#homeless dog
puppieswithloeun · 2 years
Feeding food to homeless dog lying on ground, She needs protein food and...
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animalsandpetscare · 6 months
Awaken The “Optimist” in Your Dog
Understanding Optimism in Dogs
Definition of optimism
Dog optimism is the natural inclination of these animals to view life positively and expect good things to happen, especially in the face of difficulties.
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You can also try this product : Awaken the “Optimist” in Your Dog
How optimism manifests in dogs
Dogs who are optimistic frequently exhibit traits including wagging their tails, easy body posture, and an eagerness to interact with their environment. They are resilient and recover from failures fast.
Benefits of Optimism in Dogs
Improved overall well-being
Comparatively speaking, pessimistic dogs are more likely to be emotionally well and have lower stress levels. Their optimistic outlook adds to their feelings of happiness and fulfillment.
Enhanced resilience
Dogs that are optimistic are better able to cope with pressure and adjust to changes in their surroundings. They show a stronger desire to try new things and take on novel tasks.
Better coping mechanisms
Dogs who are optimistic tend to be better at handling hardship, showing signs of problem-solving and an increased capacity to get beyond barriers. They can stay upbeat even in difficult situations because of their positive mindset.
Factors Influencing a Dog's Optimism
A dog's demeanor and perspective on life are influenced by hereditary predispositions. It's possible that some breeds are more naturally hopeful than others.
Early life experiences
Early life events that impact a dog's outlook on the world and degree of optimism include socialization, training, and contact with people and other animals.
Environmental factors
The way a dog is raised—its living circumstances, daily schedule, and exposure to stimuli—can affect how positive and optimistic they are overall.
Signs of Optimism in Dogs
Positive body language
Dogs that are optimistic frequently have open body language, showing off their loose muscles, waving tails, and alert demeanor. They could approach individuals and circumstances with eagerness and curiosity.
Eagerness to explore
Dogs that are optimistic show that they are eager to explore their environment and try new things. They could be curious and adventurous, actively looking for new stimuli.
Quick recovery from setbacks
Dogs who are optimistic tend to be resilient and swiftly recover from failures or unpleasant experiences. Despite difficulties, they exhibit a cheerful disposition and a determination to keep interacting with their surroundings.
Techniques to Foster Optimism in Dogs
Positive reinforcement training
Dogs' positive behaviors can be reinforced by using positive reinforcement strategies like praise and rewards. Through the process of linking pleasant experiences to desirable behaviors, pet owners can help their pets develop a more positive mindset.
Enrichment activities
Giving dogs engaging activities that stimulate their minds, such puzzle toys, interactive games, and outdoor excursions, can encourage curiosity and discovery in them and make them happier.
Consistent routines
Dogs might benefit from a sense of stability and predictability that comes from regular daily routines, such as feeding schedules, exercise routines, and social contacts. This can enhance their general well-being and optimism.
Avoiding Pessimistic Behaviors
Recognizing signs of pessimism
It's critical for dog owners to identify symptoms of pessimism in their animals, including avoidance behaviors, withdrawal, and extreme fear or anxiety.
Addressing underlying causes
Dogs who are experiencing negative emotions can benefit from identifying and addressing underlying causes of pessimism, such as past traumas, health problems, or environmental stressors. This will help the dogs adopt a more optimistic view.
Creating a supportive environment
It is possible to foster confidence and optimism in dogs by providing them with a loving, patient, and understanding environment.
Bonding with an Optimistic Dog
Building trust and rapport
Developing a solid relationship with dogs that is founded on mutual respect and trust is crucial for encouraging optimism. Dogs and their owners can develop a closer relationship through regular training sessions and positive interactions.
Engaging in mutual activities
Playtime, training sessions, and outdoor experiences are examples of things that both the dog and owner enjoy doing together and can strengthen the bond and encourage positive behavior.
Understanding your dog's needs
It is possible to customize interactions and activities to encourage optimism and general well-being by taking the time to get to know your dog's unique requirements, preferences, and personality features.
Case Studies: Real-Life Examples of Optimistic Dogs
Stories showcasing optimistic behavior
Dog owners who want to foster optimism in their own pets may find motivation and wisdom in hearing about the experiences of real-life optimistic canines.
Lessons learned from these cases
Thinking back on the takeaways from these case studies—like the value of resilience, positive reinforcement, and fostering a caring environment—can help dog owners in their endeavors to bring out the best in their pets.
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You can also try this product : Awaken the “Optimist” in Your Dog
Recap of key points
Developing optimism in dogs can yield several advantages, such as increased resilience, better coping strategies, and general well-being. Owners can assist their pets in leading happier and more meaningful lives by learning what influences optimism in dogs and putting positive behavior-fostering practices into practice.
Encouragement to nurture optimism in dogs
It is our responsibility as responsible pet owners to provide our dogs affection, support, and encouragement so they can develop a positive attitude on life. By bringing out the optimist in our dogs, we improve our relationship with them and add to their general contentment and wellbeing.
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sulliedsorrow · 5 months
i keep thinking of chuuya who has. major food insecurity that arises from when he was seven to being in the sheep. like becoming a part of the mafia must have meant such a drastic change in living circumstances, and even though now he has money and a better quality of life, a part of him still acts like he’s living in scarcity.
this leads to a lot of arguments with dazai i think, mainly around how much dazai wastes food. they’re on an overnight mission and chuuya orders takeout and dazai forgets to eat it and chuuya gets mad because you don’t just waste food like that and dazai is mad because he didn’t ask for the food in the first place so chuuya has no right to be angry with him, but chuuya can’t fathom having someone in his care around him going hungry for no reason. and he doesn’t know how to articulate it and and he’s just standing there, shaking and fists so tightly clenched, and dazai realises the anger was never directed at him, and chuuya begs asks, in a small voice, for dazai to just eat the damn food, so dazai does.
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sailor-moon-rei · 24 days
helping stray animals
Hey! Firstly, thank you! And now I remind you again that I feed animals that have no home and family. For the last few weeks there have been only two donations and fewer reblogs. I understand that you are bored, but I have to write about it again.
These animals need something to eat, they are already used to me feeding them. I can't leave them for long. That's more than 25 cats and 5 dogs. Please don't ignore the post and don't let them starve for long. Because I am not able to feed them only by myself.
Also, do not forget that the war in Ukraine continues. Animals end up on the streets more often, because of this.
You can help us here:
pp [email protected] (please choose the family/friends option)
Or just reblog, that helps too! Thank you!❤️
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veryluckyclovers · 2 years
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the birds that would greet you before school in 2005 are still there singing for you
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cffeine · 6 months
one thing i love about chuuya's character is not only his loyalty, but that of others to him.
in the sheep, he was relied on but not fully trusted as leader. it was a job he had to take for no one else could.
in the port mafia, meanwhile, he didn't have to rise the ranks as he did. he need not be relied on but the members trust him, would follow him as leader should mori die.
the sheep were wary of him for good reason, but never had to be. the port mafia doesn't have to trust him as they do but choose to.
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zoofil-sexx-toy · 4 days
Tonight My Daughters and I are Available For Homeless People and Stray Dogs
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We are In #Alanya #Belediyesi #Park
Everyone is Welcomed
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maacottism · 9 days
here's my prediction on the trailer reception based on the fact petey is being voiced by pete davidson
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okamiz36 · 20 days
Ram-Po. Fight me.
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olystreetpunk · 6 months
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I am an 18 year old bisexual trans man, I have been homeless for the past 5 months after leaving an abusive household. My partner is a 19 year old closeted trans girl, currently living as a gay man, she has been homeless for 2 and a half years since her mom kicked her out because of her struggles with addiction. We are both ADHD and autistic and do better with street life than housed life but are looking for something more stable, especially since my partner is trying to recover from her alcoholism. We finally came to the conclusion that a camper would be the best solution for us and are now trying to save up for one. Neither of us can hold down every day jobs due to our neurodivergence, but we are doing everything we can to try and make some money. If you can send a few dollars our way, anything helps.
V*nmo @olystreetpunk
C*sh app $olystreetpunk
Ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/olystreetpunk
Here are some pictures of our dog, Sasuke, in return.
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dazai-fan-page · 5 months
hey now im no politician but maybe if homelessness is a problem and we got empty houses we just put the people in the houses
like without making them pay a shit load of money
actually maybe all our basic needs should be met free of cost bc being alive shouldnt cost money
dazai for tags
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puppieswithloeun · 2 years
Watch "We meet a lot of poor dogs, Feeding foot to street dogs" on YouTube
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animalsandpetscare · 6 months
A New Dog Moves In
Preparing for the Arrival
Setting up the environment
Before the arrival of a new dog, it's essential to prepare the environment to ensure a smooth transition. This involves creating a safe and comfortable space for the new addition, including a designated sleeping area, feeding station, and access to water. Additionally, removing any hazards or potential dangers from the living space is crucial to prevent accidents or injuries.
You can try this product:  A new dog moves in
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Gathering necessary supplies
Having the right supplies on hand is essential for welcoming a new dog into the home. This includes basics such as food and water bowls, a leash and collar, a comfortable bed or crate, and appropriate toys for mental stimulation. Depending on the dog's needs, additional items such as grooming supplies, training treats, and a doggy first-aid kit may also be necessary.
Welcoming the New Arrival
Introducing the new dog to the home
When the new dog arrives, it's essential to make introductions gradually and calmly. Allow the dog to explore their new surroundings at their own pace, offering gentle encouragement and reassurance. Providing a quiet space where the dog can retreat if feeling overwhelmed is important, as it allows them to adjust to their new environment in their own time.
Establishing routines and boundaries
Consistency is key when it comes to establishing routines and boundaries with a new dog. Setting clear expectations from the beginning helps to prevent confusion and promote positive behaviors. This includes establishing feeding schedules, potty training routines, and rules for behavior in the home. Consistent positive reinforcement and gentle correction are effective methods for teaching desired behaviors and boundaries.
Bonding with the New Dog
Spending quality time together
Building a strong bond with a new dog requires spending quality time together. This includes engaging in activities such as walking, playing, and training sessions that allow for positive interaction and communication. Incorporating activities that the dog enjoys and finds rewarding helps to strengthen the bond and build trust between the dog and their new family members.
Building trust and rapport
Building trust and rapport with a new dog takes time and patience. It involves being patient, consistent, and understanding of the dog's needs and preferences. Providing love, attention, and affection in a gentle and respectful manner helps to foster a sense of security and belonging for the dog, laying the foundation for a strong and lasting bond.
Addressing Challenges and Concerns
Dealing with anxiety or fear
It's not uncommon for new dogs to experience anxiety or fear when adjusting to their new environment. This may manifest as nervous behaviors, such as pacing, panting, or hiding. Providing a calm and supportive environment, along with gentle reassurance and positive reinforcement, can help to alleviate anxiety and build the dog's confidence over time.
Handling behavioral issues
Addressing behavioral issues with a new dog requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Identifying the root cause of the behavior and addressing it proactively is essential for promoting positive change. Working with a professional trainer or behaviorist can provide valuable guidance and support in addressing behavioral issues effectively and responsibly.
You can try this product:  A new dog moves in
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In conclusion, welcoming a new dog into the home is an exciting and rewarding experience. By taking the time to prepare the environment, establish routines and boundaries, bond with the new dog, and address any challenges or concerns that may arise, dog owners can ensure a smooth transition and lay the foundation for a happy and harmonious relationship with their new furry companion. With patience, love, and understanding, the bond between a dog and their new family members will continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
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msaprilsky · 4 months
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sailor-moon-rei · 5 days
helping stray animals
Firstly, thank you very much for your help! Secondly, I remind you about the stray animals that I feed. There are many of them. They were left without a home and family. It is very rare to find people who adopt them. We are currently looking for a home for the kittens. And, unfortunately, because of the war in Ukraine, the number of homeless animals is increasing. They live in garages, attics, porches, or non-residential buildings etc. I currently care for 20 cats and 5 dogs. Unfortunately, I can't feed them all by myself. I am asking for your help and, as usual, sending new photos.
You can help us here:
buymeacoffee (for the animals)
Patreon (subscribers can see videos with animals)
pp [email protected] (please choose the family/friends option)
Please reblog, it helps too!
Thank you so much! 🥰
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trexalicious · 5 months
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