#honestly put any of the ninja in place of them and it works
sea-jello · 2 years
me watching kai and cole interact in the pilots: oh they're BROS
me watching kai and cole interact the rest of the show: oh they're GAY
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ogzieoggleton · 2 months
Dedicated to @garmaballs and @bravetheperson
Domestic Garmadon hc:
-yes, he chases later pointers (dragons like shiny rocks and hording so he likes the glowy thing running around the room)
-he can't resist a good old shiny rock or pebble
-is in danger of eating soap out of curiosity
-he can't sleep without a weighted blanket and a pillow in his arms.. But the moment you put him under one he won't wake up either. They just threw it on him the moment he lay down to "sulk" (contemplate his body dysmorphia and constant need to prove himself evil by will) and hoped for the best. It worked and he didn't wake up until the following afternoon [turns out he was very sleep and touch depraved]
-Garmadon headbutts his loved ones. He'll just stand behind them and then drop his head onto their shoulders as if he forgot how to raise his head or use his neck. It hurts Lloyd’s shoulders, but he's honestly given up on it.
-Garmadon bites. He'll, yet again, stand behind or besides his loved one's and just latch his mouth (gently) onto their shoulders. (He sometimes chews the armour if they have any on)
-If one of the ninja get a hair cut and have it dyed and aren't in their colour coded clothes (ie, Lloyd's cuts his hair and gets a the tips died blue and is wearing a black hoodie) Garmadon just stares at them from the shadows like some uncanny freak in an analogue horror video: his eyes wide and fangs bared into what Jay called "a large grin of danger."
-he pounced at Lloyd and nearly bit him, but when he saw his sons green eyes staring up in horror and ptsd...(he left for Vinny's house that night...)
-he loves chicken drumsticks but always let's Lloyd have the last one (but never anyone else.)
-he sleeps in all the dark placed of the house: under the table (Lloyd had kicked him once or twice) in the closets, under a bed (it was no longer touching the floor by the time he snuck under) ect.
-can't figure out the shower. The head of the shower flew off and "attacked" him. Lloyd came in to find a very dressed and very drenched wet cat of an oni..
-summer makes his eyes hurt, body burn, nose bleed (my personal projection) and he gets very tired.. he is not safe so he stays inside and passes out in a dark room or under the table.
-he jumps at the sight if anything that is a darker shade if green and long in shape (eg Cucumbers or courgettes) due to 1: the cati-sh nature I love giving him and 2: his horrible trauma relating to serpents of that colour. When he's doing a quick glance around the room, you can bet his fight or flight won't wait to analyse and enhance on the suspicious object
-ugly cried when watching a movie (only with Vinny and sometimes Wu)
-laughs and cringes at horror movies (while vinny is scared shitless and Lloyd is just a little grossed out by the movie)
-body horror movies freak him out tho (tusk, human centipede 2) He's sat staring in horror at the screen, leaning into Vinny with his body curled up but his expression blank and stone cold. His feet can not touch the floor at all when watching it.
That's all for now! I might add to it later!
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catboy-beckett · 8 days
So a few months back, I started getting ads for a game called Tokyo Debunker. The ads had WILDLY different tones and genres, not entirely unusual for mobile game ads, and usually I just ignore it when this happens. They want me to be curious so they can get me to download. It's a cheap, common trick, not worth my attention.
This time though, the ads were so bizarre and disconnected that it actually worked on me. I HAD to know what this game was about.
For context, here are all the screenshots I took of these ads:
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(no, the bright flash on the second image isn't censorship, it's just a poorly-timed snapshot of a visual effect)
So, we're getting essentially three distinct genres of ads here: Dating Sim game, Horror game, and Cute Casual Cartoon Cat game. I think it's really the horror imagery that put these ads above the rabble. It was too high-effort and offputting. Normal clickbait goes for as generic and appealing as possible.
So, what was the truth? What IS the game, actually?
Well, uh.
Here are the actual screenshots I've taken in-game:
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It's not just the ads that are all over the place, that's for sure. It turns out this IS a horror dating game filled with cute cats!
I'll explain further: the main mode of the game is a visual novel (that "story" button on the fourth screenshot) which occasionally has comic panels in the middle of scenes. In the background, you have the "Campus" where you can build facilities that generate currency that you can use to upgrade or build more facilities, and these gradually passively increase your character stats. What are stats for? Why, you can have your characters do battle with monsters or other players' teams! It's an auto-battler sort of thing so it's not very involved, but powering up the characters is surprisingly convoluted. Wait, how do you get "characters"? Oh, there's a gacha too! (The "summon" button.) The gacha is kinda shit to be honest; rates are bad enough but they lumped equipment and characters into the same banners, so even when there's a "rare guaranteed in 10 pulls" it might not even be a character.
It's definitely a romance game, though not the sort with "routes" or even story choices, really--you can get characters' affinity scores up outside of the story by making them fish or taking them camping (oh yeah the fishing is to summon cats to eat the fish and then if you're quick you can take photos of the cats, Neko Atsume style--) but nothing in the course of the story changes.
Honestly, I think this game is great. I've completed all the available chapters of the story so far, and the writing and characters are great. I love the horror too, and I really appreciate that they don't pull any punches with it just because this is fundamentally a game about flirting with eccentric 2D men. I hope in the future they revamp the gacha system to make it less ass.
Lightning round of ✨which aspects of these ads were accurate?✨
Rescue Him-- That artwork is in the game, but the minigame is not, and there is no need to "rescue him". He's fine. That's just Jiro. He's always like this.
Do You Always?-- That artwork is also in the game, though I'm not sure why Jin is labelled "guy from cafeteria". The UI is also not right.
Who is Cheating Whom?-- This one is interesting. Not only is this scene entirely fabricated (and the player is never tasked with solving riddles like this), I can only identify one of the characters. The guy on the right looks like Ren (albeit wearing another character's earring) but I have no idea who the guy on the left is? Rui or Towa are my best guesses, but I've heard that these ads just sometimes fabricate entire characters. That octopus is in the game though.
Vegetable Ninja-- Not a real minigame. That cat is one of the ones you can get in the Neko Atsume clone guild cat album, and it can indeed be seen slicing carrots.
Cat Town?-- This is real, just with more of the collectible cats added for flavour. (You can even see this area in one of my screenshots!) In the actual game, there ARE cats running around delivering messages, as well as chibi versions of the anime boys.
Eye Monster-- This monster is actually real! She appears in the beginning chapter. The human in front of her however, doesn't look like the protagonist or anyone else currently in the game. You also never see that pixelart style.
Customize Your Crush-- Not a real feature. You can pick which character you want on the home screen and can change their outfit to a limited extent, but you can't freely undress them or mess with their features. That character is named Alan though, and they did just release a shirtless card of him. Hi Alan!
Slenderman, Sadako, and Jeff the Killer-- Breaks my heart to say, they are not in the game. There is an anomaly that kind of looks like Slenderman, I suppose? The "You have been cursed" tagline is actually true though; in the beginning of the game, you DO get cursed.
Bathing in Blood-- Curiously, this scene is in the game... but it's not a horror scene. It's not sketched like that, it's not red and black and white, there's no explicit or implied blood. It's just a brief fanservicey scene of Leo in the bath.
Cat on Rails-- This one is the closest to being an actual minigame! There's an overhead view of a cat running along in the rhythm game "bonus stages" you get in-between some of the autobattler stages. You have to tap the screen to make the cat turn at certain points in time with the music. It's not very good, but it's easy to cheat. The cat is identical to the one pictured but the stage looks different and there's no food.
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thefanciestborrower · 1 month
Okok, I know you have your own headcannons an stuff- but like- for the ninja boi's I have a few headcannons if you dont mind me sharing:
Headcannons related to the entire hecking chapter worth of a story I wrote lol:
Cole is absolutely terrified of the dark but won't tell anyone. This means that the only ninja who can eat him without him flipping out is Zane. This is cause, in my personal headcannon, Zane absolutely has glowing insides.
Jay constantly talks big game about eating Cole, but when he finally gets the chance to eat Cole, he ends up almost choking. Now Cole brings it up almost any chance he gets.
Cole has climbed up the kitchen counters multiple times to get to some dessert. Since Cole is about as tall as a hand is long, he normally fills up completely on dessert. He does this often at the worst times, such as before dinner or before a mission. This has gotten so bad that Zane has started hiding any dessert he makes in various places he knows Cole can't see them.
Just kinda general headcannons, not story related:
When any one of the ninjas are too hot in the summer, but they still want to be outside, they practically beg to eat Zane. Like give him the puppy eyes and everything. I think the only ones who can normally convince him though is Cole and Lloyd.
Jay used to playfully shock anyone he didn't ask to be eaten by, but he had to stop when he accidentally shocked Zane with too much electricity (this was after he had tried to pick a fight with Cole in the kitchen). All I have to say is poor Zane. He worked so hard on that spaghetti sauce.
Lloyd, as a kid, would often get in trouble, and as a punishment, get put in "time out," aka eaten. This was always a hassle since he liked to kick and make the one who ate him sick. Zane is the only ninja without a gag reflex and pain receptors, so for a while, he was the only one who would be up to the task.
On that note, once, when Lloyd was younger, he tried to sneak out. He then was then promptly stopped by Sensei Wu, who then woke up Zane to give him a "time out."
And ya! Heres some headcannons for ya 👍
Idk if all of em made sense, so let me know if I need to re-explain anything :)
OH my gosh these are all AMAZING!! Going insane rn
Cole being scared of the dark is something I’ve never really thought about but oh my goodness it’s perfect?? Like idk how to explain it but that just feels right you know? I ALSO think that Zane glows inside so nice to see we’re on the same wavelength there lmao. Like, why not give him some pretty glowy insides you know?
The image of Jay trying to choke down Cole is HYSTERICAL to me like come on buddy what do you think was gonna happen?? There’s no way that would have ended well for him and he deserves to get teased for it 
There’s honestly no way Cole WOULDN’T stuff himself stupid with dessert if shrunk and given the chance okay like that’s absolutely correct and Zane would be the person to hide everything from him. Just put it in the fridge he can’t get in there lmao
Zane is like a nice cool ice cube who doesn’t melt and keeps your core feeling cool of COURSE they’d wanna eat him in the summer! I would too! I would also probably only let Cole and Lloyd eat me lmao cause look, they’re just the teeniest tiniest bit more responsible than the others. Kai, Jay, and Nya are forces of chaos that cannot be contained. Rip Zane…..he didn’t deserve his spaghetti sauce to be exploded. Jay does deserve to zap people though he’s an absolute menace like that and look if you try and eat him without permission then you’re just asking for it at that point. 
YOU ALSO have the ‘little Lloyd getting ate for time out purposes’ headcanon oh my goodness!! Look look the kid was an absolutely feral gremlin okay sometimes you just gotta contain him, and because he BITES then Zane is the only one who can really tolerate that sort of chaos. I like to think Zane has some soundproofing qualities to his internal storage/stomach compartment lmao, so when he gets given Lloyd in the middle of the night he can just tune out the enraged shrieking and complaining. At least until Lloyd tires himself out and finally goes to sleep 
These are all SO GOOD WAAAA if you have any more I’d love to see them lol. That goes for anyone btw give me your headcanons I wanna see!! 
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finn-m-corvex · 5 months
Lightning in a Cubicle Pt. 4
And here it is! At long last! The fourth part of Lightning in a Cubicle! We have finally crossed the halfway marker and are on our way to the finale, which is looking like two more parts away (5 and 6) and that'll be a relief for me, honestly. I know this is quite late, but I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it!
Words: 3.4k
Slight TWs for very very very small wanting to rot in hell instead of the Administration! Taglist @rainofthetwilight @lightning-chicken @i-love-jay-walker and @sir-robyn! Enjoy! Remember if you want to be on future taglists, please tell me explicitly!
Sora was seriously growing on Jay, and it was a problem.
A couple of weeks had passed since the girl first became his intern, and she was probably the best thing that he could’ve ever asked for. She was efficient, on time, productive, and always managed to make him laugh on a day day. Plus, she was always on his side whenever Shitty Sharon decided to try and start shit, as her name implied. Overall, the past two weeks were probably the best that Jay ever experienced while working with the Administration, and he couldn’t think of anything else that would make it even better.
Well, there was one thing, but he already knew that there was no way he was ever getting those memories back.
“...so I told the guy to shove off if he didn’t want pictures of his ass hanging around the office,” Sora said between bites of food that the two picked up from the cafeteria, “because you know that I would’ve put his ass on the copier.”
“Oh, I know,” Jay said, looking at the girl fondly as she stuck her feet up on his desk. He couldn’t find it in himself to be angry about it, especially when his cubicle was as tiny as it was. “Then what happened?”
She continued to regale him with tales of her adventures in the mailroom three floors down, and Jay did his best to listen, but he was distracted.
Every night since Sora had shown up he would have dreams. Weird dreams of things that he couldn’t place, people that he couldn’t remember, and in the morning he would do his best to sketch whatever remnants he could pick out from the haze of his mind. The pictures were hanging up all around his apartment with push pins and thumbtacks, and Jay hoped that his inspection would be delayed. Otherwise he might get sent off to the psychiatric ward, and fined for all of the new drywall that would have to be installed.
Did the Administration even have a psychiatric ward? With how often upper management drives the lower classes crazy, they better have one. And it better not be coming out of Jay’s paycheck.
“Hey,” Sora said, snapping her fingers in front of his face, “are you even listening? Geez, don’t tell me we’ve gotta get you hearing aids now.”
“I’m listening,” Jay protested, “just thinking at the same time. You were saying something about one of the guys sticking his hand up the pneumatic tube?”
Jay’s brain kept working while Sora talked. All of his searches for someone named Lloyd turned up with nothing, unless he was somehow dreaming about the legendary Green Ninja, but there was no way that someone as ordinary as him would have any association with a ninja. Jay didn’t even know that Ninjago had ninja! Which you would think would be something that he would remember considering he was from Ninjago!
And yet, faint memories tugged at the farthest corners of his mind, there but just barely out of his reach. Most of them were of Cole in his black gi, great green scar on his forehead and eyes of charcoal brown, but there were some of a younger man in green next to a taller man in red, a harsh scar over the latter’s eye and irises a molten brown. One in white, with shiny metallic skin that gleamed in the sunlight and eyes glowing icy blue, but the one that twisted the knife is his gut the most was the one woman in his memories. She had beauty greater than the depths of the sea, with eyes that floated between blues and greens that he had only seen in pictures of ocean waves.
They were the Ninja.
He found things about all five of the Ninja: green, red, black, white, and gray or cyan since the articles couldn’t decide what color she officially was. She was the most gorgeous woman that Jay ever laid eyes on, and he knew that he would be thrilled if she ever became his manager—
“What?” he said, annoyed.
The girl sighed. “Alright, now I know you’re not listening. What’s got you so distracted? I know you don’t like working overtime, but I thought the pay was good enough to help you at least pretend to be doing something.”
Usually it was, but even that sweet overtime couldn’t push his thoughts out of his head. “You said you lived in the Crossroads for a while, right? Did you learn anything about the Ninja?”
Sora looked surprised, and Jay knew how much of a risk this was. “I may have heard some things, why?”
“I-I was looking at some stuff about them to try and learn what they were like,” Jay said, but he decided to backtrack. “You know what? It’s nothing. We should probably just be heading home.”
“Wait,” Sora said, springing up after him as he stood and started grabbing up his things, “you can talk to me, Jay. What’s wrong?”
And he wanted to so badly; Jay trusted her more than he trusted anyone else in this place. Their trip to the aquarium had only strengthened their bond into something that Jay never knew he would have. Before she came into his life he probably would’ve said that he trusted Luke the most, but ever since he first met Sora he started acting more and more cagey whenever the two would walk by. He would only talk in short sentences to her, sometimes not at all, and it rubbed Jay the wrong way. “It’s nothing, really. Do you need me to walk you home?”
“Uh,” Sora paused, “I don’t think so. I should be okay.”
The two of them started walking out of the office, Jay bidding goodbye to the rest of his exhausted coworkers as they went. Luke was nowhere to be found, and the man standing there in the security uniform instead of Luke instantly brought a smile to Jay’s face. The shaggy hair was achingly familiar, and the man looked up to see who was exiting. A smile split Jay’s face in response to the man’s, and for some reason it just felt right to drop his briefcase and sprint to the man.
“Cole!” Jay exclaimed, jumping into the bigger man’s arms and hugging him tight. Cole laughed, reciprocating, and a rush of familiarity made him light-headed even though Jay only met this guy once before. Jay stayed there for a minute or two before realizing how weird it probably was to be hugging your security guard, and pulled back after a minute; Cole’s grip made it a little difficult, almost as if the ravenette didn’t want to let Jay go.
His head started throbbing, trying to conjure up all of the fragments that he could remember about Cole, but the only things that came to his mind were the drawings hanging up on his walls. They couldn’t be everything that Jay had from Cole, not when his arms made him feel safer than the Administration security forces ever did.
Smile still on his face, Cole put his hands on his hips. “Guess who got the job?”
“You did?” Jay guessed, and Cole flexed his large muscles as confirmation. Someone coughed from behind them and Jay belatedly realized that Sora was still standing there, looking very confused. Her eyes were wide as they looked at Cole, and Cole’s eyes widened in response.
“Oh! Sora, this is Cole. Cole, this is my intern Sora. She’s great,” Jay babbled, not noticing the tension starting to leak into the air. Instead, all he could focus on was that now he had his two favorite people in the entirety of the Administration in the same hallway. You would be surprised at how hard that was to accomplish in a building with over 300 floors.
“Yeah, we’ve met before,” Sora said stiffly, and Jay caught a brief glimpse of Cole making a shushing motion before he turned to look at his intern.
“Oh shit, really?”
“I saw her in the elevator the other day,” Cole said quickly, and Sora’s face scrunched in confusion before clearing. “We had a good talk about, uh, the printers and everything! Right Sora?”
“Printers?” Jay asked.
“Right! Printers!” Sora said, picking up Jay’s briefcase and handing it to him. “Pesky little things, right? C’mon, we should get going. We still have to get to your apartment.”
Jay sighed, patting Cole’s arm as he faced the now fixed elevator. “She’s right. Sorry man, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow—”
“I can walk with you,” Cole blurted, and Jay paused.
“Don’t you have to stay here and keep watch?”
“With all due respect, Jay, I don’t think anyone’s going to be breaking into the accounting department after 8 P.M. I can walk you to your house and come back. I’ll even walk Sora to wherever she needs to be so you don’t have to worry about it.”
Well, what did he have to lose? His job? Maybe that would be a free excuse to finally get out of this damn place.
“If you’re sure,” Jay said, walking to the elevator. He tried to hide the pep in his step, shoving his lightning down as far as it would go. There had already been way too many close calls with Sora, he couldn’t slip up now. “I’m on floor 275, so it might take a couple minutes.”
“Totally fine,” Cole assured, watching as Jay drew out his keycard and swiped it. The elevator dinged not even a minute later, and the three of them stepped inside as the doors closed behind them with their signature soft woosh. Cole was standing abnormally close to Jay, something that the man would’ve normally minded if it was anyone but Cole. Somehow it just felt right when it was Cole.
Some strange feeling of dread started to creep over him, but he knew it wasn’t from Cole and Sora. Memories tugged at his senses, and his sight started to blur with colors that Jay wasn’t familiar with as sounds pinged off of the elevator walls. What was happening?
Jay started babbling about random nonsense to pass the time, a nervous habit of his, but neither Cole nor Sora tried to stop him. If anything, Cole looked like he was hanging on every one of Jay’s words, and it was a nice change from the constant ignoring or fake interest from Jay’s coworkers. Now that Jay was looking at Cole properly, trying to focus on something he could see and process, he did kinda look like the black ninja from the pictures. His hair was a bit longer, and his face was a bit more weathered, but there was definitely a resemblance.
“Say, Cole,” Jay started, cutting his rant about the horrors of cardstock paper short, “would you happen to know anything about a group called the Ninja?”
Cole choked on air. Sora looked slightly alarmed and quickly whacked him on the back, Cole finally catching his breath and looking at Jay with wide eyes. “What?”
“If you’re from Ninjago, then you should know who the Ninja are, right?” Jay continued. His mouth felt weird from saying the word.
“O-Oh yeah,” Cole scratched the back of his head, “I guess you could say that. I, uh, actually knew them before the Merge happened?”
“What was the girl like?” Jay asked, fiddling with his sleeves. He couldn’t shake the feeling of deja vu, even though he knew for a fact that he had never been in this kind of situation before. “She’s really pretty, you know.”
The elevator whirred as it went up, and Jay noticed that Cole didn’t seem to be feeling any of the normal motion sickness effects. Maybe he was already accustomed to it. “I know,” Cole said, “I think you and her would’ve gotten along really well, Jay.”
“Seriously?” Jay’s face brightened, and Sora made a fake gagging sound in the background. “Shut it, Sora. What did she like? What did she eat? Is she still here? Is she nice?”
He grabbed the front of Cole’s shirt, reeling with sensory input from the memories, preparing himself to ask the most important question of all. “Is her favorite color blue?!”
The security guard looked a little startled at how close Jay had gotten in the past minute, but then he relaxed, chuckling. “Yeah, buddy, her favorite color is blue.”
Buddy. The word awakened something in Jay, and suddenly he was clutching onto Cole for a reason other than to be dramatic. 
Lightning flashed in his head, blisteringly hot and turning his vision white as he gripped onto Cole’s shirt. Cole was saying his name but Jay couldn’t speak, his tongue feeling like a wad of cotton in his mouth as he was gasping for air. The elevator kept going up and up and up, but all Jay felt was falling down-
Crashing onto his knees, Jay kept heaving, feeling Sora’s hand on his back and Cole’s on his chest as his vision blurred with tears. Finally, the elevator came to a stop, and Jay couldn’t help the relief that came over him when he realized that he was finally going to be able to go home. But no matter how much he tried his knees wouldn’t move, and more tears came to his eyes when he realized that the others were going to have to help him get home. They were going to see what was in the apartment.
They were going to abandon him. Who wants to be friends with someone who was losing his fucking mind?
“Get him up,” Cole ordered, and Sora came up on Jay’s other side. She draped his arm across her shoulders and lifted, and the two of them dragged him out of the elevator and down the hallway. Jay was still getting his bearings back, head spinning out of control as the carpeted floor suddenly looked very inviting yet again. Anything was better than having to face them after something like this.
Sora scanned the hallway, looking at each of the numbered plates. “I don’t know which one is his!”
“64,” Jay croaked, and Cole found it almost immediately. The poor office worker tried to give the security guard his keycard, and Cole refused it at first, instead taking up a stance that indicated that he was going to kick Jay’s door down. Jay did not feel like explaining that to the house inspection team on top of everything else. “You break my door down and I’ll break your spine.”
“You could definitely try,” Cole grunted, but he heeded Jay’s warning, instead taking the keycard and swiping it.
A soft click, and the larger man pushed the door open. Sora brought Jay in and set him down on his ratty old couch, the man sinking into the cushions and slamming his eyes shut so he wouldn’t have to look around his apartment. Sora rubbed his shoulder, asking if he was okay, and then she noticed the drawings.
“Jay, what the hell is all of this?” she said, reaching out and touching one of the many pieces of paper. It was the first one he did back in his office, before he ever met her, of the Black Ninja in all of his glory and bearing a striking resemblance to the new security guard. Cole was also examining them, biting his lip as his fingers brushed across the one with the Black Ninja falling into the dark cloud. Jay never did manage to find any information on something like that happening in Ninjago. “Are-are you going crazy?”
“I…” Jay paused, “I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.”
Because he didn’t. He really, really didn’t.
And that scared him.
Looking away from the drawing, he watched as Cole’s hands tightened into fists, his face contorting into something that Jay didn’t recognize. Resignation? “There’s something that I should probably tell you,” Cole said softly, turning to look Jay in the eyes. “You’re not supposed to be here, Jay. You never were.”
“You think I don’t know that?” Jay said bitterly, blunt with hurt. “You think that I don’t know that I wasn’t meant to be here?”
“How much do you remember?”
Jay’s shoulders hitched. “Nothing. I don’t remember anything before this stupid place. All of these, all of them, they’re from my dreams. I don’t know what they’re trying to tell me, and I-I don’t even know if they mean anything.”
There was a box of tissues placed down next to him, and Jay glanced up to see Sora giving him a soft smile. “Here, these might help. Just take a few minutes, we’re not going anywhere.”
Grabbing up one of the tissues, Jay began to try and clean himself up a little, but he felt just as shattered and broken as he did on the first day he woke up. He had woken up in a bed, the same bed in his apartment, with only a note on the nightstand about how he had been in a coma from a workplace accident and that he was expected to be in his office at the normal time.
He didn’t know where his office was. He didn’t know the normal time. All he knew was that nothing, nothing felt right when he woke up and it hadn’t gotten better in three years of working in the Administration. There was always some small voice inside of him, whispering that he was destined for something greater than fixing copy machines, but-but..
Jay was trapped. He didn’t even know what he could say to get him out of that place.
But..but maybe they could help him get out.
Sora picked something up out of the box with his gi, left open on his messy desk, and Jay’s heart sank when he saw the light gleaming off of it. It was something that he only had second-hand knowledge about from his parents, and even that was fuzzy, but it was the only explanation he had to go off of because the Administration did not consider information about Ninjago traditions very important.
His Ying-Yang medallion.
Cole sucked in a breath when he saw it, eyes watering. “You still have that?”
“You know what it is?” Jay asked, standing up and instantly having to sit back down from the dizziness. He motioned for Sora to come closer, and took the medallion when she offered it. “Please, Cole, you have to tell me everything you know about this.”
Please. Please. They—they had to know something he didn’t, something to get him out and to see her—
Sora wouldn’t meet Jay’s eyes, but he wasn’t giving her much of his attention; most of his attention was on the security guard, whose eyes softened, and Jay was startled to see tears forming at the corners. Cole quickly wiped them away with his jacket sleeve, grunting, before looking back up at Jay. Earthen brown on electric blue. Jay had the sinking feeling that this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened.
Maybe it had something to do with the drawing of the two figures trapped deep in an arena pit, staring each other down from atop a pillar. It was dark, and there was a green blade gleaming in the corner of his vision when he was fighting for his spot on the pillar, but he could still hear the sounds of screaming applause echoing in his ears. Jay knew now who was the one in the black suit, but..he never managed to dream up who the second person could’ve possibly been. Whose eyes he was looking through.
“Her-her name is Nya,” Cole started, his hands clenched into fists. “She’s the Elemental Master of Water, and my-my sister. You’re my brother.”
“My parents didn’t have another kid,” Jay said. Something wasn’t right. “They were too old. Is your name even Cole? Or was that a lie too?” The idea of Cole lying to him about this was nauseating, and Jay wished that he was still sitting down in the elevator, hitting the bottom floor and wishing that the cable would’ve snapped so he would be plummeting straight down to hell. Maybe he was already there.
“I’m not Ed and Edna’s kid, and I wasn’t lying about my name. I’m not lying to you,” breathing out of his nose, Cole met Jay’s eyes, hardening with a resolve that sent tingles up Jay’s spine. “Jay, I need you to listen very carefully to what I’m about to tell you, okay? You cannot freak out on me.”
Jay nodded, struggling to swallow past the lump of anxiety and fear in his throat. What-what was he?
Cole sighed. “You’re a Ninja, Jay.”
Yeah, he was in hell. Maybe he would’ve preferred the high water.
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I love your Ainu Hanzo and how proud he is of his ancestry. Kind of ironic that his adopted son, as proud as Takeda is of his Thai roots, is also a direct descendant of a samurai clan that most likely helped orchestrate his people’s oppression. Then again, Hanzo does seem to have a habit of making friends with his historical enemies.
Anyway, just food for angst. Love you. Kisses 😘
DISCLAIMER! I am not indigenous in any way shape or form, if any part of the rambling below is inaccurate/harmful/problematic in some way, please point it out to me so that I can educate myself accordingly and avoid repeating that mistake in the future. Further, please take everything I say with a grain of salt, as again, I am not indigenous and thus my interpretation of this situation is likely flawed and should come secondary to the opinions of indigenous (and specifically Ainu) people.
Honestly, I get the sense that it would upset Takeda more than Hanzo. Or, well, I suppose it's less that Takeda would be more upset about it than it is that Hanzo has had time to learn how to navigate the complexity of that situation and Takeda would be getting tossed into the deep end.
Bc like, Hanzo has been living in Japan his entire life and was part of a Japanese ninja clan which was implied to be Very traditional. So he's already had years to grapple with being close to people whose ancestors were involved in the colonization and attempted eradication of his people. For all that Hanzo doesn't seem very fond of seeing the world in shades of grey, I think he would have grappled with the nuance of the situation long before Takeda ever got involved.
(Also, lets not forget that Hanzo is also a Japanese citizen who is made to work with members of the US military and potentially friends with the special forces characters though that isn't super clear. Mk9 takes place in 1992 as well, and while Hanzo's age is never confirmed, he was old enough to have a wife and child, so while he was likely not alive during the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, he was probably born very soon afterwards. So Hanzo is not a stranger to relationships made incredibly complicated due to atrocities committed by people they are connected to)
Don't get me wrong, Hanzo's still plenty angry about the situation as a whole, and god help you if he hears you badmouthing his ancestors or his culture in any capacity, but there is a level of complexity to the situation that he has already found a way to reconcile.
For Takeda, on the other hand, he likely had no idea who the Ainu even were before he came into Hanzo's care, much less what his ancestors did to them. And given the fact that that history is on his Father's side of the family, and Takeda refused to even mention that Kenshi existed for Years, it probably took a while for Takeda to find out about it. So he ends up sort of punched in the gut by the information.
Hanzo likely raised him to be the kind of person who takes accountability for that and does what he can to make amends and reparations, which I think is an attitude that Hanzo likely instills in the Shirai Ryu as a whole, both due to the fact that he is Ainu, and the fact that he himself has done some pretty terrible (Though obviously not colonizer terrible) things. Hanzo is very much of the opinion that since mistakes cannot be undone, effort should always be put towards trying to to better and making what amends one can, even if the mistake wasn't yours originally.
That being said, I don't think that Hanzo would be of the opinion that people aren't responsible for what their ancestors did, I think he would very much hold to the idea that if your ancestors committed atrocities, you have a responsibility to try and make reparations for that, and that process should be guided by the community that was wronged.
This is a very long tangent but basically it boils down to "Reparations to indigenous communities are very necessary and while those descended from the original perpetrators of the crimes done to them are not technically at fault, they are responsible for the system that was constructed which they now benefit from and which still harms indigenous communities to this day. Further, relationships between indigenous communities and the colonizers/their descendants are incredibly complicated on both a group and an individual scale"
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oh-lordy-lord-save-me · 9 months
Hello, I just wanted to let you know that I am really fascinated by your version of Usagi and wanted to know more about him. What are the similarities and differences between your version and the comic version of Usagi? And well the other characters of Usagi Yojimbo appear as well, like Kitsune, Gen, and Tomoe, and if so how are they like in your version?
hi!!! thank you for taking interest in my iteration, its means a lot. in my au usagi is a teen(around 16-17) who traveled from japan to new york because he “wanted to travel more.” in reality he is trying to avoid another encounter with jei, as the last one kinda scarred him a bit. the thought of jei being in any town he’s visiting took away the possibility of a peaceful night for him. 
gonna cut it off here since i just noticed how long this is haha
ayway, he definitely still sticks his nose into other people’s business and gets involved into things that were 100% avoidable.He would still be incredibly good with kids as well as helping anyone who needs it no matter how difficult the task is. Either way he still has a shit ton of warrants on his head!!!
Another thing that is absolutely vital to him is his inability to commit to anything🙏 he likes his life of wandering and it feels wrong to him to stay put in one place. he does not want his life to change and that doesn’t really help if he ever wants a relationship. to make it worse he will not speak about his feelings, i think he’d rather be struck by lightning.
the way he acted before moving to the hidden city was very different. he was much more carefree and always got into situations without much of a plan. he’d throw in some jokes in the middle of fights and hype himself up sometimes. i based off this phase of his life off of his younger self in the comics. but after this he tries to take things more seriously, keeping to himself and not breaking rules as often and acts like a dick sometimes . he gets better tho after hating leo for a while and gets to know him better.
i did change some characters a bit like katsuichi. he still lives as a hermit but took usagi in when he was much younger due to his dad passing. he takes on a more fatherly role than just a sensei for usagi. i dont see him calling him a cockroach or a head lice knowing this poor kid just lost his dad😭
kitsune, gen, and tomoe are living their lives back in japan. kitsune still lives as a street performer and a thief and shes having a good life rn honestly. shes knowledgeable in some mystic items as they’re usually a part of her performances. she’d be active on social media platforms, she’d have very organized posts. she’s also the one who reaches out the most to usagi; she pokes fun at him but she does it as a way to check in on him since the last time she really saw him he wasn’t in the best shape. i haven’t really gotten to gen yet, but he’s still a bounty hunter. he’d still be a bit of an ass when it comes to money or usagi. 
dont have much on tomoe, which is honestly a crime, but i have the idea that she is a student at her father’s school. i think she’d be entirely dedicated to her skills and wouldn’t have much time for anything else. she’d only ever see usagi if he’s visiting the geishu province. i plan on them leaving eachother on strained terms when he left japan, they’d eventually sort it out in the future though. there’s also chizu, who usagi has worked with in the past but eventually stopped. She’s completely dedicated to the neko ninja, willing to do everything she has to for their cause. she ended their friendship by deceiving him since “friendship is a weapon that is used by the ninja, but it can be much worse if the ninja develops feelings of friendship.”
 chizu is honestly a big reason who usagi heavily distrusted leo at first; his experience with ninja isn’t very pleasant 
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roguephenon · 30 days
Hi, I started planning my own KND fic, and started with figuring out the ages and birthdates, and I have to ask. 1. How was it for you the process of coming up with a chronology of a show that doesn't really have a set and consistent timeline? 2. In what year does your fic takes place?
My process and answer is long so have it at under the cut
The first part of my process was deciding if I wanted a set timeline or just to go with what worked for me from fic to fic. Over the years (and after watching the series hundreds of times and taking novels worth of notes and screenshots), I’ve settled on a set timeline that works for me and what I like to do.
(Fun fact: I have 3 different timelines! 1 is the main one I use, and the other two are bit more loose depending on the AU I wrote. In one, the GKND doesn’t exist.)
First, I would decide how religiously you want to try and make sense of the timeline the show tries to give us. There aren’t many, but there are a few events that have specific years that can be pinned down. For example, one is the Great Junior High Rebellion of ‘99 where the recommissioning module was allegedly “damaged beyond repair” (maybe they didn’t try turning it off and back on again?). The next one is 1969 where the KND faked the moon landing so adults wouldn’t discover the Moonbase. They’re small throwaway mentions, but important if you need some dates to anchor to.
Also consider that (probably almost) everything in season 6 that’s not a flashback happens AFTER Op. ZERO due to the shots of the Moonbase being the rebuilt Moonbase Zero.
Now, saying all that, my next piece of advice may be weird, but honestly, I think it’s important: don’t stress too much about it! Details are essential, but getting hung up on them can be a headache and stop the process. As you mentioned, the show doesn’t have a consistent timeline, so trying to make sense of everything will run you up a wall.
Just breathe and pick any year or era you want that makes sense or resonates with you! Wanna set it in 2018 or even in 2024? Go for it!
But why aren't kids/teens seen using smartphones? Maybe there’s super duper strict regulation that keeps anyone under 13 (perhaps even 18 because Father apparently controls the Teen Ninjas) from not having smartphones, and the KND uses 2x4 tech as a way to get around it. There’s already legislation in the works in the US that does this already to ban kids from using social media.
How come sector V are all in the same grade yet are different ages? Again, maybe in this world, there’s some super weird law the adult villains lobbied for that keeps kids in certain grades for extended times. There was literally an episode that ended with a 4th Grade President going to City Hall and coming out and saying, “by the way, school day ends at 8:25pm now. Sucks to suck, also Father is the best.”
Let the show's lack of a consistent timeline be an unexpected strength! Besides one or two cultural nods as the show evolves, there's not too much to date it. For example, they make up corporations and franchises to parody real ones and never give the name of a sitting world leader.
Also, it’s a cartoon, and their world is not bound to the same laws as ours. It’s not real life! Be silly and stretch things if you need to! If trying to take the show and make it more realistic is your goal, then, of course, do that as well! Just for me personally, I try not to get bogged down with “this event or timeline doesn’t exactly match up or happen how it would in real life” because I’m not writing real life: I’m writing Kids Next Door fighting candy monsters or the living avatars of puberty.
I’m getting off-topic. Anyway, the last piece of help I offer is just (if you can) rewatching the show and paying attention to context clues in the background! In season 5, two shots of a gravestone end with 2005. So, with that in mind, we can infer a few things:
1. From wherever you put that episode in timeline, it at least happens during or after the year 2005.
2. The same gravestone appears again in IT, so everything that has happened up to Rachel deciding to call a game of tag, again, happens either during or after the year 2005.
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Take that as you will!
For the next part of your question! If you’re talking about Cold Reception SPOILER AHEAD BECAUSE IT WILL NEVER BE DIRECTLY STATED IN THE FIC! ....
you really wanna know?
The year Cold Reception takes place is 2011.
Hope this helps! If not, let me know and maybe I can give more specifics! Good luck on your fic! Writing is fun.
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
Hi! I really love your works and it's always fun and enjoying to read them! It's a shame that I didn't made it for the event reqs but i saw that regular reqs are open, if that's what you call them? XD Anyway, can I request for Kohaku, Mayoi, and Hiiro being a secret admirer to the reader? Thank you!
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ft. amagi hiiro, ayase mayoi, oukawa kohaku
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: none (as of now)
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In my opinion, Hiiro is too honest and straight-forward to be considered a ‘secret’ admirer. I feel like he wouldn’t see any reason to hide the fact that he is the one sending you the letters?
Since he wants you to see them and feel appreciated, he would probably think you’d like it better if you knew who your admirer was.
The only reason he doesn’t is because Aira assured him it would be more romantic that way. Out of the two of them, Aira is the more well-versed in pop culture, so Hiiro decides to take him at face value.
I am a firm believer in the idea that Hiiro unironically enjoys puns. So he probably sends you lovemail in that style. Little sticky notes with cute doodles and adorable puns pasted on your desk, or on your doorframe.
If you were a vegetable you’d be a cute-cumber ♡ or Are you a banana? Because I find you very a-peel-ing ♡
They’re small, usually mentioning food or animals, but they still manage to fluster you with their simplicity.
He places them at intervals–one in the morning, and one in the evening!
It’s especially sweet when you’re having a bad day and you just see these cute little notes. It makes you brighten up and forget your worries, even if it’s only for a little bit.
And that’s exactly what Hiiro wants! He’s glad that he’s able to bring you even a fraction of the joy he gets when he’s around you.
Signs off with little spades, just as a hint!
He does reveal himself eventually, though, because he feels like there’s no need for him to remain a secret anymore.
The only reason you didn’t suspect him to be your secret admirer despite the teeny spade doodles is because you thought that he wouldn’t hide it, rather he would just outright tell you, which is why you’re so surprised when you realise.
Even after you find out, he still makes it a habit to send you the puns–though not so secretly–because he likes seeing you smile when you receive them!
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Mayoi is probably the most secretive out of the 3. He would rather die than let his position be revealed.
He finds himself writing you flowery, poetry-esque short letters with cute little doodles whenever he’s thinking about you (which is a lot!). He would prefer to never have to send them ever, but he also thinks you deserve to be appreciated for all the hard work and effort you put into things.
You are strong, you are brave, you make flowers bloom in my heart. A whole garden, just for you. My heart, no matter how small and shrivelled, will always have a space for you. You are more perfect than you know ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
He’s certain you wouldn’t like any messages from a gross creature such as himself, so he decides to take the good ol’ secret admirer route.
Goes full-out super spy when it comes to planting your letters.
Crawls into the vents at 4am so he can place them on your desk before school starts, sneaks into the ES kitchen at midnight to place one in your mug, etc, etc. He’s putting those ninja skills to good use!
You’re like a blushing schoolgirl being serenaded, honestly. It’s sweet.
These letters are the highlight of your day. Not just because of how cute they are, but also because no one can figure out where they’re coming from? No matter how hard you try, you can never catch the culprit who is slowly but surely stealing your heart!?
The actual reveal happens by accident.
You wake up in the middle of night, craving the most delicious drink known to mankind. You open the kitchen doors and lo and behold, what do you find but Mayoi, a piece of paper in one hand and your favoured mug in the other.
Hang on… Your sleep-addled brain starts to connect the dots. Is Mayoi-san…my secret admirer?
Starts stammering about how y-you’ve got it a-a-all wrong and eep! I’m s-s-sorry for r-ruining your night!
You giggle, startling him, and tell him that it’s okay before thanking him for how sweet his words were. You tell him that he also has a special place in your heart and he nearly dies. Hopefully you know CPR? Or maybe…mouth-to-mouth?
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Sends you shoujo-style lovemail in the form of adorable letters praising all your virtues and commenting on how cute you are when you smile.
You wouldn’t expect Kohaku to write such cheesy things so easily, but all those Ghibli marathons with Aira have paid off. It started off as a way for Kohaku to express his feelings for you in secret, but after a few too-close calls with Rinne, he decided to kill two birds with one stone.
This way, he can tell you how he feels without embarrassing himself and also seeing how you flush every time you see one of his letters on your desk makes him more pleased then the cat that caught the canary.
Dear Y/N,
I hope your day is going well?
People always talk about how bright the sun is, but I think you’re the brightest thing in my sky. You push me to be the best version of myself, I want to be the way you see me. You manage to stay brave and strong, and I admire your desire to be the very best you can be. You’re a blessing to the people around you, and I thought you should know this. I’m not…very good at expressing my emotions but, I hope that this could make you smile just a little bit. That’s all.
You deserve good things.
Love, 🌸
His letters are so sweet and heartfelt, they make you giddy.
You slowly start anticipating the letters everyday. There’s always a kind note and a query about your day, it feels like the writer really cares about you.
This goes on for around a month, and then you decide that you need to find your so-called secret admirer so you can thank them for their kind words and praise.
When he finds out you’re looking for the writer of the letters, Aira pushes him to reveal himself but Kohaku doesn’t want to. He feels like it might be a letdown for you, and he doesn’t want to tarnish your experience.
But Aira, who knows that there’s no way you would shun him for something like this–actually there’s no way you would ever shun him, period–decides to casually let it slip in conversation that Kohaku’s been writing love letters for someone. Oh, Y/N, you are the recipient of these letters? How shocking~
When you thank Kohaku earnestly for how kind he is–and be sure to compliment him about his writing skills while you’re at it!–he’s flustered like you wouldn’t believe, but also incredibly happy as well. 
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WC: 1.1k
reze txt HELP this was so long omg im?? but secret admirers are sooo cute ahhhh <33 i hope this made up for u missing my 100 followers event anonnie! and that it was as enjoyable to read as it was to write!!
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brightbeautifulthings · 7 months
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Katzenjammer by Francesca Zappia
"They're all so dark, Dad said one day, watching over my shoulder as I worked at the kitchen table. Why don't you paint things like a blue sky, or a field of flowers, or a bird flying on a breeze? Something happy that your mom can put on the fridge. She can put these on the fridge, I said. Maybe just one flower? he asked. There are no flowers where I live, I said."
Year Read: 2023
Rating: 4/5
About: Cat has been stuck in School for as long as she can remember. The hallways slowly expand and contract with School's breathing, the showers run red with blood, and the students have divided themselves into changed and unchanged. While the unchanged hide in the fortress of administration, Cat and her friends haunt the courtyard and hallways. Her best friend is turning into cardboard, and Cat's face has become a cat mask made of her own hardened flesh. There are no doors or windows in or out of School, and something is hunting them down one by one in the hallways. To escape, Cat will have to understand why they're trapped in the first place. Trigger warnings: Some triggers are listed at the end of the review because they include spoilers. Character death, guns, violence, blood/gore, dismemberment, body/eye horror, bullying, slut-shaming, vandalism.
Thoughts: Thanks to @ninja-muse for recommending this book, since I'm not sure I would have found it on my own. This is probably my favorite Francesca Zappia novel to date, and one of the best novels on this subject I've ever read (more on that after the spoilers). However, I believe it's best to go into it not knowing much more than the description provides. This book works extremely well as a slow reveal. What starts out as a mindfuck becomes slow understanding as we realize more or less alongside Cat what is happening in School, and you'd be doing yourself a disservice to read the spoilers if you plan to read this. However, it covers a number of very heavy and potentially triggering topics (and it's difficult to gush about how I think it works without giving things away), so I'll include those thoughts at the end. I can't stress it enough though. If you're not easily triggered, stop here and go read this book!
This is also one of the best examples of uncanny horror that I've read in a long time. Zappia expertly manages to capture the quality of a nightmare without sacrificing the continuity. School is creepy and semi-sentient, and the changes it brings about in half the students are a study in body horror. Perhaps even more terrifying are the parallels it draws to some very real life horrors such as bullying and, indeed, I found the flashback chapters of Cat's surfacing memories of her former life of being targeted, bullied, and slut-shamed at school more difficult to get through than the surreal scenes of hacked up bodies or bloody showers in School. Real life horror always affects me a lot more than the supernatural, and Katzenjammer does an excellent job of balancing both. The ending is cathartic and effective, and there's less of a plot twist than a sort of inevitable, dawning horror-- which is honestly the best kind.
Remember how I said that real life horror is always worse than the supernatural or the uncanny? I stand by that statement. Zappia draws such excellent parallels to real life in her uncanny School that it's almost impossible not to realize before Cat does that the traumatic event that put them there was a school shooting. I've read a couple YA novels that handled the subject fine, but I don't think any of them capture it as well as this one. We need something like the supernatural School and the horror of bodies changing in ways we can't explain to fully grasp the senseless horror of gun violence. Killing children makes no more sense than hallways that breathe or girls who turn into their cat masks. It takes Cat the entire novel to understand the horror and absurdity of what's been done to her and to accept it-- that there are reasons but not excuses, and that we will never know all of them. I cried a little at the end, but I think the real life horror of it is too big for tears. Instead, it's a feeling that will sit with me long after I've turned the last page.
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bhryn-art · 4 months
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Okay so there's been some time since I last used my Tumblr, and I guess we'd better chat - HI, how are ya? This will be a decent chat, I'll do us all a favour and pop it behind a careful little barrier so you can read at your leisure. Before that! WHERE AM I? Find me at these places: TWITTER/X: Bhryn BSKY: It's still Bhryn CARA: Take a wild guess - Bhryn Ao3 (it's ALL Fire Emblem not sorry!): Bhryn Astairre What's happening with Bhryn/Ferai? Well...
It's been a long time coming, but I think almost anyone who had been close to me has known this was going to turn up one day. And hey, I had a good long run. I never finished Endwalker. I got to around level 77? I think? And I just... didn't feel it anymore. I told myself I'd go back when my interest picked up. It never did. I instead became a lot more invested in other things, and took a huge break from everything to try dealing with my declining health. To that end; thank you, for all the wonderful friends I made on FFXIV, for the fun times we had. But it's time I moved on. I have no immediate or long term plans to return to FFXIV, and I wish everyone who still plays a great, fun time with the game going forward. I won't say for certain that I'm leaving, but I know for now, it's far back on the shelf for me. A large part in this is my decline in health. I'm currently bedbound - I wasn't a couple of years ago, but times change! You just have to roll with the punches. One of these is having a frankly rubbish laptop that wheezes when I play Content Warning and Lethal Company. I dread to think how on fire it would be if I tried even loading the FFXIV benchmark! I also made the choice to get a Steamdeck rather than a new laptop. This laptop still runs my art programmes and lets me write and talk to friends, so I don't need the upgrade badly (I say, side-eyeing the loud and grating noises it keeps making on waking up from sleep with nervousness). The other big punch is the worsening of my hands. Years ago I mentioned to my friends and followers that my EDS was never going to settle for just being a pain in my hip, knees, neck... any joint basically. EDS was always going to be a slow progression. I fought hard against it, and I'm still fighting! To the best of my abilities! But there came a point when finishing off a piece of work for a client, that I realised I simply didn't have the physical stamina or the dexterity in my hands/fingers to do long term brief work anymore. This loss of skillful motion has affected me playing games. I used to joke about having 'old lady reflexes' but honestly, I really do have them now! So I stripped back artwork to be 'just for me, just for fun'. The same for games. Anything that I cannot play well on a controller? Not worth it. I can play Ninja in ffxiv on a controller, but we come back to my Craptop Self Immolating if I tried. So what happens now to me? Now, I try and relax best I can (I caught the Rona four weeks ago, I'm still sore throat and itching in my chest/wheezing/terrible crackling in my chest) and work on my surroundings to give myself the best chance going forward to improve my life. This tumblr, when I made it, it was for me to play my FFXIV character. I have a couple of choices open to me, but I think I would like to change it completely over to an art and writing blog, just in general. To do that, I would have to go and take my username from my old blog and put it on this one. OR, I let this stay as an idle blog and dust off my old tumblr and move ahead with that. I'm still undecided! But, whatever I choose, I want you to remember; You're great. Be kind, do kind things, leave the world better than how you found it. You got this. You always did. With love; Me xxx
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parachutingkitten · 1 year
Proving that he didn't kill his dad, or at least assist in his assassination proves to be a difficult task for Benthomaar, and with a public quickly turning violent, he decides that retreating into hiding is his best option at the moment. Luckily the ninja have a great secluded contact to send him to. ~2800 words
Vania hesitated a moment before knocking on the door. She knew this was going to be a difficult situation to navigate. She wanted to talk to him, she wanted to lend an ear, but she didn’t know if he would want to talk at all. After all, he had only just arrived this morning, and he certainly had a lot to process. Circumstances were grim, but there wasn’t much point in letting him wallow in it. Regardless, she had come prepared… with cookies. Everyone could always use a cookie. 
It was only a few seconds after she knocked before Benthomaar answered the door. “Oh! Queen Vania! I didn’t-”
“No, it’s nothing,” she waved it off. “I just brought you some fresh baked cookies!” She smiled, raising up the plate she held. 
She was met with a largely blank stare and a slow nod. “Of course, come in.” He welcomed her inside, his figure turned around before she had even made it through the frame. Vania carefully stepped inside, closing the door behind herself. “I’m sorry I haven’t had much of a presence.” He plopped down on the edge of his bed, running his fingers through his hair. “I’ve been… a bit out of sorts.” His gaze was distracted, his mind obviously not entirely present.
“You don’t need to apologize. You’ve been through a lot.” Not knowing quite what to do with the cookies, she continued to hold them in the least awkward way she could manage. “I’m honestly surprised you’re as composed as you are.” I suppose death threats and assassination attempts are somewhat expected for royalty, but she had never had to deal with it before. 
“It's just…” he paused, his eyes stuck in the middle distance. “A lot to consider. I’m not even sure I’ve processed that I’m here yet.”
Struggling still to land a connection, she turned to her life preserver. “You know, the cookies really are best when they’re warm.”
He finally snapped out of his daze, a soft smile finally gracing his lips. “Right.” He took the plate, grabbing a cookie from the pile and taking a bite. His face exploded in surprise, his eyes growing wide. “You weren’t kidding! These are delicious!” 
Vania chuckled. The cookies had worked. 
“Here, you want one?” He offered one to her.
“Oh, no.” Vania shook her head. “I’m fine.”
“You said it yourself, they’re best when they’re warm.” He grinned before taking another bite.
She took the bait, sitting down next to him, and gladly munching on the snack. “They really are.”
“Well, thank you for being so accommodating on such short notice,” Benthomaar set the plate down on the bed between them, the tension now significantly broken.
“Of course!” Vania shrugged. “Any friend of the ninja is a friend of mine.”
“You all are close?”
“We are!” Vania smiled, genuinely excited by the thought. “I honestly can’t believe it sometimes.” 
“Really?” Benthomaar laughed.
“Yeah, I idolized them like crazy before I met them! You know, I had the biggest celebrity crush on Cole.”
“You don’t say?” Benthomaar’s eyes narrowed as he took another bite of his cookie.
“Yeah, and he’s great,” Vania mused. “A lot different than I imagined, but it still boggles my mind that we’re as good of friends as we are.”
“Well, I’m glad they were able to put in a good word for me.”
“Sure, I’m glad to have you.” Vania smiled, her eyes shifting down as the mood in the room once again sunk. “It sucks that you have to be here in the first place though.”
Benthomaar sighed, reaching for another cookie. “Well, it is difficult to rule people who want nothing to do with you.” He broke the cookie in half, defeated. 
“It’s so ridiculous! I mean, you risked your life trying to defend your kingdom, and yet you get labeled a traitor!”
“Well, it’s complicated. There isn’t any real evidence of what happened to my father. Only the sudden appearance of outsiders right before his death, and my siding with them.”
“The ninja could testify, right? They saw what happened. And some of them are robots, you could compel them to tell the truth!”
“People just don’t trust it. They’re wary of the technology. It comes from surface dwellers.” His words sounded rehearsed, as if he’d gone over this talking point dozens of times now.
Vania took another bite of her cookie, sitting in thought for a moment. “You know, I have an excellent magic consultant. I know he’s produced visions before. I could ask if he might be able to summon one of the past.”
Benthomaar’s eyes perked up. “That… could be helpful.”
“Well, I can certainly look into it,” she smiled. 
“I appreciate it,” he nodded, his mind again wandering far from this room. 
Vania studied his expression, still hoping to make a connection. “What do you miss most about it?”
Benthomaar again looked up, a smile sneaking onto his face as he pondered. “It’s going to sound terribly obvious.”
“Shoot,” Vania shrugged. 
He drew in a breath, still a bit hesitant. “Everything here is so much… drier.”
Vania chuckled. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”
“I mean it!” he insisted. “Even just the air, when you’re used to high humidity, is so noticeable! And it’s all around you, all the time.”
“Well, maybe we should bring up a humidifier for you!” Vania giggled.
“Really?” he asked.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.” 
“That would be nice,” he sighed, quickly jolting back up. “Not that you haven’t been plenty accommodating already, I mean this room is fantastic.”
“Oh, it’s definitely the best of the guest rooms,” Vania agreed. “Have you seen the view out of your balcony?!” Vania jumped up excitedly.
“Just out the window from here-” Benthomaar muttered. 
Vania picked up the plate of cookies, already headed for the doors. “You’ve gotta see it!” Her feet had already taken her halfway across the room before Benthomaar had found the ability to stand.
She threw open the doors to the cooled air of the night, placing the cookies down on the small dining set which lived on the balcony.
“It really is the best view in the castle!” she boasted. “Of course, you can see everything a little better by day, but right below us are the palace gardens, and a little further out you can see the east tower-”
She continued as Benthomaar took his first steps outside, his eyes instantly drawn upwards.
“Of course, you can see the palace gates, and the guard houses.” She leaned over the balcony, craning her neck to stretch her sightline along the castle’s wall. “And if you lean far enough out, you can even see my room!” She smiled, finally turning back to see her guest.
Benthomaar had also made it to the railing, his weight comfortably resting upon it as his gaze still sat firmly above, his expression in awe. Vania felt a bit foolish at her ramblings now. He had already found the best feature of the view.
“There’s so many of them,” he marveled, his voice almost a whisper.
She smiled at his wonder, joining him as her eyes too turned upward. “When I was little, I thought that once I got my wings, I’d be able to fly up to the stars, and catch one in between my hands like a firefly.”
“Firefly?” Benthomaar asked, eyes still stuck on the vast expanse above him.
“Have you never seen fireflies before?” Vania asked. 
“I can’t say I have.” Benthomaar shook his head.
“Well, I’ll have to show you sometime,” Vania decided.
“They seem so close from up here. They’re so much brighter,” Benthomaar sighed.
“I wouldn’t really know,” Vania shrugged. “I’ve never seen them from anywhere else.”
Benthomaar’s eyes finally strayed from the sky back to his companion. “I don’t know why you don’t just spend all your time out here.”
“I wish I could,�� she giggled. “But you know, I’ve got stuff to do. Kingdom to run. Not much time for stargazing.” Her tone dropped in tone as she spoke, the weight of her responsibilities obviously sneaking into her mind.
“Is the new job hard on you?” Benthomaar asked. 
“Not as hard as it’s been on you,” Vania noted. “But it’s been a lot. The whole kingdom pretty much doubled in population, so just working out relocation and basic distribution of resources has been difficult. Not to mention trying to work around cultural differences and pre-existing social grudges.” Vania turned away from the railing, her image now facing the castle. “On top of that, a vital source of income for the kingdom is now a complete non-starter, meaning our economy is mostly shot, and trying to get any sort of outside revenue back is difficult, because our kingdom has historically been incredibly reclusive, so it’s not exactly like we have great connections to lean back on. And between the complete social upheaval and the broken economy I just… don’t know what I’m doing!” her eyes had fallen to the ground as the strain became more evident in her voice. “I was nowhere close to completing my training, I wasn’t supposed to be doing anything like this for years, let alone be thrown in at the deep end like this, and I just… I can’t do it! I’m not mentally capable! I’m not-” 
Vania sighed, her eyes finally returning to Benthomaar. 
“I’m not my dad, you know?” 
Vania pushed off from the railing, Benthomaar’s vision following her as she left for the table instead, quickly melting into one of the seats and staring at the cookie plate. 
Benthomaar was quiet for a moment, adjusting to the shift in the conversation.
“Have you…” he hesitated, unsure if it was wise to take the topic where his mind had gone. “Have you talked to him at all? After he was put away?”
He studied her as her body shrank inwards ever so slightly. 
“You don’t have to answer if it’s not-”
“No, it’s okay,” Vania interjected. “I, um…” her eyes glanced over at him. “I haven’t spoken with him at all since the incident.”
Benthomaar fully leaned back against the railing, pondering her answer. “You know, I’ve been thinking about all the things I would want to tell my brother, if he had made it through the battle.” His eyes wandered as he thought, caught again in the middle distance they had been stuck in through most of the day. “All the things I’d want to confront him with, prove to him, scream at him. All these words that I have caught up in my head that don’t have anywhere to go anymore.” His eyes finally stabilized on Vania again. “But if he were still here, and I were given the chance to talk to him… I don’t know if I could actually do it.”
Vania sat up a bit, her eyes now lost. “You know, I’ve thought about it,” she admitted. “I’ve thought about it a lot. I was trapped with that man my whole life. He was putting on a facade for me my entire life. Everything that I thought was love and affection was this twisted other thing. He was the most important person in my entire world, and he was never really there. And that does things to you when you realize. And you keep on making realizations, for weeks, months afterwards, how thoroughly every piece of what you thought was your life is a lie, and you’re forced to just sit there and watch as it all disintegrates. It breaks you.”
The two now faced each other, their eyes locked. “I have so much I want to say to him. But when someone’s in your head that deeply, when someone’s been able to hurt you that much, the idea of opening up that line of communication again, even one way, is… terrifying.” Her voice shrunk as she continued. “Because even just admitting to them that you’re still thinking about them, in any capacity, it lets them back inside your head.”
The air between them sat unmovable as the tension reached its peak. “My father adopted me after I was abandoned by my birth parents,” Benthomaar started. “He was the only one who really ever cared for me, and he died in my arms. Kalmaar knew me best of anyone else, and he’s gone, and now even my own people don’t want me.” Vania could see a gloss begin to envelop his eyes. “I’ve never felt so completely alone in my whole life. So, to cut ties with anyone at this point… seems like such an impossible idea to me.”
His eyes had wandered to the ground by now, but Vania’s impulses took her upward. “You’ve got me.” She stood, rather suddenly.
Benthomaar’s eyes glanced up, a bit confused. “What?”
Vania reached back to the table, picking up a cookie as she strode forward.
“You’ve got me.” She held out the cookie to her puzzled companion now just inches from her, his hand, hesitantly moving forward to accept it. “Maybe I don’t know you very well yet, but I certainly know what you’re going through. I’ve lost and been betrayed by people I love. I’ve been saddled with an insane amount of royal responsibility at very short notice. I’ve been through a life altering piece of trauma before being thrust into an unreasonable amount of stress.” His hand had taken the cookie, but his mind was so fixed on her sudden burst of confidence that its presence was now an afterthought. “And I know it’s tough, but I’ve been through the first bit of this, and I’m here for you. And for the rest of it, we can figure it out together, which is a whole heck of a lot better than trying to figure it out alone. So, please don’t think that you’re alone, because I won’t let another person go through what I’m going through by themselves if I can help it.”
Benthommar stared at her with a gaze he hadn’t felt leave his eyes in a while. It seemed impossible to look away from the woman who had so quickly come to defend him from his own downward spiral. There was a pure sense of hope that filled him for the first time in days now. Vania shrunk back in a moment of realization. “If you want me. I don’t mean to be imposing, you don’t really know me.” She shook her head, her arms crossing over her chest.
“No,” Benthomaar stopped her. “I feel like I do,” he pressed. “Well enough anyway.”
His gaze softened her demeanor, a soft smile gracing her lips. “Well, I’m glad I could earn your trust so quickly.”
“For the record, I think Shintaro is very lucky to have a leader as charming, kind, confident,” Benthomaar found the list of adjectives coming to him quicker than he could speak them. “brave, welcoming, honest, thoughtful, and beautiful as you.” Their eyes remained connected, trapped together in a trance which seemed unbreakable. A slight blush crept onto Vania’s cheeks accompanied by a feeling she had never quite felt before.
Benthomaar was snapped out of the daze as he realized what exactly he had just said. 
“And such a wonderful baker!” he added, lifting the cookie still in his hand. He quickly took a bite, attempting to mask his nerves. 
The chill of the night air filled the space between them as the two darted their eyes away from one another.
“Right!” Vania chuckled. “I do a lot of baking when I’m stressed, so I’ve gotten a lot of practice lately.”
“Anyway, I should probably let you get some rest,” Vania started. “It’s getting late, and I’m sure you’re probably exhausted.” 
“Yes, of course,” Benthomaar sighed. 
“But…” Vania’s eyes again found contact with Benthomaar’s. “Maybe I’ll see you for breakfast?”
“I’d like that.” He nodded slowly, his voice soft and gentle. 
Their eyes remained connected a moment longer before Vania began to turn. “Well, goodnight. Sleep well.”
“You too,” Benthomaar returned as she approached the balcony doorway. “And,” he blurted out, his impulses stepping him forward.
She turned around in the door frame eager to hear him, her hands latching onto the divider in the middle. “Yes?”
Benthomaar’s lips parted, still a bit hesitant. “Thank you… for everything. It feels really good to smile again.”
Vania could sense the longing within his words, and feel her heart reach out in equal measure. “Of course.”
There was an unspoken pulse of understanding passed between them before Vania slowly turned, making her way out. Benthomaar’s eyes trailed her exit for a moment before he once more faced the balcony, his gaze turning upward. His mind was caught in a fog of feeling which he wasn’t eager to leave. There was a unique air of enchantment around him that he could only attribute to her. As his eyes danced across the stars, he found himself with a new impulse, imagining what it might be like to cup one in his hands, to hold that great a light so close to him. He smiled, his mind now wildly curious. 
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zkoh001 · 1 year
"If you think it is my husband you should fear, you are nothing more than a fool."
Im dubbing this the tigermom au, where Misako had a legit reason to leave Lloyd, and it was to put fear of god in the hearts of destinies writers the moment they hear the Garmadon name. (In the meanwhile getting stuck in a time loop/trap)
Honestly I just feel like she COULD be a really cool character, if her abandoning Lloyd with no fair explanation didn't weigh her down. She pretty effortlessly rizzed both sons of god, and is one of the few non EMs shown doing spinjitzu. Also was quite good at it, if we can believe Wu. Tho I think she could do a bit more sass. (She was sassy like twice, and I live for it. Also sassy Lloyd, but that doesn't belong here)
Here are a few scattered ideas:
° When she hears the prophecy, she realises the only way to save her family is to rewrite destiny. Good thing she knows where to do that
° Using her archeology/history background she begins looking for ways to move amongst realms
° She leaves Lloyd at Darkleys (only for a few weeks, she swears) temporarily. Why Darkleys? Well, he probably would be safer with his father idolized rather than despised (see the movie for example)
° I'm not sure of the deets, maybe Travelers tea or some other method, but she leaves for Cloud Kingdom (or perhaps Time blades shenanigans, but honestly, I want her to punch Fenwicks jaw trough his skull.)
° Not looking for a nice chitchat with the people who broke her family, she wreaks havoc amongst the denizens of CK, looking for two specific scrolls
° Eventually they kick her out with joined efforts, and she returns dejected. The worst she expected was Lloyd starting a Garmadon cult amongst the students, not her son all grown up, hanging out with a bunch of teens in pajamas.
° I want to make her showing up more impactful. I want Wu and the ninja to be surprised, I want her to be devastated when she puts two amd two together (she doesn't know about tomorrows tea, so it seems even worse). I want her to mourn the time lost, but still be determined to make it up somehow.
° Note, that while it's not nearly as bad, she still had the attitude, of fighting her way out of her problems over trying to raise Lloyd into not killing his dad. This could be a character flaw to explore, and it could make Lloyd more drawn to her, since her attitude is quite a bit similar to Kai's
Sidenote, I know that sounds like Maya over again, but it does't need it to be similar really. I like to actually make Ray and Mayas kidnapping make sense, with Krux knocking them out with the tea, kidnapping them, and THEN forcing them to stay with the "I know where your babies live" threat.
So while Maya was kidnapped, Misako would have left willingly, albeit, for longer than she meant to.
But let's get to the mom part shall we?
° Honestly, outside of making Misako more interesting, this is a bit self indulgent, because I think Lloyd should have a healthy outlet, since trauma dumping Akita is not really an option now
° Lloyd would be conflicted, not being able to hate her, but still, she was never there
° "You don't have to forgive me"
"It's okay, you didn't mean to..."
"But it still hurts doesn't it? You can let it out"
° I know, it's harder to manage more characters, but I want her to BE there for her son, also let's scrap Wusako, I wanna make her love Garmadon, to the very end, even if it's tragic.
° She won't leave when going gets tough, and she would offer her own fighting skills to help too
Just some fun extras:
° She showed up to the Monastery after some rumors about demigods living there, to examine the place. The spinjitzu brothers found her, she used some incredibly stupid pickup line with fingerguns, and procedeed to steal both their hearts
° She's got rizz that literally only works on these two.
° The spinjitzu brothers would stare down any EM who dares question her presence, and she fucking knows it.
° Will watch with a shit eating grin as Wu lectures, and Garmadon threatens the poor sap
° Since Maya is the overenthusiastic mom, I will make Misako the bad influence mom, who makes her son do dumb shit kids his age should do (and 100% joins in, cause, whose gonna tell her she can't?)
° Lloyd inherited his grandfathers hair, his father's eyes, and his mom's face.
° I just find it funny if Lloyd showed up to CK, and everyone was hostile/angry towards him. And Lloyd being Lloyd would assume it's about his dad, since it always is. Except not now.
° "YOU! I know who you are! You are that woman's son!"
° "...Yeah, he is my fa- wait, what?"
° "Hey, look, looks like your mom made quite a mess for ya"
° " Which only means even more people hate me so thanks MOM."
° Lloyd is the house cat, if he doses off on you, you are not allowed to get up/disturb him (I like to think it started when he was little, but since he is still the youngest mentally, it stuck). The ninja (and his family) strictly enforce this, even on random visitors who fall under the cat-curse. This is not even really Misako related just Cat Lloyd? Cat Lloyd.
° ... Also, I think he should have a ponytail. (Seriously, that hair would be realistically such a hassle while fighting. Pull that hair back, so you can SEE you dingbat)
Just... I mean, Lloyd and Garmadon are already cat coded according to the fanbase, why not give them a feral wildcat mom/wife? She will hiss at anyone who messes with them, don't worry.
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childotkw · 1 year
If regulus was reincarnated into the Naruto verse, how much damage do you think he would do to the plot??
Hmm, I'd say it'd depend on which era he reincarnates in, the type of reincarnation we're talking (is he born into a ninja's body? is he in his own body? more dimension-hopping than reincarnation??) and if he keeps his magic or not? Naruto's universe has already got insane jutsu, so Regulus whipping out random spells wouldn't be completely out of place. At least at first.
He'd bamboozle most ninja though his obvious use of jutsu but no one can explain the shit he does at the same time because there's no surge of chakra to accompany any of his 'jutsu'.
Levitating shit? Surely it must be a wind jutsu of some kind but there's no breeze?
Teleporting?? Must be some variant of Tobirama's cheater jutsu (Madara's words), but it doesn't require any noticeable marker to move to?
Invading minds and skimming surface thoughts???? They're almost positive he's not a Yamanaka but blond hair is recessive so maybe one of his parents had dark hair??
Honestly, if he's in his original body, the only thing that they have over him is that he's not as physical as a ninja. He's slower, weaker, his reaction time is tiny, and his stamina is terrible compared to a ninja.
But he's not easy prey by any means.
This contradiction is interesting for whichever ninja stumbles across him because he moves like a soldier and can do things even jutsu struggle to emulate but only registers as a civilian to their senses.
For instance, let's say Regulus dies in the cave and wakes up in the forest utterly alone. He's got his wand and absolutely nothing else, but he's disorientated enough that he can't trust himself to apparate.
So he trots off, and eventually hits a tiny village - in Japan??? He thinks??? His Japanese is non-existent but he has enough strength for a translation spell that lets him communicate with a lovely elderly couple that take him in and help him recover.
His panic is slow churning but well-hidden when he eventually figures out that he is very much not where he should be. These people have no idea what England is, or what country they're in - they keep saying something like 'Land of Fire' and mention cities like 'Konoha' and Regulus is genuinely considering that this is a very vivid hallucination cooked up by his dying brain.
Still, he pushes on, recovering from his fatigue only to nearly have a heart attack when he's caught using magic to fix a broken plate. He's got one foot out the door when the old man, Aoi, just goes oh are you one of those ninja people? and Regulus is so confused that he just agrees without really understanding it.
Once he calms down enough, he slowly starts to put together the pieces and comes to the terrifying but somehow believable notion that he's in a different world.
And...well...he has no idea how to get back home. Doesn't really want to, in a way, because his life before had been dark and cruel and besides Kreacher he didn't really have anyone waiting for him. It hurts but Regulus has never been one to lie to himself.
So he lets himself mourn, spends some time coming to terms with his new reality, and then does what he always does - picks himself up and carries on.
He decides to make the most of this new place, first by repaying Aoi and his kind wife by repairing their home and (maybe) laying down some wards to keep them safe. He finds a new meaning in this simple life - helping around this little village, using magic-that-people-here-call-jutsu to help with the seasonal work, healing the sick and injured with improvised potions and tonics...
For the first time in his life, Regulus feels like he's making a positive difference. For the first time, he's using his magic to help people and he kind of loves it.
He doesn't mean to draw attention from Konoha, or to get involved in their politics. It's not his fault these annoying fucking ninja are crawling all over him like weevils, asking questions he's never going to answer. It's not his fault these assholes don't know when to take a hint, and it's not his fault that his short temper leads to him flattening some of them as a warning to stay out of his business.
Jokes on him though because that just makes these bastards more fascinated.
Regardless of the era, Regulus would completely derail things. It's just a matter of who he's unfortunately saddled with - the Founders, Kakashi's generation, or Naruto's.
Either way, he'd be beating curious ninja off with a stick.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
Can we trust databooks and chapter's covers? Did Kishimoto write them?
Like some databooks claim that Sasuke and Karin were in romance, Sakura used to have crush on Sasuke, Sakura filled Sasuke's lonely existence with love. On cover of chapter 363 it is mentioned that Sasuke left or threw away love and ss think it means he left/threw away his love for Sakura.
No. Databooks, novels, games etc are not canon. NONE of them. Dot. Period. Kishi didn't write them. One of those few pages, where Kishi wrote Sasuke saying that the kiss tasted like miso, that apparently was written by Kishi and that was the reason it was written in first person. But honestly, you can go ahead and disregard that as well if you want. It seriously doesn't matter.
What matters is the story and the story only. Kishi personally wrote parts one and two, Boruto movie, Gaiden and those few extra chapters, one as a pretext for Road to ninja movie and the one where Naruto misses his hokage ceremony. And the one as a pretext to The Last where Kiba and his dog are the MCs. And a couple of pages where Naruto takes Hinata on a date.
Databooks are compiled by the editors. Why else would it talk about things that blatantly go against the story and the actual characterisation? Only people in the fandom, who want to go five steps deeper, have the time and patience to read the databooks. They are just extra material provided by SJ for fans as fanservice. It boosts publicity and keeps the fans interested. That's how any media business works. Just like novels and games which are merchandise. They are NOT canon and they are not to be taken seriously. When you read Harry Potter, what's canon for you? The actual books or the games based on them or the fanfiction based on them? You think the creator has the time to put that kind of effort and time that he already has a shortage of in derivatives of the original work? Kishi sometimes draws the covers of the novels or poster art etc, because he is under the contract by SJ. The novels have his name and the name of the actual writer of the novels written on the cover. Kishi's because he is the original creator of the characters. He has no participation in the actual stories.
He supervises Boruto, and he also was the creative story supervisor of The Last, where he said in an interview that he didn't write the romance bits of it, because he felt embarrassed to make two of his characters, that he thought of as his own children, kiss. Lol. He sure didn't feel embarrassed when he drew a naked Sai and Sasuke performing full on sexual foreplay in fucking canon. Also, Hinata's and Sakura's characters in it are pretty much in character.
But people who understand Kishi's writing know why he does the things that he does and says the things that he says. ALL of it pans out logically. A lot of it because he wrote a gay love story in a limiting genre such as shounen, which itself was a brave and risky thing to do, so he has to be careful about what he says in the interviews. And a lot of times, he just runs his mouth, and why won't he? He wrote such a great story diligently for fifteen fucking years and he can't even talk about it freely because of the limitations of this genre. He wanted to write something different, something that hasn't been done in shounen before, so he wrote a gay love story, which reads like it comes from such a deep and personal and emotional place, but he had to sacrifice other things for it. For example, the ending.
He says other stuff too in his interviews, the snarky stuff, that he says about Sakura and Hinata, tongue in cheek, because he is petty and he enjoys it and he also looks down upon people who aren't able to see his true intentions. Because of their own projection. And I don't mind it honestly. His hands were tied. So if this is the way for him to take his frustrations out, so be it. It's partly the reason he wrote Gaiden. He could have written it so differently, it was a new angle, he wrote new elements in it, but he chose not to. He decimated SS in it. Because he wanted to. Because he couldn't care less for SS. And he has never shown anything but disdain for Sakura's character consistently.
You know how he would feel for the SS stans? The same thing he felt and said for Sakura's seiyuu who was just so excited for Sarada's character, the result and reason for SS. Heh.
Mockery. It's pretty consistent too.
You can go ahead and stamp it up on your mind, only the original manga is canon. Plus few other things mentioned above. What Kishi wrote. Nothing else matters. Absolutely nothing.
As for chapter 363, this.
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Guys. Do you really think Sasuke said this for Sakura? What does your understanding indicate?
With all due respect, I need to say this. You guys are just way too gullible. SS are one of the craziest and most delusional fandoms in the history of fandoms, so much so that, its own creator mocks it relentlessly.
Do you really think Sasuke means Sakura when Kishi talks about his love?? For real?
Who is Sasuke's one and only.....friend? Who is the ONLY one Sasuke needs to 'cut off' to be truly alone? Who became Sasuke's 'closest friend' which Sasuke himself said was very significant for him? Who is his 'Usuratonkachi' which is his word in Kishi's most favourite panel, a conclusive, final panel that he had already thought of years before the manga ended? Who is the person Sasuke protects and cares for at the cost of his own goals and ambitions, no matter how small the threat, and even almost died for without a second thought? Whom does his body move for on its own? Who is the person he shed happy tears for? Who is the person he resonated with, who related his loneliness with, and who felt warm and fuzzy for, who reminded him of his bonds with his family, his core motivation?
Now who is the person he apathetically attempted several times to get rid of in part two? Who is the person he called annoying and was utterly unimpressed with, who got called annoying by him consistently? Who was the person he said he had no reason to love and that person has no reason to love him? Who was the person he couldn't care less for and left to die in lava dimension but rescued Naruto even when he didn't need to be rescued? Who is the person he cannot even respect as a fighter, who is the person he can't even bother to answer the queries of? Who is the person he can't even bother to thank or apologize to properly? Who is the person he clearly said in reunion that he had already cut off his bonds with? Who is the person he doesn't see for 12 years? Who is the person he is never happy to see, who doesn't even smile for?
Also, what do you understand by love? What does love mean? What do you feel when you love someone?
Someone with whom you resonate deeply with, with whom you share your loneliness, whom you would give your life for and whom you would protect tooth and nail at the expense of your own life in order to sustain their goals and dreams, to have them live at the expense of your own ambition, someone whom you smile and laugh with, someone who makes you feel like family, warm and cared for?
Someone who you show at best some friendliness but then at their lack of understanding and empathy makes it easy for you to cut off your bonds with? Someone whom you can't respect? Someone whose intelligence and instincts you can't trust? Someone whom you can't even take seriously?
Do you really need me to answer these questions? For real?
Do you really cannot see something as crystal clear as this? Would you really let yourself be manipulated by silly ass SS who Kishi himself made the laughingstock of the fandom? Why do you give them so much credit? Honestly, if this was some experimental cinema that you needed explaining, I would have done it. I do explain the more indirect parts of it anyway. But you seriously gotta be smarter than that guys.
SS have NOTHING except for their crazy ass delusions. Trust your instincts. Trust Kishi's writing. He is the freaking creator. Who would you believe, him, the one who wrote this story or SS who come up with crazy ass garbage bin metas? Give yourself some credit.
I have like sixty repetitive asks just on the topic of SS said this, SS said that, and you guys ask this to every SNS analysis blog there is. And they all pretty much say the same thing. And why wouldn't they? Because that's what Kishi meant you to read. It's hardly rocket science. It's so goddamn clear for everyone to see. But you guys are still so goddamn insecure.
Even casual fans can see it's about SNS and both SS and NH are last minute shit for the sake of Boruto. How?
Common fucking sense.
SS have to be delusional to believe in their ship because they literally have NOTHING else. And they say shit like this and you believe it willy nilly.
Forget SS. Read the manga for yourself. Make your own conclusions. I don't mind explaining stuff but I draw a line at spoonfeeding shit that is already clear as crystal. What do you want me to do? Teach you the alphabet? English? Words? Sentences? You want me to be your kindergarten teacher?
Seriously. Stop. Doubting. Yourselves. Kishi's story might be a little indirect but it's not incomprehensive. Really, it's not difficult. For the most part, it's pretty straightforward. For the rest, I am here and I would do my best to help you understand. Which I already do.
But put some effort yourselves. And for heaven's sake, don't be so gullible. Don't be so fucking EASY.
YOU, SNS, have EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS. Fuck NH, SS. NrSk, SK. They have nothing. And you have one of the best written love stories in the entire world.
And you are still so damn insecure, it's seriously ridiculous. Kishi put so much damn work in this love story, you apparently are in the fandom because of it, but you still doubt it. At the end of the day, it pretty much negates what Kishi himself wrote with so much damn effort. All because of- SS SaiD tHiS, Ss saID thAt. 😭
This is a love story about Sasuke and Naruto.
I have said it a million times already. Trust your instincts. That's how stories work. That's how they are written. Follow the story for the story's sake. Not for shipping. You are not in competition with ANYONE. No one can compete with SNS, how can they? The whole story is a love story about THEM! Unless that's all you care about. Competing. In which case, go to someone else. I am here to talk story and characters. I don't give any credit to NH and SS and you are only enabling them when you obsess over every little stupid thing they say. Stop it.
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An unedited snippet of a new Ninjago fic I’m working on. The title is Fractured Bonds.
Skylor sat in the passenger seat of the red sports car, her hair tousled by the wind. Closing her eyes, she finally was able to relax. Running a noodle restaurant was exhausting. Feeling Kai place a hand on her thigh she smiled moving her hand to hold his.
“Fare warning, because Nya’s pregnant my mom might pester you about having kids,” Kai laughed as he thought about how excentric his mother could get.
Skylor squeezed Kai’s hand reassuringly, a laugh escaping her lips, “I’ll be sure to prepare for that.” Honestly, she didn’t care if Maya asked about kids, any conversation with her mother-in-law was an enjoyable one for Skylor, not to mention that she had found out she was actually pregnant and was waiting until they made it to the Smith’s residences in Ignacia to tell anyone.
As the couple pulled into the small rice-farming village the sun had begun its descent behind the horizon. Pulling up to the blacksmith shop Skylor saw that Nya and Maya were already waiting outside.
Nya, with a noticeable baby bump, waved excitedly as Skylor and Kai parked the car. Maya, Kai's mother, beamed at them, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.
"Skylor! Kai!" Nya called out, her voice filled with warmth. "So glad you could make it!"
Skylor and Kai stepped out of the car, the warm evening breeze gently playing with Skylor's hair once again. Kai put an arm around Skylor, and they walked towards Nya and Maya.
“Hey guys, it’s been a while. How’s everything at the restaurant?” Jay asked as he and Ray walked outside. Noticing his wife’s struggle to stand up Jay offered Nya a hand while Kai and Skylor embraced Maya.
“I mean other than the occasional shitty customer things have been going great,” Kai answered, walking over and giving Jay a fist bump. “What about you? CTO of Borg Industries, that’s pretty big.”
Jay grinned, reciprocating the fist bump. "Yeah, it's been a wild ride. But nothing beats the excitement of starting a family," he said, looking down at Nya, who had successfully stood up with his help.
Nya chuckled, placing a hand on her baby bump. "It's a whole new adventure for sure. I can't wait for our little ninja to join the team."
“Well why don’t you guys come on in, the soba is ready,” Ray said, ushering the rest of the Smith family inside.
As the family ate and laughed, Skylor couldn’t help but place a hand on her abdomen. Looking up when Maya addressed her, “So Skylor, have you and Kai given any more thought to having kids?”
Chuckling a bit, Skylor answered, “Funny you should mention that. We’re actually expecting.”
Maya's eyes widened with joy as she heard Skylor's announcement. She gasped, her hands flying to her mouth in delight. "Oh, Skylor! That's wonderful news! Kai, did you know about this?"
Kai grinned, shaking his head in amusement. “No, I’m assuming she wanted to tell everyone at the same time.”
Maya squealed with excitement, pulling Skylor into a tight hug. "I'm going to be a grandmother! This is amazing news! See Ray, I told you having the whole family get together for the holidays would be a good idea."
Ray chuckled, looking at Maya with a twinkle in his eye. "You always have a way of making things special, dear. Jay, you said your parents would be coming in tomorrow, correct?” Jay nodded, swallowing the dumpling he had shoved into his mouth so that he could talk.
"Yes, they're starting their drive tonight. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to hear the news," Jay replied, a big smile on his face.
Nya, still glowing with the excitement of impending motherhood, added, "It's going to be a full house for the holidays. I can't wait!"
Skylor smiled to herself as the warmth of the Smith house enveloped her. She couldn’t ask for a better family. Did she miss her dad, sure. But she would forever be grateful that Kai and the others helped her escape from the living hell that was Chen’s Island.
The evening continued with laughter, shared stories, and the comforting aroma of delicious food filling the Smith house. Skylor felt a deep sense of contentment as she sat among the people she now considered her family. The news of her pregnancy added an extra layer of joy to the gathering, and she couldn't have been happier to share the moment with Kai, Nya, and the rest of the Smiths.
As the night unfolded, the group gathered in the living room. Maya, beaming with pride, couldn't resist sharing anecdotes about Kai's childhood, much to his playful embarrassment. Skylor and Kai exchanged knowing glances, grateful for the warmth and love surrounding them.
In the midst of the festivities, the realization struck her: she had found a home, not just a place to live, but a family that welcomed her with open arms. The Smiths had become her anchors, providing love and support that she had never experienced before.
As the night wound down, Skylor and Kai found a quiet moment together. They stood on the porch, looking at the starry sky above the rice fields. The tranquility of the night mirrored the peace Skylor felt in her heart. Kai wrapped his arms around her, and together, they marveled at the journey that had brought them to this point.
As they gazed at the stars, Skylor whispered, "I'm grateful for everything, Kai. For you, for them," gesturing towards the lively house behind them.
Kai kissed her forehead, his voice soft, "And I'm grateful for you, Skylor. We've come a long way, haven't we?"
They stood there, hand in hand, embracing the moment and looking forward to the new chapter that awaited them. The future held uncertainties, but with the love of family and each other, Skylor and Kai felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Unbeknownst to them a storm was brewing in the distant horizon, clouds gathering in ominous formations. Yet, in that serene moment on the porch, Skylor and Kai remained blissfully unaware of the approaching tempest.
The next morning, before the sun had even finished its ascension, the quiet atmosphere was disrupted by the roar of an engine and the bright Christmas lights strung around the car.
“Hey mum and dad. How was your drive?” Jay asked groggily as he walked out to greet his parents.
“Oh, you know, same as always. Your father got us lost and one of the headlights went out but we made it,” Edna replied, stepping out of The Jalopy and embracing her son.
“Good morning Mr. And Mrs. Walker, glad you could make it,” Nya grinned, slowly walking over to the Walkers.
“Oh, Nya dear! You should be resting, not worrying about us,” Edna said, trying to push the water ninja back inside.
“I’m fine, really. I'm just excited to have everyone together for the holidays," Nya reassured, gently resisting Edna's attempt to usher her back inside.
“Well you two got here just in time, I just finished the coffee,” Ray said as he helped Ed lug the bags inside.
The day was full of festivities, the woman making cookies and decorating the house while the men went out to cut down a tree.
The evening culminated in a grand feast, where the extended family gathered around a table adorned with dishes that represented a fusion of cultures. The air was filled with gratitude, stories, and the clinking of glasses.
“Well the first day of the family gathering was a success!” Jay announced, his cheerful smile faltering when there was a panicked knock at the door.
“I’ll go get it,” Maya offered, pushing her chair away from the table and walking away to the entrance of the house.
Opening the door she let out a small gasp. In front of her stood an old friend. Her blonde hair was disheveled and her blue eyes were looking around frantically as if she was being followed.
Maya's expression shifted from surprise to concern as she recognized the distressed figure at the door. Without hesitation, she ushered her old friend inside, closing the door behind her.
“Ray, could you come here for a minute,” Maya called to her as she sat the other woman on the couch.
Walking into the living room Ray’s smile fell when he saw the other person, “Libber, what are you doing here? Didn’t you leave to Cancester Isles with the intention of never returning?”
Libber looked up at Ray, her eyes filled with a mix of desperation and regret. "Ray, I didn't plan on coming back, but things have changed. I need your help. It's about Chen and a threat that could affect everyone."
Ray's expression hardened, and he exchanged a serious glance with Maya. The festive atmosphere of the family gathering hung in the air, momentarily disrupted by the unexpected arrival and the weight of unresolved history.
“Hey, is everything okay in here,” Kai asked as the others walked in.
“Not exactly, but before I explain I believe introductions are in order.” The room was blanketed with a tense atmosphere, “Everyone this is Libber and Libber the only one you don’t know is Skylor.” Maya said, gesturing to the redhead.
Libber nodded at the introductions, her eyes scanning the faces in the room and quickly dropping when she saw Jay.
Jay, sensing the tension, spoke up, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Libber. What brings you to Ignacia?"
Libber took a deep breath, her eyes avoiding Jay's gaze. "I never thought I'd return, but I discovered something that poses a threat to everyone here. It's about Chen returning, the possibility of Nerola still being alive and a dangerous plot. I need your help.”
Skylor’s heart started racing at the mention of her parents and the possibility of them no longer being dead.
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