#hope u guys like my sillies.... i only talk about like two of them ever
antsyandpantsy · 3 months
Agent Oc Masterpost!
I don't really talk a lot about my agent oc lore or what they're like so I thought it would be a good idea to make a big main post about it. I also made new refs for artfight so it's also an excuse to post them
Here are places you can find lore! Toyhouse (wip, will put more info there with time!)
Character doc (wip but has most lore on there) <- this will give u the most info about all of them!!!
Here are all of my agents!:
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All of them either already have tags or will get a new one (the new one just applies to Lave which used to be Knox, and probably Marlo)
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It's Always Been You - Chapter 12
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james potter x fem!reader
summary - Things hadn't gotten much better with James, and you knew you could only go so long without talking to him—after all, he was still your best friend. But, considering all that'd happened, along with some encouragement from your friends, you knew the time had come to finally admit you wanted more than that.
wc [6.2k]
a/n: alr guys ... very happy and also sad to say this is the last chapter of it's always been you!! :( i've loved every minute of writing this series as well as sharing it (its become my baby atp), and it is definitely because of all the love and support everyone reading has given it. thank u to everyone stuck around to this point, & i hope u guys enjoy this last chapter!! i send all my hugs and kisses <3 - e
all chapters | <- Chapter 11
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It'd been another hour or two until everyone had fully returned from Hogsmeade and dinner was being served in the Great Hall. You finally changed out of your dress and into your everyday clothing again, already feeling better, but that didn't mean you felt good. You didn't think you could feel good when both your brain and heart were hurting like they were. And worst of all, the one person you'd go to in times like these for comfort was the same person you couldn't go to. Not now.
The girls had been doing their best to get your mind off of everything that had happened that day, aside from when Marlene profusely apologized to you for letting Potter hear her outburst in the common room.
"Although, I have to say," she admitted afterward. "I'm not completely sorry for him that he had to hear it. I may be brutal but I never tell a lie."
That fact didn't leave you as you sat with her and Lily in the Great Hall for dinner, a number of seats away from the other Marauders. You recognized with a skip in your heartbeat that James was with them, surprisingly enough since you knew how he was accustomed to skipping meals in the dining hall when he wanted to be alone, a habit you both unfortunately shared. But that didn't mean he was enjoying himself either.
You could see even from your seat down the table that he wasn't saying much, mostly keeping to himself quietly, something so out of character for him yet you'd seen him do it constantly the entire week. You wanted to yell at him and shake him silly, but you also wanted to hug him. When you caught yourself in the midst of those thoughts you turned back to your own spot at the table shamefully.
You tried to force yourself to eat, catching your friends' concerned looks at your full plate, but you didn't feel much like it. Especially not when you still felt maybe a dozen pairs of eyes on you from every corner of the Great Hall.
Even with all that'd happened since just that morning, the rumors and whatever else people had come up with to talk about had not yet been forgotten about by the school like your friends said it would be. Then you thought about whether news had spread of your disastrous date in Hogsmeade, and prayed that nobody had caught wind of that incident either. You didn't think you could handle any more of the staring.
Immediately after you had that thought, you spotted a fifth-year in Ravenclaw robes walking past your table, watching as he blatantly pointed at you as he spoke to his friend, and you looked down at your plate with hardened eyes.
You heard Marlene scoff from next to you. "Hey!" she called to the boy. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to point?"
The fifth-year didn't respond to her but looked to his friend, hurriedly taking a seat at his own table, his whispers being drowned out in the loudness of the dining hall.
Marlene fumed from next to you. "I can't believe these people. Are they really that bored with their own lives that they're so obsessed with a bloody rumor?"
You shook your head toying with your fork. "Just ignore them. That's what I've settled on doing."
She sighed from beside you and you thought that'd be the end of everything, until you heard gasps from down the table. You looked up and followed the sounds and were met with a sight not even the magic of Hogwarts could've prepared you for.
James—your James—had stood up on the bench he'd once been sitting in, and you thanked Merlin he wasn't standing fully on the table; though you had absolutely no idea what he could possibly be up to, you knew it couldn't be anything good. He cupped a hand to his mouth as your heartrate picked up.
"Can I have everyone's attention?"
He didn't have to ask twice for it. His voice boomed out loudly, something that seemed to come naturally to him, and the noise in the Great Hall had died out in a mere second until it was almost completely silent—quiet enough for you to hear the beating of your heart in your chest as you looked up at him. Your throat went dry.
"Not that it's any of anyone's business," he started confidently to the hundreds of eyes now looking at him, tone nothing but sober. "But nothing happened in the broom closet. Or in the locker room."
You felt the churning in your stomach claw up into your throat, then felt it drop back down, keeping you stationed in your seat. He didn't give much context to his declaration, but with the popularity of the topic amongst the school, it didn't seem like he needed to. His voice almost seemed to echo, all other noises drowning out as everyone stared up at him. James looked around the entire room appearing completely unafraid and you didn't know how the hell he did it; you probably looked more fearful than him.
"So," he began again, "I don't want to see or hear anyone talking about those rumors any longer. And if anyone has a problem with that, they can answer to me. Alright?"
Of course, nobody said anything then, but you could see in their eyes that they were going to listen to him. Or at least, they'd make sure they didn't get caught going against him. Maybe it was from his impenetrably confident voice or his respected status around the school, you weren't sure, but he had that unique effect on people in an almost effortless way.
When it was clear he'd gotten his point across, he scanned his eyes over the sea of students until they found yours. In a dizzying way, it felt like you were the only two in the room for a moment, as cliché as the thought sounded in your head.
You didn't know what had motivated him to do what he did, but you could see in his eyes something fragile that juxtaposed the self-assured look they'd had only seconds ago. He looked away again and stepped back down to floor level once more, not taking a moment before striding out of the Great Hall, his form disappearing seconds after.
Even without his physical presence, his action seemed to linger over the room for a moment more before chatter broke out once again. You were still frozen in place, not knowing if moving would finalize the idea that whatever just happened was real and not just part of some wild dream.
Marlene had confirmed that it definitely had happened, however, when she turned to you with her jaw dropped, an amazed but delighted sparkle in her eye. "Someone tell me you saw that too."
"Oh we saw it," rang Lily, who also looked much too happy about that fact, probably just relieved James's antics weren't centered on her for once. You could see them both staring at you expectantly, waiting for you to react. You could also see the boys in your peripheral, the three of them remaining at the table searching your face for a reaction.
Yet, all you could do was stand up and walk hurriedly towards the exit. Dozens of conversations rushed past your ears as you did, a blur of remarks ranging from "Potter's lost it" to "He's so bloody fit." Whatever they were saying, you noted with gratefulness in the back of your mind that none of the conversations were about you.
You reached the doorway and stopped once you were a safe distance away in the hallway, heaving breaths in for a moment to yourself before finding that you weren't alone. All of your friends had followed you without blinking an eye, and you didn't know whether you found it endearing or inconvenient. Though, to be fair, you didn't know where you were going. You just knew you couldn't sit there and pretend as if nothing had happened.
You blinked at the three boys who neared you with puzzled looks on each of their faces. "Did you guys know anything about this?"
"No," promised Sirius. "In fact, James has hardly said anything to us since this morning."
You shook your head to yourself, feeling breathless. "I can't ... believe he would do that."
"Really?" Lily stared at you. "I mean, it's Potter we're talking about. It's exactly something he would do."
You couldn't fight the smile that tugged on the corners of your lips even as you shook your head. You ran a hand over your hair as the blonde from next to you hit you in the shoulder.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" You frowned over at her as she stared at you expectantly. "Go to him."
You stilled, gaping at her. "What?"
"Go to him. Do I have to spell it out for you?"
You tipped your head at her like it would help you understand her better, parting your drying lips. "I thought you said he was a selfish git." You heard Remus snort from beside you.
"I did, sure," reasoned Marlene, not without a hint of pride. "But only because I thought he was ruining your chances of moving on now that you were over him. But seriously, I can see your face when you look at him." She shook her head. "That's not the look of someone who wants to move on."
Your eyes flickered over her face as she spoke, an infinite number of thoughts overtaking you. In the silence of your thinking, a Hufflepuff boy walked past the six of you in the hallway, staring all the while.
"What are you looking at?" snapped Marlene, turning to him without missing a beat. "Did you not just hear Potter?"
Like he'd heard him loud and clear, and also like he was scared of Marlene, he hurried away with his head bent forward. Satisfied, the blonde turned back to you. At your conflicted expression, she asked, "Well?"
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. "It's just that," you began, not even knowing where you were going with your rambling. "I've spent so long trying to get over him. It's not fair to myself to just forget all of that, and it definitely wasn't fair to Sebastian-"
"For Merlin's sake," cut in Lily, to your surprise. "You keep talking about what's fair and what's unfair, but what about you? What do you want?"
You stared at her, beginning to feel breathless under the eyes of all your friends. "It's not just about what I want. It's not that simple."
"But what if it is?" she questioned. "I know how difficult this has all been for you. And I know you said Potter doesn't just get to realize his feelings for you and suddenly be with you, that it doesn't work like that. But what if it does?" She raised her hands at her sides. "Not everything is a perfect story to tell. Especially not when it comes to you two. It's not every day you fall in love with your best friend and he finally sees that he's fallen for you too. Are you seriously going to let him go because of some made-up system of rules?"
Your breath was becoming staggering now, and you didn't know what to think, because everything they were telling you sounded so right.
"I don't know," you began unsurely. "Of course, I don't want to lose him. Not talking to him for the past week has been harder than I ever could've imagined. I don't even know what it would feel like to have to do it for longer than I already have been." You blinked down at your shoes, truly realizing those things at the same rate you said them. "I think I just ... miss him."
"Of course you miss him." Marlene looked at you sympathetically. "That's why I think you should go tell all this to him."
You felt bile rising in your throat. "I don't even know if he'd want to see me after all we've said to each other."
"Are you joking?" Remus butted in exasperatedly. "Prongs is bloody in love with you. Can't you see that?"
"Remus," you warned softly because you didn't know how much more of this hope you could take before you did something you'd regret.
"I'm telling the truth." His voice was heavy with meaning. "Maybe it took him a while to realize it himself, but the rest of us have had to sit back and watch you both act like you don't have feelings for each other for years. Believe me, the only reason he's in his room right now and not with you is because he thinks that's what you want."
Your brows pinched. "You can't truly know that."
"Really?" he laughed. "What do you think we talked about that night Vance asked you out?"
Your expression faltered and you forced yourself to think back to the night James had begun acting distant from you, though it wasn't difficult to, the storyline of it all clicking into place in your head.
"You," breathed Remus. "We talked about you."
"Not to mention," Sirius added, "we're the ones who've had to spend every night in our dorm listening to him bitch and moan about Vance this and Vance that." You swallowed at your friends' words, but they didn't quit.
"And we know James was being a right idiot today," Sirius insisted honestly. "But you should've seen him this morning right after you two argued. He was heartbroken. More than he'd ever been over Evans." He turned to the redhead in question. "No offense, Evans."
Lily rolled her eyes lightheartedly. "Trust me, Black, none taken."
He nodded and turned back to you swiftly. "So for you to think that James would want anything other than to fix things with you and just be with you is bloody mental."
You stared at all of your friends who were looking so determinedly back at you that you didn't think you could tell them 'no' now. But still, your feet didn't budge.
"It's not just that," you almost whispered. "I guess I'm just ... scared. What if it goes wrong and we get into some ridiculous fight again? What then?"
Marlene took a hold of your shoulders, slightly scaring you in her resoluteness. "Potter just stood up and yelled at the entire bloody school and you're trying to tell us you'rescared?" She shook you a little, and your friends smirked from behind her. "Be a Gryffindor for Godric's sake! Go to him!"
Before you could say anything more, she was turning you around and shoving you a little until you had the momentum you needed to take steps toward the Gryffindor common room. You made it all the way up the nearest set of steps before you paused, turning back to your friends with a grateful smile.
"Thank you, you guys." You expected them to share the sweet moment with you, but they only rolled their eyes.
"Go, woman!" Sirius groaned, and you rolled your eyes back at them, but it lacked any real annoyance.
You didn't know exactly what you were planning on doing, but you didn't have time to think about it because your legs were carrying you speedily through the halls in your anxious state and wouldn't let you stop until you reached the portrait entrance to the Gryffindor common room. Taking a steadying breath in, you said the password and entered the room.
With everyone else still being at dinner in the Great Hall, it wasn't exactly difficult to find James. He sat in the common room, his brunette head of curls visible to you in the low light. They covered the majority of his face that you could see, his head tipped downwards with his elbows resting on his knees. That changed within the blink of an eye as you entered the room, his head swiftly lifting until he locked eyes with you, and you had to fight a shiver at the feeling it sent shuddering through you.
He seemed to think you were just going to go to your own dorm and ignore him, and he averted his eyes to look somewhere else, maybe the fireplace, until you left—but you didn't. You only walked closer to him until you were separated by only one of the couches, the distance still small enough to make your breathing quicken.
At the soundlessness of your stilled footsteps, James looked back up and met your eyes again, and he swallowed. Clearly, he hadn't expected you to make any move to talk to him that night, even after the scene he'd made in the Great Hall. The problem was that you hadn't expected yourself to either, and now you didn't know what you wanted to say first, because there were certainly a million things you had to make sure he knew.
"Thank you," you said, because you figured it was a good place to start. He nodded up at you, his eyes not revealing much of anything, but you didn't let that sway you. "You didn't have to do that, you know."
"Of course I did." His voice was stubborn, but too sincere for how little his expression gave away.
You looked down at your feet, letting a moment pass before speaking again. "Well, now it seems like everyone is going to be talking about you from now on."
"That doesn't matter to me." James's voice cut through the air richly, and when you looked back up from the floor he was staring at you meaningfully. "They can say whatever the hell they want. As long as they're not talking about you."
Your shoulders dropped at his words, and the way he held your eyes as he said them made your heart beat faster in your chest. It hadn't even been a full day since you'd last spoken to him, but you already missed him.
"They wouldn't leave you alone," he said concretely, his tone beginning to fill with emotion. "And then, I heard what Marlene said in the common room, about some girl harassing you in the library? I-" he shook his head frustratedly, rubbing at his forehead with one of his hands. "I'm just mad at myself that I've let it go on for this long. Or that I didn't even know that happened."
You already felt too emotional for your liking, the feelings inside of you swirling more aggressively at every word he said to you. "It's not like it's your fault, James."
"Well it's not like I did much to stop it, did I?" He seemed genuinely angry at himself now, and you didn't know what you could do to help. A painful lump was rising in your throat, but you stayed rooted in your spot behind the sofa. "And I'd ask you why you didn't come and tell me, but that'd be a bloody stupid question."
He shook his head, eyes becoming wistful like he was recalling a memory, one that pained him. "Earlier, when Marlene was defending you in the common room, the look on your face was ... I don't know. Crushed. Sad."
You swallowed at the memory, because that had been exactly how you were feeling, amongst thousands of other ways. James looked down at his lap.
"I just wanted to try and help, do anything to make that look on your face go away, but I couldn't. So I just kept replaying how you looked in my head, and the more I thought about it, the more I hated myself because I realized you were only hurting because of me. And that was the worst part. Realizing that it was all my fault."
You felt yourself wanting to take a step towards him, wanting to just reach out to him as the tips of your fingers teemed with the longing you felt in your chest. "James," you began, your voice hushed. "It's not all your fault."
You meant it. To try and say to yourself that you had no part in all the confusion between the two of you would be a blatant lie, one that you couldn't let James go on believing, especially not with the pained look on his face.
He only shook his head at you. "It is," he insisted. "And here you go, being perfect towards me when I don't deserve it." A muscle worked overtime in his jaw. "Marlene was right. I was being selfish, and petty, and a lot of other things, but most importantly, I wasn't being a good friend." He paused, a grieving confliction tugging at his brow. "That's ... that's not what friends do."
You went still then too, the word 'friend' hanging in the air between you with a weight that only made you tired. The truth was that cobwebs had grown in the house where you'd fostered that unforgiving title, and it felt like some intangible force had locked you both inside with it blindly.
"Yeah, well," you began, your voice small, "we've been doing plenty of things that friends don't do, lately.Like you said, we kissed, right?" You let out a breathy sound like a laugh that lacked any joy, and the way James's eyes flickered up at you knocked the rest of the air right out of you.
"About that," he began hesitantly, and you could tell he was thinking about both the night it'd happened and that morning when you'd fought, just like you were. "I know you don't want that to mean anything, so it- ... it doesn't have to. Even if I want it to. Because it doesn't matter what I want—what matters to me is you."
You were thankful you had the couch next to you to brace a hand on, because you'd never felt so swept up by a conversation and you weren't sure how much longer you could stand the way your heart was nagging at you.
"You were right," swore James, but the slight shake of his eyes back and forth on your face didn't look as adamant as he sounded. "It's not fair for me to expect something from you when you already got over me."
The words you'd shouted at him in Hogsmeade that morning sounded foreign and wrong coming from his lips, and you knew the months of dishonesty that laced them like you knew the back of your hand.
"And it's too late now, I get that." His voice went from deep and determined to on the cusp of breaking, and it killed you. "I just want to know that you're happy, and if being happy means being with Vance instead of me, then ... I can deal with that."
You watched as he swallowed, like he was forcing the words to come from his lips even if it pained him. The way he hadn't broken eye contact with you the whole while was starting to make your head spin.
Your blinking sped up, maybe holding back the emotion you knew you was fighting to come out, and you whispered, "James."
Maybe you hadn't been loud enough, or maybe he just knew you'd try to disagree with him again, but he only continued determinedly at you.
"I know I probably went and ruined your chances with Vance, like an idiot, but I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you another date with him." He nodded at you once firmly, and within a second he was standing up, taking an intentional step forward. "Hell, I'll even go talk to him right now and-"
"James," you called again, louder this time. "Stop."
You put a hand out and it landed on his arm softly but firmly, and all you could was pray you could find the right words to say to him as he stared at you, level with you now in an unsteadying way.
"You didn't ruin my chances with Sebastian. It wouldn't have worked out regardless, even if I'd wanted it to. Because being with him isn't what I want." You shook your head, recalling back what James had said to you only moments before. "He wouldn't have made me happy." You sounded desperate now. "He's not you."
James stilled, his glistening eyes the only thing showing movement as they danced across your face intensely, though you saw them widen with something bright like hope. "What?"
The confusion of the word that he'd practically whispered out unspeakably attested to how you felt yourself, the terrain of the land you were exploring right there and then with James uncharted and rocky. You pushed on, knowing there was no going back now.
"Marlene wasn't completely right, James. She only said all of those things because I'd spent all this time trying to convince her—and myself—that I didn't still have feelings for you. But I do, clearly." You tipped your head down for a moment in exasperation and exhaustion, willing yourself to keep going. "Everyone can see it. All of our friends. Hell, even Sebastian could see it." You laughed, though your eyes were growing blurry. "So for me to try to push those feelings down any longer would just be lying to you and to myself." You let out an exasperated breath. "And I'm so sick of lying."
Your shoulders sunk as you stood there, a steadily shrinking distance between you and James that was both comforting and daunting to you. You couldn't do anything but watch as James's face stilled and then shifted as he thought, studying your own face in a way that made you conscious of every shift in your expression.
"I just," he began, and then raked a hand through his hair. "Why did you feel like you needed to hide how you felt in the first place?"
You felt your mouth go dry at the question—one you knew came only out of a desperate curiosity and nothing else—and your mind began spinning. The last few years of your friendship seemed to swirl in your head, flickering in and out of focus as you tried to come up with an answer.
"I-" you began, willing yourself to say something, anything at all. "I was scared." The words rang true so much that they made your heart pinch. "Scared that you wouldn't feel the same and I'd go and ruin everything. That I'd lose you."
James's hands lifted up from his sides like he wanted to reach out to you, and he did. He took your hand in his, grasping lightly at your fingertips in a touch that steadied you and made you feel lightheaded at the same time. He shook his head at you with a firm hold in his brow.
"You could never lose me."
His lips were parted, and his hazel eyes glistened over in the low common room lighting like the thought of your suggestion was painful enough on its own. Looking at him then, his face lined with years of a comforting, steadying familiarity, you knew deep in your chest that what he said was true. But that didn't alter all that you'd felt for the past number of years.
"It's not just that," you said, looking down at his hand that held yours and blinking away the guilt that crept into your stomach, because it wasn't James's fault that you had felt this way. "Even in Hogsmeade, James." Your voice was becoming unsteady again and it only frustrated you more. "What if everything you said you felt for me was just some spur-of-the-moment thing from some kiss? What if you didn't feel the same way a week from now? Or a month? I knew I wouldn't be able to get over that fear. Especially when I'd been hiding how I felt from you for years. And then there were your feelings for Lily to think about and ... I don't know."
You trailed off, finally able to stop yourself. You felt petty, so petty, because you were so close to getting what you knew your heart wanted, but you felt the insistent need to ruin things for yourself and think of every way things could go wrong. You'd never felt closer to James then, but also never farther away. All you could do was stand there and wait for him to say something, anything.
James stayed unmoving for a beat staring at you, wordlessly taking everything in with a fragility in the air that hallowed your labored breathing. Then he started to shake his head like he was in disbelief. He ran a hand through his brown hair.
"For Merlin's sake."
His voice was low, a mutter, and he stared at the ground for a moment in thought before dropping the hand that once held yours, turning and walking away from you, leaving up the steps to his dorm room. You watched his back as he disappeared, your fingertips feeling cold and empty.
You felt your blinking speed up in a dizzying confusion. You didn't know what had come over you, not even sure exactly what you'd said in all of your desperate rambling that had made him decide to leave, but your vision started to blur even more than it already had until you recognized the wetness forming beside your eyes.
Nothing made sense. Not then, and not in the last twenty-four hours. You moved until you were sitting down on the couch in front of you, feeling lightheaded as the fireplace crackled a few feet away. The light from outside had left with the sun and the room had a comforting kind of warm lighting, though even that did little to soothe you as you sat there with all the unresolved feelings within you.
You were confused and lost and wanted nothing more than to just fix things, but you were even more at a loss for words when you heard quick footsteps coming from the staircase James had left from, and then saw his returning form making its way down the steps.
You turned your head to him swiftly in confusion, following him and his soft but energetic steps as he came to sit next to you, and that was when you noticed he was holding something—a box. One that was tattered on the corners, its black fabric aged and dusting over.
You wiped at your eyes quickly, brows tugging in all your bewilderment as you waited for James to explain.
"I-" he began, and stopped as soon as his eyes focused more on your face. You must've looked as broken as you felt, and at seeing the look on your face, he held one of your hands in his before swiping across your cheek gently with the pad of his thumb.
You felt like wilting under his soft touch that you'd missed more than anything in the confusing weeks, mentally and physically exhausted from everything but still wanting more than anything to understand.
When you looked perhaps more stable, he looked back at the box that he'd set down beside him and placed it on his lap delicately as he spoke, his words echoing out slowly.
"I know you think I've just realized my feelings for you a week ago, and that they came from some kiss at a party. But, you have to believe me when I say that they're so much more than that." He placed the box in your hands, and you took it from him with a note of fragility, resting it atop your legs. His eyes bore into yours, like it would break him if you couldn't understand the words leaving his lips. He took a shaky breath in. "I need you to know, more than anything, that you're everything to me. You always have been."
Your lips began to shake at the earth-shattering words coming from your best friend's lips. "James, what-"
He stopped you with a gesture of his head that told you to look inside the box, and you did. Carefully, you lifted the flimsy cardboard top and placed it to the side, brows pulling together tight and something loud and hearty threatening to pull from your chest. You shook your head as tears began to well over your eyes again as you recognized what James had given you.
The box, the measly and old mess of cardboard and paper, was full of all the letters you'd written to him over the years—all the thank you notes, the letters you'd sent him from that summer and all the past ones—every single one of them. Your eyes raked over each of them when you felt too stunned to use your hands, but your heart still felt touched by the memories of each one all the same. It took everything in you not to release the sob you felt rising in your lungs.
"It's you. It's always been you."
James's eyes never left your face as you took everything in, the look behind them never having seemed so determined, so desperate. But there was something behind the way he looked at you, something so warm and honest, so familiar that you felt ridiculous for never noticing it before. And when your gaze flickered downward for a second in contemplation he tipped his head to follow it endearingly.
"Always," he promised. "Not Evans, not anyone else. I know I'm a bloody idiot, and I know I haven't been great at showing my emotions when it comes to you, but that's because it's you, and you mean everything to me and have since we were kids, and if this can't make you see that then I promise I'll spend every day trying to make up for it, and-"
"James." You stopped him, not knowing how much longer you could take sitting next to him and not getting rid of the frustrated crease between his brows, or how much longer you could ignore the thrum of your heart that called out to him so clearly now.
"Yeah?" he asked, and his eyes were like a deer in headlights. The warmth in their color reflected the simmering warmth from the fireplace, but that didn't compare to the fire that lay behind his gaze.
You placed the box, his box of the last six years of your friendship and then some, atop the couch next to you, and didn't wait another second before engulfing him in a hug. Your body crashed into his as he leaned back against the couch, his hands coming up to embrace you right away, and you heard him breathe a smile by your ear before he laughed, a perfect noise.
You felt like laughing then too, and crying, and everything else, because you couldn't remember the last time you'd gotten to hold him like this without the fear of revealing too much to him nagging at you. Your cheek pressed against his neck, his curls fanned against the top of your head, his hands held you tight, and you never wanted to leave the safety of his arms. Except to do one thing.
You pulled away from the hug and so did James after a second, his eyes wide and glistening but truly happy. He was smiling widely, his lopsided grin appearing after days like the sun after a storm, and you loved the sight more than anything, locking it away in the back of your mind as a memory you'd keep forever, like the box that sat next to you.
You laid a hand on his chest, another on his cheek, and James grasped the one that was flattened on his chest in his own, quickly glancing down at your hand in his like he couldn't believe he was holding it. He pulled you into him with it and leaned his head on yours.
"It's always been you, too," you whispered, and his eyes glanced down at your lips as you said the quiet words that'd been lingering on your lips for much too long. You had to push away your smile because you were aching to just kiss him like you'd wanted to for years. With a courage that could've only come from Godric himself, you finally did.
You leaned in until your lips met, a flutter of skin dancing shyly together until you leaned into him even further, and suddenly it felt like the crash of a wave, and sounded like the earth was moving beneath your feet, the sound of something right—and this time, you knew it felt the same for him too, because you could feel his boyish grin that you'd spent years admiring tugging against your lips.
You were kissing your best friend. For real this time. It felt so impossible for your mind to imagine such a thing, but luckily it didn't have to.
James moved his hands but they never left you, one sliding through your hair smoothly and one delicately holding your waist like you were something fragile. Butterflies fluttered through you at his touch, something familiar but foreign, wrong but also right, and somessilyperfect. You couldn't believe you'd spent all those years just a few words away from getting to feel it, getting to be surrounded by it.
You pulled away after a moment, your lips feeling puffy and burning with the heat of his kiss, but all you could think about was how free you felt, how happy you were that he was finally yours.
James looked down at you, his eyes dancing all across your face and stopping on your lips, and then somehow growing even warmer when they met yours again.
"I can't-" he began with a slight disbelieving shake of his head, voice coming out breathless and dazed as heat flushed into your own cheeks at the sight. "I can't believe..."
You laughed, feeling out of breath too, and adjusted the glasses that now perched crookedly on James's nose in an agonizingly cute way.
"Me neither," you finished for him, because you knew just how he felt, a secret the both of you shared; it was the only secret you still wanted to keep.
And it was a feeling you never wanted to have to live without again. Though now, with him in your arms and his familiar chocolate curls still brushing against your forehead, you knew you would never have to.
@hisparentsgallerryy @msmk11 @garfieldsladybird @empath-bunny @urmykindofwoman @bambi-jp @babyclea @kenjikishimotoswifey @cloudroomblog @the-marauders-mapp @mooonyxoxo @imgondeletedis @moon-flowerrs @fruticake @arey0usirius @marauroon @swiftsgirlfriend @jamieolivia27 @magicwithaknife
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urwonnly · 2 months
# maknae line ver.
# genre : fluff
# format : bulletpoint
# warnings : none :3
# note: idk how i feel abt these... i hope yall like them LOL wanted to get these done so i could start working on smth else (hehehe >:p) anyways pls leave feedback if u enjoyed!! xo, ki
# disclaimer(s): these r my opinions, they are not meant to be an accurate portrayal of any of them. this is me being delusional lmao
# tags : @hoonigiris @kimsohn.... once again, i lover u guys <3
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he is your number one confidant; so genuinely supportive and is always there for you
he is So Shy at first, you will have to be patient with him because doing anything slightly romantic will make him blush and cringe into himself 
loves to be spoiled/doted on LOL…. its the key to his heart 
also likes to take care of you but more so as moral/emotional support; he listens to you when you're sad even though most of the time he already knows what you're upset about before you tell him. he just wants to be there for you all the time 
he is so full of love </3 even before you two were officially dating he knew he loved you as a person, as his person 
you two make it So obvious that you're together; always being right next to each other, holding hands, locking arms, giggling and messing with each other 
heart on his sleeve; he doesn’t ever hide how he feels about you and he expects you to do the same with him
your connection rly is very special; he understands you on a level no one else rly does
matching. couple. items.; skincare headbands, pj sets, phone cases, hoodies
he immediately buys anything he sees that reminds him of you; and he sees in you in everything
all in all, sunoo bears his heart to you and hopes that you do the same with him
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such a sweetheart </3 a lover boy through and through
i imagine u guys were friends first and then ended up developing feelings later 
gaslights himself into thinking you’re not into him like that LOL
you will have to be very straightforward with him bc it will take him a minute to fully believe you but once he does, he’s wrapped around your finger
he enjoys someone he can just be comfortable with; you lean on each other equally and allow yourselves to just relax in the others presence
wants someone to enjoy his youth with; doesn’t ask for much but for you to just be a steady person in his life 
the two of you grow together as a couple; you’re there for his achievements, he’s there for yours; he supports you and you support him; its an equal exchange with him 
always wants to talk to you; it doesn't even matter what about he just likes hearing your voice and seeing your face light up when you get on a topic of interest 
facetimes/video calls you everyday, leaves you voice messages when he's busy, sends you silly selfies to say he misses you and hopes you do the same 
also takes a lot of pics of you; he doesn't know how an entire album of you sleeping ended up in his phone….. he doesn't know who did that pfft nope
teases you lovingly, anytime you blush or get shy he makes it worse by calling you cute or saying things like “oooh why’s your face so red?” with a little evil giggle (your payback is calling him cute any chance you get and watching how shy he gets about it) 
at first, he's not very physical in his affections but as time goes on and you become more comfortable with one another, he starts to initiate physical affection more often;
he tucks your hair behind your ear, links your pinkies together randomly, wraps an arm around your waist, holds your hand but usually only when it's just the two of you; around other people its a lot more subtle
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your best friend, ride or die for life above all else
dating him is fun and silly and easygoing; he eases your worries because you can just be yourself with him and vice versa 
nothing is ever too serious with riki, you enjoy each others company even if all you do is sit at home and play video games 
he always shows interest in you and the things you like and loves when you do the same for him
if you tell him you're trying to learn japanese for him his heart swells a bit; loves to share his culture with you even in little ways 
move nights, game nights, and arcade dates are a Must 
isn't the most affectionate around other ppl (bc his hyungs Will tease him) but when its just the two of you, he can be very loving
…most of the time though he just likes to mess with you affectionately; starts tickle fights out of nowhere, pokes you when he feels like you're not paying attention to him, copies your mannerisms and is constantly teasing you
you two are almost always bickering about something; he thinks its funny when you get fake annoyed at him 
teaches you choreo!! its probably one of his favorite things to do with you (even if you're not very good at it) 
when i think riki i think high school sweethearts; meeting each other in the hallways between classes, innocent pecks on the cheek before you part ways, silly banter, study sessions that you both give up on halfway through
thinks you’re cute but never says it; it’s not hard to tell though with the way he ruffles up your hair at random moments and is always giggling at you
he isn’t the msot emotional/romantic but deep down he really cares about you and wants you to be happy; when he does show moments of sentimentality it takes you by surprise
but you’re also not very lovey dovey so when you start to tear up you have to turn away and pretend you’re fine (riki stares like a deer in headlights if you actually start crying but will try his best to comfort you)
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starglitterz · 5 months
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❝ hey, pretty stranger, i think you look cute! can i get your number? i wanna know you. // cute encounters with genshin guys on the bus.  ❞
✧ feat ; childe, heizou, xiao x gn!reader ✧ warning(s) ; childe’s can be viewed as platonic ✧ a/n ; so i think the bus at my university is like. a meet-cute spot for me or something HAHAHA here are a couple of drabbles based on my irl experiences <3 ! shout out to my one irl that has to listen to me being delusional all the time LOL ur a real one (she’s never going to see this). also the title has no relation to the fic at all sorry i just could not think of a title for the life of me so i just went with a random vocaloid song JDSJDJS ok bye i hope u enjoy this!!
please reblog w tags + leave comments ! it rlly makes my day :)
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✦ CHILDE. [ tartaglia ]
“childe? is that you?” you grin, leaning over the back of your seat as you realise who’s sitting behind you, “i didn’t know you take the bus back too!” his face cracks into a wide beam upon noticing you, “y/n! hi! i do sometimes when i’m too tired to walk.” and just like that, the two of you start talking excitedly – you’re classmates, though you aren’t too close you both still consider each other friends, and it’s nice to have someone to talk to instead of staring out the window at the rain with your earphones plugged in to pretend you’re in a music video. 
somehow, the conversation turns to birthdays, and as childe asks when yours is, you smirk, “it’s today!” you swear his blue eyes open so big you’re worried they might just tumble out of his head as he gasps, “what?! today?! so you’re turning a year older today?!” “yeah!” you nod, giggling at his exaggerated reaction. “nah, you’ve got to come here so i can wish you properly,” he shakes his head seriously, and you tilt your head in confusion, “there’s someone sitting beside you already though…”
you shouldn’t have doubted the one and only tartaglia for even a moment, because the next second, he turns to the man beside him with zero hesitation and gives them the most blinding persuasive smile ever, “hey! would you mind switching seats with my friend over there? it’s their birthday, and i really want to wish them!” “childe!” you scold, heat rushing to your face at his casual confession to this total stranger, “stop disturbing random people!” “but it’s your birthday!” he replies innocently, ocean eyes gleaming aquamarine. the man beside him seems a little confused by childe’s demeanour, but he’s probably more scared of what his reaction would be if he said no, so he nods, “sure, i guess…” and as the bus rattles along its familiar route, you switch places with the stranger, profuse thanks spilling from your lips before you fix childe with a scolding gaze. 
“hey, it worked!” he raises his hands in surrender, only to quickly grasp yours and shake it heartily, “happy birthday, comrade!” you laugh, shaking your head, “you’re so silly. thank you, childe.” you both hide your chuckles as you joke about the poor guy that had to switch with you, and you tease and banter with each other all the way to the train station.
✦ SHIKANOIN HEIZOU. [ analytical harmony ]
it has been a long day. not necessarily bad, but one of those days where the universe seems to be conspiring against you to make every small thing go wrong enough to get on your nerves. right now, you’re at your wits end as you stumble onto the bus, sending the bus driver a sheepish smile when your card only buzzes on the third tap. your eyes scan the interior – almost all of the seats are occupied, and your friend has skipped ahead to sit with someone else she knows. 
but your gaze stops short on a maroon-haired guy looking out the window, and with an internal cheer you realise that the seat next to him is empty and quickly slide into it. now that you’re closer, you notice that he’s actually quite handsome; all fluffy maroon hair and forest green eyes with a few moles dotted across his pale skin. you’re so busy staring that you don’t realise he’s trying to tell you something until he clears his throat. “y-yeah?!” you stutter in surprise at his sudden attempt at conversation. that was a dumb reply. now you’re staring at him with wide eyes as he softly asks, “um, is that your wallet?”
you look at the floor where he’s pointing, only to realise with horror: that is your wallet! “oh… hahaha, that is mine. thank you,” you’re ninety percent sure you are giving off the worst first impression of all time with your stupid responses. it’s almost like you’ve never spoken to another human being in your life. and what’s with your outfit?! of course the one day you don’t dress up is the day you end up sitting next to the world’s cutest stranger. as you bend down to pick up your wallet, you silently curse your unlucky stars. you dropped your purse in front of a cute guy! can this day get any worse?! 
famous last words.
because two seconds later, you’re trying to sit up straight again, and you hit your head on the hard back of the seat in front of yours. even worse, you groan loudly, “ow!” “holy archons… are you okay?” the stranger beside you gasps, although as you rub your head and look at them, it’s pretty obvious that they’re trying to hold back laughter. you’re torn between laughing or crying your eyes out, but the humour of the absolutely idiotic situation you’re in kicks in and you end up giggling even as you’re wincing in pain, “i’m fine, thank you… i promise i’m not usually this clumsy.” “really?” he quirks an eyebrow with a teasing smile, “could’ve fooled me.” “hey!” you pout, folding your arms across your chest in playful offence, “i know i might have just made the worst first impression ever, but i swear i’m a lot cooler!” “i’ll be the judge of that,” his gaze softens and he tilts his head, “i’m heizou, by the way.” “i’m y/n! let’s restart this whole thing – it’s nice to meet you!”
luckily for you, the bus is stuck in traffic, and the two of you end up talking about everything under the sun on the long journey to the train station. you aren’t certain if he’s convinced that you’re cool yet, but you’ll definitely keep working on it – even if it’s only to see the way his cute dimples appear whenever his features crease into a smile at your jokes. 
✦ XIAO. [ vigilant yaksha ]
it’s been a tiring day of an exhausting course. but at the very least, you’ve got your new friend to complain to as the two of you wait for the bus. “you know, i was so glad you asked me to join your group!” you grin at xiao, adjusting your tote bag. “it’s no big deal… you were alone, so i thought you could join us,” he gives you a soft smile, jade streaks of hair framing his face as they peek out from under his dark cap. “yeah, but still! it’s so difficult to make friends when the classes are so huge, so it was really nice of you.” “that’s true. you’re the first person i’m talking to outside class,” he nods in agreement. his casual statement makes you remember that you’re a professional yapper and you panic, “oh! by the way, if i’m talking too much, just tell me to shut up! i talk a lot, so that’s totally fine.” he chuckles, and his response makes a happy smile grace your lips, “no, it’s okay. i prefer listening, so it’s fine if you talk a lot.” so talk is what you do until the bus finally rumbles into the bus stop. 
the constant bumping of the bus on the rough roads combined with the soothing noise of the rain tapping against the window makes you drowsy, and you turn to xiao, “if i fall asleep before we reach the train station, you better wake me up, okay? don’t abandon me on the bus and just go home!” the corner of his lips quirk up into what might be a teasing smile, “no promises.” but when he sees your distraught expression, he reassures you, “just kidding. i’ll wake you up.” “okay…” you mumble a response, and within a few seconds, you’re asleep, head lolling forward as the bus continues along. you don’t usually fall asleep on public transport, far too worried that you’ll miss your stop and end up on the other end of teyvat, but with xiao beside you, you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?
you’re in the middle of a very nice dream when you hear xiao’s soft voice calling you, “y/n?” and his tone is so gentle, like he didn’t want to startle you, that it almost makes your heart beat right out of your chest. you stretch a little, eyes flickering open before sliding shut again, “mmm…” “we’re almost there,” he murmurs. and there it is again, that soft, gentle voice that you swear sounds like honey. you’re almost going to pass out, and definitely not from sleepiness. “okay… i’m awake.” you manage a smile, and he tilts his head almost worriedly, “don’t fall asleep on the train.” “i won’t!” you grin widely as you hop off the bus, hoping that shows how you’re 100% awake right now, and he smiles, “okay then, i’ll see you tomorrow.” 
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bahaha these are very messy but i just needed to get these out of my system before i went insane i think i should take the bus more often 😋 also yes these are all 100% experienced by yours truly and have not even been exaggerated for the sake of this fic // general masterlist
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way - reblog and leave comments if you enjoyed !
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sprinklenoodles · 2 months
This one is going to be shorter since I am trying not to stay up late! (Future me. I lied but I made it! It's not 12 this time! WOOOOO!!!) 'Tis 11pm rn instead of 12 or 1am. Decided to read And Then I Go And Spoil It All By Saying Something Stupid Like "I Love You" Did more art today so I didn't have a lot of time to read that much! Also, it's Jin and Kijo! The doomed gays!! I had too! Also, sliding this in. Hope you had good celebratory time!!! I'd say more but I forgot how to use more words. Yay for celebratory noises! As for my vaguely silly comments for the fic, it be good. Short, sweet, got the TUMI lore in there. So, pretty neat! Not crazy or anything since it's a little oneshot into the lives of Kijo and Jin in their youth, but still!! Makes me think more about these two. Mostly Jin because I never even cared about him much other than "HEADMASTER" and "KYOKO DAD". That kinda stuff. Never even took account like... his personality and what he likes, dislikes, or even how he was in his youth. Guess he kinda just existed in my mind before so it feels nice finally thinking critically about his character a bit more. With Kijo, I always had that intrest because he's so much of a mystery. In the game, there's only the allusion of his preseence cus "Duh! Byakuya came from somewhere. Not some money hole like some money mole" (heehee that rhymed) And like, the only stuff of Kijo IS his name. So I already was in that mindset to wonder about him. What kinda of guy would be responsible for the creating of Byakuya. Which, honestly, maybe I just need to one day go and just... look into the depths of Jin lore. A Jin Journey. Cus I know nothing and it is a crime. Realized this didn't have much fic talk in it and more just me blabbering about Jin and Kijo so I hope you don't mind! Also, since why not add some out-of-pocket thought, I must say this cus it's true and happened yesterday on my end and it's a wild realization. AHEM. I think Byakuya Togami made me realize I might be aroace or like, on the aroace spectrum. This sounds so dumb but it's true. Also think your headcanon for him helped me realize that. I thank you for good fics, interesting ideas, and self-actualization somehow. Like, no one could have guessed that to be on the bingo card. So, by the time of your reading this, it'll be like, 2 days since I had that realization which I'm still shocked about! I digress though. Thus, to end this off, take this MS paint doodle I made in like... less than a few minutes.
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The way I drew Kijo is so freaking funny to me. He's so head empty. You bonk that head and he just doesn't react cus there's nothing in there. Also, would their ship name be Jijo or Kin? Kijogiri? Jingami? Also, I will give Kijo better hair some day. I promise!
That little one-shot is one of my favs. It's both recent and is just a nice little addition to the TUMI universe, which I always love to do.
It was also just time for Jin and Kijo to get something that focuses just on them, even if it was just a prequel... but who knows, that might become more...
But I really liked writing it and I'm glad u liked reading it :D
Loved the little doodle too! Poor Kijo's hair tho 😔 And I dunno what the ship name should be... Maybe something ✨creative✨
As for what you've realized, congrats! I'm glad my fics could help with that, though I'm not that surprised that they did. One thing I've noticed is that quite a lot of my readers are aromantic.
Also, I recommend watching this video by JaidenAnimations! It's her coming out as aroace and was quite eye opening for me back when I watched it the first time!
But congrats on figuring that out! If you ever have any questions or whatever, you know where to find me!
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giveafike · 3 days
Hi can you write Elliot euphoria and YN have a camping indoors sleepover that leads to more than just friends. Extra smutty please 🤭
TLDR: Elliot and Y/N planned a "camping trip" during college vacation and well, one thing led to another and...
Word count + info: 2.1k THIS ONE IS LONGGGG! Dialogue (it’s mostly sex talk and them being silly goofy guys). Female college!readerxElliot (no specifications).
Warnings + Content Ahead: NSFW this is 18+ MDNI, 420 mentioned, biting, oral sex, no protection (smh), lotta making out and mouth stuff, thigh riding 🤭 I think that’s it!
Azzie Notes ✚: Chat we are so back! sorry I took so long bro, IRL has been soo fkin messy atm but I just needed to write and get back on here. Why is my inbox ovulating so hard tho 😭  guys lets be demure too (kidding I need dom more than ever before now that Dominic has gone MIA)I hope u enjoy it's been a while! I also mentioned Euphoria like,.. the actual word and geeked out a bit go try n find it and geek out w me
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When It Rains, It Pours - D.F.
“Oh, dude you’ve got to be fuckin' kidding me” He huffs.
There you both were, like two idiots holding hamper baskets with blankets, snacks, rolling papers, and small pillows, staring out the glass door into the backyard as rain poured down heavy, the sound of wind whistling as the drops hit the windowed door hard.
You and Elliot had spent many summers “camping” in his backyard since High School and since college had separated your time together, what better way to reunite than kicking off summer in your hometown by camping? Only this year, you both promised to save up and go somewhere this time, but alas, it was just you, Elliot, his empty house and, the torrential rain outside. You both stood in matching tartan shorts and your graduation grey t-shirts from high school like a bunch of losers.
You sigh as you set down your hamper. “So much for that camping trip, huh?” you smirk, biting a smile down.
He sets his hamper basket down too and rummages through it to find his rolling paper and his little bag of weed. “Can’t believe our fuckin’ luck man” He murmurs angrily as he fumbles his papers up.
You sigh and reach over, grabbing his now crumpled paper, and, plop yourself down on the beanbag by the door before rolling his blunt for him. He sighs and sits on the floor between your legs, placing his chin on your knee before looking up at your face, and tucking some hair behind your ear.
“I missed this- I mean I missed you, ya know? Seeing your Instagram Stories and FaceTiming isn’t the same, you even look different. I really wanted to have something to remind you of me, like old times sake sort of thing, whatever that shit means” he mumbles, before pressing his cheek onto your knee, avoiding eye contact.
Your eyes widen at his confession and you stop in your tracks, your fingers moving away from the paper to his face, bringing his eyes back to look at you. Elliot had a lot messed up but one thing was for sure; he always had your back and was always there whenever you needed him.
You both were messed up together, he was your first kiss accidentally, you accidentally smoked weed together, and you both accidentally spent the night in a jail cell after trying to joyride an old car, only to end up crashing that same car within the span of a few minutes since neither of you could drive. Something about those accidents made your heart flutter and kept you around Elliot closer rather than push you away, even though your parents didn’t exactly take it well. Now, after spending almost 8 months away, you were worried Elliot felt like he was slipping away.
“Elli, you’ll always have me, you know that right? Like, you’ve fucked me up so bad that we have a trauma bond, you can’t expect me to slip away, dude. A-And remember one time it rained like this and we made an indoor fort? How ‘bout we do that then, yeah? We have all the stuff for it, the weed and all.” You smile, hoping to get a small laugh out of him as you hold his head, his eyes boring into yours while your fingers coil around his blonde-tipped hair.
He sighs and closes his eyes softly, before nodding, grunting as he gets up. He looks down at you before you lift your head to meet his gaze. Elliot lowers himself to plant kisses on your forehead with an overwhelming tenderness that sends shivers down your spine. It turns almost possessive as he trails it down to your cheek and peppers it with long kisses. Your breath hitches and you feel like melting under his touch. You had never felt a simple kiss to be so sensual but here you were, shivering with your breath hitching. He brings his mouth to your ear, his breath slow and almost ragged.
“If you left me, Y/N, I don’t know what I’d do...” His breath is ragged against your skin as he nips at your earlobe before abruptly standing upright again. He digs into his pockets as he walks over and attends to unpacking the hampers, acting nonchalant despite the raw passion still coursing through him. Elliot has kissed and touched you before, albeit while high, but something felt so different, so desperate at this moment.
You try to shrug it off as you roll a few more blunts before crawling inside the now-built fort Elliot had made. He sits on his knees as he puts up some string lights and fluffs up some pillows before resting on his elbows and leaning back. You sit in front of him, holding a blunt between your lips. He can’t help but smile as he brings his old lighter up to you, setting it alight and bringing his face close. The first hit in your lungs feels like home as you exhale with a giggle, blowing the smoke directly into his face. His eyes narrow playfully as he leans in, not breaking eye contact. Instead of simply taking the blunt, his lips brush against yours—soft, lingering—before catching the blunt between them. The kiss is brief but electric, the blunt slipping from your mouth to his as his lips hover close, teasing. For a moment, his face stays just inches from yours, the warmth of his breath mingling with the haze of smoke.
It’s like you’re in his pocket and he’s in yours, both of you wrapped around each others’ fingers. Your back is almost pressed to his, your face tilted up to look at his while his hands wrap around your waist, under your shirt and the waistband of your shorts feeling your smooth skin. It must’ve been 20 minutes when you decide to put the blunt to the side on a small tray and reach up to his face, this time parting his mouth for a kiss. It’s lazy and relaxed as you shift your body to straddle his thigh, your tongue slipping in. Elliot moans into the kiss, holding your hip with one hand and gripping your hair tight with the other.
You grind and gyrate on his thigh, your hands pulling at his curls; you knew he went crazy for hair tugs. His lips trail your neck, his tongue and teeth trailing and gnawing as he laps the length from your collarbone to your earlobe. You let out a whimper as you continue to buck against his thigh, desperate for more. You pull away, pressing your forehead to his.
“Elli, please… don’t hold back” you murmur, pleading as you heave.
He doesn’t answer, instead, he nods and takes his hand under your t-shirt to lift it up and over your head in one swift motion before connecting his lips back to yours. You gasp as you feel the cold air hit your naked torso, the sensation fresh with the sound of you making out with rain noises in the background and the smell of marijuana burning away. It all feels so right, so real.
His head dips between the valley of your breasts, suckling while holding eye contact, lazily moving his mouth over your breast, gliding the tip of his tongue in painful slow circles before taking your nipple between your teeth. His eyes look into yours with pure innocence and attentiveness, as you moan and hold his head there, roaming his curls as you continue to rock back and forth on his thigh, desperately trying for some friction for your now soaking core. You roll his t-shirt up and take it off his torso, throwing it to the side.
Elliot holds you and places you down on the pillow and the mess of bedsheets covering the wooden floor. He leans down, planting soft kisses from the nape of your neck to the edge of your waistband. He perks up to look at you with those sweet eyes you can never get enough of.
“You’re stunning, you know that, Y/N? You always have been.” He whispers shyly before tugging at your waistband looking for approval.
You nod and lift your hips up as he pulls your shorts and underwear off in one swift motion, discarding them outside of the fort. Elliot almost groans at the sight of you completely naked, his eyes filled with desire and admiration. He grabs the blunt placed on the tray and takes a long drag. Smoke billows from his lips and drifts towards your glistening center, making you shiver with anticipation. You moan at the sensation, feeling a wave of heat rush through your body. His head dips down while he kisses your inner thighs, licking softly. He kisses your core, right on your bud making you gasp. Elliot gently spreads your lips, taking one long lick up, circling over your bud. Something about how easy and purposeful he was being had made this all the more arousing, loud moans and encouragement rolling out from your lips begging him to keep going.
Elliot eats you out as if it's his sole duty, his purpose in life, and takes his sweet time to savour you, to thrust his tongue in and out of you, to drink you up until it brings your next orgasm, and then do it all over again. His hand thumbs your breast, the other holding your hips down as you continuously buck up for each wave of pleasure he gives you that ripples through your body. Elliot reaches down to free his member as he carries you through yet another orgasm, this time jerking himself off in slow, lazy strokes, dedicating himself to you first.
As you come down from your orgasm, you feel like you’re seeing stars, everything is flowing perfectly and harmoniously for the first time in a long time. You prop yourself up on your elbows as you watch him gently guide himself to your wet core. Elliot rubs his head up and down before thrusting in, watching your face for any sign of discomfort or displeasure. You grab his shoulder with one hand and bite your lip, nodding to ask him to keep going. He pushes in further, bottoming out inside of you entirely. Your tight hole twitches around his member, adjusting to his size as he slowly moves out, before pounding back in.
It doesn’t take much for Elliot to lose control and find himself relentlessly thrusting into you, roughly gripping a hand to your breast as he moves at a furious pace. You let out provocative giggles and purrs, further fueling his intense desire as he thrusts in and out of you. The fort feels humid, the sound of rain and skin slapping filling the room. Your body craves this, needing more and more as every thrust sends a wave of pleasure through your entire body. Elliot's red eyes are locked on yours, his face contorted with pure passion, your name spilling out like a prayer. You wrap your legs around his waist, urging him to go even deeper. His breath hitches as he pounds into you, his hips bucking wildly. The smell of sweat and sex fills the air as he continues to pound, his name echoing from your lips with every thrust.
As you near the edge, you can feel yourself tightening around him, squeezing each time he slams into you. Elliot grabs your hips, holding you tightly as he thrusts faster and harder, his eyes locked on yours. His face is a mix of passion and desperation, knowing you are about to shatter beneath him. And then it happens. You both reach your peaks, sending a jolt of euphoria through the both of you before collapsing, rocking together in one final attempt to ride out your highs. Your nails dig roughly into his shoulder as Elliot bites down on yours, your arms holding him as he lies on top of you before he pulls out and falls to your side. You both breathe out with your mouths dry and skin slick with sweat as you stare up at the bedsheet lined fort ceiling covered in string lights.
Elliot sits up to lazily grab the blunt from the tray, accidentally brushing past one of the fort supports. He pauses for a moment, before exhaling and lying back, taking a drag before handing it to you, smiling.
“You know, for a second there I thought I fuckin’ ruined the momen-” He’s cut off by the fort caving in, entangling you both in sheets. You can’t even be mad at him, he just accidentally crashed his own fort after making your legs shake. God knows how the rest of the night goes, but at least it’s spent with good, old Elli.
31 notes · View notes
muniimyg · 1 year
+ extra ! in our forever
series m.list
note: omg hiii ??? helloo ??? okok this was supposed to be posted for yoongi’s birthday... then i planned it to be written in time for my birthday/bts birthday... now it’s being posted mid summer.... like hello? where did the time go? i felt so stuck writing this extra because it feels more like the ending than the actual ending ? does that make sense lol... i planned to write their first kiss scene but honestly i don’t think i’ll be able to do so [unless i get the random urge to write it instead of studying for a final or smt] ! hoping to back more regularly when my work schedule stops being a bitch <3 slowly but surely,, my fics will continue to be deleted off my notes/drafts and pushed out frfr. thank u all of ur patience ,, i TRULY miss u all... laughing with u guys after every update literally gave me a reason to wake up and have smt to look forward to. i look forward to all of ur love and support for my upcoming / ongoing works. 
muwah muwah ,, kimi 💛✨🥂
ps… it’s lengthy y’all 💀 it’s to make up for being so mia HAHHAAA
warnings: smut & angst ,, MY FAVE DUO <3
taglist requests are closed !
taglist: @j3nnie101​ @tarahardcore​ @bbsantc​ @jeonqkooks-main​ @whoa-jo @ellesalazar​ @exhibitachol​ @pamzn​ @floweryjeons​ @boraength​ @4ksj​ @joonsjuice​ @taegijns​ @avtrns​ @taegix94​ @bloopkook​ @jihopesjoint​ @firesighgirl​ @vantxx95​ @damn-u-min-yoongi​ @yoongukie-ff​ @hopeworldjimin​ @thisisaburnphone​ @pb-n-juju​ @xjiminsthighsx​ @miss-rainy-days​ @percyjacksonlovesannabethchase​ @whitefoxgirl​ @slutforheeseung​​ @lovelytaes-blog​​
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In the midst of the airport chaos, Yoongi finds you standing with a stupid sign that looks like it was decorated by your preschool students. 
It’s times like these when he can’t help but smile at how insufferable you are. Why are you so fucking cute? Standing there, looking for him in the sea of strangers with your warm greeting. It’s a sight he wishes to last forever. It makes his stomach turn knowing that it’s him you’re waiting for. It’s him you’re here for. 
It’s him. 
As usual, Yoongi finds you first and continues to let you look for him. He waits for your eyes to find his before he picks up his feet and makes his way to you. You smile, unable to hold yourself back from making your way to him as well. 
As you do so, Yoongi gets a closer and closer look at the sign. At that moment, his heart skips a beat, realizing that your preschool class knows about him.
The boyfriend. 
It’s such a simple label. It even sounds silly to say and even so; he never gets used to how it makes him feel. How excited he is to be yours and how others react to it... Something about little children running around the classroom, knowing their teacher ____ is loved and has a boyfriend makes him so happy. 
God, it’s so fucking embarrassing and it honestly doesn’t even matter... But why... Why was it consuming his mind so effortlessly? 
Though these thoughts and daydreams are so easily executed in his mind; being your boyfriend—the mere title of it—has him in shambles. He will never get used to this privilege. So, it’s only natural that he wonders if you talk about him to them just as much. He wonders if they’ve asked you any silly questions like... If you two have ever kissed or if you two were ever going to get married.. Better yet; if you have any babies with him...
All valid questions 3 year old's could ask you! Even more valid questions for your boyfriend to ponder. 
You talk about your students so much. Like, it’s a little ridiculous! You talk about them as if they’re yours. With that, the idea of having a family with you is prone to linger in his mind. However, that’s way down the line..
He’d have to propose to you first; marry you second, and then have children with you. All the while, loving you forever. 
These thoughts, though dramatic and honestly a little extensive—consume him. It’s a little strange and overwhelming considering that you two haven’t been together for that long. Not to mention, he had just left for nearly and month. 
Yet, isn’t that how you two bloomed anyway? Testing and proving that absence does make the heart grow fonder. 
He gulps as he watches you rush to him. You squeal as he picks up his speed and meets you halfway. There, you practically fall into his arms. 
Nothing is better than this. 
Yoongi has only been away for three weeks, but it feels like it’s been forever. You’re so used to having him by your side and these past three weeks just felt like torture. All the texts and photo updates were simply not enough. If anything, they made missing him even worse. 
But that’s all over now.
Now, he’s here. He’s kissing your cheeks and holding you close. He doesn’t think he’ll ever let go.. Why should he? 
“I missed you,” Yoongi confesses in a rather whiney matter. It’s as if he wasn’t the one that left for a trip.. You clearly remember asking him if he really had to go. Then, he pouts with eyebrows knitting together. You tilt your head in response. “Ace...” 
You snicker at his whine.
“Why haven’t you kissed me yet?”
“Hahahaa! Yoongi, you just arrived—”
His lips crash into yours, kissing you so profoundly that your back arches and melts into his touch. Everyone is probably looking at you two—ever so the dramatic couple.
Oh, whatever.
You missed him too.
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The boys are all patiently waiting for Yoongi back in his apartment. 
As you unlock the door, Yoongi drags his luggage in. Immediately, he’s greeted with a wave of affectionate yells and shoves. His friends, ever so the gentlemen, push him around so much until they all end up on the floor. Laughing together, you watch them help each other up. 
“We’re grown men. Stop embarrassing me in front of my girlfriend,” Yoongi reprimands his friends as he dusts himself off. The guys roll their eyes in response and you even scoff. 
“She was late to a game and you cried about it—”
Yoongi corrects his friend with a technicality. “I almost cried.”
“Same shit!” Jungkook laughs at Yoongi’s sad attempt to save face. He then wraps his arms around Yoongi and looks up at him with bambi eyes. “You know.. I’m really glad you’re back.”
“Because I was promised cotton candy if I showed up to your welcome home dinner... So where the fuck is it? Give it to me. Now.”
The boys exchange looks with one another. “Jungkook, we actually don’t have any cotton candy tonight... But, don’t you want to be here and spend time with us—”
“Fucking liars!” Jungkook flips everyone off before pushing Yoongi aside and exiting his apartment. 
Everyone stands there for a moment, unsure of what just happened.
“Did he really just leave?” Taehyung bursts into laughter. 
Before you know it, everyone joins in. Laughing together because Jungkook is so unhinged... Also because you all know Jungkook would be back in (give or take) 20 minutes.
It’s not like he has other friends that would put up with his dramatic ass. 
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As expected, Yoongi kicks everyone out. 
They all hurry out, leaving a bit of a mess behind. You shake your head as you collect all the dishes and bring them to the sink. Soaking the dirty dishes, you scrape off any extras and set them aside. Meanwhile, Yoongi is in charge of sweeping, mopping, and putting anything Jin, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook played with away. 
“How the fuck did Nam Joon manage to leave his sock here?” 
“His what?”
“Sock. He left one.”
You throw your head back, laughing and recalling how chaotic tonight was.
“He didn’t even drink that much tonight... I think you drank more than him,” you comment, turning to face Yoongi. He pauses on wiping the table and rolls his eyes at you. 
“Nam Joon is lightweight.”
“Yeah?” you challenge him, “what are you?”
“Wanna find out?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Let’s see how sloppy I fuck you tonight.”
You send him a glare, trying your best to mask your amusement. How could he be so unhinged? “Min Yoongi!”
“Yes, Ace?”
He shrugs at you. “I’ve been behaving.. Don’t believe me? Punish me tonight.”
You gag at his line. He laughs a bit as you make a cringe face at him. “Is that why you wanted me to sleep over?”
“No,” Yoongi slurs. You raise your eyebrows, eyes softening, with a small grin. Yoongi folds; “... okay, fine.”
You chuckle.
“Shut up!” He defends himself.
“I didn’t say anything!” With that, you burst into laughter. 
To put into perspective, the idea of sleeping over occurred after a very mature and communicative compromise. The compromise was that Yoongi had won 2 of 3 in an intense rock, paper, scissors game and you (have to because you lost) decided to spend the next week in his apartment. This would be a great time to reconnect and catch up on his trip. Regardless if he called and texted you every day during it; it’s different seeing his face light up as he relives his stories. You love listening to him talk about the things he loves—oddly enough, you’re all he can talk about these days.
Nevertheless, Yoongi tells you about how great his trip with his brother was. Seeing a bunch of NBA games in real life made him feel like he was doing something for his inner child. He talks about how much his brother bickered with him and how their taste in food was exactly the same so every time they went to restaurants; they would argue about who should get the other dish instead of both of them ordering the same meals.
You’re glad he’s back. 
Having your friends over tonight was such a good reset and time together. Now, the night concludes with cleaning with the love of your life. Could the simple things in life get any better than this?
Your thoughts are put on pause as you feel Yoongi’s arms wrap around your waist. As you continue to rinse the dishes, he rests his chin on the crook of your neck. 
“___,” he murmurs into your skin. You put the last dish on the dishrack before turning your body to be face to face with him. Tilting your head at him, a little confused with the underlying look of seriousness on his face. “Do your preschoolers ever ask about me?”
“Hmm?” you hum, unsure of what he means. “What about you?”
Yoongi purses his lips. “Like.. Do they know I’m your boyfriend? Who they’re making a sign for and shit?”
“Well, to be honest… We’re not really allowed to be talking about our personal life—”
“Language,” you warn him. 
He kisses you in apology. 
“My bad,” he pouts. “Come on, ___. You’ve talked about me to them, haven’t you?”
You laugh, not quite understanding why he’s suddenly getting so heated about this. Sure, you’ve mentioned him once or twice.. How could you not? You’ve been in love with Yoongi for so long; it’s practically second nature to you. “Why do you care so much?”
Yoongi huffs, letting go of you. In a stiff manner, he shrugs. “I mean… The sign was made by them, right? They must know about me.”
“Umm, sure,” you roll your eyes. It’s not like this was turning into an argument or anything… But it’s just such an odd direction for the conversation to be going. “Aki, they’re a bunch of 3-year-olds. What does it matter if they know about you or not? I just asked them to help me make a sign because I was running out of time—”
“Do they ever ask you about marrying me?”
Your eyes widen. 
“What? No!”
Yoongi blinks. 
“Do you not want to marry me?” Yoongi crosses his arms, leaning against the kitchen counter. His chest tightens as he begins to feel offended. “Why’d you answer like that?”
“Like what?” you slightly panic. 
All his words are so new to you. He’s never been this straightforward… Or has he? Have you simply missed how seamless and blunt his words have been because you’ve been so into him? Suddenly, you can’t think straight. Now, you’re really confused. 
Was he getting angry?
Was he hurt?
From what? What did you say that’s triggering his reaction? You try to run it back, but it’s too late. Yoongi takes a step back and asks; “do you not want to marry me?”
You’re tongue-tied, unable to answer him. 
He scoffs. “You’re so fucking annoying.”
“Woah,” you instantly feel offended. “You can’t just bring up marrying me and then call me annoying for needing time to process what you just asked me!”
“Why do you need time to answer it? It’s yes or no. Do you want to marry me or not?”
You glare at him. “Are you proposing?”
“Then I don’t need to answer right now… And honestly? You could tone down the intense attitude. We haven’t seen each other in 3 weeks… Why can’t we just have a nice evening together?”
Yoongi sighs, slightly feeling more flustered. He takes a deep breath and surrenders to the feeling of hurt. 
“I think I’m gonna crash at Hobi’s tonight.”
“What?” you groan in disbelief. Is he actually serious? “Yoongi, this is your apartment. You won that stupid rock, paper, scissors game and I’m here. I had to switch my shift for tomorrow to be here with you and now what? You’re just going to leave me here?”
… And before Yoongi can think of a proper response to deflate or change the course this moment; he lets his sharp words cut through his lips. “Well, pardon me for not being in the mood to spend the rest of my evening with someone who I thought saw a future with me… Kind of a mood killer, you know? When your girlfriend is practically dating you to break up.” 
“I never said—”
“Drop it, ___. It’s whatever.”
Your face softens and you can’t help but tear up. His anger feels sharp and abrupt. 
“What now? Did I fuck up again?” Yoongi says coldly. 
You shake your head, eyes fluttering the tears away. “No, it’s okay. I know you’re upset.. But it’s Ace, you know? You always call me Ace. I haven’t heard you say my name in a while. It’s like you’re actually mad at me or something..”
Yoongi stays silent. 
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You never expected this. 
A whole week passes by and the most that has happened between you and Yoongi since are pathetic “good morning” and “good night” text messages. You two avoid each other and barely replied in the group chats. You’ve picked up extra shifts and Yoongi has been spending most of his time with the guys, with his brother, or alone. Thank god he warned the guys not to reach out to you regarding the argument.. Yoongi knows he was wrong to get so heated up so quickly… But also, he knows deep down his feelings were valid. 
It’s so stupid. 
The way he has been handling this entire thing is so fucking lame. He knows it and you know it. You both are acting like such babies—unwilling to communicate and understand each other. To be fair; you two have never reached the part of an argument where it actually made one another upset. This was the first time and it’s honestly the worst fucking thing you two have gone through. 
It’s sickening. 
It’s painful waiting for his calls and missing his daily updates… Avoiding eye contact and hesitating to hold your hand when you two are around each other. It doesn’t help that you can’t even remember the last time you two kissed and held each other since his arrival home. It has practically been a month since you two have been together together. 
Now it all aches. 
It hurt him to think that you couldn’t see a future with him when he knows his future is you. It ached so much to see the way your face went blank… Why were you unsure? Has he not given you all the reassurance you need? Has he not been doing enough? Was the 3 for 3 not good enough? … Rather, will he ever be good enough?
All these questions flooded his mind from morning to night. He waits for your reply every day and wonders if he should just swallow his pride and be the first to yield. 
This was your first disagreement as a couple and he isn’t too sure how to navigate through it. What is he supposed to do? His past relationships were never as dramatic as this.. Well, truth be told; he didn’t really care about his exes as much as he cares about you. Dramatic or not, the feelings were real and all more of the reason to push forward with begging for forgiveness. 
Begging to be yours. 
Begging to be loved. 
So what now? Does he surprise you with a significant gesture and make a bunch of promises that he knows are half-assed? In a sense, he was still angry. However, Yoongi knows better. His anger can’t be the reason he loses you.. And as we all know; Min Yoongi is a sore loser. 
Forever, Yoongi will refuse to lose you. 
The mere idea of dating you only for you two to break up… Sickening. He would rather crawl to you than walk away. As this realization hits him, he rushes inside his apartment and then into his room. He should go see you. 
He has to see you now.
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Yoongi doesn’t know where you are. 
At first, he had a few ideas of where you could be. At your apartment, in the library, or at the pool watching Jungkook’s swim practice.. He runs around campus desperate to find you. In all honesty, the speech he had prepared got lost along the way. As he hurriedly searches for you, the only words that ring are: it doesn’t end here. 
We don’t end here.
I love you—
Yoongi sees you sitting on the same bench you pitched three for three. You’re swinging your legs, watching the morning waves crash against the shore. He soaks in the sight of you looking so at peace. He loves how pretty you are from a far.
And then it hits him: he’s so lucky to love you.
It’s truly a privilege to love you because of everything you are. His anger and all the reasons he had gaslit himself into self-sabotaging your love for him—the extension of your beauty… It was so fucking wrong. Maybe he got too comfortable believing that he had you. Maybe he was too mesmerized with the idea of you two lasting forever that he forgot to even fucking ask it. 
He was wrong. 
He should’ve asked first. 
… But that’s the thing about being in love; you have faith. You believe in everything about the person you love. You believe in the good and that the universe sees you well enough to bless you forever. You believe in all the shooting stars and wishful thinking… You believe in forever when you meet the one that makes forever feel like it’s not enough.. But, you’d take it anyway. 
Drowning in his thoughts, Yoongi stands still and practically zones out. Meanwhile, from the corner of your eye, you see him. You see him standing there with the most devastated and desperate look on his face. Then, his eyes flicker to you. 
Your eyes meet and lock. His are glossy with tears building up. Even from a far, you can tell he has horrible eye bags. Perhaps, he hasn’t been sleeping well at night. Overall, he looks like a mess. He’s wearing grey sweatpants and your favourite white FOG shirt he owns. Even so… He looks restless. 
For his sake, you pretend not to see him. You turn back and watch the sea. Sitting in silence, you take deep breaths as you feel him walking toward you. You’re sure he’s here now but you don’t want to say anything. 
What could you say?
And it’s weird because you’d expect him to clear his throat and speak.. But he doesn’t. No, he stays silent. Yoongi also doesn’t sit down next to you. Instead, he stands a few feet away and watches the waves kiss the shore. 
Never has he ever felt so jealous of the sea.
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An hour and a half passed by since Yoongi found you and within this time: he stays silent.
He follows you around, trailing behind you like a fucking loser. His head is bowed down for the most part and he focuses on following your shoes. 
You don’t have any classes today so he finds it a little weird that you’re running around doing random shit. You aren’t buying anything or meeting up with anyone.. It just feels like you’re stalling. In a stupid way; he’s thankful you’re doing so.
He doesn’t say anything though.. Why would he? All the words he had prepared got lost as he followed you around. 
All of this simply angers you. 
The quiet moment shared between you two at the seaside bench was cute but now he’s just being fucking annoying. Is he serious? He blew up a week ago and now he can’t even apologize for leaving you alone that night? For how cold he’s been? For being the worst boyfriend ever? 
Oh my god. 
It pisses you off so much. For a man that’s such a sore loser; he surely isn’t doing much to win you over. 
That’s just it! All men do is lie. 
By now, your feet hurt and you’re too annoyed to keep playing whatever game this is. You pick up your pace and turn toward the direction of your apartment. 
Yoongi follows. 
Your irritated mood begins to cloud your thoughts. You can feel your frustration take over and you just know you can’t do this anymore. The silence, the sad puppy look on his face, and the simple fact that everything between you two just feels so paper thin—no. This is not it. This isn’t want you want. 
You pause and turn to him. 
He lifts his head and blinks at you slowly. Still, he stays silent. He doesn’t even greet you with a smile.. Nothing. What the fuck? What’s the point of any of this?
The fucking audacity of this man. 
“That’s it?”
Yoongi shrugs. 
“Coward,” you hiss. Taking a step forward, he follows your lead. You’re close enough to him to reach out and hit his chest with your fist. You don’t do anything. You stay still, just like him. In your head, you’re crying and he’s holding you. In your head, he’s already pouring his heart out and you’re mending everything back together. In your head; Yoongi is fighting for you. 
“Do you have anything to say?” you ask desperately. “You can’t do this, you know? You can’t ignore me for a week and then just show up and not say anything. You can’t follow me around like you care when you obviously don’t. What the hell, Yoongi? If it’s over, then just say it. Say it so I can go home and wonder why the fuck the universe gave me you just to lose you because I.. I’m falling apart here—I can’t—I don’t know what’s going on and you just spent like two hours not saying a single word to me. If you have nothing to say then fine! It’s over—I don’t fucking know what’s going on anymore. Do you?”
“Not really,” Yoongi reveals. “I love you.. That’s all I know.”
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His hands are on your waist, guiding you through your own apartment.
Yoongi’s kisses have never felt so good. His lips are so addicting—you can’t stop kissing him back. As innocent as the kissing goes; you can’t say the same for his hands. Once on your waist, now slipped in between your panties and your skin. 
Your body shivers from his touch.
“Slow down,” you pull away from him; “I’m still mad at you.”
“Good,” he snickers deviously, “hate sex sounds really good right now.”
“I don’t hate you.”
“I can change that.”
Without warning, Yoongi picks you up and throws you onto your bed. There, you watch him take off his jacket, his shirt, and then just as he’s about to take off his pants; you crawl to him. 
“Can I?”
Yoongi fights for his life to stay calm and cool. He succeeds as he lets out two words: “say please.”
In response, you glare at him. “You want me to say please when you’re about to get head—”
No warning. 
Yoongi tugs his sweatpants down and grabs a handful of your hair. He shoves his thick cock into your pretty mouth. It shuts you up immediately. The moment you feel his velvety skin in your mouth, you moan at the taste of his precum on your mouth. Yoongi throws his head back from the relief and literal pleasure of your warm mouth wrapped around him. In contrast to his initial action, Yoongi thrusts in gently. His tip hits the back of your throat and you gag—tears triggered. You suck him as he moves back and forth. It makes him weak. How are you so fucking pretty while you do the dirtiest thing? He doesn’t know if he hates himself or not… How could he be doing this to you? At the same time, how could he not? 
He’s wanted this for so long. He missed you so fucking much.
“Mhmm,” he moans, “hate me yet?” 
He pulls you away from his dick. You grab it with your hands and jerk him off. Tilting your head, you bat your eyes at him. You shake your head at him, “I love you, Aki.”
Yoongi’s heart collapses. With no time to waste, he bends down and kisses you deeply. “I love you too, Ace.”
Just as you’re about to continue, Yoongi shifts you to lie down. Though a little confused, you follow his lead. “Wait, I wasn’t done sucking your—”
“I need you,” Yoongi confesses so sinfully. There’s truth in his voice. The kind that feels urgent and “I need you more than you need me.. Please, ___.”
You nod, fully understanding what he wants. 
Laying on your back, you spread your legs for him. He assists you and helps you take off your pants. He tosses them aside before running his thumb on the band of your panties. For a moment, his hands roam around you. He runs his thumb against your heat before pushing them aside to see you bare. 
“Just take them off,” you advise him. He rolls his eyes at you. 
“I have a thing for your panties, Ace.. Holy shit, give me a fucking minute.” Yoongi hisses his words and it makes you laugh. “Don’t fucking laugh, you cockslut.”
“I’ll stop laughing when you finally fuck me.”
“Be patient.”
You cross your arms at him.
“Aren’t you the one that said you need me—oh my god!” you gasp, feeling yourself begin to throb at the feeling of Yoongi’s spit running down your folds. He smirks at how fast you shut up. Yoongi then takes off your panties entirely and then spreads your legs in front of him. 
He jerks himself off a few times before hitting his hard cock against your pussy. Your breath hitches when he does so. “Are you wet enough?” he asks with no intention of waiting for your reply. He uses his thumb and index finger to spread your folds and judges for himself. He then spits again and massages it into your wet pussy. “Better?”
You nod, unable to answer. “Don’t finger me,” you beg. “Just fuck me, okay?”
“You don’t want me to finger you? How about I at least eat you out first—”
“You didn’t let me finish giving you a blowjob!”
Yoongi laughs, “I would’ve fucking nutted so hard in your mouth if I had let you suck it for one more second. Come on, Ace! I love eating you out. I want to make you feel good—”
“You’re not being fair,” you whine. “I want to make you feel good too.” 
“You do more than enough—fuck. Wow. Okay. Rude! Don’t be a bitch.”
You took off your top.
Now, he’s distracted by your plump breast. In all honesty, his favourite thing is to watch your boobs bounce when you two fuck. Whether it’s missionary and he’s on top of you; listening to your soft moans and lewd praises or if you were riding him; heavily breathing and concentrating on getting yourself off… He loves it.
He fucking loves it all. 
And so be it. 
Yoongi gives in. You smile in pure happiness as he gulps and settles himself in between your legs. He pushes himself inside and you moan in relief. 
Fucking finally.
It’s been too long. 
Yoongi thrusts in and out, completely melting in how good it feels to fuck you raw. He watches intensely as your breast move up and down from his thrusts. He looks at you and your stupid fuck me eyes that have him weak. All he knows is that he’s yours. His entire existence is because of you—because of moments like these where he is completely and utterly yours. 
As he fucks you, all he can think about is how much he loves you. How this is what home feels like—how good life actually is. It’s you. Everything good in his life is connected to you. It completely tears him apart. 
The more emotional he gets as he processes his feelings, the harder he fucks you. Soon, you’re moaning like never before. He fucks you so good that the bed practically shakes and your entire world begins to spin. He sits up more and grabs one of your breasts to help himself stabilize. As he continues to fuck you, all you can do is whine his name. 
When you reach your climax, you cream all over his cock. He doesn’t stop there though. No, he keeps on going. He keeps on going until he can’t take it anymore and his body collapses and falls on top of yours. There, you wrap your arms and legs around him. Sloppily, he finishes inside you. 
“My universe,” he whimpers, “you’re my universe.”
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It’s a dewy rainy morning. 
Your bedroom window is open and the cloudy sky only makes your empty room feel gloomier. 
You woke up naked and alone. After the third round—because you’d be a complete idiot to think that Yoongi would call it a night after one round—you had fallen asleep next to the love of your life. 
Where is he now?
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt to wake up alone. Was all of that… Just break up sex? It couldn’t be! In between rounds, you and Yoongi found it in yourselves to make jokes and basically sink into your old vibes… No way did he just leave you. 
You gather your sheets and prepare to get up. Just as you’re about to, Yoongi comes out of the washroom. His hair is a little damp and he’s only wearing his sweatpants. 
Oh, what a sight. 
You squint at him and rub your eyes. “I thought you left.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he laughs, throwing his shirt at you. It lands on top of your head. Taking it, you put it on drop your sheets. 
“Can you pass me my panties please?”
Yoongi leans against your bathroom doorframe and shakes his head. “Nah.”
“Don’t be a dick—”
“Round four?”
You laugh. “You haven’t even said sorry yet and you think you can sneak in a forth round?”
Yoongi shrugs at you nonchalantly. “I snuck in three rounds last night… What’s another three? Three for three.” He mocks you. 
You stick your tongue out at him. 
Silence falls between you two as the sound of gradual raindrops hit your window. You turn your head and watch the rain begin to fall. 
“Didn’t know it was going to rain… Isn’t it the middle of summer? Kinda strange, don’t you think—”
“I’m sorry.” 
Yoongi folds. 
You turn back to him and see he’s on his knees before you. His head, just like yesterday, hangs low. 
“I overreacted. I felt like I was losing you. I was so stubborn and defensive that I ended up fighting for my pride rather than us… ___,” he pauses and lifts his head. “I’ve never been in love like this before. I never knew how much my feelings could consume me and how much I want us to work out. I was trying to fight for us. I know my words aren’t much; but I hope asking is enough.. I’ll be better. I’ll be so good to you from now on, I swear… The jealousy and insecurities I have… I’m so messed up sometimes—I know… But I’m trying to be good enough to stay in your orbit.”
“I was trying to pitch forever with you and I didn’t even give you a fair chance to accept or decline—”
“I would’ve said yes,” you interrupt him. “If you had asked properly; the answer is yes. Of course, I’d marry you… In due time.”
“Yeah… I’d have to introduce you to my preschoolers first but I’m sure you’ll win them over super fast—”
“Be serious.”
“I am!” you laugh, patting the spot next to you for him to join. He gets up and sits beside you. “I think we were just caught up in the moment. We were separated for a hot minute—I feel like it was just… Miscommunication? We can work on it. We’ll just have to be more patient with one another and maybe not ignore each other for a week?” 
Yoongi sighs and nods. “I still feel really shitty about everything.”
“Good,” you tease him as you cup his cheeks with the palm of your hands. He kisses them before resting in your embrace. “Make it up to me someday.”
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“... Did you do it?”
He stares at the ring box he purchased with his brother during his trip to the States. The engagement ring you had not-so-secretly pinned on your Pinterst board was only available in the States.. Of course, because the universe was on his side; the trip and the ring’s time and location lined up. 
“I thought you were going to propose to her when you got back? If that stupid fight didn’t happen, we would’ve been having a different conversation right now. Did you guys even make up?” Yoongi’s brothers voice echoes in the call. “You dragged me to that fucking store and had me pick out details for like twenty rings!”
Yoongi sighs as he closes the ring box and shoves it inside his desk. Truth be told.. He wasn’t planning to propose to you yet. He just wanted the ring ready for when the time comes. 
“Someday,” Yoongi promises. “I’ll make it up to her someday in our forever.”
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THE TEXT CONVOS !! I hope it looks ok. I left spaces between the texts (ALSO THANK U FOR THE REQUEST 💗 ) 💺 anon
🍊) My little (brat) princess
🍒: Buy pads please!! 🍊: Already did, anything else that may satisfy her majesty? ❤️
🍊: Hi pretty. Can't find my tie, did you took it? It's the navy one 🍒: No, must've been your side chick :( 🍊: Please tell me you're joking 🍒: I'm not 🍊: Woman I practically worship the ground you walk on 🍒: Screenshotting this to Lem. Also your tie is with me :) 🍊: You two got jokes huh
🍒: Pretty women called "sleepless nights worried about my husband" is waiting for me in bed 🍊: Not tonight love. Coming home in 5
🍊: What kind of streets do ghosts hunt? 🍊: Dead ends
🍊: Really want to shoot him in the head 🍒: What are you talking about? 🍊: He's so fucking cocky huh? 🍒: Ladybug? He's not doing anything 🍊: That "we should all order some food" sounded pretty flirty to me 🍒: You deserve the electric chair
🍊: Are you from Mississippi? Cause you're the only miss who's piss I'll sippie [You blocked this contact]
🍊: That nob better stop touching your shoulder before I give him a lobotomy 🍊: Got the "little off the top" looking haircut 🍒: HE ASKED FOR MY NUMBER 🍊: He should see an optometrist since he clearly didn't notice the ring on your finger 🍒: I told him I have a husband 5 times already but he said "it doesn't matter", so I gave him your number 🍊: That's my girl
🍒: [1 image attached] 🍊: Oh my fucking god 🍊: God took his time with you
🍒: Would you be mad at me if I punched you in the face? 🍊: What's the context love? Are we making out and you just started beating me up? 🍒: Why would I EVER do that??? 🍊: You tell me, you were the one who asked. 🍊: Wait you might actually be onto someting here love 🍒: THATS IT, SEX BAN 🍊: WHAT
🍒: What is taking you so long? 🍊: Lady at the cashier won't leave me alone 🍒: Please hurry up I want you to eat me out :( [Tan reacted with ❤️] 🍒: Tell her "husband duties are calling"
🍋) Silly goofy guy
🍋: I'm really over here with Aristotle talking about plumbs and farmers and shit
🍒: Did you actually got into a fight with that Kimura guy just because he said he didn't like my tie? 🍋: Cherry defender first, human second
🍋: Bro is not listening to me 🤼‍♂️ 🍒: I'll hear you out on Henrys 🍋: [voice message: 42:33]
🍋: Got bored so I drew you 🍋: [1 image attached] 🍒: Thanks !! 🍒: Why do I have 3 fingers on each hand though? 🍋: I stole the other four
🍒: Are the cookies you left for me a prank? 🍋: Are they that bad? 🍒: What?? No!! Of course not!! 😊 I loved them!! 🫶 🍋: I got a feeling you're being sarcastic
🍋: Tan said nobody likes lemons 🍒: I'll kill him
🍒: The bartender asked for my phone number 🍋: BOOOOOO 📢📢 every time 🍒: I gave him Tan's number. Wanna catfish him? 🍋: LETS GO I LOVE THE WAY YOU THINK
🍊🍋🍒) The fruit bowl
🍊: The group name is stupid 🍋: IT'S GENIUS 🍒: It's literally what we are 🍊: I think I should've named the group so it wouldn't be something stupid 🍋: "Tangerines are sophisticated" This you❓ 🍒: Point and laugh 🫵🤣 🍊: Piss off
🍋: I burned the pasta 🍊: You can cook? 🍋: I tried 🍊: Never do it again 🍋: Piss off at least I wasn't the one who dropped the pod on the floor 🍒: This is why you two aren't allowed in my kitchen
🍊: I'm just saying, relationships should be 50/50 🍊: She looks pretty, while I growl at anyone who looks at her 🍋: It's getting harder and harder to defend you 🍒: People are gonna think you're insane 🍋: He is
🍋: [1 image attached, it's a selfie of us three] 🍋: BOY WE SEE THEM BABY BLUES 🍒: I swear people don't even say bless you anymore, they just stare at you like that 🍊: Do you two ever stop to think about what you're saying? 🍋: No 😼 🍒: Nope 🍊: It shows
yeah no kidding you aced the shit out of these!!! and they are so fun to read !! I definitely get what you mean now by them being fun😭
LOVE LOVE LOVED them all but these have gotta be my faves
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THIS ONE??? had my cracking up. was still thinking about it and laughing to myself ages after reading 😭😭
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little off the top and the ring comment 😭
and giving the guy tan number and him saying that’s my girl🫠
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god took his time with you??? melting
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WHY IS THAT SO ACCURATE!!! lemon definitely sends really long voice messages and spams with videos. like he’s giving you mini personal vlogs😭😭😭 he just starts talking about the most random shit walking around the house. “… yeah they said his car is fucked— no way. I just found this.” and holds it out to the camera and then he carries on with whatever he was saying before
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I feel like he struggled to draw all 10 fingers and got fed up so gave you simpson hands instead
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roe-and-memory · 6 months
besties can i just say omg so i went thru ur blog obsessively bc i looove the ideas behind ur headcannons and little snipets of stories. i was wondering what bobby headcannons u guys have. also memory i loove ur writing and roe?? gorgeous fanart oml
AWWWWW THANK YOUU!!! rhis is so sweet 😭🫶🫶 i saw your comment on my fic thank u sm
im gonna be honest, we dont have many bobby hcs (i really wanna change that, i fucking ADORE bobby - and, if its any help, i actually have a fic up ((dont look back in anger)) where he’s a main character!! although its an au, i hope it’ll suffice for now :3)
- bobby is definitely a prankster, but like, hes NOTORIOUS for it. and not in the bad way. he has silly pranks that only mildly inconvenience the person on the receiving end (like the dumping water on lmq and cals heads after races) and he’s Always at the scene of the crime when something silly happens. he just Is the embodiment of silly. and yes i know this is canon for the most part but hes literally just so silly i cant not include it
- hes the youngest of the trio, the baby, even, he’s a december baby, born in 1988 (same year as lightning - cal is an ‘87 baby i believe - so when bobby started racing in 2007 he was still 18) but just at the End, whereas lightning was born in may . despite this he’s still the tallest, and probably the most well built of the three . aka lightning is scrawny and cal is just Average. and when lightning makes fun of him for being a Baby hes like ok well ure literally short as hell. what about that. huh? what can you do about your height? i’ll have a birthday but you dont have a get taller day? huh? and lightnings like. well. okay.
- i feel like he befriended cal first, like, he and lightning “hated” each other but it was less hate and more lightning being incapable of making friends (lmq and cal met at the infield care center after strips crash, so they were friends ever since then) and so cal was just in the middle of this “rivalry” that was in reality like. hey. cal. i think that bobby guy is really cool do u think he’d wanna be my friend. and cals like I DONT KNOW TALK TO HIM? and they talk and theyre like wow i actually thought u hated me (theyre best friends now)
- bobby both has an iconic autograph, but hes also so good with his fans its impossible for anyone to hate him. he has so many iconic pictures and literally everyone he meets praises him for his kindness and blatant silliness . hes just super easy going and generally amazing to be around
- out of all the racers hes probably got the most amusing advertisements as well, he will go ALL IN for whatever octane gain (or his smaller/secondary sponsors) want from him, and its so Genuine it just feels like he LOVES to be there
- he loves taylor swift. AND I KNOW WHAT YOURE GONNA SAY. “ITS STEREOTYPICAL” BUT NO U DONT GET IT.. SHE DOESNT MATCH THE REST OF HIS MUSIC TASTE AT ALL. hes the last person you’d ever expect to listen to her. he says its because they have the same last name so hes obligated to be a fan, but also the day Taylor Swift (album) debuted he bought the dvd and forced the other two to listen to the entire thing multiple times on a road trip and its safe to say that since the day taylor swift has existed, lightning and cal have feared her album release dates.
- hes the burnout king. every race he wins he will do a burnout down the frontstretch in front of the grandstands that will take his tires down to the RIMS. the tire marbles are INSANE
THIS IS ALL I HAVE IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY 😭😭 i wish i had more and i WILL eventually make more trust me on that.. but thank you so much for the ask and i hope u liked them :3
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fairysoobx · 2 years
txt reaction to u confessing to them
TXT's reaction to you confessing to them!
pairing: txt x gn!reader warnings: none, maybe brief usage of words like "shit" genre: the fluffiest fluff you'll ever see a/n: it was my first time writing a reaction so i hope it's not too bad, also i know it's a bit long for a reaction but i love giving the backstory and depth to things like that so i treat it more like a small fanfiction for every member rather than just their reaction, i hope it's okay!! enjoy~
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you knew you liked him from the very beginning but the circumstances of your friendship complicated making any moves. you wished you could, but you just couldn't. you were still a rookie and you shouldn't date, especially not an idol from your own company. but you just couldn't take it and seeing how yeonjun was treating you, it made you like him even more. he was just so funny, so understanding and kind you felt like you were going to melt every time he looked at you. after a few months you guys were really close to each other, cuddles and being touchy was normal. one day you decided to invite him over when your members were away. he obviously accepted the invite and you both ended up on the couch of your dorm, watching a movie. well, he was watching because you were just blankly staring at the screen, thinking about, how could you possibly tell the choi yeonjun that you in fact have feelings for him. yeonjun soon noticed you weren't focused on the movie at all instead you were just sitting next to him very nervous. "hey, are you okay? you look stressed, do you want to talk about something?" hearing his caring and soft voice did something to you and everything you wanted to tell him just came out from you mouth without your notice. "i like you choi yeonjun" you said not even turning your eyes from the screen. when your mind actually processed what happened, you snapped, looking at him shocked. the silence filled up the space between you which was only sometimes disturbed by the noises from the movie. to your surprise, boy chuckled and a warm smile appeared on his face. he shook his head in disbelief and gently brushed his hand through your hair. "it took you way longer than i expected!" he laughed lightly, leaving you with a confused expression. "i like you too, silly" he finally said, putting his arm around you and pulling you into a warm and long hug.
you were uni friends, you talked pretty frequently, mostly about books or movies but you just felt so comfortable with this nerd weeb kid that one day you understood that... you have feelings for him! you didn't know how to approach this matter because the thought of confessing to someone stressed the shit out of you. but you and him just felt so right and knowing soobin's rather shy nature when it came to crushes, you knew you had to take the risk. one day you just asked him out for a walk around the uni grounds because you knew he would totally panic if you two were going somewhere unfamiliar to him. you were walking for a minute talking about some petty uni stuff when you finally gathered all the courage you had and stopped him by grabbing his wrist. "i actually asked to go out because i have something to tell you" you started, staring at him with a determined look. soobin looked kinda scared, but nodded at your words with his lips forming into a little pout as it usually did when he listened to you focused. just the sight of his pout made your heart shake, your eyes dropped to his lips for a second but then came back to his eyes again. you took a deep breath and finally let it all out. "i like you, soobin" you said feeling the overwhelming weight leaving your heart immediately. "like, actually, a lot" you added not turning your sight away from him for even the slightest second. you were still holding his wrist in his hand but it didn't seem to be a problem to him. soobin raised his eyebrows and his expression made you chuckle quietly. the boy was too stunned to speak. his eyes dropped to the ground and he quickly placed his free hand on the back of his neck, scratching it. "are you going to respond?" you were getting impatient. "well... yes... i-" he stopped and took a deep breath before he continued. he looked very nervous but really focused too. "i like you too y/n" he finally looked back at you "like, actually a lot too" he smiled shyly, and despite his stress, he shifted his hand, which wrist you were still clasping and gently and slowly slid his hand into yours, locking your fingers together.
you were childhood friends. your mom was best friends with his mom so that's how you two were always stuck with each other. when you were younger you didn't think much of it, it was your beomie, the one that you had sleepovers with and the one who never let you win any hot wheels car races. but when you got older you noticed that sometimes the things he's been doing make you feel... different. like... you like him but... more? it was all very tragic to you because you just didn't understand what's happening to you and why do you feel this funny feeling in your stomach when beomgyu plays with your hair. he's been doing this forever!! what's so different?? you were completely lost to the point you felt weird around beomgyu. when he finally noticed that something's off, he decided to just ask. you were at his house, playing games and after winning another race he begun. "can you tell me what's wrong? you've been acting weird lately, did i do something wrong?" he said putting his gamepad aside. you looked at him stressed 'he noticed' you said in your mind trying not to lose your shit. and just when you were about to say that everything's fine, you just... exploded? "because it's been so different lately, i don't know what's happening but i feel this thing in my stomach whenever you're next to me or touch me and it's really nice but also scary i've never felt this way before beomgyu" you spat it out with one breath which left gyu kinda speechless. he quickly recovered from your sudden flood of words and decided to remain calm. "so... you mean you feel weird when i do... this?" he asked quietly and slowly leaned towards you. his hand traveled to the side of your face, and when you thought he's going to kiss you, his thumb stroked your cheek in a very warm and lovely gesture. the loud gulp could've been heard in the room, and the only thing you were able to do, was nod. "so you like me!" he said, proud of himself, leaning back. you furrowed your eyebrows looking at him still confused. "well, obviously i like you, we're frie-" you didn't finish. that's when you understood. you don't like beomgyu. you like like beomgyu. gyu laughed seeing your realization and shook his head. "it's okay" he finally said, really softly. he looked away to the screen, grabbed the gamepad and started fidgeting with it. "i like you too" he smiled but refused to look at you because his face was... red. poor boy got shy shy shy~
taehyun was always so cool to you. he was your friend's older brother and whenever you hung out at their place, you'd suddenly meet hyun somewhere in the house. you didn't know if it's your radar or were you purposefully looking for him whenever you’re at kangs' house but something about meeting him when your friend thought you're in the bathroom gave you a thrill. you obviously didn't do anything crazy, just talk for a little, normal chit chat. but it was enough for you. your friend obviously didn't know about your little crush on taehyun because they'd kill you for even looking in his direction. but they didn't need to know, right? one day you came over because your friend decided to make a sleepover for you both. mr and mrs kang were away for their anniversary trip and the house was all for you both. and well, taehyun. the whole evening you haven't seen him and you obviously wouldn't ask your friend about him because that'd be weird. so when your bestie fell asleep, that's when you decided to investigate. you strolled through the hallways of the home looking for the older boy or any signs of him. that's when you finally got to the top of the stairs where was his room. you tip toed to his door but couldn't quite hear anything besides the noises of the washing machine in the toilet few meters away. you didn't know what were you thinking but you decided to just peek inside his room to see if he's there. you grabbed the door handle, when suddenly you heard someone's voice. "what are you doing?" you literally jumped and immediately looked to the source of the voice. it was taehyun looking at you. he was standing in the door to the toilet. he was the one to put on the laundry. "nothing" you quickly said, very nervous. tyun crossed his arms and raised one eyebrow, still looking at you. "were you trying to get into my room?" he asked, slowly walking towards you. "no, no! i was just..." you were trying to explain but the closer he was to you the more your brain refused to think logically. he stood right in front of you, so close that you had to tilt your head to look at him. you felt your cheeks get warm. "i-i just wanted to see you" you said quietly, overwhelmed by the situation. taehyun stared at you for a moment and then smirked a little, dropping his arms to his sides. he looked less intimidating to you now. "why is that?" he asked softly. you blinked few times, but your mind was blank. "i like to see you". you noticed the older boy fighting the urge to smile. your eyes dropped to the floor, embarrassed by your sudden confession. "i like to see you too, y/n" you heard, and your head immediately lifted to look at tyun again. you finally saw it. the bright smile on his face looking just as beautiful as you imagined it.
you were friends in high school. you weren't in the same grade, because kai was a year older. huening was a social butterfly, even though he didn't think he was one. everyone just loved him for his kind, lovely and soft nature. everyone, including you. you actually had a humongous crush on kai. and when you started talking, you felt like you've won a lottery. you became close buddies and often hung out after school. you guys would be almost always together to the point the whole school was kind of shipping you both, even the teachers. and you really wished you were dating because the way he treated you was just something you've never experienced before with anyone else. one day, after talking to your mom, she encouraged you to finally tell kai how you feel. so you decided to take the risk. it was a high school party and you and kai decided to go there. that was your chance. at the beginning you were too stressed to even begin with this topic. but as the party got crazier and people minded their own business, you grabbed kai by his wrist and dragged him on the school rooftop where was the only place you two could talk without an audience. it was dark and the only source of light was the moon and small rooftop lights that gave you the perfect view of huening's confused face. "what's up? i thought you were having fun?" he said thinking that you wanted to leave. "i am having fun" you responded, trying to think of anything to say. your hands started shaking and sweating, you were losing your mind. kai noticed it and quickly grabbed them and pulled you into a hug. "hey, what's wrong?" he whispered stroking your back. you hid your face in his shirt and closed your eyes trying to hide. "i like you, kai" you said quickly trying to just end this stressful situation. you felt that his hand stopped stroking your back. he quite literally froze for a second. "you what?" he asked, gently pulling you away from him to look at your face. "kai please don't make it harder than it already is, i like you, i really like you, heck i have liked you all this time" you said on the verge of crying. you saw hyuka's face getting red but instead of seeing anger or disgust, he put on a smile so gentle and warm, you thought you were going to melt. "i r-really like you t-too, y/n" he said quietly and pulled you into a hug again, hiding his face in your hair.
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
⭐️ heyy! this is my first request on your page! :D i have a silly idea, how do u think it would go w/ the rise brothers playing a game like mario kart (example: how competitive it would be? who would win? anything!!) i love the way u write! you can include a reader, platonic or romantic, doesnt rlly matter, if you want! april and splinter would also be a funny addition, but don’t feel forced to add them. i request this to be written in a headcanon sort of format, but feel free to make it however you want! also this is not tcest obviously. 😭 also not a very serious request, just for fun! 🫶
⭐️ if not it’s okay and feel free to decline/ignore, never write anything you feel uncomfortable writing!! :))
⭐️ tldr: rise bros (and maybe april + splinter?) playing a competitive game like mario kart, feel free to include platonic or romantic reader if u like.
- 🗝
i'm so excited about this request, because it's such a great idea! i'm also very touched you like my writing; even though i've only posted headcanon-formatted inserts so far, it's great to hear my writing style is still good. (especially since i haven't written anything online in a hot minute)
i did include a reader and mentioned some romantic headcanons, but i left plenty of platonic ones (along with reader-excluded hc's) as well for whatever you might prefer! it's a little longer though, hope that's not a problem. also, i mentioned april once but i didn't include in depth hc's for april and splinter because i don't feel confident in writing them yet, i'm really sorry! i'll try to write them another time.
i really hope you enjoy this, anon! <3
Playing Mario Kart with Rise!Turtles
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mario kart is one of the go-to games you guys play when you visit the lair
you both love playing games together and having fun with just the two of you
and he REALLY loves it
but his heart thumps against his plastron when you ask if he wants to play with his family (brothers, splinter, & april)
Raph is a family man; he loves hanging out with them and playing games is an exciting time
so when you want to include them??? so he can spend time with you both ????
the goofiest, most affectionate grin you've ever seen crosses his face and he nods
it's the day he decides he needs you in his life forever
he's much more competitive with his brothers, i'd think? just that sibling rivalry they share, honestly
if you're a competitive player too, he will so throw the heat your way.
but raph is all bark and no bite .. because he sucks at mario kart (95% of the time).
in fact, his brothers convince him to bet his pizza on some races because they know he'll lose
he's always eager for another round though because he's confident he'll win
but he has his hopes crushed every time, poor boy
.. or so people think
because, even if he was the best player in the world, he would purposefully throw his lead down the toilet if it meant seeing everyone happy
if you're struggling to catch up/win he'll sabotage his brothers on PURPOSE so that you can win
loves seeing you cheer triumphantly and do a lil victory dance (it's funny to see his brothers groan in defeat too)
fist bumps and high fives for platonic reader
big bear hugs and little victory kiss for the romantic reader
"ugh, your lovey-dovey stuff is gonna make me SICK" - leo gags with disgust
the one time he did win, everybody remembers because he SMASHED them, "LIKE A BOSS!"
"what's that smell?" - April
"oh, you wanna challenge ME? the KING of Mario Kart? game ON, (name)!"
you're both in the projector room, and he sits on the floor in front of you and you're sitting in the chair
leo is full of confidence, so you can imagine how much more of an ass arrogant he is when he's in a competitive mood
he talks a LOT of trash when he's racing
purposefully aggravates you to rile you up because he loves to tease you
he's actually pretty good at mario kart; evenly matched with you for almost every round you play.
when he's a winner, he wants a prize
"winner gets a kiss from the loser.~"
if you're not dating he'll just say you owe him a pizza
he possesses that same level of cockiness with his brothers too
pushes their buttons way more than yours, though
"if i win, you all have to do what i say for a week."
makes life hell for his family when they all game together
leo rubs his victories in their pride like salt in an open wound
donnie definitely hits him sometimes for that
but that's okay, everybody plots their revenge against leo when they win and he doesn't
"huh? why are you picking me to do it?"
everybody stares at him hard in silence
"... fair enough; but believe me when i say you'll regret this one day!"
then, the vicious cycle repeats
likes to play teams too just so he can beat his brothers with you on his side
flirts the entire time and makes everybody choke on his corny one-liners
"(name), aren't we the perfect pair? perhaps we should make it official and seal it with a kiss.~"
"gag, 'nardo. stop it."
"i might have to take you up on that, leo-"
i hate to say it, but .. donnie is the mario kart master
everybody dreads playing with him because he IS unbeatable
he knows all of the map shortcuts
if there's cheats for mario kart? he knows them too
is a master even in 200 CC
so he opts out of playing sometimes just because he doesn't have much of a challenge playing with his brothers
UNTIL he plays with you
then he gets riled up about mario kart all over again
he's almost just as cocky as leo is
smirks at you when he's the champion, cause he too wants a prize-
probably not one as intimate as leo's prize even if you're a couple; more than likely makes you test out his new tech or be his lab assistant for a LONG TIME
or he might use it as an excuse to ask you to cuddle with him
OR be his partner-in-crime for prank wars
which get pretty chaotic between the brothers
"wow, look at that. i've won, once again.-"
he'll say it in the most monotone, unbothered voice ever
"you could at least pretend to be excited."
"oh 'nardo, i AM excited .. because i'm getting a slice of your share of pizza for two months."
if you're not as skilled in mario kart, i'm sure he'd teach you some tricks and tell you how to improve (just because he likes you)
but if there's a day you beat him, he'll just play off his defeat with a sarcastic "it's about time." line
but his eyes show just how proud he is of you
with mikey, it's 50/50
he's either winning in another league entirely or doing worse than raph (which everyone deems is really bad)
loves it when you play with him though!
not a big trash-talker when you both play, but he does like to tease you. he can be competitive, but not as much as his brothers
mainly because he's a lil softie and wouldn't wanna hurt your feelings for any reason
though he'll match whatever energy you're giving
so if you're really hyped up, so is he!
if you're both playing with his brothers, he gets more riled up by them
turns his head to look at you with puppy eyes
"not you, sweetie."
wants to impress you by winning, so if he doesn't, he'll definitely pout a little
so you cheer him up by telling him he's your favorite turtle and that you love him
grins like the biggest dork and will pull you into the tightest hug ever
bonus: you make him a "Mikey's #1" poster when he does anything and you bring it to a Mario Kart game sesh to watch him play with the bros
makes him the happiest turtle alive and gets him hyped up to win just for you
"hey, how come mikey gets a cheerleader but not me?"
"yeah, i wonder why." 😐 - donnie's face
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Going over the other dread tower bros, Kyle and Evel
For @0iam0 (who requested this yesterday along with Count Nightfell)
Anways while I think that bros are so silly and the entirety of the dread tower is like, so silly, I actually don’t have that many head cannons for them. It’s ok tho, I’m hoping the ones I have are good enough 👍
Bro is a furry. Like cmon why wouldn’t he be
Aslo he Gossips a lot. He as a mysterious online friend that also tells him a lot of the dirt In the place they are staying over at and he tells them the sort of dread tower back (I’ll reveal said mysterious friend IF you guess who they are and ask about them. But until then… it for me to know and for you to find out 😏 )
Also he had been living alone with no place to go until he stumbled into dread tower one day (I know it’s in the middle of nowhere but HEAR ME OUT-) and Hyde saw him and was like “oh you poor thing” and then he was like “you wanna stay here free of charge, I have like 30 empty guest rooms” and Kyle was like “lmao sure”. He doesn’t show it to Hyde but Kyle is extremely great full lmao.
Also that’s one of the reasons why Kyle admirers Hyde so greatly and he was willing to go along with the entire battle cruise scheme as well as being the introductory act of dread tower. He just wants to make Hyde proud
(Hyde IS proud. But don’t tell Kyle I said that.)
Constantly has to be reminded by Hyde to go to sleep but rarely ever listen
Aslo has become the perfect outlet to yell at when someone is talking sh*t about someone else. Mostly because he won’t tell a soul since he isn’t even listening.
Evel is a simple guy. He would also experiment on people if Hyde didn’t stop him from doing so (“They’re our guests, Evel! NOT ur lab rats!”)
Apart from that really gets along with Hyde. He thinks Kyle is a bit anoying, but he’s ok. He thinks count night fell is a bit extra, but he’s also ok. Isn’t sure what to feel about Phi though.
Okay!! Time for the personal rating!!
✨6/10✨. In this case, this is actually good for him. At first I wasted exactly sure what to think of him, and then I found him kind of… bad per se. I thought he was kind of dramatic (in a bad way) and that he was kind of ugly (I sorry but they gave Kyle some of the worst camera angles known to mankind 😓). But the when I rewatched turbo again (and again) I didn’t think he was that bad. He was just, silly and weird, just like everyone else at dread tower. I like stuff about him, like for example, his mask. The only major complain I have about him though is that his outfit is In some serious need of a redesign but hey, he still cool in my book 👍
✨5/10✨. Im not really sure how to feel about him. On one hand I always love to see a good Beyblade scientist/smart person (see: Gwyn),I think his soulless eyes are one of the most ingenious character design sh*t that the show has ever pulled and I genuinely love seeing his interactions with Hyde, but on the other hand… he’s kinda boring. Plain. Just used as another character to build others storylines on top of. Literally the only thing that bro did to advance the plot was give Aiger the invitation to Dread tower. Then he was used by other characters to advance the plot, which is kinda sad. Also bro only got two battles…which don’t you know how sad that is..?(EVeN PHELIX HAS MoRE THAN THAT) (/srs but hey I still love u Phelix 🥰). The point is, we just need a more plot revelant, more screen time Evel with a dash of personality on the side. Maybe then he will be better imo.
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youremyheaven · 3 months
HEYYYY [insert whatever pet name u like] it's ur venus stellium anon from last month.. do u remember me? sorry life happened 🤩 n i've been pretty low energy so i didn't get around to bothering u. I've been looking at yt vids of some of my chart placements lately and i've discovered something funny (along with other developments like me. I've been looking at ur blog the past one or two days a little and I obvs haven't made my way through the whole "backlog" but some silly thoughts:
I didn't know u were bi! For some reason I felt a little awkward talking about this because I didn't want to be That Person lol (aka everyone was talking about guys and I didn't wanna weird anyone out 😔) but my exes were women 😂 supposedly I gave them daddy energy lmfao I hate it because I wanted that from someone. I talked about them a bit vaguely but it might've sounded worse under the assumption of it being a man. (Unless I didn't say much and just forgot)
I've been reading celebrity gossip and only now realised how people - even the most successful - can have it so truly bad when it comes to romance and idk it made me a little apathetic and allergic to it. Not in a "im swearing off of it" way but in a "im no longer going to expect it in my life. If I get surprised, yay for me. Otherwise eh." (my mind's at a weird place though so it'll probably change when other things calm down, don't worry about me 🫶 this is all about the hypothetical future anyway because I'm not looking for a relationship rn)
Sorry u got hate about ur blog. I can understand anon got upset but the unkind language was uncalled for.
I came across the ask about nodes conjuncting big 3 and one of mine does; i can assure u (and the hate anon) that yes, this particular example (me) DOES happen to be cray cray 😭
This is related to the yt vids and point 2: My charts basically say I'll have an okay enough career, but the romance department would be dodgy because I will never be satisfied by anything anyone does for me (to put it shortly) 😂😂 that had me a little shocked at first but then I was like u know what we kinda knew this.. let's just focus on that career instead LMFAO
HARD AGREE WITH U ON THE FLIRTING IN NON-ENGLISH. I gotta be honest I cringe if I hear flirting in anything other than English (I've only ever been exposed to it in that language) but I read a fic (english) once where this man called his lover "meri jaan" and it had me in a DAZE FOR DAYS (excuse the lame pun pls) SO YES I AGREE W U. I've been collecting other little terms (just 1 so far) that I've seen people around me using affectionately and they're sooo sweet.
I HOPE U'VE BEEN WELLLLLL. I'm away from tumblr lately so I probably won't be able to send u asks in the near future but I hope u stay safe and take care of urself 💖💖 BYEEEEE
HEYYY bbg 🥺
I thought this was going to be astrology related but you're just checking in on me 😭😭😭😭and I feel so touched 🥺🥺🥺
1. About being bisexual
I feel like there are definitely different dynamics at play bc I do attract more butch leaning women who want to be my daddy 🫣🙈 but whenever it's a femme x femme dynamic, I always feel like I become the more dominant one and I do kinda hate it 😭😭
It just wears me out to be the giver tbh 🙃 especially because I already assume that role in so many other areas in my life, I just want to sit back and be babygirled 😭😭 this is why despite being attracted to women , relationships with women don't really work out for me 😭😭
it's all a matter of luck when it comes to love and relationships and sometimes things find us unexpectedly.
what I've learnt from some of my recent experiences is that someone can do all the right things, give you princess treatment and all that yet not make you feel anything 😭 so to be physically attracted to someone, emotionally in- sync with them, AND have a healthy relationship,, it's all down to luck 😭
2. not u calling yourself cray cray 😭😭
majority of people in this world are not living happy lives, be it with regard to love, career or family. To even have one of these things going well is a huge blessing ✨and while it's possible to have all of them, it's okay to not beat yourself up for achieving all 3 in one go.
One of my dad's childhood friends, remained unmarried into her late 40s. This is veryyyy unusual in India and she's not from a bougie artsy family where such things are chill or anything either. She, however, had a brilliant career and is a civil servant and rn she's in a veryyy high ranking position because she's worked her way up. Everybody around her pitied her (for being single and childless) but she was just out there making $$$ by the time she hit her late 40s people stopped pestering her because by that point, it's kinda "too late" to settle down. BUT GUESS WHAT HAPPENED??? she met a reallyyyyy cute Swiss-German man who was visiting our state/city and she happened to be the one showing him around?? (someone linked them up basically) and that wonderful meet-cute led them to marriage in like 2 months lol ,,, this lady who had been single for 47+ years found the right guy and married him in less than 2 months???? Isn't that sooooo romantic??? It's all about timing 💛💛 and now they've been together for a decade and spend most of their year travelling the world ✨and are very much in love
So different eras of our life will have us focusing on different things. Rn it's probably best to make that $$$ and focus on yourself. Love will find you when it needs to 💛✨💛
3. About flirting in non-English
JAJAJSJ yess I used to cringe 😬 hearing Desi flirting across languages 😭but now I feel like I've finally decolonised my mind to find it cute 😭
My ex was Tamil and he used to call me "bomma" which means "doll" in Tamil ,, I had a flop talking stage with another Tamil guy who used to call me "Kitty kutty" ("little kitty") and idk if it's a Tamil guy thing but they go hardddd with their affection through terms of endearment
Flirting in Hindi is always fun bc it's all "aapka this, aapka that" (using honorifics) and respect turns me on i guess lmao 🤭🥵 Idk if this is just a Desi thing but yk how men start calling you madam and ma'am 😌yeah I live for that shit 🤭🤭 they'll be like "madam is still getting ready" and I'll be like 😍yes the hell I am 😍😜
4. Thank you so much for checking in with me angel 🥺🥺 I appreciate it and you soooo much 💛💛💛 you're the sweetest
I'll take care of myself 😜 😌and I hope you do as well!!! 💛💛 May the rest of July be wonderful for you ✨
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wri0thesley · 11 months
I hope this isn't weird to say, but everytime I see u mention u met haz through fandom posting and have now been with them for 10 years just #&&@*#&$ WARMS MY HEART SO MUCH!!!!! LIKE IS THAT NOT ONE OF THE CUTEST SILLIEST ROMANCE STORIES EVER??? U TWO MET ON A SILLY LITTLE WEBSITE, TALKING ABOUT YOUR INTERESTS AND REALIZED UR SOULMATES LIKE #&*@&$ THATS SO COOL!! u guys r so cute, I always love hearing about how u guys r doing bc ur love story is literally so admirable to me ^_^ I wish only the utmost best for you two!!! :D
it was a running joke for about a year that haz and i were Dating, when we would just interact with one another on tumblr and skype. our friends would jokingly call us 'haznat' and have silly memes about shipping us. we would stay up on skype all night and fall asleep talking to each other; the first time we met irl, we shared a changing room, cuddled watching movies, and adopted a son we won in a claw machine by the seaside. one of our friends ran a blog dedicated to us where they would reblog the posts they deemed Gayest, but of course we insisted we were only friends.
suffice to say, it was NOT a surprise to most of our friends when we started officially dating.
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bokutosbabe · 2 years
Don't Let Go
Marco Bodt x reader
Cw; angst, Marco survived his lil ol titan encounter, friends to lovers, lovers to strangers, let me know if I missed any!
synopsis; You and Marco met and fell in love while in the scout regimen, but after a brutal injury the Marco you knew is gone.
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every good thing has to end terribly. that's how you viewed it, but maybe this time it'd be different.
Marco Bodt was never someone you had been planning on meeting, or even staying friends with. Except, when you joined the scout regiment and saw the happy-go-lucky boy with someone who quite resembled a horse. Of course, you weren’t here to fall in love. You were here to get revenge for your family, all killed by titans. So you’d sit patiently, maybe sit near him at times just to get over him faster, and get over this silly little crush.
Well, that was what you would’ve liked to do, but of course Marco Bodt had other plans. He smiled at you, more than usual, after your first mission together. He talked to you and disappeared from his friend group’s chats to come sit with you by the fire. He became a calming presence to you, one that you were a little too reliant on. 
When you and Marco began dating, it was sweet and simple. Small kisses in passing, late night talks while staring at the stars and simply dreaming of the days before the titans had broken down the walls. You two had actually were from the same district, but lived on opposite sides. You couldn’t imagine Marco growing up on the nicer side of the place that you were always so ready to leave before the world went to hell.
You had been dating for about 3 months before his accident. Before the Marco you had been ever so intimate with had completely changed due to the betrayal of others.
Marco getting severe head trauma was hard. Him being in a coma and having to stay in the hospital bed next to him every night was harder. But hearing him ask who you were when he awoke? That was the hardest. Marco, the man you’d loved more than you thought humanly possible, couldn’t even remember your name. 
That was okay. You’d simply refresh his memory by becoming great friends with him again. Maybe that would wake up the part of his brain that had forgotten all about you and your love towards the man. Except, Marco wasn’t the same at all.
He was stricter, meaner, and colder towards everyone. He still befriended his old group once again, you’d even heard them trying to refresh him on the love that you two had shared one. Yet, he never seemed interested in talking to you again.
You tried and tried and tried. Nothing was waking Marco’s brain from the hidden spot of where it had kept the feelings you knew he had for you.
Oh love, it’s beautiful isn’t it? You were truly in love. At least that was what it seemed. You loved him so much, your heart would beat faster every time you saw his face, every time you heard his voice, every time his hand brushed past yours. But now? Oh… now you look like two strangers. Strangers who never had a story together. Strangers that are insignificant one to another. How could you both? How could you forget all those feelings like this? How could you start over and pretend that never happened? Sometimes, in the silence of the night, under the light of the moon and the brightness of the stars, you think about him. About the ‘us’ that never got to be. About your beautiful love. The memories you got, the places you’d gone, the songs you heard. You miss all of that, You miss him entirely, every single thing of him. That horrible night, you didn’t lose just a lover, you lost a friend. A best friend. How could you ever let this happen? How could you lose him this way? Oh if you only could turn back time and beg a little more for him to stay and not go to find annie, reiner, and bertholdt… maybe, maybe you two could be happy together like you both had wished for.
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Um I want planning on it but...
Mike Wheeler's Guide to Falling in Love with a Superhero - live reaction
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Dvjhdazfhhygvb literally such Micheal behavior
Wait he knows Max irl in this? Is he in the same friend group? Is he seriously the only human in his friend group? Lmao.
Also Nancy working for Daily Bugle is a nice touch
Wait Dustin isn't super. Zoomer, Ranger, Eleven, Spiderman, yup Dustin's human too.
What even is Micheal's job?
Why does every Mike characterization include him thinking "objectively"? Ajsjbxhcjdnd canon.
Better be a paper straw, bud
"This is a robbery" um okay *continues doing homework and drinking coffee* my dude she is a r m e d
I can't- Will living his sassy dreams, calling villains friendless I bet
So Doc Ock is the same person who was talking about her son who loves heroes, right?
Wait is this even Doc Ock? Is there more than one villain with a lab coat?
Wait are Dusty and Micheal just. Sitting there? ansnchdbehfjfxbj icon behavior lmao
Why do all Mike characterizations involve fantasies of violence? Canon.
"Um sorry I want a less embarrassing death" shut up you pretentious fuck literally accurate
Wait it's a café on the seventh floor? Jesus Christy maybe care a little more about your um life than "He dropped me on the sidewalk no big" wgat
Wait the cage isn't where he works? Why did he call his boss a baker then?? Full me in I'm stupid :/
Literally stunning
No, keep talking. I want to know if Dusty was literally about to say "so gay".
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We love a pathetic Micheal. Stg he's such a damsel in distress. On the one hand of you constantly almost die maybe you should hit the gym on the other hand I love nothing more than just a useless main character.
"No more room for (dignity) in his noodly body" silly little phrases>>>
We spent two seconds in proximity and you haven't paid an attention to me. Hope i die.
HE LITERALLY IS ansbchebhfufbbfjc PERFECT
No that is literally the most Richie sorry ever I'm DYING
The melodrama of it all
I love how you can tell the writer's personality. Yes, describe the little outfits that civilians wear. I want to know <2
If Will calls him "Cool Guy" as Will I will DIE
"Cool" "cool" maybe stab me
"I love sci-fi" you are sci-fi.
How does his neck not break
Micheal's face rn:
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How very cringefail of you, Micheal
You've seen Jonathan exploding Mike in his mind, get ready for:
Totally normla
TROY (also slay, El)
Heart eyes
His book is literally Stranger Things <2
He's not like the other girls I'M DEAD
And i like talking with you, stalker
I went most of a chapter thinking this draft got lost :/
Martin like Martin Brenner? (<- quotes to get urself publicly executed)
So Mike said he knows Max, but I don't think he knows the others besides Dustin. That makes sense bc Max prob wouldn't introduce her friends to her super friends, right?
This is kinda different from canon bc in canon they're friends for a decade and their friendship is super important, but in this version, we can focus on what I really care about- Mike being a fucking loser (affectionate)
I really like the little details like the book Mike writes being ST- and wonton b2 alongside b1 bc there was a ✨️plan✨️ all along. WAIT IS HIS SELF INSERT NAMED MIKHAIL-
It's okay I'm normla now.
My dude stop flirting you are on the clock holy shit as far as Micheal knows you're a stranger jesus christy
Did I mention how fucking funny the ladies' man comment was?
Micheal and me are both just dramatic little shits. Yes I will explode, actually.
Okay but what even
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Najzbxbchhdhbdbxh hdbdjxdyxhdb💖💖💖💖💖
The fact I can hear all of this in their voices qjabxbxbhxhxhdhbc (did I mention they're dorks?)
Students when Spiderman goes in and out of this one apartment window alot:
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Them when he starts coming out of a *different* apartment:
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This post by @smoosnoom, this fic
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