it was just as chaotic and disorganized as the episode itself. I feel like I’m really living up to my fullest potential as a bitter manga simp. So! Let’s turn things around and talk about some of the good parts of this episode!!
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First and foremost I want to compliment this episode’s music..! The soundtrack of VnC is just all round fantastic no matter what— whether it’s playing during a goofy scene or a fight, it’s is bound to be fantastic. I think my favorite pieces are the ones that play at quiet, ominous moments— the music during Vanitas and Dante’s conversation about the beast is excellent, adding something truly incredible to the atmosphere created by the illustrations of the beast and the eerie green light of the scene. The way the music lines up with Olivier’s “what that man believes in…” line during that one flashback is similarly awesome.
This episode also has very nice voice acting..! Despite all of its struggles in the visual and plot department, pretty much everything to do with the VnC anime’s audio is stellar. I’ve become a big fan of Jeanne, Roland, and Olivier’s voices (I can’t wait to see how Olivier’s VA works with all his screaming in the Gévaudan arc); Astolfo’s voice is perfect for him (I am similarly excited to see his clipped, polite tone take a turn for the insane as the Gévaudan arc moves forwards); and as always our protagonists’ voices are great.
My one singular problem with the voice acting this episode is Chloé. I don’t know why, but she sounds like a catgirl from a fantasy anime rather than a multiple- centuries- old vampire. I don’t know what I was expecting from her voice, but this wasn’t it. I really hope Chloé’s voice will grow on me like Roland’s did, but there’s just something about it that feels off to me.
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However! That one detriment doesn’t detract from the fact that this episode does have some very beautiful moments, especially during that one last scene with Chloé at the end. Visually, Chloé is absolutely spot on— I only hope the show has the budget to keep giving her pretty, pretty scenes like this. The scene where Vanitas and Dante discuss the beast is also very very nice to look at. The monochromatic red section of Ruthven and Noé’s scene is excellent. And, while I’m still annoyed that this scene got so much love put into it and others did not, Noé’s spotlight-lit monologue is aesthetically pleasing as well.
With that, we’ve covered all of my main thoughts on the final episode of the vnc anime’s first cour! My feelings towards this episode’s plot and pacing are overwhelmingly critical, and the episode’s visuals are a toss up (leaning on the side of bad, @/ that Roland screenshot), b u t the episode’s music and voice acting are both fantastic. And honestly? That’s kinda how I feel about this whole cour of the anime.
Episode 12 might not have been “good”, but I believe it’s a very neat representation of the best and worst of what Vanitas no Carte as an anime has to offer.
Despite all my critiques I am still legally obligated to love this anime, and can’t wait to see the Gévaudan arc in the next cour!
Fun Fact
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The weirdly technological background when Noé realizes he’s hungry makes absolutely no sense for an anime set in 1889, but for some reason that just makes this scene funnier to me
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