#hope i was somewhat comprehensive
dearweirdme · 1 year
Wow your response is so 👌👌👌
Also I wanna know what do you think about this 'Streisand effect'? I just learnt about this term😂.. Don't you think taekook especially their company uses this inorder to create constant buzz and make it more widespread?
Hi Anon!
Tricky question you’ve sent me here! I so wish we could take just a small peak into BTS’s marketing strategies, but unfortunately all we can do is guess. This is probably going to be long again. Their way of dealing with Taekook has been confusing to me at times. Because while there are several clear instances where Tae and Jk are being forced to distance themselves, there are also a lot of instances shown that we would expect to be hidden if the ship was something they wanted to hide (Tae cuddling up with Jk in his bed in The Soop for instance). So why show some things, but also obviously hide others?
The way I understand it is that the Streisand Effect is not something that can be used as a marketing strategy, it’s more a side effect of doing a poor job at hiding things. For the company to actually try to hide stuff only to want people to pay more attention would be way to risky I believe. So while I do think the Streisand effect may be happening a bit, I don’t think it’s necessarily what they want. I think both the company and Taekook actively try to hide stuff and they probably succeed in hiding way (!) more than any of us are able to imagine.
The thing with Tae and Jk is… it’s so hard to completely hide their connection. It’s one thing to hide actual obvious actions, like hugging and touching… those can be edited out rather easily. But affection and intimacy are things that show themselves through very small often automatic responses to the other. It’s in the way we look at someone, the way our initial response to someone’s voice or appearance is. It’s called micro expressions (look it up, it’s interesting) and those are hard to describe, so it’s even harder for an editor to look for and hide. That is why so many people pick up on the bond between Tae and Jk but very little people know how to actually describe why their bond appears different from the other members. It’s just hard to get your head around, because when looking for signs to proof two people are in a relationship we tend to look for the obvious grand gesture kind off stuff (enter Jikook here), while real relationships, especially long term ones, go beyond those.
Now imagine having started this new Kpop band. Thankfully all of the members seem to get along, become real friends even and two of them have amazing chemistry. Shipping is a common thing especially in Kpop, so you utilize it. You want attention on your band, because the competition is hard. With these two member having this great chemistry, you don’t have to push for it as much. It’s already there and it works. But, at some point… maybe it’s getting out of hand a bit. And then it becomes clear that the members actually are in a relationship. What do you do? South Korea might love shipping, they do not love actual queer relationships (in general that is). So while you don’t mind the ship, the relationship has to be hidden. I think that’s when Jikook comes into play. Jimin is their close friend, they are comfortable with each other, the role comes easy to him as he is kind off a flirty person with everyone. Him and Jk are able to play of the grand gesture parts I mentioned before so to a lot of people that becomes the next ship. Now they are able to say, look it’s just shipping Jk, Tae and Jimin are just close friends… it’s normal. They start showing less and less of Taekook, going with a “they are no longer close” narrative and boom… the story changes for the eyes of the greater public. To people paying attention this was never enough, but companies are mostly concerned with the media. They do not actually care if there’s a part of fandom that’s still picking up on reality, they are probably even happy that it’s still a thing, because it does create fandom chatter and that is always a good thing.
I think they are walking a fine line (both the company and Tae and Jk themselves). The company wants to keep the ship, but hide the relationship. That is why we at times got clear footage of Taekook being close, but at other times clear instances of them being forced apart. Tae and Jk seem to really want to show their strong bond these days, but they don’t actually want to be out I think. They can’t it’s not safe for them to do so. I think they are being very brave, I admire them a lot.
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fiepige · 11 months
Guys we need to talk about the deleted scene!
A deleted scene called "Miguel Calling" has been released and even though he doesn't physically appear in this scene, we still get some pretty interesting information about Hobie (that may or may not be canon).
In the clip above we hear a rather interesting conversation between Gwen and Miguel. Gwen wants to call Hobie for backup for the Spot mission, but Miguel says that Hobie quit!
What we learn from this scene:
Hobie quit the spider-society (because he doesn't believe in institutions or teams- at least that's why Miguel thinks he quit)
Even LYLA can't find him!!!! I find this VERY interesting cause she was able to track the Spot as he was dimension hopping (and he didn't wear a watch or anything they could use to track him). So Hobie somehow KNOWS how to completely avoid detection from the spider-society, which again must mean that he has a pretty good idea as to how the society works! (Also does this mean he wasn't hiding in his own dimension? Cause that feels like a pretty obvious place to hide and I feel Like LYLA would be able to find him there? OR: Does this mean he'd already made a watch for himself at this point and was using it to dimension hop or maybe he can use it to somehow avoid detection from LYLA? Or maybe he was hiding in his own dimension cause it would be too obvious and thus the last place they'd look for him).
Hobie gave Gwen a way to contact him! (maybe he'd already made a watch for her too in this version?)
Miguel thinks Hobie is unrelieable and erratic, I wonder if that's why he wanted Hobie to come with the others to HQ? So that he could have a serious talk with Hobie after he was done with Miles? Is that why Miguel acts so annoyed by Hobie's presence when he first meets Miles at HQ?
I know this is a deleted scene and thus technically isn't canon, but I still think it gives us some very interesting (and possibly canon?) information about Hobie and how the other characters view him!
This post turned out to be longer than I expected but I just get so many new ideas and thoughts when I watch this scene! Please let me know what you guys think of all this!
Thank you for reading!
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actual-changeling · 9 months
Seasons pass and wither, and hidden within the slow, wet drag of London is a flame which remains unchanged in the face of winter. The heat leaves with a quiet exhale, and takes the colour of the world with it, stealing first green, then golden-browns from the trees, eternally growing.
As the winds pick up and uselessly attempt to erode the blue-white memory burned into a cream patch of carpet, the flame flickers despite them, growing and shrinking, defying the constant fall of rain. The sky opens above them over and over again, the lightning seen from the window a message, a plea. Painting condensation onto the glass, the flame watches the violet violent flashes with melting disdain and growing regret.
There has never been a path carved into the heavens they could have walked without extinguishing themself and being lost to the wisps of smoke drifting towards earth. Yet they breathe until the window clears and they can recount the song of a nightingale between lightning and thunder.
Storms pass, return, linger for hours and days, and the flame lives it through it all. Light comes in many shapes, they relearn, caught in the company of a tentatively flickering golden glow that is still adjusting to sharing space with more atoms and electrons than themself. They carry no warmth, only a probing curiosity for the charcoal smears the flame leaves on everything they touch.
I'm burning myself up, they say, flickering red, orange, blue.
Does it hurt?
Only if I let it.
Silence fills the smoke-riddled air after that, heavy with confusion and pity, blackened by the residue the flame grinds into the carpet whenever they try to extinguish themself. Waiting, waiting, waiting, through passing storms and snow, through melting frost and the return of sunshine.
Waiting, waiting, waiting, the flame flickers through it all, hoping for the return of their spark before they are nothing but smoldering ashes and slowly dripping wax.
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sowearecleariamhere · 30 days
yall I was Not Ready for episode 15 of lovely runner T.T
Imagine being Seonjae and having all those memories from 3 (!!!) different timelines come back to you at once, all about that woman you feel strangely almost magically drawn to and who has just a little while ago rejected you, referencing the person she loves as the reason she and you can't ever be a possibility, and you realise that in a past you only now remember, a past that your current self hasn't truly lived but did, you loved this woman more than your own life and saved her from harm time and time again, that this woman went back in time again and again and again to make sure you lived, even if that meant she had to decide that she and you had to be strangers in the end, and that the reason she blocked all your attempts of becoming closer to her (some of which were almost more unconscious than conscious) because you were in fact the person she loves and that she is once again trying to protect you from harm, even at the expense of her happiness
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kraehenkunst · 1 year
Any drawing tips? I'm in love with your drawing of people and I think you avoid same-face-syndrome very well :)
Hi! Thank you very much thats super nice of you!
I never really feel like I'm equipped to give art advise, because most of the time I don't really know what I'm doing either. But especially in regards to character design and same face syndrome, I feel like the number one mistake people make is trying to make every character pretty.
So many artists shy away from "ugliness", or even just stepping away from the beauty conventions they are used to. But like, perfection is so boring! And thats just not what human faces look like, the people around you don't look like marvel actors, they have big noses or double chins and their eyebrows are too thick or too thin etc. and thats what makes them recognizable as the people they are! So I guess my advise is: work with references, look at people on the bus and try to understand how their features work, and how they can be translated in your chosen medium. And look at other artists too, try finding out what you like about a work of art, try to replicate the parts you enjoy and see what works for you and what doesn't.
And don't get locked into a certain style, I think there is too much focus on that, especially on social media. You can't just form an artist identity from one day to the next and then be done with your journey. Its an evolution, and the best way to prevent artblock is to let go of the confines you have set yourself and to try something new.
All right ok, sorry that got so rambly.. umm. here is a sneakpeak of what im working on right now! ♥️
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productofaritual · 6 months
You know sometimes I'll just think about how terrifying c!Ranboo's amnesia is.
Sure he writes it all down in a notebook so he technically knows what happened. But he doesn't remember it. I don't know if I can like properly explain how horrifying that concept is to me. Like he's just aware that things have happened. But it's like he never lived through them. Like they're someone else's experiences that he just knows happened to him. He can't know just how it felt when he got the tear scars until he cries again. He can't remember the sound of Michael's voice until he hears it again. He knows what happened, he knows how things looked and felt, but what does it matter when he can't remember any of it?
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crossbackpoke-check · 6 months
Hello, im wehaveagathering from my main blog, im kind of obsessed with your hockey poetry edits and I think your blog is great! I guess I kind of have a dumb question, where do you find the images you use for your edits? Did you say Getty in your tags?? I’ve gotten into making icons recently (and i have ideas for poetry edits hrrrghhh) but it’s hard to find high res images. Thanks for your time and I hope you have a nice day :)
first of all thank you so much 🥹 and second that’s absolutely not a dumb question!! i do pull a lot of images from getty and i’ll also download pictures from sports articles (i got a lot of the hugheses pictures from online access articles, for example), or sometimes from instagram/facebook/twitter if an account is public. freely admitting that i am not technologically advanced? inclined? in the slightest here, but the image editing software that you use and how you import/export photos with it makes a difference in the quality of them as well!
if you haven’t seen them yet, i would also recommend checking out @simmyfrobby @national-hockey-lesbian @hauntedppgpaints @tapedsleeves @starscelly and @captainbradmarchand’s blogs just off the top of my head!!! they might know more places to get high res images and also i love their work 💕🫶
#sorry can’t type hands all butterfly hearts i’m just out here like 🥰🥰🥰🥹🥹🥹😭😭😭💕💕💕#@ everyone i tagged ty i love you i hope you don’t mind the tag 😘 also i KNOW i am unintentionally forgetting people so tag them at will#forgive me i am eepy. we are running on <4 hours of sleep and over 18 hours awake 🫡#liv in the replies#join the club!!! join the club!!!!! we love the hockey poetry edits!!!!!! i’m so excited to see what you create!!!!! :)))))#the process of me finding images is very much like. either i have a vision in my head and i troll getty looking for it or my screenshots#if i know i have one l m a o but either way i am always 68 pages deep in a hyper specific search labeling my photos like ‘ohHHH buddy’#‘menace 1 abd 2’ ‘but he’s not a cup winner’ ‘ohhhh the nolpat media scrums are rich earth’#‘because WILLY WON’T CUT HIS HAIR’ ‘deJA FUCKIN MILK BAYBE’ ‘is it truly sn edit if u don’t find a devastating baby pic’ ‘yes MF last line’#and so forth. like. glad it’s comprehensible to ME but if anyone else ever tried to use these photos based on file name alone i am so sorry#also i forget that y’all can’t see all of the metadata notes on photos to know where they’re from :/ i gotta be better abt making it clear#also on the note about image quality i just need to state for the record i am so photoshop whatever illiterate.#i learn one (1) new trick on GIMP a year maybe two if i am lucky & no i have never figured out consistent sizing 🫡 but the one hack for res#i HAVE figured out is that when i do edits i usually make a whole doc w/the poem lined up on it (helps me keep somewhat consistent sizing)#and then i export that document as a pdf and edit the pdf in the software instead of trying to screencap or jpeg or anything. PDF quality >#that is probably so convoluted lol if anyone has tips please lmk i am always learning#ANYWAY. rambling u did not ask for but is inherent to Me.#have a great day too!!!!! you literally made mine so 💕😭#wehaveagathering#indecisor
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blood-mocha-latte · 3 months
I just saw a tik tok saying that they hc lip and toye training together and I need to hear your thoughts on it because I know I'm drooling thinking about shoulders
WAIT WAIT WAIT is this based on That One Photo bc i have had. that exact thought anon
i like to think that lip and toye probably like. boxed consistently even after basic training and things because it's both a great stress reliever and something that keeps one in Fit Fighting Form. like. u got downtime in normandy? sparring time with the boys
ALSO. also. it works on multiple levels bc it's sort of that push back for lip. he can let go some, have some sort of release mechanism on his most certainly colossal stress levels in a good old fashioned brawl, and barely has to worry, because he knows that toye can take it
and i could possibly get into what that does after toye Gets Hit, but i shall probably save that for another day. a slightly more depressing day, perhaps. :))
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Laramie episode analysis time!!
S1.EP2 Glory Road
This was the first time I’d seen Eddie Albert in a role that wasn’t Oliver Wendell Douglas from Green Acres and lemme tell you it was a bit of a shock 😂 man nearly stabbed somebody for lighting a match on his saddle
So many cute animals, there was the goats, and then the dog, and a little kitty!! Really though I just love Andy and his big heart for all these critters, he’s darling <3
Don’t mind me out here just admiring the scenery 😂😏
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You know things are bad when Jess freaks out like that when he sees Roany because Jess is not one to avoid confrontation, also Jess your maternal instincts are showing 😂 seriously though I love how protective he is of Andy <3
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The way Slim looks like such a disappointed mother when he hears Andy lying to Roany about Jess having moved on 😂 hands on hips and everything, even has an apron yes I realize he was doing some blacksmith stuff but it’s funny
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Aw, Jonesy getting so excited about the piano is so cute, I really like his interactions with Essie too
Not that we’ve seen much of Roany at this point but it’s clear why Jess wants to lay low, he’s got a short fuse and he’s real possessive, not a good combination
Slim, I can appreciate your morals and wanting Andy to grow up to be a good and honest man, but if your friend asks you to tell someone they’re not there, you lie for them
Sassy Jess strikes again 😂
Slim: Why did you duck him?
Jess: Cause I wanted to
Slim: You got anything against a straight answer?
Jess: You got all the answers you’re gettin’ from me
Jess just standing back there behind the door trying to not be seen 😂 also I’ve noticed that he fiddles with his fingers a lot, it’s a cute habit I think
Look, Andy’s a smart kid and he knows when something’s up and Jess being so stubborn about it ain’t helping
Andy: You’re afraid of him, aren’t you Jess?
Jess: You think what you like.
I get that maybe it’s not stuff Andy needs to hear or wanting your business to be your own but I think Andy deserves a better answer than that
Jonesy just walking up and starting to play the piano and Essie just peeking her head out of the wagon and quietly watching him until he’s finished, it was just a cute little moment I think
I think this is absolutely hilarious cuz I think I know what’s going through both of their heads, Slim knows that Jess’ll be back and Jess is thinking this is the last time he’s ever gonna see him, spoiler alert: Slim is right 😂
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Bless Slim’s heart cuz I know he’s really trying to be there for Andy, Andy’s sitting there on the fence obviously upset that Jess left and you can just see from the look on Slim’s face that he’s trying so hard to think of the right thing to say, but then the stage shows up so saved by the bell I guess or saved by the stage and then Slim tries to distract him by talking about the stage but then Andy comes right out and asks if he thinks Jess’ll ever come back and he has to give him an honest answer
Gosh Slim and that girl from the stage just checking each other out was one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen 🤣 and the way the boyfriend (or husband, I have no clue) just pulled her away 😂
NOT POOR JONESY!! Roany just sent my boy flying off the wagon, dude’s unhinged
Man, Jess whipped his gun out so fast when he thought Roany was gonna hurt Essie, also Roany just whipping Jess with the reins, like sir?? But then Roany seems like he's genuinely sorry about all of it, there's a lot to unpack here, Roany switches between moods so fast and it makes it so hard to tell if he’s being sincere or not
Aw when Essie asks if Jonesy and Jess could move the tables and chairs so they could bring the piano in Jess was up immediately and all smiley and he just said “yes ma’am” so happily, that was so freaking cute
4 days on the Kansas prairie with a busted leg cuz your horse threw you cuz it got spooked by a rattler, Jess you just get yourself into all kinds of situations don’t you
Roany beat a saloon girl with brass knuckles cuz she laughed at him yikes
When Jonesy says, “You didn’t want him (Roany) around Andy. That’s the reason you pulled out, isn’t it?” and Jess just changes the subject, heaven forbid you show you care about anyone Jess Harper, can’t fool Jonesy though, he knows what’s up, he’s also smart enough not to push it
I love Jonesy being able to learn songs on the piano by ear, I just like learning fun little details like that about characters
You can see that Jess was also concerned about Jonesy being around Roany, the way he convinces Roany to leave and go to another saloon, I love how Jess loves so hard and cares so much about those around him even though sometimes he doesn't like to show it
Roany, to Jess: “I guess you’d be glad to do most anything for me, wouldn’t you?” uh… no. How about you just save somebody cuz it’s the right thing to do?? We really out here expecting a favor in return smh
When Roany makes a comment about how he likes animals and that they do most things out of fright and they just need somebody to love them… and you know that he’s indirectly talking about himself too and I can’t help but feel a tiny bit bad for him, ya know? I mean that doesn’t excuse the bad things he’s done at all and he should still be held accountable but… yeah, and Jess knows exactly what Roany is like and you can tell because of the completely different demeanor he takes on with him, Jess has one heck of a temper and he will not hesitate to tell anyone what he really thinks of them and he will fight anyone and everyone, but not with Roany, his tone is completely different, he walks on eggshells around him because he knows something bad will happen and someone will very likely get hurt and I also can't help but think there's a little bit of pity for Roany maybe??
I cannot express how much I love watching Jonesy play the piano and sing! And when Essie asks him if he could stay until Sunday since Roany hurt his hand and wouldn’t be able to play, he was so excited!! I think if Essie had been on the show longer, her and Jonesy would have been such good friends
I am going to have The Church in the Wildwood stuck in my head for the next week or so, it always makes me think of The Andy Griffith Show though, Andy Griffith and Don Knotts performed it so beautifully
NOT THE PIANO again, I act like I’ve never seen this episode before
Really I think in the end it had to be Jess that killed Roany, Essie may have been able to do it but even if she did she would have never forgiven herself and Jess knew that, he's good at reading people I think and he's so selfless, it's one of my favorite things about him
Jess disappearing for a week and then showing up with a piano is just… such a Jess thing to do 😂 and I mean that affectionately of course
They’re precious, I can’t even 😭
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Yall know I just had to clip this whole scene, audio and all HOW COULD I NOT
Love how Slim just moments earlier was talking to Jonesy about how Andy needs to move on cuz it’s been a week since they’ve heard from Jess, then Slim is out here just as happy to have him back 😂 and he said he was happy to have Jess home yall 😭 can you just imagine what that meant to Jess, especially when there are so many clues that he had a rough childhood WHO IS CUTTING ONIONS IN HERE, also Jess is adorable swaying back and forth to the music, I would die for him
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violetvulpini · 2 years
Hey! What was it like to study animation? What’s it like to be an illustrator? (Very vague questions (TM) I apologise)
Also tmnt 2003 is my fav I would love to see anything you make of the green bois
No need to apologize, they're good questions! My animation classes were very sink-or-swim, we were given an assignment and then just set loose to figure it out lol. I did not have a great sleep schedule during college cuz I would just be working on that stuff 24/7. I love animating! I just hate adobe, those programs take every opportunity to screw with you. I recently got CSP Pro so hopefully that'll make things a bit smoother, though!!
As for being an illustrator, right now I work on commissions and contracts, which means half of my job is just self-promo and looking for the next opening. I kinda suck at that, so I'm still working on it lol, but the actual drawing part is radical! For me, drawing is like one of the few things I can multitask on, so it's pretty easy to actually get the work itself done, when I can land a client. And it's fun! That said, I'm aiming for a career as a storyboarder, so fingers crossed on that one!
2003 is SO good, excellent taste. Here are some Raphs n Dons from when I finally got a bit of a handle on the art style!
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One HC I'm very attached to is that Raph got a crack in his shell from the final showdown with Ch'rell, so I always draw him with a prosthetic! Maybe I'll color that little ref sometime, who knows
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yanlei-a · 1 year
my heartlight. that's what could have been. . .
— @kiguard
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There is a universe somewhere, he is certain, where that is what they are to each other.
Some life where they do not choose to follow opposite paths, but rather brave the path hand in hand, no matter where it takes. Some version of reality where he gives Shen the chance to make his own choice, no secrets nor deception; and where Shen, in turn, chooses him.
It is not an ideal world, truth be told. Not if it gets to that point. There are reasons behind his choices, even the secrets and deception, and to let his dearest friend stain his hands and forgo his duty would have been a selfish act, done for himself alone, to soothe the overwhelming affection and unending grief their parting brought. Possessive, in a way; wanting nothing more than to keep Shen with him, his, regardless of consequence.
Of course, Zed could never do it in reality; it simply wasn't who he was.
There is scarcely a moment of respite, time to be wasted in idle fantasizing, but even the Master of Shadows cannot control his every thought. There may not be elaborate daydreams of a perfect world, but when the longing gets the best of him, there are glimpses: them, together, finding the laughter that so often eluded them after years hunting the Golden Demon; the temple not taken but shared, their ways not opposite but merged into a single path, not as harsh as this one, not as oblivious as that of the Kinkou, a middle ground crafted together; moments of quiet, with the peace Zed had only ever known because of the only man to treat him as an equal from the start.
A life where my heartlight would have been easily offered, honey-sweet, the only apt word to describe the entirety of what Shen meant to him; where it would have been returned, embraced, accepted, cherished, really, because there is no reality in which it would not leave him in awe, where hearing it may become commonplace and ordinary, as if love could ever be so.
Countless times, the damned longing almost causes him to falter. Zed despairs with it, the desire to bring to light the truth, even if it would not absolve him. It feels like a more merciful life than this, standing before the Eye of Twilight and baring his sins, the reasoning behind them, and kneeling before him to subject to his justice, to the bite of his blade (who would have more right to his life than him?). A mercy he does not deserve, when it would cause Shen so much pain; best to bear it on his own, to make it his burden, to shove down the yearning that makes him so weak that the thought would be entertained at all.
What possibilities there were (what could have — should have — been), he chose his path long ago. Honor compelled him to keep his secrets, surely enough, but it was more than that: his own happiness is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. Better to allow Shen a chance at it, or at least peace of mind, despite him assuming a mantle he never wanted but was only ever suited to him. Better that Zed refrains from feelings that could so easily cause him to stray from the only route there was for him to follow, a life that was and should be for Ionia before it was for himself. It was what the First Lands needed: his darkness and Shen's light, a balance of sorts on its own.
But there is a universe somewhere, he is certain, where they are each other's heartlights.
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copdog1234 · 1 year
Its 1am, im sorry if this is a garbled rant but.
Revelation, as an episode, feels like it should've happened 2 seasons ago. Idk. Just the entire concept involving Lila's plotline does not fit the entirety of the shows pacing when it's been so slow leading to this point. This feels like an arc that should've been focused on by itself for a bit.
Like, maybe the first 3 seasons should've been a Lila arc with some hints of whats happening this season sprinkled in, then season 4 being pretty much the same way it was, and then this season being all about Monarch, sentimonsters, Adrien, lost miraculous, and the like. Not the way it is now, where Lila is sprinkled in no matter what, while we have all this other stuff happening. It just doesn't flow.
I love this show to bits and i enjoy it most of the time, but the structuring of it can be horrendous at times.
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dorkstone · 2 years
omg if u have any platonic zouxie hcs id love to hear em!!!
Rubbing my hands together EVILLY
A lot of these are ideas I haven’t yet fleshed out entirely BUT I really wanted an opportunity to talk about them anyways so thank u for this
-Douxie and Zoe are soulbound to each other basically for eternity. The spell that allows them to live as long as they have is called a death ward, and it requires two people to cast! Im not sure the extent to which they’re bound, like if there are any connections or if the original casting was the only time they technically needed to be together, but the idea of them possibly sharing injuries could be kind of funny? Or sad, depending on the context!
-Zoe during Wizards, chilling at Hextech until suddenly she feels like she just got knocked around by a crazy powerful sorceress a dozen times: oh god what the fuck is he doing
-I’ve been toying with the idea of them Not Getting Along when they first met and after they casted the death ward. Zoe grew up hardcore repressing her wizard abilities and was Very off put by any magic, but one day Douxie seeks her out because he’s in search of that second half, and she is just. Not happy. And I don’t think they ever did the death ward spell intentionally or with either of their total consent. Currently, my thought process is that they get into a very dangerous fight against someone or SOMETHING that leaves Zoe inches from death, and the death ward is one of the only things that will keep her from fucking Dying and Douxie gets her to do it to keep her alive. However, she’s! Not very happy with the idea of living forever and being soul bonded to some Fucking Guy. And the tension that it causes between them is a Lot and goes on for quite a few years.
-the death ward shows up as those matching skull ‘tatoos’ I drew them with btw. Besties with the matching symbols of defying mortality
-of course, they manage to smooth things out yada yada, whether it takes a few months or several decades is up for debate.
-Zoe is half the reason Douxie went from the moppet with the man bun persona to the guy he is well! Once they started being around each other more often, she loved to push him around and (affectionately) push him out of his comfort zone a lot <3
-this does come back to bite her in the ass! Because newfound confidence Douxie will never pass up the opportunity to annoy the Shit out of her! His favorite thing is picking her up and moving her when he wants to get to something but she’s in his way.
-I absolutely think they Tried dating before, maybe a few times in the past several hundred years! But they both sort of come to the conclusion that they appreciate each other on a casual level more than anything, and the commitment to each other just isn’t something they feel comfortable with? It’s something neither of them can explain directly, and sounds convoluted to anyone who asks, but to each other they understand where they’re at and that’s what matters! it’s also one of the things that helps Douxie realize he’s probably somewhere on the aroace spectrum (even if he won’t use that specific vocabulary for his identity for another couple centuries)
-they are Ash Dispersal Pattern! Currently it’s just Douxie on guitar and Zoe on vocals, and their “band” is more just a fun experimental thing more than anything. Douxie absolutely ropes Claire into playing bass for them at Least casually! (Also I’ve been thinking abt Douxie teaching toby drums bc they should be friends)
AND here’s some old messy doodles I did of 12th century Douxie and Zoe ! They’re real messy but I figured this would be the best place to drop them ahee
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First FIRST meeting and she wants None of his shit
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Girl mad
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disastercit · 2 years
feeling silly and goofy, might attempt to trace over an old comic i never finished inking but change it slightly to fit my new artstyle and post it like it’s not almost 2 years old
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theloveinc · 2 years
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catboymoments · 4 months
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I’m really not sure why this took me a week but here’s a little tutorial on how I design clothes for characters ??? I hope it’s somewhat comprehensive, making tutorials can be hard for me because I have so much to say LOL
While I used a preexisting show in this example, this method can really be applied to any oc universe or story as long as you establish the basics :]
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