#honestly just a little one shot bc I think the series is better without her in it
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izartn · 11 months ago
So about the Katherine and Will thing.
Anyways I for one, liked much more his whole thing with Katherine when it came to light she was his pseudo-sis/full sister and he manipulated her for revenge. Like also for his mother who made him promise to protect her and Elizabeth but he didn't have to seduce Kate. That was him being attracted to her and also getting to give the middle finger to Simon. Also ruthless in going for the fastest way to get Katherine and Elizabeth to his side. I totally wasn't expecting Will going for that angle but wow.
I also loved it didn't fuck him or anything, her probably being his sister, bc he has so much bigger problems going on. The fact that Katherine essentially killed herself trying to kill him in vain being one of those, alongside the whole being Sarcean Reborn thing.
lts just soo funny, bc all those traditional YA who are like, Sebastián from Shadowhunters you know? The villain who is obssesed with the female protag is also like her brother or something, and its proof that the chara is terrible, but they had a chance once, but ugh incest and they need to die, etc etc.
Only here is our protag, Will, who has so much going on, the brief detour for heterosexuality town bc Lady and him were a thing in a past life and "mother lookalike also tried to murder me" trauma is more interesting in what it says of him than the fact Katherine was kinda his sister.
Poor Katherine had to die bc this isn't a classic YA story with her as the heroine in distress with the dashing villain who tempts her. This is Will story and we only need her little sister, who is a more interesting adversary as a 10 year old seeing through his bullshit that Kate could be.
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ramzawrites · 4 years ago
Hey, so I'm having a really rough time rn (dealing with bs from my friend group, we have to take my really old dog to the vet today bc we found blood in her pee and we're scared that she won't make it this time, I'm struggling with my mental health, I'm just kinda goin thru it rn ig) so I would love a comfort fic with the sbi maybe with the reader as their sibling where the reader is the one that always comforts the fam, but hides their emotions until (1/2, very sorry about splitting it)
(2/2) something happens that makes the reader have a full on breakdown? I'll leave the rest to you, it can be a good or bad ending, headcanons or one shots, anything. You can ignore this request if you want/if it makes you uncomfortable. Please don't feel pressured/guilt tripped to write anything from this, your mental health comes first and I'm sure you're already really busy. Reminder to eat something today if you haven't yet and get a drink of water <3
We are family - Reader and SBI!Brothers
Pairings: none
Characters included: Wilbur, Technoblade, Tommy, (mentioned) Niki, (mentioned) Schlatt
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Y/N came back from an errand and surprises their brothers with their weird behavior. Trying to put on their usual smile, trying to hide away their real emotions but their brothers know them better than they inititally suspected. They could immediately tell that something must have happened.
Words count: 2060
Authors Note: I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you and your dog are doing better! 💙 I wish I could give you more than words of encouragement and that I managed to get faster to this request, I apologize Please make sure to take care of yourself, alright? Take time for yourself to deal with the stress and anxiety! Make sure to stay hydrated and remember to eat! Even if it’s just something small!
Once again I apologize for the long wait, I felt really bad already and then I kinda put it off because I felt bad.
adhd hit hard again and haven’t checked for typos yet, but will get on it as soon as I can o7
On another note if you want to read another comfort fic; I have a small series called “A Painful Reminder” which is more angsty but the 2nd part is more about the comfort, if that is something for you 
Living in the SMP was chaotic, turbulent and at times downright painful.
Most people tended to gravitate to one cause or other people to deal with this. Holding on to something so they don’t get pulled under. Get buried beneath the chaos and the violence.
So having people like Y/N around was like a godsend. They were one of the few people that seemed to be able to withstand the constant waves of misfortune and stand strong. Be the rock to hold onto when everything got too overwhelming.
Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy loved their sibling for it.
After Wilbur and Tommy got exiled with Y/N out of L’Manberg, they were there and cheered both of their siblings up. Immediately making plans on how to set up a safe home and collecting ideas on how to get back. They were the one who managed to get a message out to Technoblade and asked him to visit them. Maybe help them.
Wilbur often jokingly said that Y/N was the glue that held the family together, to which they would always reply with the warmest of smiles “I’m glad.”
And what he said was true. Whenever the family fell on hard times and they began to drift apart it was Y/N who pulled all of them back. Pulling them back to reality and giving solutions for their problems if needed.
Sitting down with Wilbur when things got to much. Listening to his thoughts and worries, letting his emotion run freely without judgement. While they looked worried for him, their comforting smile never faltered. Offering him solutions to problems if he wanted it, otherwise they gave him the chance to just air his own thoughts out. To be angry with him. Sad with him.
Working with Tommy on his own projects. Listening to his ideas and giving him a different perspective that could improve some things but also respecting it when Tommy wanted to do this his way. And while he liked to brag and pretend that some things didn’t hit him that hard, they were still patiently listening to him as he spoke about his own pain in a more roundabout way. Telling him that he was not alone and making him feel heard.
Talking to Technoblade whenever the voices got too loud or out of hand again. He would just walk over to them and nudge them away, asking them to talk about something, no matter what. He just needed to hear their voice and be able to concentrate on it. Tune out the garbled voices in his head with a familiar sound that calmed him down no matter what. Leaning against them, slowly falling asleep as Y/N told all about how they were happily working on their own farm and what shenanigans they got up to.
Y/N really was like the warm sun on a cold day. Warming them up and protecting them.
Yes, Y/N was strong. So strong that even Technoblade considered them stronger than him. Maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally.
A clanging of metal rung through the cave. Techno was training with Wilbur while Tommy was just watching. Cheering on Techno.
It wasn’t an unusual situation and something Y/N expected to see as they made their way down the staircase. Wilbur in full iron armor and weapon while Techno just fought back with his own iron sword.
“Hey, Y/N! Welcome back!” Wilbur breathed out. Sweat running down the side of his face as he stopped attacking his brother.
The three men looked happily over to their sibling who slowly walked towards them but soon their expressions fell. Something was off about Y/N and it confused the three.
Their smile was as always plastered on their face but it looked strained. Their eyes wide open, trying to look sincere and loving but the glassy look of them gave off a different picture.
“Y/N? You okay?” Tommy asked as he stood up from the ground. Taking a step closer to them which made them in return stop in their tracks.
Y/N was hugging themself, shakily opening up their mouth to answer but nothing came out. It was then when Techno got very aware of how they were shaking in general.
This all seemed so wrong. This shouldn’t be possible. It just didn’t seem to register fully inside their minds.
Wilbur made sure to get rid off his sword and armor as fast as he could, walking over to his sibling, trying to get a better look at them but they just avoided his gaze.
Staring at the ground, slowly shaking their head “It’s- It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“You aren’t. You really aren’t. What happened? Did they find you?” Techno asked, his voice full with worry. A bit of anger hidden as well.
Y/N had their own little farm in order to support Pogtopia. The potatoes from Techno were great but variety is important after all. Though they also had an abundance of wheat they usually tried to smuggle into Manberg for Niki. Trying to help her out as much as possible with her taxes and work.
This time Y/N nodded “They did… It’s fine though. I’m fine. I’m not hurt. It’s all good.”
Wilbur’s frown deepened “Usually when people have to be so adamant about being okay something isn’t alright.”
Tommy nodded, supporting his statement only to whisper to himself “Adamant? What does-“
But Wilbur continued “We are your family, talk to us.”
Y/N licked their chapped lips “I’m-“
The tears finally escaped their eyes and begun streaming down their face. Sobbing they fell down on the ground. Wilbur immediately followed suit, laying his arm around them and pulling them against his chest. His hand flew up to their head and begun going through their hair, trying to calm them down. Humming a soft tune from their childhood.
It was the first time in their lives they saw Y/N break down like that and it was quite frankly shocking.
Unsure what to do with himself Tommy squatted down “Um, uh, what- what happened?”
Techno was still gripping the iron sword in his hand. Pacing up and down. Manberg found them? What the hell did they do to make Y/N break down like that? His own sibling! Whatever it was he would make sure to pay it back a thousand times over.
“Tommy can you grab them some water?” Wilbur laid his chin on top of Y/N’s head, rubbing circles now on their back.
He didn’t even hesitate, jumping up to run towards one of the chests with food items that Y/N had always ready for them. Grabbing a water bottle and running back over. Happy that he could do something else besides staring.
Tommy then pushed the bottle towards Y/N who gratefully took it, putting some space between them and Wilbur as they drank some of the cold liquid which helped them to calm down.
“You ready to tell us what happened?” Techno stopped pacing around. His gaze purely trained on his crying sibling. Anger still rising in him just like the voices.
Screaming things like “Technosib! How dare they hurt them! Protect them! I love Y/N so much! Why would anyone hurt Y/N! They always help us! Let’s help them for a change! Technosib! Let’s go out and fight them! Yeah! Blood for the Blood God and Y/N!”
Y/N’s voice was still wavering and a bit scratchy from their sobbing as they begun speaking “Hey, hey! Techno don’t concentrate on the voices. Listen to me. It’s all good.”
This somehow made Techno angry. He threw the sword away and finally knelt down next to them as well so his face was on the same eye level as theirs “Stop. Please. Stop thinking about us for one second. Stop trying to not make us uncomfortable or worried! Tell us what happened! Please.”
He was basically begging at the last part. All his worry packed into it.
“Yeah, honestly you trying to make sure everything is okay for us makes us even more worried.” It surprised the others a bit that this came from Tommy but he was correct.
Tears fell down their face again “I- I was just delivering more wheat to Niki and someone must have followed me. They followed me back to my farm and- and- they burned my fields down. There were explosions. I- it was just my farm. I did not harm. Just, why does it always have to end like this. Why do all the good things always end like this. Why can’t this place let something be. There is always something.”
The farm was so important to Y/N. It was their little project they put so much sweat, love and work into. It was their home away from home. A place to retreat and enjoy some peace. This obviously was devastating. It was their one thing they had for themself. The one thing that wasn’t there for anyone else but them.
It was also clear that this seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and it broke the three a bit that they only now seemed to notice this. That it took that long and their whole farm being destroyed for the realize this was heartbreaking.
“Who?” Techno urged but Y/N shook their head.
“I don’t know. Everything went so fast and I tried to save as much as I could but- but it’s all gone. It’s all gone.” Their voice jumped up an octave at the end, burying their face against Wilbur’s shoulder again. Silently sobbing.
It should have been impossible but Wilbur’s frown deepened and his expression turned more grim “Don’t worry. We will get back at them. We will get our revenge. They will see firsthand what they did to you, I promise.”
Shocked Y/N looked up, their red and puffy eyes wide open “Wil, that’s not what I- no revenge. There is already too much misery going around I just want this to stop. I just want all of us being able to live in peace.”
Wilbur should have known that Y/N was too good natured for that but he couldn’t help himself. He was just so angry. Angry at Schlatt and Manberg. That they went for him was one thing but to go out of their way to treat Y/N like this? Let’s just say he put it on the list in bold letters with reasonings on why he will get back at the Manberg faction.
“Listen Y/N.” Techno begun, his voice now calm again “Stop it. Just for once think about yourself. Stop thinking about others for once. You are also worthy of the same care you give us. Let us at least help rebuild your farm. You always help us with our projects, let us help you with yours.”
Tommy seemed to lit up at that “That sounds like a good idea! We could build towers around your new farm and make sure no one gets in! We could put down traps and all!”
He really wasn’t sure how to react but that was at least something he could do for them. As the past General’s right hand man, this should be something he can do. If he couldn’t protect his sibling how could he ever hope to get L’Manberg back.
Wilbur seemed to think about it for a bit but agreed “Yeah, how does that sound?” Though the dark glint in his eyes stayed. The cogs in head still running off with his own thoughts.
“You guys would? Since when can you guys build?” a dry laugh escaped them but it was a laugh nonetheless.
Both Tommy and Wilbur looked almost appalled at that claim while Techno just shrugged and nodded. Just looking around Pogtopia was more functioning than good looking after all. Y/N tried to pretty it up a bit but usually something always happened around here.
“Also Y/N, please talk to us more. Don’t bottle everything up. Please. We worry a lot about you and we love you. You always do so much for us, let us do the same.” Wilbur pushed Y/N a bit off of him and looked them deep into their eyes, hoping that this would really hammer in that this was a genuine plea.
As a respone Y/N wiped the tears off their face “I understand. I’ll try to remember that.”
“Don’t try just do it.”
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boygirlmeetsworld · 4 years ago
Word Count: 1414
Disclaimer: One Piece and all it’s characters belong to Eiichiro Oda, I just like to write about them.
Warnings: None.
Rating: T
Author’s Notes: I was thinking about how luffy absolutely for sure has ptsd from his insane childhood & how he probably deals with nightmares from time to time bc of it. i like to hc that he goes to cuddle with various crew mates when he’s having a really hard night; and that he started doing it bc of the very first night he and zoro spent in the boat together so I wrote about it, lol. 
this is mostly from zoro’s pov & honestly now that I’m writing this post I might make this a series alternating between luffy’s pov and the rest of the straw hats when he comes to them for comfort bc I love writing cuddle fics. we’ll seeeeee.
Summary: Zoro’s not used to comforting people, but for his captain? He could learn to be. 
Lost somewhere in a foggy dream land, Zoro woke when he was startled by what sounded like soft cries drifting into his left ear. ‘What the hell?’ 
Cracking one groggy eye open, the swordsman turned his head in Luffy’s direction to find him thrashing side to side with his arms thrown over his face like he was defending himself. 
Were they under attack? He sat up to get a better look but he didn’t see anyone else in their boat. ‘So Luffy… Was still asleep? Should he try to wake him up?’
“Oi, Luffy! Wake up, you’re just dreaming.” 
He must not have spoken loud enough because Luffy didn’t react. Instead, he started twisting even more violently to the point that the boat rocked with him. It sounded like he was mumbling the phrase, “I won’t tell you,” over and over again but Zoro hadn’t the faintest clue why.
“Luffy! Wake UP!” Zoro tried again, this time louder, and when that didn’t work he swore. ‘The hell else was he supposed to do?!’ He had to put a stop to this before Luffy capsized the both of them.
Without many other ideas, or options really, he decided to plant one of his knees on either side of Luffy’s thighs, trapping them. Then he reached down and grabbed one of the rubber boy’s wrists in each of his hands, pinning them to his chest and pressing his whole torso against the bottom of the boat.
“Snap out of it Luffy, you’re havin’ a nightmare!”  To his great relief, Luffy’s eyes finally fluttered open but his pupils were like pinpricks, his breathing erratic, head whipping around like he wasn’t sure where he was. 
When his eyes landed back on his first mate, Zoro noticed how his pupils dilated back to their normal size. “Zoro..?” He managed to slow his breathing as he looked up at him, slightly confused but considerably less scared. It was almost like recognizing Zoro’s face had been what calmed him down.
The pirate hunter heaved a quiet sigh, releasing Luffy’s wrists and sitting back on his heels a little, regarding the boy lying beneath him with something in his expression akin to sympathy. “Does that happen a lot?”
Luffy was quiet for a while, gaze sweeping off to the side like he was remembering something he didn’t want to. Stuck to his eyes were a layer of tears that made them sparkle like the stars above their heads. His voice was quiet when he finally did answer. “Sorta.”
That was troubling for more than one reason. Zoro furrowed his brows, concerned, arms moving to cross over his chest before he realized that he was still straddling the captain’s thighs. ‘Shit, fuck, whoops.’ 
Blood threatened to burn his cheeks as he quickly moved off to kneel next to him instead. This time he knotted his arms together because he was self-conscious.
Luffy didn’t seem to think anything of it as he sat up and hugged his shins to his chest, resting his chin on his knees. He looked so… Tired, and small. 
A stark contrast from the fearless captain that had leapt in front of a flurry of bullets to save him from execution without thinking once. It hurt his heart to see Luffy like this. ‘But what could he possibly do to help?’
“Is there… Anything that’ll make them stop?”
“Well…” Luffy knit his brows together as he thought for a moment, looking in Zoro’s direction. “It never happens when I sleep with someone.”
Zoro stared back at him with slightly narrowed eyes for several seconds.
‘He couldn’t possibly be talking about sex, right? There was no way. Did -- Luffy even know what sex was? Never mind - he must have meant literally sleeping next to somebody else.’
“What, so like… Cuddling?”
“I guess, yeah.”
He was blinking so innocently over at Zoro that the swordsman felt his heart wrench like he’d been stabbed. “…Why cuddling?”
“Dunno. Just makes me feel more safe.”
There was no reason that he couldn’t do that for his captain. None that weren’t rooted in machismo ideals about when/how it was appropriate to comfort or be affectionate with other men, at least. 
“I…” He began and then hesitated, glancing anywhere but directly at Luffy. ‘Why was his pulse spiking like this? What the hell was he so nervous about? Knock it off, idiot.’
Zoro bit the inside of his cheek to punish himself for being so out of control of his own body. Hard as he tried he just couldn’t keep his face from turning red as he spoke. “I’ll sleep with you, Luffy. If it’ll make you feel better.”
If he noticed him blushing his captain didn’t comment, but he did lift his head into a slight tilt. “Are you sure? You don’t have to, you know.”
“Of course I know that, dumbass,” Zoro dragged a hand through his hair, his face burning even hotter than he thought it could. He started to chastise himself for being so stupid and embarrassing but then Luffy smiled at him. 
Not the wide grin he tended to give out during the day, though. This one was smaller, less in his mouth and more in his eyes. Zoro calmed almost instantly, the tension leaving his shoulders and untying his knotted stomach. ‘Why did Luffy’s smile make him feel so light and sunny every single time?’
“Okay,” he seemed relieved, like the offer had been exactly what he needed, “Thanks Zoro.”
Zoro heaved a heavy sigh when he was sure that most of the blood had drained from his cheeks, looking back at his captain with feigned irritation. “Shut your mouth.”
Luffy giggled, beaming with both eyes scrunched up as Zoro stretched out beside him, placing both hands behind his head. Then he moved to join his first mate, draping an arm across his torso and tangling one of his legs with his. His head settled onto Zoro’s chest, cheek pressed right over the space where his heart pounded quicker than its owner would like to admit.
“Night Zoro.” Luffy mumbled fondly, eyelids slipping closed as he nuzzled his forehead against one of Zoro’s collarbones.
‘Damnit. He was too goddamn cute for his own good.’ Zoro bit the inside of his cheek again, gazing silently up at the dark clouds shifting above his head and wondering why on earth he’d just referred to Luffy as cute. That wasn’t a word men were supposed to use to describe each other...
But for fuck’s sake, he was cute. He was fucking adorable. He was like a little kid that needed Zoro to protect him -- and he could do that. He would do that. He would do anything if it meant keeping Luffy safe. 
“Yeah,” Zoro murmured after a while, folding one of his arms securely around Luffy’s waist and pulling him in till the top of his head was nestled under his chin, “Night, captain.”
Luffy hummed back softly. A few minutes later he was snoring peacefully while the swordsman’s eyes remained trained on the rapidly thinning clouds. 
Somehow in the span of just a day this.. kid had become the most important person in his life and Zoro refused to let death take him like it had taken Kuina. He hadn’t been there to catch her when she fell -- but he would be there for his captain. He vowed to himself and the stars winking down at him that he would always protect Luffy. 
If he fell Zoro would catch him. If he was thrown into the sea, Zoro would dive after him without even thinking once. If he was captured Zoro would break him free or he would die trying.
He felt Luffy shifting against his side and at first Zoro thought he might be having another nightmare -- but then he just snuggled closer and buried his face in his neck. ‘So fucking precious.’  A small smile pulled at his mouth that he didn’t fight off.
Holding Luffy felt nice. No, it felt really nice. It gave him a sense of purpose and made him feel needed, wanted. The only other time he felt something remotely similar to this was when he got his hands on expensive sake -- but this feeling was so much better. Maybe... It was okay to relish in it for a while.
If only under the cover of night where it was just him, his captain, and the nearly endless sea.
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chuckaf · 4 years ago
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Chuck Fic Rec List: Updated
So my fic rec post was in my notifs again the other day, and I noticed a while back that the formatting on the post has gotten all messed up and it’s also had like three reblog additions to it anyway meaning there are three versions out there lol. so, I wanted to do another list of chuck fic recs! I’ll keep the other one up still, so I’m not gonna repeat every fic here, just some I really recommend. I’m also adding the fic summaries, which I didn’t on the old post, and some more of my own opinions so, buckle up for a long post!
Chuck Versus the Steampunk Chronicles | Steampunk.Chuckster
1896. A world powered by steam, where humans and machines coexist, and airships are the fashionable mode of transport. The US Empire's deepest and darkest secrets arrive at Chuck Bartowski's doorstep. Have they fallen into the wrong hands? Or will the inventor prove his mettle, even while he's forced to hide from the very people he's protecting? AU, ongoing chronicle, Charah.
A genuinely incredible AU story, with an entire crafted world and universe, so detailed it frequently blows my mind. There is heart and family and infuriatingly brilliant slow-burn, plus a buttload of danger and super fun historical/steampunk action. Oh how I LOVE it.
Chuck vs the Charade | somedeepmystery
When computer nerd Chuck Bartowski returns home to an empty apartment and a dead girlfriend he finds himself embroiled in a deadly game of espionage and deceit. Everyone around him is playing a part to get what they want and when he starts falling for the new woman in his life, he can't help but wonder if he can trust her or if she's the one he should fear the most.
An action and twist-filled AU based on the movie Charade, which is just such a brilliant fic concept I absolutely adored it from the start.
Two Sides of the Same Coin | dettiot
When you're a spy, there's all kinds of occupational hazards when you work with another spy. For Sarah Walker, though, one mission becomes a life-changing experience. Because working with Charles Carmichael leads to protecting Chuck Bartowski.
The first time I read this fic my mind was just blown to its genius. Such a brilliant interpretation of what the Intersect and its concepts set up in the show could be, and ooooof the Chuck/Sarah interactions, my HEART. Related to it, its companion piece:
A Flip of the Coin | dettiot
What made Charles Carmichael agree to become Chuck Bartowski? Well, to start, it wasn't as much of a change as you'd think. A companion to the early chapters of Two Sides of the Same Coin from Carmichael's perspective.
Chuck vs The Butterfly Effect | n7agentbartowski
Chuck Bartowski is a normal guy who just hit rock bottom. No girlfriend, no career and no super computer stuck inside his head. It isn't until Chuck meets a gorgeous stranger on the beach that he begins to think his life is about to change for the better. An AU Chuck fic without the Intersect. "Change one thing and it changes everything."
I said it on the OG post, but this story has one of my top 5 Chuck/Sarah fic meetings. So funny, so... very Chuck. The story is a little angsty overall, but a great read.
Chuck vs the Rogue Spy | Crumby
When a rogue spy from Chuck Bartowski's past shows up to help him during his first solo mission, Chuck hopes that he'll finally find out what happened to Sarah Walker. Post-S2 AU.
There’s a lot of Season 3 fix-it fics out there, which I don’t usually read bc I actually love season 3 lol, but this one’s a good one! A twisty deviation from canon, but still feels really true to character.
Chuck Versus the Nerds Rewrite | Steampunk.Chuckster and David Carner
What happens when two nerds talk endless hours about their favorite TV show? A new take on the show you know, but with the flair, twists, and turns you've come to expect from Steampunk . Chuckster and david . carner. Somewhat canon. Charah.
As the summary says, a different take on the show, which honestly makes a couple changes I would too, but also adds a bunch of fun twists and plots that make it totally new and fresh. Seeing Chuck and Sarah’s thoughts in the more canon sections is just delicious, too.
The Trapped Assassin | SarahsSupplyCloset
After a mission goes awry, the CIA's most lethal assassin is ordered to take vacation while her superiors figure out what to do with her. But when she meets a disarming tourist, their immediate connection only adds to her disillusionment with the agency and her career. Will he be enough for her to finally take the plunge and leave the only life she's ever known? Charah AU
A warning for the very justified M rating if you don’t like that sort of thing, but this is definitely a plot-heavy fic, too. A really neat Sarah-heavy AU, with a whole lotta Chuck/Sarah fancy French vacationy goodness.
Chuck vs the Second Chance | malamoo
AU from mid-season 2 and onwards. Chuck and Sarah part ways only to be reunited years later. COMPLETE.
Literal, crying-at-my-screen angst. Not even a super happy ending. But a brilliantly written, part-reflective/flashback fic, exploring what would’ve happened if Chuck and Sarah’s relationship really was an assignment all along-- and the aftermath. It’s heartbreaking. But if you want a little heartbreak, this is your fic.
Ready at Your Hand | dettiot
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a Catholic plot against the queen comes to the attention of spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. To protect Elizabeth, he develops an unusual plan: hide the passing of intelligence between two agents by a false romance. When Lady Sarah Walker and Chuck Carmichael meet, though, their pretend flirtation becomes much more.
I love Chuck fic for the very reason that it’s inspired such adventurous and totally unique AUs. Here’s some Elizabethan fake-dating Chuck and Sarah! They have to be so Proper, it’s like that hand moment from Pride and Prejudice but Elizabethan and times a billion. The pining!!
Sarah Versus Getting Married | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker is getting married. Canon. Charah.
I’d recommend all of SC’s fics if I had the room, and I’m already recommending a ton sksks but most of my fic recs are AUs, and this one isn’t! It’s canon, and covers some of in the gap in 4x24, with Sarah just before the wedding itself. Super sweet, heart-tugging, brilliant.
A Chuckmas Carol | Mikki13
A new twist to Dickens' beloved "A Christmas Carol". When Sarah begins to shut out the world around her, three spirits come to show her the error of her ways. Season 3 AU.
Another Season 3 AU, this one written pre-series so it definitely doesn’t fit to canon, but it’s still wonderfully rich in character depth and angst and it also made me cry. Plus, festive!
Chuck Versus Thin Ice | Steampunk.Chuckster
On the doorstep of the Olympics, top American curler Sarah Walker has lost her mixed doubles partner and her boyfriend in one fell swoop. Her coaches throw newbie Team U.S.A. curler Chuck Bartowski onto her team and thrust them into the Olympics, hanging America's curling hopes on two people who only have a short amount of time to learn to trust one another. Charah AU.
Do you like curling? Or the Winter Olympics? It doesn’t really matter because somehow this fic made me extremely invested in both of those things, as well as Chuck and Sarah and them being INSUFFERABLE. Catch me now knowing a ton about curling thanks to this fic.
Walker’s Eleven | Moonlight Pilot
Not the same plot as the movie. Sarah Walker never got out of the con game or became a spy, and now she's on her final con. What happens when true love and betrayal get added to the mix? Twists, turns, and Jeffster!
Con!Sarah always interests me, and this fic is full of her. Lotta con plot, lotta Chuck and Sarah.
The Detective and the Tech Guy | thecharleses
Sarah Walker is a Pinkerton detective. Chuck Bartowski is an electronics genius. They wouldn't have met except for a case of mistaken identity and murder. Will the detective and the tech guy solve the mystery, distracted by the riddle in their own hearts? An homage to The Thin Man film series. Formerly co-written by Steampunk . Chuckster and dettiot, now ONLY Steampunk . Chuckster.
Everyone in this fic is so damn cool. There are so many martinis. But also great heart and family and like, standing up for who you love, and later also Chuck with Baby Clara content which frankly the show robbed us of. Also, PI!Sarah!!!
Gravity | Poetic4U
AU. Sarah makes a decision that altered her life forever.
This is just a one-shot, which many of these stories are not, so a good one if you don’t fancy a big read! Just because it’s short, though, doesn’t mean it’s lacking; a really awesome what-if AU, and heavy on the Chuck and Sarah.
A Yuletie Tale | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker was dumped the day before Christmas Eve, and her Plus One at her work’s annual Christmas Eve Soiree is now officially a Plus Zero. Her best friend Ellie Bartowski has a solution to her problem, and Sarah finds she isn’t quite as sure about it as Ellie is. AU Christmas Charah.
I’m particularly in love with this fic because, instead of beginning with a meet-cute, it involves Chuck and Sarah already two years into a friendship-- Sarah is Ellie’s best friend. And she’s been crushing harrrd on Ellie’s brother. Also Chuck is in a tux. It’s pretty.
Set, Spike, Dive! | Frea O’Scanlin
Chuck never expected to even make it to the Olympics. Everything is working against him: he's too tall for a diver, too inexperienced for a medal, too much of a wildcard to really make his mark. But an unexpected meeting at the airport, some intriguing new friends, and a whirlwind romance on the sand just might set up London 2012 as the time of Chuck Bartowski's life.
A London 2012 AU, because why not. This is just a fun Olympic-y ride!
OTP (One True Pairing) Prompts | David Carner
A series of Prompts I found online about different times and places in Chuck and Sarah's life. Mostly AU, mostly one-shots. I assume mostly fluff, but I might get deep. I doubt it, it's me. Charah...ALWAYS (It says complete, but if an idea strikes me...)
If you’re not so into long stories, this fic is perfect. Individual set-ups and stories, all Chuck and Sarah, and all super cute. You could dip in and out and just pick a scenario you enjoy.
Chuck vs The Frontier | ninjaVanish
AU: Chuck was enjoying a simple life as a 19th century watchmaker until an encounter with a beautiful Secret Service agent thrust him into a world of intrigue and adventure he never wanted. But then, with Agent Walker around, it can't be all bad, can it?
This fic gets props for being historically-set but still including the Intersect. Again, a historical AU, so the pining!! the need to be Proper!!! But besides all that, there’s a lot of action fun as well.
Chuck Versus The Crosswalk: Remastered | WvonB
Will a last minute mission help our two favorite characters finally get together? This is the remastered version of my first story.
The original version of this fic is on my first list; this is the updated version! It’s not a complete AU, instead a story that diverges from canon, so if you’re more into canon characters and setting than a new AU scenario, this is a great fic for that.
Little Girls, Paper Wreaths, and Choc Chip Cookies | DanaPAH
Very AU: Sarah Walker is a single mother whose Christmas spirit needs a boost after a tough divorce. She isn't quite ready to go looking for romance, but her little daughter's affection for their new neighbor may lure it right to her doorstep, anyway.
An incredibly sweet AU one-shot where Chuck and Sarah are new neighbours, and Sarah has a super cute little girl. So much sweetness and love and hope. I love this fic so much it literally led me to write my own neighbour-kid-AU, so, not to toot my own horn but I’ll link it here anyway.
May Your Walls Know Joy | halfachance
Looking for a fresh start after some tough times, Sarah and her three-year-old daughter move to LA. When they meet a sweet curly-haired nerd who lives next door, though, Sarah realizes they might just find more happiness than they'd ever imagined, if only her past doesn't catch up to her first. AU.
It’s what the summary says; if you wanna read, feel free!
Chuck vs the Sound of Music | quistie64
AU. Chuck, nerd extraordinaire, is a man with seven children and Sarah must protect them all from Fulcrum's evil designs. Warning: there will be singing.
I mean. Not much mystery as to the concept with that title and summary lol, but this is a super fun, soft ride with a lotta sweetness, and yes, singing.
Just Two People | David Carner
Meet Sarah Walker PhD, Psychologist, specializing in personality traits. Meet Chuck Bartowski, man who has left THE electronic company of 2020. When Burton Consultants tries to figure out what is wrong with the morale of Orion Industries, what happens when a guy named Chuck meets a woman named Sarah. I'll give you a hint, it's me writing.
David’s done something pretty special with this fic. It’s Chuck and Sarah centric, but very much an ensemble piece, too, with a lot of Team Bartowski and other familiar faces throughout.
Chuck Versus the Con Game | Steampunk.Chuckster
AU. Chuck and Sarah are partners in the con game. It's an existence wrought with danger and violence. Every day could be their last. Every mission could be the end of the line.
This is where I freak out SC and declare this fic the reason I ever got hooked on Chuck fic and then wrote Chuck fic, and the reason I still love it today but. that is true lol. Just so. so good. It’s also written with the chapters out of chronological order, which is super fun from a reading perspective. But con!Sarah AND con!Chuck?? Best. The kind of fic you will be thinking about for days (if not, y’know, years).
As you can tell by the repeats, I highly recommend just about anything by Steampunk.Chuckster, dettiot, or David Carner, but there are a TON of amazing Chuck fics and authors out there. I’ve never known a writing community so wildly creative-- there are so many unique AUs and canon explorations and story concepts that this show has manifested, and it’s all so much fun.
Most of the Chuck fic community is still over on FFN rather than AO3, so if any of these whet your appetite, feel free to have a browse there for more stories. I’m sure you’ll find something great. Personally, all the incredible writing there has also led me to write a buttload; I’m at halfachance on FFN, so if you see any of my stuff or wanna chat fic, feel free to message me there or here.
Happy reading, folks!
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foulserpent · 4 years ago
ok heres my #thots on evangelion 1+3
yeah honestly i really liked it. idk how much it holds up in of itself, but as something that was really meaningful to me (when i was 15, the age of the main characters lol) the ending was honestly pretty satisfying and not what id expect
like i did choose to learn the spoilers when it first came out, but it still managed to surprise me. like it was ultimately very positive and it was very concretely about healing and ended much more optimistically than you would ever expect (literally like everythings 'fixed')
but also so much is introduced or confirmed without giving explanation. like they just introduce concepts rapidfire via dialogue and youre supposed to just be like yeah ok. yeah ok "anti universe" whatever. youre really just along for the ride.
i really wish rebuild did a better job at characterizing asuka, bc like watching it in context of the original helped but if you had only seen the rebuilds she would be very shallow. and they kinda tried to squeeze in some last minute characterization but it didnt do Much.... i wish there had been more from her in the prior movies but as it stands its alright. absolutely bizarre choice to have her be from a series of clones similar to rei, and they implied that she at least Thinks shinji is the same? idk i prefer her being a normal human but it is what it is. her having an angel sealed in her eye was awesome.
rei's arc is really kinda just aborted and idk if its in a good way or not. id have to think about it. definitely not as climactic as EOE. the original rei makes a couple of brief reappearances but they dont mean a Ton
gendo's stuff was really interesting bc. i learned the spoilers back in march and was expecting it to be a little more manpain-ish, and it KINDA was but in a large part it was shinji coming to an understanding of his parent's baggage which is something im too familiar with lol. their whole fight was such a good sequence also i LOVED how it shifted thru memories and scenery.
i think my biggest complaint is that shinji's healing process is maybe too abrupt from the 'despondent sitting in one place for weeks' thing at the beginning to 'creating a new better world' at the end. but i like the outline of it all. i really like that him and asuka acknowledge their crushes on each other as children but not anymore
kaworu is fucking weird bc they confirm the timeloop thing and give just the TINIEST insight into his own psyche (that he was looking for his own happiness and using shinji as a proxy, not in a malicious way but in a very genuine and desperate way), but still not that much. like, i want to kno what the fuck is going on with him. hes definitely equally fucked up to the other kids. also what was the deal between him and kaji.
i wish they didnt imply that shinji was 'with' mari. like i actually do really like that hes not 'with' the 3 love interests of the original but id prefer the conclusion to not directly involve a romantic relationship with anyone bc thats not whats really important... but mari is kind of like, the external source with no baggage, so at the very least she represents a future i guess. also dont quote me on this but i remember reading in a couple places that she might be referential to anno's wife so it might be personal on the director's part (especially since the closing shot was his hometown)
also theres SO many more questions than answers like they CONFIRM mari was fuyutsuki's colleague somehow and CONFIRM kaworu timeloop and etc but dont really explain anything. which is alright honestly but very frustrating
and i can tell ive gotten older bc what moved me most was misato's reconciling with shinji as a weird kinda surrogate familial-ish figure..got choked up when they hugged.
all in all i think ill always like end of evangelion best but this is honestly a very good way to end it all things considered. theres so many good concepts there and it reflects a transition in the outlook of the series and the director, and it was kinda moving considering i was so invested in the series when i was 15 and its come to a close now. i guess i might have preferred an ending more optimistic than EoE but less idealistic than this (like the world itself being de-coreified but shinji still returning to the village and their community facing an uncertain but optimistic future). but still. enjoyed it.
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yunoteru4ever · 3 years ago
What would you change in mirai Nikki if you could?
I'd change it so that the entire manga was released in English. :P
And y'know, given the number of followers this Tumblr has? I'm still hoping for a LOT more signatures on that petition...
But I know that's not what you mean.
So: Manga or Anime? Let's do both.
In general, I actually wish the anime hewed a bit closer to the manga. It's a pretty faithful adaption, don't get me wrong. But there are some cut or alternate scenes that I like better in the manga. I prefer the manga's ending where they get to share control of the Third World and the final shot is our two leads running off to see the stars together. I wish we had some of the additional dialogue and internal thoughts from Minene around the climax. I wish we heard Yuki rebut Yuno's claims that they were just convenient for/using one other. I wish we saw Akise's visit to Yuno's orphanage. 
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Yuno’s literally killing a gaggle of orphans with a carving axe when her old caretaker says this.
And I wish we didn't have the extensions they made up for Seventh's flashback — whereas I think Tsubaki's horrific backstory at least serves the larger narrative, the introduction of some gang rape for Ai that was instigated by some Mean Girls is just gross without serving any purpose.
Which isn't to say that they didn't make some pretty clever additions/changes along the way, too. Like, adapting a chapter out of Mirai Nikki: Mosaic to provide context for Minene and Nishijima's connection? Extremely smart, very important.
This is much tougher. I guess it did bug the crap out of me that Yuki's dad attempts to destroy Yuki's phone, and Yuki 100% believes that his father intends to kill him when it happens, which is NEVER REFUTED. This is something that the anime fixed, so it's probably an issue that Sakae Esuno is already aware of.
But no. The thing I most want to change isn’t even in the main series. I don’t have much there that I’d complain about, honestly.
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No, the thing I most want to fix is the Paradox side series. I gave it a little review here long ago, and I’ve talked about one of its biggest missed opportunities. But just... we’ve got to do something about this thing.
1) We need a reason why Yuno is missing. Let’s say that... oh, how about her brain broke upon seeing Yuki die, being unable to resurrected him, coming to the Second World, killing her own self, and then having her memories blocked to boot. So she’s just wandering the countryside aimlessly while her mind tries to get ahold of itself, bc right now she barely knows her own fucking name or something. And maybe Murmur can’t find her because, y’know, we hint at the fact that there’s something supernatural blocking Murmur’s ability to do so. Because we don’t want to reveal that Yuno might have godly abilities squirreled away inside her just yet, because this was published and was read by people before the main series was wrapped up. So we can’t do those reveals in HERE< right? 
But see, I think we can even do all this without revealing the events that made Yuno lose it explicitly. Maybe we just include a hint to that opening scene of the whole story where she was talking to Yuki’s corpse without explaining it further. When we finally find her near the end of the story, maybe we have her mumbling some things that don’t seem to make sense (like “I have to die?”) that hint at how we got here. 
2) If Akise has to attack the Akashic Records (which I think is extremely debatable), let’s give voice to WHY he’d do something like that. Let Akise actually say to Murmur “Whatever god it is that you’re serving, he’s not mine. I control my own destiny - as should we all.” And boom, he suddenly has a major reason to attack the place where Deus keeps all records of the past AND the expected future, because it would be like a way to wipe the slate clean. 
3) I’ll accept that Sakae Esuno probably didn’t want to leave another timeline (a “Fourth World”) hanging out there, so, fine — let’s say that he hit the reset button somehow. But let’s have the giant reset button make some sort of sense. Let’s say Akise figures out how to access the Cathedral of Causality and the Akashic Records; sure. And Yuno, finally getting a sense of who she is, ends up following him there. That’s where she sees Yuki in a comatose state and goes completely ballistic. As Akise is attacking the records and Murmur is attacking Akise to stop him (and silence him), Yuno is attacking EVERYTHING IN SIGHT. And then we finally let the threat that was hanging over Murmur the whole story (i.e., Deus finding out) actually come to fruition. Deus discovers what’s happening, he’s irritated/angry about it, and due to the important of the records and the fact that he wants the players in his game to play this thing out without direct interference from him and Murmur, he... does something. I don’t know. Maybe, in the instance that the records are damaged, there’s a “ONE TIME ONLY” failsafe that rewinds all events in the world by a few days, setting us back to where we came in, only now the players are in the right positions. Y’know? Just... SOMETHING. Hand-wave it at least a little.
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scarletwinterxx · 5 years ago
First and Last pt. 4
Hello! I was going to post earlier but got distracted. had to pause writing for bit bcs I was watching Hyuck’s vlive. Anywayyysss thank you for all the love and support. I hope you enjoy this chapter!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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“Do you think he’ll like it?”
“He said he likes tiramisu so yea” Jeno answered
“But I don’t want it to seem like I’m bribing him with food. Maybe I should just-“
“Y/N-ah, it’s fine. Jaemin will love it. And he’s not really mad at you, you know. He’s just sad and disappointed” Jeno assured the girl who was currently fiddling with the cake she was holding.
When Y/N came to Jeno, asking him for help he didn’t hesitate to say yes. He knew the situation was a bit complicated considering his friends are not on speaking terms at the moment. 
He could only imagine the tension over at Haechan and Renjun’s dorm.
“You know that doesn’t make it any better” y/n deadpanned, the boy sitting across her just shooting her one of his famous eye smile
“Don’t worry about it, where is Haechan by the way?” Jeno asked
“He still has two more classes, I had to call him this morning to make sure he actually got out of bed” y/n stated, Jeno was just smiling to himself as Y/n speaks about his friend.
Even if their relationship was pretend at the beginning, it looks like it isn’t anymore. He’s just not sure if those two were aware of it.
The first time he saw y/n and Haechan together, he didn’t even think twice about their relationship. They just clicked so easily it seemed like they’ve been dating for a long time.
All those times the two were together, it wouldn’t even cross anyone’s mind that it was fake. 
They brought out sides of each other, better sides, without even realizing it.
“I should go over and see if he’s okay but I don’t want to bother Renjun, I’m sure I’m the last person he would want to see” The girl mumbled, she looked so down and ridden with guilt
“That’s not true, he just needs some time. He’ll come around” Jeno said then shot Y/N a comforting smile. The two didn’t notice Jaemin approaching the bench they were sitting on
“Hello” Jaemin said making the pair jump in surprise. Y/N immediately stood up and bowed her head, holding out the box towards Jaemin
“I’m really really sorry about making you upset and lying to you. I understand if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, here’s a little peace offering to lessen your sadness atleast for a bit” Y/N said, her voice getting lower as she speaks more
Jaemin leaned his head down, standing in line of Y/N’s sight
“My eyes are not on the floor though” the blue haired boy chuckled
“You need to stop apologizing for everything, like I said I wasn’t mad” Jaemin shot the girl a small smile then accepting the gift she was handing over
“Sorr- I mean... Yea...” Y/N stuttered, trying to stop herself from saying sorry again
“Don’t worry, thanks for this. You didn’t have to but thank you”
“I really do apologize for making you upset. That was never the intention we had when we did it” Y/N told him and also Jeno
“May I know why? Why did you do it?”
“Hyuck... he just doesn’t want people to give him the pity looks anymore. I would never understand what it’s like to be in his place, no one should ever know what it’s like to be cheated on. He just got tired of being reminded of that everyday”
“We don’t even talk about it” Jaemin mumbled, a pout forming on his lips as he recall if they ever mentioned Lia in any conversation they’ve had. Renjun was very adamant about never speaking her name ever again so he can’t remember much
“I know but you also have been treating him with baby gloves, Hyuck won’t break you know. He might have been upset, sad and broken about it but he’s also trying to get better. If you tiptoe around him then he’ll feel like he’s not making any progress” Y/N explained, the two boys now understanding more 
“Did he tell you this?” Jeno asked, wondering if he should have listened more to his friend or if he could have done something more
“No, but I can see it. He didn’t have to tell me. That’s why I agreed to do it, not because I wanted to make Lia jealous or to fool you guys but because I saw he was tired of tiptoeing too. He needed some room to breath, if having a fake girlfriend is what it takes to get that then why not” 
"Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like he was using me. If anything we really helped each other out. These past few months have been an adventure compared to the past 20 years of my life, I’m thankful for that”
After Y/N’s explanation, they finally get why.
“Thank you, too” Jaemin said surprising Y/N 
“For what?” she asked back
“You understood our bestfriend more than we did. You saw right through him and helped him when he needed it and he didn’t even say a word, thank you for being there for him”
Y/N smiled warmly at him, getting a little teary eyed
“Ya don’t cry, Haechan will kill me if he sees you crying” Jaemin said making the girl laugh
“Thank you”
“So we’re good now? Shall we eat this cake? Thanks by the way. Now I’m going to prove how Tiramisu cake is so much better” Jaemin said, the atmosphere significantly lifting. 
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To say Y/N feels nervous is an understatement, she’s currently standing outside Renjun and Hyuck’s dorm waiting for the door to open. 
When it finally did, she felt like her heart skipped and she lost all the words she was about to say, 
“What are you doing here? Hyuck’s not here yet” Renjun answered, his voice devoid of any emotion making Y/N feel more nervous but she knew she had to do it. 
“I actually came to talk to you” she told the boy, honestly speaking she was expecting to have the door slammed on her face but Renjun just opened the door wider and gestured for her to go in. 
“You can sit, you know” Renjun said when he saw Y/N standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room
Renjun sat on the seat across from Y/N, still sporting a blank look on his face. 
Y/N took a deep breath before speaking. 
“I fully understand why you got mad, I’m sorry for lying. I do feel bad for fooling you like that-”
“Then why do it?” Renjun asked, never the one to beat around the bush always straight to the point
“Hyuck. And some selfish reason I had, trying to feel something more”
Renjun raised his brow at this, a signal for Y/N to explain some more
“It was never his intention to hurt you guys, he just needed a little more room to breath. He does appreciate you caring for him, especially you. He never tells you guys but he does. He cherishes you all” 
“I had to watch him be so down for months, did you know he ran away?” to this Y/N shook her head, this story new to her
“You already know he never confronted Lia, we were all telling him to talk to her and that he didn’t deserve to be treated like that but he was waiting for her to say her side. Then when Lia broke up with him, making it look like he was the bad guy, he just ran away”
“Last summer, we thought he just went home but when we decided to visit him his mom told us he hasn’t been home all summer. He went back to Jeju for awhile, by himself. He only came back after we went there and literally had to drag him” as Renjun retold the story, a little smile appears on the side of his face.
“He looked so lost, I’ve never seen him like that. I wish I never see him like that ever again. That’s why we’ve been very cautious around him”
“You’re a good friend, sounds like you helped him alot” Y/N said
“Looks like he doesn’t want that help though”
“I needed the help, I didn’t know I did but apparently I do. I’ve always been alone, I’m never anyone’s first choice. No one would ever ask me first to be their partner in a project or ask me to go out and hang out. I was always that girl in the background, only being asked so it won’t get awkward. When Donghyuck asked me to be his girlfriend, well fake girlfriend, my first question was why me”
At this, it was Y/N turn to smile
“Out of everyone in that room, he saw me and somehow thought ‘Oh I pick her’. When we did that project last semester, I was already expecting I was going to do it alone but suddenly Hyuck was sitting next to me going on about when should we start doing the project, my first thought was ‘someone picked me’“
Y/N was fiddling with her fingers, a habit she developed when she gets anxious
“It takes strength to admit your weaknesses, I admit I’m not the best when it comes to making friends or expressing myself. It’s a big fault of mine, I overthink a lot. I worry over things I shouldn’t be worrying about. I’m a mess” Y/N said
Renjun now understand why she was saying. 
Out of everyone, she understood what it feels like to be a mess. They all were but Y/N saw the mess Haechan was trying so hard to hide. She saw how he was struggling but unlike the rest of them, she didn’t pressure him into getting better. She just let him take the steps he needed until Hyuck felt okay again. 
“Hyuck knows when to give me space when I need it, he reminds me not to worry about things I absolutely have no control over”
“He gives you that room to breath” Renjun finished the sentence for her, the girl nodding her head gently 
“It still gets hard at times but now I know I have someone with me”
While the two were having a serious talk they didn’t hear the door open, Donghyuck entering the dorm room and hearing his bestfriend and the girl he likes having what looks like to be a very serious talk. 
“Sometimes you just need to get lost to find yourself again. I get lost a lot, now I met someone who can anchor me down. Am I a bad person for putting that on him?” Y/N asked, a confused look crossing Donghyuck’s face having no clue what they were talking about
“No, he looks like he actually likes it” Renjun chuckled
“I’m sorry, I really am. You didn’t deserve being lied to” Y/N said, apologizing to the boy sitting across from her. For a while Renjun didn’t say anything, the tension rising inside the room
“Do you like him? Like for real?” Renjun asked, Hyuck unconsciously holding his breath waiting for Y/N’s answer. 
“I do”
There are moments when it's just the two of them that tells Hyuck she feels the same way about him, but then it goes as fast as it came. He wanted so bad to talk to her about it but he didn’t want to pressure Y/N into anything. 
Things started out complicated, their whole relationship wasn’t the typical one. Hyuck knew there are a lot of things to set straight, he’s just finding the right time to do so. 
“But this isn’t about us right now. We can resolve that later” Y/N said with a gentle smile, “He needs his bestfriend more than he needs a girlfriend”
“I think right now he prefers you more” Renjun said, Hyuck held in a chuckle. He could already imagine the blush on Y/N cheeks
“I- well... I mean we’re friends”
“What happens to the two of you?”
“I thought I just said this isn’t about us, I’m trying to fix your friendship” Y/N mumbled, Renjun letting out a little laugh before speaking again
“He won’t get rid of me that easily, I just needed the time. As much as we fight and bicker, I don’t think I can live without him. Don’t tell him though”
Little did Renjun knew, Hyuck was standing near by waiting. 
“I really am sorry” Y/N said once again
“I understand”
“Now back to my question, so what happens to the two of you. I’m pretty sure Haechan like-” before Renjun could say more Hyuck decided this is a good time to make his presence known
“What is happening here?” Hyuck saw Y/N jump a bit on her seat at the sound of his voice, the girl turning to where he was standing. Acting as if he just arrived and didn’t hear the conversation that just took place between the two. 
“I can feel my ears burning, are you talking about me?” Hyuck asked again
“Only the embarrassing stuff you’ve done” Renjun replied, any tension that was there during that party was long gone. 
“You two must have been here all day then” Hyuck said then took the seat beside Y/N, 
“I heard you bought Jaemin cake” the boy tells Y/N
“As a peace offering”
“Where’s my peace offering?” Renjun asked jokingly, “Uh- well... I thought about how to approach you and a cake didn’t sound like a good plan” Y/N explained seriously
“He’s kidding, he likes hotpot though. If you ever need him to do something, try that” Hyuck told the girl, she just chuckled at his advice
“Stop exposing me like that”
After Y/N and Renjun’s talk, all was well again. The trio had dinner then decided to call it a night, Hyuck volunteering to walk Y/N back to her dorm even when the girl insisted she can just walk alone
“I can go home by myself, it’s been a long day”
“Sorry I can’t hear you” Hyuck said as he throw the take away bags they just finished, Renjun already in the kitchen clearing the rest of the dishes while quietly listening to the two
“I said I can walk home alone” this time Y/N pulled on Hyuck’s shoulder and spekaing directly into Hyuck’s ear, meanwhile the boy just smiles at Y/N’s action
Renjun rolling his eyes at the two but also smiling at them. They were perfect for each other, he thought. 
“I heard you this time but deciding not to listen still” Hyuck said then walked to the door, already putting on his shoes
“I swear one day, I’m going to hit you” Y/N mumbled under her breath but the two boys heard it. Renjun laughing at her statement while Hyuck had a smirk on his lips, “And like I said before, I don’t mind being hit on as long as it’s-” Y/N eyes widden, already knowing what Hyuck was about to say so she cut him off
“Okay okay okay, fine. Let’s go. Bye, Renjun” she waved at the boy, Renjun saying a quick goodbye
After the two were out the door, he could hear the faint sound of their playful argument. Y/N must feel that comfortable around Hyuck, he has only ever seen her like that when it’s with Hyuck. 
With this thought he pulled his phone out, quickly calling his other friends
“I’d give it 2 weeks, loser treats the winners” Renjun said as Jaemin picks up the call, he didn’t even need to explain 
On the other side of the line, Jaemin was smiling widely. Jeno saw this and asked who was on the phone so Jaemin put it on speaker 
“I say a week” Jaemin answered
“What are we talking about?” Jeno asked, “How long will it take for Y/N and Haechan to get together for real” Renjun explained, 
The other two already understood that Hyuck, Renjun and Y/N made up. 
“I don’t think we should be betting on this” Jeno mumbled, meanwhile Renjun rolled his eyes at this statement
“Just say your guess, Jen” Renjun deadpanned
“Injun said two weeks, I said 1″ Jaemin told the boy, “Three” Jeno answered
“Weeks? no way, they like each other too much”
“Day. Three days” Jeno clarified, feeling confident about his guess
“It’s on”
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snkpolls · 4 years ago
SnK Episode 66 Poll Results (for Manga Readers)
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The poll closed with 244 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Manga Readers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll, click here.
RATE THE EPISODE 238 Responses
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“Assault” was a total hit with the fans, with 93.7% of respondents rating it a 4 or 5. Nobody gave the lowest rating this week, and only a couple of people weren’t as impressed with the episode. 
I wasn’t a fan of previous episode but GOD I’M BACK TO HYPE! This episode was so full of awesome scenes that picking just one favourite and one that made me most emotiona seems unfair
Incredible improvement. Almost reminded me of Season 1 with all the impact/shockwave flair at times
Was amazing
It was a banger 
One of the best episodes in the ENTIRE SERIES. At first i was skeptical because the cgi often kept throwing me off but i was PLEASENTLY surprised how fantastic the last episode was
it was awesome
So proud of MAPPA with what they've done so far! Appreciate them! 💕
It was breathtaking and MAPPA did tje manga justice!
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Armin making his entrance by blowing up the harbor took the edge this week, with 28.7% most hyped up about the scene. Following closely behind with 26.2% of the vote is Eren using Porco as a nutcracker to eat the War Hammer Titan. 19.8% most enjoyed watching Mikasa fillet Porco’s legs, and 17.3% liked the scene where Sasha and Jean help take down Pieck and the Panzer Unit. 
Jean vs. Pieck was epic!
Levi was so awesome!  It was great hearing his voice again, just everything about him made my day.  this episode was perfect <3
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To counter the breathtaking action this week, some scenes also brought out our emotions. 25.7% were most affected by Gabi and Falco desperately calling out for Reiner to save Porco and help them. 20.7% felt the same pain as Mikasa as she watched Eren brutally kill another person. 15.6% were pained to see Armin’s reaction to his horrific action of destroying the harbor. At some smaller percentages, people were also emotionally touched by these scenes, in order: Seeing the Panzer unit’s pictures in their cabins, Porco’s desperate pleas for Eren to stop using him to kill Lara Tybur, and Reiner’s continued desire to end his own life. 
Seeing hange onscreen again has added 100 years to my lifespan.
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Overall people weren’t too spectacularly creeped out by the haunting image of the War Hammer Titan at the beginning of the episode. About 45.7% of respondents feel they’ve seen things much creepier, while about 33.7% felt it was more close to the thing of nightmares. 20.7% were simply somewhere in the middle.
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Gabi’s seiyuu truly sold this scene and the fandom seems to overwhelmingly agree that she did a fantastic job, with nearly 93% of respondents ranking her performance a 4 or 5. Only a small handful were less enthused, finding the screams more annoying than impressive. 
I’m usually a defender of Gabi, but Falco and Gabi’s screaming annoyed the f out of me
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After much disappointment in the previous episode’s usage of CGI, people in the fandom are feeling a lot more pleased with it this week, with no one even ranking its usage as a 1. The majority felt that MAPPA did a good job, likely hoping that the trend continues.
I Thought the CGI Section in the opening bits looked incredibly wonky, But after that it was used well.
I've been fairly tepid on the CGI while acknowledging its necessity. However, this episode used in amazingly after I was a bit dissapointed with its use last week. Very satisfied with pretty much everything this episode.
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Onyankopon finally makes his appearance and the fandom is overwhelmingly positive about MAPPA’s character design for him, with just over 87% of respondents either stating they are super happy with the design or that they’re straight up starstruck and in love. Only a small handful felt he could have been done a little better. 
Nailed it! Though I had to come back and see him in the rewatch. Was too focused on Hange and Armin. 
I honestly don’t care as he’s a relatively minor character in the manga
They did onion coupon really damn well
He is significantly more bad ass looking than I assumed he would be 
He looks super cool but his voice is too soft. 
He looks even more like Finn than in the manga, and as a John Boyega fan I think that's a good thing!
Idc about his appearance, hope his character will just be portrayed correctly.
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One of the joys for some manga readers when the anime seasons are running is seeing the way that our anime-only counterparts react to the story developments. One of the big plot twists next week will be that Zeke was working with Eren/The Survey Corps and people are eagerly anticipating the fan reaction to the revelation. 44.4% feel that anime only watchers will be totally thrown off guard and that MAPPA has done an excellent job of concealing this plot twist. 27.4% feel similarly positive about the fan reactions for this reveal, though a little disappointed there was a bit less room to theorize. 14.8% aren’t sure as they don’t really keep up with anime-only fan reactions, and a few either feel they’ve probably already pieced it together, or just don’t care. 
The Jaw might be down for the count, but jaws will still drop next ep.
I've been watching reactions from anime only people for this season and some are definitely putting together correctly that Zeke is in on the plan.
I listen to an “Anime only” podcast Where are you they literally called Zeke working with Paradis, but I’m not sure about others. 
I've already seen several theorize that Zeke is working with Paradis. The suspicious nature of his death in this episode clinched it for some of them.
Some of them will be surprised, but the ones who watch the anime more carefully and like to think about things most likely know that Zeke might work with Paradis.
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A small addition, but impactful nonetheless. 53.7% felt more saddened about the Panzer Unit’s deaths after seeing how strong their bond with each other was (or, alternatively, how hard all of the boys simped after Pieck). 37.4% agree that it added just a little more depth to the characters, though it ultimately didn’t do anything to move them too much emotionally. A handful don’t care or were just salty about the addition in general. 
Their screen time was short in general. It was a nice touch, definitely made me pause to get a better look and feel a bit bad for them.
That, and them screaming for Pieck as they get blown up :( amazing additions. 
I gotta be honest, I didn't even notice until I saw this question. I was too busy screaming over Sasha being amazing. It's a nice addition though.
Yes. It shows that the marleyan warriors were not emotionless monsters, but they had their lives, families, friends and were normal people overall. I felt really sorry for them. 
I didn't notice until I saw this question, but I do think it adds to the sadness. 
I was upset by their deaths because they and Pieck were a team and looked out for each other
I loved to see it! It really added more to their characters. The entire Panzer unit being Pieck simps, that is. 
They cut out the scene where the bullet actually HIT Carlo.
it just shows once again how complicated attack on titan is and how much their actions have consequences. no side is innocent
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In the manga, we see a shot of Porco having a meal with Pieck and Zeke while he becomes distraught over the assault on his comrades. MAPPA omitted it, though for the most part fans didn’t really seem to care. Only about 21% of respondents felt something was missing without the small flashback, while the rest were indifferent or felt it never really fit in anyway.
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As expected of the fandom, they agree that any new Pieck content is good content. Even though it was a small one-liner addition, the vast majority were very pleased with MAPPA’s scripting of this moment. Only a small handful felt it was unnecessary.
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A rare occurrence, but the fandom seems to agree that MAPPA excelled at adapting this scene and made it even more impactful than it was in the manga, with nearly 50% stating that they preferred the anime’s take on this moment. 35.7% feel that the impact was of equal strength in both mediums, and only 10.1% still prefer the original manga portrayal. 
I feel like the anime dragged it out a little bit and some angles were meh bc the cgi was more noticeable. I'll have to go back to the chapter to see how many panels were dedicated to the scene
Porco's seiyuu SOLD it. 
I think both are pretty equal but hearing Porco scream and beg for Eren to stop made it a bit more nerve racking.
titan eren’s face during the nutcracker bit was legit terrifying in a way I can’t quite explain 
The music, the voice acting, the scary CGI attack Titan. This scene was impeccably strong! I give it 100%
I felt more surprised in the manga because i didnt expect it, but in the anime porcos reaction made it more horrifying 
Hearing Porco made it even more impactful
Ngl, I was much more grossed out watching it animated than in manga form. Just all that blood and the swallowing...*shudders*
Eren was absolutely in the right here
The swallowing noises and the weird thick blood was absolutely disgusting 10/10
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Unrelated to the episode itself, but remembering that Jean was partially responsible for the deaths of people Pieck loved was something that had us thinking, and we were curious what others thought as well. 39.1% feel that Pieck would never be able to forgive Jean for his part in the assault, but is big enough to move on and leave it in the past. 25.3% don’t want to make a call either way, as Isayama hasn’t done much to explore this facet of her character. 14.2% feel she’s moved past it completely and has forgiven Jean for his role. Smaller percentages either felt she doesn’t hold him responsible at all, or that she will always resent him and is only working with him insofar as to reach her own goals. 
It's war.
dont care fuck pieck
I mean there's no indication that Isayama has even considered this in my opinion so the answer is completely speculative. So like my answer is "She forgot and moved on" :D
She still has a pain in her heart after losing the Panzer Unit, they were her friends after all. But Pieck is smart and she understand why Jean did that. Also, the world is in fire so she doesn't have a time to think about it now.  
The Alliance characters are not allowed to keep grudges (thought at least it fits for Pieck)
The scene with Panzer Unit was so powerful in anime that it detroyed all my Jeanpiku hopes I had after the last chapter :’) I think Pieck could come to an understanding and blame others more than Jean but I’m not sure if she’s ready to fully forgive
I think that Pieck doesn't hold Jean responsible, understanding that it wasn't personal and just counts it as a tragedy from the war.
Pieck seems to be really understanding character and full of empathy. She’ll forgive Jean as soon as he shows he’s sorry for what happened (and he probably really is as long as he hates the idea of killing people)
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We’ve got a heavy episode coming, and a number of things to look forward to. As expected, 40.8% are most anticipating the scene where Sasha dies by Gabi’s gunshot. 31.3% are looking forward to seeing Levi confront and arrest Eren. 23.6% are most looking forward to the big reveal that Zeke was working with Eren all along. Only a small handful are looking forward to the Gabi and Falco content before they board the blimp. 
I'm NOT ready for the next ep...
This is where the fun begins both in anime only reactions and in seeing fantastic scenes brought to life.  
So good. Chills everywhere. Watched it so many times and still getting chills. The 3 minute sequence starting from Armin blowing up the port up to Pieck falling from the rooftop is mindblowingly good. Perfection. 
I remember being really sad when the WHT left the plot so quickly in the manga because it had the best titan design imo. I know we've seen her again in the recent chapters, but the WHT was even better with Lara seen controlling it. She looked so cool, calm and collected in that crystal the whole time. RIP Lara Tybur :( 
Ost are awesome !
Thought it was the best episode of season 4 so far. They kinda gave Hange the mappa egg head syndrome in their first full face shot though. 
It was phenomenal!! And really, if people still don't understand why Gabi goes off, they have their head in the clouds. Everything was so visceral and I genuinely felt fear for the warriors. It moved so quickly just back to back; I could taste the kids desperation. 
I think ending the episode with Reiner transformed is misleading yet strategic since it will tear apart the audience in the next episode.
This was the best episode by far! For a long time I couldn't get over how awesome the attack on Fort Slava in the first episode was and it remained my favorite, but this episode potrayed the war so well and you could totally feel the terror of the war with them!
So, so, so, so good. I was surprised by how emotional I got over it. Mappa is really making everything hit so hard!
Loved the episode! I believe this adaptation has even improved on some scenes (like Armin's tranformation and Gabi's screams), the ost and voice acting give it so much more power and the CGI looks better than in previous episodes. Really looking forward to ep 8 and the little surprises Mappa will give us with it 
This episode was really great, the 1st to get me truly hyped. I was very disappointed last episode because it felt very underwhelming was I watched it, so much so I didn't even want to participate in the poll last week because there was enough negativity about it out there and I didn't want to add to it. After staying away from others opinions and having watched this week's episode i gave 65 a rewatch and I honestly think it's a good episode, with small flaws here and there. I guess all the negativity can really affect how we perceive this adaptation. I realized I watched that whole episode looking for any moment mappa had messed up, moments that I knew people would complain about. This week I didn't and I enjoyed it a lot more. So even though it may not be like this for everyone, distancing yourself from all of the exaggerated "criticism" might just make you enjoy and appreciate it a lot more. 
I still strongly dislike how the CG Attack Titan looks but this episode looked MUCH better than the previous one and was even better lit, IMO. Armin looked beautiful, the colossal titan looked amazing and Levi looked the best he's ever looked to me. JEAN! He looked so good and so did Sasha! I absolutely love the character design this season and everyone looked fantastic. Loved it!
makes me wish porco hadnt died 
I think that I was so disappointed with the previous episode that I just lowered the bar. Either way I enjoyed this episode. I'm still very disappointed with the music choices and much they faded in the background even during climate scenes. But I did feel a lot better about the CGI specially since the barely used it in this episode aside from the titans. Oh man I cant wait the anime fandom reaction to Sasha getting shot. 
The episode was much better than the previous one. I loved it. I loved the moment of horrifying silence after WHT was eaten. The lack of music made the scene more serious and dreadful. Gabi's seiyuu made an excellent work as well. I didn't know I was going to say that but I think that Armin is pretty hot. In the manga he still has his cute baby looks, but MAPPA made his appearance more mature. Now I feel jealous of Annie ;P
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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imaginingsoftly · 5 years ago
Baseball Trivia Pt. 2 - Josh Anderson
Type: Y/N insert shorts, strangers to enemies-ish to lovers, series
Requested: No
Warnings: standard swearing
There was no fucking way. Y/N stared at Thatcher as he talked, but the words he was saying weren’t computing. No fucking way was Josh Anderson on his way to Vancouver. It was like fate had heard her think that they would never meet again and laughed as she sent Josh in Y/N’s direction. “Earth to Y/N, where the fuck did you just go?” She snapped back to the present, shaking her head and smiling at the mountain of a man in front of her instead of responding. Thatcher gave her another weird look before continuing. “We’re gonna have the end-of-summer barbeque at my place after the last day of training camp, and I expect you to be there. Someone’s gotta help me man the grill.” 
It was tradition. End-of-summer barbeques had become a thing beginning their sophomore year at BC, after the pair had become close during their freshman year. Almost eight years later it was still a yearly tradition, though now the barbeque was extended to the entirety of the training-camp team rather than just a few friends. “Took you long enough to pick a date,” Y/N retorted, slapping the bill of Thatcher’s baseball hat. “ I thought I was gonna have to have a barbeque all by myself.” Thatcher slapped the bill of her hat in response, and it turned into an all-out war. As an only child, Thatcher had become the closest thing she had to a brother, shenanigans included. It was refreshing to have someone to mess with who wouldn’t get upset when she roughhoused a little. 
Even while trying not to let Thatcher and his professional athlete muscles overpower her much smaller frame Y/N found her mind wandering back to Josh. There was really no reason for her to be freaking out as much as she was. It was one hook up. There were no strings implied, no numbers exchanged, it’s not like she ghosted the guy, not really. Thatcher had never really expressed any distaste towards her dating other NHLers, but it was different when it came to his teammates. They were like his brothers, and were therefore her brothers by extension. In other words, off limits. 
She really just needed to relax. He wasn’t even on the team when they got together. Everything would be fine. Josh was part of the family now, and she would follow his lead. If he wanted people to know they hooked up then fine, but if he wanted to act like a stranger that was even better. Thatcher was a little bit too protective of Y/N at times, and she religiously avoided getting into it with his teammates just to make sure she didn’t mess with team chemistry. Honestly, there was a chance Josh wouldn’t even remember her. It’s not like the guy had a glowing reputation anyway, and they had been drinking. It would be fine. Maybe if Y/N repeated it to herself often enough, she would start to believe it. 
Y/N sighed heavily, giving in as Thatcher managed to wrestle her into a headlock. “Seriously, Y/N, are you okay?” Thatcher released his arm and turned her so they were facing each other. Crap. Here comes the interrogation. “You’ve been on another planet since we started talking. What gives?” She shrugged. There was no way she was going there right now. 
“I guess I’m just tired, bro,” she said with a shrug, “conference play just started. I’ve got a lot on my plate.” Thatcher reached up to squeeze her shoulders, and Y/N struggled not to cringe at how easily he ate up her lie. It sucked to lie to him, but there was no way she was going to tell him about Josh, not without talking to Josh first. Her response seemed to placate Thatcher, and he gave up on that line of questioning after making Y/N promise to take care of herself. 
Keeping things from Thatcher was tough; he was there for her after her boyfriend of three years broke up with her halfway through their junior year of college, he drove her down to UConn the summer after graduation so she could begin her first internship as a college grad, and he’d been the one to welcome her to Vancouver with open arms after the completion of said internship. He was there for every important part of her adult life, and now the one thing she hadn’t told him was going to bite her in the ass. The universe was out to get her. 
Training camp would begin tomorrow, and in a couple of weeks Y/N would have to face Josh in the same backyard she was sitting in at the moment. There went any sleep she had planned to get before basketball was added to her workload. 
---Josh POV--------------------------------------------------
“So there’s no one in your life? No girl at all? Not even a hookup?” The questions were getting annoying, to say the least. It wasn’t the guys’ fault; they just wanted to get to know him. The problem was that he shouldn’t be doing this. He was supposed to stay in Columbus, live his life there until he retired and then move back to Canada. 
Josh shook his head. “No hookup. Although there was this one girl,” he said with a small smile, “she was something else. We talked for hours at the bar, and she knew so much about baseball and hockey history. We hooked up, and then she was gone when I woke up the next morning. No note, no number, nothing. And she was from out of town, so I couldn’t even try running into her at the same bar again.” All of the guys groaned sympathetically, and they finally let that line of questioning go. Truthfully, he hadn’t thought about that girl in months. She had been fun to talk to, and tough enough to dish back everything Boone and Seth had thrown at her, but it wasn’t like he wanted to fucking marry the girl or anything. Mostly, it was the fact that she had left that stuck with him. He was always the one leaving. The girls usually tried to hang around, maybe try to get more than one night. It was an asshole thing to think, he knew that, but damn it sucked to be on the other end of it. He didn’t even know where she lived. In all of their time talking he only learned she worked at a university. He didn’t even know if it was in the States or Canada. 
A tape ball connected with the side of his head, and Josh shot a glare at Bo from across the locker room. A middle finger almost followed, until he noticed video cameras catching the exchange. Josh waved at the intern behind the camera sheepishly. They would have had to cut that for their welcome back video if he hadn’t caught himself. Another tape ball came flying at his head, courtesy of Stecher, and Josh whipped that one back at his teammate with a grin. The guys were alright, even if some of them could be pretty childish. Even Hughes acted older than some of the guys, and he was the team baby. A body slumped down into the stall next to Josh’s, and he looked over to find Thatcher watching him. “‘Sup, Dems?” 
Thatcher smiled up at Josh, a shock considering the choice words he’d thrown in Josh’s direction after a particularly nasty dangle he’d put past the goalie at the end of practice. “Barbeque at my place this afternoon.” Shit. He’d planned on exploring the city, maybe finding a hookup tonight. “Non-negotiable, everyone comes,” Thatcher interrupted, almost like he knew Josh was about to refuse. “It’s a tradition. One of my college friends and I get together and man the grill. We’ve been doing it for almost eight years now. Bring yourself and your booze of choice if it isn’t beer or wine.” Josh nodded. Your goalie says you come to some end-of-summer party, you go to the party. Don’t mess with a goalie’s traditions or superstitions. Thatcher stood, punching Josh’s shoulder. “Everybody starts showing up around 4. See you then.” 
Thatcher made his way around the locker room repeating the same announcement, and it was met with shouts of excitement and reminiscing on barbecues of year’s past. Clearly it was a hit. Brock and Petey somehow roped Josh into riding to the party with them, promising that Josh would be happy he’d taken an Uber with them instead of driving himself. “The drinking is legendary,” Brock had promised, a solemn nod of agreement coming from both Petey and Stecher, who flanked Brock. Legendary parties were his thing. This would be even ground, and he could keep up. Bring on the drinking.
--Y/N POV----------------------------------------------------
Y/N woke up the day of the barbeque feeling sick as the Dropkick Murphys blasted on her alarm. It didn’t matter how many times she told herself it would be fine, running into the guy she had ghosted was going to suck. Hopefully he was as interested in revealing their hookup as she was, and it would never get mentioned again. 
She groaned as her alarm continued to scream the lyrics to Rose Tattoo, reaching up to swipe the alarm off her phone. Thatcher was expecting her at his place before he left for camp in an hour with a list of groceries for him to pick up on the way home. The desserts Y/N had prepared the night before were sitting on the counter when she stumbled into the kitchen for coffee, mocking her with their chocolatey stare. It was going to be one of those days. She caved, shoving one of the cupcakes into her mouth with a groan. If she didn’t get a handle on herself before she made it to Thatcher’s he was going to get suspicious. The last time she acted this strangely some poor kid from the Comets almost got punched for flirting with her. The guys had good intentions, but sometimes they took the caveman shit too far. 
With her coffee brewed and cupcake eaten, Y/N shuffled into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She washed her face and brushed her teeth on autopilot, debating if mascara were really necessary. The guys had seen her at her worst, and she didn’t really care what they thought about the sprinkling of acne on her jawline that just wouldn’t go away. It’s not like she was interested in any of those idiots. Well, any of the idiots that had been with the team before a couple of weeks ago, anyway.
A hat would be necessary, even if she was just going to be in Thatcher’s house until it was time to grill. Her nose would burn something awful if she didn’t wear something with a bit of protection, and the soccer games she was working that week would just add to the burn. Hat protection for sure. She slapped on an old BC Hockey hat, one she’d stolen from Thatcher, and looked into her closet with a sigh. The decision on what to wear took far too long. The guys loved to throw her in the pool, especially Brock when he got drunk, so her bathing suit needed to be reliable. The problem was that they also loved to take photos for their social media pages, and her most reliable swimsuits were also the least flattering. The black and white striped bikini was the most durable, but Y/N really wanted to wear the strappy midnight blue one-piece she’d gotten on a whim during a day trip to Seattle. Durability won out in the end, and the bikini was stuffed into her bag beside the pajamas that would inevitably find use when she didn’t want to go all the way home at the end of the night. 
Y/N’s drive to Thatcher’s was relaxing. She lived in the middle of the city, fond of the ability to walk down the street to the grocery store or the bars, but Thatcher’s place was right outside the city, on a quiet sidestreet that better resembled a neighborhood in her hometown. She stopped at their favorite coffee shop on her way out of the city, picking up another coffee for her and a breakfast sandwich for Thatcher. It didn’t matter how many times the nutritionist told him to knock it off, Y/N knew he relied on those sandwiches to get him through morning skates. In no way was Thatcher a happy camper in the morning. His attitude rivaled even hers. Thatcher was waiting outside when she arrived, sitting on his front stoop like she had missed curfew or something. 
“You’re late,” Thatcher called as she opened her door, “and you’re gonna make me late for camp if you don’t hurry it the fuck up.” Y/N raised her middle finger in response, leaning back into the car for the desserts. Thatcher appeared behind her to help carry things, and Y/N had to slap his hand away from the trays when he tried to reach for a cookie. If he ate one now, he’d eat them all by the time the actual party started. She’d learned that lesson the hard way. Y/N placed the breakfast sandwich on top of the tray of cookies Thatcher was carrying, and he leaned down quickly to kiss her cheek. “You’re the bomb, bro, my saviour.” Y/N rolled her eyes. He was so dramatic about his breakfast sandwiches. 
Y/N finally managed to get Thatcher out the door and off to camp with a promise to get the backyard ready for that night, so long as he grabbed the necessary groceries on the way home. It was their agreement since they’d both settled in Vancouver; she brought dessert and got the house ready for guests, Thatcher bought all the food and alcohol. Everything was ready for the night, really, with the exception of the grill. It looked like it hadn’t been cleaned since she cleaned it last summer, so Y/N grabbed all of her cleaning supplies with a sigh. She needed a clean grill if they were going to make burgers tonight. That was non-negotiable. 
---Josh POV--------------------------------------------------
Brock and Stecher were far too loud when they were tipsy. Petey was fine, if anything even more quiet than normal, but the other two were borderline obnoxious. The pregame had begun the moment everyone rolled up to Brock’s place, and Josh had to admit he hadn’t expected it. Pregaming a team party was a little weird, but hey, he was with a bunch of fellow hockey players. They didn’t always do things that made sense. Herding them into the Uber waiting on the street outside Petey’s apartment was no easy feat, and Josh felt himself sweating a little bit as the responsible one of the party. This never happened. He was always the one being herded.
The ride was long, as apparently Thatcher lived outside the city, and Brock kept Josh entertained with stories of barbecues past. “I think the worst, though, was that time Jake almost drowned.” Stecher started laughing, and Josh stared at him uncomfortably. A teammate almost drowning was funny? Brock must have caught his expression, because he hurriedly continued. “He wasn’t actually drowning, he was just so drunk that he sat in the shallow end and yelled for help. It came up to like his chest.” Stecher roared with laughter again, and Josh joined in a little bit. That must’ve been a sight.
Thatcher’s house was far too nice for a bachelor, a moderately large home that was built for a small family and not a single hockey player who basically lived on the road. It was homey-looking, covered in gray wooden shingles and boasting a wrap-around porch Josh envied. It was perfect for sitting with a small group of friends. He could only imagine the inside, if the outside was any indication. The landscaping and yard decorations gave away that Thatcher hadn’t decorated the place himself. The inside probably looked like a design catalogue vomited on it.
Cars lined the long driveway and the street in front of it, all Range Rovers and fancy sports cars guys who didn’t know how to spend their money splurged for. Josh caught himself as the wave of negative thoughts continually rolled over him. These were his teammates, not the enemy. Those thoughts weren’t helpful. 
Josh was pulled out of his line of thinking by the stopping of the Uber, and he was the only one to thank the older guy driving as they all piled out of the car. Petey led the way into the house, though Stecher made his presence known with a shouted hello as he brought them through a hallway that indeed looked like a design catalogue and into a bright and airy kitchen. The cabinets were white, as were the countertops, though most of the walls were covered in some kind of dark teal tile. 
Thatcher was slumped on a countertop, flicking the bill of the baseball cap on the girl in front of him. He laughed when she raised a middle finger at him, flicking the hat again. The girl mumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like a threat, in a voice that sounded vaguely familiar. She reached up and smacked Thatcher’s hand when he went to flick her hat again, and Thatcher laughed harder as he swept three beers off the counter and walked back outside through the accordion doors to his left. The girl shook her head after him, though the moment was broken when Brock stumbled into the room behind Josh. 
“Y/N!” Brock yelled enthusiastically. He threw his arms around the girl from behind, and the laugh she let out made Josh freeze. It couldn’t be. “Babe,” Brock continued, “you’ve gotta meet our new teammate. He’s your kind of player. Likes to hit things.” Brock began to turn the girl around by the arm still slung over her shoulders, and Josh almost shouted at him to stop. He knew that laugh, and the girl attached couldn’t be here. Their eyes met, and Josh saw the panic he felt reflected in her eyes.
He was so fucked. 
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aro-aizawa · 4 years ago
1 and 42?
yesssssssss i love these kinds of questions. thank you anon for enabling me. (disclaimer: i am a fanfic writer so these’ll be answered in fanfic writing in mind.)
[the questions]
1. Tell us about your WIP!
okay i have like ten million different wips but the one i’m primarily working on is a mha fic of mine. called because i have to it’s a quirkless vigilante izuku fic, where he’s biologically all might’s son and inko and all might are qpps. when izuku asks his mom if he can still be a hero without a quirk as a kid, instead of just saying sorry, she tells him no that it’s not safe.
this fic came about when i got tired of seeing the overwhelming villain au fics. like. they’re not bad but an izuku that is in no way someone who fight villains is just...wrong to me. because to me, izuku has such an overwhelming drive and to him it’s almost a need that he helps people and becomes a hero. it’s just as essential to him as breathing. so if he were ever prohibited from being an official hero.....well this boy will not take something as silly as the law consideration. he’ll get his ass out on that street and he WILL fight those villains and save people.
so the whole fic is izuku trying to fight and prove to the world that he can be a quirkless hero. he pretends to his parents that he’s given up on that dream, but hey he knows that gen ed students can transfer in the hero course if they prove themselves........
(too bad izuku doesn’t know that his dad is on the teaching staff of ua. oh did i not mention? izuku has no idea his dad is all might.)
i’m not usually a super big fan of biological all might, but without the thread of one for all being a connector between them, i needed some sort of connection (bc honestly this was also a call out of all might’s views on quirkless ppl too). and i’m usually sort of averse for shipping toshinko if it’s solely for parental dadmight reasons, so bio dad. if i had to start over again, i’d probably adjust this to be that when izuku was little, all might officially became qpps with inko after her husband ran out on her. buuut it’s a little too late to go back and change it now, especially since originally i had it written for the toshinko to be romantic in nature, but decided i liked it better as qpps.
so that’s the wip i’m working on!!! i have a plan for it to wrap up just a little bit after the kamino arc but like.*squints at my lastest chapter which is only just starting to wrap up the first arc in the series* um,,,, that might,,, take a while lmao.
42. How many drafts do you usually write before you feel satisfied? 
okay, so here’s the thing. when i was younger and just getting into writing, i’d write like. three or four drafts for each chapter. because i’d do the bare minimum on the first one, just get the action and rough dialogue in. then the second one would be refinement, this one starting to look like an actual chapter to be posted (even though i rarely ever posted anything at that time). during which, i’d always leave them for like. a few months, maybe six. when i came back, i’d see all the errors and my writing style would have changed dramatically. so time for draft number three!!! and then repeat.
but i only ever made so many drafts because i was procrastinating on actually writing the next chapter. i think the highest i ever got up to was chapter 9. when i hit a road block, i’d decide to go back and redo it all again, eventually running out of steam before i even finished what i’d already done. repeat continously until i have six drafts of the same fic but refined down to about 20k words and 4 chapters.
so! i try not to do that anymore. it just. it doesn’t work. it really really doesn’t. because that way i never get it to a state where i’m comfortable enough to post it, and then i’ll end up posting like 10 fics where i only have one chapter posted and the rest’ll be abandoned because i just cannot get the next chapter right and need to keep making more and more drafts.
when a chapter isn’t fighting me though, i tend to have two drafts technically. i’ll write out the chapter, if it’s for my fic biht, i’ll send it off to my betas and merge all their corrections into one final form, which is the final draft and that’s the one i just copy-paste into the chapter section and then reread it to make sure all my formatting sticks then post.
if it’s a non-beta’d fic, what i’ll do is i’ll have the final product, the chapter or the one shot i want to post. and what i’ll do is i’ll put the draft on one side of my screen and the ao3 upload thing on the other side. and i’ll retype everything. this way i’m going back over it and adjusting wonky sentence structures as i go, because it helps me spot more mistakes if i have to retype them rather than just rereading them. my brain has to think more abt the stuff i’m typing rather than the stuff i’m reading y’know?? plus the different fonts help! my google docs have a different font to the upload section of the ao3 page, so that is another thing that helps my brain spot issues. if you have difficulty finding mistakes, change the font. as much shit as it gets, comic sans is also a great font for this. when i’m done retyping everything out, the second and final draft is done and i’ll usually post it right then and there, bc i’m impatient and i love posting shit.
i mean. you wouldn’t expect that considering i haven’t updated in well over a year and a half but still.
tysm for asking!!!! sorry it was such a long response lmao
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infinitestarsintheskye · 5 years ago
Agents of Shield Series Finale thoughts (finally)
Or alt title Skye finally sits down to write this after two days of being overtired, overwhelmed and as a result, anxious! Feeling a WHOLE lot better today after a few anxiety naps and watching Phineas and Ferb on Disney + (that show is just pure serotonin I swear) 
God what can I say that hasn’t already been said. I’m so beyond happy. I have no idea what my expectations were but by god were they exceeded. I cannot say enough how happy I am. They saved the world with empathy. How utterly beautiful. The endings everyone got were all just so utterly utterly deserved. I’m still in shock really. 
If you haven’t already guessed it, I did not make it to my alarm at half past 6 on Thursday morning. I woke up at quarter past 5 after barely three hours of sleep and just could not help myself. I finished, cried for two hours and collapsed for another hour and a half. And she wonders why she’s felt like utter shit the past two days...
DEKE DEKE MY WONDERFUL MY MOST DEAREST DISASTER SON!!!!!!!!! I love him so much. I know he’s happy in alt. 1983 but losing him was honestly such sweet sorrow. I had a feeling that he would sacrifice himself but I could not have guessed that it would happen in honestly such a good way. He still gets to live, gets to be the director of Shield (god help them) and I’m equally happy and devastated for him. I love Deke so much, he is very dear to me, and the money I would pay for a miniseries of him just absolutely killing it as Shield director in the 80′s with his side business of being a popstar, like the amount doesn’t exist. Also his impersonation of Fitz was so incredibly hilarious, Jeff Ward actually does a not bad Scottish accent and the IMMEDIATE adoption of the pregnant lady pose just ABSOLUTELY SENT ME!!!!!!!!!!
Mack. I’m so happy he lived. His team up with Sousa will forever give me life. Them taping goddamn chronicoms to the missiles to blast a hole in the ship, like whoever came up with that idea, you are now my favourite human on this earth. It is so supremely dumb but I love it so much. As much as there was BIG concern going into this that he was going to die, ta Henry, I never once felt worried for him. Like he never even came close???????? Also a raise to whoever put him in that big long jacket at the end like oh my god are you serious, AMAZING
Yoyo. I had NOT A SINGULAR CLUE, NOT EVEN AN INCLINE of what was going to happen to Yoyo. Her little team up at the end with Piper and Davis (DAVIS ROBO!DAVIS YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS BICKERING WITH PIPER WE LOVE TO SEE IT) was beyond incredible. Yoyo had such a great arc this season, and I’m just so happy to see it concluded so well, plus that shot of her zooming out of the car at the end was beyond A+ it was beautiful.
May. May, wonderful May. Her appearing OUT OF GODDAMN NOWHERE TO JUST ABSOLUTELY END SIBYL IS JUST FOREVER GOING TO GIVE ME LIFE. THE CAVALRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so intrigued with where they were going with her arc this season, like I enjoyed empath May but I was so curious to see where it was going and oh what a pay off it was. I literally shouted AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH at my screen when she put her hands into that machine and Coulson explained it, BECAUSE IT ALL JUST MADE SENSE. Also it was 100000000000000000000% her idea to name it Coulson Academy, and no one disagreed with her. I loved her little call back to S1 with her just being the pilot. In general I thought all of the call backs were very well handled and placed, nothing felt too fan servicey it was all very natural and organic bc these writers really just know what they’re about and are just so incredibly good at their jobs. ANYWAY MAY. I’m happy that she’s getting a little bit of rest from the field, she absolutely deserves it. 
Coulson. I’m not gonna lie, I wasn’t sure about Robo!Coulson when he was introduced at the end of last season, but my god am I so happy for him now. He is truly the heart of this show, the whole thing began because a stubborn group of fans refused to accept that he had died. And really isn’t that a theme that has carried us through this entire show haha? I was so terrifed for about 30 seconds that Sibyl was going to turn him against the rest of the team, so the RELIEF of May popping out of the ceiling to JUST END HER ENTIRE CAREER WAS INCREDIBLE.  The reappearance of Lola ABSOLUTELY SENT ME. I also love that after years of Coulson refusing to let Mack work on Lola, Mack just went “Fuck it” and built one from, I assume, scratch. He is going to be the best Grandpa to little Alya Fitzsimmons and you can tear that headcanon from my cold dead hands. Again, what a deserving ending. I could not be happier for him, that last shot was just perfect. 
Daisy. Oh boy, we’re getting into my heafty emotions now. I would just like to say that her entire arc throughout this entire show is one of the most incredible, most amazing and well crafted and well thought out characters arcs in television history. Watching her go from this lost little hacker with a bit of a smart mouth, to this strong and powerful LITERAL SUPERHERO has actually been a privilege and I cannot stress enough how much I have loved watching her grow and evolve over the past seven years. That being said, I am low key FURIOUS that they made me think that she was dead for even just a SECOND. I WAS SOBBING NO AT MY PHONE FOR THAT ENTIRE LITTLE INTERLUDE LIKE NO FUCKING WAY ARE YOU GOING TO KILL HER OFF AND LEAVE HER BODY IN SPACE I WILL NOT LET YOU, LET ME GO SHARPEN MY PITCHFORK I AM COMING FOR YOU. I will now invite you to imagine the look of absolute and utter joy and relief on my face when I saw she was alive. Skye/Daisy holds such a special place in my heart. Her whole thing with Sousa this season was SO UTTERLY OUT OF THE BLUE BUT SO INCREDIBLY DELIGHTFUL AND DESERVED!?!?!?!??!?!!?!? Like out of everything I think that little plot detail is what surprised me the most, and I surprised myself by really loving it as much as I did. I would have been happy if she had ended the series single but I’m so happy that she has this wonderful partner who loves her so much and has her back and just looks after her like it’s just like the most wonderful added bonus which she deserves. Sousa is also like a whole ass snack and as I have been saying in my tags for the past few weeks, DAISY GET IT!!!! I love that she ended the series with her own little family, her sister and Sousa. I just. I cannot even think about that without welling up. Daisy has a family, and she chose it and she loves them all so much. I know it was last weeks ep too but I will never get over her calling Simmons her sister. Never ever ever for as long as I live. I’m so happy for her. So beyond happy.
FitzSimmons. Here we, here we, here we fucking go. What to even say apart from big, long and loud sobbing noises, cause that’s all I have really been able to do in regards to them for the last two days. Happy isn’t a strong enough word. There is no word big enough, nor all encompassing enough to say how utterly UTTERLY happy I am that they got their most beautiful happy ending. Fitz guiding her through her memories, the second Jemma said Alya I started screaming, I just I knew that was her name, and him just being so gentle with her whilst she was remembering, like oh my heart. I excuse them everything, the lack of Fitz (WHICH WAS NO ONE’S FAULT I WILL NOT HAVE ANYTHING ABOUT THAT HERE) this season was honestly just paid back tenfold in the scenes that we got of him. His frustration IMMEDIATELY at everyone not understanding their plan was so amazingly hilarious. Simmons half remembering everything was both heartbreaking and hilarious, the scene of her asking for a supersuit like Daisy’s was incredible and both Deke and Daisy responding to her like she was a child they needed to trick into doing something for them, like yes if you come with us you’ll get a supersuit and a bit chocolate, incredible. The acting in both episodes from both IDC and Elizabeth was just truly something else. The fact that neither of them have been nominated EVER for their work on this show is nothing less than criminal. Her face when she remembered Alya. Dear god my heart. I have watched that scene of them reuniting with her at least 3000000000000000000000 times since Thursday morning. I won’t ever forget it. What a beautiful scene. What an incredible scene. “You were guarding our everything.” SHE’S THEIR EVERYTHING. THEIR UTTER EVERYTHING! I’M ACTUALLY LIKE SOBBING WRITING THIS I WILL NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER FOR AS LONG AS I LIVE GET OVER THE FACT THAT THEY LET FITZSIMMONS LIVE IN PEACE FOR FOUR WHOLE ASS YEARS, LET THEM HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, MOST PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY GIRL AND THEN LET THEM LIVE IN PEACE AGAIN I JUST!!! I HAVE WANTED THIS FOR THEM FOR SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO VERY LONG!!! (also @ marvel I’m not in a place where I want any kind of continuation or spin off at the moment but I would watch a FitzSimmons miniseries of them just being happy and domestic and working in space for 4 years. Just SOMETHING to consider) I cannot thank the writers enough for finally finally letting them have their happy ending. They have been through so much, and it was all worth it because it led them to their happily ever after and to their little girl and I just, that is everything. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! I have talked a lot in this post about people deserving their endings but honestly none more than FitzSimmons. Fitz playing with Alya in their little garden whilst Simmons watches with the biggest smile on her face. How perfect. I could not have dreamt a better ending for them I’m so so so so so SO beyond happy for them. And god that little girl is just the most precious. Her gleefully exclaiming “Mama!” at Simmons is the EXACT moment that I started sobbing and did not stop for the rest of the episode. Also I know they didn’t explicitly say it but they are 100000000000000% at their cottage in Perthshire, again you can pry that headcanon out of MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!! I’m just so so so so so so so so SO beyond happy that FitzSimmons got the ending that they deserved so much. They can be at peace now. I have loved them since LITERALLY day one, and I cannot imagine what would happen if I got to tell little 15 year old me how they ended up. I’m sending her good vibes to the past, I know she got them, because I never ever ever gave up on that hope for them. FitzSimmons, to me, represent so much goodness and hope and just everything I aspire to have in a relationship (without the constant separation and the death and all that fun shit), but just the utter love they have for each other. (thanks for the impossible standard to which I hold all men now JedMo). I have been on just a rollercoaster with these two characters, their relationship and each of them as individuals have taught me so much and brought me so much comfort, especially during some of the hardest times I have ever experienced. I’ll tell some of those stories one day. Not yet. I’m not ready. I’m still honestly just reeling. I have wanted A Happy FitzSimmons ending for SO LONG and I just cannot believe that we got it. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you THANK YOU. 
Writing this felt very cathartic. It’s almost been good to just get ALL OF THE EMOTIONS OUT. I think I’m actually going to take a nap now. I forget how tiring it is to be so emotional. What can I say to end this except reiterate again just how happy I am with that finale. I’m so thrilled that they gave us such a beautiful ending, it really was just a love letter to the series as a whole and to it’s message. I think it was quote from Jeff Bell that I saw and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since, because of how true it is, and really that’s why I hold this show so dear and why I have done for the past 7 years, and that is that this show is ultimately about hope. What a beautiful thing. 
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alextriestowritestuff · 5 years ago
Mark of Athena Re-read
Hey guys! If you’ve been keeping up with my last couple of posts, you’ll know I’ve been re-reading the Heroes of Olympus (HoO) series by Rick Riordan, starting with the Son of Neptune. If you want to my thoughts on it (spoilers included) and my background with the series, click here. I made a little bit of rant post about my feelings about the HoO series overall so far and you can find that here! This post will be about the Mark of Athena (MoA) and as always, spoilers abound.
Soooo y’all...I think this book is worse than the Lost Hero. I feel so bad for saying that bc I hated tLH (Like I’d give that book 2 stars) but god, this was so bad. No wonder I forgot what happened when I originally read it. Before I get into it, I will say I’m usually not negative in my ‘reviews’-I’ll give credit where it’s due (I did that in tSoN with Hazel and Frank who weren’t really my fav characters to start with) but this book has very little redeemable aspects imo. So I’ll start with the thing I was most irritated about: Piper.
Piper...Piper...Piper. Gods, none of her chapters ever passed the Bechdel test. I DESPISE her and I hated every single one of her chapters. With characters like Frank, I admitted that sometimes his chapters were a bit boring but I never hated the guy’s narration. Piper, however, is an insecure hypocrite. Let me show you.
So at one point, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel meet up with Aphrodite. The POV is Annabeth’s and while Aphrodite is talking to them, it seems like Piper is just embarrassed to have her around. 
“Mother!” Piper said. “You’re embarrassing me.” “Well, I don’t see why,” the goddess said. “Just because you don’t appreciate my fashion tips, Piper, doesn’t mean the others won’t. I could do a quick makeover for Annabeth and Hazel, perhaps silk ball gowns like mine—” “Mother!” 
And a few lines later she says again “ ‘Mother, Piper said, “is there a reason you’re here?’” (30). 
Okay so someone tell me why this girl says 10 pages later “But also, Piper was secretly hurt not to have her mother to herself. Aphrodite had barely looked at her. She hadn’t said a word about Jason. She hadn’t bothered explaining her conversation with Reyna at all. It was almost as if Aphrodite no longer found Piper interesting. Piper had gotten her guy. Now it was up to her to make things work, and Aphrodite had moved on to newer gossip as easily as she might toss out an old copy of a tabloid magazine” (40). LIKE GIRL MAKE UP YOUR MIND. Do you want your mom’s attention or not? But I’m highkey interested in what Aphrodite said to Reyna tho.
Let’s talk about Reyna for a second. First off, I feel so bad for her?? Percy turned her down-fine, he has a gf. Then I thought Jason had feelings for her but he says this in MoA, page 19: “It’s just…I never felt that way toward Reyna,” Jason said, “so I didn’t think about its making you uncomfortable. You’ve got nothing to worry about, Pipes”. Like damn can Reyna get any love?? I get that he doesn’t like her anymore since he met Piper but to have never liked her? That’s rough. And notice how this quote is from page 19, but again on p. 40, Piper is still so insecure in their relationship. I don’t she’s listened to a word he said at all. Then towards the end of the book, she says oh I love you but she literally didn’t know the man’s age prior to that. Like what?? Did they even kiss this book? I think like once lmao. Also speaking of the birthday thing, Piper says this while she waits for Jason to blow out his birthday candles.
“Well?” she urged. “Blow out the candles.”
Jason did. Piper wondered if he’d made a wish—hopefully that he and Piper would survive this quest and stay together forever. She decided not to ask him. She didn’t want to jinx that wish, and she definitely didn’t want to find out that he’d wished for something different. 
Me @ Jason: This your girl? Come get her. Because Imma hurt her feelings. What do you mean you want him to wish to stay together forever? He should wish for Gaea to you know die so everyone can be safe. If I ever met Piper in person, I’d fight her. ON SIGHT. 
In a related note, I’ve got nothing to say about Jason. He was fine. He passed out alot during this book, didn’t do much for how hyped his powers are supposed to be. I will say when he and Percy were possessed and they fought each other, Percy totally won that fight. He knocked Jason the hell out and was about to end his whole career until Piper got Blackjack to knock him out. But overall, I think Jason’s rather bland and him and Piper have NO chemistry. But I don’t think he deserves insecure Piper as a girlfriend. She’s a whole ass child of Aphrodite and she’s worried about her relationship...let me move on.
My main issue with the book lies in the structure and plot. The previous two books had 3 narrators and each set of trio had a specific prophecy assigned to them-i.e: Percy, Hazel and Frank had to free death, retrieve the eagle. The prophecies are a catalyst to get them to go on the quest. And then obviously, we have the overarching prophecy of the seven that will come to fruition in small chunks until the last book of the series. That’s fine. So the issue with MoA is that now Rick is handling seven characters + Coach Hedge (like why was he necessary??). He has 4 POVs which threw me the hell off bc we had 3 in the previous two books and honestly, I think we could’ve gone without one of them (Percy’s actually). As a writer, it’s hard to balance multiple characters in the same setting constantly. If they have a conversation, one or two of them will have less lines because other characters have already said them. Therefore to give everyone adequate ‘screen time’, Rick had to separate them by keeping groups of three or two on their own side quest. As a result, however, reading the book felt like I was being brake checked constantly. Ex-We follow Percy, Frank, and Hedge to an Aquarium then we follow Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper to meet Aphrodite, then they encounter the Romans, then Piper and Jason meet Hercules and get the horn and so on. Like they’re constantly shifting and doing stuff but not going as a group so it feels like I’m constantly trying to catch up. There’s too many pit stops for my liking. And I deadass have no idea what most of it had to with the MoA prophecy. 
This disjointed-ness is what makes me rate it lower than tLH. Because while I didn’t like Piper or Jason in that book, it was still cohesive. There was a plot and it was followed. Another reason I might feel this way toward MoA is because Rick has a formula and it’s starting to be predictable. Think about the original Greek myths-there’s one main demigod like Hercules, there’s a quest, there’s godly interference so it makes sense the the PJO/HoO characters have the same thing. But all this talking to gods (esp gods we’ve already met like Aphrodite) is taking up so much space and slowing the plot. It also didn’t help that the minor villians in this book are all unlikeable?? All they did was talk. Otis and Ephialtes. Porchy and Keto. Arachane. All they did was talk. Here’s how to defeat a PJO/HoO villain: con them to help you/let you go or fight them. That’s it. 
This book is where I started to really regret reading the series. Like I was just over it. The plot was somehow slow and all over the place at the same time. The last couple of chapters were good because I was like finally, something relevant to the prophecy is happening. 
Let me leave you guys with some positives about this book though:
1. Annabeth’s POV. What a gal. When she faces Arachane, Annabeth mentions that she doesn’t have an active power like the other Seven but she has her intelligence. And I’m like yes girl, you are brave and everything I want to be. I would read the PJO series from her POV over this series.
2. Percabeth. They kept promising to come back to each other and my heart melted. Percy was so worried about letting her go follow the Mark but he knew it’s what she had to do and he let her go. And ugh, them falling got me all over again. And like just their chemistry is off the charts. Piper and Jason could never. 
3.  Percy’s comments about Luke. Percy realizes that he’s around Luke’s age when Luke went all ‘Gods are bad, their children are pawns’ and like I get chills from reading that passage because you can tell Percy’s tired. He can’t have a life because of these quests, he’s constantly moments away from dying. He never really got a chance to be a teenager. And I get he wants to help people and keep the world from being taken over by bad guys but he’s also human. He’s seen demigods die...he’s traumatized. Like Percy, I really understand Luke better now (right idea, wrong execution) and l see how tired Percy is. 
4. The Leo/Hazel/Frank disaster of a love triangle. Like I’ve mentioned before, I want Hazel, a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD child, to be left the hell alone when it comes to romance. But because Uncle Rick insists on pairing up everyone, I have to oblige. So here I am. The amount of times I cackled at Frank and Leo’s digs at each other is astronomical. Like shots were fired, no one held back. I was like is this even MG/lower end of YA anymore with all this salt?? Over the years I’ve been spoiled about the series so I know that Leo somehow ends up with Calypso so I know nothing will come out of the love triangle (and it seems to be wrapping up bc Leo and Frank complimented each other’s abilities toward the end there) but passive aggressive-ness was peak. 
5. Every single conversation between Reyna and Annabeth. Like two powerhouses talking about wanting to save their camps and the world. I loved it. Hands down. I hope they can be friends when this is all over. 
6. And lastly, the reunion of Percabeth. The Judo flip. The fact that Percy talked about having a future with her. 
Thanks for reading if you made it down here and I’ll see you guys in a couple of days with my House of Hades update. This book and the one after it I’m reading for the first time ever so I’m going in semi blind (like I said, I know some spoilers). I’m currently on chapter 2 or 3 of that and ermm, it was a weak intro but I’ll keep going :) rooting for Percabeth to make it through. 
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thethirdwheel404 · 4 years ago
Med Rewatch Series (#3)
Let’s see what we have on the slate. this should be the premiere of s3: Speak Your Truth. I am watching this during school, so let’s see how bad my focus is.
-the episode description is “The shooting of Dr. Charles moves to the courtroom and things turn complicated for the doctors and nurses of Chicago Med.” so still on brand for being all sorts of vague.
-all that really says is more sarah angst so big sad
-let’s get started
-god back to classic med, starting things off fast, just how i like it
-how tf kellogg live through the headshot. guy can’t do anything right
-connor running towards charles on the guerney screaming “what the hell happened!?” and sharon just being “he got shot.” is so fucking hilarous to me i have no clue why
-oh god i remember how much it bothered me that connor changed his hair from the end of s2 to the start of s3 lol (bc it’s supposed to be the same night, but yk, nitpicking)
-the time jump is such an interesting choice. i remember it was jarring at first. i’m sure i’ll have more to say as the episode goes on
-aw hey guys look its sarah! adorable
-also stoll
-oh god, nat taking a sabbatical was weird
-oh boy watching s3 means i get to watch noah get thrown through a glass door and also be a disappointment
-the way connor is effortlessly charming here in the beginning is maybe the only reason i tolerate his character (also more of sarah being adorable)
-horney boi. stop it.
-noah following after sarah like a lovesick puppy is funny
-sarah saying ‘he’s the reason i went into psych...’ honey, psych is not good for your mental health please stop giving him credit
-its the s3 premiere and Sarah talks about her dad and her strained relationship, specifically because noah compares charles getting shot to her dad getting shot. but like, foreshadowing... maybe i should give the med writers a smidge more of credit than I have been in terms of planning things...
-sarah: “don’t compare my dad to dr. charles.”
-long sigh. god... sarah being so supportive. and charles just being ‘No???’
-not to be weird but court room scenes always get me feeling some sorta way
-haha its peter stone! remember him? remember chicago justice?
-THE BETRAYAL ON SARAH’S FACE - she cares so much about him and he’s about to get his own shooter acquitted.
-god sarah is just fucking fantastic. she feels so passionately about caring about people
-god charles fucking hates himself so much? he should Not be ava’s mentor
-charles: “I think the shooting is affecting your objectivity.” sarah: “mY oBjECtiViTy?!”
-also they said ‘the fact he was concealing a weapon shows like fear malicious content’ or what ever. and uh,, sarah? please. please, for my sanity. (bc of what happens later in the season)
-charles- you know how you can help me? fuck off.
-lol this kid is the one who had like a tooth ache, and now his brain is rotting or something. probably will happen to me (@ my parents please let me see the dentist)
-this is where doris is like ethan is playing favorites
-the like background noises of the ed calm me down. they prob really shouldn’t
-they’re gonna fuckkkkk
-something to be said about sarah being gung ho about kellogg being off the streets and a danger to society when... her dad...
- I really like when med does the thing when one character is just standing in the ed and they transition to the next story by having the next character run past
-what is with all of the nurses drama like honestly
-hey guys look its ava! (let see if i have enough brain cells to find anything)
-heyyyy look at that. ava trying usurp some of connor’s cases. while, yeah she is being a tad undermining, connor’s gf was literally just discharged from a psych hold. this is just an interaction to keep in mind for future events.
-ava’s playing full cunning while connor’s busy fucking his girlfriend
-dont hate the player man
-because they’re both under latham, they’re more rivals than hero/villain, bc they have a common guy who is their advisor. but yeah. dont hate the player
-robin calling ava ‘cruella’ is making want to throw hands ngl. god dude chill - bc it means either robin just saw ava interacting with people and thought ‘what a bitch’ or connor was complaining about ava and either way I hate it.
-connor broke up with robin bc she was too horneyyy (ik he didn’t break up w her but yk)
-connor - reese interaction was nice. until he started blaming her bruh wtf chilll
-her arguing with connor is like. peak. (ava + sarah teaming up to bully connor and not take any of his shit?? i think yes)
-this ethan april thing is stupid. i’m just gonna say it.
-ava: “that would have been a really great idea if you were trying to kill him.” SHE TAKES NO. SURVIVORS. i love her so much
-YEAH RHODES GET FUCKED! i think one of the reasons ava was disliked at first was bc latham kind of favored her and... literally everyone else favored connor? so get fucked? but here, ava can obviously hold her own and connor is just whining. I’m glad they put them on equal ground bc connor and ava’s direct superior is on ava’s side, and literally everyone else is with connor. AND CONNORS STILL PLAYED AS AN UNDERDOG BC AVA TOOK HIS SURGERY! HOW. infuriating
-anyway, for the purposes of the theory ava is capable enough to hold her own as a stand alone, and clever enough to be entertaining
-holy shit no i think i just remembered how this storyline goes. connor gets a better surgery, right? he gets glory and stuff. this is too fucking rich, come on. let one thing go wrong for him.
-i miss ava
-stop it sarah you have anxiety.
-okay. Ava is half bickering, half flirting with him, a little annoying but we put up with it bc we love her and its not her fault she’s supposed to be his love interest. but still, it’s playful, it’s not neccesarily flirting. conceivably, she could be talking to anybody. But then, she tells him to relax, to take a day off. SHE’S STILL A GOOD PERSON. SHE’S NOT TRYING TO EXPLICITLY SPITE CONNOR, OR ANYONE. that’s what people tend to forget. she’s not malicious.
-connor thinks she is tho. maybe that’s why some people hated her, bc connor hated her
-charles: “kellogg is not a criminal” BRUH HE SHOT YOU
-AND??? SARAH’S DAD ANYONE? that was why he was so persistent of sarah’s dad. he wanted to catch the signs.
-OKAY HERE. When latham is like, wait, did ava manipulate me? is she actually sus? he was the one person on her side and then boom he sides with connor. literally do you have any idea how great ava would be without connor?
-this manstead thing is soooo exhausting
Okay so what have we learned?
Ava is getting Connor’s cases. kind of rude but also, they’re surgeons? It’s super competitive. AND CONNOR LITERALLY WON THAT ROUND BC LATHAM SWITCHED SIDES???
ava had less lines in the ep than in s2 and honestly. wtf.
not much content, but if you look at her content, come on she’s still amazing.
thanks for sticking through
read the rest here:
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Extra
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princechorus · 5 years ago
So. I have some Thoughs that idk how to really organize..about Magnus Archives and Jonathan Sims. But let me start out by saying. This podcast has very quickly become something very dear to me and very important to me.
Ever since I was little I hated horror. Mostly bc what I saw when I watched horror movies was gore and shock value and jump scares. It scared me. More than just “oh shit that’s scary” but genuinely TERRIFIED ME. The first time I watched Psycho (the original one even not even the remake) I straight up REFUSED to shower. Because I was CONVINCED a killer would come and stab me. I was I think 8 or 9? Maybe 10. It wasn’t the first horrific images I’d been exposed to by any means, or the last, but it was one of the first i Can remember that gave me a genuine phobia.
I avoided horror most of my life despite my friends all loving it and wanting to go see the next scariest movies. They were all into creepypasta as a lot people were between 2010-2014/15 and so of course I read my fair share of stories and watched marble hornets(which i did like and i now realise why) and tried to keep up with them but it was awful. Horror movies,stories,video games, anything they could find was what they wanted to watch/consume and I found myself not able to speak up about not liking them for fear of getting mocked for being childish. (I’m only friends with one of these people now and I’ve since explained to her my stance on horror and shes fine with it)
When I heard about Magnus Archives I was hesitant. I knew it was classified as a Horror Podcast so I steered away from it. Until I actually decided to give it a shot after my partner listened to make sure it wasn’t too much for me (I knew I liked suspense thriller type things but hadn’t really gotten a clear image in my head of what I could and couldn’t handle. Still don’t really but we’ll get to that.) they said it was fairly tame and no worse than other things I’d watched in the past with no issue.
TMA very quickly became my new favorite. I listened so much I got WAY AHEAD of where my partner was (they were on MAG35 when I started from MAG01 and at furthest I was 12 episodes ahead) I found that even the most disturbing ones were no issue for me to listen to.
I had always been upset at my own inability to consume media classified as horror for fear of being triggered into an anxiety attack and wished there was more low level horror that wasn’t just geared towards children and teens. TMA answered that prayer and In The process has forced me to Face My Fear™ and confront why I’m so afraid of certain things and also why I have the reaction to horror that I do. It’s helped me clear up the scale of what I can and can’t handle and honestly I’ve begun to realise it’s not a sliding scale but, like many things in life, it’s a spectrum of certain aspects of horror that I can handle and others that trigger something raw and horrifying in the back of my mind.
In the end, it was hearing in one of the Q&A’s that Jonny used his own fears as inspiration that made me realise why I enjoyed this series so much. It’s been helping me Confront my fears in such a way that I can look at it from the outside and understand it better. And really I just want a chance to shake his hand and say Thank You. Because I really Really needed that and I don’t think I could have realised what I needed without this context.
TL;DR: Thank you, Jonny Sims. For being an amazing writer and creating a beautiful piece of art that has helped me understand my fear and will stay with me forever both in my nightmares and in my heart.
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angellhardy · 6 years ago
off limits
Pairing: Roger Taylor x reader 
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: mild swearing
AN: Helloooo. This is my first BoRhap story and if you’re interested its going to be a series! I think probably 3 or 4 parts!  If its like i imagine it, its going to be very angsty (but i love it). Also english isnt my first language so there probably will be some mistakes :) 
PS: the first few lines about the reader being pregnant is a foreshadowing about whats to come! The rest of the story tells how the reader ended up at this point! (just clarifying bc there was some confusion) ENJOY!!
next part
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You didn’t know what to do. What to think. Your mouth hang open, getting dry from your heavy breathing. You stared at the stick in front of you with your eyes fixated on the little blue plus sign. With your hands shaking you picked up the other two tests that you took from the bathroom counter and looked at their results, just to see another confirmation of your worst fear. You were really pregnant. You feel your knees go weak as you let yourself slide on the bathroom floor hoping the cold tiles on the floor will calm your nerves but it’s useless. You let out a shaky breath before you mutter a desperate “fuck” and close your eyes to stop the tears from falling.
When you got a call from Brian you were surprised. He hadn’t called you in a few months, which you understood with him being on tour in America and the band really taking off. But to be honest you just thought that’s that it for your friendship and he would forget about you eventually with his new lifestyle, which hurt but you were coming to terms with it. He was one of your dearest friends since you were 12, maybe even your best friend. You saw each other every day and were like brother and sister, although some people around town always gossiped that you were more but you and Brian just laughed about it. Your friendship started to strain when you two went to different colleges and only saw each other a few times a month. He would call you every other day to tell you about his band smile and how he missed you and how you should come to their next gig. But unfortunately you barely made it to any gigs, so you only saw smile once live before it evolved into queen. 
That was the day you met Roger Taylor for the first time. You remember walking into the small pub where they were playing, cigarette smoke clouding the room and people swaying to the music on the speakers. Brian told you to come early so you can chat before the gig so you did. At this time you hadn’t seen him in a few weeks so you were excited to see him again and to finally witness him playing with his band. Without thinking you walked yourself over to the bar.
“What can I get you?” Asked the bartender with a friendly smile.
“Oh just a beer please!” You answered and had your beverage just a few seconds later in your hand. You turned around, facing the pub and started searching for Brian and his messy mop of hair but couldn’t find him anywhere.
Suddenly a man next to you started speaking. “Looking for your Prince Charming? Because I think you just found him.” he said with a smirk. Stunned you looked at the man that just started speaking. Messy blonde hair, big blue eyes and wearing a floral button down shirt with the top buttons open. You have to admit he was gorgeous. “I’m roger!” The man said ripping you out of your thoughts and seemingly caught you staring at him, causing his smirk to only grow more intense. “I’m (y/n).” You said introducing yourself to the stranger. Roger leaned closer to your ear and asked in a sly voice “What a pretty name....so are you here alone?” Your breath hitched as you felt his hot breath on your neck. Turning your head to answer you suddenly realize how dangerously close your faces were. Trying to sound calm you replied “No...I’m actually here with Bri...” when you were cut off by your name being called from across the room. You turned to see Brian walk over to you and before you knew it, he picked you up from the ground and swirled you around making a few people stare at you. “Brian stop it! Let me down!” you said between laughter with your arms tight around his neck.
“Sorry i’m just so excited that you’re actually here!” He beamed at you with happiness before he finally put you to the ground again.
Roger cleared his throat behind you making Brian glance at him suddenly like he didn’t realize roger was there too. “Oh roger, here, I want you to meet someone. This is (y/n), my sister!” Roger suddenly widened his eyes before you could clear the air. “Not his real sister. We’re not blood related but he’s still like a big brother to me.” You said looking up to see Brian smile at you fondly, totally missing how your last sentence made Roger relax again. “Me and roger actually just met a few minutes ago.” You continued speaking, a smirk growing on your face.
“Oh is that so?” Brian asked, turning to look at roger seemingly already knowing what you were going to say. Roger just looked at you, shaking his head at you and trying to stop you.
“Yeah he just told me that he’s my Prince Charming.” You said, watching Roger as he looked uncomfortably around the bar, avoiding looking at you and Brian. Your best friend sighed beside you annoyed and just said “Roger. No.” which made Roger snap his head at you both. “What?” he asked with a scuff.
“Roger, (y/n) is off limits. Not her.” Brian said with a stern face and serious voice.
“That’s not really your decision to make, is it?” Roger shot back with a grin.
You just watched as they talked, not knowing what to say. “Roger, no. You can’t have her.” Brian said, taking your hand and dragging you away from roger and across the room. Roger quickly got up from his seat and walked after you both. He walked beside you while Brian walked in front of you both, clearing the way for you, not noticing that roger followed you. Roger leaned closer to you again and whispered, so only you could hear it “Makes me just want you more, princess.” You looked at him shocked and he just smirked and winked at you, before disappearing in the crowd of people on the dance floor.
When you watched them perform on stage you really tried to focus on Brian. You really really did. But somehow your eyes always found their way to the blonde drummer behind him. Watching as he drummed with such ease, always a smile on his face as he sang into his microphone. It was addictive to watch him. Apparently you stared at him a bit to long because your eyes met his for a second and you quickly looked away, knowing that roger caught you and formed a smirk on his face again. From this moment basically every time you saw each other over the months it was Rogers goal to make you blush, to tease you with flirty phrases or come dangerously close to you without reason. Sometimes he succeeded, sometimes you flirted back and sometimes you shut him down. It was honestly a lot of fun but never blossomed into something more as you knew Roger and knew how he was just a lady’s man. You refused to be one of these girls which relieved Brian more than you know. He just couldn’t see you get hurt, especially not by one of his best friends.
But the flirting between you and Roger never calmed down, not even as smile turned into queen and they got a new bassist and a new lead singer. They started working on an album shortly after that. A few times Brian invited you to come to the studio with them and you could already feel it back then that they would be big. And you were right. You saw them less and less as they toured around the country and when they left for America you already knew that you wouldn’t hear from any of them for some time.
And now it’s been 13 weeks and suddenly you heard Brian’s voice at the other end of the line.
“Hello? (Y/N)? Is that you?” He spoke.
“Brian?” You ask, surprised to hear him.
“Oh (y/n)! Yeah it’s me! It’s so good to hear you again! Sorry I didn’t call sooner, we were so busy with touring and recording the new album.”
“Bri, it’s alright. I totally understand.” You answered with a smile on your face.
“I wish you could see us. They really love us here. Every night is sold out.” You could hear the happiness in his voice.
“I’m really happy for you guys, that sounds fantastic. But I do have to ask, why are you calling me now? Not that I mind of course but is there a reason for it?”
“You know me so well (y/n).” He laughs. “We are coming home for a week. Next week actually and I really really want to see you again. I have so much to tell you! And we had the idea to all eat dinner together. You and me and the band. They would like to hang out with you again. And Freddie would like you to meet his girlfriend Mary, so she would be there too.” A grin formed on your face just thinking about it. Finally talking to Brian again. Freddie calling you darling and telling you the funniest stories. Deaky just making weird faces at these stories which makes them even better. And Roger shamelessly flirting with you. Yeah your heart made a little jump at the last part but you quickly shove that feeling away.
“That sounds amazing Brian! Why don’t you all come to dinner at my place. I could cook for you all.” You suggested as you had a quite big flat and loved cooking. “That would be wonderful (y/n). Is Sunday around 7 okay for you?”
“It’s perfect!” You said happily. Brian has to hang up shortly afterwards but not before telling you again how excited he is for Sunday.
The next few days went by in a blur. You only really focused on the preparations for Sunday. You cleaned your apartment everywhere, organized enough seats and planned what to cook. You went with a simple salad, bread and lasagna, because you wanted to do something everyone enjoys.
And then the day was finally here. Dinner was nearly ready and you were doing the last bit of your makeup as you heard a loud knock at your door. You practically ran to the door and had the biggest smile on your face as you opened the door. The boy in front of you mirrored your expression as he walked in and took you in his arms. “It’s so good to see you again (y/n).” Brian said as he pulled you tighter.
“I’m so happy you’re here again.” You replied to him. “Okay enough of you two, we also want a piece of her so move over Brian.” Freddie said with a dramatic eye roll before he hugged you too. Mary and John followed soon after. And then there was just Roger left. He looked as gorgeous as you remembered. His hair was a bit longer and he wore a tight shirt with a red leather jacket over it. “Hello angel. I hope you missed me as much as I missed you.” he said with a wink before taking you in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you felt his hands slide across your hips onto your lower back. You notice the smell of his perfume and cigarette smoke and take it deep in. “You’ve been here for 5 seconds and are already flirting with me again?” You ask as you start to let go of him. “I will never stop flirting with you, princess. You’re just too pretty.” He said, making you blush, so you quickly look to the ground, trying to hide it.   “You two lovebirds can make out another time, now it’s time for food!“ Freddie shouted from the table you set up and you quickly got a few feet away from Roger. „Oh shut up Fred“ Roger said as he took as seat next to him. You noticed Brian’s serious face in Rogers direction but chose to not acknowledge it. You told everyone what you made as put the food on the table. „Looks really good (y/n).“ Mary said as she put something on her plate. „Thank you.“ you replied as you sat down next to Brian. “So how is living on the road in America?” You asked in the round. “Oh it’s great darling! People over there finally see me as the star that I always was!” Freddie exclaimed, making everyone laugh. “Could you see a lot of the cities?” Mary asked them and they all shook their heads. “Not really. Most of the time we arrive at the hotel, are there for some time and then go to the venue and from the venue straight to the hotel again before we leave the city behind us in the morning.” John explained as he put another fork of your food in his mouth. “Well Roger leaves a bit more behind than just the city.” Brian said in a annoyed look. Confused you look at him and than roger, who just looks pissed at Brian. “What do you mean?” you ask Brian. “Well I can remember there were countless times when some girl he took home the night before called him screaming at him why she woke up alone in the morning. But that’s nothing new for Rog.” He recalls looking straight at Roger with a smirk on his face. Roger looked like he was ready to throw hands. You knew exactly why Brian told the story just now. To remind you of how Roger is to the woman he slept with. And it hurt to hear that. You have to admit there is this little crush that you have on Roger and hearing how he slept around made your heart sink a bit. But you quickly brushed it off as you asked Mary what she was doing as a profession to change the subject.
After dinner you all talked for a bit before Mary and Freddie said that they’ll go home now as it was a long day. John said he’ll tag along a few seconds later. Which left you with just Roger and Brian and an awkward silence between you three. You wanted both of them to leave actually. You were a bit hurt by Roger that’s true but he could do whatever he wanted. You were mad at Brian for trying to tell you once again what you can and cannot do. “I think I’ll also go to bed soon, so if you don’t mind.” You said standing up, giving them a hint. “We can help clean up, if you want” roger said. “No thanks, I would like you two to go actually. I’ll clean up tomorrow and now I’m just really tired.” You tried to explain without seeming to distressed. “But we barely got to talk today, (y/n)!” Brian said as he stood up and walked a bit over to you. “Well I think you said enough for today.” You answered and looked him in the eyes, to make sure he knows exactly what you’re talking about. “We have the whole week Brian. I’ll call you tomorrow morning okay?” You tried to clear the air a bit. 
“Please just let me stay 5 more Minutes. Please (y/n).” he said as he looked at you with pleading eyes. Knowing you couldn’t resist your best friend you nodded at him. “I think I’ll leave you two alone.” Roger said as he got up and walked over to the door. You followed him there to say goodbye. “Thank you for the food. It was delicious. And it was really nice seeing you again.” he said in the most genuine voice. “It was nice seeing you too, Roger.” you replied with a smile on your lips. To his surprise you pulled him in for a hug again. You didn’t see his face but you just knew that he smirked as he put his arms around you. “Make sure you’ll dream of me tonight, princess.” he said as he let go off you as winked once more before exiting through the door. 
You turn around and see on Brians face that he just watched the scene in front of him. You saw that he didn’t approve. “Relax Brian.” you said as you started clearing the table. “You know i just don’t want you to get hurt. He’s not good for you (y/n).” he said in a stern voice.
“I think you made that very clear tonight with your little speech about all of Rogs groupies. I mean really Brian? What a way to ruin the fucking mood!” you spat at him. “I’ve known Roger for 2 years now and nothing ever happened between us but you still get weird as soon as we’re both in the same room. I’m an adult Brian! I can do what I want!” you said getting louder. Brian looked at you a bit shocked but quickly shook that off. “I’m sorry (y/n), okay? I’m just very protective of you because you mean a lot to me.” he said in a softer tone now. 
“I know Bri but who even says that i want something from Roger?” you asked him getting frustrated with the situation. 
“I see it in your eyes. The way you look at him is not like the way you look at me or the other boys. I know you like him (y/n). I just wish you didn’t”
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wackjams · 6 years ago
with or without you. (i)
gang!au : yoongi x you : jimin x you (platonic) : ft all members
warnings: language, violence, guns, character death, lots of angst word count: 4.2k summary: Seven years. Seven years had passed since you saw them or even heard from them. Seven years passed until they finally came home, and nothing is the way it used to be. That should’ve been a given when they only came back for revenge in the first place. At least that’s how it seemed but in due time, the truth always comes out. 
masterlist with all my work linked in ab. series masterlist linked there as well!
part 1 
a/n: so this is a very slow beginning. more like a long introduction to the story that I have planned. It'll be a series, so be ready for that. I'm really excited about it!! I've been gone awhile due to my computer breaking but all is well now and I plan on keeping up with this!! I promise it gets better lol be ready for lots of angst and stuff bc who does love that ahrbakbfiana anyway, enjoy!
* * * * * *
All eyes were focused on you. Everyone watched as you sat in the chair across from the coffin silently, your arm against your stomach as it rests in the sling you have to wear due to the hole in your shoulder.
It was a straight shot so you got lucky. Ms Lu, though... she was not as lucky.
You could feel the tears welling in your eyes again as you stared in front of you at the blank wall. The hushed whispers around you made you angry. Everyone wondered how you got out alive but she didn't. They questioned why she, the nicest lady in town, was killed and you were left to live instead.
It wasn't exactly that they wished death on you, no. Yet at the same time it would've made more sense for you, the college drop out working a dead-end job living in a slum apartment, to be dead rather than her. Ms Lu.
She was a real angel.
A woman who fostered over one-hundred hurt and damaged children to get them out of the system and helped them change into wonderful children which led to the adoption of them with other families. She was known for helping more kids and teenagers than people could actually count. She had helped so many children find their forever homes, and no one ever forgot it.
Through all of those children, she had only adopted two herself. Two boys who clung to her more than the rest. Two boys who she couldn't let go because she had an unbelievable bond with them. Min Yoongi and Park Jimin.
The three of you grew up together as your mother had been best friends with Ms Lu. Also, the fact that you were neighbors played well in that situation too. You always made friends with the kids fostered next door but everyone always left after a few months to go be with a new family. Yoongi and Jimin though, they had always stuck around. When you found out that they would be right there next door forever upon adoption, you couldn't have been happier at the sweet innocent age of six-years-old.
The three of you ended up being inseparable along those years. Going through your childhood and into your preteens to your actual teens was quite the adventure for everyone. Your mother and Ms Lu included. The antics of three kids constantly together could be a little exhausting for them sometimes as you all always had so much energy.
Yoongi was older than you and Jimin both. He was only older than you by two years and three than Jimin, so it wasn't much of an age gap but it was there. Jimin honestly hated being younger than you two because he claimed you used being older to your advantages against him. That played out to be true sometimes. Like when you and Yoongi agreed on a different game to play than Jimin, or when you two always let yourself go first before him or took the bigger pieces of pizza or the bowls with bigger scoops of ice cream in them.
Despite all the bickering between your little group of three though, you often spent nights together camping in the backyards of each other's home or playing in your tree house built by your father or riding your bikes to the park every summer morning. Those were only some of the many better memories you had as a group together. As you aged, naturally things changed. The biggest changes came in high school. Yoongi went to high school first then you and Jimin had joined him together two years later. You got lucky failing second grade so you could be in the same grade as Jimin (although being grounded for failing wasn't very fun). Yoongi often complained when you two ended up going to the same school as him because the older he got, the grumpier he was with everyone. But he dealt with it and helped you two if you ever needed it.
It wasn't so bad at first though. Actually, Yoongi had gotten a little closer to you around that time. You knew it was honestly because your body developed and you two became sex-crazed teenagers in full bloom. It didn't take long before you two were sleeping together. Of course, at that time you actually fell in love with the cute boy next door. Except, in your love story he was one of your best friends and when you two became sexually active, it disgusted Jimin.
He just didn't understand. The way it made you feel so at peace when laying in the arms of Yoongi in the middle of the night after he snuck into your bedroom window so your parents wouldn't know he was there were the most peaceful nights of your life.
But things didn't stay that way for longer than six or seven months. There became times where you found him ditching you and Jimin for different girls (which actually broke your fucking heart) or for his new older friends. It sucked a lot. Jimin even agreed despite living with him and having that advantage of seeing him more often than you did. Jimin knew you were hurt every time Yoongi brushed passed you and couldn't even say hello. He knew how in love with were with his brother. His heart ached to watch you cry at the sight of him with a different girl on his arm every week. There wasn't even a given reason for him ending things between you two. He just became distant. He couldn't even text you back anymore or watch movies with you and Jimin when you'd go over to their house after school.
Jimin made a promise to you to never become that way with you. You should've known better.
He broke that promise after Yoongi graduated high school, while you two were finishing sophomore year and heading to your junior year.
Yoongi left home merely two months after graduating. He didn't even say goodbye to you, not even to Jimin or his mother. He basically said he wanted to be an adult and be on his own, but you didn't believe that. Something had changed in him and he wasn't the same boy he was before. Neither was Jimin after awhile.
He didn't even graduate. Jimin dropped out three weeks into your junior year. To say you were surprised was an understatement. He didn't bring the idea up to you. He didn't even hint at it! One morning he just stopped showing up, to school and in your life. Ignored texts and phone calls began with him, the same way Yoongi did with you. You didn't understand why they did that. Why they changed. Why Jimin left a week after dropping out of school. Why you never saw them again. So many questions and no answers.
Over the years you tried getting it out of Ms Lu. All she'd say is that they were well living off with an uncle and working. She claimed they were just too busy to be texting so often, but it never made sense. Not to you anyway. Eventually, you grew tired of it and did give up questioning them and her too. You stopped calling them. You didn't text them anymore asking if they were coming home for Christmas or your birthday. You didn't question Ms Lu and her loneliness that was evident when she spent most of her days in your mother's home instead of her own.
Eventually- and naturally - as you got older, you had moved and got your own apartment. You had your best friend and roommate Alexa and have a decent enough job. College didn't quite work out but, you were happy regardless. You had two or three boyfriends over the years but none of them ever worked out. You would rather be single anyway and just go have fun on the weekends at the clubs around the city with Alexa.
You were content in life.
That was until five days ago when Ms Lu had you go grocery shopping with her one evening. It wasn't too late, only about seven PM when you left, but after you two had finally gone to a few different shops to finish her shopping, it was later and dark outside. She needed to stop for gas on the way to drop you off to your apartment and so you two stopped to get some.
That's when it happened. You had gone inside to pay for her gas while she waited outside. You took an extra moment to get a few snacks for yourself and Alexa knowing the two of you planned a movie night for once you got back home. You shouldn't have got those snacks.
Maybe if they saw you. Maybe if they knew she wasn't just an old lady alone at a gas station at ten PM. Maybe, just maybe, if they didn't think she'd be an easy target with you there, she'd be alive. You remember the chills that went down your back when you walked out of the gas station to see two men dragging a screaming Ms Lu out of her car and threw her to the ground, demanding all of her money and the watch on her wrist. They kicked her - gosh they were so rough.
The bags fell from your hands as you watched with wide eyes- shocked. You couldn't even stand there more five seconds before becoming so infuriated with the sight in front of you. You ran over, yelling at the two assholes, "Hey! Leave her alone, what the hell is wrong with you?!"
Both men looked up from her on the ground and to you instead. You couldn't see the guns in their hands until that moment as one of them gave you a twisted smirk and raised his hands to you, pointing the barrel dead at you. You stopped in your tracks then and stared across to the gun. Ms Lu watched your bravery and how you came to defend her, and she knew she needed to do the same for you despite being attacked moments ago. She had gone to push herself up but the second man, the one whose attention wasn't pointed at you (literally) and he fired without any moment of hesitation. The loud sound of the bang made you jump.
Your ear piercing scream left the back of your throat and you just ran towards her again, completely forgetting about the man who was focused on you.
You got lucky enough to be shot in the shoulder, not in the head like poor Ms Lu. Your mother's best friend. Your sweet aunt-like neighbor. Your childhood best friends adoptive mother.
It wasn't your fault. You wanted to help her. You wanted to save her! But they showed no mercy and the only thing you could ask yourself now is.. why?
"Hey. Hey, ______, you in there?" A waving hand in front of your face broke you from your thoughts. You looked up to the person it belonged to. Alexa. She smiled softly at you when your eyes met. "Come on. Let's go get some air or something; it's quite warm in here with all these people."
All you could do was nod. It was warm, and all the whispering and stares were becoming too hard to handle any longer. You gave your mother who sat next to you with your father on her other side a small smile to let her know you'd be back before standing with the help of your best friend.
Alexa guided you outside with her where there were far fewer people than there are inside. You two walked together down to her car near the front entrance, where you leaned against the side of the car and looked down to your shoes.
"How are you holding up?" Alexa asked softly despite knowing the answer.
You glanced up from your shoes to her face. "Barely. The pain is a bit much again too but I want to stay a bit longer to show some respect."
She only nodded at you and rubbed your side as she stepped closer to give you a supportive hug. Alexa was always good at dealing with your emotions and problems. She took care of you and you took care of her too, but lately, she had been working overtime helping you heal physically and emotionally. It was a little exhausting for the both of you but you made it work. She wouldn't give up on you. You were more than thankful but it made you feel a little guilty.
A few minutes of silence passed with the occasional passing car or people in the parking lot, coming out or going inside. Neither of you paid much attention to anyone else until two black SUVs pulled in and parked across the way. Alexa and you both glanced to each other before looking up to the vehicles. You never saw them before. Not around here at least. You furrowed your brows as all of the doors on both trucks opened and bodies poured from inside. All of the men who exited wore appropriate back suits for the evening. So, it was clear what they were here for. Yet you recognized none of them. They were all tall with dark hair and serious, pressed, expressions on their faces. Were they some of the kids she helped in the past?
Counting seven of them as they climbed out, you made note of how intimidating they all were without even trying. It caused you to shuffle a bit at the nerves you felt as they walked in your direction. It wasn't until they got closer when you noticed not one but two faces of the group. Your eyes widened in surprise as they came to your view.
They looked exactly how they did all those years ago. Except now they matured. It was in their facial features and the way they carried themselves as they walked so carelessly yet so confidently.
It was impossible to hide the shocked expression on your face as you watched them approach you and Alexa. All seven of the men stopped in front of you and Alexa with the two familiar faces in front of them, closer to you than the rest were.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Your voice was low, yet it hissed in anger at them. You were angry. No, you were infuriated at the sight of them.
"She's our mother, ______. We have every right to come to our mothers funeral and you have no say in that." Yoongi's voice snapped back at you even angrier than yours was in that moment.
You furrowed your eyebrows at his response. Seeing him here now made your heart ache, remembering how he left you broken hearted so many years ago. Yoongi showed absolutely no emotion in his expression. He was cold. There seemed to be no sign of the boy you were once in love with, so close with. He was definitely different now.
Jimin, who stood beside him, sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder to calm his older brother. "We came to show our respects. And to see you. We heard what happened and we wanted to-"
"How fucking dare you!" you cut Jimin off, "You both disappear for nearly seven gotdamned years, no calls, no texts, no freaking visits to your sad, lonely, mother or myself and you just come back at her funeral and expect for us all to welcome you with open arms?!"
Both Jimin and Yoongi listened to your yelling with their eyes locked on you and their lips sealed shut. Alexa reached for your hand and squeezed it in yours as she noticed your voice starting to shake at these two boys. She's heard about them, sure, but she never expected to meet them due to your storytelling of them running away all those years ago. She knew how much you cared for them too.
You shook your head at the men and took a step back from them. "Both of you can go to hell. She hurt every single day missing you... You complete assholes. Neither of you knows what she went through!"
With that, you pushed passed them both hand in hand with your friend and walked back inside of the building, leaving those seven men behind outside without a moment's hesitation to do so.
* * * * * *
The funeral had carried on and passed by the next two hours with many tears, sweet words, and so much damn confusion. Everyone in the room was shocked when seeing Yoongi and Jimin walk inside a few minutes after you went back inside. You couldn't even look at them longer than a few seconds at a time. When you were looking though, you could see the sadness in their expression- Yoongi too surprisingly - and you were almost sorry for yelling at them the way you did, but you weren't wrong with what you said. Even they knew that.
The other men that were with them never spoke a word. Not unless it was whispered into their ears and kept between them. Otherwise, they only looked around and paid their respects to Ms Lu.
After all these hours your shoulder was really hurting you now and you were ready to go home.
They had just covered Ms Lu's coffin with dirt after she was lowered into the ground. Wiping away your tears, you hugged your grieving mother then kissed your father's cheek gently before leaving them to go home. Your mother wasn't handling this well but your father was taking care of her the best he could knowing you needed time to heal from the wound to your shoulder and the trauma you experienced being there that night. You were distant from them, and they understood. They were always understanding when it came to you. It was nice. Plus you had Alexa with you. She never left your side so you weren't exactly alone. She had really been your rock through this.
You two walked along the grass together towards where her car was so you could finally go home and relax after such a long, emotional, day.
"Wanna order takeout tonight? Figured that'd be better than cooking after today."
You nodded gently at her, giving her your best smile. "Sounds great."
"_____?" A soft voice behind you spoke. You stopped walking and turned back to see who it was. Jimin stood there with a frown in his expression. He waved his hand at you awkwardly then glanced to your friend who was glaring at him. He cleared his throat softly before speaking again. "Can we talk please?"
You sighed softly. His eyes were sad. You knew that because if there was anything about Jimin that hasn't changed and matured with him, it was his eyes. He needed to talk and you could tell. Even after all this time. You looked to Alexa beside you and spoke in a near whisper to her. "I'll meet you at the car."
She hesitated, but nodded and walked off after giving Jimin one final look.
Jimin watched this and smiled. "She's protective over you. That's good."
"What do you need, Jimin?"
He frowned at you again. He was also alone for the first time tonight without his group of friends. "I wanted to see how you were holding up. We... We heard you were there. Tried to save her. Your shoulder must hurt... We owe you everything for taking care of her, for trying to save her."
"Owe me?" you scoffed softly at him, shaking your head while giving him a sour look. "She didn't deserve to be robbed by them. I didn't deserve to be shot either. And she sure as hell didn't deserve to die. If you want to owe something to anyone, owe it to your poor mother to visit her grave every once in a while since you couldn't see her when she was alive."
Your words were harsh and you knew they were, but he needed to hear it. Jimin flinched a bit but he knew you were right too. He glanced down to the ground before looking up into your eyes and stepping a little closer towards you.
"I know Yoongi and I left. We were wrong for that, I know. I can't tell you why exactly but do know we often thought about you, about our mother, about your family. We knew what we left behind but it was for the best." he whispered, "or so we thought." Jimin reached up and scratched the back of his neck as a nervous tick. "I'm sorry, ______. I'm so fucking sorry."
His words were so soft you knew he was genuine. He was sorry, he really was, and you could tell he was. Your vision blurred a bit as your tears blinded your vision once again. You had been crying so much lately and now Jimin is making you cry, again. Fucking Park Jimin.
You didn't know what to say but you knew you were tired of being angry. Tired of crying. Tired of hating him and he's only been here a few hours.
"You changed your hair. And your style. And... your height. You grew a couple of inches." Your voice was shaky but when Jimin laughed, you cracked a smile at him and quickly wiped away your tears.
"Became quite the charmer, huh? Puberty hit me late but definitely blessed me, if I do say so myself."
You giggled softly at his remark and shook your head at him. Glancing to your hand held in your sling, you wiggled your fingers and took a deep breath to keep yourself from breaking down any further. Jimin kept where he was but he never took his eyes off of you. You also grew up over the years. You grew up but somehow still looked the same, sounded the same, even smiled the same way.
He missed you so much over the past seven years.
"Jimin, we have to go soon."
Both Jimin and yourself looked up to the voice that came from beside him. A taller boy with dark brown hair that fell into his eyes a bit stood there with his hands in his pockets. He smiled when your eyes met his.
"Hi, I'm Jungkook. You're ______ right?"
You nodded once at him. "Right. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise," he gave you a polite smile. Suddenly he didn't seem as stiff as he did at the funeral.
"Tell Namjoon I'm coming. I just had to see an old friend before we left." Jimin told Jungkook with a small pat to his shoulder. Nodding, Jungkook waved you goodbye before disappearing to go find said Namjoon person. "I have to go but, uh, can I have your number? I can text you tomorrow so we can meet up and have lunch or something. Catch up."
Your pink lips parted a bit at his offer considering he didn't even look your way last time you saw him, but this was a chance you didn't want to miss out on. You nodded at your old friend then exchanged numbers with him before he turned to walk away from you.
"Jimin!" taking one step forward towards him, he stopped walling and turned to face you at the sound of your voice calling his name. "Yoongi," you started softly. "Is he okay?"
Jimin sucked in a sharp breath at your question. Now he was facing you again but this time he seemed a bit tense with your question. He couldn't say much, it wasn't his place to. But he nodded anyway. "Sure. He's okay. He just... He isn't the same guy he was back then when we were kids. He's seen some shit. Done some shit. We both have. Bad shit. He's just had it a bit worse. But I know he misses you."
Maybe now you could finally have some answers about where they were and what he meant when saying him and Yoongi had done some bad things. All those questions you stopped asking so long ago came back to mind. There was just so much you needed to know.
You nodded lightly. "You said we'll meet up tomorrow. Does that mean you're back home to stay?"
"For now," Jimin bit his bottom lip at his words. He paused for a brief moment before continuing. "I'll see you tomorrow."
You nodded at him one last time before watching as Jimin walked away finally to go find those he came here with. You felt sad watching him go, but you also were excited to see him again tomorrow.
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