vanitythevantropist · 9 hours
Just to remind people of this since it’s kinda buried
Just so that I may get to more people, I’d prefer it if you reblog this post so that I may reblog that reblog
It’s easier for me and I think it may work well! Thank you for your patience, I live all of you and sincerely wish for your safety💞
Hey! If you happen to be someone living in Gaza who wishes to spread the message of a fundraiser or something similar, please read ahead
Due to asks being sporadic and seperate, I cannot get to everyone who wishes for me to spread the word😅
So I’ve made this post! As said above, if you need help possibly escaping Gaza or earning money to afford certain things, please feel free to reblog this post and I will do my best to reblog your reblog :3
I feel it’ll make it easier to include as many people as I can!
The war going on is horrible and tragic and I really do feel for everyone involved💞 Hopefully spreading the word does something
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vanitythevantropist · 9 hours
Hello dears! 🇵🇸🍉🙏I am asking you to support my campaign to help me reach my goal. I am in dire need of your support now to help me stay alive and safe. Gaza is a very dangerous place both in terms of living and lives. The family consists of 20 members, most of them are young children. I need your financial support to enable me to get the basic needs for my family until the Rafah crossing is😭 reopened to transport my family to safety and peace. Please help a family stay alive through your small donations or through your shares to others. Thank you very much for standing by those in need. My campaign 90-ghoset has been documented🍉🙏⬇️🍓
I’m afraid I cannot donate but I will spread the message💞
A message to anyone else from Gaza who may wish to send an ask; I recommend going to my last actual post (not responding to asks, not a reblog) and reading the instructions there, it’s just easier for me to get to everyone!
Thank you❤️ I hope everyone is doing well
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vanitythevantropist · 10 hours
Please , don't skip
I am so embarrassed, but the sadness I see in my children's eyes when they ask me about the basic life requirements like :food , drinking water, clothes, medicine and a safe house and I can't answer to all their requests.
This enforces me to ask for help from you because these children are innocent .
We had a wonderful life and we aren't beggars but the situation is really getting worse.
My young daughter wakes up at the middle of night shouting because of hunger and we don't have food to feed her because food in markets are little and the prices are ten times than they used to be .
My children lose all their rights during the war and their top priorities now are getting food and looking for safety after they were like butterflies who have their hopes and dreams they wanted to achieve.
Please, help my children to escape from Gaza war to the safety .
You can donate with 20-50$ and that wil make a big difference in saving our lives on this link :https://gofund.me/03d12215 .
Rebblog our pinned post please.
Vetted by:#90-ghost
My dear, you have no need to apologise for anything💞
You and your family are in a horrible situation. Not a single one of you is doing anything wrong
I’m afraid I cannot donate but I will 100% share the word in hopes that someone may be able to
A message to the people; If you can and want to donate to a trusted source, please do
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
Today we transferred my little daughter to the hospital because she is suffering from an infection that is affecting his breathing and causing him pain. I hope that every living conscience will help us save my little daughter’s life and donate any amount we can.
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Please help us, donate and share
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @sayruq @nabulsi @neptunerings @flower-tea-fairies @appsa @a-shade-of-blue @sar-soor @commissions4aid-international @paper-mario-wiki @dlxxv-vetted-donations @gaza-evacuation-funds @writerqueenofjewels @the-ballerina-battle @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @girlinafairytale @khanger @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @maoistyuri @dykesbat @acepumpkinpatrick @thetownwecallhome @tsaricides @feluka @brutaliakhoa @kordeliiius @queerstudiesnatural @the-bastard-king @aria-ashryver @malcriaada @vakarians-babe @bat-luun @mangocheesecakes @nightowlssleep @self-hating-zionist @staretes @friendshapedplant @yokohama-crackhouse @omiteo777
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
🚨🚨We don't want to lose our little boy!!!
Because of the war, our son is suffering from a chest crisis and shortness of breath, and unfortunately he can't breathe normally 😭
Your donation is our last hope to save our little boy.🙏🥹
Verified by 90-ghost.
I’m so sorry but I cannot donate, but I will absolutely spread the word
I sincerely hope that you’re able to raise enough money to help your son💞
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
Very very very urgent please ... I am Hamouda from Gaza. Please contribute by donating to me. I lost my job that I loved and through which I helped my family. You can donate20$- $10 Your donation is not a financial contribution, but a seed to change what happened in my life, which I lost and I lost my brother and my uncle in this war. You are our only hope to save my life, my family, and our children towards safety.I hope to achieve my goal. You are my only and last hope for survival. Death and bombing surround us on a daily basis. I do not know if we will remain alive or if our time is up.If you can't donate, please share my latest post on my account. Thank you❤️🍉🇵🇸 https://gofund.me/2c2a1766
I am truly sorry for your loss an I hope everyone is doing okay💞
I’m afraid I cannot donate as I don’t have a bank account, but I will spread the word in hopes someone else may be able to
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
Hello my friends, I am hamdi Ayyad from Gaza talelhawa I have sought refuge with you because of the devastating war that caused me to lose my home and our displacement from one place to another and I lost my children's future and there is a severe shortage of basic materials,I hope that you will stand by us whether by donating if possible or participating widely,Please help me 🙏🏼 🇵🇸 🍉 https://gofund.me/4de94fec
I’m afraid I cannot donate, but I will 100% spread the word
This war is awful and I hope you and everyone else can get out okay💞
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
Hello, I’m Ahmed from Gaza😔😔
Life here is filled with daily challenges due to the ongoing blockade and war. My family struggles to secure our basic needs. My parents are ill, and my children suffer from malnutrition due to a lack of food and clean water😥😭😭
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Despite everything💔💔
I haven’t lost hope, but the war has worsened our situation, making it harder than I can handle alone. That’s why I’m reaching out for your help. Every donation can make a difference by providing food and clean water for my family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦
Thank you for any support you can offer🧡
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
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@danashehab has been fundraising since may and is just over €15,000 away from their goal l. as stated in the screenshot people are starting to believe the rafah crossing will open so it’s important to make sure everyone has the funds in case they are allowed to evacuate.
thee shehab family consists of dana (13), sahar (14), mona (9), malak (5), yehya (1.5), fahed, (38), reem (32), and grandmother mona (60). they have been shadowbanned and deleted a few times. you can also find this family at @monashehab
The family has had to raise their goal to cover their extended family’s evacuation fees since they are unable to make a new GFM.
The new goal is €85,000.
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vanitythevantropist · 14 hours
Hey! If you happen to be someone living in Gaza who wishes to spread the message of a fundraiser or something similar, please read ahead
Due to asks being sporadic and seperate, I cannot get to everyone who wishes for me to spread the word😅
So I’ve made this post! As said above, if you need help possibly escaping Gaza or earning money to afford certain things, please feel free to reblog this post and I will do my best to reblog your reblog :3
I feel it’ll make it easier to include as many people as I can!
The war going on is horrible and tragic and I really do feel for everyone involved💞 Hopefully spreading the word does something
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
Are you trapped on tumblr right now?
Is there something you planned to do before you got trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?
Are you yelling at yourself to get up and do the thing, but you can’t, because you’re trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?
Consider this your save point.
Put tumblr down, stand up, stretch, and go do the thing you planned to do. Future you will be incredibly grateful.
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
Metal af, ngl
God won't be very merciful when your time comes
And I won't be merciful to him either
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
Silly Game Time: What are your adjectives? No, not your pronouns, but descriptive words for your personality.
(For example, mine are Eccentric, Irreverent, and ... Hermetic. I am a dictionary-thesaurus, and have ALL the words.)
Ooo, I like this one👀
I guess my adjectives would be along the lines of:
-Socially anxious
-Verbally/physically affectionate
Thank you for your time😌
(Also, gotta add, you sound fun lmao)
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
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Lazy art of Van in the snow
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
I’m so fuckin clueless and, honestly, I think that makes it funnier😭
someone enters a coffee shop. the barista recognizes them and says "will you be having the youge?". the customer laughs and says "well, you know me! you can't spell yoozh,"
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
Absolutely no health risks? Screw it, I’d be kinda curious about it. If no one was harmed then it’s all chill!
It’d be sorta weird, Ik, but I’m morbidly curious🤣
(Also, those blood vile necklaces look cool, don’t @ me-)
Ok so. I have a question. If there was a full glass of human blood in front of you, and the was absolutely no health risk to drinking it, like, that's not ever a factor, how much of it do you think you would drink? Because I would at least take one solid gulp.
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vanitythevantropist · 19 hours
(I wanna draw that now😭)
I want people to draw Skywings with hilarious wing to body ratios. Just make their wings like 4 times as big as their bodies. Let them be little stinkers with huge wings.
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