#homemade gift basket ideas
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Writer in your life? Unique gift suggestions
Writer in your life? Unique gift suggestions
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piratefishmama · 2 years
Every year, for every random holiday, Eddie winds up with a present in his locker. He has no idea where these come from.
They're not random "this could be for ANYONE" gifts either. They're themed, so it's not like someone's just mistakenly put them into his locker.
Valentines day usually gets him a little bag of homemade chocolates shaped like dice and a random mini fig theme painted for the day, meaning he has a good few random minis painted in reds and pinks with funny heart motifs, he has a human archer painted like cupid!!
Easter gets him another basket full of homemade chocolatey goodies, one time he got a half a chocolate egg filled with a delightful creamy substance that hid more dice chocolates and reeces pieces within it, but packaged in a little homemade treasure chest nestled atop a little red cushion and Eddie maybe swooned a little that time.
His birthday always got him the good shit. A new monster manual one year, a fancy dice bag another, a cool chalice thing he'd definitely be using to drink Mt Dew out of that he later found out to be actual silver
Christmas, however, the presents didn't turn up at his locker. School was out! They turned up on his porch. Like some Santa Clause bullshit. He got paints, he got sketch books, and he got more homemade goodies like chocolates, brownies, alcohol infused homemade fudge, and cupcakes!
This goes on for years, Eddie is unable to find out who keeps doing it, who keeps leaving these presents for him, and when after surviving hell, he finally graduates without an answer he figures with a deep sadness that he'll probably never know. Until his brand new gaggle of trauma bonded friends drag him to a gods' honest sleepover at Steve’s house. Until he sneakily steals one of the tasty looking chocolates from Steve's fridge and promptly freezes as it melts on his tongue because he KNOWS that taste, he knows it by heart.
Until he corners Steve to find out where he got those chocolates only to find out from a surprisingly bright red Steve that he made them himself.
And oh. Oh.
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novelbear · 2 years
shot by cupid’s arrow? - some valentine’s day scenarios for your otp
 spending all day watching cute craft ideas online 
 having a rom-com marathon in the livingroom 
 trying (and failing) to make heart-shaped adaptations of any food
 meeting up and realizing that they both hold very different opinions on the holiday (maybe one brings tons of gifts while the other has a simple-store-bought card) 
 “babe, i love you, i do, but if i eat one more piece of chocolate i think i’m going to throw up.” 
 coincidentally making (surprise) reservations for each other at the same restaurant at the same time
 “i thought you’d at least ask me to be your valentine…” “we’ve been together for three years, i thought that was a given.”
 neither of the two caring much for valentine’s day, but being dragged out for a double date with friends (and they end up having a great time) 
 one is sick for valentine’s day, so the other makes a cute care basket and stay-at-home date plans 
 “how much did all of this cost you…” “does that really matter?” 
 A’s friends all judge their gift for B, as it may not be the most ideal gift to give to someone, but of course, B loves it (and A seems to enjoy rubbing their reaction in their friend’s faces) 
 taking flower arranging classes to make the best-quality bouquet for their lover.
 pottery date, making their own homemade gifts for the other
 spending their night walking through the city together
 “i know you’ve been wanting it for a while, so i thought this was the perfect time to go get it for you.”
 “oh! glitter….yay!” 
 “shut up, you bought the bear a matching sweater.” “i did.” 
 “i used to hate this holiday, you know?” “you remind me every year, honey.” 
 “i can’t wait for next year.”
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year
Hii I was wondering if you could make Seven evil exes x reader and it's like their first anniversary hehe thanks!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
matthew patel
he's been preparing for MONTHS
he wants everything to be absolutely perfect
you're gonna come home to the house being covered in rose petals and balloons
the smell of a fresh, homemade meal wafting through the halls
the sound of a hot bath being drawn, filled to the brim with the most delicious-smelling bubble bath
and matthew, with a small gift in hand
in that box may or may not be a specific piece of jewelry you'd been eyeing for like, ever :3
matthew LISTENS
lucas lee
he invites you over and hands you a fancy outfit, perfect for a night out
he tells you to take all the time you need to get ready while he does the same
once you're ready, he will not shut up about how fucking incredible he thinks you look
and then, it's time for the bougiest dinner you've ever eaten
the sky is the limit, and lucas is more than willing to pay for whatever you want
he even gets the most expensive champagne
todd ingram
spoiler alert, he's been writing a song about you since he first began having feelings for you
definitely sits you down beforehand to plan something, except he doesn't tell you that it's for your anniversary
he wakes you up with breakfast in bed and a fresh pitcher of your favorite flowers on your bedside table
he lets you sleep in, but not TOO late - you have a very busy day ahead, full of the most stomach-churningly sweet romantic activities ever (todd's a little bit of a cornball but in the best way possible)
roxie richter
roxie gets so excited the night before that she literally keeps you up until midnight just so she can scream "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY" and pop confetti canons that somehow?? spawned into her hands??
she does let you sleep eventually, but she wakes you up as soon as she sees fit
the entire house is fucking COVERED in the tackiest party city decorations
for breakfast? a cake. that she made. at 3am. (she didn't sleep)
she also wanted to do something fun for your anniversary... by fun i mean a nerf gun fight
plus side, if you win, you get to pick dinner!!
kyle katayanagi
at first, kyle sort of brushes off your anniversary
trust me, he cares. he cares A LOT. but he literally has no idea what to do for an anniversary so him brushing it off is his way of saying "WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO"
the day of, he'll invite you over without saying much
when you get to his house, he (nervously) greets you with some hand-picked flowers and your favorite drink
he's the kind of guy to get you one of those little gift baskets that has things like your favorite snacks, a movie, a comfy pair of pj pants, a stuffed animal, and a little giftcard
at the very bottom, tucked into the folds of the pj pants, is a letter where he expresses how lucky he is to have you in his life
ken katayanagi
ken's a big planner but a bad celebrator
similarly to his brother, he also isn't really sure about what to do for your anniversary
he's probably going to keep it on the simpler side because he doesn't want to overwhelm you
he pays attention to the things you say you like and you want, and he'll pick out a couple that he knew you really wanted
and of course, he's going to treat you to dinner because what kind of gentleman would he be if he didn't??
gideon graves
i've said it once and i'll say it again, gideon LOVES to spoil you
he gives you gifts all the time, and your anniversary is no different
the gifts that he gives on your anniversary are one the more expensive side
he either makes or buys all of your favorite foods for you
AND, when you thought he already did the most, he surprises you with two tickets for a trip to a dream location of your choice, including plenty of fun activities, lots of sight seeing, and LOTS of rest n relaxation
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violetrainbow412-blog · 11 months
Day 23: coffee shop
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Masterlist flufftober 🎀
This one is even longer than my favorite and although at first I didn't have an idea, I loved the final result. I hope you like it!
The movie on your phone was interrupted by the bell ringing, alerting you that some customers had just entered.
Your aunt had owned the modest cafe you were now in for most of her life and now that she was too tired to take care of it anymore and the money was already enough for a comfortable life, she decided it was time to sell it.
The transaction was still in process and you were there that day to cover for her while she went to a doctor's appointment, hoping that the day would be calm enough so that you could finish the movie series you were watching and, perhaps, make some progress in your schoolwork.
“Good morning, how can I help you?”
Your friendly smile seemed to please the couple of girls in front of you and they took a moment to decide what they wanted, until finally they told you what they wanted. You had worked as a barista for a while elsewhere and it wasn't difficult for you to prepare the lattes that they waited patiently for, while they carried on a conversation that you heard fragments of, but didn't understand.
A minute later, when you took another look at the line, you realized that there was a man behind them and you stopped for a moment to look at him carefully. He was older than you but you also noticed that he was very handsome and dressed like an executive, very different from the kind of people who frequented the establishment.
Once you were done you placed both drinks on the counter and the two girls, who had already held hands, thanked you and handed you a bill to pay.
“For a dollar more I can give you some cookies, we have chocolate and walnuts, would you like that? They will taste delicious with the latte you ordered” you offered kindly, showing them the product in the basket you had next to you “They are homemade and a sweet gift for a loved one.”
Your sales strategy seemed to convince them both and one of them gave you the missing dollar. You packed the things and before they left you wished them a good day, trying to be as polite as possible. When the couple left the place, the man walked to the front and you repeated the question at the beginning, a little nervous after noticing that he was even more handsome up close; he had slightly curly and messy hair, a discreet trace of facial hair around his pink lips, and beautiful honey-colored eyes that made you shiver.
“I wanted to ask you, is Mrs. Smith here?”
“No, she had to go to a doctor's appointment,” you responded, somewhat embarrassed. The idea of who he could be didn't even cross your mind, as you were too worried about recording as many details as possible about your attractive client “Who's looking for her?”
“My name is Spencer,” he replied. The name sounded captivating coming from his lips and there was something about his smile that made you feel nervous.
“I can call to tell her that you are here”
“No, if she's busy I'd rather come another time,” he murmured. The thought of what this man might want intrigued you and before he even turned around you rushed to say something, anything, to hold him back.
“Don't you want to drink coffee?” your words sounded small and rushed and you didn't even know why you had said them. That man would be, according to your calculations, about ten years older than you, but that didn't stop you from appreciating his beauty and wanting to be nice to him “You look like…” you began to say, feigning a thoughtful tone, “an espresso man. You know, something serious and strong”
Again, your attempt to attract customers seemed to be working, you knew by the small smile that formed on his lips.
“In fact it's quite the opposite,” he murmured, taking another step towards you that he had taken away “I'm a big lover of cappuccinos. The sweeter the better."
“Well, that's definitely a surprise,” you murmured, batting your eyelashes without even being aware of it “My aunt should be back soon and we have a cappuccino machine here. You can wait for her. If you want,” you added, hoping you didn’t sound too forward.
You saw him debate for a moment whether he should consider your offer or not and apparently something in your childish and kind eyes convinced him to accept, which you celebrated with a huge smile.
“Regular, vanilla, or mocha?”
“Regular, please,” he responded, walking to the nearest table so he could take a seat. All the furniture was shabby and rustic, with bright color combinations that had already worn out over the years “And you work here?”
“No, I'm just helping out today. There was an employee, but she had to resign for personal reasons and since my aunt is selling the cafe, we thought it would be more prudent for the new owner to hire whoever he wanted.”
“Huh, now there will be a new administration? Who is it about?" you weren't very used to sharing information with strangers, but you wanted to continue having this man's attention and if that was the way to do it, you would take the risk.
“My aunt said he is a Doctor Reid. I think she's known him for years because he comes here often for coffee and when he found out she wanted to retire... well, he offered” you could see him from above the counter and although you thought you saw a little smile, you thought you were just imagining it “Are you a frequent customer?”
“You could say so,” he responded and you swore there was a bit of mockery in his response.
You had already put the ingredients in the machine and now all you had to do was wait, praying inside that no other person would cross the door so you could have your little moment with that mysterious gentleman.
“I hope the new owner considers remodeling. There is a university near here and many young people could come if there were some more flashy things. You know, something that looks cute on Instagram”
“Instagram?” he asked, as if you were speaking to him in a strange language.
“The social network,” you answered obviously and he was quick to nod his head, as if he had just remembered what that was.
“Sorry, I'm just not very techie,” he apologized, with a sheepish smile. “But I think you're right, maybe this site could use a change. This way it would stop being full of old people like me and young people like you would enjoy coming.”
Was he describing himself as old? How old was he supposed to be? The question was drowned out on your lips because the machine announced that the drink was ready and you ran back to finish preparing it. You did your best to place a pretty design on the top of the liquid and then left the counter to hand the man the cup, accompanied by one of the cookies you had sold to the previous girls.
“It looks delicious,” he hummed, receiving the coffee from your hands and accidentally brushing your fingers. His hands looked calloused and big; the kind capable of holding you perfectly “Should I pay now or later?”
"Oh, don’t worry. It is courtesy of the house”
Again, you didn't even know why you were offering that to the man, and although he seemed surprised, he didn't protest at your show of kindness. You thought about how daring it would be to sit at the same table as him and in the end, you decided that the best thing was to return to your place behind the counter, now with no intention of watching your movie because if that were the case you would miss out on the good view that destiny had given you.
“If you need something else, you can tell me. We have some books on the shelf over there, if you feel like reading while you wait.”
Spencer thanked you and then you thought it would be best not to ask him any more questions or he would probably feel harassed. You saw him get up from his seat to listen to your suggestion and take a book, on the cover of which you managed to read Crime and Punishment. You wanted to tell him that you had read it for a college assignment, but instead you bit your tongue, reflecting that this information was something he clearly wasn't interested in. 
You stayed as composed as possible and he didn't seem to notice your gaze on him, or if he did, he didn't say anything of it. There were no customers the entire time he was drinking his coffee and when you thought about preparing something else for him, a clatter filled the air: it was your aunt, at the door, holding a shopping bag in one hand.
"Oh hello!" she greeted, both to you and to the man who was waiting patiently “Honey, why didn't you tell me that someone came looking for me?”
“I asked her not to, Mrs. Smith.” Spencer answered for you, getting up from his chair and leaving the book on the table, next to the empty cup “I didn't want to interrupt your activities.”
“Well, now I'm here. "Just let me leave these purchases and I'll be right back to discuss the contract, Doctor Reid.”
Contract? Doctor Reid? 
“I'll wait for you here” he smiled. Your aunt crossed the counter to enter the warehouse and you followed her like a lost puppy, trying to find an explanation for what you had just heard.
As soon as you were inside you stood next to the woman to get her attention, making sure to be out of the man's hearing range.
“Is that Doctor Reid?” you hissed.
“Yes, he didn't tell you?”
"No!" you squeaked, while she looked around for a folder with the documents she needed “I mean, he told me his name was Spencer, but he didn't tell me his last name. And since you said he was a doctor, I imagined a grumpy mister, not someone like him"
“But he is a mister, he is in his forties.”
"How many?" you screamed again, unwilling to believe what she was telling you “But he… he's so handsome! I thought he would be around thirty at most. How can he be forty?”
“Do you think he's handsome?” she asked and this time she did look at you. You had always had a good relationship with her, so her older woman's scowl judging you didn't offend you like it should.
“Of course,” suddenly your head seemed to remember an important detail and your entire face turned red, while your mouth opened in a soft oh “Damn, I even bought him a coffee! I just gave the future owner of this place a coffee, what is he going to think of me?”
“Youth, youth, you are becoming more and more indecent!” she murmured, half joking and half complaining. When she finally found her folder she grabbed it, ready to get out of it again, when you stopped her by her arm.
“Please don't go telling him that I think he's handsome,” you begged and she assured you that she wouldn't do it.
When you came out again, luckily, there were already some customers waiting and that gave you an excuse to escape from the amused look that the man you had been talking to had. The time you spent preparing people's drinks was enough for them to talk about the purchase and sale contract and for both of their signatures to finally be on the pages of paper.
“I know that this little corner is in good hands, I trust that you will take care of it”
“And of course I will, ma'am. While I was waiting for you, your niece kindly suggested a remodel and I think that will be the first thing I will do. I will keep the essence, but with a modern touch, right?” he smiled, giving you a kind look from his spot as if he were seeking your approval.
“I said it with the best of intentions,” you admitted sheepishly “If I'm honest, I didn't even know that you were the future owner, otherwise I think I would have treated you better.”
“Better than your friendly attitude, free coffee, and advice?” he asked and you almost thought he was returning your previous attempts at flirting, as if that amused him no end.
“What I want most is to see this place full of people again and I think a remodel would be perfect” your aunt smiled “Give me this week to take out my things and then the cafe will be all yours”
“Take as much time as you need, Amy. You will always be welcome here as if the place were yours,” he told her, with a sweetness inappropriate for a grown man, while he wrapped her in a hug. When he pulled away his eyes landed on you. “And you too, Miss Y/N. If you are interested in obtaining a permanent job, I would be happy to hire you. I’ll need someone young to help me give it that youthful touch.”
You wish you could say that his offer didn't flatter you, but that would be a vile lie. You looked at your aunt for a second and she already had a smile that bordered on disapproval of your victory, but she also hid some amusement at the situation.
“I need to talk about it with my parents and review my schedule at the university, but… I would love to, to tell the truth. Even if I am not a permanent employee I will continue to live here to shop”
And to see you, you wanted to say, but again you held back. 
“I'll look forward to your visits then,” he murmured, giving you a bright new smile.
From that moment on you knew that your aunt's old coffee shop would become the number one place for social gatherings, solitary visits to do homework and, with any luck, free afternoons to chat with the handsome and charming owner.
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taglist: @navs-bhat @reidwritings @tricia-shifting14 @spencerslove @vivian-555 @r-3dlips @rhiannonhippiegirl @taygrls @simp4f1 @sdddoobydoobydoo @taintedstranger @missabsey
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kenphobia · 1 year
Hellooo, therapy is expensive but reading your stories about silly puppets it's free.
So, I was wondering if I could ask for some imagines of Wally Darling (yeah, again, sorry 😭) with a s/o whose love language is giving gifts? Like, they love to shower Wally (and their other friends) in all kind of gifts no matter the time or place.
I hope that wasn't too confusing and I hope both sides of your pillow are cold.
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"T-a-n-g-a ka talaga, Wally." "... What—"
summary. wally is a puppet who loves his neighbors equally and cherishes them in many ways. but when his lover does gift giving more than him, he gets a bit competitive. ( headcanons / 0.9k wc / read end notes )
contents. general fluff, straight up romantic dynamic, implied filipino!wally, bits of playful Wally slander ( nsfw blogs dni )
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��� It started simple, nothing too big or fancy. When you brough him those oil pastels Wally had been eying for a while, he couldn't help but feel flustered. It's not like he haven't received gifts before, few of his neighbors love to give him little presents too, but it was different when it comes to you.
✦ Of course, he accepts with a smile and a slightly flushed face.
"Thanks, (Name)! I really, really appreciate this." Wally paused, switching his gaze from the oil pastels to you in a nervous manner. "I, um, I'll make sure to make great use of it."
You smiled, patting his hair carefully as to not accidentally deform the pompadour he spent half an hour styling and 5 whole bottles of glue. "Well, I'm glad you liked it! I have to go now though, Sally needs me with setting up her stage for tomorrow's play. See you later, Walls!"
Wally waved you goodbye, watching you leave and your figure getting farther and farther, completely disappearing as you turned a corner. He finally focused his gaze to the box in his hands, a gentle smile caressed his face.
For a short moment, He remembered how your eyes twinkled and reflected the warm light. Wally's gaze softened, humming as he went inside his house. He has an idea what to do using the oil pastels you gave him.
✦ It was sweet, Wally would say, but he wouldn't admit how he had dreames of the whole thing several times. Or well, daydreamed since he doesn't sleep. Home had a couple of incidents and scolding Wally for letting his paintbrush go and getting paint on the carpet.
✦ Wally didn't think much of it though, but appreciated it finely. That is until he received some homemade mint chocolate cookies at his doorstep. Eddie had given it to him, informing him that it came from no other than the lovely you.
✦ (Wally doesn't miss Eddie side-eying though. Sadly, not everyone can appreciate mint chocolate like Wally does.)
✦ It didn't just stop there, no, why would it? From cookies to handcrafted beaded jewelry of his favorite colors to little letters and poems to cute little doodles of you and him being pinned on his fridge everyday— Your gifts were endless and Wally wonders how could you make so much in just a span of an hour.
✦ He doesn't have the right to judge you after making multiple portraits of you and sending some of them immediately to your home. It was a lot, but after all of you wonderous gifts that kept him awake and thinking at every hour, your front porch became bombarded with many paintings.
✦ Wally started doing art in other ways too. Pottery, watercolour, jewelries, etc. He even sent a whole basket of (definitely not stolen) apples to your door! The whole gift giving suddenly became a war between who could show their affection more than the other.
✦ Eddie had to intervene because he had been delivering gifts to both your houses every single day. Doesn't bother Wally though, it gives him the advantage of simply entering your home with a key he secretly copied and stuff all of his heartfelt gifts.
✦ You did caught him one time in your room, hanging up pictures of you, some of them were mainly focused on your eyes. You aren't exactly sure how to feel about it, both the paintings and the crime he had just committed.
Arriving to your humble abode, you furrowed your brows upon finding the front door unlocked. You quickly entered inside, trying your best at staying quiet while you put your stuff down on the sofa and wanderes around your home for the intruder.
The neighborhood isn't exactly a crime-filled place, but you still can't shake off the feeling of dread bubbling in your stomach. You gripped the house keys in your hands so firmly that you swear the plastic could cut through your palm.
You neared your room, breath hitching at the sound of shuffling and murmuring. You squinted through the darkness, seeing your bedroom door wide open and the lights turned on. Quickly, you rushed closer and hoped that the intruder wouldn't hear your panicked steps.
"Oh... That wouldn't work at all. Let's try this position." A voice suddenly pierced through the silence. It was soft, warm and awfully familiar that it made bits of your dread disappear slowly.
You leaned against the wall, turning your head and peeking from the doorway. Immediately, you locked your eyes at a portrait of you sitting idly on your bed and then to the blue cardigan the stranger was wearing.
Wait a second, That's not a stranger. No, that's—!
"Wally? What are you doing here?" You voiced out, walking in as your boyfriend turned to face you. His eyes wide in surprise, nearly dropping the painting. You found yourself deadpanning at what was on the canvas, it was a painting of you and Wally unsurprisingly.
Wally smiled, albeit nervously. "O-Oh, *Mahal! You're home earlier than I expected."
You hardened your gaze, squinting at his form as you crossed your arms. "Wally, why are you in my house?"
"Well, you see, Mahal..." Wally began, putting down the painting and making it lean on the wall. "I— I will explain it to you tomorrow. Byee!"
You didn't have a chance to say anything before Wally ran up to your window and jumping out, breaking plastic glass and leaving your room in a state of disaster.
That noseless bastard.
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notes. did i completely forgot abt the other neighbors? yes. do i regret it? no. sorry, howdy 😔 but yaya!!! another wally fic, turned out a bit shorter than I like and more crackshippy but that's fineee
i hope you like it tho!!! this was fun to make and i rlly tried racking my brain for any creative juice.
inbox is always open, so come on by again for more wally slander /lh
*mahal - love in tagalog
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yakuzacanons · 7 months
valentine’s day coming up!!
what do they boys do to celebrate w their s/o?
Anon how did u read my brain to find out I have been cookin this post for the last few days lol. Happy Valentine's to all of you, my lovelies.
Mild NSFW below. Also this is a long one, sorry in advance.
Kazuma Kiryu
Simple but classy. As it stands, he can't really do anything big or fancy and the Daidoji sure as hell won't let him do many dinner dates if any at all but he makes the most of it. Probably gives you a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a heartfelt letter.
Majima Goro
A chocolate thief is on the loose in Sotenbori and his name is Majima Goro. If a giant heart-shaped red velvet size box appears on your doorstep, it's from him. He might even be in it. Open it and find out.
Saejima Taiga
A mix of getting you some gifts and making you something handmade. He's typically torn between two strategies: making you a handmade gift and taking you out to dinner or buying you a gift and making you dinner. Heads up, he will at some point make a handcarved wooden figurine or statue for you one of these years.
Akiyama Shun
You'd think it would be beyond human capabilities for this man to get any sappier than he is but somehow he does it every time. A class act with just the right amount of cheese. Dinner, flowers, the works. You can't tell if you're just that starry eyed over this man or if he actually just fucking sparkles.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Can't afford too much on his salary, but he'll make you an adorable custom basket of all your favorite snacks. Will totally pull some strings at Homeland to get the restaurant open to just you two.
Ryuji Goda
Can afford whatever the hell you want and has no reservations about doing so. However, he DOES have reservations at your favorite restaurant with a bottle of your favorite wine, alongside one of every single favorite item of yours on the planet. Always gets you a piece of customized jewelry.
Nishikiyama Akira
Always gets you a customized bouquet of flowers. Actually pretty into the arrangement and colors and is particular about getting yours just right. Might just even make one himself one of these days. Also gets one of those customizable chocolate boxes or a luxury bag.
Daigo Dojima
Are roses and candles cheesy? Yes. Cheesy is also Daigo's middle name when it comes to Valentine's Day. Man's straight out of a 90's romcom. Probably got the idea from a 90's romcom, actually. Will also be down to watch a 90's romcom with you. Seriously, he prefers a cozy night in anyways.
Mine Yoshitaka
Same vibe as Daigo but sluttier. Seriously. He's a champagne and bubble bath type of hoe, followed by what can only be described as mind blowing sex. Out of all the boys, he's the one who's most likely to have sex on Valentine's Day.
Tatsuo Shinada
He will try his hand at baking you some homemade goodies. Be warned, the first few attempts will be a little wonky. He's doing his best though! He can't afford much so he likes to do homemade things. Would also be down to bake or cook something with you if you're into that.
Ichiban Kasuga
He'd take you on a date that includes all of your favorite activites and your favorite places. As long as he's spending time with you, that's what counts. Will totally end the day by just blurting out something sappy and romantic but would he be Ichiban if he didn't?
Yu Nanba
Likes to do something relaxing, particularly if it takes you two away from the city. Nothing like the peace and quiet of the countryside so you two can be as close as possible. Probably would take a weekend to go to a hot spring with you.
Adachi Koichi
Will actually ask you to be his Valentine. Total cheesefest with this guy. Type of fella to hold a rose between his teeth and say something dumb like "Hey babe, come here often?". In terms of activites, he doesn't have much beyond a nice dinner planned but his personality just oozes goofy, silly love.
Tianyou Zhao
If you thought he'd be doing anything other than cooking you an overly extravagant dinner all by himself, then you'd be dead wrong. Man's out here cooking all your favorite foods, baking your favorite desserts, and making them unbelievably pretty and fancy. He's out here making roses out of the freakin' dumpling pastry, for cryin' out loud!
Joon-Gi Han (Y7)
Sweetie boy is doing his best. Gets a nice cake with a custom message on it, or takes you to an adorable cafe and eats a bunch of sweets with you. Also, yes he's dressing in matching outfits, duh!
Joon-Gi Han (Y6)
This boytoy is taking you to the biggest, fanciest club in town and ordering the biggest, fanciest bottle of champagne they have. Also one of the boys who is likely to get down and dirty on Valentine's Day.
Osamu Kashiwagi
Total class. Years have given him enough knowledge and expertise to pull off a classic Valentine's Day without a hitch. Thinks of everything, from the flowers and dinner all the way down to what color tie goes best with what color suit that would match best with your outfits. Lots of kisses on the back of your hand.
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birdingbutch · 9 months
I'm a huge fan of Thriftmas/thrifting for the holidays! If you're looking for last-minute, personal, and inexpensive gifts for the holidays, here are some ideas using things you can find at your local thrift/charity store:
mugs (especially handmade ones, mugs that match their style, or ones that relate to their interests/hobbies) filled or gifted alongside hot cocoa/tea/coffee supplies
a cozy blanket, some gently worn socks/slippers, and DVD's of movies/shows you know they like or might be interested in (you could also throw in a bag of popcorn & their favorite candy)
a handwritten recipe of something you enjoy making, plus utensils/cookware/serving ware to go with it! examples: matching set of bowls + a recipe for your favorite soup, or a ceramic loaf pan with a spatula, whisk, and recipe for zucchini bread (this would also be cute to be gifted with an apron!)
gift a dinner-party-in-a-box (this would also make a great gift for someone with a new apartment!): create a set of plates, utensils, cloth napkins, a fun tablecloth, maybe a candle holder with candles, etc.
a book/books related to a hobby that they enjoy (or are just curious about) + items relating to that hobby. some examples: a book about houseplants, with a cute planter, and small glass containers for plant propagation. or a hiking guide, with a pair of durable socks, and a bandana
homemade treats (cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, candied nuts, etc) gifted in a metal tin, mason jar, or other thrifted container. you can find christmas-y tins, or tins that can be used by the recipient year-round :3
As with anything you get from a thrift store, be sure to give your items a thorough cleaning! You might be surprised how 'like-new' you can make something look with a quick scrub.
Thrift stores always have baskets, metal tins, glass jars, and gift bags that you can use to gift things in! I like to stock up when I find these things throughout the year, to use in December. Happy thrifting ^-^
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little-mouse-gardens · 4 months
random au thoughts i have while playing video games part 1.
Some Stardew Valley Rise au future Donatello and Farmer reader thoughts I had while playing Stardew Valley.
gonna make a part to of some fluff headcanons soon!
imagining future Donatello working as a mechanic in town while working part-time at the local library and museum. he enjoys his work, the peace Pelican Town brings him. loving the joy he finds in his hobbies and his work there.
he has won the fall fair competition for best invention at least ten times in a row (and he is incredibly smug about it)
farmer reader has recently gotten settled into their farm. happily tending to their crops and the plants they keep in the greenhouse they repaired. happily giving each of the cows, goats, chickens and ducks their morning/afternoon cuddles after breakfast.
they come into town to get ingredients to make some nice blueberry muffins for lunch or to go to the local library for some good books to read by the fire at the end of a long day with their trusty fluffy companion by their side.
eventually, right after they accidentally break their tractor, they decide to pay a visit to the local mechanic. Donatello.
when they visit Donnie is in the middle of working on a more advanced telescope to go stargazing with.
when he looks up he spots reader looking at the inventions displayed around his shop. watching the way their eyes sparkle as they gaze at the details he's put into his work or how they murmur to themselves about how incredible the craftsmanship is.
he doesn't know why, nor does he admit it at first, but he can't help but feel this fluttering in his heart. this warmth blooming within his chest he can't quite place.
he brushes it off for now and just calls reader over to take a look at the part that got broken off their tractor.
reader greets him with a warm friendly smile (even more friendly than the ones the people of Pelican town would give oh my god-) as they sit the part on the counter. shyly rubbing the back of their neck as they explain the situation.
the whole time he is fixing the part, reader is watching and listening to everything he has to say. watching the way his hands skillfully shaped the metal and how he rambled happily about the condition the part was despite the damage.
it makes reader smile. a softer smile. one of admiration.
even when the part is finished, reader sticks around for a little while longer. asking If he'd like any help moving some things around or asking questions about all the inventions he's made.
normally this would annoy him. After all, he has to work. he has to make sure things get done properly. yet this time...he isn't. In fact, he welcomes it.
eventually reader has to leave, but that doesn't stop them from visiting him each day.
every time they always bring him things fresh from their farm. a basket of fresh veggies from their garden, a knitted scarf they made themselves and dyed purple, homemade jams & meals for him etc.
Donnie is flustered at first but of course, returns the favor. giving readers farm new sprinklers that help with watering and keeping their plants healthy, and a belt that has multiple pockets that can keep their tools organized-heck he even makes a device that reader can use to call him to get them out of the mine.
with each gift. with each visit. each conversation-that fluttering only grows stronger within his heart.
until one night it hits him.
he's in love.
it all makes sense to him now. how they both would shy from each other's gaze when their hands brushed together. how their faces would flush when Donnie would carry Reader out of the mines to Harvey in town, the way they would glance at each other softly while they sat on readers front porch watching the sunset-
yep. yep. yep-hes in love.
and his brain is absolutely spinning at the idea of being able to...confess his feelings to reader.
the next morning, or rather around lunchtime-reader finds a lovely written letter from Donnie. asking them to come meet him in the mountains near the train station at around seven or eight.
reader of course, can't help but feel their own heart racing when they finish reading and it. managing to finish all their work by the time they make their way over to the designated meeting spot.
He's waiting there of course. this soft but nervous smile on his face. dressed in his best yet comfortable clothes wearing the scarf they gave him and standing next to the telescope he'd been working on since the day he met them.
most of the night is spent gazing at the stars. rambling on about things until they're both smiling brightly.
and when everything goes quiet. they just look at each other beneath the moonlight. this softness in the air…before Donnie takes a deep breath and just says what's on his mind.
holding reader's face in his hands as he confesses how they make his heart soar with their lovely smile. how their laugh makes his cheeks burn and the warmth of their lovely personality brings him a joy he hadn't felt in years he considers them to be his starlight. his other half, his friend, and his inspiration all at the same time.
reader is just floored-yet their heart is soaring at his words.
donatello is, of course, nervous at first-did he mess it up? was it too much? did he over plan this? was it cheesy? gosh he messed up-
it isn't until he sees this soft yet cheerful smile on their face and how their hands squeeze that he relaxes.
reader just slowly tips their sun hat up, gently tracing hearts on his hands as a quick heads up to him before they lean in for a soft kiss. murmuring softly, "If I'm your starlight, then you must be my moon..right?"
he had never wrapped his arms around reader so fast. He is so so happy. They are both laughing. peppering kisses across each other's faces. trying not to cry as they look into each other's eyes.
the telescope he put so much care and work into reflecting both farmer and inventor happily cuddled up side by side. moonlight and starlight shining down upon them.
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yuusishi · 2 years
May I request the first years receiving gift baskets full of candy, chocolate and other goodies (flowers, a chibi plushie of themself, a homemade sweater, other food items, etc) for Valentine's day? Thank you, have a great day!
...FOR ME?!
pairings : Sebek Zigvolt , Ace Trappola , Epel Felmier
genre : fluff
cws/tws :
a/n : sorry anon I became busy on valentine's but here!! Also with my 3 character limit I picked Sebek, Ace and Epel
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Sebek Zigvolt !!
He was off walking with his usual circle in Diasomnia, praising Malleus and scolding Silver for falling asleep, he was faring well until he heard your voice call for him. That's when he felt that annoying feeling again. His heart rate speeding up and feeling warmth on his face, it was an annoying thing a royal guard should not have to deal with!
"Sebek!" he heard you call again, snapping him out of his thoughts, he heard the little giggle of Lilia in front of him "C'mon Sebek, don't keep [Name] waiting, we'll be headed off to the cafeteria"
"Right! If you'll excuse me!" he yelled before running off to the side to you.
"What is it, human? Couldn't you see I was guarding the Young Master to the cafeteria?" his tone sounded as serious and as annoyed as ever, but you knew he meant no harm
"I got you a little something!" you excitedly said, revealing what was in your hands that were hidden behind you, Sebek's eyes widened at the surprise "Happy Valentine's day!" you yelled
Flustered would be an understatement, Sebek was fully quiet and stared at the gift in awe
It looked to be a handmade plushie of...himself?!
He wordlessly took and inspected the plushie that you handed over to him, convincing himself that he was looking out for any possible dangers and not because he wanted to admire the effort and skill that you put into making it, definitely not
"I suppose it would be proper etiquette to thank you for making something so...something like this. So, thank you" it almost sounded like he was struggling to think of words to say, but you smiled at him and said it was nothing before waving goodbye to join the rest of the first years.
"Oh~? What might that be, Sebek?" Lilia teased, "This was the gift that that hu...that [Name] gifted me earlier. Apparently it was for Valentine's day"
"I almost forgot that it was Valentine's today! You better start thinking of what to give [Name] on White Day then" the fae cheekily smiled at the boy who's ears still had a tinge of red, eyes fixated on admiring the small plush toy.
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Ace Trappola !!
It was during Trein's boring history class that you suddenly got a clever idea, and a perfect one for your seatmate on Valentine's.
Ace lazily jotted down the history notes on his notebook, sighing out of boredom a few times, until he noticed you placed something on his desk. A paper rose?
"Oi [Name], what are you doing?" he asked, only to receive a "Stop talking, I'm concentrating" earning a small huff from the boy.
He continued writing notes until he noticed more and more notebook paper flowers landed on his space, he glanced over at you who was multitasking between writing notes and crafting the flowers. It wasn't the first time he's seen you this focused, hell he's your seatmate, but he can't say he didn't get flustered seeing you so concentrated on making something for him.
'What's [Name] even making all this for? It's not like it's my birthday or anything' he thought.
The final paper rose landed on his desk, alongside a note. Careful as to not let Trein see it, he quickly grabbed the paper and read it from below the desk
'Meet me outside the classroom after class, bring the flowers with you'
"You're so bossy, [Name]" he joked as he stuffed the note in his pocket "I should be the next Heartslabyul housewarden, then", you both silently giggled at your comment.
Ace walked out of the classroom with the paper roses in hand, trying to ignore the looks he got while carrying them, he was secretly wishing this was you asking him out for Valentine's and that these flowers that he ever so carefully held was for him.
As he buried himself in his thoughts and hopes, he suddenly spotted you coming out from the classroom, a small blush painting his cheeks that he got rid of in time
"What took you so long?" "I forgot to clean up all the cut pieces from those paper flowers, got a few papercuts too" you sighed
"Anyways, hand me those" you pointed over to the flowers that Ace had in hand to which he wordlessly handed over "Okay now turn around" "But what if I don't want to?" he said, earning himself a smack on the arm.
He turned his back to face you and closed his eyes, uttering "Are you done yet?" constantly before you finally yelled at him to turn around.
He grinned at your annoyance, but the smile quickly dropped once he saw that the flowers were now arranged into a bouquet, it was wrapped in paper like one and had a note at the very front.
Happy Valentine's
Ace's face flushed pink, he was trying to keep his cool, he sputtered nonsense before actually saying something "T-Thanks um...happy Valentine's too..." he meekly said, causing you to laugh a little to the annoyance of the boy.
A new crisis befell on the Heartslabyul student, what should he get you on White Day?
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Epel Felmier !!
Valentine's ended up on a Friday that year, and Epel needed to visit his hometown during the weekend. Thankfully, he informed (or rather ranted) to you about it the month before, giving you plenty of time to prepare something.
Epel was already packing his things, a small duffle bag was all he was bringing since he'd only be out for two days. His focus on planning his things was broken when he received a text on his phone. His annoyance was swept away once he saw your contact name, now he was even smiling
"Meet me outside the Pomefiore dorm after ya pack your things..." he mumbled, wondering what could you be planning this time. He wanted to rush and just stuff random things he thinks he needs to bring, but knowing that Vil might check his bag after packing he decided against that for the sake of his ears.
Epel sighed in relief after finally finishing packing his things for the weekend trip, now he has to wait for Vil to check it
'Gosh this is all so annoying, I'm not some kid, but that housewarden treats me like one' he thought as he sat on one of the chairs of his dorm room. He turned his gaze over at the window and saw you outside seemingly waiting.
He internally cursed for a second, how long had he kept you waiting?! An hour?!
Quickly getting up, he rushed outside, ignoring other students who greeted him or asked what he was running for. He's getting in trouble for this, 100%, but it was better than keeping you waiting for another hour!
"Oh Epel! You're here!" you greeted the boy who was panting with his hands on his knees in front of you "S-Sorry to keep ya...waiting, [Name]"
You stared at him confused, offering to go sit on a bench first but was quickly rejected.
"Anyways, I asked you out here becauseee..." you revealed unto the boy a sweater you personally knitted, the colors consisting of different light shades of purple
"I'm not entirely sure how cold it gets where you're from, but I made you a sweater!" you said excitedly.
The boy in front of you stood silently in surprise for a second, lips agape
"A-Ah! Thanks for this, [Name]! But why'd ya make this fer me, not like it's ma birthday or anythin'?"
"Because it's Valentine's, idiot, happy Valentine's day"
"Hey! I ain't no idio-!!"
Epel's complaining was quickly cut off once he spotted Vil behind you, now he froze up in fear instead...
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celebratinglucychen · 4 months
While I doubt we’ll ever see this, I’d love to see Lucy celebrating Chinese New Year. Or gifting red pockets. It would have been such a small but lovely thing to see a red envelope tucked away in Lucy’s many gift baskets, like the one she gave with homemade lactation cookies for the birth of Jackson.
Hi there, lovely! Thanks for your message! 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
That is such a beautiful idea! I thought it was such a sweet gesture for Mel to gift red envelopes her to castmates on Chinese New Year. I definitely wish that art would imitate life and that we'd see this through Lucy ... an envelope in a gift basket among other items is such a small thing but even this would make a world of symbolic difference. Red envelopes aren't just limited to a certain holiday either! It would show us that the props department actually get who Lucy is. Lunar New Year is one of those holidays that, it doesn't matter if your family's been American for ten days or ten generations ... if you're East Asian, it's acknowledged and observed. So yeah, I def think that Lucy would!
An idea I had that was inspired by your comment is Lucy and Tim checking on a Chinese New Year celebration because Karen called in a noise complaint. Lucy would be so giddy about the celebration while telling Karen off as Tim slips into his annoyed TO persona (but secretly loving her giddiness). It wouldn't exactly be Lucy celebrating but it does keep the patrol aspect of the show. Or Alexi could just straight up write a scene where she celebrates it. Maybe take out a Bailan scene so that Lucy gets her flowers. I def think that Aaron and Celina would be all in with that ... Celina would love the superstitions surrounding the holiday and Aaron would have connections and could get everyone a table at a fancy Chinese restaurant up in some skyscraper in LA.
Lucy as a child would've gotten red envelopes from family members. I can imagine her being excited about Chinese New Year every year. I read yesterday that parents place red envelopes underneath their childrens' pillows as a symbol of protection and I do imagine that Lucy's parents or her grandparents would've done the same for her. Maybe even her Aunt Amy. I think that Lucy would carry on this tradition for her Chenford kids as well ... and when she shares about it with Tim, he'd relish in another opportunity to be a fierce protector for his kids 😂. He'd probably even start putting red envelopes underneath Lucy's pillow!
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pearljoy537 · 11 months
♡ Date ideas you can do at home! ♡
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Indoor Picnic: Lay out a blanket, prepare some sandwiches, snacks, and a picnic basket with your favorite beverages, and have an indoor picnic in your living room.
Movie Marathon: Pick a theme or your favorite film series and have a movie marathon with Snacks and cozy blankets.
Cooking Challenge: Challenge each other to a cook-off with ingredients you have at home. See who can come up with the most creative and delicious dish.
Board Game Night: Dust off your board games or card games and have a game night with your favorite games.
DIY Spa Night: Create a spa experience at home with homemade facials, massages, and relaxation. Light some scented candles and play soothing music.
Art and Craft Night: Get creative by painting, drawing, or doing a DIY project. You can make artwork for your home or as a gift for each other.
Music Night: Share your favorite music with each other, have a dance party, or even try to learn a new instrument or dance together.
Karaoke: Sing your hearts out with a karaoke session.
Video Game Night: Play video games together or take turns playing a single-player game while the other cheers you on.
Storytelling: Take turns creating a story, each person adding a sentence to continue the plot.
Trivia Night: Host a trivia night with questions on your favorite topics or general knowledge.
Photo Scavenger Hunt: Create a list of things to find or take pictures of around your home or in your neighborhood.
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agaypanic · 8 months
hi!! what about valentine’s day headcanons for/with reese?!
Valentine's Day With Reese Wilkerson Headcanons
Request Something!
Imma be honest, your def gonna have to remind reese that valentine’s day is coming up
Like.. A LOT
He’s either not good with dates or will treat it like any other day bc he doesn’t think you wanna make a big deal out of it
But when the day gets closer, and you ask him what he had planned, he starts to panic
“So, Reese…” You start, swinging your interlocked hands back and forth as you and your boyfriend walk home from school. “What are we doing on Saturday?”
“Nothing, I think.” He answers, confused as to why you would ask such a random question. 
“What do you mean ‘nothing’?” You tilt your head in confusion.
“I mean nothing, babe. Like, I’m probably just gonna watch TV.”
You stop your pace, tugging Reese back with your joined hands. He looked at you, wondering why you stopped, and saw that you were looking back at him with a slightly saddened expression.
“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked.
“Saturday’s Valentine’s Day, Reese.” You say in a small voice. “If you didn’t wanna do anything for it, you could’ve told me in advance.”
Reese’s expression went from perplexed to scared to some look you couldn’t label. But it probably meant that he was coming up with an excuse to save his ass. 
“Oh! You meant this Saturday! I thought you meant the next one.” He laughed nervously, hoping you would buy his story. “Of course I wanna do something for Valentine’s Day, baby! I have a whole thing planned.”
Your expression turned hopeful, making Reese relieved.
“Really?” You asked, growing excited as to what he might’ve had in store for you.
“Yeah! But it’s a surprise.” 
Satisfied with that, you squeezed Reese’s hand and began walking again, this time with more of a pep in your step. Meanwhile, Reese was racking his brain on what he was gonna do this Saturday.
Reese only had a couple days to plan
He figured he should do a homemade lunch or dinner; that felt obvious to him
But he had no idea what to get you
Reese wasn’t really one for gift-giving, but he figured you deserved something
So he decided to ask for some advice on what to do
Reese could’ve gone to his dad, but he knew from Francis that he would become weirdly obsessive with the entire ordeal. He still didn’t know how he had pulled you in the first place; Reese didn’t need his dad ruining anything. And, like with most things, he didn’t want to go to his mom. If he asked Malcolm, he’d probably get an eye roll and some comment about how unprepared he was. Reese already knew that, he didn’t need to hear it from Malcolm.
“Hey, Dewey. Do you know crap about romance?”
That was certainly not what the young Wilkerson was expecting to hear from one of his brothers. He looked up from his comic, confused.
“Valentine’s Day is coming up,” Reese said with a sigh, settling on the couch beside his little brother. “I have no idea what to do or get Y/n. I need ideas.”
“Are you serious?”
“Are you gonna help me or not?” Reese asked, raising his balled-up fist to get Dewey to choose the right option. Used to these threats, the boy just sighed.
“Get her flowers or chocolates or something,” Dewey said with mild enthusiasm. “Those are, like, the most basic things you get a girl on Valentine’s Day. Take her out for a picnic or go to the movies.” Deciding that he was now done with the conversation, Dewey went back to his comic book.
“Picnic…” Reese muttered to himself, seeming to like the idea.
Reese had to beg his parents to let him borrow one of the cars
Luckily, Hal insisted on Reese taking his and said that he and Lois were going to have some alone time on Valentine’s Day
Reese didn’t want to think about what that alone time entailed
Instead, he prepared a picnic basket and drove to your house to pick you up
When you were leaving the house, he blindfolded you before taking you to the car, not wanting to spoil any part of the surprise
“When do I take this off?” You giggled as you felt the car stop.
“Soon,” Reese answered. You heard the doors open and close a few times before feeling Reese unbuckle your seatbelt. He grabbed your hand and guided you out of the car and onto some grass. After a few feet, he told you to stay and parted from you. You bounced on the balls of your feet while you waited, hearing all sorts of rustling. “Okay, you can take it off.”
You ripped the blindfold off in a heartbeat. After adjusting to the sudden light flooding your vision, you gasped.
In front of you was Reese, sitting on a picnic blanket, holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. On the red and white checkered blankets laid a charcuterie board with different cheeses, meats, and fruits, some steaming hot food, a bottle of sparkling cider, and two empty glasses.
“Ta-da!.” Reese grinned at you, squinting slightly because of the bright sun.
“Oh my god, Reese!” You squealed, throwing yourself onto him and giving him practically a million kisses all over his face. “This is so sweet!”
“Only the best for my girl.” He said, giving you the bouquet. You got off of him, smelling the fresh flowers with a dreamy smile. “Come on, let’s dig in.”
You gladly followed his lead, picking at all the food spread out in front of you. Using his keys, Reese popped off the cap of the cider and filled your cup. When he poured some for himself, he clinked his glass against yours before kissing you deeply.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Y/n.” He muttered against your lips, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Reese.” You responded with a bright grin that challenged the sun.
Malcolm in the Middle Taglist: @rattilol
Reese Wilkerson Taglist: @hollymaybank @theogirlovermattheogirl
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mistyhollowcottage · 11 months
Frugal Christmas Gifts
🎄Christmas is quickly approaching and the conversations of “what the heck are we getting everyone?” have started in my house. This year looks different for us than years past as we prepare to welcome our second baby, thus the budget is a little tighter than usual. So this year we will be giving almost exclusively homemade gift baskets. This will look a little different for everyone/every couple but will essentially include:
Homemade wooden coasters - these will be made of oak and are only budget friendly because we already own the tools to make them. I do not recommend going out and buying 47 new tools to do this, you will not be saving money. BUT if you have family with the proper tools, ask if you can borrow them!
Hard candy - this was a holiday staple in my house growing up. It’s extremely inexpensive to make and is sooo tasty. Careful not to burn yourself, but nothing tastes better around the holidays than homemade cinnamon candy.
Beeswax candles - beeswax candles can help purify the air in your home and have a pleasant, light smell so they make a great gift for everyone. Beeswax pellets are inexpensive and you can make the candles in any type of container that suits your fancy. Some people use thrifted containers, we have a bunch of random jars we’ve been collecting that we will be using.
Hot pads/oven mitts - I swear everyone I know has the oldest, dingiest hot pads because they still work! No need to fix what isn’t broken, but we thought it’d be a nice thought to replace them with something nicer and homemade. We’ve been on the look out for fabric sales and I have my mom’s old sewing machine on standby ready to go. I highly recommend borrowing a sewing machine while you learn, there’s absolutely no need to buy a new one.
Mrs. Meyers dish soap - this is probably more focused to the circle of people we’re gifting to, but everyone around us loves mrs.meyers, so we thought some seasonal scented dish soap would be a nice touch.
Chapstick! - who doesn’t love chapstick?
This is also a great list for those people in your life that just already have everything. We have baskets we have thrifted to put all this stuff into but you could easily decorate some boxes too. Let me know if you guys use any of these ideas! 🎄
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