#homesteading and homeschooling
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floydfamilyhomestead · 9 months ago
3 Old World Skills Renewed
Old World Skill: Food PreservingOld World skill: GardeningOld World Skill: Livestock The revitalization of the “Back to Basics” movement has brought with it the old-world skills that the pioneers once used to survive but with a modern-day twist. While no longer essential to survival, these skills are now being used by modern-day homesteaders to gain their freedom from dependence. Skills such as…
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sowingsimplicity · 6 months ago
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"Childhood is not a race to accumulate all of the consumer goods and stresses of adulthood in record time. By simplifying, we protect the environment for childhood's slow, essential unfolding of self."
-Kim John Payne, Simplicity Parenting
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thesmolgoblingf · 9 months ago
“You want a dystopian future for all women!”
Firstly, I already know and have expressed that my lifestyle choices are not right for every woman and not every woman is right for the lifestyle I’m choosing.
What is so dystopian about the following?
A loving couple getting married
A safe home
Garden-fresh food
A family unit with strong bonds
Well-educated and happy children
A knowledgeable appreciation of nature
A sense of community
National pride
Escaping “the grind”
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sunnshineyelllo · 6 months ago
Unfortunately, though I am very partial to the first fantasy, that ish costs a lot of money and requires a loving, dedicated partner. And nobody likes me well enough as an entire, real person to actually stick around and treat me well, let alone support me and our kids financially 😮‍💨🙃 might as well aspire to be a Disney princess 👸
i’m always caught between imagining myself pregnant and in my cottagecore housewife era, in a floral dress and a hair scarf, orrr imagining myself dressing my age to highlight how young I am, cargo pants low on my childbearing hips with a couple bralettes as a top
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thatgentlewife · 1 month ago
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My current Era ✨💗
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eddis-not-eeddis · 6 days ago
"Look at us, we're doing normal college girl stuff, we're shopping!" We say, as we walk out of our third Asian market of the afternoon.
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casbeeminestiel · 7 months ago
Nooo haha you’re fine it’s just that the way you equated corporate intrigue and corrupt government interference in aspects of life under capitalism with modern scientific research and medical advancements being false just turned me off a ‘lil.
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heelanhomestead · 1 year ago
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Teaching my son to sew. So far he’s loving it and his first embroidery hoop is coming along beautifully. With the darker evenings closing in he’d like to have a go at some new crafts.
As well as sewing, he’s excited to try working with paracord, have a go at basket weaving and even have a bash at whittling.
Fun times ahead … 😃🪡 🧵 ✂️
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pollutionorchestera · 14 days ago
i wrote an essay about my thoughts on the crunchy to alt-right pipeline and how the term crunchy groups together two separate ideology's. you can read more about it on substack for free here
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beautyandlifestyleblog86 · 1 year ago
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Dream Home 🏠 ✨✨🤍🤍✨✨🤍🤍
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myvinyllove · 8 months ago
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Little helping hands
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wisterianwoman · 1 year ago
The Resurgence of Homesteading and Slow Living
In a world that constantly tells us we're not doing enough, homesteading and slow living are a revival of values deeply rooted in the past, offering a respite from the frenetic pace of modern life.
Our lives move faster each day we live them, it seems. Every birthday and new year seem more recent than the last. I die a little inside every time I hear that one of my favorite songs just turned 10 years old… or 20, or 30. Growing older is a privilege, and it’s one that I do not take for granted. However, every day, messages bombard us, telling us that we aren’t doing enough. Not only should…
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oheysunshine · 9 months ago
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sowingsimplicity · 6 months ago
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When we garden, we create a protected and nurturing space for plants to flourish… Unlike a good chair, a good garden is constantly changing, as it adapts to the changing circumstances of weather and the seasons. And in the long run, that kind of varied, flexible, complex, dynamic system will be more robust and adaptable than the most carefully tended hothouse bloom.
-Alison Gopnik, The Gardener and the Carpenter
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thesmolgoblingf · 9 months ago
One of the main arguments of the pushback I’m getting on deciding to homeschool my children just reminds me of this tweet:
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There are so many people telling me that my children won’t know how to read, write, or do math. It’s like they forget that I know how to read, write, and do math.
Teachers aren’t super humans who are blessed by the gods to impart knowledge. Anyone can teach, it’s not something you need a degree and a license to do.
Think about how many jobs you’ve had where someone had to train you how to do something but they weren’t a teacher.
Think of all the times you had to tinker and figure something out for yourself with little to no guidance, you were literally teaching yourself.
And wasn’t there a news story that broke about how students won’t need to demonstrate proficiency in math, reading, and writing to graduate? Oh, that’s right, there was.
What’s the point of sending my children to school then, if they won’t have to display these three vital skills to get a diploma? Where’s the basis of your argument if this is the direction schools are heading?
Public and private schools serve as 13-15 years of indoctrination to sell college burnout, deprive students of critical thinking, training obedient worker drones, and creating mindless consumers. My children will have no part in that.
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blablapret · 8 months ago
"SUPERTABI, SUPER FAMILY!" itulah yel yel yg kami gaungkan di depan khalayak yg hadir di acara parents camp 2 tahun yg lalu.
Masih teringat jelas saat saya mempresentasikan visi misi keluarga kami.
VISI: Masuk surga sekeluarga. Off course.
"MISI: Menjadi keluarga mandiri. Mandiri secara finansial (membuat perusahaan sendiri), mandiri secara pendidikan (homeschooling) dan mandiri secara pangan (berkebun)" Kemudian disambut iringan tepuk tangan meriah, "WUIHHH, BERAAAT!" kata mereka.
Kalo diinget inget, antara pengen ngakak juga pengen nangis. Pengen ngakak karena bikin nama, yel2, dan visi misinya kilat banget waktu di mobil perjalanan menuju lokasi parents camp. Wkwkwk.
Pengen nangis krn MALUU. Ngerasa nyari2 masalah sendiri. Ini bercanda? Ngapa susah-susah amat sih bikin masterplannya. Kenapa ga kayak keluarga laen aja: Menjadi keluarga yg bahagia. Kan lebih mudah aplikasinya gitu lho giit. Mimpi sih boleh ya setinggi-tingginya, tapi mendeklarasikan impian besar yg sulit digapai di hadapan orang banyak itu kan.. uji nyali ya.
Itulah moment saat kami memperkenalkan keluarga kecil kami di hadapan para hometeam CBE (Community Based Education) lainnya.
Kemudian petualangan supertabi pun berlanjut. Pusing sendiri memikirkan bagaimana cara untuk membumikan Visi misi yg rasanya terlalu muluk itu.
Mandiri Finanasial? Untuk bisa bertahan hidup saja, rasanya jatuh bangun. Membangun bisnis kecil tanpa berbekal pengalaman yg mumpuni itu tidak mudah. Tidak ada THR, tidak ada tunjangan kesehatan, asuransi, apapun. Kadang toko ramai, tidak jarang juga sangat sepi berhari-hari, bahkan berminggu-minggu. Perasaan ingin berhenti sering menghampiri. Berharap suami apply job saja ke perusahaan lain, itu pun pernah kami angkat jadi bahan diskusi.
Alhamdulillah, Allah masih takdirkan @tabinaria.id survive sampai saat ini. Sudah masuk tahun ke 8 berbisnis. Menerjang badai pandemi dan resesi. Dan Tabinaria tetap menjadi satu2nya sumber pendapatan kami.
Homeschooling? Ternyata ga semulus dan semudah yg kami rencanakan. Ternyata Tabina itu tipe anak yg sangaat suka berteman. Kebutuhan motorik kasarnya juga besar, agak kurang terpenuhi jika kami memaksakan "sekolah di rumah". Memang teorinya anak harus sering diajak keluar utk belajar langsung dgn alam dan berjumpa dgn manusia lintas usia, namun bisnis kami yg belum menentu ini belum bs memberi kepastian kapan dan seberapa sering bs kami ikhtiarkan waktu luang utk memenuhi kebutuhan gerak dan sosial anak kami.
Setelah berdiskusi dgn suami dan para ortu homescholler, yang paling memungkinkan adalah mencari jalan tengah. Tetap mempercayakan anak ke lembaga pendidikan, namun pilih sekolah yg sesuai dgn visi misi keluarga kami, cari sekolah yg gak full day dan ga ngasih PR sehingga kami bisa jalani customized curriculum. Kegiatan home education bisa kami jalani maksimal saat anak pulang.
Alhamdulillah, nemu White Bee school of life yg sejalan banget sama apa yg kami mau. Awalnya kami hanya berniat ikutan kelas online, tapi ternyata Tabina lebih suka sekolah reguler. Akhirnya dari kelas online, kami switch ke kelas reguler di hari pertama sekolah mulai.
Menjalani home-education itu ga melulu harus homeschooling kok. Bisa juga collabs dgn lembaga yg sejalan. Tidak sepenuhnya menitipkan anak di sekolah, tp kita juga harus bikin kurikulum mandiri di rumah. Sekolah hanyalah mitra.
Mandiri pangan? ini yg lucu. At first, we dont have a clue, dont know how to start. Gardening is not our things at all. Walaupun saya lulusan arsitektur lanskap, tapi saya gak ngerti cara nyemai benih sampe panen wkwk. Ga hobi juga. Tapi menariknya, entah ilham dari mana saya selalu berdoa ke Allah utk dimampukan soal ini.
Dan selang 2 tahun dari presentasi itu, saya baru tergerak memulai berkebun. Awalnya gara2 suka nonton channel Li Zi Qi, Bumiku Satu, jadi dicipta-cipta gitu keinginan utk bercocok tanam. Pengeeen banget punya kebun sayur. Dari ga tertarik soal sampah, trus sekarang jadi tertarik bikin kompos aja itu sudah kemajuan, bukan? Saat ini kami sudah mulai di tahap cimit, yah baru sekitar 10%. Sedang berkenalan dgn karakter tanaman yg beda2, ada tanaman hias, herbs, buah, bunga dan sayur. Belum banyak sih, tapi slowly but sure kita menuju ke arah sana.
Jangan pernah under estimate the power of doa. Walau rasanya impian ini terlalu muluk dgn kapasitas kami yg baru segini-gini aja, saya optimis kalau terus minta petunjuk ke Allah, pasti Allah kasih jalan keluarnya :) SUPER TABI SUPER FAMILY!
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