#hope i sated your curiosity lol
hungee-boy · 1 month
Feel free to ignore if you’re uncomfortable with or just don’t want to answer but how would you change isebela to not be caricature without changing the whole character? Would it be more fashion changes or physical or something else?
Kinda like: how would you change her if you were her character writer/designer for the new game?
isabela at her core i think is a very compelling character and is relatable to a lot of romani experiences, especially with her doing whatever she has to to survive
i would definitely keep her stealing as castillion's responsibility, him making her steal the tome of koslun under threat of death for example would be fine because if he wasnt in the picture, chances are she wouldnt have stolen it in the first place
other forms of thievery besides just like looting bodies and picking chests (as those are gameplay mechanics for all characters) shouldnt be for her enjoyment or greed, only for her survival or just not done at all
her staying a pirate is fine imo and i like the idea of her being an ethical pirate (like her freeing the slaves castillion had her transport) but we all need to look at how pirates are depicted in fantasy and how much of that is anti-roma racism and caricatures
her being so sexualized and her comments on "life back home" are where i have the biggest issues honestly
like romani women have always been targets of fetishization and sexual violence, as well as many women being sterilized without consent to prevent more romani children being brought into the world
getting some damn clothes on her would be a great start, like some pants at the very least. i would like to incorporate more romani clothing in her design tho like maybe a traditional blouse instead of her usual top
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maybe a romanced isabela can have her replace her blue dikhlo with red, since wearing a dikhlo is usually reserved for married women of certain vitsas (most common with eastern european roma if im not mistaken) or giving her a red hipcloth (again specific to certain vitsas)
romani dress is usually modest and loose fitting, with women commonly wearing long skirts and blouses with jewelry and adornments to symbolize her wealth and status and im not saying isabela should be covered head to toe, shes an open person and not every romani woman should be expected to dress one way over another, its just her look is way too impractical for the sake of being sexy and again romani women are very often sexualized regardless of what they wear
isabela's attitude towards sex and being open to intimacy is not an issue on its own, what is the issue is how the writers make fucking jokes of her sexuality at every chance they get (like the std joke in anders' clinic, aveline's slut shaming, etc. etc. etc.....) and this is just my personal opinion but there are times that she comes on too strong to like hawke or carver or fenris that seems unrealistic and just like an attempt for the writers to further hone in on how horny shes supposed to make you feel
like yes have her be open and not ashamed of being intimate but put more love and respect on it. i love an isabela that is repressed in her own feelings and the only way she knows how to have meaningful connections is through sex cus thats what was expected of her. like oh my god do you know how many people relate to that, if its done right it could be a very compelling arch to her character and maybe something she learns isnt concrete the more platonic/romantic meaningful time she has with everyone in da2 and beyond
as for her comments about rivain and the people there, like the phrase "even deny a fortune teller and theyll run you out of town" to merrill, just makes rivainis out to be greedy and shameless swindlers and that projection is obviously also put on romani people since that is a VERY common stereotype
like the phrase "getting gypped" literally means to be cheated and comes from the word gypsy. theres no denying the intention the writers had when they wrote that line for isabela
and honestly i love the idea of rivain (i say the idea cus we only hear accounts of the nation, we havent seen it in person yet) i love the idea of a matriarchal society that is religious and spiritual but does not tolerate the chantry's bigotry and openly accepts society's outcast such as mages and qunari
romani culture irl is patriarchal and often anybody who is not romani is typically not trusted, but if rivain was treated as an idealistic fantasy romanistan, where our values and traditions are implemented and we make a better world for ourselves and other outcasts then it could be very compelling
thats the thing with representation, sometimes it doesnt have to reflect reality 100%, but it still requires knowledge so that you can make new ideas based on the facts and reasoning of the group youre representing
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veterveter · 6 months
This is a question for you! What do you think it would be like if Berlin had had a daughter instead of a son? Him and the daughter of course.
Question for me??? I love those!!
Ahh let's see - I cannot remember much about Rafael, because I prefer to pretend he doesn't exist. I do remember he's an engineer (like Martín--) with a degree from MIT. Didn't Andrés pay for that?
Anyway, I doubt his daughter would get that kind of a treatment. Andrés is so intensely misogynist, and ~traditional besides, I don't think he'd care to fund a woman's studies. And anyway, she should spend her time on something more fitting of a woman. Not to mention, she doesn't need a degree: she has a pretty face, that'll get her far in life. Just look at her mother! She got married to Andrés, after all; what more could a woman want? What more should a woman aspire for, beyond attracting a powerful man?
If she wanted to look for his approval (terrible choice, but I wanna give her the autonomy to make her own terrible choices, anyway), suppose she could follow him into a career in crime. She should seduce men and rob them, that kind of thing. That might at least fit his idea of how a woman should be (going by how Tatiana was a fellow thief, and he seemed pleased by that).
And when all is said and done - would he care about her? I doubt that. He doesn't really seem like a family man. Too hedonistic, too selfish. Maybe he could begrudgingly respect her, some day. As a woman, though - not as a person.
(Now, I recall I've been asked this before, in an anon ask I never remembered to answer. May have been you. Nonetheless, I'm sorry about that - I've always been a terrible texter, if that helps.)
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Can we ask what CJ stands for? I've been curious about it ever since you started this blog. If it's private then you can skip this question.
I don't mind you asking at all! I won't share exactly what it stands for, but it basically just comes from two parts of my irl name. Grabbing one of my nicknames just felt easier than trying to come up with a full new name for my online persona since the last times I've done that its never felt like me haha
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capricornlevi · 1 year
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fine lines & sunflowers - bokuto koutarou x reader
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summary: you really should have known better than to make a bet with kenma -- now, you have to face your worst fear: getting a tattoo. To make matters worse, the artist - bokuto, your friends inform you - is apparently renowned for being unforgiving and harsh to newcomers. you need to see for yourself if he lives up to that reputation. timeskip bokuto!tattoo artist AU x reader.
cw: explicit sexual content, reader has a phobia of needles (not discussed in detail, but mentions of the phobia in the context of getting a tattoo), alcohol consumption (all sex is sober & consensual)
wc: 8.2k
a/n: this is a birthday gift for my wonderful friend sofia @brainrot329 who is the world's most dedicated bokuto simp & also the most incredibly kind person i know ! happy birthday sofia !
The first thing you notice about the Black Jackal Tattoo Shop is how the neon sign above the entrance is so bright that it hurts your eyes. 
It’s late in the evening, the sun having set fully just over an hour ago, and the pavement is bathed in a bright purple glow that outshines any of the streetlights. It’s distracting, so much so that you wonder how their neighbours haven’t complained about it – but glancing at the bustling bars and liquor stores nearby, you can’t imagine they much mind. 
The second thing you notice is just how busy the place is. Even at this hour, every single one of the tables is occupied and there’s a line of people at the far end of the shop clearly awaiting their own turn. This was the last slot they had available and so you knew they were in high demand, but this goes beyond your expectations.
It’s just fifteen minutes before your appointment and so you hope that the queue will have thinned out by the time you head in. Obviously, you don’t mind waiting for a short while, but you don’t want to be here all night – more time spent queueing means more time to overthink. 
More time to start panicking. 
More time for you to chicken out or bolt away from the shop as though your life depended on it.
Even now, your legs threaten to buckle underneath you. Your pulse hammers in your ears, every shaky breath takes a great deal of effort. You’re terrified at what awaits you. 
But a bet’s a bet, and you lost it. You need to get this tattoo in order to face your friends with your head held high. 
And so it’s with a great deal of relief that the third thing you notice about Black Jackal is its obvious cleanliness. You swear you can see the floors sparkle from your vantage point on the other side of the street. The walls seem freshly painted - a nice dark blue colour, covered with golden-framed pictures of various intricate tattoo designs - and the artists are all sanitising the tables thoroughly when switching clients. 
Of course, you can’t tell all that much about a place from outside their door, but they certainly present themselves very professionally – nausea-inducing neon lights aside. 
You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. Reluctantly, you fish it out and check the notification despite knowing exactly what it will say.
Kenma: No backing out!
Kenma: But good luck <3
You wince and swear under your breath. Your long-time friend can be profoundly annoying at times like this, but you still type up a quick response to sate his curiosity – he’s probably waiting at his apartment with Kuroo and the others to see if you’ll actually follow through.
You: I’m waiting outside, I’ll text proof when it’s done
Three dots appear followed by a near-instantaneous response.
Kenma: Yay! Just don’t piss off Bokuto lol 
You sigh as you slip your phone back into your pocket and head to the nearby chain café to kill some time. 
In hindsight - perfect, glorious hindsight - you probably should have known better than to bet a professional streamer that you could beat him at Mortal Kombat. But in your defence, you’ve been playing the game since childhood and have won almost every single time - your win-to-loss ratio is somewhere in the region of ten to one - and it was far from Kenma’s favourite game, he rarely streamed it, so you figured you stood somewhat of a chance. 
And then one night, after far too many homemade cocktails served by Kuroo and Kenma in their shared apartment, you issued a challenge to the latter: the long-awaited Mortal Kombat tournament, best two out of three, and the rest of your friends would act as judges to ensure all rules were being followed.
If Kenma lost, he had to shave his head live on stream. His worst nightmare.
You, on the other hand, have always had a very vocal fear of needles and so you both quickly came to the same conclusion; if you lost (and you figured it unlikely), you committed to facing your own nightmares by getting a tattoo. 
To the shock of only you, Kenma won easily.
You sat in horrified silence for about a half-hour, only speaking up to accept the consolation shots of straight liquor that your friends diligently provided. 
You were just about to knock back yet another tequila when Kenma softened the blow just a little.
“You can pick the design, y’know,” he pointed out with a smile that only betrayed a hint of smugness. “I won’t make you get anything embarrassing.”
You scoffed, setting the empty shot glass down on their battered old coffee table. “I don’t even know where to start.”
“Heard that Black Jackal place across town is decent,” Alisa piped up. She’d been in your corner for most of the bet, so you took her opinion to heart.
The next day, once the worst of the hangover had passed, you messaged the shop on Instagram.
“ Hey!” you’d begun, wondering if they could sense your nerves through the screen. “ Just wondering if you have any upcoming slots for a small fine line?”
You already had an idea in mind for the design, having spent the morning browsing online with Anisa; firstly, it had to be the tiniest tattoo physically possible. Secondly, in an area that didn’t hurt that much – you picked your forearm, where the websites rated it on the low-medium scale for pain (though you had your doubts). 
You also had a fondness for sunflowers (as evidenced by the heavy-handed decor in your bedroom), so you spent hours perusing the “small sunflower tattoo” tab on Pinterest. 
You had narrowed it down to three or four possibilities which you promptly screenshotted and forwarded along with your message to Black Jackal, receiving a reply a short while later. You partially wished they’d just ghost you so you could put it off a bit longer, but unfortunately, they were very enthusiastic to help. 
“ Absolutely! We have a slot with Bokuto at 8.30 on Friday?”
Begrudgingly, you agreed.
You informed your friends of your plans the next day, announcing it over dinner with everyone in attendance as proof of your dedication.
Once you read the reply aloud, Kuroo inhaled sharply.
“ Bokuto ?” he asked, incredulous. His tone of voice concerned you deeply.
“Yes?” you answered slowly, scanning the room to see everyone’s expressions. “Why? Is there something wrong?”
Kuroo winced. “Nothing.”
Obviously, you weren’t too convinced. 
“Doesn’t sound like nothing.”
Your friend started to worry his lower lip between his teeth. “It’s just …he’s … renowned for having, uh, very high standards, basically. Kinda has a scary reputation.”
“What do you mean?” you frowned, mind already conjuring up an image of this apparently terrifying Bokuto. 
“I think I heard something like that … he takes the craft very seriously,” Lev piped up, sympathy written all over his face. “He’ll call you out if you’re too nervous or shaky.”
“And if you faint …” Kuroo trailed off uncomfortably and your blood ran cold in your veins. “My sister got her ankle tattoo there and nearly ran out in tears.” 
You had scowled then, rolling your eyes to act as though you didn’t care, but your heart started to race at a thousand miles an hour. 
“Just behave like you know what you’re doing and you’ll be fine,” Kenma interjected, at least trying to be helpful. “You’ve nothing to worry about. You’ll be in and out in like twenty minutes.”
You nodded half-heartedly, lifting your fork to your mouth and grimacing at the sudden cardboard-like texture your meal had taken on.
Half an hour. How bad could it be?
Now, standing at your original spot on the pavement with a warm latte cupped in your shivering hands, you start to think you weren’t half as scared then as you should have been. 
A tattoo. A tattoo. On your body, forever , and they do it with needles. 
And to top it all off, your tattoo artist is apparently a cranky perfectionist who scoffs and jeers at newbies. Wonderful.
You check the time and see you’ve about five minutes to go before you’re due inside. You knock back a large swig of your coffee, surmising that the extra shot of espresso will be of help rather than hurt.
Once the cup is empty and you feel your legs are stable enough to carry you, you cross the street. 
Approaching the entrance step by step, you feel the neon light wash over you as you reach for the handle. The mahogany door is surprisingly light - or maybe your adrenaline has given you superhuman strength - and before you’re even aware of what’s happening, you’ve closed it behind you and floated across the tiled floor to reach the front desk.
The receptionist seems to be finishing up a call and so you idle by the desk, trying to force something resembling a poker face.  
As she starts to take notes while speaking on the phone, you can’t help but notice the incredible sleeve of black-and-white designs all up her right arm – you’ve seen them before on Black Jackal ’s online portfolio. If memory serves, Bokuto was tagged as having done most of the work.
After about thirty more seconds she politely hangs up the phone, fixes the claw clip holding back her dark hair, and scribbles something on a piece of paper before looking up at you with a bright smile. Her enthusiasm seems so genuine that, for a moment, it takes the edge off your fear.
“Hi, I have a slot at 8.30?” you say, clearing your throat. “With Bokuto?”
Recognition dawns on her face. She says your name as a question – you nod, confirming.
“I was the one talking to you on Instagram!” she beams, gesturing for you to take the consent forms, “Bo took a look at the pictures you sent on and has a couple of stencils ready for you if you want to take a look while you’re waiting?”
You force a smile and nod again, accepting the additional papers she hands you. She asks if you need to hang up your jacket; you shrug it off, the cold air making the bare skin on your forearms prickle with goosebumps. 
As if it’s necessary, she follows up by gently asking; “is this your first tattoo?”
“Yes,” comes your choked reply. 
She leans in to take your jacket, giving your shoulder a quick reassuring squeeze as she does so. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise! If the discomfort was that bad, I wouldn’t have gotten all these,” she holds out her arm for you to get a closer look at the gorgeous patterns. “The hardest part is getting in the chair, and you’ve pretty much done that already!”
Her smile reaches her eyes and you feel immensely grateful to have her in your corner if you do faint on Bokuto’s table. 
“Thank you,” you reply sincerely, heading over to one of the benches at the end of the room to start perusing the forms. 
It’s all fairly standard for a disclaimer. None of the potential complications listed on the sheet gives you any cause for concern since you’ve stocked up on all the products you’ll need for aftercare.
Plus, it’s not the after part that scares you. It’s the during part, with the buzzing and the needles and the judgmental glances you’ll get if you let out a yelp - 
“Hey! How’re you doing?” a resoundingly cheery voice calls out above you. “You nearly done with the waivers?”
The unexpected greeting shocks you so much that you nearly drop the clipboard. You look up to see a very tall, very broad man grinning down at you expectantly, tattoos covering his arms except the parts obscured by his white t-shirt and black gloves, a shock of silver hair held back with a metal hairband to keep it from falling into his eyes as he works. Something on his mouth catches against the light, glistening – a silver ring on the right-hand side of his lower lip, shifting as his smile widens. 
He seems … different than you expected. More animated, more enthusiastic. 
“I’m Bokuto - Bo, if you prefer - and I don’t know if Kiyoko mentioned it, but I did up a few stencils … ah, you have them there, great!”
You sit there, blinking up at him and then flickering your gaze over to the door as if mapping out your exit strategy in case this interaction turns sour. 
Maybe the mean part comes later. Maybe it only starts when you’re up on the table. 
“Anything you want me to go through with you first?” he asks when you don’t reply, a thick brow arched in anticipation of your answer. 
“Uh, nothing on here,” you reply, cool as you can manage, holding out the consent form for him to take back to Kiyoko. You hadn’t had a chance to look at his designs yet, but you don’t think you really need to; the one at the top of the pile matches your mental image perfectly. “And I think I’ll go for, uh, this one … here . If that’s okay.”
You hold out your chosen design and he takes it, somehow still smiling despite your demeanour being flighty at best.
Frosty and rude, at worst.
“Great! My favourite too. I know we’re not supposed to say that - client is always right, ‘course - but I was hoping you’d pick that one! Wanna get started?”
He gestures to one of the middle tables before snapping off the gloves.
“These are just the ones I use to clean up,” he answers your unspoken question once you’ve gotten up from your seat and glanced at his tattooed hands. “I’ll sanitise fully before we start.”
You weren’t looking at the gloves. You were looking at the intricate art covering what seem to be strong and giant hands, but you see no point in telling him that.
You slowly approach the table as Bokuto goes to deliver your forms. 
Turns out, what you saw from the street didn’t even do the place justice; the area is surgically clean, not a speck of dirt of to be seen, and the plush surface of the table looks as close to comfortable as you could have hoped for. The ceiling is covered with grey tile and the overhead lighting complements it, bright enough for the artists to have visibility but not glaring to the point it gives you a headache like the street lighting did. 
The framed pictures on the wall are even more beautiful up close. 
The art by Bokuto’s station especially . 
You hop up and sit at the edge of the table, hands clutching the side of the cushion for dear life as if falling off could kill you. 
The artist at the table to your right glances over, his face impassive even through the black medical mask that he’s wearing. When you turn your head, the artist to the other side does the same, casting you a look that’s entirely neutral except for his dark brows which seem to be permanently furrowed.
Their behaviour is closer to what you expected Bokuto’s to be like; not quite rude, not quite mean, but so professional and deadpan that you can’t help but feel your inevitable breakdown would inconvenience them greatly.
“So, you decided on the placement?”
Somehow Bokuto’s voice startles you again, having been too fixated on his coworkers’ reactions, but you hide your surprise better this time. You don’t jump, just lift your head and look at him; true to his word, he’s putting the final touches on the sanitisation process before starting any other preparation. 
He grins, not too bothered at having to repeat himself once more. “Have you picked where it’s gonna go? Because I might have to make some changes depending on your decision.”
“Oh, the inside of my forearm” you blurt out, holding it out to show him.
Your brusque and sudden response means it’s his turn to look up in surprise, but there’s no judgment on his face when he does so. Instead, it softens, golden eyes taking on a hint of sympathy. 
“You nervous?” he asks, more quietly this time.
“ No, not really, ” but your answer comes far too quickly, your face heating as the words leave you. The vice-like grip that you have on the table only further disproves your answer.
He chuckles knowingly as he pulls on a fresh pair of gloves. “You wouldn’t be the first, y’know.”
“I’m not that nervous,” you object futilely. “Really.”
Bokuto takes his seat and pulls it closer to you; partly because he seems to think eye contact will help (it does) and partly to shield you from any eavesdroppers at the tables next to you (he does so successfully).
“Seriously,” he says, quieter again. “You have absolutely nothing to worry about. If it’s too much, we stop. If you need a break, we stop. If you have any questions, I am more than happy to answer. Anything at all, no matter what. That sound okay?”
You nod instinctively but find yourself meaning it. He has a surprisingly calming presence, intimidating reputation aside. 
Maybe Kuroo isn’t a great judge of character.
“I’ll walk you through it, ‘kay? Just so you know what to expect,” he starts, and another nod from you shows you’re ready to hear the rest. “Firstly, since you want it here,” he leans over and points to your inner forearm, “we’ll need to have you lying on your back with your arm held out – we could do it sitting up, but this is more comfortable for us both since it’ll minimise any shaking.”
The table is quite comfortable. You’re with him so far.
“Then,” Bokuto continues, business-like but still kind in his delivery, “we’ll sanitise your arm and make sure the skin’s ready to be tattooed - it’s only a small area, so it shouldn’t take too long - and then we pop the stencil on. If you’re happy with it, I’ll get the last of the equipment ready and you just hold still for a while – it’ll be over before you know it. Sound good?”
The way he spells it out is a lot less intimidating than some of the resources you’ve read. He’s not being condescending, either, which is a huge plus – you know what you’re getting into, you’re not a child who needs to be consoled, but you’d just prefer for someone to speak to you like a human and just lay it out so you can mentally prepare.
Which Bokuto just did. Perfectly.
So in lieu of an answer, you lay down in the position he described, and try, for the first time, to return a smile.
He seems delighted as he pushes his chair back out to double-check the supplies.  “Alright! Let’s get this started!”
Staring up at the ceiling, you try to count the tiles to keep your mind occupied. Bokuto’s hands are gentle as he cleans the skin and applies the stencil but your arm still tenses under his touch.
He notices. “All okay?”
“Yep,” you murmur, starting your counting again. 
One tile, two, three -
“This look okay to you?” he inquires, and you pull your eyes away from the ceiling to check the design.
To his credit, it’s perfect. A bit bigger than you expected, but you can see now that changing the size would mean losing out on some of the detailing. 
It’s better than any of the ones you’d seen on Pinterest and you tell him as much. He laughs heartily, with such sincerity and energy that it’s almost contagious.
You rest your head back down and start focusing on counting the next set of tiles. 
No panicking. Not now. You’re nearly there.
Four tiles, five, six, seven -
Bokuto makes a few small adjustments. Your breath quickens. 
It’s so close to being over. Just grin and bear it. 
Eight tiles, nine - 
The needle starts to whirr.
It hits you all at once: a gut-wrenching burst of panic so strong it feels as though it could stop your heart from beating, and you bolt upright before the needle makes contact with your skin, already shaking like a leaf.
Everything’s too much now. The lights, the sounds of buzzing needles, even the low mumbling of the people conversing at the tables next to you – it all mixes into a terrifying cacophony that overloads your senses.
But contrary to what Kuroo and the others had told you, Bokuto doesn’t scold you. He doesn’t laugh, either. He doesn’t even look disappointed. He’s pulled back a little - just enough to give you some breathing space - but other than that, he’s the same. A soft smile, kind eyes, and it gives the impression that he has all the time in the world to help you. 
As nice as it is, it somehow adds to your humiliation. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry,” you whisper, still trembling. You cover your face with your hands. “I’m sorry . I just … need a moment.”
“Why are you sorry?” he asks, genuinely puzzled. He sets the needle down in its place. “There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
What does he mean? He just saw your reaction, how is he so unbothered by it?
“Well, mostly sorry for … for that, ” you answer with a humourless laugh, finally moving your hands away from your face. “For freaking out, for losing it just there … god, I nearly jumped off the damn table .”
He huffs out a short laugh. “And? You wouldn’t be the first, that’s for sure – not the first today, even.”
You rub your eyes forlornly. “I just - it got very real all of a sudden. Too real. I’m sorry.”
He waves off your apology kindly but firmly. 
“No more sorry, alright?” 
Adrenaline still coursing through your veins, you find it in yourself to agree quietly. No more apologising. That much you can do. 
“And just so you know,” he continues. “I’m not in the business of tattooing people against their will. If you’ve changed your mind, that is absolutely and completely fine – can’t stress enough how fine it would be. We can even try another day, I can get this stencil off you-”
“No, no,” you interrupt, your mind clearing just enough for you to object. All things considered, you actually really, really liked the look of the stencil on your skin. You want this tattoo. You want to be able to go back to your friends with your head held high. You want to do this for yourself. “I want to do it today.”
“Okay,” he notes in agreement, meeting your gaze. “Then how are we gonna make this work?”
It’s quiet for a moment as you consider your next step. You wonder if Bokuto knows just how much this eye contact is helping to keep you from dying of embarrassment. 
You start to explain your fear in a way that hopefully sounds more articulate than the vague screaming that’s going on in your head. 
“I don’t know if this makes sense, but it’s not the pain that bothers me so much as the needle. All my life, it was never the shot itself that freaked me out, just the sight of the needle coming towards me.”
“I get it. Pain isn’t the issue, really, but looking at this ,” he gestures to the tattoo gun, “isn’t helping you get your mind off things?”
You swallow thickly. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“Well, how about you tilt your head the other way? Akaashi’s about to clock out so you won’t be looking at his mean face for too long,” - at that, the man next to you stops cleaning the table and scowls - “and if you want, I’ll just keep talking so you’re not just staring at the wall for half an hour and you’re not focusing on the sound of the needle. If I need you to check anything - linework, shading - I’ll ask, and try and keep the needle out of the way for you. Whatcha think?”
Maybe it’s just the surge of intense emotion starting to subside, but the offer could just bring you to tears. There’s no pressure, no judgment. Just support and encouragement. 
You can do it. You know you can do it. 
“Sounds doable,” you answer after a slow, steadying breath. You lay down and tilt your head, seeing the tables next to you now clear. “Let’s do it.”
And this time, you don’t so much as flinch. 
The tattooing itself doesn’t really hurt at all. It’s not the most comfortable sensation in the world, but it’s not painful by any measure, likely helped by the fact that you don’t catch sight of the needle for most of it. 
Bokuto talks to you, and you find yourself chatting back with increasing casualness. The topics vary; work, family, how Akaashi used to be equally frightened of needles even though he vehemently denies it. It helps keep your thoughts clear. 
You ask him the tattoo questions that you weren’t able to find the answers for on Google, knowing his reply will be honest. 
He tells you a few college stories. One or two of them sound eerily familiar, but you don’t question it.
He asks you about your friends and about the bet that led you here. You give him the condensed version, explaining that the result was actually a lot closer than your friends had said and that if you had gone for best three out of five, you might’ve just won it. 
You ask about his lip ring, if it hurt to get it done. He says it didn’t. 
Your anxiety ebbs and flows throughout, but you don’t let it surface. Every time you feel panic surge through your chest you just ask Bokuto another question, letting his deep voice carry you away from the fear. 
Just as you’re about to chime in with another question about his first tattoo, he interrupts first. 
“ And … all … done.”
It feels as though only two or three minutes have passed, so thick shock envelops you as you ask incredulously, “ done ?” 
“Done,” he confirms, setting the needle down and starting on the aftercare. “If you’re happy with it, that is?”
You glance at your arm and can’t hold back a gasp at what you see. It’s as though Bokuto reached into your mind and recreated your idea perfectly.
You spend a few minutes admiring it as he cleans up, chatting excitedly as the thrill is yet to wear off, and you feel a strange disappointment knowing it's time to part ways.
Still, you don’t let it show, thanking him and tipping generously when it's time to settle up, saying your goodbyes to Kiyoko too before collecting your jacket.
Once you’re out the door, you snap a picture of your outstretched arm with the perfect tattoo in centre frame and send it into the groupchat, riding the high of your achievement. 
You: Told ya <3
Seconds pass before the replies start to flood in. 
Kenma: Holy shit you actually did it, I’m impressed
Lev: And she delivers! 👏
Alisa: ^^^^^ shut UP we knew she’d follow through 
Alisa: it looks amazing ahhhhh!!!!!
Kuroo: who’s “we” in this scenario
Alisa: shouldn’t u be saving this energy for twitter fights tetsuuuu 
To commemorate you successfully facing your fears, the gang all make plans to go for drinks the next day. In fact, Kenma’s so impressed that you followed through on the bet that he agrees to pick up the tab – Kuroo is delighted with you as a result. 
The table is reserved for the entire night and Alisa, Lev, and Yaku are driving separately there so you’re able to travel in one cab. Kuroo and Kenma spend the entire journey inspecting your tattoo, fully visible with the short-sleeved dress you chose for the evening since the protective wrap has been removed.
“Holy shit, it’s real, ” Kenma mutters, peering closer at the sunflower design.  
You laugh a little, taken aback at the continually disbelieving attitude he has towards it. “Yeah? Lots of people have tattoos - Lev has one. Alisa has four. ” 
“Yeah, but,” Kenma answers with a shake of his head. “It was your worst fear. I would have never shaved my head, y’know? Over some little bet, are you kidding?”
“Oh, you would have,” you grin, glancing over at Kuroo’s knowing expression. “We might have needed to be a bit persuasive, though . ”
Out of respect and perhaps just a bit of fear, he’s the first to leave the taxi once it’s parked and he makes a beeline to the counter to get your first drink.
The bar is busy but not too crowded, typical for this early in the night in this part of town – close enough to Black Jackal, come to think of it, and you could probably see the purple neon lighting if you peered out one of the windows. 
You let yourself enjoy the buzzing atmosphere as Alisa and Yaku take you out back to go dancing. The hours trickle by without you noticing. 
Once you’re teetering at the edge of being out of breath, you decide it’s best to get another drink. The others all join you, with Kenma going first to make sure the tab’s still open. 
The queue by the bar counter has thinned a bit since most people have made their way to the open floor to dance and chat. It’s relatively peaceful, so you tell yourself that’s the reason why you’re able to pick out the familiar head of silver hair with such alarming quickness. 
There are about six or seven people standing between you, most of whom seem to be other artists from the tattoo shop, but Bokuto’s the only one you zone in on. 
It makes sense that you’d bump into him in this place. Obviously, he’d come here after finishing work since it’s so close by. You’re not sure how you didn’t expect it.
You’re also not sure why you feel a sudden and peculiar sensation brewing in your chest, radiating out in waves, intensifying every time you think you’ve caught his eye.
You grab Alisa’s arm, pulling her to the side to inform her of the sudden development. 
“Bokuto’s here,” you whisper into her ear, sounding almost startled for some unknown reason. Your own tone of voice takes you by surprise. 
“What?” she calls out as she leans in closer, unable to hear you over the music. “ Whatcha say? ”
“Bokuto’s here, but I need a moment before I go say hi, ” you whisper louder this time, almost at regular volume. You can only hope that nobody but Alisa understands the implications of what you’re saying. 
But naturally, Kuroo picks up on your conversation with relative ease.
“Bokuto?” he asks far too loudly, glancing around in an entirely unsubtle way. “Where? Did you know he was coming?”
Heat floods your face and neck. “ Yes, Bokuto,” your scowl deepens, “and no, I didn’t know he was coming, you utter-”
Kuroo raises his hands in defence, a mischievous smirk etched on his face. “Hey, just asking! Maybe you took a shine to each other, how was I supposed to know?”
That hits a nerve for reasons you don’t quite understand. You keep your face as impassive as possible to avoid detection – you don’t really want to explore these feelings in such a public setting since you don’t even know what they are. Residual nerves, maybe?
“Why would you think that, Tetsu? You’re the one who expected I’d faint on the table.”
Kuroo has an immediate answer to your question. 
“I kinda figured you’d get along, to be honest,” he admits with more than a little smugness. “So wouldn’t be too surprised if you had invited him.”
You baulk at his suggestion. “No, you didn’t! You said he’d be a dick!”
He laughs heartily, throwing his head back as he does so, and you start to piece things together. 
“Do you - do you know him?”
“Yep!” Kuroo chirps. “Played volleyball with him in college.”
Your eye twitches. If you hadn’t been friends with Kuroo since your schooldays, you’d probably hurl your drink at him out of sheer frustration. 
Even as it stands, the jury’s still out on the drink-throwing. 
Hearing Kuroo’s howls of laughter, the others have now made their way into the conversation. 
Wonderful. You’re starting to worry the loud music won’t be enough to obscure the conversation from the parties concerned. 
“I was messing with you!” Kuroo clarifies, though it’s not really necessary at this point. “Bokuto’s a good guy. You probably could’ve spontaneously combusted with fear and he would’ve been the one to apologise for stressing you out.”
“You what?” Alisa gasps. She was out of the loop up until this very moment; her indignation on your behalf is quite satisfying. 
“I thought you all knew!” Kuroo replies after knocking back half of his beer, cheeks flushed from the alcohol. As if his tongue needed to get any looser.
You scoff. “I didn’t! Nobody ever knows when you’re messing with them!”
“And how did Kenma and Lev know what you were talking about?” Alisa asks, throwing an accusatory look at her brother.
Kenma shrugs, answering on Lev’s behalf too. “There are a few artists down there with a reputation for being harsh, and I assumed from Tetsu’s reaction it was Bokuto … but I actually was thinking of someone else, I guess. A friend of a friend with a bad case of resting-bitch-face? A - Akaashi something?”
You glance at the surly-looking man standing next to Bokuto and it all finally falls into place.
“So I acted like a complete freak for no reason?” you ask despairingly. 
With a grimace, you remember your monosyllabic answers to Bokuto’s initial questions, how you acted like a deer in headlights at every step of the process, how it took intensive intervention on his part to even get you back in the chair. 
Your friends jump to your defence. 
“You weren’t a freak- ”
“I’m sure you weren’t that bad-”
“Tetsu, you can be the actual worst- ”
It seems as though the rest of the group were about to settle into scolding Kuroo when you catch sight of Bokuto approaching, grinning as usual, lip ring glinting in the low lighting. 
It takes a second for you to actually comprehend he’s heading towards you and not Kuroo. 
Mercifully, the rest of your friends seem to realise it as soon as you do; they start to collect their drinks and get out of your way, Kuroo stopping for just a moment to greet his old friend - you still can’t believe you hadn’t figured it out earlier - before whispering something in his ear that makes Bokuto’s gaze flicker over to you. 
Oh, if he’s told something embarrassing, you’ll actually kill him. Before you can react to whatever Kuroo’s said, he turns and gives you a quick wink before joining the rest of the group on the dancefloor.
Bokuto’s greeting is cheery and bright, which should be encouraging were it not for the fact that it seems to be his default setting. 
His hair is loose now, the metal hairband clearly only for work purposes, and the silver strands that frame his face seem so impossibly soft you have to fight back the urge to run your hand through it.
At a bar, in front of everyone.
Oh, so that’s what that feeling is.
“Hey!” you try to return his enthusiasm, ignoring the twisting in your gut from the looming realisation that you have a crush on the man you were terrified of not twenty-four hours ago. 
And he knows you were terrified of him, too. Probably still thinks you are. 
“So, Kuro was just telling me you know each other?” Bokuto beams. “Shoulda let me know! Could’ve told you a few embarrassing stories about him from college … and I probably did, come to think of it, but didn’t give any names yesterday. More than happy to now, though?”
A frazzled laugh slips out in spite of everything. “Yeah, we’ve been friends since we were little kids.” You pause for just a moment, considering his words. “But I’ll definitely take you up on that offer if it’s still open.”
“Oh, it absolutely is. Do you have about six hours spare to hear them all?” he hesitates for a split-second, looking more nervous than you think you’ve seen him. It passes soon, however, when he gets the words out; “... maybe over a drink?”
Oh . 
So it’s not just you who feels like this.  
Relief hits you first. Then a little gleeful sensation that you haven’t felt in a long while, followed by a burst of anxiety – but you’re not going to overthink this part, you assure yourself. There’s no point. It’ll just get you as worked up as it did yesterday, and then you’ll be filled with something worse than fear or embarrassment: regret . 
Besides, Bokuto seems just as he did during the session yesterday. There’s no impatience, no ‘ oh god I have to calm down this random person who’s gotten themselves stressed out for no reason’, no sign that he’s feeling anything other than enthusiasm at getting to have this conversation.
And so you happily add two more drinks to Kenma’s tab. 
“By the way … Kuro never actually told me that he knew you ,” you explain finally, once Bokuto’s finished one of his college stories. You’re not drunk, barely even tipsy, but the glass of wine has definitely made it easier for you to flirt back. “If I’d known, I probably would’ve tried to put on a braver face yesterday.”
“Are you kidding? You took it like a champ.”
You roll your eyes without any malice. “ No , I didn’t.”
“You did!” he insists. 
“I didn’t. ”
“Yes, you did.”
You scoff. “Well, if I did, it’s thanks to you .”
His eyes glint as they scan your face. “Whatcha mean?”
“You kept me sane. Couldn’t have done it if it weren’t for you, honestly.”
You lift a hand and rest it against his tattooed forearm, surprised at the taut muscles that flex under your touch. 
Brave. You can be brave for the second day in a row.
“You up for another?”
After you buy two more drinks, things move so quickly that neither of you even gets to finish them.
You’re not sure who made the first move - it might have been him, with the way his eyes sought out your lips at every possible opportunity; or it might have been you, with the way your hand didn’t budge from its place resting against his arm - but all that’s important is that one of you did make it.
Or maybe both of you did.
But it doesn’t matter, because now you’re outside the bar with your back pressed up against the cool stone wall, making out like a couple of desperate teenagers.
Despite the cold air surrounding you, everything feels hot; Bokuto’s lips crushing against yours, his tongue tracing against your kiss-swollen mouth, his hands on your waist as they pull you closer. 
Your skin almost burns under his touch. You get lost in it. 
It’s only when he pulls away, expression torn as though it pains him to do it, that you manage to collect your thoughts into some coherent order. 
You’ve long moved past the tipsy sensation you felt earlier, but your head spins for a different reason as you brace yourself against his strong shoulders, feeling light-headed in the best way possible. 
“Wanna-” he begins, pausing as if worried you’ll say no. You’re already nodding before he even finishes the sentence, and he laughs before leaning in to kiss you again.
“Where do you live?” you ask, pulling back a millimetre or two, and he answers. “My place is closer,” you explain then, tugging him away towards the street to flag down a taxi. 
In the cab, you check your phone as Bokuto rests a hand on your thigh, hoping to fire off a quick text to Alisa to let her know where you’ve gone.
Instead, you see that Kuroo, obviously having felt a little guilty from earlier, has sent you a couple of messages expressing his remorse. 
Kuroo: You okay?
Kuroo: Sorry for messing with you. Bo’s a good guy. he won’t give you a tough time about anything
Kuroo: I think you’ll really like him
You grin. He has no idea. 
You: All fine, and all is forgiven 
You: Your peer pressure paid off for once
You: Just don’t do it again or I’m pretty sure Alisa will kill you :)
With that, you slip your phone back into your pocket and rest your hand over Bokuto’s.
The very moment you pass the threshold of your apartment, his mouth is on you once again; the cool metal of his lip ring contrasts with the heat of the kiss, sending pulses of desire through your core. Your flick against it with your tongue and his eyes darken delightedly, pupils blown out with desire matching your own. 
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to reach the bedroom, shedding clothes down the hallway as you do so - a shirt tossed here, a pair of shoes thrown there - and soon you’re collapsing onto your bed in a messy tangle of limbs and bitten-off moans.
After a few moments, lifts his head up and grins, eyes travelling around your room. Your head rests against the pillow as you try to follow his gaze to see what exactly he’s looking at.
“Makes sense,” he mumbles fondly. “The design for your tattoo.”
Glancing at your sunflower-covered bedspread, the pressed petals framed on the wall, and the various other splashes of sunny yellow decorating your room, you accept his point with an airy laugh.
However, you’re not willing to dwell on it for too much longer – there are more pressing things at hand. Finally, you lift a trembling hand and tangle it in his hair, finding that it’s somehow softer than you even imagined.
You move your lips to this throat to kiss and suck and bite, and without you having to ask, he tips his head back to allow you more room, whispering your name in a heated and desperately low voice. He hisses as your pecks against his skin turn a little firmer, knowing there’d be a mark left were it not for the tattoos trailing up his neck. Now that he’s not wearing anything, you see the design trails down the broad expanse of his chest, over his firm pecs, further down until - 
He pulls you up into his lap and you let out a startled yelp that quickly turns into an almost pitiful mewl of pleasure. You rock back and forth against one of his impossibly thick thighs, marvelling at the solid muscle of his body as he takes your hips in his hands and guides your movements. 
You spend the next few minutes like this, grinding helplessly against him as tears prickle at the corners of your eyes, with him just watching you with an expression that can only be described as awe-struck. He pays no attention to bulge in his own underwear, even though it’s so hard it looks almost painful – he is fixated on you, on your reactions, on the movements that draw desperate little breaths from you and the ones that make your back arch further. 
“Feel good?” he asks, almost dazed, hands running slowly up and down your thighs as you fuck yourself against him. 
“Mmhmm,” you answer – redundantly, given the other sounds that flow from your lips, “need more, though, p-please.”
He doesn’t need any further instruction, flipping you to lie flat on your back and going to spread your thighs which part easily for him.
Turns out he’s more than talented with his tongue as well. 
After what seems like hours of him taking you apart - of you gasping when the lip ring grazes against your sensitive flesh, of you begging for his fingers which he angles just right, of him voicing his own approval at your moans and taste and the way your thighs tighten around his face - he finally sits back on his haunches and gives you a look that you instantly recognise.
Eagerly, you roll onto your side and fetch a condom from the box in the nightstand. When you hand it to him, he finally, finally, slips out of his underwear - you can’t help how your eyes widen at the sight - then only just about manages to put on the condom before you hook your legs around his lower back and pull him on top of you. 
Although he lets out a chuckle at your enthusiasm, he angles you so carefully, and you realise with a soft ache in your chest that he’s trying his best to avoid touching the still-raw skin near your tattoo.
“It’s fine,” you whisper breathily. “It doesn’t hurt anymore.”
He replies by raising your arm so it’s resting by your head on the pillow. “Still, if you need to take a break or stop, just say, ‘kay?”
You agree without hesitation. 
Then, he brings his hips down until they’re flush against your own, his cock slowly and tantalisingly pushing through your folds to allow the anticipation to build (and for you to adjust to his size). But after how long he’s spent preparing you, he’s met with absolutely no resistance – on the contrary, you find yourself mumbling incoherent, slurred words that sound an awful lot like begging. 
“Can - can you-”
He kisses your jawline, the sensation of the ring making you shiver once again. “Can I what, hm?”
“Can you please-” a short, shallow thrust has you gasping mid-sentence, “ please fuck me?”
You almost cry out when he starts to thrust in earnest, slowly at first and then quicker and quicker once he fully surrenders to his own desperation. The obscene sound of skin slapping against skin mixed with breathy moans and gasps start to echo around you, along with the tell-tale banging of your headboard against the wall. 
His thrusts grow hard, almost punishing, but the way he cups your face tenderly in his hands shows that his intentions are not to overwhelm but to give you what you need; you hadn’t realised it, but your hips had started to cant up to meet his every stroke. 
He praises you, too. Tells you how good you feel, how well you’re taking him, how he could do this forever. Every word out of his mouth makes you grip him tighter, your nails undoubtedly leaving marks against his shoulders. 
It doesn’t take long for you to come for him again. He doesn’t stop or slow down his movement; he lets you whimper and cry out against his muscled chest as you come down from your high, holding you close as his thrusts turn sloppy and erratic. 
He curses through gritted teeth as he comes, letting out a low moan that sends aftershocks through you. He thrusts deep and stays there; his face in that moment, so blissful and fucked-out, is one of the most gorgeous things you think you’ve ever seen. 
You stay like that for a while, boneless and utterly content, before he goes to remove the condom and wash up as you catch your breath.
When he returns, there’s no awkwardness. No overthinking. You ask for him to stay the night, and he does. He sleeps soundly in your bed with his arms wrapped around you.
It’s a strange sort of comfort you don’t often find with people, let alone someone you barely know. But he makes it easy to get to know him, and you’re all too delighted to learn more.
He stays for a while the next morning. He cooks breakfast, you make the coffee.
Things are much more straightforward from that point on.
You get your second tattoo exactly a year later. 
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t still a little nervous at the prospect of a needle so close to you, but it pales in comparison to the anxiety of your first one. This time, you find yourself looking forward to it more than you do worry. 
“Ready for round two?” Bokuto asks, pressing a kiss to your forehead before starting to get the station set up. The shop is closed, the manager having let you stay late for the occasion, and the peace and quiet only add to your newfound level-headedness. 
Just you and Bokuto. You can do this. 
You nod without hesitation, lying back on the table as though you’re a seasoned veteran. “No freaking out this time.”
He rolls his eyes in mock annoyance but the affectionate laughter cuts through it. “Still think I’m scary, huh?”
You shrug. “Not as much anymore.”
“Well, guess I can live with that.” 
When the needle starts to whirr, it doesn’t make you jump. There’s no feeling of panic or dread.
This tattoo is over quickly, like the last one, but it’s far more meaningful – you like sunflowers, sure, but you like this one better. You didn’t need to over-analyse the design since you can see exactly what it looks like on someone else.
Bokuto has an identical one freshly tattooed on his ring finger. 
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mostlymaudlin · 8 months
God please help me out I'll give u anything u want lol (I'm so serious)
You're brave and have connections(TM), I've been wondering what the question to this ask was for YEARS and can't find it anywhere :(((
Let my curiosity rest in peace kind sir, maybe u can get an answer? I’d offer u my firstborn but I don’t think you’d be interested
i am not a worthy caretaker for your firstborn i fear 😂
BUT i can do this much: what's up @korakos !!!
[edit: nora replied in the comments! hope ur curiosity is sated anon <3]
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luveline · 9 months
how are you doing dear jade? what are you studying in uni? I’ve always pictured you as an English Lit major or Creative Writing, or anything similar to that. You’re such a wonderful writer 🫶🏼
I’ve been keeping this secret for no reason at all 😭 I do arts and humanities and my modules this year are art history and creative writing!! I’ve always been self taught as a writer but since this October I’ve been learning true craftsmanship or what have you and it’s genuinely so much fun! And luckily my tutor really likes my writing style!! I almost cried from the feedback of my last assignment because he kept saying ‘nice detail’ and stuff like that, I felt very proud of myself. I’ve been so lucky to foster my skills and have the feedback I have here, and having a professional appraisal of my work has really made me feel very confident and also glad to have taken the chance on what I want to do, does that make sense? Because I’m terrified to continue on and do what I want to do in the future, sometimes the future feels impossible, but yes!! It’s nice. I have another assignment due to be submitted soon and I’m extremely nervous about it but the little bits I’ve submitted to the forum so far have been well received (though my over usage of the words ‘only’ and ‘so’ make everybody laugh 😂)
before this I did science! But I didn’t think it was for me, you know? And I know writing fanfic is so different to writing as an author but I thought that this is just something I have to try and if I fail, I fail!! I just wanna be the best I can be without becoming like a self made echo chamber of stagnant skill, lol
I realise I’ve chatted about creative writing disproportionately, the art history actually takes up 75% of my time and work load and I actually love it too. Lately we’ve been learning about glassware and relief sculpture and stuff! I’m much less good at this stuff and my assignments are not so kindly critiqued but it’s fine, I’m having a good time! thank you for asking me sweetheart, I hope this sates your curiosity
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cinamun · 4 months
CAS photos Anon here: After I sent the ask I actually went through your archive and found some in-CAS photos you’ve posted before so curiosity sated. Sorry for being dumb and not looking before sending the ask though.
Don't be sorry! I remember one time an anon wanted to see Indya without cc (i guess they were trying to prove a point). At first I thought that's what you meant lol
I hope you're having a good day.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 2 years
Hi Ange! Just read your pinned post about yourself (been following you for awhile but never read below the masterlist…I’m sorry :(
Could you plz talk about Ewan’s accent and his hometown Derbyshire for a little since you live in England? (assume you’re English if you’re not once again I apologize!) I’ve seen the online discourse about the midland thing but I don’t really understand it lmao, maybe it’s about the geographic and economical disadvantage of the midland? Maybe something cultural related to midland England as well? I actually once visited Birmingham when I stayed in the UK I think it was fine.
Can’t believe my obsession with Aemond and Ewan has branched to this but I can’t help it lol I wanna know more about him his hometown:) Thank you!
No need to apologise - I actually only created the intro post today, so you were very snappy in picking up on that!
I am half Swedish, a quarter Maltese and a quarter English. I grew up in Canada, but have lived in England for almost 23 years, so am definitely comfortable talking about it.
Ewan's accent is pretty bog standard in what you can expect of someone that's born and bred in Derbyshire tbh. I appreciate that it can be difficult for people from outside of the UK to understand - even people from other regions of the country will occasionally have trouble. They tend to drop the consonant blends from words and mumble, which means you have to really listen when they speak.
Derbyshire itself is kind of a mixed bag. The crime rate is really high and there are areas that are really impoverished and quite dangerous. However, large parts of it are absolutely gorgeous. The Peak District National Park is in Derbyshire. It's an area of outstanding natural beauty with peat covered moorlands and limestone dales. The villages are picturesque and look like something from a greeting card.
I hope I've sated your curiosity a little!
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yumeurl · 4 months
Taco ballroom dance anon again, hello! I just want to say that I absolutely adore that you drew them dancing!!! Your chibis are so cute!!! I keep going back to stare at it cause it’s so adorable! The “he’s so focused lol” omg so cute!!! Yeah Tom is an absolute king of putting himself in situations and shooting himself in his own foot lol (I say with fond exasperation and affection) The urge to talk and spoil the entire fic before I post is so strong lmao, but I will try to resist! The ballroom dance part is still being written so it’ll be a wip for a while, but you are right that they do get to talk while they practice dancing! At this point in time, Tom doesn’t know Draco’s a time traveler or about his past (future?)etc and Draco won’t directly talk about it (Tom’s figured out that if he doesn’t push for answers but let’s Draco ramble and be chatty he’s more likely to say things that Tom can glean bits and pieces about the other’s past in a more efficient way than asking directly which just makes Draco clam up), but the way Draco talks about things and his mysterious appearance at Hogwarts “to avoid the chaos on the continent with Grindelwald” as his official story to the student body, Tom sort of thinks everyone Draco knew is most likely dead or murdered though there might be more to it, Tom’s got his own theories about all of that but nothing conclusive, but when they’re dancing Draco fondly talks about how it was his parents who taught him to dance and shares a cute little story about it with Tom
(Also sorry all my asks are so long, I ramble a lot 😭, I hope it doesn’t bother you)
MGTMFDGMDFG i'm deathgripping here…waiting for your fic patiently ToT please do tyt! also LMFAOOOOO of course even simple things like talking has tom be calculating about it. and aww that's so sad and cute…i like to imagine that tom doesn't really understand nor can relate as to why draco shares his story fondly like that, but atleast recognizes his feelings and lets draco share on his own instead of trying to prod for more info and sate toms curiosity
(and i really don't mind it's ok!! i enjoy the rambles alot)
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lgcjiho · 1 year
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hello friends this is long overdue but i wanted to put out a general plot call for both jiho and @lgcsomin! (but i'll put a post up on her eventually) i've been slacking severely with writing and plotting bc i was travelling, moving countries, figuring out life, etc etc etc. ANYWAYS, welcome to all the new people who i've missed welcoming <3
with that being said, please
LIKE THIS POST for general plotting bc jiho needs more friends and people to interact with and talk to that aren't his members (no shade to the other v&a members)
i'm also available on twitter or d*scord (young_story) if you would prefer that, just lmk your user. i'll be including a re-intro to jiho under the cut since he's been around since forever and i haven't made an update post in ages. i wrote one up months ago and never got around to posting it LOL and i think it might help with plotting? idk dfjsdfjhsdfkj.
lee jiho, leader of v&a and also v&a's subunit agito, main dancer, lead vocal, born october 31, 2000, 23 years old
mock kprofiles / about page
he was scouted while in line for the men’s washroom at his school’s music festival and he thought he was being scammed at first. he actually put off calling the recruiter dude back for a long time until someone joked that he had the looks to be an idol and he suddenly remembered it and called as a joke and to sate his curiosity
he had no dreams whatsoever of being an idol and was pursuing a career in business, hoping to open his own cafe one day.. it's still his dream but he's put it on the backburner for now because he's found that he really does enjoy being an idol
was convinced by a close friend to audition since he’s always been good at singing + dancing even if he was usually just fooling around with friends either at karaoke or when they booked a studio for fun
he auditioned with singing (he sang iu’s hold my hand) and doing a little freestyle dance that was requested of him and surprisingly passed the audition and became an official legacy trainee in january of 2018
his parents were kind of ??? when he told them and originally weren’t very supportive because it was so sudden and he’s not usually *that* spontaneous but as he started settling into being a trainee and enjoying it, they’ve come around and now are his biggest fans
also it probably helped that jaesun and jaehwa were in the company (they’re cousins on their moms’ side)
during his trainee days, he really stuck to himself and only worked to better himself. he never really saw anyone as a rival and only saw his past self as his rival and wanted to continuously become the better version of himself. he was always Peak Introvert so the way he made friends was that he was awkward enough that extroverted people would come and take him under their wing LOL
he was pretty popular from the very first season of future dreams and was one of the front runners for all seasons he participated in, and eventually was confirmed to debut in season 3 of future dreams, and later debuted as the leader of agito on august 27, 2021
was entirely shocked that he was given the leader role because he’s such an introvert and didn't think he did too well during all the times he was in the leader position but has since sort of stepped and grown into the role and loves it now
he’s notoriously confident in himself, and has always been though it might have been slightly Extra before, he truly thinks he deserves to act that way now LOL
i always liken him to a cat (his official emoji on bubble and translation accounts is 🐱) but specifically a cat who’s owner has told him “no, don’t you dare” as he holds eye contact and then immediately smacks the bottle off the table without a second thought
he’s currently working on writing and producing songs, wanting to write and produce a full song for agito one day (i want him to become the bang chan/hongjoong of agito) as currently has the most credits for lyric writing in all of the new gen of legacy artists
is notoriously known to spend the majority of his waking hours in his personal studio (the v&a members tend to come and drag him home at night)
aside from v&a stuff, he’s publicly known for being a model and also for putting out a lot of covers on v&a’s youtube channel
he recently put out a studio choom dance cover and he’s very proud of it and is somewhat interested in possibly acting more but he's happy with what he's doing and what he's accomplished so far
some plot ideas
he's pretty well known as a workaholic so more people to text him and force him to do things other than work on days off would be nice tbh
friends from his trainee days! or even friends from uni that knew him before he became a trainee and joined legacy and are surprised to see him around
if you're a fan of him, he's always very warm and accommodating and does his best to give advice and be a good sunbae
honestly people who dislike him could be a fun dynamic bc he would be confused (not as to why people hate him but he doesn't really know how they would know enough about him to hate him LOL)
making friends at the convenience store at night when he steps out to get 2am ramyeon bc his stash has run out
admittedly i'm rly bad at coming up with plots but i would love to brainstorm and see where that takes us
sorry this is so long dshjfbkhfjs
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coyoteworks · 8 months
i like your dungeon meshi meme image edit from 4 days ago! im wondering something purely out of curiosity if thats ok- did you eyeball the bi flag part yourself? & if so, and i hope this isnt rude, but would you consider yourself colorblind? no pressure to answer lol i enjoyed the post and hope you have a nice day
Hey thanks! Yeah nah i didnt eyeball it, the image just kinda came like that (that is, the first duckduckgo result for someone you know is an italian was the base i used for the image, and i didnt fix the odd-lookin bi flag because it was just going to be a joke with a few pals on discord). I hope ive sated your curiosity though!
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kylorengarbagedump · 9 months
hey kass! i was wondering…. when did you fisrt get “active” on social media - as in fandom stuff?
how old were you? which fandom? which social media/forum/whatever?
Oh my - I've been online and involved in some sort of fandom since I was around 9? The first forum I ever visited and posted on was just for video games in general, but I wound up posting quite a bit on the Pokemon forums and sharing the fanfiction I wrote about my Pokemon OC there, hahaha. I remember writing it throughout 4th and 5th grade.
My fanfiction.net account has been around since I was 11 - everything I posted on there is still up and readable as well, LOL. I wrote for all sorts of fandoms - Zelda, Zoids, Inuyasha. Hope that sates your curiosity, lol.
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inber · 1 year
hi! i just read devil like me and it was so good 😭😭😭 i’m not even that into the witcher but that fic has me in a chokehold. hope this isn’t too intrusive, but i was just wondering what happened to the ao3 account that devil like me was posted under? 💖
The short answer is that I'm extremely stupid and forgot to delete the footnotes with my tumblr account in them when I orphaned it, lol
The long answer is that I wrote that fic very early into my witcher fandom journey, and it doesn't represent my views on any of the characters anymore. I wrote it for an audience, not for myself (which is totally fine because dang we all want validation sometimes!) I wrote a lot of 'y/n' fic in the earlier days, I think because it was easy/formulaic for me and I enjoyed the happiness it brought other people. But I didn't feel challenged or like I was bringing anything new to the table. I think 'DLM' in particular is representative of those feelings. I didn't want to delete it completely because I know some folks were enjoying it, and I hate the idea of getting rid of someone's comfort fic. So the solution was to put it onto a little raft and push it into the AO3 ocean.
I am very glad you enjoyed it, anon, and I hope this sates your curiosity! Nothing happened to my AO3 account, it's still 'inber'. ❤️
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
Omg, thank you for replying to my ask. (*/ω\*) Yay so excited to hear about your Lokane fic! Such a Heraklean effort! I have a similar problem with a novel-length WIP, actually near the same emotional peak and I really think it must be that last final push that's almost harder than anything else - in a way I don't want to finish mine! I had a similar rule about not starting other WIP's so I have a document where I've amassed everything I'm not writing, and that's helped me a little because it feels like I've 'done' something so I can do other stuff haha.
Regarding Solas/Lavellan: don't worry about a disappointing response, to be totally honest I was a bit worried you already didn't like it (though wanted to know what emotional chord didn't work for you), but the fact you're not familiar with it is almost kind of better!! It's one of those pairings for me that manages to hit the epic romance notes and actually consummate the romance and then affirm the narrative importance, which is already pretty hard to do with a video game (and often times I'm left disappointed by pairings grounded primarily in potential). I can't really reveal too much about Solas because learning about him is the journey but if you like your trickster god/vulnerability/concealed pain/the dinan'shiral (the Journey of Death) that love endures against etc. it's all there. A non-spoilery detail I like about him is that sometimes when he talks he speaks in iambic pentametre or the musical notes of Hallelujah, so there's a poeticism to him and subtlety to his character execution that I just love.
I think the only drawback to Solas/Lavellan is that because it's a game it's more of a time investment and you also need the Trespasser DLC for full effect, but honestly you can watch it on YouTube lol. There's a lot of lore that enhances the pairing as well. I don't think you need to really play the first two games to 'get it', but I generally enjoy Bioware games and I think they're both fun experiences. The Solas/Lavellan romance also doesn't have an awkwardly animated sex scene, if that puts you off like it does me, though it's not entirely lacking eroticism.
wank magnet tragic murder boy
I love this thank you hahahaha.
If you ever get around to playing Dragon Age or watching the romance on YouTube, I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it, though my curiosity is now successfully sated! Thank you! (Hopefully my ask doesn't come off as pressuring you to get into it... mostly I'm just surprised/happy you didn't know much about it hahah!)
Also, as one final departing remark, yes, I'm actually the same regarding genuinely Nice Guy/Ingenue/Bad Boy, but I don't really gravitate towards that dynamic because it can come off as a bit superficial to me and I cannot STANDDDD love triangles unless it was only ever a matter of who she 'should' be with versus whom she really wants, it has to be true love soulmatism or I cry!!!
Hope you have a lovely day and good luck with fic writing!
Yeah, I pretty much know some memes about Solas and that he apparently betrays the PC somehow. And people debate his motives and level of sincerity a lot. But I know so little about the plot that I've forgotten most of the details I ever came across. Poetry is a selling point! but I really can't say whether I will vibe with the ship or not based on what I know. The sad murder boy really has to hit a specific way for me.
Yes, exactly! I feel exactly the same way about love triangles. I talked about this before, but I hate them unless they're the forgone conclusion kind where it's not about who she actually loves (because this is never in doubt), it's about whether she's going to choose love over pragmatism or whether true love will conquer outside circumstances, etc. I think it was in my first ramble about Fated to Love You, which is a great example. All three characters know Mi Young is in love with Gun, the tension is always about whether they will overcome both the internal and external obstacles separating them and take the risk for true love or if she'll settle for playing it safe in a platonic pseudo-relationship with Daniel where her heart can't be broken.
If there's genuinely romantic feelings for more than one person and the middle point is not just in denial about where their heart lies, I'm out lol.
Ditto! ;)
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dirty-bosmer · 2 years
Ahhh I'm finally all caught up on your Oblivion fic!!! I absolutely devoured it and I am so scared but so excited for the ending. It was such a journey D: anyways, I hope you don't mind if I come by to ask a few questions?? This fic just kind of eats away at my brain. I have so many thoughts. 1) Who was your favorite character to write and why? 2) which chapter was your favorite to write? 3) why do you enjoy making all your characters so sad </3 running out of space now. I love you okay bye
Omg anon, I am so sorry for this late reply!! One of my friends sent me a dozen troll asks and this totally got buried lol. BUT I am glad you have been enjoying the fic, and thank you so much for reading! It’s truly more than I could ever ask for, to have someone read that beast from start to finish 😅
Now for your questions:
Hmmm, for a long time it was Lucien, but now that I'm this close to the end, his scenes are draining me lmao I know what needs to happen but the words are stuck in my brain. Other than that, I have always really enjoyed writing Raminus and Mathieu. Raminus cause he’s an awkward nerd and provided some relief from how smothering Lucien was. Mathieu cause he’s a troublemaker and exceptionally tragic (I am a glutton). Mathieu’s friendship with Nim was a joy to write. They are really quite similar in a lot of ways and by the end, they really did care for each other. I tried to add some levity to his POV scenes, and it tickles me pink that people have told me he’s actually likable in the story (or at least sympathetic) despite the overwhelmingly negative sentiments he garners post-canon quest line. In another life (one that did not involve the purification) Nim probably would have sided with him over Lucien lmao
OH MAN what a question. Maybe the party scenes from early in the fic, where I introduced Arquen and Mathieu. I miss the whimsical days of this story where I could write ridiculous things like that. It was fun. If it’s something more recent, I’d have to say  Chapter 67: A Small Death. It was the first chapter I wrote from Nim’s POV post-chaos-in-the-Night-Mother’s crypt, so there was a lot of erm... dissolution of the self to explore. It was really challenging to wrangle with her ascent to godhood while still trying to keep her character consistent with the Nim we followed through the story. Also Nim and Lucien trying to care for each other in the aftermath of the... well, the everything (lol) never fails to amuse me. They’re so pathetic sometimes. 
Honestly, I’m not sure 😂 I’m actually living a very fulfilling life and in a very healthy relationship so idk why everything I write is so full of misery and toxicity and pain. I just enjoy making messes but only in a well-contained space so I guess it’s like why I enjoy consuming horror media, gotta live vicariously through the suffering of others 🤷‍♀️  Thanks for the ask, anon! Hope I sated your curiosity :))
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oolahx · 12 hours
I am very intrigued by your revert au, do you have any rambles about it you'd like to share?? Your designs are rly cool and I cannot wait to see how the story goes!
Oh my gods i've been *waiting* to ramble about my au, haven't had the opportunity yet!
So basically! The idea started on my first playthrough (like a month ago, maybe). When it was time to choose between sacrificing the Lamb or fighting Narinder I wondered what would happen if I just straight up sacrificed them. So I did. And then I loaded my file again and the Lamb just respawned.
That got me wondering a bit. Why would the Lamb resurrect when The One Who Waits already got what he wanted? The Lamb isn't a god yet at this point and Narinder wouldn't resurrect them without the Red Crown in his possession.
So the idea of the Au first started. It's entirely based on this concept.
Ngl the "revert" i got from google translate as a definition "to return, repeat" (and it sounded cool!)
As for the story of my AU (don't know how much I want to say now, if I want to reveal everything or keep some of the mystery lol)
I imagine my Lamb (named Ellis, btw) to be really devoted to TOWW. They have to be, to sacrifice themselves countless times. They always preached about him in their sermons and raised statues in his name, refusing their own idols raised by the followers. At first they treated their followers like their family, but as time passed and they kept dying off, they became detached, only showing their true self to their first follower, Meranno. (He is a follower which I have a planned comic for, lol, so I won't say too much about him yet)
As years went by, Ellis and Narinder grew closer, spending hours in death's domain to talk and just be in each other's presence. (Some feelings grew, wink wink)
After the first failed sacrifice, Lamb was confused. They tried again immediately. They failed. By talking with their flock they learned that no time has really passed. They took their time before trying again.
They failed.
The cycle repeated for some time, each more desperate than the last. It always failed. In the back of their mind, Ellis began to feel some creeping presence. *Eyes* watching them. Not Narinder's. Not the twins'. Not their flock. Something incomprehensible to them yet.
With each failure their body changed bit by bit. Red markings appearing on their face one by one. Their horns growing longer. Their hooves darkening.
The Lamb wanted to feel disturbed, wanted to feel afraid of the changes, yet they knew they couldn't really hate their God's powers. (But was it really his power?)
On their 56th try in the Death's domain they were desperate to stop the cycle. So for the first time... They refused. Their death was quick, not even being able to summon the weapon.
On the 83rd attempt they succeeded.
Hmmm what, else what else...
Aym and Baal definitely grew fond of the Lamb, just as they did of them!
I really don't want to spoil too much, but I hope I sated some of your curiosity!
The AU is very much work in progress, I'm mostly making lore up as I go, but I have a stet plan up to a certain point!
Can't promise I will be updating regularly, but I will certainly try.
Thank you for asking and for listening to my rambles~
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