#honestly pretty proud of this because i had to learn how to animate a bit
marsh-snail · 3 months
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catfrin moment
this post was inspired by @prism-empurress post here
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l3viat8an · 3 months
Hi Ro!
It's the puzzle anon again (I'll start using 🧩 me thinks)
I just wanted to see your take on an mc with braces, how would all the dateables + Luke react to them?
I feel like Solomon wouldn't have much of a reaction since he's human and probably knows what braces are and what they do
Hiii ‘n welcome back 🧩 this is just my opinion tho so I wouldn’t take it seriously jskslolsjj
Lucifer is a little curious and he keep glancing at you trying to see you braces- Like he knows about braces and how some humans have them, but he doesn’t necessarily understand why humans ‘wear’ them. At first he’s too proud to ask you tho so he looks it up in a book. That way he can still act like mr. know-it-all lolol
Mammon knows a bit about braces!! He hangs out in the human world all the time and lots of people have them. although at first he totally thought they were just some new weird kind of human jewelry. He thinks they’re really cool lookin’. He’ll ask why you have them. and he asks if you can get them in gold or not- Randomly tells you they make you look badass. I told you he thinks they’re cool hsjshs
Levi can’t stop staring. He honestly thought they were just a thing in anime. But he’s so fascinated by the fact you really have them, he asks if he can see yours….well actually he asks you to smile because that sounded less creepy in his mind- but he’s just curious I promise!!! and it took him weeks just to ask for that- plz give him a break…
Satan’s read about braces in one of his newer books about human and he has questions about them, he asks if it’s true you can’t eat certain things or not. He also asks if they hurt or not because the books weren’t really clear on that. He thinks they’re really interesting honestly and they’re functional! it’s truly amazing what humans come up with. 
Asmo might’ve thought they were some kind of jewelry at first- kinda like those ‘tooth jems’ you can glue on. you’ll have to correct him and explain a bit. after that he asks if you have to do anything special to care for your teeth / braces or not. This could be important to add to your nightly routine later on! He’s very genuine and trying to learn, plus he shows you what tooth jems are so you know he wasn’t being rude jskaja
Beel- I can’t decide if he would know about braces already or not. But he does a double take the first time he sees yours, he’s super curious about them too. It has to do with eating Beel wants to know more-
Belphie knows about all kinds of human things and braces are probably one of them lolol so he doesn’t have many questions or anything. He just wants to see yours for himself, because he can ask to see them up close and again humans and their inventions are absolutely fascinating. If you have colored braces he asks why you picked color instead of the standard ones.
Barbatos seems to knows about everything- he probably knows about braces and how they’re completely normal, so he’ll be pretty normal about them and ask how long you’ve had yours. If you have a sweet tooth he’ll remind you to avoid sticky / hard sweets and recommend some soft alternatives that won’t mess with your braces. 
Diavolo is absolutely fascinated!!- He knows about braces and their function ofc! but he’s never actually seen a human that has them in person yk- somehow he asks a million and five questions about them all at once. he’s wants to know all about them and how they help your teeth. Plz plz explain to him in great detail how they work and why you have them, he’ll be hanging on your every word jsksjsk 
Luke is going to ask why you have ‘weird bars’ on your teeth- after you explain he has even more questions like; how you brush your teeth with the braces in the way and stuff like that. Luke’s also very worried about the fact you can’t just eat gummies. Or if you have the colored braces Luke is asking how he can get his own because they look really cool!!
I can’t decide if Simeon would know about braces or not. He knows about very random things so he might- but if he doesn’t he’s also going to ask a million and five questions about the ‘weird bars’ on your teeth.
Solomon knows they’re perfectly normal!!- like the only thing he’s going to do is ask how long you’ve had them / have to keep them.
Although it’s also possible demons have braces in the Devildom. I mean they have dentists so it would make sense. their braces are just completely different then what humans have- like braces are usually something only younger demons have to help their fangs teeth grow in properly. But that’s just another silly thought!-
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic Prime (My Thoughts)
So, I had just a marathon of the first 8 episodes of Sonic Prime and here are my initial thoughts before I start thinking rationally. Since my thoughts are too much of a mess to create any sort of proper cohesion, there will be spoilers.
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First of all, Sonic Prime is awesome! I had so much fun watching it and every time one episode ended, I found myself craving for the next one. You know that something is good when you come to the end and find yourself wanting more. The animation, the voice acting, the action, the comedy, even the angst... it all hits right. Now, I might be biased, but honestly, I don’t care. I know that some people might not have the same opinion as I do, and that’s okay. I am proud to say I fully enjoyed every second of this show.
Next, the episodes themselves. Unless I have missed something, I don’t believe there was any filler episode. Instead, we have non-stop action, lore drop and even quiet moments. I did hear from someone that, at least in the beggining, the pacing is a bit off, but I guess this show needs a bit of a warm-up, but once it gains momentum, it just keeps going. I genuinely felt my heart racing at times (and it still is). Also, another thing to note is that episodes have flashbacks to show us more about Sonic’s life before the whole Shatterverse happened, including how we came to that moment. I can imagine that some people might find them tiring, but I didn’t.
The plot is also very simple. Sonic has to find the Paradox Prism Shards and save his friends and his world. Most episodes are centered around New Yoke City, which is the main world Sonic returns too whenever he leaves another world, with the Chaos Council (consisting of five Eggman at various ages) trying to track him down after learning what the Shard can do (also, Mr. Dr. Eggman wears a toupee).
Following next are the characters, and I gotta say I really enjoyed how they were all written. Although, I can imagine that some people will find Sonic obnoxious due to being very impulsive and not focusing (and Shadow constantly reminding him of that). However, he has his heart in he right place and genuinely reflects on his mistakes and wants to fix them. As for the other characters, I adore them all, especially Tails Nine (he’s definitely my favorite Shatterverse character). By the end, I just wanted to give him a hug.
Now, I’m pretty sure you’re wondering what the deal is with Shadow. After all, he was the character people were worried the most about when it came to writing, fearing he’ll be reduced to a Vegeta-esque behavior.
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In all honesty... I absolutely love Prime!Shadow!
Now, I gotta give more context regarding his character in Sonic Prime, so be warned, this is spoiler territory you’re entering.
Shadow was basically introduced in the first episode watching Sonic’s fight with Dr. Eggman and him unleashing a blast of energy that led Eggman to the Paradox Prism. Then he appears again, telling Sonic how everything’s broken, before finally reappearing in the flashback and clocking Sonic in the face.
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So, what gives?
Well, we learn in the second episode that the reason why Shadow was in Green Hill was because he was searching for a Chaos Emerald and eventually finding the green one.
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Why was he searching for it, I have no clue, but I guess it would be a good idea to have one Chaos Emerald at hand just in case. We then see him reacting to the blue blast of energy and foreseeing what will happen next.
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Not gonna lie, I legit laughed at his reaction. Out of context, it feels as if Shadow has a sixth sense for whenever Sonic messes things up. So, he quickly races to where Sonic is and punches him straight in the face, questioning him about what he had done, which leads to them fighting each other.
So, to put the debate to end, yes Sonic was just minding his own business when Shadow attacked him, but Shadow was also minding his own business when Sonic caused that energy blast.
In any case, Sonic engages in some banter, with Shadow telling him to listen for once. What he doesn’t do is tell Sonic what he saw (admittedly, Shadow was never the best at communicating) and the two continue their fight, with Sonic noting how he’s on a mission, only to not tell Shadow what this mission is about.
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Let’s just say that this wouldn’t have happened if both Sonic and Shadow failed at communicating. In any case, Sonic manages to to get the drop on Shadow (in the most hilarious way possible; idk if that beats Boom!Eggman’s attempt to trick Boom!Shadow in Sonic Boom, but it was funny to me) and get back to his friends, with Shadow following him.
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He manages to get to the entrance of the cave, just in time to see Sonic shattering the Paradox Prism and use Chaos Control to save himself.
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However, that leads to him getting trapped inside the Void, which is basically a space between the worlds of the Shatterverse. He cannot escape it, but whenever Sonic kicks with his super speed into overdrive, he can somewhat communicate with the latter, trying to tell him what is going on. His exact advice was for Sonic to keep on running, as this is how they can maintain communication and it also appears to be a way for Sonic to go between worlds, since he is juiced up on Paradox Prism energy.
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In the (currently) last episode, Sonic manages to enter the Void again, coming face-to-face with Shadow.
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Sonic is surprised to see him, thinking this is another Shatterverse!Counterpart and tells him he just wants to go home. 
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“Home? Home doesn’t exist anymore because of you!”
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Furious, Shadow punches Sonic again and before we can see the end result, the episode’s over. Episode 1 ends with Shadow punching Sonic and now Episode 8 ends the same, and I’m all for it.
Man, that was a roller-coaster. I definitely love what they did with Shadow and considering the information we’ve been given, Sonic and Shadow will have to learn to work together to figure things out (and hopefully get better at communicating). I read that there will be a whole episode centered around the two and I’m looking forward to seeing it.
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Also, Sonic? Introducing your rival with “It’s complicated” makes me really raise an eyebrow.
Oh, and this gem...
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‘‘...and by the way, he roller-skates!”
“They’re air shoes.”
Shadow just casually interrupting Sonic’s narration and breaking the 4th wall is everything.
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In any case, I absolutely love Sonic Prime and I want more from it! Also, I’m probably gonna be insufferable about it.
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Hollow Knight Resurrected really helped me get out of a massive writing slump when it started releasing, and has since been a huge boost of inspiration for the past couple of years. This series has been nothing but a lot of fun to watch, and I've enjoyed it alongside your analyses as well (especially the Ori ones, those are a riot).
That being said, which episode would you say you're the most proud of script-wise? And how long did you initially plan HKR to be early on? Did anything deviate from your initial ideas?
Absolutely love hearing this! I'm real glad I could make something that could inspire someone else's writing! Like, it's shocking to me! And I'm sorry for the lack of updates. My entire life kinda imploded last year and I've been trying to put it back together. But I do intend to finish this thing (I've also been learning how to animate in blender which is a huuuuuge door opener that kind of allows me to do literally anything, including a few scenes that I just had no idea how I was gonna do.) So as far as script-wise, Absolutely gotta be the Grimm special. A lot of the episodes have Charlie just walking around and most of those bits are just jokes that came to my brain while either playing to get the footage, or while I'm looking at it on a timeline. Whereas most of the dialogue bits are the ones I write. The Grimm Special, is mostly dialogue. So that *entire thing* was script, which I hadn't done before, and on top of that it was enough script to fill almost 90 minutes! There's also just a lot going on, particularly w/regaurd to generational differences and how each of the Troupe deals with Grimms Plan and how it absolutely isn't going to pan out. And it changed pretty quickly from early on just because I didn't have a hellova lot of initial ideas. Like the first time charlie mentions getting to "The Bottom" is in like the 3rd episode. I didn't think to give the boy a goal until halfway through editing that one lmao. Most everything else has gone according to plan. Biggest surprise was actually the Grimm episode because until a month before I made it I had no fuckin' clue what to do with Grimm and His Boys until I remembered a throwaway line I gave to cloth about the "Iridescent Neo-streetfighting movement" (A play on the Italian Neo-realist movement. Because all of the fighting history is just simplified film history I put new words on top of And was like "You know, I could just take that and make that Grimms Circus act... But if that's the case... well so after that the big thing the Italian Film Industry got into was Spagetti Westerns, and then a little later Giallo so... Oh fuck Rodeos and Giallo is just The Weird Bloody Fighting Grimm Does for An Audience" And went from there. But aside from that there hasn't honestly been a tone of deviation from the original ideas I'd set in place since episode 3. Mostly I've just added bits and pieces here and there. Exept for maybe a lot of Hornet's stuff. This was meant to be a quick, few episode series as a prelude to the Silksong Videos i was Bound to have been finished with by now lmaaaaaaao Some stuff in particular was this idea that Hornets deal is that she can essentially See the internal song of someone, and that was going to be, like, a huge combat thing. Similar to how Charlie keeps changing his name, Hornet would keep trying to find a different song. Bringing back the My Body Is A Cage meme, and eventually having it switch to Swimmers by Zero 7 as she realizes she found her home and is ready to move on from Hallownest. I was going to make the Silksong videos the First Series Like This I did. But it's taking it's time and so am I so I s'pose I can't complain. Swear I'm the only human being on the planet who wipes a little sweat off my brow every time we *don't* get a release date. It's like "OH THERE'S STILL TIME FOR ME TO FINISH MY THING!"
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melodraca · 8 months
Hey! I saw in one of your posts, in the tags, that you were an English major. I'm going to college soon, and I was wondering if you had any advice on picking out your major. What do you like about majoring in English, and what exactly do English majors do? Thank you!
First of all, congrats! That's really exciting! I really hope you enjoy your time in college! Second, this is gonna be a bit long, so I apologize in advance o7
I'm honestly not sure how helpful this is, but for the longest time I didn't really know what I wanted to do. I actually enrolled in university as a mature student a good 5-ish years after I graduated high school. I was so tired of school-related stress (and the way that the public school system functioned in general) that I was honestly considering not even going to post-secondary. I bounced between different potential majors, although I couldn't help but feel tired just thinking about them, like I would be going to school out of obligation or societal expectation rather than genuine passion.
When I came back around to the idea years later, I started poking around my local university's website. As I was going through, reading everything over, and clicking through different subjects, I realized that I was actually really feeling excited about school for the first time... pretty much ever. Because I realized that I had the chance to do things at my own pace, with a focus on subjects that I actually liked, rather than what my family expected would get me a traditionally "good job."
I narrowed my major down to a choice between English and creative writing, but I ultimately went with English. As much as I love creative writing, I prefer doing it as a hobby. It's the same with art for me: getting too serious with it made me feel less passionate and creative (to be fair though, I did take two first year creative writing classes as electives and I am genuinely proud of the stuff I wrote for them!)
With English, I could do my favourite thing in the world: overthinking literature and talking ad nauseam about the media I like. I love rambling, and writing essays is pretty much just organized info-dumping. I also wanted to learn more about history and culture, especially the way that they influence and are influenced by the works of literature, film, etc. of the times. In my experience so far, English classes have mostly consisted of reading or watching a bunch of texts, analyzing them & picking them apart, discussing said texts with my peers, and comparing/contextualizing them with each other. It's way more fun for me than it probably sounds to most people haha
Side note: I'm also taking biology as a minor (specifically with a focus on zoology because I love animals). The contrast between using the more creative and writerly side of my brain, and the more logical sciencey and side works well for me.
I'm still not super career focused, though I have certainly thought about it. I'm on disability support right now, so thankfully I'm fortunate enough to not need to juggle work and school. Ideally, I would love it if my degree landed me a stable job that doesn't make me feel miserable or put the same strain on me that retail and food service do. But I'm kinda just going with the flow for now.
Anyways, that's all to say: look over all of your options and narrow it down to the ones that draw your interest and passion the most. Consider what you want out of school, explore the potential career options that each subject could bring if that's your goal, and generally go with what makes you feel the best.
I know most schools have exploratory courses and academic advisors that can help you figure out what you want to do, so I would definitely look into that! Oh, and look into the required classes for each subject too! It personally helped me organize and prepare for everything I would need to do so that I was less blind-sighted by, as an example, my mandatory statistics class for my biology minor (I'm DEFINITELY not a math person)
Good luck, and I'm sorry again for how long this got! I wish you the best :D
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The trailcam I put on the big chunks of rocks near the Chell now shows a completely different than before population of cats on it.
I’ll start at the beginning now won’t I tho?
So, earlier this month, which I spent entirely hunting down cats which were shown alone on my cams, putting them to sleep, putting a tracker on them (which monitored their vitals as well as their position) and took a sample of fur to start putting together a genetic tree of the groups. I thought, much like wolves, those cats would live together by family clans, and disband at the death of the parents to form their own clans, but this far, it has not been the case.
But I was proud to realize (yes, proud! I’m slowly losing all objectivity when it comes to cats, even if there’s still something uncanny about those) that one of the cats from the forest is expecting kids!
Yes, some of the cats from the forest. I’ve started to realize, while coding my new cat-recognizing algorithm, that the cats that launched yet another attack on the amenity tip in Allerton had not a single individual in common with either the two groups that fought in the river over two kittens nor the individuals from the group I’ve been tracking and tagging in the forest.
Actually the group from the forest doesn’t meddle with the group who stole the kittens, either. This far I’ve pinpointed a River Group and a Forest Group, plus a Moor Group and a Swamp Group, although I’m only having enough data to be serious on the Forest Group.
I saw the Crooked-jawed cat from River Group again! Actually I’m referencing him as Crookedjaw in my notes this far because the sheer fact his jaw got broken then healed indicates a higher level of care than anything I’ve ever seen in the wild. Everyone knows about this couple of crows in which one broke her beak and her mate helped her feed for the rest of their lives, but there’s a difference between helping in the aftermath and actively healing the injury in such a way the animal can have a pretty normal life.
Anyway I saw Crookedjaw and his group, the River Group, have apparently invested the chunks of rocks and use it just... to sleep in the sun?? this is such a weird thing but it’s kinda cute. Obviously I’m using this as a special hunting ground. Whenever there’s only one cat on those sunning rocks, I jump on my bike, shoot it to sleep and tag them.
I also managed to approach Pinestar’s camp at night and installed a camera at a distance, but oriented on the clearing itself, and with the zoom feature, I might work my magic.
That’s how I learned that Pinestar was two-timing Shanty (the Appleby’s cat) because he’s very cozy with the expecting she-cat. Then she went into labour and the same cat (according to my new algorithm, because honestly they all look basically the same from one colour to the other) that led the catnip squad the other months just... ran over to her, walked her to a bush, lots of screams of agony, I was glued to my monitor. A bit later the russian blue female left the bush and everyone started dispersing, as if she had told them about the mother’s state or something?
(on a side-note I can’t even begin to tell you how weird they are acting for freaking wildcats, they’re freaking me out, but that doesn’t matter)
Anyway that one cat from the River Group which I called Brightsky because I was half blinded by the sun when I tagged her, well apparently she’s dead? Her tracker says no vitals. Sucks but I’ll do with it.
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syncopation53 · 2 years
Overall I think lightfall felt about the same as beyond light for me, maybe a little bit less so without eramis’ lore and the lack of (narrative) conflict when it comes to strand like stasis had. I know that we’re moving beyond the “light good, darkness bad” dogma, as drifter puts it, and it’s been three years at this point since stasis has been introduced and we’ve had time to get used to it, plus the fact that strand is more of a… I want to say “neutral force” than stasis, which had been an explicit gift from the witness as we now know. I’ve seen how it almost feels disjointed from the overall narrative, and I can sort of see where people are coming from. The missions with the meditation place and vex network almost seemed like adventures rather than a part of the campaign itself, which is a shame. I can see where they were going for the “secret power that the bad guys don’t know about but is hard to master so we only use it in Important Scenes and have a training montage about it,” but that’s me filling in the blanks after the fact, not an actual thought I had while running the campaign. I found osiris and ghost’s dialogue about the whole “perspective shift” thing to be laughable because I’d been doing the exact same things with strand I’d been doing from the beginning. There was no perspective shift for me just incessant banging on bungie’s door yelling to let me unlock strand in full already. Will be interested in getting more lore on the nature of darkness-based powers vs. light-based ones in the future. As you can tell by my recent posts, the ending was the true best thing story-wise. I felt completely dead inside after that 10/10 will be crying myself to sleep thinking oc thoughts for the next week.
The story was… alright, I’ll say. Somehow bungie made it feel like nothing was happening and simultaneously everything happened all at once. Definitely felt like I missed some stuff in my race to get to softcap so that the tormentors wouldn’t eat me for breakfast but I’ll definitely be doing the campaign again in full on my hunter to see if there’s anything I didn’t catch the first time. Titan… eh, I’m not usually a fan of video game microtransactions but if it’ll let me skip right to strand titan a bitch might just buy some silver.
I will say, I’ve never been a fan of calus’ lore. I didn’t actively dislike him or the cabal/uluran as a whole, and he is an interesting character in his own right, but I just never felt that personally interested in learning more about them like I had the hive and eliksni. However comma, his cutscenes with the witness were some of the highlights of the campaign for me. They carried, as the kids say. The other part being helmet-less cutscenes for lots of pretty screenshots of xira. Osiris was also a highlight for me. His character felt more in-line with that from curse of osiris than any other season I’ve played before (I know season of dawn was a huge hit but I’d been away for college at the time and thus couldn’t play for a while so I’m not familiar with the osiris lore from that). I liked his growth from pushing the guardian to master strand and getting frustrated when we failed to helping us hone our abilities and being proud and excited when we succeeded.
I’ll also throw in my two cents into the Nimbus Discourse as a non-binary person: they were fun. I liked them. I like that they’re not a 100% perfectly androgynous anime prettyboy and I know that’s caused people to misgender them but I enjoy their design overall. I can understand being annoyed with the voice modulations, but that’s about it. I understand their character, neomuna being a separate hidden colony on the second-to-last planet in the system whose last contact with earth was during the warlord era and all, and how blasé they were about things as this would probably be the first time they’re dealing with something other than the occasional vex incursion. I honestly didn’t feel that much when rohan died, but I’d originally thought what his “battle cry” was had come from nimbus as he sacrificed himself, and honestly I prefer to think of it that way because it’s clear in the following interlude and cutscene that nimbus is trying to deal with their grief through keeping themself busy with the legion, and also I’m guessing that cloud striders (and possibly neomuni in general) have different views on dying and the grieving process than earth-bound people do. I haven’t finished the quest for the void machine gun yet but I also hear the ending is pretty good as well.
Neomuna itself is a good location, maybe a little bit jarring compared to other destinations in destiny 2, but I’m sure that was intentional. Only thing I had a problem with is the patrol space being very unfriendly to little 1650 me when I tried doing some bounties and patrols for the first time. Even my arc buddy was struggling, we were in truly desperate times running around barely above the power floor trying not to get one-shot.
Season of defiance’s one (1) battleground is already getting on my nerves. I’m this close to turning off dialogue and subtitles whenever I’m waiting to load into it. The bosses were hell and I hate them, especially the last room. Not a fan of the activity but also excited for new things such as the seasonal exotic mission. I also liked the sort of minor update to the ascendant plane look, much easier to see where I’m going. I also like how open mara is with us now, as someone who used to have issues with her character her growth has been amazing to see.
Overall I’d give the lightfall campaign a solid “I mean, it wasn’t perfect, but still enjoyable at least.”
Season of defiance gets a “you tried” sticker for compensation.
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You know, between the fog that is most of my childhood, there is one question that I always agonised about, and that is: throughout it all, how did I survive?
Because there was,,,, a lot to survive through, from my first death threat & proceeding phycological torment from my brother at age 5 to metal objects flying dangerously close to my head during abuser tantrums to family tragedies to chronic gaslighting to suicide attempts and episodes of physical violence in the later years.
I look back on it and there it lies, as clear as it can with my only memories being from trauma processing when triggers and flashbacks happen and those rare times when a memory decided to resurface all on it's own to go off of: the overbearing truth that I was abused since the time I was at least a toddler.
But there had to be something to keep the illusion going, the facade slowly cracking but not breaking, and it had to be there for a long, long time. And all I can do right now is wait out and try to piece together a puzzle with a thousand lost pieces. Which is all to say,
I unlocked a rare positive memory today - fragmented, but still.
It's something about movies - how my mother & brother wanted to drag me to some catastrophe film about an alien invasion and instead I convinced them to buy me a ticket to some animated mostly marketed towards girls movie.
It started 40 minutes after their's did, so for the first time in... A while, I was left alone (which was a rare occurrence), sitting on some couches, with nobody paying any attention to me.
I had a journal with me.
At that time I always had a journal with me, because my phone was ancient and your girl had to entertain herself with something. It had a lot of shitty ideas, and my (very unsuccessful and rare) attempts to learn how to draw, because for some reason being able to draw prettily was a beauty standard for the girls around me and my inability to do so led to,,,, a fair amount of comments and disgusted glances thrown my way (Ironically enough, now I draw much more than I used to, but for med school reasons. The drawings still suck, but for some reason, now it's much more socially acceptable. Probably because I embrace it. Though ppl who can draw well do get a bit of privileges™ in the anatomy class), and a lot of half-baked writing plots that usually went nowhere. One of them had a whole ass spread for my depressive thoughts which I put there when the trauma was a bit... Too much. I know that because I stumbled upon it before during one of the many cleanouts I did after being in extreme dissociation, every day, for 6 months. Honestly shit was terrifying to read but hey, it helped 12 year old me cope so ig it's fine.
I think I wrestled with myself about buying popcorn when they left, because my mother never allowed me to since it was too "unhealthy". I'm pretty sure I did, because I seem to remember the feeling of uncomfortable sugar-induced thirstiness at the back of my throat as we drived back from the theater, but I'm not sure. If I did, I probably spent the entire pre-film time on high alert, careful to hide it from passer-bys in case either of them decided to leave the theater.
I was bored, at first, with no way to tell time, but then I started thinking and doodling and at some point, inspiration struck - something about ocs and evil scientists and their horrible horrible experiments - and I spent the rest of the time creating, high on the euphoria of privacy, of not having to check my back every seven seconds to see if someone's watching.
I didn't even get to finish the scene, but I was still so proud for writing it.
It was so simple, but I was so happy.
I was so happy.
Because there were no abusers. Because, even for just half an hour, I was able to put my guard down and purely enjoy myself.
And it's like this for every positive memory I have - all of them happen when they are not in sight. Reading fanfiction at 2 am, feeling proud after composing my first guitar arrangement, jumping around the flat I was alone at in happiness because my favourite comic updated, learning to drive a hoverboard with my friend, feeling joyful because all of them left and now I could watch a show in peace, celebrating my birthday without them...
I guess that's the answer for me - the only reason I survived for so long are the times I could take a break from them.
Well that's fucking depressing.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
I like how Luca goes to Paldea with a missing older sister and then gets 3 new older siblings in Nemona Ramona and Arven lol.
I mentioned this because I wanna talk about the dynamics I have in my head right now.
Luca and Nemona are siblings. He really wants to impress her and not repeat the same "mistake" he did with his bio big sis. Though if I'm being honest, Nemona is just so proud of him regardless and is just glad to have someone on her level. Once she learns about what happened in Galar during the darkest day, she ends up being even more of an older sister to him. I like to think she hangs out a lot at his house and gets along well with their Moddy.
Luca and Arven....are also siblings. I like to think that Luca was " too nice" in immediately forgiving Arven for how he acted during the beginning of the game. Not saying that Luca doesn't have some passive aggressiveness to him ( he does) but he's honestly more focused on making friends than holding grudges. Arven probably has seen Luca's anxieties the most, since the Titans kinda remind Luca of dynmaxed pokemon. Arven took it upon himself to help Luca through his panic attacks when they happen, as well as giving him sandwiches he would find comfort in. Not entirely related but sometimes Arven would put Luca behind him when there's some sort of danger. Not that Luca really needs it, but I like the older brother instincts just popping in for Arven.
Penny is the closest to Luca in age, so I think they are probably the closest? I mean all of them are very close, but I think age helps in their case. That, and the fact they're both from Galar, so trauma bonding/j. I like to think they have their own inside jokes, both being from Galar lol. Anyway, Penny feels pretty comfortable with Luca, even if Luca can be a bit like Nemona sometimes. They definitely watch anime together and Penny recommends a book series ( and fanfics) to him. I don't know what more to say other than these two are close and are besties.
R.B is the third older sibling lol. Was very apprehensive towards Luca, since all she wanted was to be left alone, not get into any drama, and get out of Naranja-Uva academy as fast as she can. But fate had other plans and the next thing she knows she's being a protective big sis towards Luca. She's the first to tell him that how his father treated him was wrong and that no parent should make their child feel that way ( totally not speaking from experience). She likes pampering the little guy, helping with hair and occasional make up. She is also his tutor, especially in regards to math. Luca suck at math. R.B is a whiz at it. It goes on from their. Honestly, if it weren't for Luca, her and Arven wouldn't have been able to actually talk and rehash things like they did, since they would have been avoiding each other if he wasn't there.
And of course, sibling dynamics aside, they are all the bestest of buds. They joke around and hang out together often. They probably have their own group chat which is very chaotic lol.
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koszmarnybudyn · 2 years
Okay so this au is just a rough idea i had where the teens personalities would switch (normal havings scary personality, she having links etc.). The story beats would be similar, althought slightly changed, their families would stay the same and their backstories would differ slithly. Here are some headcanons (Are they headcanons if im the one making the au? Oh well that's what im gonna call the right now) and some schetches i have of their au designs:
Scary is her nick name actually, she got it in soccer because she is kibda scary when playing because she is so good, dislikes that she feels like she has to use it to distinguish herself from Terry Jr tho.
Still dislikes her step-dad, but more because she feels like her and her mom were fine without him and he just ruined their relashonship.
Actually good at soccer (also in a kinda wierdo way like link)
Will call you out on your bullshit
Will also threaten you and mean it
Is one to question authority
A pretty good leader actually (but can be a bit ofa perfectionist and take things too seriously)
Still has a notlikeothergirls vibe but more in imoneoftheboys way
Kinda dislikes everyone else on the team at first
Dislikes the wellwellwell soccer kids, she just thinks they are fake and annoying
Doesn't really have friends, so she is pretty lonely
A bit of a soccer nerd
Does write poetry in her spare time, but only shows her mom
Is much more openly loving to her mom
Is really honest, because of that she comes across as mean
The san dimas demon
Thinks or at least pretends to think everyone loves him
Friends with nearly all the soccer kids (Scary finds him annoying but he is working on changing her opinion)
Kinda inseccure actually
Enjoys the attention of being the mascot
Was really into gymnastics as a kid
Tries to make his own cheers and dances, is not really great at them
Has mobility issues that kinda fuck with him being able to perform which like really sucks
Liked cosplay before (still does) so being the mascot and making the suit felt natural
Actually takes off the costume (uNliKe SoMe PeoPlE!)
Does wear a lot of school merch when not in costume tho
His mom is the best, and he is still very spoiled, he does wonder where his dad is tho...
Lookes like an offbrand Supernatural charakter most of the time
Learnt survival because of Grant (it has become a spacial intrest so he knows a lot)
Knows sign language, morse code and is learning others
Still kinda sheltered (but he was allowed to do actual camping, maybe was even a scout or something)
As a little kid he went on hikes with his grantpa like all the time
Owns a mountain bike but never really uses it
Wears a giant backpack with like everything inside (think milo from milo murphys law) with some self defense weapons inside
Grant taught him a special code to use if he is in danger but cant let others around him know
New to school (i think the li-wilsons just recently moved back in this au) so this is his first time in public school
A weapons nerd (definitly went to a shooting range a lot)
More of a games nerd than a weeb (unlike Taylor), he got it from his dads
Thinks its cool how his name is like Links from zelda games
Likes sports anime and shounen (watched all of my hero academia even tho it is like retro)
Still a total daddy's boy
Honestly happy to get to do some normal teen stuff
Has a lot of online friends, but he still felt kinda lonely
Before they moved he played with norm and taylor as a kid
Thinks pokemon are cool as hell
Goes by Wierd/wierdly
Realized his dad isn't proud of him earlier and feels really resentful about it
Lisens to mcr
Used to draw a lot, he wanted to make cartoons and comics when he was younger
Tried to go into soccer but was not good at it
Used to have this self incert oc "Teenie" that he was really proud of and drew a lot, he wanted to make a whole comic with himbut after he found out his dad isn't proud of him he started to hate it, he thought of it as really childish so he destroyed every drawing he could find (his mom saved a couple somewhere)
Uses a lot of self depricating humor, and just dark humor in general
Honestly kinda pissed at his parents (both of them)
Tries to seem annoyed at the other teens but genialny likes them
Realized people thought he was cringy much earlier, it did still hurt a lot
Tries to control his emotions a lot but then just ends up crying due to them being bottled up and he hates it
Goth clothes kinda fuck with his texture issues but he still wears them
Never designed teenie for the school mascot competition so the san dimas demon won
Gets along better with hero than in canon
Wishes he could just move into his grandmas Mercedes place
Wear earphones to school (both to listen to edgy music and for noice canceletion)
Honestly mask more than in canon (the autism is strong)
Idk when im gonna have time to actually make something for this au but i really wanted to throw my ideas out there because if i don't then they are probablly never gonna see the light of day.
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Sorry for my scribbly handwriting, it is all basicly the words above tho, you can still read i guess.
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yeowninefive · 9 months
My 2023 Art Retrospective (Part 1)
Before we continue--yes, this is just part one. I will warn you upfront--this is going to be a wall of text, and so will the next part. With my 2022 retrospective I did try to condense things down, but I wasn't anywhere near as successful for this year.
I originally didn't want to write a retrospective because in terms of general performance/productivity, I felt there wasn't much to discuss. Looking back on my 2022 retrospective, my big story there was how I made a *big* leap over 2021 in productivity, and raised my profile/art skills quite a bit, with 2022 seeing some of my most popular art, period. 2023, all things considered, seemed like it was 2022 again, like one of those videogame sequels that's mainly just more of the same. But the more I really consider the following, 2023 honestly was like if I took whatever strides I made in 2022 and strapped a rocket (assume 2022 is a car for this analogy to work). I think going into the nuances as to why I feel this way is important, and with 2023 marking my online art identity having existing for over a decade by this point, I think that milestone itself is also worth more than a cursory acknowledgement.
Like last year, I'll first start this retrospective by looking back on my my art goals outlined for 2023, when I made my retrospective by 2022's end.
Fanart: Much like 2022, I think I came close on having at least one fanart posted each month, but my OC projects (The Clock Robin Caper; and an upcoming OC project I started development on, but eventually decided to withhold for 2024) took priority, the fanart became more secondary. Regardless, the fanart output was still at least twice as much from 2022, and they included some of my most-popular pieces to date. The popularity of Not Paying for That/The House Special (the Pizza Tower/SpongeBob crossover) in particular was arguably a case of being at the right place at the right time with an appealing/funny concept--it's to date the only art I've had on tumblr pass 100 notes in less than two days. The (relative) popularity of that work (as well as the popularity of Petals to the Metal [Princess Daisy fanart] on Twitter) are probably the most encouraging works of this year, where the interest they receive does give me hope I can still make more of a name for myself as a artist(/animator) in the current landscape (or hellscape, take your pick) of online creators.
So now I'm in something of an odd pickle in terms of where my angle with fanart goes in 2024. Of course, I would like to make even more fanart of things I like or at least have a vested interest in, but I recognize that the fanart I've generally made has typically been some sort of unique concept (either being something I used to theme my OCs around, or some sort of crossover/mashup of ideas that I like). The fanart also tends to be among my more "technical" works I put added emphasis on details/development, instead of quicker/simpler items like doodles or sketches. I feel like I'd have to change my approach/production process for fanart if I wanted to get more of it out there in the upcoming new year.
Animation: This is where I'd say this was a step back, though I hope with the new circumstances/what I've learned, it does lead to bigger, more, and better things into the future. While I made three animations, it was only two original animations (with a third being a WIP of the existing two), and one of the animations didn't even feature any character animation. Nonetheless, I am admittedly pretty proud that two of them were honestly put together pretty quick (produced out of the interest of a then-viral Barbie Special Month commercial from the 1970s) and I feel they fit the aesthetic/direction of the source material moderately well.
If nothing else, I can at least say that one of the animations (Complimentary Doll) marked my return to trying to animate in CSP, which I had abandoned due to limited features (I had PRO, so I was limited in framerates); while the other (Waiting for Free Stuff) was animated in OpenToonz, which I do think I grew more comfortable to using as time went on (learning keyboard shortcuts and taking a more "modular" approach with using multiple levels for animating different parts of the animation). I fully believe I could had gotten Waiting for Free Stuff finished even earlier if I didn't use OpenToonz' raster layers for the entire animation (which was very limited to use, even with using multiple levels), instead of vectors layers.
Between being able to get an upgrade to CSP EX (Ver. 1--copies of which are still being sold in certain areas), becoming more accustomed to OpenToonz, and getting a new drawing tablet; I'm hoping to really expand my animation ventures. In particular, I'm hoping that I'm able to get back into producing animations with colors and producing more animated stuff in general--which in general, I foresee being easier with CSP instead of OpenToonz. (I still want to keep learning OpenToonz nonetheless, since it's UI/setup is still arguably more tailored for an animation workflow compared to CSP.)
Backgrounds/environments: Overall, I say this was a step up over 2022. There's still a fair amount of basic environments here and there; but I think there were much less non-environments overall. Fittingly enough, I highly credit my Clock Robin Caper project for the improvement in this area--since I was producing "film stills" representing different "scenes," I made an effort to present most of the characters in multiple different environments; using photos references for most of the settings in question and even going the "extra mile" in adding small details that most people wouldn't even notice. I'd in this regard, Frames 04-09 were my highlights in environment design this year.
The mixed media artwork I did in the spring, where I incorporated my Commodities OCs in photos I took during my trip to Canada, also helped in this regard. That was a fun project that, as I alluded to earlier, I'm honestly not quite finished with. There are other photos I took that I'm hoping to use; but they were shelved to make way for the Clock Robin Caper and the other untitled upcoming OC project. Going into 2024, I hope to try and create at least a few "pure" landscape works, akin to my earlier artwork; though of course I want to properly measure where my current art skills lay with environment design. By the same coin, I'm still open to doing remakes of my previous art (which was sadly a no-show for this year).
Comics/stories: I had nothing to offer on this front for 2022, and I said I wanted this to be my art priority for 2023. I'd argue I delivered and then some--although I think the development process certainly could had been managed better. A core element of my The Clock Robin Caper project was to develop the mystery/story across each of the frame, without much--if any--explicit dialogue said by the characters. (Though I did also regularly include descriptions to at least give some basic explanations as to what was happening and what was the importance of each character in the scene.)
I'd say without a doubt, the Clock Robin Caper is inarguably the most elaborate art project I've done, since I went through a bunch of story ideas/concepts in finalizing it (which is partially why it took so long to finish), in addition to the addition multiple OCs from others' creators that were included (deciding who to use for each frame and figuring out how to draw them--a little over half of the OCs I was drawing for the first time) and the aforementioned environments I developed for each frame. I was also able to get two other comics, with the newspaper-styled short comic "The Thought That Counts" and the longer-form, multi-page comic "The Story of Ronda" (both concerning Ronda and Aero, go figure).
I still have a bunch of story ideas that I'd like to adapt, but much like the fanart, I think I'd have to change my strategy if I wanted to get more comics/stories produced in an adequate matter. I think I still have issues with how I manage my time, which also played a role in The Clock Robin Caper being drawn out longer than it arguably needed to be. It's why I ended up shelving my aforementioned in-development art project --which I actually teased within one my 2023 artworks-- for 2024. Some of the artwork I've made for it was actually completed and has been finished for months, and in other circumstances, I probably would had published it by this point. But with this one, I'm aiming to have most of the artwork completed first, so I can publish it on a consistent/regular schedule.
Art trades/collaborations: Truth be told, this is largely a beat-for-beat replay of last year--wanted to do trades/collabs, but I was busy with my art projects. I did at least respond to at least one OC draw request, and joined in on some viral art redraw memes--which while not quite within this topic realm, was at least some self-imposed challenges I was willing to take on, and were pretty fun to do. By the same coin, there's not much if any movement towards me being open to art commissions (either for fun or for commerce).
By this point, I think this has gotten long enough that I'm splitting this up into two parts. Here is a link to the second part. A sincere thanks to anyone who has stuck around to read the whole thing (so far), and have a Happy New Year's Eve/New Year's Day and a wonderful 2024.
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excelsior9173 · 1 year
tagged by @foxgloveinspace thank you!!
on here i go by exie, in real life i respond to any variation of “em”, as well as andy (andy was a nickname given to me by a person i went canoeing with and really looked up to!)
i’m not really partial to anything and being gender queer i am comfortable with any! i often like calling myself a boy while looking extremely feminine, but am also just a “they” half the time lmao
•where do you call home?
i don’t wanna out and say where i live but i am an extremely proud canadian, and even prouder to be from the prairies (not alberta tho fuck them)
•favourite animal
100% ravens! i’m a lover of all corvids but i have always been fascinated by ravens. they’re the biggest song bird in north america! they are as smart as like, a seven year old human. i got to finally go to the tower of london this summer and i saw the ravens up close and i almost cried. bucket list moment for me
•cereal of choice
i will admit that i am a very boring person, when given free reign and allowed to pick whatever i want i go straight for some harvest crunch. idk man i love granola and grain flavoured cereals. multigrain cheerios slap so hard
•are you a visual, auditory or kinaesthetic learner?
i think a mix of visual and kinaesthetic? i love listening to my university lectures, but rely on physical notes to actually learn anything. if it is anything practical then i absolutely have to be able to do it physically or it will not make sense to me. i worked on a farm last summer and learning any of the equipment i needed to be hands on and guided through it tactilely
•first pet
i had a black and white cat named salty. he was all white on his underside, it was really just his back, tail and top of his head that was black. i loved him to bits
•favourite scent
petrichor! patchouli is a very close second. there’s a perfume i desperately want because it’s supposed to be the actual smell of petrichor mixed with patchouli and if i could smell like that naturally I would
•do you believe in astrology?
not really! i’m a practicing witch but honestly i’ve never viewed astrology as anything more than a bit of fun. i like reading my horoscope but i don’t put too much stock in it
•how many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music?
ummm maybe 5 or 6? i tend to really just play albums or my “favourites” playlist that is like, 700 songs and 40 some hours of playtime
•sharpies or highlighters?
•songs that make you cry?
are you really okay? by sleep token always gets me weepy
if i’m there by bad omens fucks me up pretty bad too, especially the unplugged version
•songs that make you happy?
i spend most of my time listening to pretty angry music lol. if i’m going for like, upbeat instant mood lifter? i like really stupid songs
kitty cracks me up every time it’s so good
i also like corky and the juice pigs, specifically the song eskimo. they’re a satire band and my dad sang this song at his sister’s wedding and it’s so so funny (disclaimer it’s not exactly pc anymore, it’s from 1993)
•finally, do you write/draw/create?
i’ve dabbled here and there with various forms of art but i don’t consider myself a creative in any way. nowadays i really just teach myself random songs on guitar and put together low budget halloween costumes lol
this was last years, vanya from the umbrella academy comics! i hand painted the bodysuit and boots! (i had to wear two pairs of tights to attempt to hide my tattoos lmao)
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kode117 · 2 years
entry 1
It’s 5am, I haven’t slept.
I have an exam tomorrow. Maybe two. Haven’t studied for either. 
Been browsing 4chan, on /wsg/ and /gif/ for feel threads. The feels won and made me create this. I might start posting here every other day.
If I had to give a name to this chapter of my life, it’d be void. null. There’s not much going on. And that’s how it’s been for a year or two. There’s things going on but in the end I always end up at the same place. Alone in my room, browsing 4chan, gaming, watching anime, watching youtube, whatever to make the time pass.
It’s weird, I’m not having any success with love. Never had, but now that I want it the most I’m starting to notice what not having it feels like. I’m blessed looks-wise, but that’s pretty much it. I can’t talk to people. There’s only a single person in this planet I can truly talk to. I can interact with people, but I can’t talk to them and they never talk to me. I always feel a certain level of alienation when talking with people, no matter where. Maybe it’s because I moved so much as a child. And not just moved neighborhoods, I moved between continents constantly. Constantly changing languages and cultures. Maybe that’s why, I don’t know. When I talk with people, it never feels like they get me and most of the time I don’t get them either. It always feels like a meaningless exchange, where they’re not learning anything from me and I’m not learning anything from them.
I started smoking quite a bit recently. As in, weed. I hate cigarettes. I love nicotine though, so I vape all day every day. Not very proud of that but whatever. It’s funny, someone once asked me about when I started vaping. I realized that it was right after my last (and only) breakup. Haven’t stopped ever since. That was some of the most amount of pain I’ve ever felt, and honestly I don’t think I’m completely over it even after 2 years. It was our first relationship for both of us. We were stupid to say the least. She was the only girl I was actually able to talk to, and that felt like she talked to me. I’ve gone around dating a lot of other girls these last 2 years but not a single one of them could come even close to what we had. We talked again recently and we swore we’d never talk again for some reason. I don’t remember, I was extremely drunk. 
Ever since that breakup I’ve been trying to find someone that could help me fill this void, but I just can’t find anybody. Socially I’m quite retarded so I went for dating apps where I can rely on my looks first. Technically it did what it was supposed to, I get a lot of matches. More than I need, really. But as soon as it gets to the talking part I fuck it up somehow. It has also become much harder for me to trust women after these 2 years of dating around. In 90% of the cases, I was getting played. One of them hurt a lot more than the rest but that’s a story for another time.
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imaeraser · 3 years
I really love your headcannons about Strawhats with Teen reader, that's why...
If you don't mind - Can I ask for Platonic Strawhats with Female! Teen reader that tend to be the quietest in the crew because of her shyness?
I also had and the next idea after this one- but I don't want to overwhelm you with it. Take care of yourself!
Have a nice day!
Sorry for the wait, here you go!
He was intrigued by you
That’s why he forced you onto his ship. And then he realized that instead of having a convoluted backstory, you were shy
And quite honestly it was refreshing
Even though he likes being around Chopper and Usopp and be loud as heck, he likes spending time with you
You balance him out
And even though you’re not an adult, he’ll go to you for advice. This makes the rest of the crew confused (and low-key mad) because he doesn't want their advice
But most of the time he doesn’t take your advice anyways
I think that you two are close, seeing as he is endlessly extroverted and will break through your walls no matter how hard you try
Most of the time he leaves you to your own devices, but he will drag you to large parties and make you feel as welcome as possible
He does the same on the ship, but that was never a problem anyways because everyone likes you
Feels the need to protect you, not only because you’re a member of the crew, but also because you’re the youngest
10/10 I can see him giving you some of his food (only some)
Ultimate big brother vibes
Likes to go to you for a quiet space because the ship can be loud
So he spends a lot of time with you… sleeping
He also half-asks questions to fill up the space and gets to know you pretty well
He also feels a need to protect you since he sees you as kinda weak (but almost everyone is weaker compared to him)
He will also feel the need to shield you from the craziness of the ship
Like sir, it’s nice that you care, but they can take care of themselves too you know?
Doesn't incorporate you into the crew since… he’s mostly sleeping. But he would try, and he would fail because they already like you
Cue him being shocked that he wasn’t your only friend on board, but to be fair he is sleeping most of the time and not watching you
He likes the calmness you bring to the ship, good for his meditation sessions (but I don't think you want to just sit there why he meditates)
I can see you having fun with him and Chopper, maybe play a board game
8/10 calm down sir, they can take care of themselves
She’s like the cool and fun older sister
She likes to dress you up in her old clothes, and then gush about how cute you look (no, not her super tiny bikinis)
She takes it onto herself to guide you through… whatever I guess
Also feels the need to protect you from dudes
I think that she gives good advice, but when combined with Robin the two of them give life-altering wisdom
You can go to her for anything from how to sew to how to manipulate people
Always gives you juice when the crew starts drinking
If the ship starts to get too rowdy she will shout at everyone to keep it down, and then turn to smile at you as if her actions were for you
She will share her tangerines with you
I think that she wants to protect you, but is frustrated at the fact that she can’t be as strong as the Monster trio (but everything works out in the end)
If you borrow money from her, she will reduce the interest (only by a little)
9/10 only downside is the interest (if you ever borrow money)
He was high-key suspicious of you
To be fair he is suspicious of anyone and everything, and seeing as you were quiet he was on the edge
But after you saved his life, he gets all buddy-buddy (really Usopp? You got saved by a teenager)
I think the two of you would get to know each other when he’s working on a new invention, and you guys are having idle chatter
Now he tried to act like a cool older brother. Always ready to swoop in and talk about his “accomplishments”
He will do just about anything to make you laugh
I can see some crazy (but fun) times with him, Chopper, and Luffy
He would give bad advice, but occasionally he does have some piece of wisdom
He would try to protect you, but… yeah
He ends up feeling bad, and incompetent. But tell him that he was amazing or something and he’ll be fine
I think he would get frustrated when you beat him at a game of cards
10/10 he is just so fun to be around
Also acts like an older brother
He tries to protect you from guys, saying that they’re all dogs (but then you point out that he’s a guy)
This also means he tries to limit your time around Zoro, saying that he’s a bad influence
Then the two start to fight and right as they pull you into it, Nami hits both of them and carries you off to eat or something
Gives you more food because you’re still growing
He is a surprisingly good listener and when he chimes in his advice are always good
And like all of the crew, he will try to protect you from danger (ma’am you are still a teen, why are you on this ship? Oh wait, Luffy…)
I said he acts like your older brother, but he also acts like a proud dad sometimes
Like sir, why are you crying? All they did was perform twinkle twinkle little star on the piano (Brook taught you)
He also tries to restrain his pervert tendencies around you, but when they inevitably happen he can’t look you in the eyes for several days (he also smokes more. It gets to a point where you have to confront him)
He also teaches you how to cook
8/10 he can get a little extra sometimes
If things get too crazy on the ship, he likes to go to you
I feel like he would try to act like a big brother, but you would just pet him (sorry Chopper)
I can see Chopper trying to get you to socialize more with the crew. Just drags you out with his tiny Reindeer paws
I can see you confiding in him a lot because it’s kinda like venting to a stuffed animal (again, sorry Chopper)
He gives (almost) child-like advice, but it’s so simple and it always works
I think you would beat both him and Usopp at games, and then they would proceed to chase you around
He would try to protect you, but he also knows that you need to push yourself to get stronger, so he lets you fight some of your fights
When you end up hurt, he always makes sure to be extra vigilant with your care
I believe that you would also try to protect him, but his pride would end up hurt
I think you two would spend a lot of time in his office for a quiet place to read (and for him to do work)
He makes you help him organize stuff
10/10 a great duo
She is the kind older sister
She is such a good listener, and her advice would solve all of the world's problems
If things get crazy on the ship, you go to her. She has the presence of calm around her that just soothes you
I think she would also like to participate in dressing you up with Nami. That means you get to wear Nami’s old clothes and Robin’s old clothes
Robin always has an extra book and cup of tea reserved for you. Tea times are when you two like to ramble about anything and everything. This is also the place where you can vent and the both of you talk about your past
She would like to teach you about world history, while you listen and ask questions
She would try to teach you how to read one glyph, but if it’s too hard she stops (and low-key gets sad)
Robin also lets you help her garden. She enjoys having a person keep her company while she does the things that make her happy
She thinks that you are too adorable, and that also makes her go into a momma bear mode when she thinks you are in danger
She will yell at crew members, and she will annihilate the enemies
Robin sees you in a similar way to Chopper, so if you say something dirty or cuss, her image of you will be ruined
10/10 she is perfection
I see him as a weird uncle figure
He mostly hides in his workshop and creates weird but cool inventions while you watch him and ask what he is doing
I don’t see you two talking about important things, just you two having fun and making jokes
He is fun to watch, but when he tries to get you to participate— it’s even more fun
I can see Robin trying to shield you from him (hey, he says he’s a pervert)
He would share his cola with you (I can see some very fun crew bonding time when everyone gets cola and huddles around Franky’s new invention)
Franky is the opposite of shy, so sometimes it gets to be a bit too much
Like sir, please leave them alone for one second
I think that Franky and Usopp would try to teach you how to make things
And if you like to prank people… they’ve created a monster
Expect all three of you to get yelled at
8/10 pretty good, but he does say some stuff that you don’t get sometimes
Another weird uncle
When he asked to see your panties, both Robin and Nami slapped him so hard, he had flown off
He never asked again
I can see him joining in on the Robin history over tea, and add things in he knows from living during the period (dang he’s old)
He occasionally makes the tea you three drink
I think he would try to teach you how to use a sword, and then get yelled at so he teaches you to play instruments instead
He’s a surprisingly easy-going teacher, if you don’t practice he’s not mad. He just assumes you don't want to learn. That means he won’t teach you, which leads you to practice
He would let you peek inside of his skull and then jumpscare you. It works every time
Brook would tell you about what he did during the two-year time skip, all while you’re laughing at the fact they called him Satan
I think that being around you and Luffy would make him remember his days as a teen
Starts to get all weary like a dad (and just like Sanji)
7/10 rough start, but good ending
He is the dad (not like, is)
He is always concerned for your health, and whether you should be fighting or not
He told Luffy that it was ridiculous to bring a teen on board, but then he realized Luffy is only 19…
Jinbei is always there to make sure you feel included, and will often leave the crew’s festivities just to hang out with you
Honestly, his old man self likes the quiet you bring
If you ask him, he’ll tell you about Fishman history (also over Robin History Tea Times)
100% tries to protect you. I think that can make you frustrated at times, but he has saved you so you can’t be too mad
So he teaches you Fishman Karate (it gets Robin’s stamp of approval because there are no sharp objects)
Jinbei gives the best advice, again dad and old man
He’s able to see different perspectives and tell you the best course of action (that gets annoying when you just want him to take your side, but you have Nami and Robin for that)
Also is proud of you when you achieve something (part of the tears dad group)
10/10 every group needs a parent figure
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spenpy · 3 years
Any Daiya headcanons ?
BAZILLION apologies for the wait on this one anon!!!!! u_u heres my current takes on this legend:
- daiyas had a potentially big voice, but was on average MUCH quieter than mondo. he consciously kept it down a bit because he didnt want to come across as BRAZENLY intimidating unless that was actually what he was going for! had a NASTY shout when trying to make himself known
- animal-loving runs in the family! hes actually a pretty big cat guy (though he was fond of the Little White Bitch Dog known as Chuck, and he would NEVER say no to being greeted by any number of large dogs). if you were to ask him what kind of cat was his favourite, his answer would probably be somewhere along the lines of "well i like those orange ones haha"
- a HUGE music enjoyer, you could even consider it his secondary interest besides biking. pretty bad at playing instruments and not a strong singer, but he liked to listen to LOUD EAR-RINGING WHATEVER-GENRE. AS LONG AS ITS LOUD AND PASSIONATE AND GETS UR HEART GOING.
- mild dyslexia that he didnt really mention to anyone, it went undetected in the school system (besides in his grades, alas) and he mostly just laughed it off if someone noticed any switched letters in his writing
- naturally grows a BIT (A BIT.) leaner than his brother... but honestly? just about as strong lol, mondo's just bulky. daiya worked out regularly and taught mondo his routine (which would be later modified in a vain effort to be better)
- daiya dated a few girls but honestly? his heart was with the gang for that whole period KJSFD
- he had a decent amount of mechanical knowledge and knew the ins-and-outs well enough to repair or modify most motorcycles. not at an ultimate level, but he was very good in his own right.
- bitch was SO proud of his hair and SO proud of his routine, he woke up way earlier than necessary to arrange it at his own pace
- CANNOT COOK. microwaves only!
- absolutely beloved by the group for being a good leader that guided everyone (COUGHS even through questionable activities), and genuinely a caring support. he greatly valued personal connection amid an otherwise chaotic structure and therefore, many of the crazy diamond's members came to see him as an older brother figure.
- (this is also one of the few nuances mondo desperately tried to keep alive in his stead, because he considered them family as well. though it wasnt the best environment per se, they did come to see him as someone to enjoy and come to for help, which he was very glad for)
- admittedly not......... the most educated about mental health awareness...... it wasnt for lack of trying, but he just never grasped the depth of how much his brother was struggling with self-image, self-motivation, and anxiety+anger, and figured that since HE'D had many of the same struggles (certainly not in the same way), mondo would also get through them just fine with some encouragement. tldr no lol.
- in an au where say, this bastard survived, i think he would grow and learn more about why this line of thinking Really Wasn't It. hypothetical future him be horrified that he'd assumed these were just normal growing pains! he'd certainly try to give support when he can.
- at the end of it all, his little brother is his favourite person in the world over any bike or cool hairstyle-- hes partly WHY daiya formed the crazy diamonds: to give him a big support system (in lieu of a more common family structure) of strong presences and to let him feel some sense of morale-building duty and pride in something that was Their Thing... even if that ultimately came with its own problems.
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ayo!! congrats on 666 <33 I'm not sure if its much of a request but I love how you wrote the demon kids personalities! I was wondering what kids of personalities you would see the other brothers kids having? Hypothetically of course (unless 👀)
BRO- I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while! Fan kids are fun to think about, what can I say? Now, these kids aren’t canon to the Awfully Familiar series, the HOL is crowded enough as is… but I hope you enjoy anyways!
(I’m giving all the kids names just so no one gets confused with which kid is whose)
Levi’s Kid
Uh let’s use probability to figure out how rare children of our snek boy are. The Otaku left the house (unlikely), spoke to a human being (very unlikely), did the devil’s tango with them (impossible)
I’m kidding, but seriously what the fuck why did this human exchange student look so much like Levi? Was that a tail? Hehehe… what a weird practical joke…
(I’m calling this MC Percy. Three guesses as to why)
Okay, onto the kiddo’s personality. I’m picturing them being REALLY hyped and REALLY enthusiastic about their hobbies and isn’t afraid to yammer about them. They’re good at what they do and they’re damn proud of it! They turn their envy into *~inspiration~* and get better at the things they enjoy doing!
In all fairness to Levi, it’s a bit easier for his kid because Percy isn’t literally being eaten alive and consumed by this sin every waking moment of his life… perks of being half human! :D
Percy loves swimming, and the ocean, and fish, and they brought a shark back from the beach- wait hang on a second-
It’s not uncommon for Levi to be hardcore gaming while Percy swims around in the fish tank.
The pair of them have a very good relationship, Percy is kind of Levi’s hero with how eager they are to get better at the things they love doing and how they almost never self pity spiral. The one issue is… ugh… Percy is a 🤢…. Sorry. Percy’s a 🤢 🤢-
Other than that, the two get along swimmingly. (Ba dum tisssss)
Percy’s reaction to Levi’s cool military titles is basically “WOAH! YOU HAVE BOATS?! CAN I GO ON ONE?!” And Levi would be a monster to decline.
Percy wore a pirate hat despite Levi telling them numerous times that they were a part of the navy, they CATCH pirates. Which are apparently still a big problem in the Devildom…
Also, Percy and Lotan absolutely adore each other. It makes Levi very happy
Satan’s Kid
Satan’s a pretty charming guy, and it’s canon that he’s amazing at seductive speech craft so it’s no surprise that he was able to seduce a human.
You know what is a surprise? The fact that Satan, the smart one, didn’t think to use protection! Like- DUDE I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU.
Whatever, anyway, when this kid slammed onto the floor of the assembly hall no one had time to react when the kid suddenly grew horns… and fangs… and a tail… OH FUCK THE KID WAS GOING THROUGH THEIR FIRST TRANSFORMATION WHAT THE FUCK-
(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to call this kid Lyssa, mainly because of the meaning of the name)
The first thing Lyssa did was launch themselves straight at the first person they saw, and I ask you to guess exactly who sits in the middle seat of the assembly hall. That’s right… Satan… yay…
This kid nearly clawed his face off in the span of two seconds and it took Lucifer and Beel working together to drag them off of him and then Asmo had to step in to use his powers to calm them down. Well. That was eventful.
So Lyssa has a volcanic temper and they’re honestly really bitter and upset at everything, which is something that’s supposed to come in adult life, not so early. So what’s up with this kid? Well, when you’re born with a burning rage deep inside you that can be set off at even the slightest inconvenience and because of that everyone around you immediately assumes you’re dangerous or crazy can really do some damage to a kid.
So who oh who is Lyssa going to blame for this…? Hmmm… who is responsible for the anger? *Side eyes Satan*
“Wow, this kid is blaming me for passing down my wrath even though I couldn’t control giving it to them and if I had the choice I would have made sure they wouldn’t have to live with it and they’re mad at me for subjecting them to existence itself… wow this feels so bad :( who would treat someone like this..?” “*Dad sigh*”
The two of them do eventually get along. It’s actually Satan who extends the olive branch and offers to help them control their anger. As the two spend time together, Lyssa’s intense hatred slowly subsides.
So… what’s Lyssa going to do now? They’ve spent so much of their life being defined by their anger… who the fuck are they????? U-uh… cats! Cats! Lyssa likes cats! Is liking cats a personality? No? Okay… um… Music! Music is relaxing! Lyssa likes music! Um… um… ooo- look at that! They like space! And stars!
You knew what they don’t like? School. Lyssa doesn’t like learning in a controlled environment where they’re being told what to learn. Leave them alone so they can go read about space.
Beelzebub’s kid(s)
*munch* *munch* *chew* *chomp* huh, *chomp* why does the takeout- I mean the human look so much like him…? They’re his kid..? *choke* *cough* *cough* …Huh. Want some chips?
Surprisingly chill first meeting. Well, Beel and the kid were chill, everyone else was freaking the fuck out.
I’m calling this kid Pepper. Why? Fucking guess.
Pepper themselves is just… chill. They’re sort of like a capybara, their vibes are just so immaculate that everyone wants to hang out around them.
Unlike Beel, Pepper’s penchant for food mainly comes from “food is good.” instead of “my body is literally eating itself alive every second of the day and I need to be eating something at almost all times in order to stave off a rampage.” Beel is very happy that his kid doesn’t have to live with food constantly on the brain.
All was well until three days into the exchange program when Pepper asked at the dinner table “so when are we bringing my twin down here?”
…twin genes man… twin genes…
Second kid, I’m calling them Cane. (CANE PEPPER, GET IT?! GET IT?!) this kid is less like a capybara and more like a honey badger. They don’t give a shit.
Here’s the thing though… they’re identical twins.
Cane is basically Beel but smaller. They follow Beel to the gym and usually get stopped at the door. “Kids aren’t allowed in the gym.” Ha, the rules don’t apply to Cane, they just cross their arms and raise their eyebrows and whoever is stopping them just steps aside. Don’t fuck with the honey badger kid.
Pepper and Cane are super close though, but don’t ask if they have a telepathic link or something, Cane will fuck you up and Pepper won’t be able to stop them. (I know a pair of identical twins, and the amount of times they’ve been asked if they can read each other’s minds is enough to make anyone homicidal)
Belphegor’s kid
*squints* how’d this happen..?
Whatever. When Belphie’s kid woke up on the floor of the assembly hall everyone took one look at this kid and collectively went “shitballs”
Belphie was in the attic and his kid was wandering around the house like they ran the place! What the fuuuuuuuuck was Lucifer supposed to do with this????
Anyway, meet Arien.
Arien, how does one describe this little hellspawn? Well, one would call them the brood of Lucifer or the spawn of Satan but that would be false because this manipulative evil devil-child that crawled straight out of a teacher’s nightmares is BELPHIE’S kid. And it fucking SHOWS.
This kid won the demon/human genetic lottery and they’re going to make it everyone’s problem. Basically, they’re sin is sloth, but unlike Belphie, Arien’s is more voluntary, if that makes sense. They sleep and slack off because they like not doing work, not because they’re always tired. They have this sort of lazy relaxed facade that vanishes the second it’s not needed, it’s honestly kind of terrifying.
They quickly learn that if they just pretend to be having troubles with being constantly tired, the rest of the house will go easy on them if they miss their chores and schoolwork.
Jeez Louise when this kid met Belphie…
They both just stared at each other for a solid five minutes before anyone said anything. Belphie somewhat nervously started up his “oh woe is me get me out of here :(“ charade, and the kid played along for a few weeks, until of course, they got suspicious.
You remember how Belphie guilt spiralled with L!MC? Yeah imagine that but 40 times worse, and he hadn’t even done anything yet.
But yeah, blah blah blah Arien breaks Belphie out, they don’t die, family’s back together, happily ever after. But not quite. Arien’s “oh no I’m sorry I’m sleepy…” charade was found out and boy howdy was everyone pissed.
Surprisingly, it was Belphie who gave Arien the wake up thwack, but Arien called Belphie out on his laziness so Belphie was forced to become a better example.
The way they fixed Ari’s behaviour? Extra chores, extra schoolwork, extra everything, and the boys did nothing to help. Basically, “this is how we felt! Deal with it!”
It worked… thankfully.
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