#holy shit this is a lot of relevant tags
wabbitears · 11 months
feddy movie
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maddestmewmew · 1 month
ok now thats out of the way. JESUS CHRIST have i just entered a fucking. rabbit hole?? OH MY GOD??? i was a massive fnaf fan in my preteen years, as was everyone ever in the 2010s..ive dialed back my enjoyment of it, ill watch playthroughs of the mainline games and ive seen the movie but thats kind of it. this being relevent bc i watched an into the pit playthrough, and then saw some tweets about it. MOST of them i understood, until i hit a tweet talking abt some kid named andrew?? and how hes not an sci??? and i was like Hold On. maybe its been some years but i cant be THAT behind can i. i know all the important names..michael afton and cassidy and charlie and what have you..
so i look up the wiki for this kid andrew, and it leads me to a story about a ghost kid attatching himself to william aftons spirit and torturing him and shit. i was a bit confused bc like. isnt that cassidys thing? but Whatevs. also the stories seemed weirdly bizzare to me, like not in a hateful way but like. why is william afton getting an exorcism. anyway it brings up a couple (A LOT) of names i dont understand, but what my brain latches onto is this kid jake, who is described as forcing andrew to Stop torturing english willy, at the cost of Now Hes Stuck Possessing An Endoskeleton. okayyy this is fnaf to me. i didnt know this but its abt what i expect from five nights at freddys.
so i head to jakes wiki out of curiosty, and find out he is from, no joke, one of the most fucking depressing stories ive ever read? i dont mean in terms of fnaf, i mean, FUCKING EVER. JESUS. CHRIST.
its like. in the middle of a fazbear frights book. fazbear frights being these scary stories to tell in the dark type books where its collections of spoooky stories that will shape the minds of children everywhere, but like. fnaf themed.
this story is called “the real jake” and i Highly reccomend you read the wiki instead of hearing it from me like. fourth hand. like im retelling a retelling here. but if you want that ultra telephone sypnosis, here you go:
“the real jake” follows a nine year old boy who is bedridden. with cancer. his mother is dead and his father is overseas. jake is taken care of full time by a nanny, margie.
jake likes to talk with a boy in his cupboard, named simon, who is really his father over the phone, through a walkie talkie. at first, jake and “simon” talk about what jake has done that day, but jake cannot leave his bed, so jake gets frustrated that all his stories are so mundane and depression. so one day simons like, okay, tell me what the REAL jake has done. and its a little game of pretend, where jake tells these silly little stories about what the “real jake” did that day. one day, jakes friend tries to get him to sneak out to go to the arcade, and tries to get him there by dragging him in a wagon, but jake is too weak to make it to make it to the wagon and collapses and throws up, and he explains to margie he wanted to be the real jake for a day.
at some point jake and margie are playing chess, and jake gets super frustrated that he cant see straight. margie calms him down and jake tells her that he loves her, causing margie to break down, and then she Later Finds Out The Doctors Are Ceasing Treatment For Him, which makes margie realize she loves jake as a son.
AND THEN MARGIE GETS THE CALL THAT JAKES FATHER WAS FUCKING KILLED. and she has full custody of jake. she cant bring herself to tell him his father died, so she says simon wont be able to visit for a while.
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loveisfriendship · 1 year
Leaving Breadcrumbs behind [11/?]
Author’s Note: Hello all, after ages I have come back to writing. I feel like my brain fog is lifting slowly but surely. I have made some life changes, like working out more but also I stopped taking my contraception. And holy shit, my mind and my body are changing. I cannot describe it another way than my brain fog lifting. And suddenly there are words flying out of my fingers again.
And while rereading this story I have realized that I switched the perspective at some point without realizing :D But it feels more natural like this. And let’s not talk about time lapses and where everyone ends up and if its realistic. I am in too deep to make it right :D
I hope the tag list is still up to date and I haven’t missed anyone. If so, please send me message.
It feels good and relaxing to write again. And I am in desperate need of a hobby again.
“You stupid thing. What did you do?” he asks as he cups your face in his hands smiling at you and you immediately tear up.
“A lot. And it cost me a lot as well.” You cry, as he embraces you in his arms and you just cry.
You two stayed like that for a while. On the one side you are relieved that you have reached your brother and that he is alive. And he can walk, so he is not as bad in shape as you thought. On the other hand you cry even more about how you reached him in the first place.
He pulls back and cups your face in his hands again, wiping away the tears with his thumb.
“I can’t believe you are here.” He says and smiles at you. You smile back and also raise your hands to his head. You go through his hair and look into the eyes you have missed so much.
“I can’t believe you are alive.” You say, going over the beard that grew, indicating just how long he must be captured. But the mention of his being alive makes his face form a confused look.
“What do you mean alive?” he asks as he helps you stand up to your feet. You dust yourself off and take a look around the room. A small window and sand everywhere, but nothing else. Thick concrete walls surround you and a heavy and rusty metal door behind you. You focus on the person in front of you again and look him up and down. He still looks beaten and has aged a lot. He is thin and completely out of his SEAL shape. But he can stand and walk and talk and that is important.
“I thought you were dead. We all did. After we split on that mission… Even the Nacy pronounced you dead. We couldn’t find you, and believe me I tried everything I could. But there was no trace from you.” You say and send him a sad smile, suppressing the urge to cry again and fall in his arms. You need to focus. There will be enough time later to catch up…maybe.
“Really? That’s why I have been stuck all this time here?” he asks, realizing the impact of your words.
“Yes, I’m so sorry JJ. If I would have known you were still alive… I would have never stopped looking.” You answer, taking his hands into yours. He grabs them and looks at them.
“Were you married?” he asks, raising his eyebrows at you. You heart stops a beat at the word married.
“No…” you gulp, taking a deep, shaky breath. “But I was engaged until yesterday.” You whisper, looking at your hand and realizing what he saw…
The tan line where your ring used to be.
Back on Hawaii…
Whenever there is nothing to discuss and everyone is going after hints and trying to get information, all Steve does in look at the dot on the screen. The dot that resembles you. Somewhere deep in a jungle. Kono is scanning the area right now, trying to get pictures that are up to date. Joe is still trying to get someone from the Navy to HQ, getting more and more pissed and irritated. Chin, Danny and Lou left a while ago to check all relevant houses for more clues. Steve has a feeling though, that there is nothing more to find. What else could there be? He would love to be on his way there now, but the 48h are not over yet.
He took your engagement ring and put it on a necklace to wear. He wants to have it with him, to give it back to you, as soon as he can. All the clues you left and the fake death certificate are scattered on his desk. He can’t imagine, what you might be feeling, thinking that he is dead. Or maybe he can? He has basically lost you, too. Has not certainty if you survive and if he gets to you in time.
Steve is pulled out of his thoughts when his phone rings.
“Steve, hi, here is Hawkeye.” Dr. Pierce answer.
“Hi Hawkeye, what can I do for you?” Steve asks, hoping there is anything helpful for your case.
“I remembered something. (Y/N) left me a password.”
“A password? For what?” Steve sits up straight in his chair.
“I don’t know. She just wrote down a word in her file. I have no idea what it is for.”
“What’s the word?”
As Steve hears that word, there is slight twitch on his lips to a smile. Waterloo is an insider between the two of you. It’s not about the word or history, but actually about the song from ABBA. You always called Steve your waterloo.
“Thank you, Hawkeye.” Steve says softly,
“Do you know what it could be for?”
“No, but we will figure it out.”
“Okay, good luck then.” Hawkeye says and both say their goodbyes.
LBB Taglist: @geeksareunique @fandomoniumflurry @rahma29417 @letsstarsfalling @fairchild21 @fungk17 @woodworthit666 @honestlyoriginalthing @evyiionee @everygoodusernameistaken16 @littlewhiterose @reincarnated-ghost @damedoctoroftardis-blog @princess76179 @jessica-tree @writingsmeow29 @drakelover78 @kalanimcgarrett @mercyy98 @auttumnsayshi @nocturnalherb16
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aihoshiino · 10 months
In Viewpoint B (thank you for that TL of it, by the way!), Ai says to Kyun that she was a liar even before becoming an idol. Ai also describes herself as a liar in her inner monologue in the flashback to when she was scouted in Chapter 8/Episode 1. Do you have any ideas about what lies/"lies" she could be referring to, or how her self-hatred generates this specific self-perception?
You're very welcome – glad you enjoyed! Viewpoint B is my favourite of the sidestories so I'm really happy I was able to make it more available to everyone else, too.
Talking about 'lies' in OnK is kind of messy sometimes, honestly! I think this is where a lot of the weirder/more off base interpretations of Ai in the fandom come from because people get tripped up by how the story uses the word and assume that it begins and ends with the very literal dictionary definition of like, "an intentionally false directly expressed statement". And while this isn't not part of what OnK means when it talks about lies, there's a lot more going on than that.
'Lies' in OnK are essentially an umbrella term being used to cover a whole shitload of thematic ground via abstraction. When Oshi no Ko talks about lies, it's talking about falsehoods, inauthenticity, the sanitized and manufactured versions of ourselves we wear for social approval, the idea of persona, celebrity culture, idol culture, parasocial relationships, abuse, purity culture, misogyny, art, fiction, mental illness, love, hate and all manner of other things.
"Holy shit, Claire" you may presumably say "That's a whole lot of things for just one word to cover???"
And I would say... yep it is! But that's why just one word is used — because the story has so much ground it wants to cover, some of it needs to be abstracted just to not exhaust the audience. To quote Dan Olson's weirdly relevant video on the NC's The Wall review:
"Abstraction is, counter-intuitively, really efficient. It allows a movie to be about a lot of things simultaneously by letting symbols bleed into each other. [...] Symbols shift and merge and break apart, juxtaposed and contrasted in order to create an impression of their interconnected relationship in a way that is difficult to do with mere words."
Accordingly, it's a little hard to express this idea without just vaguely waving my hands and going "oooo the vibes" but I think it is something you end up just kind of vibing with when you have spent enough time chewing on the characters and why they do and say the things they do.
In Ai's case, when she talks about 'lies', she is generally referring to the performance of a sanitized and idealized self by omitting the parts of herself that do not line up with her public image. I've previously noodled on this topic in an older post that I still stand by and this basic idea still forms the foundation of most of my Ai analysis: "Really, the biggest “lie” Ai is telling is the one people have demanded she tell: the illusion of an eternally pure and cheerful idol. But being an idol has become so forcibly entangled in Ai’s personhood at the expense of allowing her to just be a human that of course she thinks of herself as a liar for being unable to live up to that image."
To Ai, any failure to disclose her true, ugly self is a lie. Her performance of a self that other people find lovable is the thing she thinks of as lying. It's also worth noting that in both Viewpoint B and her flashback, she's describing her younger self in hindsight and attributing the label of 'liar' to her rather than this being something Ai called herself before meeting Saitou, who went on to completely rewire her brain by teaching her that this performance for social approval was lying and that it was okay and even necessary for her to do it.
I also think Ai's history of abuse at her mom's hands also contributed to this a great deal. I, uh, don't want to go too deep into this in my silly Oshi no Ko meta tag but speaking from experience: growing up with a parent like Ayumi, you get really good at lying. You get really good at saying "I'm sorry", "I forgive you" and whatever the fuck else they want to hear from you just to calm them down and make them happy. You get really, really good at performing the most perfectly sanitized version of yourself possible just to keep the peace. Knowing just how long and how violently Ai was being abused by Ayumi, it's really hard for me to not project that survival tactic onto her.
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peaches2217 · 5 months
So... 💛 for the ask?
💛: What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
Maybe this one's too easy, but for me, it's Bowuigi. BUT! There's a catch!
I've slandered the ship left and right here on my account, but the truth is most of my frustration towards it is from pure oversaturation. Maybe that's hypocritical coming from a Mareach shipper, but like... go on AO3 and look under the Mareach tag. 4/5ths of those fics are Bowuigi fics in which Mario and Peach are just sorta there, contributing to the plot with varying degrees of relevancy. And that's so fucking annoying holy shit
But as much as I rag on it, there's Bowuigi content I adore! Within the context of the game's universe especially, because it could actually work. I'm especially weak for Stepdaddy Luigi content, because a dude bonding with his brother's maybe-evil-maybe-just-an-asshole nemesis on the grounds of a shared love for Jr. and/or the Koopalings? Yes?????
The Bowuigi that I don't like is stuff that's explicitly from the movie universe. A lot of Movieverse Bowuigi stuff, I've noticed, tends to be heavier on stuff like "Nobody makes Luigi feel loved or important except Bowser" and "Mario's a no-good brother and Bowser offers Luigi the respect that his own twin brother won't give him so Mario tries actively sabotaging the relationship" and other shit like that, which doesn't even make sense within its own canon, given that 1.) the entire fucking movie is about how unshakable Mario and Luigi's fraternal love for each other is and 2.) the movie's one of the few times Bowser's shown to be legitimately, sincerely evil - and his only interaction with Luigi consists of torturing him before slamming him to the ground and threatening to kill him to spite Mario.
You've got an entire Gameverse's worth of Morally Gray Bowser with which you can crank out all sorts of both fun and heavily plausible ship content with him and Luigi, and that's the angle you go with?? Do y'all get where I'm coming from???
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Holy shit. I was just thinking what legimate reasons could there be for Tom and Greg being in a art gallery owned by a gay couple in the season finale, couldn’t think of how it would be relevant to the finale, but I did think about who would be more likely to know a gay couple (obviously they don’t have to know the owners, but it was just a chain of thought) obviously I thought Greg because Tom’s extreme closetedness probably makes him low key homophobic. But then I realised that Greg would definitely be more likely to know a gay couple because he literally has a gay dad. So what if Greg has been invited to the opening of his Dad’s and his dad’s partner’s gallery, and Tom finds some excuse to tag along because of his appreciation of “high culture” or some shit. The fact that Tom and Greg are out in any social situation together implies that either the betrayal didn’t happen, or some betrayal did happen but... they made up? (Idk maybe that’s just wishful thinking) so in that case by the end of season 4, Tom and Greg would’ve been through a lot together (They’ve already been through a lot together but even more) and would be extremely close (even if it’s just in a platonic way *sigh*) so by then it would not be surprising if Greg considered Tom his best friend, so maybe it’s Greg that asks Tom to come to the gallery with him as he hasn’t seen his dad in a while so he asks Tom to come for moral support. Maybe Greg’s dad sees Tom and is like 👀👀👀👀 I know what you are, or maybe he see’s Tomgreg interact and he actually thinks they’re a couple, and is lyke to Greg “I guess we’re more similar then I originally thought” and Greg doesn’t even know what he’s referring to but Tom clocks on and is really awkward about it and is like “Oh no, I have no unsavoury feelings for your son, not that it is unsavoury to be, to be” and he can’t even say it and Greg’s dad’s like “Gay?” And Tom’s like “Yeah but I’m not” and Greg’s dad is like “ok, sure” Or what if Greg’s dad’s boyfriend is extremely Tom coded, or what if Greg’s dad is extremely Tom coded, or what if...
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silvercap · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Authors
Thank you @thebrandywine for the tag!! :))
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly just Resident Evil, haha, but I've dabbled in a couple other things over the years... nothing else currently, though!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I. My lone Genshin fic 😭😭 at 935 kudos (holy shit!!)
II. Ripping at the Seams with 670
III. *metal pipe sound effect* with 301
IV. Fracture with 290
V. Day 18: Ache with 253!
5. Do you respond to comments?
As much as possible!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
You tell me: is there more angst when older Leon dies, or when re2 rookie Leon does? Personally, I'm leaning on the rookie, but 'do you believe' has the added Hunnigan and Chris angst haha
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
you're my lover is just straight up Nivannedy fluff and sweetness :)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't yet, thankfully!
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
Sometimes 😭 usually it's more of a plot relevant thing than anything else, because smut isn't always my jam--but there are exceptions!! I'm writing a crack ship re5 thing asjdjds and sometimes I do like writing scenes that involve a little sexy time, but I don't think I'd ever write it as a standalone pwp sort of thing haha
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
No...? I mean, I have a Blade Runner au on the backburner of my infinite stove, but I've never put different characters together in a true crossover. Wrote the beginning of an Eragon + Percy Jackson + something I can't remember, when I was in like. 7th grade? But that's long gone and nothing ever came of it asdjdjs
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Hopefully not... 👁️👁️
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Thought about it! It hasn't happened haha, but I'm open to the idea
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I'll be honest... ships are kind of cute adorable plot devices to me. I don't really have a favorite per se, but I do tend to prefer Chreon, Metaltango, and Nivannedy! I like Clairejill and I'm pretty invested in Ada/Hunnigan right now hehe but none of them really stands out as the OTP, y'know?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Not sure! I tend to jump around and abandon and revive things a lot, so it's honestly just up in the air. I'm loath to put one on the chopping block, but I have my doubts about this one (OG!) re4 fic where Leon passes out during the cabin fight
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I have a very visceral writing style by several people, and I do often get compliments on how well I've made something feel real/captured a specific feeling! Which is a huge compliment you guys are so nice 🥺 and I do like to think that I'm good at descriptive writing!! I see things very clearly in my head and it's gratifying to know I'm getting it across fully :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I tend to go at it without figuring out where I'm going, first. Plots are held together with a dab of white glue and some fraying string, and I often worry that I'm not putting scenes together coherently. I can do all the technical stuff just fine, but I really struggle with pacing and character motivations and foreshadowing and background etc, which I think is why I tend to write shorter fics!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's rarely worth it, unless there's some sort of narrative significance or I get to use my Latin knowledge for some silly villain 😭
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bungou Stray Dogs!
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I've always been partial to Fracture
Tagging- @fonulyn, @colesabi, @lightenupcowboy, @sunhatllama, @resident-rats, and anyone else who I forgot or wants to participate! <3
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styrmwb · 6 months
I beat Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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There's gonna be spoilers in this just in case you care, hopefully I tagged it correctly, and also yeah this is a long one (I don't have it tagged game ramblings for nothing)
Anyways, loved this game. My gripes with it are very few, but unfortunately one of said gripes is very major and hasn't changed from Remake; but in the effort to Pretend like my thoughts are organized, I'm gonna section this cause sectioning is fun :)
Actually, one thing I wanted to note here (writing this after like, 3 paragraphs), is something that influences a lot of my love for this game is the fact that it... Doesn't suffer from translation problems like the OG. It brings factors that i never truly appreciated into the forefront, and clears up a lot of confusion. I wanted to put this here because I realized it would be weird to say all of my nonsense without clarifying this.
Rebirth (and Remake) is what I think is What modern FF should be. I absolutely love this style of combat so much. I do wish there was a very small passive ATB charge cause sometimes I get stuck in a situation where I can't do anything, but other than that the rotation of hack and slash then classic menu, and switch between party members is so fun, in the best of times I can make a really cool action scene, everyone showing off their own moves; it's a blast. I'll go a little deeper into the characters when I go to That section, but overall I found everyone really fun in some way, even though end game I ended up using the same party as I did in Remake (and also the OG VII lmfao).
I know to some/possibly most, the amount of open world (and Chadley) and the side quests might feel like a bunch of fluff and garbage, but I actually kinda really enjoyed it? I loved how the world intel all changed slightly as you progressed. Moogles as an example, annoying as they were, did add an extra level of challenge every time you saw them. When you had to catch a chocobo, it was a different style of stealth minigame. Summon crystals all had increasingly complicated patterns. Hell, even the towers were slightly different every time with how you had to climb or even reach them! I think this being the strength solidifies itself when I think of my least favorite intels being the Fiend Intel, because I think they were the most samey the entire game through. The side quests I compare to XVI. XVI's side quests were... like XIV. A LOT of dialogue, run here, more dialogue, fight one enemy or gather 6 items, then go back. Rebirth's quests felt... a little more alive? A little more varied? Sure, side quests are usually going to be the same in these styles of game, but I think of chasing a dog through the region while the dialogue happens along the way, I think of the options to gather more resources than the bare minimum for different rewards and dialogues, picking different flowers, having to pay attention to notes, having to interact with the minigames: it all felt more interesting and like I actually wanted to do them. The varied nature of everything is what made me enjoy it.
Oh and Queen's Blood? Greatest FF card game don't even @ me I had so much fun with it it better stay
One of my favorite parts of Rebirth is how much it helped or made me love the cast. Even characters that I did not care about or possibly actively disliked, this game made me enjoy. Main characters were all expanded on, side characters were silly, and brought back into relevance when I would never expect (Like holy shit I swear every named NPC from Remake came back which is so cool), and they all make the journey an absolute joy to take, and the world as colorful as FFVII SHOULD be. But let me talk about a cast that went from "yeah I like them" to possibly one of my favorite parties in the entire franchise.
I honestly already considered him my favorite character in VII (which is a very hard thing to admit without the fear of people thinking you like him for the wrong reasons), and Rebirth being essentially half the game lets me get to see why again. A man who presents himself as serious and uncaring, but OOPS he actually does care and is really silly but unfortunately has some major mental problems! (please help him he is NOT ok). Sure, they kinda speed up his realization of certain aspects, and maybe they go a Little too hard on the fact that Something Isn't Right, but I really enjoyed seeing his declining mental state, its effect on the world, and his relationships with the party. The Sephiroth juice is intense at this point in the story, and I am very excited to see him in the next game. His gameplay is classic yet fun, with big swordy slashes and huge hits that don't have to be slow (they're sometimes slow).
My favorite part of Barret in Rebirth compared to Remake is how he didn't wear his sunglasses for most of the game. He's open, he's feeling, he's emotional; he's the big tough softy I love. This is where him and Cloud's relationship really gets to shine, where you can tell there is respect, trust, and concern between both of them. The Gold Saucer and side quests are where I think this is at its strongest, and I love seeing it. His gameplay makes him a really fun support, and just like Remake I had him as a sort of paladin healy tanky type, staying behind with GUN as he takes care of the party, which is really fun and consistent.
This game does wonders for Tifa enjoyers (it's me I'm Tifa enjoyers), giving her a lot of focus and emphasis on that caring, observant nature that is her strongest suit. Her concern for Cloud and friendship with Aerith feel very strong here and it makes me happy to see. Her gameplay had her in my party the entire time no other reason, her fast attacks, dodges, ATB filling, and stagger damage multiplier being extremely huge in every single fight.
The big one. Honestly, I'm gonna keep my real big story thoughts for later, but I will say I loved seeing her enjoy life, the open world, and helping others in the side quests. She's a great character to see happy :) Also, her scene in the Gold Saucer is probably now one of my favorite scenes in the entire series. It was so fucking stunning that I cannot get enough of it. Unfortunately, her gameplay is easily my least favorite out of the group, as her slow attacks and dodging (yes I know she has an ability to boost her attacks but that takes a while to get to) makes her kind of a slog in my hands, and better off in the computer's.
One of two characters that I did not expect to grow to love as much as I did. I'll prob mention this again later, but... I didn't REALLY know the extent of his change when I played the original. Yeah, I knew he was young for his race, but he always felt like just that wise grumpy dog man (some of this could be on me not reading well enough but between poor translation and Advent Children and the fact he didn't make it into DFFOO I'm gonna give myself a break). Rebirth showed me how much of a joy Red is. Despite the trauma and pain he went through, he's silly, he's excited for life, he has fun and loves his family. But also, despite this and his youth, he doesn't COMPLETELY lose his knowledge and wise nature after his reveal; he just relaxes more. I care about Red so much more than I originally did now because this change was made clearer. His gameplay is also really fun, fast attacks, strong defenses, and even stronger abilities (stardust ray my beloved).
We already got a good amount of Yuffie in Intergrade, so having her again here felt like anyone else from last game. However, I do absolutely love how she was integrated into the main plot instead of just being Girl in Forest. She served as great comic relief (and literally says this!) for her appearance in the story (although I do think there were a couple occasions where it was a bit much but that's ok her arc is next game), and I really enjoyed that she started to become a cared for member of the group (really shown by Cloud in the Skywheel date and her and Barret's relationship). Gameplay was just as fun as Intergrade, the throwing/ninjutsu swapping being a joy, and I loved using her doppelganger attack in combination with elemental weaknesses and Sonic Boom. Yuffie was key for some of the harder fights, the MVP fr fr.
Cait Sith
The other of two characters I did not expect to enjoy, and Cait Sith here is the absolute king of it, as I DID NOT like him in the OG. But here? He's a larger character, he's more sympathetic, he's a little more understandable, and his gameplay doesn't suck shit lmfao. His betrayal I think was done a lot cleaner this time around, where he really Felt like part of the group, and his return was done pretty smoothly but honestly doing anything other than being like "hi hello I'm back!" while Cloud beats the shit out of Aerith is an improvement I really enjoyed his melee/ranged nature being similar to Cloud, and his heavy hitting attacks. Despite the fact that he still had RNG, it was RNG that felt good no matter what and I appreciated that.
Cid and Vincent
Our poor poor "you're not allowed yet" boys. No gameplay section here cause they ain't got any! But that's ok, because for what little role they had, I really enjoyed their presence. Early Cid was very interesting to me, and while i do feel like he loses a little not being introduced as a complete dickwad, I still love having Cid around and giving him a little more connection to the party. He didn't seem as aggressive and %#*^-y, but I kinda hope we get more of that in part 3 when Rocket Town happens. Vincent, similar to Yuffie, gets tied into the story in such a great way. Getting to fight him was super super cool, and I loved that small amount of comic relief he gives by being Overly edgy yet out of touch with the world. I'm very excited to see where both of them go.
It took me some time to... Accept what Remake did to the timeline. Once I did, I was all in on the train for more Zack. I love Zack! He's my other favorite VII character other than Cloud! This game gave me more Zack, and I appreciate it for that. Not to mention his whole interactions with Aerith and Cloud made me very happy and filled a void in my heart I needed (that fucking synergy attack between the two of them???? DUUUUUDE) Unfortunately however; he didn't get to... get the story treatment I would have liked. Gameplay wise; I don't care much for his charge mechanic, sadly.
I don't have much to say here. Sephiroth is Sephiroth. He appears, says "pee your pants cloud", then fucks off, and he's really good at that, and that's what he's supposed to be. My grudges against him aren't against him and more against who's writing him. Playing him was hype though, and I enjoyed his counter mechanic which I feel got later reincarnated into Red.
As for people other than in the playable cast, Dio was incredibly fun, Elena felt like a treat and a more threatening than the original but still showing that silly nature (pink gun???? no tactical advantage whatsoever I love it), Hojo is still the scum of the earth as he should be (he never gets better!), I got to actually understand what Bugenhagen is, and so on and so on. Nobody was worse than their original appearance and I loved that.
So. This is the big part. If I had to choose where my biggest gripe with the game would be, it would be in the aspect of story. This is the Exact Same Gripe I had with Remake, that being the aspect of whispers, alternate timelines, and whatever Sephiroth is cooking. This being.... I don't really like it? I don't think it adds anything?? It's confusing, intentionally vague, and it really ruins the flow that these games have otherwise. Cause aside from this singular (big) aspect? Dude! This game fucks! It takes every story beat that was in the original, and expands on it in a way that i feel makes me love the story and world way more! I feel like a lot of aspects got tied together a lot more smoothly (although again, I also attribute this to not terrible translation), and every experience that I expected from the original was a joy to watch in this game. The swamp, Junon, the boat, Costa del Sol, the Gold Saucer, Cosmo Canyon, Nibelheim, the Temple of the Ancients. These were all done so well. All of the side content and side stories were really fun, added a lot of character to the world. And with the slight changes they did make, like with Cait Sith's arc being changed to be more sympathetic instead of blackmailing and Cloud being controlled by Sephiroth NOT beating Aerith I think were actually done really tastefully and improved the experience (actually thinking about it Dyne's just felt like they wanted to hurt Barret more why would they do that). I just... I wish if they were going to do this whole alternate timeline dealy, they were a little more clear on it? i wish I could feel like it actually mattered to this series, but what i get is "oh wow the unknown journey" that turns into "yeah here are these extra bits that are confusing and don't change anything and actually instead ruin the impact of one of the most well known scenes in video game history)
With that I will talk about the ending. I was willing to ignore the fact that we didn't get to walk through the City of the Ancients more. I was still shaking and nervous until the very end, thinking "oh man what's going to happen???? oh fuck!!!" and what i was instead rewarded with was a constant whiplash of emotions and confusion that left me numb to what should have torn my heart out. I shouldn't have to be left wondering if a character truly died or not for the sake of "OHHH MAN TIMELINESSSSS WORLDS???" that didn't DO anything when I could have gotten either a successful changing of timeline, or a 4K edition of something to tear my heart out, and hearing the absolute pain in Cloud's voice in his speech afterwards. I am Really Hoping that part 3 will clear this up, and retroactively improve an ending and story beats that I think single-handedly knock this game down from a 10/10. I shouldn't have faith in them, cause they've beefed two endings in a row, but I do, because they've shown that everything else they can create are honestly perfect.
shortest section in the world this game is beautiful the landscapes are beautiful the characters are beautiful (or ugly when they needed to be and it still worked) my eyes were given a treat this entire 80 hours
shortest section in the world this soundtrack is amazing hamauzu and suzuki cooked and made so many good songs
it's like they knew tifa's theme was one of my favorites and proceeded to give me 20 versions of it also gold saucer getting individual remixes???? a top 5 battle on the big bridge? NO PROMISES TO KEEP???????? GOD FUCKING DAMN.
Unorganized Ramblings/Finale
I really did have a lot of fun with this game. I didn't feel soured until the end for the most part, even during some frustrating game segments (fuck you Rufus and Odin and then Odin again and also that last Fort Condor). I really appreciate getting to see the wider world of FFVII in a modern sense, and I think overall I appreciate what I didn't previously a lot more. I also loved how with the addition of a card game and Gilgamesh, it got to match up with VIII and IX, the other 2 PS1 FFs to really feel like a unified FF vision. This game kept the silliness that the original had on top of its incredibly dark setting for something that I love to describe as the same vibe as Yakuza. I laughed seeing Red get a whole scene instead of a single bit in his person outfit, and then cried at a newfound caring for Cloud, Tifa, and Barret seeing Jessie's poster in the Gold Saucer. The vibes were immaculate and I'm really really excited to see what they do for the final part (which is going to be called Reunion I'm betting my left materia on it)
9/10. The peak of modern FF gameplay that enhances a classic, but fails its mission of being different.
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polyhexian · 8 months
i see youve been reblogging a lot of angel hare stuff lately! what are your general thoughts on the series?
oh have I lol? i have a queue so that means i binged the angel hare tag a couple weeks ago and shoved a bunch in there.
i love it! its so unique and creative and I genuinely think its refreshing to see religion used in this kind of narrative as a positive force rather than a sort of generic Evil. its so boring when stuff just uses like. demons or christian aesthetic without anything specific in it. stuff that will talk deep about demonology and angels but pretends jesus isnt relevant because its Secular Religious Aesthetic. its boring! its uninspired! its SAFE. angel hare is unique in that not only is it very specific but the supernatural element in the story IS the force of good and the force of evil is the mundane human element, the every day horror of abuse.
and also how fucking dope is the idea of an angel, a genuine angel of fucking god, talking a little kid whos probably like, three, through disassembling and reassembling a gun and shooting his abusive father dead with it. holy fucking shit. holy shit. what. that fucking rules. the nuance of the rules of god here not being the generic strict rules that murder is bad, forgiveness is good, blablabla. i love the bit where we see the video version of the lying episode has gabby and the viewer forgive francis but the recorded version tell him no, you dont have to forgive someone who hurts you. remember that the sun can be warm, but never forget the times that it burns you. your dad might sometimes seem kind but dont ever forget what he does to you. you do. not. have. to. forgive. and even as far as you SHOULDN'T forgive. and that is the opinion of the positive force angel of god.
its great. its creative and unique and theres nothing quite like it. and the presentation! i mean the text parts can be a little much at times but the animation- the first episode. holy shit. when she flew away in the taped version i was like hmmm where are we going with this. she goes into her house and im still like hmm. then she picks up the chair and says "this will be our strength" and puts it under the door and i was fucking floored dude. i straight up had to pause because of the lightning shot of ice that went up my spine. the genuine fucking real world horror of understanding. thats how you do a fucking horror reveal dude, she never says it out loud but you KNOW. just from that one moment you know EVERYTHING you need to. it all unfolds right then in a fucking instant. holy shit. thats fucking storytelling dude. thats incredible.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 5 months
Hello and Welcome!
it's a new year and a lot has happened since the last time i did an intro, including a new campaign starting and me making a new years resolution to indulge my creative side more, so i'd like to re-introduce myself and also say hello to the writblr community!
my main blog is @persnickety-peahen, so that's where all my follows will come from. you can call me any variation of either of my blog names, or just C; they/she pronouns. i'm in my mid-twenties, happily married, queer, and neurodivergent.
i've been enamored with the idea of writing from childhood, but since university a lot of that energy has gotten channeled into TTRPGs due to life circumstances, so now instead of writing i obsess over my PCs and make long, detailed documents full of exploitable backstory content, NPCs, and worldbuilding elements for my DM(s)! :D
yes i am and have always been the designated note-taker in all of my campaigns, why do you ask?
aside from writing and TTRPGs, i enjoy baking, taking wiki walks, and playing Stardew Valley, and lately i've also started teaching myself how to do pixel art. i love the blorbos from my campaigns so much and will impulsively share stories about them to anyone who will listen, hence me making this blog as a place to infodump about my beloveds! content here includes fun stories from the big four campaigns i've been part of, out of context session notes, and especially various kinds of mentally ill blorbo posting, as well as a bunch of reblogs of stuff from the writblr, whumpblr, and TTRPG communities (including pretty dice and dice trays!). someday i might also get around to posting an actual ongoing narrative recap of one of my campaigns, and some of the blorbo-related pixel art i've been making.
i'd love to be more active here, so please feel free to send me asks about any of the characters or campaigns, or even just TTRPG things in general, as i'm always happy to talk about them. i'm also open to writblr tag games, even if they don't fully apply to a TTRPG context—if it gives me an excuse to blab about my blorbos, i will make it work!
story/campaign info and links below the cut
My Stories/Campaigns
(actual links TK as i reorganize this blog a bit and post new campaign/character intros over the next week or so)
Ruins of Runet Status: Temporary hiatus System: D&D5e, homebrew setting Tags: #ruins of runet, #ariel sentera alvedes Short premise: Six hundred years after its sudden disappearance caused a worldwide societal collapse, Magic has returned to the world of Runet. The gods, however, are still gone. Several powerful factions have promised great rewards to any party that can successfully uncover the truth behind Runet's new magic, and help them claim its power for themselves—but perhaps there's a good reason that magic disappeared in the first place. Genres: Medieval fantasy, Existential horror, Eldritch horror Rating: Mature General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, alcohol consumption, some sexual themes, some religious themes, fantasy violence, blood and gore, body horror, major character death. Posts will be individually tagged with any relevant warnings. Full campaign and character intro: link
Curse of Strahd (homebrewed) Status: Indefinite hiatus System: D&D5e, Curse of Strahd playbook + a metric shit ton of homebrew Tags: #curse of strahd homebrew, #cerris dalca, #meow meow milo, #dos holy boys, #cos memes, narrative tag TK Short premise: The once-prosperous valley nation of Barovia has been trapped in the Shadowfell for roughly the past 400 years, and its immortal king Strahd von Zarovich cursed with it. For now, at least. He believes he's found a loophole—and the perfect party of would-be heroes to unwittingly help him. Genres: Medieval fantasy, Gothic horror Rating: Explicit General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, drug and alcohol consumption, some sexual themes, some religious themes, fantasy violence, blood and gore, body horror, child endangerment, unintentional cannibalism, and oh my god so much more. Posts will be individually tagged with any relevant warnings. Full campaign and character intro: link
Cauldron & Kettle Questing Company Status: Completed System: D&D5e, Acquisitions, Inc. playbook + a bit of homebrew Tags: #cauldron & kettle questing co., #jun vyardes, #jun and tim Short premise: Acquisitions, Inc., is a wildly profitable adventuring company with a long track record of success, both at its main branch and across its many subsidiary locations. Sure, sometimes they mistake a group of newbie interns for an experienced party and set them on a quest to stop a chaos-worshipping cult hell-bent on tearing a rift in reality and destroying the universe as we know it, but hey, as long as they get the job done, who cares, right? Maybe they'll even get a raise out of it. Genres: Medieval fantasy, Corporate fantasy Rating: Teen General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, drug and alcohol consumption, fantasy violence. Posts may not be tagged due to the generally mild nature of most of this campaign's content. Full campaign and character intro: link
The Orphic Uprising and The Amazonomachy Status: Completed System: Cypher, setting based on Percy Jackson series Tags: #confusion crew, #nina grayson Short premise: After a simple game of Capture the Flag at Camp Half-Blood goes horribly wrong, a ragtag group of demigods are called upon to save Olympus—and more importantly, their loved ones. Genres: Urban fantasy, YA Rating: Teen General content warnings: strong language, mature humor, immature humor, fantasy violence, teenage protagonists, second-hand embarrassment. Posts may not be tagged due to the generally mild nature of most of this campaign's content. Full campaign and character intro: link
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
A bit late to the anon roll call, but here I am, better late than never, right?
Interview Anon here (even tho I prefer to stay anonymous in most of my asks), demigirl in my early twenties, brazillian, actually know Viv from before her HH/HB fame. I used to follow her webcomic Zoophobia while it was still going. I remember getting a bit confused about the focus shift, because I thought we would keep following Cameron and how she was dealing with her fear of animals, but nope, you get high school drama.
Anyway, webcomic ends, I go on with my life and forget about Viv. Years go by, Hazbin drops. I watch the pilot, and get slightly amused. I even drew art of it. But then I stumble upon the critical tag, and since curiosity always get the better of me, I decide to read it though, I even join a critical server, and holy molly, what a trip.
I stumble upon a lot of information, Viv's drama with Dollcreep, scamming, her weird faux-progressist comic. This was back in 2021 so we kept following what Viv was doing, and I shit you not, things only kept going worse. We kept following HB's spiral into mediocrity, how Viv treats her ex-friends and employes, the cast change and Erin's coming out. I never thought there could be a human being as rotten as Viv, but here we are.
My feelings are many, but the thing that stands out is my disappointment with Viv. Disappointed with Viv as a person, disappointed that she, of all people, was picked up by a big business and will have her show on amazon, while many artists that are even more talented are struggling to get that attention, and disappointed that despite of all her attrocities, she's still getting away scot-free. I hope karma gets her ass soon.
More about me: aspiring animator/cartoonist. I dream of having my own show someday, even though I have no idea how to get there. I have plenty of concepts and a vague idea how to execute them. I also dream of bringing a obscure strip back to relevance, because I want to honour the creator's (rip) legacy.
That's a wonderful goal! May all your dreams come true, Interview Anon!
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steddiejudas · 1 year
I'm in Love with the Way You Always Come Around
Chapter relevant tags: angst, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, brief mention of needles, masturbation, flagging
Part 1 - Summer of '86
If you had asked three years ago, Steve Harrington would have said Hawkins, Indiana summer was absolutely lovely. Most summers his parents were gone on frequent business trips and almost never set foot in their small-town mansion. It was the perfect setting for parties, getting shit-faced with his friends off of 30 year old scotch from his dad’s reserve. Summer was when he didn’t have to worry about grades or sports or prom royalty, he could just live. And maybe his friends were grade-A assholes, and maybe he was too, but summer was when he could slip away from them and try to appreciate the world around him. He would have told you the forests offered a cool shade, and hiking trails to scenic outcroppings in the hills to watch the rich sunsets. He would have told you the place was safe and normal. Maybe even boring at times, that sun beams shone down upon the town like a beacon from heaven, basking them in golden light and heat enough to warm the quarry to the perfect swimming temperature.
Steve loved the quarry. 
Used to love the quarry.
When Will Byers’ body was pulled out of the water, everything changed. Steve learned that there were much bigger things to worry about than parties and popularity. Namely alternate-dimension, flesh eating monsters. He learned that being an asshole was a waste of time because people were literally dying. He learned that Hawkins was most definitely not safe or normal, but definitely boring. Especially now that the quarry was shroud in mystery, newspaper’s filling the stands with titles like: “Missing Boy Found Dead in Quarry” and “Will Byers Returns, Identity of Found Body Unknown”. The forests were dull, trails stomped over and erased by search parties, no couples running to greet a new day in each other’s arms. 
To cope with the crippling boredom, fear, insomnia, Steve started taking little trips as soon as he turned 18 and got his first fake ID. In the neighboring city were a couple clubs he’d heard got pretty lively. He wasn’t sure if that was by Hawkins standards or what, but it sounded interesting, so he checked it out. What he wasn’t expecting were the crowds of couples, sweaty and grinding and so unabashedly themselves. And then he realized these couples, most of them anyway, were men and women. But not like, men and women- men, and women. 
Holy shit this is a gay club. 
It didn’t bother him. Rather, he felt his whole chest get lighter and fill with excitement. He was safe here. Safe to be an open bisexual disaster and take a cute boy away to a cheap motel nearby.
He learned a lot on his frequent trips to the club, about the culture and community being bi offered, about sex and the entire world he had been missing out on in Hawkins, about flagging and bdsm and Eddie. 
Steve noticed Eddie. He always did. From the first year Eddie showed up in Hawkins, Steve was fascinated with the boy. He was loud, unapologetically so, and Steve didn’t know how someone could be so openly themself. When he was in highschool, he found himself staring when Eddie would make a scene on the lunch tables or talk back to a teacher, making a spectacle of his detention sentence. He thought he might be in love with the man from years of just observing Eddie and his devil-may-care attitude, he wondered sometimes how long it would take him to break it. But after the club, he noticed Eddie’s bandana. In the left pocket. Dominant. He’d thought about getting one himself, sending Eddie some kind of sign from afar, but that left pocket warded him off. After that, he distanced himself from Eddie, made sure to avoid places he knew Eddie would be. He couldn’t let himself be hopelessly in love with the man when all he wanted to do was hold him down and make him beg, when he knew what it was like to have a preference, and he knew what it was like when you were forced into a role that didn’t quite fit, so distance was his solution.
Spring break kind of ruined that when Dustin came crashing through the doors of Family Video, ready to start a full search party for Eddie. Steve acted aloof, standoffish, tried to actually believe he felt that way, but he was scared shitless. Eddie couldn’t get dragged into this.
But he did, and Steve fell all over again. That funny flicker in his stomach turned into an all out raging flame when Eddie pinned him down to the boathouse wall, and Steve wasn’t much of a bottom, but in that moment he thought he might be for Eddie. A fleeting thought, but it happened nonetheless.
When Eddie nearly died in Steve’s arms, a part of Steve did too. The sounds of Dustin’s cries for help rang in his ears the entire time he was crying over Eddie’s body in his arms, overexerted physically and emotionally as he carefully pulled himself through the rift, face first with Eddie strapped to his back. Even more of him decayed as he held Eddie down and washed out his open wounds, making the man his heart was devoted to scream in agony. Sadly, it was that moment that he realized his heart was only Eddie’s. Hearing the way he sacrificed himself for Dustin… well, Dustin was Steve’s entire world, Eddie hung the moon and the stars when he saved him.
They were in a highly restricted, Upside Down clearance level hospital together for three months after that. Steve really only needed to be there for a week or two while they made sure the infection in his bites didn’t turn septic or… worse. But Eddie was much worse off, so Steve stayed in the bed next to him the entire time.
 Eddie’s sides were bitten so deeply that both of his kidneys were ruined. He was hooked up to machines doing his body's job for him while they waited for a transplant. Steve tried to donate one of his, but the chances they were a match were slim. He still insisted they do the tests, but as expected Eddie was going to have to wait. At least he was on a special priority list due to some government meddling.
They comforted each other a lot in those months. Steve’s nightmares were getting worse every night, and Eddie had the nurses move everything to one side of his bed so Steve’s could be moved closer to him. Eddie was in constant pain and refused to admit it, and Steve found himself noticing the signals of his different types of pain, calling nurses to administer more meds, taming Eddie when he turned into a needle weenie brat.
Actually, Eddie was a brat around Steve most of the time, and he goddamn loved it. Up until the day Eddie was released and the staff gave him the clothes he arrived in, Hellfire shirt hand mended. Eddie put them on instead of the hospital gown they’d both been accustomed to seeing and Steve was reminded oh yeah, he wears it in the left pocket. It crashed around him like pieces of a shattered bottle as the early signs of Hawkins summer started to roll in and they made their way to separate homes. No more closeness… or so they thought. 
Turns out Dr. Owens wasn’t able to ‘make everything disappear,’ as he claimed so highly, several times. So, Eddie still had a warrant out and there was a goddamn reward on his head. Why they were still stuck with Owens and his useless underlings baffled the group, Hopper especially after hearing what he’d done to El while he was held prisoner in Russia, but what was one more blow to their already fragile souls, right? With the trailer destroyed, Wayne gone, and flyers of his face everywhere, Eddie was forced to go into hiding in Hopper’s old cabin. It had been hidden and trapped enough to keep El secret, so it had to be safe. They planned to take turns- Hopper, Nancy, Joyce, Steve, always one at a time, always on backroads and covered by darkness- bringing Eddie food and supplies once a week, diligently scheduled when there would be no one on the roads. They planned it that way, so Eddie never had to feel his heart in his throat at footsteps in the leaves again or need to defend himself with a broken bottle.
Yet curiously, Steve let it happen to him again.. 
The late June air was just starting to get warmer. Summer was setting in, and Steve wanted to be excited, but what was there to be excited about anymore? He’d just woken up from his recurring nightmare of the night Eddie almost died, except his efforts to save Eddie only made things worse. He knows he did the right thing – the doctors told him Eddie wouldn’t have made it to the hospital if it weren’t for Steve’s field work, but waking up from that dream made him cling to Eddie’s side sobbing every time. Now there’s no Eddie to hold on to. Instead, he holds onto his shirt, fist twisting the sweaty fabric while he heaves labored breaths. Alone in his room, with no physical proof of Eddie’s warm body, it’s easy to convince himself the dream wasn’t just a dream.
Steve needed Eddie. He needed to know he was alive and recovering and warm. The feeling of Eddie’s cold body was so haunting. He didn’t really know what he was doing when he threw some sweatpants and sneakers on, grabbing his keys on his way out the door. He didn’t really know what he was doing when he drove to the backroads leading to Hopper’s cabin. He didn’t really know much except that he needed to see Eddie.
Continue reading on ao3
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cantsaythetword · 1 year
Crow's Boundaries:
-- EXTRA NOTE-- As I am hosting Squealing Santa this year, I've had to adjust boundaries as I will have to have communication with minors to send assignments to do with the event. Minors, please don't follow this blog (follow the main event blog). I'll keep all communication in DMs relevant to the event so everyone stays safe and happy ^^ I appreciate you guys being so considerate and cooperative -- thanks --
This is quite a long post but if you want the tl;dr without the ins and outs it's basically this:
- This blog is 18+ followers only ^^
- Headcanons / fic requests can be requested on my writing account @cantwritethetword
- Ask/anon teasing is all g for the most part
- For DM teasing, close CLOSE friends only (and even then, might not be in the mood for it lmao)
Before I get into it, just repeating that even though this is an adults only space, this is a SFW blog! So please don't send any NSFW stuff/pics/concepts to me :)
I use the following tags so feel free to block/follow accordingly:
# he speaks - me rambling about anything and everything lmao
# kinda a vent post - me being stressed / depressed / lemon zest
# spicy (or # kinda spicy) - almost solely used for gifs/fanart that show a lot of skin or uses any kind of bondage stuff
# irl twords - pretty much what it says on the tin. Any gifs or photos of actual tickling.
# ask - also pretty self-explanatory. For any asks that I receive (anons will always be also tagged # anon)
General Rules:
- For the most part, teases/tkl talk in ASKS ONLY, and it'll probably only go back and forth once or twice so as not to clog up people's feeds
- Keep it v much sfw !!!
- I'm not really big on rp, more of just fun snarky teases and stuff (hence tickle talk) :)
- Don't send teases in the hopes I will turn the tables
- DM teasing/talk is ONLY for close friends
- Teases/talk from people I'm not close with is generally ok over asks/anons/reblogs but again, very very much sfw only
- I may not respond to teases, and that is nothing personal. I just might not be feeling it OR it might breach one of the rules above ^^
- if you're commenting on something and it's not my post (i.e. I'm not the OP), don't spam teases throughout the comments section pls
- if you want to add a lil tease into a reblog, please keep teases/tickle talk that are specific to me in the tags (ESPECIALLY IF IT'S NOT MY POST) to not spam people's dashes
- if you're adding a generic tease as an addition to a post I've made (e.g. this one) then that's all g (cause it's kind of just adding to the post? idk if it makes sense)
- keep it sfw (as I said at the start lol)
- I'm actually terrible at responding to asks half the time, but I will get there eventually! please be patient lmao
- if you're sending an anon, add a lil sign off or an emoji so I know who you are lmao
- gonna add this here too, any sort of ask teases in anons will probably only go back and forth once or twice so as not to clog up people's feeds
- anyone can DM me (but no promises that I'll answer lol)
- no tickle talk or teases straight off the bat
- I don't do rp, at all, sorry lol
Holy shit ok we good. Thank you for reading all of this!!! <3
If you have any questions about anything or need me to clarify things feel free to hmu either through asks or DMs ^^
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automatopsy · 8 months
im actually a bit interested in what you have to say about ai generated art
like I know there are ethical ways to use ai art (only using images from consenting participants) but I assume you also have other thoughts
i have a lot of thoughts but i don't have the focus to type them all out cohesively right now. irt that specific post i got mad about people tagging as "ai art isn't real art," not mainly because i disagree (though i DO disagree), but mainly because THAT DOESN'T MATTER FOR THE CONTEXT OF THE POST AT ALL. ai generated images dominating search results, especially unlabeled, is a matter of misinformation, not art philosophy. "misinformation" doesn't feel like quite the right word here, possibly just because i associate it more with written or spoken than visual information, but it's the closest i can think of.
the only two use cases i can easily think of right now are species identification and reference images but I'm sure there's more but anyway you straight up do need clear and accurate photos for a lot of searches. and like google's been going downhill shoving sponsored shit at the top for a while now and to make it even harder to actually find what you're looking for is incredibly frustrating. infuriating even. worse if you think you got something accurate and then it wasn't and then you've already learned wrong. i feel like I'm making it sound kind of trivial but i can't articulate further points right now. whatever you get it phenomenon bad filters good to have and i reblogged to spread the filters. if you're looking specifically for ai generated images that's a different story but that's not really relevant. i haven't personally been getting a lot (as far as i can tell, which is part of the big thing) but i know it's happening.
but if search results were full of painstakingly hand-painted photorealistic anatomically-inaccurate physical paintings of every species on gods green earth it would be the exact same problem. they aren't, because nobody has time for that. who give a shit.
granted i don't think this is some insidious plot by Big AI to make people forget what a peachick looks like or whatever. i think this sort of case– specifically this sort of case– of misinformation is more by negligence than intention.
anyway yeah i AM in support of ethical image synthesis and i DO consider it art. specifically i think of it as a unique artistic medium. i also consider "unethical" (quotes only because i don't really feel like trying to define ethical and unethical right now) image synthesis to be art because art can be unethical.
there are literally actual issues to talk about, mainly a) the aforementioned and more misinformation b) the use specifically of real people's likenesses (it's very weird to me how chill even the anti-ai crowd seems to be with ai voice generation considering your voice is kind of literally part of your body) and c) The Problem Is Capitalism. but all anyone ever seems to wanna do is shit on individual ai artists and go on and on about how "this is UNCLEAN, IMPURE, AUTOMATED PLAGIARISM, this is SACRILEGE against HOLY HUMAN CREATIVITY, [some inspiration porn thrown in there too somehow]" because god forbid the average tumblr user be forced to consider a problem on a material structural level instead of an individual one
those couple people on that post may've also been just using it as their catchall tag on the topic. don't care
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
Hey! I saw your tags on my Poseidon post that it confirmed some things for you (@magnoliessence is my side blog hence anon) - I would love to hear more about that and your thoughts on/experience with Poseidon if you are open to discussing!💙🌊✨
Hey there, welcome! And thank you so much for your post, I would love to give thoughts! Boy would I love to never shut up about this entity lmfAO Though disclaimer, I want you and anyone else who reads this to know I'm not 100% sure I know Actual Poseidon so I am not claiming with certainty I work with him. Andddd this is going to be long for that reason - those reasons. I love talking about him but I do need to kind of set up a window into my view here so you can decide whether we're talking about the same entity or not 
To give you a background: I work chiefly with two deities, one of whom is not featured here and that's Hermes, the other would be the Possible Poseidon, but I mostly know him as Leviathan. Physically, I work with two other channellers and it's sort of a thing among us and Hermes (who works with and possesses all three of us alongside Leviathan) and the other spirits we work with including Demeter that Leviathan is Poseidon, though none of us really work with that name since he doesn't tend to present as Poseidon to us. At least not often. We have other forms/names of his more important to our practices, like Leviathan and Shiva. It's also not just Leviathan who says he's Poseidon; the Trinity of Leviathan, (brother), and (brother) all claim at least around us to be the Trimurti (Shiva, Indra/Brahma, Vishnu) as well as Poseidon, Zeus, Hades. So it's either true he is Poseidon or its a group effort lmao.
I am pretty damn sure though especially after seeing your post, not because I'm taking that as the sole informant to my opinion on him being or not being Poseidon, but because I have had a lot of evidence I have up until your post been ignoring, and that post made a lot of things click especially when I took it to Leviathan to be like "ok, damn, this is you?". I just am not able to be 100% sure because Ive had issues with spirits lying about who they are in the past
I say all that (that we work with him, i work wih a group, etc) specifically to highlight that while I put in the work and don't approve of seeing similar characteristics and saying "yep, these cross cultural deities are the same!" without actually putting in an effort to confirm through the deities themselves and multiple physical people I am.... VERY aware this is PVG and based on personal experiences with spirits, which means do not worry, I don't intend to convince you, your UPG and PVG are more important to your practice than mine. Maybe you and I are talking about the same entity, maybe not. But your post is the first time I've really started to actually understand what "I am Poseidon" might mean from Leviathan, because yeah, holy shit, everything on that is so bloody Leviathan and I don't think any of our group (again, we don't work with that name he's just told us so we dont really look into it) knew the name Poseidon was connected to those things. 
So yeah, I'll just talk about my experiences with Leviathan (and I'll call him Leviathan because whether he's Poseidon or not, he's Leviathan) that are relevant to the name Poseidon and that post you made, and you can decide for yourself if we're talking about the same entity or not. At worst, I guess you get to hear about a very similar entity, maybe that will be interesting. Lemme pop this under read more just to save my followers dashboards
Leviathan is an incredibly complex person, but at the core of his being he connects to the water cycles, the sky and ocean, the weather, the sun, the underworld as one of its rulers (or one of the rulers of one plane of the underworld), and has a complex relationship with humanity as one of its fathers. Oftentimes when he's around the three of us he makes it rain or otherwise changes the weather, he has a huge, encompassing presence that is often tied to water, watery depths, cold and dark - but not intimidating as a hollow dark night, he's comfortingly full and present and like the safe embrace of the water. That, I understood to relate to Poseidon. Leviathan is very oceanic, an ancient and wise deific being that's been around humans for a long time... Before your post what I understood of the god Poseidon was his connection to the ocean especially as his symbolic wife due to how Leviathan interacts with the ocean, his connection to horses which echoes in other names he's mentioned being him, and his part in the trinity of Hades, Zeus, Poseidon. Oh, and his trident. The trident is an important symbol of power and of the trinity of Leviathan + brothers and is used publicly as a symbol on their plane in the underworld, so that was also something I saw as relevant. You also see the trident as their symbol with the Trimurti in hinduism and in the stereotypical scapegoat of the Devil and probably other places too, its a big royal family trinity thing. That's pretty much all I knew though since as I said Leviathan didn't really work with us through that energy and name. The "I am Poseidon" thing already made sense given the impressions I get from those working explictly with the god Poseidon, he seems very stern and serious and fatherly, the ocean personified almost as a self-contained and private but hugely powerful thing... That made sense to me.
The ocean as his wife thing, that also made sense and to clarify what I meant by that - the Leviathan exists in many places at the same time, hes just a huge, encompassing father deity who can expend that sort of energy and divide his extensive awareness into multiple parts. He spends a lot of his time partly swimming in deep space which he equates to the depths of the ocean, and specifically he blurs with reality so much that it is like swimming in the ocean and being the ocean at the same time. The "ocean" he is in is so close to being his literal other half, actually I would say with how interconnected with reality he gets it literally is his other half, in the way of two halves of a persons body moving as one - but to humans the best metaphor probably would be he moves with and as the ocean like he and her are a couple who are so in tune with each other they move as a cohesive unit that can separate and reconnect at will. Leviathan moves the world around him like Poseidon and his waters. Leviathan does have multiple actual wives though so Amphitrite may be one of their names, but it definitely would check out symbolically. Actually, just googled her to make sure I was right about her being interpreted as the ocean (she is to some) - theres mountains being referened again... Ill get to his connection with those later.
Horses also made sense, they're core to Levithan's being, one of his sacred animals among other things like wolves, hawks/birds, bears, fish, etc. They're used in war which he is deeply tied to, they're a pinnacle of something core to him which is a relationship between animals/animal forms and the being, especially in regards to taking animal forms and becoming them in order to get things done since when riding horses you and the horse must become one. They're tied deeply to one of his chief homes here on Earth and the people there who associate him with them. I've been reconnecting with my link to the Sky through him and the Storm Mother, who is an entity closely tied to and close with Leviathan, and I remember it keeps coming up with them that I see the sky as shown by them as this amalgamation of horses almost like Sleipnir with the many legs, but with many heads, legs, etc. I can't explain this quickly without sacrficing a tonne of context, but effectively Leviathan teaches that the sky is inhabited by a bunch of bodies moving together in complex ways that create the weather system and whatnot, and while I don't understand them well this lifetime I know very well that Leviathan and Zeus possess these bodies to bring in storms and rain and such. It's a lot like working with and riding horses, is what I'm saying. In my workings with Leviathan the sky and the ocean are one, mirrored selves, and so I absolutely understand the idea of Poseidon and his horses tying not just to the fact that he literally rides horses, but also to the ocean (and the sky) as his horses... His mind is filled with horses and what they represent to him.
But here's the thing: While I knew Leviathan was connected with the ocean, I and our group so much more saw him as the rain and the rivers and the water cycle in general. Its something that pops up in the name Shiva; before I knew he was Shiva I knew of Leviathan with rainwater pouring from his hair, and I later came to find out that the Ganges river is supposed to be coming from his head and hair... He's always shown me that hair = personal power and energy, so to him the water cycle and bestowing and removing water from places is core to his being. Hell, I even have a character representing him called "River" lmfAO  He's also associated with mountains both in PVG and also as Shiva. Shiva lives in a mountain, mountains are where the earth touches the sky, theyre also the sources of many rivers, they dance with the sky without moving. They're the imagery of his asceticsm, his knowledge, his removal yet presence in humanity, of him as a tall and watchful father, and of his teachings as hard to surmount and challenging but open to anyone to try and climb. One of the first visions I had of him was something like his body (giant and bigger than mountains) being pierced by swords and drained and draped over a mountain in order to feed the earth, a commentary on the relationship between mountains and the sky - clouds are torn down at mountains to feed the earth. That vision may have been from Zeus given some of the commentary on Poseidon in it lines up with how Zeus sees Poseidon... But the brothers have known each other longer than our plane has existed, so its not like the bit I explained of the mountain thing was inaccurate
And that I think ties into the relationship you pointed out with Demeter and Poseidon if I'm understading right. He talks a lot about Mother Earth, in a lot of his names and just as a person he's tied very romantically to the Earth as an archetypal goddess figure, the idea of Mother Earth as his other half (as a partner as opposed to the literal other half of the ocean) and a partner with which he dances, loves, entangles himself, is constantly reoccurring in his work with our group. Even when he doesn't mean to explicitly talk about the Earth he does and in such a loving, vital way, the way an enamoured husband would talk about his wife... Point being, the metaphor of water and earth, Sky and Earth, ocean and land, rivers and valleys, plants and weather, etc, is absolutely fundamental to Leviathan's entire existence. He sees himself as a Sky Father deity, which is something that makes sense in the other names I know from him, but Poseidon always seemed (in my willful ignorance, I hadnt had a reason to look into Poseidon) to be so tied to the ocean which seems to, by nature as its the part of the water cycle that is, detached from the earth. The ocean is the water that cannot meld with the earth, it is filled with salt...
Idk I think with the myth you posted... This is just my own interpretation, but "the ocean, salty and derimental to earth-bound life, is not wanted by Mother Earth. If they met and mated it would not be wanted by her, it would cause so much destruction to life out of the ocean. In order for life to continue and for this union to happen, the Sky Father needs to not just take a form that is congruent with the Earth Mother's workings (she takes a form that he can match, plants merge with water to form life, not rocks or dirt), but also he takes the form that is representative of (Poseidon)'s connection to the Sky like the horses in the sky and then representative of his land-bound an land-traversing form, which is specifially horses. It probably doesnt go well given how harsh weather, associated with the raging sleipnir-esque horses I mentioned earlier, can ravage the land - what she needs like plants do is to be gently steeped in the water from the rain in order to properly foster new life. She gets it, she gets the harshness of the sky, and then steeps in the water of the right manifestation of the Sky Father, the right part of the water cycle as it finally settles in the land as a fixed body of water". It depends on how metaphorical the story is and allllll the context im missing, Im so sure that this myth is way more about the origins of that goddess than a metaphor for her parents, but it makes a lot of sense to me how its gotten across especially with the fact that horses are how he gets around when bound to the earth. It just like. Resonates. Not saying I actualy get the myth but it resonates. yeah thats the word Ill use
And speaking of "earthquakes (opening) fissures in the land, and rivers were sometimes thought of as the entrances to the underworld" - reminds me of something he was telling me the other day about "entering the underworld" (he says hell, but hell is a metaphor for states of suffering): "Who controls the doorway to Hell? The mind teeters on the brink of discovery. The adventurous humans fall into sleep, deep down, dense matter, condensing like rain droplets hanging tantalisingly above the thirsty desert, but they do not fall until the consciousness drops to a place it can be lapped up by the hound." It was metaphorical I know, but he never does things for no reason, and the vision in my head he showed me accompanying the words is so clearly of someone fallling asleep, and falling through their bed as it turns to clouds specifically in the sky as if the clouds are the gateway - and like all sky related things with Leviathan its inherently related to the ocean and water. Clouds are suspended bodies of water, and this isnt falling from the bed to the sky then through clouds, its clouds being the gateway, what the bed and plane dissolves into to become the gateway to the underworld. Oh! And later on in the same post lmfao he literally said "Climb the spires to the clouds, rewrite the center of your mass from dense rain, follow yourself back to the form of the river." as to how you ''get out of hell'', basically he was saying the process that happened with the clouds to get to hell, you reverse itto get out of hell, so the water cycle takes you there and back. alright damn!
Your connection to human waterworks too just bloody blows my mind, whether it was a thing or not in antiquity its just... I understand it makes sese that a water god rules over water displacement, but another thing he was telling me the other day: "The rain falls from the sky into the earth and arranges itself into ordered, purposeful motions, siphons, dances with molecules shifting the ground and being shifted by it. It moves through channels carved out by dense matter, mechanical roads through plantlife and organic bodies, hydraulic machines, watershed siphons, generator sparks through tributaries… (...) Machine is a thing between states, organically placed between alcoves in creation, parted waters and the small allowance of a river between." He was specifically in that post and in general to me talking about how the connection between earth and rain is comparable to that of a machine, specifically talking about how he relates the two. He associates himself and I associate him for very valid reasons lmfao with machinery and technology (reasons being his and his brothers involvement with the evolution of technology on his plane and overseeing it here), so he was explaining how it works in his mind that the water cycle is connected to machines. Its like... Waterworks are so.... Exactly what hes talking about. The Earth is a hydraulic machine and like aqueducts siphoning water from place to place - and he as the water cycle is like waterwork machinery, hes the drive and siphoning between water locations, the connection between earth and water is like machinery, etc. And as a conscious being he decides where it goes which means hes like a pupose built aqueduct or siphon or etc so much more than just the nebulous "where will water go we just dont know" - no, hes not nebulous, he's mechanical AND purposeful like humans building structures to control the course. Of course he very well may have been symbolically connected to and invoked for this stuff's physical applications.
"I see (...) a Majestic Stallion (...) the King of Rivers (...) a liminal god (...)  a Father of Mysteries whose teachings allow mortals to harness the awesome power of water and tread the flowing currents between our world and the underworld" That is so absolutely 100% a statement I would echo in its entirety about the god Leviathan. That's been basically my entire work with him. Horses, rivers... And very, very liminal. He is so close in nature and for personal reasons to the Void, the liminal space in-between everything, and presents as such... He's so in-between and outside the understanding of humans, but also so present. Liminal absolutely. And a Father of Mysteries... Most of the spirit work discussions (as opposed to all the casual conversations) we as a group have had with him have related to the unravelling and visceral presentation of core key secrets and mysteries of the world. Working with him is like having the viscera of the world served up on a platter in front of us cleaned and gleaming, his revelations do not hold back and contain views and information that unsettles and off-puts the biased, unready mind, like the vastness of the ocean off-puts the unequipped, but the secrets he reveals are not malicious, theyre an opportunity to transcend the boundaries between yourself and this world, yourself and your deeper self/mind, to destroy ignorance if you're willing to meet him halfway. If you prepare yourself and brave the ocean, you will find things you never dreamed you could find. If you know his arts, if you're initiated into his patronage, you will see things you never dreamed would be possible to understand nor experience. And a lot of what he teaches either is explicitly water and sky related or else its taught in ways that reference and use the water cycle as a baseline....
Yeah. That post just sounded so much like Leviathan Who Says He Is Poseidon and im... Goddamn! Ok! I know why I dont have any trust left for people telling me theyre this that and the other, my ex (a spirit officially banished from ever looking at me again) wiped the floor with all my willingness to meet him half way, but damn. Well, hi Poseidon! He has thrown a tonne my way about this being him, Hermes refers to him (occasionally, he has many names and pet names to cycle through Hermes' mind) as Poseidon, my channeller friends refer to him as Poseidon, hes been trying to prove it to me... Thank you so much @magnoliessence for your post because I think you really gave me an important key regarding him
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k3agn · 2 years
Quick Theory Rant Brain Ghost Dirk
Wanted to do quick coverage of this fleeting idea in my head (fitting) since I’ve been back on a Homestuck Theory grind thanks to my brains inability to leave it alone. So…here we go?
So with the release of the Extended Zodiac Aspect descriptions, Hope has been unequivocally linked with Imagination. Brain Ghost (BG) Dirk goes on to explain that two factors help make him responsible: Pages having a lot of untapped potential (that’s all the class is basically, is how he puts it), and that Hope is an especially potent combo (something something holy shit). The only other major relevant factor with this could be Dirk existing as a collection of splintered consciousness, and that the splinter exists more easily in Jake’s head than anyone else’s due to the aforementioned factors.
Now BG Dirk isn’t a fraymotif, but the combo nature of it initially makes me think of the tag-team moves we saw in Collide. In reality, it seems more to me like Jake’s imagination is just real fertile soil, not unlike Skaia. To deliver on my promise of brevity, there’s two major takeaways I got: Hope acts as a medium for making the imaginary into reality through belief and conviction - as a defined part of the skill set, and that Pages are largely undefined by design, making a long challenging journey towards power similarly to a pawn on the chessboard.
So the tl;dr of this idea before I take the time to make full on dissections is this: Between the Blank Page and Imagination bits being real cool for the sheer lack of detail they can inherently provide, it seems not only plausible to me but likely that Pages have this sort of flexibility inherently like how a Pawn can choose what piece it is to become when it reaches the other end of the board. Minor supporting evidence in the form of Jake’s two big power ups happening at the end of their respective ��arcs” for lack of a better word (GAME OVER, the fight with Caliborn’s production), and being able to create an imaginary copy of his god tiered Heart player, make them real, and then the copy have access to the full range of Dirk powers that hadn’t been used by the real Dirk yet.
Bonus Section I guess?
- Hope Symbol is a core chess color
- at the end of their respective narratives (in this case GAME OVER Jake), both pages are able to amass pretty substantial armies of angels or ghosts (although I guess Aradia is able to have an army of doomed bots so grain of salt here ig).
- Knight also being a cool chess piece known for its unique tactical pattern.
I’ll probably come back to this idea in greater depth as I try to figure out the classes better because I can’t leave well enough alone. Hope someone else enjoys this pure string of chaos.
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