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navybrat817 · 3 days ago
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: You have a crush on Bucky and start to bond with him over coffee in the break room, but there's no way he could possibly feel the same way about you... right?
Word Count: Over 11k (yep!)
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, unprotected v. sex (wrap it before you tap it!), dirty talk, fluff, longing, minor angst, insecurities, feels, sparring, swearing, confessions, getting together, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: I've been sitting on this one (thanks for listening to my back and forth on this @targaryenvampireslayer), and I hope you all enjoy. ❤️ Beta read by the lovely @mumbles411, but any and all mistakes are my own. Dividers by the talented @enchanthings-a. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You fell for Bucky Barnes the moment you met. Something dangerous lurked in his steel blue eyes when you introduced yourself to him, but beneath the surface was pain and loneliness that you wanted to take away. Of course, that could've been you projecting and wanting to justify having a crush on a guy who hadn't spoken a word to you.
“Bucky,” was all he said to you, entrancing you with the deep baritone of his voice.
You wished you could say it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but you could count on one hand the number of times he spoke to you in the months that followed. You tried not to take it personally. Maybe he wasn't interested in making new friends since he seemed to stay close to Steve, Sam, and their small group. Or maybe he just didn't see a reason to trust you. Trust likely wasn't easy for him and what reason did he have to open up to you?
“Hi!” you exclaimed when Bucky walked into the break room, your echoing voice making you wince. “Sorry. I didn't mean to greet you at that decibel.”
“It’s okay,” he said, your eyes on him as he strode to the coffee machine with ease.
Bucky wasn't your friend, but it didn't stop you from greeting him whenever you saw him throughout the building, a warm feeling spreading in your chest every time he acknowledged you with a slight head nod or grunt. That had to mean something since he didn't outright ignore you. Not being his friend also didn't keep you from learning little things about him, like how he took his coffee.
Which you decided to surprise him with today.
“Wait! I made you some coffee,” you told him, going to get the mug you had ready for him. “I hope you like it.”
You had a reputation around S.H.I.E.L.D. for being kind to others ever since you joined. You didn't mind that being your signature since you liked putting a bit of kindness out into the world. Besides the tough work you did, your coworkers and teammates fought other battles every day that you knew nothing about. So why not try to lift others up? It costs you nothing.
Being nice, however, had a downside or two. Some thought that kindness was insincere or a weakness. It also didn't get you a lot of dates. Or maybe you didn't pay attention to other guys since you had eyes for one man.
You couldn't get a read on him as you carefully handed it to him. “You made me coffee?” he asked in disbelief, a soft look in his eyes before he blinked it away.
“Yep! With cream and sugar.”
Your smile faltered when he raised an eyebrow and glanced suspiciously at the liquid, like he was trying to assess if something was off with it as you wrung your fingers together. “This is really for me?” he asked.
You couldn't detect any anger or annoyance in his tone, but you wouldn't say he sounded happy either. Which only made your smile fall more. “Yeah. I just, I thought you liked it that way and maybe it would help you kickstart the morning, but I shouldn't have assumed. I'm sorry. And you don't have to drink it. I can just dump it out,” you rambled.
He held the mug a bit closer when you tried to take it away, the steam rising from it as his eyes met yours. It was almost as if the heat melted the ice from his stare. “Not gonna let you dump this out after you went to the trouble of making it for me,” he said, gently blowing on it before he took a sip. You reminded yourself not to whimper when he licked a drop away from his lip, wondering just what else he could do with that tongue. “Especially since you know how I like it.”
You avoided his gaze, hoping he didn't question why you knew since there was a chance you’d blurt out that you like him and that was the last thing you needed. You owed him some sort of explanation though, right? “Well, we’re both here some mornings and I saw you make it that way,” you said, your brain overanalyzing how that sounded. “Not that I'm watching you or anything like that. I… I’m not a creep.”
Bucky stared with unreadable eyes as you sighed and shook your head. Leave it to you to fumble over your words with your crush. Was that why they called it a crush? Because it crushed your hopes and dreams?
In a small voice, you said, “I was just trying to be nice.”
“It’s a very nice gesture, so thanks,” he said, taking another sip. “I appreciate it.”
Doing your best not to preen like a peacock at the renewed sliver of hope, you released the breath you were holding and nodded. At least he didn't question why you cared enough to remember how he took his coffee. “You’re welcome,” you said, wishing you could hang around and chat more, but you had work to do and didn't want to smother him. “I hope you have a good day.”
“You, too,” he said, his eyes on you as you headed toward the door. “Maybe I’ll see you here at the same time tomorrow?”
You came to a stop, your heart thudding as you faced him. “You… want me to make you coffee tomorrow?”
He chuckled before he took another sip. “I meant maybe we would just bump into each other, but I won’t turn down another coffee if you’re offering.”
Of course that was what he meant. “Oh. Right. Yeah. Maybe,” you said, backing up and hitting your elbow against the doorframe.
His brows furrowed as you gave him a strained smile. “You okay?” he asked, your cheeks hot as you rubbed your elbow.
“I’m fine! Enjoy your coffee,” you said, wishing the ground would swallow you up as you bolted from the room.
You were a competent agent. A strong woman on top of your kindness. Why did you have to act like an idiot in front of him? There was no chance you’d see him in the break room after that. It was a shame, too. It was the most he had ever spoken to you.
A higher being either took pity on you or wanted to play a trick on you since you did see Bucky the next day. Not only that, no one else was in the break room. Granted, most people used the main break room since this room was much smaller and on a floor most didn't go to. But how was it possible that you were so lucky?
“Morning, Bucky.”
“Morning.” He hesitated before he took a seat at the same table as you. If you were dreaming, you didn’t want anyone to wake you up. “Sorry. I should've asked…”
“It’s fine,” you smiled. “You're welcome to sit with me.”
“Thanks.” His cheek twitched and you wondered if it was a nervous tick or something leftover from the hell he endured. “You know, that coffee yesterday was probably the best I’ve ever had from this place.”
You perked up more. “Really? Wow, thanks. It was nothing,” you smiled, your pulse quickening. Not only was Bucky talking to you again, but he complimented you. It was slightly pathetic how much you enjoyed that. “You did say you wouldn’t turn down another coffee if I offered. Would you like one?”
“Sure,” he replied with a smile. He actually smiled at you. It was a good morning. “Thanks.”
“You know, you have a really nice smile,” you complimented him, proud that you said the words without your voice cracking.
“You think so?” He leaned back in his seat and you tried to move around the room like normal as his gaze followed your movements. “I think it scares some more than my glare does.”
You busied yourself with getting his coffee ready, the urge to defend him rising. “There’s nothing scary about your smile and anyone who says otherwise can deal with me.”
“They can deal with you, huh? Awfully kind of you.” His chuckle was so unexpected that you almost dropped the mug. The small talk was unexpected, too, but you weren't about to tell him to stop. “But you’re so sweet. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you glare at anyone.”
“Oh, I can have resting bitch face when I want to,” you teased before your heart skipped a beat. He looked at you enough that he hadn’t seen you glare at anyone? He thought you were sweet? No, it was probably just an offhand comment. “And I wouldn’t just glare at anyone to defend you. I can fight, too. Words or fists.”
“You’d fight for me, too? You really know how to flatter a man.” His gaze warmed before some of the usual strain reappeared, your heart lurching at the sight. “But you shouldn’t have to fight for me.”
You took a seat across from him again once you set the mug down. “Why not?”
“Because you just shouldn’t.” He shrugged. You recognized that he was closing part of himself off and you weren't about to kick open that door. “If I’m being honest, I’m kind of shocked you’re talking to me.”
“And why’s that?”
He tapped a finger against his mug as he considered his words. “I haven’t really said much to you since we met, but you’ve still been nice to me. Always saying hi and smiling. And now this,” he said, gesturing to the coffee. “Some people have ulterior motives when they do nice things for no reason, but I don't get that feeling with you.”
“There are people who have ulterior motives. You’re right about that,” you agreed. The world could be a dark place with terrible people. “And I guess that's one of the reasons I try to lead with kindness. Putting a bit more optimism and joy into the world might not make it change overnight, but it could make a difference to someone.”
“That makes sense,” he said, his brows pinching. “But why continue to be nice to me when I've been standoffish with you? I don't think I deserve it.”
You let the words sink in. You expected Bucky would be apprehensive of people in general when his autonomy was taken away from him for so long. Trust couldn’t be easy. People had to earn it. What you didn't expect was that he didn't think he deserved your kindness.
“Everyone is different. We all have various personalities and comfort zones. Some people hit it off right away and others don't. Some need a bit more time to open up,” you answered, an earnest smile on your face. “I guess I figured you fell into the latter. Even if you didn't, I wouldn't take it personally or hold it against you. I hope you know that.”
Bucky may have had you in a chokehold, but he didn't owe you a thing.
His shoulders sagged as he let out a breath and you wished you could wrap him up in a hug. “Thanks for being so understanding.” He observed you with a thoughtful gaze. “And you are right about one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“Your kindness made a difference for me yesterday. And you’re really easy to talk to.” He smiled, genuine affection in his eyes as your heart raced. Was it possible to faint while sitting? “I don't usually talk this much anymore.”
“I’m glad it did. You can always talk to me, you know. I’m happy to listen or even give advice if you want it,” you said sincerely. It meant a lot that he took the time to speak to you today, and if it were up to you he’d only have good things in his life going forward. No one deserved that more than him. “And if I’m ever too much for you, don't be afraid to tell me.”
His brows pinched again. “Too much? How?” he asked, his tone not as light as it was a moment ago.
You tensed, gripping your mug as you mulled over past things you heard from others. “Well, I’ve been told before that I’m too perky and too optimistic some days. That my kindness is fake and it can get on people’s nerves,” you explained carefully, swallowing a little. Yeah, you had a reputation for being kind, but some didn’t care for it. “Not that I think you would find me annoying or anything like that. It’s just how it is for some people.”
“So because you choose to be nice instead of acting bitter or rude people don’t like that?” Bucky looked at you with a mix of confusion and anger. “What the fuck is wrong with them?”
You were utterly silent from his reaction. Your heart also fluttered because he seemed upset on your behalf. “So many things, I’m sure,” you teased, hoping to make him smile a little. It was nice when he smiled at you. “But it’s okay. Really. It doesn't change who I am. I'm still going to be me.”
Cheesy, but true. You couldn't control the actions and emotions of others. You knew in your core who you were and you would continue to put that energy out into the world.
His jaw ticked, but he gazed at you with what you guessed was admiration. “Kind and steadfast,” he whispered, making your heart swell all over again. “Listen. If anyone around here does give you a hard time, will you let me know?”
The determination in his eyes took you aback. He went from hardly speaking to you to opening up a bit and now wanting to look out for you. It was nice, to say the least. “That’s okay, Bucky. You said I didn't have to fight for you, so you don't have to for me.”
“I want to.” He reached forward and hovered his hand over yours. Before he touched you though, he pulled away. You longed to know what his touch felt like. “Please?”
You couldn't resist his gaze. “Okay, but only if you let me know if anyone gives you a hard time.”
“Yeah. I got a name for you. Sam Wilson,” he deadpanned.
You burst out laughing, covering your mouth so the sound wouldn’t echo in the room or bother him. “Oh, Sam. I’ll give him a talking to,” you teased, your cheeks aching from how hard you were smiling.
“I made you laugh,” he pointed out softly, almost in disbelief. It was another moment where you wanted to wrap him up in a hug.
“Yeah, you did.”
“Wow,” he whispered, smiling before his face fell. “Fuck. I have to go.” He went to stand, but paused to look at you. “Do you ever go to the main break room?”
“I prefer this one,” you said, lightly tapping the table. “It’s quieter.”
“Me, too.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Um, maybe I’ll see you here again tomorrow? Same time?
Warmth spread in your heart at the hope in his eyes. “Yeah, I’ll be here.”
You’d always be there if he asked.
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For the next several weeks, seeing Bucky in the small break room became part of your normal morning routine. You made coffee for both of you before you sat together and talked. Some chats were casual, while others went a little deeper. Both ends of the spectrum helped you get to know each other.
He spoke fondly about a cat he found in an alley and took into his home. He named her Alpine and even showed you a photo of her on his phone. It tugged at your heartstrings seeing the ball of white fur curled up in his metal arm. How could it not?
Bucky spoke about Steve and Sam and how they tried to meet up once a week for dinner. They took turns picking the place. It was nice that he had them to lean on. Both men were always friendly toward you, but you noticed they seemed to smile at you even more since you and Bucky started talking. You assumed they were happy that their friend had someone else in his corner.
“Steve is a punk and Sam is worse,” he said once with nothing but affection in his eyes.
He explained that he was in therapy, which he wasn't ashamed of. He had no reason to be. It was a work in progress, building trust not just with the therapist but building trust within himself. He didn't get into specifics regarding what they talked about as it wasn't your business to begin with, though he did casually throw in that he had trouble sleeping some nights. You mentioned that you sometimes wrote your thoughts and feelings down if they got too loud. He told you the next day that he got himself a new notebook to try that out and you had a spring in your step the whole morning.
You didn't talk about anything particularly exciting. You told him that you didn't have a lot of family close by, but loved your job because you got to help people in some capacity. And that you enjoyed reading and watching movies when you stayed at home, but also enjoyed going out with a couple of close friends. Bucky didn't need to know that they loved teasing you about your crush. You mentioned little things, too, like how you needed to go shopping soon for a new sofa and how you hoped to see the new science exhibit at the nearby museum.
The bulk of your conversations took place in the break room, minus occasionally bumping into him around the building which didn't leave much time for chatter. It wasn't a bad thing. It was nice just to talk to him.
And while you didn't think any of the topics you brought up were interesting, Bucky listened intently every time, his eyes on you as he hung on your every word. The attention felt nice. Though you hadn't mustered up the courage to ask him to hang out outside of work, it felt like the two of you were friends because of those mornings together.
Maybe he thought you were friends, too, since he asked one day, “Do you know anything about dating apps?”
You almost spilled his coffee, but quickly recovered and avoided his concerned gaze as you sat down. “Um, no, not much. I haven’t really used them. I haven’t dated in a few months either,” you answered honestly, hoping your tone didn’t sound as bitter as the taste in your mouth. You weren’t embarrassed by your romantic status, but your heart sank just the same. “Are you… Why are you asking? Just out of curiosity.” It wasn’t your business, but it was the first time he brought up anything concerning dating or relationships.
“Sam mentioned setting me up and I brushed that off, so he mentioned using a dating app. I don’t know.” He shrugged as you hung your head.
Something settled within your chest, a heavy feeling that made it difficult to take a steady breath. But you couldn't feel sorry for yourself. Bucky was kind, good looking, and trying to adjust to a sense of normalcy. Of course he’d want to try dating again and what kind of person would you be if you didn't support him?
“Well, I can help you research some apps if you’d like. See if any may be a good fit?”
“Really? You’d do that?” he asked softly.
Your eyes drifted up and you did your best to smile. You couldn't let him see that the mere thought of him dating someone else hurt you. It was pathetic. “Yeah, I would,” you answered. You refused to let your crush on him stop you from helping him if he wanted to meet someone.
Bucky stared at you for a few seconds and you almost squirmed in your chair. “But you said you haven't really used them. Why not?”
The unexpected question did make you squirm. You couldn't blurt out that he was one of the reasons. “Well, not to be a downer or anything, but some apps almost seem to set people up for rejection. It just isn’t possible to match every single person up. And there’s also rapid judgment with some based on appearance and it makes it easy to objectify people,” you explained. It was sad, but true. “It does work for some and I’m happy for those people, but I don't know. I’d rather just meet someone and…”
“Connect with them naturally?” he guessed.
“Yeah,” you said, a sad smile touching your lips. “Is it wishful thinking to want something like that?”
“I don’t think it is at all. In fact, that’s a good reason why I probably won’t use an app,” he said. You hoped your sigh of relief wasn’t audible, but the weight lifting from your shoulders felt palpable. “Besides, what would I say if I tried to set up a profile? ‘Hi, I’m a previously brainwashed assassin over 100 years old’?”
“It would be a conversation starter,” you teased, the playful banter bringing a warm smile to his face. “And I know I brought up rapid judgment, but I’m sure one look at your profile picture and people would line out the door just to get your attention,” you smiled and gestured to his face, but his gaze dropped, a flicker of vulnerability crossing his features. “I’m sorry. I…”
He shook his head, and you caught a hint of a smile that made your heart flutter. “No, it’s… It’s kind of nice to hear that,” he admitted, his gaze drifting away like he was lost in thought. “Dating came easy to me years ago and I don’t think I really appreciated it back then. The thought of trying again is a little scary.”
His voice was soft, almost reflective, as if he were speaking more to himself than to you. You felt a swell of empathy for the weight of his past. “Well, whenever your next date happens? I hope they know how lucky they are,” you said, your heart aching to convey how deserving he was of genuine connection.
You just wished that connection was with you.
The warm smile returned to his face as he gazed at you. “Thanks,” he whispered.
Your heart ached in your chest. “Anytime,” you whispered back, quickly standing up before tears pricked your eyes. “I should get to work. Have a good day, okay?”
“Oh. You, too.” He looked like he wanted to stop you, but he hung back. It was all in your head anyway. He didn't want to stop you. Why would he?
You wiped your eyes once you were out of the break room. Rushing away was cowardly and you knew it. It was silly, too.
You wondered if the coffee talks would continue once he found his dream girl. Would he tell you about her? Would bile rise to your throat when he sang their praises or smiled a soft smile not reserved for you? You had to stop thinking about it. You couldn't fall apart just because Bucky wasn't yours, and it was something you’d need to come to terms with when he found someone else.
And maybe tomorrow it wouldn't hurt so much.
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Bucky looked a little tired when he joined you the next morning, not saying a word. He still offered you a smile. You didn't speak either, but you gave him a small smile in return.
The night before, you wrestled with the idea of telling him how you felt. All you had to do was get the words out. But the words froze in your throat like ice and you kept quiet, both of you sipping your coffee as the seconds passed by.
You almost wanted to fill the void with more chatter, but it didn’t feel necessary. The silence was oddly comforting. Silence was also safe. He seemed content just to sit there with you, and you were afraid you’d blurt something out that you couldn’t take back.
“Did I do something to upset you yesterday?” he asked suddenly. His gaze was so gentle, yet deep, looking for an answer you couldn't fully give him. “You rushed out without finishing your coffee, and you always finish your coffee, so I had to have done something.”
Your heart breaks from his words. Rushing off made him think it was his fault, and you never wanted to imply that. “No, you didn't upset me,” you replied. That was true. Bucky didn't do anything to upset you. It was your own mind and feelings that did that. “I just had work to do.”
He didn't look convinced, and you couldn't blame him. “You sure?”
“I’m sure.” You put a smile on your face, but you felt terrible. “And I don't think you could do anything to upset me.”
“Then you wouldn't mind sparring with me tomorrow morning by any chance, would you?” he asked.
You inhaled, not expecting him to ask you that. “You want to spar with me?” You discreetly pinched yourself, testing to see if you were dreaming or not. He was asking you to hang out with him outside of the break room. Kind of. “Really?” you added, your heart racing when he nodded.
“Yeah. What do you say?” he asked. Oh, it was a bad idea to spar with Bucky Barnes. Not because you couldn't learn from him, but what the hell were you going to do to reign in your sexual frustration? “Unless you're busy.”
“Yes!” you blurted out quickly, clearing your throat as you tried to regain some of your composure. You swore his cheek twitched like he was trying not to smile. “I mean, no, I'm not busy. I’m totally free and I'd love to spar with you,” you said, praying you sounded normal and not like some lovesick woman with an overgrowing crush.
Which was exactly what you were.
But you weren't about to turn down a chance to spar with him. Who in their right mind would? How many times had you imagined him slamming your body against the mats and pinning you down? Both of you breathing heavily, his face shining from the perspiration. You were thankful the super soldier couldn't read minds because now all you could think about was him tearing your clothes away and spearing you open with his cock and-
“Okay then,” he said, finishing his coffee before he took the mug to the sink. “Second floor gym. Room 2. 6 am.”
“6 am. I’ll be there,” you promised, gazing after him as he walked toward the door. “See you then, Sergeant.”
His entire body went rigid before he looked back at you, the metal fingers of his left arm twitching. Your heart sank, worried that you said something wrong. Would he take back his offer?
You stood up from the table. “Bucky, I-”
An agent walked through the door and bumped Bucky out of the way. At least he tried to. The super soldier didn't budge.
“Excuse me,” Bucky said.
“Watch it,” the agent sneered, bumping his shoulder again. He still didn't budge. “Think you're special because you got some serum in your veins and Rogers wanted to save your ass? You’re nothing.”
You gasped. You could handle people saying things about you, but people you cared about? It made you see red. How dare this guy say anything like that to Bucky?
“Nothing but HYDRA’s little bitch.”
Bucky glared and looked about two seconds away from smacking the guy across the room, but he hung his head after a second and didn't breathe a word. Maybe he didn't want to make a big deal out of it or didn't think it was worth it. You, however, wouldn't put up with it. Not for a second.
“Hey! Agent asshole,” you snapped, marching over until you were between Bucky and the agent. “Apologize to him.”
The agent cackled at you and you heard Bucky’s metal fingers curl. “Apologize? He was in my way.” He reached out a hand to pat your head. “But it’s kind of cute to see you defending the Winter Soldier. That's-” You grabbed his wrist and twisted it. “Ow, fuck!”
“And now I’m in your way,” you said sweetly, twisting a bit more until his knees buckled. “Apologize, now.”
“Fuck, fuck, I’m sorry!” he shouted.
Bucky had a look of awe on his face when you looked back at him. “It’s okay,” he said above a whisper.
You released the guy and pointed at the door. “Whatever you need you can get it later,” you said, satisfied when the agent scrambled out the door.
Bucky stared at you when you faced him, silence hanging in the air. “You okay?” you finally asked. Was twisting the guy’s wrist too much?
“I…” Bucky blinked rapidly and cleared his throat. “You defended me.”
“Well, yeah. I told you if anyone gave you a hard time they could deal with me,” you smiled. It didn't matter how small the matter was, you’d stick up for him. People like that guy often mistook your kindness for weakness. “And what he said was completely out of line.”
“Thank you.” His fingers reached out and touched yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. “Really. Thank you.”
“Don't need to thank me,” you said, giddy from his small touch. “And, listen, before he rudely interrupted, I was going to ask if it bothered you that I called you Sergeant.”
You thought you saw his fingers twitch again, but he shook his head. “No. I… kind of like hearing that from you.”
“Oh.” You dipped your head to hide your smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow then? 6 am?”
“Yeah, you will,” he said softly, meeting your gaze as you lifted your head again.
“Have a good day then, Sergeant.”
He inhaled sharply. “Don’t be late tomorrow,” he gruffly spoke before he left the room without another word, hearts in your eyes as you stayed rooted to the spot.
You mentally jumped for joy from how excited you were. You couldn't keep the smile off your face the rest of the day. Bucky could've asked anyone in the building to spar with him, but he chose you. And he stuck up for you because some guy bumped into you. Now you just had to make sure you wouldn't make a fool of yourself in the morning.
Easy enough, right?
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You spent more time than you cared picking out the perfect exercise outfit. It didn't matter what you wore since he only asked you to practice with him. It wasn't like he asked you out on a date. Still, you were hopeful that the matching black set would make him look at least once.
If anything, it was a confidence booster for yourself since you liked how you looked in it.
“Confidence is sexy,” you smiled before you grabbed your bag to go.
You got to the gym in record time, not wanting to be late or keep him waiting. Nodding to a few people on machines before you made it to the second floor, you had to pause and take a breath before you entered Room 2. The air was a bit cooler in the sparring area, which was good considering you’d likely work up a sweat.
Dropping your bag near the door, you nearly jumped when you spotted Bucky a few feet away staring at you. “Right on time,” he said, your throat dry as he nodded to the mat. “I stretched before you got here.”
“Hey,” you said, removing your jacket, the zipper loud in the quiet room. You gave him what you hoped was a nice smile when you went to the mat. “Shouldn't take me long.”
The Sergeant stood against the wall with his arms crossed as you began to stretch, one foot pressed against it as his eyes slid over to you. Quickly averting your gaze, you tried to concentrate on warming up instead of how good he looked in his workout gear. While his sweatpants hung low on his hips, the dark short sleeved shirt clung to him like a second skin. He had his hair pulled back, too, which only enhanced how bright his eyes looked under the ceiling lights.
You refused to get aroused just from looking at him.
Too. Fucking. Late.
“You good? You don't seem as chipper as usual,” he said.
“Yeah, I…” What were you even going to say? That his mere presence in his current attire made you wet? “I didn't have my coffee before I left, so no caffeine. This might wake me up.”
He didn't seem convinced, but he nodded after a moment. “I know the feeling,” he said with a soft smile. “Thanks for joining me so early. And sorry if it threw off your routine.”
“Nothing to be sorry for. Morning exercises are good for the mind and body,” you said, standing once you finished stretching. He probably had a full schedule ahead of him. “I have to admit though, just like you were surprised I was nice to you a while back, I'm a little surprised you asked me to spar with you.”
“And why is that?” he asked as he approached the mat, all confidence as he took his spot.
Your throat went dry again before you cleared it. “Because someone like Steve is more evenly matched,” you said. Super soldier to super soldier, you could go for hours. “And chances of me beating you are also pretty slim.”
Way to downplay yourself.
“You nearly brought that agent to his knees yesterday and you didn't break a sweat.” His head tilted a fraction, his eyes carefully taking you in from head to toe. “You don't think you can take me?”
Your next breath came out in a rush. If you didn't know any better, you would've said he asked that on purpose. Oh, you had imagined Bucky telling you how well you'd take him, but not like this. You'd take what you can get.
“I can take you,” you stated.
You could only describe the look in his eyes as feral as he got into position. “I'm sure you can,” he said, your only warning before he rushed at you.
Blocking Bucky’s hit, you told yourself not to smile and focused on dodging another hit. He had advantages on his side, like his strength with the serum in his veins, but you were determined to show him that you were a worthy opponent. You also knew he wouldn't try to harm you. Anything he threw your way would be to help you improve.
Bucky grinned when he blocked your kick and you almost let it distract you. “I think you're giving me a run for my money,” he said before he performed a back full twisting layout to dodge another kick. Was that the proper term? Whatever it was, the move was more agile than you could comprehend.
“And I think you’re showing off,” you teased, extending your leg for a sweep instead. You huffed when he flipped away again. “Either that or Steve’s theatrics have rubbed off on you.”
“Don't tell him that. Wouldn't want him to get a big head,” he winked.
The back and forth went on for a few minutes, your breathing heavier and heart racing. Part of you wondered if he was pulling punches for your sake, but he didn't let up. It was exhilarating. You hoped he asked you to spar with him again.
“Tell me something.” Bucky brushed some of the loose hair back with the back of his hand, both of you panting lightly as the motions stopped for a second. “Why are you single?”
Your eyes widened at the question. “W-What?” you breathed, almost losing your footing as you stepped back. Why would he ask you that and why now?
“You told me why you don't use dating apps and you want to make a genuine connection, but you haven't mentioned anyone special,” he shrugged, tilting his head when he stepped forward. “You know you can tell me if there’s someone you like, right?”
“Maybe we can have this conversation when we’re done sparring?” you suggested. It would give you a chance to collect yourself.
He shook his head. “No, I think we should have this conversation now, if that’s okay.”
“I guess. If you insist.” You blocked his swing, barely. “There’s… someone I like, but I don’t know if he feels the same way.”
His cheek twitched, like he wasn't expecting that answer. “Who is he? Do I know him?”
That question threw you off a bit more. Why did he want to know who? “Yeah. Yeah, you do,” you said.
“Is it Steve? Sam?” he pressed, a hint of anger in his eyes. “Some other agent?”
“No, no, and no,” you replied, sighing as you dropped your arms. “Listen, do we really-”
Bucky swept your legs out from under you. The air left your lungs when your back hit the mat and he settled over you before you could get up, pinning your arms at your side. You tried to twist out of his hold and couldn't even use your thighs to roll him off you since he had those pinned, too.
“You let your guard down,” he said.
“Yep,” you said, the word clipped as you tried to look anywhere but at him. It was impossible. He was everywhere.
“Now this guy you like,” he started with a tilt of his head. He wasn't letting this go, was he? “If it’s someone I know and he isn't Steve, Sam, or another agent, who is he?”
You bit your lip, wishing you a chance to hide or bolt.
“Tell me,” he begged, his eyes staring into yours. “Please.”
Oh, God. Did he have any clue how you felt? At the very least, could he sense how he affected you by laying on top of you? How hard your nipples were against your top or the wetness that gathered between your thighs?
Now wasn't the time to focus on being horny.
He sighed when you didn’t speak. “Answer this then: Is there even the slightest chance that it’s me?” he asked, the question hanging in the air between you.
“I…” You swallowed hard as he waited patiently for your answer with an expectant gaze. He was so close and the position was too vulnerable, but you had to bite the bullet and tell him the truth. “It isn't a slight chance. It's one hundred percent you.”
“What?” he whispered.
Super soldier hearing, he should've heard you perfectly clear, right? “I like you, Bucky. I care about you. I pretty much have since I met you,” you finished, the quiet admittance making your chest burn.
It was out in the open now and no longer suppressing your feelings was a good thing.
He stared straight into your eyes, your heart picking up a notch. “You like me?” The weight of him left your thighs, but you couldn't breathe when he settled between them. “At the risk of sounding like an arrogant prick, are you single because you’ve been waiting for me?”
“Yes,” you whispered, swallowing again. “And you aren’t arrogant. Far from it.”
“So, every morning we’ve had coffee together and even before that, you cared about me? And when I brought up the dating app a couple of days ago and you offered to help me, you had feelings for me? And when you defended me?” He tilted his head further when you nodded. “And you didn't say anything until now?” It didn't feel like an accusation, but your eyes welled up anyway.
“Yes, the whole time. I didn't want to tell you and make things weird if you didn't feel the same way and I would've rather have you as a friend than nothing at all. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you rambled as a tear slid from the corner of your eye. You weren't trying to deceive him by keeping your crush on him a secret. “We are kind of friends, right?”
The two of you hadn’t hung out outside of work, but there was something there. At the very least, there was a comradery. After this, who knew if he’d even want to speak to you again.
“I don't want to be your friend,” he said with conviction, your heart shattering. It was like he punched you right in the gut and maybe you deserved that. He smiled softly, something beautifully tragic when you struggled beneath him. Why wasn't he letting you up? “Wait, no, no. That’s not what I meant.”
You went limp when you couldn't break his hold. “Then what do you mean?!”
“I want to be so much more than that.”
“You…” the rest of the words died on your lips because what did he say?
A metal finger moved down your cheek, the touch cool against your warm skin as he wiped another tear away. The finger then tipped your chin before his mouth descended on yours. You weren't sure why you expected it to be a rough kiss, but it was anything but. His lips teased yours along with his tongue, coaxing you to open your mouth to his. It was demanding in the gentlest of ways.
It wasn't a rushed kiss either. It was thorough, slow, like he had nowhere else in the world to be. Did he have any idea of the spark he ignited within you? It was something hot, needy, out of control. Fire raced through your veins. You'd go up in flames if he kept kissing you like that. Like you meant something to him.
“I care about you, too,” he whispered. You inhaled sharply when he trailed kisses along your face. “I’ve liked you since we met.”
“You have?” you asked.
“Yeah,” he smiled, kissing the corner of your mouth. “I hoped you might feel the same, but I’m a bit rusty when it comes to this and I couldn't get a read on you when I mentioned the dating app. I figured this approach might be better.”
“Well,” you gasped when you felt something hard pressed against you. “It worked,” you said. You were glad he took the leap of faith.
“I’ll always remember the first time you smiled at me. I won't let anyone take that memory away from me,” he groaned against your skin, your eyes tearing up again. “And the way you stuck up for me… I don’t deserve you. I don't know if I ever will.”
“Don't say that,” you begged when he released your other wrist, giving you the chance to wrap your arms around him. “You deserve every bit of happiness.”
He smiled as his kisses moved down to your neck and you could only whimper when he licked and sucked over your pulse. “You're so caring. So good,” he said, rocking his hips forward. The sweet words combined with the sensual movements of his body fueled your desire. You also bit your lip to keep from bursting into tears from his praise. “And you're so beautiful, you know that? Inside and out.”
“You keep talking like that, I’ll keep crying,” you tried to joke.
He lifted his head to wipe another tear away. “Happy tears?”
“Very happy,” you promised, shifting underneath him and brushing his crotch again.
His mouth fell open as his eyes shut. It was one of the sexiest looks you had ever seen. “If you keep doing that, I’ll embarrass myself,” he said in a strained voice.
“Is that a bad thing?” you smiled innocently.
“Maybe not. I have a quick rebound rate if I do,” he teased, frowning when your smile slipped. “Shit, are you okay? Did I say something wrong?”
“I’m fine. You didn’t say anything wrong,” you promised, touching his cheek. “I just… Am I dreaming?”
His lips touched yours again, You would’ve melted into the mat if you weren’t already underneath him. “You’re not dreaming,” he whispered. The groan he let out when you moved beneath him again reminded you that he really was settled between your legs. And hard. “I wanted to take you out on a nice date before I even touched you, but I don’t know if I can wait. You’re driving me crazy.”
Well, nothing had happened quite yet. Just a confession of feelings. And some kissing. And grinding.
“You’re driving me crazy, too, but if you want to stop, I understand,” you said. It didn't have to go further if he didn't want to, especially since it was fast.
His forehead touched yours. “Do you?”
You nearly shouted that you didn’t want him to stop, would never want him to stop, but this wasn’t just about you. “I don’t, but I get it if you do,” you said. You were kind of in a public place and consent went both ways. If he was the slightest bit uncomfortable, you were fine with stopping.
It seemed to be all he needed to hear since he kissed you again, eagerly licking into your mouth. Your heart was still racing out of control, the high from the exercise running through your veins. You wondered if he felt that adrenaline, too. If the confession of your feelings was the water against the dam, admitting that you wanted him physically, too, was the thing to break it.
“It’s just… I don’t…” He lifted his head to look around before he smiled. “Wait, hold on.”
He pushed himself up, your body cold from the sudden lack of heat. The tent he sported in his pants sent a surge of pride through you as he went as gracefully as he could to the door. Locking it, he went to his bag next and dug out a towel.
“What are you doing?” you asked when he came back quickly.
“Trying to be a gentleman,” he smiled, lifting your hips to place the towel underneath. “Sorry, the mat’s just kind of dirty and I think you deserve a little better than that.”
“You certainly are a gentleman,” you smiled back.
“The things I want to do to you are far from gentlemanly,” he said, reaching for the waistband of your pants and peeling them down with your underwear. You were sweaty and gross, but if he didn’t care, you wouldn’t either. “I wish I could lay you out and kiss every inch of your body.”
“Maybe after I shower,” you teased, both of you chuckling as you helped push his pants and underwear down. Once all was said and done the two of you could talk and figure out a date and him properly taking you to bed, but having him take you then and there was perfect. “Oh…”
Words left your mind when you saw his hard and heavy cock. A bead of precum dripped from the head and you wished you could have a taste. There was a good chance he’d split you in half, but it would be worth feeling him for days on end.
“Bucky, please,” you begged, opening your legs more as an offering. You didn’t care if it made you look desperate for him, which you were. You just hoped it looked enticing.
With blown pupils and a small growl, he shook his head. It was enough to make you want to cry. “I need to stretch you first, sweetheart.”
The term of endearment made you smile even when you argued, “I don’t need you to stretch me. I can take it.”
He narrowed his eyes, but gave you a smile, too, as he brought his hand to your scorching heat. “We’re both desperate for this, but I’m going to stretch your pretty cunt to make room for my cock. Got it?”
Shivering at his tone, you nodded. “Yes, Sergeant,” you answered, biting your lip when you saw his cock twitch. “You really like me saying that, don't you?”
“Yes,” he groaned. You’d have to keep calling him that in and out of bed then.
He rubbed along your folds slowly, like he was memorizing the feel. Deep down, he was a gentleman. Badly wanting you, but making sure he wouldn’t hurt you. What more could you ask for?
“Can I confess something?” he asked gently as the first finger sank into you, gently exploring. Gasping at the welcomed intrusion, you nodded. He could say anything he wanted. “I've imagined you just like this,” he stated, pulling his finger out before pushing it in deeper.
“You have?” you asked before he pushed a second finger in, both of them curling slightly. It sent sparks of pleasure down your spine.
“It almost felt wrong because I hadn’t even asked you to go out with me, but I couldn’t help myself.” His voice was huskier as he pumped his fingers, your hand fisting in his shirt. You throbbed with need, a kind of need you couldn’t ever remember feeling. “I wondered what kind of sounds you’d make and how you’d feel around me if you ever let me have you.”
More heat pooled in your core as you spread your legs wider for him.
“Making such pretty sounds for me already. And your pussy, it feels like heaven. Might even make me see God once I have my cock in you.” He glanced down to watch his fingers slide in and out of your tight passage, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. “Fuck, you’re so warm. And tight. And wet,” he continued, an almost cocky smile on his face when his thumb swiped over your clit and drew a small whimper from you. "Guess I haven’t completely lost my touch.”
“That is both hot and…” you had to pause when he added a third finger, making you stretch around the digits. He was going to be the death of you. “Is it bad if I’m a little jealous because I don’t want to think about you touching anyone else?”
Something sparked in his pretty blue eyes. “Does my girl have a jealous streak?” He slid a fourth finger in, your back arching with a small cry. “I’m flattered, but you have nothing to worry about. You’re the only one I want.”
Your breaths were shallow from his touch alone, but the sweet words got under your skin. “You don’t have to worry about anyone else either,” you exhaled. He knew you weren’t seeing anyone, but you felt the need to assure him. “And I like that.”
“Like what?”
Your hand twisted in his shirt more. “The idea of being your girl,” you managed to answer, your body writhing as he moved his fingers in a beautifully torturous motion. “Enough, Bucky, please.”
“Enough what?”
“I’m stretched. I’m on the pill. Just… put your cock in me, please!” Panting by the end of your begging rant with mist in your eyes, you added, “Can I at least touch you if you won’t fuck me?”
The beautiful bastard had the nerve to laugh when he took his fingers out. “Kind and steadfast, even when you’re begging to get fucked,” he said, his eyes slipping shut for a second as he licked the first two fingers clean. “I promise you can touch me later if you let me get a proper taste of your sweet cunt.”
Your cheeks got so hot it shocked you that you didn’t catch on fire. “Yes, please,” you whispered, the promise of later making you quiver.
The room felt like it was spinning when he stared down at you and licked his fingers again. He kept his eyes on you when he wrapped them around his cock and guided it to your waiting hole. You tried to calm the beating of your heart when he slipped the blunt head in, but you were powerless to do anything but feel as he kept pushing in. You trembled and gripped his shoulders once his hips were flush against yours, throbbing around his thickness already when hadn't started thrusting.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he gasped, dropping his forehead to yours again as he trembled, too. “I need…” he breathed against your lips. “I just need a second, please.”
“Okay,” you whispered, wondering if he was as overwhelmed as you were. Maybe moreso. You weren’t sure exactly how long it had been for him. And being enhanced, you didn’t know if the sensations felt different or stronger. You just hoped he felt good. And happy.
His metal hand framed your cheek, so gentle in contrast to the damage he could do with it. “You okay?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, tilting your head up to kiss him. “I can take it,” you promised. Your body had adjusted to his size and now you wanted him to move, to feel all of him.
He finally began to thrust, moaning against your lips. You lifted your hips, trying to take him in more. The hand on your face slid down your body before it moved to your hip, keeping you in place so you could feel him nice and deep. He pulled his cock out almost completely before he thrust back in, making you cry out as you quivered around him. You wanted to soak his cock, consume him the way he was consuming you.
“You’re taking me so well,” he praised as you bit your lip. “No, lemme hear those pretty sounds. C’mon,” he said, changing his angle slightly so you moaned loudly. He moaned, too, as he kept thrusting. “There you go. So beautiful.”
You wanted to scream for him. You also wondered what it would feel like to have his hand around your throat or over your mouth to smother those very sounds if you ever snuck off during work to fool around. There were so many things you wanted to try with him.
“Bucky,” you whined, digging your nails into his shoulders as he moved faster. Piercing pleasure built from your core and spread slowly throughout your body. You felt like you couldn’t breathe from how good it felt, how he felt.
The intensity in his turbulent eyes was similar to when he listened to you talk in the break room, but with much more heat. Had he looked at you like that all along? “Wanna mark you up one day. Let everyone see that you’re my girl,” he grunted, dragging his mouth from your face to your neck. He lightly bit down, smirking when you whined again. “Would you let me?”
“Yes,” you moaned, tilting your head to give him more access. You’d feel so proud to wear his mark. There wouldn’t be any shame if people saw or asked because you’d get to say you belonged to Bucky.
“You feel so fucking good,” he rasped, surging into you over and over, the sound of skin-on-skin echoing off the walls with your cries. “Sweetheart, I’m not gonna last.”
The term of endearment again. It had your heart clenching along with your pussy. “Neither am I,” you breathed, bringing his head back to yours. You framed his cheeks, ecstasy close to crashing over you. From the strain in his handsome face, he was on the edge, too. “Come with me? Mark me up inside?”
It was a question and not a demand because you wouldn’t demand anything from the man who somehow stole your heart.
Through the pleasure twisting his face, he smiled. “Come with me.”
The heightened pleasure crashing over you was powerful enough that you almost screamed, your walls spasming around him. Shudders wracked your body as your breath ceased, trying to hold his gaze as the heat engulfed you. Your release coated him, just like you wanted it to. And it was only a few more thrusts from him before he tipped over the edge, filling you up in return. You both marked each other in the best possible way.
You laid limp beneath him, both of you panting. Your slick, wet heat still burned around him as released your hips and pushed himself up, a bead of sweat from his skin dripping onto yours. You gazed at each other, something tender passing between you. You wished the moment didn't have to end.
He leaned back down to nuzzle your nose and you couldn’t help but giggle breathlessly at the affectionate move. “You okay?” he asked.
“Yeah,” you replied, still dazed. “You?”
“Better than okay,” he said, smiling when you tucked some of his hair back. He looked good like this.
“I don't think I can move,” you teased.
“We have to, sadly,” he sighed, sliding himself from the warmth of your body. You whined at the loss, your hole clenching around nothing as your mixed release seeped onto the towel beneath you. “I know, but in case the next group that uses this room gets here early, I don’t want them to see you with your pants down,” he told you as he sat back and looked over you. You took a moment to look over him as well, getting a glance at his glorious thighs. You longed for the chance for you both to truly explore each other’s bodies. “And we could both use a shower.”
You inhaled when he used the clean part of the towel to gently wipe you both down. “Mmm. Together?”
He chuckled, helping you pull your underwear and pants back up. His hands lingered on your hips and you were two seconds from shoving the fabric back down. “If I get you in the shower, we won’t make it to work on time.”
“I don’t mind being late.” You tried to lift your arms to help him pull up his pants, too, but he beat you to it. It was a shame he had to cover up. “Or we could call in? I still have a lot of days off to use.”
“Yeah? You want to call in?”
“Yeah,” you said eagerly. Too eagerly. “Maybe?”
You almost shrank in on yourself when he raised an eyebrow. He told you he cared about you and he sure as hell just fucked you like he craved you, but you didn’t want to come across as clingy, especially so soon. The two of you still needed to figure things out.
And what if the things said were just from the heat of the moment? You weren't sure if your heart could take it if he walked away without another thought. He wouldn't do that though, right?
His gaze softened, helping you sit up, his face inches from yours as he rubbed your arms. “Hey. What’s the matter?” he asked, your heart in your throat when he smiled again. “Was I that bad?”
“No, not at all. You were amazing, holy shit, and telling you how I feel was long overdue,” you promised, his smile softer. “It’s just…”
His brows pinched. “It’s just what?”
You took a breath. “I've wanted to hear for so long that you had feelings for me, too. And now that it’s really sinking in, I guess I still feel like I’m dreaming a bit. That none of this happened,” you admitted, placing your hand on his chest. His heart was still beating fast, like yours. “That tomorrow I’ll just go back to being the girl who has a crush on you and nothing more.”
“What?” His face slowly fell. Why did you open your mouth? “No, that's not going to happen.”
“We just went from work friends to whatever just transpired, and I don’t want it to be too much or too fast for you or for you to regret this,” you blurted out, biting your lip hard. “I don't want to be too much for you,” you added in a whisper. Your insecurity surfaced more as the post-sex haze faded and you wished it hadn't. “I’m sorry. I don't know why I’m ruining the moment.”
It was stupid. Where had your optimism gone? He told you he cared about you. He gazed at you like you meant something to him. It was everything you wanted, so why were you questioning it?
“You didn't ruin anything.”
“Are you sure?” you asked softly.
Bucky placed his hand over yours, the other going to the back of your head so you couldn't move away. “I’m sure, now listen to me: Whatever is going on between us isn’t too much and you are not too much. You are never too much,” he said with fierceness akin to a growling wolf. “I want you and I want to be with you. I wouldn’t joke about that,” he assured you, your lips tugging in a small smile. “I get feeling like it's a dream, believe me, but it isn't. It's real and what just happened was real.”
Hearing him declare his feelings again made your heart soar. “I know you wouldn’t joke about that,” you said. He wasn’t cruel. He wouldn’t toy with your feelings like that. “I just want you to be happy. You know that, right?”
“I do and I am happy,” he said, his eyes full of longing. He experienced so much pain and loss and deserved happiness. “I’ve lost so much of my life, so much time, and I don't want to waste another second. So believe me when I say I want you to be my girl.”
A sob threatened to work its way up. “Oh, Bucky,” you whispered, your head dipping down before he lifted it back up.
“That connection you’ve talked about wanting, I feel that with you. I trust you. That’s why I’ve been able to open up to you. The person who made me coffee and offered me kindness and understanding and just let me be me,” he said, making you smile more. You wished you could wrap each word around your heart. “I want to hold your hand in the break room and kiss you in the halls. I want you today and I’ll want you tomorrow and the day after that. And the only thing I regret from any of this is not asking you to be my girl sooner.”
His words, his stare, his touch, they healed the senseless wound your insecurity put on your heart. “I’m yours.” You surged forward, your lips crashing against his. He sighed before he returned the kiss, likely feeling the same relief you had. You wished you could put into words how much his assurance meant, but you hoped your kiss expressed it. “Thank you for both coaxing my feelings out of me and assuring me that you want this.”
“Anytime.” He brushed another kiss across your lips. “You know how you said you hoped the next person who dated me knew how lucky they were?” he asked. You remembered. “I'm the lucky one because you’re taking a chance on me.”
“You’re a smooth talker.” You had no clue how you kept the tears at bay. It meant everything that he wanted to be with you. “I think we’re both lucky.”
He smiled at that. “Yeah, but I still don’t deserve you,” he whispered, kissing you again before you could argue that he was more than worthy. “So, you want to spend the day with me?”
“Yeah, I do. We can go on a day date or just talk some more at my place or yours,” you answered, not feeling the need to hide anymore. “That’s not too much to ask, is it?”
“Sweetheart, you just let me fuck you on a sparring mat. You can ask me for anything you want,” he smirked, catching your face between his hands. “But this day date doesn’t count as the nice date I want to take you on. My girl deserves something special.”
Your heart tightened in your chest, your emotions starting to run high again before you took a calming breath. “Then how about after that shower we call in, go to a cafe, get a cup of coffee, and figure out that date together? Maybe I’ll even convince you that you do deserve me.”
He huffed, taking your hands and helping you both up. You’d never be able to look at a pair of sweatpants again without thinking of what transpired there. “Okay, but I’m warning you right now that I probably won’t like the coffee.”
“Why not?”
“Because you didn’t make it,” he smiled. “Maybe we can check out that science exhibit you mentioned.”
You giggled. He remembered. “That would be nice,” you said, leaning close when he slipped his arm around you and guided you toward your bag. “You know, I can make more than just coffee. Just say the word and I’ll cook for you,” you said. You’d love to cook him a nice meal.
“Word,” he deadpanned.
You giggled again. “Later,” you promised. You’d make him something special. “Do you think Alpine will like me?”
“She’ll love you,” he promised, giving you a sheepish smile. “I told her all about you. And I think the last few dinners with Steve and Sam all I talked about was you.”
“You told your cat about me? You're adorable,” you smiled. It was really sweet. “And… Will Steve and Sam be happy?” They were his friends and you hoped they approved.
“Steve will be thrilled.” He huffed again. “But Sam’s opinion doesn't matter. Fuck him.”
With a teasing smile, you asked, “Wait, I thought I was supposed to give Sam a talking to. Are you offering for me to fuck him?” You shrieked when he growled and picked you up, placing you over his shoulder. “Bucky!”
“You’re not fucking anyone but me. You’re my girl and I’ll mark you up to prove it if I have to,” he said, keeping a firm hand on you as he carried you away. “But for now, let’s shower before we call in.”
“Yes, Sergeant.”
Bucky didn’t have to prove anything. He had you in a chokehold from the start and always would. And you were proud to finally be his girl.
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Woohoo! You made it! I like to think this reader has bits of Smartie and Mrs. Barnes, and she deserves her man! I know these two will have wonderful times ahead! Love and thanks for reading. ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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stories-i-guess · 3 days ago
Thanks for telling me! A lot of times, I’ll ask questions about stuff like that and the person will answer passive aggressively so I just kinda got used to being more wary of offending people, but I love hearing about personal experiences with things like this! Rather strange that you won’t get any wisdom teeth to fill in the spaces down there, but I suppose that is to be expected, given that it is pretty much just an inability to grow teeth there. Sorry, I’m rambling again… but thanks again for answering the questions!
We ask your questions anonymously so you don’t have to! Submissions are open on the 1st and 15th of the month.
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quickstappen · 2 days ago
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track 006: he's the one i'm leaving you for
A/N: i seriously doubt that i'll be able to mantain this pace of posting, but this one couldn't really wait - enjoy the second part of track 005.
(i am sorry in advance to all the ln4 fans, he does not get better after this)
masterlist | previous next
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USA 2024
paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
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caption 1: you can tell that I'm stuck in London because the weather's so shit
caption 2: if anyone asks, I'm definitely working right now
⟶ landonorris replied to your story!
landonorris ouu a rebel 🫣 riskyyy
paola_sainz not really, since I'm basically my own boss
⟶ oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri Will you still be working in about 3 hours?
paola_sainz does it really matter? you know I'll make time
oscarpiastri I don't want you to ruin your schedule
paola_sainz nah, I should be done in an hour anyway ❤️ just saying, you don't have to ask every time
oscarpiastri I'll call you after debrief ❤️
paola_sainz I'll be waiting bebé
caption 3: all ready for the race! I won't be doing a watch-along this time, but I might have a surprise for you guys later
⟶ landonorris replied to your story!
landonorris ah, will you be cheering me on again? seemed to work like magic the last time 😉
paola_sainz everyone knows I'm a ferrari girl Norris
landonorris oh no, you wound me Lola 😔
paola_sainz I'm sure you'll live
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now streaming: join leave
↳ - - 0:12h - - - -
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↳ - - - - 2:47h - -
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paola's messages:
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paola_sainz posted new instagram stories!
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caption 1: why did noone warn me about the mountains of paperwork
⟶ oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri I'm pretty sure Jason did warn you when you told him what you're planning
paola_sainz well he's a lawyer! I thought he's contractually obligated to say that!
oscarpiastri Do you want me to help? Or just be there to cheer you on?
paola_sainz I mean... A little cheering on wouldn't hurt
oscarpiastri Give me 30 minutes love, I'll call you when I'm at the hotel
⟶ juliandrews replied to your story!
juliandrews do you want me to come over and help? I can at least be useful since you decided to involve me in the whole project
paola_sainz it's fine, Ozzie is gonna stay on a call with me, ramble about some nonsense to get the time to go quicker
juliandrews 🧐
juliandrews yeeah, no more work getting done today then lol
caption 2: working hard or hardly working? couldn't tell you anymore
caption 3: I can't wait for you guys to see what we've been working on these past months 🫢 but first mexico city
⟶ landonorris replied to your story!
landonorris i was wondering if you were going to the gp, i guess we'll see each other soon then 😅
paola's messages:
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paola_sainz and landonorris posted new instagram stories!
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caption 1: race might be starting soon but the work doesn't stop 😭
⟶ landonorris replied to your story!
landonorris i have a few ideas how to take your mind off of it
paola_sainz no thanks
landonorris you need to have fun every once in a while 😉
paola_sainz i have plenty of fun with my partner, thanks for asking
landonorris you know what i meant
caption 2: little sleep-in before family dinner
⟶ juliandrews replied to your story!
juliandrews insufferable the two of you 🙄
⟶ jasonndco replied to your story!
jasonndco Please, tell me you finished the paperwork before your "sleep in".
paola_sainz we did, we did. no need to panic
caption 3: all dolled up, time to face the music
⟶ oscarpiastri replied to your story!
oscarpiastri The fact that you look like THAT and you're leaving me alone in this hotel room is criminal
paola_sainz oh 🫣
paola_sainz okay, think of it like that: in the evening I'm coming back to you
paola_sainz and then you have me all to yourself for the rest of the night
oscarpiastri Well, when you put it like that 🤭
caption 1: i heard you wanted a little something 🤫 this one's courtesy of carlossainz55
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liked by landonorris, iamrebbecad and others
carlossainz55 Lots of things to celebrate today, we did good. Thank you everyone for this amazing family dinner too ❤️
tagged: iamrebbecad, landonorris, paola_sainz
see all comments...
iamrebbecad My winner ❤️
↳ carlossainz55 ❤️
paolando4 omg first the lando story and now this? paolando nation we are thriving rn!
isawthesainz I'd sell both of my kidneys for just one chance 😫
elmatadorf1 this loooks so fancy 😍 i bet it cost a small fortune
cuddlyxricc why would paola want to ruin her relationship with her family, just look at all the splendor in this one post I'd never give it up
STARG3N the tagging makes it look... suspicious
predestined55 it's good that paola finally realised her mistake 💀 she'd never have a better life and her and lando are so good together
maiberides guys let's wait for confirmation before we celebrate 🙏
landonorris The best company as always 🤭
↳ carlossainz55 Why do I have a feeling you're not really talking about me? 💔
L3CH41R okay i'm gonna need that puny brit to take a few steps back before i start throwing hands
eveof1 sjdhjsjs is that lando and paola in the last slide???
landoscarr the way he looks at her in the 3rd slide 🥺
carlando333 oh they are FEEDING the hungry paolando stans
chat_withmani oscar fight back! fight back dammit 🤺🤺
↳ albonohypetrain girl be so fr right now 😭 lando is a much better match for her
DXLEC 🤺 get back you evil motherfucker
L4NDOP1 the real brother's best friend to lover story 😳 I'm so in love with them omg
view more...
paola's messages:
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click here to be added to the hiding in the seams taglist!
taglist: @blushmimi @Ale-522 @joalslibrary @jaydaaasworld @Fall-bambi @vroomvroommuppett @sugarhoneylemons @formulaonebuff @clove0 @rockyhayzkid @glitzyditzy @coriyaps @irishmanwhore @gr3yhues @kikiki04 @nichmeddar @sunfairyy @formulaal @marauders-wife @theseus-jpg @heavy-vettel @anxxiousaries @linaversion @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @d3kstar @camelliaflow3r @delululeclerc @lesliiieeeee 
xxx - couldn't tag you
DISCLAIMER: i do not know anything about this people, this is not real life, this is just something for fun, i do not know anythings about their life or personalities!
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moonstruckme · 13 hours ago
Hiya love, I’ve got a little Carmy idea? If it makes it out the gulag, then brilliant. If not, then at least it’s a nice little thought for us, eh? So I was thinking, maybe it’s set in season one and the reader worked at the bear back when it was the beef. So when Carmy joins, the reader could be on holiday leave or time off to grieve Mikey or something, and when Carmy’s changing everything up Richie can be all ‘big dog won’t like this’ and everyone, even Tina keeps making comments about big dog (the reader). Then! Like a week later or something, the reader comes back to work and she’s all meek and mellow and lovely, and Carmy’s just petrified of her because she’s ’the big dog’ but it turns out everyone just calls her that because she quite literally just has a big dog? Feel absolutely free to ignore the ramble, but if it sparks any creative flow at all, I’d be barking like dog for ya (pun intended this time lol). Hope you’re well, love you lots, have a great day :)
Thank you angel, hope you have a great day too! <3
cw: mention of past death, grief kinda skimmed over but there
Carmy Berzatto x fem!reader ♡ 932 words
Carmy is ready for a fight. He’s had to be ready every day since he started running The Beef, really, a fight always crops up whether he’s ready or not, but today he’s extra prepared. He hears the back door open as he’s doing inventory, and he gets all geared up. 
This is his restaurant now. His shitshow. Carmy can run it into the ground if he wants to—and he doesn’t want to, but he could, that’s basically what was happening anyway, and the point is that now it’s his. No matter what anybody fucking says, no matter how the back of the house rags on him, he’s—
“Oh. Hi.” 
You look surprised to see him. And Carmy thought he was ready for you, but he’s surprised too. You don’t…maybe he’s about to eat his words, but you don’t look like a Big Dog. You’re not what he was expecting. 
“Hi,” he says. 
“You must be Carmy.” He can see your eyes roving his face, looking for Mikey. A lot of people have been doing that lately. 
Carmy never thought they looked much like brothers. Some people said it was in their mouths, though Mikey’s smiled more. Some people said they sounded the exact same, but only when they were angry. Whatever you find, you offer a faint smile at the end. It’s confusing. 
“Yeah,” Carmy says awkwardly. “You’re early.” 
“I like to come in a little early,” you say by way of explanation. Feet taking you to your station as if by muscle memory, your eyes still on Carmy’s. “Used to be the only one. Is there anything I can help with?” 
“Uh, sure. Four cups of cheese.” 
“Oh it, chef.” You salute, heading towards the pantry. 
Carmy eyes you as you walk back to your station and start shredding. He was ready for a fight, but he doesn’t know what he’s getting into now. Is this some kind of fucking psychological warfare? 
All week, it’s been ooh, Big Dog won’t like that. Just wait ‘til Big Dog gets back. You really wanna fuck with Big Dog’s system? Digging your own grave, Jeff. Big Dog, Big Dog, Big Dog. Carmy doesn’t know exactly what he was anticipating, but it wasn’t you. He guesses appearances don’t mean everything. Tina can be fucking terrifying when she wants to, too. 
“So,” you say, shredding calmly, “how are you?” 
Carmy frowns. “Huh?” 
You look up. Something in his expression puts a worried pinch between your brows. “Sorry, was that too personal?” you ask, and though Carmy waits for the mocking tone he doesn’t hear it. “I just mean, with everything with your brother, and then taking on this place, and the total restructuring, it has to be a lot. I’m sure…” You look at him again, biting your tongue. “But, sorry, we don’t even know each other. I don’t mean to pry.” 
“It’s fine,” he finds himself saying. Which, it’s not really, but you keep fucking apologizing. It’s making him squirm. “Yeah, it’s…it’s been a fucking trip.” 
You nod compassionately. “I’m sure. Listen, I know it’s not the same, but Mikey was like family to a lot of us.” It’s something Carmy’s heard a lot recently. Sometimes in accusatory tones, usually making jealousy rise like bile in his throat, but something about the way you say it sounds different. It’s sincere, like an offering. Like company. 
“If there’s anything you need,” you go on, “you can let me know. I mean, it seems like you’ve already got this place running better than it ever did.” You look around the room appreciatively. Admiring the clean kitchen, which used to be spotted everywhere with rust stains and globs of old food. “But I’m always happy to take on more if you’ve got stuff.” 
Carmy looks at you. Your lips are curved in a faint smile, eyes soft and warm. He can’t find one thing about you that looks insincere. 
He’s about to say sure, the s a breath on his tongue, when the door bangs open. 
“Big Dog!” Richie shouts. 
“Hey!” Your grin widens. You allow yourself to be pulled roughly into a side hug. “Good to see you, Rich. How’re you holding up?” 
“Eh.” Richie shrugs, false insouciance twisting his expression. But his eyes are tender for you. “You know.” 
“Yeah.” You bump his shoulder lightly, careful to keep your hands clean. “I get it.” 
“Why Big Dog?” Carmy blurts. 
You and Richie both look at him in confusion. 
“What?” Richie asks. 
“Why…” Carmy shakes his head, baffled. “Why does everyone call you Big Dog?” 
“Oh.” You laugh. It’s maybe the best thing Carmy’s heard all week, which is just fucking disorienting. “You mean because of Gladys?” 
“Gladys?” Carmy echoes. 
“Fucking rottweiler, cousin,” says Richie. “Big fucking dog.” 
“I know what a rottweiler is,” Carmy nearly snaps. His gaze whips to you. It’s a common enough tone for him—Richie always brings it out—but he finds he doesn’t want to raise his voice so much with you around to hear. If you notice, though, you don’t seem to think much of it. “You aren’t a rottweiler.” 
“But she has a rottweiler, man.” Richie slaps him on the shoulder, scoffing. “Get over it. It’s a nickname!” 
“It’s a fucking stupid nickname.” Carmy does snap this time, regretting it when your eyebrows raise. 
He’s about to backtrack—you’re not stupid, obviously you’re not stupid, but Richie is the stupidest motherfucker Carmy ever had the misfortune of meeting—when he sees the smile playing on your lips. 
You shrug, light as anything. “Guess you’ll have to give me a new one then.”
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reiding-writing · 15 hours ago
Congrats on 3k followers!!!! You deserve it, your writing is the best.
For the Rule of Threes event here's my request
1. “Are you okay?”
2. Mutual pining x First meeting
3. S1!spencer (he's tloml)
Thank you and remember to take care of yourself xx
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COFFEE RUN(IN). /spencer reid/
“Are you okay?”
Mutual pining x first meetings.
s1! spencer x gn!reader 1.3k fluff event page. event masterlist. main masterlist.
a/n | i wish love at first sight happened in real life
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You’re only half paying attention as you push open the exit door of the coffee shop, your phone pressed to your ear while you ramble out a string of assurances to your best friend.
“No, I’m fine, I swear. I’ll see you tomorrow alright?” you say, voice rushed. “Yeah, yeah that’s fine, I’ll see you—”
You don’t finish the sentence.
Because as you step through the door, distracted and moving a little too fast, you collide with something—or other, someone.
The impact is jarring but brief. It sends a jolt through your chest and, before you can even process what’s happened, your phone slips from your grip. You watch in slow motion as it flips once, twice, then crashes onto the pavement.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” The voice is rushed and nervous, somehow both soft and frantic. It belongs to the person you just collided with—a tall, gangly man with messy brown hair, wide hazel eyes, and a beige cardigan that looks just a little too big for him.
Without hesitating, he crouches down, hands scrambling for your phone. His long fingers fumble slightly as he picks it up, flipping it over to inspect for damage. His brows furrow with genuine concern.
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice slightly breathless. His eyes snap up to meet yours, and for the first time, you properly see him.
And just like that, the world narrows.
The busy street, the noise of the cars, the faint hum of the coffee shop door closing behind him—it all fades into the background. You’re caught off guard by the softness in his eyes, the nervous tilt of his head, the slight flush rising to his cheeks.
You blink once, then again.
“I—yeah,” you stammer, barely finding your voice. “I’m okay,”
Your words are delayed, and you’re not entirely sure whether you’re reassuring him or yourself. Because your chest feels inexplicably tight, and your pulse has started doing this odd, staccato rhythm that you can’t quite get a handle on.
You reach out to take your phone, and your fingers brush his.
He’s warm.
It’s brief—probably less than a second—but it’s enough for a strange sort of heat to crawl up your arm. The moment stretches just a little too long, both of you holding onto the phone simultaneously, as if neither of you can quite figure out who’s supposed to let go first.
“Oh,” he blurts suddenly, pulling his hand back like he just realised he was holding on too long. “Um, sorry. Again. I, uh—should’ve been watching where I was going. I was—uh, well, I was thinking about something. A lot of things, actually. And I got distracted. But that’s not an excuse. I—I hope your phone’s okay,”
He’s talking too fast. His words run together, tumbling out of his mouth in a nervous rush, and he stumbles over them once or twice. He tucks his hair behind his ear, then immediately seems to regret it and awkwardly shoves his hands into the pockets of his cardigan.
You glance at your phone, flipping it over to check the screen. Miraculously, it’s intact.
“No cracks. You’re off the hook,” you say lightly, trying for humor even though your heart is still thrumming in your chest.
He lets out a soft, breathless chuckle—so soft you might’ve missed it if you weren’t looking right at him.
“Good,” he says, nodding quickly. His lips twitch upward into a small, almost bashful smile, but his eyes don’t quite meet yours. He glances at the pavement, then the door, then his feet, clearly unsure what to do with himself.
You both stand there for a beat too long.
You should leave. You were on your way out, after all. You have somewhere to be.
But you don’t move.
And neither does he.
Instead, he clears his throat softly, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His eyes flick to yours—just for a second—and then back down, like he can’t quite bear the intensity of holding your gaze.
“I, um…” He hesitates, fiddling with the hem of his sleeve. His voice lowers slightly, gentler now. “I—I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
You blink at him, thrown by the softness in his tone.
“No—” you say, your voice coming out a little quieter than you intended. “You didn’t,”
He nods again, almost as if he doesn’t believe you, his eyes scanning your face like he���s double-checking for any sign of discomfort.
And God, he’s pretty. You’re not sure how you didn’t register it immediately, but now that you’re standing this close, you can’t seem to look away. There’s something so earnest about him—the way his eyes soften with concern, the slight furrow of his brow, the subtle tremor in his hands that he keeps trying to hide.
You realise, quite suddenly, that you’ve been staring at him.
You quickly clear your throat, awkwardly shifting your phone from one hand to the other.
“So, um… are you okay?” you ask, scrambling for something to say.
He blinks in surprise, clearly not expecting the question.
“Oh! Yeah,” he says quickly, his hands fluttering slightly as he gestures. “Yeah, I’m fine. I—I mean, I wasn’t the one who dropped my phone. Not that it’s your fault! I mean—it’s obviously not your fault. I—I bumped into you. So technically, it’s my fault. Entirely my fault. So, um… sorry. Again,”
His voice cracks slightly on the last word, and he winces, looking away.
You can’t help it—you smile.
You don’t mean to, but the corners of your mouth tug upward involuntarily. Because there’s something so painfully endearing about the way he’s standing there, clearly flustered and unsure what to do with his hands.
He notices your smile, and his eyes widen slightly. He blinks once, twice, like he’s not sure if he’s imagining it.
And for a brief, fleeting moment, you swear you see his lips quirk upward in the faintest, shyest of smiles.
But then he glances down again, scuffing his shoe against the pavement.
“I—uh—I should probably, um, let you go,” he stammers. His voice is barely above a murmur now, almost regretful. He gestures awkwardly toward the coffee shop. “I—I was just gonna grab a coffee. But, um, you’re probably busy. And I—I’ve already taken up too much of your time,”
You should leave.
But you still don’t.
Instead, you grip your phone a little tighter and take a tiny step forward.
“Actually,” you say softly, and your voice feels strangely brave, “I’m not— I don’t have anywhere to be,”
You watch as his eyes snap back to yours, wide with disbelief. For a second, he looks almost startled, like he can’t quite process what you just said.
“You—you don’t?” he asks, blinking quickly. His voice cracks slightly again, and his cheeks go pink.
You smile, softer this time.
“Nope,” you say, and your voice is steadier now. “If… you don’t mind the company,”
His lips part slightly, and for a moment, he just stands there, blinking at you, clearly at a loss for words.
Then—slowly—he smiles.
It’s small and a little unsure, but it reaches his eyes, softening them into something almost impossibly warm.
And when he holds the door open for you, his hand trembling just slightly where it rests against the frame, you know with absolute certainty that you’re both already a little bit smitten.
And neither of you mind one bit.
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sweeneydino · 22 hours ago
Hi!! Love all the stuff you have on this blog!! I was wondering about your wrong parent AU, how would this change how the boys grow up, like with more of a motherly presence than their rat dad (though maybe she is just as a “sensei” as splinter…who knows XD) or is this like a time travel situation? AAA sorry im excited about this awesome AU!!!
Anywho, sorry for my ramblings I don’t write asks very often and there is no pressure to answer! Thanks so much for all the cool things you do! Lol I love seeing your stuff on my dash :D
It'd be a lot different! I guess I can list a few I thought of,,,
So, Rat!Mom.
She’s still a bit paranoid (how can you not be with the Shredder actively trying to find out what happened to you, where you are, and if you're actually dead), but shes more focused on trying to give her kids as normal of a life as she can and definitely not hiding all her stress underneath endless piles of work.
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Mikey plays alot of games and is more adept at cooking, Raph's painting more often and always trying to help his mom with cleaning(yes, hes a mama's boy), Donnie is creating and creating and always wanting to go bigger, and Leo and Karai(yes, Karai :]) play fight alot(so many wars...) when they aren’t watching Space Heroes 24/7 or trying to explore outside the home.
Then, maybe during one of her dumpster dives, she finds some convenient "Chris Bradford" training tapes that they start to gain an interest in ninjutsu. She's not too pleased with it, but since they enjoy it, she tries to be more open to it(she conflicted)
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They do go out and about earlier than Canon(with a curfew), meet April earlier too(her and her dad are a little different), and Karai and April become BFFS. (Unless...)
The kids still call her sensei or variations of mom, which ones? Probably all depending on what they did.
Now, fighting bad guys? She did not raise them for that /hj
In reality, when she sees her kids scratched up from fights topside, they are usually pretty quick to inform her what happened(except for two). They get carefully patched up, and scolded before being told to rest for a while(grounded). Which is definitely not so she can keep an eye on them.
And she is certainly not stressed whatsoever👍
“She was as beautiful as she was kind, and as kind as she was intelligent”
- Splinter
…probably meaning emotional intelligence, or somethin but i think itd be fun if she was just…. Fred.
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As in Traps galore, I mean imagine it-
You're Chris Bradford, greatest actor (and martial artist ig) of all time, and your chasing what you presume to be your bosses stubborn former lover,(who you kind of hate ngl) and then you think you have her cornered, just for the ground to cave in beneath you cause whoops, she boobytrapped the whole place.
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She can still be emotionally intelligent too, but the traps are staying.
Other than the traps, I do think Rat! Shen will have some other types of self-defense training during the time she was in hiding. Girl is not risking shit.
When it comes to VS. Shredder bits, she'd definitely use everything she can to her advantage, especially her rat abilities. Climbing, gnawing, scratching, hissing; just get the fuck away from her and her kids.
There’s no planned ships atm (other than Shen x Yoshi, but that's the point- hes ded anyway)
Lastly, Im thinking of probably at least three separate versions or “alternate timelines” for the WP au, or two divergents of the wp au canon lol. One where the original turts find Shen and her turts pre-adventure, one post-adventure and/or during the shredder kidnap arc(i will not elaborate) and the least timefuckery timeline where Rat mom and her babies gotta march on without future “assistance” 🤷 im sure they’ll be fine(they willllll)
Thank you all for being interested in this ^ ^ "
I actually don't have much planned for this since it was just another random idea(you can probably tell hdgdhdg), but I'm always happy to see everyone's ideas! It helps a lot with my scattered-brain--
And one FINAL, final thing
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Im not sorry.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 3 days ago
congrats on your 8k celebration!! i’d like to request❣️21. “Am I your lockscreen?" "You weren't supposed to see that." with the recruiter :) thank you in advance!!
“Am I your lockscreen?”
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NOT MY GIF, credits to whoever made it, div by @/aquazero
A/N: THANK YIU sm babe <3
part of my 8k celebration, come join !
❣️- send me a fluffy prompt from this prompt list and I’ll write sum about it (:
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Your eyes fluttered open, looking at the empty spot in the bed. You had a frown on your face, but that disappeared as soon as the aroma of coffee beans hit you.
Your frown now replaced with a smile, you walked out and into the kitchen, met with the sight of your husband in nothing but his sweatpants hanging low over his hips. You stretched as you walked over, sitting on top of the marble counter next to him.
“Good morning.” He looked at you, before craning his head up so that his lips could reach yours. You smiled against his lips, before giving him another peck.
“Morning.” You replied quietly, watching him pour out the coffee into two mugs, making yours just the way he knew you liked it, and leaving his black, the way he liked it.
He handed you your cup, you smiling at him as you took it. He leaned against the counter, standing next to you, both of you in content silence as you both sipped your coffees. That silence, however, was not long lasting, because just like it did every morning, his phone rang, his screen lighting up.
He let out a sigh, picking it up, but before he answered the call, you caught notice of something.
The corner of your lips curved up into a smirk when you caught a glimpse of it, the familiar picture that he had on his phone lockscreen, was of you.
Not of you and him, just you.
It was a picture of you smiling with a bundle of flowers in your hand, flowers that he had gotten you.
He rambled on the phone, while you sat there with a smile on your face, waiting. God, he was adorable.
“It’s my day off-“ he argued, you raising your eyebrows at him.
“Okay, okay.” He murmured moments later. “I’ll be there.”
He sighed as he put the phone down on the counter again, downing the rest of his coffee before talking.
“They’re asking for me at work, again.”
“Isn’t it your day off?” You said with a pout, him huffing and nodding.
“They don’t care. They never do.” He murmured the last part to himself, before walking off into the bedroom, quickly changing into a suit.
He went up to you, giving you a kiss on the lips as he buttoned his shirt.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. Not your fault. But… just one more thing.”
“Hm?” He hummed, looking up at you.
“Do you have me as your lockscreen?”
His breath hitched and his hands paused.
“Uhm- y-yes?” He stuttered out, mentally facepalming himself for it. “I’m sorry. Do you not want me to?”
You let out a giggle at his embarrassment. “No, no, I do. It’s cute. I just didn’t expect it.”
“Well, you weren’t even supposed to see it.”
“It’s cute.” You reassured, leaning down to give him one more kiss. “Have a good day, yeah?”
“You too, my love.” He told you, before grabbing his briefcase and walking out the door, not before giving you a wave as he left, to which you giggled at.
You shook your head to yourself, small smile on your lips.
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gam3r-girli3 · 1 day ago
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Teaching Arthur Morgan how to dance had not been one of your expections for the night.
You bite your lip to hold back a laugh as Arthur stumbles once again, letting out a frustrated growl.
It was the night of Sean Macguire's boisterous return to camp and, of course, there'd been a party thrown for the occassion.
Everyone was more than happy to let loose and enjoy themselves after a hellish few weeks. At one point Dutch had broken out the gramaphone and swept Molly into his arms for a dance, the couple smiling and flirting.
Watching them together filled your heart with such longing that you'd looked around for someone to dance with - eyes landing on Arthur, stood off to the side with Reverand Swanson, taking a long drink from his bottle and trying to ignore the other man's drunken rambling.
When you walked up to him and asked him to dance, the look on his face was almost comical. He'd stuttered and tried to find a polite way to turn you down, but you weren't taking no for an answer, grabbing his hands and dragging him out to dance with you.
Only, you hadn't realised the poor man didn't have a clue how to dance.
He'd tripped and stumbled over his own feet so many times you wondered how he hadn't fallen flat on his back yet. It was like watching a baby deer learn how to walk, their legs wobbling with uneasiness as they tried to find their balance.
"Here, why don't you let me lead for a few minutes?" You offer kindly, wanting to help.
Begrudgingly, Arthur nods and allows you to take the lead. One of his hands was on your waist, the other intertwined with your own. His palm was clammy on yours, evidence of his nerves at failing so spectacularly in front of you.
You gently guide him, taking slow, measured steps so he can follow, letting him take his time and learn the pattern.
Fortunately, he seems to get the hang of things, and faster than you'd expected.
Suddenly, he dips you low, earning a squeal of shock from you at the sudden movement. He grins down at you, smug and proud of himself for catching you off guard.
You're breathless as you look up at him, and not just because of the surprise. It was no secret you'd always found Arthur Morgan attractive, with his manly, rugged appearance and his breathtaking blue eyes. The time you'd caught him sitting under the shade of a tree, scribbling away into his journal, sketching the things he'd seen on his travels only added to your endearment of him.
His grin slowly fades as he realises how close your faces are, his gaze flickering down to your parted mouth, pupils dilating with unspoken desire.
Electricity crackles between the teo of you, the air alive and humming with static. Your heart is hammering against your chest, pounding so loud you're convinced he can hear it.
For a few seconds, neither of you move - until a drunken Sean bumps into Arthur on his way to find Karen, jarring the both of you out of the moment.
"Watch it," Arthur snarls, glaring at him.
The Irishman looks back and raises his hands in surrender, a cheeky, lopsided grin on his lips. "Sorry, Morgan, didn't see ya there. Oh, and Miss Y/N, lookin' lovely as always."
You force a smile, cursing him in your mind. "Thank you, Mr Macguire. Good to have you back."
With one last drunken smile and wave, Sean turns and staggers away, completely unaware of his untimely interruption or the simmering tension between the two of you.
Awkward silence falls over you until you clear your throat, searching for the words to say. "Well ... thank you for dancing with me, Arthur."
Arthur chuckles, almost bashful. "And thank you for teaching me how to, Y/N. I look forward to our next dance."
• • • • • • • •| ⊱✿⊰ |• • • • • • • • •
note: requested ♡ hope you enjoyed, anon! made it a drabble because it turned out shorter than I'd expected
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satocidal · 2 days ago
Hi Rome! New follower here, and I love the way you write Geto ❤️ He doesn't get the love he deserves!!
Saw your requests were open, and I had an idea for headcanons: what kind of music do you think the JJK guys would be into (Nanami, Suguru, Satoru and Toji in particular) ?
𓂂 ˚ ☆ ꙳ *.What Sort of Music They Listen to...?
a/n: firstly, hi baby<333 🙈thank you for saying that and secondly, sorry for taking so long with this - school stuff just had my head</3 and lastly, this is purely based on MY music taste (unfortunately) so i mean, if you don't know some of this artists or expected different ones then<///3(i also shift a lot from hindi to english music so japanese music was anyways a no-go lol)
also majot sorry for no Toji (he just stumped me so bad)
warnings: not proof-read, just rambling
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Satoru Gojo:
Satoru i think, does a little bit of everything - nor is he shy to try new music. He's the kind of guy who recognises every song that plays - wherever it be, radio, malls, restaurants, he een knows the elevator music so...yes. At the same time, i think he'd also just...put everything in his 'liked' playlist💀and call it a day. In particular i feel Satoru is Kendrick guy? and also Doechii? but when in feels, i think he also pulls out some Sufjan Stevens and Finneas as well lmao (i think teen! Satoru would also have Cavetown and Arctic Monkeys in his playlists) although i don't think he'd play their songs on his head but unironically knows every lyric and bobs his head to all hot girl music (nikki and britney and megan, the entire bunch lol) Definitely an ABBA guy<3
Suguru Geto:
As i've stated many times on my blog lmao, Suguru would probably be a Hozier and Lord Huron guy - it's the arsonist vibe that makes me say this? and the slight rebellion but that's just me. A huge 70s-90s sucker actually, and Nirvana - he is the guy who won't ask you to name 5 songs but looks at you and judges you with the assumption that you don't. Teen Suguru would get down to fight you if you said you were a bigger MCR fan. I think he also is a vibe to Florence and the machine or Mitski (just again, his vibe - idk if he'd listen or whatever) I think Suguru would fw indie bands too - GROUPLOVE and Peach pit being major artists there, maybe some drifting Yot Club or Cleffy too Also again, a Kendrick guy - i just think Suguru is the kind who enjoys the lyricism that goes in the art yk? be it whatever genre. Unironically began to listen to Mother Mother after leaving and just...never...stopped. He is the kind to have 50+ playlists (listen to the same 5 on repeat though) i also think he majorly judges lana listeners
Kento Nanami:
Hmmmmmmm, i feel like - i don't want to stereotype - but he stays away from the new music? idk how to explain (hates ice spice if you catch my drift), he definitely doesn't mind rap music but again, wouldn't play it on his own. As it is a fanon thing anyways that Kento was emo so i mean, you've got MCR (you know he never refused to jam to Teen Spirits with Suguru<3) - fall out boy, maybe paramore? on his playlist. but i do believe older him would have shifted to elvis maybe? not a major jazz guy but enough to prove a point lol. Teen Kento would in fact ask you to name 5 name songs and would be proud of listening to under-rated artists (and roll his eyes when Satoru would do the same but, for some overly-hyped artist of the time). I think Nanami isn't huge on music anyways though - i do see Satoru listening to music 24/7 (don't ask why but smn to do with his infinity) and Suguru too plays it a decent amount but for Nanami, his music app opens 2 times a week lmao <3
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All of this work is entirely original and my own—please refrain from copying or reposting.
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❥ ATEEZ x fem reader
Chapter One !
Preparing to be an idol isn't easy, but you didn't expect it to be. Endless hours of practice, unlimited amounts of pressure from every eye on you, stereotypes to fit yourself into, all of that was expected. What was not expected, however, is the co-workers you can't seem to shake.
➽-❥in this chapter(teaser): Your sunbaenim is nice. Really nice... and a bit weird.
➯a/n: yo my brain went sicko mode writing this i have over 12k words done and they haven't even KISSED YET when i say it's slow it's like a fucking glacier dawg 😭
♫ "The code is L-O-V-E!" ♫
♡'・ᴗ・'♡genre: SLOW burn yandere, dashes of humor
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: none for teaser
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⋆.ೃ:・달려가 CRUSH ON YOU𐦍.ೃ࿔*:・
     "Ah, it's the least I could do, I know the feeling." He sighs as he presses the button, looking over his shoulder at you as the doors close. "You think you'll fit a cute concept?"
     "Oh, yes," you nod at lightning speed, "a lot of our members are light on their feet and good with facial expressions that will go well with that. Our second youngest, Namseon, has an adorable gummy smile that will be just perfect. Oh- my Unnies both have insane charisma, it's like they were born for the stage! And you met Sunji, she's a ball of sunshine. I think they'll do well."
    He waits, gesturing for you to continue.
    "Sorry, I rambled a bit! I'm done," you scratch the back of your neck and push past as the doors open, "thanks again-"
     "What about you?" He asks before you can get away, gently laying a hand on your shoulder to stop you just outside of the elevator. "You said 'they'll' do good, but what about you?"
    "Uh? Me?" You look down, clearly caught off guard as he asks about how you'll do, "I dunno, actually. I never thought about what concept I could fit..."
    As if he senses your anxiety (because he does, it's a bit hard to miss), he smiles reassuringly down at you, "don't worry, I think you'll fit your group's concept just fine. You have that charm, y'know?"
"Charm?" You peek to his hand, still resting on your shoulder; and he quickly removes it when you do.
"Mhm! Something about you that's just... cute!" He feels a heat creeping up on his cheeks, and you see it. When he notices your eyes lingering, he starts walking away, quickly headed to their practice room. "Aisssh, Mingi was right, we need to fix the air conditioning in the hall. Don't worry, you'll be perfect!"
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witless-winion1 · 1 day ago
Do you think when Ody comes back, he is so immensely touch starved, like he is constantly walking around the palace fully wrapped around his family, climbing them, just fully around the palace staying as close as possible to them, asking Telecommunications to move back into the room w/ his wife and him so he can hold them both oh so tight so he can believe in his touch that they aren't going to be ripped from his arms, and he's back on a lil raft, alone, maybe even prays to hope like Hermes and Athena come over more often so he can hug them in thanks and like w/ how many friends lost, drags them into a cuddle pile on a surface of some sort (floor? Bed? IDK) so he can trust he isn't alone and those who helped him and those he loves are still there, passing out, and all they can hear is screams (begging for them to not leave please pleASE PLEASE) (I'm coming back for more once I have more ideas, but yeah)
why the hell did this take me so long to answer. Why have I been letting one of my precious few asks rot in the box. I am so sorry my fren, my brain saw the wall of text and activated both the EXCITEMENT and OVERWHELM buttons at the same time. But anyway. Yes.
Odysseus Absolutely clings to Penelope every chance he gets (and she does the same). Remember that comic with his empty throne while he just snuggles up with Penelope on her lap on her throne? I’m a big supporter of that. It’s canon.
He’s a bit more nervous about touching Telemachus, because he doesn’t know his son’s boundaries as well as he knows Penelope’s, but he learns pretty quickly that while is son is mostly unused to constant physical affection, he is very open to it.
In my mind, Telemachus doesn’t sleep with his parents unless it was a bad night for one of them (Tele and Pen suitor trauma, Ody…everything trauma), but they do frequently have cuddle piles in the evening, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they constantly fell asleep like that.
Also now that I’m considering it, I do think Telemachus moved his bedroom to directly down the hall from Penelope when he was a teenager to protect her, just in case. So he stays close even on regular nights. Though he does have to invest in earplugs.
Also, I LOVE the idea of him summoning Hermes and Athena purely to spend time with them.
When he prays to Athena, she’s there in a snap, and is initially rather confused. She’s not very used to physical affection or ‘cuddles’ (a term she does not use), but she finds she enjoys it more in her owl form. Although she refuses to participate in the “physical closeness sessions” when Hermes is there after the first time. She didn’t want him spilling to the rest of Olympus about how, in a sleepier owl form, she started arranging the blankets and pillows of the wedding bed into a nest around the edges of the bed. You know, to keep the chick (Telemachus) from falling off.
Hermes just laughs and dives into the bed, remarking that it’s somehow almost as soft as the ones on Mount Olympus! and playfully sits on Telemachus’ legs and says stuff to get Penelope to whack him with a pillow (or olive tree branch, depending on how bad it was). He also occasionally offers them moly. Odysseus always declines, but Penelope and Telemachus both tried it once out of curiosity.
Penelope then sat down and weaved a tapestry (magnificent enough to make Athena notice and ask about it later, leading to a very fun and intelligent conversation). She then fell asleep (passed out) at the loom when it was done. Odysseus carried her to bed, and she had no recollection of the night before or of weaving the tapestry.
When Telemachus tried moly, he just started mumbling about how he missed Argos. And then he stood up and started rambling about the legends Penelope had told him about Odysseus when he was a young boy. Odysseus nearly cries from both sentimentality and laughter at his son’s clumsy recollections.
But after a while, after some speculation with an old healer in the palace, Odysseus tried microdosing (am I using that word right?) moly in hope of helping with his nightmares, because of every night’s a repeat of “captain”, “but we’ll die”, “this life is amazing,” “waiting,” “get in the water,” “thunder bringer”, etc. He finds his dreams to be more chaotic, but less intense and traumatizing…? Like fever dreams? He decides to only use it on the worst nights, because he’d rather not see Polites and Eurylochus dressed up in winion and lotus-themed drag every night.
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coolwyous · 1 day ago
What made you make the decision of dani getting injured and not being able to play hockey anymore?
Like what was your thought process, and what do you think that added to dani character?
te quiero spoilers ahead!
i always knew one of the trio was going to get injured, and when i decided that lara wasn't interested in going pro, that left megan and daniela with dreams of going professional after college. i actually originally planned for megan to be the one who had to stop playing (PUPPY MEGAN STANS DONT HURT ME) but when i started writing y/n to keep unpeeling the layers of dani being stuck in her own destructive cycle, i think i realized that playing hockey was both driving dani as much as it was enabling her. i wanted something that would have forced her to slow down but also force everyone around her to realize what y/n already knew, which was that dani was so much more complex than being just the "irresponsible arrogant captain." i also think i specifically made sure she didn't get injured on the ice bc i like to think it was like a "karma catching up" moment of her being so impulsive and even though it sucks i do think it'll teach her to fight smarter in the future.... so that was my thought process!
as for what it added to dani, i think it absolutely broke dani's heart even if she was trying to put on a brave front bc obv she loved the sport w her whole entire being, but i also think it forced her to have a clean break from this "role" she was playing and basically have to look in the mirror and decide what she wanted to do/be at her core besides just the fuckboy idiot jock. i don't think she ever denied a single accusation or claimed to be anyone else, bc she knew she made stupid irresponsible decisions that would result in being judged, but i feel like she allowed that bc part of her thought she deserved all the judgement? and her development w y/n believing in her + her injury opening up her future i think really sets her up for a future where she is still going to be aggressive and passionate, but now she gets to pick how she channels that energy instead of letting people tell her who and how she is. coaching is going to be healthier for her in the long run and she gets to decide from scratch who she is without being compared to any expectations, and she gets to use all her strengths with a new sense of confidence and self-determination!
sorry for rambling this is just such an exciting question to get, dani's storyline was in my head since i started writing ditto so it's just so much fun to get to unpack a little bit of it! <333 thank you so much for asking!!
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alpali · 2 hours ago
Atsumu stands in the convenience store with pursed lips. Osamu had refused to cook for him so here he is, deciding on what he’s supposed to snack on. He scratches his head in thought.
“That damn jerk.” He mumbles under his breath.
He hears the faint chime of the doors, as they open and close. Then he’s back to concentrating. That is until a girl wraps their arms around his neck. His eyes going wide, as he stumbles a bit.
“What the hell-”
“Baby there you are!” You say a little loud, a waver in your voice.
“Please help me.” You whisper and his ears perk up.
He’s a little weirded out but he can sense the tension in your body. As if on cue a rather sketchy man turns the corner of the isle, staring you down.
His eyes narrow at the man, his arm now circling around your waist. He keeps you tight against him. The man inches a little closer, as if he’s glancing at the products. Atsumu clicks his tongue.
“Ya got a problem?” He calls out to the man.
The man glances at up at him. Atsumu towers over him with ease. His unwavering glare and cold demeanor making the man step back. He gently guides you behind him.
“I suggest ya get yer sorry ass outta here. Before I make ya.” He smiles but the man knows better than to believe Atsumu is fucking around.
So with a scoff the man is leaving without another word or glance. You sigh loudly, a breath you hadn’t known you were holding in.
“I’m so sorry!” You shriek, bowing immediately. Atsumu is surprised, quickly trying to get you stop.
“S’fine really.” Atsumu hovers over you, wavering his hands like a mad man.
“Maybe next time be more careful. Don’t go trustin’ people like that.” He lightly scolds and you nod.
“Yer lucky ya got stuck with me though.” He laughs and you feel at ease.
“Please, let me treat you.” You say with a timid smile on your face.
He’s grins at your face. Only then does he really take you in. You’re beautiful and you smelt good too.
“Nah. S’alright.” He smiles, but you’re persistent.
Atsumu blinks and well damn it he can’t say no when you have a pretty face and sweet voice like that. Yet at the last second he pays for the things as you were reaching for your wallet.
You both walk out with different expressions. You’re wearing a pout and he’s staring down at you with a grin. You both stand outside awkwardly for a bit until you ask him a question.
“Sorry but do you know where the station is?”
He blinks.
“Want me to walk ya there?”
“N-No! You’ve already helped me so much.” You laugh nervously and he shakes his head.
“Nuh uh I’m walking ya.” He begins to walk.
“H-Hey!” You yell, falling into step with him. He smiles down at you as you pout.
“Do ya always pout like that?”
“No.” You grumble and he laughs.
You guys make small talk as he walks you to the station, making sure you’re close to him but on the inside of the sidewalk. He introduces himself and you introduce yourself as well.
“Pretty name.” He comments and you flush.
“Thanks.” You mess with your hands and he smiles.
When the station comes into view, he pouts. He didn’t think he’d be this let down at you having to go.
But just letting you go…felt so wrong to him. His heart panged in his chest.
“Well this is my stop.” You smile but it doesn’t reach your eyes.
“Right.” He mumbles.
“Thank you Atsumu, you’re very kind.”
“Don’t sweat it.” He waves his hand.
It’s funny.
Two complete strangers, bidding goodbye as if you’d see eachother the next day and the day after that.
A red thread wraps itself around the both of your hearts. And as you both are a distance away.
It tugs.
Causing you both to lock eyes, for what seems to be the last time.
You send him a warming smile and his eyes soften.
With that you’re gone.
Atsumu is left standing there, the bag in hand. He feels rather empty. He walks the rest of the way home with a complete frown on his face.
The next day he’s walking with Osamu through the halls, on their way to volleyball practice. As Atsumu rambles about his sets, his words get caught up in his throat.
And there’s that tug again.
He stops in his tracks.
His eyes scanning everywhere in the hallway. When he looks behind him he finds you there, as if time has stopped.
You both mirror eachother, but Atsumu is quicker.
His eyes sparkle, his smile growing.
And that red thread finally ties its knot.
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collegetennisoriginstory · 20 hours ago
hi! this ask might get a bit rambly so I apologize in advance lol I just wanted to tell you that this if is so comforting to me, and it has gotten me through many a rough patch. I know you probably get this all the time but please keep up the great work, (with breaks and hydration, of course :]) and yeah. I'm pretty shy about sending asks like this, but I just want you to know how special all of this is!! anyway sorry foe all the ramble but I was inspired because the release date is on my birthday!! so yeah, take care :)
(and side note: rayyan <3)
Thank you thank you, these messages mean a lot to me, and happy birthday in advance!! I'm so glad to hear CT:OS made you feel a little better and I hope it may continue to bring a little joy and comfort 😊
P.s. it just occurred to me that Rayyan (and the rest of the ctos blorbos) are technically 3 years old at this point!
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artsynoova · 1 day ago
Ben and Cassy
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss
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I tried so so hard to write something for this, but I just couldn´t finished it no matter how much I tried! So I´m gonna post it with the little part I did write! Thanks for the ask Beth!
"Well congratulations Drosselmeyer!" The Nutcracker thought to himself "You ruined it!"
Ever since they became a couple,Casandra was the one to initiate every interaction. Every touch, every hug, every kiss, she was always the one who took the first step
It wasn´t without reason,he reasoned, after all.Even tough he wanted to take the lead from time to time, he couldn´t feel a thing,he didn´t have a sense of his strength, and he was afraid that any wrong move, even if small, could cause her harm
And he was right!
They were having a wonderful moment,the weather was nice, or at least that was Casandra claimed, so they had decided to rest from their journey for a small moment.
They founded a nice spot under a tree.
Casandra prepared a small but nice meal for herself. She talked so happily about how her father taught her the receipt, going into detail about every little factor that goes into it, from where you get the ingredients, to describing each of the smells, her attempted to include him in the feast. She appeared as she was glowing as she talk
Dear heavens, How could he not fall in love with her when she was so wonderful? He couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to give her the same amount of love she gave him
He wanted to give her a small kiss on her check, or at least his best attempt of one. He took a bit of impulse, he he calculated that it would befast enough to surprise but not to hurt her. It would be a bit awkward, but she would appreciate his attempt
What he didn't add to his calculation, was that his lovely partner got closer to show him a small shiny pink pebble that she found.
So instead of the romantic moment he planned, he ended up crashing right into Casandra's face "Oh dear seasons! Casandra!" The nutcracker rushed to his partner´s side, as the witch´s was quite disoriented from the hit "I´m so, so sorry!Are you hurt? What A dumb question, I can see you are! I´m so sorry-" Ben´s ramble was interrupted by Casandra laugh, whom was casually rubbing her forehead,leaving the nutcracker completely dumbfounded. Her forehead was red, and yet,there she was, laughing
AAAAAAaand that´s it! Maybe later I´ll finish it!
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sunshine-rudberg · 3 days ago
Omg! Idk whether i should ask about Love is blind/reality tv or childhood friends meeting again. So please tell me about one of them!! or both if you so wish
Thanks for sending in an ask! I can definitely tell you about both, even though they're just concepts at this point.
Love is blind/reality TV
I've had this idea in the back of my mind for like two years now. I've only seen the first season of the US version so my memory of it is a bit blurry. But Wilmon would definitely fall in love with each other just by talking through a wall, because obviously. And like, Wille wouldn't believe his luck the first time he sees Simon, because obviously. And then just them meeting each other's family, Linda being very welcoming and Kristina very not impressed. And of course they'd get married at the end. (and stay married forever). I'd have to watch another season of the show to build the story, but there's a Swedish version now so that could be fun!
Childhood friends meeting again
This one is the latest idea my brain has come up with instead of thinking about the end of Love too big for a love song lol. Basically, Wille and Simon knew each other and were best friends when they were younger, like preschool/primary school but then one of them moved away. And they meet again years later, maybe at university, and Wille thinks Simon looks familiar (without knowing his name yet) and the realisation eventually hits him. Cue to Erik teasing Wille about being reunited with his first crush and Wille denying he was obsessed with Simon back then, insisting they were just best friends. Until he realises he very much had a crush on Simon then and he very much has one now too.
Sorry this got kinda long, I just love rambling about any version of Wilmon haha
Wanna know more about my current WIPs?
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