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lanternritefestival · 2 days ago
Lantern Rite Cameo
Hi! Firstly I want to thank you guys for joining this event, it's been a blast!
Now I would like to make another big post, so I need some few mons and humans, please reblog this post with your preferred attending character(s) if you would like to be part of the cameo!
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asklalu · 3 days ago
@pocketofspaces Luelle@Lalu: The cresselia ran up to the creature that just showed up "Oh my gosh hii!" she waved happily "Your outfit is so cute! Do you have it made? Maybe you make it yourself? Oh oh, one of those fa-shi-on sh-ops...?" she murmured the words awkwardly
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As Lalu was wringing out the seawater from the edges of their dress, their attention turned towards the friendly voice greeting them. They pulled out their white board, ready to begin writing greetings of their own, only to freeze in awe at the sight of Luelle. In their eyes, they were practically radiating with beauty, and light, and... power. It was a vague feeling. Something inside of Lalu could sense that this person had abilities beyond their understanding.
But upon hearing the compliment, all of that immediately melted away as Lalu beamed at the friendly stranger with glee. They spelled out a response as quickly as their hands could muster.
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"thank you!!!" The message is surrounded in tiny doodled hearts. "this was actually a gift from my previous masters! they wanted something for me to wear to celebrations and luckily it kinda vaguely fit the festival theme!"
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"enough about me though, what about you? you're so pretty!!! i'd love to know where you got you got your clothes too, they suit you perfectly!"
continued →
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sonder-palms · 2 days ago
(@asklalu) Lalu swims towards the figure on the dock looking simultaneously relieved at the sight of another person and truly lost. They waved from the water to try and catch their attention, before holding up a small white board with a message: "hello!! is this your first time here too? got any plans?"
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Alyse definitely didn't see this person when their taxi pokemon dropped them off. They ripped their cardigan and backpack off, then plunged into the salty water.
In their rush, a flurry of cutiefly crawled out of their hair and flew out.
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Upon reaching Lalu, Alyse pulled them to the dock and helped them up. Now that they had a closer look at the reuniclus, they wore a perplexed expression on their face. What an odd pokemon. Neat, but odd.
"Are you okay?..."
Their hair hung heavy and damp- unsuitable for the fairies for now. Some cutiefly buzzed around them, some landed on the deck, and others wandered across the ocean surface.
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asktheisle · 2 days ago
[Nat tries to keep a straight face, sputtering out a snicker at the Furret's reaction.]
I've had my fair share of fluff. One thing to try and get a pokemon to wash up, another when it's an Arcanine mixed with Stoutland, the fur is extreme!
[He pulls out his phone and takes a second to pull up a picture, turning it so the screen is in view.]
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This is mine, her name is Canela! Fur hasn't been an issue yet, but I don't know if she'll want to evolve either. I feel like she could go either way in that department.
(asktheisle) "Good to see another trainer here! Did you only bring one pokemon with you for this fest?"
He eyes Lulu with a smile, watching her stay wrapped around her trainer.
"Funny enough I have a Sentret at home, sort of. Seeing a Furret like yours makes me wonder how she'd look if she evolved."
“Yeah I came only with Lulu, I just wanted to goof off so I didn’t wanna bring anything competitive”
She gave an airy laugh.
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“Their fur is a pain tho, so you better get used to brushing furret fur.”
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poniquest · 13 days ago
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< Percy and Rin have arrived at the festival. >
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askwish · 4 days ago
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... someone is hiding behind the Lunala statue at the Latern Rite Festival.
(as a side note, please avoid asking about the intro post place as that'll be addressed later <3 tysm!)
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iamyour-hope · 6 days ago
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Through a temporary rift two emotes arrive to the festival. While both are rather rare comers, at least those old enough in the community would recognize both.
HOPE seems delighted by all the sights and sounds, swishing their head around and appraising all the entities in the vicinity.
On the other hand...
DOUBT does not seem particularly enthralled. That's fine, it's always been his nature to be not pleasant. But he is behaving for Hope's sake, it appears.
Hope && Doubt have arrived to the @lanternritefestival!
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shaymincafe · 6 days ago
(@ask-pokecats) Paula both approach two strange Shaymins. She takes a peak at them and makes a bit worried face.
"Urf...hello hello! How are you? I-I think you're going to have fun here, yea? Anyways, is the green one is...like me...an Umbreon?" she doesn't know that Shaythulu is a Shaymin.
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Shaythulu shook its head vigorously, indicating it is not an Umbreon. It also seems it does not appreciate Paula addressing Cherry with the question instead of itself.
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"We will forgive your faux pas this time, but do address us with more respect in the future. We are not creatures on display, we are guests, same as you. Please, treat us as such."
Cherry turned her attention back to Paula. "To answer your question, we are doing relatively well so far. I do hope the night ends up being a wonderful time. It's our first outing in some time."
@ask-pokecats // @kutsukispast
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ask-pokecats · 6 days ago
Spot @ Annalise:
She goes up to the Meowstic after getting to see what she was wearing.
Spot: "Your outfit is p-pretty..! Can I ask...about w-where you got it..?"
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And to answer zis - I simply made it. I bought a jacket, tie, and a hat resembling ze conductor. Ze stars are hand made, however. A charactzer who inspired me is an Alcremie Way Pokié from Pokié: Kingdom. Her outfit is SO cute and this inspired me to make zis. Originally I've made for ze MesagozaCon, but I've decided to bring zis here.
[ @the-feral-one, Rin cameo from @poniquest ]
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askatimegod · 14 days ago
I know I need to still make an intro post but if you would like an ask for the lantern rite event feel free to like this post o7!
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asktheisle · 11 days ago
( @hoodies-monster-ranch Kris @ Nat)
“Hey another human at the event, neat. What brings you out here?”
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Well, I should say I'm not here for just any one thing. I haven't really been out on my own for a little bit, and I heard stories about Faraway from a family member-so this was a chance to check it out.
I've also only ever heard of lantern festivals but never had a chance to look into them, so I thought it would be fun to do so! There's quite a lot to do around here it seems, I might try a little bit of the one game they have here... jianzi I think? It doesn't look too hard to learn.
[He then directs his attention to Kris in particular, not without smiling and acknowledging Lulu first.]
I'm pretty surprised to see another human. These kind of remote islands tend to attract a lot of pokemon, and rare ones at that. Bit of a hideaway you could say.
(( @hoodies-monster-ranch @ask-pokecats ))
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lanternritefestival · 3 days ago
(ShayminCafe) Cherry and Shaythulu approached their hosts and bowed before them courteously. "Thank you for inviting us to this event. It has been lovely so far," Cherry said. "Shaythulu and I were curious. How did you two come to meet each other and host this event together? Are you lifelong friends or did you meet only recently?"
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" Chunli told me about her life and such, she then wanted to go back to her island and set up the festival. Of course as her husband, I'll help her. "
" You're so romantic..! "
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asklalu · 5 days ago
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Dearest Esteemed Guest(s), With great joy and reverence, we invite you to join us for this year’s Lantern Rite Festival, a celebration of light, harmony, and renewal. As the lanterns rise to illuminate the night sky, we come together to honor tradition, share in festivities, and embrace the warmth of companionship. The festival will be held on 1st of March at Faraway Island. Expect an evening filled with breathtaking lantern displays, enchanting performances, and a feast of exquisite delicacies. Your presence would be a cherished honor, adding to the radiance of this special occasion. We look forward to celebrating under the glowing lanterns with you. Warmest regards, 春丽 ♡ 书法
Before its grand opening, the cafe finds its way to the invitation's origin...
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Lalu has arrived at the Lantern Rite Festival!
reference | ask call & hints
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Does anyone want any asks at the Lantern Festival
Reblog or comment on this post if you want a funni interaction from Reborn idk
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hoodies-monster-ranch · 14 days ago
(@ask-pokecats) Paula approaches the duo and she makes happy noises. Her eyes become starry.
"Woofie! Hiii! Your Pokémon looks so cute! Pretty sure I still see normal Pokémon tho in my world. Anyways, how did you both met? And what's your names? I'm Paula, woof!"
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“We meet through o-my … mom. “
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poniquest · 11 days ago
Khione@Rin (lanternrite): Got dragged here against your will too, huh? Least you didn't get asked to play dress up in the process. *chuckle* Hey, since you're here, can you do me a favour and let me stick close by for a bit so I actually feel like I know someone here and don't look completely fish-out-of-watery? And for that matter... who dragged you here? Was it that hyperactive little cloud that I swear broke the sound barrier about a half-hour ago?
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Rin perked up slightly. Oh! She knew this one! It was sure helpful to see someone she recognised here. It would go a ways in feeling less like she stuck out.
Then Rin noticed that Khione was dressed in a decidedly different outfit today.
Oh no. Were they supposed to dress up? Would it be a problem if they weren't? Many questions raced through Rin's head at that moment. She tried to reassure herself by noting that neither her nor Perseus had gotten any comments on their lack of finery so far.
"Not really unwillingly," Rin said, looking directly at Khione with a shrug. "I offered to take them. It's not so bad, I'm just not used to these sort of things."
She held out her paw for a handshake. "I'm not sure if I told you my name before. It's Rin. It is nice to see you here, Khione." she offered a small smile.
Hyperactive cloud? That certainly seemed like an apt description Perseus. "That sounds like them. Blue and purple, with yellow eyes? That would be Perseus.
Ah, but, of course I would happy to tag along," she said. "I could use the company, especially since I seem to have been abandoned by my charge," she tapped her chin and made a frown, pretending to be offended by this. She hoped an attempt at humour would break the ice a little.
< Rin decided to go with Khione! >
[ @redolentgrove ]
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