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fitnessninefit · 1 year ago
5 Reasons to Why Everyone Needs to Build a Home Gym Benefits and Advantage
If you want to get fitter and more physically healthy, buying a home gym might be a wise and incredibly economical choice. One important thing to remember is that you don't need a fancy setup for a home gym; all you need is a set of resistance bands or simply a single pair of dumbbells. You can have a home gym and exercise at home if you have the means to apply resistance to your body and a place to train, such as your living room or garage.
Go ahead and build a home gym for your family and yourself there are many benefits, especially in light of the current worldwide pandemic. Get stronger than you were yesterday without having to step outside. You may cut costs on travel, membership fees, and pricey training gear by investing in a home gym. You may begin your fitness regimen at any moment anything you'll need to work out often, Read more for efficiently and from home to setup home gym setup guide you can be purchase equipment setups.
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verywellfitness · 2 years ago
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5 weight loss smoothie recipes . . . . . . . #weightlosssmoothie #weightlosssmoothies #smoothies #weightlosstips #weightlossdiet #smoothiebowlrecipe #breakfastsmoothie #healthylifestlye #smoothiequeen #fatburningfemale #weightlossworkouts #weightlossathome #fatlossworkouts #weightlosshacks #weightlossjurney #weightlossguide #weightlosschallenges #fitnessexercises #howtoloseweightfast #fatburningworkouts #losseweight #gymworkoutsforwomen #homegymworkouts (at New York, city) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp0P4ItvqFU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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allisonethier · 2 years ago
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🫠My alarm went off twice before I actually got out of bed. Trying to make your way back to your every day fitness lifestyle habits can be hard when you’ve been on vacation for the last 7 to 10 days. Things I did well: 1️⃣Set my clothes the night before 2️⃣Went to bed earlier 3️⃣Set my alarm Things that need work: 1️⃣Less relax time in the am (most times I am just waiting for the coffee to kick in) 2️⃣Get out of bed when the alarm goes off vs hitting snooze 3️⃣A training plan…vs making workouts up on the fly. But at the end of the day…The biggest win is that you showed up…🙌🏻matters more than the specifics of the workout. ✨Time to get it done….then once consistent try to do better. #workoutwednesday #workoutmotivation #homegymworkout #lifestylecoaching #fitnesslifestyle #fitover50 #fitover40 #fitover30 #onlinelifestylecoaching #ateamathletes #ateamacademy #gymworkout #gymtraining #preptalk #getstarted (at Sherbrooke, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_nULsOCgY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rich-life-blr · 4 years ago
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A good workout to being the working week to a close 💪 #gym #homegym #homegymhero #garagegym #gymworkout #garagegymworkout #homegymworkout #resistancetraining #strengthtraining #noexcuses #turnup #showup #getitdone #norwich #mindset #mindsetiseverything #attitude https://www.instagram.com/p/COBU66mDm9l/?igshid=13f7cdhpajdi7
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sispanda · 4 years ago
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This quality barbell pad for both woman and man can greatly protect your neck and shoulders when you are weightlifting and squat rack. 
Some trainers use squat pad when they do Hip Thrusters and Lunges as well. 
Now sispanda wholesale bulk top quality barbell pad to fitness distributors worldwide with a great service and favoral price. Logo and brand name can be customized for you on foam barbell pad for both male and female. Please contact [email protected] for more details.
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stro-dos · 5 years ago
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Sooo you’re tellin me that I’m stuck doing bodyweight/calisthenics, kettle bell workouts and mobility?.....what a shame 😂 . . . . . . . . #bodyweightworkout #calisthenicsworkout #mobility #lsit #coreworkout #nutrition #wristmobility #wriststrength #balance #handstandtraining #workoutmotivation #pistolsquat #pistolsquats #squats #homegym #homegymworkout #gains #workoutgoals #training #crosstraining #muscularendurance #armyfreshfitness #militaryfreshfitness #bodybuildingwomen #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #getfit #streetworkout #armdayworkout #diet (at Fort Bragg, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-x77Smn8rC/?igshid=14k7m2aparlf3
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shaynew-fat-to-fit · 4 years ago
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Chest day!!!! Putting in the work to stay thick with muscle but thin with fat before Christmas. No riding today, too much of a pussy to get wet before work in the dark 🤣 @Powersupps.com.au 15% code: SHAYNE15 to get you guys a discount online only. But if you’re in the area definitely get in store & tell the guys I sent you. #healthyliving #fattofitness #fitnessbeginners #queenslandspirit #queenslander #realrecognisesreal #teampowersupps #australianfitness #queendlandfitness #sunshinecoastfitness #noosafitness #aussiefit #qldfit #sunnycoastfit #noosafit #homegymworkout #fitnessinspirations #fitnessbeginner #fattofittransformation #fattofitjourney #pigiron #cantstopwontstop #accountability #selfdiscipline #fitnessforlife #teamtooripped (at Noosa, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE1P0kmsTFy/?igshid=1ntk8csz64li5
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everything--sports · 5 years ago
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FULL PULL DAY WORKOUT *workout details in caption — •Ex 1. Assisted Pull-Ups 3x to Failure (warmup) •Ex 2. Barbell Rows 3x to Failure (warmup) •Ex 3. Conventional Deadlift 5x 1-10 reps, Shown 425 x 1 •Ex 4. Pronated/Supinated Lat Pulldown 4 x 10 •Ex 5. Banded Low Rows 4 x 10 •Ex 6. Straight Arm Pulldowns Superset w/ Face Pulls 4 x 10 *Ex 7. Tricep Pressdowns Superset w/ Bicep/Hammer Curls 20 x 5 Workout Fueled by @c4energy Cable Pulley System by @dadshredded Power Rack by @Grindfitnessequipment Shirt by @Tigerfitness Headband by @junkbrands Bands by @undersun_fitness #bodybuilding #backday #backworkout #deadlift #lats #armday #45daychallenge #FILLtheSLEEVES #homegym #homegymworkout #getbig #fitness #workout #resistancebands #fitnessmotivation (at Olde Whitehall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDm2NbmJxJf/?igshid=483vjfpib7o7
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panda1987n · 5 years ago
What are the benefits of plyo pushups? As the name suggests, plyo pushups are a type of plyometric exercise. With these types of exercises, you work on exerting your muscles to their maximum potential in a short amount of time. This helps build endurance, speed, and strength in the muscles you’re targeting. Plyometric exercises can get your heart rate up quickly. StudiesTrusted Source show that these types of high-intensity exercises are effective at: burning calories reducing body fat improving cardiovascular fitness Performing plyo pushups along with other high-intensity interval training (HIIT) moves like burpees and jump squats can help you build strength while boosting your cardio fitness. Plyo pushups can help strengthen many of the muscle groups in your upper body, including the muscles in your: chest abdominals triceps shoulders To perform a plyo pushup, you don’t need any special equipment. Simply follow these steps: Start in a high plank, or at the top of pushup position. Your torso should be in a straight line, core engaged (tightened), and palms directly under your shoulders. Start to lower your body as if you’re going to do a pushup until your chest is almost touching the floor. As you push up, do so with enough force for your hands to leave the ground. For added difficulty, you can clap your hands together, but this is optional. Land lightly on the ground, moving into your next rep immediately. Perform 5 to 10 reps for 2 or 3 sets total. Do fewer reps if you’re new to the move, more if you’re advanced To safely do a plyo pushup, make sure your: hips are kept at the same level throughout the movement upper thighs are kept in line with your torso core is engaged throughout the movement to help protect your back. #plyometrics #plyometrictraining #plyometricpushups #coretraining #motivationfitness #gymworkoutvideos #homegym #homegymworkout #fitnesstips #fitnesschallenges #fitbody #shreddedlife (at Some Where on Earth) https://www.instagram.com/p/B556PmBgi1E/?igshid=39lw0vit3i09
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4951studios · 5 years ago
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When you go #supersayian at the gym this it what happens. . . . . . . #workoutgym #homegymworkout #crossfitgym #fitgym #fitnationgym #musclebuild #buildleanmuscle #buildmuscles #leanmass #leanstrength #leanfood #leanmuscles #leanstartup #leanmachine #leanprotein #leanandgreen #leaneating #leangainz #leanlegs #leanna #gainstrain #gainsallday #gainsday #gainseason #gainstrength #gainsquad #gainsbaby #gymclothing #gymholic (at Gold's Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/B55GVYWFVqn/?igshid=1j3q6pu6lrys0
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frenchlifestylevera · 2 years ago
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Squats are made to be low Standards are made to be high #.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Stay tuned for Updates My Fitness Studio @keepcool_official #rulers #rulersgym #rulersink #fitness #fitmotivation #bodypositivemovement #homegym #homegymworkout #fitonapp #fitonappworkouts #fitfamdeutschland #kraft #disziplin #muskelaufbau #gymlifestyle #trainhard #mindset #tattoolovers #inkedmodel #fitover45 #fashionover45 #fitnessmodel #gainz #fitnesslifestyle #gymrat #keepcoolmanteslaville #fitwithvera (hier: Mantes-la-Ville) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoZONRVMJRY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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workfrmanywhereintheworld · 3 years ago
In the long run, the conventional opinion says that owning a property is better than renting. The amount of time you expect to spend in one location is maybe the most critical aspect in the rent vs. purchase decision.
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beyond-the-beast · 3 years ago
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Back attack with bicep work! It felt really good! Gotta hit those 🎯's! #homegymworkout #backandbiceps #hevyapp https://www.instagram.com/p/CZh8tbCu_nO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rich-life-blr · 4 years ago
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Loving my Monday workouts 💪 Such a good start to the week 👍 #gym #homegym #homegymhero #garagegym #gymworkout #garagegymworkout #homegymworkout #resistancetraining #strengthtraining #noexcuses #turnup #showup #getitdone #norwich #mindset #mindsetiseverything #attitude https://www.instagram.com/p/CNA5UFNjnWJ/?igshid=hp6taw0sttgr
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stro-dos · 5 years ago
(22kg) Kettle bell swings, snatches and burpee’s with Fred (the name of my 60lb sand bag) 😜 this workout was 5-4-3-2-1 but I wanted a video at the end so you guys got some mixed numbers on this extra round bahaha. Enjoy! @kettlebellkings 🤘🏼 . . . . . . . . . #kettlebellworkout #kettlebell #kettlebellswings #kettlebellsnatch #burpees #bodyweightworkout #mobility #training #workoutmotivation #gymworkouts #homegymworkout #fitfam #kettlebellkings #fitbody #fitbodylife #fitness #militaryfreshfitness #kettlebellwod #wod #movement #movementculture #kettlebellflow #bodyweight #calisthenics #bodyweightworkout #hittworkout #trainingforlife #mobilitywork #absworkout #asthetic #legday (at Fayetteville, North Carolina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-e9FXZnOu8/?igshid=xcuhdfz5kym1
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styledthese · 3 years ago
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Do you like to exercise at home? Don't have time to go to the gym? Then I have a suggestion for you😉 A fitness bench that can be used anywhere. Check it out now 👉🏻 https://styledthese.com/product/5353/home-gym-adjustable-weight-bench-barbell-lifting-workout-fitness-incline #styledthese #fitness #homegymsetup #homegymlife #homefitness #homefit #homefitnessprogram #homegymworkout #homegyms #freeshippingusa #buynowpaylater #gymweight (New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW_gcVSLWjk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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