#honey you can’t kill everyone that talks shit about your friends
ghostlyboysstories · 2 months
One of my ocs is so feral. The boy literally has a tendency to rip training dummies apart for fun and partake in underage drinking on an almost nightly basis. His excuse you ask?
“I have to put up with you heathens so I should get a nightly reward hence the wine bottle in my hand. Blaze, be a doll and hand me that shot of tequila. I have a feeling I’m going to need it tonight.”
He is like the sassy, wine aunt that talks shit about everyone, but also he’s absolutely feral and it shows.
(Yes, this is Ryn. The one that showed up in my tags a little while ago.)
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justmeinadaze · 7 months
I was rereading your aftercare series and I thought about if reader and her bf had like really bad sex, maybe like in his car or something, and she doesn't even cum, and then he drops her off at home where Steve and Eddie help her get off and then take the best care of her 💙
Ok so I have a couple of requests in waiting I may use this version of them for. I think it will help focus my brain and since a lot of your requests are like this I think I can fit it into this AU and get them out faster :)
I hope you like!
Why Can't I Be in a Meg Ryan Movie? (Or Even a Good Porno)
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Warnings: Actor Steve Harrington/ Rockstar & Actor Eddie Munson and Actress Fem Reader, SMUT, in the shower :), some heavy petting on set, dirty talk, reader and her boyfriend have sex and she does not have a good time (quick and brief), FLUFF, these three are filming a movie together and since they are supposed to be friends they BECAME friends behind the scenes, ANGST, reader is unhappily in a relationship, he's a dick sabotaging scenes and talking down to her, they are filming an 80s Slasher movie together so their are times those scenes are conveyed (mentions of death, blood, needing to feel safe, etc.) Those scenes are brief.
Word Count: 4897
The metalhead swings open his front door, gun drawn as you squeak and hide behind your gorgeous, captain of the football team best friend. 
“Whoa! It’s us, James, it’s us.”
“Jesus, Carter. What the fuck happened?!”, the long-hair boy asks as he gestures you two inside and locks the door. 
“Cindy’s fucking dead.”, the jock answered with a gruff tone as he guided you towards the sink and began washing the blood from your hands as you sobbed. 
“Shit. Nina, I’m so sorry.”
“I-I-It’s ok.”
The man’s palms grip your cheeks as he wipes your tears with his thumbs. 
“It’s not. We can make it through this. I know we can. We just need to figure out who this fucker is so we can kill him ourselves.”
“Agreed but we aren’t doing that tonight. James, is it alright if we stay here with you?”
“Dude, yeah, of course. Sweetheart, you can take the bed and we can—”
“No!”, you cry out. “Please…I don’t want to be alone.”
“Of course, there’s only one fucking bed.”
Everyone in the room groans as you frustratingly lay your forehead against the tattooed arm you had reached out to grab. 
“Cut! Ryan, we’ve talked about this. You can’t interrupt a scene.”
“Aren’t you shooting in the studio next door?”, Steve growled in annoyance as he threw the prosthetic bat he was holding on to the counter. 
“Maybe they got tired of him to.”, Eddie whispered loud enough that your boyfriend could hear. 
When you received the script from your agent to be in a typical 80’s slasher, you immediately turned him down for fear of being type cast like some of the other actresses you read about who starred in the genre but when he mentioned you’d be working with not only the massive heartthrob and brilliant actor Steve Harrington but also the rockstar of one of your favorite bands Corroded Coffin, you changed your tune. 
 When you told your boyfriend however he was less than amused. Honestly, you thought it was more his anger that you were getting a high paying job than who you were working with. Ryan’s own career was starting to stall as the ratings for his current show were in decline. You noticed he had begun taking that out on you in subtle ways like demeaning you at a party or, like right now, sabotaging a scene. 
“Fuck you, Munson. I’m a respected actor! You’ve been in what one other movie?”
“Well shit. He got me, Harrington. What the fuck would I know about being an actor? Please Ryan can you teach me how to get on your level? Teach me how to be an asshole just like you!”
“OK! Jesus.”, the director whined. “Can we reset and do this with no interruptions please?!”
Both men turn and you follow Steve to the other side of the door. 
“I’m so sorry, you guys. He’s not always like this.”
“Hm. You need to be careful with that one, honey. I know he’s your boyfriend and all but I don’t want him to ruin all the hard work you’ve done here.”
“Steve, this is a slasher film about a killer who wears a suit and clown mask killing high school seniors. It’s not Citizen Kane.”, you giggle making them smile. 
“Yeah but picture people dressing up like you like they do with Jamie Lee Curtis or that hot chick whose show was big when we were school. What was it, Steve?”
“I have no idea.”, he chuckles. 
“With the hair and the black dress that…” Eddie mimed pushing his chest together as if he had boobs making you laugh harder. 
“YEAH! Good job, princess. Thank you. Imagine people dressing like you in that sexy ass tank top and jeans that hug them hips.”
You grinned as you lightly punched his arm. Since Steve was playing your best friend, after you were cast you reached out to him and invited him to lunch hoping to get to know him better. When he told you Eddie was hisbest friend, you insisted he bring him along and over the last few months had gotten to know both men fairly well. You loved their attitudes and the way they made you laugh. You felt safe with them which in a media dominated by men you appreciated. 
“How was your date last night?”, you ask Steve while the three of were laying in the bed on set. 
You were a bit nervous because this was supposed to be your big kiss scene with him so you were trying to lighten the mood as much as possible. 
“Pfft terrible. She whined the entire time about my restaurant choice and was rude to the staff.”, he sighed as Eddie giggled behind you. 
“I tooooold you.”
“Yeah, yeah. Shut up, Munson.”
“See we never had that problem when we shared girls.”
“Whoa! Excuse me. You’re going to have to elaborate on that.”, you laughed with wide eyes. 
“Ok, first off, it did happen a few times which is why we aren’t currently in a relationship. Secondly… Eddie and I…may have shared a partner a time or two.”
“Wow. Do you two, um,…”
“No, we don’t ‘um’ but yeah we like the way a woman unfolds when we take care of her.”, the metalhead smiles making you blush a bit. “Have you ever tried it?”
“Oh, uh, no. I’m not really…adventurous like that I guess.”
“Captain asshole doesn’t blow your mind?”
Your smile widens as you punch his chest.
“Not…no. I don’t know. Ryan tries but lately he seems so distracted.”
“Hm. That’s a shame. Beautiful girl like you should have all the attention on her.” Steve throws a soft grin your way, deepening the pink around your cheeks. 
You’re suddenly very aware you are in a long heavy metal shirt with underwear and no pants while both men are in sweatpants with Steve shirtless. 
“Ok, gang, get comfy. We’re going to do some lighting tests real quick to make sure we’re still good and then we’ll start rolling.”
Nodding, you three get in your places that were discussed in rehearsal. As Eddie wraps his arm around your waist and you do the same across Steve’s tummy, you feel very thankful your boyfriend wasn’t there today. After lifting his arm, you rest your head on his chest as he casually starts playing with your hair. 
“I’m not fucking anything up am I?”, he asks in a deep, husky voice you weren’t prepared for. 
“Oh, uh, no I think…I think you’re fine.” 
“You can put your hand on my chest if you want.”
Blinking up at him, you do what he suggests and a sigh leaves his lips at the feeling. 
“Ok, we are good to go. Everyone is sleeping except you Carter. Nina wakes up, you say your lines, kiss, and then you hear a noise that startles you.”
Your eyes shut as you nuzzle into him as he continues to move his fingers through your hair. 
“Alright, I need quiet on set and action!”
Your head stirs at the feeling of fingers caressing you as your eyes flutter open.
“Yeah, hey, I’m right here.”
“Have you gotten any sleep?”
“No but I’m ok. James is past the fuck out though.” You both laugh as you glance behind you towards the sleeping metalhead. “He rolled over a while ago and wrapped his arms around you. I guess he thinks you’re a teddy bear or something. You ARE very comfy.”, he grins as he looks down at you. “I’m a little jealous.”
“James IS very pretty.”
His smile grows as he kisses your forehead. 
“Naw, honey. I mean he is very beautiful but…not as beautiful as you.”
Your eyes scan his as you both slowly tilt forward. When his lips land on yours, your body lights up as your palm lightly grips his cheek. His kisses come a bit more passionately as his own hand grips the back of your neck. As his tongue slides into your mouth, you groan as your mind is suddenly clouded with fuzzy feelings of your best friend. 
Is it just you or can you feel your other friend pressing himself against you. Isn’t he asleep? Maybe I could turn and—
“CUT! Guys! Listen!”, the director yells. “I said cut like five times! Y/N, Steve, remember in rehearsal we said it was a soft, delicate kiss.”
“Sorry.”, the actor whispers before turning towards you. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok.” You glance towards Eddie whose eyes are squeezed shut still but he’s murmuring things to himself. 
“Cold showers, cold showers, Wayne naked, fucking Jeff puking after too many booze…”
“Are you alright?”, you ask.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m, um, I’m ok. I’m sorry if you, um, we can…I’m sure the intimacy lady can put like a pillow or something…”, he suggests as his gaze shifts between his legs under the blanket. “Y/N, I don’t think you’re supposed to moan when you kiss him.”
“You moaned when you were kissing me.”, Steve answered breathily as he continued staring into the void with wide eyes. 
“That’s why I’m…I have a… you have really sexy moans, sweetheart.”
“And you taste really fucking good.”
Your eyes lock with Steve’s at his comment as a heavy exhale escaped your lungs. 
“Alright, gang, reset!”
Laying back in your original positions, you realize Eddie’s is a bit farther from you than he was before. Biting your bottom lip, you turn your head as much as you can towards him. 
“Ed, you can…you can scoot closer.”
“Y/N, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“I’m not.” To emphasis your point, you push your lower half into his and a subtle groan leaves his throat. Holding your hips, he grinds against you making your eye lids droop as your rub your thighs together and lift your leg over the other man’s waist, just grazing the growing bulge in the sweats they had them in. 
“Ok! We’re ready to go. Take two and we’re rolling…action!”
You ARE very comfy.”, he grins as he looks down at you. “I’m a little jealous.”
“James IS very pretty.”
His smile grows as he kisses your forehead. 
“Naw, honey. I mean he is very beautiful but not as beautiful as you.”
The boy’s lips feverishly crash to yours as he twists his torso to give himself better access to your
“Carter.”, you moan.
“Y/N.”, he answers in your ear that’s furthest from the mic.
Your eyes shoot open as you realize what’s happening and no one is in character anymore. Pushing at his chest, he sees the slight regret in your eyes as he tries to regain his composure. 
“I think I heard something.”, you point absently off camera. Throwing off the blanket, he grabs his weapon before you quickly grab his arm. “Be careful…please. I-I-I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His eyes soften as he leans in and give you a small peck on the lips. 
“Don’t worry, honey. I’ll be ok. I promise.”
“Geez.”, Ryan laughed as you tore at his pants in the back seat of his car. “What’s got you all hot and bothered?”
“I just…missed you.”
Your boyfriend’s grin grows as he takes hold of your lower back and flips you around till he’s on top of you yanking down your pants. As he kisses your neck and rubs his cock along the cotton blocking your core, your mind begins to wonder. 
Steve’s lips tasted amazing. I wonder what Eddie tastes like. Feeling them groan in my ear…fucking hell…
As Ryan’s length entered your sex, you suddenly felt underwhelmed.
They both felt so big even through their pants. I wonder what they would feel like inside of me…together…moaning like they had…
“Fuck, babe.” His body shook as he thrust his seed inside of you a bit too aggressively as you laid there unsatisfied. “God that was… did you…?”
Nodding your head, he beamed down at you as he kissed your forehead before reaching for a napkin on the floor of his car. When he handed it to you, you held it without moving as a disgusted look painted your face. 
“I have to get back to work.  You should go home and take a shower. You smell like sweat and that asshole rocker’s cigarettes.”
With that, he exited his vehicle and walked back inside. 
Shaking your head, you ambled over to your own car and reached into your glove compartment for some of the tissues you stored there. You sat in the driver’s seat for a while staring off into space feeling slightly dirty and used. 
You may have initiated the contact but lately Ryan hadn’t been satisfying you and the way he was after didn’t make you feel any better. 
Abruptly, you slammed your door and started the engine, driving off into what you thought was no particular direction. 
“Hi, um, I’m sorry. I must be at the wrong—”
“Are you looking for Steven?”, the girl interrupted sassily. “Yeah you’re in the right place but don’t expect anything from either of these assholes.”
“Carol, why are you answering my door? I told you, please, get out.”
Steve’s eyes met yours as fear flashed through them. 
“All yours, babe.”
As she stomped past you, the boy took her place in the doorway of the apartment. 
“I’m sorry. I should just go.”
“No! Wait, no!”, he yelled panicked as he reached for your arm. “Please, come in. She was just…that’s the girl I had my date with who was rude, remember? She came over because…I didn’t call her? I don’t know.”, he shrugs. 
Stepping into their shared space, you were surprised by how modest it was. With how much money they made together, you would have expected them in a penthouse or a mansion. 
“Is the pterodactyl gone?”, Eddie asks as he exits his room pausing when he sees you. “Shit. Hey, Y/N. Are you alright? You look frazzled.”
“Why pterodactyl?”, you ask with a small smirk as you feel both their eyes intensely scanning you over. 
“She, uh, came in here like a bat out of hell screeching. Raaaaaaaw!”, he mimics as he spreads his arms like wings, smiling when you laugh. “See? I’m an actor.”
“What’s going on, honey? I thought you were spending some time with Ryan.”, Steve inquires as he leans over the back of their couch. 
“I was! I did… we, um, spent some time together… in his backseat…”
“And then he just sent you home?”
“Yeah, well, not right away. First he came in like 3 seconds and I learned that my boyfriend who I’ve been sleeping with for 4 months has no idea what a woman orgasming feels like because he asked me if I did and when I told him yes he got super excited. Then he proceeded to hand me a dirty napkin from his floor to clean myself with and then promptly told me I should go home and shower because I smell gross like sweat and your cigarettes Eddie.”
“Honestly, I’m surprised he even fucking noticed because I was barely even present during the whole experience because I was too busy imagining you two and what you would feel like inside me! Now I feel like a whore, used, and disgusting and I didn’t know where else to go so I just started driving and somehow ended up here and—”
Steve pulling you into his arms and pressing your face into his chest cut you off as you cried.
“Hey, Munson, is your shower actually clean?”
“I’m always on tour, Harrington, so what do you think?”
“No then?” Both boys smile when you giggle against him. “That’s ok. We can use mine. Come on, pretty girl.”
Eddie trails after you both as Steve guides you into his room and towards the bathroom. Opening the door to his standing shower, you marvel at how big it actually is. 
“Wow. This is very nice.”
“Thank you.”, he smiles as he sticks his palm under the water to make sure it its warm. As the steam starts to rise, he gestures inside. “All for you, honey.”
“Just me?”, you whisper as your gaze shifts between them. 
“What would make you comfortable, Y/N?”, Eddie asks as he steps closer to your side. 
Swallowing nervously, you close your eyes as you lift off your shirt and toss it to the side before unbuttoning your jeans to do the same. 
A tap on your shoulder causes you to open them again meeting the metalhead’s chocolate irises as he tries not to glance down your body. 
“You have to say it, sweetheart. If you don’t want this or anything at all that’s absolutely fine. If you want us to even just sit out here while you’re in there or just to stand in there with you…”
“Or if you want us to do some of those things you were imagining us doing when you were with Ryan…you have to say it.”, Steve adds.
Nodding silently, you remove your bra and slide down your panties, their gazes never leaving your face. 
“I want you two to shower with me and take care of me.”
Softly smiling, the remove their clothes and you provide them the same courtesy they did you, keeping your eyes forward. After guiding you in first, they follow behind and you let out a deep sigh as the water hits your hair. 
“You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I know I’ve always jokingly flirted with you but I do think you are gorgeous.”, Eddie admits making you smile as you wrap your arms around his neck.
“Can I kiss you?”
As soon as you get permission your lips connect to his, reveling in the taste of cigarettes that Ryan seemed to have so much disdain for mixed with mint and a hint of alcohol. While his fingers tangled in your hair to pull you closer, Steve’s hands behind you roamed everywhere, down your arms, along your stomach, and up to your breasts. 
The metalhead tenderly kissed your jawline, trailing the valley of your chest. Almost as if offering him a taste, the boy behind you cupped the bottom of you breast as Eddie wrapped his lips around the bud eliciting a soft moan from you. 
“Does that feel good, honey?”, Steve murmured in your ear as you leaned your head against his shoulder. 
“Yes. S-So good.”
Descending to his knees, Eddie turned you to face the other man, opening your legs a bit wider and you mewled when his long tongue flicked your entrance. 
“How do you feel now, Y/N?”
“Fuck.” Your response makes Steve chuckle as he grabs your cheeks and brings your lips to his. “Can I…touch you…please…”, you ask between each kiss. 
“Baby, you can touch us as much as you want as long as you’re comfortable.”
As soon as your small hand takes hold of his cock he groans as his forehead falls on yours, panting against your mouth as you stroke him. 
“Shit. We’ve been thinking about you all afternoon. How you would feel and what you would sound like.”
Your head leans against his chest as Eddie’s tongue moves faster inside of you. Abruptly your knees buckle but the metalhead is faster than his friend as he catches you and leans your back against his chest. Looping his arm around your front, he thrusts his two of his fingers into your cunt while you cling to his wrist. 
“That good, baby girl? Good, you deserve it. You’re not a whore, sweetheart, and you’re definitely not disgusting. Cum for me, Y/N.” Turning your head, you passionately kiss him as you come undone. “Fuck, your pussy is so tight when you cum. Are you kidding me?”
“M-More. I want more. Please.”
Steve lifts you up just enough to place your back on the tile as he climbs on top of you and you promptly circle your legs around his waist. 
“This ok? The tile isn’t cold, right?” Shaking your head, you lean up to kiss him, grinding your lower half against his desperately. “Are you… on—fuck—can I cum inside you?”
He licks his lips at the word as his cock twitches against you. Reaching between your bodies, he grips his base and as you tilt up to look you moan at how big he seems even in his own large hand. 
“Go slow at first. I’ve…I’ve never had someone as big as you two.”
“Shit, honey, you can’t say stuff like that.”, Steve breathily laughs as his head hangs, his damp hair tickling your face a bit. “Okay…okay, I can do that.”
Feeling extra warmth by your side, you turn to see Eddie laying on his side as he flashes you a soft smile. Biting his own lip, he watches as your face contorts and your back arches as the boy on top of you starts pushing into your core. 
“It’s ok, princess. You’re ok.”
Steve’s head fell next to your opposite side and your pussy couldn’t help but clench at the sound of his whimpers in your ear. His hand suddenly smacks the floor beside you as his arm bent at the elbow. The action startled you but made his friend laugh. 
“That hard, Harrington?” Your eyes meet his in confusion as he beamed down at you. “He’s trying to control himself from not just pounding into you. Your little pussy is driving him crazy.”
This confused you even more since every man you had been with never had the reaction Steve was having now. Even Ryan made it seem like you and your body were nothing special. 
“Hey, hey come back, Y/N.”, Eddie cooed as he caressed your cheek with his finger. 
That caused Steve to push up on his arms to look down at your face. 
“Are you ok? I’m not h-hurting you or anything right?”
“No, you’re not. No one…no one has ever…made me feel like…BEING with me is anything special.”
They knew what you meant and it broke their hearts as the man inside you kissed your forehead before placing his head back where it had been by your ear. 
“I’m sorry, baby. You deserve so much better then that. Your pussy should be worshipped. Fuck me. I swear, Y/N, I’ve never had anyone as tight as you. I could fucking live inside you. God… I knew it when you kissed me. You’re definitely fucking special.”
When he was fully sheathed inside you, your hands clung to his shoulders while he waited patiently for you to tell him he could move. 
Your hips tested the waters as you rolled them upwards making you both moan as your eyes rolled back. 
“P-Please, Steve.” Tilting up a bit, he placed his nose against yours as he slowly thrust into your body. “Fuck, I can feel you in my stomach.”
His mouth fell open as his pants warmed your face even more than the shower steam around you. As your nails scratched down his back, his pace quickened, hitting that spongy spot inside of you repeatedly as you whimpered at the feeling. 
“Steve. Harder, baby.”
Pushing up onto his knees, the man gripped your thighs for leverage as he honored your request. 
“Like that, Y/N? Is he about to make you cum?”, Eddie murmured in your ear as his palm held your face.  “Cum, Y/N. Let him feel what I did. Trust us, sweetheart, we know exactly what a beautiful woman coming feels like.”
Arching your back high off the tile beneath you, your vision was blinded by white as you came.
“Jesus.”, Steve growled through gritted teeth as he chased his own release.
Your lips mingled with Eddie’s as the other man leaned forward to massage your tits in his large palms before hearing him grunt above you as pumped his spend into your cunt. 
After carefully pulling out of you, both men trailed kisses to your neck, tenderly sucking and nibbling at your sweet spots as your body continued to tingle with need. 
“You don’t have to take me tonight, princess. Tonight is about you.”
“I want you.”
“Fuck me. Say that again.”
“I want you, Eddie. I need you.”
Once Steve was out of the way, the metalhead guided you around until your back was to his chest again with you both laying on your sides. On impulse, you lifted your leg and without missing a beat, he held it in place with his palm firmly gripping your thigh. 
Grinding his hips, his cock ran along your pussy lips as you moaned. 
“I’ll go slow too at first, ok?”
After you nod, he releases his hold on you only long enough to maneuver his length into your heat. 
“Oh my god.”, you whine as your head falls into the nook of his other arm. 
“I know. I know, baby. You’re—mmm—you’re doing so well. Tight little pussy is stretching out perfectly for me. Fuck.”
“Fuck me, Eddie. I-I can take it.”
Smiling, his fingers grabbed your jaw, turning you to face him so his forehead could lean on yours. 
“You can take it? Are you sure?” As if to test you, he slammed his waist hard into yours hitting your now overly sensitive and abused g-spot making you whimper against his lips. 
“Yeeees, baby, just like that.”
“You want it hard like that, sweetheart? Fuck, you are so fucking beautiful like this.”
While Steve did talk a bit while he was inside you, Eddie couldn’t seem to stop, whispering praises and compliments against your skin as he thrust into you. You definitely didn’t mind, wishing you could focus on anything but the pleasure to do the same. 
“Stay with me, pretty girl. I need to feel you cum again and squeeze my dick.”
Grinning again, he tenderly kissed your lips. 
“Are you trying t-to praise me? Aw, poor baby can’t focus on words?” When you whined and nodded, his smiled grew. “Good. It’s ok, Y/N. Just focus on my cock right now. I want you to cum for me.”
Picking up his pace, you circle your arm behind you around his neck clinging to his hair till you felt your body tremble as the coil in your stomach snapped. 
“God damnit! Atta girl. Feels so fucking good.”
While your pussy quivered around him, he pumped into you till you felt him warm your insides as you milked him dry. 
After pulling out, the three of you laid on the floor of the shower on your back trying to catch your breathes. 
“I can’t tell if I’m steamy or sweaty.”
You smirked as they both laughed at your statement. 
“Either way, you smell good. Hang on.” Closing your eyes, you listened to Steve move around before jumping when you feel a washcloth between your legs. “Sorry! Sorry. I should have warned you. I’m just cleaning you.”
“I hope its ok it’s not a dirty napkin.”, Eddie sassed making you giggle as you reach over to lightly punch his arm. “You deserve better than him, Y/N.”
“You really ARE special. I hope you know that.”, Steve added. “And not just your body.”
You don’t say anything as they turn off the water and lead you back to the bedroom to dry you.
“Do you want your clothes or I can give you one of my shirts. According to Ryan, your stuff smells like smoke so I don’t see what difference a new shirt would make.”
“Oh. Um…I can just…wear my clothes…”, you pout as you hang your head. 
As your about to turn to take the garments from Eddie’s hands, the other boy grabs your wrist as he takes a seat on his bed. 
“What’s wrong?”
“No, hey, no. Not nothing. What’s running through your mind?”
Unlike with your boyfriend, when your eyes shift between theirs you don’t see annoyance but empathy. They genuinely want to make sure you’re alright. 
“Do you want me to go?”
You question surprises them as they exchange a glance. 
“No. God no.”, the metalhead answers as he sits on the bed as well. “Y/N, we just don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. If you want to go you’re more than welcome but we’d rather you stay.”
“We don’t want you to feel how you felt when you came in here.”, Steve adds. 
“I don’t feel like that. I wouldn’t feel like that if I left right now either.” They softly smile your way as they nod. “I don’t want to leave though. Not yet.”
“Aaaaare you hungry? We were going to order some food before Harrington’s ex-girlfriend flew in wreaking havoc.”
“Oh my god. Ok, we went on ONE date! One!”
“Can we get food from the restaurant you took her to. I really want to see if your restaurant choices do suck.”, you giggle as he rolls his eyes. 
“I hate you both.”, Steve teases as he gets up and heads for the phone.
Eddie helps you into one of his shirts and his friend’s shorts he found nearby. 
“Comfy? Good. See, princess, you’re adventurous.”, he winks as he grabs your palm in his before looking down at how they fit together. “Did you like it? Being with two people?”
With your free hand, you tilt his chin and kiss his lips. 
“I liked being with you two.”
Steddie Asks
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡pink rover♡
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♡ Pairing: biker!boyfriend!seonghwa x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: When your boyfriend accuses you of cheating, you go to his shop to tear him apart but a revelation brings you closer than you were before.
♡ Genre: angst/smut/fluffiness
♡ Word Count: 1.2k-ish
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♡ Warnings: strong language, mentions of violence/criminal activity, hwa & y/n are unhinged (but v sweet to each other), daddy hwa, pet names (pretty girl/good girl), unprotected sex, creampie, oral (f receiving)
♡ A/N: I'm just down bad for Hwa with that goddamn grill in, ya'll. Outlaw Hwa is hitting different rn.
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“Just go down there and talk to him!” your best friend shouts from the window of your 4th-floor apartment, “Don’t overreact!” Don’t overreact? My boyfriend’s accusing me of cheating and you don’t want me to overreact? You hop onto your hot pink motorcycle, the one Seonghwa gave you for your birthday, and smile up at your roommate. “Calm down! I’m not gonna hurt---him!” She says something else but your bike’s already roaring down the street, headed straight for Hwa’s shop. 
It’s a good thing that the streets are empty tonight. Your mind’s so clouded that nothing good could come of you dipping in and out of cars, dodging drunk partygoers. Hwa would kill you if he knew you were riding like you had a death wish. Then we’re even. You already want to kill him for implying that you’d ever cheat on him with anyone. Let alone Yeosang.
Before you met Hwa you were on your own in this city. As capable as you are of handling yourself, there are bigger badder things out there than you. Not only did Hwa protect you from them, he introduced you to the girl who’d become your best friend, and accepted you into his little family like there’d always been an empty spot there waiting for you. 
The love you have for each other is precious to you. It’s the one thing in life you’ve never questioned, making it hurt that much more to find out that he does. When he called you tonight saying that Yunho saw your bike outside of Yeosang’s apartment a few times you didn’t think much of it. Hwa’s been getting into some pretty dangerous things lately and he wouldn’t listen to you when you tried talking him out of it. 
You thought, out of everyone, maybe you’d be able to get Yeosang to talk some sense into him. Would it be sorta awkward to tell Hwa that? Probably. What you didn’t expect was to be defending yourself against this after all you’ve been through together. 
You pull up to the shop and the garage door’s open as usual. Music’s blasting while Yunho and Jongho work on their bikes, knocking back soju like it’s water. “Ah, shit” Yunho mumbles, eyes widening at the sight of you charging towards him. Stepping into the fluorescent lighting of the shop, you grab the baseball bat Jongho keeps by the door and bust a headlight on Yunho’s bike. 
Yunho rushes to the aid of his baby, “My bike! What the hell?” “Did you tell Hwa I slept with Yeosang?” you ask, arms ready to take another swing. Jongho, unphased but not stupid, moves his bike out of the way to avoid being caught in the crossfire. “Hi, y/n” he says innocently, flashing you that gummy smile. You can’t help but smile back, “Hey honey, how’s it going?” 
“I didn’t say you slept with him!” Yunho shouts, “I said I saw you two together…” “You said you saw us ‘together’, Yunho? Together?” Your next swing lays waste to a workstation full of tools. “Where is he?” Jongho points to the office, Yunho much too busy weeping over his baby to be of any use. Tossing the bat to the ground, you gently pat Yunho on the shoulder, “My condolences.” 
You push your way into the office and, surely enough, there’s your boyfriend. Hwa sits at his desk, toiling away at his comfort engine, a piece he’s taken apart and put together a million times. Something about it helps his nerves and you’ve never questioned it. 
There’s a half-empty bottle of soju on his desk and his eyes are puffy. Almost as if he’s been crying. His eyes flick up at you for a split second when you close the door only for him to continue what he’s doing as if you’re little more than a gust of wind. 
“What are you doing here?” 
“I came to talk.” 
“And fuck up my shop?” 
“Yeah and fuck up your shop because you’re an idiot!” you yell, snatching the tools from his hands, “How could you ever think that…” Hwa shoots up from his seat, angrier than you’ve ever seen him, at you at least. “Then what were you doing with him? Hmm?” “I was…” “You were what?” “I was asking for his help to stop you..” you admit. The anger on Hwa’s face turns to confusion, “Stop me?” “From doing this…this…suicide mission!” 
Tears well up in your eyes at the thought of anything happening to him. You try your best to choke them down but they’ve already begun to fall. “You trust Yeosang so I thought if I could get him to change his mind it’d change yours too.” You lower your head to dry your tears on your sleeves but Hwa’s already rounding his desk, pulling you against his chest. “I’d never do that to you” you sob, breaking away from him. 
You dig the keys to your bike out of your pocket, slipping them into his hand. Hwa stares at the keys, his heart skipping a beat as he soaks everything in. “Y/n, I didn’t…” “Don’t, okay? Just…I’m sorry about your shop. I’ll pay for it” you apologize, turning to leave. Hwa blocks the door, wrapping his hand around the knob before you can grab it. “I don’t care about the shop!” he snaps, “Now sit down!” 
His shoulders drop, his body language softening, “Please. Sit down.” Noticing your hesitance, he goes back over to his chair, patting his lap. “Please.” Since the day you met, he’s been using that sweet voice and those puppy dog eyes to disarm you. If he thinks it’s gonna work this time he’s…correct. “I’m sat” you huff, plopping down on his lap. 
He wraps his arms around your waist, squeezing your soft body. “I’m sorry” he sighs, resting his head against your shoulder, “I don’t think you’d do that to me. You know if I did he’d be dead by now.” A quick reach into the recesses of your brain reveals flashes of what happened to the last man who tried to touch you. Rest his soul. “Then why’d you say it?” Hwa bites at his lip, looking as if he’s ready to cry. 
“Hey” you whisper, stroking his cheek, “Talk to me.” Staring into his eyes it becomes clear that what you saw before wasn’t anger at all. It’s fear. “I’ve been on edge all day. I haven’t eaten or slept. I used to be so sure about this mission but now…” Hwa hugs you even tighter, “I have something to lose and that scares me. I have to do this though. They need me.” 
He’s right. You can’t even argue with him about it. Trying to stop him has been a lost cause from the start but you had to do something…anything…in case there was the slimmest chance that you’d be able to keep him safe. You kiss him on his temple, petting his head, “You’ll never lose me, Hwa. Promise me you’ll come back and I promise I’ll be here waiting for you.” 
Running your hand down his face, you feel his lips curve into a smile. Hwa looks up at you, the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, “I promise.” Instinctively you kiss him and, as his hands dance along the curves of your body. What was meant to be a peck on the lips quickly becomes something deeper. Turning to face him, you straddle his lap, arching against his chest.
Hwa groans, fingers kneading your plush ass. “Are you starting trouble?” You giggle, grinding down against him, “I am.” “Good” he grins, “I like trouble.” He slips away from your kiss a moment to remove the silver-plated mouthpiece adorning his bottom row of teeth. “Oh baby” you whine, lips brushing against his neck, “You know I like it when you eat it with the grill in.”
When you talk like this it makes him go feral, just like you knew it would. Lifting you onto the desk, he shoves everything behind you to the ground. Metal clicks and clanks into the darkest corners of the room as you tear at each other’s clothes, your mouths drawn back to each other with every movement. You’re two magnets bound only to each other.  
Hwa pushes you back on the desk, your arms dangling over the edge as your back hits the warm wood. “Ah! Don’t let me fall!” He tosses your legs over his shoulders, pressing your knees to your chest. “Never, my love,” he says through mouthfuls of your thick thighs. Hwa grabs you by the hips to keep you still but you’re still squirming and giggling. 
In your defense, his tongue moves so lightly over the surface of your skin that he makes the touch of a feather seem like sandpaper. Hooking two fingers between the cotton of your panties and your clit, he moves his hand up and down, knuckles teasing you each time they graze you the slightest bit. 
“You want it?” he asks, fingertips dipping into your moistening entrance for a fleeting moment. You say something unintelligible. An answer jumbled by the loveliest moans. Taking his fingers away, he wraps his lips around your mound, taking all of you into his mouth. The heat that he breathes against you, his tongue running over the outline of your pussy, has you grabbing at the back of his head. 
He tilts his head back, licking his lips, “Be a good girl and use your words. Tell daddy what you want.” “I…mmm…fuck” you stutter. You’re doing your best to focus but he presses his tongue against your slit and your mind goes blank. “Eat my pussy, daddy. Pretty please” you pout and he’s ripping your panties off before you can finish your sentence. 
Hwa’s tongue dives into your core, feverishly traversing the ridges of your warmth to stroke your sweet spot. Fingers tangled in his hair, you swear you’ve gained x-ray vision with all of the stars he has you seeing. Every curl of his tongue in your center, every slurp of your folds, radiates through your body. Pleasure knocks through your system like dominos. One nerve ending sparking another. Each sensation more intense than the last.
Hwa twists his fingers into you, massaging your walls while his tongue pulses against your clit. The tighter you pull his hair, the faster he moves, driving you higher and higher until you’re ready to implode. “Mmm, that’s it. Cum for me, pretty girl” he hums, his mouth not leaving you for a second. He reaches his free hand up to grip your breast, tearing it free from your bra to thumb your stiffened bud. 
“Hwa! Oh my god! Aah…yes, daddy. Yes…y…” A fire sparks inside of you, consuming your entire body. Your eyes roll to the back of your head and you clutch your hands over your mouth to muffle your screams. Hwa delights in how wet you are, creaming all over his fingers, drenching his wrist. Taking your hands away from your mouth, he kisses you, swallowing every noise you make. 
“Gonna cum one more time for me? Hmm?” he asks and you feel the head of his swollen cock rubbing against your still core. Hwa thrusts into you, coming down to kiss and lick between your cleavage. You lose your grip on his hair, hands sliding down his back. “Fuck, you’re so sexy baby. Feel so fucking good around this dick.” 
There’s no moment of tranquility. No chance to catch your breath. No calm before the next storm begins to roll in. Hwa’s so deep inside of you, so determined to make you take every thick throbbing inch of him. “Hwa…I…I can’t feel my legs” you gasp, clawing at his back. Hwa hisses at how wonderfully it stings, “Good.” 
Heart racing, sweat coating both of your bodies, the pressure comes to a head again. “Shit…mmph…don’t stop. Fuck me, daddy!” you cry out, going limp. Hwa cradles you in his arms, his movements becoming sloppy. A uniquely strong twitch of his cock introduces a new warmth to your core as he fills you with so much cum that there’s a fullness in your belly. 
He collapses onto your chest, the two of you desperately gasping for air. “Y/n, I…have…something…for…you” he says, his breathing still labored. Hwa reaches down and pulls one of the desk drawers out, digging around for something for a second. You arch your back to stretch your tightened muscles, “Is it a chiropractor?” “Not quite.” 
Hwa dangles a familiar looking set of keys in your face. You pluck them from his fingers, inspecting them. Keys? His keys. “To the shop? Hwa, why are you giving me these?” He props himself up on shaky arms, “Someone has to take care of business while I’m gone, right?” “Take care of it? I can’t…I’m not you.” “No you aren’t. You’re better.” 
A cacophony of twisted metal, crumbled concrete, and arguing blares out in the garage. Jongho and Yunho rush into the office, immediately turning their backs to keep from seeing more than they already have. The two of you jump to your feet, scrambling to throw your clothes back on. “Seonghwa, we have an uh…problem” Yunho coughs, shoving his hands in his pockets. 
Jongho peeks out the corner of his eye, grinning, “It might get a little physical so you might wanna…uh.” Yunho slaps him on the back of the head, “Shut up.” In the distance, you can hear the screeching of tires. “Go! I’m right behind you!” Hwa shouts, clearing them out of the office. 
“Are we ripping heads off?” you ask, hopping back into your combat boots. He shrugs, tossing on his jacket, “Maaaaybe.” “Yay!” you cheer, kissing him and running to catch up with the boys. Hwa rests his hand on his heart, utterly smitten with you, “Fuck, I love you! I’m gonna marry you one day, woman!”
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rachetmath · 1 year
Jaune was working as usual until he heard his scroll. He looks to see Blake calling him. He answers.
Blake: Jaune we need to talk.
Jaune: *putting a baby to sleep while controlling kids* Blake I am a little busy at the moment.
Blake: Jaune we need to discuss why you quit your position.
Jaune: I don’t know maybe because I’m not needed and might as well use my time to get stronger and probably be more useful.
Yang: Jaune come on you were plenty useful in the nursing.
Jaune: Yang they have medical professionals. They were fine without me. Plus I go back there every morning. I never left. I even have them on my scroll. They call me too. So what’s the problem?
Robyn: Look we just need you to start pulling your weight and do your job.
Jaune: *triggered*
Kid #1: Ooo you messed up lady.
Jaune”s teacher 1: Honey you felt that, right?
Jaune’s teacher 2: Mm-hm someone about to get their ass beat. And my son is about to do it.
Jaune’s teacher 1: Honey we already got ten kids.
Jaune’s teacher 2: And I love them but their still children. They don’t know how bad adulthood is yet.
Jaune: Little bi- *remembers the children* You know what how about we have a meeting about this okay?
Robyn: Fine.
The next day everyone gathered around for the meeting with Jaune being in the room first. After everyone finished what they had to say, Jaune presented himself and replied.
Jaune: So, everyone good? Okay, I’ll make this quick. I have been doing my job better than almost all of you. Almost.
Qrow: Jaune what do you mean you have been messing up-
Jaune: I know the man who can change into a bird and is a legend yet still can’t watch over a maiden and his nieces for shit is talking to me.
Qrow: Now hold up son I’ll beat-
Jaune: Bro you are the reason Clover is dead. And the reason Tyrian escaped along with Robinhood over there.
Robyn: Hey.
Jaune: And speaking of you, Ms. Hill, how the hell was Penny defending your city better than you or any of your Happy Huntresses considering the amount of citizens who got hurt? 
May: Hey we had to evacuate our citizens cause your team deserted us. 
Jaune: Well sorry, it is not like one of my friends wasn’t kidnapped and was about to die at any given moment. 
Yang: You could have helped.
Jaune: Bitch you told me not to fight. Hell we almost got him back too. Oh. And we were planning to come back. However, we were captured because I was trying to warn someone of an upcoming attack. Which happened and yet some stubborn mother fuckers wouldn’t listen. Cause they were fixated on looking for Penny. 
Winter: Mm he did. But you
Jaune: Yeah-yeah I know, the Ironwood and Ruby bs. And speaking of that wouldn’t James have killed everyone anyway if we hadn’t stopped him?
Qrow: Not to mention Harriet almost dropped a whole bomb on Mantle to kill everyone.
Harriet: Okay rude.
Yang: Okay Jaune-
Jaune: Bitch don’t get me- don’t get me started on you. You have been getting your ass beat as of late. Like in Atlas and Mantle, I don't know how that’s possible, but me and my men, have been carrying you throughout the whole ordeal. All you have been doing was not knowing how to shut the hell up.  
Yang: um…
Jaune: Like you was talking about the Ace-ops and Winter following orders yet you were following Ozpin’s,Ruby’s, Ironwood's and better yet, you were following my orders. At least I was coming up with a plan. I was helping Ren. Being a leader. What were you doing other than Blake?
Blake: Alright Jaune, calm down, You have made your point.
Jaune: Oh no the fuck I haven't. Are you Ruby's sister?
Blake: No.
Jaune: Mm I wonder what drew me to that conclusion considering you have been acting like her sister more than a blond brawler over here? Both moms left her too, yet she looked for the one who never raised her.  
Yang: *tears dropping from her eyes*
Nora: Wow Jaune, that's cold.
Jaune: Nora. Ren. My supposedly two remaining teammates. 
Ren: Come on not again. Jaune, Ruby already told us everything. What can you possibly say that she hasn't told us yet?
Jaune: For someone who was on James's dick you never once tried to snitch on us. In fact you been kinda rude half the time.Then you decided to speak out against Harriet like you and Yang didn't argue before we got caught.
Ren: That was because she was insulting Pyrrha.
Jaune: Which I understand but I thought we were past that already.
Ren: Well I was the reason Winter agreed to your plan. And I was the reason we survived the whale to find Oscar.
Jaune: Emerald and Hazel saved Oscar before we had a chance. We basically went in there for nothing. And you almost started a fight with Harriet. 
Winter: Also I was a little hesitant but I agreed to the plan. Mainly more hostages. You wouldn’t be alive if I hadn’t jumped in.
Jaune: More importantly if I were to have thrown the relic into the mix, which had one question left by the way,  you're telling me Harriet wouldn't agree to let us go. Mainly because they were looking for Penny regardless.
Nora: Wow Jaune you would thrown Penny under the bus that easily?
Jaune: If it meant a negotiation with James, probably, yes. And Nora, weren't you unconscious throughout half that experience? 
Nora: I saved team RWBY.
Jaune: Who hasn't? Cause I recall, Qrow, Oobleck, Gylanda, us, CVFY, Ace-ops, James, and Ozpin. You ain’t special.
Oscar: Damn.
Jaune: Oscar you decided to meet James and try to talk. After he made us wanted criminals. What were you thinking?
Oscar: At least I tried to reassure him. 
Jaune: And you got shot. Mother fucker you were wasting time and our efforts. Next time no one might not be able to help you. And Ozpin? It took a whole pile of shit to happen for you to finally came out and help? 
Oscar(Ozpin): Mr. Arc it was not that bad.
Jaune: He got shot. Manhandled by a Grimm. And beat up by an old man. Come on.
Ozpin: … …
Jaune: Don’t get me started on how you fucked up years before.
Pietro: Jaune. You killed my-
Jaune: I killed Penny and saved Winter. Winter was Ironwood's second in command and was in charge of a whole army during a full-scale invasion. The fact Penny had Weiss, Ruby, Blake, Yang, and Nora to choose from proves she knew all of them weren't up to the task. Plus I was trying to help her but my options were limited. I did what I had to. I’m sorry.
Pietro: You could have-
Jaune: Healed her? I TRIED!!! However let's discuss how I have been carrying every damn body on my back. I had to help Ren multiple times when using his semblance. I had to heal Oscar. Heal Nora. Amplify Weiss and Penny when it came to her virus. Hell fourth wall breaking did anyone think for a second I amplified Ren ahead of time so he can mask those same thousands of people.
RWBY fan: …. ….
Jaune: All that while running, fighting and surviving while having barely enough sleep or energy. Hell, my aura kept breaking multiple times. I am surprised I haven't passed out yet.
Winter: Mm he made his point.
Weiss: Winter, why are you siding with him so quickly?
Winter: First off I am alive because of him. Second, Weiss, you lied to my face. Like I was open with you and you never once came to me with the truth. I'm your sister. You're lucky I was willing to side with you at all.
Jaune: Facts. And for someone who lived in Atlas, you barely did shit to save it. 
Weiss: I sent ships to help Mantle.
Winter: That's the thing though Mantle. You did nothing for Atlas at all. And how did you send those ships?
Weiss: Well it was mainly Whitley.
Winter: I rest my case.
Jaune: Also aren't you Ruby’s partner? Why are Oscar, Blake, and myself filling in those shoes more than you? 
Yang: Well in the Ever After you-
Jaune: I was trying to find a way home by learning the story. But as the saying goes, “Don’t trust everything you read.”  And sorry for protecting a civilization from killing itself even though that was the only thing keeping me sane.
Yang: *silent*  
Blake: They came back though.
Jaune: They don’t remember me or their past lives. They died and came back only to die again. Not to mention I had to leave my second and long-time companion and place her in the care of a rat. Not only that I had a whole map of the Ever After. I wasn't playing around. I was seriously trying to find a way home. Yet you called me crazy.
Blake: *silent* 
Jaune: Here is what I am saying, true enough I can't fight for anything but I at least help in areas none of you can seem to grasp. I have to sacrifice my mental and physical well-being to support ya’ll. I have been doing my job as a huntsman, teammate and a friend than almost any of you. 
Nora: But Jaune you’re our leader we need you.
Jaune: I recall the majority of times you two barely follow my orders. Ruby is your leader. I don’t recall having a team move with either of you. Not just that you have Oscar and Emerald so fuck both of you. 
Ren: Are we that bad of a team?
Jaune: Yeah, and what’s crazier is I have a family I haven’t seen in years yet I’m still prioritizing a city full of savages, and you all as my friends when I can just pull a Raven and leave you be.
Yang: DUDE!!
Jaune: I’m just saying I could leave and nothing would change. Now I’m leaving cause I got a job to do!*leave*
Qrow: Well damn.
Nora: I guess we all made mistakes.
Ren: Yes.
Weiss: I’m going to call Ruby and see if we can hang out.
Yang: Can we make that a double?
Oscar: Um Nora do you think-
Nora: Calm down Oscar. Jaune may be upset but he’ll be fine. He wouldn’t leave us like that.
A few weeks later.
Ruby: Hey everyone we’re back.
Team RWBY saw a crying Nora in Ren’s arms and defeated Qrow comforted by Oscar. Ruby looks to see a letter and picks it up. Ruby and her team read the letter. Afterward, Yang is shocked, and Weiss is sad as Blake comforts them. Ruby on the other hand steps out and then stares at the sky. A tear flows down her eye.
Ruby:  Well, at least you have the common decency to tell me what you’re up to. But still…*sigh* Hope you find what you're looking for my friend. And… … Please… come back safely.
Jaune was flying on a Nevermore along with Emerald who snuck aboard to his surprise. Jaune, though irritated, continued flying as she held onto him.
Emerald: I can’t believe you tamed a Nevermore. 
Jaune: Yeah-yeah anyways why did you follow me here?
Emerald: Hey someone has to watch your back.
Jaune: You are the last person I want to cover my back.
Emerald: Well don’t be rude. But also…
Jaune: What?
Emerald: Jaune… Salem is after you.
Jaune: Really? Why? I don’t recall being a silver-eyed warrior or Ozpin’s vessel. So why me? Also, how do you know?
Emerald: Mercury told me and even he doesn’t know. He just overheard Tyrian about you.
Jaune: I fought with him a week ago. (Should’ve killed him too.) Still doesn’t make sense though. Did he hear anything from Cinder?
Emerald: No. 
Jaune: Look I already left the kingdom. Cinder mainly wants Ruby dead. And Salem will be too preoccupied to do anything about me. We’re under clear.  
Somewhere in Vacuo, Tyrian and Mercury were speaking to Salem and Cinder through one of her sphere Grimm. Salem hears Jaune has left the kingdom of Vacuo and is enraged.
Salem: WHAT?!
Tyrian: I’m sorry mistress. Please calm down.
Salem: *breaths* Very well. Cinder will meet you both in Vacuo. Therefore we will split our efforts into two. You three along with our allies will search and kill the Summer Maiden along with team RWBY and their annoying friends. I will send a request to half of them to assist me in finding him. I may even need them.
Tyrian: Them ma’am?
Salem: Yes, them.
Tyrian: Very well my queen. We will not fail you.
Salem ends the call while Cinder stands before her with an angered look in her eye.
Salem: What is it, my dear?
Cinder: Why are you after Jaune?
Salem: Why do you ask?
Cinder Ma’am, I don’t mean to be rude but that boy isn’t worth our efforts at all.
Salem: Hm… really? So how come he’s alive?
Cinder: By sheer luck of course.
Salem: True. However, there is no doubt he has gotten in the way of our plans. Like with killing the Schnee girl. Or getting the winter maiden’s power. 
Cinder: *nervous* Those were my failures, ma’am.
Salem: Regardless I need him alive.
Cinder: But why though.
Salem: His semblance and aura. With his semblance along with Gillian's, I might be able to push our army further to evolution. But I need his power to do it. 
Cinder: Then allow me to-
Salem: *snaps* 
Cinder was shut off as she could feel pain from her Grimm arm. Salem turns around and looks to Cinder and say as she closes in on her.
Salem: I recall sending you to handle said children and what happened? Oh. You costed me knowledge. You lost the maiden powers to another huntress. Hazel and Emerald betrayed us. And worse of all you lost two useful people. 
Cinder: But I gave you creation. Surly that makes up- *feels greater pain*
Salem; Ever since you came back you have been getting cocky and more foolish by the day. Draining my resources. Right now, all I want from you to do is simply play nice and follow orders. Like a good little doll. 
Cinder was terrified as she stared at Salem’s as she leaned down to look closer at Cinder’s frightened gaze.
Salem: Understand this Cinder. I was the reason you managed to obtain and control that power you have in your possession. However, you so far have continued to prove how undeserving you are of said power and responsibility that comes with it. So let me break this down for you. If you so much as make a mistake, further disrupt my plans, or worse fail me…
Cinder: … …. 
Salem: I will take everything from you. Do you understand child?
Cinder: Yes m- *screams* Yes… my queen.
Salem: Good. Now leave. 
Cinder gets up and leaves for Vacuo. Salem on the other hand walks around her castle until she reaches her destination. There she opens a huge door. She walks through the door only to be greeted by multiple eyes.
Salem: Hello my children.
???: Greetings Mother.
Salem: Mother is sorry. I wish I didn’t have to send you to do this. But there is no one but you that I trust to do this task
???: Anything Mother.
Salem uses her Grimm to present an image of the target.
Salem: Find this boy. Do however you feel it takes to bring him back alive. 
???: May we have fun hunting him Mother.
Salem: *smile* Of course, my children. You may torture him and do as you see fit.
???: Yes mother. It shall be done.
Salem: Then go. 
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slashv1xen · 6 months
Hiii! I have an idea in my mind, but you don't have to write about it!!!
Maybe Otis brings home a person he liked (not a victim, they met somewhere else) and waiting for them to realise about his deeds and THEN he can kill them because of their reaction. But the person is like "Oh, cool" and continues talking to Firefly family carelessly. What would be his reaction?
ooh this one got me thinking 💭
i reckon otis would be stunned, and have a blank expression on his face as he thinks why this person isn’t scared senseless. ‘what? how they ain’t scared?’
but if otis is interested in u he would probably have a smirk on his face and probably keep u around (ur also now baby’s best friend, good job!), but if not he’ll most likely kill u out of spite.
the two of u probably met in either a bar (this man is a heavy drinker), captain spaulding’s gas station or at red hot pussy liquor (he’s incredibly sleazy what can i say).
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one shot 💗
“okay, enough!” you announced as you put the shot glass down, gasping from the taste of the strong vodka. the man beside you, who introduced himself as otis just laughed and took a swig straight from the bottle (much to the bartenders protests).
“what’s wrong honey, i thought you could handle this, hm?” he teased, chuckling at your annoyed expression. “not more than 8 fuckin’ shots!” you snap, in disbelief as he looked at you, amused.
“how about you come home with me, i ain’t so drunk i can’t give you a ride liar and my mama can fix ya somethin’ real nice. least i can do, especially after you paying.” you rolled your eyes at his offer, but a small smile on your face was present.
“fine, you’re right. least you can do after giving me damn alcohol poisoning,” you say, to which otis laughs and says that you’re being dramatic.
after 20 minutes otis pulls up into what looked like an abandoned farm house. if you didn’t know you’d think the house was derelict. the door happened to be unlocked, to which otis let out a grumble and pushed it open, the two of you stepping inside.
the house was a mess, to say the least. you stepped over the empty glass bottle and year-old newspapers and sat on the couch, smoothing over your pants. otis said that he’ll be back in a second, and for you to just “hang tight cutie pie”, smiling as you laughed.
after what seemed like a few minutes two women came down the stairs. a younger one, about your age, and an older one who looked about 55. they both sat down next to you and introduced themselves as “mama firefly but just call me mama” and “baby”.
you were chatting with baby about movies while mama was making you a “special meal”, when otis pulled you aside, a devilish grin on his face.
“well, i figured now would be a good time to tell you…” he started, purposely being slow to create tension (to be an asshole)
“yeah? what did you need?” you reply, looking back at baby who waved to you, and you waved back. otis sighed, that grin still present.
“i tell this to everyone that comes here, and well, none of ‘em have made it out…” you were confused, why was this man talking in riddles? “i’m gonna kill you.” he whispered in your ear, his hot breath on the nape of your neck.
“shit, really?” you ask, no emotion in your voice. he nods, waiting for your reaction. “okay, just make it quick then.” you shrugged and walked back to the couch with baby, chatting again as if nothing happened.
otis however, was dumbfounded. he just said he would kill you, and you didn’t care? how? he was so confused, he can’t even think straight. hell, he can’t even think at all. the smirk slowly returned to his face as he thought of his next move.
‘maybe we could have a future together…’
hi hi, this was so much fun to write! in my eyes, this is so in character and i can totally imagine something like this happening in one of the movies. please never shy away from requests, i’m happy to do anything (that is SFW ofc). have a good day and i hope you enjoyed!
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Inside job
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Kaz Brekker x Fem!reader x Inej Ghafa
This is a drabble? I think, but it’s really freaking short. And there is hint of romance but nothing actually said, but it’s hinted.
Warnings: Shit writing.
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There was only one option, and they knew.
“We can’t get in without some sort of key, or something. Even I know it’s useless to even try to break in without a opening.” Jesper spoke leaning against the table behind him, wylan beside him fiddling with his own shirt buttons.
Kaz knew this job was going to need somone from the inside, The Honeyedpass was not easy to get into. No, he knew the place was well guarded. But still, there was always someway in and luckily he knew exactly what to do.
“That’s why we need someone from the inside, no one gets in or out without someone knowing.” Kaz spoke as the others looked at him puzzled, all excited one. “And who would that be?” Jesper ask with a hint of excitement in his tone.
Inej watched as his gaze feel on her, she knew exactly who he was talking about. A job only she would do because she was no better then the rest of them. But still, this would put her in more danger if anyone were to find out.
“No.” Inej leaned on the table making everyone’s attention snap to her. “There is no one else.” His tone low and stern. “She would be killed without a thought if anyone found out.” The girl stepped closer and glares at him.
“She can handle herself, and we need her to complete this.” They stare into each others eyes to fight for who was right. It was a fight without words or fists, but the others could admit they would be scared if they received the looks.
“I’m sorry but who is “she”?” Jesper interrupted them both to ask the important question. 
The smell of the sea water mixed with dead fish and guts. That was the telling of the docks. The smell she found comforting, when she was off duty she wanted to feel like someone normal. So she helps the fisherman unload the boats, or guts the fish, sell them- Anything really. But she was respected. Her first day she put a man in his place for thinking he could touch her. There were more incidence after but now the people there respected her.
A woman never afraid to spill blood.
The woman grunted as she slammed the heavy box into the rest and took a minute to catch her breath. Then the boards beneath her vibrated with footsteps, the sound of a cane, then the last sign is reflections on the water from the corner of her eye. Her lips curled up into a smirk because there was only one group this could be.
“What a pleasant surprise,” she turned around to faces them, “all the crows coming to see me? Oh, how special I am.” Her voice teasing and fake. She looked at the tall man she knew, his face the same as when she last saw, hardened. “What do I  owe the pleasure?”
“I’ve got a job for you.” She let out a huffed chuckle and crossed her arms. Her gaze leaving him and then finding the beautiful soft ones she remembered, oh how tempting they were. “Wouldn’t be here if you didn’t.” She looked around at each member standing before her.
“We need a way into The Honeyedpass, and there’s only one way in. Despite your little acted of playing fisherman, you work with the wealthy. Get us in, then secure a way out and your actions will be paid for.” Everyone could see the look he was giving her, the one she was giving back.
There was something more.
The way his even hardened expression was softer, his eyes showing a hint of emotion, or the way his lips moved up with a smirk each time he spoke. Then there was inej, her eyes soft and pleading for you. It was clear she cared for you, so much that she didn’t want you to take the job. Her expression could be called “A kicked puppy” look if Jesper had his say.
“What’s the pay?” You stepped closer to the group with a mischievous glint in your eyes and a tone honeyed. Kaz looked at you and titled his head because he knew how you were. No matter the job, no matter who it’s for, friend or strangers, you never did anything for free. And he loved that about you.
“Name your price.”
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racerchix21 · 3 months
Shovel Talk: Harbor Edition
Summary: “Thomas Jude Kinard, I know for a fact that your friends didn’t threaten to kill me if I hurt you just for you to leave me,” Buck growls out standing next to Tommy’s hospital bed. “I love you dammit and I need you to always come home to me. Got it Kinard? You can’t leave me. Not now, not ever.”
Aka 3 times Buck met one of Tommy’s friends and an ex boyfriend and they threatened him without Tommy knowing and 1 time Buck finally tells Tommy what his friend are doing and says those 3 little words.
He’d been standing just outside the hangar talking to one of Tommy’s coworkers when they’d heard the crash and when he’d turned around he was greeted with the sight of a downed chopper and Tommy trying to drag Lucy out. What followed led them here to this moment in a hospital room.
Now he doesn’t mean to blurt out that Lucy, Carson and Sal had threatened him when they’d run into them or met up with in Sal’s case. What makes him finally say something is because he can’t stand to see Tommy’s little frown when he comes to and realizes that Evan’s the only one who seems to care that he’s potentially injured. Not that Lucy’s in any position to be there even if she wanted to be not with a broken ankle and a concussion.
“Thomas Jude Kinard, I know for a fact that your friends didn’t threaten to kill me if I hurt you just for you to leave me,” Buck growls out standing next to Tommy’s hospital bed. “I love you dammit and I need you to always come home to me. Got it Kinard? You can’t leave me. Not now, not ever.”
“They did? I didnt think anyone really cared,” Tommy says in disbelief. “I’m sorry if I scared you baby. It was literally supposed to be a routine test flight for the new chopper and instead we wrecked it trying to take off. I don’t have any plans of leaving you anytime soon and I’m sorry you had to watch us wreck.”
“I know Tommy and I’m glad that you and Lucy weren’t more seriously injured. Doesn’t mean it didn’t scare the shit out of me though. Now I’m gonna go see about getting your discharge papers and then we’ll go home and relax.”
“Evan, wait… I love you,” Tommy calls as Buck starts to walk out the door. He never says ‘I love you too’ it’s always ‘I love you’ and today isn’t gonna be any different. He needs Evan to know that he’s choosing him everyday.
“I know honey. Now hang tight and I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go ahead and see if Sal can’t go ahead and pick us up okay?”
Buck doesn’t wanna think about how terrified he was seeing Tommy and Lucy’s chopper hit the ground as soon as they’d tried to take off but he’s grateful no one was killed. He walks out to find a nurse and to make sure that Tommy won’t see him cry again. As he makes his way down the hall he also sends out a mass text to update everyone and to ask Sal to come pick them up since he’s only in town one more night. They’d been planning dinner which is why he’d been at Harbor when the crash happened.
When he walks back into Tommy’s room with a nurse they find him trying to get dressed and failing spectacularly. The laugh he lets out and the nurse’s horrified “Mr. Kinard!” startle Tommy bad enough that he falls backwards onto the bed sending Buck into another round of laughter.
“It’s not what it looks like, I swear,” Tommy whines. “I just wanna get outta here and because this gown really doesn’t close in the back.”
“T, I don’t see an issue with it not closing in the back,” Buck says shrugging “sorry Alesia.”
“I’ve heard worse believe me Buckley,” Alesia says before glaring at Tommy again. “Now Mr. Kinard I don’t mind you wanting to get out of here but at least let your man help you get dressed. You’ve got a dislocated shoulder and I really don’t wanna have to keep you for longer because you got impatient. I’m gonna go grab the last of your papers and then we can get you to your ride.”
Now he’s laying in Evan’s arms as he’s regaled with how Tommy’s people how threatened him over the last couple of months.
1. Lucy Donato his co-pilot
Two months ago
Lucy likes Buck, don’t get her wrong. She drunkenly kissed the guy for gods sake but the idea of Evan Buckley being all in on this new exciting relationship with her partner is hard to believe as quickly as he had. In the 2 years she’s been Tommy’s co-pilot she knows the guy puts his heart into everything he does from rescues to falling in love. She’d possibly claim that Tommy Kinard was a close friend but it’s hard not to be given the fact she spends more time with him than her own fiancée.
She was only apart of the 118 for a few weeks before she got hurt and then transferred to Harbor but in the time she was there she got to see many versions of Evan Buckley.
Lucy’d saw his recklessness, his love and protectiveness of his family, she saw the way he lit up around kids and how he’d bounce around like the golden retriever Hen was always accusing him of being.
What she’d never seen before was how settled Evan Buckley was when he came to see Tommy at work. He was the polar opposite of everything she’d ever experienced as his work partner and she had to admit that this version of him even had her endeared.
But it wasn’t just Buck that seemed to be more settled and happy, Tommy was just as smitten. She could’ve sworn that she heard him humming once in the break room but as soon as the guy saw she was walking in it had stopped.
She runs into Buck one morning going on her morning run and decides she’s gonna warn him about what’s gonna happen if he breaks Tommy’s heart. She doesn’t even give him a chance to say anything as she runs up beside him, “Buckley, if you even think about hurting Tommy I will find you and I will murder you. Then I’ll hide your body so well that even Athena won’t be able to find it.”
2. Carson Hayes his ex boyfriend
Carson met Tommy at the scene of a car accident. His accident to be more specific. The roof of his truck was caved in a way that he couldn’t move more than a few inches and he’d begun to panic until a handsome firefighter with the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen walked up and started asking him questions. He doesn’t wanna say it was love at first sight because it was more gratitude for surviving the wreck but he did ask the guy what his name was once he’d been treated and then he asked Tommy on a date.
They’d lasted exactly 4 months before Tommy’s job got to be too much and Carson had gotten scared. They’d been out to dinner when a man walked up to thank Tommy for saving him from a huge fire a few days before. The guy had regaled Carson with Tommy’s reckless disregard for his own safety when he’d taken off his helmet in order to get a young girl to trust him. The idea of his boyfriend running into burning buildings and taking the chance of being killed scared the shit out of him so when they’d gotten back to Tommy’s place Carson had gently tried to break up with him.
He was never gonna make Tommy choose between his job and them so he’d done what he had to. Besides it had been pretty obvious that none of Tommy’s friends had liked him much and if he was being honest he wasn’t sure if he and Tommy were truly “in love” or if they were just fucking around for the hell of it.
Now looking back he’s glad they did because he met the love of his life and Tommy very apparently had met his if the dirty blonde on his arm is anything to go by. He’s trying to pull Josh to the other side of the bar when his husband lets go of his hand to make his way over to where Tommy and his date are sitting.
“Babe? Babe, where the hell are you going,” Carson asks scrambling to catch up.
“That’s Maddie’s little brother Buck,” Josh answers slowing down enough Carson can grab his hand again. “I figured we could go say hi real quick then we can go. Besides Maddie mentioned that Buck was really happy now and I wanted to officially meet his new guy.”
“It’s funny because I could’ve sworn I saw my ex boyfriend over here. It looked like he was on a date though.”
“What are the chances that they’re here together? Well regardless let’s go say hi and then we can go home, okay?”
Approaching the table, Carson’s shocked to see Tommy sitting there with Buck. He’s not surprised though at the fact that Tommy quickly excuses himself. They hadn’t ended on fantastic terms no matter how gentle he’d tried to end things. He’d made eye contact with Tommy before he’d run off and now he feels bad about interrupting.
“Buck you said your name was,” and at Buck’s nod he continues “try not to break his heart. He’s one of the good ones and he deserves nothing short of the best. I dated him a few months and I’ll admit that I got scared of his job and broke his heart so please be careful with it.”
Carson doesn’t even wait for Buck to say anything before he’s grabbing Josh’s hand to drag him out to their car.
3. Sal Deluca his best friend and the final boss
Sal’ll admit that he wasn’t the greatest guy when he worked for the 118 but in the years since he talked himself out of a job and got transferred he’s grown as a person. Getting married, having a couple kids and moving to Idaho to become an arson investigator can do that for a man. Add in the fact that his best friend from his time in LA with the 118 had come out to him 5 years ago and suddenly he was seeing things in a different light. Gone was the man making homophobic and racist jokes and comments at every opportunity and in his place stood a man who was learning how harmful those words could be.
The idea that Tommy Kinard, one of the best firefighters he’d ever worked with, was gay wasn’t not something Sal expected. He was just happy that Tommy was finally getting to be the most authentic version of himself. A version of Tommy who was finally comfortable in his own skin was all he’d ever wanted for the man.
When he heard about the cruise ship disaster and his old crews role in the rescue he was a little shocked. Finding out about who’d voluntarily flown them into the hurricane was what had thrown him for the biggest loop but it also made him laugh because of course Kinard with his too big heart of gold would do something like that. The man was loyal to a fault if all the stars aligned properly and he’d do anything to protect the people he cared about even if he hadn’t been apart of the 118 in years.
He’s not expecting Tommy to call him especially since they hadn’t talked much Sal had moved but he’s curious about the insanity of the rescue so he answers.
“Thomas. What had you calling me on this lovely morning,” Sal asks as soon as he answers.
“Salvatore, I know that your day is going great with that huge fire in Blackfoot and all those casualties,” Tommy sarcastically says. “I called to check in but mostly I needed to tell someone about this cute guy I met. I don’t have anyone that I’m super close with anymore here in LA and I figured you’re far enough away to not know who he is.”
“Wait you met a guy? Like an actual living breathing human,” he teases. “What this pretty man’s name?”
“Evan. Evan Buckley. Sal he’s really new to this whole dating a man thing but he’s so sweet and eager to learn,” Tommy says with dreamy airy quality to his voice. “He’s a firefighter so he gets that the job is dangerous and that I might not be able to always answer my phone at work.”
“You’re dating Evan Buckley as in the same Evan Buckley who got struck by lightning and died before they brought him back?”
“Yes the same one if you must know.”
“So tell me more about this Evan Buckley guy,” Sal encourages as leans back in his chair and kicks his feet up on the desk. Look no one’s ever accused him of not being a gossip about anything and he was kind of intrigued by the excitement in Tommy’s voice as he rambled on for 20 minutes. He hates to cut his friend off but he’s up to his neck in paperwork and other investigation requirements that need his immediate attention so he quickly tells Tommy they’ll have to get together for drinks when he’s in LA again and hangs up.
He calls his wife as he walks out to his truck to head to the first scene and plans a quick trip to visit old friends back home and texts Tommy a date to hang out again.
Walking into a badge and ladder bar in downtown LA is not how Sal pictured his first day back in the city going but he was eager to meet Tommy’s new boyfriend. He wanted to make sure that Evan was good enough for his best friend but that he also knew the consequences of breaking Tommy’s heart.
Sitting at a high top table he spots Tommy and another guy long before Tommy clocks him. He has to admit that the man who walks behind his best friend is hot as hell and the closer they get the more Sal finds himself admiring the guy. Hell who’s he kidding Tommy’s looking bigger and hotter than he did when they were both still working together. He’s so lost in his haze and internal monologue that he completely misses them walking up until Tommy shakes his shoulder and he startled so hard he manages to slosh half of his beer across the table.
“Sal, I know Evan’s hotter than the sun but I didn’t realize you’d be freak enough to waste beer,” Tommy jokingly says wrapping an arm around his boyfriends waist. “Babe, this is Sal Deluca an old friend from my 118 days. He and I were both terrorized by Maurice the chicken back around the time Bobby started out as our Captain. Sal, this is my boyfriend Evan Buckley.”
“So you’re Deluca, huh,” Buck says in lieu of a greeting. “I’ve heard a lot about you since I started working with Bobby, Hen and Chim. This guy has told me a few things about you too but I’m eager to see how much is true.”
“All good things I hope,” Sal laughs nervously because what if they’ve told Evan how shitty of a person he was back then? He’s a changed man dammit and he really shouldn’t care this much whether or not this guy like him. Regardless he holds eye contact with the blonde and hopes to god he looks more confident than he feels.
“Most of them have been yes. I’ve heard some not so flattering things about a younger you but don’t worry Tommy’s told me how great of a friend you are and how good a man you’ve become since Bobby fired you,” Buck says looking back just as intensely. “Don’t worry man I don’t have anything against you. I trust their judgement about who you were before versus who you are now.”
Tommy hates to break up their little staring contest but he’d really like to spend time with both his boyfriend and his best friend so he presses a kiss to the side of Evan’s temple to get his attention. “Babe, I’m gonna go get us drinks so I’ll be right back. I’ll get you the regular and for you Salvatore I’ll buy you the sweetest fruitiest cocktail they have. I know much you love the sweet stuff buddy.”
“Thomas I swear to god,” Sal growls playfully as Tommy walks away laughing. When he sees that Tommy’s far enough away to not overhear him he turns his attention to Buck again. “Evan I just want you to know how much it means to me to see Tommy happy again. The man deserves the world and I trust that you’ll treat his heart with all the love and care you can. He seems to be more comfortable with being himself when you’re around and he talks about you all the time. You’re already significantly better than most of his exes which looking back isn’t all that difficult. With that being said though I need you to know that I can and will make your life a living hell if you break his heart. I also know how to make an arson look like an accident so if you hurt him or make him cry I can also make your death look like a freak accident, do I make myself clear?”
“Wonderful then so tell me more about what the 118’s been getting into recently.”
Tagging: @tommykinard6 @emilybahu @scknight05 @buck348 @betterkeepmewetterthanabayou @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @princesseddiediaz @all-da-fandoms @mymistakewriting @hummelinski @fandomiseveryth1ng @i-am-married-to-my-fandom @ballistari22 @obsessivebisexual4tevan
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The Tour V
Warning: swearing, smut
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This day is shit. Actually shit is an understatement for how the day is. You know you look like complete and utter crap the next day but you don’t care. Everyone stays away from you, including Colson, and to be perfectly honest with yourself, it was fucking lonely. You know that everyone is pretty wrapped up in the tour and therefore doesn’t have a whole lot of spare time to deal with your personal existential crisis but you were pretty disappointed that when everyone returned from interviews and publicity appearances, no one ventured into your room to talk. You’re still not even sure how Colson got into your room last night and it’s eating you alive.
You get a text from Ashleigh around 5:30, informing you that everyone is heading out to dinner at 6 and if you feel up to joining. You don’t even get a chance to respond before Rook comes blinding into your room.
“Seriously, how is everyone doing that?!” you screech as you rush for a pair of pants to throw on.
“Doing what?” he asks with a goofy grin and an eye roll at your reaction.
“Getting into my room without me letting them?” you kick him off your bed with a shove which just makes him roll his eyes again but he saunters over to the sofa.
“Ashleigh gets extras of everyone’s room keys in case we lose them and get locked out of our room or if we slept through our alarm.”
Wait, so Ashleigh knows Colson came in last night?
The thought terrifies you because you can’t really think of a reason as to why Colson would need to come into your room at 2am. What did he tell her to get the key without her asking questions? If there’s one thing you know about him, it’s that he’s not one for answering questions he doesn’t want to.
Or for sticking around after sex.
“What the hell is going on in that brain of yours?” Rook looks seriously concerned as he watches you stand in the middle of the room.
You’re desperate to say the words out loud. To tell someone so you don’t feel completely alone and lost in your feelings but you’re conflicted. Rook is not only your best friend but Colson’s too. You don’t want to put him in an uncomfortable position but you worry that you may suffocate trying to keep this to yourself.
“Colson and I had sex last night and then he took off when I went to use the bathroom without so much as a thank you.”
Rook’s face drops and his skin pales. He sits there staring at you for what feels like forever. He closes his mouth and opens it so many times he genuinely looks like a fish. You need him to say something, anything!
“I’m gonna fucking kill him!” he growls, jumping to his feet and striding to the door. You quickly jump in front of him, blocking him from the door.
“No, please don’t do anything!” you beg but Rook has that murderous look in his eyes that makes you nervous.
“Get the fuck out of my way Y/N!”
“Rook,” your bottom lip quivers and his face softens slightly.
“Aw honey.”
He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to him, desperately trying to comfort you. Rook hates when you cry because it happens so rarely, he’s always unsure of how to go about it. He pulls you towards your bed and you sit next to him while he rubs circles on your back. You tell him everything. About the couch, the kiss, him coming to your room. Once you start talking it’s like word vomit. You tell him how conflicted you are, how you’re stuck between wanting to wring his neck and runaway to lick your wounds, alone.
“Has he said anything about why he’s been in such a shitty mood lately?” Rook finally says after a few moments of silence.
“That’s your takeaway from everything I just told you?” you’re completely dumbfounded and your tone conveys that clearly.
“I’m sorry it’s just you’re the first person he’s properly spent any time with in months, I thought maybe it would come up.”
“Yeah in between orgasms he told me his biggest, darkest secrets and we bonded while he braided my hair.”
“Ok, point taken! And don’t ever mention your orgasms to me again.”
You roll your eyes because sometimes you think Rook forgets you’re a woman who has sex. To him, it’s like picturing your little sister having sex. A knock on the door interrupts your banter and you stand to answer it. You’re surprised to find Colson on the other side, looking at his feet and you peer over your shoulder to see Rook visibly tense.
“Are you coming to dinner?” Colson asks, still not looking at you. You can feel the glare Rook is shooting at him because it’s boring into your back.
“I…I don’t know, I’m not that hungry.”
“Listen Y/N,” Colson finally looks up and spots Rook over your shoulder. “Oh, hey man. I didn’t know you were in here.”
“I came to get her for dinner,” Rook’s voice is tight, like he’s barely managing to keep himself calm.
You look between the two of them, feeling the tension building in your chest as they stare at each other. Neither of them makes any attempt to lighten the mood and the atmosphere is physically suffocating you. You have to remind yourself to breathe and you let out a breath you were holding. Rook’s eyes twitch to your face before looking back at Colson, daggers in his eyes.
“Couldn��t keep your fucking mouth shut for at least 24 hours, huh?” Colson shoots his own daggers at you and your stomach drops.
“Don’t fucking talk to her like that!” Rook is across the room and in Colson’s face in seconds.
Even though Rook is a head shorter than Colson, he could definitely hold his own in a fight. You step between the two of them, both their chests rising and falling against your shoulders as you squeeze your way into the small space they allow. Rook relaxes as you stand between them as you knew he would. He would never put you in harm's way and getting in a punch on with you so close would do exactly that.
“I’m not hungry,” you mumble to no one in particular just as Baze and Slim come to your door.
“Jesus, what the fuck is going on in here?” Baze jokes but when no one laughs, he scratches the back of his neck nervously.
“I’m not coming to dinner,” you answer him as Rook moves away. You can tell by the look on his face that he wants to stay with you and be a good friend but he’s torn because you’re sure he’s starving. “You go Rook, order a big steak for me.”
“Pfft, not like you could afford one,” Colson mutters under his breath.
Slim, Baze and Rook’s mouths all drop open. That was below the belt, even for him, especially in front of everyone. Rook looks like he wants to beat the shit out of him and Baze and Slim look like they want to hold Colson down so he can get as many hits in as possible. You square your shoulders and lift your head high as you look directly at Colson.
“Ooo, pointing out my lack of funds, real original asshole. At least if I had money, I wouldn’t waste it on alcohol, drugs and hookers. Unlike some people, I don’t need to pay to have others in my company. I get it all for free.” you punctuate each word so what you’re saying really sinks in for him.
Yeah all these people are my friends because they want to be, not because I pay their salary.
“Fuck you,” he spits at you before turning on his heels and heading back to his room, slamming the door behind him.
After your big blow up with Colson, everyone pretty much scrambled as soon as he left. Rook gave you one last hug before heading with the guys to dinner. You were completely fuming at what he’d said. Why is the money thing such a big deal to him? Is he pissed that you’re making money off him by simply being on the tour as his personal babysitter? Maybe it bothers him that the record label felt the need to hire you to keep him on track. It is kind of insulting considering he’s a grown man.
You decide it’s driving you insane just sitting around your hotel room so you decide to get ready for the concert earlier than planned. The cars aren’t leaving until 8 for a start time of 9:30 but you decide you might head to the restaurant everyone else is at for a drink. You hop in a boiling hot shower, washing your hair and shaving your legs twice to help drain some time. As you look down at your bruised breasts, your mind drifts to Colson and his lips on your skin. You hadn’t noticed until you were undressing for your shower that his fingers had left bruises on your hips from when he held you down as he ate you out. Your nipples harden at the thought and you have to push the images away.
Be mad at him.
When you get out of the shower, you blowdry your hair and run the straightener over it. You go heavier than usual on your makeup but it always makes you feel more confident when you’re all dolled up and you don’t want Colson to see how much he affects you. You wrap the towel around your body as you step out of the bathroom to pick your outfit. You stop dead when you spot a shirtless Colson lying on your bed, arms behind his back, his eyes staring at the ceiling. A cigarette hangs from his pink lips and your insides quiver.
“Why the fuck does everyone keep inviting themselves into my room?” you spit at him.
He doesn’t look at you and you fold your arms over your chest, pushing your tits up a little. His eyes zero in on that movement and you suddenly feel very self-conscious that there’s nothing but a towel between your body and his eyes.
“Only sluts wear red lipstick,” he muses, staring at your chest and your face heats with embarrassment. You square your shoulders and think of a quick retort.
“As I remember, I wasn’t exactly a saint in that bed last night.” His jaw twitches and you see a flicker of lust cross his face as he looks at you again.
Hmm interesting.
“Pretty sure I remember you moaning my name as I came all over your dick, begging me to call you daddy.”
He growls and swings his legs over the bed to face you. You stroll over to him, hips swinging, tits bouncing with every step. His hands are clenched so tight that you can see nothing but white on his knuckles. His eyes are large as he stares at you, lips parted slightly, his chest rising and falling as you stand in front of him, his face directly at chest height. You see him inhale deeply and his eyes flutter. You’re enjoying this game you’re playing with him way too much to stop, even though you know you should.
“Left all those marks on my tits and my hips so I’d remember exactly who I spent the night with. Exactly who ate my pussy so well that I creamed all over his face, like the slutty sinner I am, right daddy?”
A mix between a guttural moan and a snarl erupts from his throat and his lips are on yours, slamming you against the wall. He strips the towel from your body, throwing it behind him. He presses his body to yours, rubbing his hard cock against your bare pussy. You moan into his mouth, the friction heaven on your dripping pussy. As much as you’re enjoying the feeling of being pressed up against the wall, you want to be in control. You put your hand in the centre of his chest and push with force. He stumbles back, falling back on the bed with a thump. Before he can react you’re on him, straddling him. You grind your hips down so you’re rubbing over his growing erection. You flick his jeans open, pulling his briefs down just enough to release his cock. Your mouth salivates at the sight of him. He’s so large in your hand, you’re suddenly intimidated.
How the hell did that fit last night?
You drop to your knees, licking the purple head tasting his precum. He moans your name as you swirl your tongue around. The thick veins in his dick throb as you tease him. You lick underneath from the base to the tip and back down. You take him in your mouth, sucking in your cheeks to create a deep suction. The top half of Colson’s body reels up and he stares down at you between his legs, wrapping your hair around his hand and pushing you down. You gag but push deeper until you can feel him down your throat.
“Jesus fucking Christ baby,” he whines as you bob your head up and down, creating a comfortable pace that has him panting and swearing.
You want to stop. A loud voice in your head is screaming at you to stop. The game you started has taken a completely different turn and you don’t know if you can bring yourself to follow through. The throb in your pussy is begging you to satisfy her but your ego is desperate to teach Colson a lesson. Right as he’s on the edge, the precipice just within reach as you continue to work him with your hand and your mouth, red lipstick smearing his cock, you pull away. You stand, dabbing around your mouth to clean away your saliva and fix your lipstick.
“I should probably get dressed,” you smile down at him sweetly, licking your lips to be cruel.
“What the fuck?” he exclaims and the look in his eyes is pure murder. “You’re just going to leave me throbbing for you like this?” that sentences makes your pussy quiver with desire but you tell her to calm the fuck down.
“Why give you something for free?” you call over your shoulder and disappear into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Take that motherfucker.
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unhappycylinder · 1 year
Gonna Be Trouble (Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x fem!Reader) Part 7
wc: 1.5k
warnings: arguing, angry Jake, relationship issues, deployment
Series Masterlist
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“Jake are you serious right now?” Gabby yelled at the top of her lungs
“Yeah I am,” Jake matched her tone
“We’ve worked so hard for this! All of us! The amount of texts I get from her…the amount of texts Bradley gets from you! Jake everyone’s rooting for you, everyone can see how much you need each other, how much you want this relationship to work out!”
“Gabby I want this too, but its not gonna work, it just cant! I’m leaving next week and she’s going back to school, there’s just no way…”
“You’ve made it work before pendejo! And she wants it to work too!”
“I’m afraid, Gabby! Okay? I’m afraid of losing her or leaving her, I can’t have both her and my career…”
“Ay cabrón, you’re afraid? I’ll make you afraid!” Gabby yells, threatening to remove a sandal
“Woah there,” Jake puts his hands out, trying to calm her down
“Jake I will personally kill you if you don’t talk about your shit with her. I’ve dealt with her heartbreak over you one too many times,” she threatened, sandal almost in hand
“Gabby I can’t,” he hung his head in remorse
“You can’t what? You can’t what Jake?” She approached him, “you cant for once tell the truth?”
Jake sighed as Gabby got closer.
“You know what I see why they call you Hangman,” she said softly, “you always leave people hanging…even the ones you love”
Tears threatening to escape his eyes, Hangman placed his hands on his hips, his head tilting back towards the ceiling of Gabby’s house. Gabby walked away, head hung, phone in hand threatening to call her best friend and spill the news of Jake’s deployment before he had the chance to hurt her.
Hearing whispers around the corner, Jake lowered his head and turned around to find Rooster entering the room. 
“Sorry about her man,” Rooster began
“No, no, she’s right,” Jake responded 
“She always is.” 
Jake sighed again, putting his hands over his face, “man I don’t know what to do!”
“I mean you could just…tell her?”
“How’s she gonna react to that? She’s in college man. I just don’t see how its fair to make her sit there in another state while you and I roam around the Pacific for god knows how long,” Jake’s head remained in his hands.
“It’s shit man, but thats what Gabby does, that’s what she did when she was in college. And you know what? It was worth it. Because every time I landed, or every time I walked off that aircraft carrier, she was there with open arms waiting for me to come home.”
Jake shook his head, his eyes grazing up the form of his best friend who was standing next to him, arm extending to meet his shoulder with a comforting touch.
“If you believe a relationship will fail,” Rooster began, “it will. But if you know in your heart that she wants you not just to come home, but to come home to her, then that’s all it takes. Military relationships aren’t normal, Jake, but they’re so goddamn rewarding when you put your all into it.”
Jake nodded his head, “you think Gabby’s talked to her yet?”
“I know my woman, and as much as she hates men, especially you, she wouldn’t get in between you and her no matter what,” Rooster smiled at him, relief filling his body knowing that his best friend had resolved to stay with the only woman who had ever made him this happy.
“Hey baby,” you said softly over the phone, your calm voice the closest thing to a caress you could give to Jake right now.
“Hi sweetheart, how was your day?” Jake’s voice wavered slightly, but he hoped you wouldn’t notice.
“It was good, class was interesting for once, and I did a little study group in the library with some friends,” you smiled, your eyes scanning Jake’s face over facetime, you could tell something was up.
“No boys in your study group I hope,” he said shakily
“No dad…” you joked, “no boys in the study group”
“Ew,” Jake laughed, “that was a dumb question, I’m sorry”
“What’s got you on edge honey?” You simply couldn’t stand to watch him squirm any longer.
“Um,” Jake sighed, “I’m being deployed,” he said sternly, his eyes darkening.
“Oh.” You knew this would happen eventually, but the reality of it was something you’d never experienced before. “When do you leave? How are you feeling about it?”
“Not great, obviously,” he snapped.
“Jeez Jake I-”
“I leave on Monday.”
“That’s four days from now, how long have you known?” The confusion coursing through your veins as to why you were just hearing about this was almost enough to drown out the pain from Jake being so short with you.
“A week or so,” he said matter of factly, as if he was talking to one of his peers.
“A week? Jake.” You were disappointed, and your tone reflected it, “how could you not have told me?”
“I don’t know, I couldn’t figure out if I wanted to or not,” he shrugged.
“Jake.” You said softly, realizing getting upset with him was not an option right now due to the limited time you had, your soft voice drawing tears to his eyes. “Hey, my sweet Jake, its okay. Thank you for telling me, I know its hard, and I know we haven’t gone through this yet together, but we’re gonna be okay.”
“What if we’re not,” his Texan drawl cracked as he looked up to keep his tears from falling.
“We will be, we always will be,” you reassured him, anxiety growing at his lack of confidence. 
“It’s not fair to you”
“What’s not fair?”
“To just disappear for months and leave you here,” Jake’s eyes never met the screen, “its not fair”
“Jake, I knew this would happen, I knew what I was getting into,” your voice shook, “you’re not leaving me, its just a part of your job”
“Oh you knew what you were getting into huh?” He snapped again, “you knew just how much this would fucking hurt me? How much I hate how far away you are? How much it hurts to see all my coworkers go home to their wives and families and I come home to an empty house…and I get to call you for an hour every day and that’s it. You’re barely there.”
As much as his words stung, you couldn’t give in, you knew his rage was brought about by stress and confusion. It was easier for him to hurt you so you’d push him away than for him to watch you slip away. He was Hangman after all, combat and leaving people out to dry were his specialties, but you never thought you’d be at the receiving end of that.
“Jake…I’m in school. I graduate in the spring but until then there’s nothing I can do about that. You know you’re my priority, you know I love you, and you know I’m more than willing to wait for you while you’re deployed…I’m sorry its been tough, but I am here, I’m always here”
“Exactly,” he wasn’t snapping out of this anytime soon, “you’re always there. Not here. There. Fucking two thousand miles away or something”
“Nine hundred and seventy seven,” you muttered
“Nine hundred and seventy seven miles, that’s how far I am from you,” you said sheepishly
“Of course you know that, what don’t you know?”
“I want to know everything about you, Jake,” his eyes flickered to yours, softening once he met your gaze, but then quickly darting away again
“I’m sure you do. But you can’t…because you’re not here. And you’re not gonna be there when I get home, and you’re not gonna be there when I go away. It’s just not gonna work.”
“What are you saying,” your voice finally cracked, tears streaming down your cheeks.
“I can’t be with you.” Jake said sternly, his eyes meeting yours through the screen with the hardened look you had only heard of from his fellow pilots.
“Why-” you began to question, “you know what…okay”
“Okay?” Jake whined, shocked by your acceptance.
“I don’t want to be treated like this. If that’s what you want, I can’t stop you.” You sniffled up your tears, Jake just looked at you, baffled”
“Fine.” He said shortly, “Bye I guess,” he barked out and before you could even respond, he had hung up.
Taglist: @dempy @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mightiestheroes @taytaylala12
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klausysworld · 2 years
hello !! i was wondering if you could do a friends to lovers angst with a happy ending fic with klaus and gender neutral reader??
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Always and Forever.
Being Klaus Mikaelson’s best friend has its issues lets say. You know with the permanent target on my back and his siblings always needing me to sort him out. It gets a little ridiculous. But i kinda signed up for it so eh what you gonna do?
Im a werewolf, Klaus and i met through Hayley when she wanted me to help look after Hope. Once Hope was born the Mikaelsons began taking out their enemies one by one so that when Hope grows up she can be safe. I’m an emotional support animal for them most of the time and i got used to that role. They all tell interesting stories anyway as they’re like a million. Klaus has just always been my favourite though, like have you seen him?? yea he’s fucking hot. Accent? to die for. He paints his feelings and is a great dad, if i didn’t know he was a psychotic serial killing original hybrid id be screaming husband material…sooo
So i have like a teensy crush on him. It’s not like im gonna get with him though, its just a you’re cute and i see you all the time and you make me blush and make me feel butterflies in my stomach and i think about you all the time kind of thing you know?
doesn’t matter. Anyway… right now im sat with hope in the play room. We’re both sat on a big beanbag reading kids books, she’s learning how to read and spell so it’s fairly amusing listening to her pronounce it.
Halfway through the book there was a loud slamming and a mix of all the siblings yelling, Klaus’s being the most heard as usual
“hope honey? you keep reading okay? im gonna be right back yea?” i told her and hiss her temple
“bye bye y/n, don’t get mad at dada he gets sad when your mad” i smiled at her and waved as i closed the door so she couldn’t hear the argument
i made my way down the stairs and to the main room where Klaus was pointing a dagger at Rebekah while Elijah was cautiously making his way closer to Niklaus
“ah shit” i whispered but they all heard me and heads turned to me. Klaus visibly gulped and hesitated when on his grip of the dagger, he didn’t like me to see his violent side knowing that i was someone who actually liked him it scared him that i would leave too
“love, you need to go back with Hope for a bit please.” i kept my eyes trained on his as i neared the situation, Elijah took a step towards Rebekah so they could make a run for it when Nik was in a less aggressive position
“can we talk about what you want to do before you do it? Hopes waiting for you, she wants to read you a story, she’s getting really good at her big words now” i could see his face softening, he glanced at the floor for a second before nodded stiffly, i put my hand out and he dropped the dagger into it, the other siblings sped out of the room immediately.
i took his hand and lead him up the stairs i stopped outside the play room and looked at him for a moment
“you can’t go in mad you know that…” he kept his eyes down as he nodded, it was then that he sniffed and i noticed the tears in his eyes
“hey, it’s okay, come on, come here” i brought to his room instead and sat him down on his bed, i put the dagger somewhere on his shelf and moved to lay down on his bed, i tugged his arm making him lay with his head on my shoulder and his arm across my body while he curled into my side. i pet his hair and rubbed his back
“don’t be sad honey, you’re too pretty to pout” i felt his tears hit my skin and held him tighter
“i can’t keep either of you safe, not…you and not Hope, i c..i can’t” i kissed his head softly and squeezed his arm
“you are doing such a great job nik, Hope and i both know how hard you’re working, everyone is gonna keep her safe, you are doing so well, i promise you that” he made a little noise, somewhat like a whimper that i don’t think he meant to let out
“but you’re not safe, you’re never safe anymore. It’s because of me and we both know that” i shook my head and sat us both up, i cupped his face between my hands and stroked his stubble
“im here by my choice, i want to be here. You don’t need to worry about me okay?” tears seemed to never stop falling from his pastel blue eyes
“i can’t lose you” he whispered making my heart break, i brought his face closer to mine and kissed his forehead
“you won’t, im staying”
“you promise?”
“you want me to give you my word all Elijah style?”
he laughed at that and nodded resting his head against mine
“i, as an honorary Mikaelson, give you, Niklaus Mikaelson, my very special, ultra powerful word that i will never, ever leave you. I love you.” he was smiling wide and laughing
“mmm that was very ultra specially powerful i must say, and i love you too” i laughed with him and wrapped my armed around his neck
“mm yes Mr Mikaelson only the uttermost best for you, my lord” i spoke in a mocking accent and threw my head back dramatically
“you are amazing you know that?” he spoke in a hushed tone and i nodded with a warm smile
“I love you.” his face was serious as he said it making me giggle
“uhuh i love you too we say it all the time” he shook his head and pulled me closer
“you don’t understand, i love you, not like you’re my friend and i love you like, i want to be with you and marry you love you!” he didn’t give me a chance to respond before his lips were on mine, i kissed back as fast as possible as we melted against each other
“i love love you too Nik, remember if you marry me its gotta be always and forever though and i expect a ring” he chuckled to that and nodded hastily
“ the best ring, the best dress, the best everything for you my love, always and forever”
i was smiling ear to ear as i nodded
“We need to go see Hope”
“I think she’s listening at the door..”
little giggles sounded through the room as she launched herself at us both
“i wanna be a flower girl!!”
we all stayed up late reading stories with hope and looking at engagement rings, supernatural war or not, we would stay together. Always and forever.
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landwriter · 2 years
Seventies San Francisco AU please please please please please please
Accompanying my about-it post with an excerpt!
“You brought soup,” he says, eventually, voice all hoarse and low, since Hob has managed to say nothing else.
Hob wonders if now is an appropriate time to grill his friend on if he meant anything by calling them Shelley and Keats. Decides it isn’t. Pours the soup into a saucepan and turns to Dream and still says, “Thought Keats was supposed to be the sick one. Minestrone, by the way, I hope you like it.”
Dream shrugs. Hob’s not sure which bit he’s shrugging at. He goes on. “You didn’t miss anything today. Mary asked where you were. I said you’d probably gotten consumption. Said you had the colouring for it. Everyone agreed. Then we all talked about other tragic, pale, tortured writers.” Dream is glaring at him. He musters a surprising amount of vitriol for someone who could, believably, be dying of TB. “Five pages, stream-of-consciousness, on a topic of your choice,” he concedes. “And the Woolf readings, of course.”
“Trying to kill me,” says Dream, sounding scraped raw.
“Nah,” Hob says, handing the soup back, “I don’t think I could do a good Adonais. Your throat must feel like shit after that. I’m gonna make you some tea. You got honey?”
Dream nods minutely. He's wearing an unnervingly soft expression that Hob puts down to him being terrifically, deliriously sick. He puts the back of his hand against Dream’s forehead. “Well,” he says. “No fever, at least.”
“Are you sure?” asks Dream, still staring at him. Hob feels a heat of his own spring to his face. He can’t even kid himself that Dream is just asking. But he’s sure Dream would regret it later, and there’s no way Hob is going to take advantage of him when he’s sick, and he - he tells himself he respects himself too much to be used as a surrogate for Dream’s man, for the one he loves and the one who isn’t here to check if he’s okay, to feed him soup and rub his back and want desperately, desperately, to suck his dick; and it’s not strange to want to do all those things, is it, to give him every small pleasure there is of life until he recovers.
He wishes they were both feverish. Wishes he was a slightly worse or significantly better person than this. He drops his hand.
“Yeah,” he says, after a too-long silence. “You’re good. Where’s the honey?”
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standbyme-shit · 2 months
Let’s talk about my little fic I’m writin for Stand by Me/The Goonies.
This is such a fun AU that I love fuckin around with but I haven’t really been writing that much for it which is sad but what can you do
• so I’ve deCIDED. That Teddy Duchamp is Mouth Devereaux’s uncle. Uncle Teddy.
• this fic would take place during the Goonies movie okay
• I like to think that Richard Chambers, being the stupid fucker that he is, made a big huge ultra mega incredibly dumb mistake and got some girlfriend of his pregnant and was like “well shit. Can’t do the responsible thing and better myself for this kid. Not as long as my name is EYEBALL CHAMBERS. No no no honey I’m gonna drop this thing off with my brother and his twink roommate”
• so that’s what he does. Leaves a kid in front of the door to Chris and Gordie’s apartment in NY with a note that says nothing but “don’t want it. Yours now. - Eyeball” and Chris is like “what in the everloving fuck”
• but Gordie is ecstatic???
• the birth of Robyn(Bobby because Chris js despises “Robby” for some reason idk he’s a diva w names) Denise Chambers
• get it. Get it. Denise like Dennis Because Denny because Gordie’s dead brother
• anyways.
• guess where she moves. Guess.
• like right outside the Goon Docks. Where it ain’t considered part of the town so her house don’t get torn down by what’s-his-fuck
• aNYWAYS. Bobby and her parents are helpin Grandma Lachance move and then she’s like “hey. I got a friend/extended family member that lives like five minutes from here” and tells her parents that she gon go find Mouth and they’re like “okay you do that”
• so begins the whole plot of Goonies but Bobby just does not wanna be there whatsoever
• she’s just like “holy fuck guys I just wanna leave what the hell” the ENTIRE TIME
• pulls the “my dad’s a lawyer” card when the Fratelli family literally be threatening their lives
• they’re like “you aren’t gonna make it out of here alive” or “we’re gonna kill you when we get to you” and Bobby just fuckin scoffs and is like “my dad is one of the best lawyers in New York. He’ll DESTROY your ass”
• city girl is NOT afraid to talk back to these ruthless criminals istg it’s a fatal personality trait
• best thing tho. The whole time, nobody else involved in this whole thing knows how Mouth and Bobby know each other. Like at all
• they just be talkin about ‘that one time five years ago’ and everyone’s like “if y’all ain’t related then what the fuck” because they’ve literally never met Bobby and Mouth’s lived in Astoria his literal entire life
• at the end of the movie when the kids are being reunited with their parents and family and all that, Bobby goes to her parents and our boy Michael Walsh flips his absolute shit because one of his all time favorite authors is this random chick’s father
• Mouth starts talking to Chris and Gordie and they’re all just catching up and Mikey’s hyperventilating because now one of his best friends somehow knows Gordon Lachance???? They’re just acting like old friends that haven’t seen each other in a couple months????
That’s. All I have really. At least right now. But I love this AU and wanna write it but honestly with what fucking motivation because I haven’t seen it anywhere
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what's the tea on lotus?
ok phew here we go. here we go.
Lotus is my deathflower. my sugar plum honey pie. he's a cosmic event, smashing into your life. the kind of person that is so full of romance, magic and mystery that there's no point in trying to forget him. you never will. Lotus is forever. here's an excerpt from something i wrote that describes him pretty well. it's from his POV so its in his own words:
He knows that’s just the natural way of things. Things come and go, yes, but he’s forever. Lotus has always been forever. He just pretends he isn't as to not get hurt, over and over and over. He’s tired of being hurt, of crying into the dark, asking it what the hell is wrong with him in desperation and pleading. He’s tired of being so love sick it makes him nauseous, makes him reckless. He’s tired of being forever. But that's just his personality. A lovesick lover, dreamer of the dream, through and through. He’s willing to stay, to his own demise, doesn't know when the horse is dead, can’t really tell, keeps beating it. He looks at it and still sees a spark of life in its eyes. He doesn't realize he put it there.
Lotus is trans. that's a whole existence in itself, so i won't go too deep into that part of his life. Cancer sun Pisces moon Libra rising. sweet sweet sweet, but insane. he's blue pink and lilac. he's an artist, musician, painter, cook, housewife greeting you with a knife clutched in her hand and a pie ready in the oven. he's a sparkling pond with a weeping willow leaning over it. he's a ripple in the water, the algae at the bottom dancing under the current. he's a baker. has his own cake making business. makes all kinds of cakes. weddings, birthdays, valentines cakes, breakup cakes (they look like this). he makes a good living, an honest living, with passion and rigour. he's ambitious, hard working, party girl, but can be extremely lazy, too. can get lost in his own world. he doesn't like reality, but he understands it. he loves drugs. loves dreams. loves love. he's intelligent, cunning, but his emotions cloud his judgment. manipulative as fuck. like, next level. whiny. pouty. gets what he wants just cause he's so pushy about it. he's somewhat of an outcast but also a social butterfly. everyone likes Lotus. he's gay as a pack of skittles. he's vicious and sickly sweet at once. empathetic to a fault. he's a flood. a dam with a crack in it. enticing. charming. quick-witted. a little shy, a little bold. bats his eyelashes, his voice will have you on your knees. he's a flirt. he's always in a relationship. always. he's loyal until he's not, until something shinier comes along, or someone gives him more attention. he needs a lot of attention. he can be draining. he's a mess. he's an emotional wreck. he can hold his own. he's a domesticated cat with a penchant for hissing. he's a temptress rose, a tease, one giggle from him and you're ready to kill your own family. highly sexual. has you enwrapped in his world the second he lays eyes on you but he doesn't know. doesn't do it on purpose. will ruin your life without any malice. caretaker. you will never be more taken care of or pampered or coddled or understood than when you're Lotus' friend or lover. he's a city slicker, a modern day messiah. goes to the supermarket and makes ten friends along the way. talks to anyone, extends a loving and helping hand to strangers. loves strangers. easily irritated. moody moody moody. silent treatment, until you get him really mad, then he tears you to fucking shreds. obsessive. will put you on a pedestal. will stay too long. toxicity follows him like flies on shit. will give you too many chances. you will take advantage of his love. you will always help him get out of trouble because god does he try. he tries so hard. he's so good. so pure. the purest. so creative. everything he touches turns to something interesting and beautiful. he wants a family. a big one. and a husband. the house. the white picket fence. the family trips. he's traditional in that sense. but he's a freak. always has been, due to his transness and his transcendental nature. he's curious, enigmatic, friendly, attracted to danger. attracted to difficult people (cough Jeff). you will be his project, his life, his everything. but you better keep him on his toes. he has an older brother, Dallas, who's in jail under miscarriage of justice. he's been on his own for a while, has always hustled to meet his own needs. he's a bit controlling, but more like....doting. motherly. he sees people's pasts. he sees their dreams. sees their souls.
Here's his pinterest board and his spotify playlist. those two things (especially the playlist) are what will help you better grasp him as a concept. i can't go on cause i literally won't stop.
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mannatea · 7 months
Starting a new “thread” of these because the other is getting way too fucking long. You can read it here if you’re just finding this one. Starting at Ep242 “Learn to Fuse!/Gohan Revived—Kaoshin’s Secret Weapon!?”
I just have to admit that the sub voice for Boo is literally the most terrifying shit imaginable, like…the dub made him giggly and cutesy…which is also creepy but not nearly to the degree the sub Boo is. He’s honestly just horrifying lmfao.
Imagine being unfortunate enough to look even remotely like Trunks or Goten right now lmao.
“Everything can be brought back with the dragonballs.” Except Gohan and Vegeta I guess, because you guys just ignore them. What am I missing here. I mean, I get why they'd accept Vegeta's death but GOHAN? Am I insane.
I love how the first thing Gohan does upon waking us is accept that he’s dead and look for a halo LOL. I love him so much 😭
Sorry, Goten is the funniest character. When Trunks tells him it’s bad manners to talk at the table and not eat politely he just starts sippin his soup and ignoring everything to "be polite". What a fucking masterpiece.
Goku telling the boys to stop crying because there’s not time for it lmfao. Goku I am going to flick you back into the Other World with my middle finger, jfc man. Sorry they wouldn’t give a shit if you died, but they do care about Vegeta and Gohan lmao.
But also why is this continuing to be such a big deal when THE DRAGON BALLS SHOULD HAVE BROUGHT GOHAN BACK ANYWAY. They should be looking for him right now. And Shin too actually… wtf.
Goku doesn’t even give them a hug or any comfort or anything. I mean I know Goku’s like…a dummy but mannnnnnn they’re little kids. “You two, stop your endless sobbing!” My brother in christ I will kill you again myself. This is probably like 50% of the reason Gohan ended up so traumatized lol.
Honestly more people should feel badly for ChiChi, since they imagine she lost her son and husband now.
Poor Videl honestly. Imagine having to deal with all these weird people. They’re just like. Heard it from a friend whoooo heard it from a friendddd whoooo heard it from another that Gohan is deaaaadddddd. 🎵 No wonder she’s like WTfing all over the place. Nobody’s explained this ki shit to her to an extent where she would understand they literally can’t sense his lifeforce anymore so it has to sound absolutely bonkers that they’re just all believing it without even one shred of proof.
Krillin just giving her the most “oh, honey ☹” look that I’ve ever seen in my life HAHAH.
YOU GUYS LITERALLY WISHED EVERYONE BACK WHO DIED TODAY IS THIS A PLOT HOLE THAT EVERYONE IS SO STUPID OR WHAT. Like Vegeta not coming back makes sense: he’s definitely falling into the “bad guys” list of people not to bring back. BUT GOHAN? NO WAY LOL. I feel insane.
“I absolutely won’t believe such a thing!” Honestly Videl, you’re correct here…even though it’s weird for you to be that confident after you just saw what Boo is capable of and haven’t ever seen Gohan truly fight anyone lol. BUT ASLO AGAIN WHY ARE YOU NOT ASKING ABOUT THE DRAGONBALLS YOU JUST SAW THEM WISH EVERYONE BACK TO LIFE LMAO. WHY AREN'T YOU QUESTIONING THAT SPECIFICALLY.
I mean this is obviously a plot hole/something nobody thought through.
If the wish had been made much earlier (i.e., Bulma and Co. left to make the wish before Gohan had “died”) it would make sense that people were sad about him being dead—because he really would be dead. It doesn’t explain why nobody’s just like “eh, we’ll bring him back in four months” but at least in every other regard this would make a lot more sense.
They could have played around with the idea of Gohan being unable to come back thinking the manner in which he died might have been particularly horrific…or even that Gohan chose not to return, but all we have is this silly plot hole.
(I’m rolling my eyes because it makes all these characters just seem so incredibly stupid and NONE of them are that dumb.)
Something something everyone is like actively grieving and I’m not surprised more people don’t try to think of, say, Videl’s feelings, but man oh man with that plot hole staring me in the face it’s hard to take seriously.
ALSO ALSO they don’t HAVE four months to wait to revive Gohan anyway, so I’m sorta surprised nobody’s says that…or even just, “honey in five days we’re all going to join Gohan anyway soooo.”
I googled this shit because it was driving me insane, only to find a Reddit thread that pretty much told me that DBZ fans don’t possess even one grain of media literacy whatsoever. Fellas it’s called a plot hole; sometimes authors make mistakes just admit it and move on. LOL
Mr. Satan still not concerned about his daughter at all.
Krillin is actually the best, I love him so much.
SSJ3? Hideous. But that’s the price you pay for power.
Goku should just instant transmission himself and Buu to the sun. It'd save me a lot of time.
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karmic-vibes · 2 years
Two of Us
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14 - Stretches Out Ahead
cw: abuse and mind control (curtesy of vecna)
Fall, 1987
“So, run it by me one more time. What’s-his-face-”
“Vecna,” Dustin interrupted.
“Right,” Claire sighed, “is out to kill all of you?”
“And she’s the only one capable of stopping him?” She pointed to Eleven.
“You got it.”
“Because she has powers?”
“Yes, what part of this are you not getting?” Dustin asked.
“It just seems kind of insane! Besides, where has he even been for the last year, huh? If he wanted to kill you all, wouldn’t he have done it by now?”
“He likes to stay dormant,” Will said.
“And why’s that?”
“So, he can strike when you least expect it.”
“Well, that’s stupid,” she scoffed, “if he was gonna do it, he should just do it.”
“Okay, I-I can’t deal with you right now,” Dustin said, “so, team, here’s what we’re going to do.”
Over the next few weeks, the group met up at Claire’s house to try and create a fool-proof plan on how to kill Vecna once and for all. One afternoon, everyone had gotten there earlier than usual, leaving poor Will alone. He finally showed up, about an hour late, embarrassed to walk into this woman’s house, who he barely knew. He reluctantly tapped his knuckles on the front door and patiently waited for a response.
“It’s open!” Claire hollered. She was in her kitchen, preparing lunch for everyone. Will let himself in and awkwardly walked into the living space. “Oh, Will, honey. Everyone’s in the basement.”
“I, um… do you have a second to talk? I wanted to talk to you.”
“Oh?” She raised a brow and continued making everyone sandwiches. “Me?”
“Yeah… i-is that okay?”
“No, yeah, yeah, that’s fine. What’s up, sweet pea?”
“Well, um… you know how you, uh… um…” Claire raised a brow and cocked a smile.
“Um?” she chuckled, “spit it out, honey. I don’t bite, I promise.”
“You know how you like women?” he finally uttered. Claire looked up from the counter and glared a Will, smiling a bit. Claire pursed her lips and continued to prepare the food. “Y-You do like women, right?”
“Mhmm,” she smiled softly, “go on, honey.”
“W-Well… how did you know that you liked women and only women?”
Claire sighed, “well, I’ve slept with a couple men. One not exactly by choice, the other willingly. I didn’t enjoy it either time, or did I find men attractive in that kind of sexual way, y’know? You want a sandwich, sweet pea?”
Will shook his head and smiled. “I’m all set.”
“Okay, well, when I finally got my bearings after having Edie, I experimented a bit in college and realized the I just love women,” she smirked, “if you don’t mind me asking, how long have you known you liked guys?” Will blushed and chewed at his bottom lip.
“You know?”
“Oh, honey, you may as well be a lit-up neon sign.”
“Shit…” He pouted and teared up.
“I didn’t think I was that obvious…”
“To be fair, I feel like gay people can sniff each other out pretty easily, y’know? Here, by the way, honey.” Claire set down a sandwich before grabbing him a cup of water.
“Of course,” she chuckled and smiled warmly. “Your family know yet?”
“My brother does… I haven’t gotten around to telling my mom, though.”
“Why not?”
“Just nervous,” he shrugged.
“I’m sure she already knows, and I know for a fact she will not love you any less.”
“Absolutely. You’re a good kid, Will,” she beamed.
“Thanks, Claire… that means a lot.”
“Of course, sweetie. But do you know what I mean? Like with sniffing out the other gays?”
“Not really. You’re the only gay person I know.” Claire burst out laughing. “What?”
“Sweetheart, half your friend’s downstairs are gay!”
“What? No way.”
“Um, yeah,” she giggled.
“Like who?” he smiled
“Hmm, let’s see… the most obvious is Robin, clearly. Then you’ve got my brother-” Will choked on his sandwich and glared at Claire with his eyes bugging out his skull.
“What?! No way Eddie’s gay.”
“Well… yeah, then big boy Harrington is bi.”
“No way.”
“Yes way,” she chuckled, “how did you not know this?”
“I guess my gaydar is off.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll tune it up for ya,” she winked. “So, is there anyone you’ve got your eye on?” Will nodded. “May I ask who?”
“Wheeler?” Will nodded as Claire sighed. “You know he’s not gay, right?” Will bit his lip and shrugged. “You could do better anyway. Much better.”
“Thanks, Claire.”
“Of course.”
“So how long have you liked Robin?”
“You know?” Claire whispered.
“You’re not exactly subtle.” Claire tsk’d. “Why don’t you just tell her?”
“Because she’ll spazz out, and besides,” she sighed in defeat, “I could never do that to her.”
“Do what to her?”
“Ask her out, knowing that I have a kid. I mean, for god’s sake, she’s a year and a half younger than me.”
“That means she’s only like thirteen years older than Edie! I’m pretty sure the age gap between Nancy and her sister is larger!”
“I don’t think she’ll care, Claire.”
“Well, I do. Let’s just drop it, okay?”
“Okay, okay.”
“Alright, sweet pea, you better join everyone downstairs.”
“Yeah, I guess I should.”
“Hey…” Will spun on his feet, only to be wrapped in a mother’s warm embrace. The young boy began to tear up as he hugged Claire back. “I’m proud of you, kiddo…” She gently rubbed his back a few times before letting him go. “I’ll be down in a few, okay?”
Later that night, after everyone had been long gone and Edie was tucked in for the night, Eddie and Claire were on the back deck smoking a joint. While she strongly advocated against drugs after having her daughter, she’d be a liar if she said she didn’t enjoy the occasional late-night joint with her brother.
As they were passing it back and forth, they heard a blood-curdling scream come from Edie’s room. Without wasting another second, the two were sprinting upstairs to see what was wrong with the young girl. As soon as the siblings burst through the door, they found Edie floating in the air, crying out for her mother.
“Edith!” Claire screamed. She ran towards her but was knocked away. “Eddie!”
Her brother wasn’t far behind, peering into the room and muttering, “Jesus, fuck, here we go again.” He ran into his room to retrieve a tape player and a pair of headphones.
“Edie, baby, you’ll be okay. Mommy’s right here. I promise. Hey, asshole! Stop being a fucking coward and pick on someone your own goddamn size!” As Claire spoke, Edie was thrown against her bedroom wall. Claire cried out, “Edie!”
She ran to her daughter’s aid, but was thrown to the opposite wall, now pinned. Claire strained as she used her abilities to free herself—instead, she pulled Vecna from the upside down into their reality. Claire fell to the floor and raced to her daughter, cradling her.
“Mommy’s right here, baby…”
“Mommy!” Edie cried.
“Edith, it is time,” Vecna growled.
“No!” Claire threw the monster to the wall—he attempted to fight back, but she was able to hold him off. “Don’t touch my fucking daughter!”
Without realizing, the mind-hive started to takeover Edie’s bedroom.
“It is too late. What’s done, is done.”
In the outside world, Hawkins and the upside down were becoming one.
“Take me!”
“Claire, no!” Eddie yelled, standing in the doorway.
“Hurt me, kill me, do whatever you want to me, but don’t you fucking dare hurt my family,” she strained, still holding him off.
“Mommy, no!”
Eddie threw the headphones on the young girl and started to play George Harrison’s That’s the Way it Goes. He hauled his niece into his arms and started making an escape out of the room, but Vecna slammed the bedroom door, trapping them inside.
“You cannot protect them forever, Claire.”
“I saved Eddie; I can save my daughter.”
“But how could you protect them when you’re dead?”
He threw Claire against the ceiling, making her fall to the floor. However, Claire managed to catch herself before the impact. As she looked around to find an escape for her family, the hive-mind began to wrap around Eddie, who was protecting Edie with his life. The pair were sitting against the sealed door with Edie huddled between Eddie’s legs with his arms tightly around her. Edie held her knees to her chest and was hunched over, sobbing, with her hands pressed firmly over the headset.
“Stop!” Claire shouted.
She held off the branches and flung Vecna back into a wall, but he knocked her in the opposite direction shortly after. He began to wrap his hive-mind branches around her, strangling the life out of her. She gripped at the branches, struggling for the smallest bit of air.
As Edie shouted, Vecna wrapped a branch around her mouth and pinned Eddie to a wall. He lifted the young girl up and made her meet his gaze. Claire was clinging to life as much as she possibly could.
“Stop, please! Let her live… let her go!” she strained. Vecna only strangled her tighter until everything went black.
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meles-merrivale · 2 years
Tagged by @ellionne
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
1.Good Enough
Everyone knows who the little lightning bolt tucked in the hollow of her wrist is for. It sent a shock of pure exhilaration through her the first time she saw it, this incontrovertible proof that the famous Boy-Who-Lived was hers. Now she just wishes it was something else. Anything that was less the legend and more the boy she knew.
You wake up cold.
It isn’t the first time, and that, somehow, makes it worse. You had been so sure you’d get used to it, back when you first moved into His bed.
The first time His hands trailed up over your knee socks, your heart stuttered to a stop in your chest. Then, it started beating faster than it ever had before, and you thought maybe that was when your life truly started.
3.Exes Don’t Wear Red (They Wear Revenge)
Someone should really tell Harry Riddle that he looks like shit. Luckily, Pansy is just the person to do it.
“Fix your robe. And your face.”
4.All’s Well That Ends
There are a lot of worst things about this.
Some days, it’s that he can’t picture her face. Not just that he doesn’t know what she looked like, but that when he thinks of her he can’t keep his brain from conjuring up the thing that took her instead. If he can’t have her, he wants his mind dark and empty, echoing with nothing but a name, but he doesn’t even get that void.
5.The Long Way Down
“I see you. Show yourself.”
Sasha James dies trying to see. The Watcher does not have ears. It is only eyes. It hears anyway.
One moment, she is Sasha James. She is 5’10”, with honey brown hair and honey brown eyes that make her look sort of monochromatic and that she decided to stop being insecure about in sixth form. She is twenty-four years old. She is a daughter, and a friend, and a damn good one. She is Sasha James.
And then, quite suddenly, she is not.
6.I Am Having A Bad Time
Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there lived a troll. He is not the hero of our tale, or even the villain, but he is where our story starts, so we will start with him.
He is, in troll terms, a rather impressive fellow. Twelve feet tall, with skin like granite and a great, lumpy body that does an impeccable impression of a boulder. His legs are short but as thick as tree trunks, and attached to massive, flat feet with the most majestic horned toes that all of the other trolls compliment him on.
In human terms, he’s terrifying. Which the little princess he’s chasing would tell you, if she wasn’t so busy being chased and terrified.
7.Wrackspurts Aren’t Real (But I Am)
“I don’t care who his father is. Riddle is fit,” Ginny says, omnioculars pressed firmly to her face.
Luna can’t think of what would be interesting about watching a boy fly the same loops again and again, but her friend is interested, so she looks. That’s how it is with Ginny. Sometimes she wants to talk broom kits or boys, and sometimes Luna wants to hunt for moon frogs or lie down and watch the clouds go by, and they always make time for both.
8.i am my own way out (7/?)
Sometimes, you just know things. The baseless rush of knowing that a letter is going to change your life before you even read the address. The crawling feeling of eyes on you in the dark, or the nagging gut instinct that a loved one is in trouble. Things your body tells you before the world can.
9.Alive Really Isn’t Your Color
Once on the floor of a forest that’s out of bounds, surrounded by people who will laugh instead of cry.
It’s not how these things are supposed to go.
10.Wands Don’t Kill People (Dark Lords Do)
Draco Malfoy is not a coward.
He’s not a Gryffindor, it’s true. But just because he’s not about to go sprinting headlong at a dragon or something doesn’t mean he’s cowardly. He’s more than willing to fight for the right reasons. And he might not be a Hufflepuff either, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t understand loyalty. He’s loyal. Just only to the people who deserve it.
Which is why he’s sitting here in their train compartment and very carefully, very committedly, doing nothing.
Bold of you to assume I know 10 more people, but @gryphonfeather, @the-wig-is-a-metaphor, @metalomagnetic, @arrisha-ao3, @corneliaavenue-ao3 join the fun!
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