#honest question
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aziraphalalala · 1 year ago
What if it’s 4am and you can’t stop thinking about two ageless eldritch horrors divorce-kissing? What then?
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screamingfromuz · 1 year ago
Fucking honest question for the people who call for a ceasefire, what do you want the terms of the ceasefire to be?
Because when I, a very leftist Israeli tell my government to do a ceasefire of a pause, I know exactly what I call for. For the immediate future I want a release of the hostages (all of them, including Avera Mengistu), in exchange of allowing and providing actual and effective aid to the civilian of Gaza. Bonus points if both sides stop firing at each other.
But when I see people outside of Israel say it, I have no idea what they mean. So I am asking, when you call for a ceasefire, what do you mean?
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fakegoose · 1 month ago
Genuine question for other lesbians/wlw because I'm genuinely curious: Have you always felt weirdly uncomfortable or jittery around men until you got to know them a bit more? This doesn't apply to close family members like fathers, brothers, or grandfathers, but strangers or potential friends/aquaintences. Since late elementary school to now (although it has gotten a little better), I have always felt some level of uncomfortability with men even before I realized I liked women romantically. I always thought it was their unpredictability or my shyness until I realized these feelings of uncertainty and discomfort only/primarily happened around men. I couldn't help but wonder if it was just a me thing or if other wlws experienced it
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sourour-rl · 3 months ago
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Ford you're overreacting 😔
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jyoungbloodvo · 7 months ago
So, I'm a bit curious and want some honesty, how did y'all feel abt the voices I used in First Resurrection? I've gotten a few comments on YT about my interpretations of the characters, and I want y'all's opinion :3
Narinder In Der Microwave for attention
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loafofryebread · 1 month ago
Can I be genderfluid if I only use she/her?
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mxtxfanatic · 7 months ago
For people who think that bingqiu’s issues were all caused by miscommunication: what exactly were they supposed to have communicated to each other and at what moment where it would have cut the conflict from the plot?
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personal-blog243 · 4 months ago
One interesting argument that I hear from trump supporters a lot is that they think we just don’t like his personal morality or his demeanor or something???
They assume we are just pearls clutching over his personal morality and that if we just looked at his policies and the results then we would surely love him. Where do they get this idea that that is how we think???
If there are any Trump supporters seeing this. The truth is that most left leaning people or other people that didn’t vote for Trump fundamentally disagree with his lack of a healthcare policy, let alone one that would probably be noticeably better that the Affordable Care Act. I fundamentally disagree with his treatment of protesters for causes that weren’t favorable to him, because I believe that is authoritarian.
I disagree with his immigration policies because I do believe he is delegitimizing the legal process and treating them all as inherently more “criminal” no matter how many times you insist he’s “ok with the legal ones” he is trying to make legal immigration more difficult even for ones that aren’t dangerous. I believe that is authoritarian and violates human rights. I disagree that he was inherently better for “the economy” than anyone else would have been.
I disagree with most of his military policy in the Middle East because he caused even more civilian casualties than bush and Obama. I disagree with his environmental policies and deregulation policies. I disagree with tax cuts for billionaires. I disagree with letting and angry mob try to kill his vice president because he wouldn’t overturn the election for him. I disagree with his pandemic policies because I don’t believe public health and safety measures are always inherently authoritarian.
Where do Trump supporters get the idea that we just don’t like him because he types in all caps or something???
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transformerfan97 · 5 months ago
How do you live life when you thought you'd be long dead by now?
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astrayan · 4 months ago
Should I crowdfund my top surgery?
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mashriqiyyah · 10 months ago
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For once, can we know someone deeply, choose to trust them and not get disappointed afterwards?
~ mashriqiyyah
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the-lady-of-the-labyrinth · 8 months ago
Is this what @neil-gaiman meant when he said don’t meet your heroes?
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m-for-musings · 8 months ago
Ok ok I should be working, but:
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masterdisastre · 2 years ago
Hey science side of Tumblr and autistic side of Tumblr!
I have a question.
I've recently started taking some vitamin B supplements, under suggestion of my pharmacist, because I was feeling mentally exhausted to the point that it was slightly impacting my work.
Now, I am in fact able to focus better and I complete my work tasks flawlessly. My colleagues say that I look way better too.
The thing is, almost at the same time my autistic issues (over sensibility and understanding social cues and such) have worsened a lot.
I've read everywhere that vitamin B helps children with autism with their symptoms, but since the world is dominated by neurotypical people, my question is: does it just make us better at masking or does it really help and this is only coincidental? Am I worsening my condition by helping my focus capacity?
Tagging @autistic-af in case you can help me spread the question.
Thank you all in advance ❤️
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relaxwithaaron · 1 year ago
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Is this A.I.?
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thearkman360 · 1 month ago
Honest question: Can someone explain what's going on with Wayneradiotv? I've been seeing stuff about Pizza Tower and racism towards Native Americans and I'm completely lost. I know next to nothing about Pizza Tower. Does Pizza Tower have racist portrayals of Native Americans? Did one of the wayneradiotv people say something racist? I am legitimately asking since I only really pay attention to HLVRAI.
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