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asktheisle · 11 days ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Kris @ Nat)
“Hey another human at the event, neat. What brings you out here?”
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Well, I should say I'm not here for just any one thing. I haven't really been out on my own for a little bit, and I heard stories about Faraway from a family member-so this was a chance to check it out.
I've also only ever heard of lantern festivals but never had a chance to look into them, so I thought it would be fun to do so! There's quite a lot to do around here it seems, I might try a little bit of the one game they have here... jianzi I think? It doesn't look too hard to learn.
[He then directs his attention to Kris in particular, not without smiling and acknowledging Lulu first.]
I'm pretty surprised to see another human. These kind of remote islands tend to attract a lot of pokemon, and rare ones at that. Bit of a hideaway you could say.
(( @hoodies-monster-ranch @ask-pokecats ))
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crewel-intentions · 2 months ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Bones @ Crewel )
“Wow you’re a cool looking monster, I love your tattoos! My question is have you thought of changing your shape? Making yourself look like other monsters?”
Crewel smiles but his brows furrow, looking a little confused.
"I... Thank you? Calling me a monster sounds a little harsh... But I can't really change my shape anyway. I don't think so, at least-- I'm not a Ditto. Maybe I could sew myself a new plush body, but I'm not sure how I would go about inhabiting it. It sounds like it'd be painful, and I'm not about that. Besides, I like my body the way it is."
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askleaderscrest · 3 months ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Hoopa)
The large Hoopa saw the mischievous little Zoura as they crouched down.
“Little Zoura wondering around, where is little zoura’s parents?”
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???: I don't have a mom. Just Phobetor. He's kinda like my dad. Or my grandpa! And I guess he didn't follow me! He's probably still in Paldea.
???: I also have a sister! You kinda remind me of her!
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shaymincafe · 2 months ago
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Shaymes quickly retreated back a couple steps in alarm. "Oh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't aware. To think you are now the third person I've accidentally disturbed with my presence today. I do not mean to cause so much trouble."
He tilted his head a bit at the Arceus remark. "Ah, I do not serve an Arceus, for there is none to serve in my world. I came of my own accord and thus the fault lies with me alone."
"If holy creatures such as myself can disturb your glamour, I would warn you to be careful if you approach the Magi. They are of a similar aspect to myself and thus may also disrupt you," Shaymes offered as a word of warning.
Shaymes flicked his ears a bit at Bones's response, pausing for a moment to ponder it. "I shan't remain here overlong, to not disturb you or the other guests further. However, I will say, your destiny is your own to make. Tradition or not, you are allowed to forge your own path. My brother bucked his own role to pursue his dreams. It is at least worth considering your doing the same, should you desire to."
[Ask Hints Have Been Updated]
(@ShayminCafe) Shaymes bowed before Bones. "Blessings be upon you and your kin!" he said. "Your region of Ithaca sounds quite fascinating, especially that veritable pantheon you mentioned earlier. Are you set to ascend to the throne of your own empire someday?"
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“Look, your Arceus or whatever needs to know that if he sends angels he might cause my glamour to go off? I don’t wanna cover my eyes like my mom does-“
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“Anyways, I don’t really have much of a choice. I was born out of love, so I guess I have to become the next King of Love. I don’t wanna but it’s tradition.”
It seems angelic/god like pokemon can see bones as what they really are.
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ask-guardian-gallade · 3 months ago
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Vinny: This isn't the first time he got himself into this kind of predicament. I saw him got shocked, burned, crushed, slashed and well... frozen but he always comes back...he has to...
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Vinny: The hot springs really did work!
@askatimegod @hoodies-monster-ranch
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nakamanokizuna · 7 months ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Japhiel @ Taichi)
“I’m sorry to ask but are you humon? I’ve never seen a humon, you’re a silly looking guy.”
Taiki blinks once, twice, then thrice at the Digimon that towered over him- though not like he wasn't used to that prospect.
After all, he did fight beside all of his friends, that more of than not, evolved or fused into forms that are much larger than Japhiel's stature.
"Yeah, im a human!"
He smiled, gently correcting the Cherubimon's pronunciation of the word.
"And you must be a Digimon right?"
The boy asks in return, even though it was a no brainer with how he could hear the larger Digimon's melody- lest he somehow has another secret ability to hear voices or sounds from creatures besides Digimon he's completely unaware of.
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life-of-kalos · 3 months ago
Decending from the cloud covered skies, ??? Finally lands back on the earth. Though the ground was now covered in... snow? Yes, snow. That is what it was called. He was relieved that he still knew simple things like this.
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His gaze fell upon a large structure. It was familiar yet unknown, though he was sure he'd been here before. If his senses were correct, there was a hot spring nearby. However, he was not expecting there to be so many other occupants.
"It would seem there is an event in progress.. How unlucky."
In his arms, the woman groaned, pulling herself in closer to his body heat. She ran a fever but was still shivering from the cold. He, too, felt chilled, but perhaps it was his garments that were at fault here.
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It became apparent that even if he disliked the idea of joining the crowd, it would be necessary to reach his destination.
Faun and ??? Have joined the event!
Cameos: @ask-the-royal-absol @ask-guardian-gallade @hoodies-monster-ranch @asksableye
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distortionmewtwo · 7 months ago
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Giratina's human form! Designed by the lovely @hoodies-monster-ranch , who also designed the forms for Dialga and Palkia- and I am very excited to share them with yall :3c I'll be adding this and Invert to the pinned post!
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ask-the-golden-god · 1 month ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Bones @ Goomy)
“Oh you’re a little goo guy, do you have a little mouse friend?”
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Slime Boi: Then again, mew is more like a cat. Hmm. Mouse-cat? Maybe I should go and ask them? I dunno. Mew's definitely my friend though. We go way back. They've got those vibes that I love.
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divine--theatre · 2 months ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Bones @ Diable)
“Oh? Is your body a puppet for the insects to control? Are you the insects? Are they all your friends or parasites?”
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Diable stares down at the Meowth. They clearly looked at Bones and acknowledged the question, but then they seemed to look away as if they couldn't figure out where the sound came from, nor what it said at all.
Diable: "Must've been the wind..."
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left-side-up · 5 months ago
hermittober day 4: woods
It's cold, and for once, it's not because Pearl is sitting perfectly still in a pile of powdered snow. No, it's a different kind of cold right now. She's somewhere in the depths of the woods, trying to find her way back to her tower whilst fending off an army of skeletons and keeping track of Tilly, who seems rather prone to wandering today. It's not snowing, but Pearl lost her hoodie somewhere on the way here, and the wind is biting at her bare skin.
"Tilly darling, stay with me," she calls as she shields herself from a few more arrows. She's already been hit a few times. It's getting a bit hard to keep going, but she has no allies here. She has no choice but to keep going.
(She could call any of her friends, she knows that. These games are just for fun. If anyone knew she was truly lonely, they'd come to her aid right away. But Scott and Cleo and Ren's biting words had felt a bit too real, and she doesn't feel like sorting that out right now.)
Tilly runs a few feet ahead of her, stopping every once in a while to look back. Pearl smiles. At least she has someone looking out for her.
She keeps on running. The pines are starting to grow a little sparser. She hadn't wanted to leave the forest, but she supposes if she finds an open area she can build a quick dirt shack to hide in until daybreak. She just has to go a little further.
The arrow in her shoulder screams at her in protest as she raises her shield again. The gash in her leg aches with every step. Her eyesight blurs, though whether it's from adrenaline or blood loss, she can't tell.
"Tilly?" she shouts. The dog is no longer in sight, and she doesn't come back after Pearl calls again. Panic rises in her chest.
Her breaths grow shorter. She can see torchlight on the horizon, she's almost there, where's Tilly-
Her panic clouds her judgement. Something catches her foot- a tree root she could've easily avoided- and she's left vulnerable on the ground.
The monsters that were chasing her grow closer, and she closes her eyes. Scott's gonna be upset if she loses another life, but Pearl is too tired to care anymore. Everyone has been avoiding her like a red name already. She'll deal with the real thing when she wakes up.
Everything fades away, bit by bit. The sound of rattling bones, the feelings of pain and cold and loneliness, until...
Until a wet nose nudges her cheek.
Pearl grunts and opens her eyes a crack. Tilly is there, whining with concern.
"Hey baby," she says, though it comes out raspy. Her senses slowly return. Where there was once the sound of bowstrings, there are now two panicked voices clambering on top of each other. Her wounds hurt a lot more than they did earlier. The forest is illuminated now, though from where she's lying she can't see the source of the light.
Pearl tries to push herself up, but she ends up falling back down in a matter of seconds. The voices stop, and suddenly someone is there, picking her up, supporting her.
"Don't try to walk, yeah? You've got some nasty wounds."
Bright yellow wings encircle her as she's pulled into her little brother's lap. As soon as she hears his voice, she relaxes. His eyes are red, both from his life status and from tears.
"What's wrong?" she asks, reaching up to dry his cheeks. He looks dumbfounded for a moment, before shaking his head and pulling her into a hug.
"Your dog led us into the forest in the middle of the night, where we found you freezing, half dead, and surrounded by mobs. Pearl, so much is wrong."
"Jim, let's get her back to the ranch," the second voice says softly. Tango seems to be the source of the light, his hair aflame the way it usually is when he's feeling strong emotions. He still has a sword in his hands. Pearl would shy away if Tango hadn't been soulbound to Jimmy.
"I'll be okay," she starts, but Jimmy stops her.
"No. You're coming to the ranch with us. We're gonna patch you up, get you some food, and then you are getting in the nest because I'm not losing sight of you for at least the next twenty-four hours."
Pearl knows she could get out of this. If she was adamant enough, Jimmy would let her go. But her little brother is already scared, and Tango doesn't seem happy either, so she decides she can humor them for a while. Plus, she may very well die if she tries going home on her own, which would upset Jimmy even more.
"Alright. Just don't tell Grian," she sighs. Jimmy chuckles.
"He won't be hearing anything from me. It's Scott you have to worry about."
As carefully as he can, Jimmy stands up with Pearl secured in his arms. Tango comes to his side, sword and shield in hand. Tilly stands on Jimmy's other side, ears perked up. It feels... oddly safe.
"Scott had better not tell on me," she scoffs.
They head back to the ranch without another incident. Jimmy tends to her wounds as Tango fixes all of them something quick to eat, Tilly remaining at her side the entire time. At some point, when Jimmy's gone to change his clothes and grab something from the bedroom, Tango pauses what he's doing to come and give her a hug.
"What's all this for?" she says weakly. This wouldn't be out of place on Hermitcraft, but here? This is a death game, and they're not necessarily allies.
"You're my friend, Pearl. No matter where we are. And that was scary."
He holds on for another moment, before pulling away with glassy eyes.
"You can always come here, okay? No matter what. I don't want you to be alone like that ever again."
Before she can formulate a response, he goes back to cooking.
That night, she falls asleep feeling safer than she has the entire time she's been in this world. There's a place for her now, even if it's small and smells like cows. She goes back to her tower the next day feeling much less lonely.
Pearl knows it's just a game. It's not meant to hurt. No one will die forever. But something inside her breaks a little when the ranch is burned down at the funeral of Jimmy and Tango, and she's left alone in the woods again.
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ask-aeos-company · 2 months ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Bones @ Anna)
“You’re a fashionista? Do you make clothes for small monsters too?”
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Oh! I think...I think I have a perfect fit for ya!
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This is the Tux by Lady Phox. It's, by far, her favorite outfit of all time. It comes in different sizes and it's intersex. Lady Phox herself actually commissioned me to do this. She also allowed to sell it at my boutique. It was, a big hit back then. Also, w-whoa! You're really look GORGEOUS in this!
[ @hoodies-monster-ranch ]
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kahurangithemew · 4 months ago
also, I'm so sorry it took so long to reply/repost I kept forgetting ^.^;
Also, I haven't mentioned it, but she's not very good at bubbles, so she's concentrating super hard to give this wonderful pose! XD <3
For the drawing, my mew girl https://www.tumblr.com/kahurangithemew/722792453990727680/hi-there-my-name-is-kahurangi-i-live-in-a?source=share
And, any and all asks are appreciated!
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Bubble time!
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cmauville · 2 months ago
🍁Mini Art Dump + Requests🍁
Hey y’all! I hope everyone’s had a good start for the new year, it’s going to take a long time for me to get used to saying 2025 lol
I’ve just got a few things to show today, some requests that I’ve completed and some art for a friend, so let’s get on to the actual pieces.
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1.) A finished request for @raptorscreams, I don’t usually draw rock/crystal structures so this character was an absolute treat!
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2.) A finished request of Dew for @hoodies-monster-ranch, this character has such a cool design! Loved drawing them from start to finish.
3.) And a recent PMD character I created for the ever-lovely @sillyboysalmon! This started out as a quick warm-up drawing for a Pokémon chat I joined but I loved his design so much I decided to gift him to Salmon! Can’t wait to draw more of this sassy guy in the future.
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That’s all for now! Y’all stay safe.
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a-shy-mimiktwo · 12 days ago
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He’s having a time.
(Kris and Lulu Belong to @hoodies-monster-ranch) (I hope I drew them well enough)
The other character in the bg is also coincidentally named Kris. I might just leave it as a small cameo. But I could also have him also be at the event to finally tackle Kane’s arc. Idk yet. We’ll see.
I wanted to add more characters to make it look more crowded but I couldn’t find any characters I knew I’d be able to draw in the bg easily.
I also just got lazy.
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the-feral-one · 13 days ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Lulu @ Pao)
“Another lanky creature at the party, why do you have broken swords in your face?”
Pao was quiet for a minute or two following what was asked.
Pao: "Nice to meet you."
He looked away as he spoke again.
Pao: "They are - or were - two halves of one big sword. On the topic of how they got where they are...it's a touchy subject.. ..one that doesn't sit well, if you get me.." (he gave the Furret a semi-serious look) "...and it's also a subject that I don't want to talk about."
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