#homemade jewelry box
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daytaker · 7 months
The Gang React to You Giving Them Chocolates on Valentine's Day
And other Valentine's Day miscellanea. I'm going with MC giving store-bought chocolates. I know in some places, it's more common to give homemade chocolates, but I for one do not have any idea how that is done and it's not something that's common where I live, so I'm going to go with what I know, which is very little. Enjoy! (Mostly below the cut.)
The length of these varies. Some are quite short. I just wanted to put out some sort of Valentine's Day themed Thing, even if I'm almost two days late.
"How thoughtful. I don't suppose there's anything deeper I'm meant to read into here?"
He's so smug. Unreasonably so. More than you would expect. Yeah, guys, he got chocolates from MC. But his pride doesn't allow him to flaunt the fact. He has to just hope and pray people actively ask him whether he's gotten anything or where those not-so-discreetly placed chocolates sitting on his desk happened to come from.
Lucifer is very traditional in his treatment of you. When it comes to events like this, he's almost painfully predictable. He'll certainly have roses for you, and depending on your relationship, he might reserve dinner for two at a high end restaurant. And if your relationship is at a certain level, you can expect a trail of rose petals leading to the bed. It's kind of cringeworthy but he means well.
"O-oh... Ahem... Is it Valentine's Day? Ha! I thought I was forgettin' somethin'. Heh, uh... thanks, human."
Obviously he didn't forget; he's been stressing over this day for the past week. He needs to get you something, but it can't be anything that's too cheesy or anything that makes him look cheap, so he's probably broken the bank to get you some sort of jewelry that he'll spend the next century paying off, but it's worth it.
When he gets chocolates from you, he plays it off like it's no big deal, but actually, he's so excited to reciprocate that before he has time to think it over, he's acting like he just so happened to have this expensive piece of jewelry on his person so you might as well take it for him. He spends the rest of the day kicking himself because now how in the world are you supposed to know that this was actually a very tactful and expensive gift from the greatest demon in the Devildom?
That, and he'll probably spend the entire day glaring at his brothers and the dateables from the corner as they shower you with gifts and attention.
"Wh...? For me? This isn't a prank, right? Because I'm not gonna forgive you if this box is full of tide pods!"
It's not full of tide pods, so all is well. He's so embarrassed to have doubted you that he tries to just shove his gift into your hands and push you out of his room, but it won't take too much persistence to get him to back down.
His gift is some sort of merch relating to an anime, manga, or game the two of you have particularly enjoyed together. Preferably something cute and evocative of the holiday. He doesn't know. He's never done this before. Why would he? Nobody would ever think to give him anything on Valentine's Day, so why would he bother with gifts? You do remember that nobody likes him, right? He doesn't like them either, so it's fine, but---
Let's just thank him for our gift before he falls too far down the self-hate spiral.
"I had hoped I might receive something from you today."
Satan is glad to get something from you, no matter what it is, but to be honest, chocolates probably aren't the best choice for him. He'd rather have something a little more heart-felt, that seems like you picked it out with him in mind. Literally anything cat-themed, or a book of some sort (bonus if it's a romance novel).
He's probably gone and done something stupidly romantic like buy you flowers and a book of poetry with certain parts highlighted.
But don't be fooled. Satan's favorite part of Valentine's Day is talking about its gruesome history, from the martyrdom of St. Valentine to a whole host of brutal murders that have taken place on the day. Catch him trying to figure out how to shoehorn the Chicago St. Valentine's Day Massacre into a casual conversation.
"Oh, for meeee? You're such a sweetheart!"
He adds it to his enormous pile of chocolates, cards, flowers, and love letters. But of course, it's special, because it's from you.
He loves it, but... he's another one who would probably prefer something a little more personalized. Being who he is, he's a very popular demon on Valentine's Day, so seeing you put in a little effort to get him something with a bit of Asmo-flair would thrill him.
"Chocolates...? This is the best thing I could have asked for. They'll taste even better knowing they're from you."
Well, obviously he loves them. He probably tried to get you chocolates too, but it doesn't matter how much he loves you. Beel's gonna Beel. The box is empty. He's shocked. He was sure he left some.
"...Wait, it's...? ...Thanks, MC. They look really good."
Belphie stares down at the chocolates in his hands, looking tired and mellow, while he internally panics because holy shit, it's already February 14? When did that happen? He doesn't have anything for you. He hates Valentine's Day. Why does it have to exist and lay bare all his inadequacies, like being a procrastinator and forgetting to prepare for things in advance even to the slightest degree?
"Ah, for Valentine's Day! It's a delight to receive this in person!"
Diavolo probably gets plenty of Valentine's Day presents from admirers (and suck-ups) around the Devildom, but most of them come in the mail or are otherwise delivered in an impersonal manner. So when you approach him directly to give him some chocolates, he's reminded why you're everyone's favorite human (himself included).
Also, you'd better clear out your schedule, because Diavolo booked out all of Ristorante Six for a dinner date tonight. Yes, the entire thing. Yes, on Valentine's Day. No, he's not worried about the dozens of disappointed couples who had probably been hoping to eat there.
"Any gift from you is satisfactory in my eyes."
It's kind of embarrassing to give regular old chocolates to someone like Barbatos who's a complete whiz in the kitchen, especially when it comes to sweets. But you figure he'd appreciate the gesture, and you'd be right. Of course, he will turn around and present you with a variety of immaculate, handcrafted artisan chocolates, tailor made to your personal taste. But sure, those store-bought candies you got in the heart-shaped box are completely fine, so stop stressing out about it.
"Aw, thank you, my adorable apprentice! I have some homemade chocolates for you! What? Aren't you going to try some?"
Solomon tries to kill you on Valentine's Day...with love, obviously! But seriously, aren't you going to try the chocolates? He put his whole heart into them. And the hearts of several unique Devildom species. They're not toxic, stop worrying.
"The fact that you thought of me means more than you realize."
And he means it. The fact that you thought about him, and when thinking about him, made the active decision to buy him something for Valentine's Day makes him stupidly happy.
Simeon strikes me as a flowers kind of guy. He got you flowers. Maybe some homemade treats too, but definitely flowers.
"Thanks! I got you something too. Happy Valentine's Day!"
Luke made cookies. They're delicious. Befriending this kid is the smartest thing you ever did.
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akairawrites · 1 year
Cats Out The Bag | Damian Wayne Imagine
Curiosity Killed The Cat part 2
@ella-fella-bo-bella @ayoitsurfavdesigurl @luvvvjada @harleycao @aiq39 @lumineliax @420sprite @stvrfir3 @instabull @rukia-uchiha-98 @1lellykins @lilupie @deliciousfatblackcat @skyesayshi @imarimone12 @mysticalhills @4arancia @bat-h-tic @luvelyxp @urmomsbananabread @elebeleb @strawberrycreamb @princessofhope0 @itisjustagirl @dollceesstuff @just-reading-dany @Ginger24880 @godknows-shetried @that-levi-kenma-kinnie @kierancaz @Crystals-faith @cascadingbliss
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You could feel the cool night breeze against your cheeks as you gracefully leaped through the air. It was a tranquil night in Gotham, the perfect backdrop for criminal activities.
Upon descending from the side of the building, you headed toward the front entrance. Naturally, the door was locked. You reached for a bobby pin from your hair and crouched down to examine the lock. Inserting the pin, you heard a satisfying click as the door unlocked. A self-satisfied smile crossed your face as you returned the bobby pin to its place. Inside, you inhaled deeply and exhaled, a smirk forming as you dropped your duffel bag. Rifling through it, you retrieved a homemade C-4 like device. With practiced ease, you entered a password on the screen and affixed it to the wall near the safety deposit boxes. After a few seconds, the device beeped, and the boxes popped open with a hiss. Your first-time trial was a success, and you couldn't help but smile.
Swiftly, you went through almost every box, finding mostly deeds and divorce papers. Fortunately, you stumbled upon some jewelry, and someone even carelessly stashed a wad of cash inside, which you promptly pocketed.
Once your bag was stuffed, you exited the building unnoticed. Scaling the side of the building, you reached the rooftop to survey your surroundings, ensuring no heroic intervention was imminent. As you counted the money you had collected, a pair of feet landed behind you. You sighed in annoyance and slowly turned around, still clutching the cash.
To your surprise, it was Robin.
A few years back, after robbing a jewelry store, Selina had persuaded you to take a break from a life of crime, deeming it too perilous and unpredictable. Only recently had she allowed you to return to your illicit activities. You took a moment to observe him, noticing his increased muscularity and shorter hair. With his mask on, he would be unrecognizable anyway. "You got taller," were your initial words.
Little did you know that Damian was scrutinizing you as well. The last time he'd seen you, he was just 14 years old. Normally, he wouldn't care much about his adversaries, let alone think about them as much as he did about you. Even though you had bested him the first and only time you'd crossed paths, he couldn't help but think about you.
"And you got curvier," Damian blurted out, unable to prevent the words from escaping his mouth. He mentally scolded himself for succumbing to his intrusive thoughts.
You gave him a quizzical look, unsure if he was attempting to flirt with you. He didn't strike you as the flirting type. Shaking your head, you slapped the cash against your palm and rocked on your heels. Slipping the money into your bag, you slung it over your shoulder. "Well, it was nice seeing you again, but I gotta go." You turned to walk in the opposite direction, but a force struck you from behind, sending you tumbling to the ground, landing on your stomach with your chin scraping against the pavement. You groaned and rolled over, just as Damian unsheathed his sword in a graceful forward roll.
"Didn't your mother teach you not to hit a girl?" you taunted.
"No, she threw me into the League of Assassins, where I was trained to be a cold-blooded killer," Damian replied.
Damian rushed toward you, his sword slicing through the air. Swiftly, you rolled out of the way, but he managed to slice open your bag instead. You stood up as he charged at you again, the absence of your bag making the fight a fairer match. You assumed it would be easier to defeat him this time, just as you had when you first faced off.
As you prepared to throw a punch, Damian seized your wrist and struck your elbow, simultaneously sweeping your leg from under you. You crashed to the ground, landing hard on your back and knocking the wind out of you. He threw away his sword and grabbed you by the collar of your suit, cocking his fist back and delivering a punch to your face. The ringing in your ears intensified as the blows continued.
Foolishly underestimating Damian, you realized he was much stronger than he had been four years ago. He was giving his all, determined not to stop until you were defeated. Gathering enough energy, you managed to kick him off you. As you wiped your nose, feeling the blood trickling from your lips, you stood up, reminding yourself that you were not your mother.
You landed a few punches, but Damian's strength remained a significant advantage. He kicked you in the stomach, causing you to tumble toward the edge of the building. He slowly approached you, grabbing you by the hair to lift your head off the ground. He surveyed your bloodied and battered face, sighing as if regretting what he was about to do. With nothing left in you to fight back, you braced yourself as he delivered a final blow that sent you over the side of the building, hurtling towards the ground.
You clutched your book tightly to your chest as you navigated the bustling hallway. Skillfully, you maneuvered past the people blocking your path, making your way to your locker. After shoving your books inside, you retrieved the ones needed for your next class. However, you couldn't shake the feeling that someone's intense gaze was fixed on the side of your head. You glanced to your left and found yourself locking eyes with a pair of piercing green ones. Damian stood only a few feet away, next to his own locker. You let out a resigned sigh, anticipating that he might deliver another one of his lectures.
A few weeks ago, Damian had been assigned as your tutor for the rest of the year, given your struggle to keep up with your classes due to frequent absences. Neither of you had welcomed this arrangement, but your slipping grades left you with no choice but to accept help, even if it meant being tutored by the most arrogant person you'd ever encountered.
As Damian approached, you couldn't help but speak up, "What do you want, Damian?"
"I want you to meet me at my dorm once classes are over," he stated, his tone more commanding than inquisitive. You arched an eyebrow and closed your locker. "For what? We don't have anything scheduled for today."
He merely sighed. "I just need to have a word with you," he said and walked past you without further explanation. Your eyes tracked his retreating figure as he disappeared down the hall. You couldn't help but mutter, "Who does he think he is?"
After the school day ended, you complied with his request and made your way to Damian's dorm. You knocked and waited for a few moments, unsure of the reason behind this unusual request. Damian seldom engaged with you outside of tutoring, making it clear that he wanted nothing to do with you ever since you'd punched him in the face.
Once Damian finally came to the door, he said nothing when he saw it was you. He just stepped out of the way, allowing you to enter. You walked into the small dorm room, which was plain but tidy. The walls lacked decorations, reminiscent of how your dorm looked when you first moved in. Damian's tie and blazer lay discarded on his neatly made bed, leaving him in his half-buttoned dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves.
“So, what did you want to talk to me about?” you asked, taking a seat on the edge of his bed, being careful not to disrupt the bedding.
Last week, when Damian came to your dorm to study, his eyes caught sight of something on your nightstand—an emerald green necklace that almost perfectly matched the color of his eyes. It had looked familiar, but he couldn't quite place it. A few days ago, it finally clicked in his head where he had seen it before. Too much evidence pointed to you being someone he desperately did not want you to be. He would never admit it, but you were growing on him, and he secretly enjoyed your company. To confirm his suspicions, he needed one more piece of evidence.
"Let me see your hand," Damian abruptly requested.
"Your hand, let me see it." Without waiting for your response, he took hold of your hand and examined your palm. He noticed a scar running diagonally across it, he remembered when you came to school with it bandaged up. You had told people it resulted from a kitchen accident, but he knew the truth. Damian was piecing everything together like a puzzle. It would explain why he often caught you sneaking into the dorms late at night, as well as why you were frequently late to class and tutoring.
It was you.
He just couldn't figure out how you were alive. He had believed he killed you. His heart ached at the thought.
You watched as Damian traced the scar on your hand with his thumb, his touch sending a tingly sensation through your skin.
"Damian...?" Your voice came out softer than intended. When he heard his name, he looked up at you, his eyes conveying a mixture of fear and regret, emotions you never thought you'd see from him.
"I know," he simply stated.
Confused, you shook your head. "You know what?"
And then it clicked. He KNEW. Why else would he be so interested in your scar? You thought you had done a good job of keeping it hidden. In fact, you had done a good job. The only way he would know was if he had been there.
You withdrew your hand from his. "You're Robin?" You didn't receive an immediate response, which confirmed your suspicion. You sighed, unsure if you should be upset or not. After all, it's not as if the two of you were best friends who had promised never to lie to each other. You did feel somewhat guilty for beating him up, but he had almost killed you in return.
"I'm sorry," he finally admitted, looking away, as if he couldn't bear to make eye contact while apologizing. It was a momentary lapse of his ego.
"Damian Wayne apologizing?" you said, a smug grin on your face.
He rolled his eyes. "Don't get used to it."
You laughed and playfully nudged him. You noticed a small smirk tugging at his lips, and it made your own smile grow wider.
Surprisingly, you both sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before Damian decided to break it.
"How did you survive that fall anyway?" he asked.
You chuckled. "No one told you? I'm like a cat, Damian. I have nine lives."
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If you couldn’t tell I tried to avoid having to come up with a alias for Y/N…anyway,
Add yourself to my taglist here
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year
Hii I was wondering if you could make Seven evil exes x reader and it's like their first anniversary hehe thanks!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
matthew patel
he's been preparing for MONTHS
he wants everything to be absolutely perfect
you're gonna come home to the house being covered in rose petals and balloons
the smell of a fresh, homemade meal wafting through the halls
the sound of a hot bath being drawn, filled to the brim with the most delicious-smelling bubble bath
and matthew, with a small gift in hand
in that box may or may not be a specific piece of jewelry you'd been eyeing for like, ever :3
matthew LISTENS
lucas lee
he invites you over and hands you a fancy outfit, perfect for a night out
he tells you to take all the time you need to get ready while he does the same
once you're ready, he will not shut up about how fucking incredible he thinks you look
and then, it's time for the bougiest dinner you've ever eaten
the sky is the limit, and lucas is more than willing to pay for whatever you want
he even gets the most expensive champagne
todd ingram
spoiler alert, he's been writing a song about you since he first began having feelings for you
definitely sits you down beforehand to plan something, except he doesn't tell you that it's for your anniversary
he wakes you up with breakfast in bed and a fresh pitcher of your favorite flowers on your bedside table
he lets you sleep in, but not TOO late - you have a very busy day ahead, full of the most stomach-churningly sweet romantic activities ever (todd's a little bit of a cornball but in the best way possible)
roxie richter
roxie gets so excited the night before that she literally keeps you up until midnight just so she can scream "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" and pop confetti canons that somehow?? spawned into her hands??
she does let you sleep eventually, but she wakes you up as soon as she sees fit
the entire house is fucking COVERED in the tackiest party city decorations
for breakfast? a cake. that she made. at 3am. (she didn't sleep)
she also wanted to do something fun for your anniversary... by fun i mean a nerf gun fight
plus side, if you win, you get to pick dinner!!
kyle katayanagi
at first, kyle sort of brushes off your anniversary
trust me, he cares. he cares A LOT. but he literally has no idea what to do for an anniversary so him brushing it off is his way of saying "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO"
the day of, he'll invite you over without saying much
when you get to his house, he (nervously) greets you with some hand-picked flowers and your favorite drink
he's the kind of guy to get you one of those little gift baskets that has things like your favorite snacks, a movie, a comfy pair of pj pants, a stuffed animal, and a little giftcard
at the very bottom, tucked into the folds of the pj pants, is a letter where he expresses how lucky he is to have you in his life
ken katayanagi
ken's a big planner but a bad celebrator
similarly to his brother, he also isn't really sure about what to do for your anniversary
he's probably going to keep it on the simpler side because he doesn't want to overwhelm you
he pays attention to the things you say you like and you want, and he'll pick out a couple that he knew you really wanted
and of course, he's going to treat you to dinner because what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't??
gideon graves
i've said it once and i'll say it again, gideon LOVES to spoil you
he gives you gifts all the time, and your anniversary is no different
the gifts that he gives on your anniversary are one the more expensive side
he either makes or buys all of your favorite foods for you
AND, when you thought he already did the most, he surprises you with two tickets for a trip to a dream location of your choice, including plenty of fun activities, lots of sight seeing, and LOTS of rest n relaxation
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gravehags · 9 months
satan baby
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Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: yule with the papas, secondo and terzo fighting over caroling, gift giving, and maybe...kissing
Words: 1,877
Summary: It's the most wonderful time of the year.
a/n: it's been a while my children. eat up and merry christmas to those who celebrate. a little present from me to you.
divider by @gothdaddyissues!
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“This is Secret Santa, you’re only supposed to get a gift for one person,” you sigh, currently inundated with a pile of presents on your lap and by your feet. “What’s all this?”
“Correction, bella, this is Secret Satan where you get as many gifts for whomever you like, sì? And you’re our star this year.”
Terzo smiles warmly at you as you fidget with the fabric of your festive dark green velvet skirt. You’ve all gathered in the Papas’ private living room, the mantle of the roaring fireplace positively bedecked with greenery and a massive tree opposite. A couple weeks ago you and Copia were put in charge of creating the orange garland, a not insignificant task given the height and breadth of the noble fir. Speaking of Copia, he is sitting in a deep leather armchair, stroking his mustache thoughtfully and giving you a funny look. When you give him an exaggerated wink his lips curl into a smile and his eyes dart away as his cheeks flush.
“Another cup, signorina?”
Primo is currently standing next to the hot plate on the side table, stirring the large cauldron of mulled wine. You really shouldn’t, you already are feeling a little woozy and warm but what the hell. Christmas, right? Or Yule, rather. You nod eagerly and Primo doles out a hefty amount of the dark liquid into a mug with little rats on it, passing it to Secondo who passes it to you as Terzo hands you yet another gift to open. So far you’ve unwrapped a beautiful homemade perfume from Primo and a garnet jewelry set which you are sure is quite old and quite expensive from Terzo. Copia still clings to the small present on his lap that bears a tag with your name on it, unwilling to see it in your hands just yet. One of these presents alone would be more than enough to dazzle you but the Papas insist on spoiling you. Who are you to object?
“This one is from me,” Secondo says, smiling slightly sinisterly over the rim of his mug.
“Ominous, but okay,” you say as you unwrap the box with caution. When you gingerly open the lid and see what’s inside, you let out an undignified screech. Primo, Terzo, and Copia exchange alarmed expressions as you reach in and lift the stuffed creature from its confines to marvel at it. It’s positively hideous - a large round potato-like head, red vestments, even a glittering pectoral grucifix. You’re beaming.
“Is that supposed to be me?” Copia says, outraged and red-faced.
“He’s perfect,” you coo, holding him against you in a tight hug. “Look at his stupid little face!”
“Ah, sì, he looks just like you,” Terzo says with a grin.
“He–it–looks nothing like me. No mustache. No sideburns. Eyes are all wrong!”
“He’s beautiful,” you say, cradling the monstrosity in your arms with all the grace of Mary. “Thank you Secondo.”
“I made him myself, you know.”
“A man of many talents!”
“A man of many war crimes,” Copia growls from his spot, flinging himself backwards in his chair and crossing his arms.
“Don’t speak about our son that way!” you cry, pressing your palms to the ears of the small stuffed man.
“Our son?” Copia cocks his head with interest and the brothers all look at you in silence.
“Y-yes. He looks - mostly - like you and I am his mother. Therefore we are his parents. So step up.”
When you reach out to hand the stuffed cardinal to the real thing, he sighs and takes it in his hands. 
“He is infernal,” Copia says, placing him sitting up on his lap. “But I accept him as mine.” The sight makes you scramble for your phone to take as many pictures as possible.
“What a beautiful family moment,” Terzo says, wiping a fake tear from his cheek. “Copia, I think you’re the only one left who hasn’t exchanged presents!”
Handing the doll back to you he hesitates to reach for the gift still in his lap. Primo, ever wise, interrupts to ask if anyone wants dessert while you reach down and grab the present you’ve brought for Copia. Terzo and Secondo haul themselves up with much grumbling and follow Primo out of the room to help.
“I thought you said you were only bringing a present for one person? Primo was who you drew, sì?”
“Yeah I know but,” you scoot your chair closer to him, “you’re special. You’ve been on my side since day one. I couldn’t not get you something. You mean too much to me.”
Copia blushes the fiercest shade of red you’ve seen yet as you hand him the heavy package.
“Grazie, cara mia,” he says quietly, mismatched eyes boring earnestly into yours.
“Don’t thank me yet, you haven’t opened it.”
With a smile he begins unwrapping the festive paper. When he finishes and sees what is inside his heart jumps.
“Dolcezza,” he breathes and you blush just as fiercely as him at the nickname, “this is wonderful.”
It had taken you a lot of time and a lot of money (worth every cent as far as you are concerned) to locate an antique facsimile of William Blake’s art. Admittedly, you had used a lot of the Ministry’s excellent resources to find it but all the effort was worth it for this moment. When Copia looks up at you, you swear there are tears in his eyes.
“I have never before received a gift such as this, cara. Thank you.”
When you reach out and cover his gloved hand with yours and squeeze firmly, it’s as if his whole body sinks into itself. Softly, he picks up your hand and brings it to his lips - a sweet echo of his action from the first day you met. It takes everything within you not to knock all the items out of Copia’s lap and climb in it yourself. In all honesty, you’re moments away from doing just that when the Papas return to the room with much clamor. Your heart sinks as Copia drops your hand and clears his throat, and you return to your chair from your half-risen position. When Copia looks at you and points to the small box next to him, you mouth the words “later” with a smile before accepting a comically large slice of yule log from Secondo. The rest of the evening is relatively quiet apart from the dueling rendition of “Carol of the Bells” that Secondo and Terzo fight over while Primo sleeps contentedly in his comfy armchair. When the Papas begin loudly arguing in Italian you signal to Copia and begin gathering your things in a large brown bag. Without a word the two of you slip out the door and when you hear a crash and Primo’s deep bellow ringing out you skitter away down the hall.
“Looks like we made it out just in time,” you giggle as the two of you finally slow.
“Eh, sì, it always ends like this,” Copia says with a huff and an eye roll, “they can’t help themselves.”
Copia is unaware of where he is standing but oh, you certainly are. This looks like a perfect place to stop.
“Not trying to be pushy but I think you were going to give me something?” you say, cocking your head and setting down your bag. 
“Ah…yes,” he sets down the book you gifted him and thrusts out his hand with the fastidiously wrapped present within it. “For you.”
You take the gift and open it delicately and slowly and see him chew on his bottom lip slightly. 
“If you don’t like it I–”
“Hush,” you say simply as you open the box. Inside, resting on dark red velvet is a simple and small golden grucifix on a delicate matching chain.
“You always wanted to be a part of the Ministry,” he says quietly, fussing with his gloves, “and I hope this lets you know that we accept you. We’ve always accepted you. I–”
You remain silent as you set down the box and put the necklace on while Copia watches. When you finish your hands don’t return to your sides but rather come up to cradle the Cardinal’s cheeks. He’s frozen as you stand just like this, thumbs brushing against his sideburns and a look on your face that he doesn’t think he has the capacity to describe. Your cheeks positively glow, your eyes seem lit from within and your lips are curled into a soft smile. They part momentarily for you to take a deep, steadying breath - inhale, exhale - before you lean forwards and gently place your lips on his. The ground shifts beneath him, the world is spinning as the fingers of your right hand begin to slide along his jaw and you tilt your head. You hesitate only for a moment, pulling back slightly before Copia grabs you insistently by the back of the head and pushes his lips back against yours. He tastes of mulling spices and his mustache tickles your upper lip, as you always knew it would. When you finally need to catch your breath he barely relinquishes his grip on you, making you laugh and kiss his chin.
“Why,” he whispers, thumb running against your cheekbone. “Why me?”
You lean forward and rest your head against his chest, close enough to hear the thud of his heart.
“It was always you,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his waist and stroking his back. “Always. From the moment you kissed my hand the day I was hired to the moment you comforted me when I was sad and lonely. From the moment you shared your rats with me. From the moment you put me to bed when I was drunk. All of it, Copia. All of you. That’s why.”
When you pull back to look at him, there’s definitely no mistaking the tears in his eyes this time and when he frantically pulls you in for another kiss, you can feel the wetness on your own cheeks. When you pull away with a giggle he looks concerned.
“Amore mio, what is it?”
You point upwards to the healthy sprig of mistletoe hanging from the rafter.
“You had no idea did you,” you say with a grin, chin resting on his sternum.
“Who would? Who could even see that and in the dark I–” his words cut off as you gasp from the short sharp smack to your ass.
“Copia! Not in front of our child!” you chastise, reaching into the bag and pulling out the accursed doll.
“Ugh, I had forgotten about him,” Copia grouses as you take it and peck him on the cheek with it.
“What should we name him?” you muse, adjusting the doll’s pellegrina.
“I’m sure you’ll think of something suitably horrific,” he smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead which you lean into eagerly. “Until then…shall I, eh, walk you back to your rooms?”
“Please,” and with one last long, lingering kiss with the odd cardinal doll squished between the two of you, you pick up your bag and continue the long walk back to your cozy bed with the Satanic cardinal you hoped would soon be in it.
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wilbursprincess · 3 months
What The Bursonas Would Get You On Your Birthday
Bursonas x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: Some NSFW/sexual allusions
BELLE IS BACK Y’ALL! Those who follow my main ( @bellelikesmcyt ) probably know I’ve been pretty active, but I’ve finally gotten the time to sit down and post headcannons for the first time since February. I’ve missed writing so, so, so much!
My friend Daniel (hi Daniel!) and I spent a lot of today planning a very special treat for you lovelies! He’s a fellow writer and I’m very glad to have his help on this blog :) no spoilers, ofc, but I’m so excited for you guys to see it!
Headcannons below cut!
Superstarbur: A front row ticket to his next gig, the biggest bouquet of flowers you’ve ever seen, and a fancy night out for dinner… which ends with a night you’ll fantasize about for years to come.
Revivebur: A jacket that matches his iconic brown one and a home cooked meal that’s underseasoned, but the effort means more than the meal ever could.
Simpbur: Some new toys for you to use on him, a hoodie he’ll just end up stealing in a week, and a stack of painstakingly-made coupons for a back rub, sex, and the like.
Sirenbur: A CD of his songs (both to enchant you and because you love them) and two brand new bathing suits
Dadbur (👀): An adorable card from his little daughter that practically oozes glitter, a box of chocolate the two of them picked out, and a day out shopping, all on him, naturally.
Streamerbur: A new video game you had your eyes on, new joycon covers for your Switch, and fancy bluetooth earbuds.
Emobur: A ticket to your favorite emo band, sparkly black fishnets, new pins for your sweaters, and a new rack for your CD collection.
Vampirebur: A pair of fuzzy socks, tons of pretty jewelry, and shows you his brand new tattoo of your bite mark on his shoulder.
Princebur: A new blanket for your bed, a slightly messy homemade cake, and a nice new dress.
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lillythecoolest · 10 months
🎄What The TADC Cast Would Get You For Christmas!🎄
Warnings : None
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•Pomni would probably too worried about the whole circus situation to buy you anything big
•She’s the type of person to get you something smaller but more meaningful!
•Maybe like jewelry or a blanket
•Or something specifically special to you!
•To me she seems like to type of person to not be good at wrapping, so she just gives it too you straight up/in a bag
•If you get her something expect a small thank you
•Literally gets you EXACTLY what you want
•Don’t question how
•Omg she’s the BEST gift wrapper
•If you get her something, expect a thank you and a hug (If you’re not touchy she’ll smile at you and thank you!)
•She’ll appreciate anything you give her! Even coal
•He’ll probably fill a gift box up with bugs
•And if you like bugs he’ll get you bug spray
•Basically the grinch, only purple
•If you get him something, he’ll just toss it behind him
•But in private? Oh, he loves it!
•Imagine you peeking through his cracked open door, watching him smile and just look at the gift
•Is Santa
•Puts up a big tree in the middle of the circus
•On Christmas Day, he acts like you guys are all kids
•“Ohoho, I wonder where all these gifts came from!” “Caine, please…”
•Cheesy or not, you’re happy because you get so many things you’ve wanted
•Doesn’t really know what to do when he gets a gift
•“My My, something for me?”
•Oh, he loves gift-giving! He likes it more than receiving gifts himself!
•He’d probably get you something to do with insects, like it or not.
• Aka an old beehive (- the bees), a bug catcher, a butterfly net, etc
•Weird gifts or not, he tries his best!
•Is wrapping is messy as shit, mostly recycled wrapping paper too.
•If you get him something, especially to do with insects, he’ll be so exited! He loves (almost) anything he gets!
•Really doesn’t gaf
•Probably just gets you some paper towels or something
•They don’t bother wrapping, basically like Pomni but with less thought
•If you get her something, expect a small “Thanks”
•But they really do appreciate it!
•Gangle loves Christmas! It reminds her of home
•She’d 100% make you something homemade!
•Her and Ragatha wrap gifts together! (I love their duo so much it’s insane)
•If she gets a gift from you, she might cry! In a good way ofc
•She’s just not used to the nice nature :)
•Gets you rocks
•Eats whatever you get them
•Looks at you like •_•
Hello! Sorry I’m already posting about Christmas, im just like really exited. Also sorry if i don’t post for the next few days, my parents are having some issues and I’m like pretty involved so yeah. But im not quitting! Just a break so i dont get burnt out/even more burnt out from the parents issue. But ily all so much! Ty for reading!
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shall-we-die · 5 months
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{HBD Dear MC!~}
A list of gifts they gonna give you 🎁
☰[Main list]•⊰ X Obey me!
#Part 1 📍 || #Part 2 || #Part 3 || #Part 4
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A piece of music he composed, a bouquet of rare black roses, a vintage vinyl record of his favorite music genre, a handwritten letter and a necklace with a pendant.
A brand new car, an expensive watch, a gold necklace and the most expensive set of jewelry he could find. (With the help of Lucifer’s money of course)
A signed rare copy of his favorite anime and manga series, rare figurines of his favorite characters, and a handmade bracelet made out of real gemstones.
A box of homemade pastries that would always refill and never run out, a leather-bound notebook filled with his best poetry and a ring with a ruby attached to it.
A luxury spa package, his favorite book series and a perfume set that contained all his favorite scents.
A home cooked dinner, a bottle of champagne and a jar of his special honey.
A big cuddly teddy bear, a warm blanket and pillows and, a big pillow-shaped chocolate cake.
An exclusive tour of the Demon King’s castle, a luxurious robe and a box of sweets.
A personal day out with him at his favorite places, a bottle of expensive tea and a vintage-style fountain pen.
A bouquet of rare pink roses and peonies, a box of chocolates as well as his homemade cookies, and a framed letter.
A handwritten book filled with magical spells and runes, a new spellbook which he designed himself, and a bottle of the rarest and most unique wine there is.
A box set of his favorite stories, a new plushie and a box of his delicious pancakes.
A handmade sweater, a basket with all his favorite herbal teas and spices, and a box of his most precious herbs and plants.
A box filled with all his favorite rare books, a handmade ceramic mug and a handcrafted blanket.
A framed photo of the two of you together, a handmade plushie with all her favorite features and a big box of chocolates.
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kenphobia · 1 year
Hellooo, therapy is expensive but reading your stories about silly puppets it's free.
So, I was wondering if I could ask for some imagines of Wally Darling (yeah, again, sorry 😭) with a s/o whose love language is giving gifts? Like, they love to shower Wally (and their other friends) in all kind of gifts no matter the time or place.
I hope that wasn't too confusing and I hope both sides of your pillow are cold.
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"T-a-n-g-a ka talaga, Wally." "... What—"
summary. wally is a puppet who loves his neighbors equally and cherishes them in many ways. but when his lover does gift giving more than him, he gets a bit competitive. ( headcanons / 0.9k wc / read end notes )
contents. general fluff, straight up romantic dynamic, implied filipino!wally, bits of playful Wally slander ( nsfw blogs dni )
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✦ It started simple, nothing too big or fancy. When you brough him those oil pastels Wally had been eying for a while, he couldn't help but feel flustered. It's not like he haven't received gifts before, few of his neighbors love to give him little presents too, but it was different when it comes to you.
✦ Of course, he accepts with a smile and a slightly flushed face.
"Thanks, (Name)! I really, really appreciate this." Wally paused, switching his gaze from the oil pastels to you in a nervous manner. "I, um, I'll make sure to make great use of it."
You smiled, patting his hair carefully as to not accidentally deform the pompadour he spent half an hour styling and 5 whole bottles of glue. "Well, I'm glad you liked it! I have to go now though, Sally needs me with setting up her stage for tomorrow's play. See you later, Walls!"
Wally waved you goodbye, watching you leave and your figure getting farther and farther, completely disappearing as you turned a corner. He finally focused his gaze to the box in his hands, a gentle smile caressed his face.
For a short moment, He remembered how your eyes twinkled and reflected the warm light. Wally's gaze softened, humming as he went inside his house. He has an idea what to do using the oil pastels you gave him.
✦ It was sweet, Wally would say, but he wouldn't admit how he had dreames of the whole thing several times. Or well, daydreamed since he doesn't sleep. Home had a couple of incidents and scolding Wally for letting his paintbrush go and getting paint on the carpet.
✦ Wally didn't think much of it though, but appreciated it finely. That is until he received some homemade mint chocolate cookies at his doorstep. Eddie had given it to him, informing him that it came from no other than the lovely you.
✦ (Wally doesn't miss Eddie side-eying though. Sadly, not everyone can appreciate mint chocolate like Wally does.)
✦ It didn't just stop there, no, why would it? From cookies to handcrafted beaded jewelry of his favorite colors to little letters and poems to cute little doodles of you and him being pinned on his fridge everyday— Your gifts were endless and Wally wonders how could you make so much in just a span of an hour.
✦ He doesn't have the right to judge you after making multiple portraits of you and sending some of them immediately to your home. It was a lot, but after all of you wonderous gifts that kept him awake and thinking at every hour, your front porch became bombarded with many paintings.
✦ Wally started doing art in other ways too. Pottery, watercolour, jewelries, etc. He even sent a whole basket of (definitely not stolen) apples to your door! The whole gift giving suddenly became a war between who could show their affection more than the other.
✦ Eddie had to intervene because he had been delivering gifts to both your houses every single day. Doesn't bother Wally though, it gives him the advantage of simply entering your home with a key he secretly copied and stuff all of his heartfelt gifts.
✦ You did caught him one time in your room, hanging up pictures of you, some of them were mainly focused on your eyes. You aren't exactly sure how to feel about it, both the paintings and the crime he had just committed.
Arriving to your humble abode, you furrowed your brows upon finding the front door unlocked. You quickly entered inside, trying your best at staying quiet while you put your stuff down on the sofa and wanderes around your home for the intruder.
The neighborhood isn't exactly a crime-filled place, but you still can't shake off the feeling of dread bubbling in your stomach. You gripped the house keys in your hands so firmly that you swear the plastic could cut through your palm.
You neared your room, breath hitching at the sound of shuffling and murmuring. You squinted through the darkness, seeing your bedroom door wide open and the lights turned on. Quickly, you rushed closer and hoped that the intruder wouldn't hear your panicked steps.
"Oh... That wouldn't work at all. Let's try this position." A voice suddenly pierced through the silence. It was soft, warm and awfully familiar that it made bits of your dread disappear slowly.
You leaned against the wall, turning your head and peeking from the doorway. Immediately, you locked your eyes at a portrait of you sitting idly on your bed and then to the blue cardigan the stranger was wearing.
Wait a second, That's not a stranger. No, that's—!
"Wally? What are you doing here?" You voiced out, walking in as your boyfriend turned to face you. His eyes wide in surprise, nearly dropping the painting. You found yourself deadpanning at what was on the canvas, it was a painting of you and Wally unsurprisingly.
Wally smiled, albeit nervously. "O-Oh, *Mahal! You're home earlier than I expected."
You hardened your gaze, squinting at his form as you crossed your arms. "Wally, why are you in my house?"
"Well, you see, Mahal..." Wally began, putting down the painting and making it lean on the wall. "I— I will explain it to you tomorrow. Byee!"
You didn't have a chance to say anything before Wally ran up to your window and jumping out, breaking plastic glass and leaving your room in a state of disaster.
That noseless bastard.
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notes. did i completely forgot abt the other neighbors? yes. do i regret it? no. sorry, howdy 😔 but yaya!!! another wally fic, turned out a bit shorter than I like and more crackshippy but that's fineee
i hope you like it tho!!! this was fun to make and i rlly tried racking my brain for any creative juice.
inbox is always open, so come on by again for more wally slander /lh
*mahal - love in tagalog
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spicywhenspeaking · 7 months
Bad Omens Valentine’s Day Headcanons ❤️
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These are all just my made up little ideas about how the version of them that lives on my mind palace would act! Not at all meant to be taken seriously:)
Under the cut
Noah Sebastian:
makes a home cooked meal
buys flowers from a local florist
Words of affirmation and quality time and physical touch
Gifts expensive chocolate assortment in a heart shaped box
has a record playing when you get home from work
Prays to every god that you’re wear the red lingerie set that makes drives him crazy
Writes a very sappy note in the card he got you and gets an intense blush when you read it
You share a bottle of red wine or a mocktail
You end up going out to see a movie spontaneously but sit in the back row so you can make out
Nicholas Ruffilo:
Believes Valentine’s Day is a corporate holiday but makes you a handmade card with a beautiful note inside
Words of affirmation and quality time
Orders your favorite food on Uber eats
Gifts you comfy new pajamas and expensive skin care that he knows you like but don’t buy offer for yourself
You two split an edible and watch horror movies and eat dinner on the couch
Buys all the Valentine’s Day themed gummy snacks for you to share
End up high and playing a card game but forgetting the rules and laughing so hard you get dizzy for a second and hold onto each other for support
Clumsily climb up the stairs after each other and flop into bed in a cuddled mess arms and legs tangled up together.
Nick Folio:
Loves Valentine’s Day so much
Lots of physical touch and gift giving
Buys you a new Valentine’s Day stuffed animal every year
Gets you an edible arrangement and 12 dozen red roses delivered to your office/job/apartment
Wants to kiss you all day and remind you how beautiful you are and how much he loves you
Appreciates a gift in return (lol) and he gets teary eyed when he reads the note you put in his card
Rents a hotel room for the weekend and went before to decorate with rose petals
You get drunk on champagne together and take a bubble bath
He brought bath paints so you end up making a fun game out of drawling on each others skin until the water runs cold and you dry off and head to bed ;)
Jolly Karlsson:
Very romantic and treats you like a queen
Lots of words of affirmation and affection
Breakfast in bed with homemade pancakes and omelet
Has the whole day planned for you
Takes a cute picture for his instagram to make a sappy post about how much he loves you
Coffee shop date at y’all’s favorite place
Picks out your outfit for dinner including the new lingerie he bought you
Fancy reservations at a nice restaurant
Wants to hold your hand across the table all night
Buys an expensive bottle of wine
Buys you nice ethical jewelry
Ubers home to be responsible
Wants to dance in the candle light when you get home
bad omens Taglist: @cookiesupplier
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shady-lemur · 1 year
Abby spolis reader for their birthday
i love this sm. it would physically hurt her to not kiss the ground you walked on on your birthday.
you wake up to abby singing happy birthday in her pajamas with a tray of food in her hands and your cat trailing happily behind her. she always comes through with the breakfast in bed omfg… blueberry pancakes, bacon, lots of fruits, some yogurt, chopped potatoes, orange juice, and coffee. you smile at her and sit up so she can set the tray up on your shared bed. “happy birthday angel. do you feel old now?” she teases and you shoot her a warning glance. “shut up. i’m not that old..”
abby laughs and gives you a kiss on the cheek before getting under the covers to sit next to you. she knows you’d be mad if she just made you food and sat there and watched you eat so of course she brought her own utensils and put extra food on the plate so you can enjoy it together. before you can start to eat she puts a candle in your pancakes. “you gotta blow your candle out first!!”
you shake your head at her and smile, “are you gonna make me do this every meal?” abby shrugs playfully and gets her phone out to film you making your first birthday wish. after you blow out your candle and notice her sneaking a few pictures of you now and then you whine. “absss! i look crazy in those. i’m not ready.”
she frowns and shakes your head, planting kisses all over your face. “you are so beautiful angel.”
you laugh at her ticklish kisses and move to have your lips meet hers. “thank you abby. this smells so fucking good.”
you eat breakfast while laughing with each other and listening to the playlist you made for her one year for your anniversary.
after breakfast is when the birthday surprises REALLLY start. after you get ready for the day and put on the “birthday girl” sash that abby got for you you walk out of your bedroom to a decorated living space. banners hung on the walls. balloons on the floor, party hats, and a dining room table full of gifts. a massive bouquet, a few designer brand bags, jewelry boxes, your favorite snacks, and a few gift bags and boxes. not to mention the huge new cat tree in your living room because when it’s your birthday it’s basically also his.
“oh my god abby. i thought you said you weren’t gonna do anything crazy. this is so much.” you cover your face and groan (half playfully) when she wraps her arms around you and hugs you from behind, pressing gentle kisses behind your ear. “hmm? giving my angel some presents on her birthday is not crazy.”
you turn to face her and give her a “really?” look. she smiles at you and gives you a peck on the lips.
“i’m serious! all i did for your birthday was get you a few books and a watch.” you whine. abby shakes her head and furrows her eyebrows.
“noo. you made me an incredible homemade pasta, got me those very thoughtful gifts, made me a beautiful cake, and gave me the best present of all before bed.” she gives you a wink and you sigh, how does she still make you so hot in the face after 6 years together..?
“are you gonna open your gifts? we’ve got a busy day planned!!”
you look at her and smile, eventually giving in to her excitement to show you what she got you. her gifts definitely were not under 10k… the surgeon salary 😍😍😍
of course, after opening your gifts she takes you to the mall for a shopping spree. using your birthday as an excuse for you to finally except her offers of paying.
“abby i can’t. you already spent all that money one me.” she looks at you, genuinely confused, because she doesn’t understand how you don’t understand that this is very much a win-win for you. you get a bunch of cool stuff, she gets to get you a bunch of cool stuff!! you put the purse back on the shelf but she slips in back in the basket while walking behind you like a baby duck.
“what about that dress angel? that style is perfect for you.” you look at her and smile before getting a dress to try on. it’s easier to give in than fight it.
after she pays at that store (chanel. you couldn’t even watch while she paid because it physically hurt) she smiles at you and gives you another kiss. “where do you wanna do next baby?”
so you led her to victoria secret, mostly as a reward for her because she won’t stop buying you shit!!!! her face definitely goes beat red at some of the things you point to or hold up to show her. “abs! wouldn’t that look so cute on me? i could wear it around the house, in the morning i-“
before you can finish she already had the right size in the bag. you giggle and continue to lead her through the store, basically just seeing how much you can tease her. “oh my god, abby!! can we get those, we could match!” in the bag.
“those look like they’d be so comfortable.” in the bag.
“oh my god i love that color!” in the bag.
*staring at something* in the bag.
and you don’t get to leave until at least another 8k was spent. jesus christ this woman.
and of course you go to the fanciest restaurant abby could find. she takes you home after you shop so you can change into one of your new dresses and she puts on one of her favorite dresses too (sorry i know y’all wanted me to say a suit….. i’m just too obsessed with fem abby :(!!).
she feeds your cat and gives him a couple treats for being so good while you’ve been gone and then escorts you to her car before she goes feral because of how amazing you look!!
“you look so good baby. i can’t believe you’re my girl.” she reaches over the console (?? is that what it’s called…?) to give you a kiss, forcing herself to pull away before she gets too handsy.
you smile at her and move a hair out of her face. “abs. you’re so perfect. thank you so much for all of this.”
abby grins and looks at you like a fucking puppy. she puts her hand on your thigh and finally gets on the road!! she takes you to a very high end restaurant (ofc..) and has the staff give you a menu that has no prices… jesus christ. abby orders some wine and laughs as you try to pronounce the names of the fancy foods.
she tells everyone around that it’s your birthday just because she’s so excited to get to spoil you!! at the end of dinner they bring out a small cake with chocolate covered fruits around it. the cake has your name on it and abby makes sure to get pictures of your joyous face when it first comes out.
you’re so tired by the time you get home. immediately stripping out of your dress and heels when the front door closes and making your way up to your shared bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. abby trails behind you happily. neither of you forget to pet the cat of course!!
after you finish in the bathroom you plop yourself on to the bed. you laugh when abby plops down next to you, causing the whole bed to shake. “thank you soo much for today abby. i couldn’t have had a better birthday.” you wrapped your arms around her sweetly and she copies your movements, resting her head against your shoulder. “this is no one near what i owe you for being you.”
you snort and look down at her. she starts to laugh too, “what are you laughing about? i’m serious!!”
“you’re so cheesy ab!! oh my god!”
you end the night with some cuddles and you’re favorite movie.
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lightbarebunnies · 7 months
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summary: the kind of gift(s) you receive from your special someone at Ensemble Square! tags: established relationship, fluff, slightly suggestive at some points, gn!reader - you/your pronouns characters: the main cast, teachers, and anzu! a/n: I wanted to post something for Valentines, so here's a little headcanon sort of thing! If a character's name is in bold+italics that means I just think that's something they'd definitely do. I see other people do it with these types of post so why not :)
Something to Eat
(Purchased) Chocolates
It’s a classic, right? You’re their valentine, so you’re definitely getting Valentine's Day chocolate - there will be no objections! It’s something they picked out with your tastes in mind, even if you’re not the biggest sweets fan, they want to participate in the holiday festivities with you!
Aira | Chiaki | Eichi | HiMERU | Hinata | Hiyori | Hokuto | Izumi | Jin | Kaoru | Kohaku | Mao | Midori | Ritsu | Shinobu | Sora | Tori | Tsukasa
Something Homemade
Chocolate, cookies, maybe even a cake… or are sweets not your thing? No matter what your tastes are, they wanted to make you something with their own hands! While it might not be as tasty as something bought at the store, they wanted you to taste all the love and effort they wanted to put into this little gift for you!
Adonis | Anzu | Hajime | Hinata | Kuro | Madara | Mika | Natsume | Niki | Shu | Tomoya
Something to Wear
Purchased Jewelry/Clothing
It had caught their eye in the store window one day… and that night, they just couldn’t get it out of their mind. The way the piece would compliment your skin… it was meant to be yours. So they purchased it, made sure to wrap the box with care, so that you knew exactly how much thought went into this gift. The price doesn’t matter - you’re worth whatever it cost, and then some.
Akiomi | Arashi | Eichi | Hiiro | HiMERU | Hiyori | Izumi | Kaoru | Keito | Makoto | Mao | Tetora | Tori | Tsukasa | Yuzuru
Handmade Jewelry/Clothes
It could be a little Kandi Bracelet with beads that match your favorite colors, a knit hat to keep you warm for the rest of the winter, or maybe even an ornate pendant with a tumbled stone picked to specifically match your eyes. No matter what, it was made both with love and you specifically in mind. The joy of gift giving comes from the idea that you’ve gotten a piece of art that exists for no one but you - a little sign of just what you make them feel.
Anzu | Arashi | Hajime | Hokuto | Kuro | Mika | Nazuna | Rinne | Shu | Tomoya | Tsumugi
A Charm
Maybe it’s a bit cheesy, but this isn’t an unexpected gift. You had gotten the initial charm bracelet from them early on in your relationship - each new addition for a milestone or special memory that the two of you have shared. It doesn’t matter if you wear it… the bracelet is like a little memorial to your relationship, a timeline of how the two of you have intertwined together.
Aira | Anzu | Arashi | Hiiro | Hinata | Kanata | Keito | Mayoi | Midori | Natsume | Nazuna | Ritsu | Subaru | Tomoya | Yuzuru
A Piece from Their Own Closet
Is this a lazy, last minutes gift? Oh no, it’s anything but. There’s a sort of satisfaction from seeing you wear something that belonged to them. Maybe they’re a tad possessive, maybe they want you to know that you’re as much a part of their life that they view their own belongings as yours… All they know is that when they see that piece on you, it makes their heart beat a bit faster.
Adonis | Chiaki | Hajime | Hiiro | Izumi | Jin | Jun | Kaoru | Koga | Kuro | Madara | Mao | Mayoi | Mitsuru | Natsume | Rinne | Tetora | Yuta
A Plushie
You can’t deny how cute it is… Whenever you’re feeling lonely, be sure to snuggle with your new friend - and imagine your beloved is there with you! Either one of your favorite animals, their pet name for you, or maybe one of your favorite fictional characters… I mean, who wouldn’t love a nui of their oshi, after all?
Akiomi | Aira | Kanata | Leo | Midori | Nazuna | Ritsu | Shinobu | Souma | Tori | Yuta
Won from a Crane Game
It may not be as perfectly tailored to you as something they went out to buy, but… they worked really hard to get you this gift! Taking you out to the arcade, proudly announcing that they won’t stop until that plush is in your arms, where it belongs… plus, you get the fun memory of your little arcade date as a bonus!
Anzu | Chiaki | Hiiro | Hinata | Jun | Kohaku | Makoto | Mitsuru | Natsume | Shinobu | Shu | Sora | Subaru | Tetora
Even if it won't be the same quality as the commercial stuff, it's just as sweet! They even included a little embroidery with your initials, so that there's no mistaking that this plush is yours. Every stitch was filled with the love they feel for you - resulting in a plushie that there will never be another one of.
Hajime | Kuro | Mayoi | Mika | Rinne | Shu | Sora | Tori | Tsumugi
An Experience
A Shopping Trip
Giving a gift can be hard… and they’re the type who wants to give you something you’ll 100% want and use… so- they’re taking you out! Maybe it’s to buy an outfit that you get to pick out, or just a whole date where they’re spoiling you with everything you wind up being interested in… either way, they’re going out with you to buy you your gift this year.
Akiomi | Arashi | Chiaki | Eichi | HiMERU | Hiyori | Ibara | Izumi | Keito | Makoto | Mao | Mika | Mitsuru | Nagisa | Rei | Tori | Tsukasa
A Special Dinner
The way to someone’s heart is through their stomach… but why stop at chocolates? Either at your favorite restaurant, the most exclusive place in town, or a personal and private home cooked meal between the two of you… They’re the type who wants to give you something special, a memory to look back on even after Valentine’s Day is over, and maybe the start of a tradition for the two of you.
Adonis | Akiomi | Eichi | Hiyori | Ibara | Izumi | Kaoru | Keito | Leo | Nagisa | Niki | Tatsumi | Tsukasa | Wataru | Yuzuru
A Couple's Class
You're going to try something new together! It could be learning to cook a brand-new dish together, making some sort of pottery, or maybe painting something. Not only do the two of you get to experience something special, but you get to take something with you to remember the special day by.
Anzu | Keito | Kohaku | Madara | Makoto | Mao | Mika | Mitsuru | Nagisa | Natsume | Rei | Rinne | Shu | Sora | Subaru | Tatsumi | Tomoya | Tsumugi | Yuzuru
A Trip to Somewhere Special
From the Art Gallery to the Amusement Park, you're going to be going on a special date at a place that the two of you will love. Looking at jellyfish at the Aquarium, attending the symphony, petting bunnies at the Zoo's petting zoo, or checking out the brand new archeological exhibit at the Museum… no matter what it is, it’s something to make your eyes light up and so they can see that perfect smile of yours.
Chiaki | Kanata | Kaoru | Koga | Leo | Madara | Makoto | Mitsuru | Nagisa | Natsume | Nazuna | Rinne | Shinobu | Souma | Subaru | Tetora | Tomoya | Wataru
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yakuzacanons · 7 months
valentine’s day coming up!!
what do they boys do to celebrate w their s/o?
Anon how did u read my brain to find out I have been cookin this post for the last few days lol. Happy Valentine's to all of you, my lovelies.
Mild NSFW below. Also this is a long one, sorry in advance.
Kazuma Kiryu
Simple but classy. As it stands, he can't really do anything big or fancy and the Daidoji sure as hell won't let him do many dinner dates if any at all but he makes the most of it. Probably gives you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a heartfelt letter.
Majima Goro
A chocolate thief is on the loose in Sotenbori and his name is Majima Goro. If a giant heart-shaped red velvet size box appears on your doorstep, it's from him. He might even be in it. Open it and find out.
Saejima Taiga
A mix of getting you some gifts and making you something handmade. He's typically torn between two strategies: making you a handmade gift and taking you out to dinner or buying you a gift and making you dinner. Heads up, he will at some point make a handcarved wooden figurine or statue for you one of these years.
Akiyama Shun
You'd think it would be beyond human capabilities for this man to get any sappier than he is but somehow he does it every time. A class act with just the right amount of cheese. Dinner, flowers, the works. You can't tell if you're just that starry eyed over this man or if he actually just fucking sparkles.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Can't afford too much on his salary, but he'll make you an adorable custom basket of all your favorite snacks. Will totally pull some strings at Homeland to get the restaurant open to just you two.
Ryuji Goda
Can afford whatever the hell you want and has no reservations about doing so. However, he DOES have reservations at your favorite restaurant with a bottle of your favorite wine, alongside one of every single favorite item of yours on the planet. Always gets you a piece of customized jewelry.
Nishikiyama Akira
Always gets you a customized bouquet of flowers. Actually pretty into the arrangement and colors and is particular about getting yours just right. Might just even make one himself one of these days. Also gets one of those customizable chocolate boxes or a luxury bag.
Daigo Dojima
Are roses and candles cheesy? Yes. Cheesy is also Daigo's middle name when it comes to Valentine's Day. Man's straight out of a 90's romcom. Probably got the idea from a 90's romcom, actually. Will also be down to watch a 90's romcom with you. Seriously, he prefers a cozy night in anyways.
Mine Yoshitaka
Same vibe as Daigo but sluttier. Seriously. He's a champagne and bubble bath type of hoe, followed by what can only be described as mind blowing sex. Out of all the boys, he's the one who's most likely to have sex on Valentine's Day.
Tatsuo Shinada
He will try his hand at baking you some homemade goodies. Be warned, the first few attempts will be a little wonky. He's doing his best though! He can't afford much so he likes to do homemade things. Would also be down to bake or cook something with you if you're into that.
Ichiban Kasuga
He'd take you on a date that includes all of your favorite activites and your favorite places. As long as he's spending time with you, that's what counts. Will totally end the day by just blurting out something sappy and romantic but would he be Ichiban if he didn't?
Yu Nanba
Likes to do something relaxing, particularly if it takes you two away from the city. Nothing like the peace and quiet of the countryside so you two can be as close as possible. Probably would take a weekend to go to a hot spring with you.
Adachi Koichi
Will actually ask you to be his Valentine. Total cheesefest with this guy. Type of fella to hold a rose between his teeth and say something dumb like "Hey babe, come here often?". In terms of activites, he doesn't have much beyond a nice dinner planned but his personality just oozes goofy, silly love.
Tianyou Zhao
If you thought he'd be doing anything other than cooking you an overly extravagant dinner all by himself, then you'd be dead wrong. Man's out here cooking all your favorite foods, baking your favorite desserts, and making them unbelievably pretty and fancy. He's out here making roses out of the freakin' dumpling pastry, for cryin' out loud!
Joon-Gi Han (Y7)
Sweetie boy is doing his best. Gets a nice cake with a custom message on it, or takes you to an adorable cafe and eats a bunch of sweets with you. Also, yes he's dressing in matching outfits, duh!
Joon-Gi Han (Y6)
This boytoy is taking you to the biggest, fanciest club in town and ordering the biggest, fanciest bottle of champagne they have. Also one of the boys who is likely to get down and dirty on Valentine's Day.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Total class. Years have given him enough knowledge and expertise to pull off a classic Valentine's Day without a hitch. Thinks of everything, from the flowers and dinner all the way down to what color tie goes best with what color suit that would match best with your outfits. Lots of kisses on the back of your hand.
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sarahowritesostucky · 18 days
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Art: @hopelessartgeek
📖 "Medically Necessitated" Ch 9
Rated: Explicit Pairing: Bucky x Steve Tags: a/b/o, age gap, past rape, rape recovery, trauma recovery, pregnancy, medical trauma, hurt/comfort, mentions of CSA, religious fundamentalism, first time, gender dysphoria, male omegas having all the bits (peen & vagine) Summary: After a medical emergency brings him into the ER, Bucky escapes the religious cult he's been raised in. It's up to Steve, nurse practitioner and omega sex & repro specialist, to see him through a medically supervised heat.
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Wait! I haven't read an earlier chapter! Story masterlist
9. Rebecca
After a battery of tests to ensure he isn't being coerced, Bucky is finally released into Steve's care.
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The next morning, Steve shows up to work with a brand new tablet,  StarkPhone, box of steaming hot French toast, and a spring in his step. But when he gets to Bucky’s room, he’s surprised to find him dressed in regular clothes and speaking with a visitor.
The woman from the cult is there, sitting in Steve’s usual spot at the bedside. Steve tenses up in preparation for a confrontation.
The last time he’d seen her, she’d been sitting in a conference room with her hair tied back modestly, that same modesty echoed in her meek demeanor and homemade dress. Today she’s wearing a pantsuit with jewelry and makeup, but the difference doesn’t register to Steve right away. He can only think of the man named Russel who’d been so hateful when he spoke about male omegas, who’d threatened to rip Bucky away and take him back to his insane little cult. How the woman introduced as Bucky’s mother had just sat there and not said a word against any of it.
Steve takes another step into the room, fingers digging into the takeout container and making the styrofoam squeak. “You.”
“Steve!” Bucky greets happily, eyeing the food and electronics that Steve is balancing his own coffee cup atop of. “Morning.”
“Hey, Buck.” Steve’s eyes flick between the woman and Bucky. She resembles him, though she sure as shit doesn’t look old enough to be his mother. He frowns at her and wonders how long she’s been there, how she even got up to the ward in the first place. “Is everything okay in here?”
“Yeah. Steve, this is Becca. She’s from the Children.”
“We’ve met,” the woman says before Steve has a chance to open his mouth. She gives him a wary look and holds out her hand. “Rebecca. I’m—”
“I remember you,” Steve says flatly, ignoring the gesture. “You were here with that man. Russel.”
Her expression falls and she retracts her hand. “Sorry. Yeah.”
“Is he here?” Steve asks tightly. He’s on edge just thinking of another alpha coming in to try and stake a claim on Bucky.
“No. No, I came alone.”
“I brought him some clothes from home,” she offers, aware of Steve’s opinion of her. “I called ahead to get permission. The social workers know I’m here visiting. They approved it.”
Steve blinks, surprised. “Oh.” He relaxes a fraction at that, moving over to set his armload of things down on the bed near Bucky’s legs.
“Oh my God that smells good. Give it.” Bucky is stretching down the bed to get at the take out container, and he moans when he lifts the lid and the smell of butter and maple syrup escapes. “Oh, fuuck me.”
“Bucky,” Steve scoffs, embarrassed.
It’s then that Bucky seems to finally catalog the other items. “What’re those?”
Steve scratches behind his head, wishing that the woman Rebecca wasn’t there. He’d wanted to surprise Bucky with the gifts. “Well you said you were bored,” he defends. “And everybody needs a cellphone.”
“Shit, they’re for me?!”
Steve takes great pride in the blinding smile that Bucky gives him, but his enjoyment of the moment is stilted due to their guest’s presence. “If you two were having a visit, I can step out for a minute.”
“No, no that’s okay,” Bucky says, already spearing up a bunch of the French toast and shoving it into his mouth. He chews, talking around the food and pointing at the woman with his fork. “She’s my sister.”
“Your ‘sister’?” Steve narrows his eyes at Rebecca, who really does look to be in her thirties. “I thought you were his ‘mother’?”
Bucky snorts and Rebecca winces. “No. I’m sorry that Russel told you that. He lied.”
Steve crosses his arms. “I’m still curious how you made the jump from mother to sister. Is this a lie, too?”
“Russel married her,” Bucky says, still mowing through the food and rolling his eyes. “Gross, by the way.”
“I was only one of many, and didn’t exactly have a choice, Bucky,” she scolds. She looks back to Steve. “I came here because I want to do what he’s doing. I want out.”
“She’s leaving the Children, too,” Bucky supplies. “We both shoulda done it a long time ago, but,” he shrugs. “S’hard.”
“Yeah,” Steve says slowly, taking all of this new information in. “Yeah I’m sure it is.” Now that he knows that the woman in the chair isn’t there to try and convince Bucky to come back into the fold, now that he knows she’s Bucky’s sister and that she supports him, he’s feeling far less standoffish. He uncrosses his arms and tries to act at least marginally more friendly. “So … you two are actually related? I thought nobody in your group knew who their biological parents were?”
Bucky laughs with his mouth full. “Yeah but we figured it out years ago. I mean look at us.” He gestures between the two of them with his fork and Steve has to concede the point. They have the same wavy dark hair and the same face shape, near-identical eyes and noses. “Becs found some old documents once, digging around in the church office. We know the woman who’s our actual mother.”
��Well, know of her,” Rebecca corrects, and Bucky nods.
“We don’t talk. She doesn’t know that we know. Nobody does.” He shrugs and takes another massive bite of food, which he talks through. “Waaahya gunnuh do, righ?”
“I see.” Steve shifts uncomfortably and takes a sip of his coffee. He can only imagine how weird the whole thing must be. Or at least, it seems weird to him. But Bucky’s talking about it as if it doesn’t bother him a bit, or at least not enough to stop demolishing his breakfast. “Well um, it’s good to hear that you’ve got some support,” Steve says. “Somebody you know. On the outside.”
Rebecca looks up from her chair. “I came to tell him that I’d officially moved out. I found a charity that helps people like us, people who’ve got nowhere else to go. They’ve helped me find an apartment, and I’ve got a job interview today.”
“Oh yeah?” Steve tries to smile encouragingly, even though his heart rate picks up at the possibility that she’s about to say that she wants Bucky to come live with her. “That’s great.” He takes another big gulp of his coffee.
“Steve’s the one who knocked me up.”
Steve almost spits out his mouthful, swallowing painfully and coughing. “Bucky!”
Rebecca laughs, the sound slightly similar to what Bucky’s own laugh sounds like. “It’s okay. He told me how it happened. I know you’re not some predator trying to take advantage of him.”
Steve flushes and shifts uncomfortably. He sure does feel like one, having to face Bucky’s much older sibling about it now. “Yeah, well …”
“I didn’t know you could test for it so soon, though,” Rebecca says. “The commercials always say, what? A few days after your missed period?”
“That’s for beta women,” Steve says, knowing the statistics by rote. “Omegas’ menstrual cycles are timed differently. Their bodies implant the egg and start producing hCG much faster, so blood tests’ll pick up on it after only a few days.” He glances at Bucky. “Sometimes sooner.”
“We’re bonded,” Bucky tells Rebecca. “It was just supposed to be temporary, but, well …” He glances down at his stomach and Steve feels guilt flare up in him. “So now Steve’s taking me home to live with him.” Bucky doesn’t seem at all concerned about how his sister will react to this news. “So that the baby can be around his pheromones and stuff. Which is apparently important.”
Steve is abruptly reminded that Bucky has had zero sex education in his life, and he resolves to download a bunch of material onto the omega’s new tablet as soon as it gets a full charge. “It’s all about what he wants,” Steve feels compelled to say, to ensure that Rebecca fully knows that he is not a predator. Christ, he hates that she even thought to use the word. That’s going to stick in his mind, now. “Bucky didn’t want to consider termination, so we’re doing what’s best for the development of the fetus.”
“Could you not call it that?” Bucky complains. “S’weird.”
Steve flushes. “Sorry. Medical jargon. Habit.”
There’s a beat of silence between the three of them, and Steve is just about to open his mouth to offer again to give the siblings some privacy for their visit, but Rebecca beats him to the chase by standing. She picks up her purse from the floor and shoulders it. “I’d better get going. The interview’s at ten forty-five and it’s half past nine now. I’m still kind of slow at the whole public transportation thing and, well. Don’t want to be late.”
“Hey, you can text me now!” Bucky says excitedly, reaching for the StarkPhone that Steve had hurriedly charged and added onto his plan that morning. “Oh, but I don’t know my number …”
“Here.” Steve helps by taking his own phone out and unlocking the screen. “What’s your number? I should have it too.” Rebecca relays the information and the both of them save her in their contacts. She says goodbye and promises to be in touch, giving Bucky a hug and Steve a handshake that feels more than a little stilted. “It’ll be okay,” Steve promises her out in the hall, when Bucky has found a moment of distraction with his new phone. “I’m going to take care of him.”
“You’d better,” she says. “He just got out of that life, he doesn’t need to be trapped all over again.”
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“Good. You’ve got no idea what life with The Children is like. Boys like James …” she trails off and shakes her head sadly. “You don’t know what it was like for him there. What it would’ve been like, if he’d stayed.”
“I think I can imagine,” Steve grits, but tries to temper his tone when Rebecca raises a questioning brow. He doesn’t know how much, if anything, Bucky’s told his sister about the rape, and it isn’t Steve’s place to bring it up now. “I’ll be good to him,” he tells her. “I promise you. You don’t have to worry.”
“You seem like a good person. I’m trusting that.” She softens and pats his hand in thanks before turning to leave. “I’ll be in touch.”
Steve watches her go, the elevator doors down the ward hall opening with a ‘ding’ just as she’s passing by them. Clint and Sam step out and head in Steve’s direction. Two tiny, stern-faced women are with them: OmCare advocates who look like they mean business. “Steve,” Sam greets as the group approaches. “We’ve gotta take him now.”
Sam’s tone tells Steve everything he needs to know. “Discharge after?” he asks hopefully.
Clint and the two women all but ignore him and continue on to Bucky’s room without entertaining his comment, but Sam and Steve are close enough that Sam nods and lingers behind to whisper sideways at him, “Hospital admin wants you as far away as possible right now.”
“Jesus,” Steve grumbles, mildly offended despite the fact that he knows it’s only a protective measure for Bucky. “I do have advocate training, ya know.”
“Yeah, and you’re involved. This is the eighteen-year-old you knocked up and bonded. Doesn’t exactly speak to your impartiality.” Steve would be more offended, but he can see how Sam’s lips turn up slightly at the corners, belying his serious attitude. “Go check on your patients. Work. Don’t just sit around up here moping and twiddling your thumbs or whatever. You’ll go nuts if you do. We’ve got this.”
Steve doesn’t like it a bit, but he knows it’s what has to be done. Any documentation of him loitering on the periphery of Bucky’s evaluation, education, or his discharge interviews will be noted harshly by the social services team. And despite all of his raging instincts, the last thing Steve wants is to pressure Bucky into a decision or situation he’s not comfortable with. This is how it has to be. “Yeah,” he grunts in agreement, and hurries to get himself out of sight. He heads for the staff locker room, where he takes an extra long and scalding hot pre-shift shower to at least make an attempt at a fresh and productive start to his day.
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Steve’s head of department pulls him aside and informs him that she’ll only be requiring him to stay on the ward until Bucky is discharged and handed over to his custody. Steve doesn’t know how long that will be, but he’s certain it won’t be the entirety of his scheduled twelve hour shift.
It’s a relief at first, but after he does his first rounds with his patients and finds himself twiddling his thumbs and drinking too much espresso out of boredom, he knows it’s going to be a problem. Sometime around eleven, Steve gets caught trying to sneak downstairs to get an update on Bucky. “Stay out of it,” Banner bosses, pulling him right back off the elevator. “You bored? I can find something for you to do.”
That’s how he winds up on seeding machine duty for the next few hours.
Hospital treatment options for cycling omegas aren’t just confined to the heat suites and Support alphas. In fact, most patients who come through for heat services never get assigned a Support at all. Most aren’t even admitted, not being that high-needs. An omega’s cycle, gone off whack for whatever reason or variety of reasons, can usually be realigned with a short course of seeding therapy. But if there’s anything Steve’s ever felt most bad for omegas about, it’s the indignity of the machines used to do it. Because they’re … well …
“Oh. Wow, ha. It really is just a dick on a stick.”
Steve does a slow blink to avoid reacting to that. Not that the patient—a college-aged guy who smells like he’s recently been enjoying reefer—is wrong. “Um,” Steve says, readjusting his hold on his tablet. “It says here that you spoke with the nurse. Did you have any more questions?”
“This can’t get me pregnant, can it? I’m not on the pill or anything.”
Steve’s jaw ticks. “Hospital grade semen is manufactured. It’s sterile. So, no, it won’t get you pregnant.” If only the same could’ve been said for yours, he thinks at himself. “We do this all the time, Sir. It’s very safe, very reliable. I promise.” Just like you promised Bucky.
“Cool. No little swimmers, check.” The guy gives Steve a double thumbs up. “Think I’m ready to tango with this bad boy, then.” He smacks the top of the seeding machine happily.
Another slow blink. “... Right. Um, please try not to touch the equipment, okay? It’s very expensive.” Steve turns for the door, wondering just how long he’s going to be stuck doing this before he gets to see Bucky again. “If you’ll change into the gown. There are socks there too, if you want. Try and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back with your dosage and then we can get started.”
“Awesome. Hey, are there any snacks?”
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Steve heads down to pharmacy to get the guy’s treatment dose. There’s a young female tech manning the counter and she’s visibly flustered as she retrieves the order, blushing as if it’s actual jizz she’s handing over to Steve. He winks at her, amused, and tells her to relax.
Upstairs, the receptionist is MIA so Steve hands out clipboards of check-in paperwork to the other patients who’ve shown up in the waiting area. There’s a young Korean woman and her very involved mother who are up next. The patient herself is a legal adult and seems unconcerned at being there, but the mother keeps trying to pull Steve aside where her daughter can’t hear so that she can ask thinly-veiled questions about virginity and whether they have “small sizes” for the machines.
“Ma’am, just fill out the paperwork. If you have specific concerns I’ll be happy to discuss them in the privacy of the procedure room.” He shoots the pushy woman’s daughter another look and the two of them lock eyes. She rolls hers as if to say, ‘I know’.
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Steve can’t say he’s having the time of his life, but he can see why Banner thought seeding machine duty would be a good enough distraction. It isn’t exactly rocket science, is infact a very routine outpatient procedure. But dealing with the daily slew of patients coming into the hospital’s oobgyn ward to be therapeutically inseminated by machines is still a lot to handle, interpersonally at least. There’s a lot of comforting Steve has to do, a lot of reassuring and laying out the facts for the ones who have never gone through it before. Some omegas are scared or embarrassed, some are just grumpy and indignant, but some have real trauma regarding penetration. It’s Steve’s job to try and get them as comfortable as possible for their procedures. It’s always a mixed bag with how people react to the more … mechanical aspects of it.
Because the truth of the matter is that seeding machines are basically just super high tech, super unsexy versions of fucking machines. Nobody says that (except for the stoner back in procedure room B), and some effort is clearly put forth by the companies who build the things to try and make them look as bland and as non-sexual as possible. Most models that Steve’s ever seen have plastic casing over all the gears and pistons, and the dildos aren’t exactly designed to be perfectly anatomical. But at the end of the day it’s still a phallic piece of rubber, with an inflating base, fixed onto a thrusting apparatus that administers semen intravaginally.
It’s a fucking machine.
And on another note: Everybody thinks that Bruce-fucking-Banner is such a nice, mild mannered, wouldn’t-hurt-a-fly type of guy. Steve used to think that too, given that the man is very quiet and unassuming. It’s the first impression he gives off: Mr. Nice Guy. But Banner has another side of him that’s kind of horrible, Steve’s found. He gets his shits and giggles in sneaky ways, by surreptitiously ribbing his friends and forcing his subordinate coworkers into shit like this.
“This” being things like a sexually frustrated housewife who’s made an appointment just for the heck of it and turns out to have no medical need for the procedure. Steve has it out with her in procedure room A, trying with all his might not to offend the lady when he explains that insurance isn’t going to cover her coming in just to get her jollies. “I’m sure there are cheaper ways, ma’am,” he says, face flaming at how unashamed she is about the whole debacle. “Your husband?”
“Psh. You haven’t seen my Roddie’s thing. It ain’t up to par, Doc.”
“Online shopping then. And it’s Nurse, not Doctor.”
It’s the first time he’s basically instructed a patient to just go home and buy a sex toy.
Then there’s the crowning glory of the day: an A/o couple whom Steve walks in on who’ve decided to engage in oral sex of the face-sitting variety up on the procedure bed … whilst the seeding machine is still locked into its knotting phase.
“... It’s not what it looks like!”
Steve escapes that one with some choice images scarred onto his retinas, the tablet held up in front of his face to prevent further trauma, and a gruff parting rebuke of, “Get off of him and put your pants back on. You’ll have to go out to the waiting area until your husband is finished.”
“... Just five more minutes?”
Lying freak had claimed her omega was nervous and needed his hand held. Bull. shit.
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Back in procedure room B, Steve finds the stoner arranged comfortably on the table, socked feet already up in the stirrups and a mini bag of cool ranch Doritos in his hands, ostensibly procured from the vending machines out in the hall. Hopefully he grabbed them before he changed into the backless paper gown.
“Comfortable?” Steve asks.
“Oh yeah. The nurse gave me lube so I’m raring to go.”
“... Great.” Steve watches him crunch a handful of chips. He’d rather a comfortable patient than an uncomfortable one, but this is a whole ‘nother level. “Erm, do you have any questions before we get started?”
“Do the dicks come in other sizes?” he asks, and Steve tries not to choke on his own spit. “Cause if you’ve got a little bigger I wouldn’t mind. Or ya know, if you’ve got ones that are ribbed or bumpy or sumthin’.” He starts to giggle.
Steve fights to keep a straight face. This guy is so high. “Sorry,” he says, focusing on injecting the machine’s cartridge with the prescribed dose of semen. “S’kind of a one-size fits all deal.” He walks around to check the phallus for proper positioning. They do all they can to keep the process clinical, but the attending technician still has to guide the rubber attachment up close to the patient’s entrance. “Selection’s kind of limited.”
“That’s okay. Mm.” The guy’s got his eyes closed and he smiles dopily up at the ceiling as he feels the attachment touch him. “Ooh.”
“Okay?” Steve checks.
“Yeah,” he sighs, then snickers, “S’bigger than my girlfriend anyway.”
Steve shakes silently and turns away just in case the guy opens his eyes and sees him laughing at him. “Okay then.” He presses the button on the machine for initial penetration, watching the guy’s face for any hint of discomfort, unlikely as it may be. “Still okay?”
“Mm.” He wiggles his hips. “So far so good.”
Steve steps away to the little partition wall that’s built into the room. Behind, there’s a control panel where he can sit and operate the machine remotely, unseen by the person he’s treating but still able to communicate throughout the course of the procedure if needed. Some omegas prefer the privacy, but in this case Steve just wants to avoid busting out laughing in front of his patient. He’s supposed to be a professional.
“Come on, Doctor Steve! Let’s get this rodeo started!”
Some patients make it damn hard, though.
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Steve has supervised no less than a dozen procedures by the time Clint shows up. “Hey,” Clint says when they run into each other out in the hall. “Banner said you were free to come with me?”
Steve’s heart starts beating faster as he immediately remembers what it is he’s been trying to distract himself from these past few hours. He checks the patient schedule on his tablet. “Got somebody coming off the knot in … two minutes, then I can turn it over to my charge nurse.”
Clint nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets. He taps his foot.
“So?” Steve presses. “How’d it go?” The anxiety that he’s somehow managed to tamp down since that morning rises all over again as he waits for Clint to give him an update on Bucky. “Is he okay?”
“Of course he’s okay. What do you think we’re doing down there, waterboarding him?”
Steve purses his lips. “No. I just can’t imagine what you’ve been doing with him for the past three—” he checks the time on his tablet. “Four hours. Christ, it’s almost two o’clock.” He really hopes that somebody fed Bucky a suitable lunch.
“Education, mainly. Since he’s just a kid and doesn’t have a clue what he’s getting himself into,” Clint says, a little more aloof with Steve than he normally would be. He’s been that way all day, and Steve knows it’s because he disapproves of the course of action they’re taking. Steve tries not to take it personally, knows that Clint just feels like he has to stand up for the rights of his own designation. It’s kind of his actual job, after all. If Steve weren’t there, he’d hope that Bucky would always have somebody like Clint in his corner. “The rest has been a mix of waiting for people to show up, paperwork, counseling,” Clint lists. “Legal brought a team down to make sure all the right stuff got signed to cover the hospital’s ass. And the courts sent over a clerk and one of those advocate lawyers. That’s the closest anything got to an interrogation, I promise.”
“I thought the courts approved it already?” Steve says, and Clint narrows his eyes at him.
“This was to make sure he understands everything, Steve. It’s kind of important. He’ll be legally bound to you.”
“For the next few months,” Steve agrees, idly wondering when Bucky’s exact birthday is. He thinks it was something like March or April but can’t quite remem—
“Nnno,” Clint says slowly, dragging the word out like he thinks Steve’s an idiot. “Indefinitely. You two are bonded, remember?”
Steve blinks. “He’s about to turn nineteen. This was just a stopgap until he—” Clint sighs and makes a long suffering face. “Clint, what?”
“You’re bonded. That automatically takes it from a custody order, to his registration as your omega. Nothing goes away until you two march yourselves back into a courthouse and undo it, buddy,” he says. “You didn’t know that?” When Steve just stands there like a dummy, Clint softens and steps forward to pat him on the shoulder. “It’s indefinite until then, and if the alpha party doesn’t sign for the dissolution, it doesn’t get dissolved. Ever.”
“Oh.” Steve licks his lips. No wonder everybody has been making such a big deal out of this. “Right. I guess I just didn’t think of—”
“He’d be trapped,” Clint grunts, not happy about it. “They say things are changing. In a few years, maybe. But until then, we’ve got to live with the laws that are on the books. And they favor you, not us. But what else is new?”
Steve tucks his head down, feeling bad for his privilege. “So he knows all this now?” He thinks of Bucky: downstairs, alone, tucked behind some conference table with all these people telling him all these intimidating things, shoving papers at him to sign, overwhelming him. Probably feeding him crap from the vending machines for lunch. “And he signed off on it?”
“Kid trusts you,” Clint says, shaking his head. “Yeah he signed. He said he knew you’d let him go, when and if he wanted it.”
“He’s finishing up with the shrinks now. I think they were assessing for dynamic dysphoria, last I popped my head in. Figured I’d come up here and make sure you’re free, since he’s almost done. Bruce said he’d be sending you home early whenever we discharge Barnes.”
“Barnes,” Steve repeats dully, thoughts whirling.
“His last name?” Clint snaps his fingers in Steve’s face with a scowl. “Jesus, Rogers.”
“Right, right. I knew that.” 
The sister: Rebecca. Her last name was Barnes. It hadn’t yet occurred to Steve that they might share it. His mind is still stuck on the fact that he’s going to have legal custody of Bucky for a lot longer than he’d realized. A registered omega. Steve’s mother had been a registered omega. To his father. It’s what married couples did, not … 
“Okay,” he murmurs. “Lemme just, uh, grab a shower. Then I can head down.”
“Um … didn’t you have a patient?” Clint checks his phone. “It’s been way more than two minutes.”
“Oh! Shit.” Steve shakes himself and turns to hurry back in the direction of procedure room A, where Ms. Jeong is probably wondering what the hell’s happened to him and why she’s still stuck on a knot.
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It’s nearing four o’clock by the time they leave the hospital. Steve immediately gets them to a drive through, since he’s highly displeased to learn that Bucky’s “lunch” that afternoon consisted of cheez-its and a bag of peanut m&ms. He tells Bucky to order whatever he wants, no limits, and so when they pull out of the drive through to head home, it’s with a bag full of greasy burgers.
“Sometimes I jus’ luff shitty food,” Bucky moans through his third cheeseburger, then swallows and beams at Steve. “Like, genuinely enjoy the shitty things that make it shitty, ya know? Processed cheese, squishy fries, compressed meat product, all of it.”
“Yeah. We really don’t need to talk about the fact that you put fries on your burgers, though.” 
Steve parks at the curb and they sit in the car to finish mowing through their food before they head inside. He has a bad feeling that he’s going to make Bucky fat very fast, because so far nothing has made him feel more satisfied and content than watching his omega be well-fed. “We’ll have to stock up on good stuff to keep in the apartment,” he says. “Healthy stuff.”
“Mm.” Bucky is licking the salt off his fingers and shoving all their wrappers into the bag as they get out of the car and start down the sidewalk. “Can you cook?”
“Eh, middlin’,” Steve says. “Can you?”
“Are you kidding?” Bucky snorts. “The Children think cooking is ‘women’s work’. You think they let me anywhere near a stove?”
"I wouldn't mind learning, though. I always liked watching those competition shows on the Food Network, ya know?"
Steve fishes out his keys and gestures at the building. “This is me. Or … us, I guess.” He clears his throat and watches Bucky looking around as they step inside the building.
“Wow,” he says, standing there in the middle of the foyer with his small bag of possessions, head craned back as he looks up the winding stairwell.
Steve’s been nervous about this. He likes where he lives, but he’s never brought someone home before. It’s a nice place but nothing fancy, an older building with less than twenty units and more historical charm than amenities. There’s no elevator, and the basement laundry situation isn’t pretty, but the super’s nice and he only seems to rent to at least halfway decent people (which means nice neighbors, which means less drama). That’s all Steve really cares about at the end of the day. That, and that Bucky likes it, too. “Um, prepare yourself. We’re all the way up top, so ...” They start up the stairs, Steve moving slower than he normally would to make sure that Bucky's okay. He feels better about it when they get up there and Bucky jokes lightheartedly that he'll never be out of shape as long as he lives with Steve.
Inside the apartment, Steve gives him the tour, short as it is. “Kitchen, couch, bathroom—oh that’s just the utility closet. Erm … and then the, ah, the bedroom.” He stands back in the doorway and watches as Bucky takes it all in.
Bucky sets his bag down on the bed, then turns back around to face Steve with a shy smile. “It’s nice.”
“Thanks. Sorry it’s so small.” Steve scratches behind his ear. “S’only ever been me.”
“It smells like you.” Bucky’s eyes are still flicking around to different points in the room. “It’s got character, texture.”
“Mmhm. I like it.”
Steve feels a little bit of his insecurity slip away at Bucky’s honest appraisal. “Um, over here’s the closet.” He pulls on the chain that lights up the old bulb in the room’s lone walk-in closet. It’s currently full of Steve’s clothes, but he figures that adds to his scent being built up thick, which will be a good thing if Bucky ever decides to nest in there. “We’ll have to get some bedding,” he says, eyeing up the bare hardwood floor. “Nesting materials and stuff.”
Bucky does a turn inside the closet, fingering the pants leg of a pair of Steve’s scrubs that are hanging up in there. “You’re changing your whole life just to help me,” he murmurs. “All of this, everything you’ve done …” he smiles shyly up at Steve. “You’re too nice to me, you know that?”
Well. Steve feels his face heat and he shoves his hands into his pockets to avoid touching Bucky. “‘Bout time someone was.”
Bucky steps closer, and closer, until Steve feels like he has to take his hands out of his pockets and place them on Bucky’s waist because he’s just so close. Bucky leans in and kisses him, and Steve can see it coming from a mile away, but he’s too stupefied for a second to do anything about it. It’s really just a peck on the lips, but when Bucky pulls back Steve feels the need to say, “Buck … you don’t have to do that.” Bucky blinks at him, and he elaborates, “You don’t have to be physical with me. Or at least, not in a sexual way.” He curls his fingers in at Bucky’s waist, feeling the soft fabric of his tee shirt. “We’ll be close, but I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re expected to kiss me or touch me like that.”
A little wrinkle of displeasure appears between the omega’s eyebrows. “But, I thought …”
Steve waits, but when Bucky doesn’t say anything else, he pulls the boy into a hug. He rubs his back soothingly and scents at his glands. The bite mark there is scabbed over by now. “Just want you to be safe and comfortable, okay Honey?”
Bucky is still in his arms for a minute, but eventually he hugs back, scenting calm. “Okay, Alpha.”
Steve’s eyes slip closed. He’s not going to get tired of hearing that anytime soon.
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They decide to celebrate Bucky’s newfound freedom by going out for a fancy dinner. Steve doesn’t eat out much, is usually too consumed by his work or else too tired after just having gotten off from a shift, but it’s really nice to be able to enjoy a whole meal in a fancy setting for a change, chatting with Bucky and getting to know each other a little more. 
They eat early, so that after dinner there’s still time to go shopping for anything Bucky might need, now that he’s living with Steve. Rebecca had brought Bucky a backpack of clothes from home, but it’s not much, so they start at Target, buying a few more things for Bucky to wear. 
“Guess I’ll have to get used to elastic waistbands, pretty soon,” Bucky grumbles when they do a curious turn about the maternity department. “Ugh.”
Steve laughs and consoles him that at least it won’t be for a while yet. Then they wind up walking the aisles of Twig ‘n’ Tuft, Steve pushing a cart while Bucky obeys the order he’s been given to throw in anything his heart desires. There are a lot of soft things for nesting in the store, and Bucky seems drawn to them all. Steve feels something warm and pleased settle in his chest as he watches his omega trailing fingers over all the chenille blankets and fluffy pillows on the shelves. Bucky is happy, Steve is making Bucky happy. It feels so satisfying, and for the first time, Steve really starts to think that this whole thing between them might turn out to be alright.
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Art: @hopelessartgeek
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22 notes · View notes
blues824 · 1 year
Hello! Could I request ADeuce, Rollo, Malleus and Jamil receiving boxes and little bags containing all kinds of chocolate and candy?
Gender neutral reader. Characters are pining for reader.
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Ace Trappola
He was certainly curious as to what was in the rather large bag that the Prefect of Ramshackle was carrying around as they were searching for someone
Turns out, you were searching for him and when you spotted him, they rushed over to give him the gift bag.
When he opened it, there was a box of chocolates along with multiple different candies.
Honestly, he didn’t expect a gift to be given to him because of how shitty he usually treats you
But now he feels particularly shitty for not having a gift to give you in return
You can bet that he’s either taking you out to a local restaurant (not the Mostro Lounge) on a date to return the favor, or just getting you your favorite food and getting a movie for the two of you to enjoy in your room
Either way, there is food for you in return.
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Deuce Spade
He is also very curious as to what was in the bag that you were carrying all over the place on campus
Well, imagine his surprise when he found out that the bag was for him, and that you were looking for him all this time
He opened it to reveal a box of assorted chocolates and a bunch of different candies
While sweets weren’t his favorite, he definitely would enjoy these when he needed a small break from studying
This man will definitely try to return the favor, considering all that you have done for him and Ace
Don’t be surprised if he gives you a similar bag of sweets or even a bouquet of your favorite flowers
It’s actually so adorable, how adorably awkward he is when he shows up to your door with either one in hand as he gives it to you and thanks you for the gift you had given him
He just wants to make sure that you feel appreciated and loved as well
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Jamil Viper
Was not expecting you to be at the Basketball Team’s practice today, but he can’t say that he wasn’t excited to see you once it was over
When they were dismissed, he ran over to the bleachers where you were sitting and you gave him a hug as you told him that you were proud of how well he did.
This definitely made him flustered, but then he noticed the bag you were holding
You gave it to him, and he saw some of his favorite sweets and a box of chocolates, along with a few small bags of candy
Again, sweets aren’t his favorites, but they are now
He returns the favor by insisting on making you some homemade, warm food that you can enjoy with Grim
This man keeps the bag and the small note that  came attached to it, and you cannot tell me differently
Will definitely blush or get a giddy smile on his face whenever he sees it on his desk as he’s doing his homework
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Malleus Draconia
When he showed up at Ramshackle for your nightly walk, he noticed that you were beaming a bit more than usual
Turns out that you had a gift for him, and he was a bit surprised at this
Needless to say, he hasn’t had the joys of receiving a gift from a friend, so pardon his enthusiasm as he opens the bag
Inside, there was a box of chocolates as well as a few candies, and a small smile reached the prince’s lips as he took out a particular candy and looked at it
Then he looked at you with the same smile as he thanked you for the gift 
We all know that he would go all-out for his gift to you, and we are right in assuming that because you get a full on necklace
A piece of jewelry with an expensive and authentic and glittery emerald; the heart of his hoard
You can’t turn it down either, otherwise Malleus here would think that you are turning him down and then all of Diasomnia would have to face his wrath and distress
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Rollo Flamm
Definitely did not expect to see you at Noble Bell, considering it was quite far from NRC, but he does like the surprise
Well, the surprise came with another surprise as well as a hug, and Rollo found his face growing red.
Before he could whip out the handkerchief to cover his face, you handed him the bag you were holding before telling him that you would have to leave soon
The thought of your departure made his heart feel heavy, but he made quick work of looking at what was inside the bag
There were a few chocolates as well as a few candies
If this gift came from anyone else, he would remark on how they must have wanted him to get a cavity from over-indulging on them
But you hugging him before running off to catch your bus made him realize that this gift was special
Oh, you made his heart pound against his chest in ways he never thought possible
339 notes · View notes