#hollystar <3
hickorytwist · 1 year
I’m curious! Reblog and tag your favorite warrior cats character + one thing you wish had been written better/wish could’ve happened to them in canon
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aspenwynd · 2 months
My AU/Warriors rewrite ☺️
-everything stays the same except:
- Longtail is made deputy after Whitestorm instead of Graystripe 
- Barley dies in the battle with BloodClan and Ravenpaw returns to ThunderClan 
- Firestar names Ravenpaw Ravenflight
Firestar's Quest/TNP
-everything stays mostly the same 
-Graystripe is made deputy after Longtail is blinded
-Hawkfrost and Mothwing are Leopardstar and Tigerstar's kits (sorry Sasha, but this makes more sense)
- Graystripe is neutered (Millie is also spayed, so sorry GrayxMillie kits 😭) 
- Squirrelflight is low key named after Ravenflight
- Hollyleaf is one of the three and her power is to "bring out the truth", ie. she can tell when she's being lied to and can psychically influence others to tell her their secrets
- the 4th cat prophecy is given earlier. Dovewing is the 4th cat and still has her power although she can only hear things from far away (no smelling or seeing, or hearing into the Dark Forest) 
- Hollyleaf still kills Ashfur, exposes her parentage at the Gathering, and runs into the tunnels where she is believed to be dead. Jayfeather believes this is why they need to find the 4th cat
- Ravenflight gets very sick and dies of stomach cancer
- story progresses the same as the original
-  Longtail is crushed by the falling tree but is the only one who was caught in the tree-fall
- Hollyleaf does not die and Bramblestar makes her deputy (he promises she will mentor Seedkit to get around the deputy-mentor rule) 
- Squirrelflight is killed by Hawkfrost instead, with Brambleclaw and the 3 reconciling with her before she dies
- Brambleclaw confesses he still loves her before she dies and she confesses her love back to him
- Very tragic. Much sad.
Bramblestar's Storm/Dovewing's Silence
- story progresses the same as originals
- the 4 do NOT lose their powers (although their powers dim a little over time) 
- Bramblestar's early leadership is further complicated by him heavily grieving over Squirrelflight. Holly, Lion, Jay, Bramble, Leaf, and Sand all grow closer in their shared grief.
- Hollyleaf makes a fantastic deputy
- Jessy stays in ThunderClan along with Frankie, and is named Nettleblossom
- Bramblestar and Nettleblossom have 2 kits; Timberkit and Goldenkit
- Timberheart= Alderheart, Goldenlight= Sparkpelt
- Lionblaze's kits play bigger roles
- The Sisters are introduced along with Tree
- the events from Squirrelflight's Hope never happen
- Leafpool dies saving Cinderheart's kits from a rockslide
- Hollytuft has kits with Stormcloud (Flamekit, Leafkit, and Smokekit)
- story progresses mostly the same as original
- Squirrelflight rejects Ashfur in StarClan so he possesses Bramblestar to get revenge on her and her kin
- the imposter makes it a point to avoid Jayfeather and Hollyleaf to evade their powers (although their powers aren't as strong as they used to be), but Jayfeather realizes that Bramble is possessed fairly early on
- Molewhisker takes the place of Stemleaf and dies/is mates with Spotfur (Bristlefrost does not have a crush on him but instead is just more naively obsessed with finding a mate in general at the beginning of her arc)  
- Lionblaze is appointed deputy while Hollyleaf is acting leader
- Squirrelflight breaks through Ashfur's tunnel and tries to help Bramblestar in the DF
- Hollyleaf gets pulled into the Moonpool
- Bramble and Squilf have a rushed but heartfelt goodbye, with Squilf saying she'll be waiting for him in StarClan ❤️
- Squirrelflight and Leafpool play large roles in helping the Clan cats in the DF
- Mistystar does not go into the Dark Forest but Hollyleaf volunteers to go back in along with Graystripe, Bristlefrost, and Shadowsight
- story progresses mostly the same as original
- Flamepaw becomes Nightheart
- Bramblestar steps down and Hollystar becomes leader, making Ivypool her deputy
- It is discovered that Brambleclaw had 2 lives left so Hollystar only gets 7 since Bramble is still alive (none of that "giving lives back to StarClan" nonsense)
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Let's talk about Conflict Names.
If you've scrolled the Warriors Wiki, you've probably seen this message at least once.
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And in a universe FULL of name combinations and new prefixes and suffixes being added all the time, it's... Odd. How do names like Robinwing and Seedpelt get used so many times? Why are there 2 Nightstar's now? WHY ARE THERE 3 BIRCHSTARS AND 3 DARKSTARS?
Well, I think it would be nice to change that. In-Universe, all apprentices still go to the Moonstone/Moonpool to foster a connection with Starclan. Starclan will show the leader who goes with them all the name "slots" of the cats who have come before.
Sometimes, in an extremely rare circumstance, there have been multiple cats with the same name (this is more... easter egg for wcr/comedic effect; but lore-wise, Starclan will often not provide the names of Dark Forest cats in an attempt to "erase" them), but it can never be a leader. There cannot be 2 Firestar's, ever. A Star cannot lead if it is being outshone by another.
Where the fun lies, is that sometimes, a leader will give up their leader name in Starclan, freeing up that slot. Heatherstar gave up hers to go back to being Heatherstep, as she did not enjoy being leader. Heatherstar would now be a valid name again. Also, the ancient 2 word names (Sky Petal, Cloud Spots, Blue Whisker, Briar Bloom) do not take up slots. Post-mortem names, such as Swiftpaw being named Swiftclaw, or Mapleshade's kits, also do not take up slots.
During Tigerheart's Light, Starclan ran into a bit of a pickle. Tigerheart was going to become Leader, but there has been a Tigerstar in history who did not give up his name when he went to the Dark Forest. But... His spirit had faded away! But... The memory of him hasn't...
When they asked Tigerheart "Do you wish to be Tigerstar?" What Tigerheart WANTED to say was:
"Sure. It sounds like a good name. Though I have some bad memories with it too, and my relationship with my mother is really strained now because of it, I'm also not sure of the Clans will like having another Tigerstar around. Maybe it's not such a good idea."
All he managed to get out was "Sure. It sounds like a good name-" before Starclan slapped the title onto him without a second thought.
With that MAJOR issue out of the way, let's get to the renaming of cats! Note: Renames are not done on basis of who came first, but which one I like better for the cat. I think Frecklewish fits the Thunderclan cat more than the Skyclan one.
Note: This post is not complete and was only posted due to the Tumblr app being trash. I will repeatedly reblog this with more names added. Thank you.
Rabbitleap (TC) is now named Rabbitsong
Beechfur (TC) is now named Beechtuft.
Seedpelt (Mapleshade's Vengeance) has now been somewhat fused with Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice). Now a molly whose fur is streaked gray with age, and her name is Seedwhisker.
Seedpelt (Pinestar's Choice) has been partially fused, as seen above, but the leftover cat (ew) has been named Dragonflypelt.
Seedpelt (FQ) is THE Seedpelt. Seedpaw is almost named Seedpelt as well (that's that little joke I mentioned, but also a sign that Bramblestar's got NO idea what he's doing)
Owlstar (SoTC) and Owlstar (CoTC) have been fused, the way they should have been.
Cloudberry (TC) is now Splashberry.
Applefur (TF) is now named Applefang.
Ashfur (ShC) is now given the very simple Honor Title Ashclaw by Nightstar, and comes out of retirement.
Marshscar now becomes Marshstar to avoid a future Conflict Name with Marshkit, who will become Marshscar.
Mudclaw (ShC) is now named Mudstep.
Buster, who used to be Rippletail, is now named... Well he still becomes Buster, but BEFORE that he's named Droptail. Pun.
Hollystar has been renamed Birdstar, Jagged Peak and Rainswept Flower's daughter.
Shadepelt (AVoS) is now named Shadenose, and is the sister of Foxnose and an OC, Bumblenose.
Mintfur (RC) is now Mintwhisker, named after Mintclaw (Silverpaw TPB) a Rebel who was killed fighting against Tigerclan alongside his mothers Waterfern and Tangleburr.
Silverpaw (BOTC) is now in Windclan, as they need more padding, and OOTS Riverclan has enough apprentices. Their name is now Streampaw, and they become Streamsong. They are the offspring of Rustlewish, who adopted them from Riverclan, hence the name.
Applefrost and Appleshine actually had their names swapped. Appleshine is now the daughter of Appledusk and Reedshine. Applefrost is now Breezpelt and Heathertail's daughter.
Nightstar (RC) now never becomes leader, as Riverstar outlives her during Riverstar's Life towards the end. She and Nightheart (Ro) are now the same cat. She was inspired by a strange cat named Nightheart and made her name Night Heart.
Milkfur (YS) is now named Milkpatch, both after her mother and the slowly growing white patches in her fur. Her brother is named Troutfin (the name she was mistakenly given in the preview for Yellowfang's Secret) and he gave Hailstar a life!
Thrushpelt (WC) is now not only a girl, but this lady WAS named Thrushpelt and earned the title Thrushleaf for her handling of the epidemic caused by sick rabbits.
Gorsetail (TNP) is now named Eveningtail.
Wrenflight (WC) does start out as Wrenflight, but after her actions supporting The Rebels against Tigerstar, helping Tangleburr and Waterfern free prisoners at risk of her own life, Tallstar renamed her Wrensky, freeing up the Wrenflight slot for the Skyclan one.
Birchstar (WC) is now Warblerstar, she is an ancestor to Onestar through his grandfather, Woollytail.
Frecklewish (SkC) is now named Freckleshine.
Birchstar (SkC) is still Birchstar, but stepped down at his death, going back to being just Birch, the same one in DOTC. The second leader of Skyclan. Birchstar (RC) is now the definitive Birchstar.
Rainfur (SkC) is now Rainyfur, his old name having been Rainy, because "oh it's just a coincidence his name was exactly the same as a Clan name" is a pathetic cop-out.
Unknown Clan
Robinwing (SkC) is now Robintail, after her short, fluffy tail.
Emberdawn (TBC) is still Emberdawn... Because no one remembers her, and Starclan doesn't care much about names that aren't attached to it, meaning that TECHNICALLY, there could be another Houndleap, Emberdawn is not in the Dark Forest, but she is also not in Starclan. Her horror story will be revealed eventually, still working on the finer details.
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cryptidclaw · 2 years
Ok! Explaining this succession map for Thunder Order!
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I didn’t have to change much bec thunder has a lot of nepotism but I did have to do some changes!
1. I made Sunstar Pinestar’s apprentice so he could be chosen.
2. Tawnyspots is now Sunstar’s mate! Sun has gay vibes to me and i needed a reason for Tawny to be chosen as deputy.
3. Bluestar is chosen by having been Sunstar’s apprentice
4. I decided Redtail will have been Blue’s apprentice so he could be deputy (this also makes his death even more hurtful to Blue)
5. Lionheart is now Sunstar’s nephew ! His father, Smallear is now Sunstar and Featherwhisker’s brother.
6. Tigerclaw is Bluestar’s nephew
7. Firestar was Bluestar’s apprentice
8. Whitestorm is Bluestar’s nephew
9. Sandstorm is Firestar’s mate
10. Brambleflower was Firestar’s apprentice
11. Squirrelflight is Firestar daughter
12. Hollystar (leaf) is Firestar’s granddaughter
13. Sparkfire is Hollystar’s sister
Further explanation for Firestar’s deputy craziness since I had to make some changes:
Sandstorm was deputy until she was taken by twolegs (she gets graystripe’s plot);
Firestar doest appoint a new deputy for a while like in canon and Shriketail (Firestar’s other mate) acts something like deputy for the time being but it’s not official;
Brambleflower is made Deputy but he steps down after his battle with Hawkfrost because he realized that he was going down a path like his father;
Squirrelflight is then appointed deputy, originally I wanted Ashfall (fur) to be made deputy but I couldn’t find a way for that to work with this new rule change. Now Ashfall is pissed that Squirrelflight isn’t his mate bec if she becomes leader her mate would be in line to be deputy. Squirrelflight stays deputy even when her mom comes back but she eventually steps down because she wants to have more freedom to spend time in Wind Order with Crowfeather.;
Hollyleaf is then made deputy! (She survives in this au!) she then becomes leader when Firestar dies!;
Sparkfire is made Hollystar’s deputy bec she deserves it!
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notwarriorswiki · 2 years
The idea of a Hollyleaf / Harespring friendship while both are leaders is just.. *chefs kiss* so cool! Do you have any more thoughts you'd share on their ascension and time as leaders? who are their deputys?
Ps: Love your stuff, so happy you're back!! <3
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Happy to be back!! Thank you, and I really appreciate it!! <3
ThunderClan are all kinda new to things - Leafpool, Brambleclaw, and Firestar were all lost in the Great Battle, so Jayfeather is learning to be the Head Medicine Cat, Squirrelflight has to be both a supportive mother and deputy, and of course Hollystar is navigating leadership. Lots of learning going on.
WindClan has a big issue as after the Great Battle, no one can speak with StarClan, not even Harespring. He's the leader, but he can't get his nine lives. He refuses to take the name Harestar until he can get his nine lives. His clan becomes rather overprotective of him since they see him as vulnerable without the lives, so often Leaftail is taking up the big tasks that Harespring feels like he should be doing. It makes him feel inadequate, but he also can't deny he is nervous and scared as well. Kestrelflight is rather overbearing in particular.
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voiceless-people · 3 months
Will b updated over time :3
The "rebublics" of Vanillaclan have since joined together after a fire ravaged the Creme faction and part of the Magic republic. Vanillaclan is mostly trees, with small parts of moorland. It borders Hollyclan and Cacaoclan. Vanillaclan has a river running through it that passes into Hollyclan.
Vanillastar - leader - Pure Vanilla
Blessedshine - deputy - Madeleine
Corvidcall - medicine cat - Black Rasin
Acornstep- warrior - Almond
Owldawn - warrior- Espresso
Swiftedge - warrior - Financier
Creamstripe - warrior - Clotted Cream
Heatherstalk - warrior - Rye
Swirlfur - warrior - Latte
Bitterfang - warrior - Cappuccino
Brightdew - warrior - Sparkling
Larkpaw - apprentice - Langue De Chat
Beanpaw - apprentice - Cream Puff
Hazelpaw - apprentice - Walnut - reference
Peachpaw - apprentice - Strawberry Crepe
Cacaoclan is separated into the Mainland, the Milk Tribe, the Coffee Tribe, and the Licorice Tribe. All of these factions are relatively small, but are necessary to ensure the whole mountain is safely guarded. Cacaoclan resides atop a snowy pine mountain, bordering Vanillaclan and Hollyclan
Cacaostar - leader - Dark Cacao
Hawkaim - deputy - Caramel Arrow
Pinkblossom - medicine cat - Peach Blossom
Snakescale - medicine cat - Affogato
Lightfoot - warrior - Milk
Jaggedwolf - warrior - Crunchy Chip
Stormlight - warrior - Cotton
Warmpelt - warrior - Red Bean
Cloudpaw - apprentice - Cloud Hetae
Leappaw - apprentice - Peach
Icepaw - apprentice - Sherbet
Sugarpaw - apprentice - Plum
Need 2 add lots more
Hollyclan is not split into factions, however it shares territory with a local group of rogues. Hollyclan shares a border with all clans, including the distant Goldenclan. Hollyclan has several lakes and bogs, but is mostly humid forests.
Hollystar - leader - Hollyberry
Russetclaw - deputy - Raspberry Mousse
Rootspring - medicine cat - Ginseng
Buddingdew- medicine apprentice - Bellflower
Soyfur - medicine apprentice- Flat Tofu
Redstripe - warrior - Raspberry
Pouncehot - warrior - Red Pepper
Stringbean - warrior - Starch Noodle
Greentuft - warrior - Rambutan
Slickwhisker - warrior - Royal Margarine
Bittertart - warrior - Tarte Tatin
Leafdapple - warrior - Herb
Brightpaw - apprentice- Princess
Lionpaw - apprentice - Knight
Peatpaw - apprentice - Carrot
Beetpaw - apprentice - Beet
Hollyclan Rogues
Scorch - Rogue leader - Pitaya Dragon
Brackenfury - former warrior- Yam
Fastfire - former warrior - Chili Pepper
Spice - Mala Sauce
Howl - werewolf
Stomper - Dino Sour
Goldenclan has no factions, it is full of sand dunes, its territory coasted by a fast expanse of water. The cold brick remains of twoleg nests are great places to stay in harsh warm weather, or intense flooding downpours. Goldenclan only borders Hollyclan.
Goldenstar - leader - Golden Cheese
Jackaltooth- deputy - Burnt Cheese
Driptail - medicine cat - Mozzarella
Sootcall - warrior - Smoked Cheese
Websight - warrior - Fettuccine
Lavenderdash - warrior - Lilac
Bubblepop - warrior - Cream Soda
Frostclaw - warrior - Captain Ice
Gemeye - warrior - Yogurt Cream
Pikepaw - apprentice - Sorbet Shark
Fruitpaw - apprentice - Mango
Sappaw - apprentice - Squid Ink
Riverpaw - apprentice - Peppermint
Uhh needs more to b addes
Dappledsight - leader - Dark Enchantress
Crimsonroot - deputy - Pomegranate
Steamleaf - medicine cat - Earl Grey
Lostfall - warrior - Dark Choco
Bonewhisper - warrior - Licorice
Cake - dog warrior - Red Velvet
Chiffon - dog apprentice - chiffon/cakehound
Fungi - apprentice - Poison Mushroom
Whitepaw - apprentice - Pawn White
Blackpaw - apprentice - Pawn Black
Kittypet place
Birdie - Crowberry
Shimmer - Roguefort - reference
Flicker - Candlelight
Marigold - Cheesecake
Pretzel - Butter Pretzel
Sweetheart - Cotton Candy
Muffin - Truffle
Luna - Starfruit
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
any fun ideas or facts about your #new generation au?
:D!!!!!! for anyone new it's basically just a fun slice of life vibes au in which the clans attempt to erase the borders and laws separating them after oots....and struggle, a lot. some other changes include:
Squirrelflight leaves ThunderClan after Po3 and lives with Sol nearby.
Ash and Bramble actually had a tumultuous relationship that resulted in two kids.
Bramble flees during OotS and Hollyleaf steps up. I'm still iffy on the deputy, I'm thinking maybe Brightheart? She'd want a senior warrior to advise her.
I'd probably change up the other Clan leaders too?? mainly because AVOS doesn't really happen here and i don't like Rowanstar, probably make Tawnypelt the deputy and give her a promotion.
Leopardstar, Blackstar, and Mistystar would all be dead after this to just give some fresh blood a time to shine :D
and some more general ideas:
the family tree continues to be the bane of my existence <3
Hollystar and Leafpool still have a tense relationship, despite near death apologies. While Leafpool is an incredibly loving grandma and always loves to be with her grandbabies, Holly has a lot of anxiety over the idea that one day Leafpool will tell her son everything and he'll never look at her the same way again.
She does briefly try to keep the two separate when that anxiety starts to eat at her but Pool is downright miserable and Cinderheart has to coax her to stop it.
Speaking of Leafpool, she and Mothwing finally get together in this as older, weathered down cats. She spends her early retirement walking along the lakeside with her.
Jayfeather and Berrynose's brief relationship was unknown to a majority of the Clan until Ryekit suddenly popped up. Even Lionblaze, Berry's actual husband, was caught off guard.
Jay and Berry are both pretty good dads, I'm not keeping Jay's AVoS personality of being nasty to children. While they snark and take jabs one another in private, they're amicable for their daughter and spoil her rotten.
Lionblaze only wanted to help sire kits for Poppyfrost, Sunflare's interest in her biodad's legacy caught them both off guard.
Sunflare used to be very close with her mom but stories of the Firekin and their legacy pushed her into dedicating herself to becoming special. Poppyfrost tries to steer her away from such high expectations of herself...but Sunflare is intent on proving she's just as special as the rest of her bloodline.
Sasha's nickname for her and Scourge's daughter is Pancake :)
Speaking of Panny, if she ever met Mothwing and Hawkfrost....I don't think it would go very well. The two have some issues with how their mom left and Pandora is quick to anger.
Them meeting Timber would go even worse.
The three do not get along with their half-siblings Foxtail and Oakcloud. Jay finds them annoying at best, Holly is still reeling from Squilf leaving and then having *gasp* more not full-blooded ThunderClan cats (don't worry Holly goes through an arc of letting the code go), and Lionblaze is the one who tends to get suckered into their schemes.
To be fair it's more Foxtail they're not crazy about, Oakcloud is pretty chill and doesn't try to sucker them into hunting for them. Foxtail does win some points with the kits of ThunderClan after bringing some cat toys that had been thrown out.
aannnndd those are off the top of my head :D ty for asking!!!
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leafpoolstanblog · 4 months
Leader: Hollystar (18 seasons). Short-furred red mackerel tabby molly with white paws. (Apprentice - Hollypaw) Deputy: Jayfeather (18 seasons). Short-furred brown mackerel tabby tom with white patches along his flank and blind blue eyes. Seer: Willowclaw (17 seasons). Short-furred blue molly with white patches. Snowbush (5 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby tom.
Warriors Millie (37 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly with hazel eyes. Rosepetal (15 seasons). Long-furred cream mackerel tabby molly with white patches. Cherryfall (10 seasons). Short-furred black trans-tom. Molewhisker (10 seasons). Short-furred black tom with white paws. Lilyheart (6 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Seedfrost (6 seasons). Short-furred black molly. Ambermoon (5 seasons). Short-furred blue mackerel tabby molly.
Apprentices Hollypaw (3 seasons). Long-furred dilute caliby molly. (Mentor - Hollystar)
Nursery Briarlight (14 seasons). Short-furred black molly. (Kits - Alderkit, Sparkkit, Juniperkit, Dandelionkit, 0 seasons)
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djdumbfuck · 10 months
🔥 :3
most hollystar aus don’t really feel like a natural progression of her character. If anything it’s more like a regression.
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Dark Forest Resident: Nightpond
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Aliases / Nicknames: ??
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: lesbian
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed ShadowClan father, Sparrowshade (sister)
Other Relations: unnamed mentor, Redleaf (apprentice)
Clan: SkyClan
Rank: warrior (formerly), medicine cat
Characteristics: great at hiding her true intentions and feelings, will go far to achieve justice, can run with the speed of a hare and among the branches of trees just as fast, very lithe but not at all lacking in muscle
Murder Motive: justice
Number of Victims: 3
Number of Murders: 3
Murder Method: poisoning
Known Victims: Stemdusk, unnamed she-cat, unnamed tom
Victim Profile: abusive mentors, abusive fathers
Cause of Death: infection via rat bite
Cautionary Tale: do not harm anyone undeserving of your wrath or who needs you to guide them with love and patience, for you will face pain you cannot chase away and know fear you're too weak to fight
She had never wanted to become a medicine cat, but Nightpond knew now that it was the most important decision she had ever made in her life.
She had been a warrior first, and a good one at that. She was a skilled hunter and brave fighter, and it didn't bother her in the slightest that she wouldn't settle down with a mate and have kits. She flirted with some of the other she-cats every now and again, but she never saw it going further than that, and the toms....well, they were out of the question.
Then Sparrowshade had died quite suddenly after falling from a branch that had been broken during a storm the previous night. Her mentor said that it was risky, but she had been reaching for precious herbs. She risked and gave her life so that her Clanmates could be safe.
The mentor in question was elderly. All of the apprentices were far in their training, and there were no kits or expecting queens in the nursery. Nightpond took it upon herself to train as the new medicine cat, in order to keep her Clanmates safe, as her sister had so dearly wanted.
It was little things at first, that's how she noticed them.
Some apprentices with bruises or sprains more harsh or frequent than others. Mentors who were impatient for them to heal so that they could get back to training.
Mentors who were concerned so little.
Apprentices who lied so often.
"I tripped."
"I did the wrong move while training, it's my fault."
"He's teaching me how to be better."
Nightpond could sense the lies as easily as if they were thrown at her face. But she needed to see for herself. So when a particular mentor and apprentice, Stemdusk and Conepaw, left the camp to train, Nightpond followed them.
She stuck to them like a second shadow, watching from above in the shelter of the trees.
When they stopped, so did she. And when the claws swung, her blood boiled.
She immediately brought the issue to her leader's attention, but Hollystar refused to believe that there was anything wrong with 'a mentor teaching his apprentice in a way he sees fit,' and that if Conepaw never mentioned a problem, then there must not be one.
Nightpond saw no other option. And frankly, she wanted to see that mutt suffer.
Lucky her that Stemdusk was a frequent visitor as well, perhaps the only bit of luck in this whole situation. He was prone to anger and had a "tough it out" mentality that had him visiting the medicine den long after he should because his paw pad had shockingly become infected when he chose to deal with a thorn himself, among similar things.
It took great restraint for her not to end him there and then, but she had to be smart about the way she was doing this. So little by little, visit by more frequent visit, she gave him herbs with a speck of something else, covered his wounds with a poultice that had a pinch of stinging nettle that would have his injuries burn and make him hiss in pain--which was probably embarrassing for a 'pain is nothing' tom like him.
He got sicker and sicker, until finally he was reduced to a sweaty pile of wet fur, and Conepaw got to train with Briarroot, a much kinder young tom.
No one would question if he died in the night, but Nightpond wouldn't let him go so easily. She made sure that he was conscious and aware when it happened, because she was going to tell him exactly what she had been doing and exactly why.
When she did, he was furious. He tried to lunge at her, hissing and spitting-- tried to. He had only nudged his body forward a few whiskers and let out a sound that more closely resembled a groan.
He was the weak one now, mercy in the paws of someone who enjoyed hurting him. Upsetting, wasn't it?
She didn't need to bother with more herbs. That felt too kind. Instead, she bunched up the extra bits of moss that lined his nest and forced his muzzle against it, holding it up with one paw and holding his struggling head in place with the other.
When she was sure he was dead, she wailed the distressing news, and purred as Briarroot was made Conepaw's official mentor.
It was the first situation of a few. It wasn't for many moons--perhaps three years--before a similar situation occurred. Nightpond repeated the process, this time a little faster with some more nightshade in the pulps.
Then it was another several years before a different, but still similar, abuse had to be dealt with. It was a father this time. He pressured his kits into weaning before they were ready so that he--she presumes--could brag about their early development.
When they were sick and needed her care, he would insist that they only had a sniffle and that they could tough it out. Eager to please him, the kits would agree and would refuse to take the needed medication. Fine. He thought illness wasn't so important? Then he would suffer for even longer.
Nightpond didn't know if StarClan would accept her. Quite bluntly, she didn't give a rat's tail. She did was she had to do. She made those awful toms suffer, and she didn't regret it one bit.
When it turned out that StarClan condemned her actions and sent Redleaf a vision to announce it to the Clan, she made sure they all knew why she did what she did. She wasn't afraid of punishment, she was dying anyways.
So with her last bit of energy, she eyed every cat in her Clan and warned them of the punishment they shall face if they chose to follow in the steps of her victims.
Additional Information: 
--Another song resident! This one is song #15 on my playlist, as requested by @starfalcon555
This song is "I Know Your Secrets" by Liv Ash and Tommee Profitt (lyrics here).
--Stemdusk was a lot like Thistleclaw in terms of mentoring.
--The second situation was probably a female mentor, and her death was quicker because Nightpond had a sliver of experience and was more confident in her ability to keep the murder secret while freeing the apprentice faster (if she got caught, then there was a huge possibility the apprentices aren't going to be saved).
--I really like the idea of her story being passed and either by simple twisting to make it more fantasy-like or by alterations from generation to generation, she becomes a cryptid watching the training grounds and/or nursery to make sure that the adults never step out of line, an unseen figure that can and will inflict you with terrible wounds in the blink of an eye with claws like stinging nettle that will make your blood burn and/or cover the fresh wounds with infection.
--I hope this is comprehensible, it's 4:00AM.
--Base: [F2U] Cat Base by NatsKei on DeviantArt
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hollyleafkill · 3 years
hollyleaf as a leader would be so interesting. esp if it happened after the tunnels.
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stormyykat · 4 years
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girls just wanna have fun
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wc-confessions · 2 years
(swings a bat at hornet's nest so fast and hard that the bat breaks on the impact) i don't really like those 'Hollystar AU's' </3 i just don't find an appeal of super-duper strict code follower to the point they have a mental breakdown the moment someone says they like someone else from different clan or they accidentally trespassed on other clan's territory. she is a fine character and it's her defining, interesting trait, but i don't really see her as a fair leader, if that makes sense. she would be 100000% biased towards half-clan relationships, unwilling to move on and change (but it would make Dove/Tiger relationship more interesting? it would give Dovewing more reasons to get the fuck out from ThunderClan lol). hell, she might be hypocritical and be fine with Jayfeather loving (quote unquote) Half Moon, but never moving on from Leafpool being her mother (since she only forgave her when dying).
tl;dr, Hollyleaf is a fine character and i understand her appeal, but i don't like strict (potentially hypocritical) code followers and i don't like AUs where she becomes a leader.
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Rate my OCs?
Short furred pale cream lynx point tom with blue eyes
Demisexual demiromantic, he/they/she
Warrior (to-be leader)
Black lynx tabby point molly with blue eyes and white back legs
Lesbian, she/her
short furred black tabby/short furred solid white chimera with amber eyes
Non-binary, they/them
That’s all for now, thanks!
Firstly, love the two lynx points, my favorite type of fur pattern ever <3
and I love to see a girlboss winning with Hollystar for sure [I hope she has a lovely wife or partner!!!]
I really love the diversity in all these cats!! I'm very weak for diversity in gender, pronouns, and sexuality
It's very nice to see and I really like all their names, too! Goosetuft's name in particular stands out to me and I really enjoy how it rolls off the tongue.
and Oakley!! I won't forget them! I really like the mental image I have at their description because in my head they're a very funky looking cat in all the best ways <3
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i-am-niche-kepler · 3 years
I feel like talking about my warriors rewrite a little!
Fireheart becomes a medicine cat due to his StarClan dreams. Redtail is his prime guide. Due to Spottedleaf also being a medicine cat, and Redtail being her littermate, she and Fireheart talk often and slowly fall in love. Their first litter is of 3, and their second litter is a single kit.
ThunderClan is okay with Fire and Spotted having kits despite being medicine cats because of the fact that Yellowfang and Cinderpelt are ALSO medicine cats by that point in time, and so there is no real issue with Spotted being in the nursery instead.
Today I'm focusing on their daughters, Budblossom and Thistlefall, who are my rewrites equivalents of Squirrelflight and Leafpool.
Budblossom is mentored by Dustpelt, and eventually falls in love with Brackenfur. Thistlefall is mentored by Rainwhisker and falls for Mothwing in RiverClan. Mothwing is a mtf molly in my rewrite, and so Thistlefall ends up expecting kits. Budblossom is expecting at the same exact time. Though both of Fireheart's daughters are warriors, Thistlefall is afraid of what her Clan would think if they found out she was carrying the RiverClan medicine cat's kits, and so Budblossom offers to raise both litters as her own.
They end up having their kits outside of camp, and the only other cat their for the birth is Mothwing, who helps both queens kit safely. Budblossom names her biological three kits Jaykit, Lionkit, and Hollykit. Mothwing and Thistlefall name their biological three Poppykit, Knollkit, and Rainkit. Fun fact, Lions name is something Brackenfur had asked for, in honor of Lionheart.
Mothwing leaves, and Thistlefall and Budblossom bring the kits home to ThunderClan, and begin their charade of all six kittens being the offspring of Budblossom and Brackenfur. They quickly realize that Jaykit is blind, but Brightheart offers to mentor him and Longtail chips in to help every now and then, so Jaykit eventually becomes a great warrior named Jaywing. Lionkit eventually becomes Lionroar, Hollykit becomes Hollyfrost (and later Hollystar). Knoll, Rain, and Poppy also become loyal ThunderClan warriors.
The prophecy still happens, and it still ends up ultimately referring to Lion. Jay, and Holly, but all six kits have some sort of power. The fire scene is also when Thistlefall's kits find out that Budblossom is not their real mother. However, the scene plays out very differently than canon.
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ravenbarley-barn · 3 years
YO! Do you have any Warriors ocs? Share,,, your brilliant plotting thoughts,,,
yes!! so many!! too many,,, scattered across rp ideas and scratch studios,,, oh, those were the days. but i'll tell you about a few of them!! Cinnamonstar - A beautiful woman!! Leader of windclan in an au where the clans have magic and build stuff better, and the territories are a lot bigger. strong independent woman, very tactical, and very fast. she's like,,, the closest would probably be a mink cinnamon tabby?? idk but she pretty af. and she had a sorta rivals to lovers thing with the thunderclan leader, hollystar (oc of my beloved @magpips), they were big gay for each other. alas i never really got to rp with her, but she lives on in my heart Alpstar - Another woman!! Big , fluffy gray fur and lots of scars but still pretty!! Leader of a fanclan, Peakclan, and she's strong and buff af but also very maternal and has always wanted kits, but she's a raging lesbian and ace along with never finding a mate so that never happened. until her friend from valleyclan, ratwood, lost his mate and couldn't care for his daughter, so he gave her to Alpstar and she became Plumpaw (another oc of magpips my dearest darling friend) Orchidpaw - A little guy!! Small and angsty and hates life, like Crowpaw but not a giant dick and he has reasons. dark gray fellow with purple paint markings because he was also in the magic clans au and that was a cultural thing. i wanna say he was a healer, or like, the somehow associated with starclan, idk can't remember off the top of my head but he could see ghosts. and it sucked because they were annoying as shit. and when he was younger he also saw the ghost of his dad before they found the body and he was to scared to say anything. a later addition to his lore is that he has a sister, grimpaw (another oc of magpips, can you tell how close we are yet) and we call them the siblings grim. he is also so very gay and had a crush of another apprentice from skyclan <3
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